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Edc271-M5a1 Math Lesson Plan 2

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EEI Lesson Plan Template 

Name: Jeanette Miller Pima Course: EDC271 Instructor:

Prof. Tonya Gilvin
Subject: Math Topic: Fractions Grade Level: Second Duration:
45 min
List of Materials, Handouts, Rubrics, and other Documents: computer, document camera, pattern blocks, graham crackers,
whiteboards and markers, pencils.

Purpose: This lesson will help students understand how shapes can be divided into equal parts, how those parts can be
divided, and the terminology of those specific shares.
Components  Description of Plan 
Content Standard  2.G.A.3 Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal
● Choose one AZ standard and insert shares, describe the shares using the words halves, thirds, fourths,
it with the number. half of, third of, fourth of, and describe the whole as two halves,
● Insert the previous grade level three thirds, or four fourths. Recognize that equal shares of identical
standard and consider what is the
wholes need not have the same shape.
same/different before proceeding.
1.G.A.3 Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal
shares, describe the shares using the words halves, fourths, and
quarters. Describe the whole as two of, or four of the shares.
Understand that decomposing into more equal shares creates
smaller shares.
Learning Objective  Bloom’s Level: Understanding
▪ Choose one level of complexity from
Bloom’s ​Revised​ Taxonomy Objective: SWBAT illustrate understanding of fraction vocabulary by
▪ Write a concise objective that will using graham cracker sections to show examples of a given fraction.
demonstrate mastery of the
▪ Objective must be ONE simple
Kid-Friendly (KF) Version: I can show fractions and their equal
sentence with ONE verb from the shares using manipulatives.
Lesson Planning Guide

Est Anticipatory Set  Teacher will (TW): Students will (SW):

# of ▪ A quick "hook" to grab the 1. TW will ask think of one thing 1. Students will take out their
student's attention that you know about fractions. whiteboards and write one
▪ Activates prior knowledge of Write what you know on your thing they remember about
5  the objective
whiteboard. fractions.
▪ Requires active participation
from 100% of learners
2. Share with your table what you 2. Students will share with their
▪ Students must interact with remembered. table groups what they
the KF OBJECTIVE (use red 3. TW have one student from remembered about fractions
font & put in student column each table group share what from previous lessons or
– choral reading is they talked about and school year.
insufficient) remembered as a group. 3. Students will share what they
4. TW explain that fractions are discussed in their table groups.
parts of a whole that has equal 4. SW interact with the objective
shares. by stating the objective
5. TW state the kid friendly verbally.
objective and have students 5. SW discuss with their table
echo the objective. group the objective and how
EEI Lesson Plan Template 

6. TW have students talk with they might show a fraction

their table group to predict using equal shares and
what they think they might do manipulatives.
in the lesson with this
Est Teaching-Input Teacher will: Students will:
# of ● Direct instruction portion of 1. TW review that fractions are 1. SW put hand on head when
lesson equal parts of a whole using they have the answer.
● Using effective and varied the document camera and 2. SW answer the teachers
10  strategies, the teacher
pattern blocks. When we write question by saying there is half
provides ​information ​and
vocabulary​ students will
a fraction there are two parts: of the shape left of the pattern
need in order to grasp the the numerator and the blocks.
new concept, strategy, or denominator. 3. SW put their finger on their
skill. 2. TW demonstrate how to show nose when they think they
● Check for Understanding #1 ½, one-half, or half of a equal have the answer 4 equal
(use green font & put in share. Using the pattern blocks pieces.
student column) teacher will place a shape with 4. SW blow the answer to the
two equal pieces under the questions and let go of their
document camera. answer on the count of 3.
3. TW explain that this shape has
two equal parts and each part
is called one-half, half of and
we write it like this ½.
4. TW take one section away and
ask students how much of the
shape is left? When you have
the answer put your hands on
your head.
5. TW put a pattern block shape
with 4 pieces under the
camera. How many equal
pieces are there in this shape.
When you have the answer put
your finger on your nose.
6. TW have the students blow the
answer in their fist and let the
answer go on the count of 3.
7. TW explain that there are four
equal parts, and each part can
be called a fourth of, ¼ or a
8. TW put a pattern under the
camera with 3 equal parts.
When we have 3 equal parts
we call them thirds, a third of,
or we can write it like 1/3.
Est Teaching-Modeling  Teacher will: Students will:
# of ● Teacher demonstrates and 1. TW demonstrate how to do the 1. SW answer the questions that
shows examples of what guided practice by showing the the teacher asks during the
students are expected to do fraction names and amounts direct instruction.

during Guided Practice 
and how to display them using
EEI Lesson Plan Template 

● Check for Understanding #2 the pattern block

(use green font & put in manipulatives.
student column) 2. TW explain that they will be
using graham crackers instead
of pattern blocks as their
Est Guided Practice  Teacher will: Students will:
# of ● An opportunity for each 1. TW give each student one 1. SW demonstrate
student to demonstrate new whole graham cracker piece understanding of the fraction
learning by working through that has been sectioned into names by showing the amount
an activity or exercise with
four rectangles. using the graham cracker
20  the teacher’s guidance.
● This is the heart of the
2. TW walk around the room as rectangles.
lesson and should have the she says different fraction 2. SW answer the fraction amount
most minutes assigned to it amounts using the fraction questions using their fingers on
terms that were used during their hands.
direct instruction. 3. SW eat a fraction part of their
3. TW say show me one whole crackers as instructed by the
graham cracker square using teacher.
two pieces of cracker.
4. TW will show under the
document camera what one
whole looks like using two
sections of graham cracker.
We have two pieces which is
our whole that is the
denominator. Now show me
half of your square. We now
have one out of our two
possible pieces. Teacher
shows this under the camera.
5. TW ask students to show a
whole using four pieces of
cracker. Teacher will check for
understanding by walking
around the room.
6. TW show under the camera
what four equal pieces of
cracker look like when they
make a whole. What would
happen if I took one piece
away? Show me how many
pieces you have taken away
with your fingers. On the other
hand show me how many
pieces I could possibly have if I
had all of them or the whole.
7. TW have students show a
whole with three equal parts.
Use your fingers to show me
how many are in our whole.
Teacher shows under the
EEI Lesson Plan Template 

camera how the pieces should

look as a whole. Keep your
fingers up for the whole or
pieces possible. Show me how
many pieces of cracker would
be left in your shape if you ate
one. There are three pieces out
of the four pieces left on the
Est Closure  Students will:
# of ▪ ALL students must engage in 1. SW re-engage with the objective by leaning over to their elbow buddy and
brief closure activity to whispering to them what they think the objective of the lesson was today.
cement learning and 2. TW have students eat fractional parts of their graham crackers. As teacher
optimize transfer.
5  walks around she will check for understanding by observing how the
▪ Do not introduce anything
new during Closure.
students use the graham crackers to make different fraction amounts.
▪ Check for Understanding #3 3. TW have students make a whole using all their equal parts. Please eat one
▪ Students must re-engage out of the four pieces of your whole (or place to the side).
with the OBJECTIVE (use 4. TW will have students make a new whole using their three equal pieces.
red font) Please eat a third of your whole. You now have two pieces left making one
whole. Please eat half of your whole. You had two pieces left how much of
it did you eat? Stand up, pair and share with your face partner.
5. TW have students sit and eat their last half of their remaining cracker
N/A Independent Practice  Students will:
  ● AFTER proper closure, it is 1. SW do independent practice during math centers using pattern blocks and
  important to provide time for making shapes with equal parts that their partner determines. Their partner
additional practice. It may be will ask them to remove a fractional part and determine if they are correct.
group or individual work in
SW switch and repeat with the other partner. One-half, half of, ½,
class or it might be
one-fourth, fourth of, ¼, third, third of, and 1/3 will be put on the Math word
● Do not introduce anything wall to help with using the appropriate terminology.
new during Independent

Checks for Understanding (CFU)  1. Teacher will check for understanding by students using their verbal answers
▪ From above, list the three quick, given as a class.
informal strategies that students will 2. Teacher will check for understanding using the crackers for self-check.
do to show understanding of the
▪ Identify each type of CFU (e.g.,
self-check, verbal check, written
Assessment Options  Pre- and Post-Assessment of Objective before/after lesson:
▪ Describe how you will pre- and Teacher will check for understanding of fraction vocabulary and basic first grade
post-test students’ understanding of fraction concepts using review morning work. Understanding of lesson content will
the objective before & after (not be demonstrated on the review questions on the next morning’s review morning
during) this lesson.
work. Student will also demonstrate understanding on the formative assessment.
▪ Make the pre- and post- assessment
identical or nearly identical so you
are comparing apples with apples. 
Alternative Assessment Options for diverse learners:
Students may identify fraction vocabulary of formative assessments.
EEI Lesson Plan Template 

Differentiation Options  Content – Scaffold: SW use fractions that are simplified and use basic fraction
Describe how you will reach diverse vocabulary: whole, part,1/2, one-half, 1/4, one-fourth.
learners who need scaffolding or extra Content – Challenge: SW use fractions that use more parts of the whole: sixths,
challenge by varying the: eighths, and twelfths, etc.
▪ Content – WHAT they are learning 
▪ Process – HOW they are learning it 
▪ Product – WHAT they will produce
Process – Scaffold: SW use cut outs and manipulatives to match answers.
to demonstrate mastery of the Process – Challenge: SW need to be able to divide multiple shapes into more
objective  advanced partitions, and show the fraction amount using words, numbers, and

Product – Scaffold: SW show completed pattern block shapes with matched

answers of basic terminology.
Product – Challenge: SW show pattern blocks with more complex fraction parts in a
21​st​​ ​ Century Learning  Technology: SW interact with the document camera.
Describe how you will incorporate
technology and the 4 Cs: Critical Thinking: SW need to understand the process of how fractions relate to
▪ Critical Thinking other numbers and words they have learned.
▪ Creativity
▪ Collaboration
▪ Communication
Creativity: SW demonstrate with their manipulatives how they interpret shapes and
Note: Not all lessons need to incorporate partitioning them.
all of these items. Also, collaboration &
communication are not synonymous. Collaboration: SW work with other students to verify answers they have and discuss
if they are correct; why or why not?

Communication: Students will have the opportunity to discuss with partners, table
groups, and the class about the content presented.

Additional Information/Appendices (insert materials/links/screenshots here):

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