Saep 13
Saep 13
Saep 13
1 Scope....................................................................... 2
2 Applicable Documents.............................................. 2
3 Definitions and Acronyms......................................... 4
4 Instructions............................................................... 6
4.1 Environmental Screening
and Scoping Statement................................. 6
4.1.1 Purpose................................................. 7
4.1.2 Content.................................................. 7
4.1.3 Environmental Impact Category............ 7
4.1.4 Submission and Approval Process........ 9
4.2 Environmental Impact Assessments................ 9
4.2.1 Purpose............................................... 10
4.2.2 Content................................................ 10
4.2.3 Environmental Impact Category.......... 11
4.2.4 Submission and Approval Process...... 11
5 Responsibilities....................................................... 12
1 Scope
SAEP-13 defines the requirements for assessing the environmental impacts of projects
during the early stages of project development. It includes procedures necessary to
prepare an Environmental Screening and Scoping (ESS) statement during the Business
Case project stage [Front End Loading (FEL) Phase 1] and an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) during the Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP) project stage (FEL
Phase 2).
Note: The scheduling requirements in this version of SAEP-13 are applicable for all projects
following the new Capital Management System that resulted from the rollout of the
ATP Capital Efficiency Initiative. For other projects the scheduling requirements in the
previous version of this procedure, dated 29 July 2012 (which can be obtained from
EPD), shall apply. Requirements in this procedure pertaining to the content of the
ESS and EIA shall apply to all projects as of the effective date of this procedure.
2 Applicable Documents
All projects shall refer to and comply with applicable Saudi Aramco and Saudi Arabian
Government documents including, but not limited to, the following:
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Document Responsibility: Environmental Standards Committee SAEP-13
Issue Date: 9 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
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Issue Date: 9 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
3.1 Definitions
Ecologically Sensitive Area: Any land or marine area that contains significant
habitat for biodiversity. In Saudi Arabia, Ecologically Sensitive Areas include,
but are not limited to, any of the following:
Marine environments
Areas within 10 kilometers of designated or proposed Saudi Wildlife
Commission Biodiversity Protection Areas
Areas within 2000 meters of designated Important Bird Areas
Areas within 2000 meters of designated Important Plant Areas
Areas within 1000 meters of permanent or semi-permanent wetlands
Areas within 400 meters of the coastline
Areas within 200 meters of Wadis and other natural drainage channels
Saudi Aramco Biodiversity Protection Areas
Extensive areas (more than 1 km2) of relatively intact natural habitat
Areas containing Ecologically Sensitive Species (e.g., listed threatened species)
Areas containing traditional colonial-nesting, colonial-roosting, or social-
foraging habitat for native or migratory vertebrate species
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Issue Date: 9 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
Environmentally Sensitive Area: Any area that already has, or with remedial
action could achieve, desirable environmental attributes. These attributes
contribute to the retention and/or creation of wildlife habitat, soil stability, water
retention or recharge, vegetative cover and similar vital ecological functions.
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Issue Date: 9 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
3.2 Acronyms
BI: Budget Item
DBSP: Design Basis Scoping Paper
EED: Environmental Engineering Division
EIA: Environmental Impact Assessment
EPD: Environmental Protection Department
ERA: Expenditure Request Approval
ESS: Environmental Screening and Scoping
FEL: Front End Loading
FPD: Facilities Planning Department
GER: General Environmental Regulations
PME: Presidency of Meteorology and Environment
PMT: Project Management Team
SAEP: Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure
4 Instructions
An ESS statement shall be prepared during the Business Case project stage (FEL
Phase 1).
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Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
4.1.1 Purpose
4.1.2 Content
For programs that include multiple BIs or phases, the ESS shall include
an implementation plan indicating how the major elements of the EIA
will be incorporated into the project schedule. For example, if a site
preparation BI precedes final scope development for a BI for process
facilities, terrestrial ecology surveys will have to be completed before
scope is finalized for site preparation, but air dispersion modeling cannot
be completed until scope is well-developed for process facilities.
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Issue Date: 9 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
The final ESS shall be submitted to the Division Head of EED for review
and approval.
For BI-10 Capital Projects, the ESS shall be included in the Business
Case submittal. The ESS shall be approved by the Division Head of
EED before the project passes FEL Gate 1.
BI-19 Projects
For BI-19 Projects, the ESS shall be included in the BI-19 Project Brief.
The BI-19 project ESS shall be approved by the EED/EPD General
Master Appropriations
The EIA for Category 2 and 3 projects shall be prepared by a qualified third-
party environmental consultant during the DBSP project stage (FEL phase 2).
The third party shall be a Saudi Government-permitted and/or internationally-
recognized environmental contractor or consultant that is not affiliated with the
prime design contractor.
The EIA must be approved by the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources
before the project passes FEL Gate 2.
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Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
4.2.1 Purpose
4.2.2 Content
The EIA shall evaluate project alternatives (e.g., location and technology)
that might reduce environmental impacts and fulfill project objectives.
The EIA shall identify all potential pollution sources during routine
construction and operation of the project (see Appendix D for examples
of potential environmental pollutants and pollution sources).
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Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
BI-19 Projects
For BI-19 Projects that do not produce a Project Proposal, the draft EIA
shall be submitted at the equivalent project stage (i.e., such that the EIA
can be reviewed and approved prior to Expenditure Request).
Master Appropriations
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Issue Date: 9 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
EPD will forward the final EIA to the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral
Resources for review and approval. The Ministry has committed to
review and return EIAs within one month.
Company organizations other than EPD shall not distribute the EIA
outside the Company prior to approval by the Ministry of Petroleum and
Mineral Resources.
When a project consists of multiple BIs located within a single site, FPD
shall combine multiple EIAs, if practical, in order to send one
comprehensive EIA to the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources
for approval. The EIA must be approved by the Ministry before the first
BI passes FEL Gate 2.
5 Responsibilities
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Issue Date: 9 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
7. Preparing a scope of work, schedule, and qualified bidders list for the
preparation of the EIA (for all Category 2 & 3 EIAs, the scope and bidders
list shall be submitted to EPD for review and approval);
8. Managing contracts for all environmental work for Category 2 and 3 EIAs;
9. Contacting EED/EPD to:
a) Obtain existing environmental information;
b) Review and approve the scope of work;
c) Determine which areas require further study and fieldwork, and
d) Determine how to satisfy government environmental requirements.
10. Ensuring the hiring of qualified third-party Saudi government-permitted or
internationally-recognized contractors or consultants that are not affiliated
with the prime design contractor to perform Category 2 and 3 EIAs;
11. Issuing the EIA for review at the 30% DBSP stage. For projects that do not
produce DBSPs, the EIA is required and shall be submitted at the
equivalent project stage, i.e., such that the EIA is approved prior the project
passing FEL Gate 2.
5.2 Project Management Team (or Proponent for Type C-1 and BI-19 projects)
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Issue Date: 9 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
The Programs, Forecasts and Analysis Department is responsible for the following:
1. Referring all BI-19 Project Briefs to FPD for review;
2. Ensuring that BI-19 Project Briefs include an ESS.
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Issue Date: 9 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
Revision Summary
9 December 2014 Major revision. This procedure has been updated so that it is applicable to all projects
following the new Capital Management System that resulted from the rollout of the ATP
Capital Efficiency Initiative.
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Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
General information:
(Please attach a location map showing the distance from residential clusters)
Construction activities:
Brief description of the raw materials, their quantities, sources and state (liquid, powder, solid):
Brief description of the preparation and production phases (attach additional papers, drawings,
technical catalogs and reports, if any):
(List and attach copies of all licenses and approvals obtained from the agencies
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Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
Project data:
General information:
(Please attach a location map showing the distance from residential clusters)
Construction activities:
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Issue Date: 9 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
Technologies used (Please attach copies of the descriptive technical reports and catalogs):
Brief description of the raw materials, their quantities, sources and state (liquid, powder, solid):
Brief description of the preparation and production phases (attach additional papers, drawings,
technical catalogs and reports, if any):
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Gas emission rate: cubic meter per hour
Temperature: C
Velocity: meters per second
Water vapor content: %
Significant biological properties of the area, including endemic or threatened flora and fauna, and distances to
nearest designated or proposed Protected Areas, designated Important Bird Areas, designated Important Plant
Areas, wetlands, wadis, jebels, coastline (if within 2 km of proposed development). Please provide details in
attachments as needed:
Significant cultural properties of the area, including distances to nearest archaeological or historical sites and
agricultural areas (if within 2 km of proposed development). Please provide details in attachments as needed:
Initial analyses of the environmental impacts (please indicate the most significant impacts and provide details in
subsequent attachments as needed):
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Fisheries and
marine resources
Tourism and
historical or
artifacts or sites
Designated or
Protected Areas
Sensitive Areas
Agricultural areas
Description of the control and mitigation procedures and technologies for the various impacts:
(List and attach copies of all licenses and approvals obtained from the agencies
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A full EIA report for a Category 3 project shall comprehensively address the significant
environmental and social issues. The report's level of detail and sophistication shall be
commensurate with the potential impacts. The target audience shall be project designers and
government agencies. The EIA report shall include the following:
Baseline Data: Assess the dimensions of the study area and description of relevant
physical, biological, and socioeconomic conditions, including any changes anticipated
before the project commences. Baseline data may include, but are not limited to, the
following (where applicable):
o Ambient air quality
o Soil quality / contaminated land
o Groundwater quality
o Fisheries and marine resources
o Terrestrial biodiversity
o Noise
o Water resources
o Cultural and archaeological resources
o Agricultural resources
o Public health
o Socio-economic conditions
Environmental, Social and Health Impacts: Identify and assess the positive and negative
impacts likely to result from the proposed project during construction and operation,
including emergency operations (including environmental, public health impacts and
socioeconomic, as applicable). Any residual negative impacts that cannot be mitigated, as
well as the impact of concurrent and proposed future development activities within the
project area (but not necessarily directly connected to the project) shall also be identified
and assessed. The extent and quality of available data, key data gaps, and uncertainties
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associated with predictions shall be identified / estimated. Topics that do not require
further attention shall be specified.
Mitigation Plan: Identify and assess feasible and cost-effective measures that may reduce
potentially significant adverse environmental, socioeconomic and/or public health impacts
to acceptable levels. The plan shall provide details of proposed work programs, schedules
and responsibilities, and describe how mitigation measures will be implemented.
Water Systems Optimization Assessment Study: BI-10 Capital projects shall conduct a
mandatory Water System Optimization Assessment Study. This requirement can be
fulfilled by this section of the EIA or as a separate study. The purpose of this study is to
comply with Saudi Aramco’s Water Conservation Policy (INT-11) by optimizing the
process and utility capital and ensuring efficient use of water.
o The study shall be conducted by a qualified wastewater specialist. Resumés of the
licensed engineer(s) performing this study including the qualifications shall be sent to
the EED/EPD General Supervisor for review and approval prior to commencing the
o The technical approach and scope of work for the water study should address process
integration, using for example Water Pinch Analysis (a systematic technique for
reducing water consumption and wastewater generation through integration of water-
using activities or processes).
o The economic feasibility of utilizing alternative sources of water and treatment options
shall be evaluated. Capital costs should be based upon life cycle cost analysis.
o FPD shall submit the scope of work of this study including deliverables to the
EED/EPD General Supervisor before commencing the study. The scope of work will
be reviewed and comments will be sent to FPD within one working week.
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Environmental Monitoring Plan: Specify the type of monitoring, who would do it, how
much it would cost, and what other inputs (e.g., training) are necessary. The plan shall
indicate how monitoring findings and outcomes will be reported. EPD shall be included in
the distribution of environmental monitoring reports.
Policy, Legal, and Administrative Framework: Discuss the policy, legal, and
administrative framework within which the EIA is prepared. Applicable environmental
regulations shall be identified and explained.
o List of EIA Preparers: Individuals, qualifications, and organizations.
o References: Written materials used in study preparation.
o Records of Meetings with Government Agencies
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The following is a partial list of pollution sources that could impact the groundwater, air
quality, soil, and marine and terrestrial ecology. This list is for reference only.
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Issue Date: 9 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 9 December 2019 Project Environmental Impact Assessments
Noise Sources
Pressure Relief Valves
Pressure Reduction Stations
Pumps and Drivers
A/C Units
Construction Equipment
Pipe Bends
Centrifugal Fans
Process Equipment
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