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In Search For Preece and Onderdonk

Dr. Johannes Adam

President, ADAM Research
Douglas Brooks, PhD
President, UltraCAD Design, Inc.
(Copyright 2015)

For a complete analysis of trace and via currents and temperatures, see Brooks and Adam, PCB Trace
and Via Currents and Temperatures: The Complete Analysis, Available at,

The authors began to collaborate on the temperature effects of current on PCB traces in late 2014.
Among the topics they explored is the fusing current a PCB trace can carry. The early work on this topic
goes back to W. H. Preece in the 1880’s, and I. M. Onderdonk, possibly in the 1920’s. Preece’s work has
been well documented, although until recently copies of that documentation have been difficult to
obtain. There is growing speculation, however, that Onderdonk may never have published his source
data under his own name.

In this paper the authors (a) discuss the background of Preece, his motivating factors, and links to his
source data; (b) discuss what can be inferred about Onderdonk, his likely motivating factors, and links to
early work based on his equation; (c) outline the critical assumptions behind these formulas, and (d) in
the absence of any Onderdonk source data, independently derive Onderdonk’s equation.

W. H. Preece:

In the 1880’s, Sir William Henry Preece was a consulting engineer for the British General Post Office, and
became Engineer-In-Chief in 1892 [1]. At that time, the Post Office was responsible for the telegraph
(and later wireless telegraph) system in England. He published three papers [2] in the Proceedings of the
Royal Society of London in the 1880’s that formed the basis for his famous equation:
I = a * d3/2 [Eq. 1]
where d is the diameter of the wire in inches, a is a constant (10244 for copper), and I is the fusing
current in Amps. A little algebra transforms this equation to:
I = 12277*A3/4 [Eq. 2]
where A is the cross-sectional area in inches2.

Interestingly, in the 1890’s Preece became an ardent supporter, both politically and financially, of
Guglielmo Marconi and his work on trans-oceanic wireless telegraphy.

Preece was motivated by the problem of lightning striking telegraph wires. The early form of lightning
arrester used in that period is shown in Figure 1, reproduced from Preece’s 1883 paper. Most of the
energy from the strike was intended to flow through the capacitor, but some was left to travel onto the
“cable,” which led to the telegraphy equipment. Preece wanted to determine the best material, and its
size, for the lead from the arrester to the cable. The wire should be able to carry the normal current for
telegraph operations, but fuse at currents slightly above that level.
Figure 1
Early form of lightning arrester. Source: Preece’s 1883 paper.

Preece did not approach this problem analytically. He was, what we might call today, a “lab rat” and did
all his experiments in the lab. He would apply current to a test wire until the wire began to glow. He
would call that point the “fusing” point (more appropriately the “melting” point). He looked at a large
selection of materials and provided the constant (a in Equation 1) for each material. He concluded that
“the best metal to use for small diameters was platinum, and for large wires tin” [1887 paper]. The final
constants he derived were summarized in his 1888 paper, which is where the value 10244 is found.

I. M. Onderdonk:

Onderdonk, however, is much more obscure. Speculation is growing that Onderdonk never published his
work under his own name, and we have uncovered no citations for any work by Onderdonk himself. His
equation is offered almost as a given, in much the same way we reference Ohm’s Law today. His
equation appears in several papers and sources [3 through 7], usually in the form

I  t 
33   S  log10   1 [Eq. 3]
 A  274 

for T = 40 o C, but occasionally in the more general form:

I  t 
33   S  log10   1
 A  234  Ta  [Eq. 3a]

Where: I = the current in Amps

A = the cross-sectional area in circular mils (note 1)
S = the time in seconds the current is applied
t = the rise in temperature from the ambient or initial state (see note 2)
Ta = the reference temperature in degrees C

Some publications erroneously cite Onderdonk’s name in a citation. We will repeat two of them here,
anonymously to protect the authors:
Onderdonk, J. M., Short-Time Current Required to Melt Copper Conductors, Electrical World
121:26, 98 (24 June 1944).

I. M. Onderdonk and E. R. Stauffacher, "Short Time Current Carrying Capacity of Copper

Wires", G.E.Review, pp.326 1928

The first [4] is an anonymous (not by Onderdonk, as the citation suggests) single page nomograph
inserted in the magazine. It is provided here in Appendix 1. There are notes on the face of the
nomograph that say (somewhat cryptically, and among other things) “…based on an equation by I. M.
Onderdonk,” and “Chart from engineering department of a midwestern utility.”

The second [5] is a respectable article written by E. R. Stauffacher (but NOT co-authored by Onderdonk).
It contains a different nomograph (reproduced here in Appendix 2). Stauffacher comments that the
“Values of short-time current required to melt copper conductors, as given by the chart shown in Fig. 1,
were calculated from the formula…” and then he offers Onderdonk’s equation. A footnote to the
equation says “This formula was developed by I. M. Onderdonk.”

It is tempting to speculate that, since Stauffacher is the earliest reference we have found, Onderdonk
may have been a contemporary of Stauffacher. Stauffacher, himself, was employed as Superintendent
of Protection at Southern California Edison when he wrote his article (in 1928). Perhaps Onderdonk was
an engineer at SCE at the same time.

Stauffacher’s article offers a clue as to what the motivation was for Onderdonk’s equation. The concern
was that under certain conditions there may be a short circuit that occurs between a high-voltage
transmission line and the copper wires attached to the insulators or poles supporting the line. These
copper wires needed to carry that short-circuit current for the short period of time “required to clear
the faulty line from the system.” Thus, the desirability of having a variable for time (S in the equation).


It is important to understand what constitutes the “melting” of a copper wire. When we apply heat to a
wire (or any solid for that matter), there are two stages we can consider. The first is that the wire heats
up from the initial temperature to the melting temperature. Let’s call this time t1. Then additional
heat (and time, say time t2) is required to change the wire from a solid to a liquid (i.e. to actually melt
the wire.) This second amount of heat is referred to as the heat of fusion (Note 3.) Time t1 is required to
heat the wire TO the melting temperature, and time t1 + t2 is required to actually melt the wire from
the initial temperature.

Preece clearly refers to time t1. He raised the current to the point where the wire glowed. Onderdonk’s
equation also only applies to time t1. This is inferred from most (but not all) of the references and is
confirmed by the derivation in the next section.

Unfortunately the semantics found in some of the articles seems to confuse this point. For example, the
nomograph in Electrical World is titled “Short-Time Current Required to Melt Copper Conductors”
(emphasis added.) Stauffacher refers to the “short-time current required to melt copper conductors.”
But since both these are based on Onderdonk’s equation, they actually only refer to the time to bring
the temperature TO the melting point.
Preece’s equation is based on slowly bringing the current up to the melting point. But he did not bring
the variable of time into the equation. There would have been some cooling effects that occurred while
he was heating the various materials, but this was of little consequence in what he was trying to

Onderdonk, on the other hand, specifically brought time into the relationship. Thus he had to make
some assumption about the cooling effects that might have coexisted with the heating effects. His
assumption was that there were no cooling effects (from conduction, convection, or radiation.) Thus,
the heating was rapid (as might happen in a short-circuit situation.) That is why the references say that
Onderdonk’s equation is only valid for short periods of time, typically less than 10 seconds. People can
quibble about this time. For example, Adam [8] suggests that cooling effects can begin to affect the
results in as short as one or two seconds of time. In any event, Onderdonk’s equation becomes less and
less reliable as time increases.

Derivation of Onderdonk’s Equation:

We are aware of only one serious attempt at independently deriving Onderdonk’s Equation (there might
well have been other attempts we are unaware of.) Babrauskas and Wichman [5] did so with interesting
results. Their equation 6 derived the time to heat a copper wire to the melting temperature. Their
equation 7 derived the time to melt the wire. Their equation 8 was the sum, which they then compared
to Onderdonk’s equation and remarked that their result was 17% higher than Onderdonk’s. We believe
that that comparison is not appropriate and they should have compered their equation 6 with
Onderdonk’s. Our comparison of their equation 6 with Onderdonk’s suggests that their equation is just
4% below Onderdonk’s, acceptably close.

Here is a list of variables used:

I (DC) current Ampere

t time sec
T wire temperature (avg.) deg C
Θ Temperature rise T–Tref Degree C
L Length of wire meter
M Mass of wire kg
R Electric resistance of the wire Ohm
cp Specific heat capacity (copper) J/(kg*K) 385

ρ density of wire material (copper) kg/m³ 8900

ρ20 electric resistivity @20 o C (copper) Ohm*m²/m 1.7210-8

α Temperature coefficient of resistivity 1/o C .00393@20o
A Cross-sectional Area m2
K Temporary utility variable -
Basic equation:
The following equation (see Note 4) describes an equality in a piece of matter over a time span Δt
(starting at t=0).

Gain of thermal energy (l.h.s.) = Joule heating by electric energy (r.h.s.)

c p  M  T  R  I ²  t
[Eq. 4]

Because there is no heat loss over the surface, temperature would rise infinitely with time. The unit on
both sides is Ws=Joule. M and R depend on the geometry of the wire, cp is a material value.

The electric resistance of a wire is temperature dependent. If the ambient temperature is 20 o C, the
resistance at any other temperature, T, is typically expressed as

R   20 (1   20  (T  20))
A [Eq. 5]

Using the basic relation for volume and mass we rewrite

c p    L  A  T   20 (1   20 (T  20))  I ²  t
A [Eq.6]

The length of the wire will cancel. If we assume the initial temperature of the wire also being 20 degC
(see again note 2), we can unify ΔT and T-20 to a temperature rise Θ=T-20. Because of the permanent
link between t and Θ, Θ(t) will be time-dependent and the correct basic equation is an ordinary
differential equation:

d I²
cp      20 (1   20   t ) 2 [Eq.7]
dt A

Note that I/A is current density (A/m²).

Solving the Equation:

We solve Equation [7] step by step. First we collect the parameters in an auxiliary quantity K
20 I ²
c p   A2
which leads to
 K (1   20 ) .
Then we substitute
d  d  d 1 d
 : 1   20 →  
dt d dt  20 dt
and get a simple ordinary differential equation,
  20 K . [Eq. 8]

Initial condition: at time t=0 the wire shall be at 20 degC:

Θ(t=0)=0 -> ϑ(t=0)=1

The way to solve Equation [8] is

d '

1  '  0  20 Kdt '

which gives

ln( )  ln(1)   20 K (t  0)

or (because ln(1)=0)

ln( )   20 Kt . [Eq. 9]

We then unfold the aux variables

 20 20 I ²
ln(1   20)  t
c p   A2
and exchange rhs and lhs (and move α to the denominator, for reasons that will be apparent in a

 
 20  20 I ²  
 t  ln 1  [Eq. 10]
cp   A 2  1 
  20 

We are going to solve the l.h.s of this equation separately. First, looking at

 20 20 I ²
c p   A2
[Eq. 11]
we rely on the relationship that T 2 * T 2  T 1 *T 1 at any two reference temperatures (for a given
material.) (See proof in Appendix 3). Therefore, we can use the 20 o C reference values for ρ and α
regardless of the reference temperature for the equation. Note also that typical expressions for
Onderdonk’s Equation [3] and [3a] are in units of circular mils. So:

Our material data of copper are:

ρ20 = 0.0172 Ω mm²/m (at 20 degC) or 1.7510-8 Ω m²/m
α20 = 0.00393 1/K, (at 20 deg C)
cp = 385 J/kgK
ρ = 8900 kg/m³.

To calculate the coefficient [Equation 11] in front of (I/A)² let us use our material data and convert
Equation [10] to circular-mils
 20  20
a) SI Units : = 0.00393 ∙ 1.72∙10-8 /(385∙8900) = 1.973∙10-17
cp  
b) 1 m² =1.98 109 circ-mils
c) We have to compensate A² → 1 m4 = 3.9∙1018 circ-mils²
d) Introducing to a) → 1.973∙10-17 ∙ 3.9∙1018 = 76.9
e) From ln to log10 we have to divide by ln (10) = 2.30 → 77/2.30 = 33.5

So, with A in circular mils, is:

 
 
I 
33.5    t  log10 1 
 A  1 
  20  [Eq. 12]

Now, to solve for 1/  for any reference temperature:

We note that T 2 * T 2  T 1 *T 1

This leads to 1/ T 2  T 2 / T 1 *T 1  ( T 1  T 1 *T 1 T 2  T1)  / T 1 *T 1

T 1 1
Or: 1/ T 2   (T 2  T 1)   (T 2  T 1)
T 1 *T 1 T 1
If we let T1 = ambient = 20 o C and T2 be any other reference temperature, Tref, then
1/  ref   Tref  20  254  20  Tref  234  Tref
 20
Leading to our final expression

  
33.5    t  log10   1
 A  234  T 
 ref  [Eq. 13]
Which at a reference temperature of 40 oC (Onderdonk’s reference) is

 
I 
33.5    t  log10   1
 A  274  [Eq. 14]
or equal to Equations [3] and [3a].

It is sometimes desirable to have Equation [13] expressed in terms of t, the time to reach the melting
temperature. Solving for t leads to

 1      A 2 
t   log10   1 *   
 I 
 33.5    234  Tref   [Eq. 15]

where A is still in circular mils.

Using Equation [15], we can now transform Onderdonk’s Equation to any temperature reference point
(again, see note 2). We offer it with reference temperatures of 20 oC, 40 oC, 85 oC, and 105 oC without
further calculations. The latter temperature references are important in the automotive industries.
(Note that the higher the reference temperature the shorter the time is to reach the melting

Reference Denominator in Log

Temp o C expression
20 254
40 274
85 319
105 339

At the melting point of copper (1083 oC) and at 20 o C, Equation [15] can be reduced to the form:

t = c*(A/I)2 [Eq. 16]

where c = .0213 in circular mils.

The values for c are supplied in in the following table for various units and reference temperatures.

Reference Temp C in circular mils C in square mils C in square mm

20 .0213 .0346 8.30 x 10^4
40 .0203 .0330 7.92
85 .0184 .0298 7.15
105 .0176 .0285 6.85

1. A circular mil is the area of a circle with a diameter of one mil. The formula is A = d2. The conversion
from circular mils to mil2 is π/4. Normal conversions are:
1 mil2 = 1.273 circular mils
1 circular mil = .7854 mil2
1 m2 = 19.736*108 circular mil
1 circular mil = 5.067*10-10 m2 = 5.067*10^-4 mm2
2. From a thermodynamic engineering standpoint, there is a significant difference between the ambient
temperature and the initial condition. For example, there could be some heating of a wire above the
ambient temperature in a normal operation before a change of current is applied. In this paper we are
assuming that the initial condition (temperature) is the same as the ambient temperature.
3. See
4. l.h.s means left hand side of the equation, r.h.s mean right hand side.


[2] Preece W. H., On the Heating Effects of Electric Currents, Proc. Royal Society 36, 464-471 (1883). No.
II, 43, 280-295 (1887). No. III, 44, 109-111 (1888).These documents have been made available
on-line in recent years (you may need to copy-paste to make these links work):
or at

The following sources (among others) make reference to Onderdonk’s equation:

[3] “Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers,” 12 Ed., 1999, McGraw-Hill, p. 4-74
[4] Anon., “Short-Time Current Required to Melt Copper Conductors,” Electrical World 121:26, 98 (24
June 1944). (Download a copy from
[5] E. R. Stauffacher, “Short-time Current Carrying Capacity of Copper Wire,” General Electric Review,
Vol 31, No 6, June 1928 (Download a copy from
[6] Vytenis Babrauskas and Indrek Wichman, “Fusing of Wires by Electrical Current,” Fire and Materials
2011 Conference Proceedings, Interscience Communications (download a copy from
[7] Norocel Codreanu, Radu Bunea, and Paul Svasta, “New Methods of Testing PCB Traces Capacity and
Fusing,” Note: Their copy of Onderdonk’s formula is incorrect and contains a misprint!
(Download a copy from
[8] Johannes Adam white paper No.10

Appendix 1

Nomograph from Electrical World, Reference [4].

Appendix 2

Nomograph from E. R. Stauffacher, Reference [5].

Appendix 3

Proof that T 2 * T 2  T 1 *T 1

Start with the standard relationship for converting resistivity from one reference temperature to

 1  Tref T  Tref 
Tref or,

T  Tref  Tref *Tref T  Tref 

Let T1, T2, and T3 be any three temperatures. Then the conversion of resistivity between any two
temperatures is calculated as follows:

a. T1 to T2: T 2  T 1  T 1 *T 1 T 2  T1

b. T1 to T3: T 3  T 1  T 1 *T 1 T 3  T1

c. T2 to T3: T 3  T 2  T 2 *T 2 T 3  T 2

Note that expression b must equal expression c. We can expand expression b as follows:

T 3  T 1  T 1 *T 1 T 3  T 2  T 1 *T 1 T 2  T1

Now we set this equation equal to c

T 1  T 1 *T 1 T 3  T 2  T 1 *T 1 T 2  T1  T 2  T 2 *T 2 T 3  T 2

Substitute T 2
T 2  T 1 *T 1 T 3  T 2  T 2  T 2 *T 2 T 3  T 2

Subtract T 2 and divide each side by (T3-T2) leaves

T 1 *T 1  T 2 *T 2

for any two reference temperatures.

About the authors:

Johannes Adam got a doctorate in physics from University of Heidelberg, Germany, in 1989 on
a thesis about numerical treatment of 3- dimensional radiation transport in moving astrophysical
plasmas. He was then employed in software companies, mainly working on numerical
simulations of electronics cooling at companies like Cisi Ingenierie S.A. , Flomerics. Ltd. and
Mentor Graphics Corp. In 2009 he founded ADAM Research and does work as a technical
consultant for electronics developing companies and as a software developer. He is the author
of a simulation program called TRM (Thermal Risk Management), designed for electronics
developers and PCB designers who want to solve electro-thermal problems at the board level.
He is a member of the German chapter of IPC (FED e.V.) and engages in its seminars about
thermal topics. He is a Certified Interconnect Designer (CID). He lives in Leimen, near

Douglas Brooks received a BS and MS in EE from Stanford and a PhD from the University of
Washington. He has spent most of his career in electronic manufacturing companies, rising from
staff engineer to general manager and then president of his own company. He spent two short
tours as a professor, first at San Diego State Univ. and then at the Univ. of Washington. His last
20 years were spent as owner of UltraCAD Design, Inc. a PCB design service bureau in
Bellevue, WA. He has given seminars on signal integrity issues around the world, and his
articles have appeared in numerous trade journals. Brooks has authored two books, the latest
one, PCB Currents; How They Flow, How They React, published by Prentice Hall in 2013. He
has three children and seven grandchildren, and is now retired with his wife in Kirkland, WA.

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