Letter Word Sentence Lesson

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ED 243 Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Write your lesson plan with such thorough instructions/directions that another person from your carpool
could teach the lesson material the way you intend to teach it. Include specific content that another
person who did not prepare this lesson would need and specific questions that could be asked.
Topic: Letter, Word, Sentence Grade Level: K Name: Tiffany Shelp

Lesson Type: #_1__ in a series - Performance Level: Groupings

New Material - Re-teaching - Review Below – On – Above Whole group and Small group

Standard/s: RF.K.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
ABCD Objective/s: The students work independently to be able to differentiate between letters, words,
and sentences with 75% accuracy.
*Kid-friendly Learning Target: I can tell the difference between and sort letter, words, and sentences
Assessment plan for each objective: The students will complete a worksheet and I will be able to tell
from the worksheet how well they have achieved the objective.

Key vocabulary terms and definitions:

Letter- found in the alphabet and makes sounds.
Word- made up of letters and tells something.
Sentence- made up of words and gives a complete thought.

Fly Swatters (in classroom)
Letter, Word, and Sentence Sort Worksheet -scissors and glue (in classroom)
2 papers with letters, words, and sentences

Extend- If the children are done with their worksheet they can color the page or go read a book.
Support- I will walk around and offer support to the children who are struggling.
Management Decisions
Behavioral Expectations: Think Champs: Transitions from place to Fast Finishers
Conversation, help, activity, movement, place The fast finishers will go look
participation, success. or between activities: at books to notice the letters,
The students will stay seated at words, and sentences after
their tables for the duration of they have had their paper
the lesson. checked by a teacher.

Attention Signal (Regain Student Focus) Material Management Grouping

1,2,3 Eyes on me. 1,2 Eyes on you. I will pass out the different Whole group and small group
materials that are needed
throughout the lesson.
Lesson Sequence
Time What the teacher is doing What the students are doing
Gain Attention/Activate prior knowledge:

“I do” Input & Modeling (Sequential step-by-step instruction) The students will sit and
I will project the page with different letters, word, and sentences participate in appropriate times.
onto the board. I will explain to the children and show them the When I ask a question, they will
difference between letters, words, and sentences. I will tell them raise their hand to respond.
that letters are what is in the alphabet and they make sounds. Words
are made up of letters and words mean something. Sentences are
made up of words and tell a thought. Sentences also include
punctuation at the end and have a capital letter at the beginning.

“We Guided practice:

do” I will then project another paper onto the board that has a variety of
letters, words, and sentences. I will invite a few students to come up
to the front one at a time. I will give them a fly swatter and tell
them to swat either a letter, word, or sentence on the board. I will
do this several times until the children get the idea of the difference
between letters, words, and sentences.

Closure/Summary: The students will raise their hand

I will ask the children to tell me what the difference is and tell me one difference
between the letters, words, and sentences. I will call on between letters, words, and
students who raise their hands to tell me a difference. sentences.

“You Independent practice: The students will independently

do” I will then pass out a worksheet to the students. I will tell them wok on their worksheet by cutting
what they are expected to do with the worksheet. I will tell them to out the pieces, sorting them, and
cut out the items on the first page, sort them, and glue them into the gluing them into the section they
sections they belong in on the other page. If it is a letter you will belong in on the other paper.
glue it into the letter column, etc. Then they will show it to a
teacher to make sure it is right
before they can stamp their paper
and put it in their mailbox.

Items to be collected as a result of this lesson: None.

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