Proposal For Final Year Project

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The document discusses various non-destructive testing methods for assessing the integrity of pipeline welds such as ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing, visual inspection, liquid penetrant testing, etc.

Methods discussed include ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing, visual inspection, liquid penetrant testing, dimensional control, mechanical and chemical testing of welds, and damage investigation.

Digital radiography offers higher accuracy, lower radiation dose, immediate image availability, no chemicals or developer needed, easier archiving and retrieval of images with no quality loss.

Proposal for Final Year Project

Proposed Title

“Assessment of the integrity of pipeline welds”

Prepared for

Dr ???????????

Prepared By




October 2010
Table of Contents
List of Figures.............................................................................................. 3

1. Project Aims:..................................................................................................4

2. Project Objectives:........................................................................................ 4

3. Deliverables....................................................................................................5

4. Abstract:..........................................................................................................6

5. Pipelines Welding Assessment................................................................... 8

5.1 Non-destructive testing and Pipelines Welding Assessment......................................


5.2 Pipeline weld assessment methods................................................................................


5.2.1 Ultrasonic Testing......................................................................................................


5.2.2 Magnetic Particle Testing.......................................................................................


5.2.3 Visual Inspection......................................................................................................


5.2.4 Liquid Penetrant Testing for non-ferrous steel....................................................


5.2.5 Dimensional Control................................................................................................


5.2.6 Mechanical and Chemical Testing of Welds.......................................................


5.2.7 Damage Investigation, Expertise on Pipeline Girth Weld Damages...............


5.2.8 Advanced Ultrasonic Testing (e.g. Phased Array, ToFD, Automatic

Ultrasonic Testing (AUT)).......................................................................................


5.2.9 Radiographic Testing..............................................................................................


5.2.10 Digital Radiograph..................................................................................................


6. References................................................................................................... 13

pg. 2
List of Figures
Figure 1: Pipeline welding process................................................................................6

Figure 2: Pipeline welding Assessment ........................................................................7

pg. 3
1. Project Aims:

The project aims to achieve the followings:

 Present the different techniques of pipeline welding and the differences

between them

 Investigate the basic principle of pipeline welding assessment ,it

techniques and its reliability

 investigate the effects of the pipeline welds failure on the human ,material

and finance

 Present an overview of the factors affect the pipeline welding from the

design point of view

 produce different solution to avoid the pipeline welding failure that results

from the existing welding techniques

 Produce a dissertation in partial fulfillment of for the degree of BEng in

mechanical engineering

2. Project Objectives:

 Identify data sources reporting to identify the existing techniques for

Pipeline welding and its Assessment

 Define the problem in a real context

 Take case study for Pipeline welding and its Assessment

 Familiarization of the old techniques of the Pipeline welding and its

Assessment techniques

pg. 4
 Analyze the aforementioned problem to perform the main body of the

research conducted and conduct any necessary experimentation for

Pipeline welding

 Collect and extrapolate data

 Analyze and evaluate data collected or extrapolated

 Enhance and optimize new techniques and procedures for pipeline

welding and Assessment

 perform the main body of the research

 Report results

3. Deliverables

The evidence of work in this project will be presented by different formats such

as the specification and plan report, culminating in the completion of the logbook,

progress report (interim report) and the final report

The deliverables of this project will be as the below:

 Project Specification Report

 Project Progress Review Report

 Progress Interview

 Final Project Report

 Poster presentation and Viva Voce examination

pg. 5
4. Abstract:

Pipeline Welding is the simplest and easiest way to join sections of pipeline. The

need for complicated joint designs and special threading equipment is eliminated.

Welded pipeline has reduced flow restrictions compared to mechanical

connections and the overall installation costs are less. The most popular method

for welding pipeline is the shielded metal-arc process; however, gas shielded arc

methods have made big inroads as a result of new advances in welding


Pipeline welding has become recognized as a profession in itself. Even though

many of the skills are comparable to other types of welding, pipeline welders

develop skills that are unique only to pipeline welding.

Figure 1: Pipeline welding process1

1 [Retrieved by October 5, 2010]

pg. 6
There are many advantageous of pipeline welding like its Strong and tight

joining, Cost effectiveness, Simplicity of welded structures design and pipeline

welding processes may be mechanized and automated.

Pipeline welding Assessment is an organized examination or formal evaluation

exercise. It involves the measurements, tests, and gauges applied to the welded

pipeline. The results are usually compared to specified requirements and

standards for determining whether the welding is in line with these targets

.pipeline welding Assessment s is usually non-destructive.

Here in this project pipeline welding assessment will be studied in details from

different points of views where it will study and investigate the fundamentals of

pipeline welding, different pipeline Welding Techniques, Assessment techniques

of the integrity of pipeline welds such as the Visual Assessment , Radiography,

Ultrasonic Examination ,Magnetic Particle Assessment

And finally this project will study the pipeline welding defects and how these

defects could be avoided

pg. 7
Figure 2: Pipeline welding Assessment 2
5. Pipelines Welding Assessment

Pipelines represent a considerable financial investment and are significant

business assets. So much as a minor failure in the pipelines integrity can cause

downtime and result in a substantial loss of revenue.

It is particularly important to assure the integrity and reliability of the pipeline girth

welds during the pipelines manufacturing and installation. Consequently, pipeline

operators need to find a reliable third-party company to provide the highest

standards of quality inspection for pipeline welds and assure the safe function of

the assets.

5.1 Non-destructive testing and Pipelines Welding Assessment

Nondestructive testing (NDT) is a wide group of analysis techniques used in

science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or

2 [Retrieved by October
5, 2010]

pg. 8
system without causing damage. Because NDT does not permanently alter the

article being inspected, it is a highly-valuable technique that can save both

money and time in pipelines welds assessment, troubleshooting, and research.

Common NDT methods include ultrasonic, magnetic-particle, liquid penetrate,

radiographic, and eddy-current testing.

In pipelines manufacturing, welds are commonly used to join two pipes surfaces.

Because these connections may encounter loads and fatigue during pipeline

lifetime, there is a chance that they may fail if not created to proper specification.

For example, the base metal must reach a certain temperature during the

welding process, must cool at a specific rate, and must be welded with

compatible materials or the joint may not be strong enough to hold the surfaces

together, or cracks may form in the weld causing it to fail. The typical pipelines

welding defects, lack of fusion of the weld to the base metal, cracks or porosity

inside the weld, and variations in weld density, could cause a structure to break

or a pipeline to rupture.

Welds may be tested using NDT techniques such as industrial radiography using

X-rays or gamma rays, ultrasonic testing, liquid penetrant testing or via eddy

current. In a proper weld, these tests would indicate a lack of cracks in the

radiograph, show clear passage of sound through the weld and back, or indicate

a clear surface without penetrant captured in cracks.

pg. 9
5.2 Pipeline weld assessment methods

5.2.1 Ultrasonic Testing

Ultrasonic Testing equipment works with the principle of sending a pulsed beam

of high-ultrasound from a handheld transducer, which is placed upon the surface

of the object being tested.

This wave will be disturbed and then partially returned from spots with internal

imperfection or from the back of the material wall. Capturing and analyzing the

return sound collect useful information, which are displayed upon the screen of

the ultrasonic equipment, presenting the amplitude of the pulse and the duration

taken for return to the transducer.

By measuring this sound a skilled Ultrasonic Testing operator can identify

location and size of imperfection, respectively the wall thickness of the pipeline.

Acceptance criteria define whether or not the indication is non-acceptable (a

defect) or not

5.2.2 Magnetic Particle Testing

A magnetic flux is sent through the pipeline welds at the location of the

imperfection a leakage field is created. This attracts metal iron dust, which is

sprayed onto the surface of the pipeline. The length of the imperfection can be

determined very reliable. Magnetic Particle Testing does not indicate the depth of

the imperfection. Acceptance criteria define whether or not the indication is non-

acceptable (a defect) or not.

pg. 10
It can be applied to relatively rough and dirty surfaces but flaw sensitivity is

decreased for this. Fluorescent particles can be used when maximum sensitivity

is required

5.2.3 Visual Inspection

Visual Inspection (VI) is one of the most widely used Non-Destructive Testing

(NDT) methods for the detection of discontinuities before they cause major

problems, e.g. poor welding, surface defects, corrosion pits, general condition,

degradation, blockages and foreign materials.

Visual Inspection means the inspection of equipment and structures using a

combination of human senses such as vision, hearing, touch and smell.

Visual Inspection is sometimes carried out in conjunction with devices such as a

low power magnifying glass, boroscopes, fiberscopes, digital video borescopes,

camera systems and robotic crawler systems

5.2.4 Liquid Penetrant Testing for non-ferrous steel

Dye Penetrant Examination involves applying a liquid to the surface of a material

and leaving it to rest for a pre-determined period of time. The liquid, the so called

penetrant can be either a color that is easily visible under normal lighting

conditions or a yellow/green fluorescent color that requires special lighting

conditions to be effective.

The penetrant once applied to the surface penetrates the defects. After some

time the penetrant fluid is washed off the surface. With a developer applied to the

now clean surface, the defects where the fluid has penetrated are made visible.

pg. 11
These spots are called indications. Acceptance criteria define whether or not the

indication is non-acceptable (a defect) or not

5.2.5 Dimensional Control

5.2.6 Mechanical and Chemical Testing of Welds

5.2.7 Damage Investigation, Expertise on Pipeline Girth Weld


5.2.8 Advanced Ultrasonic Testing (e.g. Phased Array, ToFD,

Automatic Ultrasonic Testing (AUT))

5.2.9 Radiographic Testing

Radiographic Testing involves the process where radioactive rays are directed at

the pipe weld to be inspected, to pass through it and the resulting image is

captured on a film. This film is in-turn processed and image displayed as a

sequence of grey shades between black and white.

With Radiographic Testing the material is exposed to a homogenous ray from a

radioactive isotope or an X-ray tube, while a negative film is positioned behind

the material to be examined. After development of the film, thickness and density

differences (i.e. material imperfections) will show as blackness differences.

Acceptance criteria define whether or not the indication is non-acceptable (a

defect) or not.

5.2.10 Digital Radiograph

Digital Radiography is a form of x-ray imaging, where digital x-ray sensors are

used instead of a traditional photographic film. The execution of Digital

pg. 12
Radiography is similar to Radiographic Testing for the on-stream technique. The

image handling is different as a phosphor image plate is used instead of a

conventional film. The image plate stores 4096 gray values, which can - upon

read out by using an optical scanner, be visually distributed in several numbers

of grey values. Because of this, a wide variety of thickness ranges can be

inspected in only one image. With Digital Radiography, the images can be

produced using an appreciable lower radiation dose compared to Radiographic


The execution of industrial Digital Radiography is similar to Radiographic Testing,

yet it has several important advantages:

1. Digital wall thickness measurement with higher accuracy and

2. Due to the shorter exposures less radiation dose is needed
3. The results of the Digital Radiography are available directly after exposure
4. No chemicals, darkroom or developer needed
5. Images are digitally archived; no quality loss and easier to trace and view

6. References

 E.Ginzel & R.Ginzel, B.Gross, M.Hoff, P.Manuel, August 1993,

Developments in Ultrasonic Inspection for Total Inspection of Pipeline

Girth Welds, 8th Symposium on Pipeline Research, Houston, Texas,

 A. Glover et al, I, 1988 ,inspection and Assessment of Mechanized

Pipeline Girth Welds, Proceedings: Weldtech 88, London, UK

 Sterke, Automatic UT Inspection of Pipeline Welds, , Dec. 1980 ,

NDT International

pg. 13
 Raad, R. van Agthoven, Mechanical Ultrasonic Test Systems for

Pipelines Welds, Proceedings: International Conference on Pipeline

Inspection, Edmonton, Canada, 1983

 J.P. Charlesworth, J.A.G. Temple, Engineering Applications of Ultrasonic

Time-of-Flight Diffraction, John Wiley and Son, 1989

 CAN CSA-Z184-M92 Appendix K, Gas Pipeline Systems, Canadian

Standards Association

pg. 14

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