Mechatronics Notes22

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Refer Mechatronics book (P.No: 1.1 to 1.5)


Refer Mechatronics book (P.No: 1.3 to 1.5)


Refer Mechatronics book (P.No: 1.5 to 1.7)


Refer Mechatronics book (P.No: 1.20to 1.25)



Refer Mechatronics book (P.No: 1.36 to 1.39)

Performance Terminology
Refer Mechatronics book (P.No: 1.40 to 1.44)

Potentiometers, Strain gauges, LVDT, Eddy current sensor, Hall effect sensor, Capacitance sensors
Refer Mechatronics book (P.No: 1.44 to 1.61)

Proximity sensors
Refer Mechatronics book (P.No: 1.69 to 1.71)

Temperature sensors
Refer Mechatronics book (P.No: 1.98 to 1.111)

Piezo electric sensor

Refer Mechatronics book (P.No: 1.86 to 1.87)

Optical sensors
Refer Mechatronics book (P.No: 1.63 to 1.68)
Ultrasonic sensors are based on measuring the properties of sound waves with frequency above the human audible
range. They are based on three physical principles: time of flight, the Doppler effect, and the attenuation of sound
waves. Ultrasonic sensors are non-intrusive in that they do not require physical contact with their target, and can
detect certain clear or shiny targets otherwise obscured to some vision-based sensors. On the other hand, their
measurements are very sensitive to temperature and to the angle of the target.

Ultrasonic sensors “are based on the measurement of the properties of acoustic waves with frequencies above the
human audible range,” often at roughly 40 kHz 1). They typically operate by generating a high-frequency pulse of
sound, and then receiving and evaluating the properties of the echo pulse.

Three different properties of the received echo pulse may be evaluated, for different sensing purposes. They are:

 Time of flight (for sensing distance)

 Doppler shift (for sensing velocity)
 Amplitude attenuation (for sensing distance, directionality, or attenuation coefficient)

Modes of Operation

1. Time of Flight

1A. Reflection Mode

In reflection mode (also known as “echo ranging”), an ultrasonic transmitter emits a short burst of sound in a
particular direction. The pulse bounces off a target and returns to the receiver after a time interval t. The receiver
records the length of this time interval, and calculates the distance travelled r based on the speed of sound c:

r = c * t2)

Very often, separate transmitting and receiving transducers are placed immediately next to each other, housed as a
single unit. (The PING))) Range Finder, Omega flowmeter and Migatron high-accuracy sensor below are all designed
this way.) In these cases, the distance calculated will be twice the distance from the sensor to the target.

Using proper coordination, a single transducer can be used for both emitting the pulse and receiving the echo. Note
that it takes time for the transducer to change modes, presenting a challenge to short-distance measurement.
1B. Direct Measurement Mode

In this mode of operation the transmitter and receiver are two separate units that move relative to each other. For
example, the receiver can be fixed to a target that moves relative to a stationary transmitter, or vice-versa.

Multiple transmitters can be used to increase the directionality of the transmitted pulse. Lima et al.3) placed multiple
ultrasonic transmitters on a performer, whose signals were received by multiple receivers in the performance space,
enabling a computer program to triangulate the performer's position.

Doppler Shift

When a wave reflects off of a moving object, its frequency is shifted by an amount proportional to the velocity of the
object. This fact can be exploited in ultrasonic sensing by having the receiver measure not the time of flight but the
frequency of the returning echo pulse. Knowing fe and fr, the frequency of the emitted and received pulse,
respectively, the velocity v of the target may be calculated:

fe - fr = 2 fe (v / c) cos(A)4)

where A is the angle between the target's and the pulse's lines of motion.

Amplitude Attenuation

Ultrasonic sound attenuates much faster than audible sound when propagating through air. By measuring the intensity
of the returning pulse, an estimate of the distance travelled can be made using the following equation:

I = I0e-ax 5)

where I and I0 are the received and the original intensities, respectively, and where a is the attenuation coefficient (a
property of the medium) and x is the distance travelled by the wave. Attenuation may also be caused by an increased
angle between the target and receiver, which may even deflect the echo somewhere else and not be heard at all. The
effect of distance and angle on the amplitude of the received signal is illustrated in the following images from
(Miranda & Wanderley 2006).6)

Making Measurements

The three methods above make use of different physical principles, but they all employ the same measuring
procedure. In each case, an ultrasonic sound wave is created, received, and evaluted.
Generating the ultrasonic signal

Ultrasound is most commonly generated as a direct conversion from electrical energy. This is accomplished by
applying a rapidly oscillating electrical signal to a piezoelectric crystal attached to a mounting. The charge causes the
crystal to expand and contract with the voltage, thereby generating an acoustic wave. The waves are later detected by
a piezoelectric receiver, which converts the waves back into voltage using the same method.

The signal may also be generated by consumer electronics products, but great care must be taken to ensure that the
signal is not attenuated in this range. Speakers typically have filter circuits to prevent ultrasonic propogation, and the
frequency response of many microphones roll off in this range. This is partly because of the amount of ultrasound
present in our daily life; percussive sounds and metallic ringing both contain ultrasounic frequencies.

Pulsed vs. continuous measurement

Time-of-flight-based sensing requires emitting a pulse and waiting for it to return. This waiting time limits the speed
with which successive measurements can be made, without risking confusion. However, Doppler- and attenuation-
based sensing devices do not have the same restrictions: a constant wave of ultrasound may be emitted, and the
received wave's attenuation or frequency continuously analyzed. This may make measurements speedier, effectively
increasing the sensitivity of the sensor.


The main advantage of ultrasonic sensors is that measurements may be made without touching or otherwise impeding
the target. In addition, depending on the distance measured, measurement is relatively quick (it takes roughly 6ms for
sound to travel 1m). However, many factors such as temperature, angle, and material may affect measurements.

Here is a list of pitfalls in ultrasonic sensing:

 Weather. Temperature and humidity affect the speed of sound in air. Therefore, range finders may need to be
recalibrated to make accurate measurements in a new environment. (Or, an on-board temperature sensor may
be incorporated.)

 Currents. Temperature variations and air currents can create invisible boundaries that will reflect ultrasonic
waves, so care must be taken to avoid these.

 Angle. For the transmitted wave to echo back to the receiver, the target surface must be perpendicular to the
transmitter. Round objects are therefore most easily sensed since they always show some perpendicular face.
When targeting a flat object, care must be taken to ensure that its angle with respect to the sensor does not
exceed a particular range.

 Dead-zone. Ultrasonic sensors typically have a “dead zone” immediately in front of them in which objects
cannot be detected because they deflect the wave back before the receiver is operational. (This is because
reverberations from the transmitter force the receiver to pause a moment before beginning to listen for the

 Material. Some materials are more absorbent than others, and these will reflect less ultrasound. This
complicates using the attenuation method to measure the distance of arbitrary objects.


 In previous lectures we have studied various sensors and transducers used in a mechatronics system.
Transducers sense physical phenomenon such as rise in temperature and convert the measurand into an
electrical signal viz. voltage or current. However these signals may not be in their appropriate forms to
employ them to control a mechatronics system. Figure 2.6.1 shows various signal conditioning operations
which are being carried out in controlling a mechatronics based system.The signals given by a transducer may
be nonlinear in nature or may contain noise. Thus before sending these signals to the mechatronics control
unit it is essential to remove the noise, nonlinearity associated with the raw output from a sensor or a
transducer. It is also needed to modify the amplitude (low/high) and form (analogue/digital) of the output
signals into respective acceptable limits and form which will be suitable to the control system. These activities
are carried out by using signal conditioning devices and the process is termed as ‘signal conditioning'.

 Figure 2.6.1 Signal conditioning operations

Signal conditioning system enhances the quality of signal coming from a sensor in terms of:

1. Protection -To protect the damage to the next element of mechatronics system such microprocessors from the
high current or voltage signals.
2. Right type of signal -To convert the output signal from a transducer into the desired form i.e. voltage /
3. Right level of the signal -To amplify or attenuate the signals to a right /acceptable level for the next element.
4. Noise -To eliminate noise from a signal.
5. Manipulation-To manipulate the signal from its nonlinear form to the linear form.

1. Amplification/Attenuation -Various applications of Mechatronics system such as machine tool control unit of a
CNC machine tool accept voltage amplitudes in range of 0 to 10 Volts. However many sensors produce signals of the
order of milli volts. This low level input signals from sensors must be amplified to use them for further control action.
Operational amplifiers (op-amp) are widely used for amplification of input signals. The details are as follows.

1.1 Operational amplifier (op-amp)

Operational Amplifier is a basic and an important part of a signal conditioning system. It is often abbreviated as op-
amp. Op-amp is a high gain voltage amplifier with a differential input. The gain is of the order of 100000 or more.
Differential input is a method of transmitting information with two different electronic signals which are generally
complementary to each other. Figure 2.6.2 shows the block diagram of an op-amp. It has five terminals. Two voltages
are applied at two input terminals. The output terminal provides the amplified value of difference between two input
voltages. Op-amp works by using the external power supplied at Vs+ and Vs- terminals.
Figure 2.6.2 circuit diagram of an Op-amp

In general op-amp amplifies the difference between input voltages (V+ and V-). The output of an operational The
negative sign indicates a phase shift between Vin and Vout .

Data Conversion Devices are very important componentsof a Machine Control Unit (MCU). MCUs are controlled by
various computers or microcontrollers which are accepting signals only in Digital Form i.e. in the form of 0s and 1s,
while the signals received from signal conditioning module or sensors are generally in analogue form (continuous).
Therefore a system is essentially required to convert analog signals into digital form and vis-à-vis. Analog to Digital
Converter is abbreviated as ADC. Figure 2.8.1 shows a typical control system with data conversion devices.

Based on the signals received from sensors, MCU generates actuating signals in the Digital form. Most of the
actuators e.g. DC servo motors only accept analogue signals. Therefore the digital signals must be converted into
Analog form so that the required actuator can be operated accordingly. For this purpose Digital to Analog Converters
are used, which are abbreviated as DACs. In subsequent sections we will be discussing about various types of ADC
and DAC devices, their principle of working and circuitry.

Figure 2.8.1 A control system with ADC and DAC devices

Basic components used in ADCs and DACs

1. Comparators

In general ADCs and DACs comprise of Comparators. Comparator is a combination of diodes and Operational
Amplifiers. A comparator is a device which compares the voltage input or current input at its two terminals and gives
output in form of digital signal i.e. in form of 0s and 1s indicating which voltage is higher. If V+ and V- be input
voltages at two terminals of comparator then output of comparator will be as

V + > V - → Output 1

V + < V - → Output 0

2. Encoders
Though the output obtained from comparators are in the form of 0s and 1s, but can't be called as binary output. A
sequence of 0s and 1s will be converted into binary form by using a circuit called Encoder. A simple encoder
converts 2n input lines into ‘n' output lines. These ‘n' output lines follow binary algebra.

3. Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

As discussed in previous section ADCs are used to convert analog signals into Digital Signals. There are various
techniques of converting Analog Signals into Digital signals which are enlisted as follows. However we will be
discussing only Direct Conversion ADC, detail study of other techniques is out of the scope of the present course.

1. Direct Conversion ADC or Flash ADC

2. Successive Approximation ADC
3. A ramp-compare ADC
4. Wilkinson ADC
5. Integrating ADC
6. Delta-encoded ADC or counter-ramp
7. Pipeline ADC (also called subrangingquantizer)
8. Sigma-delta ADC (also known as a delta-sigma ADC)
9. Time-interleaved ADC

3.1 Direct Conversion ADC or Flash ADC

Figure 2.8.2 Circuit of Flash ADC

Figure 2.8.2 shows the circuit of Direct conversion or Flash ADC. To convert a digital signal of N-bits, Flash ADC
requires 2N -1 comparators and 2N resistors. The circuit provides the reference voltage to all the comparators. Each
comparator gives an output of 1 when its analog voltage is higher than reference voltage or otherwise the output is 0.
In the above circuit, reference voltages to comparators are provided by means of resistor ladder logic.

The circuit described in figure 2.8.2 acts as 3 Bit ADC device. Let us assume this ADC works between the range of
0-10 Volts. The circuit requires 7 comparators and 8 resisters.Now the voltages across each resistor are divided in
such a way that a ladder of 1 volt is built with the help of 1K-Ohm resistances. Therefore the reference voltages
across all the comparators are 1-7 volts.

Now let us assume that an input voltage signal of 2.5 V is to be converted into its related digital form. As 2.5V is
greater than 1V and 2V, first two comparators will give output as 1,1. But 2.5V is less than 3,4,5,6,7 V values
therefore all other comparators will give 0s. Thus we will have output from comparators as 0000011(from top). This
will be fed to the encoder logic circuit. This circuit will first change the output in single high line format and then
converts it into 3 output lines format by using binary algebra. Then this digital output from ADC may be used for
manipulation or actuation by the microcontrollers or computers.

4. Digital to Analog Converters

As discussed in previous section DACs are used to convert digital signals into Analog Signals. There are various
techniques of converting Digital Signals into Analog signals which are as follows however we will be discussing only
few important techniques in detail:

1. Pulse-width modulator
2. Oversampling DACs or interpolating DACs
3. The binary-weighted DAC
4. Switched resistor DAC
5. Switched current source DAC
6. Switched capacitor DAC
7. The R-2R ladder
8. The Successive-Approximation or Cyclic DAC,
9. The thermometer-coded DAC

4.1 Binary Weighted DAC

Figure 2.8.3 Circuit of binary weighted DAC

Figure 2.8.4 An op-amp used in DAC

1. Protection

In many situations sensors or transducers provide very high output signals such as high current or high voltage which
may damage the next element of the control system such as microprocessor.

1.1 Protection from high current:

The high current to flow in a sensitive control system can be limited by:
1. Using a series of resistors
2. Using fuse to break the circuit if current value exceeds a preset or safe value

1.2 Protection from high voltage:

Zener diode circuits are widely used to protect a mechatronics control system from high values of voltages and wrong
polarity. Figure 2.7.1 shows a typical Zener diode circuit.

Figure 2.7.1 Zener diode circuit diagram

Zener diode acts as ordinary or regular diodes upto certain breakdown voltage level when they are conducting. When
the voltage rises to the breakdown voltage level, Zener diode breaks down and stops the voltage to pass to the next

Zener diode as being a diode has low resistance for current to flow in one direction through it and high resistance for
the opposite direction. When connected in correct polarity, a high resistance produces high voltage drop. If the
polarity reverses, the diode will have less resistance and therefore results in less voltage drop.

Figure 2.7.2 Schematic of an Optoisolator

In many high voltage scenarios, it is required to isolate the control circuit completely from the input high voltages to
avoid the possible damage. This can be achieved by Optoisolators. Figure 2.7.2 shows the typical circuit of an
Optoisolator. It comprises of a Light emitting diode (LED) and a photo transistor. LED irradiates infra red due to the
voltage supplied to it from a microprocessor circuit. The transistor detects irradiation and produces a current in
proportion to the voltage applied. In case of high voltages, output current from Optoisolator is utilized for
disconnecting the power supply to the circuit and thus the circuit gets protected.

2. Wheatstone bridge:
Figure 2.7.3 Configuration of a Wheatstone bridge

Wheatstone bridge is used to convert a resistance change detected by a transducer to a voltage change. Figure 2.7.3
shows the basic configuration of a Wheatstone bridge. When the output voltage Vout is zero then the potential at B


1. Introduction

Programmable Logic Devices (PLD) are programmable systems and are generally used in manufacturing automation
to perform different control functions, according to the programs written in its memory, using low level languages of
commands. There are following three types of PLDs are being employed in mechatronics systems.

1. Microprocessor

It is a digital integrated circuit which carries out necessary digital functions to process the information
obtained from measurement system.

2. Microcomputer

It uses microprocessor as its central processing unit and contains all functions of a computer.

3. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

It is used to control the operations of electro-mechanical devices especially in tough and hazardous industrial

A typical programmable machine has basic three components as shown in Figure 3.1.1:

1. Processor, which processes the information collected from measurement system and takes logical decisions
based on the information. Then it sends this information to actuators or output devices.

2. Memory, it stores
a. the input data collected from sensors

b. the programs to process the information and to take necessary decisions or actions. Program is a set of
instructions written for the processor to perform a task. A group of programs is called software .
3. Input/output devices : these are used to communicate with the outside world/operator.

2. Microprocessor

It is a multi-purpose, programmable device that reads binary instructions from a storage device called memory,
processes the data according to the instructions, and then provides results as output. In common practice it is also
known as CPU (central processing unit). CPU can be referred as complete computational engine on a single chip.
First Microcontroller, Intel 4004 was launched in 1971. It was able to process just 4 bits. It started a new era in
electronics engineering. Microprocessor chip was one of the important inventions of the 20th century. Table 3.1.1
shows the history of micro-processors.

Table 3.1.1 History of Micro-Processors

Applications of microprocessors are classified primarily in two categories:

1. Reprogrammable Systems : Micro computers }

2. Embedded Systems : photocopying machine, Digital camera

Microprocessor works or operates in binary digits i.e. 0 and 1, bits. These bits are nothing but electrical voltages in
the machine, generally 0 - low voltage level, and 1 - high voltage level. A group of bits form a ‘word'. In general, the
word length is about 8 bits. This is called as a ‘byte'. A word with a length of 4 bits is called as a ‘Nibble'.
1. ALU : ALU stands for Arithmetical Logical Unit. As name indicates it has two parts:

a. Arithmetical unit which is responsible for mathematical operations like addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division,

b. Logical unit which is dedicated to take logical decisions like greater than, less than, equal to, not equal
to etc. (Basically AND/OR/NOT Operations)

2. Register Array : Registers are small storage devices that are available to CPU or processors. They act as
temporary storage for processing of intermediate data by mathematical or logical operations.

3. Control: This part of CPU is dedicated to coordinate data flow and signal flow through various types of buses i.e.
Data Bus, Control Bus, and Address Bus etc. It directs data flow between CPU and storage and I/O devices.

4. Memory: There are two different types of memory segments being used by the CPU. First is the ROM which
stands for Read Only Memory while other is R/W which stands for Read and Write Memory or Random Access
Memory (RAM).

a. ROM: From this memory unit, CPU can only read the stored data. No writing operations can be done
in this part of memory. Thus it is used to store the programs that need no alteration or changes like
Monitor Program or Keyboard driver etc.

b. R/W: As name indicates it is opposite to ROM and used for both reading and writing operations. In
general User's program and instruction are stored in this segment of memory unit.

5. Input Devices: Input devices are used to enter input data to microprocessor from Keyboard or from ADC which
receives data from sensors/signal conditioning systems.

6. Output Devices: These devices display the results/conclusions coming out from ALUs either in soft copy
(Monitor) or in Hard Copy (Printer).

2.1 Functions of microprocessor

Various functions of m icroprocessor are as follows:

 Microprocessor performs a variety of logical and mathematical operations using its ALU.

 It controls data flow in a system and hence can transfer data from one location to another based on the
instructions given to it.

 A microprocessor can take necessary decisions and jump to a new set of instructions based on those decisions.

2.2 Elements of microprocessor

A simple microprocessor consists of following basic elements (see Figure 3.1.3):

 Data Bus: Through data bus, the data flow between

a. various storage units
b. ALU and memory units
 Address Bus: It controls the flow of memory addresses between ALU and memory unit.

 RD (read) and WR (write) lines set or obtain the addressed locations in the memory.

 Clock line transfers the clock pulse sequence to the processor.

 Reset Line is used to restart execution and reset the processor to zero.
 Address Latch is a register which stores the addresses in the memory.

 Program Counter: It is a register which can increment its value by 1 and keeps the record of number of
instructions executed. It can be set to zero when instructed.

 Test Register: It is a register which stores intermediate or in-process data of ALU operations. For example it is
required to hold the ‘carry' while ALU is performing ‘addition' operation. It also stores the data which can be
accessed by Instruction decoder to make any decision.

 3-State Buffers: These are tri-state buffers. A tri-state buffer can go to a third state in addition to the states of
1 and 0.

 The instruction register and instruction decoder are responsible for controlling the operations of all other
components of a microprocessor.

There are following control lines present in a microprocessor, which are used to communicate instructions and data
with the instruction decoder.

 Instruct the A register to latch the value currently on the data bus.
 Instruct the B register to latch the value currently on the data bus.
 Instruct the C register to latch the value currently output by the ALU.
 Instruct the program counter register to latch the value currently on the data bus.
 Instruct the address register to latch the value currently on the data bus.
 Instruct the instruction register to latch the value currently on the data bus.
 Instruct the program counter to increment.
 Instruct the program counter to reset to zero.
 Activate any of the six tri-state buffers (six separate lines).
 Instruct the ALU what operation to perform.
 Instruct the test register to latch the ALU's test bits.
 Activate the RD line.
 Activate the WR line.
 3. Microcomputer
 Microcomputer is a microprocessor based system. It is a data processing system that employs a
microprocessor as its central unit. Based on the input it takes decisions. These decisions are further used to
control a system or to actuate an action or operation.
 3.1 Microprocessor based programmable controller

 Figure 3.1.4 Schematic of microcontroller.
 It is a microprocessor-based system. It implements the functions of a computer and a controller on a single
chip. Generally microcontroller is programmed for one specific application and it is d edicated to a specific
control function.
 Microcontrollers find applications in automobiles, aircraft, medical electronics and home appliances. They are
small in size and can be embedded in an electromechanical system without taking up much space. Thus we
can have a system with its functions completely designed into a chip. However microcontrollers have very
little user programmable memory. Various types of microcontroller chips available in market are: Motorola
68HC11, Zilog Z8 and Intel MCS51 and 96 series.
PIC is a Peripheral Interface Microcontroller which was developed in the year 1993 by the General Instruments
Microcontrollers. It is controlled by software and programmed in such a way that it performs different tasks and controls a
generation line. PIC microcontrollers are used in different new applications such as smart phones, audio accessories and
advanced medical devices.

There are many PICs available in the market ranging from PIC16F84 to PIC16C84. These types of PICs are
affordable flash PICs. Microchip has recently introduced flash chips with different types, such as 16F628, 16F877
and 18F452. The 16F877 costs twice the price of the old 16F84, but it is eight times more than the code size, with
more RAM and much more I/O pins, a UART, A/D converter and a lot more features.

PIC Microcontrollers Architecture

The PIC microcontroller is based on RISC architecture. Its memory architecture follows the Harvard pattern of
separate memories for program and data, with separate buses.

1. Memory Structure

The PIC architecture consists of two memories: Program memory and the Data memory.

Program Memory: This is a 4K*14 memory space. It is used to store 13-bit instructions, or the program code. The
program memory data is accessed by the program counter register that holds the address of the program memory. The
address 0000H is used as reset memory space and 0004H is used as interrupt memory space.

Data Memory: The data memory consists of the 368 bytes of RAM and 256 bytes of EEPROM. The 368 bytes of
RAM consists of multiple banks. Each bank consists of general purpose registers and special function registers.

The special function registers consists of control registers to control different operations of the chip resources like
Timers, Analog to Digital Converters, Serial ports, I/O ports, etc. For example, the TRISA register whose bits can be
changed to alter the input or output operations of the port A.

The general purpose registers consists of registers that are used to store temporary data and processing results of the
data. These general purpose registers are each 8-bit registers.

Working Register: It consists of a memory space that stores the operands for each instruction. It also stores the
results of each execution.

Status Register: The bits of the status register denote the status of the ALU (arithmetic logic unit) after every
execution of the instruction. It is also used to select any one of the 4 banks of the RAM.

File Selection Register: It acts as a pointer to any other general-purpose register. It consists of a register file address,
and it is used in indirect addressing.

Another general purpose register is the program-counter register, which is a 13-bit register. The 5 upper bits are used
as PCLATH (Program Counter Latch) to independently function as any other register, and the lower 8-bits are used
as the program counter bits. The program counter acts as a pointer to the instructions stored in the program memory.

EEPROM: It consists of 256 bytes of memory space. It is a permanent memory like ROM, but its contents can be
erased and changed during the operation of the microcontroller. The contents into EEPROM can be read from or
written to, using special function registers like EECON1, EECON2, EEDATA, etc.
2. I/O Ports

PIC16 series consists of five ports, such as Port A, Port B, Port C, Port D and Port E.

Port A: It is a 16-bit port, which can be used as input or output port based on the status of the TRISA register.

Port B: It is an 8-bit port, which can be used as both input and output port. 4 of its bits when used as input can be
changed upon interrupt signals.

Port C: It is an 8-bit port whose operation (input or output) is determined by the status of the TRISC register.

Port D: It is an 8-bit port, which apart from being an I/O port, acts as a slave port for connection to the
microprocessor bus.

Port E: It is a 3-bit port that serves the additional function of the control signals to the A/D converter.

3. Timers

PIC microcontrollers consist of 3 timers, out of which the Timer 0 and Timer 2 are 8-bit timers and the Time-1 is a
16-bit timer, which can also be used as a counter.

4. A/D Converter

The PIC Microcontroller consists of 8-channels, 10-bit Analog to Digital Converter. The operation of the A/D
converter is controlled by these special function registers: ADCON0 and ADCON1. The lower bits of the converter
are stored in ADRESL (8 bits), and the upper bits are stored in the ADRESH register. It requires an analog reference
voltage of 5V for its operation.

5. Oscillators

Oscillators are used for timing generation. PIC microcontrollers consist of external oscillators like crystals or RC
oscillators. In case of crystal oscillators, the crystal is connected between two oscillator pins, and the value of the
capacitor connected to each pin determines the mode of operation of the oscillator. The different modes are low-
power mode, crystal mode and the high- speed mode. In case of RC oscillators, the value of the Resistor and
Capacitor determine the clock frequency. The clock frequency ranges from 30 KHz to 4 MHz.

6. CCP module:

A CCP module works in the following three modes:

Capture Mode: This mode captures the time of arrival of a signal, or in other words, captures the value of the
Timer1 when the CCP pin goes high.

Compare Mode: It acts as an analog comparator that generates an output when the timer1 value reaches a certain
reference value.

PWM Mode: It provides pulse width modulated output with a 10-bit resolution and programmable duty cycle.

Other special peripherals include a Watchdog timer that resets the microcontroller in case of any software
malfunction and a Brown out reset that resets the microcontroller in case of any power fluctuation and others. For
better understanding of this PIC microcontroller we are giving one practical project which uses this controller for its





UNIT - 4

Switching Devices, Classification of actuators – Electrical actuators Solid state
relays, solenoids, D.C. motors, Servo motors, Stepper motors – Interfacing with
microcontroller through H-bridge Circuits:


UNIT - 5












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