Handball Unit Plan

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PEDU 462

High School Unit Plan Assignment

50 points

Name_Babs Marshall___________________ Date__11/1/2017___________ Score______/50

Design a 4-lesson unit plan, including 4 physical education lessons. Content is listed on the
updated course schedule. Your lesson should reflect those skills plus review of other skills
that you are planning on teaching during your lessons.

Required Components (each component comprises a different part or section of the plan)
1. Identify each of the following:
Grade Level: 9th
Handball; P: Shot & medium distance passing, dribbling, offensive movement and
full game play C: Cues, strategies associated with movement and ball handling
(offensively), and how to utilize all skills learned and strategies in game play A:
Being able to take leadership role when necessary and exhibit moral and ethical
behavior in competitive situations
Equipment Needed:
soccer balls/ handballs
2 mini soccer goals
Poly spots
Hula hoops
Expected Prerequisites for Psychomotor, Cognitive, and Affective Skills
P: Throws a lead pass to a moving partner off a dribble or pass. (S1.M5.8)
Executes at least 2 of the following to create open space during modified game play:
pivots, fakes, jab steps, screens. (S1.M6.8)
C: Opens and closes space during small-sided game play by combining locomotor
movements with movement concepts. (S2.M1.8)
Executes at least 3 of the following offensive tactics to create open space: moves to
create open space on and off the ball; uses a variety of passes, fakes and pathways;
give and go. (S2.M2.8)
Creates open space by staying spread on offense, cutting and passing quickly, and
using fakes off the ball. (S2.M3.8)
Transitions from offense to defense or defense to offense by recovering quickly,
communicating with teammates and capitalizing on an advantage. (S2.M6.8)
A: Provides encouragement and feedback to peers without prompting from the
teacher. (S4.M3.8)
Responds appropriately to participants ethical and unethical behavior during
physical activity by using rules and guidelines for resolving conflicts. (S4.M4.8)
Cooperates with multiple classmates on problem-solving initiatives including
adventure activities, large-group initiatives and game play. (S4.M5.8)
Demonstrates respect for self by asking for help and helping others in various
physical activities. (S5.M6.8)
2. Three Unit Objectives (i.e., what students should be able to do in each domain by the
end of the fourth physical education)
P: TSWBAT participate in a small- sided handball game (either 3v3 or 4v4 depending on
team placement) and be able to utilize small and medium distance passes at least 5 times
during one game and dribbling successfully (the ball does not get taken from them while
dribbling and they exhibit ball control by moving in different pathways while dribbling)
80% of the time (recorded on teacher checklist) with a team by the end of the unit.

SHAPE Standard: Demonstrates competency and/or refines activity-specific movement

skills in 2 or more lifetime activities (outdoor pursuits, individual-performance activities,
aquatics, net/wall games or target games). (S1.H1.L1)

C: TSWBAT identify on a Google Forms quiz the rules, player positions and offensive and
defensive strategical decisions associated with 3 different situations individually with 80%
accuracy by the end of the unit.

SHAPE Standard: Applies the terminology associated with exercise and participation in
selected individual-performance activities, dance, net and wall games, target games,
aquatics and/or outdoor pursuits appropriately. (S2.H1.L1)

A: TSWBAT develop and demonstrate skills in a leadership role when necessary by giving
helpful verbal direction to teammates concerning strategical decisions 80% of the time and
exhibit moral and ethical behavior toward teammates in modified game play by giving
verbal encouragement, exhibited in 3/4 lessons by the end of the unit.

SHAPE Standard: Uses communication skills and strategies that promote team or group
dynamics. (S4.H3.L1)

3. Developmental Analysis of Content (i.e., develops content over the full unit, appropriate
progression, accurately identifies refining characteristics, and includes opportunities for

4. Lesson Objectives Leading to Unit Objectives (i.e., what students should be able to do
in each domain by the end of the first physical education lesson)

P: TSWBAT demonstrate 5 successful short and medium distance passes successfully (the
ball goes to the intended target/ teammate) in modified game play with light defensive
pressure by the end of the lesson.

SHAPE Standard: Demonstrates competency and/or refines activity-specific movement

skills in 2 or more lifetime activities (outdoor pursuits, individual-performance activities,
aquatics, net/wall games or target games). (S1.H1.L1)

C: TSWBAT compare and contrast at least 2 situations in which a short distance pass is
preferred versus a medium distance pass and vice versa verbally to the teacher by the end of
the lesson.

SHAPE Standard: Applies the terminology associated with exercise and participation in
selected individual-performance activities, dance, net and wall games, target games,
aquatics and/or outdoor pursuits appropriately. (S2.H1.L1)
A: TSWBAT exhibit moral and ethical behavior toward all classmates by working with
several partners of varying skill levels with an equally positive attitude and refraining from
derogatory comments to classmates 80% of the time by the end of the lesson.

SHAPE Standard: Exhibits proper etiquette, respect for others and teamwork while engaging
in physical activity and/or social dance. (S4.H2.L1)

5. Introductory/Motivational Material: Handball is a game that is typically played in

European countries, but it can be compared to several different sports we are familiar with
in America. As we play more throughout the unit, you are going to be able to see that the
game is a combination of basketball, soccer and another game called netball. We will easily
be able to play modified games in here because handball is played indoors, however the
court is generally the size of two basketball courts. Since handball is a combination of both
basketball and soccer, skills that you have from playing those sports will definitely transfer
over so this should be an exciting unit so see some of those things take place! For example,
you dribble in handball much of the same way that you do in basketball. Handball is a fast-
paced game, so I am going to try to incorporate the pace of the game in every lesson that we
do even if we are not doing game play.
(to set the stage and motivate)

6. Technology: Google Forms Quiz

7. Block Plan (i.e., progression of content, including extension, refinement, and application
tasks for each day of unit)

8. Assessment Plan (i.e., how you will collect evidence that students are learning/have
achieved stated lesson/unit objectives only a description is needed, not the actual
assessment instruments)
(Not needed for Badminton Unit plan, only Handball)
Developmental Analysis of Content

Extending Refining Application/Assessment


Students will participate in Keep Away Game in I will use checklist incorporating
two teams to demonstrate passing and dribbling successful/unsuccessful attempts of
skills for pre- assessment. each skill as well as cues

Teacher will teach the cues for the one- arm pass, Focus on cues for each: How many passes can you get
bounce pass and flick pass. Students will get into One- arm passlongest distance pass (elbow high, step to through the hula hoop (without
groups of 3 or 4 and practice each pass through a target, follow- through to chest, W to catch) touching it) to your partners
hula hoop. One partner holds the hula hoop and Bounce passmedium distance pass (one arm, elbow chest?
the other 2 partners take turns practicing each pass lead, step to target, bounce to chest)
through the hula hoop to each other depending on Flick passshortest distance pass (palm curled under,
the level of the hula hoop (low, medium, high). At step to target, flick wrist, follow- through to chest)
first, teacher will call out which pass to practice,
then will progress to alternating between the three

Students will play monkey in the middle. The Focus on the location of the player. If they are close, it How many passes can each partner
monkey is a defender playing with light pressure. might be better to do a bounce pass. If they are close but group complete successfully
The students will decide which pass to use based your throwing partner is to an angle, a flick pass would (intended partner receives pass)?
on the location of the defender. All partners should work well. If they are somewhere in the middle/ far, try an
be on their toes and moving. overhead one- arm pass.

Students will play a modified game focused on Focus on doing all three passesnot just the one- arm Keep points to see which team gets
passing that is much like ultimate frisbee. overhead pass. the most touchdownsscores by
crossing into end zone.

In one minute, how many dribbles
Students will dribble in place with both their Focus on cues: can you get with your right hand/
dominant and non-dominant hand. Dribble balance, head up, push ball into floor left hand?
The last student left dribbling is the
Students will play dribble tag. Every student is in Focus on dribbling while keeping your head up and being winner.
a marked off space dribbling with a handball/ mini aware.
soccer ball. Only two students are not dribbling.
These two students are to run around and try to tag
the dribbling students. Once a student is tagged,
they place their ball to the side and they join the
The team with ball possession at
Students will play 2 on 2 end- line handball Focus on incorporating the brief strategies we went over the end of 30 seconds of 2v2 play
dribble/passing game. Students are split into two last lesson with passingbased on the location of the wins.
teams and each student on each team will be given opposing team, what pass should you use?with
a number 1-7. The teacher will call out two dribbling around in the marked space.
numbers at the same time to run out and play a
small game of 2v2 keep away with the handball
that is placed in the center of the two teams.
Formal short answer affective
Students will participate in short answer affective assessment.
formal assessmentGoogle Forms Quiz
concerning leadership roles that were available
during the activities today and how they
responded to these opportunities.

Offensive Strategies:

Students will play 4 on 2 (4 offensive players and

2 defensive players) modified keep away game Offense gets 1 point for every ball
where handballs/ mini soccer balls are kept in 4 Focus on moving to open space and deciding which pass they place in the hula hoop.
corners of the court and fed into the center. There to use based on distance from target and location of Defense gets 1 point for every ball
will be 4 hula hoops on the boundary lines of this teammates/ opposing team. they roll out of the court.
court to serve as targets. The offensive goal is to
pass to teammates and the place the ball in one of
the hula hoops. The defensive goal is to roll the
ball out of bounds. There are 2 players on each
corner that will rotate in after each defensive/
offensive point.
Students will be split into 4 teams and play two Focus on moving to the open space for your teammate to Keep count of passes that your
small- sided keep away games with limited (2 pass toonly 2 dribbles are allowed so you MUST team has during the entirety of the
dribbles) dribbling and quick release passes. If a practice movement without the ball. activity. The team with the highest
pass is dropped, the ball is given to the other team. Focus on sharp, quick passes. number of passes at the end wins.

Students will be split into 4 teams and play two Focus on how to successfully move the ball forward in a The team with the most pins
games of pin- handballmodified handball game narrow spaceshort passes may be more successful than standing at the end of 5 minutes
where the goal is to knock down the cones lined long passes if there are a lot of people in a confined space wins.
up behind the crease line for each teams side of Focus on making good tactical decisions concerning when
the court. Defensive players play zone and it is appropriate to dribble/ pass.
offensive team can only dribble when they are in a
hula hoop.

Game Play:
I will use checklist incorporating
Students will participate in Keep Away Game in successful/unsuccessful attempts of
two teams to demonstrate passing and dribbling each skill as well as cues
skills for pre- assessment. displayed.

Students will play pin- handball (from previous Focus on handball rules that you are not familiar with The team with the most pins
lesson), but they will play with full game rules this from other sportssuch as the 3 step rule while holding standing at the end of 5 minutes
time. They will be split into 4 teams. the ball. wins.

Students will be split into 2 teams (7v7) and play Focus on incorporating the rules that limit your movement Students will participate in Google
two 5 minute halves with full game rules. such as the 3 second rule and the 3 step ruleinto Forms Quiz on how to incorporate/
strategical decisions. What strategies can you apply to overcome limiting rules with
overcome these rules? strategical decisions (cognitive
Block Plan

Day 1- Short and Medium Distance Passing Day 2- Dribbling Day 3- Offensive Strategy

Introduction to unit: Explain basic idea of the game of Review of content from last class: How to Review of content from last class: Relate passing and
handball and compare it to other gamesbasketball, incorporate pass skills with dribbling skills in dribbling to strategical decisions in modified game
soccer, ultimate frisbee. Explain break down of lessons modified game play (C) play (C)
in the unit and what they will learn. (A)
Students dribble in place with alternating between 4 on 2 (offensively favored) keep away game with 4
Keep Away Game Pre- Assesssment (P) both hands (P) goals (hula hoops) (P,C,A)

Introduce cues for one- arm overhead pass, bounce Dribble tag (P,C,A) Small- sided (3v3, 4v4) keep away game with limited
pass and flick pass (C) dribbles to facilitate movement and quick passing
End- line handball (2v2) (P,C,A) (P,C,A)
Group pass through hula hoop at different levels (P,C)
Affective AssessmentGoogle Forms Quiz Pin handball with zone defense to facilitate offensive
Monkey in the middle (P,C) concerning leadership roles (A) movement and decision making (P,C,A)

Modified handball gamelike ultimate frisbee (P,C,A)

Day 4- Game Play Day Day

Review of all content from unit: Incorporate

everything learned from previous lessons into
introduction of game rules (C)

Keep Away Game Post- Assessment (P)

Pin handball with full game rules (P,C,A)

7v7 Handball with 5 minutes halves (P,C,A)

Cognitive AssessmentGoogle Forms Quiz on

incorporating strategical thinking into overcoming
limiting rules (e.g. 3 step rule) (C)
Grading Criteria Unit Plans will be graded in each of the following areas:

1. Grade level, content and equipment needed are listed. _______ (3 pt.)

2. Expected prerequisite skills and knowledge relevant are listed. _______ (3 pts.)

3. Content analysis is included that is both logical and comprehensive. _______(16 pts.)

4. Three unit objectives (1 for each learning domain) are provided. Objectives should include reference to the SC physical education
standards/secondary curriculum guide. Points will be assigned to the behavior, condition, and criteria for each objective. One point will be
given for citing. _______ (10 points)

5. Three lesson objectives for the first physical education lesson are provided. Objectives should include reference to the SC physical
education standards/secondary curriculum guide. Points will be assigned to the behavior, condition, and criteria for each objective. One
point will be given for citing. _______ (10 pts.)

5. Introductory/motivational material is creative and how material will be used is described (e.g., introductory material might include a
bulletin board, a video clip, newspaper pictures, and/or a pre-test where students are made aware of the results. _______(1 pt.)

6. Content is developed from simple to complex in the Block Plan without omitting critical steps in progression. _______ (3 pts.)

7. Planned repetition and over learning are evident in the Block Plan (i.e., skills are revisited). _______ (1 pt.)

8. Block Plan identifies where/how affective and cognitive learning will occur as well as when technology will be used. _______ (3 pts.)

9. Inclusion of assessments (formal and informal) will be graded on appropriateness and accuracy. Inclusion of the actual assessment is
required to receive any extra credit. (Potentially 0-5 points extra credit)

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