Related Literature Review: Department of Education

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Republic of the Philippines

Region III
Division of City Schools
Doña Aurora St., Lourdes Sur East, Angeles City


Submitted By: Submitted To:

Galang, Charles Alldryn Sir Michael Henson
Caisip, Reign Franchesca
David, Sheilla Clodette
Lawan, Elyssa Marie

Say Mean Matter Bibliographical Index

1.) Consumption of The study shows that The relevance of this Osaki, H., Mshana, G.,
alcohol is increasing in the social space (social study to the opponent's Mbata, D., Kapiga, S., &
sub Saharan Africa, environment and research topic is that Changalucha, J. (2018).
where youth are already interactions) plays an there is need to further Social space and alcohol use
at high risk of HIV due to important role in explore underlying initiation among youth in
its high prevalence in the influencing youth societal drinking northern Tanzania. PLoS
region. Studies show that initial consumption of norms to better ONE, 13(9).
youth begin drinking alcohol. Interventions understand how
alcohol early; however, addressing alcohol youth/students shape al.pone.0202200
there is a need to further initiation among the their social
explore the initiation of population need to environments and
alcohol use in order to address the social young people's
design appropriate spaces where initiation initiation of alcohol
interventions in this takes place and engage use.
population. the significant actors in
these spaces.
Findings Alcohol
consumption was
reported to mainly start
during adolescence,
although in some cases it
started as early as at 10
years of age. Young
women reported drinking
less, and initiated
drinking later compared
to males. Social space
assumed a primary role
in alcohol initiation. The
social environment and
influence of important
social actors were key
aspects of youth's social
space. Youth reported
starting to consume
alcohol at home, social
events and in stressful
environments with key
influencers being parents,
relatives, peers and
intimate partners.

2.) Mindfulness was The study shows that The relevance of this Bodenlos, J. S., Noonan, M.,
negatively correlated mindfulness-based study to the opponent's & Wells, S. Y. (2013).
with alcohol problems stress reduction or research topic is that Mindfulness and alcohol
and stress, whereas stress other mindfulness mindfulness increases problems in college students:
positively correlated with programs may be emotion regulation The mediating effects of
alcohol problems. useful in decreasing and self-control. It stress. Journal of American
Results implicated stress alcohol problems on decreases anxiety, College Health, 61(6), 371–
as fully mediating the college campuses via depression, worry, and 378.
relationship between the effects on stress rumination and reduce
mindfulness and alcohol incidence of alcohol 8481.2013.805714
problems. Alcohol problems and
problems were negatively symptoms associated
correlated with the with problem
Acting with Awareness drinking. It also
and Describing enhances academic
achievement in
Experience facets of students, due to
mindfulness. improved ability to
focus and improved

3.) Research shows that The study shows that The relevance of this White, A., & Hingson, R.
multiple factors influence there are many factors study to the opponent's (2014). The Burden of
college drinking, from an that influence students research topic is that Alcohol Use Excessive
individual's genetic from drinking. Such alcohol drinking as a Alcohol Consumption and
susceptibility to the factors may either factor for learning to Related Consequences
positive and negative have/ may result to its consequences in the Among College Students.
effects of alcohol, positive and negative student’s academic Alcohol Research: Current
alcohol use during high effects to students who performances. Reviews, 35(2), 201–218.
school, campus norms are influenced by these.
related to drinking, Students who drink med-2015-205295
expectations regarding alcohol, have
the benefits and corresponding
detrimental effects of consequences such as
drinking, penalties for missed classes, lower
underage drinking, grades, changes in
parental attitudes about brain function and etc.,
drinking while at college, which causes the
whether one is member students to fail on
of a Greek organization his/her academic
or involved in athletics, performance.
and conditions within the
larger community that
determine how accessible
and affordable alcohol is.
Consequences of college
drinking include missed
classes and lower grades,
injuries, sexual assaults,
overdoses, memory
blackouts, changes in
brain function, lingering
cognitive deficits, and

4.) Problematic alcohol

consumption is not a The study shows that The relevance of this Zeigler, D. W., Wang, C. C.,
benign condition that binge drinking impairs study to the opponent's Yoast, R. A., Dickinson, B.
resolves with age. study habits and erodes research topic is that D., McCaffree, M. A.,
Individuals who first use the development of impaired intellectual Robinowitz, C. B., &
alcohol before age 14 transitional skills to development may Sterling, M. L. (2005). The
years are at increased risk adulthood. Underage continue to affect neurocognitive effects of
of developing alcohol use alcohol use is individuals into alcohol on adolescents and
disorders. Underage associated with brain adulthood. It is college students. Preventive
drinkers are susceptible damage and imperative for Medicine, 40(1), 23–32.
to immediate neurocognitive deficits, policymakers and
consequences of alcohol with implications for organized medicine to ed.2004.04.044
use, including blackouts, learning and address the problem of
hangovers, and alcohol intellectual underage drinking.
poisoning and are at development.
elevated risk of
(particularly in regions of
the brain responsible for
learning and memory),
impairments in functional
brain activity, and the
appearance of
neurocognitive deficits.

5.) People who are There isn't a single Alcohol addiction Genes, Environment,
genetically predisposed gene responsible for cannot only be caused Comorbidity. (2008).
to alcoholism have a alcoholism. Yet, by the people who National Institute on Drug
higher risk of becoming studies have shown that influenced them it can Abuse. Retrieved from link:
addicted. Although certain combinations of also be in their
people can inherit genes have strong genetics. Mental publications/addiction-
alcoholic tendencies, the relationship to disorders can be science/genes-environment-
development of an alcoholism. However, hereditary, which comorbidity
alcohol use disorder is even those with a high somewhat shows the
also dependent on social genetic risk to link between genetics
factors. Some who have substance abuse must and addiction, but
inherited genes making first be driven by a genetic makeup only
them susceptible to nonhereditary factor to accounts for half of
alcoholism are do it and what leads to the alcoholic equation.
responsible drinkers or alcohol abuse is usually There are also
never take a drink in their an environment factor. countless
life. environmental factors
that may lead to

6.) The risk for The genes of an There are other factors Irimia R, Gottschling M
developing alcoholism is individual and their such as the lifestyle of (2016). Taxonomic revision
influenced by both the way of life has an a person and their of Rochefortia Sw.
person's genes and by his impact on the risk of genes on them being (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales).
or her lifestyle. developing liquor influenced of Biodiversity Data Journal 4:
addiction alcoholism e7720.

7.) Young people hold a Youngsters hold a One of the major Freeman, M. & Parry, C.
dependent position in needy position in the factors that influence (2006). ALCOHOL USE
family and society; they family and society; people to drink LITERATURE REVIEW.
are more influenced by they are more affected alcohol is their
peers and popular by friends and surroundings. resources/research/alcohol-
culture. mainstream culture use-literature-review.pdf

8.) Clearly, a great Although we cannot Knowledge about the Aas H, Klepp KI.
number of developmental change development, development of future Adolescents' alcohol use
and environmental we can understand it, perspective taking, is related to perceived norms.
factors contribute to and we can use important to the Scandinavian Journal of
underage drinking. All of knowledge about development of Psychology.
these influences, from the adolescent and young alcohol-related 1992;33(4):315–325.
most basic pubertal adult development to prevention and http://https://www.ncbi.nlm.
maturation to societal inform the creation of intervention programs.
policies, and interactions more effective In addition, we can
in complex ways. intervention programs. focus efforts on the
influences and
between factors that
are predictors of
alcohol use. For
example, enhancing
parental monitoring
and involvement,
whereby parents are
more aware of their
child's whereabouts, is
likely to result in
youth who are less
likely to use alcohol.

9.) Increasing alcohol The experience of Peer influence: One of Ary DV, Tildesley E, Hops
consumption amongst drinking alcohol is the main factors H, Andrews J. The influence
some young people (in widespread amongst associated with young of parent, sibling, and peer
particular those aged young people. Most people ever having modeling and attitudes on
under 18), and the harm students in Years 9 and drunk alcohol is how adolescent use of alcohol.
related to it, have become 11 have had an they perceive their International Journal of the
significant concerns in alcoholic drink. friends’ behavior. The Addictions. 1993;28(9):853–
the UK. Studies of what Amongst Year 9 more friends they 880.
influences the levels and students, girls are thought were drinking,
patterns of risky drinking significantly more the more likely young /young-people-alcohol-and-
by young people have likely than boys to have people were to have influences
tended to focus on had a drink. For the been drinking alcohol.
specific influences in minority who have not Family influence:
isolation or on the had a drink, lack of Parents strongly
relationship between two interest in alcohol was influence young
or three different factors. the primary reason. people’s alcohol-
Most young people related behavior
were aged eleven and through supervision
over when they had and monitoring, as
their first drink, most well as playing a role
commonly having their in modelling this
first drink at around 12 behavior. Being with a
to 13. parent suggests an
element of supervision
and monitoring, which
can reduce the
likelihood of drinking,
frequent drinking, and
higher levels of
alcohol consumption
or drunkenness.
Witnessing family
members drinking and
perceptions of
drunkenness among
family members in the
home can make this
kind of drinking
appear normal.

10.) Peer influence is a The surrounding of a Peer Pressure is a Bonomo, Y., Goos, C.,
significant factor in a person is a significant major factor that Howard, J., Huckle, T., &
young person’s pattern of factor for someone to influences people to Mendoza, N. R. (2015).
alcohol consumption. start drinking alcohol. start drinking. When YOUNG PEOPLE AND
The role of peers in the When a young person people in their ALCOHOL: A RESOURCE
initiation of adolescent starts drinking, they surroundings drink or BOOK.
alcohol consumption is tend to find friends tend to offer them
crucial. Once a young who also drink. They alcohol, they are more eam/handle/10665.1/10929/9
person starts drinking, he also noticed that when likely to start drinking 789290616849_eng.pdf
or she then tends to seek they drink with peers alcohol because they
out friends who also that also drink alcohol, think it is right and
drink. It has also been they tend to drink a lot some people drink
observed that young more than usual. There because they want to
people tend to increase are other people that fit in.
their consumption of are more likely to
alcohol when associating accept the offer of
with drinking peers. drinking alcohol when
Further, they are more
likely to accept offers of they feel pressure to fit
alcohol; feel the pressure in with other people.
to drink or “fit in” with
the peer drinking norm;
and follow social
modelling, observing and
imitating their peers’
attitudes to drinking (e.g.
that alcohol is a good
way to enhance positive

11.) A study conducted The University of the Underaged drinking is Tacio, H.D. (2018). THINK
by the University of the Philippines discovered widespread in the ON THESE: Teenage
Philippines (UP) found that Filipino Philippines and this drinking.
out that Filipino youths, adolescents normally would cause damage
on the average, start begin drinking at the to the health, mental, -points/2018/02/15/think-
drinking at the age of 16 age of 16 or 17. There and emotional state of teenage-drinking/
or 17. “There are also are other cases where a person when they
many cases when other children were adapt the habit of
children as young as 12 already drinking being alcoholic at a
years are already alcohol at a younger very young age and
drinking alcoholic age and most of the without proper
beverages,” Valbuena respondents continued supervision
noted. “About 37% of the the habit of being
respondents in the survey alcoholic and some of
have continued the habit them only drink
of drinking alcohol while occasionally.
33% said they only drink
alcoholic beverages on
special occasions.”

12.) A cross-sectional In a selected High There is an association Furiscal, E.T. (2008).

survey was conducted to School in Baguio, between alcohol Alcohol Drinking Behavior
assess the alcohol Philippines a survey drinking behavior and Among High School
drinking behavior of was conducted to the influence of a Students In Low-Income
adolescents and its assess the drinking drinker's parents Urban Community Baguio
related factors among behavior of adolescents City, Benguet Province,
280 3rd year and 4th year and its related factors Philippines.
high school students in among 3rd and 4th year
one purposively selected students. And 30.8% of /publication/241036281_Alc
high school in Baguio, the students were ohol_Drinking_Behavior_A
Philippines during drinkers and the mong_High_School_Student
January, 2008. A high majority of the people s_In_Low-
proportion of respondents who drink are male Income_Urban_Community_
in this study (74.3%) students. Baguio_City_Benguet_Provi
were 15-16 years old. nce_Philippines
There were 30.8% of
students as drinkers;
47.1% of drinkers were
males and 18.2% were

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