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22 The z-Transform

An LTI system has an impulse response h[n] for which the z-transform is

H(z) = h[n]z- z-1 , |

(a) Plot the pole-zero pattern for H(z).
(b) Using the fact that signals of the form z" are eigenfunctions of LTI systems,
determine the system output for all n if the input x[n] is
x[n] = (?)" + 3(2)n

Consider the sequence x[n] = 2"u[n].
(a) Is x[n] absolutely summable?
(b) Does the Fourier transform of x[n] converge?
(c) For what range of values of r does the Fourier transform of the sequence
r-"x[n] converge?
(d) Determine the z-transform X(z) of x[n], including a specification of the ROC.
(e) X(z) for z = 3e'a can be thought of as the Fourier transform of a sequence x,[n],
2"u[n] X(z),
xi[n] 5 X(3ei") = XI(ei")
Determine x1 [n].

Shown in Figure P22.3 is the pole-zero plot for the z-transform X(z) of a sequence

z plane

1 2 2
3 3

Figure P22.3
Signals and Systems

Determine what can be inferred about the associated region of convergence from
each of the following statements.
(a) x[n] is right-sided.
(b) The Fourier transform of x[n] converges.
(c) The Fourier transform of x[n] does not converge.
(d) x[n] is left-sided.

(a) Determine the z-transforms of the following two signals. Note that the z-trans­
forms for both have the same algebraic expression and differ only in the ROC.
(i) xi[n] = (i)"u[n]
(ii) X2[n] = -(I)"n[-U - 1]
(b) Sketch the pole-zero plot and ROC for each signal in part (a).
(c) Repeat parts (a) and (b) for the following two signals:
(i) x 3[n] = 2u[n]
(ii) x 4 [n] = -(2)"u[-n - 1]
(d) For which of the four signals xi[n], x 2[n], xs[n], and x 4[n] in parts (a) and (c)
does the Fourier transform converge?


Consider the pole-zero plot of H(z) given in Figure P22.5, where H(a/2) = 1.

z plane

Figure P22.5
(a) Sketch |H(e'")I as the number of zeros at z = 0 increases from 1 to 5.
(b) Does the number of zeros affect <'H(ej")? If so, specifically in what way?
(c) Find the region of the z plane where IH(z) I = 1.
The z-Transform / Problems

Determine the z-transform (including the ROC) of the following sequences. Also
sketch the pole-zero plots and indicate the ROC on your sketch.
(a) (I)"U [n]
(b) 6[n + 1]

For each of the following z-transforms determine the inverse z-transform.
1 1
(a) X(z) = 1± zIZ Iz| >
1 -z 1z 1
(b) X(z) = 1 z-2 , Iz| >

1 -az- 1
(c) X(z)= z _-' IzI > iaa

In this problem we study the relation between the z-transform, the Fourier trans­
form, and the ROC.
(a) Consider the signal x[n] = u[n]. For which values of r does r-"x[n] have a con­
verging Fourier transform?
(b) In the lecture, we discussed the relation between X(z) and I{r-"x[nj}. For each
of the following values of r, sketch where in the z plane X(z) equals the Fourier
transform of r-x[n].
(i) r=1
(ii) r=
(iii) r= 3
(c) From your observations in parts (a) and (b), sketch the ROC of the z-transform
of u[n].

(a) Suppose X(z) on the circle z = 2e'j is given by

X(2ej') = 1 _

Using the relation X(reju) = 5{r~"x[n]}, find 2-x[n] and then x[n], the inverse
z-transform of X(z).
(b) Find x[n] from X(z) below using partial fraction expansion, where x[n] is
known to be causal, i.e., x[n] = 0 for n < 0.
3 + 2z~1
X(z) -2 + 3z-' + z- 2
Signals and Systems

A discrete-time system with the pole-zero pattern shown in Figure P22.10-1 is
referred to as a first-order all-pass system because the magnitude of the frequency
response is a constant, independent of frequency.

Unit circle

I ROC: I z I > a

Figure P22.10-1

(a) Demonstrate algebraically that IH(eu) I is constant.

(b) To demonstrate the same property geometrically, consider the vector diagram
in Figure P22.10-2. Show that the length of v 2 is proportional to the length of vi
independent of 0 by following these two steps:
(i) Express the length of v, using the law of cosines and the fact that it is
one leg of a triangle for which the other two legs are the unit vector and
a vector of length a.
(ii) In a manner similar to that in step (i), determine the length of v 2 and show
that it is proportional in length to vi independent of Q.


Unit circle

Figure P22.10-2


Parts (a)-(e) (Figures P22.11-1 to P22.11-5) give pole-zero plots, and parts (i)-(iv)
(Figures P22.11-6 to P22.11-9) give sketches of possible Fourier transform magni­
tudes. Assume that for all the pole-zero plots, the ROC includes the unit circle. For
each pole-zero plot (a)-(e), specify which one if any of the sketches (i)-(iv) could
represent the associated Fourier transform magnitude. More than one pole-zero plot
may be associated with the same sketch.
The z-Transform / Problems

(a) (b)

Im z plane

F PRer

Figure P22.11-1

(c) (d)




Figure P22.11-7
Signals and Systems

(iii) (iv)


Figure P22.11-8 Figure P22.11-9

Determine the z-transform for the following sequences. Express all sums in closed
form. Sketch the pole-zero plot and indicate the ROC. Indicate whether the Fourier
transform of the sequence exists.
(a) (i)"{u[n] - u[n - 10]}
(b) (i)II

(c) 7 cos [ + r u[n]

0, n < 0
(d) x[n]= 1, 0 s n - 9

0, 9 < n


Using the power-series expansion

log(1 - W) = - Wi , w l< 1,

determine the inverse of the following z-transforms.

(a) X(z) = log(1 - 2z), IzI < i
(b) X(z) = log(1 - z- 1), |z > i
MIT OpenCourseWare

Resource: Signals and Systems

Professor Alan V. Oppenheim

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