Basketball Lesson Plan S
Basketball Lesson Plan S
Basketball Lesson Plan S
Lesson #1
Stage 1: Desired Results
General General Outcome A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s): appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor
“Gym helper” students will lead warm up in their new
groups. (tag game?)
Dribbling will start by taking the handling we just - Students will turn to a
learned and turning it upside down. We will start with partner and share how
one bounce and then holding it, followed by two many bounces they
bounces, three bounces… up to 10. Then we will try got with each task,
continuous dribbling for a minute and I will ask students and discuss which
to count how many bounces they get when the dribble one they think is
the basketball high. I will then instruct the students to more efficient before
count their bounces for a minute of dribbling lower. I discussing in the
will then ask students which they think is more larger group.
efficient. - Assessment
(formatively) of
If there is time, we will try and dribble while squatting, students’ ability to
while walking, while moving side to side, or switching perform basic motor
hands. skills while
manipulating form.
How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?
Lesson #2
Stage 1: Desired Results
General General Outcome A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s): appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor
- Warm up will be
Introduction: switched up for fun
Students will play game of freeze tag to warm up (a and to avoid chatting
very brief overview of the rules. while warming up
(hard to chat when
Afterwards, we will review dribbling (how to hold the you are running).
ball, what speed to dribble at) as well as a review of
behaviour expectations (no dribbling while I am talking
or 5 pushups, eyes on me).
- These activities will
Students will grab basketballs (in the order I call) and need to be explained,
will find a space where they can see and hear me. but I will try and keep
it brief and check for
Body: up/down/middle for
Students will complete a series of dribbling activities understanding
(depending on the time that is available:
- Stand in place and dribble while bending knees, - Scaffolding from
walking around, squatting down, etc. individual work and
- Students will dribble their basketball in a circle to team work
around the gym (completing a full circle)
- Students will find a group of 4 (or 3, depending - Students can dribble
on the number of students) and will complete a when they reach the
relay race (across the length of the gym) while other end and
dribbling continue on or hold
*Relay can be completed several times, onto it when they
depending on how the students are feeling and reach the end and
how much time is left then continue on
How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?
Lesson #3
Stage 1: Desired Results
General General Outcome A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s): appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor
- Warm up will be
Introduction: switched up for fun
Students will play game of freeze tag to warm up (a and to avoid chatting
very brief overview of the rules. while warming up
(hard to chat when
A quick review of behaviour expectations (pushups, put you are running).
your ball on the ground). ** How to be a leader in the
How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?
Lesson #4
Stage 1: Desired Results
General General Outcome A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s): appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor
How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?
Lesson #5
Stage 1: Desired Results
General General Outcome A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s): appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor
How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?
Lesson #6
Stage 1: Desired Results
General General Outcome A: Students will a cquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s): appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor
Students will practice shooting the ball. I will let this go - Students will be
on for a few minutes (ask them to “shoot” 15 times) and asked to go to their
then come back for the next activity. assigned court
immediately to avoid
Students will be numbered 1-4. Once in their spot, they dishonesty.
will line up at one end of the gym. Each relay
participant must: Dribble all the way down to the end of - This relay combines
the gym (opposite the foyer), “shoot” the ball at the all skills learned thus
wall, dribble back, and correctly pass to the next far without being an
teammate (I will explain which pass they must use each actual game (I do not
time) and then sit down. I will explain that I am looking think we are ready for
for controlled dribbling, passing, and “shooting.” If this).
students are out of control, they will have to restart their
turn. When the last player has passed to the first and - If students are
everyone is sitting down, the relay is done. purposefully out of
control, I will make
Conclusion: them restart. If it is a
Students will put away their basketballs and self mistake I will let it
evaluate themselves 1-5 (1= I need much more practice, slide.
5 = I was perfect). - I will switch the
teams around if
How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?
Lesson #7
Stage 1: Desired Results
General General Outcome A: Students will a cquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s): appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor
Students will come back to the circle and we will
discuss what went well, what did work, and what didn’t - Examples of good
work when experimenting with shooting. answers will be
discussed. The
Students will turn to an elbow buddy and tell them one element of why brings
thing they did well with shooting and why. a bit more reflective
critical thinking to
their sharing.
How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?
Lesson #8
Stage 1: Desired Results
General General Outcome A: Students will a cquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s): appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor
Students will practice shooting the ball at a net,
experimenting again with shooting a basketball. After
shooting, students will dribble to the next hoop to shoot - Examples of good
at (clockwise). answers will be
discussed. The
element of how b rings
a bit more reflective
critical thinking to
Conclusion: their sharing.
Students will come back to the circle and we will
discuss what went well, what did work, and what didn’t
work when experimenting with shooting.
How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?
Lesson #9
Stage 1: Desired Results
General General Outcome A: Students will a cquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s): appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor
Students will practice performing lay-ups. We will start
on the right side of the net, and will switch to the left
side half-way through.
How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?
Lesson #10
Stage 1: Desired Results
General General Outcome A: Students will a cquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s): appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor
How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?
Lesson #11
Stage 1: Desired Results
General General Outcome A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally
Outcome(s): appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual
activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor
much more practice; 2 = My skills are getting better his helps me see
did. T
but are not the best they can be; 3 = my skills have confidence and
shown a big improvement but there is one or two self-reflexivity.
things I don’t feel 100% confident with; 4 = my skills
are the best they can be.
How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?
Lesson #12
The gym will be split into 2 halves. Once students are in
their assigned courts and have played rock, paper,
scissors to decide who begins with the ball. Once this is - I will be walking
decided, students may begin. This will take up the bulk around and observing,
of the lesson. filling out my rubric.
Students will put away their balls and come to the circle
for their reflection instructions.
How would I change this lesson to increase learning for next time?
Basketball 4 3 2 1 Insufficient/
Rubric Blank *
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited
* When work is judged to be limited/insufficient, the teacher makes decisions about appropriate intervention to help the student improve.