Conception of Buffer Stop Blocks: Miguel R. Bugarín
Conception of Buffer Stop Blocks: Miguel R. Bugarín
Conception of Buffer Stop Blocks: Miguel R. Bugarín
Miguel R. Bugarín
PhD - Civil Engineer – Assoc. Professor
School of Civil Engineering
Campus de Elviña, s/n - E 15071 La Coruña (Spain)
Tfno: +34 (9)81 167000 Fax: +34 (9)81 167170 E-mail: [email protected]
Accidents in terminals seriously affect public confidence and following an accident it is vital
to provide clear proof that safety measures have been improved in order to regain that
Human and technical errors occur for a variety of reasons, and unfortunately, such events can
lead to an accident. The objective is to find a means of reducing the likelihood of an accident
occurring, or in the event of an accident, to reduce its impact. In other words, when all else
fails, there has to be a means of stopping the train. Such measures have to be applied without
producing any of the following:
Serious injury to passengers or the general public in the arrival area of the train suffering
from deficient braking.
Excessive damage to the station infrastructure and services, as well as to the arrival track.
This document offers a summary of the projects carried out by the authors for Renfe and
TIFSA (Tecnología e Investigación Ferroviaria, S.A.), aimed at developing a standard buffer
stop pre-design capable of stopping a train on terminal tracks with complete safety and
without causing damage, thereby preventing a catastrophe and the costs for the damage
caused, as well as the expense and time involved in repairing equipment.
A buffer stop is essentially a safety measure. As a result, the main objectives will be based on
this feature. However, various considerations are also included which, although of lesser
importance, do constitute additional requirements which may improve the functional design of
a buffer stop.
The objectives below must obviously be met, provided that the conditions of impact fall
within the design parameters of the buffer stop in question, basically determined by the
maximum train speed on impact and its tonnage.
Passenger safety: the fact that a buffer stop brings a passenger to a halt should not
compromise passenger safety, and should minimise contusions and other types of
injury as far as possible
Freight safety: A maximum risk level must be established for the potential stopping of
a freight train or a section of carriages by a buffer stop.
Safety of those people located around the buffer stop area. These may be people
awaiting the arrival of the train or railway staff working in the station. The buffer stop
should be designed in such a way as to minimise the risk of flying parts during the
stopping of a train, as well as to guarantee that the train comes to a halt within the
braking distance established to this effect, thereby preventing the train from running
over anything should it overrun the said distance.
Minimum damage to the rolling stock: in the event of impact of a train on a buffer
stop, damage should only occur to the buffer stops themselves or to the shock
absorbers attached to them.
Minimum damage to the fixed material. The halting of a train by a buffer stop
should not imply serious damage either to the buffer stop itself (which should continue
to be in working order following the incident), or the to the track, adjacent platforms or
station structure.
Easy installation. The design of a buffer stop should be such that it does not require
complicated mechanical equipment or work. Work on installing the buffer stops should
be completed in the shortest time possible, thereby having only a minimum effect on
normal platform and terminal station activity.
Easy to put back into service following an impact. The buffer stop design should
enable it to remain operational following an impact, by non-specialised staff and
without the need for complex mechanisms or tools.
High degree of reliability. The buffer stop must be capable of carrying out its
functions regardless of weather conditions, amount of surrounding dirt, etc.
Minimum maintenance. A buffer stop should not require special attention from
station maintenance staff. Furthermore, non-specialised staff should be able to carry
out the necessary maintenance.
No need for extra-long platforms. The real buffer stop braking distance should be
determined by the maximum conditions born by the passenger (basically deceleration)
and the material (fundamentally force), and the available platform space at the track
Purchase cost and reasonable maintenance. The buffer stop design should
contemplate the use of materials that are not excessively costly or hard to obtain.
Likewise, maintenance should not require special tools, material or specialised staff
that would contribute to raising maintenance costs.
Rigid buffer stops were the first mechanisms to be used on the railways. They come in a
number of designs, which basically consist of a frame or block (the buffer stop) fixed rigidly
to the rails or the ground. Although its design features are far from ideal, this type of design
has continued to be used until the present day, to the extent that on a number of railways, it is
practically the only kind of buffer stop in use. This is the most widely used type of buffer stop
on Renfe’s railway network.
Figure 1 shows the elevation of a rigid reinforced concrete buffer stop. The lower section of
the buffer stop base is more than one metre from the upper edge of the rail (in the Renfe
design it is exactly 1150 mm away). This base practically doubles the visible length of what is
known as the buffer stop. Part of this base is introduced under the rails of the track like a
corbel. This corbel guarantees its stability and provides protection against overturning with
less weight, as, during a theoretical impact, the weight of the first train vehicle involved is
Figure 1.
The train impact, together with the resulting discharge of concrete and destruction of the
buffer stop, generally makes this kind of buffer stop non-operational (Figure 2).
Figure 2.
Although it is true that the breakage of the buffer stop absorbs the train’s kinetic energy, this
breakage can hardly be considered acceptable, as the buffer stop is seriously damaged and is
no longer usable.
It could be claimed that the efficiency of the buffer stop could be improved by reinforcing the
rigid concrete buffer stop in certain strategic places, using materials capable of resisting
previously calculated tension levels. However, we must remember that, due to the commonly
known principle of action and reaction, the acting on the buffer stop has the reverse effect on
the impacting train. It may also occur that, as shown in figure 3, the train is unable to resist
the force of the impact.
Figure 3.
Finally, even if the rigid concrete buffer stops and the vehicle frame are reinforced, the
resulting decelerations are clearly unacceptable. Without the need to refer to more complex
studies, bringing a vehicle in motion to a halt 5 km/h. in 12 mm. implies an average
deceleration of 80 m/s2 (8,2 g).
In conclusion, concrete buffer stops cannot be considered an acceptable solution to the
problem of bringing trains suffering from deficient braking to a halt.
Improvements have been made to this design over the last few years. The use of viscous
elastic materials in buffer stops (air/oil, silicon, etc.) allows for a certain degree of buffer stop
distortion, which can prove an efficient solution for certain levels of kinetic energy. It is
possible to use several sets of viscous-elastic elements on a single buffer stop, thereby
enabling us to bring the train involved to a halt (Figure 4). However, when large amounts of
kinetic energy are involved (large tonnage and considerable impact speed), these short braking
distance buffer stops are insufficient, due to their inability to dissipate the train’s energy by
means of viscous friction or the resulting decelerations.
Figure 4.
As has already been mentioned in the first section of this text, the idea is to come up with a
buffer stop design which, in the event of impact by a train, is capable of stopping the train
using reduced decelerations which prevent injury to passengers and does provoke vehicle
solicitations in excess of those for which they have been designed. One of the technological
answers available today for this dual requirement is the friction buffer stop. However, it is
important to point out that other technical solutions were also analysed in the study carried out
for Renfe, which are not included in this document for reasons of space.
When a vehicle suffering from deficient braking for any reason whatsoever is heading towards
the track terminal, it is vital to transform its residual kinetic energy (produced by the
movement of the train mass at the track end approach speed), by means of an appropriate
buffer stop design. In the case of friction buffer stops, this kinetic energy is transformed into
heat resulting from the friction of a series of elements which mover together with the buffer
stop frame.
The stopping capacity is always determined according to the maximum train weight in use on
the terminal track and the maximum speed at which the system failure may occur. In practice,
it is impossible to determine the exact train weight and speed at the moment of impact. The
standard calculation is based on a maximum speed for a passenger train under such conditions
ranging between 10 and 15 km/h. more specifically, DB uses a speed calculated at 10 km/h.
for terminal tracks. Renfe proposes the load and speed combinations shown in table 1.
Table 1.
One of the most commonly used systems in this type of buffer stop are gripping jaws which,
attached to the buffer stop frame, hold the rail head by means of screws (Figure 5). Theses
jaws are the elements which, when the convoy hits the buffer stops and the resulting
movement is produced, transform the train’s kinetic energy into heat by means of friction.
The degree of resistance to the movement of the buffer stop may be pre-determined with
considerable accuracy knowing the number and load on each screw, i.e.:
Figure 5
The friction factor ( ) of the elements held by the gripping jaws at the rail head can be
considerably improved by means of a special part inserted between the rail head and the
gripping jaw and acting upon the former. This piece is made from a bronze and phosphorous
Generally speaking, the load acting upon the gripping jaw generally remains constant
throughout the whole of the braking action thanks to the use of a double screw elastic washer,
with a load of 3 000 daN, used on each of the screws. In an average situation, a tightening
load of 14 daN·m on each screw provides a braking force of approximately 1 000 daN for each
screw of the braking element, which can be taken as constant during the first 5 metres of
For distances in excess of 5 m. the braking force drops, due to the wear on the braking
elements. Between 5 and 8 m, the braking force drops to approximately 900 daN, whilst for
distances between 8 and 12 m, it falls to 800 daN. It is not advisable to consider distances over
12 m, as this produces excessive wear on the braking elements and consequently produces a
weaker braking force.
The stopping capacity of light friction buffer stops with a braking force of up to 40 000 daN is
determined by the braking distance. For instance, for a 5 m braking distance, the following
applies: 40 000 5 10 = 2 000 kJ.
In order to increase stopping capacity, it is necessary to reinforce the buffer stop sections and
add braking elements behind the buffer stop. For standard equipment, it is possible to add
from 2 to up to 8 pairs of elements of 8 000 daN. In order to obtain a steady and gradual
increase in braking force, these elements are spaced out behind the buffer stop (Figure 6).
Figure 6.
With eight pairs of braking elements, the braking distance should be at least 9 m, although
each element should be effective with a maximum distance of 1 m. A buffer stop using the
maximum number of additional retarding elements has an energy absorbing capacity of 6 125
kJ over a braking distance of 9 m. This corresponds approximately to the impact of a 1000 t
train travelling at 10 km/h. using a safety factor of 1.5.
It is important to point out that those friction buffer stops with more than 6 braking elements
require track reinforcement. This measure is in any case particularly recommendable, as the
force exerted on the rails by the buffer stop normally causes them to become distorted.
A different buffer stop design has been used up till now in order to bring such trains to a halt.
Apart from the buffer stop retarding elements, this construction also has a set of wooden
sleepers which are connected to form a smooth area in front of and under the buffer stop
(Figure 7). These sleepers are laid out between the concrete base and the running track. On
impact, the whole set of sleepers is dragged along the concrete base by the buffer stop.
Empirical trials have shown that the friction factor between the wood and concrete is 0.6, even
if the concrete base is slippery.
Figure 7.
In order to obtain an even greater braking force, a number of braking sleepers can be
connected to the buffer stop. Each sleeper is connected by expandable links (see figure 5).
This system allows for a gradual increase in the stopping effort, due to the fact that a new
sleeper comes into action due to the expandable links.
The braking force is proportional to the weight of the first vehicle to reach the set of sleepers.
As a result, a heavy locomotive will experience a greater stopping force than a light passenger
carriage, which therefore enables the buffer stop to adapt to the kinetic energy of the train
impacting upon it. It is true that it is impossible to guarantee that the first vehicle will always
be the locomotive, as impacts often occur where the first vehicles are carriages incorporating
the drivers’ cabin. In order to provide sufficient stopping force under these circumstances,
additional reinforced retarding elements are usually added behind the buffer stop, using 10
screws instead of 8, thereby increasing the braking force from 8 000 a 10 000 daN.
In conclusion, the use of buffer stops which combine the retarding elements inside and behind
the buffer stop and sleepers in front, makes it possible for up to 20 000 kJ of kinetic energy to
be absorbed, (the approximate equivalent of the impact of a 1500 t train travelling at almost 20
km/h), as long as there is sufficient stopping space.
In order to be able to study the influence of certain factors on the stopping process of a train
using a friction buffer stop, a simple mathematical model has been developed. A series of
prior simplifications have been used in order to obtain the equations governing this model,
which are described in the following section.
The train is considered as a single rigid solid element, and not as a set of solids linked
elastically. This hypothesis is acceptable if we take into account the fact that when a convoy
reaches the buffer stop it is braking. It therefore appears logical to assume that the vehicle
buffers are compressed, and so we can practically assume that once they have covered the
distance available, they will act as rigid elements.
The buffer features of both the impacting vehicle and any possible buffer stops are replaced by
a single equivalent buffer. This buffer responds to a classic Kelvin-Voigt model. It is possible
to simulate the behaviour of any normal combination of buffers by means of this mechanical
system. However, the model will also accept the introduction of other types of equivalent
mechanical models.
An initial approximation does not contemplate the possibility of any collapse zones in the
impacting bodies (buffer stop and train). This is an erroneous simplification, as it fails to
contemplate the absorption effect of the kinetic energy of the train which is transformed into
energy which distorts part of the buffer stop structure or the locomotive. Nevertheless, we
must remember that one of the objectives was to avoid damage to both vehicles and the buffer
stops themselves which would prevent them from continuing to be used. Consequently, this
hypothesis is considered to be coherent with the desired objectives. As mechanisms which
transform the train’s kinetic energy, only friction buffer stops, the elastic energy stored in the
springs and the braking system of the train itself have been taken into consideration.
Furthermore, only the inertia of the train and the buffer stop frame will be considered, and the
mass of the braking elements behind the buffer stop compared with the solid elements will be
Using the simplifications described above, a mathematical model was developed enabling us
to study the phenomenon. Figure 8 represents the initial stage of the study, defined as the
moment when the train buffer touches the buffer stop buffer, but prior to any force being
transmitted. At that moment, the reference axes are defined that will allow the train and buffer
stop movement to be referred to them.
Figure 8.
Considering the set of forces acting upon the train, the following immediate deduction is
On the other hand, if the forces acting upon the buffer stop are taken into consideration, the
following equation is obtained:
Force Fi corresponds to the i braking elements located in and behind the buffer stop. It will
depend on how many have entered into action, which in turn depends on the degree of buffer
stop frame displacement, their pressure on the railhead and the variation curve of the friction
Therefore, the integration of the second system of differential equations, made up of the above
equations, provide us with the train position and speed for each t instant. This system has
been numerically resolved using the 4th Runge-Kutta method.
Using the model described in the above paragraph, a computer program was developed to
simulate, by means of the above simplifying hypotheses, the impact of a train on a friction
buffer stop with braking elements. The aim of this program is not to validate a buffer stop
design, but to simulate situation, detect irregular situations and in short, to establish criteria
which would prove extremely costly if they had to be obtained from track trials.
At first sight, it would appear that the critical factor of a buffer stop depends on the braking
elements present in the buffer stop. Indeed, the braking distance, for a certain uncontrolled
kinetic energy, depends basically on the friction work generated by these elements, as in
comparison the energy dissipation of the buffers is insignificant. Moreover, the amount of
kinetic energy of the train is so great that the existence of a buffer to cushion the decelerations
is of little or no consequence.
However, the results obtained from the developed model indicate that during the buffer stop
design process, care must be taken over the choice of buffer or deformable element to be fitted
in the buffer stop. Indeed, let us suppose that we have a buffer stop fitted with 3 pairs of
braking elements, and a further 6 pairs of braking elements situated behind it, impacted by a
600 t train travelling at 10 km/h, without brakes. The following figures show the results
obtained by varying the rigidity of the buffer located in the buffer stop (K 1) and the element
located in the vehicle (K2):
The decelerations acting on the train can be compared in figure 9, where we can observe how
the second combination provides greater train deceleration peaks.
Figure 9
If the buffer is only slightly rigid (as in the case of the carriage buffer), it will
immediately cover the distance, and will therefore be lacking in efficiency.
If the buffer is extremely rigid, then it will tend to behave accordingly, thereby
increasing the decelerations.
Consequently, it is necessary to carry out a study into the rigidity of the buffer or elastic
element to be fitted into the buffer stop for each type of buffer stop and train.
At first sight, it would seem that adopting a design incorporating buffer stop braking elements
such as those in figure 10 would reduce the first deceleration peak (at the moment of impact),
as each of the braking elements would enter into action gradually, thereby producing a more
progressive deceleration.
Figure 10.
In order to prove this, a simulation was set up for the impact of a 600 Tm train travelling in an
uncontrolled manner at 10 km/h. on various types of friction buffer stops, with the braking
elements acting in stages and all together. The conclusions obtained are listed below:
The gradual activation of the buffer stop braking elements generally serves to
reduce the first deceleration peak.
Therefore, the less rigid the impact contact (equivalent buffer), the more effective
the reduction will be in terms of percentage. This means that a correct choice of
buffer stop buffers is more efficient than this special assembly of the buffer stop
braking elements.
Should the equivalent buffer prove highly rigid, not only would there be a minimal
reduction in the first deceleration peak, but also those corresponding to the second
and successive peaks would become sharper, until the speed of the train had
dropped considerably. This has a simple explanation: if a peak occurs with the
activation of a single pair of braking elements, then another will occur when the
second pair are activated, due to the fact that their proximity means that hardly any
of the energy from the first peak will have dissipated. As a result, the impact with
the second pair of elements is practically a repetition of what occurred with the first
This question must be raised as, although many terminal stations do have special tracks,
operating conditions may require a commuter train to pull in on a track destined for heavy
trains. Should this train fail to brake correctly, then an impact would be produced on a buffer
stop adapted to receive the impact loads from heavier trains. It would be logical to think that
it would be brought to a halt faster (travelling at the same arrival speed). Yet the question
remains, how would the decelerations vary?
In order to provide an answer, we have simulated the arrival of two trains: 1 120 t train, and
another 600 t one, travelling in an uncontrolled manner. Impact speed is 10 km/h.
The buffer stop has 3 pairs of braking elements, creating a pressure on the rail of 45 000 daN.
4 pairs of braking elements have been fitted behind the buffer stop frame, at a distance of 2, 3,
3.5 y 4 m. respectively from the system. Each element is 30 cm long and exerts the same
pressure on the rail as those fitted in the buffer stop.
The distance required to bring the 1 120 t train to a halt is 4.9 m. The initial
deceleration peak is–0.9 m/s 2 and the absolute maximum –1.33 m/s2 (produced when
the train has travelled 2.37 m).
As far as the 600 t train is concerned, the stopping distance is 3.1 m. An initial
deceleration peak occurs of –1.68 m/s2, whilst the absolute maximum is -2,31 m/s2
(produced when the train has travelled 2.43 m.).
It seems fairly likely that the majority of impacts on buffer stops are due to deficient train
braking. We can include a whole range of situations under this heading, including a failure in
the train’s braking system which only allows the locomotive to brake, or an error of judgement
by the driver regarding the stopping distance. In any case, the train will reach the buffer stop
with a greater of lesser degree of braking capacity. It is unlikely that it would arrive in an
uncontrolled manner, with the brakes failing to work.
The following questions therefore arise: Should the conditions corresponding to the braking of
the train be taken into consideration? To what extent does it affect the peak and average
In order to answer these questions, a simulation has been carried out for the impact of the
same1 120 Tm. train travelling at 10 km/h., but with its brakes activated, on the same buffer
stop as in the previous section. The decelerations obtained with standard braking for a 118 t
locomotive stand at around 0.9 m/s2 with service braking and 1.12 m/s 2 with emergency
braking, at speeds of less than 50 km/h. In this case, we have used just 0.2 m/s2 for the whole
Using these data, the stopping distance has dropped from 4.9 m to just over 4 m. The absolute
maximum deceleration peak in this case was –1.39 m/s2 (when the train had travelled 2.3 m.),
only slightly higher than the –1.33 m/s 2 obtained in the previous case (2. 37 m. from the
stopping distance).
The authors want to express their gratefulness to Renfe and TIFSA (Tecnología e Investigación
Ferroviaria, S.A.), for their support and collaboration in the development of this research
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