CATO2 WP3.04 D18 v2014.10.15 Well Integrity Tests - Public PDF
CATO2 WP3.04 D18 v2014.10.15 Well Integrity Tests - Public PDF
CATO2 WP3.04 D18 v2014.10.15 Well Integrity Tests - Public PDF
Version: 2014.10.14
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Well Integrity Tests
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Well Integrity Tests
For a successful CO2 storage operation, it must be ensured that the injected CO2 remains in the
target formation. In order to achieve this, especially the integrity of all relevant wells must be
confirmed and monitored throughout the project. During injection and the subsequent phases of
CO2 storage, leak paths may be created in wells due to poor cement condition, chemical and
mechanical loads and/or equipment failure. The injected CO2 is detrimental to both cement and
completion equipment such as tubing, casing and packers; leading to an increased chance of well
integrity issues. Potential leak paths that can be observed in a well are leaks through casing,
leaks through interfaces between cement, steel and the formation and leaks through channels
created in the cement sheath.
In order to ensure that the well integrity is maintained, various well integrity tests must be carried
out frequently throughout the project. Well integrity tests are classified into two groups by USEPA;
internal mechanical integrity tests (to check for fluid flow through casing and other completion
items) and external mechanical integrity tests (to check for fluid flow through channels in cement).
Mechanical integrity tests are initially performed prior to injection, and then repeated periodically
until abandonment.
Internal mechanical integrity tests consist of annulus pressure testing and radioactive tracer
surveys. Annular pressure testing coupled with annulus pressure monitoring is the desired
internal well integrity testing strategy for most wells. Continuous annulus pressure monitoring is
also advised during injection, as sudden pressure changes is a direct indication of a problem in
internal well integrity.
External mechanical integrity tests discussed by USEPA are limited to various logging methods,
namely noise logs, temperature logs and oxygen activation logs. Integrity testing by temperature
logs is based on the notion that a leak will result in a temperature anomaly around the wellbore.
Therefore, this method can be considered as both an internal and an external well integrity test.
However, these logs are ineffective in gas filled wells due to lack of thermal coupling, and are
thus unsuitable for most CO2 injection and monitoring wells (depends on injection parameters).
In addition to the completion of operating wells, the integrity of abandonment plugs that are
installed in legacy wells have to be tested before injection if the wells could be affected by the
storage operation. Integrity tests for abandonment plugs are usually carried out as quickly as
possible, but have to regard specifications of each abandonment plug. The mechanical integrity
of an abandonment plug can either be tested by a pressure test or a weight test after the well has
been re-entered, which can be challenging.
An external mechanical integrity test that is not based on logging can be performed by a
permeability test. Performed post-injection and prior to abandonment, the test is carried out by
perforating two small intervals in the well, and then by isolating the test interval and applying
pressure on the casing. The permeability behind the casing is measured by the pressure
response in the perforated intervals. In order to quantify the effective permeability, a test-specific
numerical model and several simulation runs are required. The effective permeability is
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Well Integrity Tests
determined by matching the simulations to physical test results. Depending on the results of the
test, cement squeeze over the interval and repair of the perforated casing may be required.
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Well Integrity Tests
Distribution List
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Table of Content
1 Executive Summary (restricted) ............................................................... 2
2 Applicable/Reference documents and Abbreviations ............................ 5
2.1 Applicable Documents ................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Reference Documents ................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................ 5
3 Introduction ................................................................................................ 6
4 Well Integrity .............................................................................................. 7
4.1 Leak Paths .................................................................................................................... 7
5 Mechanical Integrity Tests ........................................................................ 9
5.1 Internal Mechanical Integrity Tests ................................................................................ 9
5.1.1 Annulus Pressure Test ......................................................................................... 10
5.1.2 Annulus Pressure Monitoring ................................................................................ 11
5.1.3 Radioactive Tracer Surveys .................................................................................. 11
5.2 External Mechanical Integrity Tests ............................................................................. 12
5.2.1 Noise Log ............................................................................................................. 12
5.2.2 Temperature Log .................................................................................................. 13
5.2.3 Oxygen Activation Log .......................................................................................... 14
5.3 Mechanical Integrity Tests for Abandonment Plugs ...................................................... 15
6 Permeability Tests ................................................................................... 17
6.1 Test Setup................................................................................................................... 17
6.2 Interpretation ............................................................................................................... 18
6.3 Discussion................................................................................................................... 18
7 Conclusions ............................................................................................. 20
8 References................................................................................................ 22
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Well Integrity Tests
2.3 Abbreviations
(this refers to abbreviations used in this document)
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Well Integrity Tests
3 Introduction
When a potential site for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is evaluated in an area where
drilling has taken place, e.g. for oil and gas production, geothermal energy or solution mining, one
of the essential steps of ensuring the integrity of the CO2 storage location is to assess all wells
that might come into contact with the CO2 in the target formation. The evaluation process may
take several years, during which a database of all relevant wells (materials and history) is
constructed, operations for well barrier evaluation such as logging and remediation are performed
and well integrity tests are carried out to confirm that the area will be suitable for CO2 storage. An
accurate and precise evaluation process is essential to carry out a safe and successful CCS
Another essential part of CO2 storage is maintaining well integrity throughout the life of the project,
and for many more years after the project has been completed. Under typical downhole
conditions, CO2 can lead to casing corrosion and cement degradation. In order to confirm that the
well integrity is maintained, mechanical integrity tests (MIT’s) are carried out throughout the
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Well Integrity Tests
4 Well Integrity
One of the main aspects of CO2 storage is to ensure that the CO2 injected in the target formation,
remains in the target formation. Potentially, every wellbore penetrating the target formation may
present a leak path for CO2. During and after injection, the CO2 plume may move upwards or
sideways in the storage formation or may even escape through potential leak paths. Leak paths
may be generated due to poor cement sheath or failure of completion items (casing, tubing,
packer). Furthermore, the corrosive nature of CO2 combined with additional stress regimes
related to injection increases the possibility of leak path creation.
According to NORSOK D-010, well integrity is “an application of technical, operational and
organizational solutions to reduce the risk of uncontrolled release of formation fluids throughout
the life cycle of a well” (NORSOK 2013). Demonstrating and maintaining well integrity is essential
to prevent (or minimize) the movement of CO2 outside of the target formation. This is achieved by
careful well design and material selection followed by the implementation of a monitoring program,
in which well integrity is evaluated continuously through tests. The regularly updated monitoring
program must span throughout the project life cycle and beyond to ensure safety.
Figure 1. Potential leak paths in a cased wellbore (Gasda, Bachu, & Celia, 2004)
Presence of CO2 also causes cement degradation which can result in the formation of several
zones within the cement with varying porosity / permeability and a decrease in mechanical
strength. (Hangx et al, 2013, CATO deliverable WP3.04-21). Cement degradation can increase
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Well Integrity Tests
the leak potential through the cement sheath. The rate at which cement degradation occurs
depends on temperature, cement types and composition, water / cement ratio, moisture content,
CO2 partial pressure, and porosity or permeability (Kutchko, et al. 2007; Santra, et al. 2009).
Leak paths through the cement sheath may result both from poor execution or changing wellbore
conditions. A review of mechanical factors influencing wellbore cement sheath integrity revealed
that fractures in the cement sheath can occur due to cement de-bonding and fracturing at the
rock -formation interface caused by water activity in the shale and cement (Randhol and Cerasi
Insufficient removal of the filter-cake or mud prior to cementing operations may result in
channelling to occur throughout the cement resulting in the creation of (micro)annuli in the
cement sheath. Another factor that may influence the creation of leak paths through the cement is
cement shrinkage. All standard cement classes tend to shrink about 5% (Kermen and Meekes
2013). Cement shrinkage causes circumferential fractures behind the casing (Dusseault, Gray
and Nawrocki 2000). In order to prevent the effects of cement shrinkage, additives and fibers are
added to the cement slurry.
Similar to cement degradation, casing corrosion significantly reduces well integrity, and may
induce additional leak paths. The rate of corrosion depends on the temperature and partial CO2
pressure. Under reservoir conditions, corrosion rates higher than 10mm/year for carbon steel
have been reported (Brondel, et al. 1994). In an injection well, the casing is protected by injection
tubing set as deep as possible in the well. Meanwhile, the integrity of the tubing can be evaluated
by annular pressure monitoring and wellbore logging methods (Figure 2).
During injection, changes in temperature and pressure will lead to stress exposure in the injection
wells. Potential deformation caused by uplift of the reservoir during injection may rise to
deformation loads on casing and cement, and possible fractures (Orlic and Benedictus, 2008).
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Well Integrity Tests
USEPA differentiates mechanical integrity into two categories, internal mechanical integrity and
external mechanical integrity. A well has internal mechanical integrity, when there is no significant
fluid movement in the injection tubing, casing or packer, and a well is considered to have external
mechanical integrity if there is no significant fluid movement through the cement sheath. The
figure below displays three instances where the well integrity has been lost (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Three scenarios where the well mechanical integrity has been lost; the top
example shows a leak in the tubing (loss of internal mechanical integrity); the middle
example shows a leak in the casing (loss of internal mechanical integrity) and fluid
seepage through the cement and into formation (loss of external mechanical integrity); the
bottom example shows fluid movement through channels in the cement sheath (loss of
external mechanical integrity) (USEPA, 2013)
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Well Integrity Tests
maintaining internal mechanical integrity. Parameters such as injection pressure and rates,
annulus pressure and fluid volumes must continuously be monitored in order to ensure integrity.
The UIC program states that the annulus pressure test is required prior to commencing injection
through a Class VI well. The test is first carried out after the well has been constructed and all
well logs have been conducted (USEPA 2012).
The annulus pressure test is based on the principle that pressure applied to fluids filling a sealed
vessel, in this case the annular space, will remain unchanged. If loss of internal mechanical
integrity detected, action may be required to remediate leakage pathways in the injection tubing
packer or casing prior to the commencement of injection.
Prior to conducting the test, the injection tubing and annulus are completely filled with fluid; the
annulus filled with the non-corrosive completion fluid of sufficient weight, while the injection tubing
is filled generally with CO2 slurry (during injection) or water. In order to eliminate temperature
effects, the well must be allowed to reach thermal equilibrium prior to the test (Kansas
Department of Health and Environment 2012). The presence of any additional substances, that
are not approved by regulatory bodies (i.e. any other substance than annular fluid and the fluid
injected to exert additional pressure), in the annulus might affect the outcome of the test, and can
therefore invalidate the test. For an effective test, the pressure must be transmitted through the
entire wellbore. Therefore, no mechanical plug may be placed above the packer for the annulus
pressure test.
After thermal equilibrium is achieved, the annulus is pressurized to the test pressure. The
appropriate test pressure is dependent on several factors such as well depth, formation pressure,
fluid densities and the anticipated injection pressure. Factors such as casing burst pressure and
casing expansion must also be taken into account when determining the test pressure. Given that
the casing can withstand it, it is advised to test the annulus to a pressure higher than the
maximum injection pressure in order to ensure a leak in the tubing will not induce damage on the
After applying test pressure, the annulus is isolated from the pressure source. This is usually
achieved by a closed valve or by simply removing the pressure source. The pressure is then
continuously monitored for the duration of the test. The test duration must be long enough to
allow the pressure to stabilize, but short enough to minimize temperature effects. Tests lasting
between 15 minutes and one hour are advised (USEPA 2012).
Changes in annulus pressure during the monitoring period may indicate loss of mechanical
integrity. However, due to heat transfer, small pressure changes not indicative of leakage may
occur during the test. Failure of the pressure to stabilize during the test period or a change in
pressure above the acceptable margin indicates a failure to demonstrate mechanical integrity.
Typically, the margin of acceptable change in pressure varies between three and ten percent
(USEPA Region 5, 2008). More commonly, 5% is used as the acceptable threshold (Kansas
Department of Health and Environment 2012).
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Well Integrity Tests
In case of a failed annular pressure test, the pressure response during the test may indicate
where the leak might have occurred. Under operating conditions, the pressure inside the injection
tubing, the annular pressure and the pressure of the injection zone would be different, and a large
enough leak may induce a pressure response that would indicate where in the well the loss of
integrity has occurred. When a leak is suspected, wireline logging will be carried out to pinpoint
the leak in any case.
For accurate measurements, the pressure gauge used to monitor the annular pressure must be
sensitive enough to detect any pressure changes that would result in a failure of the test. After the
test period, the fluid used for the pressure test must be collected back and measured. A change
in the amount of returned fluid may indicate whether the entire wellbore has been tested.
Similar to the annulus pressure test, annulus pressure monitoring must be carried out using a
gauge sensitive enough to detect any pressure changes that would indicate a loss of mechanical
integrity. Unlike pressure tests, interpretation of continuous annulus pressure data is more
complex due to many effects related to the injection process such changes in temperature and
injection parameters. In the event of a casing leak opposite a permeable zone, the pressure will
normally drop to pore pressure of the permeable zone. If that is not the case the pressure change
will be minimized as the communication between aquifer and the leak nullifies the effects of
volumetric changes in the annulus. In the event of a tubing or packer leak, the annulus pressure
will mimic the injection pressure. However, it is unlikely for these pressures to be equal due to
pressure losses is the injection tubing and density differences due to temperature effects.
A leak may not always be evident through monitoring if it does not trigger a significant pressure
change. To improve the possibility of detecting a leak, it is advised to measure and monitor the
volumes in the annulus system. A simple way to monitor the volumes in the annulus system is to
record/measure all fluid additions/removal from the annulus. A continuous need to add or remove
fluid to/from the annulus to maintain pressure is an indication of a leak. When an indication of a
leak is observed, an annulus pressure test must be carried out to confirm the presence of a leak.
Radioactive tracer surveys are carried out using wireline. The wireline tool consists of a pump unit
with a reservoir where the radioactive injectate is stored, one or more gamma radiation detectors
and a Casing Collar Locator (CCL). In order to increase the accuracy of the tests, multiple
detectors are preferred. The CCL is required to determine the depth of a leak in reference to
casing collars. An anionic tracer material is ideally preferred in order to minimize molecular
interaction with the well and the formation. Iodine-131 is a commonly used tracer, mainly due to
its short half-life of 8 days and reasonable cost.
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Well Integrity Tests
A radioactive tracer survey is carried out by releasing tracer into the tubing, above the interval to
be tested; and by measuring gamma radiation as the tracer travels within the well. The survey
can be carried out in two ways. In the first one, the wireline tool is moved within the well in order
to detect the position of the tracer (slug test). The second method is called the velocity shot.
During this survey, the wireline tool is kept stationary, and the time that the tracer slug passes
through the detector(s) is monitored. As the tracer material moves through the well with the
injectate, the gamma ray detector(s) will detect a sustained increase in radioactivity in the
presence of a leak, even after the injectate has moved away from the detector. In order to
determine the gamma radiation anomalies, it is imperative to carry out a base log prior to the
release of the tracer. It is common practice to conduct the test during injection, and it is advised to
maintain an injection rate as high as practical during the test (USEPA 2013).
Measurements are carried out via taking noise samples at intervals. It is recommended to have
maximum 100ft intervals between two samples, but finer grids can be used to increase resolution
(USEPA 2013). For accurate sampling, the tool must be stationary during measurements. Each
sample takes approximately 3-5 minutes to be completed. The noise is detected by the
microphones, and then transmitted to recorders that measure the noise level.
A base log is essential for accurate interpretation. Fluid measurement behind the casing can be
detected from anomalies in the noise level in comparison to the base log. The zone of fluid
movement can be pinpointed by sampling in smaller depth intervals (depending on the tool, can
be as small as 1-3 ft) around the location where the maximum anomaly is detected. If a lack of
external mechanical integrity is detected, remediation will be required.
Noise logs are a highly sensitive method to detect anomalies. Stationary measurements are
required to avoid unexpected noise due to friction. Regardless of how the logging is performed,
noise from the surface may present a problem during measurements at shallow depths. When
applied successfully, gas percolation rates as small as 10 ft /day have been reported (George E
King Consulting, 2014).
Noise logging can usually be performed simultaneously with injection, as the flow restriction
caused by the wireline tool is in most cases negligible, and does not cause an audible turbulence.
However, in such cases it is advised to have a base log conducted under injection conditions to
easily filter out noise related to injection activities.
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Well Integrity Tests
In order to eliminate temperature effects related to the movement of the injectate through the well,
the well needs to be shut-in long enough for temperature effects to dissipate prior to conducting a
temperature log. Experience has shown that 36 hours is usually a sufficient shut-in period
(USEPA Region 5 2008). During the shut-in period, the temperature within the wellbore will
change towards geothermal conditions. Logging is performed at short intervals (10 – 50 m)
throughout the entire wellbore. In order to increase the accuracy of the measurements, it is
advised to move the tool slowly in the wellbore. Most thermal sensors are not sensitive enough to
react instantaneously to temperature changes, and the measured temperature changes lag
behind actual wellbore values. By reducing the speed, this effect is minimized. If the tool speed is
erratic, the recorded temperature profile will also be irregular. Despite the possible inaccuracies
due to poor calibration and tool response time, the absolute values recorded can generally be
compared with some confidence.
Figure 3. Sample Temperature log showing a leak on the casing (USEPA 1982)
For accurate measurements, good thermal coupling between the wireline tool and the wellbore is
required. As a result, the accuracy of temperature logs in gas-filled wells is limited. In a CO2
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Well Integrity Tests
injection well, the efficiency of temperature logs will be dependent on the injection conditions.
Using fiber optic temperature sensors may also reduce effects of poor thermal coupling.
Similar to all logging methods, a base log is required to detect anomalies in the temperature. Due
to the long lasting temperature (several weeks to months) effects related to the continuous
circulation of drilling fluid, the base log must be carried out as long as possible after the drilling of
the well and prior to the start of injection operations. In addition, temperature logs carried out in
other wells on the same injection site may also assist in the interpretation of the results. Even
though the responses from different wells will not be identical, the thermal effects due to lithology
will in most cases show a similar trend; with the assumption that the lithostratigraphy within both
wells is also similar. Deviations from the general trends may point out to well integrity issues in
such cases.
Unlike temperature logs, this method requires little to none shut-in period. Furthermore, a liquid-
filled wellbore is also not required in order to conduct the logs. The main disadvantage of this
method is the limited range of investigation that limits the accuracy to detect fluid movement
behind 2 strings of tubulars. Additionally, the vertical resolution of the method is limited to a few
meters. For more accurate results, it is recommended to maintain injection pressure as close to
maximum as possible during logging. Studies and field experience reveal, that oxygen activation
logs can detect fluid movement ranging from 2 to 120 ft/min (USEPA, 2013).
Due to the presence of oxygen containing materials / fluid in the wellbore, a calibration log,
conducted when there is no flow, is required prior to measurements to establish the background
radiation level. It must be stressed that the background noise does not have a definite quantity,
and may change between the calibration log and the measurements, increasing the uncertainty of
interpretation. The duration of the test is an important factor to achieve accurate results. Sufficient
time for activation is required for increased accuracy; however a too long activation period may
result in losing a part of the signal. The activation time is dependent on well conditions such as
injection rate and pressure.
False positives, which are the false indication of channels behind the casing, are a common
artefact of oxygen activation logs. In order to avoid false positives, it is recommended to confirm
all indications of flow at multiple depths. Another way to confirm flow paths is to repeat
measurements with different injections rates, and confirm if flow is present with all.
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Well Integrity Tests
The pressure test to confirm mechanical integrity of abandonment plugs is the most common
method used in the industry (CSI Technologies, 2011). The test is very similar to the annulus
pressure test. After the plug has been installed, a fluid (non-corrosive to metal and non-
detrimental to cement) is injected into the well above the plug to apply pressure on the plug. Once
the testing pressure is reached, the pumps are stopped, the well is shut-in and the pressure is
monitored. The mechanical integrity of the plug is confirmed if there is no pressure decrease
observed during the pumping period, and if a stabilization of the pressure is observed during the
monitoring period. While the duration of the monitoring period and the maximum test pressure will
be dependent on the well and plug configuration, minimum acceptable criteria are specified by
regulatory bodies. A failed pressure test does not necessarily point out to a leaking plug, as the
failure may have been caused because of problems in the casing integrity. Additional testing and
measurements may be required in case of a failed test to confirm where the failure occurred.
Typically, the maximum test pressure will be the maximum expected reservoir pressure or higher,
while ensuring the test pressure does not exceed the burst conditions of the casing. Similar to the
annulus pressure test, the duration of the monitoring period has to be long enough to observe
pressure stabilization, but short enough to eliminate temperature effects (typically 15 minutes to
an hour). According to Dutch Mining Regulations, the minimum acceptable criterion is 50 bars for
15 minutes (Kermen and Meekes, 2013).
The principle of the weight test is simple; a workstring of certain weight is lowered into the hole,
and the weight of the string is then exerted on the plug to confirm that it can structurally withstand
the weight. The workstring is initally run in the hole to tag the cement plug. After the plug is
successfully tagged, the weight of the string is slacked off to apply pressure on the plug. The
integrity of the plug is confirmed if the string does not move within the plug. In order to have a
successful weight test, it is essential to wait sufficient amount of time (as suggested by lab tests)
for the cement to harden prior to the test. If the test is carried out under conditions where the
cement is not hardened, the string will move in the cement, and will induce the risk of losing the
string in the well due to hardening of the cement. Therefore, it is advised to pull out the string as
quickly as possible in the event of a failed test to confirm the failure is not due green (unhardened)
cement The weight applied on the plug is dependent on the weight and the size of the string as
well as the fluid in the well at the time of the test. Ideally, the string has enough weight to exert
more pressure on the plug than the maximum expected pressure. In Dutch Mining Regulations,
the minimum weight to be applied has been defined as 10250kg (equivelant of 100 kN force)
(Kermen and Meekes, 2013).
The pressure test is the preferred method of testing as it verifies the sealing integrity of the plug
with regard to fluid movement. Furthermore, the pressure test can be applied under any
circumstances, while the weight test can only be applied when the section to be tested is long
enough to accommodate a workstring of sufficient weight. The main drawback of the pressure
test is the failure to locate the location of the plug after installation (top of cement). In order to
ensure the plug has been set correctly, the plug must be tagged with either wireline or a
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Well Integrity Tests
workstring before it has been pressure tested. If not set at the correct interval, the plug may have
to be replaced.
Dutch Mining Regulations also allow a third method called inflow testing to confirm the integrity of
a abandonment plug. An inflow test is performed by decreasing the hydrostatic head above the
plug to a value lower than the pressure acting on the plug from below. The integrity of the plug is
confirmed if no flow from the formation into the well is observed on surface for the duration of the
test. Inflow tests are not considered mechanical integrity tests, and are outside of the scope of
this deliverable.
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Well Integrity Tests
6 Permeability Tests
In 2009, Crow et al. tested the integrity of a CO2 producer using different methods, including
sampling and laboratory tests. One of the methods was called a vertical interference test (VIT),
where the effective permeability of the barrier systems behind the casing between two perforated
intervals was investigated (Crow, et al. 2009). During the test, the barrier system in question
consists of the cement sheath behind the casing, the formation behind the cement which may
have been damaged during drilling activities and any microannuli and channels within the cement.
As this method provides a direct measurement of the cement permeability, a test of similar setup
would be an ideal well integrity test for a well associated with CO2 storage, especially a CO2
injection well.
The pressure response is measured using a specifically designed wireline tool. In order to
conduct the test accurately, the wireline tool must provide zonal isolation and must contain
multiple pressure gauges. Zonal isolation can be achieved by packer systems mounted on the
wireline tool. A packer is placed just below the top perforations to isolate the casing, and a
second packer is placed below the bottom perforated zone. To measure the pressure response
through both perforations, pressure gauges are located adjacent to each perforated interval
(Figure 4). As pressure on the casing above the top packer is increased, both the applied
pressure, and the pressure response in the bottom perforated interval is measured and recorded.
Figure 4. Downhole configuration of VIT tool (Crow, et al. 2009). During applications in
2009, different pressure gauges have been used for the top (straing gauge) and bottom
(quartz gauge) perforated intervals
The test will be continued until a stabilized pressure response is recorded on the lower gauge.
The test duration is dependent on wellbore conditions and the duration between the perforated
intervals as well as the permeability of the cement sheath. As a reference, during measurements
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Well Integrity Tests
in 2009, the test duration was 10 seconds (ca. 2.75 hours) after application of pressure on the
casing over a test interval of 11 feet (3.35 m) (Crow, et al. 2009).
6.2 Interpretation
In order to interpret the results of the test, initially the data is normalized to a dimensionless scale
between 0 and 1, where a value of 1 indicates that 100% of the pressure change imposed on the
top perforation is observed on the lower perforation. The data is normalized by taking the ratio of
the relative pressure changes recorded in both pressure gauges using
− _
max _
− _
The normalized data is used to quantify the degree of connection between the perforated
intervals. To quantify the effective permeability behind the casing, a numerical model is required
to simulate physical test data. The governing equation for the numerical model is the continuity
equation for compressible flow of a single fluid in porous media
− ∇. ∇ − =0
where is the compressibility (1/Pa), is the fluid pressure (Pa), is the permeability (m ), is
3 2
the fluid viscosity (Pa.s), is the fluid density (kg/m ), and is the gravity vector (m/s ) (Crow, et
al. 2009). The numerical model is constructed based on well information, and solved for different
cases. The solutions are compared with the test results, and effective permeability value that best
matches the test data is determined. Once the effective permeability behind the casing is
determined, the extent of the damage in external mechanical integrity can be evaluated.
Depending on the severity of the damage, remedial action will be initiated to prevent vertical
migration of CO2 behind the casing or the seepage of CO2 out of the wellbore into (permeable)
6.3 Discussion
As the interpretation of the permeability test depends on the quality of the numerical model, it is
essential that the numerical model represents the downhole conditions as accurately as possible.
Therefore, it is required that realistic parameter values, such as formation permeability and
compressibility during numerical analysis, are used. Accurate data on downhole conditions can
be gathered by an analysis of drill cores and side-wall cores. Additional information on geology
and lithostratigraphy can also be incorporated in the numerical analysis to obtain more accurate
It should be noted that the structure of the numerical model used for interpretation will be specific
to each well and very likely, to each permeability test. Depending on the distance between the
perforated intervals, it is very possible that the fluid viscosity and density will be assumed to be
constant in the numerical model. The temperature effects on viscosity and density will be
negligible over small distances. This will create a system that is dependent on only two variables
(compressibility and permeability), simplifying the equation to be solved. The initial and boundary
conditions of the numerical model, along with the number of grid blocks used to construct the
model also influence model accuracy. The grid block size must be as small as possible to include
the effects of known artefacts, such as loss of integrity (e.g.: patchy cement observed from
cement bond logs or perforations) and anisotropy, in the model. Under regular conditions, the
outer boundary in the vertical direction will be a no-flow boundary imposed by the casing, while
the initial condition at the other end will be hydrostatic pressure from the adjacent formation.
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While the vertical integrity test may give significant information about cement permeability and
integrity, it should be noted that in practice it can only provide information about a small section of
the cement sheath, as a test over long intervals will need a very long time for the pressure
response to stabilize. Furthermore, these tests can only be implemented easily at the target zone
below the injection tubing. In a typical CO2 injection well, the injection tubing will not be cemented,
but cement will be placed around the casing enclosing the tubing (Figure 5). In a well with a
similar configuration, a vertical integrity test above the target zone will be a complex and
expensive operation because it will require the injection tubing and the packer to be removed to
gain direct access to the casing and to prevent damage to the well completion.
Figure 5. A typical CO2 injection well configuration (Zhang & Kermen, 2014).
In addition, the test requires the casing or liner to be perforated, which will create a leak path in
the system. Even though this damage will later be remedied by squeezing cement, this operation
will not guarantee that the well integrity is restored. In order to contain the potential damage to the
well and to prevent migration of CO2 to permeable layers, the vertical integrity test must be
confined to the injection zone and the caprock. Since an intentional damage to the well integrity
during the injection period may lead to serious well / formation integrity problems (especially
when in combination with additional integrity issues), the most suitable time to carry out the
vertical integrity test is prior to the abandonment of the well.
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Well Integrity Tests
7 Conclusions
One of the most important factors in a successful CO2 storage operation is maintenance of well
integrity throughout the life time of a well. Seepage of CO2 through leak paths in the well and
cement due to well integrity issues will have environmental and financial consequences on the
success of the operation.
Well integrity tests are used to validate and maintain well integrity. These tests are carried out
initially upon well completion, and are then repeated frequently through different project phases to
(re-)confirm well integrity. Well integrity tests are not specific to CO2 injection and monitoring
wells, and are widely used in most production and injection wells throughout the world. Should
the tests indicate the well integrity is compromised, and remedial action may be deemed
Integrity tests can be separated into those that test internal mechanical integrity (casing, tubing
and packer leaks) and those that test external integrity (leaks behind the casing mainly due to
poor cement condition). Due to its simple application, short duration (a few hours including setup)
and ease of interpretation, annulus casing pressure test is the most commonly preferred method
of testing internal mechanical integrity. Annulus pressure test is also the most economical internal
integrity test, as it does not require additional wireline tools to be run in the well. The sensitivity of
the test will be dependent on the initial difference between the injection tubing pressure and the
annulus pressure. In the case of a failure, the pressure response gathered during the test may be
indicative of the location (from measured pressure) and size (from rate of response) of the failure.
However, additional wireline measurements will be required in the case of a failure to investigate
the nature of the leak, and take necessary remedial actions.
Radioactive tracer surveys are an alternative method to test the internal mechanical integrity, but
are generally not preferred due to long test duration and potential concerns over injecting
radioactive material in the wellbore. Tracer surveys can be used to pinpoint the location of a leak
in the casing after damage to well integrity has been confirmed by another method. Tracer
surveys are arguably the most sensitive existing well integrity test, provided that an accurate base
log is made prior to the measurements. This method's sensitivity can also be disadvantageous,
as it may result in false anomalies if the tool is not calibrated accurately. Tracer surveys have
been successfully in detecting both internal and external leaks in West Pearl Queen and In Salah
CO2 (Ringrose, et al., 2009) sequestration pilot sites.
Temperature logs detect temperature anomalies behind the casing due to a leak on well
completion, thus can give information on both internal and external mechanical integrity.
Depending on the initial temperature differences, temperature logs can detect leaks as small as
several litres per hour. The main disadvantage of temperature logs is their ineffectiveness in gas
filled wells. Because of this, temperature logs will not be effective in testing internal mechanical
integrity (tubing leaks) in most CO2 injection wells. However, this does not affect the methods
applicability to test external mechanical integrity. Another drawback of this method is that the well
needs to be shut-in and thermally stabilized in order to have a successful measurement. Because
of this, temperature logs may be considered a secondary external MIT option in an injection well.
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Oxygen activation logs and noise logs can detect fluid movement behind the casing through
different methods. Both methods do not require a liquid filled well, and can be performed during
injection unlike temperature logs. Noise logs can give information from large distances, but
require presence of irregular channels to create audible turbulences. At shallow depths, noise
logs may be significantly influenced by noise from the surface, and may not give reliable results.
In a virtually noiseless environment, noise logs can be the most sensitive external test. If the tools
are compatible, a combined noise log and temperature log can be carried out to maximize the
efficiency of the MIT.
Oxygen activation logs are very sensitive and may be difficult to interpret due to abundance of
false positives. Repetitive measurements to confirm findings are often required. In addition, these
logs have poor vertical resolution, and small range compared to other external MITs. The amount
of information that can be gathered from confining layers is limited. In a CO2 injection well, this
would mean that the method may fail to detect small-sized fluid movements behind the casing.
There are two methods to test the integrity of abandonment plugs: pressure test or weight test.
Pressure testing is the industry preferred method, and in essence is the same as the annular
pressure test applied in the presence of a downhole plug. The weight test on the other hand, is
carried out by applying the weight of a tubular string on the plug to test its structural stability. As
the pressure test relies on testing the sealing capability of the plug against fluid movement, it will
give a better indication of the seal integrity. Furthermore, the weight test requires the rental (and
possible repairs) of a tubular string and a drilling/workover rig to run the string, which would
introduce significant additional costs.
Prior to abandonment, a permeability test can be performed to determine the connection between
two intervals behind the casing. In order to quantify the test results, and determine the effective
permeability behind the casing accurate numerical modelling and information on downhole
conditions are required. Although it appears to be an ideal integrity test, the results gathered from
the test will give information specific to a small interval. Moreover, the test in its proposed form is
in practice extremely difficult to implement to investigations targeting the cement sheath above
the injection zone. Considering the fact that the test requires a leak path in the casing / liner to be
formed, it is advised to perform the test only in the injection zone and the caprock. Vertical
integrity tests can provide valuable information when carried out in a poorly cemented interval
that has been confirmed by logs.
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