Edc271-M5a1 Math Lesson Plan 2
Edc271-M5a1 Math Lesson Plan 2
Edc271-M5a1 Math Lesson Plan 2
Purpose: This lesson will help students understand how shapes can be divided into equal parts, how those parts can be
divided, and the terminology of those specific shares.
Components Description of Plan
Content Standard 2.G.A.3 Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal
● Choose one AZ standard and insert shares, describe the shares using the words halves, thirds, fourths,
it with the number. half of, third of, fourth of, and describe the whole as two halves,
● Insert the previous grade level three thirds, or four fourths. Recognize that equal shares of identical
standard and consider what is the
wholes need not have the same shape.
same/different before proceeding.
1.G.A.3 Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal
shares, describe the shares using the words halves, fourths, and
quarters. Describe the whole as two of, or four of the shares.
Understand that decomposing into more equal shares creates
smaller shares.
Learning Objective Bloom’s Level: Understanding
▪ Choose one level of complexity from
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Objective: SWBAT illustrate understanding of fraction vocabulary by
▪ Write a concise objective that will using graham cracker sections to show examples of a given fraction.
demonstrate mastery of the
▪ Objective must be ONE simple
Kid-Friendly (KF) Version: I can show fractions and their equal
sentence with ONE verb from the shares using manipulatives.
Lesson Planning Guide
Checks for Understanding (CFU) 1. Teacher will check for understanding by students using their verbal answers
▪ From above, list the three quick, given as a class.
informal strategies that students will 2. Teacher will check for understanding using the crackers for self-check.
do to show understanding of the
▪ Identify each type of CFU (e.g.,
self-check, verbal check, written
Assessment Options Pre- and Post-Assessment of Objective before/after lesson:
▪ Describe how you will pre- and Teacher will check for understanding of fraction vocabulary and basic first grade
post-test students’ understanding of fraction concepts using review morning work. Understanding of lesson content will
the objective before & after (not be demonstrated on the review questions on the next morning’s review morning
during) this lesson.
work. Student will also demonstrate understanding on the formative assessment.
▪ Make the pre- and post- assessment
identical or nearly identical so you
are comparing apples with apples.
Alternative Assessment Options for diverse learners:
Students may identify fraction vocabulary of formative assessments.
EEI Lesson Plan Template
Differentiation Options Content – Scaffold: SW use fractions that are simplified and use basic fraction
Describe how you will reach diverse vocabulary: whole, part,1/2, one-half, 1/4, one-fourth.
learners who need scaffolding or extra Content – Challenge: SW use fractions that use more parts of the whole: sixths,
challenge by varying the: eighths, and twelfths, etc.
▪ Content – WHAT they are learning
▪ Process – HOW they are learning it
▪ Product – WHAT they will produce
Process – Scaffold: SW use cut outs and manipulatives to match answers.
to demonstrate mastery of the Process – Challenge: SW need to be able to divide multiple shapes into more
objective advanced partitions, and show the fraction amount using words, numbers, and
Communication: Students will have the opportunity to discuss with partners, table
groups, and the class about the content presented.