Suficient Conditions For Stability and Instability of Autonomous Functional-Differential Equations

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Suficient Conditions for Stability and Instability

of Autonomous Functional-Differential Equations*


Center for Dynamical Systems, Division of Applied Mathematics,

Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island


An autonomous functional-differential equation with finite time lag is a

generalization of the usual concept of differential equations with retarded
arguments of the form

Lqt) = F@(t), x(t - q), .-*, x(t - Q)),

where the 7j are positive constants. In this paper, we will be concerned with
the application of the concept of Lyapunov functionals to the determination
of sufficient conditions for the stability of such systems. Lyapunov functionals
have been applied to these equations by many authors and the reader should
consult the book of Krasovskii [9] for a detailed bibliography. Lyapunov
functionals can also be employed to discuss the stability of nonautonomous
systems; that is, systems in which F contains t explicitly, but we restrict
ourselves to the autonomous case since more general results are obtainable.
In particular, we wish to discuss the implications of a theorem of LaSalle [7j
for ordinary differential equations properly extended to functional-differen-
tial equations. Some of the results of this paper have been announced in [5j,
and the present paper contains the complete proofs of those results as well
as some new results on instability, and many applications. The extension
of the results to infinite time lag is contained in Section 4.
To discuss functional-differential equations in the proper setting, it is
necessary to introduce some notation, En will denote the real Euclidean space
of n-vectors and ] x ] will denote the norm of the vector x in En. If r > 0 is
given, C = C([ - r, 01, En) will denote the space of continuous functions

* This research was supported in part by National Aeronautics and SpaceAdmin-

istration under Contract No. NGR 40-002-015, in part by the United States Army
Research Office, Durham, under Contract No. DA-31-124 ARO-D-270 and in part
by the United States Air Force through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
under Contract No. AF AFOSR 693-64.

with domain [ - r, 0] and range in E n. The norm in this space will be the
uniform one: \j y 11= max-,rGeGO1(p(e)( for ‘p in C. Suppose x is any given
function with domain [- t, co) and range in Es. For any t > 0, we will let xt
denote a translation of the restriction of x to the interval [t - Y, t]; more
specifically, xt is an element of C defined by xt(e) = x(t + f?), - I < 8 < 0.
In other words, the graph of xt is the graph of x on [t - Y, t] shifted to the
interval [ - r, 01. The reader is urged at this point to use extreme caution
in distinguishing between the following symbols: x is a function taking
[- r, a~) into En, xt for t > 0 is a function taking [ - Y,0] into En, x(t) is the
value of x at t and x$(e) is the value of xt at 0, x(v) also has a special meaning
to be explained in a moment.
If H is a given positive constant, we use the notation C, for the
set (9 in C : 11y [I < H); that is, C, is the open ball in C of radius H.
Iff(v) is a function defined for every upin C, and 3(t) is the right hand
derivative ofx(t), we consider the following autonomous functionaldifIerentia1
equation :
*(t> =f(xt), t> 0. (1)

We say x(y) is a solution of (1) with initial condition v in C, at t = 0 if

there is an A > 0 such that x(v) is a function from [ - I, A) into En such that
x,(p)) is in C, for 0 < t < A, x,(v) = q and x(p)) (t) satisfies (1)
for 0 .( t < A.
In a manner quite analogous to that used for ordinary differential equations,
one can prove the following results: If f(~) is continuous in C’, , then for
any v in C, , there is a solution of (1) with initial condition cpat t = 0. If
f(v) is locally Lipschitzian in v then there is only one solution with initial
condition q at t = 0 and the solution x(p)) depends continuously upon v.
Also, f(v) locally Lipschitzian in v (or an even the weaker hypotheses that f
maps bounded sets into bounded sets) implies the solutions can be extended
in C until the boundary of C, is reached.
It is clear that the differential-difference equation discussed before is a
special case of (1). However, system (1) is much more general and, in partic-
ular, could be of the form

f(q) = F (I;, x(t+ ‘4de).

If f(0) = 0, then the solution x = 0 of (1) is said to be stable if for every
G > 0, there is a 6 > 0 such that 11y 1)< S implies xt(v) exists for t 2 0, is in
C, and 1)xt(v) I] < E for all t 2 0. If, in addition, there is an HI < H such
that 11v (1< HI implies xt(q) is in C, for t > 0 and x,(v) -+ 0 as t -+ co,
then the solution x = 0 is said to be a.symptoticaZiystable.
454 HALE

If V is a continuous scalar function on C, , we define V,,,(p) by the fol-

lowing relation


In this section, we consider some stability and instability theorems for

autonomous systems (1) along the lines of some results of LaSalle [fl on
ordinary differential equations. Part of this section appeared in a paper by
Hale [a.
We will always suppose that the function f(v) in (1) is continuous and
locally Lipschitzian on C, . When H = 03, then C, = C and we will be
speaking of global stability (H1 = ux).
Since (1) is autonomous, it is quite natural to consider system (1) as defining
motions or paths in C. In fact, we can define a motion through v as the set
of functions in C given by us,,,, ~~(9)) where the interval [- Y, A) is the
interval of definition of X(P). Anelement (CIof C is in Q(v), the w-limit set ofp,
if X(V) is defined on [ - T, co) and there is a sequence of nonnegative real
numbers t, , t, -+co as n-+oo such that ~~x~,(~)--IJ(~-+O as n+co.
A set M in C is called an invariant set if for any v in M, there exists a func-
tion x, depending on v, defined on (- CO, co), xt in M for t in (- co, co),
x0 = 9, such that if x*(u, a) is the solution (1) with initial value x, at 0,
then x*(u, x0) = xt for all t > cr. Notice that to any element of an invariant
set there corresponds a solution which must be defined on (- co, co).
For any H1 < H, there is a constant L such that 1f(~) 1 6 L for all v with
11v 11< H1 . From this, one easily obtains the following result:

LEMMA 1. If x(v) is a solution of system (I) with initial function ‘p at

0, defined on [- Y, 00) and II xt(v) 11< Hz < H for all t in [0, CD), then the
family of functions {xt(~), t 3 0) belongs to a compact subsetof C; that is, the
motion through q~belongs to a compact subset of C.
From this lemma, we obtain

LEMMA 2. If 9)in C, is such that the solution x(v) of qtem (1) with initial
function q~at 0 is defined on [ - Y, 00) and I/ xt(v) 11< H1 < H for t in [0, oo),
then Q(v) is a nonempty, compact, connected, invariant set and
&St (X&P,>,-Q(d) - 0 a.~ t--+03.
Proof. From Lemma 1, we know that the family of functions xi(v),
t > Y, belongs to a compact subset S of C and, furthermore, S could be

chosen to be the set of 4 in C such that /I$ I/ < Hi , I/ 4 11< K for some
constant K. This shows that Q(p) is nonempty and bounded.
If IJ belongs to 9(v), then there exists a sequence tn , tn -+ co as n + co,
such that 11xt,(v) - I+% (I + 0 as n + co. For any integer N, there exists a
subsequence of the t,, , which we keep with the same designation, and a
function g7(p)) defined for - N < T < N such that II x~,+.,(P))- g,(v) II--+ 0
as n + oc),uniformly for T in [ - N, N]. By the diagonalization process, one
can choose the t, so that 11xtn+,(v) - g,(v) Ij + 0 as n + co uniformly on all
compact subsets of (- co, co). In particular, the sequence x~~+,(P)) defines
a function g,(v) for - co < 7 < co. It is easy to see that g,(p)) satisfies (1).
Since g&p)) = #, it follows that the solution x~(#) of (1) with initial value y%
at 0 is defined for all values of t in (- co, co) and, furthermore, is in Q(v),
since II~t,+dv) - 44 II- 0 as n + co for any fixed t. This shows that
Q(v) is invariant. It is clear that Q(v) is connected.
To show Q(v) is closed, suppose #n in Q(p) approaches I/ as n --f 00. There
exists an increasing sequence of t, = t&,,) + CO as n + CO such that
IIxt,(v) - A II- 0 = n - ~0. Given any z > 0, choose n so large that
IIA - # II < 42 and IIxt,(~) - A II < 42. Then IIX#P) - 4 II < E for n
large enough which shows that 4 is in Q(p) and Q(v) 1s closed. But, clearly
Q(v) C S and since S is compact, it follows that 52(v) is compact.
To show the last assertion of the lemma, suppose that there is an increasing
sequence of t,, -+ co as n + co and an a: > 0 such that 11xt,(y) - 1,4II > OL
for all 9 in Q(v). Since x,,(cp) belongs to a compact subset of C there exists a
subsequence which converges to an element # in C and thus # is in Q(v).
This is a contradiction of the above inequality and completes the proof of
the lemma.

Remark. In the proof of Lemma 2, we only used the fact that xt(v) was
continuous in t, y and that x~(F,)belonged to a compact subset of C. Therefore,
the Lipschitz condition off could have been replaced by 11v I( < HI < H
implies If(q) I < L for some L.

THEOREM 1. Let V be a continuous scalarfunction on C, . If U, designates

the region where V(rp) < 1, supposethere exists a nonnegative constant K such
that I ~(0) 1 < K, V(v) > 0, and P,,,(~J) < 0 for all q~in U1 . If R is the set
of all points in U1 where ~&IJI) = 0 and M is the largest invariant set in R,
then every solution of (I) with initial values in lJ, approaches M as t + 00.
The conditions I ~(0) 1 < K, V(v) > 0 of this theorem can be replaced by
the condition that the region where V(p) < 1 is compact, but the theo-
rem as stated is more convenient in the applications. Thorem 1 together with
Theorem 3 below generalize results of LaSalle for ordinary differential
equations and the proofs are natural extensions of the ones given by LaSalle.
456 HALE

Proof. The conditions on I/ imply that V(X,(F)) is a nonincreasing func-

tion of t and I/(X,(~)) is bounded below within U, . Hence v in U, implies
x~(P,)in Ur and / x(y) (t) 1 < K for all t > 0 which implies 11xi(p)) jl < K for
all t > 0; that is, x,(g)) is bounded and Lemma 2 implies Q(v) is an invariant
set. But V(x,(y)) has a limit la < I as t -+ 03 and V = I, on G(v). Hence
Q(q) is in Ur and p(r) = 0 on Q(v). Consequently, Q(v) invariant implies
Q(q) is in M and Lemma 2 implies X,(F) + M as t + co, completing the
proof of the theorem.

COROLLARY 1. If the conditions of Theorem 1 are satisfied and Vcl,(q) < 0

for all v # 0 in U, , then every solution of (1) with initial value in Ut approaches
Notice that the conditions of Corollary 1 imply f(0) = 0 and 0 is in Ut .

THEOREM 2. Suppose f(0) = 0 and there exists a function u(s) which is

continuous and increasing for 0 < s < H with u(O) = 0. In addition, assume
there is a continuous scalar function V(y), V(0) = 0, deJned on C, such that

4 do> I) G V(v) (3)

h,(P)) G 0, (4)
for all p in C, . Under these conditions, the solution x = 0 of (1) is stable.
Furthermore, the solution x = 0 of (1) is asymptotically stable and every solution
of (1) approaches0 as t + CD,provided the initial value q~satisfies V(q) < I,, ,
I, = lim,, u(r), and the only invariant set in Vfl,(y) = 0 is 0.
Proof. There exists a function w(s) continuous and nondecreasing for
s > 0 sufficiently small, w(0) = 0, and V(y) < w(j] 9, 11)for II 9, 11sufficiently
small. For any 6, 0 < E < H, choose 6 < c so small that w(6) < U(E). If y is
in C, , then V(x,(cp)) nonincreasing implies

for all t 2 0. Therefore I x(v) (t) ] < E for all t > 0 and, thus, I/ xt(v) /) < E
for t 3 0. This shows the solution x = 0 is stable. The second part of the
theorem is proved as follows. Since u is increasing the set Ut of q~for which
V(v) < I satisfies the conditions of Theorem 1 if I < I,, and, thus, by Corol-
lary 1, every solution in U, approaches zero as t + co. This completes the
We can now deduce the following interesting corollary of Theorem 2. This
corollary is also true for nonautonomous equations and may be found in
Krasovskii [9]. Of course, the proof for the nonautonomous case is more

COROLLARY 2. Suppose f(0) = 0, V(p)) satisjes condition (3) and there

exists a function w(s), w(s) continuous, nonnegative and nondecreasing on [0, H)
such that
Wd < - 41 v(O) I)-

Then the solution x = 0 of (I) is stable and zf w(s) < 0 for s # 0, then it is
asymptotically stable.

Proof. The stability follows immediately from Theorem 2. If w(s) > 0

for s # 0, then the largest invariant set in the set where r(r) = 0 must be
those solutions of (1) for which 1x(t) 1 = 0 for - cc < t < co; that is the
solution x = 0. This completes the proof.

THEOREM 3. Let C, = C and V be a continuous scalar function on C. If

V(v) >, 0, V&v) < 0 for all v in C and R is the set of q~ in C for which
Vt,, = 0 and M is the largest invariant set in R, then all solutions of (I) bounded
for t > 0 approach M as t + co.
If, in addition, there exists a function u(s), nonnegative and continuous for
0 < s < co, u(s) -+ co as s -+ co, such that

4IdO) I) d V(?J) (5)

for all p in C, then all solutions of (I) are bounded for all t > 0.

Proof. The first part of the theorem proceeds essentially as in Theorem 1.

The boundedness property proceeds as follows. For any v,, in C, there is a
constant m such that V(v) > V(q+,) for /v(O) 1 > m. Since V(X~(~)) is a
nonincreasing function of t, it follows that j x(v) (t) ( < m for all t > 0
which implies 11x,(p) I( < m for all t > 0 and the theorem is proved.

COROLLARY 3. Iff(0) = 0, all of th e conditions of Theorem 3 are satisjed

and V(0) = 0, Vtl) < 0 for q~# 0, then all solutions of (I) approach zero
as t -+ 00 and the origin is globally asymptotically stable.
We next give a theorem on instability of the solution x = 0 of (1). In the
statement of this result

THEOREM 4. Suppose V(p) is a continuous bounded scalar function on C,

and there exist a y and an open set U in C such that the following conditions are

(i) V(q) > 0 on U, V(v) = 0 on that part of the boundary of U in C,,;

(ii) 0 belongs to the closure of U A Cy;

458 HALE

(iii) V(p) < ~(1~(0) 1) on U n Cy; u(s), continuous, nonnegative and non-
decreasingon [0, H), u(O) = 0;
(iv) v&(v) 2 0 on Ct( 0’ n C,) and the set R of v in CZ(U n C,) such
that p&(v) = 0 contains no invariant set of (1) except qo= 0.
Under theseconditions, the solution x = 0 of (1) is unstable and the trajectory
of each solution of (1) with initial value in U n C, must intersect cY in some
finite time.
Proof. SUPPOSE q. E U n C,. By hypothesis (iii), j v,,(O) / 2 u-‘(V(~~))
and (iii) and (iv) imply that xt = x,(& satisfies

I x(t) I > U-‘(@t)) 3 u-‘(QJ)

as long as xt E U n C, . If xt leaves U n C, , then it must cross the boundary,
X,, , of C, . In fact, it must cross either aU or W, , but it cannot cross al7
inside C,, since Y = 0 on that part of aU inside C, and V(x,) > V(v,,) > 0,
t > 0. Now, suppose that xt never reaches X’, . Then xt belongs to a compact
subset of CZ(U n C,) for t >, 0. Consequently, xt approaches Q(va), the
w-limit set of ‘po, and Q(,,) C CZ(U n C,). Since V(x,) is monotone non-
decreasing and bounded above, it follows that V(x,) -+ c, a constant, as
t + co, and, thus, p&xt($)) = 0 for # in Q(&. Since # in Q(q,) implies
1#(O) 1 > U-‘(V(va)) > 0, this contradicts hypothesis (iv). Consequently,
there is a value of t, such that 1x(tl) 1 = y. Hypothesis (ii) implies instability
since v0 can be chosen arbitrarily close to zero. This completes the proof of
the theorem.

Remark. Condition (iv) of Theorem 4 is certainly satisfied if there exists a

continuous function w(s), 0 < s < H, increasing and positive for s > 0 such
vl,(d 2 $1 do) I).
In fact, the largest invariant set in U satisfying Ifl”l, = 0 is obviously empty.
Theorem 4 with condition (iv) replaced by this type of inequality also holds
for nonautonomous systems. The reader can easily supply the proof.


The remainder of this paper is devoted to examples illustrating the applica-

tion of these results to specific equations.
Example 1. Suppose n = 1 and

f(v) = - s” a(- 4Ad8) &


where g(x) is a real function defined for all real x, locally Lipschitzian in x,

G(x) “Af j: g(s) ds + 03 as IXl--+% (6)

and a(t) is continuous together with its first and second derivatives on [0, Y].
We also suppose that

U(f) = 0, a(t) z 0, a) < 0, ii(t) > 0, 0<t<r. (7)

System (1) is then given by

=- j"u(
- e)
de=- stt-r
a(t - u)g(x(u)) du. (8)

We wish to investigate along the same lines as Levin and Nohel [S] the
relations between the solutions of (8) and the second order ordinary differen-
tial equation
f + u(O)g(jc) = 0. (9)
First of all, we derive the second order functional-differential equation
which all solutions of (8) must satisfy. If x is a solution of (8), then it has
continuous second derivatives. Differentiation of (8) and making use of (7)

w + 4Mw
=- t d(t - u)g(x(u)) du
I t-r

= h(r) f-‘g@(u)) du - I:, ii(t - 8) ( j;g(s(u)) du) de

= - dir)P_,g(x(t+ 0))de+ J-y,4 - 4 (11de + 4) do)de.

Consequently, every solution of (8) must satisfy the equation

w + 4omw = - 4~) $ gw + 4) de

+ ~~r4- 4 (j-)?@(I + 4) du) de

for t > 0.
Equation (10) arises in the applications in the problem of the stability
of a circulating fuel nuclear reactor (see Ergen [JJ). In this case x represents
460 HALE

the neutron density in the reactor. Also, the same equation arises in some
one dimensional problems in viscoelasticity where x then represents the
strain and a the relaxation function.
Suppose y(t) is any continuous function defined on (- co, co). In the
following, we shall be interested in such functions y(t) which satisfy the
additional conditions:

if d(r) f 0, then

-$Y(t + 0 &J = 0; for -03<t<al (114


if ii(s) # 0 for some s in [0, r], then

Iy(u(t + 4) de = 0 for -co<t<m. (lib)

We shall say that Q(y), the w-limit set of an orbit of (8) through 9, is the union
of orbits of solutions of (9) which satisfy (II) if Q(q) is the union of sets of
the form u-, <t<m 4~ 81, where 401, B) (t) is a solution of (9) defined for
- co < t < co, U(OL,j3) (0) = 01,ti(~~,/3) (0) = /3, and u(or, j3) (t) satisfies (11).
Notice that any solution of (9) which satisfies (11) also satisfies (10).
Not all solutions of (10) are solutions of (8). In fact, integration of (10)
from 0 to t yields

- k(0-t)= - J:-,u(t- u)&(u))au+ 1’--F
du, (12)

which is equivalent to (10). Given any initial function v in C, one must

choose $O+) in a special manner to obtain a solution of (8). In fact, &(O+)
must be such that

*(o+) = - So a( - e) gtv(e)) de.


This is an additional restriction that must be satisfied by the solutions of

the second order ordinary differential equation (9).
If we define a solution of (10) to be a function which is continuous together
with its first derivative, then a solution x with initial function v at t = 0 is
such that k(O+) = +(O-) and any solution of (10) is a solution of the system

k(t) = - 1” a(- 0)g(e + e)) de + c (13)


where C is given by

c = $40) + 1” a(- e)&f+v de

and q is the initial function for x. Therefore, any statement about the solutions
of (8) is a statement about the solutions of (10) provided the initial function
satisfies conditions which ensure that C = 0. Notice that any constant func-
tion is a solution of (10) and this is not the case for (8). Later, we will discuss
some more specific relations between (8) and (10) under more restrictive
conditions on the function g.

THEOREM 5. If system (8) satisfies conditions (6) and (7), then every
solution of (8) is bounded and the w-limit set of any solution of (8) is the union,
as explained above, of orbits of solutions of (9) which satisfy (II).
Proof. We use the same Lyapunov functional introduced by Levin and
Nohel [S]. If M is the minimum of G(x) defined in (6) and

hdd = i 4~)[J”“,gbw de]2- +Jy,tic- 4 [J:dds))do]

by the hypothesis (7). The hypotheses also imply that the conditions of
Theorem 3 are satisfied and, thus, every solution of (8) is bounded and must
approach the largest invariant set of (8) in the set where rcs, = 0. It is clear
that this latter set R consists of all those v in C for which

-sgh49) de = 0 for any s in [0, r] for which ii(s) # 0. (14)

But all solutions of (8) satisfy (10) and any solution in an w-limit set must be
defined on (- co, co) and satisfy (14) for all t in (- co, co). Finally this
implies these solutions must satisfy (9) and (1 I), completing the proof of the
Two questions now present themselves in a natural manner: (i) What are
the possible solutions of (9) which satisfy (11) ? What additional conditions
on u(t) and g(x) will ensure that Q(F) is generated by only one solution of (9) ?
We now give some partial results in an attempt to answer these questions.
462 HALE

COROLLARY 4. If system (8) satisfies conditions (6) and (7) and there is an
s in [0, T] such that tits) > 0, then (8) has no nonco~tant periodic solutions.

Proof. There exist s0 < si such that ii(s) > 0 for s,, < s < si . If (8) has a
periodic solution xi(v) then Q(v) = utx,(cp), and Theorem 5 states that it
must be generated by a nonconstant periodic solution u(t) of least period p
of (9) satisfying (1 lb) for s0 < s < si . But integration of (9) yields

C(t) - ti(t - s) = - a(0) 1’ g(u(t + 0)) d8 = 0,


which implies G(t) is periodic of period s for so < s < s1 . But this is impossi-
ble since zi(t) is periodic of period p. This proves the corollary.

COROLLARY 5. If system (8) satisfies conditions (6), (7), xg(x) > 0 for
x # 0 and there tS an s in [0, Y] such that ii(s) > 0, then the solution x = 0 of (8)
is globally asymptotically stable.

Proof. The condition ii(s) > 0 for some s implies a(O) > 0 and this
together with the conditions on g(x) imply that every solution of (9) is periodic
and the only constant solution is zero. Theorem 5 and Corollary 2 imply the
conclusions of the theorem.
Corollary 5 is essentially the same as the one of Levin and Nohel [S].
Corollary 5 is a statement of global asymptotic stability of the solution
x = 0 of (8). Can we use this result to draw any conclusions about the solu-
tions of (IO) ? Any constant function satisfies (10) and one would suspect
that any solution of (10) approaches a constant as t -+ co. This seems rather
difficult to prove in the general case, but we can prove the following simple
result from Corollary 5. If for any real constant b, there exists a real 6 such that

h(y) =dy + 8) --b

satis$es the condition

where g(y) satisjies the conditions of corollary 4, Gzrz fo-r a given solution x of
(lo), there is a constant a such that x ---f a as t -+ co. In fact, if the solutions
of (10) are required to have continuous first derivatives as stated in the remarks
preceding Theorem 5, then the system (10) is equivalent to the system

i(t) = - s” a(- 0) [g(x(t + 8)) - +] de


c =do-)+ so
4- 4&(W, yeso-? a(- 0) d0

and q is the initial value of the solution x under investigation. If we let

b = C/S, 6 be defined as above and x = y + 6, then y satisfies (8) with
some appropriate initial values and approaches zero by Corollary 5. Thus, we
have proved the above result.
There are many functions g(x) which will be such that h(y) satisfies the
above conditions. In fact, if xg(x) > 0 for x # 0, 1g(x) ) + co with ] x (,
g’(x) > 0 for all x, then this is true. In particular, the functionsg(x) = e” - 1,
g(x) = x, etc. satisfy these conditions.
Now, let us consider a more particular case and investigate the possible
o-limit sets of (8). Let a(O) = 1 and

g(x) = - x + 2. (15)
Suppose there are s,, < sr such that ii(s) > 0, s,, < s < s, . The conditions
of Theorem 5 and Corollary 4 are satisfied and the w-limit set of any solution
of (8) with g(x) given by (15) must satisfy


O g(x(t + e)) de = 0 for all s in [so , s,]. (16)

s --8

The phase portrait of the solutions of (16) is easily shown to be as in Fig. 1.

FIG. 1.

By Corollary 4, the only possible candidates for an Q(v) of (8) are shown in
Fig. 2. The curves around 1, - 1 are determined by solutions z+(t) > 0,
%(t) -=c0, - co < t < co, respectively. But there is a T such that
0 < z+(t) < 1, - 1 < t+(t) < 0, for t > T and, thus, for any s # 0

for t > T.
464 HALE

This shows that ui(t), us(t) cannot have orbits which belong to an Q(q).
Consequently, the w-limit set of any solution of (8) with g satisfying (15)
must be one of the three constant functions - I, 0, 1.
For this same particular example let us analyze the stability properties of
each of the constant solutions - 1, 0, 1. If 01is either of these solutions,
the linear variational equations relative to LYare

9(t)= - j”,-,a(t - T) (- 1 + 32)y(7) d-r. (17)

If the solution y = 0 is asymptotically stable or unstable then it follows

from results of stability theory that the same is true for the complete varia-
tional equations. For (Y= f 1, Corollary 5 implies the solution y = 0
of (17) is asymptotically stable and using the negative of the V-functional
employed in the proof of Theorem 5 and applying Theorem 4, one finds
that for 01= 0, the solution y = 0 of (17) is unstable. Consequently, any
nonconstant solution of (8) with g satisfying (15) approaches either + 1 or
-1 as t-+oO.

FIG. 2.

It should be clear the particular form g(x) given in (15) is not at all essential
for the above type of results and one could have a function g(x) with many
zeros on the axis.
If ii(s) = 0 for all s then the behavior of solutions of (8) may be more
complicated. The following result indicating this fact is due to Levin and
Nohel [S]. The proof of the theorem is essentially the same as in [S].

THEOREM 6. If system (8) sati+ (6), (7), and a(s) = (r - s)/r,

0 < s < I, xg(x) > 0 for x # 0, then every solution of (8) is bounded and the

w-limit set of any solution of (8) consistsof the orbit of somesolution u(t) of (9)
which satisfies the condition
-rg(4t + '3) de = 0, -co<t<~m. (18)

In this case, u(t) must be periodic of some period p and there must be an
integer m such that mp = Y. If ii + g(u) = 0 and mp = Y then u satisfies (8).

Remark. If the only solution of (9) which satisfies (18) is the solution
x(t) = 0 for all t, the zero solution of (8) is globally asymptotically stable. In
particular, this is true if g(x) = a%, G > 0, and Y f 0 (mod 27r/u). If Y s 0
(mod 24~) and g(x) = a2x, th en every periodic solution of (9) is a periodic
solution of (8). Also, it will be clear from the proof that g(0) = 0 and (6)
implies the zero solution of (8) is uniformly stable.

Proof of Theorem 6: From Theorem 5, Q(q) must be the union of orbits of

solutions of (9) which satisfy (18) since ii(s) = 0 for all s. All solutions of (9)
are periodic and it is easy to see that (18) implies the periods must satisfy the
property stated in the theorem. We now analyze the detailed structure of
Q(v). Let Q(v) be the w-limit set of an element p in C obtained by moving
along trajectories of (8). Choose V as the function used in the proof of
Theorem 5 except with A4 = 0. Since Q(v) is invariant, V(x,(z/)) is constant
for 1/1E Q(v), co < t < co. Therefore, V(X,(#)) = 0 for (lr E Q(v) if and only
if Q(v) = (0). N ow suppose 0 $ Q(v). Then V(X,(#)) = v > 0 for $ E Q(v),
- cc < t < co. Furthermore, 52(p) consists of periodic solutions (9) which
satisfy (18) and the only periodic solutions of (9) which satisfy (18) must have
a period p(a) such that m(a)p(a) = Y f or some integer m(a). On the other
hand, since Q(v) is connected and p( a!) is continuous, this implies all solutions
of (9) which lie in Q(v) must have the same period; that is, mp = Y, m and p
independent of (Y.
Now let u(t, 01), ~(0, a) = - 01< 0, ti(0, a) = 0, 0 < 01~< 01< C+ be
those periodic solutions of (9) which 1ie in Q(q), 0 6 Q(v). Then each u(t, 01),
‘or < a! < (~a has the same period p with mp = Y for some integer m and
V(u,((Y)) = v > 0, 011d 01< Q12) - co < t < co. If we show that our = 01~)
this will complete the proof of the theorem. Using the fact that

qt, 4 = -g(u(t, a)),

we see that

v(%b>) = GMt, 4) + +Ei’(t, a) + ; s”, ti2(t + T, at)dT.

G(u(t, a)) + + ti2(t, 0~)= G( - a)
466 HALE

for all t, this implies

V(ut(a)) = G(- a) + ; jr, S(t + T, a) dT

= G( - a) + $ j”, z?(T, a) dT.

The latter relation follows because ii is periodic of period p = r/m. Further-

more, from the symmetry of the curves defined by u(t, a), G(t, a) in the
U, ti plane, it follows that

=G(-a)++jr 9
[G(- a) - G(u(T, a))] dT

= G(- a) + --!- j”‘“’ PC-- 4 - WW2 de

pz/z --o

where /I(a) > 0 is defined as the unique positive number such that
G(- a) = G@?(a)). F rom the properties of g, it follows that V(u,(a)) is a
strictly increasing function of a and this is a contradiction unless aI = aa .
To prove the last assertion of the theorem, note that

-s t L - t - ‘) g@(u)) du = ,;-, L - g - ‘) iidu = ti(t)

from an integration by parts and the periodicity. This completes the proof
of Theorem 6.
Can we use this result to draw some conclusions about system (IO)? Let
us suppose g(x) is such that 1g(x) 1-+ co with / x 1and for any real constant b
there is a 6 such that
h(y) zfg(r + 6) - b
satisfies yh(y) > 0 for y # 0, then using the same argument as that after
Corollary 4, the transformation x =y + 6 where

y = ’ a(0) de, C = q-(O)+ j” a(- @y(e) de,

s --c --7
yields the equation
j(t) = - j” a(- e) h(y(t + 6)) de.
The function h satisfies the conditions of Theorem 6 and therefore the
w-limt set of any solution consists of an orbit of

ji + h(y) = 0

generated by a periodic solution of period p with mp = I for some integer m.

Therefore, every solution of (10) is asymptotic to a constant plus a periodic
solution for large values of t.
Using the same V functional as in the proof of Theorem 5 and assuming
that g(x), a(t) satisfy the conditions (6), (7), and in addition F(x) is any
continuous function of x which is locally Lipschitzian in x, and satisfies

&VW > 0 for x # 0, F(0) = 0, g(0) = 0,

one shows that the zero solution of the equation

2(t) =F(x(t)) - j:_, a(t - T)g(x(u)) du

is globally asymptotically stable.

Example 2 (Volterra [IO]). Consider the equation

A%(t) + Bx(t) = IiF x(t - 0) do (19)

where A, B, F are symmetric matrices, F is continuously differentiable and


With M defined as above and k(t) = r(t), we can rewrite (19) as

Aj(t) = - ah(t) + Qqe) [x(t - e) - x(t)] de (21)

System (21) is more general than (19) and for (21) to be equivalent to (19)
the initial conditions for (21) must be chosen in a special manner. However,
we are going to discuss the more general system (21). Following Volterra [IO],
we define V(v, +) as

+ Qj-i [d- 4 - dfvW I$(- 4 - 9-w de.

468 HALE


+ $ + ,I-, [-+) - 40l’JYt - 4 M4 - Wd~

= y’(t)p(e) [x(t- 8)- x(t)]de


- * [x(t- Y)- x(t)]‘F(r)[x(t - Y)- x(t)]

+ 8 i;-, W) - 4W$ - 4 b(4 - 491du
stt-r y’(t)F(t - u) [x(u) - x(t)] du

= - + [x(2 - Y) - x(t)]‘F(r) [x(t - Y) - x(t)]

+ 3 ( [x(t - 6) - x(t)]’ P(6) [x(t - 6) - x(t)] d6.


bA% $4= - 8 kP(- 4 - dWfv) M- r) - do>1

+ &j-’0 [d- ‘4 - dO)l’P(e)[d- 4 - v,(O)1
de< 0. (23)

THEOREM 7 (Volterra [Zo]). If A > 0, M > 0, F(B) > 0, and there is a

6, in [0, Y] such thatP(8,) < 0, then evmy solution of (21) approaches zero as
Remark. This theorem is actually a generalization of the result of Volterra,
since he assumed F(r) = 0, ,z’(e) < 0 f or all 0 in [0, I] and only showed that
all solutions of (21) were bounded and there were no constant or periodic
solutions. Of course, these conclusions are enough to imply that all solutions
approach zero as t -+ CO.
Proof of Theorem 7: Since I’(t),) < 0, there exist 0, < e2 such that
P(e) < 0 for 8x < 13< e2 . Furthermore, from (23), ~~21,(~, $) = 0 implies
v(- 6) = ~(0) for all 8 for which I”(S) < 0; in particular, for e1 < 8 < 8, .
For a solution xt, yt of (21) to belong to the largest invariant set in the set
where P = 0, we must have x(t - 0) = x(t) for all t in (- co, co) and
13,< 0 < 0, _ Consequently xt must be a constant function which implies
yt = 0, which in turn implies &k(t) = 0 and M > 0 implies x(t) = 0 for

all t. Thus, the largest invariant set of (21) in the set whete r(zl)(v, 4) = 0
is (0,O). Since V satisfies the conditions of Theorem 2, the origin si asympto-
tically stable. This completes the proof of the theorem.

THEOREM 8. If A > 0, M 3 0, p(e) = 0, F > 0, 0 < 0 < r, then all

solutions of (21) are boundedand the w-limit set of any solution of (21) must be
generated by periodic solutions of period r of the system

*=y A$ = - Bx. (24)

Proof. Using relation (23) for rca,, we see that the set where r = 0
consist precisely of those initial functions for which +-T) = p(O). Con-
sequently for a solution to belong to the set where P = 0 it must be periodic
of period r. But any nontrivial periodic solution of a linear equation with
constant coefficients has zero average over the period and it follows that the
largest invariant set in the set where p = 0 must be periodic solutions of
period r which satisfy (24). The conditions of Theorem 2 are satisfied and-
the theorem is proved.
In the case where x is a scalar, it is easy to show that the w-limit set of any
solution of (21) satisfying the conditions of Theorem 8 is generated by at
most one solution of (24).
We now prove the following instability theorem for the case where M < 0.

THEOREM 9. If A > 0, M < 0, F(B) > 0, 0 < 8 < r, I”(0) < 0,

0 < 0 < Y, and there is a B0 in [0, r] such that P(0,) < 0, then the solution
x = 0, y = 0 of (21) is unstable.
Proof. If V is chosen aa in (22), then p&, satisfies (23). The same argu-
ment as given in the proof of Theorem 7 shows that the largest invariant set
of (21) in the set where p&, = 0 is (0,O). Furthermore, V(v, $) < 0 if and
only if

hw 440) + ii J-1[d- 4 - d0rw M- 0) - ml de

< - &p’(O) My(O).

The set U of p, # satisfying the relation is certainly open and 0 belongs to

the boundary of U. The conditions of Theorem 4 are satisfied for the func-
tion - V and any solution of (21) with initial values (p), #) # (0, 0), (p, #)
in U must approach infinity, completing the proof of the theorem.

Example 3 (Interaction of species, Volterra [ZZ]). In [II], Volterra has

discussed the following model for the interaction of two species. Let N,(t),
N,(t) be the numbers of species of type A, B respectively, at time t. Species A
470 HALE

has an unlimited food supply and species B relies upon A for his development.
For positive constants r, ci, yi , j = 1, 2, and nonnegative functions Fr(8),
F,(B), 0 < 0 ,< r, the species are assumed to evolve according to the relations

In the classical model of the interaction of A and B, the functions Fl , F,

are zero. The additional terms involving F,(B), F,(B) allow for more inter-
action between the species A and B. For the simple model it is well known
that all solutions of (25) with Nr > 0, N, > 0 are periodic and encircle an
equilibrium point in the (N, , N,)-plane. As we will see below, the more
general system (25) has an asymptotically stable equilibrium point under very
general assumptions on Fl , F, .
The equilibrium points of (25) are (0,O) and (Kr , K,), Kr = c2/(yZ + r,),
K, = E& + r,), rj = JLF,(e) de, j = 1, 2. The point (0,O) is obviously
unstable. We wish now to analyze the behavior of the solutions of (25) in a
neighborhood of the equilibrium point (Kr , K,). If we let Nr = &(I + x),
N, = K,(l + y), then we obtain the linear variational equations

w = - PYW - Jr G(e) [Y@- 8) - Y@>la


j(t) = qx(t) + /‘F(d) [x(t - 0) - x(t)] 4 (26)



4 q= +s‘F(e)
P= +f W’)
7iK2 de,

F = K,F2 > 0,

and we make the assumption that p > 0, Q > 0. If we can show that system
(26) is asymptotically stable, then the equilibrium point (Kr , Ka) of (25) is
asymptotically stable. Notice that (26) is a generalization of the scalar version
of (21). In fact, we obtain (21) by putting G = 0 and replacing y by - y.

THEOREM10. 1fp > 0, q > 0, F(B) >, 0, G(8) 2 0, I’<@ < 0, e(e) d 0,
0 < ~9< Y, and there is a 0, in [0, Y] such that either P(L),) < 0 or G((e,) < 0,
then every solution of (26) approacheszero as t -+ Q).

Proof. Define

Vx, , rt) = hi” + + ~~(4 + + j’ W) [r(t - 0) - y(t)]” de


+ 8 j+?) [x(t - e) - x(t)]2 de.

It follows that

hdxt ,34 = 8 jr c;‘(e) [r(t - 4 - ~(q12 de

+ + j:P(e) [x(t - e) - my de < 0.

Therefore all solutions of (26) are bounded. If there is a 0, in [0, r] such that
$‘((e,) < 0, then xt in the largest invariant set in the set where P = 0 must
satisfy x(t - e) - x(t) = 0 for e in an interval containing e,. Consequently,
x = c a constant and the differential equation implies x = 0, y = 0. There-
fore, Theorem 2 implies every solution approaches zero as t -+ co. The
other case is treated in exactly the same manner and the theorem is proved.
One could obviously generalize this example to a system of equations of
a special type.

Example 4. Let us consider a special nonlinear version of Eq. (19);

namely, the second order system

w = r(t)
90) = - ww + j’wkwt - 4 - mi de (27)

where h(x), g(x) are continuous functions of x such that x/z(x) > 0, xg(x) > 0

H(x) “zf 11 h(s) ds + co as IXI-+CO.


G(x) = j’g(s) ds

VP, #>= &#2(O)+ WdW + j’ 0WI GM - 4 - (PP)Ide,

one easily obtains

tic2,)(xt , yt) = -F(r) G[x(t - I) - x(t)] + j-i 2$3) G[x(t - 0) - x(t)] de.
472 HALE

If we suppose F(B) 3 0 for all 0 and there is a 0, such that P(0,,) < 0, then,
as in the previous example 2, one shows that every solution of (27) approaches
zero as t + a3. If P(0) = 0, 0 < 0 < Y and F(r) > 0, then every solution of
(27) is bounded and the w-limit set of any solution of (27) must consist of
periodic solutions of
k”--y j = - h(x) (28)

of period Y. If there are no periodic solutions of (28) of period Y except the

solution (0, 0), then every solution of (27) approaches zero.

Example 5 (Krasovskii [9], p. 173). Consider the equation

w = YW

9(t) = - f(r(t>> - ‘dw + 1” wt + Wy(t + 4 de (29)


f(x)/x > b > 0, g(x)/x > a > 0, 144 I -=c-L Y -=cb/L,

for all x, If h(x) = dg(x)/dx, system (29) is related to a second order differen-
tial-difference equation. For any scalar functions v, # defined and continuous
on [- r,O], define


and v is a positive constant to be determined.

A direct computation shows that

If T < b/L, then one can always find a positive v for which the integrand is
positive definite in #(O), #(e) w h ic h im pl ies ~~2s)(~,I#) = 0 if and only if
4 = 0. But, the only invariant set of (29) which lies in the set of (q,, 4) for
which $ = 0 is (0,O). Consequently, the above theorems may be applied
to obtain the results that the solution x = 0, y = 0 of (29) is asymptotically
stable and if, in addition G(x) -+ co as j x I-+ co, this solution is globally
asymptotically stable.

Example 6. Consider Eq. (29) with

-f(x)/x > b > 0, g(x)/x > a > 0, Ih(x) I CL7 Y < b/L,

and let

J’b, #I= %dW + +2(o) - v /;, (1; #“P> de) dT

G(x) = s=g(s) ds

and v is a positive constant to be determined. A direct computation shows that

for some convenient v > 0 (and in fact, any v < 2b/r) if Y < b/L and
p&,(y, #) = 0 if and only if 4 = 0. But, the only invariant set of (29) for
which # = 0 is v = 0. Since V satisfies the conditions of Theorem 4, the
origin is unstable.
As a special case of this example, let us consider the Rayliegh equation
with retardation,

2(t) - E (1 - T) R(t) + X(t - Y) = 0, E > 0,

which, for Y = 0, can be transformed into the well known van der Pol equa-
tion. If this equation is considered as a system,

w = r(t)
j(t) = < [l - fp] y(t) - x(t) + f,Y(t + 4 de, (30)

then, comparison with (29) yields

-fcY)=+ -G)Y

g(x) = x, h(x) = 1.
For any y, 0 < y < 1, if y2 < r2 < 3, then -f(y)y > ~(1 - r2) > 0.
Consequently, from Theorem 4 and the computation in the above example, it
follows that the solution x = 0 of (30) is unstable if r < ~(1 - p). The region
U where V > 0 consists of all 9, I/ for which

@(O)+ #2(o) > v I”, (11 #“P) de) dT

474 HALE

where v > 0 can be chosen as small as we like with the only restriction on v
being that v < ~(1 - y2)/r. Theorem 4 implies that any solution of (30) with
initial function q~E U n C+ must reach the boundary of C,+ in a finite
time. If r = 0 this is the same result as one obtains for ordinary differential
equations; namely, if Eq. (30) has a cycle it must be outside the set U n Cd,
if r < ~(1 - y2). This type of result states that the properties of the type men-
tioned above are continuous in r.
Example 7 (Krasovskii [9], p. 10). Consider the scalar equation

L+(t) = - ax(t) - bx(t - r) (31)

where a > 0, b are constants. If x is a scalar take 1x / as the absolute value of x.

where p > 0 is to be determined, then

V(31j(~t) = - ax2(t) - bx(t) x(t - r) + p+(t) - px2(t - T)

and 3&xt) is a negative definite quadratic function of x(t), x(t - I) if

(a - TV)f~ > b2. Consequently, if TV= a/2 and b2 < a2, then the conditions
of Corollary 2 are satisfied and the solution x = 0 of (31) is globally asymp-
totically stable (the global nature follows from the linearity).
In the above discussion of (31), the particular Lyapunov function used
yielded a stability region which is independent of r and the sign of b. The
exact region of stability for (31) is easily computed (see Bellman and Cooke [2])
and is indicated in Fig. 3. The region 1b 1 < a is the maximum region for
which stability is assured for all values of r, 0 < r < 00. On the other hand,
as r -+ 0 the true region of stability for (6.1) approaches the half-plane
We ask the following question: is it possible to use a Lyapunov function
to obtain a region of stability which depends upon I and has the same quali-
tative structure as the true region of stability ? In particular, can we use a
Lyapunov function to obtain a region of stability which approaches the half-
We proceed as follows. Let OLbe a constant and p(0) be a continuously
differentiable function of 8 for - T < 8 < 0. If

V(x,)= $p + ax(t)J’ X(U)du + ,:-, B(u- t) X”(U)du (32)

k I 4) I2< wt> < K IIxt II9


B(e) > Jq 7 --r<e<o. (33)


P(2,,(xt) = - f [” - al B(o) 9(t) + ; (a + a) x(t) x(t - r)


+ v xyt - I) + am(t) X(U)

+ dm(t - r) X(U) + &u - t) I”] du.


476 HALE

Consequently, if /I satisfies (33) and the integrand is positive definite in x(t),

x(t - Y) and X(U), then Corollary 2 will imply the uniform asymptotic
stability of the solution x = 0 of (31). The necessary and sufficient con-
ditions for the integrand to be positive definite in these variables is that
a, 8, a, b and c satisfy the following set of inequalities:

d, d2f a - a - /3(O) > 0

A, “Lf d,fl(- Y) - $(a + by > 0

A, “zf d,@) - $ [b?l, - b(” + b) + B(- Y)] > 0. (34)

If we assume that d, > 0, A, > 0 then the previous inequalities will be

satisfied if
A, dzfu - a. - /3(O) > 0

Consequently, if for given a, b and Y we can choose 01and ,8(e) so that relations
(33) and (35) are satisfied, then the point (a, b, Y) will correspond to a set of
the parameters for which (31) is asymptotically stable.
Let us check first of all to see whether we can obtain the same results as
before for the region of stability which is independent of Y. For 01= 0,
inequalities (33) and (35) do not depend on Y explicitly and reduce to /3(B) > 0,
B(e) > 0, - Y G e G 0, a > p(O), b2 < 4(u - /3(O))fl(- Y). Suppose there
is a constant q < 1 such that b2 < qu2, a > 0. Then we can satisfy the inequa-
lities if we choose /3(e) close enough to u/2, which yields the same result as
We now make some rather crude estimates of 01,/3 to obtain some informa-
tion about that part of the stability region which depends on Y and is con-
tained in the region a + b > 0. In particular, we want to see if it is possible
to obtain the region of stability as the region a + b > 0 if Y -+ 0. If we let
01= - b - 2/3- Y) [this maximizes A,], then our inequalities (33), (35)
will be satisfied if

B(e) > Y (b +4;r(j; y))‘L(bd, + /3(- r))”

p(e) > $ (2/3(- y) + Q2, - r G e < 0,

4 = a + b - (kW - 8(- 41, A, = [a + b - B(O)] 8(- y).


We see from these inequalities that as r -+ 0, the region defined by (36)

with /3(e) sufficiently small approaches the region a + b > 0, which coin-
cides with the true stability region. It would be interesting to investigate how
well the stability region of (31) can be approximated by a clever choice of the
constant (Yand the function fi in (32).
Example 8. Consider again the equation

z+(t) = - m(t) - bx(t - I),

where a + b < 0 and Y is any positive constant. We wish to prove by use of

Lyapunov functions that the solution x = 0 of this equation is unstable.
The exact region of stability for this equation is shown in Fig. 3. The region
a + b < 0 is the interior of the intersections of the instability regions as a
function of Y.
If F is any given function and

F(t - u) [x(u) - x(t)12 du,

then it is easily seen that

P*(x,) = p(xt) = - (a + b) x2(t) - b[x(t - r) - x(t)] x(t)

+ *F(r) [x(t - r) - x(t)]2

-Q +. P(t - u) [x(u) - x(t)]” du

I t-r

+ y-,w - f4 [x04 - 4Ql

x [- (a + b) x(t) - b{x(t - Y) - x(t)}] du.

If the expression for 3 is written as an integral from [t - Y, t], then the

integrand will be a positive definite quadratic form in x(t), [.r(t - Y) - x(t)],
[X(U) - x(t)] if the following inequalities are satisfied:


A, “zf - (a + b)F(r) - p > 0

A, Ef - A-$(B) - (a +2b’a ’ F2(0) F(r) > 0, 0 < 13< Y.

If a + b < 0, it is clear that these inequalities can be satisfied by a continu-

478 HALE

ously differentiable positive function F(B), 0 < 8 < Y. Consequently, there

exists a positive number 4 such that

F’*(d V(v)
for all 9, in C. If

U = 1~ in C : ~~(0) > J”o*F(B) [v(8) - v(0)12 dB/

then U satisfies (i) and (ii) of Theorem 4 and the remark after Theorem 4
implies the solution x = 0 is unstable.

Example 9. Consider the equation

z?(t) = ati + b$(t - r)

with a > 0, ] 6 1 < qa, 0 < 4 < 1 arbitrary. For

we have

and if

then the same argument as before shows that x = 0 is an unstable solution

of this equation.
If a < 0, 1b 1 < 1a 1, one can choose

vw = $Q$ + Q1’-Tv6(e)
and use Corollary 2 to prove the zero solution is stable.
Notice that the same V functionals may be used to show that the zero
solution of n(t) = d(t) + W(t - r) is stable or unstable according as
a < 0 or > 0, regardless of the size of b. One simply must operate in a
sufficiently small neighborhood of the origin.


In this section, we extend the theory developed in Section 2 to the case of

infinite lag; that is, r = + 00. This theory can be applied to all of the exam-
ples of Section 3 for which results were obtained independently of r. This
extension will be clear once an w-limit set is defined and it is known that an
w-limit set is an invariant set. The compact open topology on the space of
continuous functions is employed in this extension and resulted from a con-
versation with J. P. LaSalle.
Suppose T is a given real number which we allow to be + co. For any
real number a, the symbol [a - r, u] denotes the closed interval u - r < t ,< 0
if Y is finite and the half open interval - co < t < u when Y = + co. Let
C = C([- Y, 01, En) be the space of all continuous functions mapping the
interval [ - Y, 0] into E n. The topology tin C is taken as the compact open
topology which, in this case, is equivalent to uniform convergence on all
compact subsets of I- I, 01. If Y is finite, then C is a Banach space with the
norm of an element p of C given by

SUP I de) I *
IIY II Ef IIP Ilr-Ml]= -r<e<o

If Y = + co, then C is not a Banach space, but a complete metric space

with a metric p that can be defined as

fh 4)= f$ N=O
mN 3 mN = min PvN, IIv - # II[-(N+I).--N-J). (37)

One can show that a sequence vn --+ v [that is, p(~~ , p’) + 0 as n -+ co] if
and only if for every nonnegative integer N, /j yn - y$](r-N,O,+ 0 as n-+ CO.
For more details on this space of functions, see Arens [I], Bourbaki [3], and
Kelley [6].
If H is a positive constant, we use the notation C, to denote the set
GP in C : sups in r--h,O~ I ~(4 I < HI.
If u is any real number and x is any continuous function with domain
[U - Y, co) and range in En, we let xt , t 3 u, denote a translation of the
restriction of x to the interval [t - Y, t] defined by ~~(0) = x(t + 8),
- co < 0 < 0; that is, xt belongs to C.
If f(y) is a function defined for every v in C, and i(t) is the right hand
derivative of x(t), we consider the following autonomous functional differen-
tial equation:
*.(t> =f(xt). (38)
A solution is defined the same way as for the case of finite lag. Relation (37)
allows one to prove the following existence and uniqueness theorem: Iff(v)
480 HALE

is continuous in C, , then for any y in C, , there is a solution of (1) with ini-

tial condition v at t = 0. Iff(F) is locally Lipschitzian in 9; that is, for any
HI < H, there exists an LH1 such that

If(v) - f(#) I G LHP(% $4,

then there is only one solution with initial condition 9) at t = 0 and the
solution x(v) depends continuously upon v. Also, f(v) locally Lipschitzian
in y implies the solution can be extended in C until the boundary of C, is
Stability and asymptotic stability are defined the same way as for the
finite lag, except use is made of the metric p. Relation (37) implies that the
definitions made in this manner yield the desired properties.
In the remainder of the discussion we assumef(v) is continuous and locally
Lipschitzian in C, and the solution x(v) of (38) with initial condition IJJ
at t = 0 is defined on [- r, co). An element 1+5 of C is in Q(q), the w-limit set
of v, if there is a sequence of nonnegative real numbers t, , t, -+ co as n + co,
such that p(~,~(v), #)--f 0 as n -+ co. A set M is said to be invariunt if for
any # in M and for any 0 in (- co, 01, the solution xl(u, &,) of (38) with
initial value #,, at t = D is defined for t 2 0, ~~(a, I&) belongs to M for t > 0
and X&U, &,) = #. Notice that all solutions of (38) on an invariant set must
be defined on (- co, 00).

LEMMA 3. If q in C, is such that the solution x = x(p)) of system (38)

with initialfunction q~at t = 0 is defined on [ - I, co) and p(x, , 0) < HI < H
fw t in [0, co), then Q(v) is a nonempty, compact, connected,invariant set and
p(xt , Q(y)) + 0 as t -+ co.
Proof. If p(x, , 0) f K, t > 0, then there exists a constant M such that
1x(t) 1 < K, / i(t) 1 < M for all t > 0. For any nonnegative integer N, let
6, = [- N, 0] n [ - Y, 01. The restriction of x to the interval [t - N, t],
t >, 0, belongs to a compact subset of C(S, , En). In C(S, , En), we let 11
q jib
denote the norm which is given by

Consequently, there exists a sequence t, = t,(N), t, + co as n -+ 03 and a

function ~4in C(6, , En) such that 11xtn - $ IIaN+ 0 as n -+ cc. Application
of the diagonalization procedure yields a sequence s,, , independent of N,
and a function $ in C([- Y, 01, En) such that

II%, - # bN+’ as n-+co

for all integers N = 0, 1, 2, .** . This proves Q(v) is nonempty.


Q(q) is obviously bounded. To show Q(v) is closed, suppose & in Q(v)

and & --+ # as n + co. There exists a sequence of real numbers tn , which
can be chosen independent of I+& by the diagonalization procedure, such that
for any c > 0, there is an integer N, = N,,(E) such that

Therefore, p(xt,(v), $) < z for n 2 N,, which shows that # is in Q(y).

To show Q(T) is compact, suppose I,& in Q(y), n = 1,2, ... . It
follows from the first part of the proof of the lemma, that I/~ restricted to
[ - N, 0) n [- I, 0] belongs to a compact subset of C(6, , En). Conse-
quently, one applies the diagonalization procedure to show the existence of a #
in C([- Y, 01, E”) and a subsequence nk -+ co as k + 03 such that
To show Q(v) is invariant, suppose 4 is in G(v) and the sequence t, + co
as n + co is such that p(xt,(v), #) -+ 0 as n + co. For any integer N and
any 7 in [- N, N], choose n,(N) so large that t,, + 7 > 0, - N < 7 < N.
By an argument similar to that used in the first part of the proof of this
lemma, there exists a subsequence s, of the t, and a g,,,,(v) which belongs to
C(S, , R”) for each T in [- N, N] and

as n -+ co uniformly for 7 in [ - N, N]. By use of the diagonalization proce-

dure, one shows there exists another subsequence p, , independent of N,
a g7(v) which belongs to C([- Y, 01, En) for each T in (- co, co) such that

II Xe,+h) -g,(v) Il~~--f 0 as n-+03

for every integer N and all 7 in (- co, co).

It is easy to show that g,(v) satisfies (38) for any T in (- co, co) and it is
obvious that go(v) = 9. Therefore, Q(v) is invariant. 52(p) is obviously
connected and the lemma is proved.
The remainder of the results of Section 2 are verified exactly as before to
obtain sufficient conditions for stability and instability for the case of infinite
time lag.

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