Police Public Relationship

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Police Public Relationship

Dr Nagaraj Halliyavar Rajendra Uday Badesgol
Associate Professor Research Scholar
Department of Journalism and Mass Department of Journalism and Mass
Communications Karnataka University Communications Karnataka University
Dharwad Dharwad

Abstract:- The principle point of Citizen Rights Protection social administration association to tell individuals how they
Council is to create connection between Police, Public and can continue with taking the wrongdoing case to police and
Media for Control Criminal Activities like Anti Nation what reasonable moves can be made in this issue. Particularly
action, Smuggling, Organize Ganges, Fake Currency, ladies in our general public are all the more frequently
Illegal Arms, Terrorism movement, Sexual Harassment, observed not revealing wrongdoing to police and it is simply
Child Labor, Bonded Labor and all kind of criminal because they don't have the foggiest idea about the tenets and
exercises, Our fundamental moto is feature the arrangements. We additionally mastermind street shows to
commendable deeds and accomplishments of both spread mindfulness identifying with open police connection.
Policemen and Media faculty, before the basic masses. We
are giving a typical stage to a) Police, b) Media c) Public From the beginning, we have demonstrated the
for better understanding, coordination and support for connection between the general population and the police. We
their stalwart endeavors in featuring/destroying have additionally unequivocally stressed the need an open
Corruption/Scams and other social wrongs from the police relationship and in fact an amicable relationship. In
general public. You can likewise bolster and contribute such manner, swarms or any combination of a people say, a
towards the better and safe society. We additionally have gathering of road protestors or adolescents ought to never be
the help of legislature of India and different other social viewed as security dangers however ought to be viewed as
advancement association who facilitate with us to make open doors for wellbeing.
India wrongdoing free and make society more secure and
wellbeing. II. DECISIVELY

I. INTRODUCTION This, as I would see it, is the best progress that a state
can achieve. Human advancement exists in those states where
One of prime intention is to create solid open police individuals see the police as companions and not as
relations all over India. As in India there has dependably been adversaries as this is the generally held discernment all
a hole among individuals and police relationship. Individuals around. You will bear me witness that there are individuals
in India are not unreasonably much mindful about their rights who are dependably on the run at whatever point they see the
and what sort of aides they can benefit from police division, police around them. They flee with no evident reason but they
henceforth by and large it has been seen that the best possible are not hoodlums. I concur that occasionally police do make
channel of examination concerning indispensable issues was this dread and mentality particularly in the young people and it
missing simply because individuals don't have that much trust doesn't help. To repeat, dread of the police does not suggest
on police organization. Be that as it may, now with sitting that individuals are well behaved rather it is an indication of
back and modernization of India individuals are getting youthfulness as natives. Networks should join the police and
mindful of their rights and different administrations. That is all things considered be 100% associated with the policing
particularly found in Indian metros where there has been tries. Networks ought to be the eyes of the police.
parcel of upgrades in police rehearses and their work situation
has likewise moved forward. Presently the majority of police
officers have run online with changing innovation patterns.

We generally make it a point in the entirety of our meets

in India which is gone to by several our individuals and
different visitors to comprehend there principal rights and
furthermore starting at now there has been new alterations in
appropriate to data act, so anybody can get data identified with
any issue relating to regulatory divisions identified with that
people exercises. it is to be seen that in typical circumstances
individuals don't report a wrongdoing to police because of the
dread of being annoyed later on by police and court
procedures identified with that case. So it is our duty as a

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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