dlp2 Math3q3
dlp2 Math3q3
dlp2 Math3q3
DLP No.: 2 Learning Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 3 Quarter: 3 Duration: 50 min
Learning Visualize fraction that are equal to one and greater than one
Competency/ies: Code: M3NS-IIIa-72.4
Key Concepts / Fractions are “equal to one” when the numerators and denominators are the same.
Understandings Fractions are“ more than one” when the numerators are bigger than the denominator.
to be Developed:
1. Objectives
Knowledge Visualize fractions that are equal to one and greater than one.
Skills Identify fractions equal to one and greater than one.
Attitudes Participate actively in the group activity.
Values Find joy in sharing food to friends.
2. Content Fractions Equal to One and Greater than One
3. Learning Illustration of fractions less than one, cake model cut-outs of figures, number lines, Teacher’s Guide
Resources/ in Mathematics page 259-264, Math LM pp.197-200
Materials/ Worktext pp. 2-5
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each
step will consume)
Preparation Drill: Let the pupils give the fractions for the shaded parts and unshaded parts. Write their answer
5minutes on the board.
Review: From the answers given in the drill, let the pupils identify which is the numerator and the
When is a fraction less than one? A fraction is less than one when the numerator is less
than the denominator.
On Ena’s birthday, her mother baked her a cake. Ena divided it into 8 equal
parts to be shared among her friends.
Ask: How did Ena divide the cake? Into how many equal parts the whole is divided? What will
Ena do with the cake? Is it good to share what you have to your friends? How do you
when you share your food to friends?
Presentation 1. Presenting the lesson
20minutes Present the following regions with all the parts shaded (cut-outs)
Ask: Into how many equal parts is figure A divided? Figure B? Figure C?
What fractional parts are shaded?
2 4 8
What do you call the fractions ,
2 4
, and ?
Let the pupils discover that fractions equal to one have the same numerator and
Pose the story problem.
Mother came home with 2 egg pies. She cut each into 4 equal parts. She gave
her five children one piece each. What part of the pie did mother give?
Illustrate the problem model of 2 egg pies cut into 4 equal parts. Have the pupils act out the
problem situation and post the model showing the given parts.
Ask: What do you call each part? How many parts are there?
How many wholes were formed using the parts?
How many parts were there with the whole?
Lead them to see through the model posted on the board that these parts are equal to
1 5
and , a fraction more than a whole. Write this as a fraction more than one ( )
4 4
Have the pupils compare the numerator and the denominator of the fraction. Ask which
the two is greater.
Show this other way of presenting the lesson.
Have the pupils figure out the number of equally divided pieces needed to be equal to
Have them express their answers as fractions. Also have them locate the fractions greater
than one in each number line. To increase their understanding, ask them to compare the
length represented by the fractions.
2. Performing the Activities
What kind of fractions are the following?
Practice 1. Let the pupils answer Activity 2 on page 198 of Math LM.
10minutes Group the class into 4.
Directions: Write FE = 1 if it is fractions equal to one and FM > 1 if it is fractions more than one.
1 2
2. Processing the activity
Let the pupils generalize the lesson by asking these questions.
How do we visualize fractions equal to one? More than one?
5. Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or
Analysis of Learner’s Products and/or Tests)
Written Test Let the pupils answer Activity A on page 4 of Math Worktext.
10minutes Directions: Shade the parts to show each fraction.
1. 3 =
2. 2
3. 3 =
4. 8 =
5. 12 =
6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the
day’s lesson or Preparation for a new lesson)
Enrichment Let pupils do Activity B, C, D on page 5 of Math Worktext.
3 minutes Directions: Write the denominator to make each fraction equal to one.
4 7 9 10
1. ❑ 2. ❑ 3. ❑ 4. ❑
7. Wrap-
up/Concluding Close the period by wrapping – up the day’s lesson.
2 minutes
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