System Stability: EM 1110-2-2504 31 Mar 94
System Stability: EM 1110-2-2504 31 Mar 94
System Stability: EM 1110-2-2504 31 Mar 94
31 Mar 94
EM 1110-2-2504
31 Mar 94
EM 1110-2-2504
31 Mar 94
and duration of loading, and the performance of the wall the experience of the designer and the reliability of the
should be carefully monitored to prevent permanent values assigned to the various system parameters. A
damage. Lower factors of safety or higher material procedure which has gained acceptance in the Corps of
stresses may be used for these conditions with the intent Engineers is to apply a factor of safety (strength reduc-
that the system should experience no more than tion factor) to the soil strength parameters φ and c while
cosmetic damage. using "best estimates" for other quantities. Because
passive pressures calculated by the procedures described
(3) Extreme conditions. A worst-case scenario in Chapter 4 are less likely to be fully developed than
representing the widest deviation from the usual loading active pressures on the retaining side, the current
condition should be used to assess the loads for this practice is to evaluate passive pressures using "effec-
case. The design should allow the system to sustain tive" values of φ and c given by
these loads without experiencing catastrophic collapse
but with the acceptance of possible major damage which
tan(φeff) tan(φ) / FSP (5-1)
requires rehabilitation or replacement. To contrast usual
and extreme conditions, the effects of a hurricane on a
hurricane protection wall would be the "usual" condition
governing the design, while the loads of the same hurri- and
cane on an embankment retaining wall would be
ceff c / FSP (5-2)
EM 1110-2-2504
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EM 1110-2-2504
31 Mar 94
Minimum recommended values of FSP are given in For convenience in calculations for stability, the
Table 5-1. A factor of safety FSA may be applied for individual distributions are combined into "net" pressure
active pressures, however it is considered sufficient to distributions according to:
use an FSA = 1 in most cases unless deformations of
the wall are restricted. "NET ACTIVE" PRESSURE = retained side active
soil pressure
- dredge side passive soil
Table 5-1
Minimum Safety Factors for Determining the Depth pressure
of Penetration Applied to the Passive Pressures + net water pressure
(+ pressure due to
Loading Case Fine-Grain Soils Free-Draining Soils
retained side surcharge)
Floodwalls (- pressure due to dredge
side surcharge)
Usual 1.50 Q-Case 1.50 S-Case
1.10 S-Case "NET PASSIVE" PRESSURE = retained side passive
Unusual 1.25 Q-Case 1.25 S-Case
soil pressure
1.10 S-Case - dredge side active soil
Extreme 1.10 Q-Case 1.10 S-Case + net water pressure
1.10 S-Case (+ pressure due to
retained side surcharge)
Retaining Walls
(- pressure due to dredge
Usual 2.00 Q-Case 1.50 S-Case side surcharge)
1.50 S-Case
In these definitions of net pressure distributions, positive
Unusual 1.75 Q-Case 1.25 S-Case pressures tend to move the wall toward the dredge side.
1.25 S-Case
Typical net pressure diagrams are illustrated in
Extreme 1.50 Q-Case 1.10 S-Case Figure 5-5.
1.10 S-Case
f. Stability design for cantilever walls. It is assumed
that a cantilever wall rotates as a rigid body about some
e. Net pressure distributions. Evaluations of the point in its embedded length as illustrated in Fig-
pressures by the processes described in Chapter 4 result ure 5-2a. This assumption implies that the wall is
in a number of pressure distributions. subjected to the net active pressure distribution from the
top of the wall down to a point (subsequently called the
(1) Active soil pressures due to retained side soil. "transition point") near the point of zero displacement.
The design pressure distribution is then assumed to vary
(2) Passive soil pressures due to retained side soil. linearly from the net active pressure at the transition
point to the full net passive pressure at the bottom of
(3) Pressures due to surcharge loads on retained the wall. The design pressure distribution is illustrated
side surface. (Effects of surcharge loads are included in in Figure 5-6. Equilibrium of the wall requires that the
the soil pressures when a wedge method is used.) sum of horizontal forces and the sum of moments about
any point must both be equal to zero. The two
(4) Active soil pressures due to dredge side soil. equilibrium equations may be solved for the location of
the transition point (i.e. the distance z in Figure 5-6) and
(5) Passive soil pressures due to dredge side soil. the required depth of penetration (distance d in Fig-
ure 5-6). Because the simultaneous equations are non-
(6) Pressures due to surcharge loads on dredge side linear in z and d, a trial and error solution is required.
g. Stability design for anchored walls. Several
(7) Net water pressures due to differential head. methods for anchored wall design have been proposed
EM 1110-2-2504
31 Mar 94
and classified as the "Free Earth" method (implied in penetration and anchor force, it will be necessary to
Figure 5-2b) and variations of the "Fixed Earth" hypoth- consider several anchor positions to arrive at the optimal
esis. Research and experience over the years have combination. For an initial estimate, the anchor may be
shown that walls designed by the Free Earth method are assumed to lie at a distance below the top of the wall
sufficently stable walls with less penetration than those equal to one-fourth to one-third of the exposed wall
designed by the Fixed Earth method. Because of the height.
flexibility of the sheet piling, the Free Earth method
predicts larger moments than those that actually occur. h. Anchor design. The anchor force calculated in
This shortcoming of the Free Earth method is overcome the stability analysis was obtained from equilibrium of a
by using Rowe’s moment reduction curves, as described typical 1-foot slice of the wall. In the actual system the
in Chapter 6. In the Free Earth method, the anchor is anchor support is provided by discrete tie rods attached
assumed to be a rigid simple support about which the to the wall through wales and to another support
wall rotates as a rigid body as shown in Figure 5-2b. mechanism (termed the "anchor" herein) at their ends
Despite the tendency of the wall to produce a passive and remote from the wall. Structural design of the tie
condition in the retained soil above the anchor, it is rods and wales is discussed in Chapter 6. A variety of
assumed that the wall is only subjected to the net active anchor configurations are illustrated in Figure 2-2.
pressure distribution as illustrated in Figure 5-7. The Capacities of some anchor configurations are discussed
required depth of penetration (d in Figure 5-7) is deter- in the following paragraphs. The soil strength
mined from the equilibrium requirement that the sum of parameters appearing in the equations associated with
moments about the anchor must be zero. After the anchor design should be consistent with the properties
depth of penetration has been determined, the anchor (S-case or Q-case) used for stability design. In all cases
force is obtained from equilibrium of horizontal forces. the capacity of the anchor should be sufficient to
Because the position of the anchor affects both depth of develop the yield strength of the tie rods (Chapter 6).
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(1) Continuous anchors. A continuous anchor con- Figure 5-8) must be available. In addition, if the anchor
sists of a sheet pile or concrete wall installed parallel to wall intersects the line ac in Figure 5-8, interaction
the retaining wall as illustrated in Figures 2-2a and 2-2b. between the anchor wall and the retaining wall may
The continuous anchor derives its resistance from differ- increase the soil pressures on the retaining wall, thus
ential passive and active pressures produced by interac- invalidating the previous stability analysis. For non-
tion with the surrounding soil. homogeneous soil systems, the boundaries defining
minimum spacing of the anchor wall may be estimated
(a) Anchor location. The minimum distance from by the procedures used in the "Fixed Surface" wedge
the retaining wall at which an anchor wall must be method described in CWALSHT User’s Guide
placed to develop its full capacity is illustrated in Fig- (USAEWES 1990).
ure 5-8 for a homogeneous soil system. Under the
assumptions employed in the stability analysis of the (b) Full anchor capacity. Active and passive pres-
retaining wall, a zone of soil (bounded by line ab in sures developed on the anchor wall are shown in Fig-
Figure 5-8) behind the retaining wall is at its limiting ure 5-9 for a homogeneous soil system where h/H is 1/3
active state. To permit development of passive pres- to 1/2 (Teng (1962) and Terzaghi (1943)). The capacity
sures, an additional zone of soil (bounded by line bc in of the anchor wall is given by
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Figure 5-7. Design pressure distribution for free earth design of anchored walls
Ca PP PA (5-3) PP γH 2 KP /2 (5-4)
where and
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Figure 5-8. Minimum anchor - wall spacing for full passive anchor resistance in homogeneous soil
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γH 2 (5-6)
PP 2cH
2 L= length of the dead man parallel to the
retaining wall
where c is the effective soil cohesive strength used for φ and c = effective (factored) angle of internal
stability analysis of the retaining wall. friction and cohesive strength,
(c) Reduced anchor wall capacity. When physical
constraints require violation of the minimum spacing KP and KA = passive and active earth pressure coeffi-
between anchor wall and retaining wall, the attendant cients evaluated for effective strengths
reduced anchor wall capacity should be evaluated by the (Equations 4.3 and 4.4)
procedures discussed by Terzaghi (1934).
Ko = at-rest pressure coefficient which may
(d) Structural design of sheet pile and concrete be taken as
anchor walls. Sheet pile anchor walls should be
designed for maximum bending moment and shear
Ko 1 sin(φ) (5-10)
under the stress limitations delineated in Chapter 6.
Concrete anchors should be designed under the Ameri-
can Concrete Institute (ACI) 318 (1983) specifications
for concrete structure in contact with the earth. (3) Anchors at large depth. Capacities of anchors at
large depth below the ground surface may be taken as
(2) Discontinuous anchors. Discontinuous anchors the bearing capacity of a footing located at a depth
(or dead men) are usually composed of relatively short equal to the midheight of the anchor (Terzaghi 1943).
walls or blocks of concrete. The stress distribution
ahead of a dead man is illustrated in Figure 5-10a and a (4) Grouted anchorage. Grouted anchorage consists
free-body diagram is shown in Figure 5-10b. The of tie rods or tendons installed in cased, drilled holes
capacity of a dead man near the ground surface for with their remote ends grouted into competent soil or
S-case strengths (c = 0) may be taken as rock as illustrated in Figures 2-2c and 5. The grouted
length must be fully outside the active wall zone (line
ab in Figure 5-5). Tie rods must be designed to resist
Ca L(PP PA ) (1/3) Ko γ KP the anchor force determined from wall stability analysis
(5-8) plus any preload applied for alignment or limitation of
3 initial deflections. The capacity of all grouted anchors,
KA H tan (φ) W tan (φ)
which should develop the yield strength of the tie rod,
must be verified by proof tests by loading to
110 percent of their required resistance. At least two
anchors should be subjected to performance tests by
and for Q-case strengths, (φ = 0) loading to 150 percent of their design capacity.
EM 1110-2-2504
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EM 1110-2-2504
31 Mar 94