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30 January 2018

Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC)

Assessment report on Ruscus aculeatus L. rhizoma

Based on Article 16d(1), Article 16f and Article 16h of Directive 2001/83/EC (traditional use)


Herbal substance(s) (binomial scientific name of

the plant, including plant part) Ruscus aculeatus L., rhizoma

Herbal preparation(s) a) Powdered herbal substance

b) Dry extract DER (2.5-6.5:1); extraction
solvent: water
c) Dry extract DER (5-8.5:1) ; extraction solvent:
ethanol 80% (V/V)
d) Dry extract DER (6-9:1) ; extraction solvent:
ethanol 96 % (V/V)
Pharmaceutical form(s) Herbal substance or preparation in solid dosage
forms for oral use
Rapporteur(s) First version: Antoine Sawaya & Jacqueline Viguet
Revision: Carlos Cavaleiro

Peer-reviewer G. Laekeman

Note: This draft assessment report is published to support the public consultation of the draft European
Union herbal monograph on Ruscus aculeatus L., rhizoma. It is a working document, not yet edited,
and shall be further developed after the release for consultation of the monograph. Interested parties
are welcome to submit comments to the HMPC secretariat, which will be taken into consideration but
no ‘overview of comments received during the public consultation’ will be prepared on comments that
will be received on this assessment report. The publication of this draft assessment report has been
agreed to facilitate the understanding by Interested Parties of the assessment that has been carried
out so far and led to the preparation of the draft monograph.

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© European Medicines Agency, 2018. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
Table of contents
Table of contents ................................................................................................................... 2

1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Description of the herbal substance(s), herbal preparation(s) or combinations thereof .. 4
1.2. Search and assessment methodology ..................................................................... 4
2. Data on medicinal use ........................................................................................................ 5
2.1. Information about products on the market .............................................................. 5
2.1.1. Information about products on the market in the EU/EEA Member States ................. 5
2.1.2. Information on products on the market outside the EU/EEA .................................... 9
2.2. Information on documented medicinal use and historical data from literature .............. 9
2.3. Overall conclusions on medicinal use .................................................................... 11
3. Non-Clinical Data ............................................................................................................. 12
3.1. Overview of available pharmacological data regarding the herbal substance(s), herbal
preparation(s) and relevant constituents thereof ........................................................... 13
3.1.1. Primary pharmacodynamics .............................................................................. 13
3.1.2. Secondary pharmacodynamics .......................................................................... 29
3.1.3. Safety pharmacology ....................................................................................... 29
3.1.4. Pharmacodynamic interactions .......................................................................... 30
3.1.5. Conclusions .................................................................................................... 30
3.2. Overview of available pharmacokinetic data regarding the herbal substance(s), herbal
preparation(s) and relevant constituents thereof ........................................................... 31
3.3. Overview of available toxicological data regarding the herbal substance(s)/herbal
preparation(s) and constituents thereof ....................................................................... 34
3.3.1. Single dose toxicity .......................................................................................... 34
3.3.2. Repeat dose toxicity......................................................................................... 35
3.3.3. Genotoxicity ................................................................................................... 35
3.3.4. Carcinogenicity................................................................................................ 35
3.3.5. Reproductive and developmental toxicity ............................................................ 35
3.3.6. Local tolerance ................................................................................................ 36
3.3.7. Other special studies ........................................................................................ 36
3.3.8. Conclusions .................................................................................................... 36
3.4. Overall conclusions on non-clinical data ................................................................ 37
4. Clinical Data ..................................................................................................................... 37
4.1. Clinical pharmacology ......................................................................................... 37
4.1.1. Overview of pharmacodynamic data regarding the herbal substance(s)/preparation(s)
including data on relevant constituents ........................................................................ 37
4.1.2. Overview of pharmacokinetic data regarding the herbal substance(s)/preparation(s)
including data on relevant constituents ........................................................................ 38
4.2. Clinical efficacy .................................................................................................. 38
4.2.1. Dose response studies...................................................................................... 38
4.2.2. Clinical studies (case studies and clinical trials) ................................................... 39
4.3. Clinical studies in special populations (e.g. elderly and children) .............................. 51
4.4. Overall conclusions on clinical pharmacology and efficacy ........................................ 51
5. Clinical Safety/Pharmacovigilance ................................................................................... 51
5.1. Overview of toxicological/safety data from clinical trials in humans ........................... 51

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5.2. Patient exposure ................................................................................................ 51
5.3. Adverse events, serious adverse events and deaths ................................................ 51
5.4. Laboratory findings ............................................................................................. 53
5.5. Safety in special populations and situations ........................................................... 53
5.5.1. Use in children and adolescents ......................................................................... 53
5.5.2. Contraindications ............................................................................................. 53
5.5.3. Special Warnings and precautions for use ........................................................... 53
5.5.4. Drug interactions and other forms of interaction .................................................. 54
5.5.5. Fertility, pregnancy and lactation ....................................................................... 54
5.5.6. Overdose ........................................................................................................ 54
5.5.7. Effects on ability to drive or operate machinery or impairment of mental ability ...... 55
5.5.8. Safety in other special situations ....................................................................... 55
5.6. Overall conclusions on clinical safety ..................................................................... 55
6. Overall conclusions (benefit-risk assessment) ................................................................. 55

<Annex><Annexes> ........................................................................................................... 59

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1. Introduction

1.1. Description of the herbal substance(s), herbal preparation(s) or

combinations thereof

• Herbal substance(s)

Ruscus aculeatus L. (Liliaceae) is a widely distributed European plant native from Western Europe. This
plant has numerous appellations. The English name - Butcher’s Broom - derives from the use by the
European butchers of the stems to clean their cutting board not only because of their stiffness and
solidity, but also because of the essential oil which was credited with antibacterial properties. Ruscus
aculeatus is a small, clump-forming shrub with erect shoots bearing stiff, ovate, leaf-like phylloclade.
Tiny green flowers appear in late winter and spring on the phylloclade. Both root and stem are used in

According European Pharmacopoeia VIII (2014), the herbal substance (Rusci rhizoma) consists of the
dried, whole or fragmented underground parts of Ruscus aculeatus L containing not less than 1.0 per
cent of total sapogenins expressed as ruscogenins (mixture of neoruscogenin and ruscogenin) (dried

• Herbal preparation(s)

It is around the middle of the twentieth century that spirostanol saponins (based on the aglycones
ruscogenin and neoruscogenin) were first isolated from the rhizome. Several of these compounds have
been then identified, as, ruscin, neoruscin, deglucoruscin and ruscoside, with their various sulphated
and acetylated derivatives, ruscozepines A and B, aculeosides A and B (De Marino et al., 2012; Masullo
et al., 2016). Both the above ground and below ground parts of the plant contains spirostanol
saponins, although concentrations are higher in the below ground parts of the plant (Nikolov et al.,
1976). Besides, spirostanol saponins the extract of the rhizome contains also several other minor
compounds such as other steroidal sapogenins and saponins, sterols, triterpenes, flavonoids,
coumarins, including esculin and esculetin, sparteine, tyramine and glycolic acid (Dunouau et al.,
1996; Mimaki et al., 1998). Barbic et al., (2013) suggested that the active substances in rhizome are
the saponins ruscin and deglucoruscin together with the coumarin glucoside, esculin. On hydrolysis
saponins yield their aglycones, namely ruscogenin and neoruscogenin that, for practical reasons, are
used to standardize the crude extracts.

Besides the dried powdered rhizome, herbal preparations are mainly based on its aqueous and
aqueous-alcoholic extracts.

• Combinations of herbal substance(s) and/or herbal preparation(s) including a description of

vitamin(s) and/or mineral(s) as ingredients of traditional combination herbal medicinal products
assessed, where applicable.

Ruscus aculeatus extracts are also in commercial products combined with other products such as
trimethylhesperidin chalcone (TMHC), ascorbic acid or Melilotus officinalis extract.

1.2. Search and assessment methodology

The Assessment Report on Rusci aculeati rhizome was revised considering the updates from relevant
data published in the literature between 2008 and 2016.

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Search engines used: Google, Google Scholar

Scientific databases: Web of Science; PubMed; Science Direct; Clinical Key; Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews

Medical or Toxicological databases: Toxline

Pharmacovigilance resources: Data from EU and non-EU regulatory authorities, European database for
suspected adverse drug reaction reports.

Thirty-four new records were retrieved under the search string [`Ruscus´ OR ´Butcher’s broom´].
Four were considered relevant, two reporting new phytochemical data, the others reporting new
scientific pre-clinical data.

No information was received from the call of scientific data or from the interested parties.

2. Data on medicinal use

2.1. Information about products on the market

2.1.1. Information about products on the market in the EU/EEA Member


Information on medicinal products marketed in the EU/EEA

Table 1 abridges medicinal products on the market, according information provided by the National
Competent Authorities. In Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland,
Portugal and Sweden there are no authorised or registered medicinal products on market.

Table 1: Overview of data obtained from marketed medicinal products

Active substance Indication Pharmaceutical form Regulatory Status

Strength (where (date, Member State)
Duration of use

Dried powdered herbal a) Traditional herbal Hard capsule containing THMP acc. to art 16a
substance medicinal product to (24.1.2013, Austria)
350 mg of dried
relieve symptoms of
discomfort and powdered herbal
heaviness of legs substance
related to minor venous
circulatory disturbances
b) Traditional herbal Adults: 3 x daily 1
medicinal product for capsule
symptomatic relief of
itching and burning If symptoms persist for
associated with more than 2 weeks a
haemorrhoids. doctor has to be
Dried powdered herbal a) Traditional herbal Hard capsule containing 2011, TUR, United
medicinal product used
substance 350 mg of dried Kingdom
to relieve symptoms of
discomfort and powdered herbal
heaviness of the legs substance
related to minor venous

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Active substance Indication Pharmaceutical form Regulatory Status
Strength (where (date, Member State)
Duration of use

circulatory Posology:
disturbances, based on
Adults & the elderly: 1
traditional use only.
capsule, 3 times daily
b)Traditional herbal during meals
medicinal product used
to relieve symptoms of
If the symptoms persist
itching and burning
associated with for more than 2 weeks
haemorrhoids, based during the use of the
on traditional use only.
medicinal product, a
doctor or a qualified
healthcare practitioner
should be consulted
Dried powdered herbal Traditionally used: Hard capsules 1986, TUR, France
substance containing 350 mg of
a) in subjective signs of
venous insufficiency, dried powdered herbal
such as heavy legs substance

b) in haemorrhoidal
Adults: 1 hard capsule
three times a day (till 6
if necessary)
Dried powdered herbal a) THMP to relieve Hard capsules (1994), 2011, Spain
substance symptoms of discomfort containing 350 mg of
and heaviness of legs dried powdered herbal
related to minor venous substance
disturbances. Posology:
Adults and adolescents:
b) THMP for
Single dose: 350 mg, 3
symptomatic relief of
times per day.
itching and burning
associated with
Duration of use: 2
Dry extract (DER 2.5- a)Traditional herbal Hard capsule containing 2000, TUR (2012),
6.5:1); extraction medicinal product to 200 mg of extract France
solvent: water relieve symptoms of
discomfort and Posology:
heaviness of legs Adults:
related to minor venous Single dose: 200 mg, 2
circulatory disturbances times day per day

b)Traditional herbal Duration of use: 4

medicinal product for weeks

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Active substance Indication Pharmaceutical form Regulatory Status
Strength (where (date, Member State)
Duration of use

symptomatic relief of
itching and burning
associated with
Dry extract (DER 4.5- a) Traditional herbal Hard capsules 2010, TUR, Germany
6.5:1), extraction medicinal product to containing
solvent: water relieve symptoms of 150 mg of dry extract
discomfort and
heaviness of legs Posology:
related to minor venous Adults:
circulatory disturbances single dose:150 mg,
2-3 times daily
b) Traditional herbal
medicinal product for If the symptoms persist
symptomatic relief of for more than 2 weeks
itching and burning during the use of the
associated with medicinal product, a
haemorrhoids. doctor or a qualified
health care practitioner
should be consulted.
Dry extract (DER 5.0- a) Traditional herbal Film-coated tablet At least since 1976,
8.5:1), extraction medicinal product to Containing 86 mg dry TUR, Germany
solvent: ethanol 80% relieve symptoms of extract
(V/V) discomfort and adults:
heaviness of legs Single dose: 86 mg, 1-
related to minor venous 2 times daily
circulatory disturbances
If the symptoms persist
b) Traditional herbal for more than 2 weeks
medicinal product for during the use of the
symptomatic relief of medicinal product, a
itching and burning doctor or a qualified
associated with health care practitioner
haemorrhoids. should be consulted.
Dry extract (DER: 6- a) Traditional herbal Soft capsules, At least since 1976,
9:1), extraction medicinal product to containing 45 mg of dry TUR, Germany
solvent: ethanol 96% relieve symptoms of extract
(V/V) discomfort and
heaviness of legs Posology:
related to minor venous Adults:
circulatory single dose: 45 mg, 2
disturbances. times daily

If the symptoms persist

for more than 2 weeks
during the use of the
medicinal product, a
doctor or a qualified
health care practitioner
should be consulted.
Dry extract (DER 15- a)Traditional herbal Soft capsules, On market from 1993
20 : 1, extraction medicinal product to containing 36.9 mg of to 2003
solvent: methanol 60% relieve symptoms of dry extract
V/V) discomfort and

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Active substance Indication Pharmaceutical form Regulatory Status
Strength (where (date, Member State)
Duration of use

heaviness of legs Posology:

related to minor venous Adults: 1 capsule, 2
circulatory disturbances times daily.

b) Traditional herbal
medicinal product for
symptomatic relief of
itching and burning
associated with

This overview is not exhaustive. It is provided for information only and reflects the situation at the
time when it was established.

Information on relevant combination medicinal products marketed in the EU/EEA

Combinations of Ruscus aculeatus L. rhizome with other active ingredients are marketed in several EU
member states:

1- Capsule, hard containing 150 mg dry extract of Ruscus aculeatus L. rhizoma, 150 mg
hesperidin metylchalkone, 100 mg ascorbic acid.

On the market in Slovak-Republic (1994) with the following indications:

a) symptoms associated with hepatic venous and lymphatic vessels (a feeling of heaviness in
the legs, pain, syndrome "restless legs"

b) uterine bleeding caused contraception using low doses of progestin or IUD, after a physical
examination and laboratory tests, symptoms associated with haemorrhoidal crisis.

Phlebology and gynaecology (treatment of symptoms associated with with impaired lymphatic
vessels and for treatment of uterine bleeding) - 2 to 3 capsules daily.

Proctology: (In the treatment of symptoms associated with varicose rectal) applied at a rate of
- 4 to 5 capsules daily.

On the market in Czech Republic (1996) with the following indications:

a) for relief of symptoms of lymphatic insufficiency such as heavy legs, syndrome of “restless
legs”, legs pain, cramps in the calves
b) for symptomatic treatment of haemorrhoids

Posology: indication a) 1 capsule 2 – 3 times daily

indication b) 2-3 capsules twice daily, for long term use 1 capsule twice daily

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On the market in Greece

2- Cream (1g) containing 16 mg of Ruscus aculeatus dry extract (DER 2.5-6.5:1; extraction
solvent: water) and 20 mg of Mellilotus officinalis liquid extract (DER 0.07-0.20:1; extraction
solvent: ethanol 30 % V/V,)

On the market in France since 1971 (TU 2013) and Poland with the following indication

Indication: Traditional herbal medicinal product to relieve symptoms of discomfort and

heaviness of legs related to minor venous circulatory disturbances
Posology: Adults: Apply two times a day. Duration of use 4 weeks

Information on other products marketed in the EU/EEA (where relevant)

Not applicable

2.1.2. Information on products on the market outside the EU/EEA

Not applicable

2.2. Information on documented medicinal use and historical data from


Table 2: Overview of historical data

Herbal preparation Documented Use / Pharmaceutical form Reference

Traditional Use Strength (where
Duration of use

Dried powered root Traditional use: Capsules for oral use French Monograph :
cahiers de l´Agence
Subjective symptoms Daily dose: amount nº 3 (Afssaps, 1998)
equivalent to ca. 10 mg
of chronic
of total ruscogenins
insufficiency such as
sensation of heavy
legs and in

Dry aqueous extracts Traditional use: French Monograph :

Capsules for oral use
cahiers de l´Agence
Subjective symptoms
of chronic nº 3 (Afssaps, 1998)
insufficiency such as Daily dose: amount
sensation of heavy equivalent to ca. 10 mg
legs and in of total ruscogenins

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Herbal preparation Documented Use / Pharmaceutical form Reference
Traditional Use Strength (where
Duration of use

Solid or liquid extracts Supportive therapy for Oral administration ESCOP Monograph
symptoms of chronic
Adults: (ESCOP, 2003)
venous insufficiency,
such as painful, tired
Single dose: amounts
and heavy legs,
tingling and swelling corresponding to 7-11
It has to be noted that
mg of total
Supportive therapy for the ESCOP Monograph
ruscogenins, once a
symptoms of takes only into
haemorrhoids, such day.
account the available
as itching and burning
data on Ruscus
aculeatus alone.

Alcoholic extracts of the Supportive therapy for Capsules for oral Commission E
whole plant discomforts of chronic administration
venous insufficiency,
such as pain and Adults (Commission E
heaviness, as well as Amount standardized Monographs, 2001)
cramps in the legs, for 7-11 mg of
itching and swelling ruscogenins as It has to be noted that
determined by the total the Commission E
Supportive therapy for amount of ruscogenin
complaints of and neoruscogenin. Monograph takes into
haemorrhoids, such account the whole
as itching and burning data available on
Ruscus aculeatus
including non-clinical
and clinical data
referring to

Dry extract (DER 5-8.5 : Traditional herbal Oral administration Bfarm (BfArM
1); extraction solvent : medicinal product to
information, 2007)
ethanol 80 % (V/V); ease/soothe the Coated tablets or soft
feeling /sensation of capsules
heavy legs.
Daily dosage and
The product is a corresponding daily
traditional herbal amount of total
product for use in ruscogenins are not
specified indications given.
exclusively based on
long-standing use
Dry extract (DER: 6-9:1), a) Traditional herbal Soft capsules, At least since 1976,
extraction solvent: ethanol medicinal product to containing 45 mg of dry TUR, Germany
96% (V/V) relieve symptoms of extract
discomfort and
heaviness of legs Posology:
related to minor Adults:
venous circulatory single dose: 45 mg, 2
disturbances. times daily

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2.3. Overall conclusions on medicinal use

Ruscus aculeatus rhizome (dried powder herbal substance, ethanol dry extracts and water dry
extracts) has been use in several EU member states in chronic venous insufficiency, haemorrhoids and
varicose veins, linked to the vasoconstrictive effect of the ruscogenin and neoruscogenin.

This use is full documented, at least since 1976, for the following indications:

a) relieve symptoms of discomfort and heaviness of legs related to minor venous circulatory

b) symptomatic relief of itching and burning associated with haemorrhoids.

Table 3: Overview of evidence on period of medicinal use

Herbal preparation Indication Strength Period of medicinal use

Pharmaceutical form Posology

a) Dried powdered Traditional herbal Powdered herbal Since 1986, TUR France,
medicinal product used:
herbal substance substance for oral
Since 1994, TUR, Spain
a) to relieve symptoms of use.
discomfort and heaviness
of legs related to minor Posology:
venous circulatory
Adults and
adolescents: 350
b) symptomatic relief of mg, 3 times per day.
itching and burning
associated with
Duration of use: 2
b) Dry extract (DER a) Traditional herbal Dry extract for oral French Monograph :
2.5-6.5 : 1); medicinal product to use cahiers de l´Agence nº 3
extraction solvent: relieve symptoms of (AFSSAPS, 1998)
water 1 discomfort and heaviness Adults:
of legs related to minor Single dose: 150- 2000, TUR (2012),
(Dry aqueous venous circulatory 200 mg, 2-3 times France & 2010, TUR,
extracts) disturbances daily Germany
Daily dose: 450 mg
b) Traditional herbal
medicinal product for
symptomatic relief of If the symptoms
itching and burning persist for more
associated with than 2 weeks during
haemorrhoids. the use of the
medicinal product, a
doctor or a qualified
health care
practitioner should
be consulted.

c) Dry extract (DER a) Traditional herbal Dry extract for oral At least since 1976, TUR,

The first list "Medicaments a Base De Plantes - Avis Aux Fabricants" issued by AFSSAPS in 1984, compiling ancient French
bibliographical data, includes Ruscus aculeatus rhizome and its therapeutic indications. Although data concern to herbal tea,
in the first Community herbal monograph on Ruscus aculeatus L., rhizome (EMEA/HMPC/261938/2007), HMPC adopted the
traditional use of the dry extract (DER:2.5-6.5 : 1; extraction solvent: water) in the basis that water extracts are
comparable to herbal teas.

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Herbal preparation Indication Strength Period of medicinal use
Pharmaceutical form Posology

5.0-8.5:1); extraction medicinal product to use Germany

solvent: ethanol 80% relieve symptoms of
(V/V) discomfort and heaviness Adults:
of legs related to minor Single dose: 86 mg,
venous circulatory 1-2 times per day
If the symptoms
b) Traditional herbal persist for more
medicinal product for than 2 weeks during
symptomatic relief of the use of the
itching and burning medicinal product, a
associated with doctor or a qualified
hemorrhoids. health care
practitioner should
be consulted.
d) Dry extract (DER a) Traditional herbal Dry extract for oral At least since 1976, TUR,
6-9:1); extraction medicinal product to use Germany
solvent: ethanol 96% relieve symptoms of
(V/V) discomfort and heaviness Posology
of legs related to minor Adults: Single dose
venous circulatory 45 mg, 2 times per
disturbances. day.

If the symptoms
persist for more
than 2 weeks during
the use of the
medicinal product, a
doctor or a qualified
health care
practitioner should
be consulted.

Rapporteur comments:

1- The Community herbal monograph on Ruscus aculeatus L., rhizome (EMEA/HMPC/261938/2007)

included the preparation dry extract (DER 6-9:1), primary solvent ethanol 96 % (V/V) followed by
water. After the revision, no information was found to support the use of water as secondary solvent.
For this reason only the dry extract (DER 6-9:1), extraction solvent: ethanol 96% (V/V) should be

2- After the revision, no base was found to support the TU of the dry extract (DER 15-20 : 1),
extraction solvent: methanol 60% (V/V)) considered in the Community herbal monograph on Ruscus
aculeatus L., rhizome (EMEA/HMPC/261938/2007) since this preparation doesn´t fulfil 30 years of
traditional use in UE. Furthermore, there are no products marketed in EU containing this preparation,
since 2003.

3. Non-Clinical Data
Non clinical data presented in this assessment report should be taken into account according to the
kind of preparations registered in the European Union. Request of information concerning R. aculeatus
showed that in France and Germany, preparations consist of hydro-alcoholic extracts, aqueous
extracts, and plant powder. However, in most of the studies the characteristics of the extract used
(mode of extraction, content in active substances, etc.) were not provided.

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3.1. Overview of available pharmacological data regarding the herbal
substance(s), herbal preparation(s) and relevant constituents thereof

3.1.1. Primary pharmacodynamics

Ruscus aculeatus being reported to be used in against venous insufficiency-related feeling/sensation of

heavy leg, several in vitro/in vivo studies aimed at demonstrating its contractile properties on veins or
lymphatic vessels as well as its capacity to improve vascular permeability.

Assessor’s comment

It should be noted that studies conducted with the combination Ruscus extract and hesperidine
methylchalcone were not taken into consideration. Indeed, the potential beneficial effect of the
flavonoids or of the combination should not be attributed to Ruscus extract taken separately.


A. In vitro studies

Studies performed on rings of canine saphenous veins

This model was first described Marcelon et al., 1983b and Marcelon and Vanhoutte, 1984. Rings of
canine saphenous veins were mounted in organ chambers filled with a physiological salt solution and
connected to a force transducer for continuous recording of isometric tension. Prior to experimentation
with R. aculeatus extract, the segments were placed at the optimal point of their length-tension
relationship using standard electrical stimulation. After equilibration R. aculeatus extract was applied
and the tension measured. Concentrations ≥ 3.10-5 g/ml of R. aculeatus extract caused a dose-
dependent increase in tension.

The effects of the following various pharmacological agents on the contractile effect induced by R.
aculeatus were studied in an attempt to determine the mechanism of action underlying this contractile

– Phentolamine (3.10-6 M), an α-adrenolytic agent, nearly abolished the contractile response to

– Cocaine (3.10-5 M), a blocker or the recapture of norepinephrine in the inter-synaptic gap,
reduced the contractile response to R. aculeatus;

– 6-hydroxydopamine (10-6 M), inducing chemical denervation, reduced the contractile response
to R. aculeatus similarly to cocaine;

– Tetrodotoxin (10-7 M), atropine (10-8 M), methysergide (10-7 M), indomethacin (3.10-5 M) did
not impact on the contractile response to R. aculeatus;

– Adenosine (2.10-5 M) and verapamil (2.10-6 M) produced relaxation of the rings contracted by
R. aculeatus (-37% and -50%, respectively);

– Acetylcholine (10-7M, 10-6M) caused further increase in tension (+23% and +37%,

In parallel, the same authors examined the effect of R. aculeatus extract on helical strips of canine
saphenous veins connected to a force transducer and incubated in a moist tunnel-shaped chamber
superfused with a Krebs-Ringer solution containing 7-1-[3H]-norepinephrine. R. aculeatus extract
(5.10-4 g/ml) caused an increase in tension. In addition, the release of intact [3H]-norepinephrine and

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the overflow of all metabolites (dihydroxyphenylglycol, dihydroxymandelic acid,
monohydroxyphenylglycol, normetanephrine) except vanillylmandelic acid were increased.

It was concluded that the venoconstrictor response to R. aculeatus extract is not due to the activation
of cholinergic, serotoninergic, or prostaglandinergic receptors. The effect being inhibited by
phentolamine but persisting after chemical denervation with 6-hydroxodopamine, a direct effect on
postjunctional α-adrenergic receptors of the smooth muscle cells is suggested. However, it seems that
the release of norepinephrine stored in adrenergic nerve endings is also involved in the contractile
effect of R. aculeatus extract in view of the responses obtained with 6-hydroxodopamine, and cocaine,
and in view of the increased overflow of [3H]-norepinephrine in veins previously incubated with this

The release of norepinephrine from adrenergic nerve endings does not involve the initiation of spike
electrogenesis, since tetrodotoxin had no influence on the effect provoked by R. aculeatus extract. The
authors considered that the effects of adenosine, verapamil and acetylcholine reflected interference
with the postjunctional effect rather than with its action on the adrenergic nerve endings. However, the
effect by acetylcholine may be artificially biased by damaging of the endothelium in the experimental
model; in a non de-endothelialised vessel a relaxing effect by NO release would be expected.

In another study, Rubanyi et al. (1984) confirmed that R. aculeatus extract could provoke the
contraction of rings from canine saphenous veins. The tension increased as R. aculeatus extract
concentration increased from 10-4 to 10-3 g/ml; the maximal contraction averaged 80% of the
response to 10-4 M norepinephrine. It should be mentioned that a factor 10 within a dose relationship
from basic tension to maximum has to be considered as very narrow in pharmacological terms.
However, the contractile effect of R. aculeatus was depressed by prazosin or rauwolscine (α1- and α2-
antagonist, respectively) from 5.10-8 M and in a dose-dependent fashion, while it was abolished when
both substances were used concomitantly. The same response was observed when phentolamine, a
non-selective α-antagonist was used in the experiment described above (Marcelon et al., 1983b;
Marcelon and Vanhoutte, 1984). This suggests that the contractile response of R. aculeatus in this
model is due to α-adrenergic activation only (Rubanyi et al., 1984).

At 5.10-6 M, the inhibitory effect of rauwolscine was higher than that of prazosin. This difference was
not observed when prazosin or rauwolscine was used with cocaine, both combinations depressing the
contractile activity of R. aculeatus in the same extent. According to the authors, this suggests that
norepinephrine released from adrenergic nerve endings activates preferentially postjunctional α2-
adrenoceptors (Rubanyi et al., 1984).

The same authors reiterated the study using R. aculeatus extract (2.10-4 g/ml), prazosin and
rauwolscine (5.10-6 M) at 24°C, 37°C, and 41°C. Compared to the results obtained at 37°C, cooling
decreased while warming increased the contractile response to R. aculeatus extract in rings of canine
saphenous veins. These results were explicated in details by other authors. They acknowledged that
these differences are due to the preferential modulation by temperature of the α1-adrenergic
component of the response. At 37°C, the α1- and α2-adrenergic components of the response to R.
aculeatus are equivalent (Rubanyi et al., 1984; Marcelon and Vanhoutte, 1988).

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Abbreviations: U1=neuronal uptake; NE=norepinephrine; +=activation

Figure 1: Proposed mechanism of action for Ruscus and effect of temperature (Marcelon and
Vanhoutte, 1988)

To study the influence of the hormonal status of the animals on the contractile effect obtained with R.
aculeatus extract, Miller et al.(1991a) treated ovariectomized female dogs with subcutaneous pellets
containing a carrier substance (untreated), 17β-estradiol, progesterone, or 17β-estradiol and
progesterone for 16-25 days. After that treatment period, the animals underwent surgery. The serum
levels of hormones were measured and the carotid arteries and lateral saphenous veins removed and
cut into rings after having been cleaned of connective tissue. The endothelium was removed in all
rings. Thereafter, isometric tension was determined in absence or presence of a combination of
prazosin or rauwolscine (10-7 M) following in vitro exposure to norepinephrine (10-8 to 10-4 M),
tyramine (10-8 to 10-4 M), or R. aculeatus extract (10-6 to 10-3 g/ml) (Miller et al., 1991a). Serum
hormone levels are reported in the table below.

Table 4: Oestrogen and progesterone measured in serum levels of ovariectomised dogs,

according to their hormonal supplementation (Miller et al., 1991a)

Group Oestrogen level Progesterone level

(ng/100 mL) (ng/100 mL)
Untreated 1 80
Estrogen 30 400
Progesterone – 750
Estrogen+Progesterone 30 2300

The contractile effect induced by electrical stimulation, norepinephrine and tyramine (indirect
sympathomimetic substance, releases norepinephrine from adrenergic nerve endings) were not
influenced by hormonal treatment. On the contrary, the contractile effect observed with R. aculeatus
tended to be augmented in the progesterone group compared to the untreated group, the difference
being significant compared to the group treated with estrogen and progesterone. Subsequent assays
showed no effect of adrenergic blockade (prazosin plus rauwolscine) on the contractile effect of R.
aculeatus in rings from untreated animals, whereas this effect was decreased in progesterone group
and increased in estrogen and estrogen plus progesterone groups (Miller et al., 1991a).

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The same authors published further work performed on the same animals, which consisted in studying
the influence of hormonal status and endothelium on the contractile effect of R. aculeatus (Miller et al.,

In coronary arteries, R. aculeatus extract was able to initiate the release of endothelium-derived
factors whose action is inhibitory to contractions initiated by the extract itself, PGF2α and
norepinephrine. The release of this factor could involve the stimulation of muscarinic receptors because
the relaxing effect was inhibited by atropine. Considering the nature of this relaxing factor, it is not
probably prostacyclin because the experiment was performed in presence of indomethacin in the
medium. Similarities with nitric oxide are evoked because the relaxing effect attributed to this relaxing
factor is inhibited by haemoglobin (which inactivates NO) and by methylene blue (which inactivates
guanylate cyclase). The hormonal status of the animals had no effect on the results obtained.

In femoral veins, the constrictor effect of R. aculeatus was influenced by the integrity of the endothelial
cells and by the hormonal status of the animals. Indeed, the contractile effect obtained with R.
aculeatus was greater in veins without endothelium, and greater in rings from animals receiving
oestrogen plus progesterone. This result is contradictory to previous results obtained by these authors
and described above [see (Miller et al., 1991a)]. In varicose veins, the endothelium may be
dysfunctional. Therefore, excitatory effect of the extract would prevail in this situation. Elevated
oestrogen and progesterone serum levels would potentate this effect (Miller et al., 1991b).

Study performed on rings of saphenous veins taken from rabbits

Harker et al. (1988) studied the influence of the hormonal status of female rabbits on the contractile
effect obtained with R. aculeatus extract, using ovariectomized rabbits treated with placebo or 17β-
oestradiol (subcutaneous implants) for 14 to 21 days. After that treatment period, the animals
underwent surgery. The serum level of oestradiol was measured and the lateral saphenous veins
removed and cut into rings after having been cleaned of connective tissue. The endothelium was
removed in all rings which were then suspended in organ chambers to measure isometric tension after
application of various agents. The effect of α-adrenergic antagonists and of temperature (24°C, 37°C,
41°C) on the contractile effect of R. aculeatus extract was also studied (Harker et al., 1988).

The serum oestradiol level reported by the authors amounted to 1.0 ng/ml or less in control animals,
while it reached 54 ng/dl in oestradiol treated animals. It should be noted that these figures may be
wrong as 1.0 ng/ml is equivalent to 100 ng/dl.

In both groups, a dose-dependent contractile effect of R. aculeatus was observed. The involvement of
postjunctional adrenoceptors was dependent upon the hormonal status of the animals. Indeed,
contractions were not affected by adrenergic blockade in control animals, and partially inhibited by
prazosin and rauwolscine in oestradiol-treated animals suggesting that hormone permits the
expression of postjunctional α-adrenergic effect of R. aculeatus.

Cooling increased tension mediated by α2-adrenoceptors (rauwolscine) after application of R. aculeatus

extract on rings of control rabbits, but not on rings of estradiol-treated animals. Moreover, it was
concluded that warming did not affect the contractile response to R. aculeatus extract (Harker et al.,

Studies performed on rings of human saphenous and varicose veins

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The contractile effect of R. aculeatus extract was investigated on rings of human varicose veins
collected from females undergoing varicectomy (Marcelon et al., 1988b). To study the influence of the
hormonal status, three groups were considered:

– Rings from women at the end of menstrual cycle (14th to 25th day) : n=3;

– Rings from women at the beginning of cycle (1st to 6th day): n=4;

– Rings from post-menopausal women: n=6.

As previously described, isometric tension was measured in organ chambers (at 37°C).The contractile
effect of R. aculeatus extract (10-5 to 10-3 g/ml) was compared to that obtained with noradrenaline
(10-4 M). In these conditions, the variation of hormone levels occurring during the menstrual cycle or
in post-menopausal women did not influence the contractile effect of R. aculeatus extract which
reached 43 to 52% of the contractile effect obtained with norepinephrine (Marcelon et al., 1988b).

In another study, the role of endothelium in the contractile effect of R. aculeatus extract (10-6 to 10-3
g/ml) was evaluated on rings of varicose and saphenous veins taken from patients undergoing surgery
for primary varicose veins (Miller et al., 1994). In this study, R. aculeatus caused a concentration-
dependent contractile effect to which varicose veins were more sensitive than saphenous veins.
Additionally, contractions to R. aculeatus were not affected by removal of the endothelium. It was also
confirmed in human veins that a major component of the contraction results from activation of
adrenergic receptors because the blockade of adrenergic receptors significantly reduced that contractile
effect. It is unlikely that R. aculeatus extract stimulates contraction by endothelin-A receptors in veins
of these patients as the selective antagonist of these receptors (BQ-123) did not reduce the
contractions either in absence or presence of adrenergic blockade. It is also unlikely that endothelin-B
receptors are stimulated by R. aculeatus extract as varicose tributaries do not contract to sarafotoxin
S6c (selective endothelin-B agonist). Therefore, the authors concluded that contractions to R.
aculeatus in human varicose veins are independent of the endothelium and mediated by activation of
adrenergic (but not endothelin-A) receptors on the smooth muscle (Miller et al., 1994).

Studies performed on segments of canine and human saphenous/varicose veins

Branco and Osswald (1988) studied the influence of R. aculeatus extract on the uptake and
metabolism of norepinephrine in segments of canine lateral saphenous veins, and of human
varicose/saphenous veins. In these tissues, the endogenous norepinephrine and dihydroxymandelic
acid (DOMA) contents were determined. Thereafter, removal, accumulation and metabolism of [3H]-
norepinephrine were studied without and with application of R. aculeatus extract (10-5, 10-4, 10-3

Compared to the normal canine vein, the normal human veins appeared sparsely innervated by the
sympathetic system as shown by 10-fold lower norepinephrine content. However, it should not be
concluded that it is not endowed with efficient adrenergic mechanism. Indeed, its capacity to
metabolize norepinephrine is rather high and its high reactivity to adrenergic agonists is well known; in
this study, the capacity of human vein to remove, accumulate and metabolize norepinephrine was one-
half of that exhibited by the canine vein. Normal canine and human veins also differed in the pattern in
which noradrenaline was metabolized. In human veins, O-methylation by catechol-O-methyltransferase
(COMT) was of lesser importance than in canine veins. From this finding, the authors concluded that in
what concerns disposition of noradrenaline, extrapolation from vessels of experimental animals to
those of humans is not permissible.

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The comparison of human normal and varicose veins showed that varicose veins contain and
accumulate less norepinephrine. They have a high endogenous content and a raised rate of formation
of DOMA.

Concerning the effect of R. aculeatus extract in human normal veins, it produced a concentration-
dependent reduction of [3H]-norepinephrine accumulation (-50% at 10-3 g/ml, compared to control).
Changes were less marked in the varicose veins (-50% at 10-3 g/ml, compared to control). The
authors concluded that the highest concentration of R. aculeatus extract only may have released
norepinephrine. However, all three concentrations affected the metabolism of norepinephrine: a
concentration-dependent reduction of the formation of all norepinephrine metabolites was observed,
and was similar in normal and varicose veins (DOMA formation was more affected in varicose veins).

Overall, quantitative but not qualitative differences were noted between human normal and varicose
veins concerning the effect of R. aculeatus. It provoked a depression of the metabolism of
norepinephrine and reduced its accumulation. This led to an increase in the concentration of
norepinephrine in the biophase. This could explain the potentiation of the action of norepinephrine
(Branco and Osswald, 1988).

Assessor’s comments

The contractile effect of R. aculeatus extract was investigated on rings of saphenous veins taken from
dogs and rabbits, and on human saphenous and varicose veins by recording of the isometric tension.
Studies on the canine model showed that a concentration-dependent contractile effect was obtained
within the concentration range of 10-5-10-3 g/ml for R. aculeatus extract. This was confirmed in the
human model.

To determine the mechanism underlying this effect, further experimentations with various
pharmacological agents and a study of tritiated norepinephrine metabolism were performed. They
showed that in the canine venous rings, this effect was mediated by direct activation of postjunctional
α1- and α2-adrenergic receptors, and by stimulation of the release of norepinephrine form adrenergic
nerve endings. It should be noted that α-adrenergic activation only was involved. The involvement of
adrenergic receptors in the contractile effect of R. aculeatus extract was confirmed in human veins
(saphenous, varicose).

These results are in accordance with those obtained on segments of human normal and varicose veins,
where R. aculeatus extract was shown to reduce norepinephrine accumulation and metabolism.
Although less marked in varicose veins, the reduction of norepinephrine accumulation was significant
from 10-4 g/ml, a concentration compatible with those inducing a contractile effect on venous rings.

The influence of temperature was evaluated. In canine venous rings, cooling decreased while warming
increased the contractile response to R. aculeatus extract obtained at 37°C. It was hypothesized that
this differences is due to the preferential modulation by temperature of the α1-adrenergic component
of the response. However, in venous rings taken from rabbits, cooling increased the contraction
induced by R. aculeatus depending on the hormonal treatment, while warming had no effect.

Regarding the influence of the hormonal status on the contractile effect induced by R. aculeatus
extract, contradictory results were obtained in animals. In one study performed with rings of varicose
veins collected from women, the hormonal status did not impact on the contractile effect obtained.
However, the number of samples tested was too low and the grade of varicosis of the veins was not
studied, so that no definitive conclusion can be drawn. Similarly, conflicting results were obtained
about a possible role of endothelium in the R. aculeatus effect in canine venous rings. In a human
model, it was shown that “contractions to R. aculeatus in human varicose veins are independent of the

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endothelium and mediated by activation of adrenergic […] receptors on the smooth muscle” (Miller et
al., 1994).

Rings of human varicose veins were more sensitive than saphenous veins to the contractile effect
obtained with R. aculeatus extract.

B. In vivo studies

Studies performed in dogs

To confirm the adrenergic mechanism of action of R. aculeatus extract, this drug was administered
intravenously to anaesthetised dogs at doses ranging from 1 to 10 mg/kg (Marcelon et al., 1983a).
The lateral saphenous vein was transilluminated and its diameter measured by a photoelectric cell. R.
aculeatus caused a dose-dependent constriction of the saphenous vein and potentiated the dose-
response curve to local norepinephrine. These responses were antagonized by phentolamine. In the
conditions of the study, the venoconstriction caused by R. aculeatus was the result of α-adrenergic

Studies performed on the hamster cheek pouch

A team of the University of Lund, Sweden, aimed at examining the effects of R. aculeatus extract on
the microcirculation of the hamster cheek pouch and at gaining knowledge about the mechanism(s)
underlying these effects. They recognized that “the usefulness of the healthy hamster cheek pouch
preparation to study chronic venous insufficiency is debatable, but in vivo animal models for such
study are clearly lacking” (Bouskela et al., 1994).

In the first experiment, six male hamsters were treated with R. aculeatus extract solution for 28 days
by oral route at 0 and 150 mg/kg/day. At the end of the treatment period, animals were anaesthetised
and an area of the cheek pouch isolated for measurement of vascular diameter (arterioles and venules)
by means of a videotape recording device. The measurements were made on the same region in every
animal. In these conditions, no significant difference was noted between control and treated animals
regarding the body weight and mean arterial blood pressure. In the group receiving R. aculeatus
extract, constriction of venules (diameter decreased by 30% compared to controls) and dilation of
arterioles (diameter increased by 37% compared to controls) were observed (Bouskela, 1991).

IV injection (5 mg/kg) of R. aculeatus extract caused a venular constriction but did not significantly
affect either the arteriolar diameter or the mean arterial blood pressure. It should be noted that the
measurement of vascular diameters were made before and after the injection of R. aculeatus extract.
When the extract was added to the superfusate (topical application), venular constriction and arteriolar
dilation were reported. Cooling to 25°C induced dilation of both types of vessels, whereas warming to
40°C produced the opposite effect (constriction) at 50.10-3 mg/ml and higher (Bouskela, 1991).

In a similar study, arteriolar and venular diameters were measured before (3 times, separated by 10
min intervals) and after (every 10 min for 60 min) intravenous injection of R. aculeatus extract at the
dose of 5 mg/kg to 7 male hamsters. No effect on mean arterial blood pressure was detected. In these
animals, venular but not arteriolar injection was observed at the cheek pouch level. When applied
topically to 18 male hamsters, the R. aculeatus extract produced venular constriction and arteriolar
dilation at the cheek pouch level. The effect of temperature was similar to what was reported above by
Bouskela (1991) (Bouskela et al., 1993b).

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In an attempt to further characterize the mechanism of action of R. aculeatus extract on the hamster
cheek pouch, another study was performed with male animals. R. aculeatus extract was used at
concentrations ranging from 5 to 1000 μg/ml/min applied topically (in the superfusate). At 50
μg/ml/min and above, R. aculeatus extract application induced venular but not arteriolar constriction.
The venular constriction amounted to approximately 10%. At the concentration of 0.2 mg/ml/min, the
venular constriction remained for 120 min (determined every 10 min) whereas the internal diameter of
arterioles was not modified. Therefore, the concentration of 0.2 mg/ml/min was used in further
explorations. The venular constriction evoked by R. aculeatus was blocked by low concentrations (10-
9M) of prazosin and diltiazem (these drugs did not induce significant venular dilation at this
concentration), and only by high concentrations (10-6M) of rauwolscine. The authors postulated that at
high concentration, rauwolscine may not be selective only for α2-adrenoceptors. It was concluded that
venular constriction in the hamster cheek pouch was mediated by calcium and preferentially by α1-
adrenoreceptors. Additionally, the authors hypothesized that the lack of effect on arterioles could be
explained by augmented liberation of endothelium-derived relaxing factors on the arteriolar side which
probably overrides its constrictor properties (Bouskela and Cyrino, 1994; Bouskela et al., 1994).

Complementary mechanistic studies

A team of the Faculdade de Medicina, Oporto tested the effect of R. aculeatus extract on segments of
veins. They compared at the microscopic level human varicose and normal veins, saphenous vein
taken from dogs aged 4 months to 7 years and above, and canine saphenous vein obtained after
surgical denervation. Human varicose vein and canine denervated saphenous veins shared common
characteristics: thickening of the vessel wall due to increase in extracellular material and smooth
muscle cells hypertrophy, abnormalities of smooth muscle cells (signs of increased protein synthesis).
In dogs, impact of surgical sympathetic denervation on the structure of the vein was independent of
the age of the animals. Additionally, the [3H]-norepinephrine content was determined in vessels of
dogs (4 months to 7 years and above), and in human varicose/normal veins. The authors showed that
sympathetic innervation was lowered in veins taken from aged dogs, and in human varicose veins
(compared to normal veins). Therefore, it was concluded that human varicose vein behaves like a
partially denervated vessel and many of its structural and biochemical peculiarities appear to be linked
to the reduced sympathetic supply of the vein. The authors considered that the denervated canine vein
represents an interesting model for the study of the human varicose vein (Azevedo et al., 1991).

Texeira and Osswald (1988) produced denervation of lateral saphenous vein in anaesthetized dogs by
using artery clamps applied down- and upstream of the segment for 5 min. During the surgical
intervention, osmotic minipumps were implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of dogs’ leg and connected
by a catheter to the plantar branch of the denervated vein. These minipumps allowed IV injection of
saline (containing Na2-EDTA + heparin) ± R. aculeatus extract (50 μg/kg/h). Animals recovered for 5
days and were then re-operated to remove the segment of the denervated vein and of the
contralateral vein (to serve as control). This allowed to study the effect of denervation (injection of
saline), of R. aculeatus on denervated vein (injection of R. aculeatus and saline). For the morphological
study of the vein, the dimension of smooth muscle cells was taken as the most important criterion of
morphological alterations caused by denervation (at the extraneuronal level). In collected segments,
the endogenous norepinephrine content was measured by HPLC; denervation was considered
successful and complete when the norepinephrine content was decreased by 95%. Additionally, the O-
methylating capacity of these tissues was reflected by the total amount of O-methylated metabolite
(OMI), determined after incubation of vein strips with 3H-7-(±)-isoprenaline for 30 minutes (Texeira
and Osswald, 1988).

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This study showed that intravenous infusion of R. aculeatus extract protected the extraneuronal
component of the venous tissue against the deleterious consequences of denervation. Indeed, it
induced prevention of increase in smooth muscle cell diameter, and partial prevention of the
impairment of O-methylating capacity of tissues. However, R. aculeatus extract administration had no
effect on the denervation process itself (Nad depletion of at least 95% in denervated veins) (Texeira
and Osswald, 1988).

Assessor’s comments

The venoconstricting property of R. aculeatus extract shown in vitro was confirmed in in vivo models.
In anaesthetised dogs, a dose-dependent contractile effect was shown for R. aculeatus extract doses
ranging from 1 to 10 mg/kg given intravenously, and attributed to result of α-adrenergic activation

The IV administration of R. aculeatus extract (5 mg/kg) to hamsters induced venular constriction at

the level of cheek pouch microcirculation, without any impact on the diameter of arterioles or mean
arterial blood pressure. However, topical application of the extract resulted in venular constriction and
arteriolar dilation. Cooling was shown to induce dilation of both types of vessels, whereas warming
produced their constriction. Studies conducted with pharmacological agents showed that venular
constriction in the hamster cheek pouch was mediated by calcium and preferentially by α1-
adrenoreceptors.The dilation of arterioles was considered to result from augmented liberation of
endothelium-derived relaxing factors on the arteriolar side.

The oral route was also investigated in this experimental model; the dose of 150 mg extract per
kg/day for 28 days induced venular constriction (internal diameter decreased by 30%) and arteriolar
dilation (internal diameter increased by 37%) which was also attributed to liberation of endothelium-
derived relaxing factors on the arteriolar side.

Briefly, it can be concluded that the contractile effect of R. aculeatus extract on veins was shown in
two in vivo experimental models by intravenous route (anaesthetised models, hamster cheek pouch),
topical application (hamster cheek pouch), and oral route (hamster cheek pouch, 150 mg extract per
kg/day). The involvement of the α-adrenergic system was confirmed. Arteriolar dilation was noted in
some of these studies, and particularly when R. aculeatus extract was administered orally, but no
effect on the mean arterial pressure was detected. It could result from induction of liberation of
endothelium-derived relaxing factors on the arteriolar side. Additionally, in a canine model of human
varicose vein, IV injection of R. aculeatus extract for 5 days prevented against the occurrence
morphological alteration of smooth muscle cells, and against the impairment of O-methylating capacity
of tissues.

The animal models used to demonstrate the venoconstricting activity of R. aculeatus extract are
acceptable, taking into consideration the lack of experimental models reproducing the
physiopathological complexity of the chronic venous insufficiency. These models are those commonly
used for the evaluation of drugs belonging to this therapeutic class, even if the use of functional
exploration methods (e.g. Doppler) could have been used to complete the weight of evidence.


A. In vitro studies

Study performed on rings of canine lymphatic vessels

Thoracic ducts were removed from dogs, cleaned of connective tissue, and cut into rings. Those rings
were put in organ chambers filled with a physiological salt solution and connected to a force transducer

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for continuous recording of isometric tension. The substances tested, directly added to the bath
solution, were norepinephrine (10-8 to 10-4 M) and R. aculeatus extract (10-5 to 2.10-3 g/ml). To
clarify the mechanism of action of R. aculeatus extract, some α-adrenergic antagonists were used:
phentolamine (3.10-6 M), prazosin (3.10-7 M) and rauwolscine (3.10-7 M) (Marcelon et al., 1988a).

In these experimental conditions, it was shown that both norepinephrine and R. aculeatus extract
caused a concentration-dependent contraction of the lymphatic thoracic duct rings. The contractile
activity of R. aculeatus was partially inhibited by prazosin or rauwolscine, and completely eliminated by
phentolamine. Taking into account that venous smooth muscle cells have been isolated in mesenteric
and thoracic lymphatics, the importance of the presence of adrenergic nerve endings at this level for
the control of lymphatic pumping, and the results obtained in this study, the authors concluded that R.
aculeatus causes a similar adrenergic activation of both lymphatic collectors and cutaneous veins. The
contractile effect obtained on lymphatic rings was obtained at similar concentrations than those
inducing contraction of venous rings (Marcelon et al., 1988a).

Study performed on bovine lymphatic vessels

In order to determine the mechanism of noradrenaline action on lymphatic vessels, various studies
were performed using electric stimulation on bovine mesenteric lymphatic vessels. Among those
studies, one was performed to gain knowledge about the desensitization of adrenoceptors after
application of the endogenous transmitter (norepinephrine) or R. aculeatus extract (McHale, 1991).

While application of norepinephrine (10-6 M) induced an increase of contraction frequency which

returned rapidly to control values as the result of receptors desensitization, application of R. aculeatus
extract (30 μg/ml, i.e. 3.10-5 g/ml) had similar excitatory effect which was sustained for the duration
of drug perfusion. According to the author, this might suggest that R. aculeatus is acting on different
receptors in these vessels from those through which norepinephrine is acting (McHale, 1991).

Assessor’s comment

R. aculeatus extract was shown to exert contractile effect in vitro on dog thoracic and bovine
mesenteric lymphatic vessels. The results concerning the mechanism involved are contradictory
between both experiments. Indeed, results obtained with canine tissues suggest that the mechanism
of action is similar to the one described at the venous level, i.e. α-adrenergic activation. According to
its authors, the study performed on bovine tissue suggests that pathways involved differ from those of
norepinephrine. However, they did not further discuss on the role of chemical stability to explain their
results (norepinephrine is probably less chemically stable than R. aculeatus).

B. In vivo studies

A study was conducted in anaesthetised dogs, after isolation of a lymph vessel parallel to the
saphenous vein at the ankle level and ligature of other vessels (Pouget et al., 1991). After R. aculeatus
extract intravenous injection, the total protein concentration (Pt) was measured by UV-spectrometry in
lymph collected at 10 min intervals. This allowed the calculation of oncontic pressure (Ponc) using the
following formula: Ponc = 0.45 Pt + 0.078 Pt. The doses of R. aculeatus extract administered were 1, 2
and 5 mg/kg because they were in the range of the doses reported as veinotonic [see (Marcelon et al.,

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In some animals, the activity of R. aculeatus was studied in presence of calcium antagonism by
nifedipine. R. aculeatus extract (5 mg/kg) was administered and its activity followed for 1 hour. Then,
nifedipine was administered intravenously (0.1 mg/kg, the activity of this dose was maintained for
more than 1 hour). After 30 minutes, a second injection of R. aculeatus extract was performed, and its
activity again followed for 1 hour.

At 2 and 5 mg/kg, R. aculeatus extract caused a rise in lymph flow without affecting lymph pressure.
This reflected the augmentation of the contractility of lymph vessels. This is in agreement with the
results of an in vitro study performed on peripheral lymphatic vessels [see (McHale, 1991)]. It was
also shown that R. aculeatus caused contraction of the isolated thoracic duct of the dog in vitro [see
(Marcelon et al., 1988a)]. This adds weight to the hypothesis of an enhancement of the “pumping
system” suggested by the results obtained in vivo in this study, with enhanced propulsion of peripheral
lymph toward the heart.

R. aculeatus also caused a rise in oncotic pressure which suggests that it induces a favourable effect on

The activity of R. aculeatus extract remained unchanged after nifedipine injection. This suggests that
the mechanism underlying the effect of R. aculeatus on peripheral lymphatics does not involve the
opening of voltage operated calcium channels.

Assessor’s comment

In anaesthetised dogs, administration of R. aculeatus extract improved the contractility of peripheral

lymph vessels. Taken together with in vitro results, this suggests that R. aculeatus extract enhances
the lymphatic pumping system thus favouring a better return of peripheral lymph to the heart.
Additionally, a rise in oncotic pressure was detected, which could suggest a favourable effect on

However, it should be noted that no study was conducted by the intended therapeutic route of
administration, i.e. the oral route. It is questionable whether active substance(s) involved in this effect
would 1) be absorbed by oral route and 2) undergo significant hepatic metabolism impairing its(their)
activity at the lymphatic level.


A. In vitro studies

An experiment was conducted using segment of the lateral ear vein of the pig canulated on both sides
and put into an organ bath of Krebs solution. R. aculeatus extract (0.05%) was applied intraluminally
for 15 minutes. Then, ethacrynic acid (0.1%) was added to damage the endothelium (2.5 minutes).
Finally, the permeability to low- and high molecular substances was measured. To quantify the water
edema, an aqueous solution of the dye Evansblue was applied, and the protein edema was measured
with bovine serum marked by the dye, each being applied under a pressure of 30 cm H 2 O for 30
minutes. The content of Evansblue was then determined by photometry (Hönig and Felix, 1989).

The results obtained showed that R. aculeatus extract reduced the water- and protein permeability
induced by ethacrynic acid. The drug had to be present when the damaging agent was applied; if it
was washed 1 min. before, no protective effect was observed. The authors also showed that no
chemical binding occurred between the drug and the damaging agent.

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To elucidate this oedema-protective mechanism, saponins from R. aculeatus were applied for 15
minutes and then washed. The permeability of these vessels was increased compared to controls.
According to the authors, the surface-active saponins so strongly bind to the endothelium that they
leave holes when being removed.

Assessor’s comment

In vitro on ear vein of pig, R. aculeatus extract had protective effects against ethacrynic-induced
oedema. Saponins may play an important role by anchoring in the endothelium and taking part to the
membrane structure.

Several spirostanol saponins and esculin from Rusci rhizome were assessed by Barbic et al. (2013)
concerning the effects on the permeability of endothelial cells meauring their ability to reduce the
thrombin-induced hyperpermeability of endothelial cells. The highest activities were observed for the
spirostanol saponins deglucoruscin and ruscin and for esculin at 10µM, resulting a significant reduction
of the thrombin-induced hyperpermeability (in 41.9%, 42.6% and 53.3%, respectively). Results
provide insight into the pharmacological mechanism by which spirostanol saponins and esculin can
contribute to the efficacy of Butcher’s broom against chronic venous disorders (Barbic et al., 2013).

B. In vivo studies

Study performed on the hamster cheek pouch

The number of leakage sites on hamster cheek pouch 4 was measured by fluorescence microscopy
after IV injection of fluorescein-labelled dextran. The number of leakage sites (diameter of the
fluorescent spot > 100 μm) was determined 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, and 20 minutes after the beginning of
each topical application of histamine. Each histamine application lasted 5 minutes with a minimum
interval of 40 minutes between each application. The first application of histamine, after injection of
FITC-dextran, was made prior to any drug treatment and thus served as a positive control. R.
aculeatus extract was then applied topically in the following concentrations: 0.002, 0.02, 0.2 and 2
mg/ml/min before the subsequent application of histamine. In the group dosed at 0.2 mg/ml/min, the
influence of prazosin, rauwolscine and diltiazem (10-9M to 10-5M) on R. aculeatus effect was studied
(Bouskela et al., 1994).

In this experimental model, histamine increased the number of fluorescent vascular leakage sites from
postcapillary venules, which evidence an increase in macromolecular permeability (quantified as the
number of leaky sites in the prepared area). The topical application of R. aculeatus extract induced a
dose-dependent inhibition of the macromolecular permeability-increasing effect of histamine (-25% at
0.002 mg/ml/min, almost -50% at 0.2 mg/ml/min).This effect was blocked by prazosin and diltiazem,
but not by rauwolscine. Overall, it was concluded that R. aculeatus extract inhibited the microvascular
permeability induced by histamine. This effect would be mediated by calcium and preferentially by α1-
adrenoreceptors (Bouskela et al., 1994).

These findings confirm the results previously obtained in a similar study which showed that topical
application of R. aculeatus extract has a protective effect against leakage of FITC-dextran in the cheek
pouch of hamsters after administration of various permeability-increasing substances, i.e. bradykinin,
histamine, and leukotriene B4 (Bouskela et al., 1993a).

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Study performed on a feline model of edema

Edema was induced in anaesthetised cats by IV injection of ethacrynic acid. R. aculeatus extract was
administered one hour before edema induction. Its antiedema effect was evaluated in hindlegs by
measuring the water and protein content of the edema (Felix et al., 1984).

Compared to control animals, the protein content of the oedema was decreased in R. aculeatus pre-
treated cats. Water content was not affected, which would suggest that R. aculeatus extract only
influences the passage of plasma protein in the interstitium. However, in R. aculeatus pre-treated
animals, it was demonstrated that waters flows into the tissues more slowly than in control animals.
Indeed, the capillary filtration coefficient increased to a smaller degree in R. aculeatus pretreated
animals, compared to control ones. Therefore, it was concluded that R. aculeatus extract inhibited the
destruction of the endothelium by ethacrynic acid without totally suppressing it.

The effective dosage was 20 mg/kg by IV route, 10-20 times higher by oral route (administration 4
hours before induction of edema). By oral route, the effective dose decreased after subchronic
administration and reached 20-40 mg/kg (4-6 days).

It is also reported that a protective effect was observed with ruscogenin at 4 mg/kg by IV route. This
effect was weaker than the effect reported with the whole extract at 20 mg/kg. This last contained
2.5% ruscogenin, leading to a ruscogenin dose of 0.5 mg/kg (Felix et al., 1984).

Assessor’s comment

The antiedema effect reported for R. aculeatus extract in vitro was confirmed in two in vivo studies.
After IV administration, R. aculeatus extract inhibited the microvascular permeability induced by
histamine on hamster cheek pouch, an effect suggested to be mediated by calcium and preferentially
by α1-adrenoreceptors. In a feline model of ethacrynic acid-induced edema, IV administration of 20
mg R. aculeatus extract/kg decreased the protein content of the edema and slowed the water flow into
the tissues. This is in agreement with the increase in oncotic pressure reported by Pouget et al (1991)
in lymphatic vessels of anaesthetised dogs administered 2 and 5 mg/kg R. aculeatus extract

However, none of these studies was performed by the oral route. In the study performed by Felix et al.
(1984), the anti-edema effect of R. aculeatus extract was investigated by oral route. It can be
concluded that the oral effective dose approximates 200-400 mg/kg, or 20-40 mg/kg/day after
repeated administrations for 4-6 days (the criteria used by the authors to decrease the dose were not
detailed). Additionally, it should also be noted that this effect is not only due to ruscogenin, but also to
other components of the extract.


Endothelium plays a role in the development of varicose veins. Hypoxic conditions which develop
during blood stasis are able to activate endothelial cells to release inflammatory mediators and growth
factors. Inflammatory mediators induce neutrophil adherence and activation. Those activated
neutrophils may then infiltrate and induce damage in the subendothelial layers. On the other hand, the
growth factos trigger smooth muscle cell proliferation, leading to a thickening and dizorganisation of
the media as observed in the wall of varicose veins. Therefore, a study was performed on human
umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) to determine whether R. aculeatus extract could prevent
endothelial cell activation by hypoxia (Boucard et al., 1999).

R. aculeatus extract was shown to prevent the activation of endothelial cells (HUVEC) incubated in
hypoxia conditions for 2 hours. This was demonstrated by measuring the ATP content of control and

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treated cells. The hypoxia-induced decrease in ATP was concentration-dependently inhibited by R.
aculeatus extract, the effect being maximal at 50 μg/ml.

Hypoxia strongly increased phospholipase A2 (PLA2) activity, more than 2-fold the value obtained in
normoxic conditions (↓ ATP → cytosolic calcium → PLA2 activation). When HUVEC cells were incubated
with R. aculeatus extract under hypoxia, PLA2 activation was inhibited (50% inhibition at 0.05 μg/ml).
Additionally, R. aculeatus extract inhibited neutrophil adherence to HUVEC (PLA2 activity →
prostaglandin, platelet activating factor → ↑ in HUVEC adhesiveness for neutrophils).

Table 5: Overview of the main non-clinical data/conclusions

Herbal preparation Strength Experimental Reference Main non-

tested Dosage model clinical
Year of
Route of conclusions
In vivo/ publication
In vitro

R. aculeatus extract 3.10-5 g/ml In vitro Marcelon et al., R. aculeatus

5.10-4 g/ml Rings and 1983b and extract caused
(extract details not helical strips a dose-
of canine Marcelon and dependent
saphenous Vanhoutte, increase in
veins 1984 isometric

R. aculeatus extract 5.10-8 M In vitro Rubanyi et al., The tension

Contraction 1984 increased as R.
(extract details not
of rings from aculeatus
given) canine extract
saphenous concentration
veins increased from
10-4 to 10-3
g/ml; the
response of R.
aculeatus is due
to α-adrenergic
R. aculeatus extract 10-6 to 10-3 g/ml ex-vivo Miller et al., Contractile
Ovariectomiz 1991a effect observed
(extract details not ed female with R.
dogs with aculeatus
subcutaneous tended to be
pellets augmented by
containing progesterone
, or 17β-
estradiol and
R. aculeatus extract. Not available In vivo Harker et al., The contractile
(extract details not Female 1988 effect of Ruscus
given) ovariectomiz was dependent
ed rabbits upon the
treated with hormonal status
17β- of the animals
oestradiol but not upon

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Herbal preparation Strength Experimental Reference Main non-
tested Dosage model clinical
Year of
Route of conclusions
In vivo/ publication
In vitro

(subcutaneou warming.
s implants)
and Ruscus
R. aculeatus extract 10-5 to 10-3 g/ml In vitro Marcelon et al., Variation of
(extract details not Human 1988b hormone levels
given) varicose occurring during
veins the menstrual
collected cycle or in post-
from females menopausal
undergoing women did not
varicectomy influence the
at diferent contractile
stages of the effect induced
menstrual by the extract
R. aculeatus extract 10-6 to 10-3 g/ml In vitro Miller et al., R. aculeatus
(extract details not Rings of 1994 caused a
given) varicose and concentration-
saphenous dependent
veins taken contractile
from patients effect to which
undergoing varicose veins
surgery for were more
primary sensitive than
varicose saphenous
R. aculeatus extract R. aculeatus extract In vitro Branco and R. aculeatus
(extract details not -5 -4 -3 Segments of Osswald (1988)
(10 , 10 , 10 exert a
given) canine lateral
g/ml). saphenous depression of
veins the metabolism
and of
Segments of reducing its
human accumulation.
Changes less
veins. marked in the
varicose veins.

R. aculeatus extract Intravenous from 1 In vivo Marcelon et al., Dose-

Anaesthetise 1983a dependent
to 10 mg/kg
dogs for constriction of
Measurement the saphenous
of the vein result of α-
diameter of adrenergic
saphenous activation.
R. aculeatus extract, R. aculeatus extract In vitro Marcelon et al., R. aculeatus
(10-5 to 2.10-3 g/ml). Thoracic 1988a extract caused
lymphatic a
ducts from concentration-
dogs dependent
contraction of

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Herbal preparation Strength Experimental Reference Main non-
tested Dosage model clinical
Year of
Route of conclusions
In vivo/ publication
In vitro

the lymphatic
thoracic duct
R. aculeatus
causes a similar
activation of
both lymphatic
collectors and
R. aculeatus extract R. aculeatus extract In vitro Hönig and Felix, R. aculeatus
(0.05%) Pig 1989 extract reduced
Segment of the water- and
the lateral protein
ear vein permeability
induced by
ethacrynic acid
R. aculeatus extract Topical application In vivo Bouskela et al., R. aculeatus
(extract details not 0.002, 0.02, 0.2 and 1994 extract inhibited
given) 2 mg/ml/min, for 10 Hamster the
minutes microvascular
cheek pouch
induced by
R. aculeatus extract Oral route, In vivo: cats Felix et al., Oedema was
20-40 mg/kg 1984
decreased in R.
administrations for aculeatus pre-
4-6 days treated cats.

Extract inhibited
the destruction
of endothelium
induced by the
ethacrynic acid

R. aculeatus extract 50 μg/ml in vitro Bouaziz et al., Decrease in ATP

(extract details not Human 1999 was
given) umbilical vein concentration-
endothelial dependently
cells inhibited by R.
incubated in aculeatus
hypoxia extract
Mesure of
R. aculeatus extract Intravenous injection in vivo dogs, Pouget et al., R. aculeatus
of 1, 2 and 5 mg/kg after isolation 1991.
(extract details not caused a rise in
of a lymph
given) vessel in oncotic
presence and pressure which
absence of suggests the
antagonism induction of a

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Herbal preparation Strength Experimental Reference Main non-
tested Dosage model clinical
Year of
Route of conclusions
In vivo/ publication
In vitro

by nifedipine. favourable
Evalutation of
effect on
total protein
concentration edema.
by UV-
R. aculeatus extract oral route at 0 and in vivo Bouskela et al., In the group
(extract details not 150 mg/kg/day. Male cheek 1994 receiving the
given) pouch extract orally
hamsters for the constriction
measurement of venules
of arterioles (diameter
and venules decreased by
30% compared
to controls) and
dilation of
increased by
37%) were
R. aculeatus extract Intravenous; topical in vivo Texeira and Arteriolar
(extract details not application; contractile dilation was
Osswald, 1988
given) oral route effect of R. noted in some
aculeatus of these
extract on studies, and
veins particularly
anaesthetise when R.
d models aculeatus
hamster extract was
cheek pouch administered

Isolated 10µM in vitro Barbic et al., Significant

compounds : of human 2013 reduction of the
Spirostanol microvascula thrombin-
saponins: r endothelial induced
deglucoruscin and cells hyperpermeabili
ruscin; (CDC/EU.HM ty of endothelial
Esculin EC-1) cells

3.1.2. Secondary pharmacodynamics

No data available

3.1.3. Safety pharmacology

No study available.

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Assessor’s comment

Considering the pharmacological profile of R. aculeatus extract, i.e. stimulation of α-adrenergic system,
the lack of a safety pharmacology study evaluating its potential effects on the cardiovascular function
must be taken into consideration when evaluating undesirable effects in clinical studies. No toxicology
study evaluating this endpoint is available.

In the studies performed on the hamster cheek pouch, the mean arterial blood pressure was not
modified after IV administration of 5 mg per kg R. aculeatus extract, and oral administration at the
dose of 150 mg extract per kg. The need of such a safety pharmacology study addressing
cardiovascular aspects should be discussed in light of clinical safety data.

3.1.4. Pharmacodynamic interactions

No study available.

Assessor’s comment

R. aculeatus extract contains substances having α-adrenergic stimulating properties. Moreover, it was
shown to displace norepinephrine from adrenergic nerve endings. Therefore, pharmacodynamic drug-
drug interactions regarding drugs potentiating or antagonizing the α-adrenergic are plausible.

3.1.5. Conclusions

Primary pharmacodynamics studies performed in vitro and in vivo using various experimental models
showed that R. aculeatus extract possess a contractile activity on veins. This activity is mediated by
stimulation of the α-adrenergic system. In vitro mechanistic studies showed that direct activation of
postjunctional α1-and α2-adrenergic receptors, and stimulation of the release of norepinephrine from
adrenergic nerve endings were involved. Although this effect does not appear to be clearly influenced
by the hormonal status (estrogens, progesterone), it seems potentiated by temperature.

In in vivo studies, this venoconstricting activity was shown after intravenous and oral routes; in the
hamster cheek pouch model, local application of the extract (i.e. in the superfusate) was also effective.
It should be noted that only one study was conducted by the oral route: at the level of hamster cheek
pouch microcirculation, the dose of 150 mg extract per kg/day administered for 28 days induced
venular constriction (internal diameter decreased by 30%) and arteriolar dilation (internal diameter
increased by 37%) without any impact on the mean arterial blood pressure, the latter effect being
attributed to liberation of endothelium-derived relaxing factors on the arteriolar side.

Similarly, other primary pharmacodynamics studies showed that R. aculeatus extract exerts a
contractile effect on lymphatic vessels in anaesthetised dogs at 2 and 5 mg/kg administered
intravenously. A rise in oncontic pressure suggested a favourable effect on edema. This was confirmed
in a feline model of ethacrynic acid-induced edema. The effective dosage amounted to 20 mg/kg by
intravenous route, and 10-20 times higher by oral route. However, after subchronic administration (4-
6 days), the oral effective dosage decreased to reach 20-40 mg/kg/day. The same study showed that
ruscogenin was also effective, but that other components of the extract were involved to obtain
maximal activity.

Due to the mechanisms underlying the effect of R. aculeatus extract, pharmacodynamic drug-drug
interactions are plausible with drugs potentiating or antagonizing the α-adrenergic system. However

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no reports on drug-drug interaction were found.Considering the pharmacological profile of R. aculeatus
extract, i.e. stimulation of α-adrenergic system, the lack of a safety pharmacology study evaluating its
potential effects on the cardiovascular function must be taken into consideration when evaluating
clinical studies. No toxicology study evaluating this endpoint is available. In the studies performed in
the hamster cheek pouch model, the mean arterial blood pressure was not modified after IV
administration of 5 mg/kg R. aculeatus extract, and oral administration at the dose of 150 mg extract
per kg. No reports on cardiovascular effects were found.

3.2. Overview of available pharmacokinetic data regarding the herbal

substance(s), herbal preparation(s) and relevant constituents thereof

Three studies were performed in rats and dogs to gain knowledge in the pharmacokinetics of R.
aculeatus extract (Chanal et al., 1978; Chanal et al., 1981; Bernard et al., 1985). In each study, the
extract was tritiated according to the Wilzbach technique. Briefly, this labelling method involved an
incubation period with tritium gas (5-7 days) followed by the elimination of labile tritium. Analysis by
TLC was then performed and showed each time that most of the radioactivity was associated with the
sapogenins (80 to 94%, depending on the study). According to the authors, other labelling methods
could not be applied:

– Carbon-14 labelling was not appropriate because the extract contains a multiplicity of

– Labelling by biosynthesis would have required years of growth (the extract is made from the

– These sapogenins cannot be chemically synthesized because of the lack of any precursor.

Assessor’s comment

As indicated by other authors, the Wilzbach method used to label the extract is controversial (Bernard
et al., 1985). Tritium labelling of a complex mixture such as the R. aculeatus extract used in this study
presents some disadvantages which preclude a full confidence in the results obtained. In particular, the
stability of the labelling is not justified (possible 3H-1H exchanges after the labelling, etc.).

Additionally, no quantification of 3H 2 O was performed in any sample of the studies. After 3H-1H
exchange or metabolism, 3H 2 O mix with the body water pool. The elimination of tritiated water from
the organism being particularly slow, the monitoring of 3H radioactivity to study the pharmacokinetics
of R. aculeatus extract’s compounds is likely to produce biased results. Overall, these studies should
not be taken into account for regulatory purposes (however main results will be described below).


Blood kinetics of radioactivity were determined in a study involving 2 male Wistar rats administered
the labelled-extract orally (Chanal et al., 1978). Blood samples were collected at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3.5,
5, 6, 8 and 24 hours after administration. Radioactivity level, expressed as per cent radioactivity per
10 ml of blood in relation to the dose administered, was measured by Liquid Scintillation Counting

In both rats, blood radioactivity reached a level close to the maximum 2 hours after the administration
of the extract. Thereafter, radioactivity level remained practically constant over the remaining 22
hours. The authors concluded that the half-lives of the tritiated compounds were relatively long, on the
order of several days.

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In another study involving oral administration of the labelled extract to 6 male Wistar rats, blood
samples were collected at 0.25, 0.75, 1.75, 2.25, 3.5, 5, 6.5, 8, 24 and 48 hours after administration
(Chanal et al., 1981). Radioactivity level was expressed as per cent radioactivity per 10 ml of blood in
relation to the dose administered, and the figures given are the mean for the 6 rats. Relatively high
radioactivity levels were reached from 3.5 hours and the Tmax amounted to 8 hours. Blood levels
declined slowly and remained high after 24 hours.

Assessor’s comment

Two studies performed on a limited number of rats after oral administration of a labelled R. aculeatus
extract showed that radioactivity was detected in the blood for more than 24 hours. The authors
suggest that the tritiated compounds of the extract would have relatively long half-lives. However,
such a conclusion is speculative because the tritiated water, which is slowly eliminated, was not
quantified in the samples collected. Therefore, no conclusion can be drawn from these studies.

It should be noted that the results obtained in the studies performed by Chanal et al. in 1978 and in
1981 are contradictory; in the first study, blood radioactivity remained stable over 25 hours, whereas
in the second one, a decrease of blood radioactivity starts after 8 hours.


Tissue distribution was investigated by whole body autoradiography (WBA) in macaca monkeys
administered a labelled extract of R. aculeatus by either intravenous (n=1, extract dissolved in sodium
chloride 0.9%), or oral (n=4, extract dissolved in the content of one oral ampoule) routes (Bernard et
al., 1985).

WBA performed 24 hours after IV administration showed intense labelling in the bile, the contents of
the distal digestive tract and to a lesser extent the urine. Moderate label was found in the circulating
blood, and relatively substantial label in the renal and hepatic parenchyma, spleen, bone marrow, and
adrenals (cortex). The intense binding of radioactivity at the hepatic and renal levels was confirmed by

Two hours after oral administration, highest radioactivity levels were detected in the bile, digestive and
urinary contents; liver and kidney were labelled uniformly. Blood activity was slightly lower than after
IV administration. The radioactivity levels decreased the following 5 hours except for digestive organs
(urine, bile, feces). After 24 hours, non-negligible radioactivity levels persisted in circulating blood,
renal and hepatic parenchyma, bone marrow, spleen, adrenal cortex, contents of the distal digestive
tract, bile and urine.

Assessor’s comment

Radioactivity was mainly found at the hepatic and renal levels 24 hours after both intravenous and oral
administration of the labelled R. aculeatus extract. It should be noted that intense radioactivity was
found in the bile. Again, it remains unknown if the radioactivity arises from any of the compounds of
the extract, or from tritiated water. Therefore, no conclusion can be drawn.

However, deep distribution of radioactivity in the bone marrow after IV and oral administrations was
shown, thus underlying the need of genotoxicity studies.

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To determine the nature of plasma radioactivity, blood samples collected 2 hours after oral
administration of a radio-labelled extract to 2 rats were extracted with methanol, and analysed by TLC
(Thin Layer Chromatography). Results indicate that 39% of the radioactivity deposited corresponded to
the sapogenin spot. The authors conclude that there was a “considerable fraction of the unchanged
product” in the plasma after 2 hours (Chanal et al., 1978).

Assessor’s comment

This experiment does not allow drawing any conclusion on the metabolism of R. aculeatus extract due
to concerns already expressed on labelling method and experimental procedures, and to the poor
separating capacity of the method employed (TLC).


Ninety six hours after oral administration of the labelled extract to 2 rats, approximately 18% and 29%
of radioactivity was recovered in the urine and faeces, respectively. It should be noted that excretion
occurred mainly during the first 24 hours. A non-negligible part of the fraction recovered in the faeces
arised from notable biliary excretion (approx. 10% of the administered radioactivity). (Chanal et al.,

Urinary excretion amounted to 32-35% in Wistar and Atrichis rats administered a labelled extract
orally, while the corresponding figure for faecal excretion was slightly higher, i.e. 39-45%. Most of the
radioactivity was excreted within the first 24 hours. The authors report that the existence of an
enterohepatic cycle was confirmed in a study conducted by intravenous administration (one third of
total radioactivity eliminated in the faeces)(Chanal et al., 1981).

In monkeys, radioactivity was excreted in the urine (26%) and in the faeces (6.5%) 24 hours after IV
administration (n=1). Those figures amounted to 20% and 23% for urine and faeces, respectively, 24
hours after oral administration. The authors suggested the existence of an enterohepatic cycle
considering the extent of faecal elimination and bile activity (Bernard et al., 1985).

Assessor’s comment

First, it should be noted that these figures were obtained from a limited number of animals.
Additionally, it seems that the amount of radioactivity recovered from urine and faeces appears to be
insufficient in all studies (less than 50% to 80% of the administered dose). Taking into consideration
the relatively long half-lives of the labelled compounds which was hypothesised from blood kinetics, an
incomplete radioactivity collection after either 24 hours or 96 hours seems coherent.

However, as most of the studies showed that excretion occurred mainly during the first 24 hours, and
in view of the stable blood radioactivity levels after 24 hours, accumulation of radioactivity could occur
after repeated administrations.

Radioactivity was excreted in urine and faeces, with faecal elimination slightly above. The authors
suggest that R. aculeatus extract labelled components undergo an enterohepatic cycle. However, the
excretion of a compound in the bile and a high amount of faecal elimination are not sufficient to prove
the existence of an enterohepatic cycle. This suggestion should be rather regarded as a hypothesis to
be further investigated.

This experiment does not allow to draw any conclusion on the metabolism of R. aculeatus extract due
to concerns already expressed on labelling method and experimental procedures.

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The pharmacokinetics of R. aculeatus extract was investigated in rat (2 studies) and in monkey (1
study). In each study, the extract was tritiated according to the Wilzbach technique. Briefly, this
labelling method involved an incubation period with tritium gas (5-7 days) followed by the elimination
of labile tritium. Afterwards, the extract could be administered to animals. However, this labelling
method presents some disadvantages. For example, the stability of the labelling remains unknown
(possible 3H-1H exchanges after the labelling, etc.).

Additionally, the authors did not perform a quantification of tritiated water in the samples collected.
This represents a major bias because the radioactivity measured in samples cannot be attributed
without any doubt to the compounds of the R. aculeatus extract. Indeed, 3H2O can mix with the body
water pool after 3H-1H exchange or metabolism, and the elimination of tritiated water from the
organism is particularly slow.

Overall, it is concluded that these studies should not be taken into account for regulatory purposes
because they are endowed with major bias precluding a full confidence in the results obtained.

One concern arises from the monkey distribution study, where in-depth distribution of radioactivity was
reported at the bone marrow level. While it remains unknown if radioactivity is due to any component
of the extract or to tritiated water, the worst-case scenario should be considered. Therefore, this
finding strongly underlies the need of genotoxicity studies with R. aculeatus extract.

3.3. Overview of available toxicological data regarding the herbal

substance(s)/herbal preparation(s) and constituents thereof

3.3.1. Single dose toxicity

The acute toxicity of an ethanolic extract of R. aculeatus was investigated in dogs and guinea pigs
(Caujolle et al., 1953; ESCOP, 2003):

– In 6 male and female dogs, death occurred within 1 hour following intravenous infusion of the
extract at doses ranging from 0.83 g/kg to 1.8 g/kg. The frequency of cardiac contractions was
progressively decreased but was not attributed by the authors to a toxic effect on the
myocardium because the hearts of treated dogs could react normally to epinephrine.
Additionally, the blood pressure was decreased. The monitoring of respiratory function showed
that at toxic doses, tachypnea occurred and was sometimes associated with rhythm
perturbation. At lethal doses, hyperventilation was followed by fatal apnea. The authors
considered that at high doses, the R. aculeatus ethanolic extract that they administered to
dogs produced cardiovascular and respiratory reactions. The respiratory centres were deeply
affected and apnea always preceded the cardiac arrest so that death was attributed to
respiratory alteration. Moreover, at high doses, hyperglycemia was reported (1.82 to 2.84 g/l).

– In 8 male guinea pigs, the intraperitoneal injection of the ethanolic extract induced no toxic
symptoms at doses lower than 1.5 g/kg. Animals receiving 2g/kg and above died.

Estimation of the oral and intraperitoneal LD 50 values of an ethanolic fluid extract of R. aculeatus in
rats and mice revealed differences depending on the harvest time of the plant, the route of
administration, and the use of roots or rhizomes. The oral LD 50 of the rhizome extract could not be
determined in rats because administration of doses inducing 100% mortality could not be reached. In

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mice, it amounted to 24.69-33.73 ml/kg in mice. After intraperitoneal administration, the LD 50 of the
rhizome extract reached 1.15-1.70 ml/kg in mice, and 2.07-2.39 ml/kg in rats. Root extract was found
to be more toxic than rhizome extract in both species. The observed symptoms of intoxication were
convulsion, paralysis and gastro-intestinal inflammation with dysentery. Animals died following
respiratory failure. Autopsies revealed pronounced irritation of the mucosa and strong visceral
congestion (Boucard et al., 1967; ESCOP, 2003).

Assessor’s comment

Extracts used in both studies were obtained by ethanolic extraction but contents in ruscogenin and
neoruscogenin are unknown.

The first study in dogs reported a mean LD 0 of 1.20 g/kg (0.83 – 1.8 g/kg) by intravenous route. The
authors attribute the cardiovascular findings observed at high dose (decreased frequency of cardiac
contractions, decreased blood pressure) to be secondary to alteration of respiratory centres. However,
this is not sufficiently established, particularly if the α-adrenergic activity of R. aculeatus components is
taken into consideration. In the second study, the oral LD 50 of mice reached 25-34 ml/kg. Death
occurred by respiratory failure in rats and mice treated by oral and intraperitoneal routes.

3.3.2. Repeat dose toxicity

The ESCOP monograph reports the findings of a 26-week toxicity studies performed in male rabbits by
administration in the diet (Roux, 1969; ESCOP, 2003). A R. aculeatus extract was administered to 17
animals at 2 g/kg, and to 19 animals at 5 g/kg. Five animals served as controls. It is stated that body
weight and blood counts did not reveal any difference between treated animals and controls.

Assessor’s comment

The lack of information available on this (unpublished) study precludes its use in safety evaluation.
Indeed, no precision on the extract administered to the animals is given (mode of extraction, content
in active substances, etc.), and the choice of the rabbit as a toxicology species is amazing. Usually, rat
or rabbit are used as rodent, and dog or monkey as non-rodent. The parameters monitored in treated
animals are not indicated, except body weight and blood count which is insufficient.

3.3.3. Genotoxicity

No data available.

Assessor’s comment

The lack of genotoxicity study precludes the listing of R. aculeatus. Additionally, as no long-term study
is available, the carcinogenic risk cannot be appreciated.

3.3.4. Carcinogenicity

No data available.

3.3.5. Reproductive and developmental toxicity

The ESCOP monograph reports the findings of an unpublished study conducted in female pregnant rat
by administration of a preparation containing ethanolic R. aculeatus extract, trimethylhesperidin
methylchalcone, methyl-4-esculetol and acorbic acid (Labie, unpublished ; ESCOP, 2003). Twenty

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female rats received a daily dose of 2.4 ml of the preparation corresponding to 0.24 ml of R. aculeatus
extract and equivalent to 25 times the recommended dose for humans. Twenty animals served as
control. Treatment started one week before conception and continued until delivery. No sign of
intoxication was noted in treated animals. The fertility of females in the treatment group was
comparable to that in the control group and this offspring did not show any teratogenic sign.

Assessor’s comment

The lack of information available on this (unpublished) study precludes its use in safety evaluation
(route of administration, number of resorptions, viable foetuses, number of foetuses examined for
evaluation of visceral/skeletal abnormalities, etc.). Only one dose level was tested, which is not
acceptable. The study was performed on an association of a mixture (R. aculeatus extract) with other
components; a conclusion on the teratogenic risk of R. aculeatus extract only cannot be drawn.

It is considered that the embryo-fetotoxic risk of R. aculeatus extract is unknown; adequately

conducted reproduction toxicity studies are lacking.

3.3.6. Local tolerance

No data available

3.3.7. Other special studies

No data available

3.3.8. Conclusions

Extracts used in two acute toxicity studies were obtained by ethanolic extraction. Their characteristics
(content in various compounds, e.g. ruscogenin and neoruscogenin) remain unknown. Potential
variability compared to the extract(s) intended for therapeutic cannot be evaluated. In dogs, a mean
intravenous LD 0 of 1.20 g/kg was measured, while the oral LD 50 of mice reached 25-34 ml/kg with
another extract. The authors attribute the cardiovascular findings observed in dogs at high doses
(decreased frequency of cardiac contractions, decreased blood pressure) to be secondary to alteration
of respiratory centres. In rats and mice, death occurred by respiratory failure too. No safety
pharmacology study is available on cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Considering the α-
adrenergic activity of R. aculeatus components, the need of such studies should be discussed in light of
clinical safety data.

No other toxicity studies are available. The ESCOP monograph reports repeat-dose toxicity and
reprotoxicity studies performed in rabbits and rats, respectively. However, these studies remain
unpublished so that the information available is very sparse. Therefore, they cannot be taken into
consideration for safety evaluation.

The lack of adequately conducted genotoxicity and embryo-fetal toxicity studies precludes the listing of
R. aculeatus. Additionally, as no long-term study is available, the carcinogenic risk cannot be

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3.4. Overall conclusions on non-clinical data

Non-clinical data on Ruscus aculeatus rhizome activity supports the traditional use as medicinal
product to relieve symptoms of discomfort and heaviness of legs related to minor venous circulatory
disturbances as well as for relief of itching and burning associated with haemorrhoids.

The reported pharmacological effects are not considered contradictory to the traditional uses.

Specific data on pharmacokinetics and interactions are not available.

Non-clinical information on the safety of Ruscus aculeatus rhizome is scarce.

As there is no information on reproductive and developmental toxicity, the use during pregnancy and
lactation cannot be recommended.

Oral administration of Ruscus aculeatus rhizome can be regarded as safe at traditionally used doses
with the exception of patients with severe renal or cardiac disease e.g. renal and heart failure.

Tests on reproductive toxicity, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity have not been performed.

4. Clinical Data
Clinical data on efficacy and safety of R. aculeatus alone are very limited.

4.1. Clinical pharmacology

4.1.1. Overview of pharmacodynamic data regarding the herbal

substance(s)/preparation(s) including data on relevant constituents

Clinical pharmacology on R. aculeatus is not well documented. Two publications have been identified.

In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover, 4-arm study, 20 healthy volunteers (11

men and 9 women aged between 20 and 43 years) took a single dose of four different treatments
immediately before the first measurements: 450 mg R. aculeatus extract, 450 mg trimethylhesperidin
chalcone (TMHC), 900 mg of a combination of the two substances or a placebo. A 1-week wash-out
phase was provided between the treatments. The venous function was determined by
plethysmography. Volumetric measurements were performed in orthostatic conditions with normal
blood flow (foot volume) and after a pronounced ischemia (tissue volume). The difference between foot
volume and tissue volume corresponds to the blood volume. Heamodynamic and volumetric reactions
were monitored before intake and after 70, 90, 120 and 150 minutes. R. aculeatus extract caused a
significant decrease in venous capacity and venous outflow. R. aculeatus extract also significantly
reduced tissue volume compared to placebo whereas the decrease in blood volume was not significant
(Rudofsky, 1991).

Assessor’s comments:

Details on the R. aculeatus extract were not specified.

A long term study was also performed with 141 patients, with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), who
were recruited to a randomized, double-blind, multicentre study. The cause of late CVI was either
primary varicosis or post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS). After a two weeks washout, they were given 4
weeks of treatment with 3 x 2 and then 8 weeks with 2 x 2 capsules of R. aculeatus extract or placebo.

The patients venous pump function during toe-stand exercises were also investigated by

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In CVI patients there was a continuous decrease in the foot and ankle volume after a 12-week
treatment with active substance whereas the volume increased under placebo. The tissue volume was
reduced by the same degree as the foot volume in PTS patients. In varicosis patients, the reduction in
leg swelling was due to a decrease in tissue volume and volume of blood stored in the veins during
orthostasis (Rudofsky, 1991).


On the basis of publications, the quality of the two available pharmacodynamics studies cannot be
evaluated. For example, the characteristics of the patients are incomplete as well as the design of the
studies. The statistical analysis is not given. Moreover, the characteristics of the R. aculeatus extract
are not specified. However, the findings corroborate the preclinical pharmacological properties
described in section II.2.1 the alpha-adrenergic effect and thus a venous vasoconstrictive effect that
account for a reduction in volume of blood stored in the veins and for a stimulating effect on the
lymphatic drainage. These two pharmacological properties assume a positive effect in patients
suffering from chronic venous insufficiency.

Dose-effect studies are missing which preclude from justifying the dosage regimen used in the clinical

Other methods of functional exploration could have been used to evaluate the effect on veins (e.g.

4.1.2. Overview of pharmacokinetic data regarding the herbal

substance(s)/preparation(s) including data on relevant constituents

During a pilot study involving three volunteers, the major spirostanol glycosides of R. aculeatus
(degluconeoruscin and deglucoruscin) were detected in human plasma after an oral administration of
1g of R. aculeatus extract (Rauwald and Grunwidl, 1991)

Assessor’s comments:

The only conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that degluconeoruscin and deglucoruscin
seems to be absorbed after R. aculeatus extract oral administration. Of note, the characteristics of the
extract are not given. The publication wasn’t detailed enough to determine the grade of CVI, the dose
administered, the statistical analysis and the Doppler procedure.

Available pharmacokinetics data are too scarce. The pharmacokinetics of R. aculeatus extract should
further studied.

4.2. Clinical efficacy

4.2.1. Dose response studies

According to the provided literature no dose-finding studies have been conducted with R. aculeatus
extract alone neither in patients with chronic venous insufficiency nor in patients suffering from
haemorrhoids. Monographs dosage recommendations are empirical.

With respect to the ESCOP and the Commission E monographs an adult daily dose should be equivalent
to an amount of 7 to 11 mg of total ruscogenins. The French herbal preparations containing R.
aculeatus alone recommend a daily dose equivalent to an amount of around 10 mg of total ruscogenins

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with regard to a traditional use in subjective symptoms of chronic insufficiency such as sensation of
heavy legs.

4.2.2. Clinical studies (case studies and clinical trials)

The efficacy of R. aculeatus has been proposed in the different following indications. A review of the
literature for each indication has been performed.

1. Chronic venous insufficiency

Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI): symptoms and therapeutic measures Chronic venous insufficiency
is a common disease which is characterised by symptoms due to disorders of the venous return in the
lower leg and in foot. The situation leads to an increased pressure in the veins and lack of blood flow to
the legs and feet. The main symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency are: leg heaviness, aching,
dilated or unsightly veins and oedema (swelling). In the more severe cases, patients can have skin
colour changes, recurrent skin infections and chronic ulcers.

Two main options to treat symptoms due to chronic venous insufficiency are firstly compression
therapy which has demonstrated an efficacy to reduce leg volume, to hinder progression and to reduce
symptoms. This therapy can be completed or replaced by the use of systemic veno-active drugs.
Physical activity such as for example walking or swimming can also be suitable.

Clinical efficacy and safety data:

Only one clinical study, with R. aculeatus extract alone, performed in patients with chronic venous
insufficiency (CVI) has been found in the literature Vanscheidt and al. (2002).


This multicenter double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study has been performed with a
R. aculeatus extract alone and published (Vanscheidt et al., 2002). The aim of this trial was to confirm
the efficacy and safety of a R. aculeatus dry extract (15-20 : 1) extraction solvent, methanol 60%
(v/v) according to the latest scientific standards.

Design: The study enrolled women suffering from chronic venous insufficiency (Widmer classification
grades I and II, CEAP classification 3-5) and was conducted at 10 different centres in Germany.
Randomisation was carried out after a 2-week placebo run-in phase. The treatment phase lasted 12
weeks. Checkpoints were scheduled after 4, 8, and 12 weeks of treatment.

Treatments: Active treatment and placebo were taken twice daily (morning and evening) orally with
some fluid. One capsule active treatment contained 36.0-37.5 mg dry extract from Ruscus aculeatus
rhizome with a drug extract ratio of 15-20 : 1 (excipient methanol 60%) corresponding to an amount
of around 4.5 mg of total ruscogenins.


- The primary variable of the study was the change in foot and lower leg volume, measured as the
area under the curve of volume changes over the 12-weeks treatment-time of (AUB0-12, area under

- Among the secondary variables “changes in leg volume” and “changes in subjective symptoms” were
evaluated after 12 weeks of treatments.

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All measurements were carried out at the same time of the respective days in the late afternoon or
early evening. Before the measurements the patients underwent a 45-min temperature and
cardiovascular equilibrium period in a sitting position. The leg volume was determined by water
displacement. The ankle and lower leg circumference were measured using a measuring tape. The
measurements were carried out at the lateral and medial ankle and the middle of the middle of the
lower leg.

The subjective symptoms: tiredness and heaviness, sensation of tension, tingling sensation, and pain
were assessed at each visit before the volume measurements. The subjective symptoms were
evaluated by a 10 cm Visual Analog Scale (VAS) where 0 was equivalent to “no complaints” and 10 to
“strongest complaints”.

The quality of life was investigated at visits 1 and 5 by a disease specific and validated questionnaire
on the quality of life which included subjective symptoms and life style judgement (Launois et al.,
1996). It ca be compared with FLQA (Freiburger Life Quality Assessment). Global efficacy was assessed
by the investigator with a four point scale (very good, good, moderate and bad).

Results: Overall, 167 patients were screened, of whom 166 were randomised and included in the
study. Eighteen had insufficient data and were excluded from the efficacy analysis.

Efficacy on leg volume: For the AUB 0-12 , the median values (min/max) were – 656 [ml x day] (-
13972/5908) for the R. aculeatus extract and 175 [ml x day] (-22795/4970) for placebo which
reflected a decrease of leg volume in the Ruscus group but an increase in the placebo group. Statistical
analysis revealed a significant treatment contrast (p < 0.001). Moreover, the median values of all
parameters showed a decrease over time reflecting an increasing reduction of leg volume, ankle
circumference, lower leg circumference, and subjective symptoms in the R. aculeatus extract group.
With the placebo treatment generally, the baseline values were maintained for all parameters.
Significant differences between the treatment groups were seen for the volume changes of the lower
leg after 8 and 12 weeks, ankle circumference after 4, 8 and 12 weeks, lower leg circumference for 8
and 12 weeks, and finally after 12 weeks for the subjective symptom 1 (heaviness and tiredness) and
subjective symptom 2 (sensation of tension).

Evaluation of subjective symptoms : The global efficacy of the R. aculeatus extract was evaluated by
the investigator as very good and good more frequently, whereas placebo was more frequently
assessed as moderate and bad (p = 0.0498). A significantly positive correlation coefficient was
calculated for the changes of each of the subjective symptoms 1 (heaviness and tiredness), 2
(sensation of tension) and 3 (tingling tension) and leg volume changes.

Quality of life: The Quality of life did not reveal any changes after 12 weeks of treatment for both

Assessor’s comments:

The study of Vanscheidt and al (2002) is deserving of being the first and the only one clinical study
performed with a Ruscus extract alone. Nevertheless, it is always rather difficult to appreciate the real
quality of a study through a publication. Several methodological insufficiencies remain unsolved and
information is missing such as: lack of complete protocol with modalities of randomisation, sample
calculation and power of the study.

Moreover, the respect of the double-bind procedure cannot be evaluated.

18 patients have been excluded from the analysis for insufficient data of which no information is given.
At 12 weeks, all missing data have been replaced by a LOCF value (last observation carried forward).
However, we do not know how many data are missing.

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Lastly, the study has been conducted in 10 centres in Germany; however, the homogeneity between
centres has not been evaluated in terms of recruitment or clinical practices. Taking into account these
overall comments, efficacy results should be interpreted with caution.

According to the author, the study was designed in accordance with the guidelines for testing drugs for
chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), i.e. study design with oedema reduction as the primary variable. It
has to be noted that these guidelines were written by the author himself and published in “Phlebologie”
after the beginning of this study i.e. April 1999 (Vanscheidt et al., 2000) and that oedema is not
considered as a cardiovascular risk factor in the recommendations made by the European Society of
Hypertension and the European Society of Cardiology in 2007.

Although we can agree with most of the proposed design of this study (e.g. inclusion and exclusion
criteria, duration of the study), the clinical relevance of the primary criterion is debatable. Even if
oedema reduction as primary variable can be considered a reliable quantitative primary end-point to
evaluate one of the pharmacological effects of Ruscus aculeatus, the clinical relevance of this primary
variable is questionable. According to the assessor’s opinion,, improvement in subjective symptoms
such as sensation of heaviness or tiredness, tingling or pain should be of more clinical relevance. As
stated by the author himself, any reduction of oedema is only regarded as clinically relevant if it is
accompanied by an improvement in patient’s quality of life.

Thus, despite significant results regarding the primary variable and the positive correlation shown
between leg oedema and all the subjective symptoms except pain, the clinical relevance of these
results remains questionable. Indeed, the positive effect relative to the subjective symptoms is very
limited. The difference between both groups for the subjective symptoms “tingling sensation” and
“pain” are not statistically significant and the significance of the difference for the two other subjective
symptoms “heaviness and tiredness” and “sensation of tension” is debatable taking into account the
multiplicity of the analyses. Moreover, the treatment response measured by the disease specific
questionnaire on the quality of life appeared negative at the end of this study as results on this
questionnaire did not reveal any changes in both arms).

In conclusion, the credit that we can attribute to this study is to have tested a Ruscus extract alone.
The posology of the extract used in the study is in adequacy with the one recommended by the
available monographs i.e. a daily dose equivalent to an amount of 7 to 11 mg of total ruscogenins.
However, the level of evidence of R. aculeatus extract efficacy in relieving symptoms of chronic venous
insufficiency given by this study is low. It has to be noted that the efficacy was not evaluated in men.
Other studies to confirm these results are deemed necessary. Evaluation of a sustained efficacy over a
longer period (up to 1 year) has not been studied.

Due the lack of consistency of this single clinical study, rapporteur consider that requirement for
considering the well-established use of the Ruscus aculeatus rhizome dry extract (15-20 : 1) extraction
solvent, methanol 60% (v/v), are not fulfilled.

Other Clinical Efficacy Data - Human pharmacological studies

Additional studies (Rudofsky and Nobbe., 1982; Rudofsky et al., 1989) were provided in addition to the
only clinical study to sustain efficacy results. Accessors are of the opinion that results, despite the fact
that they demonstrate an increase of the tonus of the venous wall, are of limited interest as Ruscus
aculeatus extract was not tested alone but in combination with other substances. It is therefore
difficult to differentiate a specific effect of Ruscus aculeatus extract from the effect of the combinations

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- Meta-analysis

Clinical data for Ruscus aculeatus have also been published in a meta-analysis that included 20
placebo-controlled randomised double-blind studies. However, the conclusions of the meta-analysis by
Boyle et al. (2003) cannot be taken into account. Indeed, this publication is related to a preparation
which contains Ruscus aculeatus extract (150 mg per capsule), hesperidine chalcone (150 mg) and
ascorbic acid (100 mg) and not to R. aculeatus extract alone; this demonstration of the clinical efficacy
cannot be attributed to Ruscus.

- International Consensus Symposium

The International Consensus symposium, held during the 13th Congress of European Society for
Clinical Hemorheology (ESCH) in Siena (Italy), 2005, concluded that vaso-active drugs (VAD) are
effective and may be applied in chronic venous disease (CVD), when symptomatic, at any class of
CEAP. The Consensus statement of the international experts also declares, that “in some cases VAD
may replace compression and/or complement its effects”. The experts classified, based on the
available data, both the horse chestnut extract and R. aculeatus extract to “Grade B” of their
recommendation explained in the statement published by Ramelet et al. (2005) Despite this
conclusion, accessors consider that the efficacy of Ruscus aculeatus to relieve symptoms of chronic
venous insufficiency is not demonstrated due to the lack of relevance, for this procedure, of the study
and the meta-analysis.

- Comparative study with another herbal:

Lancet 1996; 347: 292-4.

Comparison with horse chestnut extract (), study “Comparison of leg compression stocking and oral
horse-chestnut seed extract therapy in patients with chronic venous insufficiency”.

Results of a randomised placebo-controlled three-armed study performed with horse chestnut extract
were published by Diehm et al. (1996). This study demonstrated that on the criterion oedema
protection (leg volume reduction), results are comparable between horse chestnut extract, and leg
compression stockings.

However, this extrapolation of results to Ruscus aculeatus extract is not adequate. This indirect
comparison is hazardous and cannot be accepted as no direct comparison has been performed between
Ruscus aculeati extract and leg compression stockings.

2. Haemorrhoids

No clinical studies are available in the treatment of haemorrhoids with Ruscus aculeatus alone. Most of
the studies are performed with a Ruscus combination with various flavonoïds. One cannot rule out a
positive synergistic effect of the combinations. Thus the proper efficacy of R. aculeatus is difficult to
assess (Abascal and Yarnall, 2005).

Experiments on single cases: patients treated with a 10% hydro-alcoholic (alcohol 30°) Ruscus. extract
given per os were reported (Caujolle et al., 1953). Over 11 cases followed during a few months, 10
cases showed an improvement of the symptoms whereas in one case R. aculeatus extract was
ineffective. However, this later patient was suffering from haemorrhoids associated with haemorrhage.

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Another successful case corresponding to a pregnant women treated locally with suppository was

In addition, the author reported 13 out of 15 observations from rural physicians corresponding to
patients treated either per os or locally using suppository.

Assessor’s comments:

Despite the identified R. aculeatus pharmacological effects i.e. enhancement effect on venotonicity, not
well-conducted studies are available with Ruscus aculeatus alone.

Even if there is evidence to suggest that R. aculeatus extract is effective in relieving symptoms of
haemorrhoids, this evidence is of very low level. Further researches in that field are needed. However,
due to the long-term use of R. aculeatus extract-containing products in this indication, R. aculeatus
can be considered as traditional herbal medicinal product for symptomatic relief of itching and burning
associated with haemorrhoids.

3. Orthostatic hypotension

One case of profound refractory orthostatic hypotension treated for longer than 2 years has been
reported (Redman, 2000). The author recommends one “standard” 470 mg capsule of Ruscus
aculeatus every hour from waking till evening until blood pressure is high enough that it is no longer
needed. This corresponds to doubling the normal “recommended” dose of two capsules three times
daily. It has to be noted that the author recommends even so combining the intake of Ruscus with
non-pharmacological measures and other natural products medicines.

Assessor’s comments:

According to the author, with regard to its identified pharmacological properties R. aculeatus
application and extension to the treatment of orthostatic hypotension is obvious. In the assessor’s
opinion this application should be clearly better documented. To date, with regard to the available
data, no recommendation can be given.

4. Diabetic retinopathy

One study involving R. aculeatus alone has been found in the literature (Archimowicz-Cyrylowska et
al., 1996).

The study was carried out with 60 patients (32 women, 28 men), aged from 20-75 years, mostly
suffering from non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (type II) for 1-27 years, characterized by non-
proliferative diabetic retinopathy. They were randomly assigned to three equal groups: Group I -
treated with troxerutin (Venoruton Zygma, GmbH) 1 tablet containing 0.5g of 0-(beta-hydroxyethyl)-
rutoside 2 times a day; Group II - treated with 1 capsule containing 0.0375g of R. aculeatus extract 2
times a day, and Group III – treated with 2 tablets of pressed buckwheat herb (each tablet containing
0.5g Fagopyrum esculentum herb and 0.03 troxerutin, 3 times a day. During the study period of 3
months, all subjects remained on stable diabetic diet, unchanged hypoglycaemic medication for the
period of treatment. If administered earlier, any hypolipaemic medication was withdrawn at least 4
weeks before the onset of the study.

At the beginning, as well as on the last day of the investigation each patient was subjected to an
ophtalmological examination and clinical biochemistry. The oscillating potentials of the
electroretinogram were also recorded.

→ Results:

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Group I, medicated with troxerutin, was characterized by a decrease in amplitude of oscillating
potentials by 21 % considering both eyes. In contrast, in group II and group III, treated with R.
aculeatus and buckwheat herb, an increase in amplitude of oscillating potentials (by 15 % and by 18 %
respectively) was observed. The changes in the amplitude detected were statistically insignificant when
compared with the initial values.

In all patients treated for 3 months with troxerutin, Ruscus and buckwheat herb preparations, a slight
statistically insignificant increase in visual acuity was observed.

Examination of the anterior segment of the eyeball after 3 months of pharmacotherapy did not show
any differences when compared with the initial picture in all the groups evaluated.

A regression of changes located in fundus of eye was demonstrated in 27.8% while a progression in
5.6 % of patients treated with troxerutin was observed. Evaluation of the fundus of the eye in group II
(R. aculeatus extract) revealed a quite distinct improvement in 23.1 % of patients and no cases with
progression, while in patients receiving buckwheat herb (group III) an improvement was demonstrated
in 26.7 % and a deterioration in 3.3 % of the examined diabetics.

Mean blood serum concentrations of glucose significantly decreased by 12.7% in the troxerutin treated
group, by 10.6 % in the Ruscus group and by 15.1 % in subjects medicated with buckwheat herb.
Similarly, concentrations of glycosylated haemoglobin were lower after the 3-month period of
treatment in all groups studied.

Assessor’s comments:

The design of the study is not acceptable for many reasons, such as:

– The patients are not adequately defined: the stage of the non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy
is not given; no reference is made to an approved European diabetic retinopathy classification
such as the ETDRS classification; neither baseline blood pressures nor baseline glycosylated
haemoglobin concentrations are given.

– With regard to the pathology, the duration of the study is too short.

– Only 20 patients were enrolled in each group of treatment.

– With regard to the pathology, the choice of the comparators is not justified and cannot be
considered as relevant. Moreover, there is no comparison with a placebo.

Thus, the design of this study is not relevant and cannot be taken into account.

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Table 6: Clinical studies on humans, in chronic venous insufficiency

Type (aim) Study Test Product(s): Number of Healthy Outcomes (primary Statistical Comments
and Design and herbal preparation, Subjects Subjects or and secondary analysis on clinical
objective(s) Type of pharmaceutical (including Diagnosis of endpoints) (e.g. ITT relevance
of Study Control form; age, sex, Patients yes/no, CI of results
Reference Study Dosage drop out) (inclusion criteria) 95%)
duration Regimen; Quality
(if Route of score
available) Administration e.g. Jadad
Duration of score
Efficacy and multicenter Ruscus extract Ruscus 167 women 166 women suffering - primary variable: AUB0-12, The level of
safety of a R. double- screened, of Chronic venous change in foot and lower median evidence of
aculeatus blind, Active treatment and whom 166 insufficiency (Widmer leg volume, measured values: efficacy in
extract in randomized, placebo were taken were classification grades I as the area under the – 656 [ml x relieving
chronic venous placebo- twice daily (morning randomised and II, CEAP curve of volume - day] for the symptoms of
insufficiency controlled and evening) orally and included in changes over the 12- Ruscus chronic
with some fluid. the study. 18 had insufficient weeks treatment-time of extract venous
Vanscheidt et data and were (AUB0-12, area under group; insufficiency
al., 2002 One capsule active excluded from the baseline). and 175 [ml is low. It has
treatment contained efficacy analysis.3-5) x day] for to be noted
36.0-37.5 mg dry - secondary variables: placebo that the
extract from Ruscus changes in leg volume; efficacy was
aculeatus rhizome changes in subjective Significant not
with a drug extract symptoms. treatment evaluated in
ratio of 15-20 : 1 contrast (p < men.
(solvent methanol evaluated after 12 0.001). Evaluation of
60%) corresponding weeks of treatments. a sustained
to an amount of Subjective efficacy over
around 4.5 mg of total The subjective symptoms : a longer

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Type (aim) Study Test Product(s): Number of Healthy Outcomes (primary Statistical Comments
and Design and herbal preparation, Subjects Subjects or and secondary analysis on clinical
objective(s) Type of pharmaceutical (including Diagnosis of endpoints) (e.g. ITT relevance
of Study Control form; age, sex, Patients yes/no, CI of results
Reference Study Dosage drop out) (inclusion criteria) 95%)
duration Regimen; Quality
(if Route of score
available) Administration e.g. Jadad
Duration of score
ruscogenins. symptoms: tiredness (p = period has
and heaviness, 0.0498). not been
12 weeks sensation of tension, studied.
tingling sensation, and
pain were assessed at
each visit before the
volume measurements.

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Table 7: Clinical studies on humans, in chronic diabetic retinopathy

Type (aim) Study Test Product(s): Number of Healthy Outcomes (primary Statistical Comments
and Design and herbal preparation, Subjects Subjects or and secondary analysis on clinical
objective(s) Type of pharmaceutical (including Diagnosis of endpoints) (e.g. ITT relevance
of Study Control form; age, sex, Patients yes/no, CI of results
Reference Study Dosage drop out) (inclusion criteria) 95%)
duration Regimen; Quality
(if Route of score
available) Administration e.g. Jadad
Duration of score
Efficacy and 3 arms Group I - treated with 60 patients (32 Ophtalmological Group I, The design
safety of a randomized troxerutin 1 tablet women, 28 examination decrease in of the study
Ruscus extract containing 0.5g of 0- men), aged amplitude of is not
Clinical biochemistry
in chronic (beta-hydroxyethyl)- from 20-75 oscillating acceptable:
diabetic rutoside, 2 times a years, mostly Oscillating potentials of potentials by
– The
retinopathy day; suffering from the electroretinogram 21 %
patients are
non-insulin considering
Group II - treated not
(Archimowicz- dependent both eyes.
with 1 capsule adequately
Cyrylowska et diabetes
containing 0.0375 g of Regression defined: the
al., 1996) mellitus (type
Ruscus extract of changes in stage of the
II) for 1-27
(Fagorutin-Ruscus, fundus of non-
Fink GmbH), 2 times a eye in proliferative
day, 27.8% ; diabetic
by non-
Progression retinopathy
Group III – treated proliferative
in 5.6 % is not given;
with 2 tablets of diabetic
no reference

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Type (aim) Study Test Product(s): Number of Healthy Outcomes (primary Statistical Comments
and Design and herbal preparation, Subjects Subjects or and secondary analysis on clinical
objective(s) Type of pharmaceutical (including Diagnosis of endpoints) (e.g. ITT relevance
of Study Control form; age, sex, Patients yes/no, CI of results
Reference Study Dosage drop out) (inclusion criteria) 95%)
duration Regimen; Quality
(if Route of score
available) Administration e.g. Jadad
Duration of score
pressed buckwheat retinopathy. Group II is made to
herb (each tablet increase in an approved
containing 0.5g amplitude of European
Fagopyrum oscillating diabetic
esculentum herb and potentials retinopathy
0.03 troxerutin , 3 (by 15 %) classification
times a day. such as the
During the study t of the
period of 3 months, all fundus of the
; neither
subjects remained on eye in 23.1
stable diabetic diet, % of
unchanged patients; no
hypoglycaemic cases with
nor baseline
medication for the progression
period of treatment.
Group III, haemoglobin
increase in concentratio
amplitude of ns are given.
– With
regard to the

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Type (aim) Study Test Product(s): Number of Healthy Outcomes (primary Statistical Comments
and Design and herbal preparation, Subjects Subjects or and secondary analysis on clinical
objective(s) Type of pharmaceutical (including Diagnosis of endpoints) (e.g. ITT relevance
of Study Control form; age, sex, Patients yes/no, CI of results
Reference Study Dosage drop out) (inclusion criteria) 95%)
duration Regimen; Quality
(if Route of score
available) Administration e.g. Jadad
Duration of score
(by 18 %) pathology,
the duration
of the study
is too short.
d in 26.7 % Only 20
and a patients
deterioration were
in 3.3 % enrolled in
each group.

– With
The changes
regard to the
in the
amplitude of
the choice of
is not
justified and
cannot be

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Type (aim) Study Test Product(s): Number of Healthy Outcomes (primary Statistical Comments
and Design and herbal preparation, Subjects Subjects or and secondary analysis on clinical
objective(s) Type of pharmaceutical (including Diagnosis of endpoints) (e.g. ITT relevance
of Study Control form; age, sex, Patients yes/no, CI of results
Reference Study Dosage drop out) (inclusion criteria) 95%)
duration Regimen; Quality
(if Route of score
available) Administration e.g. Jadad
Duration of score
as relevant.

There is no
with a

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4.3. Clinical studies in special populations (e.g. elderly and children)


According to the provided literature, no clinical studies have been conducted with Ruscus extract alone
in elderly.


According to the provided literature, no clinical studies have been conducted with Ruscus extract alone
in children.


The use of Ruscus extract alone has not been evaluated in pregnant women.

4.4. Overall conclusions on clinical pharmacology and efficacy

To date, the clinical data on Ruscus aculeatus extract that can be taken into consideration are limited
to only one publication of a randomized placebo-controlled study performed in patients with chronic
venous insufficiency (Vanscheidt et al., 2002). The results obtained from this clinical study suggest an
efficacy in the relief of symptoms such as “heaviness and tiredness” and “sensation of tension” in
patients suffering from chronic venous insufficiency. However, in the opinion of the assessor, the
provided evidence is insufficient to implement the Ruscus aculeatus monograph for a well-established
use in relieving symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency.

In the treatment of haemorrhoids, no clinical data are available with Ruscus aculeatus; only
pharmacological effects, data provided by studies with Ruscus aculeatus in combination and the long-
term use suggest that Ruscus extract is effective to relieve symptoms of haemorrhoids.

There is no sufficient data to sustain the indication of Ruscus aculeatus extract in orthostatic
hypotension and in diabetic retinopathy.

5. Clinical Safety/Pharmacovigilance

5.1. Overview of toxicological/safety data from clinical trials in humans

No data available

5.2. Patient exposure

Aside from market presence and data from studies, there are no concrete data concerning patient

5.3. Adverse events, serious adverse events and deaths

Results from the study published by Vanscheidt et al. (2002)

This study is a multi-centre, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial with women suffering
from chronic venous insufficiency to investigate the efficacy and safety of an extract of Ruscus
aculeatus rhizome. Randomization was carried out after a 2-week run-in phase at visit 2. During the

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run-in period, all patients received placebo. The following treatment phase with either R. aculeatus
extract or placebo in the two parallel groups lasted 12 weeks. Checkpoints were scheduled after 4, 8
and 12 weeks of treatment. The daily dosage of the R. aculeatus extract (72-75 mg dry extract from
butcher’s broom rhizome) was chosen according to the German monograph.166 Patients from 30 to 89
years-old were included. 37 patients experienced one or more treatment emergent adverse events:

– 17 patients experienced 22 adverse events in the R. aculeatus extract group, including 2 cases of
calf cramps;

– 20 patients experienced 26 adverse events in the placebo group, including 4 cases of calf cramps.

The tolerability was assessed as very good in 76.8% in the R. aculeatus extract group versus 78.8% in
the placebo group, good in 23.2% versus 20.0% and moderate in 0% versus 1.3%.

Assessor’s comments:

37 patients experienced adverse effects, of which 17 were in the R. aculeatus extract group. No
information is available on these cases regarding the nature and the seriousness, excepted for six of
them (2 in the Ruscus extract group and 4 in the placebo group), which were calf cramps. No
conclusion with regards to the safety of this extract can be drawn from these data.

Data from the literature

Three publications and one abstract presented during a French conference regarding the safety of
Ruscus aculeatus have been identified.

Valnet-Rabier et al., 2004 - The abstract reports one case of collagenous colitis which occurred in one
52 years-old female patient. This patient initiated R. aculeatus therapy about 10 months before the
diagnosis, which has been histologically confirmed. At the onset of the colitis, other fluid extracts were
taken by the patient, but none had a known colorectal toxicity.

Assessor’s comments:

Rapporteur´s comment: Due the lack of details no consequent conclusions could be drawn from this

Landa et al., 1990 - This publication reports one case of papulo-erythematous eruption of both legs,
that spread within a few days to the entire skin, with oedema of the eyelids in a 30 years-old pregnant
female patient, after the application of a vasoconstrictor cream for the treatment of varices. Patch
tests revealed positive results to R. aculeatus and thimoresal, 2 ingredients of the cream.

Elbadir et al., 1998- Eight cases of contact allergy were collected from 1986 to 1995, in patients
receiving ruscogenins containing medications. Ruscogenins are components of R. aculeatus. These 8
cases involve 6 women and 2 men aged from 28 to 55 years-old who experienced eczema at the
application site, after the use of a topic medication (7 cases) or a cosmetic cream (1 case). Prick tests
or patch tests were performed in 7 patients and all were positive for ruscogenins or R. aculeatus.

Ramirez-Hernandez, 2006 - One case of perianal eczema in one 34 years-old patient following the local
application of an antihaemorrhoidal cream. The outcome was favourable after therapy withdrawal.
Several months later, the patient developed a generalized eczematous cutaneous eruption one day
after the application of an anticellulitis product on the lower limbs. Patch tests for both creams
revealed a positive reaction to ruscogenins.

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Assessor’s comments:

According to these data, the local application of R. aculeatus or ruscogenins has been associated with
allergic reactions, mainly represented by contact eczema. In one case, the event spread to the entire
skin. In all cases, the outcome was favourable after therapy withdrawal and administration of

Sadarmin and Timperley, 2013 - One case of diabetic ketoacidosis in a 39-year-old diabetic woman
with poor glucose control and a glycosylated hemoglobin of 11.9% was reported following the
consumption (for five days) of an herbal medicine containing Ruscus aculeatus (no details on the
preparation or posology).

Rapporteur´s comment: Due the lack of details no consequent conclusions could be drawn from this


In case of hypersensitivity to ruscogenins or to the plant the use of R. aculeatus rhizome preparations
is contraindicated.

5.4. Laboratory findings

The review of the PSURs (Periodic safety update reports) regarding medicinal products containing R.
aculeatus (oral and cutaneous use) did not allow to identify other safety issues. Ruscus containing
creams may potentially be associated with allergic reactions, mainly eczemas; medicinal products for
oral use containing R. aculeatus in combination with other substances may cause diarrhoea and
lymphocytic colitis.

5.5. Safety in special populations and situations

No data are available

5.5.1. Use in children and adolescents

The use in children and adolescents is not recommended due the lack of data

5.5.2. Contraindications

No data are available.

5.5.3. Special Warnings and precautions for use

If some conditions, inherent to venous circulatory disturbances, such as inflammation of the skin or
subcutaneous induration, ulcers, sudden swelling of one or both legs, cardiac or renal insufficiency,
occur a doctor should be consulted.

If rectal bleeding occurs, associated with haemorrhoids, a doctor should be consulted.

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5.5.4. Drug interactions and other forms of interaction

None reported

5.5.5. Fertility, pregnancy and lactation

In an open study involving 9 pregnant women, 3 of the pregnant women applied 2 to 3 grams of a
Ruscus containing cream (100 mg of cream contains 1.6 grams R. aculeatus extract and 1.6 g Melilot
extract) twice daily during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. No embryotoxic effects were noted by the
author (Berg, 1991).

Assessor’s comments:

The study was performed with a combination of R. aculeatus extract and another product, thus a
conclusion on the safety of the R. aculeatus extract alone cannot be drawn. Furthermore, as the
combination has been administered during the third trimester of pregnancy, the embryotoxicity cannot
be ruled out, only the foetotoxicity is addressed.

In an open study, 20 pregnant women have been enrolled (Baudet et al., 1991). The women have
taken two capsules per day of a combination of R. aculeatus extract 150 mg, trimethylhesperidin
chalcone 150 mg and ascorbic acid 100 mg after 21 to 24 weeks of amenorrhea. Foetal development
was measured through the pulse Doppler method of the cord. The authors conclude that this test
shows “an absolute harmlessness for the infant, assessed with the usual clinical and ultrasonographic
criteria of pregnancy surveillance, with Doppler’s velocimetry at the level of the umbilical artery and
with the state of the infant and the anatomopathologic aspect of the placenta after birth.”

Assessor’s comments:

As for the prior study, this study was performed with a combination of R. aculeatus extract and other
products. The combination administered from the second trimester of pregnancy has shown neither
foetotoxic effect nor harmful effect for the new born.

In a review of the herbal treatments for haemorrhoids, some authors concluded that the available
studies in pregnant women treated with a R. aculeatus combination do not establish the safety of R.
aculeatus in pregnancy conclusively (Abascal and Yarnall, 2005).

Assessor’s comments:

No data are available with R. aculeatus extract alone. Even considering R. aculeatus combinations,
data are too limited to allow any recommendations.


As there are no clinical or animal data available on the use of R. aculeatus extract during lactation and
due to the potential harmful effect on the breast fed new born, particularly with regard to
gastrointestinal disorders, the use of R. aculeatus extract should be avoided during the lactation.

There are no data on fertility available.

5.5.6. Overdose

No data are available

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5.5.7. Effects on ability to drive or operate machinery or impairment of
mental ability

No data are available

5.5.8. Safety in other special situations

No data are available

5.6. Overall conclusions on clinical safety

No conclusion with regards to the safety of this extract can be drawn from the study published by
Vanscheidt et al. (2002) The data are too scarce and insufficient. No information is available on the
adverse effects regarding the nature and the seriousness, excepted for six of them (2 in the R.
aculeatus extract group and 4 in the placebo group), which were calf cramps.

Data from the literature highlight two kinds of adverse effects which have been associated with the
intake of R. aculeatus or ruscogenins containing products. The topical forms have been associated with
contact dermatitis. Although the patient received medicinal products containing multiple substances,
prick tests and patch tests allowed confirming, for the topical use, the responsibility of
Ruscus/ruscogenins in the occurrence of the allergic reaction.

The second well identified risk concerns to the development of diarrhoea/lymphocytic colitis after oral
administrationof medicinal products containing Ruscus aculeatus . The literature data seem to be
supported by spontaneous reports regarding different medicinal products and collected data in the
PSURs. However in these medicinal products are combinations of Ruscus aculeatus and other
substances and no definitive conclusion can be drawn regarding the effects of Ruscus aculeatus single

From the available studies, a conclusion on the safety of the use of R. aculeatus extract alone during
pregnancy cannot be drawn. The women were exposed to a mixture containing R. aculeatus extract
from the second trimester of pregnancy. Thus, the only conclusions which can be drawn relates to the
foetotoxicity or the new born effects. For a very limited number of pregnant women (23) no foetotoxic
effect appeared to date but complementary data are necessary to conclusively establish the safety of
the R. aculeatus extract alone during the latter pregnancy. No data on exposure during the first
trimester of pregnancy are available. So, no conclusion can be drawn about the teratogenic potential of
the R. aculeatus extract alone.

As there are no clinical or animal data available on the use of R. aculeatus extract during lactation.The
use of R. aculeatus extract during lactation is not recommended.

6. Overall conclusions (benefit-risk assessment)

Non-clinical aspects


Primary pharmacodynamics studies performed in vitro and in vivo using various experimental models
showed that R. aculeatus extract possess a contractile activity on veins. This activity is mediated by
stimulation of the α-adrenergic system. In vitro mechanistic studies showed that direct activation of
post-junctional α1-and α2-adrenergic receptors, and stimulation of the release of norepinephrine form
adrenergic nerve endings were involved. Although this effect does not appear to be clearly influenced
by the hormonal status (oestrogens, progesterone), it seems potentiated by temperature.

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In in vivo studies, this venoconstricting activity was shown after intravenous and oral routes; in the
hamster cheek pouch model, local application of the extract (i.e. in the superfusate) was also effective.
It should be noted that only one study was conducted by the oral route: at the level of hamster cheek
pouch microcirculation, the dose of 150 mg extract per kg/day administered for 28 days induced
venular constriction (internal diameter decreased by 30%) and arteriolar dilation (internal diameter
increased by 37%) without any impact on the mean arterial blood pressure, the latter effect being
attributed to liberation of endothelium-derived relaxing factors on the arteriolar side.

Similarly, other primary pharmacodynamics studies showed that R. aculeatus extract exerts a
contractile effect on lymphatic vessels in anaesthetised dogs at 2 and 5 mg/kg administered
intravenously. A rise in oncontic pressure suggested a favourable effect on oedema. This was
confirmed in a feline model of ethacrynic acid-induced oedema. The effective dosage amounted to 20
mg/kg by intravenous route, and 10-20 times higher by oral route. However, after subchronic
administration (4-6 days), the oral effective dosage decreased to reach 20-40 mg/kg/day. The same
study showed that ruscogenin was also effective, but that other components of the extract were
involved to obtain maximal activity.

Due to the mechanisms underlying the effect of R. aculeatus extract, pharmacodynamic drug-drug
interactions with any drug potentiating or antagonizing the α-adrenergic system are plausible.
However, reports on cases of drug interactions were not found.

Considering the pharmacological profile of R. aculeatus extract, i.e. stimulation of α-adrenergic system,
the lack of a safety pharmacology study evaluating its potential effects on the cardiovascular function
gives cause for concern. No toxicology study evaluating this endpoint is available. In the studies
performed in the hamster cheek pouch model, the mean arterial blood pressure was not modified after
IV administration of 5 mg/kg R. aculeatus extract, and oral administration at the dose of 150 mg
extract perkg.


Available pharmacokinetics studies should not be taken into account for regulatory purposes because
they are endowed with major bias precluding a full confidence in the results obtained.


Extracts used in two acute toxicity studies were obtained by ethanolic extraction. Their characteristics
(content in various compounds, e.g. ruscogenin and neoruscogenin) remain unknown. Potential
variability compared to the extract(s) intended for therapeutic cannot be evaluated. In dogs, a mean
intravenous LD 0 of 1.20 g/kg was measured, while the oral LD 50 of mice reached 25-34 ml/kg with
another extract. The authors attribute the cardiovascular findings observed in dogs at high doses
(decreased frequency of cardiac contractions, decreased blood pressure) to be secondary to alteration
of respiratory centres. In rats and mice, death occurred by respiratory failure too. No safety
pharmacology study is available on cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

No other toxicity studies are available. The ESCOP monograph reports repeat-dose toxicity and
reprotoxicity studies performed in rabbits and rats, respectively. However, these studies remain
unpublished so that the information available is very sparse. Therefore, they cannot be taken into
consideration for safety evaluation.

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The lack of adequately conducted genotoxicity and embryo-foetal toxicity studies precludes the listing
of R. aculeatus. Additionally, as no long-term study is available, the carcinogenic risk cannot be

Clinical aspects


On the basis of publications, the quality of the two available pharmacodynamics studies cannot be
evaluated. For example, the characteristics of the patients are incomplete as well as the design of the
studies. The statistical analysis is not given. Moreover, the characteristics of the R. aculeatus extract
are not specified. However, the findings corroborate the preclinical pharmacological properties that
acknowledge to R. aculeatus extract an alpha-adrenergic effect and thus a venous vasoconstrictive
effect that account for a reduction in volume of blood stored in the veins and for a stimulating effect on
the lymphatic drainage. These two pharmacological properties assume a positive effect in patients
suffering from chronic venous insufficiency.

Dose-effect studies are missing which preclude from justifying the dosage regimen used in the clinical

Other methods of functional exploration could have been used to evaluate the effect on veins (e.g.


Available pharmacokinetics data are too scarce.


The results obtained from Vanscheidt et al., (2002) suggest efficacy in the relief of symptoms such as
“heaviness and tiredness” and “sensation of tension” in patients suffering from chronic venous
insufficiency. As stated by the author himself, any reduction of oedema is only regarded as clinically
relevant if it is accompanied by an improvement in patient’s quality of life. However, the treatment
response measured by the disease specific questionnaire on the quality of life appeared negative at the
end of this study. Finally, the provided evidence is insufficient to implement the R. aculeatus
monograph for a well-established use in relieving symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency.

Moreover, the French National Authority for Health reassessed the benefice of all veinotonics in the
treatment of chronic venous insufficiency. All the veinonotics with marketing authorization in France
such as Ruscus extract and hesperidine methylchalcone, diosmin, troxerutin had been studied. The
conclusions of the Authority were that the efficacy of all the medicines was minor and the proofs given
to demonstrate the efficacy were poor.

In the treatment of haemorrhoids, no clinical data are available with R. aculeatus alone; only
pharmacological effects, data provided by studies with Ruscus in combination and the long-term use
suggest that R. aculeatus extract is effective to relieve symptoms of haemorrhoids.

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Based on the available data, the monograph information should remain limited to the traditional use in
subjective symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency such as sensation of heavy legs and in
symptomatic relief of itching and burning associated with haemorrhoids.

The daily dosage recommended for the Ruscus aculeatus containing products available on the market
is considered as acceptable as it is in line with dosages reported in literature.

The use in children and adolescents has not been established due to lack of adequate data.

Safety during pregnancy and lactation has not been established. In the absence of sufficient data, the
use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended.


No conclusion with regards to the safety of Ruscus aculeatus can be drawn since data are too scarce
and insufficient. Data from the literature highlight two adverse effects which have been associated with
the intake of R. aculeatus or ruscogenins containing products. R. aculeatus containing products for
external use have been associated with contact dermatitis. Although the patient received medicinal
products containing multiple substances, prick tests and patch tests allowed confirming, for the topical
use, the responsibility of Ruscus/ruscogenins in the occurrence of the allergic reaction. However, the
topical use is not considered in the EU monograph.

The second identified risk concerns the oral administration of some Ruscus aculeatus containing
productsassociated with gastro-intestinal complaints, diarrhea/lymphocytic colitis. The literature data
seem to be supported by spontaneous reports and collected data in the PSURs, however respecting to
combinations of Ruscus aculeatus and other substances. Therefore, no definitive conclusion can be
drawn regarding the effects of Ruscus aculeatus single preparations.

The relevance of preclinical data on the cardiovascular system has not been confirmed by clinical data.

Form the available studies, a conclusion on the safety of the use of R. aculeatus extract alone during
pregnancy cannot be drawn. So, no conclusion can be drawn about the teratogenic potential of the R.
aculeatus extract alone. The use of R. aculeatus extract should be not recommended during

As there are no clinical or animal data available on the use of R. aculeatus extract during lactation and
due to the potential harmful effect on the breast fed new born, particularly with regard to
gastrointestinal disorders, the use of R. aculeatus extract should be avoided during the lactation.

Rapporteur overall conclusions

Based on the available data, the monograph information should remain limited to the following
indications and herbal preparations:

Indication 1)

Traditional herbal medicinal product to relieve symptoms of discomfort and heaviness of legs related to
minor venous circulatory disturbances.

a) Powdered herbal substance

b) Dry extract DER (2.5-6.5 : 1); extraction solvent: water)

c) Dry extract (DER 5.0-8.5:1), extraction solvent, ethanol 80% (V/V)

d) Dry extract DER (6-9:1), extraction solvent, ethanol 96% (V/V)

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Indication 2)

Traditional herbal medicinal product for symptomatic relief of itching and burning associated with
haemorrhoids, after serious conditions have been excluded by a medical doctor.

a) Powdered herbal substance

b) Dry extract DER (2.5-6.5 : 1); extraction solvent: water)

c) Dry extract (DER 5.0-8.5:1), extraction solvent, ethanol 80% (V/V)

For both indications if the symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks during the use of the medicinal
product, a doctor or a qualified health care practitioner should be consulted.

The use should be limited to adults.

Safety during pregnancy and lactation has not been established. In the absence of sufficient data, the
use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended.

Typical analytical marker(s) are ruscogenins (mixture of neoruscogenin and ruscogenin).

On the basis of the available information neoruscogenin and ruscogenin are considered by the HMPC
as contributing to the activity of Ruscus aculeatus rhizome herbal preparations.

A European Union list entry is not supported due to lack of adequate data on genotoxicity.


List of references

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