Boiler Perform Calculate

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Boiler perfomance calculation

Boiler Perfomance Data

Fuel analysis (as fired base)
[1] Hf Higher heating value

[2] Hf Higher heating value

Ultimate analysis
[3] MpCF Carbon content

[4] MpH2F Hydogren content

[5] MpO2F Oxygen content

[6] MpSF Sulfur content

[7] MpN2F Nitrogen content

[8] MpAsF Ash content

[9] MpWF Moisture content

[10] Total
Proximate analysis
[11] MFrWF Total moisture content

[12] MFrFo Fixed carbon content

[13] MFrVm Volatile matter content

[14] MFrAsF Ash content

[15] Total
[16] MpUbC Unburned carbon fuel

[17] MpCb Carbon burned content

Flue Gas Analysis

[18] DVpO2 AH inlet O2 in dry flue gas (Special Instrument)

[19] DVpO2Lv AH outlet O2 in dry flue gas (Special Instrument)

[20] MpCRs Unburned carbon in fly ash (Special Intstrument)

Air and Gas temperature

[21] Tre Reference temperature=25.0°C (AH inlet temperature)

[22] Tcb Ambient air temperature (dry bulb) =FDF inlet

[23] Twb Ambient air temperature (wet bulb) =FDF inlet

[24] RHM Relative humidity

[25] Pa Baromatric pressure

[26] PsWvTdb Saturation pressure of water vapor in air at dry-bulb

[27] PpWvA Partial pressure of water vapor in air

[28] MFrWDA Absolute humidity

[29] TA2 AH inlet2ry air temperature

[30] TA1h AH inlet tempering air (AH inlet 1ry air) temperature

[31] YA1o AH outlet 1ry air temperature

[32] PsWvTdb Absolute humidity

[33] TAEn AH inlet air mean temperature

[34] Tfgen AH inlet gas temperature

[35] TFgLy AH outlet gas temperature (uncorrected=Including Leakage)

[36] TDiTAEn AH outlet gas temperature (uncorrected=Excluding Leakage) correction value

[37] TFgLvCr/TFgLvCrd AH outlet gas temperature (correction=Excluding Leakage)

[38] TF Fuel temparuture

Air flow

[39] FM1 Primary air flow rate (Pulverizer inlet)

[40] HA1o Enthalpy of wet air at AH outlet 1ry air

[40] HA1o Enthalpy of wet air at AH outlet 1ry air

[41] HM1 Enthalpy of wet air at Pulverizer inlet air

[42] HE1 Enthalpy of wet air at temperature (AH inlet 1ry air)

[43] FE1 Tempering air flow rate

[44] FA2 Secondary air flow rate

[45] FT1 Total air flow rate


[46] HDARe Enthalpy of dry air at FDF inlet air

[47] HWvRe Enthalpy of water vapor at FDF inlet air

[48] HDA1th Enthalpy of dry air at Tempering air (AH inlet 1ry air)

[49] HWA1th Enthalpy of water vapor at Tempering air (AH inlet 1ry air)

[50] HDA Enthalpy of dry air at AH inlet air (average)

[51] HWv Enthalpy of water vapor at AH inlet air (average)

[52] HDA1o Enthalpy of dry air at AH outlet 1ry air

[53] HWA1o Enthalpy of water vapor at AH outlet 1ry air

[54] HDM1 Enthalpy of dry air at Pulverizer inlet air

[55] HWM1 Enthalpy of water vapor at Pulverizer inlet air

Enthalpy of dry gas at AH outlet gas

[56] HDFgLvCr
(Corrected= Excluding Leakage)
Enthalpy of water vapor at AH outlet gas
[57] HWvLvCr
(Corrected= Excluding Leakage)
Enthalpy of dry gas at AH outlet gas
[58] HDFgLv
(Corrected= Including Leakage)
Enthalpy of dry air at AH outlet gas temperature (uncorrected)
[59] HDAFgLv
(Corrected= Including Leakage)
Enthalpy of water vapor at AH outlet gas
[60] HWvLv
(Corrected= Including Leakage)

[61] HstLvCr Enthalpy of steam at otlet gas (corrected)

[62] Hw Enthalpy of water at Reference temperature

AH inlet gas calcuation

[63] MFrThACr Theoritical air

[64] MoThACr Moles f theoritical air at AH inlet

[65] MoDPo Moles of dry product from the combustion of fuel

[66] XpA Excess Air

[67] MFrDA Dry Air

[68] MFrWH2F Moisture from the combustion of hydrogen in the fuel

[69] MFrWF Moisture from water in fuel

[70] MFrWA Moisture in Air

[71] MFrWFg Moisture in AH inlet gas

[72] MFrWFgF Wet gas from fuel

[73] MFrFg Ah inlet wet gas

[74] MFrDFg Dry gas

AH outet gas calculation

[75] XpALv Excess Air

[76] MFrDALv Dry air

[77] MFrDAL AH leakage dry air

[78] MFrWAL AH leakage wet air

[79] MFrFgLv AH outlate wet gas

AH oulet gas temperature (corrected) calculation

[80] MnCpA Mean specific heat of wet air

[81] MnCpFg Mean specific heat of wet gas

[81] MnCpFg Mean specific heat of wet gas

[82] HFgLvCr Enthalpy of AH outlet wet gas (corrected)

[83] HFgLv Enthalpy of AH outlet wet gas (uncorrected)

[84] MFrWFgLv Moisture in AH outlet gas

[85] MgFrWFgLvCr AH outlet total moisture in gas (corrected)

[86] MgFrWFgLvCr AH outlet total moisture in gas (uncorrected)

[87] HATFgLv Enthalpy of wet air at the gas temperature of AH outlet

[88] HAEn Enthalpy of AH inlet wet air

[89] MFrWA Moisture in AH inlet wet air

Bolier Efficiency Calculation (Energy balance method)

L1 : Heat loss due to heat in dry gas

[90] L1 Heat loss due to heat in dry gas

L2 : Heat loss due to moisture in fuel

[91] L2 Heat loss due to moisture in fuel

L3 : Heat loss due to moisture from burning of hydrogen in fuel

[92] L3 Heat loss due to moisture from burning of hydrogen in fuel

L4 : Heat loss due to heat in air

[93] L4 Heat loss due to heat in air

L5 : Heat loss due to cumbostible in refuses

[94] L5 Heat loss due to cumbostible in refuses

L6 : Heat loss due to surface radiation and convection (ABMA chart)

[95] Maximum continous output (BMCR Design)

[96] L6 Heat loss due to surface radiation and convection (ABMA chart)
L6 : Heat loss due to surface radiation and convection (ABMA chart)

[97] L7 manufacturer's margin

B1 ; Heat credits

Entering air

[98] QqBDA Entering air heat credit

Moisture entering with inlet air

[99] QqBWA Moisture entering with inlet air heat credit

Sensible heat in fuel

[100]HF cRe Enthalpy of Fixed carbon

[101]HVm1Re Enthalpy of Volatile matter1

[102]HVm2Re Enthalpy of Volatile matter2

[103]HRsrRe Enthalpy of Ash

[104]HWRe Enthalpy of Total moisture

[105]MFrVmCr Mass fraction of volatile matter, dry ash free

[106]MFrVm2 Volatile matter2 content

[107]MFrVm1 Volatile matter1 content

[108]QqBF Sensible heat in fuel heat credit

[109]B1 Total heat credit

[110] A-Pullverizer motor current

[111 QXA-PULVERIZER A-Pullverizer power consumption

[112] B-Pullverizer motor current

[113] QXB-PULVERIZER B-Pullverizer power consumption

[114] C-Pullverizer motor current

[115] QXC-PULVERIZER C-Pullverizer power consumption

[116] D-Pullverizer motor current

[117] QXD-PULVERIZER D-Pullverizer power consumption

[118] E-Pullverizer motor current

[119] QXE-PULVERIZER E-Pullverizer power consumption

[120] F-Pullverizer motor current

[121] QXF-PULVERIZER F-Pullverizer power consumption

[122] QXA-AH A-AH power consumption

[123] QXB-AH B-AH power consumption

[124]B2 Total power consumption

Qro : Boiler heat output

[125[Qro Boiler heat output

BEc : Boiler effeciency

[126]Bec Boiler effeciency

Qri : Boiler heat input

[127]Qri Boiler heat input

Test Condition Corection to design

Load 100%ECR 100%ECR

MW 800 800
- Perfomance Perfomance

kcal/kgf 4800 4,800

kJ/kgf 20097 20,097

wt% 52.34 52.34

wt% 3.13 3.13

wt% 16.43 16.43

wt% 0.11 0.11

wt% 0.73 0.73

wt% 2.26 2.26

wt% 25.00 25

wt% 100 100

wt% 25 25

wt% 35.69 35.69

wt% 37.05 37.05

wt% 2.26 2.26

wt% 100.00 100.00

wt% 0.25 0.25

wt% 52.23 52.09

dry vol% 2.76 2.76

dry vol% 4.43 4.43

% 10 10

re) deg-C 25 25

deg-C 25.5 25.5

deg-C 14.6 -

% 79 79

psia 14,697 14,697

psia 0.473 0.473

psia 0.374 0.374

kg/kg-da 0.0162 0.0162

deg-C 29 -

e deg-C 39 -

deg-C 331 -

deg-C 235 -

deg-C 31.8 31.8

deg-C 370.0 -

eakage) deg-C 140 -

Leakage) correction value deg-C - 0.000

akage) deg-C 148.6 148.6

deg-C 26 25.5

t/h 863.925 863.925

kJ/kg 313.0 318.0

kJ/kg 313.0 318.0

kJ/kg 215.8 216.1

) kJ/kg 23.1 14.3

t/h 289.8 289.9

t/h 2,272 2,272

t/h 3,136 3,136

kJ/kg 6.78 6.78

kJ/kg 12.58 12.58

) kJ/kg 14.07 -

ry air) kJ/kg 26.11 -

kJ/kg 6.78 -

kJ/kg 12.58 -

kJ/kg 313.6 -

kJ/kg 592.04 -

kJ/kg 213.13 -

kJ/kg 400.21 -

kJ/kg 123.65 123.65

kJ/kg 233.24 233.24

kJ/kg 114.93 -

kJ/kg 116.1 -

kJ/kg 216.82 -

kJ/kg 2780.46 2780.46

kJ/kg 104.87 104.87

kg/kgf 6.3802 6.3640

kmol/kgf 0.2203
kmol/kgf 0.0438
% 15.01 15.01

kg/kgf 7.338 7.319

uel kg/kgf 0.280 0.280

kg/kgf 0.25 0.250

kg/kgf 0.119 0.199

kg/kgf 0.649 0.6485

kg/kgf 0.9749 0.97489

kg/kgf 8.43168 8.41288

kg/kgf 7.78307 7.76437

% 26.53 26.53

kg/kgf 8.0728 8.0522

kg/kgf 0.7349 0.7330

kg/kgf 0.7449 0.7449

kg/kgf 9.17658 9.15774

kJ/kg/degC 1.0239 -

kJ/kg/degC 1.1414 -
kJ/kg/degC 1.1414 -

kJ/kg 132.0802 -

kJ/kg 122.2638 -

kg/kgf 0.66051 -

kg/kg 0.07692 -

kg/kg 0.0720 -

tlet kJ/kg 117.706 -

kJ/kg 6.8725 -

kg/kg 0.016 -

kJ/kgf 962.377 960.03

kJ/kgf 668.8975 668.9485

in fuel kJ/kgf 748.4377 748.4948

kJ/kgf 27.73 27.71

kJ/kgf 84.62 84.62

GJ/h 6767 6767

BMA chart) % 0.18 0.18

% 0 0

kJ/kgf 49.751 49.600

kJ/kgf 1.4954 1.4938

kJ/kg 0.38 0.38

kJ/kg 0.87 0.87

kJ/kg 1.52 1.52

kJ/kg 0.38 0.38

kJ/kg 2.09 2.09

wt% 50.93 50.93

kg/kgf 0.073 0.073

kg/kgf 0.37 0.37

kg/kgf 1.10 1.10

kg/kgf 52.3461 52.193

A - 0.0

kJ/h - 0

A 58.2 58.2
kJ/h 3,928,588.0 3928588

A 58.2 58.2

kJ/h 3,928,588.0 3928588

A 58.2 58.2

kJ/h 3,928,588.0 3928588

A 58.2 58.2

kJ/h 3,928,588.0 3928588

A 58.2 58.2

kJ/h 3,928,588.0 3928588

kJ/h 62.0 62.0

kJ/h 63.0 63.0

kJ/h 19,643,065 19,643,064.0000

kJ/h 6,767,000,000 6,767,000,000

% 88.07 87.95

kJ/h 7,683,945,741 7,694,508,317


Test condition: laboratory analysis

Design condition: Constan

Test condition: laboratory analysis

Design condition: Constan
Test condition: laboratory analysis
Design condition: Constan
Test condition: laboratory analysis
Design condition: Constan
Test condition: laboratory analysis
Design condition: Constan
Test condition: laboratory analysis
Design condition: Constan
Test condition: laboratory analysis
Design condition: Constan
Test condition: laboratory analysis
Design condition: Constan

Test condition: laboratory analysis

Design condition: Constan
Test condition: laboratory analysis
Design condition: Constan
Test condition: laboratory analysis
Design condition: Constan
Test condition: laboratory analysis
Design condition: Constan


Gas analysis

Gas analysis
Gas analysis


Test condition: Measurement

Design condition: Constan


Test condition : from [22],[23] and fig-1

Design condition: Constan
Test condition : Measurement
Design condition: Constan (1.0333kg/cm2a)

From 22 and enthapy calculation


Test condition : from 22,23 and fig-1

Design condition: 0.622x[27]/([25]-[27])





Design condition: Constan




Test condition : [35]+([80]/[81])x([79]/[73]-1)x([35]-[33])

Design condition: [test37]+[design36]

Test condition: same as [22]








From [22] and Enthapy calculation

From [22] and Enthapy calculation

From [30] and Enthapy calculation

From [30] and Enthapy calculation

From [33] and Enthapy calculation

From [33] and Enthapy calculation

From [31] and Enthapy calculation

From [31] and Enthapy calculation

From [32] and Enthapy calculation

From [32] and Enthapy calculation

From [37] and Enthapy calculation

From [37] and Enthapy calculation

From [35] and Enthapy calculation

From [35] and Enthapy calculation

From [35] and Enthapy calculation

From [37] and Enthapy calculation

From [21] and Enthapy calculation




100x ([18]x([65]+0.7905x[64])/{[64]x(20.95-[18])})




























Boiler perfomance data


From [95] and Fig.2




From [38] and Enthalpy calculation

From [38] and Enthalpy calculation

From [38] and Enthalpy calculation

From [38] and Enthalpy calculation

From [38] and Enthalpy calculation


[105] > 10 ͢ 0.1x{1-([11]/100-([14]/100)}

[105] ≤ 10 ͢ [13]/100

[105] > 10 ͢ [13]/100-[106]/100

[105] ≤ 10 ͢ 0




From [110] and Fig-3

From [112] and Fig-3


From [114] and Fig-3


From [116] and Fig-3


From [118] and Fig-3


From [120] and Fig-3





[100]-{([90]+[91]+[92]+[93]+[94]-[109])/[2]x100+[96]+[97])} x {[125]/([125]-[124])}











Enthalpy of dry air 25,5C = 3.9088 kJ/Kg
TK (C ---> K) 298.65
C0 -1.310658E+02
C1 0.458130
(C0+C1)Xtk -39006
C2 -1.075033E-04
C2 x TK^2 -9.5884.E+00
C3 1.778848.E-07
C3 x TK^3 4.738342.E+00
C4 9.248664.E-11
C4 x TK^4 7.357480.E-01
C5 1.6820314E-14
C5 x TK^5 3.996195.E-02

Enthalpy of dry gas C= 4.765113.E-01

TK (C ---> K) 2.986500.E+02
C0 -1.231899.E+02
C1 4.065568.E-01
(C0+C1)Xtk -3.666925.E+04
C2 5.795050.E-06
C2 x TK^2 5.168711.E-01
C3 6.331121.E-08
C3 x TK^3 1.686429.E+00
C4 -2.924434.E-11
C4 x TK^4 -2.326440.E-01
C5 2.491009.E-15
C5 x TK^5 5.918176.E-03
No Description Symbol Formula
specific humidity ω ω = 0,622 x pv/pa
pressure p p =pa + pv
partial pressure water vapor pv
atmospheric pressure pa
relative humidity β β = (pv/pg) x 100%
gage pressure (vapor pressure) pg
temperature at which an air-water
vapor mixture becomes saturated air is
colled the dew point temp
Berat Mol Fraksi Mol Berat Atom Berat Massa Fraksi Massa
No Komponen
g.mol % gram gram ᴪ
1 N2 9.3 77% 28 260.4 0.74
2 O2 2.52 21% 32 80.64 0.23
3 CO2 0.04 0% 44 1.76 0.01
4 Argon 0.18 1% 40 7.2 0.02
5 Impurities 0.02 0% -
Total 12.06 100% 350 1.00

Coal Analysis Mass/Kg Coal BM Mol Fract Mol Fraction

% Wt g/kg coal g/g mol Ni Ωi ᴪ
1 2 = 1 x 10 3 4 = 2/3 5
S 0.9 9 32 0.28 0.003
C 68.5 685 12 57.08 0.627
H2 5.1 51 2.016 25.30 0.278
N2 1.1 11 28 0.39 0.004
O2 16.3 163 32 5.09 0.056
Ash 8.1 81 28.1 2.88 0.032
Total 100 1,000 91.03 1.000

C8H18 + 12,5O2 -----------> 8CO2 + 9H2O
Coefisient Mol Weight Weight Mass ᴪ
gram % vol gram % wt
C8H18 1 114 0.074 8.44 22%
O2 12.5 32 0.926 29.63 78%
13.5 1 38.07 100%

S + O2 -----------> SO2
S 1 32.1 0.5 16.05 0.501
O2 1 32 0.5 16 0.499
64.1 32.05 1
product of combustion
%Vol gram
co2 8 44 0.470588 20.70588 68%
h2o 9 18 0.529412 9.529412 32%
17 1 30.23529 100%

%wt S

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