Assignment 2

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Analyse the given real-time alike situation for a possible business related issue.
 Properly Redefine the situation, and possible business problems/consequences.
 Explain the failure reasons from a leadership point of view.
 Suggest Corrective measures, had you been the concerned Leader at the crisis time.
- What was the case?
- Reasons of failure.
- What could have been done to absolutely avoid it?
- How it could have been handled, after the situation was visible?
- How to make sure, such situation will never arise again?
- Make use of relevant concepts covered in classes, and other additional concepts required.

Assignment Structure:
 Team of 3-4.
o Group effort, Individual evaluation.
 Presentation of 10-15 minutes (together).
o PPT only; NO Videos.
 Report of 10-15 pages.
o Report Cover Page,
o Content,
o Introduction to the Situation,
o Possible consequences,
o Reasons of Failure, OR

o Avoidance Plan, o Action Plan

o Failure Recovery Plan, o Operation Alignment

o Learning and Future Strategy,

o Conclusion,
o Reference.

 NO REASONS acceptable for Delay in Assignment.

o Delay in Report submission  Evaluation out of 75% only.
o Delay in Presentation  Evaluation out of 50% only.
Assignment Topics/Situation:

1. You are starting up a Restaurant, and you wish to contribute back to society by engaging
physically disables (speech and hearing only) as 70% of your staff strength (across front-
line, kitchen, and logistic support dept.). You have to ensure both side of staff (able and
disable) are able to work together smoothly, and clients also don’t face any problem.
How would you strategize to avoid any sort of Operational issues? Such strategy may
affect the entire business. Develop a complete business plan around THIS idea.
Relate- MIU canteen with such staff member

2. You are Operation Dept. board member for an MNC, with 1000 staff working at your KL
branch in 3-shifts (24x7). Earlier you used to provide transport support to eligible staffs
with your chain of buses and mini vans (vehicles leased from a specific transport agency,
and drivers are hired by your company). These drivers get their salary on KM basis.
Recently, Grab has offered a deal to your company, and that will benefit your
company in daily transport of staffs with Grab service. THIS seems to have visible
implications on your drivers, and they are not fine with it.
How would you strategize to handle such a conflict situation? Such strategy may
affect a lot on the business itself. Develop a complete strategic solution to deal with THIS
situation. Relate- MIU bus and Messa mall bus.

3. You are HR Associate for an MNC. Recently, due to your Organization’s global business
policies and future plans, a good mix of employees from different countries and races are
joining at your KL branch. It’s observed to have a rise in lack of team spirit and bonding,
due to obvious differences.
How would you strategize to have an effective Team Building process for such
situation? Such strategy may heavily affect the entire business/dept. operation. Develop a
complete strategic report around THIS idea
Relate- MIU accepting international staff/student from across the Globe.

4. “All 4 Situational Leadership Styles are important for an organization’s sustainability”.

Take an example of any specific Organization/Industry/Situation, and prepare
strategic report to justify the above statement with facts and theory. Support your report
with appropriate Maturity models as well.
5. Uber lost its market in Malaysia. Most of its resourceful employees have been shifted to
Thailand division. It’s observed to have a rising demotivating factor among the Thailand
Uber employees, due to following negative feelings and other obvious reasons,
(1) Neighbour Malaysia Market failure,
(2) Fear of similar failure possibility in Thailand also,
(3) Employee of a FAILED Division (Malaysia) being shifted to Thailand, and work
with them.
How would you strategize to have an effective Employee Motivation process in place
for such situation? Such strategy may heavily affect the entire business/operation.
Develop a complete strategic report around THIS idea.

6. Fukushima Nuclear plant faced a tragedy (Japan), and its operation need to be stopped
immediately. The company released most of its staffs, but plans to retain some
resourceful employees. It shifted them all to their other plant at Genkai. But due to
immediate/unplanned shift of many staffs, the relocated staffs are not able to find
suitable/fitting role at new workplace. It’s observed to have a rising demotivating factor
in them due to this large scale Role Conflicts.
You are the associate to HR strategic Manager for Asia pacific, and this case is given
to you. How would you strategize to have an effective Role Conflict Management process
in place for such situation? Such strategy may heavily affect the entire operation. Develop
a complete strategic report around THIS idea.

7. The Thailand Cave rescue survivor boys received international attention. 6 years have
passed, and now it’s 2024. These boys pursued formal/normal education, and are 18 year
old diploma graduates now.
Upon political/social/media suggestion/pressure, Thailand govt. plans to recruit all 12
boys into its Disaster Management and Rescue dept., as ground-staff. But these boys
don’t have the required skills. You are the assistant to Divisional manager for the
concerned dept., and the state Chief Minister has assigned you the task of their Training
& Development.
How would you strategize to have an effective Training & Development process in
place for this situation? Such strategy may affect the entire operation. Develop a complete
strategic report around THIS idea.

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