Comparison Between Orthonasal and Retronasal Flavour Perception at Different Concentrations
Comparison Between Orthonasal and Retronasal Flavour Perception at Different Concentrations
Comparison Between Orthonasal and Retronasal Flavour Perception at Different Concentrations
Table 1. Panel scaling intensities on 0–150 scale (relat-
ive to reference at 120–135)
Sensory Evaluation
Dose–Response Curves
Figure 1. Scheme of a supra-threshold-olfactometer. 1,2, Mass flow controllers; 3, saturation chamber; 4, mixing
chamber; 5, mixing restriction; 6, computer-controlled injection mechanism; 7, pressure sensor; 8, sniffing port
Results and Discussion
Orthonasal Retronasal
Table 4. Calculated concentrations in water that are perceived at a moderate intens-
ity (I 60) via orthonasal and retronasal pathways