Motivation: Self-Efficacy Has A Positive Impact On Performance

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Motivation: Self-Efficacy has a positive impact on performance

Vishavjeet Singh Devgan


University of Regina

I used " EZproxy " services of the University of Regina off-campus online library database, and I
downloaded 20 papers from this database, and from that papers, I shortlisted three papers useful
for my research, and I will explain more about them in my next paragraphs.

Words count-561 (excluding cover page)

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Motivation is responsible for the people's actions, behaviors, and their needs. also known by
driving force that forces people towards their aim or their goal or a given task. The below
literature review shows the effects of self-efficacy on individual’s performance.

Shuhua and Gongxiang (2010) conducted a study to find out the impact of achievement goal
orientation and self-efficacy on the allocation of study time. A couple of questionnaires were
created to test the achievement goals, self-efficiency. 66 pairs of Chinese clues and targeted
words as experimental material. 96 participants were divided into four different groups of
mastery and performance goal orientation, self-efficiency, and material factors. They adopted
2*2*2 mixed design in this study. Participants have to remember 60word pairs and told to
record the time. Then, they had to predict the pairs and recall the corresponding target words
accurately. the results showed that the mastery goal students spent more time on meaningless
word combinations in comparison on performance goal-oriented students. It proves that self-
efficacy has a strong impact on the performance of individuals[1].

Katherine A.karl, Anne M.oleary-kelly and Joseph(1993) conducted a study on the effects of
self-efficacy and feedback on performance. 122 participants enrolled in General Management
course in midwestern university.. The experiment involves two types of subjects: Feedback and
No Feedback conditions subjects. In feedback , participants were provided with the reading
materials and were asked to record elapsed time and number of words they read in minute.
Whereas, no feedback subjects were opposite of this. The self-reported reading ability did not
significantly relate with the performance improvement or change in self-efficacy. Every
hypothesis shows that feedback given on performance has a positive effect on self-efficacy and
improvement in performance. It has proved that low self-efficacy people need training in order to
increase their self-efficacy and have the low impact of performance feedback as compared to
high efficacy people[2].

The study of Philip Brown & Holly Matusovich(2016) was conducted to analyze how the Self -
efficacy and career goals are related to the persistence rate of the engineering students. Two
survey methods were used:(1) Post-Graduation career goals in Engineering Students(PGES), (2)
Engineering Self-Efficacy(ESE). 281 students participated. PGES group used “7strongly agree"
and "1 strongly disagrees "survey, which is the series of 7- point Likert-scale. If the score is
nearby 1, this stands that the student is more confident in their job-related career goals, while if it
is the other way around, i.e. when it is near to 7, then a student is more likely to be not confident.
The ESE survey was designed to measure the level of self-efficacy to pursue their engineering
courses on the 7-point scale. The score closer to 7shows high self-efficacy, whereas, a score
closer to 1 shows a low level of self-efficacy towards their grad degree. To evaluate the result
Spearman correlation was used. Results show that Self-efficacy in study is not strong with a
significance level of 0.01, while the result of different demographics shows a significance level
of 0.05. Male students show high self-efficacy than female . Therefore, we can say that self-
efficacy plays a significant role in the confidence levels of individuals in achieving the long-term
and short-term goals[3].

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Conclusion: All articles have different techniques to measure the effect of self-efficacy on
performance. However, these studies are relatable and prove the fact that the self-efficacy has a
positive effect on the performance.
[1] Chen, S., & Su, G. (2010). The Influence of Achievement Goal Orientation, self-efficacy on
the allocation of study time. IEEE, (pp. 546-549).
[2] Karl, Katherine A; O'Leary-Kelly, Anne M; Martocchio, Joseph J. The impact of feedback
and self-efficacy on performance in training. Journal of Organizational Behavior (1986-1998);
Jul 1993; 14, 4; ABI/INFORM Collection pg. 379
[3] Dr. Brown, Philip R., Dr. Matusovich, Holly M. Career Goals, Self-Efficacy and Persistence
in Engineering Students. IEEE (2016)

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