Abhishek Rajak DLLE Project

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University of Mumbai


1. Name of the Student: Rajak Abhishek

(Beginning with Surname)

2. Class:SYBFM

3. Div: A

4. Roll No.: 4044

5. Name and Address of the College: L.S Raheja College of Arts and Commerce

6. Extension Work Project enrolled for: (Any one from the Following): Population
Education Club (PEC)



Please start typing your answers from this page where information is asked for.

• Acknowledgement by the Student

I extend my gratitude to my project mentor (Prof. Tejas Pednekar) and my college principal (Dr.

Debajit Sarkar) for giving me this wonderful opportunity to work on this project and providing

the necessary resources and encouragement that enabled me to do this project. Further I

would like to thank my parents and friends for helping me throughout this project. (Please

mention the kind of support provided by DLLE Unit, Principal & Extension teachers, work place

staff, community and others.)

• My reason for joining Extension Work Activity:

Answer: I wanted to be the part of this activity where I can get socially connected to people in their

problem solving. To build social responsibility in myself and learning by rendering my time to society. I

wanted to experience and to bring awareness among society with regards to population.

• Please write about:

• How I started
• How I was trained – acquired skills
• How I built rapport with the others / community around.
• How I worked and the kind of work, carried out
(Write in detail with your experiences & Project related data)
Answer: I was glad that I got an opportunity to be the part of this Department of Lifelong Learning

and extension. I was thrilled to participate in activities. I got socially connected with people. I grew my

communication skills. I am more confident now after participating in DLLE. I was somewhere a helping

hand for people. The seminar regarding road safety was all new to me. I came across road safety rules.

Which need to be known to everybody. Those rules are not only for the person who drives the two

wheelers or three wheelers, those are meant for pedestrians also. Many more activities and seminars

were held and all were informative and productive.

• Please write about the difficulties you faced while conducting activities.

Answer: One of the significant challenges I encountered was maintaining activities on schedule due

to delayed information reaching us in a timely manner. This posed difficulties in coordinating and

planning, leading to missed deadlines and disrupted schedules

• How did you overcome the difficulties?

Answer: To address this issue, we initiated efforts to streamline our communication channels,

ensuring prompt and efficient dissemination of information among all. This enhancement in

communication facilitated better coordination and enabled us to execute activities in a timelier


• Please write about your expectations from extension work activities.

Answer: I was expecting more practical activities and a greater number of them in DLLE. Practical

activities, where we can apply what we learn in real life, are very helpful for learning. Doing more of

these activities will help us understand better and learn more skills. Also, having a variety of activities

more often would be great because it exposes us to different things and makes learning more


• Are your expectations fulfilled? Please brief.

Answer: Some of my expectations from DLLE were met through the activities offered, but I was

hoping for more. While I found the activities helpful, I thought there could be a greater variety and

more of them. Even though I gained value from the activities I took part in, I believe that having more

practical exercises and covering a wider range of topics would have made my learning experience

even better.

• What did you learn by Extension Activities? (gain / loss)

Answer: Participating in extension activities has significantly broadened my understanding and

prepared me to contribute to society. These activities have not only deepened my knowledge of

various topics but have also equipped me with valuable skills that are essential for making meaningful

contributions to society. Additionally, engaging in extension activities has allowed me to interact with

diverse communities and perspectives, further enriching my learning experience. Overall, these

activities have played a crucial role in shaping me into a more informed and socially responsible


• How will Extension Work help you to contribute to the Society?


Answer: Extension work helps me contribute to society by teaching me about different issues and

how I can help solve them. It gives me a chance to learn new skills and understand more about the

world around me. When I participate in extension activities, I meet people from different backgrounds

and learn from their experiences. This helps me become more aware of the needs of my community

and find ways to make a positive impact. Overall, extension work helps me become a better citizen by

giving me the tools and knowledge to help others and improve society.

• What is your suggestion?

Answer: I would like to suggest that you must conduct more programs like this. It will add value to

students’ development.


(Please use the following table related to your project only and delete other tables.
(Table A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I/J)

Please fill the data for / in highlighted places / columns and then remove highlight once
you type your data.
Table E:


(College Level)

Sr. Date Topic Methodology Co-ord. AV Aids Hrs. Outcome

No. / Activity agency used
1 15.06.2023 Mango seed Bringing N.A N.A 10 Experience
donation mangoes from in
drive home and bringing
giving them in mango
college seeds
2 28.08.2023 Workshop Seminar was Mr. Smart 10 Rules
on two- held in a Sandeep board, were clea
wheeler practical way from Microphone
road safety United and
Way Speakers
3 28.02.2024 Training Standing in a N.A N.A 10 Motivated
EVM and queue and to vote
VVPAT voting
voting privately.
Total 30

(Community Level)

Sr. Date Topic Activity / Hours Outcome

No. Other
1 29.09.2023 Clean-up drive at Juhu Cleanliness 10 My
Beach activity responsibility
2 05.01.2024 Joy of giving donation Awareness of 20 Helping the
drive donation elderly
3 30.01.2024 World Cleanliness Day Street Play 20 Creating
awareness of
Total 50

Table K:


For UG. PG. & B. Ed.
Sr. Date Activity Hours Outcome
1 4/10/2023 First Term Training Program 05 Introductory
2 15/6/2023 College & Community Level Activity 80 For IOP 150 hrs.
3 Second Term Training Program 05 More Appealing
4 7/3/2024 Udaan Festival /Essay Writing 20 Build ideas
towards society
5 11/3/2024 Project Report Writing 10 Sharpen my
to memory
Total 120

• Names of the College & Community Level Activities in which student has taken active participation such as: street play, group songs,
poster, elocution, speech, lessons, industrial visit etc. (any other); Please give Details.

Sr. Date Name of the activity such as: Topic of the activity: Participation for / as: Location/ Place Poster No of
No. Street Play, group songs, (Save Food, Child writing, directing, of performance prepared Hours
poster, allocution, speech Labor, Environment, performing, music or (College / Yes / No
lessons etc. Pollution, women singing, poster designing, Community)
empowerment etc.) painting etc.
15.06.2023 Donation Drive Mango seeds donation Performing College Yes 10
1 drive
28.08.2023 Workshop Two-wheeler road Performing College No 10
2 safety
29.09.2023 Clean up drive at Juhu beach Clean up drive at Juhu Poster designing and Community Yes 10
3 beach performing
4 28.02.2024 Training Training EVM and Performing College No 10
VVPAT voting machine
5 05.01.2024 Donation drive Joy of giving donations Performing Community Yes 20

6 30.01.2024 World cleanliness day World cleanliness day Poster Designing Community Yes 20

7 4.10.2024 First term program Performing College No 5

8 Second term training program Performing College No 5

9 07.03.2024 Essay writing Social issues Writing College No 20

10 11.03.2024 Project report writing Population Education Writing College No 10

to club
Total 120 hrs.

Essay Writing on social issues / Additional Information you

may wish to share with us for improvement.
Answer: Climate Change: A Global Crisis Demanding Immediate Action

Climate change is a multifaceted and urgent global crisis that poses significant threats to the environment,
human societies, and ecosystems worldwide. At its core, climate change is driven by human activities,
particularly the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, which release excessive amounts of greenhouse
gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) into the atmosphere. These
gases trap heat, leading to the warming of the Earth's surface and disrupting natural climate patterns. The
consequences of climate change are wide-ranging and severe, encompassing extreme weather events, sea-
level rise, habitat loss, biodiversity decline, and disruptions to agriculture and water resources. Rising
temperatures have intensified heatwaves, hurricanes, floods, and wildfires, causing loss of life,
displacement of communities, and destruction of infrastructure. Coastal areas face the imminent threat of
inundation and saltwater intrusion due to melting ice caps and glaciers, contributing to the displacement of
millions of people living in vulnerable regions. Moreover, changes in precipitation patterns and
temperature fluctuations affect crop yields, leading to food shortages, economic instability, and social
unrest in many parts of the world. Additionally, climate change exacerbates existing environmental
problems, such as air and water pollution, habitat destruction, and loss of biodiversity, further
compromising the resilience of ecosystems and human societies. To address the complex challenges posed
by climate change, concerted efforts are needed at local, national, and global levels. Transitioning to
renewable energy sources, enhancing energy efficiency, promoting sustainable land use practices, and
investing in climate resilience and adaptation measures are essential steps toward mitigating the impacts
of climate change and building a more sustainable future. However, addressing climate change also
requires addressing underlying social, economic, and political factors that contribute to environmental
degradation and inequality. By fostering international cooperation, promoting equity and justice, and
embracing innovative solutions, humanity can collectively tackle the climate crisis and secure a healthier,
more prosperous future for all.

Please answer all the questions and give details as asked in this file. Type
information in detail in this file and attach pdf document of this file to the link
provided by your Extension Work Teacher.

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