Constructivist Theory
Constructivist Theory
Constructivist Theory
by Alexander Betcher
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Alex you have presented three really interesting,
unique and applicable ICT tools that could be used
to support constructivist approaches to learning and
teaching in Years 7 – 10.
Well done.
A (4) You have chosen very relevant and engaging ICT tools. Your review of each ICT tool
was comprehensive and insightf ul. You have made very insightf ul suggestions about
ways that the tools could be used as ef f ective learning resources
B (3) You have chosen relevant and engaging ICT tools. Your review of each tool was
insightf ul. You have made some usef ul suggestions about ways that the tools could
be used as ef f ective learning resources
C (2) You have chosen some satisf actory ICT tools. You have provided a satisf actory
review of the tools and made some suggestions about ways that the tools could be
used as ef f ective learning resources
D (1) You have only superf icially reviewed your chosen ICT tools.
E (0) Evidence that the learning outcome has been attained is not apparent.
A (4) Your video ref lection provided a comprehensive synthesis of social constructivist
approaches to learning and teaching. A broad range of highly relevant assumptions,
concepts, and principles, have been expertly evaluated and insightf ully presented.
B (3) Your video ref lection provided a pleasing synthesis of social constructivist
approaches to learning and teaching. A range of assumptions, concepts, and
principles, drawn f rom the theories of human development and learning, have been
skilf ully evaluated and insightf ully presented.
C (2) Your video ref lection provided evidence of a satisf actory level of synthesis. Some
assumptions, concepts, and principles, drawn f rom the theories of human
development and learning, have been evaluated and presented.
D (1) Your video ref lection provided inconsistent evidence of a satisf actory synthesis of
constructivist approaches. Your ref lections appear to be misguided or superf icial at
E (0) Evidence that the learning outcome has been attained is not apparent.
A (4) Your video ref lection provided a comprehensive analysis of the teaching strategies
used to respond to the needs of diverse learners. A broad range of highly relevant
assumptions, concepts, and principles related to the needs of diverse learners, have
been expertly evaluated and insightf ully presented.
B (3) Your video ref lection provided a pleasing synthesis of the teaching strategies used
to respond to the needs of diverse learners. A range of assumptions, concepts, and
principles related to the needs of diverse learners have been skilf ully evaluated and
insightf ully presented.
C (2) Your video ref lection provided evidence of a satisf actory level of synthesis. Some
assumptions, concepts, and principles related to the needs of diverse learners have
been evaluated and presented.
D (1) Your video ref lection provided inconsistent evidence of a satisf actory synthesis.
Your ref lections appear to be misguided or superf icial at times.
E (0) Evidence that the learning outcome has been attained is not apparent.
A (4) Your video ref lection was very well structured. Your oral communication skills were of
a very high standard – there was a natural f low and the underlying logic was apparent.
Your video ref lection contained evidence of originality and f lair. T he clarity and quality
of both video and audio was very high.
B (3) Your video ref lection was well structured. Your oral communication skills were of a
high standard. T he clarity and quality of both video and audio was high.
C (2) Your video ref lection was satisf actorily structured. Your oral communication skills
were appropriate. T he clarity and quality of both video and audio was acceptable.
D (1) Your video ref lection was poorly structured in places and at times lacked natural low
or logic. Your oral communication skills were, at times, below the level expected of a
graduate teacher. Video and/or audio lacked clarity/quality.
E (0) Your video ref lection was poorly structured and lacked any natural low or logic. Your
oral communication skills were below the level expected of a graduate teacher. Video
and/or audio lacked clarity/quality.