Global Media Culture
Global Media Culture
Global Media Culture
SPREADING OF IDEAS AND CULTURE 1. Internet & social media have democratized
-people travel the globe to teach and preach about their access
beliefs and the like 2. Anyone can use social media
-Media (new/traditional media) ex: social media, television 3. Enabled users to be consumers & producers of
-Globalization relies on media as its main channel for the info
spread of global culture and ideas 4. Democratic potential (voice of nation)
“The Medium is the Message” – Marshall McLuhan Negative
*In what way does media cut off human senses? 1. Cyber Balkanization
-weaker in physical interaction 2. 2. People have access to conservative websites
-not interdependent relationship 3. Builds an echo camber
-may expand the reach of communication but dull the 4. Segmentation used by those in power ca
user’s communicative capacities produce hard-mentality
5. Exploited by politicians
MEDIA AND ITS FUNCTION 6. Tool of government propaganda
Media- means of conveying something such as a channel 7. Manipulate public opinions
of communication – John Lule 8. Online mobs/ hackers
-technologies of mass communication 9. Fake news
TYPES OF MEDIA 10. Deep web
-print media -broadcast media
-film media -new media ASIAN REGIONALISM
*A world of Regions
FUNCTIONS OF MEDIA AND HOW IT AFFECTS THE SOCIETY -governments, associations, societies and groups form a
-Technological Determinism – technology shapes the regional organization and/or networks as away of coping
society with the challenges of globalization
-Social Determinism – Society shapes technology -Regions – groups of countries located in the same
-Technology <-> Society – tech both influences and is geographically specified area & oversee flows and policy
influenced by society choices
-Regionalism – e political process characterized by
GLOBAL VILLAGE AND CULTURAL IMPERIALISM economic policy cooperation and coordination among
-Global Village – the world is considered as a single countries
community linked by telecommunications
-global media has a tendency to homogenize culture HOW COUNTRIS RESPOND TO GLOBALIZATION
1.Some are large enough and have a lot of resources to
MEDIA GLOBALIZATION + AMERICAN IMPERIALIZM = dictate how they participate in processes of global
-cultural imperialism is simply a euphemism for western 2.Other countries make up for their small size by taking
cultural imperialism advantaged of their strategic location
-Philippines is not Americanized 3.In most cases, countries form a regional alliance for
-Problem: it kills the culture of other countries there is strength in numbers
-We can never imperialize other country due to our history
(we now have a diff culture) REASONS WHY COUNTRIES FORM REGIONAL
CRITIQUES AND CULTURAL IMPERIALISM -Military defense = a country’s stable based on their
-imperialism – “creation and maintenance of unequal military power
relationships between civilizaition -to pool resources, better returns for their exports. Expand
-Cultural Imperialism – promoting and imposing a culture their leverage against trading partners
usually of a politically powerful nation, over a less -to pursue economic cooperation (coordination, give and
powerful society take process)
*Media messages are not just made by producers, they *there is an immense power for the country that has the
are also consumed by the audiences resources as they control the prices
*globalism – larger scale
SOCIAL MEDIA AND ITS CREATION OF CYBER GHETTOES *regionalism – certain region (ex: Asia)
-world is becoming homogeneous *nationalism – within a country
- Internet & Social Media process that globalization of
culture can move from different locations
Media production – controlled by a handful powerful
western corp.
-1st wave (1950-60’s) between small &medium states | -contemporary world is furiously religious
Failed to achieve economic development -religions are foundation of modern republic
-2nd wave (1980-90’s) open regionalism -religious movements do not hesitate to appropriate
- “inclusive (nested) mechanism secular themes and practices
-early marginalization -religion was the result of a shift in state policy
-3rd wave (2000’s) bundle of bilateral networks Reality for and against Globalization:
-Christianity and Islam = see globalization as an
Asian Member State: opportunity to expand their reach all over the world
- Indonesia -Thailand -seeks to take place of these broken “tradition ties” to
- Singapore -Malaysia help other communities cope w/ new situation or organize
- Cambodia - Philippines them to oppose major transformation of their lives
- Vietnam -Laos -Religion can provide “moral code”
- Myanmar -Brunei -not a “regressive force but a proactive force”
- -Religious fundamentalism may dislike globalization’s
AIMS AND PURPSES OF ASEAN materialism, but it continuous to use the “full range of
1. To improve economic growth modern means of communication and organizations”
2. To promote regional and stability
3. To promote active collaboration and mutual *Religion is somehow outside looking globalizations as a
assistance. problem or a potential
4. To provide assistance to each other in the form *civilization can be held together by religious worldviews
of training and research facilities called “the clash of civilization”
5. To collaborate more effectively for the greater **Globalization never affects religion**
utilization of their agriculture
6. To promote Southeast Asian Studies GLOBAL MIGRATION
7. To maintain close and beneficial cooperation Migration - the act, process or an instance of moving from
one place to another
*Internal Migration – moving from one area to another
Religion *International Migration – cross borders of one country to
-concerned w/ the sacred another
- Follows divine commandments 5 GROUPS OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRANTS
-Assume possible communication between the human & 1. Who move permanently to another country
transcendent (immigrants)
Globalism 2. Workers who stay in another country for a fixed
-places value on material wealth period (at least 6 months)
-Abides by human made laws 3. Illegal Migrants
-human actions leads to the highest material satisfaction 4. Migrants whose families have
-wisdom or status 5. “petitioned” to move to a country
6. Refugees (asylum seekers) – unable or unwilling
Religious People (aspires to be saint like) to return to their country
-less concerned with wealth
-Shun anything material for complete simplicity BENEFITS AND DETRIMENTS FOR THE SEDING COUNTRIES
-main duty: to live a virtuous, sin-less life Benefits
Globalist People (aspired to be business person) Migrants has larger taxes
-less concerned if they’ll end up in heaven or not -GDP (nabubuhay dahil sa OFW’s)
-strong social conscience Detriments
-Skills are more pedestrian -not much health care
*Religion and Globalism -no proper educations
Religious evangelization is in itself a form of globalization -the loss of professionals
Religious: 2 REASONS
-concerned w/ spreading holy ideas globally 1. Push Factor – reasons that make the person to
-spreading the word of God (gaining adherence abroad) get out of the country (poor health care, educ)
-membership to religious group, organization or cult 2. Pull Factor – naeengganyo ang tao mag migrate
represents an affiliation that connects to the divine
-focused on realm of markets
-to spread goods and services
-related to sexual stuffs, exploitation Recommendations to Reduce Growth Rate
-illegal recruiting -preconception -Bizarre- Chemical castration
- Ethnocentrism -Policy oriented – taxing on additional child and luxury
taxes on child related products
INTEGRATION -Monetary Incentives – paying off men who would agree
-to form or coordinate or blend into a functioning or to be sterilized after 2 children
unified as a whole -Institution Building – a powerful Department of
-contribute to the host nations GDP Populations and Environment
-the newcomers bringing their culture
-Xenophobia – fear and hatred of strangers IT’S THE ECONOMY, NOT THE BABIES
-unequal and to have inequality even for us we must settle
our differences
-Globalization starts with us, for each generation to enjoy
-availability of food and one’s access to it
-considered food secure when the occupants do not live in
hunger or fear of starvation
-when all people have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious
food to maintain a healthy and active life
*Food Stability – ability to obtain food over time
*Food Access – affordability and allocation of food, as well
as the preferences of individuals
*Food Availability – supply of food thru production,
distribution and exchange
Food:People ratio
Population Growth Food security
-open markets
-good governance = they are the ones who can help us in
food as they handle our agriculture
Food is as important as import and export