Daily Journal Reflection TP

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My First day Wednesday: 10.10.


Today was my first day in “Hamdan Bin Zayed” school I noticed that the class is like any class that I been
to in my past year in teaching practice. The class have 4 groups each group have a high level and a low
level in the class I notice that the students in the class are very active and, they love learning, and this
has made me happy and excited to teach them today lesson was math it was about fractions. After the
teacher teaches them the lesson the teacher gave the class a homework, so they can practice more and
understand more the lesson. Some students does not follow the teacher I observed those students and
understand why they don’t lesson or why they can’t understand some of the things that the teacher
teach and try to learn how to do it in a different way also learn more how to connect with them for
example some students don’t like to lesson or read so I need to change that I need to change the style of
teaching and do other things to make them enjoy the lesson and learn at the same time I need to plan
my first lesson next week and teach them in many ways. Also, in this teaching practice my main goal is
to learn more from my teacher and from my past mistakes and try to not repeat this semester also to
enjoy my teaching practice even if I faced a lot of difficulties.

Day 2 Thursday 11. 10. 2018

Today’ the students studied Science the lesson was about the life cycle of a cherry tree the teacher
showed the students a video about the cherry tree and how the tree grow and also explaining the each t
form that cherry tree have I learned a new word today when the teacher was teaching the word called
‘’Germinates” witch is the development of a plant from seed or spore after a period of dormancy. I
enjoyed watching the student’s interactions to the lesson I found it interesting to see them curios about
the phases of the cherry tree and I also find it so fascinating how talented some of the students are so
fast at learning and memorizing the words because I know English is my second language and I find it
hard sometimes to pronunciation some of the letters but the students find it so easy and they are so
flexible witch made me want to push and work more harder on my English and be better at it. The
students are very smart, but I notice that my MST is having a problem to manage them because a lot of
the students are very noisy and all over the place witch made me think that I should do a different
strategy then my MST when I’m going to teach them just so I can manage them while and also to let
everyone learn and not be disturbed by each other. I notice that the books have changed it’s no longer
from ADEC it’s from the Ministry Of Education witch I found it very challenging because I’m used to
ADEC, but I will try my best to do what I can do and give it all and most important is to teach the
students better and learn more from my mentor.
Day 3 Monday 15.10.2018

Today in math class they had the subtraction lesson and how to use column subtraction the teacher let
the students sit in the carpet and she showed the students how to subtracted by showing them a video
and then she explain it on the bored I loved how she made the students excited about the lesson by
letting the students trying to solving and subtracting on the bored and she made sure to encourage the
rest of the students to get up and try to help the other students to solve the mathematic problem on the
bored and a lot of the student were exited to solve on the bored it made me think that when I teach
them I should make them exited and also having fun while learning because math is like a game as soon
as you learn the rules you will know how to play and enjoy playing after that she let the students go
back to their sites and try to do it by themselves each students individually and the teacher made sure
that she go around and see all their work and help the once that are having struggle with the lesson.
After the class was finish I made sure to go to my MCT and ask her if I could teach this Wednesday and
she said yes, she asked me to teach the students Science and the lesson will be about the life cycle of
the animal’s witch made me happy because I love animals and I’m so excited to teach them the lesson
this week.

Day 4 Wednesday 17.10.2018

Today was my first day teaching in the class I was very nerves, but I tried my best to keep cam today I
teaches my students Science and the lesson was about the life cycle of the animal’s I choose the frog life
cycle because I thought it was interesting for the student to recognize all the different stages of the frog
I made a PowerPoint about the lesson and I teaches the lesson by using the PowerPoint and then I showed
the students a video about the life cycle of the frog to make them learn and understand how the frog grows
and the stages that the frog go through. After that, I explained to them what they will do in the activity
witch was cutting and ordering the right stage picture of the frog with the right name of the stage I had
difficulties with the students because some of them were very bad at cutting and some of the students
were very noisy in during the activity after they were finch from the activity I told them to go back to the
carpet by calling the grubs by their color name but a lot of them ignored me and it really made me feel
frustrated so I told the student if they didn’t go back to the carpet I will give them minus and this strategy
worked all the students sat on the carpet after that I reviewed the lesson by showing the students a video
about the life cycle of the frog and I repeated the name of the stages of the frog out loud and making the
students repeat after me so they can practice the pronunciation and also to memorize the stages names.
Day 5 Thursday 18.10.2018

Today the science class was different the teacher let the student present projects about the
animal life cycle a lot of students presented different kind of presentation from the rest one of
the students his name is Saif he presented a PowerPoint about the life cycle of a butterfly and
another student shared a poster made by himself his name is Omari it was about the life cycle
of the frog and also explaining the poster to his class mate some of the students were very
noisy they distractive the class from listening to some of the presenters but the teacher manage
that by telling them that after the class they were go outside and if they didn’t Leeson some of
them won’t be apply to go out with them and it worked they stayed quite the whole lesson I
really thought it was very nice and interesting from the students that they presented their life
cycle in a different way each and every one of them witch I thought lovely. After the student
presented the lesson the teacher took the whole class outside to eat doughnut because it was
Thursday I thought it was very thoughtful from the teacher that she wanted them to enjoy the
day more because they will go latter to their parents and enjoy the weekend with their family it
was very kind from her to do that for them it made me realize that being a teacher is not about
teaching the lesson and making the students understand only it also being nice and kind to
them to be thoughtful just like a mother.

Day 6 Monday 22.10.2018

Today’s lesson is English the students were working on their listening the teacher put the story on the
bored and read if for them so they can understand what the story is about and what is the lesson is
about today and the story was about a girl that want to create things that can help people inventing
things to help the people and make their life more easy I watched the students they were very
interested and very hyped about the lesson the students were listening and imagining at the same time
and following the story in there book after that she let them drew an invention that they like and also
make a sentience about it and say why did they choice it I really loved how my MCT can teach both
science and English at the same time witch made me think to do that in my next class when I’m going to
teach its very challenging and hard but I thought that it was very helpful for the students to learn both
topics at the same time it will help them to be more educated and more flexible when they study and
learn I also loved the fact that in every lesson the teacher always make sure they write sentence in every
subject witch is very helpful for the students to practice and develop their writing in English.
Day 7 Wednesday 24.10.2018

Today was my first observation I teach the class about the inherited traits the lesson was very fun the
students were very active and exited to my lesson I showed them a video about it with they enjoy
watching after that I start to explain the lesson by using PowerPoint a lot of students were vey hyped
and excited about the lesson and started to get noisy but I manage to keep them cam by saying I’m not
going to continuo the lesson if you keep talking after that I asked them to move from the carpet to their
grubs to start working on their activate the students were very cam while they work witch made me
happy in the activity I ask them to describe their own traits I also let them order the write trails with the
right picture some of them did it so fast while other struggle doing it after the lesson was done I let
them go back to the cart so they can start the next lesson some of the students didn’t lesson to me I
found it hard to bring them back to the carpet so I clapped my hands so they can lesson to me and they
did after that I plead the video for them again to review w the lesson for them and make sure that they
understand the lesson.

Day 8 Thursday 25.10.2018

The teacher was absent today, so I didn’t stay in the class I went home and finish my work for the next
week class.

Day 9 Monday 29.10.2018

In this day, it was a normal day because there were no teaching and activities during the day my MCT let
me help her with the students lesson it was English and it was about learning the tips of writing
explanation paragraph I won’t say it was a new lesson and it was reviewing everything went ok, and the
students were active, and they were participating. In this day, one of the students was so active and
noisy. I tried to deal with her immediately the time when the students were writing a paragraph by
themselves I noticed that there’s a lot of students didn’t know how to write and even spelling so I made
sure to let them work on that some of them I gave them story to read and some of them I told them to
bring their note book and start writing the words that on the bored and I made sure to go around and
check with them and help them I was very thankful and happy that I controlled some of the students.
But, the rest of the students were not following me, and I felt very frustrated and tired. I tried my best
till the end of the day to control all the students. after that they had a PE class, so I stayed with my MCT
and helped her with organizing the class and the books in the class.
Day 10 Wednesday 31.10.2018

Todays the teacher didn’t teach anything new to the students because she was busy fixing the class and
putting the students projects and work on the wall because they will have visitors tomorrow so she
asked me to help her with the class and I did she played videos about life cycle of animals and let the
students sit on the carpet and watch videos and after that she asked them to draw a life cycle so we can
hang it on the wall with the rest of the projects so I spent my whole day cutting and gluing and fixing the
class with her witch I didn’t mind doing I find it fun and also made me think about my future class room
and how I will design it.

Day 11 Thursday 1.11.2018

Today was my second observation the subject was science and the lesson were about food chain but I
didn’t teach because the teacher didn’t informed me that the students will have a flag day celebration
so it will take a lot of time and I will not be able to teach I felt very frustrated because she didn’t tell me
earlier so I didn’t teach the lesson I attended the flag day celebration I thought it was very beautiful
seeing the students dressed up and raising the Emirate flag and sinning songs it was a beautiful day even
though I didn’t teach I enjoyed my time with the students today.

Day 12 Monday 5.11.2018

I was absent because I was very sick I wasn’t feeling very well so I didn’t go to the school.

Day 13 Wednesday 7.11.2018

I spent most of the time helping the teacher cutting and glowing the activities for the math and English
class in the English class I spent more time with the low groups and try to help them with the spelling for
my teacher and went around the groups to make sure to check their work and mark it and in the math
class and in the math class I also spent with the low group more time and help them with dividing
Day 14 Thursday 8.11.2018

Today was my second observation I tote the class science and the lesson was about food chain I was
very nerves at the beginning because the video about the lesson because didn’t open but I manage to
continue the lesson by explaining the pourpoint for them I really loved that the students were excited
about the lesson because the lesson was about the food chain witch is a diagram that shows
how food energy moves from one organism to another in a given environment I explained the activity for
them witch is cutting the pictures and colored them and after they are done they stick them in tow a
color papers and make a food chain some of the students had hard time cutting the picture witch I helped
them with I really enjoyed that the students were listing and active during the lesson and most important
they understood the lesson and what made me sure that they understand I let them play a game online
witch is dragging the right picture in the right stage for example the corn is the first stage witch is a
producer and then the grasshopper is the consumer will eat the corn after I review with them the lesson
I made sure the go back to their groups and clean their place before the next lesson begin.

Day 15 Monday 12.11.2018

Today the teacher gives the students work sheets so they can improve their writing in English because
they have exams the next week so today the teacher spent more of her time to let them practice more
on their second language she give them high group to write a sentence of the lesson witch was about
animals and for the low group she let them write a b and c and also practice more to write sentence that
are clear because some of them write wrong words and also they don’t put spaces between the words
so I sat with them and help them with it after the class was done the teacher had a meeting with some
of the mothers so I sat with the students and make sure that they all are doing their work and

Day 16 Wednesday 14.11.2018

Today was my third observation I tote the class science the lesson was about technology and technology
system I really enjoyed teaching the lesson and it was very interesting to me to discuss with the students
why some of the technology called technology without having a wire or internet and I loved that some
of the students understand why I explained the lesson using PowerPoint and a video but unfraternally
the video did not have a sound but I manage to explain it and teach it for the students by using my own
voice and explain every part of the video after that I give them the activity I really felt very proud that
everyone understood the lesson and they were very excited well learning after that they had to stop
because my other friend witch is also a student’s teacher had to teach her own lesson but before they
rap up I asked them to come to the carpet and review with them the lesson by using PowerPoint I put
pictures and they have to say what does this technology is helpful for our life and why does it make it
easy and I really loved that a lot of them understand the question very well.
Day 17 Thursday 15.11.2018

Today I tote the same lesson for the other class because yesterday the school let the students go home
early so I completed teaching the lesson to them they understand the lesson and enjoyed doing the
activity with their friends I also loved that they enjoyed the video about the lesson I didn’t find any
trouble teaching the other class they were very good witch made me very happy and more comfortable
teaching them after that they teacher stopped the lesson because she need to let them do their projects
before next week because they will have exams next week and she needed them to finch their work.

Day 18 Monday 19.11.2018

Today I teaches the students English lesson witch was about invention I really enjoyed teaching them this
lesson because I knew they will feel excited about it because there are many amazing inventions and
inventors in the world I started the lesson by showing them a power pointe about the inventors and the
invention around the world also I showed them a video of kids making amazing invention after that I let
them start doing their activity witch was thinking about an invention that they want to make after that
they will have to drew it and write down what’s the propose of it and how it’s going to make the human
life much easier some of the invention were very interesting to me some the students drew a robot that
can help you clean the house while others drew a car that can fly you to school witch I thought very
interesting and lovely also one of the students drew a teddy bear that can help you sleep better at night
after they were finish I let them sit in the carpet and show them pictures and they have to tell me what’s
the name of the invention and what’s the purpose of it just to let them review the lesson and see if they
understand it.

Day 19 Wednesday 21.11.2018

I was absent I couldn’t go to the school because of a transportation problem.

Day 20 Thursday 22.11.2018

Today was the last day for me in the school it was very hard for me saying goodbye to the students because
I really loved them and enjoyed my time with them some of the students cried witch made me very sad
the students made cards for me witch really touched my heart I was very happy and sad at the same time
all of the students wrote down how they feel they wrote how much they will miss me and how much they
want me back and how they love and care about me its really made me very happy and also very proud
of myself I also made sure to bring for them donuts just so they can feel happy and also to lighten up the
mood I also made sure not to forget my teacher I gave her some flowers and a perfume as a gift to thank
her for her time with me also her effort also for helping me to be a better teacher I learned a lot from her
and it was a very interesting journey for me I really learned a lot and also had fun teaching in this school.

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