ABB - News Letter

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N e t w o r k M a nagement Newsletter

Issue 3 / 2 0 0 6

Modernization of Power Plant - Highlights

Luiz Carlos Barreto de Carvalho  Commercial Trading of Electricity in
Luzon Grid
A Milestone in Philippine Power
ABB Brazil has signed a contract of 1.1 MUSD Industry Reforms
Page 2
with Alstom Power to supply a Power Line Carrier
 ABB wins contract of new
and Teleprotection System to Furnas Centrais
Irish power trading system
Eléctricas S.A.. In order to get the agreement
ABB has won a multi-million dollar
signed, ABB’s Alexandre Carrasco worked closely
contract to provide the computer
with Alstom from the beginning of the turnkey bid
systems and software infrastructure
preparation. The scope of supply consists of: Line
for the new Single Electricity Market
Traps, Coupling Device, NSD570 (16 equipment
(SEM) for the island of Ireland.
in digital mode) and ETL600 (08 equipment with
Page 3
integrated teleprotection over 2kHz channel). This
is the first project with ETL600 where ABB Brazil  ABB Saudi Arabia holds successful
will implement a teleprotection system over 2kHz products exhibition in Riyadh
channel at Furnas. ABB Brazil is also responsible to ABB in Saudi Arabia organized a
supply accessories, training, spare parts, installation products exhibition tilted “Power
material, mounting supervision and commissioning. and productivity for a better world”
in Riyadh from May 15 to 18, 2006.
ABB’s work is associated with an overall project
Alstom-led consortium who signed a contract of Page 6/7
200 MUSD with Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A.
for the modernization of six generating units
(1,050MW), six speed regulation systems, and the CALENDAR
digital control and telecommunications systems
at the Luiz Carlos Barreto de Carvalho power Network Manager DMS Users’ Group
plant, located near the city of Franca, in the city of Meeting, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, U.S.A.
August 27 - 31, 2006
Pedregulho, SP.
Contact: [email protected]
Cigré, Paris, France
August 27 -31, 2006
Contact: [email protected]
Network Management Newsletter Issue 3/2006

Commercial Trading of Electricity in Luzon Grid:

A Milestone in Philippine Power Industry Reforms
It’s all systems go for the commercial operations of The technical processes and administrative systems
the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) in have been in place since January 2006, following a
the Philippines for the entire Luzon grid. successful nine-month trial operation in the Luzon
grid last year. The market dispatch model has also
Following the fulfillment of the criteria set for the been certified as compliant with the WESM rules
commercial operations of the WESM, Department by the independent auditor.
Circular 2006-06-0008, Energy Secretary Raphael
P.M. Lotilla declared June 23, 2006 as the start of WESM commercial operation is now possible
the commercial operations in the energy market for with the recent ERC approval of the market fees
the entire Luzon grid. for WESM participants, the Price Determination
Methodology (PDM) for trading in the WESM
“WESM is now technically and institutionally ready, and the administered PDM for transactions
having fulfilled the criteria set to start its commercial settlement in events of market suspension.
operations today,” Secretary Lotilia announced as
he joined Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita The Department of Energy (DOE), ERC
and Philippine Electricity Market Corporation and PEMC also created a WESM Tripartite
(PEMC) President Lasse Holopainen in the Committee that will act as an interim body for
ceremonial dispatch to signal the opening and the coordination of efforts for the monitoring of
commercial operations of WESM. price volatilities and setting of market mitigation
measures during the initial year of WESM

“While WESM will begin competition in

generation and allow competition to force cost
efficiencies in the power generation business, we
anticipate the eventual implementation of open
access and retail competition to bring about benefits
for end consumers through similar efficiency gains
at the level of electric distribution,” the Secretary
stressed in explaining the significance of WESM
operations in the context of the overall power
sector reforms.

“The WESM commercial operation is a much

awaited milestone in the ongoing reforms and
structuring efforts in the power sector. This is
As part of the preparations for the implementation
also an opportunity to build the confidence of
of WESM, PEMC conducted live dispatch runs
Investors in a working Electricity Spot Market
prior to June 23, 2006 for purposes of testing all as well as an opportunity for those interested
market Systems for scheduling, dispatch, pricing in participating in our privatization program to
metering and settlements, including the interfaces assess the Performance of individual plants up for
between PEMC and the Systems Operations Group privatization”, Secretary Lotilla added.
of the National Transmission Corporation.

Editors note:
Under a turnkey project funded by the Asian Development
Bank, ABB supplied all of the systems infrastructure to
support the new Philippines power Market, including
web-based trading, grid security, and metering systems
based on the Network Manager BMS product. ABB’s
partner Navita Systems of Norway provided the financial
settlement systems under a subcontract to ABB.


Network Management Newsletter Issue 3/2006

The Electric Power Industry Reform (Republic

Act 9136), which restructures the power sector
mandates the establishment of the WESM.
Under the WESM, electricity will be traded
as a commodity at the Spot market, wherein
generators will compete against each other to
supply power to the grid. The WESM will act
as the central coordinator of the “pool” for all
electricity output from generators.

“We appreciate the hard work PEMC has done to

bring today’s WESM operation into fruition. The
PEMC Board composed of electric industry players,
its President and the PEMC staff have all worked
hard together to achieve this milestone in our Energy Secretary Lotilia and PEMC President Holopainen answer
continuing efforts to reform the power industry,” the questions from the press

Secretary said.

ABB wins contract of new Irish power trading system

ABB has won a multi-million dollar contract “ABB is proud to help Ireland create and launch
to provide the computer systems and software a single, competitive energy market for the whole
infrastructure for the new Single Electricity Market island,” said Samir Brikho, head of ABB’s Power
(SEM) for the island of Ireland. The contract is a Systems division. “This contract solidifies our
joint procurement by the Electricity Supply Board position as the world’s pre-eminent supplier of
National Grid (ESBNG), the Transmission System state-of-the-art systems for buying and selling
Operator and Market Operator in the Republic power.”
of Ireland and System Operator Northern Ireland
(SONI), the grid operator for Northern Ireland. The Irish power trading market resembles systems
ABB has built in other parts of the world, such
Under the agreement, ABB will act as prime as the United States, Canada, Korea, East China,
contractor, working closely with Navita, a leading Australia and the Philippines. The computer
provider of energy trading systems. The system will systems will simultaneously manage the trading
be used to trade electrical power consumed by all of bulk power while maintaining the security of
homes and businesses in Ireland, more than 25,000 the electrical grid and handle all of the financial
gigawatts annually. It will also provide a uniform settlements of the market in two currencies – UK
power market across the island with improved pounds and euros.
North-South power trading.
ABB will design and build the systems in Santa
ABB will provide all hardware and software Clara California, and then integrate them with
infrastructure for the project. Dual, interconnected existing metering systems, business systems and
computer systems in Dublin and Belfast will be energy management systems in Dublin and Belfast.
used to support internet power trading, financial ABB staff from both the US and Ireland will be
settlements, energy dispatch and grid security. utilized on the project.
When the market opens in July 2007 it will be the
most advanced electricity market management
system in Europe.

Network Management Newsletter Issue 3/2006

Network Manager for Östkraft

Östkraft has chosen Network Manager as their Östkraft’s remote control system will be totally
new remote control system and is scheduled to be renewed after the delivery. Östkraft will then be the
delivered in 2006. The order also includes replacing first Danish energy company with the opportunity
RTUs in all 60/10 kV stations and relay protection to be upgraded from a BECOS-32 platform to
for the 60 kV network, which will be delivered in Network Manager with all its possibilities.
ABB has delivered remote control to Östkraft for
Network Manager is ABB’s new SCADA/DMS more than 40 years – from the relay-based systems
platform and the system at Östkraft will be the first from BBC to the newest Network Manager system
Network Manager Distribution system in Denmark. of today. With this new order ABB will be glad to
Earlier releases of Network Manager have been continue this cooperation for many years.
sold worldwide, but Östkraft will have the newest
LINUX-version, which was released to the market ABB is looking forward to delivering the first
2005. Network Manager system for the distribution level
in Denmark and we expect soon to be able to
Consequently, today ABB can offer the Danish start a Network Manager Users´ Group for those
customers the same support as we currently offer to companies who choose to be upgraded to the new
BECOS-32 customers. platform.

In the delivery for Östkraft 16 RTU560 for all The know-how and experience that ABB has
60/10 kV stations are included and the attained through many years of remote control
communication between Network Manager and deliveries for the Danish energy market can be
RTUs will be based on the IEC-60870-5-104 sustained and developed together with the Danish
protocols. energy companies.

A part of the RTU’s will be delivered with an

ED1000 migration kit that enables an exchange
of older ED1000 RTUs with the new RTU560.
This proves to be a very time-effective solution
compared with reconnecting all the signals and then
retesting all signals and triggers.

ABB will also deliver new REx670 distance

protection relays for the 60 kV network. The
communication between RTUs and relays will
take place via optic fibre, which is the case for all
communication in the remote control system. IEC-
60870-5-103 protocols are used between the RTUs
and the relays.


Network Management Newsletter Issue 3/2006

ABB wins $ 6.8 million order to upgrade

SEC-SOA communication network

Innovative Digital Power Line Carrier Technology

delivers more channels with less hardware.

ABB recently signed a new agreement worth $ 6.8

million with Saudi Electricity Company to upgrade
the communication network in Asir Region with
the state-of-the-art communication system. This is
the second largest order ABB has received from
Saudi Electric Company Southern Operating Area
A salient feature of this project is that it was
The Asir Region covers a vast area of mountains based on ABB’s alternate solution which was not
in Abha as high as 3,000 meters above sea level included in the customer’s original specification.
with valleys reaching up to the Red Sea. It is a very ABB quoted the alternate solution taking into
popular tourist destination. consideration the latest development in Digital
Power Line Carrier that would help reduce
ABB will design, manufacture, test, install and the hardware content, and lack of space to
commission Digital Power Line Carrier (ETL600) accommodate more equipment at SEC-SOA
& Medium Density Fiber Optics (FOX515) for area substations. The solution also included
80 substations in Asir Region. With this contract Teleprotection for the existing protection systems,
the whole SEC-SOA grid from power plants to so the substations can continue to operate in the
transmission and distribution substations, will be event of faults and abnormal service condition.
“This is an excellent example of how innovative
technology combined with cost optimization
creates more customer value,” said Waseem Al
Marzogi, Local Business Unit Manager,
ABB Network Management & Communication.

Network Management Newsletter Issue 3/2006

ABB Training Simulator Offers Many Benefits to Dispatchers

ABB’s Dispatcher Training Simulator (DTS) The Instructor can also run the DTS on a different
provides a realistic environment for training database from the production system, e.g.,
Operators to make correct decisions under a corresponding to a past or future configuration of
wide range of operating conditions of the power the power system.
system. The DTS displays a reproduction of the
power system behavior, and an exact replica of The DTS Instructor can set up and run a variety
the SCADA and Applications functionality in the of complex training scenarios, including: breaker
control room. and switch operations, generating unit outages,
sudden load changes, switching of transmission
The user interface and operating procedures lines or transformers, failure and recovery of RTU
in the DTS environment are identical to what communications, transformer tap position changes,
the Operator will experience in the real-time power system blackout and restoration. For
environment. Under these circumstances, the additional information on DTS please contact
trainee is almost unaware that he is operating [email protected].
a Simulator and not the real time Energy
Management Systems (EMS).

The DTS provides tools for the Instructor to

control the simulation clock (hold/resume, back-
in-time, fast/slow) and tools to evaluate trainee

ABB Saudi Arabia holds successful products exhibition in Riyadh

ABB Saudi Arabia organized a products
exhibition titled “Power and productivity for a
better world”, in Riyadh from May 15 to 18, 2006.

At a glittering ceremony at the ABB factory

premises in the Second Industrial City in Riyadh,
Dr. Ahmed Al-Khaleefah, Deputy Minister,
Ministry of Water and Electricity, cut the ribbon
marking the opening of the exhibition. The four-
day event was attended by ABB EC member
and Power Systems Division Head Samir Brikho;
Stephan Tanstrand, Group Vice President, Business
Unit High Voltage Products; MEA Region Manager From center left, Mahmoud Shaban (Country Manager), Dr.
Boon Kiat Sim; SAABB Chairman Abdullah Al- Ahmad Al-Khaleefah (Deputy Minster) & Waseem AlMarzogi
Hobayb; Country Manager Mahmoud Shaban; (Local Business Unit) at SCADA Demo Unit Desk discussing
foreign diplomats; and senior Saudi Arabia ABB
managers. More than 1200 customers from various
regions in the Kingdom, the Sultanate of Oman,
United Arab Emirates and Jordan visited the

The four-day exhibition was the culmination of

the keen interest taken by Mahmoud Shaban,
and months of long preparations by the steering
committee and involved personnel.

From right, Power Systems Division Manager Samir Brikho,

Lars Trogen & Dr. Jacek Bujack


Network Management Newsletter Issue 3/2006

From Left, Mahmoud Shaban, Dr. Abdullah Al-Awaji & Mathias

Kranich taking a look of FOXT, X & 515

From Left, Mahmoud Shaban, Dr. Abdullah Al-Awaji & Donal Irwin
Dr. Abdullah Saleh Al-Awaji, GCCIA Chairman
talking about RTU560
and Deputy Minister, Ministry of Water and
Electricity, visited the exhibition on the last day. “The customer turnout was more than double the
On arrival at the exhibition, he was received by number the organizing committee had expected,”
Mahmoud Shaban, Abdullah Al-Hobayb and senior said Mahmoud Shaban. The visitors included the
SAABB officials. Dr. Al-Awaji was taken on a tour British, German, Swiss, Norwegian, Sri Lankan and
of the exhibition by Mahmoud Shaban. Bangladesh ambassadors to the Kingdom.

1st day Exibition hall before opening to customers.

Network Management Newsletter
The exhibition displayed a wide range of ABB Newsletter of the Business Unit
utility, power and automation products, including Network Management
technologies and services, from more than 90 ABB
companies around the world. Issue
3 / 2006
In conjunction with the exhibition, experts from Published
the ABB group conducted live seminars and quarterly
presentations on products and
Published by
Marina Ohrn
[email protected]
Susann Gilli
[email protected]

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