Uic Code 702 or

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3rd edition, March 2003

Translation OR

Static loading diagrams to be taken into consideration for the

design of rail carrying structures on lines used by
international services
Modèles de charge à prendre en considération dans le calcul des ouvrages sous rail sur les lignes
Ruhende Lastbilder für die Berechnung der Tragwerke internationaler Strecken
Leaflet to be classified in Volume :
Chapter VII - Way and Works

Application :
With effect from 1 January 2003
All members of the International Union of Railways

Record of updates
1st edition, January 1967 First issue under the title: "Loading diagram for the calculation of rail
carrying structures on lines used by international services"

2nd edition, January 1974

3rd edition, March 2003 Addition of the Load Model 2000

Retyped in FrameMaker
New lay-out

The person responsible for this leaflet is named in the UIC Code


Summary ..............................................................................................................................1

1- Load Models 71 and SW/0 .......................................................................................... 2

2- Load Model 2000 ......................................................................................................... 4

Appendix A - Rules for application of LM71and LM SW/0 ............................................... 5

Appendix B - Rules for application of LM2000.................................................................. 7

Glossary ...............................................................................................................................9

Bibliography .......................................................................................................................10


UIC Leaflet 702 contains rules governing vertical static rail traffic loads (characteristic values) required
for the calculation of rail structures on international lines.

Section 1 lists two load models, Load Model 71 and Load Model SW/O which are obligatory for
member railway companies.

Section two contains the recommended Load Model 2000, designed to take on board the future trend
towards higher axle and metric loads (rail freight network).

Reference is made to the theoretical principles underpinning the load models in order to create a link
with rolling stock and its load. The leaflet also specifies how the load models should be taken into
account during calculations.

Other information required for the calculation of rail structures in connection with Load Models 71 and
SW/O, such as effects (e.g. heavy haul, dynamic effects, centrifugal force, braking, starting, etc.) load
combinations and g and y values should be taken from UIC Leaflet 776.

Rules governing the permissible axle and metric loads in traffic are set out in UIC Leaflet 700.

1 702
1 - Load Models 71 and SW/0

1.1 - Rail carrying structures on international routes shall be designed to carry the vertical static loads
shown in the following diagrams (the loads are nominal values that may be used as characteristic
values with appropriate safety factors):

Qvk = 250 kN 250 kN 250 kN 250 kN

qvk = 80 kN/m 80 kN/m

no limitation 0,8 1,6 m 1,6 m 1,6 m 0,8 no limitation

Fig. 1 - Load Model 71

qvk = 133 kN/m 133 kN/m

15,0 m 5,3 m 15,0 m

Fig. 2 - Load Model SW/0

1.2 - All continuous beams and similar constructions designed for Load Model 71 shall be checked
additionally for Load Model SW/0.

1.3 - The loads shall be placed in the most unfavourable position for the part of the structure in
question. Loads which produce a relieving effect shall be neglected.

1.4 - Rules for application see appendix A - page 5 and UIC Leaflet 776-1 (see Bibliography -
page 10).

1.5 - Railway companies may use, if they consider this advisable for their internal traffic, heavier
loading than LM71 and SW/0 on international lines, or lighter loading on other lines.

For international lines Load Models 71 and SW/0 (individual loads and loads per linear metre) may be
classified by a factor 1,10 - 1,21 - 1,33 or 1,46.

For other lines Load Models 71 and SW/0 may be classified by a factor 0,75 - 0,83 or 0,91.

2 702
1.6 - In the design of new hauled vehicles and motive power units to be used in international traffic,
the limits resulting from the static and dynamic effects of the six service trains (UIC Leaflet 776-1) (see
Bibliography - page 10) must not be exceeded (for simply supported and continuous girders). The
running conditions in international traffic of hauled vehicles and motive power units, on various
categories of lines are to be in accordance with the regulations of UIC Leaflet 700 (see Bibliography -
page 10).

1.7 - The running of special vehicles carrying exceptional loads on international lines shall form the
subject of special agreements between Railway companies.

1.8 - On lines where high speed passenger trains operate (V > 200 km/h), the dynamic loading shall
be taken into account in accordance with UIC Leaflet 776-2 (see Bibliography - page 10).

1.9 - For the future constructions of the international rail freight network, see also point 2.6 - page 4.

3 702
2 - Load Model 2000

2.1 - To take account of the future development of vertical rail traffic loads, rail carrying structures on
international lines may be designed to carry the loads shown in the following diagram (the loads are
nominal values that may be used as characteristic values with appropriate safety factors):

Qvk = 2 x 300 kN

5,0 m

qvk = 110 kN/m

no limitation no limitation

Fig. 3 - Load Model 2000

Load Model 2000 covers Load Models 71 and SW/0 (see fig. 1 and fig. 2 - page 2) (with classification
factor of 1,0).

2.2 - The loads shall be placed in the most unfavourable position for the part of the structure in
question. Loads which produce a relieving effect shall be neglected.

2.3 - Rules for application see Appendix B - page 7.

2.4 - Railway companies may use, if they consider this advisable for their international traffic, heavier
loading than LM2000 on international lines, or lighter loading on other lines.

The concentrated loads and the loads per metre may be multiplied by a classification factor 1,10 - 1,21
or 1,33.

2.5 - In the design of new hauled vehicles and motive power units to be used in international traffic,
the limits resulting from the static and dynamic effect of the 124 service trains (ERRI D192 RP1) (see
Bibliography - page 10) must not be exceeded (for simply supported and continuous girders). The
running conditions in international traffic of hauled vehicles and motive power units, on various
categories of lines are to be in accordance with the regulations of UIC Leaflet 700 (see Bibliography -
page 10).

2.6 - As an alternative to LM2000, 1,33 x LM71 is recommended for the future constructions of
the international freight network.

4 702

Appendix A - Rules for application of LM 71 and LM SW/0

A.1 - For the determination of the most adverse load effects from the application of Load Model 71:

- any number of lengths of the uniformly distributed load qvk shall be applied to a track and up to
four of the individual concentrated loads Qvk shall be applied once per track,

- for elements carrying two tracks, Load Model 71 shall be applied to either track or both tracks,

- for bridges carrying three or more tracks, Load Model 71 shall be applied to any one track, any
two tracks or 0,75 times Load Model 71 to three or more of the tracks.

A.2 - For the determination of the most adverse load effects from the application of Load Model SW/0:

- Load Model SW/0 shall be applied once to a track,

- for elements carrying two tracks, Load Model SW/0 shall be applied to either track or both tracks,

- for bridges carrying three or more tracks, Load Model SW/0 shall be applied to any one track, any
two tracks or 0,75 times Load Model SW/0 to three or more of the tracks.

A.3 - For the application of influence lines, the examples shown for Load Model 71 may be used as

80 kN/m 4 x 250 kN

80 kN/m 4 x 250 kN 80 kN/m



12 6 42

80 kN/m 4 x 250 kN
80 kN/m
+ MF
+ MF
3 x 250 kN 80 kN/m

4 4 4 4

5 702

4 x 250 kN 80 kN/m 80 kN/m

80 kN/m - MSt

4 x 250 kN
80 kN/m 80 kN/m + M St

- -
8 8 8 8

4 x 250 kN
80 kN/m 80 kN/m 80 kN/m
+ MF
4 x 250 kN
80 kN/m 80 kN/m
- MF

+ +

30 30 30

4 x 250 kN
80 kN/m 80 kN/m
4 x 250 kN
80 kN/m 80 kN/m

- -

35 35 35

6 702

Appendix B - Rules for application of LM 2000

2 x 300 kN
110 kN/m

2 x 300 kN

110 kN/m +D


12 6 42

2 x 300 kN
110 kN/m
2 x 300 kN 110 kN/m
110 kN/m -Q

+ +

35 35 35

2 x 300 kN
110 kN/m
+ MF
2 x 300 kN
110 kN/m
- MF

30 30 30

7 702

300 kN
110 kN/m 110 kN/m
+ MF
4 4 4 4

2 x 300 kN
110 kN/m 110 kN/m
- MSt
2 x 300 kN

110 kN/m + M St

- - -

8 8 8 8

8 702

TSI Technical specification for interoperability

9 702

1. UIC leaflets

International Union of Railways

Leaflet no. 700: Classification of lines and resulting load limits for wagons, 9th edition of 1.7.87 and
2 Amendments

Leaflet no. 776-1: Loads to be considered in railway bridge design, 4th edition of 1.7.94

Leaflet no. 776-2: Bridges for high and very high speeds, 1st edition of 1.7.76

2. Minutes of meetings

International Union of Railways

5th-7th Committees (Preparation of a universal test train of the future for international lines), May 1963

5th-7th Committees (Preparation of a universal test train of the future for international lines), May 1964

5th-7th Committees (Preparation of a future load distribution diagram for international lines), May 1965

5th-7th Committees (Preparation of a future load distribution diagram for international lines), May 1966

Way and Works Committee (Preparation of rules for applying the UIC loading diagram), May 1967

Way and Works Committee (New loading diagram to be taken into consideration in the calculation of
rail carrying structures on international lines - Revision of Leaflet no. 702), June 1973

Infrastructure Commission (Plenary session - Conclusions), June 2002

3. ERRI reports

European Railway Research Institute

D192/RP1: Theoretical basis for verifying the present UIC 71 loading, 1.3.93

D192/RP2: Comparison of present and future rail traffic on international lines with UIC 71 loading
based on deterministic calculation, 1.4.94

D192/RP3: Comparison of the effects of current and future rail traffic on international lines with the
effects from UIC 71 loading on a probabilistic basis, 1.12.94

D192/RP4: Study of the construction costs of railway bridges with consideration of the live load
diagram, 1.5.96

D192/RP5: Loading diagram to be taken into consideration for the calculation of rail-carrying
structures on lines used by international services, 1.11.96

D214/RP1: Literature Summary - Dynamic behaviour of railway bridges, 1.11.99

D214/RP2: Recommendations for calculation of bridge deck stiffness, 1.12.99

10 702
D214/RP3: Recommendations for calculating damping in rail bridge decks, 1.11.99

D214/RP4: Train-bridge interaction, 1.12.99

D214/RP5: Numerical investigation of the effect of track irregularities at bridge resonance, 1.12.99

D214/RP6: Calculation for bridges with simply-supported beams during the passage of a train, 1.12.99

D214/RP7: Calculation of bridges with a complex structure for the passage of traffic - Computer
programs for dynamic calculations, 1.12.99

D214/RP8: Confirmation of values against experimental data.

Part A: Rig tests to investigate ballast behaviour on bridges due to high acceleration levels -
Confirmation of the acceleration limit for the ballast.
Part B: Comparison of calculations and measurements using simplified models of rail bridges -
Confirmation of the validity of the calculated values, 1.12.99

D214/RP9: Final Report.

Part A: Synthesis of the results of D 214 research.
Part B: Proposed UIC Leaflet, 1.12.99

4. European standards

European Committee for Norms

EN 1991-2: Traffic loads on bridges, 2003

EN 1990: Basis of structural design, 2002

11 702

No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed by any means whatsoever, including
electronic, except for private and individual use, without the express permission of the International Union of
Railways (UIC). The same applies for translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by
any method or procedure whatsoever. The sole exceptions - noting the author's name and the source - are
"analyses and brief quotations justified by the critical, argumentative, educational, scientific or informative nature
of the publication into which they are incorporated".
(Articles L 122-4 and L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code).
Ó International Union of Railways (UIC) - Paris, 2003

Printed by the International Union of Railways (UIC)

16, rue Jean Rey 75015 Paris - France, March 2003
Dépôt Légal March 2003

ISBN 2-7461-0531-4 (French version)

ISBN 2-7461-0532-2 (German version)
ISBN 2-7461-0533-0 (English version)


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