Process Protection: Product Overview Acoustic and Motion Sensing Acoustic Sensor For Pump Monitoring
Process Protection: Product Overview Acoustic and Motion Sensing Acoustic Sensor For Pump Monitoring
Process Protection: Product Overview Acoustic and Motion Sensing Acoustic Sensor For Pump Monitoring
Process Protection
Siemens FI 01 · 2008
© Siemens AG 2007
Process protection
Product overview
■ Overview
Application Device description Page
Acoustic sensor for pump monitoring
Acoustic diagnostics unit for flow valve SITRANS DA400 8/5
leakage monitoring in oscillating displace- • 4 inputs for structure-born noise sensors
ment pumps or for material flow monitoring
of bulk solids in pipes, conveyors or race- • 4 universal inputs
ways. • 6 digital outputs
• Sensor degree of protection IP66/IP68
Acoustic sensors for material flow monitoring
Acoustic sensor for solids flow detection SITRANS AS100 8/10
• Non-invasive
• Screw in, bolt on, weld, or bond in place
• Analog output
• High and low sensitivity range of opera-
Alarm control unit for use with SITRANS SITRANS CU02 8/14
AS100 acoustic sensor to provide reliable • 3 digit LCD display
continuous protection for bulk solid flow
• 4 to 20 mA output
It processes signals from the sensor, pro-
viding relay and analog outputs for inter- • Two programmable relays
face into a process. • Adjustable independent time delay for
each relay
• DIN rail mounting provides easy installa-
Motion sensors
Highly sensitive single set point motion Milltronics MFA 4p 8/17
sensor alarm unit, used with MSP and XPP • Probe/target separation up to 100 mm
probes (4”)
• Minimum velocity of moving ferrous tar-
get: 1 cm/sec. (2 fpm)
Process protection
Acoustic and motion sensing
• Motion sensing
Siemens Milltronics probes work on the principle of Faraday’s
Laws of Electromagnetic Induction. When a ferromagnetic ob-
ject enters the probe’s permanent magnetic field, it distorts the
flux, causing its coil windings to generate a voltage. This voltage
is proportional to the strength of the magnet and the number of
wire turns in the coil (constant in the probes) and the speed at
which the ferrous target passes through the flux. The generated
voltage is also inversely proportional to the square of the dis-
tance between the target and the probe.
The robust motion sensors provide the contacts to shut down
machinery whenever under-speed, over-speed or plant equip-
ment failure occurs. On belt, drag and screw conveyors, or on
Motion sensing on drive shaft of rotary feeder
bucket elevators, fans and pumps, the speed alarm option can
warn instantly of equipment malfunction. Some probes may be
linked to a programmable logic controller to monitor equipment.
Process protection
Acoustic and motion sensing
■ Technical specifications
Process Protection Selection Guide
Criteria SITRANS DA400 SITRANS AS100 Milltronics MFA 4p Milltronics Milltronics ZSS
Millpulse 600
Typical Industries Non-metallic minerals, Aggregates, grain, Aggregates, cement, Aggregates, cement, Aggregates, cement,
mining, water/waste cement, food process- mining, waste water, mining mining
water, chemicals/petro- ing, power generation, grain
chemicals steel processing
Typical Applications Oscillating displace- Pipes, pneumatic con- Tail pulleys, driven pul- Tail pulleys, driven pul- Tail pulleys, driven pul-
ment pumps such as veyors, aerated gravity leys, motor shaft sens- leys, motor shaft sens- leys, motor shaft sens-
diaphragm piston flow systems, burst fil- ing, screw conveyor ing, screw conveyor ing, screw conveyor
pumps, piston pumps ter bag detection flights, bucket eleva- flights, bucket eleva- flights, bucket eleva-
and hose-type tors tors tors
diaphragm piston
pumps. Monitoring of
flowing bulk solids in
pipes, conveyors or
Operation Acoustic detection of Acoustic sensing Motion sensing Motion sensing Motion sensing
cavitation, optionally
acoustic detection of
impact noises of high
Enclosure Electronics housing, Compact 304 or 303 Type 4X/NEMA 4X/IP65 Type 4X/NEMA 4X/IP67 Phenolic/aluminum
Makrolon IP65, stainless steel, IP68 polycarbonate aluminum
sensor, stainless steel
material number W.-Nr.
1.4571 (316Ti SST)
Sensor Mounting Screw to outside of Sensor non-invasive: Non-contacting probes Non-contacting, Non-contacting,
pump housing. For glue or weld-on disc, secured with supplied secured with supplied secured with supplied
material flow monitor- bolt or weld-on tab, drill flange flange flange
ing on the outside of and tap
pipes, channels,
chutes or raceways
Operating Temperature Electronics -20 to +80 ºC -20 to +50 ºC -40 to +60 ºC -40 to +60 ºC
-20 °C to +60 °C (-4 to +176 ºF)* (-4 to +122 ºF)** (-40 to +140 ºF) (-40 to +140 ºF)
(-4 °F to +140 °F)
-20 °C to +110 °C
(-4 °F to +230 °F)
Power Requirements 19 V to 36 V DC, 20 to 30 V DC, 18 mA 100/115/200/230 V AC Switch 115 or 230 V AC
< 100 mA ± 10% 50/60Hz, 15VA 18 to 48 V AC/DC or ± 10% 50/60 Hz, 10 VA
60 to 135 V AC/DC
ATEX 1G or 1D optional
* Extended temperature model -40 to +125 °C (-40 to +257 °F) available (CE version)
** Probes available for -40 to +260 °C (-40 to +500 °F)
Process protection
Acoustic sensor for pump monitoring
■ Function
Product features
Continuous and independent status monitoring:
• of the flow control valves, for leaks
• of the membranes, for material fatigue
• of the temperature loading of the hydraulic oil
• of flowing bulk solids in pipes, conveying equipment or chan-
Acoustic diagnostics unit SITRANS DA400 and sensor nels
The SITRANS DA400 acoustic diagnostic unit acoustically mea- Communication of the status to superordinate process control
sures the structure-borne noise systems:
• in the version for pump monitoring; on oszillating displace- • via digital outputs
ment pumps • digitally, via PROFIBUS DP or PROFIBUS PA
• in the version for material flow monitoring; on pipes, conveying
equipment or channels. Simple to operate and parametrize:
• Locally, via digital display and keys
It compromises an electric diagnostic unit and up to four acous-
tic sensors. • PROFIBUS DP and PROFIBUS PA
Mode of operation
■ Benefits Principle of measurement
Benefits when pump monitoring Leaks in the flow control valves of oscillating displacement
• Increased availability of the system through: pumps are flows in which cavitation occurs. This results in sound
- Advanced maintenance planning thanks to early recognition waves that are transmitted to the valve housing, where they are
of defective components
- Reduced downtimes (no fault location necessary)
recorded by the structure-borne sound sensor in the SITRANS
DA400 on the outside.
- Increased maintenance intervals
- Greater pump reliability The SITRANS DA400 utilizes the fact that with both an open
valve and a closed intact valve, no cavitation occurs and the
• Prevention of expensive consequential damage measured sound level thus corresponds to the operating noise
• Increased safety of critical applications of the pump. By contrast, with a closed defective valve cavitation
• Early recognition of a reduction in power does occur, which can be identified by a period increase in the
• Increased productivity sound level (see figures). The measured value from the
SITRANS DA400 corresponds exactly to this increase in the
Benefits when material flow monitoring sound level.
• Detection of insufficient or excessive inflow of material in a li- In the version for material flow monitoring, SITRANS DA400 con-
quid or gas flow tinuously detects high-frequency acoustic oscillations by means
• Detection of blockages or clogging of structure-born noise sensors.
• Reduction of down times The oscillations are created by:
• Increased product quality • Friction and impact of bulk solids in:
• Increased availability - pipes, raceways or channels
- chutes
• Guaranteed operational safety - conveyors
• Increased productivity • Friction and impact of mechanical parts
Process protection
Acoustic sensor for pump monitoring
The following shows an example of signal levels at an oscillating Without Ex prot. With Ex protection
displacement pump.
• Alarm monitoring hysteresis 0.5%
• Static destruction limit 40 mA, 4 V -
For connection with approved intrinsically safe circuits with:
• Max. supply voltage Ui - ≤ 30 V
• Max. short-circuit current Ii - ≤ 100 mA
• Max. power Pi - ≤1W
• Internal capacitance Ci - ≤ 11 nF
• Internal inductance Li - ≤ 70 µH
Universal input 24 V digital signal
• Input resistance > 19 kΩ
Signal from structure-borne sound sensor with intact valve
• Signal level Low < 4.5 V or open
• Signal level High >7V
• Hysteresis >1V
• Static destruction limit ± 40 V -
For connection with approved intrinsically safe circuits with:
• Max. supply voltage Ui - ≤ 30 V
• Max. short-circuit current Ii - ≤ 100 mA
• Max. power Pi - ≤1W
• Internal capacitance Ci - ≤ 11 nF
• Internal inductance Li - ≤ 70 µH
Signal from structure-borne sound sensor with defective valve
Universal input closing contact
Sensor operation
For connection to closing contact with the maximum values:
The structure-borne sound sensor works on the piezoelectric
• Max. voltage Uo - ≤ 10 V
principle. The structure-borne sound is injected into the sensor
via the sensor base (mounting surface) and inside it is converted • Max. current Io - ≤ 1 mA
into an electrical voltage by a piezo-ceramic element. This is am- • Max. power Po - ≤ 5 mW
plified in the sensor and transmitted via the cable.
• Internal capacitance Ci - ≤ 11 nF
The sensor frequency range lies in the ultrasonic range
(> 20 kHz). The sensor is non-directional, i.e. the angle at which • Internal inductance Li - ≤ 70 µH
the sound wave is incident on the sensor base is not important. 8.2 V source for NAMUR signal (EN 60947-5-6)
Mode of operation of the safety barrier • Open circuit voltage 8.2 V ± 0.3 V, -
short circuit-proof
The safety barrier comprises intrinsically-safe circuits. These cir-
cuits serve to operate intrinsically-safe components such as • Input resistance < 950 Ω -
■ Technical specifications Digital outputs 6 6 (applicable for
SITRANS DA400 Without Ex prot. With Ex protection NAMUR switch
• Semiconductor relay Individually iso- -
Acoustic channels 4 lated, short circuit-
• Cycle time 10 ms
• Switching voltage 24 V AC/36 V DC, -
Only for connection to intrinsically safe sensors with: any polarity
• Max. voltage Uo - ≤ 5.5 V • Destruction limit 35 V AC, 50 V DC -
• Max. current Io - ≤ 70 mA • Max. switching current 100 mA -
• Max. power Po - ≤ 100 mW • Signal status Low (no re- - ≤ 1.2 mA (Source:
• Internal capacitance Ci - ≤ 1.2 µF sponse) DIN 19234)
• Internal inductance Li - Negligible • Signal status High (re- - ≥ 2.1 mA (Source:
sponse) DIN 19234)
Universal inputs 4
For connection with an intrinsically safe switching amplifier to
• Cycle time 80 ms DIN 19234 with:
• Low pass filter time 1s • Max. supply voltage Ui - ≤ 15.5 V
Universal analog current input • Max. short-circuit current Ii - ≤ 25 mA
• Load < 105 Ω < 12 Ω • Max. power Pi - ≤ 64 mW
• Resolution 0.1% • Internal capacitance Ci - ≤ 5.2 nF
• Accuracy 0.5% • Internal inductance Li - Negligible
• Fault signal > 21 mA or < 3.6 mA (at 4 ... 20 mA)
Process protection
Acoustic sensor for pump monitoring
Without Ex prot. With Ex protection Without Ex prot. With Ex protection
Conditions of use Protocol Cyclic with Master
C1 and acyclic
Installation conditions Vertical wall mounting, cables fed in with Master C2
from below
Power supply - Bus-powered
Climatic class Class 4K4 according to EN 60721-3-4
Bus voltage - 9 ... 24 V
Mounting location - Zone 1 or zone 2
Current consumption - 10.5 mA ±10%
Permissible ambient temper- -20 ... +60 °C -
ature (-4 ... +140 °F) Bus connection with FISCO - Yes
supply unit, ia/ib group IIC or
• Temperature class T5 – T1 -20 ... +60 °C IIB
(-4 ... +140 °F)
Layer 1 and 2 from PROFIBUS PA, transfer technology from IEC 1158-2
• Temperature class T6 -20 ... +50 °C
(-4 ... +122 °F) • C2 connections - 4 connections are
supported in mas-
Mechanical load Class 4M3 according to EN 60721-3-4 ter class 2
Type of protection to EN IP65 • Device profile - PROFIBUS PA-pro-
60529 file V3.0 Rev. 1,
Electromagnetic Compatibil- Class B
ity • Device address - 1 ... 126 (126 fac-
• Emitted interference and To EN 61326 and NAMUR NE 21 tory-set)
noise immunity PC software parameters SIMATIC PDM (not included in delivery)
Usage limits for water
• Delivery side ≥ 10 bar a
Sensor for SITRANS DA400
• Number of strokes min. 4 min-1, max. 10 ... 500 min-1
Setup • Piezoceramic sensor with pre-
Design amplifier
Weight (without options) Approx. 2.5 kg • Encapsulated electronics
Dimensions (W x H x D) in 172 x 320 x 80 (6.8 x 12.6 x 3.2) • 4-wire cable with anti-kink
mm (inch) sleeve
Housing material Macrolon (polycar- Macrolon (Polycar- Conditions of use
bonate + 20% bonate + 20% Permissible Ambient Temperature -40 ... +110 °C (-40 ... +230 °F)
glass fiber) glass fibers), sur-
face attenuated Type of protection to EN 60529 IP66/IP68
with CrNi layer and
painted Mechanical load Class 4M7 according to
DIN EN 60721-3-4
Electrical connection via • Rigid 2.5 mm (0.984 inch)
screw terminals Climatic class Class 4K4 according to
• Flexible 1.5 mm (0.59 inch) DIN EN 60721-3-4
• Flexible with connector sleeves Design
1.5 mm (0.59 inch)
Housing material Stainless steel 1.4571 (316Ti SST)
Cable inlet via plastic cable • 2 x Pg 13.5
joints Cable Ends with wire protectors and
• 5 x Pg 11
cable shoe for connection to the
Power supply SITRANS DA400
Rated voltage 24 V DC 16 V DC Weight 125 g (0.276 lb)
Operating range 19 ... 36 V DC 15 ...17 V DC Mounting location Zone 0/1 or zone 20/21/22
Current consumption < 100 mA < 40 mA Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 26 x 29 x 40 (1.02 x 1.14 x 1.57)
For connection with approved intrinsically safe circuits with:
Power supply Powered fed from device
• Max. supply voltage Ui - ≤ 17.4 V
Certificate and approvals
• Max. short-circuit current Ii - ≤ 191 mA
Explosion protection
• Max. power Pi - ≤ 1.35 W
Intrinsic safety "i" TÜV 2005 ATEX 2876 X
• Internal capacitance Ci - ≤ 33 nF
Marking II 1 G EEx ia IIC T6/T5/T4 or
• Internal inductance Li - ≤ 28 µH II 1 D EEx ia D 20/21/22 T160
Certificate and approvals Permissible ambient temperature
Explosion protection to EN 50014, EN 50020 and EN 50021 • Category 1G
Intrinsic safety "i" - TÜV (German - Temperature class T4, T5 -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... 140 °F)
Technical Inspec-
torate) 06 ATEX - Temperature class T6 -20 ... +50 °C (-4 ... 122 °F)
• Category 2G
Marking - II 2(1) G EEx is [ia]
IIC T6 - Temperature class T4 -40 ... +110 °C (-40 ... 230 °F)
Communication - Temperature class T5 -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... 176 °F)
PROFIBUS DP RS485, switchable - Temperature class T6 -20 ... +65 °C (-4 ... 149 °F)
terminating resistor • Category 1D or 2D
- Temperature class T160 -40 ... +110 °C (-40 ... 230 °F)
Process protection
Acoustic sensor for pump monitoring
the safety barriers must be
installed between the SITRANS
DA400 acoustic diagnostic unit
and the sensor if only the sensors
are being operated in the Ex-
Input A maximum of two sensors can
be connected.
Conditions of use
Weight 115 g (0.254 lb)
Housing material Plastic, polyamide ''
Type of installation Installation on mounting rail NS 32 '
or NS 35/7.5.
The acoustic diagnostic unit
SITRANS DA400 and the safety
barrier must be operated outside
the Ex-Zone.
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 68 x 77 x 42 (2.68 x 3.03 x 1.65)
Certificates and Approvals
Explosion protection
Intrinsic safety "i" TÜV 05 ATEX 2917 X
Marking II (2) G [EEx ib] IIC
Selection and Ordering data Order-No. s
Acoustic diagnostics unit SITRANS DA400 7 M J 2 4 0 0 - 77A 0 7 $
Explosion protection
• without A 6: 6:
• with EEx ia/ib to ATEX1)
Application software SITRANS DA400, dimensions in mm (inch)
for continuous condition monitoring of positive 1
displacement pumps 2XW2XW ,Q,Q
for material flow monitoring in pipes, raceways 2 6(1625 6,75$16'$
and conveyors
Acoustic sensors for diagnostics unit 7 M J 2 0 0 0 - 1 77 0 0
Explosion protection
• without A
• with EEx ia to ATEX B
(incl. pin and allen screw M6)
• 20 m B
• 40 m C
• 100 m F
Process protection
Acoustic sensor for pump monitoring
■ Schematics
2XW ,Q
2XW ,Q
VHQVRU 6,75$16'$
Process protection
Acoustic sensors for material flow monitoring
■ Overview ■ Application
SITRANS AS100 detects changes in high frequency sound
waves from equipment and materials in motion. It detects and re-
acts instantly to changes in solids flow to warn of blockages,
product absence, or equipment failure such as burst filter bags.
This allows an operator to take early preventative action and
avoid costly damage.
Common applications include pellets, powders and most bulk
solids in pipes, chutes, vibratory feeders, pneumatic conveyors
or aerated gravity flow systems.
Operating with a SITRANS CU02 control unit, the system detects
conditions of high flow, low flow or no flow. It can be added to a
control loop via a 4 to 20 mA output. Two relays are fully pro-
grammable and independent of each other and can be used to
operate an alarm or control device.
With no moving parts and a type 304 or 303 stainless steel en-
closure sealed against dust and moisture, this non-invasive unit
requires little or no maintenance. With a dual operating range,
the sensor offers an exceptionally wide range of application ca-
SITRANS AS100 is an acoustic sensor used for solids flow de- pabilities.
• Key applications: pipes, chutes, vibratory feeders, aerated
gravity flow systems, burst filter bag detection
■ Benefits
• Non-invasive
• Screw in, bolt on, weld, or bond in place
• Analog output
• High and low sensitivity range of operation
■ Design
Process protection
Acoustic sensors for material flow monitoring
• Extended 4 m (13 ft) cable, thermoplastic Note: Adapter kits are not CSA Class II approved
elastomer jacketed, 6 conductor, 1)
24 AWG (0.25 mm2) conductor, Available with approval options 1, 3 and 5 only
shielded Available with approval option 1 only
3) Available with approval option 4 only
Power supply 20 to 30 V DC, 18 mA (typical)
Certificates and approvals CE
CSA/FM Class II, Div. 1, Group E,
F and G (optional)
ATEX II 3D (optional)
Process protection
Acoustic sensors for material flow monitoring
■ Dimensional drawings
Process protection
Acoustic sensors for material flow monitoring
■ Schematics
Standard Temperature Range
red + Vsup: 20 to 30 V DC
blk - supply input
grn or*
blk + Vsens: analog output
blk - 0.08 to 10 V DC
shield, tied to Sensor casing
red + Vsup: 20 to 30 V DC
blk - supply input
org or*
yel + Vsens: analog output
brw - 0.08 to 10 V DC
shield, tied to Sensor casing
wire size
7 x 0.20
22 7 x 0.25 0.35 800 2600
Process protection
Acoustic sensors for material flow monitoring
Process protection
Acoustic sensors for material flow monitoring
■ Dimensional drawings
Wall/Panel Mounting
110 mm 38 mm
(4.4”) (1.5”)
61 mm
75 mm
(3”) drill and tap
for 4 mm
61 mm (#8) screw,
(2.4”) (2 places)
55 mm
38 mm 4.5 x 5.75 mm
(1.5”) (0.18”x0.2”)
mounting slot
(2 places)
Process protection
Acoustic sensors for material flow monitoring
■ Schematics
Process protection
Motion sensors
Milltronics MFA 4p
■ Overview ■ Application
The MFA 4p detects changes in the motion and speed of rotat-
ing, reciprocating or conveying equipment. It warns of equip-
ment malfunction and signals through contacts to shut down ma-
chinery in case of a slowdown or failure. Its reliability makes it a
cost-effective way to protect valuable process equipment.
The single setpoint system suits most industrial applications.
This versatile unit can be used on tail pulley shafts, driven pul-
leys, motor shaft sensing, belt or drag conveyors, screw con-
veyor flights, bucket elevators, fans and pumps.
A special feature is the adjustable 0 to 60 second time delay, al-
lowing the monitored device to accelerate to normal running
speed before monitoring begins. A wide range of probes are
available to suit specific needs, including high temperatures,
corrosive, and Class I, II and III installations. The CE approval al-
lows the MFA 4p to consistently meet the needs of the mining ag-
gregate, cement and other primary and secondary industries.
• Key Applications: tail pulleys, motor shaft sensing, screw con-
veyor flights, bucket elevators
MFA 4p motion failure alarm controller is a highly sensitive single
setpoint motion sensor system, used with Milltronics MSP and
XPP probes.
■ Benefits
• Up to 100 mm (4”) gap between target and probe
• Switch selectable overspeed or underspeed detection
• Setpoint adjustment 2 to 3000 PPM (pulses/minute)
• Adjustable start-up time delay
• Visual indication of probe operation and relay status
• General purpose, suitable for majority of industrial applica-
tions; rugged probe designs provide unmatched reliability
■ Design
Process protection
Motion sensors
Milltronics MFA 4p
■ Technical specifications
Mode of operation
Measuring principle Motion monitor and alarm
Typical application Monitoring loss of motion in tail
pulley, screw flights, bucket ele-
Features • Switch selectable overspeed or
underspeed detection
• Setpoint adjustment:
2 to 3000 PPM
• Adjustable start-up time delay:
0 to 60 seconds
• Visual indication of probe opera-
tion and relay status
Output 2 relays working in unison, each
providing 1 SPDT Form C relay
contact, rated 8 A @ 250 V AC
Repeatability ± 1%
Dead band ± 0.25%
Dynamic Range 0 to 7200 PPM
Ambient Temperature Range -20 to +50 °C (-4 to +122 °F)
Enclosure rating Type 4X/NEMA 4X/IP65 (stan-
dard and optional stainless steel)
Type 4/NEMA 4/IP65 (optional
mild steel)
Enclosure dimensions 160 mm x 240 mm x 82 mm
(6.3” x 9.5” x 3.2”)
Enclosure material Polycarbonate [optional: mild
steel or stainless steel,
203 mm x 254 mm x102 mm
(8” x 10” x 4”)]
Power Supply 100/115/200/230 V AC switch
selectable, 50/60 Hz,
15 VA ± 10% of rated voltage
Certificates and approvals CE, CSAUS/C, FM
Process protection
Motion sensors
Milltronics MFA 4p
Selection and Ordering data Order No. Selection and Ordering data Order No.
MFA 4P Motion Failure Alarm Controller C) 7 M H 7 1 4 4 - Milltronics Motion Sensing Probes C) 7 M H 7 1 4 6 -
A highly sensitive single setpoint motion sensor 7777 A series of motion sensing probes used with the 0 77
system, used with MSP and XPP probes. MFA 4p.
Enclosure Milltronics MSP-1: miniature motion sensing probe
NEMA 4X, polycarbonate enclosure 1 Milltronics MSP-3: heavy-duty, high temperature
NEMA 4, painted mild steel enclosure 2 Milltronics MSP-9: heavy-duty, high temperature
NEMA 4X, stainless steel enclosure 3 stainless steel
Input Voltage Milltronics MSP-12: heavy-duty, general purpose
Milltronics XPP-5: hazardous rate
100/115/200/230 V AC, 50/60 Hz, switch selectable A
Note: Milltronics MSP-1, MSP-3 and MSP-9 probes
Speed detection version require the use of Milltronics RMA (amplifier)
Standard, underspeed (U/S) or overspeed (O/S), A
switch selectable Model
Slow speed (S/S), U/S or O/S detection, switch B MSP-1 with 1.8 m (6 ft) of cable A
selectable MSP-3, 1/2” NPT cable inlet with 1.5 m (5 ft) high B
temperature cable
Approvals MSP-9 with 1.5 m (5 ft) high temperature cable D
MSP-12, 1/2” NPT cable inlet E
Instruction manual XPP-5, with 1.5 m (5 ft) cable, (CSA Class I, G
English C) 7ML1998-5FM01 Group A, B, C and D; Class II Group E, F and G)
French C) 7ML1998-5FM11 XPP-5, with 10 m (32.8 ft) cable, (CSA Class I, H
Spanish C) 7ML1998-5FM21 Group A, B, C and D; Class II Group E, F and G)
German C) 7ML1998-5FM31 XPP-5, with 15 m (49.2 ft) cable, (CSA Class I, J
Note: The instruction manual should be ordered as Group A, B, C and D; Class II Group E, F and G)
a separate item on the order.
This device is shipped with the Siemens Milltronics
manual CD containing the complete instruction CE A
manual library. Instruction manual
Spare parts English C) 7ML1998-5FM01
Relay 7MH7723-1DW French C) 7ML1998-5FM11
Transformer 7MH7723-1DX Spanish C) 7ML1998-5FM21
Circuit Card, standard C) 7MH7723-1DU German C) 7ML1998-5FM31
Circuit Card, Slow speed C) 7MH7723-1DV Note: The instruction manual should be ordered as
a separate item on the order.
C) Subject to export regulations AL: N, ECCN: EAR99 Spare parts
Locknut, for MSP-1 7MH7723-1CQ
Locknut, for MSP-3, MSP-4, MSP-12, XPP-5 C) 7MH7723-1CR
Selection and Ordering data Order No.
Mounting flange, for MSP-3, MSP-4, MSP-12, 7MH7723-1CS
Milltronics RMA Remote Mounted Amplifier C) 7MH7145-
Remote mounted amplifier for Milltronics MSP-1, 07
MSP-3 and MSP-9 motion sensing probes. Mounting bracket for MSP-9 7MH7723-1CT
Lid, 1/2” NPT cable inlet, for MSP-3, MSP-12 7MH7723-1CU
Enclosure Lid for MSP-9 7MH7723-1CV
Aluminum enclosure, 1/2” NPT entry A
Painted steel, NEMA 4 rating C Lid gasket, for MSP-3, MSP-9 7MH7723-1CW
Stainless steel enclosure, NEMA 4X rating D Lid gasket, for MSP-12 7MH7723-1CX
Process protection
Motion sensors
Milltronics MFA 4p
■ Dimensional drawings
160 mm Milltronics MSP-12 and MSP-3
131 mm lid screws 82 mm ½” NPT or PG16
(5.138”) (3.225”) conduit entrance
240 mm 187 mm
(9.455”) (7.38”)
127 mm
228 mm (5.0”)
86 mm 60 mm
(3.38”) (2.38”)
MFA 4p dimensions
Process protection
Motion sensors
Milltronics Millpulse 600
■ Overview ■ Design
The Millpulse 600 should be mounted in an area classified as
non-hazardous, that is suitable to the enclosure rating and ma-
terials and is within the temperature range specified. The cap
should be accessible to allow for wiring and viewing of the status
display LED.
When mounting the Millpulse onto a vibration-free structure, use
the supplied mounting flange to ensure that there is no danger
of the target damaging the unit.
Where possible, mount the probe so the cable inlet is pointing
downward to avoid accumulation of condensation in the casing.
Where wiring must be run in conduit, use a flexible conduit for
easier removal or adjustment of the probe. Keep the Millpulse
away from high voltage or current runs, contractors and the SCR
Do not connect the Millpulse 600 directly to supply.
■ Benefits
• Up to 100 mm (4”) gap between Millpulse and targets
• Two-wire unit
• PLC compatible
• Rugged, low maintenance suitable for tough environments
■ Application
Millpulse supplies cost effective equipment protection even in
the harshest conditions.
This rugged unit is impervious to dust, dirt, build-up and mois-
ture, and is ideal for such primary industries as mining, aggre-
gate and cement plants. Operating where other systems are
prone to failure, the non-contacting design eliminates the need
for lubricating, cleaning and part replacement. It will reduce
downtime and clean-up expenses associated with conveying
equipment failure. Its pulse output can be used to minimize spill-
age, prevent damage, detect fire caused by belt slippage at the
head pulley and warn of other conveyor malfunction.
The Millpulse 600 offers underspeed, overspeed, differential
speed and speed indication functions by a PLC. With an all alu-
minum body, it operates from -40 to +60 °C (-40 to +140 °F).
• Key Applications: tail pulleys, driven pulleys, motor shaft sens-
ing, screw conveyor flights, bucket elevators
Process protection
Motion sensors
Milltronics Millpulse 600
Process protection
Motion sensors
Milltronics ZSS
■ Overview
38 mm
■ Technical specifications
Mode of operation
Milltronics ZSS is a heavy-duty zero-speed alarm switch. This
non-contacting unit provides cost-effective equipment protec- Measuring principle Disruption of magnetic field by
ferrous target
tion even in the harshest conditions.
Typical application Monitors absence or presence of
■ Benefits motion in harsh conditions
• Up to 38 mm (1.5”) gap between ZSS and targets
Contact 1 SPDT Form C dry relay contact,
• Rugged, low maintenance suitable for tough environments rated 5 A at 250 V AC, fail-safe
• 1 SPDT Form C relay contact operation
• Provides cost-effective protection Time delay Start up : 3 seconds ± 1 fixed
Zero Speed (selected via a com- • 5 seconds ± 1 (minimum speed
■ Application mon jumper) 10 to 15 ppm) or
• 10 seconds ± 2 (minimum speed
This rugged unit is impervious to dust, dirt, build-up and mois- 5 to 7.5 ppm)
ture and is ideal for such primary industries as mining, aggre-
gate, and cement plants. Operating where other systems are Rated operating conditions
prone to failure, the non-contacting design eliminates the need Operating temperature -40 to +60 °C (-40 to +140 °F)
for lubricating, cleaning and part replacement. Downtime and
clean-up expenses associated with conveying equipment failure
are reduced by the ZSS. It alarms to minimize spillage, prevent Probe body Phenolic and aluminum
extensive damage or even fire caused by belt slippage at the Process mounting 2” NPSL
head pulley and warn against conveyor malfunction.
Connection box Aluminum, ¾” NPT conduit
The ZSS has built-in selectable start delays and 1 Form C relay entrance, 4 screw terminals for
contact. With a phenolic body, it operates from -40 to +60 °C max. 12 AWG (3.30 mm2) wire
(-40 to +140 °F). size
• Key Applications: tail pulleys, driven pulleys, motor shaft sens- Gasketing Neoprene
ing, screw conveyor flights Enclosure rating Type NEMA 4 style/IP65
Process protection
Motion sensors
Milltronics ZSS
■ Dimensional drawings
Process protection
Motion sensors
Milltronics ZSS
■ Schematics
Process protection