Electronic Mechanic 1st Sem NSFQ Books
Electronic Mechanic 1st Sem NSFQ Books
Electronic Mechanic 1st Sem NSFQ Books
Sector: Electronics & Hardware
C1 C2 Cn CT
C T = C 1+ C 2 + +Cn
C1 C2
Rs. 355/-
Copyrights © 2018 National Instructional Media Institute, Chennai. MEDIA INSTITUTE, CHENNAI
1st Semester
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SECTOR: Electronics and Hardware
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Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
Sector : Electronics and Hardware
Duration : 2 - Years
Trade : Electronic Mechanic 1st Semester - Trade Theory - NSQF level 5
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No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the National
Instructional Media Institute, Chennai.
Published by:
P. B. No.3142, CTI Campus, Guindy Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai - 600 032.
Phone : 044 - 2250 0248, 2250 0657, 2250 2421
Fax : 91 - 44 - 2250 0791
email : [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.nimi.gov.in
The Government of India has set an ambitious target of imparting skills to 30 crores people, one out of every
four Indians, by 2020 to help them secure jobs as part of the National Skills Development Policy. Industrial
Training Institutes (ITIs) play a vital role in this process especially in terms of providing skilled manpower.
Keeping this in mind, and for providing the current industry relevant skill training to Trainees, ITI syllabus
has been recently updated with the help of Mentor Councils comprising various stakeholder's viz. Industries,
Entrepreneurs, Academicians and representatives from ITIs.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai, an autonomous body under the Directorate
General of Training (DGT), Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship is entrusted with developing
producing and disseminating Instructional Media Packages (IMPs) required for ITIs and other related
The institute has now come up with instructional material to suit the revised curriculum for Electronic
Mechanic Trade Theory1st Semester in Electronics and Hardware Sector under semester pattern.
The NSQF Level - 5 Trade Theory will help the trainees to get an international equivalency standard where
their skill proficiency and competency will be duly recognized across the globe and this will also increase
the scope of recognition of prior learning. NSQF Level - 5 trainees will also get the opportunities to promote
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life long learning and skill development. I have no doubt that with NSQF Level - 5 the trainers and trainees
of ITIs, and all stakeholders will derive maximum benefits from these IMPs and that NIMI's effort will go a
The Executive Director & Staff of NIMI and members of Media Development Committee deserve appreciation
for their contribution in bringing out this publication.
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Jai Hind
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Joint Secretary
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship,
Government of India.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) was established in 1986 at Chennai by then Directorate
General of Employment and Training (D.G.E & T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, (now under Directorate
General of Training, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship) Government of India, with technical
assistance from the Govt. of the Federal Republic of Germany. The prime objective of this institute is to
develop and provide instructional materials for various trades as per the prescribed syllabi (NSQF) under the
Craftsman and Apprenticeship Training Schemes.
The instructional materials are created keeping in mind, the main objective of Vocational Training under
NCVT/NAC in India, which is to help an individual to master skills to do a job. The instructional materials are
generated in the form of Instructional Media Packages (IMPs). An IMP consists of Theory book, Practical
book, Test and Assignment book, Instructor Guide, Audio Visual Aid (Wall charts and Transparencies) and
other support materials.
The trade practical book consists of series of exercises to be completed by the trainees in the workshop.
These exercises are designed to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered. The trade
theory book provides related theoretical knowledge required to enable the trainee to do a job. The test and
assignments will enable the instructor to give assignments for the evaluation of the performance of a trainee.
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The wall charts and transparencies are unique, as they not only help the instructor to effectively present a
topic but also help him to assess the trainee's understanding. The instructor guide enables the instructor to
plan his schedule of instruction, plan the raw material requirements, day to day lessons and demonstrations.
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In order to perform the skills in a productive manner instructional videos are embedded in QR code of the
exercise in this instructional material so as to integrate the skill learning with the procedural practical steps
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given in the exercise. The instructional videos will improve the quality of standard on practical training and
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will motivate the trainees to focus and perform the skill seamlessly.
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IMPs also deals with the complex skills required to be developed for effective team work. Necessary care
has also been taken to include important skill areas of allied trades as prescribed in the syllabus.
The availability of a complete Instructional Media Package in an institute helps both the trainer and
management to impart effective training.
The IMPs are the outcome of collective efforts of the staff members of NIMI and the members of the Media
Development Committees specially drawn from Public and Private sector industries, various training institutes
under the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Government and Private ITIs.
NIMI would like to take this opportunity to convey sincere thanks to the Directors of Employment & Training
of various State Governments, Training Departments of Industries both in the Public and Private sectors,
Officers of DGT and DGT field institutes, proof readers, individual media developers and coordinators, but for
whose active support NIMI would not have been able to bring out this materials.
Chennai - 600 032 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges with thanks for the co-operation and
contribution extended by the following Media Developers and their sponsoring organisations to bring out this
Instructional Material (Trade Theory) for the trade of Electronic Mechanic under Electronic and Hardware
Chennai - 32.
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Shri. S. Ameer Basha _ Principal (Retd)
NIMI records its appreciation for the Data Entry, CAD, DTP operators for their excellent and devoted services in
the process of development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI also acknowledges with thanks the invaluable efforts rendered by all other NIMI staff who have contributed
towards the development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI is also grateful to everyone who has directly or indirectly helped in developing this Instructional Material.
The manual of trade theory consists of theoretical information for the First Semester course of the Electronic
Mechanic Trade. The contents are sequenced according to the practical exercise contained in the manual on
Trade Practical. Attempt has been made to relate the theoretical aspects with the skill covered in each exercise
to the extent possible. This co-relation is maintained to help the trainees to develop the perceptional capabilities
for performing the skills.
The Trade Theory has to be taught and learnt along with the corresponding exercise contained in the manual
on trade practical. The indicating about the corresponding practical exercise are given in every sheet of this
It will be preferable to teach/learn the trade theory connected to each exercise atleast one class before
performing the related skills in the shop floor. The trade theory is to be treated as an integrated part of each
The material is not the purpose of self learning and should be considered as supplementary to class room
The trade practical manual is intented to be used in workshop . It consists of a series of practical exercies to
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be completed by the trainees during the First Semester course of the Electronic Mechanic trade
supplemented and supported by instructions/ informations to assist in performing the exercises. These
exercises are designed to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered.
The manual is divided into three modules. The distribution of time for the practical in the three modules are
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given below.
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The skill training in the computer lab is planned through a series of practical exercises centred around some
practical project. However, there are few instance where the individual exercise does not form a part of project.
While developing the practical manual a sincere effort was made to prepare each exercise which will be easy
to understand and carry out even by below average traninee. However the development team accept that there
if a scope for further improvement. NIMI, looks forward to the suggestions from the experienced training faculty
for improving the manual.
1.2.17 - 1.2.21
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Conductor and Insulator 43
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1.2.22 - 1.2.28
Measuring Instrument Meters 47
Lesson No. Title of the Lesson Page No.
Module 6 : Rectifiers
1.6.67 & 1.6.68 Transformer 209
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1.6.69 - 1.6.72 Working principle of zener diodes 222
1.6.73 Regulated power supply 239
1.7.74 to 1.7.77 Introduction to computer devices, parts and their working 241
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1.7.86 MS office and its installation, creating basic document in MS word 281
1.7.88 MS word file, folder, editing, formatting text & labels 289
1.7.92 Browsing & searching websites text/images & use of E-mails 317
1.7.93 - 1.7.95 Computer networking, Cables Components, Connectors and Servers 328
Lesson No. Title of the Lesson Page No.
Module 8 : IC Regulators
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• Test various electronic components using proper measuring
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.01
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Workshop Practice
The Industrial Training Institutes throughout India follow The head of the Industrial Training Institute is the Principal,
the same syllabus pattern as given by the National under whom there is one Vice-Principal, Group Instructor/
Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) Board. In India Training officer and a number of trade instructors/
there are about Govt. ITIs and Private ITIs. (Based on the Asst.Training officer as shown in the Organisation chart
Govt.of India, Ministry of Labour Annual report of of ITI.
2016-2017). The Govt. ITIs in each state work under the
Eventhough there are133 trades selected for Instructional
Directorate of Employment and Training which is a
training and 261 trades identified for Apprentice training,
department under the Labour Ministry in most of the
according to the requirement of industrial needs, area
states. Some of the ITIs are under the Central Government
and finance a few selected trades are established under
and are attached to the Advanced Training Institutes
each ITI. The trainees are advised to make a list of othe
which are named as Model Training Institutes.
trades available in their ITI, the type of training and the
scope of these trades in getting self employment or job
opportunity in the rural and urban areas.
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Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.02
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Workshop Practice
(Fig 1)
Wipe out split oil immediately.
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ish Replace worn out or damaged tools immediately.
The following departments work under a factory or a shop
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• Purchase department
• Production department
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• Operations department
• Quality control department
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Purchase department
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Devices, equipments, or clothing used or worn by the Depending upon the nature of hazard, the PPE is broadly
employees, as a last resort, to protect against hazards divided into the following two categories:
in the workplace. The primary approach in any safety
effort is that the hazard to the workmen should be 1 Non-respiratory: Those used for protection against
eliminated or controlled by engineering methods rather injury from outside the body, i.e. for protecting the
than protecting the workmen through the use of personal head, eye, face, hand, arm, foot, leg and other body
protective equipment (PPE). Engineering methods could parts
include design change, substitution, ventilation, 2 Respiratory: Those used for protection from harm
mechanical handling, automation, etc. In situations where due to inhalation of contaminated air.
it is not possible to introduce any effective engineering
methods for controlling hazards, the workman shall use They are to meet the applicable BIS (Bureau of Indian
appropriate types of PPE.
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Standards) standards for different types of PPE.
As changing times have modernized the workplace,
The guidelines on 'Personal Protective Equipment' is
government and advocacy groups have brought more issued to facilitate the plant management in maintaining
safety standards to all sorts of work environments. The an effective programme with respect to protection of
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Factories Act, 1948 and several other labour legislations persons against hazards, which cannot be eliminated or
1996 have provisions for effective use of appropriate controlled by engineering methods listed in table1.
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Personal protective equipments and their uses and hazards are as follows
Hand protecion (Fig 4) 1. Heat burn due to direct contact Hand gloves
2. Blows sparks moderate heat
3. Electric shock
Head shield
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Face Protection (Fig 6, Fig 7)
1. Spark generated during Face shield
Welding, grinding Head shield with or
2. Welding spatter striking without ear muff
3. Face protection from Helmets with welders
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PPE must meet the following criteria with regard to its Having selected the proper type of PPE, it is essential
quality-provide absolute and full protection against that the workman wears it. Often the workman avoids
possible hazard and PPE’s be so designed and using PPE. The following factors influence the solution
manufactured out of materials that it can withstand the to this problem.
hazards against which it is intended to be used.
• The extent to which the workman understands the
Selection of PPE’s requires certain conditions necessity of using PPE
• The ease and comfort with which PPE can be worn
• Nature and severity of the hazard
with least interference in normal work procedures
• Type of contaminant, its concentration and location
• The available economic, social and disciplinary
of contaminated area with respect to the source of
sanctions which can be used to influence the attitude
respirable air
of the workman
• Expected activity of workman and duration of work,
• The best solution to this problem is to make 'wearing
comfort of workman when using PPE
of PPE' mandatory for every employee.
• Operating characteristics and limitations of PPE
• In other places, education and supervision need to
• Ease of maintenance and cleaning. be intensified. When a group of workmen are issued
PPE for the first time.
• Conformity to Indian/ International standards and
availability of test certificate.
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First Aid
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the first aid
• list the key aims of first aid
• explain the ABC of the first aid
• brief how to give first-aid treatment for a victim who needs first aid
• state importance of house keeping
• explain environment, health and safety
• state the importance of safety and safety signs
• state five safety.
First aid is defined as the immediate care and support treatment, such as in the case of applying a plaster
given to an acutely injured or ill person, primarily to save to a small wound.
life, prevent further deterioration or injury, plan to shift
the victim to safer place, provide best possible comfort Training
and finally help them to reach the medical centre/ hospital
through all available means. It is an immediate life-saving Basic principles, such as knowing to use an adhesive
procedure using all resources available within reach. bandage or applying direct pressure on a bleed, are often
acquired passively through life experiences. However,
Imparting knowledge and skill through institutional to provide effective, life-saving first aid interventions
point at industry level is now given much importance. especially true where it relates to potentially fatal illnesses
Inculcating such habits at early age, helps to build good and injuries, such as those that require cardiopulmonary
healthcare habits among people. resuscitation (CPR); these procedures may be invasive,
and carry a risk of further injury to the patient and the
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First aid procedure often consists of simple and basic provider. As with any training, it is more useful if it occurs
life saving techniques that an individual performs with before an actual emergency, and in many countries,
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proper training and knowledge. emergency ambulance dispatchers may give basic first
aid instructions over the phone while the ambulance is
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The key aims of first aid can be summarized in three on the way. Training is generally provided by attending a
key points: course, typically leading to certification. Due to regular
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• Prevent further harm: Also sometimes called • Breathing: Breathing if stops, the victim may die
prevent the condition from worsening, or danger of soon. Hence means of providing support for breathing
further injury, this covers both external factors, such is an important next steps. There are several methods
as moving a patient away from any cause of harm, practiced in first aid.
and applying first aid techniques to prevent worsening • Circulation: Blood circulation is vital to keep person
of the condition, such as applying pressure to stop a alive. The first aiders now trained to go straight to
bleed becoming dangerous. chest compressions through CPR methods.
• Promote recovery: First aid also involves trying to
start the recovery process from the illness or injury, When providing first aid one needs to follow some rule.
and in some cases might involve completing a There are certain basic norms in teaching and training
students in the approach and administration of first aid Stop the bleeding
to sick and injured.
If the victim is bleeding, try to stop the bleeding by
Not to get panic applying pressure over the injured part.
Panic is one emotion that can make the situation more Golden hours
worse. People often make mistake because they get
panic. Panic clouds thinking may cause mistakes. First India have best of technology made available in hospitals
to treat devastating medical problem viz. head injury,
aider need calm and collective approach. If the first aider multiple trauma, heart attack, strokes etc, but patients
himself is in a state of fear and panic gross mistakes often do poorly because they don't gain access to that
may result. It's far easier to help the suffering, when technology in time. The risk of dying from these
they know what they are doing, even if unprepared to conditions, is greatest in the first 30 minutes, often
encounter a situation. Emotional approach and response instantly. This period is referred to as Golden period. By
always lead to wrong doing and may lead one to do the time the patient reach the hospital, they would have
wrong procedures. Hence be calm and focus on the passed that critical period. First aid care come handy to
given institution. Quick and confident approach can save lives. It helps to get to the nearest emergency room
lessen the effect of injury. as quickly as possible through safe handling and
transportation. The shorter that time, the more likely the
Call medical emergencies best treatment applied.
If the situation demands, quickly call for medical Maintain the hygiene
assistance. Prompt approach may save the life.
Most important, the first aider need to wash hands and
Surroundings play vital role dry before giving any first aid treatment to the patient or
wear gloves in order to prevent infection.
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Different surroundings require different approach. Hence
first aider should study the surrounding carefully. In other Cleaning and dressing
words, one need to make sure that they are safe and
are not in any danger as it would be of no help that the Always clean the wound thoroughly before applying the
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first aider himself get injured. bandage gently wash the wound with clean water.
Most often over enthusiastically practiced first aid viz. They are more irritating to tissue than it is helpful. Simple
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administering water when the victim is unconscious, dry cleaning or with water and some kind of bandage are
wiping clotted blood (which acts as plug to reduce best.
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10 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) -Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.04 & 1.1.05
simple enough, until actually when put to use in Do not hang up the phone until you are instructed to
emergency situations. A sense of shock prevail at the do so. Then follow the instructions you were given.
accident sites. Large crowd gather around only with
inquisitive nature, but not to extend helping hands to the How to do basic first aid?
victims. This is common in road side injuries. No passer-
by would like to get involved to assist the victims. Hence Basic first aid refers to the initial process of assessing
first aid management is often very difficult to attend to and addressing the needs of someone who has been
the injured persons. The first aiders need to adapt multi- injured or is in physiological distress due to choking, a
task strategy to control the crowd around, communicate heart attack, allergic reactions, drugs or other medical
emergencies. Basic first aid allows one to quickly
to the rescue team, call ambulance etc., all to be done determine a person's physical condition and the correct
simultaneously. The mobile phones helps to a greater course of treatment.
extent for such emergencies. Few guidelines are given
below to approach the problems. Important guideline for first aiders
Evaluate the situation
Assess the urgency of the situation. Before you report
an emergency, make sure the situation is genuinely Are there things that might put the first aider at risk. When
urgent. Call for emergency services if you believe that a faced with accidents like fire, toxic smoke, gasses, an
situation is life-threatening or otherwise extremely critical. unstable building, live electrical wires or other dangerous
scenario, the first aider should be very careful not to
• A crime, especially one that is currently in progress. rush into a situation, which may prove to be fatal.
If you're reporting a crime, give a physical description
of the person committing the crime. Remember A-B-Cs
• A fire - If you're reporting a fire, describe how the fire
The ABCs of first aid refer to the three critical things the
started and where exactly it is located. If someone first aiders need to look for.
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has already been injured or is missing, report that as
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ish • Airway - Does the person have an unobstructed
currently displays.
• A car crash - Location, serious nature of injures, • Circulation - Does the person show a pulse at major
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vehicle's details and registration, number of people pulse points (wrist, carotid artery, groin)
involved etc.
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The first thing the emergency dispatcher will ask is where Call for help or tell someone else to call for help as soon
you are located, so the emergency services can get there as possible. If alone at the accident scene, try to establish
as quickly as possible. Give the exact street address, if breathing before calling for help, and do not leave the
you're not sure of the exact address, give approximate victim alone unattended.
Determine responsiveness
Give the dispatcher your phone number
If a person is unconscious, try to rouse them by gently
This information is also imperative for the dispatcher to shaking and speaking to them.
have, so that he or she is able to call back if necessary.
If the person remains unresponsive, carefully roll
Describe the nature of the emergency them on the side (recovery position) and open his
Speak in a calm, clear voice and tell the dispatcher why
you are calling. Give the most important details first, • Keep head and neck aligned.
then answer the dispatcher's follow-up question as best
as you can. • Carefully roll them onto their back while holding his
• Open the airway by lifting the chin (Fig 1).
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) -Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.04 & 1.1.05 11
• Treat a concussion: If the victim has suffered a blow
to the head, look for signs of concussion. Common
symptoms are: loss of consciousness following the
injury, disorientation or memory impairment, vertigo,
nausea, and lethargy.
Look, listen and feel for signs of breathing Stay with the victim until help arrives
Look for the victim's chest to raise and fall, listen for Try to be a calming presence for the victim until
sounds of breathing. assistance can arrive.
If the victim is not breathing, see the section below Unconsciousness (COMA)
• If the victim is breathing, but unconscious, roll them
onto their side, keeping the head and neck aligned Unconscious also referred as Coma, is a serious life
with the body. This will help drain the mouth and threatening condition, when a person lie totally senseless
prevent the tongue or vomit from blocking the airway. and do not respond to calls, external stimulus. But the
basic heart, breathing, blood circulation may be still intact,
Check the victim's circulation or they may also be failing. If unattended it may lead to
Look at the victim's colour and check their pulse (the
The condition arises due to interruption of normal brain
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carotid artery is a good option; it is located on either side
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activity. The causes are too many.
of the neck, below the jaw bone). If the victim does not
have a pulse, start CPR. • Shock (Cardiogenic, Neurogenic)
Treat bleeding, shock and other problems as needed • Head injury (Concussion, Compression)
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Particularly in the case of trauma, preventing shock is • Cardiac arrest (Heart attack)
the priority.
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• Treat shock: Shock may causes loss of blood flow • Blood pressure (Very low or very high)
from the body, frequently follows physical and • Over dose of alcohol, drugs
occasionally psychological trauma. A person in shock
will frequently have ice cold skin, be agitated or have • Poisoning (Gas, Pesticides, Bites)
an altered mental status, and have pale colour to the • Epileptic fits (Fits)
skin around the face and lips. Untreated, shock can
be fatal. Anyone who has suffered a severe injury or • Hysteria (Emotional, Psychological)
life-threatening situation is at risk for shock.
The following symptoms may occur after a person has
• Choking victim: Choking can cause death or been unconscious:
permanent brain damage within minutes. • Confusion
12 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) -Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.04 & 1.1.05
• Rapid heartbeat (palpitation)
• Stupor
First aid
• Consider trauma: is the person physically injured?
• If you see a person fainting, try to prevent a fall. Lay
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the person flat on the floor and raise the level of feet • Look for signs of infection: redness and/ or red streaks
above and support.
ish around a wound.
• If fainting is likely due to low blood sugar, give the • Look around for signs of Poison: an empty bottle of
person something sweet to eat or drink when they pills or a snakebite wound.
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• Do not give any food or drink of an unconscious • Consider stroke, particularly for elderly people.
person • Treat according to what you diagnose.
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unconscious person.
• Do not slap an unconscious person's face or splash
water on the face and try to revive him.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) -Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.04 & 1.1.05 13
A severe loss of body fluid will lead to a drop in blood the product or touch the interior of the product.
pressure. Eventually the blood's circulation will
deteriorate and the remaining blood flow will be directed
to the vital organs such as the brain. Blood will therefore
be directed away from the outer area of the body, so the
victim will appear pale and the skin will feel ice cold.
As blood flow slows, so does the amount of oxygen Minor injury due to electric shock may occasionally
reaching the brain. The victim may appear to be occur. Do not touch the terminals while power is being
confused, weak, and dizzy and may eventually supplied.
deteriorate into unconsciousness. Try to compensate for
this lack of oxygen, the heart and breathing rates both
speed up, gradually becoming weaker, and may
eventually cease.
dizziness, confusion continue. If unattended the patient
may become unconscious and die.
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Shock kills, so it is vital that you can recognize these
signs and symptoms. With internal bleeding in particular, Fire may occasionally occur. Tighten the terminal screws
shock can occur sometime after an accident, so if a with the specified torque.
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First aid
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Keep the patient warm and at mental rest. Assure of Minor electric shock, fire, or product failure may
good air circulation and comfort. Call for help to shift the occasionally occur. Do not allow any pieces of metal or
patient to safer place/ hospital. conductors or any clippings or cuttings resulting from
installation work to enter the product.
• Warmth: Keep the victim warm but do not allow them
to get overheated. If you are outside, try to get
something underneath her if you can do easily. Wrap
blankets and coats around her, paying particular
attention to the head, through which much body heat
is lost.
Precautions for Safe Use
• Air: Maintain careful eye on the victim's airway and
be prepared to turn them into the recovery position if Input Voltage
necessary, or even to resuscitate if breathing stops.
Use a commercial power supply for the power supply
Try to keep back bystanders and loosen tight clothing
voltage input to models with AC inputs.
to allow maximum air to victim.
Inverters with an output frequency of 50/60 Hz are
• Rest: Keep the victim still and preferably sitting or
available, but the rise in the internal temperature of the
lying down. If the victim is very giddy, lay them down
power supply may result in ignition or burning. Do not use
with there legs raised to ensure that maximum blood
an inverter outpur for the power supply of the product.
and therefore maximum oxygen is sent to the brain.
Power Failure
Connect the ground completely. Electric shock occur if te
Minor electric shock, fire, or product failure may the ground is not connected completely.
occasionally occur. Do not disassemble, modify, or repair
14 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.04 & 1.1.05
Operating Environment Load
Use each product within the rated range for ambient Internal parts may possibly deteriorate or be damaged if
operating temperature, ambient operating humidity, and a short-circuited or over current state continues during
storage temperature specified for that product. operation.
Use the power supply within the ranges specifed for Charging a battery
vibration and shock reistance.
When connection a battery at the load, connect an
Do not use the power supply in locations subjects to overcurrent limiting circuit and overvoltage protection
excessive amount of dust or where liquids, foreign matter, circuit.and Ground connections
or corrosive gases may enter the interior of the product.
Output and Ground connections
Install the power supply well away from devices that
The power supply output is a floating output (i.e., the
produce strong, high-frequency noise and surge.
primary side and secondary side are separated). so the
Do not use the power supply in locations subject to direct output line (i.e., +V or -V) can be connected externally
sunlight. directly to a ground. Though the ground, however, the
insulation between the primary side and secondary side
will be lost. Confirm that no loops are created in which the
The installation screws can be tightened into the power power supply output is short-circuited through the internal
supply only to a limited depth. Make sure that the lengths circuits of the load.
of the screws protruding into the power supply are within
Example: When the +V side of the power supply is
the specified dimensions.
connected directly to a ground and a load is used for
Wiring which the internal 0-V line uses the same ground.
Use caution when connecting the input cable to the power Fire safety
Prepare before a fire:
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The power supply unit may be destroyed if the input cable
is connected to the wrong terminals. Use caution when
Always familiarize yourself to “where you are” and be
sure to know how to reach the two nearest exits.
using a model with a DC input. The power supply unit may
be destroyed if the polarity is reversed. Remember that in a fire situation, smoke is blinding and
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Wiring materials of the nearest exits and having a plan will greatly increase
your ability to deal with sudden
t t rig
Use a wire size that suits the rated ouput current of the
power supply to be used in order to prevent smoking or If you are notified of, or discover a fire:
No py
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.04 & 1.1.0515
• After the stairwell crowd has passed below your floor where the employees are not only at home with their work
level, enter the stairwell with assistant(s) and wait on but they enjoy the work and hence their work efficiency
the stair landing. Make sure that the door is securely gets a boost.
Housekeeping and cleanliness at workplace Good housekeeping and cleanliness normally results
Housekeeping and cleanliness at the workplace are into (i) a workplace which is cleaner, safer,well organized
closely linked to the industrial safety. the degree, to and more pleasant for work, (ii) improved utilization of
which these activities are effectively managed, is an floor space, (ii) smoother and systematic workflow with
indicator of the safety culture of the organization. House substantial reduction in non-value added activities, (iv)
keeping and cleanliness not only make the organization better inventory control of tools and materials, (v) reduced
a safer place to work in but also provide a big boost to the handling to ease the flow of materials, (vi) reduction in
image of the organization. These activities also (i) wastages of materials, (vii) more efficient equipment
improve efficiency and productivity, (ii) helps in clean-up and maintenance leading to lower break-downs,
maintaining good control over the processes, and (iii) (vii) minimization of errors leading to better products, (ix)
assist in maintaining the quality of the product. These safe environment for work and lower exposures of
important aspects of housekeeping and cleanliness are employees to hazardous substances (such as dusts, and
furnished below. vapours etc.), (x) more hygienic workplace conditions
which lead to improved health of the employees (xi)
improved overall look and feel of the work environment,
Housekeeping and cleanliness
(v) cut/stabbed by objects, and (vi) struck against objects.
work areas, (ii) untidy or dangerous storage of materials Dust and dirt removal - Working in a dusty and dirty area
(such as materials stuffed in corners and overcrowded is unhygienic as well unhealthy for the employees since
No py
shelves etc.), (iii) dusty and dirty floors and work surfaces, there can be respiratory type irritations.
(iv) items lying on the shop floor which are in excess or Flooring - Floors are to be cleaned regularly and
no longer needed, (v) blocked or cluttered aisels and immediately if liquids or other materials are spilled. Poor
exits, (vi) tools and equipment left in work areas instead floor conditions are a leading cause of accidents in the
of being returned to proper storage places, (vii) broken workplace.
containers and damaged materials, (viii) overflowing
waste bins and containers, and (ix) spills and leaks etc. Lighting - Adequate lighting reduces the potential for
accidents. It is to be ensured that inoperative light
Housekeeping and cleanliness is crucial to a safe fixtures are repaired and dirty light fixtures are cleaned
workplace. It can help prevent injuries and improve regularly so that the light intensity levels are maintained
productivity and morale, as well as make a good imprint at the workplace.
on the people visiting the workplace. The importance of
good workplace housekeeping and cleanliness to the Aisles and stairways- Aisles and stairways are to be kept
overall operation is to be firmly planted in the clear and not to be used for storage.
consciousness if each employee since a clean, neat and Spill control-The best method to control spills is to
orderly workplace not only contributes to the health and prevent them from happening. Regular cleaning and
safety of the employees but also affects their morate and maintenance on machines and equipment is an essential
even the overall success of the organization. practice.
Housekeeping and cleanliness practices generally reflect Waste disposal-The regular collection of the waste
the attitude of the management towards healthy practices. materials contribute to good housekeeping and cleanliness
Good housekeeping and cleanliness reflects pride in the practices. Placing containers for wastes near the place
workplace, which signals that the organization has a where the waste is produced encourages orderly waste
healthy work culture. This is important since a healthy disposal and makes collection easier. All recyclable
work culture provides an environment at the workplace wastes after their collection are to be transferred to their
16 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.04 & 1.1.05
designated places so that the waste materials can be Maintenance - One of the most important elements of
dispatched to the point of use or sold. good housekeeping and cleanliness practices is the
maintenance of the equipment and the buildings housing
Tools and equipment - Tools and equipment are required
to be inspected prior to their use. Damaged or worn tools
are to be taken out of service immediately. Tools are to Individual workspace - individual workspace need to be
be cleaned and returned to their storage place after use. kept neat, cleared of everything not needed for work.
Many workplace injuries occur right in the employee’s
bl I
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t t rig
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E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.04 & 1.1.0517
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.06
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Workshop Practice
suitable care is taken by following some simple common
sene, LPG etc., The fuel will catch fire and burn provided – Do not misuse or neglect electrical equipments or
a high enough temperature(heat) is brought about and a electrical wiring as this may cause electrical fire.
o ht
continuous supply of oxygen is given. It is important to Loose connections, low rated fuses, overloaded cir-
note that without fuel, combustion cannot take place. cuits causes over heating which may in turn lead to
t t rig
Fuels will begin to burn at a certain temperature. Differ- – Keep away clothing and other materials which might
ent types of fuels need different temperatures to catch catch fire from heating appliances. Make sure the
fire and burn. For example, wood needs a higher tem- soldering iron is disconnected from power supply and
perature to catch fire and burn than paper. Petrol needs is kept safe in its stand at the end of the working day.
much lesser temperature to catch fire and burn than – Store highly flammable liquids and petroleum mix-
paper. Generally liquid fuels give off vapour when tures such as thinner, adhesive solutions, solvents,
heated. It is this vapour which ignites. Some liquids such kerosene, spirit, LPG gas etc. in the storage area
as petrol do not have to be heated as they give off vapour exclusively meant for storage of flammable materials.
at room temperature (15oC - 25oC) itself. It is important – Turn off blowlamps and torches when they are not in use.
to note that without heat, fuel cannot get ignited(catch
fire) and hence combustion cannot take place. Controlling and Extinguishing fire
Oxygen Isolating or removing any of three factors illustrated in
Oxygen exists in air. The amount of oxygen in air is Fig1, will control and extinguish fire. There are three
sufficient to continue the combustion once it occurs. basic ways of achieving this.
Hence to keep a fire burning, oxygen is a must. It is 1 Starving the fire of fuel
important to note that without oxygen, combustion can- To remove the fuel which is burning or cut further
not continue to take place. supply of fuel to the fire.
Controlled and uncontrolled fire 2 Smothering
To stop the supply of oxygen to the fire by blanketing
Fire is a boon to mankind. Without fire, there would not be the fire with foam, sand etc.
cooked food or hot water for bath as and when we want it. 3 Cooling
At the same time if the fire does not get constrained to To reduce the temperature of the fire by spraying
a place of requirement, fire can become a bane(curse) water and thus cooling the fire.
to mankind. An uncontrolled fire can cause such a
By any one of the above three methods, fire can be first
controlled and then extinguished.
For the purpose of determining the best method of extinguishing different types of fires, fires are classified
under four main classes based on the type of fuel as given in Table 1.
Classification of Fire Fuel involved Precautions and extinguishing
Class A Fire Wood, paper cloth etc. Most effective method is cooling with water.
Solid materials Jets of water should be sprayed on the base
Class B Fire Flammable liquids & Should be smothered. The aim is to cover
liquefiable solids the entire surface of the burning liquid. This
has the effect of cutting off the supply of
oxygen to the fire.
bl I
pu M
ish Water should never be used on burning
Foam, dry powder or CO2 may be used
be @
Class C Fire Gas and liquefied gas Extreme caution is necessary in dealing
withliquefied gases. There is a risk of
t t rig
cartridge or stored pressure type as shown in Fig 5.
bl I
pu M
Appearance and the method of operation is the same as
a Cartridge type
fire, to the authorities concerned.
Adopt any one method of giving an alarm signal for
bl I
pu M
fire breaking in your institute/ workshop.
– Raising your voice and shouting Fire! Fire!Fire!
Reporting all fires however small they are,
helps in the investigation of the cause of the
.... to call the attention of others. fire. It helps in preventing the same kind of
– Running towards the fire shouting Fire! Fire! accident occurring again.
be @
and actuate fire alarm/bell/siren. This alarm/bell/ Environment, health and safety (EHS) : is a discipline
siren to be actuated only in case of fire. and specialty that studies and implements practical
o ht
– Any other means by which the attention of aspects of environmental protection and safety at work.
others can be called and are made to understand In simple terms it is what organizations must do to make
t t rig
there is a fire break out. sure that their activities do not cause harm to anyone.
2 On receipt of the fire alarm signal, do the following:
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• Communication and training
• Physical hazards bl I
pu M
• Chemical hazards ish
• Biological hazards
be @
• Radiological hazards
• Personal protective equipment (PPE)
o ht
• Monitoring
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Basic Hand tools shaped and matches the size of the slot as shown in Fig 3.
– screwdrivers
– pliers, and
– tweezers.
bl I
pu M
A screwdriver is a tool used to tighten or loosen screws.
the tip to be lifted out of the slot. When turning a screw
downward pressure has to be exerted on the screwdriver
in order to keep the tip in the slot.
A tip which is too narrow as shown in Fig 6 will exert its Length of blade L and Length of tip W
bl I
pu M
turning force close to the centre of the screw, causing
damage to the slot and to the tip.
ish Normally there is no relationship between the length of
24 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.07 to 1.1.09
– shaping and bending light sheet metal parts,
– forming, bending, twisting and cutting small diameter
Pliers consist basically of a pair of LEGS which are joined
by a PIVOT as shown in Fig 13. Each leg consists of a
long HANDLE and a short JAW.
If the legs of the pliers are crossed at the pivot, the jaws
will CLOSE when pressure is applied to the handles as
shown in Fig 13b. In some pliers the jaws will close when
pressure is applied to the handles as shown in Fig 13c.
Using a screwdriver
bl I
pu M
The general procedure for using a screwdriver is given
– Hold the screwdriver with the axis in line with the axis or pliers with non-serrated jaws as shown in Fig 14b
of the screw. should be used.
– Guide the blade with one hand as shown in Fig 23. Set
the tip of the screwdriver in the screw slot.
– Be sure of the direction in which the screwdriver is to
be twisted. Twist the handle gently and steadily.
Never try to use a screwdriver as a lever; this Pliers are made from high quality steel. In many cases
could break the tip or bend the blade and make pliers are CHROMIUM PLATED to protect them against
the screwdriver unusable. rust. In climates with a high degree of humidity it is
advisable to use such pliers as they will last longer and
need less maintenance.
Pliers are tools which are used for:
To keep pliers in good working condition, they should be
kept clean, the metal parts should be wiped with an oily
– holding, gripping, pulling and turning small parts and
piece of cloth and, from time to time, a drop of oil should
be applied to the pivots and joints.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.07 to 1.1.09 25
Diagonal cutter plier
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26 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.07 to 1.1.09
Flat nose pliers are made in the following overall lengths: Round nose pliers are made to the following overall
100, 120, 140, 160, 180 and 200 mm.
100, 120, 140, 160, 180 and 200 mm.
bl I
pu M
Round nose pliers
ish They are used to hold small parts, especially in confined
strips. The conical shape of the jaws makes it possible to They are also used to adjust fine wires, contacts and
form curves and circles of various dimensions. other parts.
o ht
They are also used to form eyelets in wires to fit terminal Long nose pliers are made with many differently shaped
screws, and to hold small parts. jaws as shown in Fig 23. Long nose pliers are available
t t rig
Combination pliers
The FLAT GRIP can be used to grip and hold parts and
components and to twist wires.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.07 to 1.1.09 27
These pliers are available with straight and curved jaws
in the following dimensions.
0 130 mm 3 - 10 mm
1 130 mm 8 - 25 mm
2 170 mm 19 - 60 mm
3 230 mm 40 - 100 mm
4 320 mm 85 - 165 mm
will compress the circlip which can then be removed from
bl I
pu M
the workpiece.
Circlip pliers for internal circlips
the workpiece.
t t rig
No py
0 130 mm 3 - 10 mm
28 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.07 to 1.1.09
As an additional safeguard against electric shock, these The thin structure of the tweezers permits easy access to
pliers are available with insulated handles made of high places where fingers cannot reach. Tweezers are very
quality rubber or plastic as shown in Fig 27. useful during soldering of wires, components and placing
of small screws in interior places.
Working with live parts of an electrical
installation or appliance can INJURE or KILL
bl I Steel rules are made of spring steel or stainless steel.
pu M
you, and it might seriously damage the
The edges are accurately ground to form a straight line.
installation and equipment.
The surfaces of steel rules are satin-chrome finished to
Tweezers reduce glaring effect while reading, and also to prevent
be @
classified according to the shape of the tip and are The engineer’s steel rules are generally graduated both
specified by their length and shape. Fig 28 shows different in centimetres and inches as can be seen in Fig 29. In
t t rig
of an inch.
Standard sizes
Steel rules are available in different lengths. The com-
mon sizes are 150 mm/6inches, 300 mm/12 inches and
600 mm/24 inches.
A scriber is a pointed, sharp tool made of steel or carbon
steel as shown in Fig 30. There are two types of scribers,
– Plain scribers
– Double end scribers
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.07 to 1.1.09 29
Uses of scribers
Scribers are used for scribing(marking) lines on surfaces
prior to cutting. Scribers are generally used for marking
on such surfaces on which pencil marking cannot be
made or pencil marking is not clearly visible or pencil
marking gets erased while handling or pencil marking is
too thick. For example pencil marking is not suitable on
Hylam or Bakelite sheets. Hence, line markings are done
on these boards using scribers.
A typical way of marking/scribing using a scriber is shown
in Fig 31.
bl I
pu M
30 E&H Electronic Mechanic Related (NSQF - 5) - Theory for Exercise 1.1.07 to 1.1.09
The two main types of punches are shown in Fig 35.
bl I
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the punch point. The punch mark made by this angle will
be wide but not very deep. These punch marks give a
t t rig
punch mark, the drill bit will slip away from the point to be
drilled and may drill a hole at unwanted points, making
Parts of a hammer
Fig 37 shows a typical hammer with the parts labeled.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.07 to 1.1.09 31
Using hammers
Before using a hammer,
– select a hammer with the correct weight suitable for
the job
– make sure the handle is properly fitted
– check the head and handle for any cracks
– ensure that the face of the hammer is free from oil or
and straight pein as shown in Fig 38. The pein of a
hammer is also hardened is the face.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
32 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.07 to 1.1.09
drilled faster and with higher accuracy using electric
drilling machines. Portable electric drilling machines are
available in 6 mm and 12 mm capacity. These drilling
machines generally operate on 230 V, 50 Hz AC mains
Fig 41 shows the different parts of a twist drill.
Shank: Shank is that portion of the drill by which it is held
and driven by the drilling machine. Many different types
of shanks are available, but two of the most common
types of shanks are shown in Fig 42.
Taper shank drills: These are available in sizes from 12
mm to 52 mm in diameter. The shank has a self-holding
taper which fits into a sleever or the taper bore of the
drilling machine.
bl I
pu M
Straight shank drills: These types of drills are more The cutting speed for a particular material is expressed
commonly used than taper shank drills. The shank has the in feet per minute or in metres per minute.
same diameter as the body of the drill. These drills are
The recommended speed for a drill is the ideal cutting
available in sizes from 0.35 mm to 16 mm in diameter.
be @
speed for the outer corners of its lips. You should be able
Body: The body extends from the shank to the cutting to select the revolutions per minute of the drilling machine
end(point). Generally, the body shape of most drills is the that will give this cutting speed at the circumference of
o ht
same, but some special shapes may be necessary for the drill.
special tasks. It has two helical grooves called flutes
t t rig
General Rules
which run along its sides. The flutes help:
If you do not have tables of speeds and feeds to guide
No py
A file is a cutting tool with multiple cutting edges used for
filing different materials. Filing in one of the processes
used to cut/remove small quantities of materials.
Fig 44 illustrates the main parts of a typical file.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.07 to 1.1.09 33
Double cut: A double cut file has rows of teeth in two
directions across each other at an angle of 50° to 60°,
another row at 75°. These files are used to file hard
materials such as steel, brass, bronze, etc.
Rasp cut: This has individual, sharp, pointed teeth in a
line, and is useful for filing wood, leather and other soft
materials. These files are available in half-round and
round shape.
Curved cut: These files have deeper cutting action, and
are useful for filing soft materials like aluminum, tin,
File specification
copper and plastic. These are available only in flat shape.
Files are specified according to their:
The selection of the type of cut of a file is based on the
– length material to be filed. Single cut files are used for filing soft
– grade materials. But certain special files, for example - those
– cut used for sharpening saws, are also of single cut.
– shape.
Shapes of files: Various shapes of files with their
Length is the distance from the tip to the heel. It varies application are shown in Fig 46.
form 100mm to 300mm.
Grade: Different grades of files are Rough, bastard,
second cut, smooth and dead smooth.
Rough file is used for removing more quantity of metal
bl I
Bastard file is used for ordinary filing purposes.
pu M
Second cut file is used for good finishing purposes.
Smooth file is used for removing less metal and for giving
good surface finish.
be @
Cut of file
t t rig
Types of cut
The different types of cut of files are:-
– Single cut,
– Double cut,
– Rasp cut, and
– Curved cut.
Single cut: A single cut file has a single row of teeth in
one direction on the face of the file at an angle of 60°.
These files are used for filing soft materials such as lead,
tin, aluminum etc.
34 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.07 to 1.1.09
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.10 - 1.1.13
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Workshop Practice
Cutting And bending of sheet metal Brass sheet: Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc in
Almost all sheet metal industries use large quantities of various proportions. It will not corrode and is extensively
steel rolled into sheets of various thicknesses. These used in craft.
sheets are sometimes coated with zinc, tin or other
metals for various applications. Other than steel sheets,
industries also use sheets made out of zinc, copper, A snip is a cutting tool used for cutting thin sheets of
aluminum, stainless steel etc. metal. A typical snip looks as shown in Fig 1 and 3.
The term sheet metal generally applies to metals and There are three types of snips.
alloys rolled into sheets of various thicknesses of less
1 Straight snips
than 5 mm. Sheets of thickness over 5 mm are called
plates. 2 Bent snips/curved snips
3 Universal snips
Earlier, sheets were specified by standard wire
gauge(SWG) numbers. Each gauge is designated with a
bl I Straight snip
pu M
definite thickness.The larger the gauge number, the
lesser is the thickness of the sheet. Nowadays, the sheet
thickness is directly specified in millimetres(mm), such
as 0.40 mm, 0.50 mm, 0.63 mm, 0.80 mm, 0.90 mm, 1.00
mm, 1.12 mm, 1.25 mm etc.
be @
Types of sheets
o ht
sheets. The zinc coating resists rust. These are most Straight snips have straight blades for cutting thin sheets
commonly used in making water pipes. Articles like pans,
buckets, furnaces, cabinets are also made using GI
Copper sheets: Copper sheets are available either as
cold-rolled or hot-rolled sheets. Cold-rolled sheets are
worked easily and are used in sheet metal shops. Gut-
ters, roof flashing and hoods are common examples
where copper sheet is used.
Aluminium sheets: Aluminium sheets are highly resistive
to corrosion, whitish in colour and light in weight. Since along a straight line as shown in Fig 2a. It can also be
aluminium is a ductile material, it can be bent to any used for external curved cuts as shown in Fig 2b.
shape easily. Aluminium sheets are widely used in Bent snips/curved snips
manufacturing of a number of articles such as household
Bent snips have curved blades as shown in Fig 3a. These
utensils, light fixtures, windows etc.
snips are used for cutting internal curves and for trimming
Tin sheets: Tin sheet is a sheet of iron coated with tin to a cylinder on the outside of the cut as shown in Fig 3b.
protect the iron sheet against rust. The size and thickness
of the tin sheets are denoted by special marks, not by
gauge numbers.
Tinned sheets are used for food containers, dairy equip-
ment, furnace fitting etc.
Angle steel: As shown in Fig 5a, two pieces of angles are
used for folding sheet metal to an angle of 90o. These
angles are fitted on a vice with the sheet metal to be bent
sandwiched between the angles as shown in Fig 5b. For
longer sheets, lengthy angles will be used along with a
clamp or hand vice as shown in Fig 5c.
Folding bars: The sheet metal to be bent is clamped in
the folding bars. The folding bars are clamped in the vice
as shown in the Fig 6. The sheet metal is bent to the
required shape using a mallet (wooden hammer).
Tools commonly used in the folding of sheet metal are: as a holding device. This clamp is used when two
– C clamp
– stakes
be @
– mallet.
o ht
t t rig
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– Hatchet stake
– Square stake
– Blow-horn square stake
36 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.10 to 1.1.13
– Bevel-edge square stake
Hatchet stake: It is used for making sharp bends, for
bending edges and for folding sheet metal.
Square stake: It is used for general purpose bending
Blow-horn stake: It is used in forming, riveting or
seaming tapered, cone-shaped articles, such as funnels
etc. Uses: Rivets are used for joining metal sheets and plates
in fabrication work, such as bridges, ships, cranes,
Bevel-edged square stake: It is used to form corners structural steel work, boilers, aircraft and in various other
and edges. works.
Mallet Material: In riveting, the rivets are secured by deforming
Fig 9 shows a mallet. A mallet is used for striking while the shank to form the head. These are made of ductile
bending sheet metals. Mallets are made of wood, rubber, materials like low carbon steel, brass, copper and alu-
copper etc. Since these are soft materials, they will not minium.
damage the sheet surface while working.
Types of rivets (Fig 12)
• countersunk head rivet.
bl I
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be @
o ht
notches is to allow the work to be formed to the required as shank. (Fig 13)
size and shape as shown in Fig 10. Notches prevent
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E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.10 - 1.1.13 37
The minimum distance between the rivets (pitch) should
be sufficient to allow the rivets to be driven without
interference. The distance should be atleast three times
the thickness of the sheet or above.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
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38 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.1.10 to 1.1.13
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.14 - 1.2.16
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Electricity
Electrical terms
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• describe electrical charge, potential difference, voltage, current, resistance
• explain about DC and AC circuit
• explain single phase and 3 phase A.C. system
charges and their forces is called electrostatics.
bl I
pu M
Opposite polarity/charges attract each other
Example: If a hard rubber pen or a comb is rubbed on a
sheet of paper, the rubber will attract paper pieces. The If two small charged bodies of light weight are mounted
work of rubbing, resulted in separating electrons and so that they are free to move easily and are placed close
protons to produce a charge of excess electrons on the to each other, they get attracted to each other when the
be @
surface of the rubber and a charge of excess protons on two charges have opposite polarity as shown in Fig 2a.
the paper. The paper and rubber give evidence of a In terms of electrons and protons, they tend to be
attracted to each other by the force of attraction between
o ht
The motion of charged particles in any medium is called the force of attraction tends to make electrons move
current.. The net transfer of charge per unit time is called towards protons.
No py
Electric potential difference R.M.S. Value: Root mean square value of an alternating
current is given by that steady d.c. current which pro-
The electrical potential difference is defined as the
duces the same heat as that produced by the alternating
amount of work done to carrying a unit charge from one
current in a given time and given resistance. It is also
point to another in an electric field of the two charged
called the virtual or effective value of A.C.
bodies. In otherwords, the potential difference is defined
as the difference in the electrica potential. Ir.m.s. = 0.707 Imax
When a body is charged to a different electric potential Vr.m.s = 0.707 Vmax
as compared to the other charged body, the two bodies
All A.C. voltmeters and ampere meters read r.m.s. value
are said to be potential difference. Both the bodies are
of voltage and current.
under stress and strain and try to attain minimum
potential. Symmetrical Alternating Quantity: The ratio of the
value to the mean period
Unit : The unit of potential difference is volt.
Instantaneous value: The value of a variable quantity
Resistance (Fig 3)
at a given instant.
Resistance is the measure of opposition to electric
Peak value: The maximum of the values of quantity
current. A short circuit is an electric circuit offering little
during a given interval.
or no resistance to the flow of electrons. Short circuits are
dangerous with high voltage power sources because the Basic of DC circuit
high currents encountered can cause large amounts of This flow of electrical charge is referred to as electric
heat energy to be released. current. There are two types of current, direct current
(DC) and alternating current (AC). DC is current that
flows in one direction with a constant voltage polarity
(fig.5) while AC is current that changes direction periodi-
cally along with its voltage polarity (fig 6). But as societies
bl I
pu M
grew the use of DC over long transmission distances
became too inefficient. With AC it is possible to produce
A.C. Circuits
t t rig
Frequency: It is defined as the number of cycles per We define voltage as the amount of potential energy
second. In India 50 c/s frequency is common. between two point on a circuit. One point has more
charge than another. This difference in charge between
NP the two points is called voltage. It is measured in volts.
Frequency= where N is the speed in r.p.m and P is
120 Techinally, it is the potential energy difference between
no.of poles of a machine. two points that will impart one joule of energy per
40 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.14 to 1.2.16
coulomb of charge that passes through it. The unit “volt” Benefits and uses of a single phase AC power supply
is named after the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta who
Single phase power supply units have a broad array of
invented what is considered the first chemical battery.
applications. Units that have a limited power need up to
Voltage is represented in equations and schematics by
1000 watts typically make the most efficient use of a
the letter “V”.
single phase AC power supply. Generally, benefits of
Basics of AC circuit selecting a single phase system include:
As useful and as easy to understand as DC is, it is not the • Broad array of application uses
only “kind” of electricity in use. Certain sources of
electricity (most notably, rotary electro-mechanical • Most efficient AC power supply for up to 1000 watts
generators) naturally produce voltages alternating in
• Fewer design costs
polarity reversing positive and negative over time. Either
as a voltage switching polarity or as a current switching • Less complex design
direction back and forth, this “kind” of electricity is known
as Alternating Current (AC):as shown in figure (7) In a 3 phase system there are three power wires, each
120° out of phase with each other. Delta and wye are the
two types of circuits use to maintain equal load across a
three phase system, each resulting in different wire
configurations. In the delta configuration, no neutral wire
is used. The wye configuration uses both a neutral and a
ground wire. (Note: In high voltage system, the neutral
wire is not usually present for a three phase system.) All
three phases of power have entered the cycle by 120°. By
the time a complete cycle of 360° has completed, three
phases of power each peaked in voltage twice as shown
in Fig 9. With a three phase power supply, a steady
bl I
pu M
stream of power is delivered at a constant rate, making
Whereas the familiar battery symbol is used as a generic it possible to carry more load.
symbol for any DC voltage source, the circle with the
wavy line inside is the generic symbol for any AC voltage Fig 8
be @
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
42 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.14 to 1.2.16
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.17 to 1.2.21
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Electricity
Conductors: Materials that contain many free electrons Conductors form an unbroken line carrying electricity
and are capable of carrying an electric current are known from the generating plant to the point where it is used.
as conductors. Conductors are usually made of copper and aluminium.
A conductor is a wire or cable or other form of metal,
Some materials are better conductors of electricity than
suitable for carrying current.
others. The more free electrons in a material has the
better it will conduct. Silver, copper, aluminium and most All wires are conductors, but all conductors are not wires.
other metals are good conductors. For example copper bus bar are conductors but not wires.
They are rigid rectangular bars.
Insulators: Materials that have only a few free electrons
Current passing through a conductor generates heat.
(if any), and are capable of not allowing the current to
The amount of heat depends on the value of current and
pass through them are known as insulators.
the potential difference between its ends.
Wood, rubber, PVC, porcelain, mica, dry paper, fibre
The rate of heat production in the conductor equals the
bl I
glass are some examples of insulating materials.
pu M
amount of power lost by the electricity in passing through
Non-conducting materials (insulators) are also called the conductor.
The cross-sectional area of the conductor must have a
Conductors make up the main conducting path of large enough area to give it a low resistance. But the
be @
electric current, and insulating materials prevent current cross-sectional area must also be small enough to keep
flow through unwanted paths and minimises electrical the cost and weight as low as possible.
o ht
is regulated by I.E. regulations and I.S.Code of practice. The rate of heat production in a conductor increases with
the square of the current. As heat is produced the
No py
Classification of Conductors Every electrical device is protected by some kind of
insulation. The desirable characteristics of insulation
Wires and cables can be classified by the type of are:
covering they have.
– high dielectric strength
Bare conductors: They have no covering. The most – resistance to temperature
common use of bare conductor is in overhead electrical – flexibility
transmission and distribution lines. – mechanical strength
– Non hydroscopic.
Insulated conductors: They have a coating of insula-
tion over the metals. The insulation separates the No single material has all the characteristics required for
conductor electrically from other conductors and from every application. Therefore, many kinds of insulating
the surroundings. It allows conductors to be grouped materials have been developed.
without danger. Additional covering over the insulation
adds mechanical strength and protection against weather, Insulating tapes
moisture and abrasion.
Various tapes are used for insulating electrical equip-
Stranded conductors: They consist of many strands of ment, conductors and components. Some of these are
fine wires as shown in Fig 11. The wires in stranded adhesives. The tapes commonly used include friction,
conductors are usually twisted together. Stranded con- rubber, plastic and varnished cambric tapes.
ductors are more flexible and have better mechanical
strength. Semiconductors: A semiconductor is a material that
has some of the characteristics of both the conductor and
an insulator. Semiconductors have valence shells con-
taining four electrons.
bl I
pu M
Common examples of pure semiconductor materials are
silicon and germanium. Specially treated semiconductors
• Direct-buried cable
Properties of insulation materials
• Flexible cables
44 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.17 to 1.2.21
(b) Twin-lead
Twinaxial cabling
bl I
pu M
A comparison of the most commonly used metals as conductors in wires is given below:
Ability to be drawn Very good Very good Very good Not good
t t rig
Conductors used in common types of wires are always 3 Uniform diameter of wire can be maintained.
drawn to thin circular forms (bare wires). A few reasons
why the wires are drawn in circular form are given below. 4 Insulation can be uniformly covered.
1 Drawing a conductor in the circular shape is cheaper Conductor(s) of wires are covered with insulating mate-
and easier than drawing in any other form. rial or an insulating coating(enamel). Some of the rea-
sons for covering the conductor of wires with an insulator
2 Round shape of the conductor ensures uniform cur- are given below:
rent flow through the conductor.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.17 to 1.2.21 45
1 Bare conductors carrying high voltage/current when The maximum current that flows through a wire of a
touched accidentally will give electrical shock, which particular diameter without heating up the wire is called
can be hazardous to life. the maximum current carrying capacity or generally the
current carrying capacity of a wire. Hence the current
2 When two or more conductors carrying different types
carrying capacity of a wire is directly proportional to the
of current are laid side by side, the current flow
conductor’s diameter.
through the wires should not get mixed.
3 To protect the conductor from moisture and destruc- STANDARD WIRE GAUGE
tive atmospheric conditions.
Size of a wire means the diameter of the conductor used
Any non-conductor of electricity can be used as an in that wire. To measure the size of a wire, an instrument
insulator. However the insulators used with wires should called standard wire gauge (SWG) is used as shown in
have elastic properties so that the insulation does not get Fig 14.
cut or tear off when wires are bent.
bl I
pu M
be @
46 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.17 to 1.2.21
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.22 to 1.2.28
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Electricity
Measurement of electrical quantities is necessary while Example 1: A symbol V on a meter dial indicates,
installing, operating, testing & repairing electrical & elec-
tronic equipments and circuits. V for measuring voltage
~ for measuring AC.
A simple meter is shown in Fig 1.
This means, a meter with V symbol is for measuring AC
Example 2: A symbol V on the meter dial indicates,
bl I
pu M
ish V for measuring voltage
~ for measuring AC
be @
The electrical quantity to be measured is given to the The meter scale of 0 to 10 is divided to 5 parts in steps
input terminals (A) of the meter. The internal meter of 2 volts as shown in Fig 2. Each division is called the
movement or mechanism moves the pointer(D) over the Main Scale Division (MSD) of the meter scale.
graduated scale(C) marked on a plate called the dial
plate(B). The pointer stops at a point on the scale which
corresponds to the magnitude of the input given at the
input terminals(A).
2 volts
for fig. 1, each SSD is, = 0.5 volts
Hence the smallest voltage that can be accurately meas-
ured using this meter is 0.5 volts. This is nothing but the
value of one small scale division of the meter.
scale as shown in Fig 4.
Other symbols indicating the position in which a meter is
bl I
pu M
to be kept while taking readings is given in the Chart 1 of
o ht
= 1 Volt
= 0.1 volts.
10 div
The minimum values that can be measured using the
meter in Fig 4 is 0.1 volts and the maximum values that
can be measured is 5 volts.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.22 to 1.2.28
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.29 - 1.2.31
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Electricity
with an exception in the case of cell/battery. Batteries
bl I
are different from the other types of power sources
pu M
because, energy is provided by chemical reaction in
batteries. Therefore, no energy need be supplied from
(b) Secondary batteries charged with electrical energy. Once the battery is fully
charged,it will then convert chemical energy to electrical
and electrolyte used in this type of cells cannot be materials used as electrodes and electrolytes in that cell.
bl I
reused. Hence, primary cells are non-rechargable cells. A dry cell with zinc as the -ve electrode, carbon as the
pu M
paste form.
Generally, the electrolyte used in primary cells is of +ve electrode with zinc chloride as the electrolyte is
referred to as zinc-carbon cell or zinc chloride cell.
Secondary cells are those which once used can be
Similarly a dry cell which uses an alkaline solution as
be @
In this lesson the commercial aspects of primary cells names of the materials used for the +ve,-ve electrodes,
are discussed. Secondary cells are discussed in further the electrolyte used, the available sizes, the rated output
No py
To measure the voltage of a dry cell, a voltmeter having 1) Check for the right type and range of meter is being
a full scale deflection value greater than, but close to the used for measurement.
rated output of the dry cell, should be used. Also the
meter’s minimum measurable voltage (value of one Example: To measure cell/battery voltages use DC or
small scale div) should be as small as possible (at least AC/DC voltmeters only.
0.2 volts).
voltage of the meter is as per requirement.
meters used to measure cell voltage should be free from
errors. One of the most common errors in meters is the Example: To measure cell voltages of around 1.5volts,
Mechanical Zero error. This error is caused due to the use a voltmeter having a range of 2 volts but not more
be @
mechanical movements involved in the meters. This than 5 volts. The value of each small scale division of the
error in meters is correctable. The steps involved to meter should be atleast 0.2 volt or less.
correct this error is called Mechanical zero setting of
o ht
All meters will have a screw on it as shown in Fig 6. prod to the -ve terminal. This avoids confusion and
Keeping the terminals of the meter open, the screw is prevents damage to meter.
No py
the meter is made to show exactly zero volts. ammeter directly across its +ve and -ve terminals.
This will not only damage the meter but will discharge
the cell heavily and make the cell weak. Use a 1 KW
resistor in series for measuring current driving capac-
ity of a cell.
52 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.29 to 1.2.31
Chart for 1.2.29 &1.2.31
Carbon-Zinc Primary Zinc MnO2/C Mixture of 1.5V D, C, B, A, AA, AAA Flash lights, radio, tape
(usually called NH Cl and ZnCl
4 2 batteries and for
Leclanche cell) general purpose.
Carbon-Zinc Primary Zinc MnO2/C Zinc chloride 1.5V D,C, B, A, AA, AAA Electric shaver, electric
No py
(Zinc chloride cell) knives transmitters,
cordless drills, tools etc.
t t rig
Alkaline-Manganese Primary Zinc Manganese Aqueous solution of 1.5V D, C, AA Camera cranking, radio
o ht
dioxide cell & dioxide potassium
potassium hydroxide controlled toys, radios
rechargeable & tape recorders.
be @
Mercuric oxide cell Primary Zinc Mercuric oxide Aqueous solution of 1.35V C, B, AA and Cameras, watches,
potassium hydroxide button cells hearing aids,
or sodium hydroxide calculators etc.
pu M
Silver oxide cell Primary Zinc Ag O
Aqueous solution of 1.5V Button cells Hearing aids, digital
potassium hydroxide wrist watch, micro-lamps,
bl I
or sodium hydroxide lights, meters etc.
Nickle-Cadmium Rechargeable
( Secondary ) Cadmium Nickel Aqueous solution of 1.2V All sizes of cyclin- Portable equipments
hydroxide potassium hydroxide drical, rectangular like radio, tapes etc.,
and buttoncells rechargeable flash lights,
emergency light etc.
Lithium Primary Lithium Iodine/metallic Organic, inorganic 3V to Medium to Electronic watches, cal-
Manganese oxides, sulphides water 6V large culators, heart pacemaker
button cellslife support equipments &
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.29 to 1.2.31
communication equipments.
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.32 to 1.2.35
Electronic Mechanic - Basic electricity
which is a diluted solution of sulphuric acid (27% sulphuric
acid) having a specific gravity of 1.3. Such a cell produces
bl I
pu M
When a secondary cell is supplying current to a load, the an output of 2.2 V.
cell is said to be discharging. This discharging current
Discharging of lead-acid cells
gradually neutralizes the separated positive and negative
charges at the electrodes (Anode and Cathode). The chemical action that takes place during the dis-
be @
The coating of whitish lead sulphate on the electrodes The lead sulphate (PbSO4) which gets coated on the +ve
and the decrease in specific gravity of the electrolyte and -ve plates tends to harden into an insoluble salt over
makes the voltage of the cell to drop off. Also, the internal a period of time. Hence, it is recommended to fully
resistance of the cell rises due to the sulphate coating on recharge a battery even if it is not used for quite some time.
the plates.
which is slightly higher than the nominal voltage of the
bl I
pu M
cell (2.2V), is connected as shown in Fig 2, the direction
of ionic flow gets reversed (refer to Fig 1 for the discharging
direction). The electrical energy supplied by the charger
causes the recombination of lead sulphate (PbSo4) with
Construction of lead-acid batteries
hydrogen ions in the electrolyte. Therefore, the excess
be @
water is removed from the electrolyte solution. As the Fig 3 shows the principle behind the construction of
electrolyte returns to its normal strength of sulphuric acid commercial lead acid batteries.
o ht
trodes returns to its nominal value of 2.2 V. The chemical were shown as single plates, in a practical cell, it will not
action involved during charging can be represented by be the case. To increase the surface area and current
capacity, a number of positive and negative plates are
No py
PbSO4 + 2 electrons > Pb + SO4 connected, and all the negative plates are electrically
connected. These parallel connections yield a higher
At the positive pole: current capacity of the cell with an overall cell output
PbSO4 - 2 electrons + 2H2O > PbO2 + So42- - 4H+ voltage of 2.2V. Several such cells can be connected in
series to obtain the required battery voltage. For example,
As the above reactions take place simultaneously, the Fig 3b shows three such cells connected in series to
equation can be written as, produce a 6 volts Lead acid battery.
2PbSO4 + 2H2O + Electrical energy >2H2So4 + Pb In lead-acid batteries, since hydrogen gas is produced
+ PbO2. during recharging, vents (holes) are provided on the
> battery compartment to let hydrogen and water vapour
It should be noted that, to charge a lead-acid escape into free air. The vents also help in adding
battery of 12 V (2.2 V x 6 cells), the output distilled water to the cells to compensate the water
voltage of the battery charger used for charg- evaporated from the electrolyte.
ing should be between 14.1 V to 15 V, and, its For further details on the construction and
current rating not larger than 30 A. Charging manufacturing techniques of lead acid batter-
batteries at excessively higher currents can ies refer reference books listed at the end of
cause boiling of the electrolyte. This reduces this unit.
the liquid level in the battery and causes
buckling and crumbling of the electrodes, Current rating of Lead acid batteries
thus reducing the life of the cells and hence
the battery. The current rating of a lead acid battery is usually given in
ampere-hour (Ah) units, based on an 8 hour discharge
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.29 to 1.2.35 55
period. In other words, batteries are rated in terms of how
much discharge current they can supply for a specified
period of time (often 8 hours). During this time, the cell’s
output voltage must not drop below 1.7 volts. Typical Ah
values of automobile batteries range from 60 Ah to 300 Ah.
For example, A 60-Ah battery, used in smaller automo-
biles, can supply a load current of 60/8 or 7.5 amperes for
8 hours without the cell voltages dropping below 1.7
volts. However this battery can supply less current for
longer time (5 amps for 12 hours) or more current for a
shorter time (60 amps for 1 hour).
Effect of temperature on Ah capacity of Lead-acid
As in the case of primary cells, the capacity of a lead-acid
cells also decreases significantly with temperature. These
cells lose approximately 0.75% of its rated ampere-hour
(Ah) capacity for every 1°F decrease is temperature. At The importance of specific gravity can be seen from the
0°F (–18°C), its capacity is only 60% of the value at 60°F fact that the open circuit voltage(V) of lead-acid battery
(15.6°C). In cold weather, therefore, it is very important is approximately given by,
to have an automobile battery always fully charged. In V = Specific gravity + 0.84.
addition, at very cold temperature, the electrolyte freezes
more easily as it is diluted by water in the discharged For instance, if the specific gravity is 1.280 then,
V=1.280 + 0.84 = 2.12V
bl I
pu M
Keep the batteries always fully charged espe-
cially in cold weather conditions.
ish Instrument for testing condition of cells - High rate
discharge tester
Specific gravity is a ratio comparing the weight of a determined by this test. A low range (0-3V) voltmeter is
substance with the weight of water. The specific gravity shunted by a low resistance as shown in Fig 5.
of water is taken as 1 as a reference. For instance,
o ht
One such maintenance free lead-acid cell is the Gelled-
bl I
– Always maintain the level of the electrolyte 10 to 15 Cell This cell enjoys all the advan-
Electrolyte Lead-acid Cell.
pu M
mm above the top of the plates by adding suitable tages of a wet lead-acid cell but avoids the problems due
quantity of distilled water (NOT tap water). to liquid electrolyte as it uses a gelled electrolyte. These
– Wash off the acid and corrosion on the battery top for these batteries ranges from 40 to 200 A. These
using moist cloth, baking soda and water. batteries are used in domestic emergency lamps, portable
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.29 to 1.2.35 57
the lead-acid cell, the specific gravity of the electrolyte in Zinc-chlorine (hydrate) cell
the NiCd cell does not change with the state of charge.
This cell has been under development for use in electric
The NiCd cell is a true storage cell with a reversible vehicles. It is sometimes considered as a zinc-chloride
chemical reaction of recharging that can be cycled up to cell. This type has high energy density with a good cycle
1000 times. Maximum charging current is equal to the life. Nominal output is 2.1 V per cell.
10-h discharge rate. It should be noted that a new NiCd
battery may need charging before use. Lithium-iron sulphide cell
Applications include portable power tools, alarm systems, This cell is under development for commercial energy
and portable radio or television equipment. applications. Nominal output is 1.6 V per cell. The normal
operating temperature is 800 to 900°F which is high
Nickel-iron or Edison cell compared with the normal operating temperature of the
more popular types of cells.
This cell was once used extensively in industrial truck
and railway applications. However, it has been replaced
Sodium-sulphur Cell
almost entirely by the lead-acid battery. New methods of
construction for less weight, though making this cell a This is another type of cell being developed for electric
possible alternative in some applications. vehicle applications. It has the potential of long life at low
cost with high efficiency. The cell is designed to operate
The Edison cell has a positive plate of nickel oxide, a
at temperatures between 550 and 650°F. Its most
negative plate of iron, and an electrolyte of potassium
interesting feature is the use of a ceramic electrolyte.
hydroxide in water with a small amount of lithium hydrox-
ide added. The chemical reaction is reversible for re-
Lead-acid secondary batteries made of lead-acid are
charging. The nominal output is 1.2 V per cell.
used in almost every automobile, for starting the engine.
These batteries supply load current of 100 to 400A to the
Nickel-zinc cell
starter motor of automobiles.
bl I
This type has been used in limited railway applications.
pu M
There has been renewed interest in it for use in electric The nominal voltage of a lead-acid cell is 2.2 V. By
cars, because of its high energy density. However, one connecting three or six cells in series, batteries of 6V or
drawback is its limited cycle life for recharging. The 12V is obtained.
nominal output is 1.6 V per cell.
be @
Plastic Cells
Alkaline - manganese secondary cells
A recent development in battery technology is the re-
o ht
Alkaline - manganese secondary batteries are mainte- chargeable plastic cell made from a conductive polymer,
nance free, hermetically sealed, and will operate in any which is a combination of organic chemical compounds.
t t rig
position. Individual cells use electrodes of zinc and These cells could have ten times the power of the lead-
manganese dioxide with an alkaline electrolyte of acid type with one-tenth the weight and the one-third the
No py
potassium hydroxide. Each cell has a nominal voltage of volume. In addition, the plastic cell does not require
1.5 V. Alkaline-manganese batteries are available in maintenance. One significant application could be for
58 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.29 to 1.2.35
When there is sunlight, the solar cells charge the battery, In constant current charging, the output DC voltage of the
besides supplying power to the load. When there is no charger will be generally twice the nominal voltage of the
light, the battery supplies the required power. battery to be charged. But, the charging current is
controlled by varying the rheostat connected in series
Application of maintenance free Gelled Electrolyte with the battery. For example, to charge a 12 V battery,
Lead-acid batteries the DC voltage source can be 24 V, but the charging
Since Gelled electrolyte lead-acid batteries are mainte- current will be kept controlled say, 1 ampere with the help
nance free and can be placed in any position, these of the rheostat.
batteries are extensively used in almost all types of
With the introduction of voltage regulator integrated
portable equipments. The most common application of
circuits like LM317, it has become very simple and less
Gel-batteries can be found in emergency lamps. Emer-
expensive to make constant current battery chargers.
gency lamps are nothing but stand-by light sources, used
Fig 7 shows a simple constant current battery charger
in the event of main’s failure. The type of lamp used could
using LM317. This charger can be used for any type of
be a miniature tube light or a simple filament lamp.
battery charging as long as the charging current is less
Emergency lamps which use miniature tube lights need
than 1.5 Amperes.
a special circuit known as inverter. The function of the
inverter circuit is to convert a low DC voltage into a high
AC voltage.
battery can be found by measuring the specific gravity of
the electrolyte (1.150) or by measuring the voltage
bl I
pu M
across the cells of the battery.
To charge a lead-acid battery, an equipment known as and the output of the regulator sets a constant output
Battery charger is used. A battery charger is nothing but current given by,
a DC voltage source which can supply the necessary
be @
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.29 to 1.2.35 59
In this method, the time required for charging is reduced compensate the idle condition or open circuit losses. This
to half compared to the constant current charging. But, the small current charging is known as Trickle charging.
charge efficiency gets reduced by approximately 10%. Trickle charging keeps the battery always fully charged
and in ready to use condition, so that, the battery can be
In constant voltage charging, the voltage applied to the
fully made use of in emergency conditions.
cells for charging should be fixed at about 2.3 to 2.5 volt
per cell and not more. For instance, for a 12 volts car
For example, if the normal charging current for a battery
battery, the DC voltage output of the charger should be
is 4 amps, then the trickle charge current would be around
between 14 V to 15 V.
20 to 40 mA (1:200 or less).
Simple constant voltage battery charging shown in Fig.8.
Generally for converting AC into DC. Rectifier circuits FLOAT Charging
are used. For pricision operation, Thyristor based rectifiers
In this method, the charger and the battery are always
also used.
connected in parallel for supplying current to the load.
Resistor R is used to limit the initial charging surge The charger provides current for the load and the current
current from becoming excessively high. This is because it is necessary to keep the battery fully charged. The
excessive current may damage the diode and trans- battery here is an auxiliary source of DC power.
former of the battery charger unit.
Note that an automobile battery is in a floating-charge
circuit. The battery charger is an AC generator or alternator
with rectifier diodes driven by a belt from the engine.
When the car is started, the battery supplies the cranking
power. Once the engine is running, the alternator charges
the battery.
bl I
pu M
TRICKLE Charging
be @
60 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.29 to 1.2.35
Cells and Batteries
Electrolytes are salts which contain ions and can carry applications, such as the ingredient in most soft and
electrical charge when molten or dissolved in a liquid, liquid soaps. KOH is harmful if indigested.
they are important to you as a person as it enables your
cells to regulate their electrical charge and the flow of
water molecules across its cell membrances. As for your Li-ion uses liquid, gel or dry polymer electrolyte. The
body the different types of electrolytes you can have are; liquid version is a flammable organic rather than aqueous
type, a solution of lithium salts with organic solvents
Sodium (Na+)
similar to ethylene carbonate. Mixing the solutions with
Potassium (k+) diverse carbonates provides higher conductivity and
Chloride (CI-) expands the temperature range. Other salts may be
added to reduce gassing and improve high temperature
Bicarbonate (HCO3-) cycling.
Magnesium (mg2+) Li-ion with gelled electrolytes receives many additives to
Calcium (Ca2 )+ increase conductivity, so does the lithium-polymer battery.
The true dry polymer only becomes conductive at elevated
Electrolyte serves as catalyst to make a battery conductive temperatures, and this battery is no longer in commercial
by promoting the movement of ions from the cathode to use. Additives are also administered to achieve longevity
the anode on charge and in reverse on dischage ions are and unique characteristics. The recipe is classified and
electrically charged atoms that have lost or gained each manufacturer has its own secret sauce.
electrons. The electrolyte of a battery consists of soluble
salts, acids or other bases in liquid, gelled and dry Hydrometer
formats. Electrolyte also comes in a polymer, as used in This meter is used to test the specific gravity of the liquid.
the solid-state battery, soild ceramic and molten salts, as It consists of a glass-made tube with bulb. The glass tube
in the sodium-sulfur battery.
bl I is filled with small lead pieces and is fitted with scale on
pu M
Lead Acid which specific gravity is written as well as the indication
of charged to discharged condition of a cell is also written.
Lead acid uses sulfuric acid. When charging, the acid This hydrometer is kept in another glass-made tube. On
becomes denser as lead oxide (PbO2) forms on the one side of this tube a rubber ball is fitted and on the other
be @
positive plate, and then turns to almost water when fully side, nozal is fitted, see Fig 2. When the ball of this meter
discharged. The specific gravity of the sulfuric acid is is pressed and released while keeping this meter in the
measured with a hydrometer. Lead acid batteries come electrolyte of the cell, the electrolyte comes in the outer
o ht
in flooded and sealed formats also known as valve glass tube in which hydrometer bulb floats and gives
regulated lead acid (VRLA) or maintenance-free.
t t rig
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.29 to 1.2.3561
If, by mistake, one cell connection is reversed in
a series group, its voltage will oppose that of the
other cells. This will produce a lower than ex-
pected battery output voltage.
capable of supplying alone. In this case it is necessary to
bl I
connect groups of cells in various series and parallel
pu M
Identical cells are connected in series to obtain a higher the output voltage remains the same as the voltage of a
voltage than is available from a single cell. With this single cell.
connection of cells, the output voltage is equal to the sum Example: Suppose four cells are connected in parallel.
of the voltages of all the cells. However, the ampere hour (Fig 7) Each cell has a rating of 1.5 V and 8 A.h. The
(A.h) rating remains equal to that of a single cell. voltage and ampere-hour rating of this battery would be:
V Battery = V rating of 1 cell
Example: Suppose three `D' flashlight cells are con-
= 1.5 V
nected in series.(Fig 4) Each cell has a rating of 1.5 V and
A h Battery rating = A h rating per cell x no. of cells
2 A.h. The voltage and ampere hour rating of this battery
= (8 A h) (4)
would be:
= 32 A h.
V Battery = V per cell x No.of cells
= (1.5V) (3)
= 4.5 V
A.h Battery rating = A.h rating of 1 cell
= 2 A.h
62 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.29 to 1.2.35
When connecting groups of cells or batteries in
parallel, each group must be at the same voltage
level. Paralleling two batteries of unequal volt-
age levels sets up a difference of potential energy
between the two. As a result, the higher voltage
battery will discharge its current into the other
battery until both are at equal voltage value.
If, by mistake, a cell connection is reversed in a
parallel group, it will act as a short circuit. All Testing primary cells or batteries: A visual inspection
cells will discharge their energy through this will tell you little about the useful life of a cell or battery
short circuit path. Maximum current will flow unless it has deteriorated to the point where acid is
through the short circuit and the cells may be spilling from the case.
permanently damaged. A no-load voltage test of the cell or battery is another
indication of cell or battery life. This test requires the cell
Series parallel connection: Sometimes the require- or battery to deliver only a very small amount of current
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ments of a piece of equipment exceed both voltage and required to operate the voltmeter.
ampere hour rating of a single cell. In this case a
The best method that is used to check a cell or battery is
series-parallel grouping of cells must be used.
an in-circuit test of the cell or battery voltage with the
The number of cells that must be connected in series to normal load connected to it.(Fig 9) A substantial drop in
be @
have voltage rating is calculated first and then the cell or battery voltage, when normal load is applied,
number of parallel rows of series connected cells is indicates a bad cell or battery.
calculated for required ampere-hour rating.
o ht
⎛ Vrequired ⎞
No. of cells in series = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ Vper cell ⎠
= = 4 cells
1.5 V
⎛ A. hrequired ⎞
No. of parallel rows = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ A. hper cell ⎠
( 4 A.h) = 2 rows.
2 A.h
(Refer Fig 8)
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.2.29 to 1.2.3563
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.36
Electronic Mechanic - Measuring Technique
mass to a standard mass.
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Meters discussed in this lesson make use of electric
current/voltage to produce a magnetic force , it then
compares this force to a counter force exerted by a
spring.The resultant of these forces drives a pointer
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All meters will have some form of indicating device. between the jewel bearings(not shown in Fig). The Soft
Those that have a Pointer or needle that moves across steel core reduces the total air gap between the magnetic
poles of a permanent magnet. The coil is positioned to
All D’Arsonval meter movements require current and a Principle of operation of a PMMC type meter move-
magnetic field to cause movement of the indicator. ment
Some meters have permanent magnets that work with
current to move the pointer. Such type are referred to as When no current flows through the coil, the control
permanent magnet moving coil type(PMMC) meters. spring’s tension hold the coil in a position between the
The other type have no permanent magnets;instead they pole faces. This position is defined as “Zero position”.
have current carrying coils to produce the magnetic
fields. These are referred to as Moving Iron type (MI) When the coil carries current (whose value is to be
meters. measured), the force from the magnetic field due to
permanent magnet exerts torque on the current carrying
D’Arsonval meter movements consists of a permanent coil and make it rotate(like the motor principle). The
magnet and a moving coil, also called permenant mag- indicator moves clock-wise in the direction and the
net moving coil galvano meter abbreviated PMMC. The springs controls/resist this motion. The magnetic field
term galvanometer refers to a sensitive current-detect- exerts a torque on the moveable coil making it to
ing device. rotate.The indicator then comes to a rest at a non Zero
value on the scale where the torque produced by the might not have been checked within the recommended
current and the opposition force of the spring becomes period.
Calibration is a routine procedure at stated intervals and
Because of the permanent magnet, the strength of the is performed against preserved and trustworthy stand-
magnetic field around the coil is constant. Therefore, the ards. The intervals for calibration depends on several
deflecting force is directly proportional to the current factors such as the type of instrument, place of use,
through the moveable coil. These conditions makes it accuracy and so on. Hence, most instrument manufac-
possible to calibrate the scale of the instrument to read turers specify the interval for calibration and suggest the
the measurement value directly. procedure.
To allow the moving coil to deflect with bare minimum Calibration of Voltmeters and Ammeters
friction, the shaft of the moving coil is tapered to a point
at both ends. The sharp ends rest in a highly polished Among the several methods of calibration for volt meters
jewel bearing as shown in Fig 2. The tapered ends hold and current meters, the two simple and popular methods
the shaft precisely in position to maintain the instru- are;
ment’s accuracy. The bearing (usually Sapphire) re-
duces wear.In addition, the small area of contact keeps – Calibration by potentiometer method
the torque caused by friction very low, so that the meter – Calibration by comparison method.
responds rapidly to any changes in current. Potentiometer method is the fundamental method of
calibration and is necessarily used for the basic standard
instrument. But this method is too slow for the general run
of calibration and is more precise than needed. Hence
the usual portable instruments are calibrated by
comparison with a high grade standard instrument of
Damping means to control the swing of the coil so that the - can be modified as voltmeter or ammeter with suitable
pointer comes to rest quickly at its final position. Without resistors
The attraction type instrument works on the principle of Spring control is used and the instrument is designed
magnetic attraction, and the repulsion type instrument such that when no current is flowing through W, the
works on the principle of magnetic repulsion between pointer is at zero position and the soft iron strips M and
two adjacent pieces of soft iron, magnetised by the F are almost touching. (Figs 4a & 4b)
same magnetic field.
When the instrument is connected to the supply, the coil
Construction and working of attraction type moving W carries current which, in turn, produces a magnetic
iron instrument field. This field makes the fixed and moving iron F and
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terminals. No problem arises during operation with DC
bl I but the division of current between instrument and shunt
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ish changes with the change in applied frequency while
using AC.
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bent into a cylindrical form, while the moving iron is It has a full scale deflection accuracy of ±1.5 %. The
also made of another soft iron sheet and is so mounted lowest sensitivity of multimeters for AC voltage range is
as to move parallel to the fixed iron and towards its 5 K ohms/volts and for the DC voltage range it is 20 K
narrower end as shown in Fig 6b. The torque which is ohms/volts. The lowest range of DC is more sensitive
proportional to the square of the magnetic force/current than the other ranges.
is proportionally reduced by the narrow portion of the
fixed iron resulting in more or less even torque, and,
thereby, getting uniform scale.
These instruments are either gravity or spring controlled
and the damping is achieved by the air friction method
as shown in Fig 6a.
They are used as voltmeters and ammeters.
They can be used on both AC and DC and, hence, are
called unpolarized instruments.
They have a small value of friction errors as the torque/
weight ratio is high.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.36 67
On some multimeters, two switches are used, one to
select a function, and the other the range. Some
multimeters do not have switches for this purpose;
instead they have separate jacks for each function and
Batteries/cells fixed inside the meter case provide the
power supply for the resistance measurement.
The meter movement is that of the moving coil system as
used in DC ammeters and voltmeters. (Fig 8)
A multimeter uses a single meter movement with a
bl I
scale calibrated in volts, ohms and milliamperes. The
pu M
necessary multiplier resistors and shunt resistors are all
Rectifiers are provided inside the meter to convert AC to
contained within the case. Front panel selector switches
are provided to select a particular meter function and a DC in the AC measurement circuit.
particular range for that function. Parts of a multimeter
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The meter is set to measure the current, voltage (AC and
DC) or resistance by means of the FUNCTION switch.In
the example given in Fig 10 the switch is set to mA, AC.
Scale of multimeter
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Separate scales are provided for:
- resistance
- voltage and current.(Fig 16)
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A circuitry when working as an ohmmeter is shown in Fig 19. Shunt (parallel) resistors are used to provide multiple
ranges so that the meter can measure resistance values
To measure resistance, the leads are connected across from very small to very large ones. For each range, a
the external resistor to be measured as shown in Fig 19. different value of shunt resistance is switched on. The
This connection completes the circuit, allowing the internal shunt resistance increases for the higher ohm ranges and
battery to produce current through the meter coil, causing is always equal to the centre scale reading on any range.
deflection of the pointer, proportional to the value of the
external resistance being measured. Digital Multimeter (Fig 20)
Zero adjustment Digital multimeters are high input impedance and better
accuracy and resolution. It converts an input analog
When the ohmmeter leads are open, the pointer is at full signal into its digital equivalent and displays it. the analog
left scale, indicating infinite ∞ resistance (open circuit). input signal might be digital voltage, an a.c. voltage, a
When the leads are shorted, the pointer is at full right resistance or an a.c/d.c current. The Figure 20 shows the
scale, indicating zero resistance. top view of the digital multimeter
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Measurement of resistance using multimeter meter, it is necessary to add resistance in series with the
meter circuit. In order to measure a.c. voltage, rectification
A moving coil meter can be used to measure unknown is required. The principle of generating a.c. is by electro-
resistance by using a circuit configuration. With the test magnetic induction is higher. While measuring unknowing
probes short circuited, the ohms adjust control is turned voltage levels with multimeter, always range switch
so that the current through the total circuit resistance should be set to the highest available range and work
deflects the meter to the full scale. Now by connecting the down from there Unit of voltage is volts.
test probes across the unknown resistance, the current is
decreased, and the deflection on the scale gives you the Measurement of current:
resistance value. Ohms law states the output current is
proportional to the applied voltage. Unit of resistance is The moving coil meter is sensitive to the current and is
ohms. therefore an ammeter. For d.c. measurement, the meter
is placed in series with the circuit. So the circuit must be
Measurement of voltage broken to connect the ammeter and it becomes the part
of the circuit. For A.C. measurement, rectifier type
The moving coil meter has constant resistance so that meters are used which will respond to the average value
the current through the meter is proportional to the of the rectified alternating current. Unit of current is
voltage across it. so the current meter can be used to amperes.
measure voltage. To extent, the voltage range of the
Electrical instruments may be classified based on the Accordingly, we have indicating, integrating and
following. recording instruments.
– Manufacturing standards Indicating instruments: These instruments, as shown
– Function in Fig 2, indicate the value of voltage, current power etc.
– Effects of electric current on the instruments. directly on a graduated dial. Ammeters, voltmeters and
Manufacturing standards: The electrical instruments wattmeters belong to this class.
may, in a broad sense, be classified according to the
manufacturing standards into absolute instruments and
secondary instruments.
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Absolute instruments: These instruments give the
value of quantity to be measured in terms of deflection
the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field. Integrating instruments: These instruments measure
No previous calibration or comparison is necessary in
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which are attached to the spindle S as shown in Fig 6. The
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The following three forces are essential requirements of outer end of the spring B is fixed, whereas that of A is
an indicating instrument for its satisfactory operation. attached to the end of a lever `L' pivoted at P, thereby
– controlling force
so that when the moving system is deflected, one spring
– damping force.
winds up while the other unwinds, and the controlling
o ht
moving system of the instrument to move from its `zero' These springs are made from such alloys that they have:
position, when the instrument is connected to the supply.
– high resistance to fatigue (can be wound or unwound
To obtain this force in an instrument, different effects of
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external magnetism)
– low temperature cofficient (do not elongate due to
Controlling force: This force is essential to control the
movement of the moving system and to ensure that the
– low specific resistance (can be used for leading
magnitude of the deflction of the pointer is always the
current `in' and `out' of the moving system).
same for a given value of the quantity to be measured.
As such, the controlling force always acts opposite to the Spring controlled instruments have the following
deflecting force, and also brings the pointer to zero advantages over the gravity controlled instruments.
position when the instrument is disconnected from the
The controlling force could be produced by any one of the
following ways.
– Gravity control
– Spring control
Gravity control: In this method, small adjustable weights
are attached to the opposite extension of the pointer as
shown in Fig 5. These weights are attracted by the earth's
gravitational pull, and thereby, produce the required
controlling force(torque). The instruments with gravity
control are to be used in the vertical position only.
upto 100,000 ohms are classified as medium resistances.
such the full scale current drops, and the meter does not
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read zero when the terminals A and B are shorted. The
Example: Heater resistance, shunt field resistance,
relay coil resistance etc. variable shunt resistor R2 in Fig 7 provides an adjustment
to counteract the effect of reduced battery voltage within
High resistances: Resistances above 100000 ohms are certain limits. If the battery voltage falls beyond a certain
value, adjusting the zero adjusting resistance R2 may not
be @
resistances accurately.
However for measuring high resistances, instruments
like megohmmeter or Megger is used.
ohms at the right end and infinite ohms at the left end.
Ohmmeter: The ohmmeter is an instrument that
measures resistance. There are two types of ohmmeters, This ohmmeter has a non-linear scale because of the
the series ohmmeter, used for measuring medium inverse relationship between the resistance and current.
resistances, and the shunt type ohmmeter, used for This results in an expanded scale near the zero end and
measuring low resistances. The ohmmeter, in it basic a crowded scale at the infinity end.
form, consists of an internal dry cell, a P.M.M.C. meter
movement and a current limiting resistance. Multiple ohmmeter range: Most of the ohmmeters
have a range switch to facilitate measurement of a wide
Before using an ohmmeter in a circuit for resistance range of resistors, say from 1 ohm up to 100000 ohms.
measurement, the current in the circuit must be turned off The range switch acts as the multiplying factor for the
and also any electrolyte capacitor in the circuit should be ohms scale. To get the actual value of measurement,the
discharged, as the ohmmeter has its own source of scale reading needs to be multiplied by the Rx factor of the
supply. range switch.
Series type ohmmeter The range switch arrangement is provided either through
a network of resistances powered through a cell of 1.5V
Construction: A series type ohmmeter shown in Fig 7 or through a battery of 9 or 22.5 volts. The latter arrange-
consists essentially of a P.M.M.C. (`D' Arsonval) move- ment is shown in Fig 9. The resistance value of R3 is so
Shunt type ohmmeter: Fig 10 shows the circuit diagram tester is incorporated with cells which power the tester.
bl I
of a shunt type ohmmeter. In this meter the battery 'E' is However a testing voltage in the order of 250V to 5000 V
pu M
in series with the adjustable zero ohm adjust resistor R1 DC is produced by internal circuitry
and the PMMC meter movement. The unknown resist-
B, forms a parallel circuit with the meter. To avoid Construction: The megohmmeter consists of (1) a
draining of the battery during storage, the switch S is of small DC generator, (2) a meter calibrated to measure
spring-loaded push button type. high resistance, and (3) a cranking system. (Fig 13)
core and produce less torque. A point is reached for each voltage of the insulation resistance testers having the
bl I
value of resistance at which the torques of the current and following ranges are recommended by I.S.2992 of 1980.
pu M
voltage coils balance, providing an accurate measurement
Rated voltage Rated resistance
of the resistance. Since the instrument does not have a
controlling torque to bring the pointer to zero, when the (DC volts) (megohms)
meter is not in use, the position of the pointer may be
be @
500V 20 megohms
the accuracy of the meter, because the current through
100 megohms
both the circuits changes to the same extent for a given
t t rig
1000 megohms
change in voltage. However, it is recommended to rotate
the handle at the slip speed to obtain steady voltage. 1000V 200 megohms
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2000 megohms
Because megohmmeters are designed to measure
20000 megohms
Current coil: The current coils, connected in series with
load, are wound with a few turns of thick wire, since they
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must carry the full load current.
Energy meter
Disc: The disc is the rotating element in the meter, and
is mounted on a vertical spindle which has a worm gear
at one end. The disc is made of aluminium and is
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resistance will be:
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The speed of rotation of the aluminium disc is proportional E = IMRM = 0.001 x 1000 = 1 volt.
to the product of the amperes (in the current coils) and the
volts (across the potential coil). The total electrical If only half that current (0.5 milliampere) was flowing
energy that is consumed by the load is proportional to the through the coil, then the voltage across the coil would
number of revolutions made by the disc during a given be:
be @
placed in the air gap under the potential coil, to produce It can be seen that the voltage developed across the coil
is proportional to the current flowing through the coil.
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This counter torque is produced when the alumi- the meter scale in units of voltage instead of in units of
nium disc rotates in the magnetic field established by current, the voltage in various parts of a circuit can be
Creeping error and adjustment: In some meters the Multiplier resistors: Since a basic current meter move-
disc rotates continuously even when there is no current ment can only measure very small voltages, how can it
flow through the current coil i.e. when only the pressure measure voltages greater than the IMRM drop across the
coil is energised. This is called creeping. The major coil resistance? The voltage range of a meter movement
cause for creeping is over-compensation for friction. The can be extended by adding a resistor, in series. The
other causes for creeping are excessive voltage across value of this resistor must be such that, when added to
the pressure coil, vibrations and stray magnetic fields. the meter coil resistance, the total resistance limits the
In order to prevent creeping, two diameterically opposite current to the full-scale current rating of the meter for any
holes are drilled in the disc (Fig 17). The disc will come applied voltage.
to rest with one of the holes under the edge of a pole of
the potential coil magnet, the rotation being thus limited For example, suppose one wanted to use the
to a maximum of half a revolution. 1-milliampere, 1000-ohms meter movement to measure
v 1
Sensitivity of voltmeter
voltmeter: An important characteristic of
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bl I Every meter coil has definite DC resistance. When a
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shunt is connected in parallel with the coil, the current will
divide between the coil and the shunt, just as it does
temperature. Therefore the material used for multipliers Voltage drops in parallel circuits:
circuits Examine the parallel
should have very low temperature coefficient of circuit shown in Fig 25. It can be seen that the voltage
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resistance. The temperature co-efficient of resistance of across both resistors is the same. As already explained
Manganin and constantan are 0.000015 and 0.00001 Ohm's Law states that the voltage across a resistor
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respectively. Therefore, Maganin and constantan as equals the current through the resistor times the value of
used for multipliers. the resistor.
IR1R1 = IR2R2.
This simple equation, with very slight modifications, can
be used to calculate the value of a shunt for a current
meter for any application.
The shunt equation: A meter and shunt combination is
identical to the parallel circuit shown in Fig 26. Instead of
labelling the top resistor R2, it can be labeled RM, which
represents the resistance of the moving coil. Resistor R1
can be labelled RSH to represent the resistance of the
shunt. IR1 and IR2 then become ISH and IM to indicate the
current flow through the shunt and through the meter.
This means that the equation IR1R1 = IR2R2
bl I RM = 27 Ohms
pu M
ish ISH = I – IM = 10 mA – 1 mA
= 9 mA (0.009 A)
0.001 × 27
be @
R SH = = = 3 ohms.
ISH 0.009
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Introduction horizontal and vertical position controls but still have not
been able to see the beam trace. Beam find control can
In addition to the standard front panel controls of a be used to locate the beam irrespective of where it is.
general purpose oscilloscopes, certain of the controls Pressing this button compresses the range of horizontal
and functions which are essential while displaying the and vertical position controls and the result is a dot
measurand clearly are discussed in this lesson. Also somewhere on the screen. Keeping the button pressed,
some tips while using the oscilloscope are also discussed adjust the two position controls to bring the dot to the
in this lesson.
bl I centre of your scope’s screen. Release the button and
pu M
you will see a trace right in the middle of the screen.
Focus and Intensity
switch, the first thing to do is to get a beam trace on the Horizontal position (indicated on some scopes as <--->
oscilloscope screen. Focus and intensity controls to-
and vertical position (indicated on some scopes as ) are
gether help to get a sharp, low intensity trace. Lower used to shift the trace horizontally and vertically respec-
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intensity not only allows to focus the display to a very fine tively. There is usually a common horizontal position
trace, but also increases the life of the CRT of oscilloscope. control in a dual trace oscilloscope. The position control
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The trace intensity should never be so bright that it burns shifts both the traces in the horizontal direction simulta-
a hole in the phosphor coating on the CRT screen. neously. However, there are two separate vertical position
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In most oscilloscopes, there is provision for X5 magnifi- The DC coupling mode is used in majority of oscilloscope
measurements whether it is measuring DC amplitudes or
bl I
cation in the vertical deflection factor control which
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seeing logic low and high levels over analysing transient
makes the oscilloscope more sensitive by a factor of 5.
That is, 5 mV/div to 5V/div range becomes 1mV/div to and repetitive AC waveforms over the specified bandwidth
1V/div. But then we must always remember that this of the oscilloscope. However, when it comes to measuring
enhancement in vertical sensitivity is at the cost of only the amplitude of a certain DC voltage with no
be @
reduced accuracy. Accuracy specification of typically ±3 intention of analysing the quality of DC or looking for
percent may deteriorate to ±5 percent. This magnification presence of any noise spikes, the oscilloscope in the DC
is usually obtained by pulling the fine adjust control knob coupling mode does the job.
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Similarly, a magnification of X10 is usually available in the vertical amplifier input through capacitor (Fig 1) with
the time base setting, which means that sweep speed at the result that DC, if any, in the signal gets blocked and
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any setting can be increased by a factor of 10 by using only the AC or the time varying part is able to get through
this feature. This enhancement is also at the expense of and reach the vertical amplifier input. So the displayed
degradations in sweep speed accuracy. The change in waveform is not what you actually feed. For instance, if
accuracy may again be from ±3 percent to ±5 percent. you want to analyse noise spikes or ripple content riding
X10 magnification is also achieved by pulling the fine on a DC you would have no option other than going in for
control adjust knob in the base selector switch. the AC coupling mode.
In some oscilloscopes, the time base selector has two In the DC coupling mode, the beam would go off the
switches and a fine adjust. One of the two switches, screen as you increase the vertical sensitivity to get an
selectable by bigger of the two knobs, is used to select the expanded display of comparatively much smaller ripple
main sweep speed. There is another switch concentrically amplitude. In the AC coupling mode, you could expand
located with a smaller knob. This is used to choose the the display and make the ripple portion fill the entire
delayed sweep speed. This second rotary switch is screen for detailed analysis.
present only in oscilloscopes having delayed sweep
facility. Also, the two switches are so internally arranged There is a ground position (designated GND) available
that the delayed sweep speed can never be set to be on the coupling selector. In this position, the input of the
slower than the main sweep speed. vertical amplifier is grounded and this position can be
used to know the position of the beam for zero input.
Input coupling
Input impedance
The coupling selector is a three-way switch, to select
either DC or AC coupling and ground. In DC coupling, the This is the impedance at the Y input point and is normally
input signal is fed directly into the amplifier, while AC specified as 1 M ohms shunted by 25 pF. It is actually the
coupling enables blocking of the DC component of the effective resistance and capacitance across the Y input.
input signal and passes only the AC component of the All oscilloscopes have a standard input impedance of 1M
84 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.38 to 1.3.39
ohm paralleled approximately by 25 pF. slower time base settings), and an ALT mode for viewing
high frequency signals (or faster time base settings). The
Maximum input voltage range of time base setting for which the scope offers a
CHOP mode or an ALT mode is usually indicated on the
It is the maximum voltage that can be safely applied to time base selector switch.
the Y input of the oscilloscope. For example, a model
specifying the maximum input voltage to be 400V (DC + In the front panel of a oscilloscope you would notice a
peak AC) means that the voltage of the signal to the input light coloured semi-circular band from 0.5 s/div setting to
cannot exceed 400V, which includes both the DC voltage 1 ms/div setting indicating the CHOP mode and another
and the peak AC voltage of the signal. dark semi-circular band from 1 ms/div indicating ALT
Vertical operating modes and relevant controls
LF Rejection
In a dual trace oscilloscope, if the two vertical input
channels are designated CH1 and CH2, the available This is a method of coupling the trigger signal with the
vertical operating modes usually are CH1, CH2, ALT trigger circuit. The trigger signal is fed to the trigger circuit
(alternate), CHOP (chopped) and CH1 + CH2. CH1 via a high-pass filter, where the low frequency component
mode selection implies that the beam traces the waveform (less than 10 kHz) is eliminated. Thus, triggering is
applied to the channel-1 vertical input every time it effected only by the high frequency component. When
sweeps across the screen. the trigger signal contains low frequency noise (particular
hum) it is eliminated so that the triggering is estabilished.
With CH1 + CH2 mode selected, each sweep across the
screen traces channel 2 vertical input waveform. When HF Rejection
CH1 + CH2 mode (also referred to as ADD mode) is
selected, what we see on the screen is sum of CH1 and In this method, the trigger signal is fed via a low-pass filter
CH2 signals as a function of time. Alternate (ALT) or where the high frequency component (more than 30 kHz)
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chopped (CHOP) modes are selected when we intend to is eliminated. Triggering is effected only by the low
see two different signals simultaneously. frequency component.
ALT and CHOP modes are used in two different situations. All modern oscilloscopes are triggered sweep oscillo-
In the ALT mode, CH1 and CH2 signals are traced on scopes, i.e. each sweep across the screen is initiated by
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alternate sweeps, i.e if nth sweep traces CH1 signal then a trigger signal either generated inside the scope or
(n+1)th sweep would trace the CH2 signal, (n+2)th would supplied externally. The source of trigger signal, the way
t t rig
trace the CH1 signal again and the process would it is coupled and the controls like ‘trigger slope’, ‘trigger
continue. If the sweep speed is low, say slower than 10 level’ and ‘trigger hold off’ enable you to make full use of
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ms/div or so, we will see a blinking display of the two the equipment and get a stable display of many a
sweeps. For faster sweep speeds, the two displays complex waveforms or trigger on the most elusive
appear to be present at the same time. The ALT mode transient events.
display of two channels thus gives an uncomfortable
display when the signal frequencies are low. This mode Source of trigger signal
should preferably be used for viewing high frequency
signals. This first relevant control is the one that selects the
source of trigger signal. The available options in most of
In the CHOP mode, each sweep across the screen the oscilloscope are internal (INT) line, external (EXT).
switches the beam between CH1 and CH2 at a very fast
rate (the chopping frequency is typically 50 kHz to 100 When we have selected the INT source of trigger, the
kHz). In fact, we can see this chopping effect by selecting trigger signal is generated from the signal to be viewed.
the CHOP mode and choosing a time base setting faster A small part of the vertical input signal is taken off,
than the chopping frequency. CHOP mode is not suitable amplified, shaped and then treated as the trigger signal.
for viewing very high frequency signals as you are likely In a dual channel oscilloscope, where we have two
to miss vital signal information during the time period vertical inputs, a separate control decides whether it is a
when the sweep is tracing the other signal. CHOP mode part of CH1 signal or CH2 signal that is to be used for
is, however, the right mode to select for viewing signals generating the trigger signal. Here, if we select ALT, the
having frequencies of a few kilohertz or more. trigger signal source is according to the vertical mode
displayed. We should also remember that selection of
In some oscilloscopes (usually the ones with lower CH1 signal or CH2 signal or ALT trigger arises only when
bandwidth) we do not have a separate select button for trigger source selection is on INT.
CHOP and ALT modes. Instead, we have the dual mode
in which the oscilloscope has in built circuitry to give a
chopped sweep operation for lower frequency signals (or
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.38 to 1.3.39 85
When the trigger source is line, the oscilloscope picks up The trigger level decides the signal level (positive or
50 Hz signal from its power transformer and uses this for negative) where the triggering takes place. If the signal
producing trigger signal. It is suitable for getting a stable has both positive as well as negative amplitudes, we can
display of signals having power line frequency like ripple trigger on a positive slope and a negative level or a
on a power supply. negative slope and a positive level as well. When we
select a positive slope, the waveform can be triggered
In the EXT mode, the trigger signal is applied externally. anywhere on the positive slope of this waveform, i.e.
The trigger signal amplitude requirements are specified from negative peak towards positive peak. The level can
by the manufacturer. Some scopes also have EXT/5 or be either negative or positive. Similarly, when we select
EXT/10 trigger inputs. The trigger signal applied to this a (-Ve) slope, the waveform can be triggered anywhere on
input is alternated by the given factor before it is applied the negative slope, i.e. from positive peak towards
to the trigger circuit. This mode is used when the external negative peak. The level can either be positive or negative.
trigger signal level is too high.
Trigger hold-off control
Trigger source coupling mode
This control can be used to adjust the pause between
The coupling mode selector determines the way the initiation of two successive sweeps and is particularly
trigger signal is coupled to the trigger amplifier. The useful for viewing signals that do not repeat symmetrically.
available options on most of the 100 MHz oscilloscopes In the absence of trigger hold-off feature, it may be
are DC, AC, Low Freq Rej (low frequency reject), High difficult to get a stable display of waveform of this kind.
Freq Rej (high frequency reject) and TV. The Low Freq The trigger hold-off control can be used to trigger the
Rej coupling mode is usually not present in lower band- sweep at the right time.
width oscilloscopes (upto 50 MHz bandwidth).
Sweep modes and relevant controls
In DC coupling of trigger source, the trigger signal is
bl I
directly coupled to the trigger circuitry. This mode is used The first selection that we have got to do is that of the
pu M
when triggering is required to be effected including the sweep triggering modes. Usually, three modes are
DC component of the trigger signal. It is suitable for available on almost all oscilloscopes. They are auto
viewing DC and low frequency signals. (automatic), normal and single sweep modes.
be @
In AC coupling, the trigger signal is AC coupled to the In the auto sweep mode, the sweep generator is a free-
trigger circuit. This is the most commonly used trigger running oscillator if there is no triggering signal, internal
source coupling mode as stable triggering can be achieved or external. That is, if the trigger source has been chosen
o ht
without being affected by the DC component of the input to be INT, we will see a beam trace even in the absence
signal. of any vertical input. When a triggering signal is applied,
t t rig
below a few kilo-hertz present in the trigger signal The auto mode is quite convenient when we are interested
attenuated. This mode should be used when low frequency in seeing DC voltages or simple waveforms.
86 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.38 to 1.3.39
(mainsweep), B-delayed sweep (delayed sweep), A- B Ends A mode
intensified (intensified sweep) where the two input
channels are referred to as A and B. Sometimes it is observed that when the delayed sweep
to main sweep speed ratio is very high, the expanded
The main sweep is what we have been referring to so far. display in the delayed sweep mode has somewhat reduced
Its speed is set by the main time/div selector switch. It is intensity. B Ends A mode can be used to increase the
suitable for most measurements. But what happens intensity of delayed sweep display by ending the main
when we want to view a small part of a comparatively sweep at the minimum required point and increasing the
lower frequency signal on an expanded scale to look for display time for the delayed sweep. This happens because
noise glitches? If we try to expand the time base, the the slow main sweep runs for the full screen and there is
desired portion on the waveform is likely to go off the very little time for the much faster delayed sweep.
screen and all our efforts to bring it to the centre of the
oscilloscope screen with the horizontal position control Some oscilloscopes also have triggered delayed sweep
are rendered unless. One method to overcome this is to facility. Operationally, it is similar to delayed sweep. In
use X10 magnifier available with the main sweep. the delayed sweep mode, the delay time multiplier can be
Engaging the magnifier expands the time base by a adjusted to smoothly move the intensified portion on the
factor of 10 around the centre of the screen with the result screen. In the triggered delayed sweep, the intensified
that the desired portion stays on screen. This process is portion jumps from one level transition to the next as the
known as magnified sweep. adjustment is done. After selecting the desired transition
level where you want to trigger the delayed sweep and
Magnified sweep too has its own problems. First, the after selecting a proper slope (+) for positive going and
intensity of the sweep diminishes quite a bit on expansion (-) for negative going transition - the delayed sweep is
and second, this expansion may not be sufficient to engaged. This mode gives a highly reduced display jitter
permit a view of very fast glitches, for instance, a few as the sweep is triggered by a definite trigger signal level.
nanoseconds wide glitch sitting somewhere on a waveform
bl I
with a time period of a few milliseconds. X-Y operation
pu M
Delayed sweep is what comes to our rescue in such In the X-Y mode, the horizontal axis of the oscilloscope
cases. As mentioned earlier, we have at our disposal two also represents a voltage rather than time as is the case
independent time base settings, one for the main sweep in the usual oscilloscope operation. The time base circuitry
be @
and the other for the delayed sweep. To make use of the gets bypassed. The signal to be represented on the
delayed sweep facility, set the delayed time base at a horizontal or X-axis is applied to the horizontal deflection
much faster speed than the main time base. There is also input available on the front panel of the oscilloscope
o ht
a delay time multiplier (a multiturn potentiometer) control having X-Y mode feature.
on the panel. Set that to the centre of its range. Engage
t t rig
the intensified sweep button. We would notice a small CH3 input is the horizontal input. It has two selectable
portion of the waveform being viewed on main sweep horizontal deflection factors of 100mV/div. and 1V/div.
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getting intensified. This implies that we have engaged i.e. 100mV signal (in case of 100mV/div. selection) and
the delayed sweep. The width of this intensified portion 1V signal (in case of 1V/div. selection) will sweep the
depends upon the time base setting of the delayed beam horizontally by one division. The other signal is
sweep. applied to the vertical input (one of the two vertical inputs
in a dual channel oscilloscope). The result is the desired
The photograph is for a delayed sweep of 5ms/div. The X-Y display.
width becomes narrower as we make the sweep faster.
Thus, faster the delayed sweep, narrower is the intensified A major problem with this kind of X-Y mode of operation
portion and larger is the magnification that we get. The is that it offers an uncalibrated fixed sweep speed. This
position of this intensified portion is as per the part of the problem is, however, overcome in majority of modern
waveform we wish to expand. dual channel scopes by letting one of the two vertical
inputs to be used as a horizontal input in the X-Y mode.
After having adjusted the two things, engage the delayed The oscilloscopes having this provision will have the
sweep mode. The intensified portion fills the entire letters ‘X’ and ‘Y’ written near the input connectors of the
screen. In this mode, we can achieve much higher two channels to indicate X and Y inputs when we select
magnification without sacrificing the intensity. In some the X-Y mode. Thus, both horizontal and vertical axes
scopes, there is a provision for viewing the main sweep have variable calibrated deflection factors.
signal and the intensified delayed signal simultaneously.
Most of the 100 MHZ oscilloscopes have this facility. The One can also notice that the vertical position control
availability of this feature is indicated by the ALT sweep corresponding to vertical channel being used for X-input
display mode. To use this facility, depress ALT sweep in X-Y mode can be used to deflect the X-Y display
display instead of main sweep. horizontally. X-Y operational mode has numerous
applications like plotting transfer characteristics of devices
and circuits, measuring phase difference between two
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.38 to 1.3.39 87
given signals having same frequency, measuring an L.C.R. Meter
unknown frequency etc.
The LCR meter is an electronic test equipment used to
measure among other parameters the impedance of a
Z-axis input
component (fig 1 and 2)
The oscilloscope display has three components: the Usually the device under test (DUT) is subjected to an
horizontal component (X-axis component), the vertical AC voltage source, then the voltage over and current
component (Y-axis component) and the beam intensity through device under test are measured. The measured
(Z-axis component). The intensity remains constant for a inpedance consists of real and complex components.
particular setting of the intensity control during normal The phase angle is also an important parameter.
operation. Most of the scopes have an external Z axis
input located on the rear panel. A signal fed to this input Fig 1
can be used to modulate the intensity of the display. Use
of this input in conjunction with vertical inputs has many
interesting applications.
tive “procedure to calibrate the given CRO using
internal calibration signals” and brief the trainees the
nature of task (calibration of CRO).
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Fig 2
The instructor should then divide the class into 4 groups
and instruct them to draft the procedure to carry out the
– Do not waste time in drawing beautiful
colourful sketches of the test setup. Just
rough pencil sketches will do.
– Refer to books and or consult your instruc-
tor when you are in doubt.
– Give opportunity for every trainee in you
batch to give his idea.
– Jot down ideas given by the group mem-
bers. This will help you finalize the draft
more easily and in less time.
Instructor to refer IG for more tips on conduct-
ing this brainstorming session.
88 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.38 to 1.3.39
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.3.40
Electronic Mechanic - Measuring Technique
Signal generators
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• list the classifications of signal generator based on signal waveform produced
• list the classification of signal generator based on frequency coverage
• explain principle, specification and applications of AF generator, RF generator, FM generator, sweep
• explain the advantage of digital frequency synthesizers.
A signal generator with a multimeter and an oscilloscope 10 hertz to 100 kilohertz for the square wave section. The
forms the trio work-horse instrument of an electronic rise time of the square wave at full-scale deflection will be
mechanic. The signal generator generate a wide variety generally less than 750 nanoseconds and the tilt is
of signal waveforms covering broad signals. Therefore,
signal generators are classified in two main subdivisions
based on waveforms produced and frequency ranges
covered. Based on the signal waveforms produced the
following main types are popular;
widely used in both continuous-wave (CW) and amplitude-
modulated (AM) forms.
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2 The square-wave generator
It is also commonly found in laboratories and is used for approximately 5 percent at 20 hertz. The peak-to-peak
amplifier response testing and in performing other wave-
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attenuator section.
With a facility for broad selection of pulse duration and
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repetition rates, these are employed for example for Square wave generator
timing and testing electronic circuits both analog and
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*International Telecommunication Band Number decade bands. The first covers 5 to 60 hertz and the last
50 to 600 kilohertz. At all frequencies, output can be as
The more common name microwave frequencies is
generally used to span the regions of SHF and EHF.
Radar bands in these regions have distinctive names,
such as the X-Band at around 10 gigahertz.
lower and upper edges of the electromagnetic spectrum
shown graphically in Fig 2.
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Audio frequency generators great as 20 volts runs on open circuit; when delivering a
signal to a 600 ohm load, the voltage across the load is
Signal generation is based on the oscillator. in addition to one-half the open-circuit voltage, or 10 volts. The power
the common regenerative feed-back amplifier with LC in this matched load is thus E2/R or
resonant circuit various RC combinations can be used for
the oscillating circuit of a signal generator. The one 10 x 10 volts/600 ohms = 1/6 watt or 167 milliwatts
almost universally employed in practical AF generators
is the Wien-bridge circuit. Although 167 milliwatts does not look to be large value
remember that it represents a comparatively large voltage
An LC circuit would require bulky nonlinear inductors for under ordinary test conditions. For any given setting of
changing frequency ranges at lower frequencies. The RC the amplitude control, the output signal is stable as the
circuit changes range by the use of precision resistors. frequency is varied and remains undistorted within the
Moreover, the stability of the RC circuit against changes tolerances below.
in load is much better than the stability of an LC circuit,
which reacts to load changes with variations in both the Frequency coverage: 5 hertz to 600 kilohertz (or 1 hertz
frequency and amplitude of the output. Thus even though to 100 kilohertz in alternate model)
the RC circuit requires more stages of amplification that
required in an LC circuit, the resulting circuit is much Calibration accuracy: ±2 percent under normal condi-
more suitable for laboratory purposes and for use in tions
practical instruments.
Frequency response: Within ±1 decibel (of a 1000
The AF oscillator shown in Fig 3 generates practically hertz reference) over entire frequency range.
pure sinusoidal waveforms over the range 5 hertz to 600
kilohertz. This range includes signals in the subsonic, Frequency stability: Negligible shift in output frequency
audio and ultrasonic bands. There are five overlapping for ±10 percent line-voltage variations.
When an external signal of atleast 1 volt is introduced
bl I
into the ext sync jack, the oscillator locks in when it is Frequency range: 75 kilohertz to 30 megahertz in
pu M
within ±3 percent of the frequency of the introduced different ranges. Each range is push-button selected,
signal. This lock-in range can be increased proportionally and the frequency dial set for any frequency within that
as the external sync signal becomes greater. If it is a 10 range by a reversible motor, which turns the variable
volt sine wave, the frequency of the oscillator may be capacitors.
be @
Soldering of wires
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the meaning of soldering, and tinning
• explain the purpose of solder and flux and their types
• describe soldering technique
• describe features of soldering iron
• explain desoldering and desoldering tools
• study the soldering and desoldering station and their specification
• explain the desoldering by using pump and wick.
achieved by making a solder joints.
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There are two types of soldering, surface to form a layer of a completely new alloy. The
alloy so formed will have the same structure as the
[1] Hard soldering or brazing used for joining large constituent metals and retain their metallic properties
metal parts as shown in Fig 1a. and strength.
[2] Soft soldering used to form good electrical joints/ Soldering and soldering irons
connections between electrical/electronic parts as
shown in Fig 1b.
While soldering, the solder is made to melt between the Solders are available in many forms as shown in Fig 4.
metallic surfaces of the joint, using a soldering iron, as The type to be chosen depends on, the type of soldering
shown in Fig 2. A soldering iron is an instrument used to be carried out. The wire type solder shown in Fig 4 is
to produce the required heat to carry out soldering. the most commonly used solder for hand soldering work,
using low wattage soldering iron.
Soldering irons of different wattage ratings starting from
10 watts to more than 150 watts are available Solders available in the market may have different tin-
commercially. Depending on the type, size and heat lead proportion in it. For general electronic circuit
sensitivity of the components being soldered, the most soldering work, solder with 60% tin and 40% lead is most
suitable wattage soldering iron should be chosen. Most suited. This solder is commonly called 60/40 solder. This
of these soldering iron work on 240V, 50Hz AC mains solder has been specially developed to possess superior
supply. There are special type irons which work on dc properties required for electronic circuit work.
supply also. For soldering delicate components, soldering
irons with temperature controlling facility are used. Soldering FLUX
These are known as soldering stations.
A protective oxide layer forms on the exposed surface of
Soldering iron tips most metals. The rate at which the oxide layer is formed
varies from metal to metal. The layer forms quickly on
Soldering irons are designed to take, a variety of tip newly exposed metal, and over time, the layer slowly
sizes and shapes as shown in Fig 3. The choice of the become quite thick.
iron and the tip to use depends on, the nature of the joint
to be soldered. A proper selection of the soldering iron This oxide layer on metals interferes with soldering.
and tip is important for obtaining good quality soldered Hence, it must be removed before a soldered joint can
joint. To solder effectively, the tip of the soldering iron be made.
must be kept clean all times.
The purpose of flux is to first dissolve the thin layer of
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oxide from the surface of the metals to be joined, and
then form a protective blanket over them until the solder
Types of flux
t t rig
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.41 to 1.4.44 93
Not all flux types are available in all forms. For
hand soldering work on electronic circuits,
the best form for the flux is either as a liquid
or a paste.
Soldering Technique
Soldering a joint
soldering process.
bl I
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ish Critical factors during soldering
The amount of flux contained in the core is carefully capacitors, transistors, ICs etc., Failure to correctly
controlled by the manufacturer and for most applications time and coordinate the heating of the joint and add
t t rig
it will be sufficient. However, it is a common practice to solder, will result in a poor quality joint and may even
apply additional liquid flux or flux paste to the joint, just damage the components.
prior to making the joint. This additional flux ensures
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that, sufficient flux available while the joint is being Stages in soldering
made. When the soldering has been completed, excess
94 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.41 to 1.4.44
i) For soldering less temperature sensitive components Selection of tip shape
such as, resistors on lug boards, tag boards, use 25
to 60W iron. For soldering on printed circuit boards, Suggested soldering tip shapes selection table is given
use 10 to 25 W iron. below;
ii) For soldering highly temperature sensitive Type of soldering work Soldering tip
components such as, diodes, transistors and shape to choose
integrated circuits, use 10 to 25 watts iron.
Wires, resistors and other CHISEL TIP
Selection of soldering iron tip passive components on to
lug/tag boards
To ensure that the joint is heated to the required
temperature ideally, All miniature electronic BEVEL TIP
components except ICs on
– the area of the tip face should be approximately equal to lug boards and printed
to the area of the joint to be soldered circuit boards (PCB)
– the tip should be long enough to allow easy access to
the joint. Integrated circuits (ICs) on to CONICAL TIP
printed circuit boards (PCBs)
– the tip should not be too long, as this may result in too
low temperature at the tips working face.
Selection of solder and flux
choice depends on the size of the joints to be soldered.
bl I Also the tin and lead percentage of the solder should be
pu M
ish checked before using the solder. Different tin and lead
combinations of solder need different temperatures for
it to melt and reach the liquid state.
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In most soldering irons, the tip can be easily removed While soldering to make a strong solder joint the flux
and replaced as shown in Fig 8.
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Good quality soldering iron tips have numbers punched should melt first, and then the solder. Therefore, while
on them as shown in Fig 9. These numbers indicate the using rosin cored solder, cut off the first 5 to 10mm of the
temperature to which the tip can be heated. solder using a side cutter (as shown in Fig 10), so that
any earlier melted portion of the solder blocking the rosin
Tip No. Temperature °C Temperature °F
core is removed.
5 260 500
For ease of application, the flux used in addition to the
6 316 600 cored flux in solder should be of paste form.
7 371 700
Flux is a chemical substance which has acidic properties.
8 427 800 Therefore, it is advised not to touch flux by hand. Use a
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.41 to 1.4.44 95
stick or a thin stiff brush to apply flux on workpieces. Do not allow the flux to flow outside the area to be
Hands should be washed after soldering work. soldered.
Soldering stand – Place the iron tip at the connection such that the tip
gets maximum contact with parts to be joined as
Soldering stand plays an important role of retaining the shown in Fig 12.
soldering iron tip temperature around the required
soldering temperature. The soldering stand should not
allow the external temperature to cool the bit. At the
same time the stand should not contain all the heat
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Soldering stands are specially designed as shown in
Fig 11 to fulfill the above requirements. Such a design
also prevents accidental burn injuries to the user of the
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soldering iron.
– Continue applying the solder to the joint until complete
o ht
Another important requirement of a soldering stand is its wetting of the joint has been achieved and the joint
mechanical stability. When the iron is taken out or has a concave fillet as shown in Fig 14.
t t rig
If the flux residue and excess flux are not properly Features of soldering iron
removed, their corrosive nature of the flux will gradually
destroy the component leads and the circuit board. The There are a number of features that the soldering irons
flux residue is also tacky and, if not removed, will collect posse need to be examined before a choice of a particular
dust and debris often leading to circuit failure. soldering iron is made. These include: size, wattage or
power consumption, voltage method of temperature
Removal of flux residue requires the use of solvents. control, anti-static protection, type of stand available,
bl I
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and general maintenance and care issues.
The type of solvent depends on the flux used.
Size: There is a wide variety of sizes of soldering iron
IsoPropyl Alcohol (IPA) is one of the solvents used for available. Obviously those that are smaller will be more
removing residual flux. It is available either undiluted or suited to fine work, and those that are larger will be more
be @
pre-mixed with water and can be obtained in pump suited to the solder of items that are less delicate. The
sprays, aerosols, cans and drums depending on the physical size will also run in parallel with the wattage or
quantity and style of use. power consumption of the iron.
o ht
liquid). Apply the solvent to the soldered joint. Use a controlled irons, a wattage of 40 watts may be good for
clean acid brush, or some other type of stiff brush, to general work, and higher if heavy soldering is envisaged.
gently scrub the joint as shown in Fig 15, to help dissolve For small PCB work, 15 or 25 watts is good value. For
the residue, taking care to avoid splashing the mixture. temperature controlled irons slightly higher wattages are
common as the temperature control acts more quickly if
more heat can be directed to the bit more quickly to
compensate for removal of heat via the work item.
Voltage: While most soldering irons on sale in a
particular will country have the correct mains voltage,
230V AC and there are also soldering irons that can run
from 12 V. Some irons may be made for specialist
applications where they need to run from low voltages.
Temperature control: Soldering irons use two main
varieties of temperature control. The less expensive
irons are regulated by the fact that when they come up
to temperature, the loss of heat is the same as the heat
When the residue has been dissolved, dry the joint with generated. In other words they employ no form of
a lint-free cloth to remove as much of the dissolved electronic regulation. Other, more costly types have
residue as possible. thermostatic contol. This naturally regulates the
temperature far better.Usually the temperature can be
adjusted to the required value.These irons come into
their own because when heat is drawn away by a large
object being soldered,they will maintain their temperature
far better. Those with no regulation may not be able to
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.41 to 1.4.44 97
maintain their temperature sufficiently when soldering a De-soldering the connection
large object,with the result that it is more difficult to melt
the solder under these conditions. De-soldering is a process of heating a soldered joint, to
melt the existing solder and removing the molten solder
Anti-static protection: With the increasing susceptibility
from the joint.
of many electronic components,particulary the very
advanced integrated circuit chips,static protection is
De-soldering makes it easy to separate or pull-out the
becoming more of an issue. While most components
components,wires from the joint without unnecessary
being used by home constructors are often not damaged
damage to the components and wires.
by static,some are. It is therefore a wise precaution to at
least consider whether the soldering iron that is bought The heat required to melt the solder is supplied by a
is one that has static protection. soldering iron. But removal of the molten solder from the
Stand: The stand used for the soldering iron can be very joint requires the use of one of the following;
important. With irons reaching temperatures of around
300°C it is necessary to ensure they are well protected. – Plunger de-soldering tool or desoldering pump
A good stand is essential therefore (Fig 16) – Wicking braid
components such as transistors, integrated circuits etc.,
This is because, in this method there is likelyhood of
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component getting overheated or the leads getting cut or
leads getting detached from the body of the component.
Many a time it may be necessary to disconnect/remove
components and wires from a soldered or wired circuit
due to the following reasons;
flux. Wicking braid is nothing but a tape made of thin
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strands of copper knitted to form a mesh as shown in
be reheated and the solder removed in two or three A wicking braid relies on the tendency of the hot solder
attempts. to flow towards the heat source. When a soldered joint
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.41 to 1.4.44 99
The flux content of the wicking braid varies from brand It may sometimes be possible to repair a broken PCB but
to brand. Generally, the higher the level of flux in the it is very difficult process. Locating the cracked copper
braid, the more efficient it will be at drawing the solder trace on the PCB is the most difficult part of the repair
from the joint. PCBs get damaged very easily. A little rough handing
during installation or troubleshoot will invite a crack in
Wicking braids are available in small, hand-held rolls the trace. While placing or removing PCBs from their
and is supplied in a range of sizes from 0.8 to 6 mm wide sockets, one needs to put little extra force. This itself
so that the correct width of wicking braid can be selected might cause a crack in the trace. Similarly when a
for the joint to be de-soldered as shown in Fig 24. component on a PCB is removed or inserted a little more
heat for a little long period will make copper trace to
come off the board's substrate. There may result a
microscopic crack in the trace.
Removal of component different drying times so read the data sheet that
can then be removed from the circuit board. If a 4. Using the Green Overcoat pen, apply a generous
component was soldered using clinched lead method as coating of the protective coating and let the board set
shown in Fig 25, it is essential to remove the bridge of until dry.
solder holding the lead.
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Printed circuit board have changed the face of Electronics 6. Solder the jumper across the break in the trace
industry. Comparing the today's PCBs with the old
hardwired, steel chassis devices, they lack the strength
making them vulnerable to cracks and related defects.
100 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.41 to 1.4.44
Soldering and Desoldering Stations PCB,we first heat up the solder joint with the soldering
iron till the solder liquefies/melts. At the same moment
A typical competitive soldering station with ESD safe by we actuate the soldering pump by pressing the trigger
design will comprise of hot air station soldering, LED lever and bring the tip over the molten metal and pull the
double digital display. This kind of stations will come trigger back by pressing a button shown in the below
with PID controlled closed loop of sensor. The desolder image fig 28 At this instant the lever is pulled back and
station can give rapid heating, precise and stable the tip of the pump sucks the molten solder. This process
temperature, suitable for soldering and de-soldering is repeated until all the residue solder is sucked by the
surface mounted. Such as QFPM PLCC, SOP, BGA etc pump and the hole on the PCB is clear to solder a fresh
package of ICs. Hot air station and intelligent cooling component.
system, adopts imported heating wire, for a long life.
Fig 28
There are normally light portable handle and suitable
for mounting and reworking SMD component by hand
for a long time.
Temp. Control : 150-450°C
there is a click sound which indicates that the lever will
Heater :
bl I
250W Metal
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remain locked in the same position. (Fig 29)
Rated Voltage :
110V/220V 50/60Hz AC
Fig 29
Power Consumption : 270W
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Heater : Ceramic Heating Element The desoldering pump’s buttom head contians a hole
A typical station look like as shown in Fig 27 through which the molten solder is sucked when the
pump is triggered. The head is designed such that the
extracted solder does not solidify and block it,
Fig 27
consequently the sucked metal can be removed and
discarded easily. (Fig 30)
Fig 30
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102 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.41 to 1.4.44
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.45 & 1.4.46
Electronic Mechanic - Soldering and De-soldering
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• classify, specify, identify and state the uses of the different switches used in electronic industries
two-way switches with their cover look alike as shown in
1 Single pole, tumbler switch
bl I Fig 2b but can be differentiated by looking at the bottom.
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2 Single pole, two-way switch Single way switches will have two terminal posts whereas
3 Intermediate switch two-way switches will have four terminal posts.
6 Double pole switch (D.P. switches) capable of making or breaking two connections from two
7 Double pole, iron clad (D.P.I.C.) switch. positions as shown in Fig 3. This switch is used along with
8 Three-pole, iron clad (T.P.I.C.) switch.
o ht
Double pole switch (D.P.switch): This is a switch with
two poles, the two poles being mechanically coupled
together. It is operated with a knob. It is also provided – current rating
with a fuse and a neutral link. These switches are used as – voltage rating
main switches to control main or branch circuits in – type of enclosure (sheet steel or cast iron)
domestic installation. – whether with neutral link or otherwise
– rewirable type fuse carriers or HRC type fuse carriers.
Double pole iron-clad main switch : This switch shown
in Fig 5 is also referred to as D.P.I.C. switch and is mainly Switches used in electric industry
used for single phase domestic installations, to control
the main supply. It controls phase and neutral of the Switching is the most fundamental function in electronics
supply simultaneously. This switch consists of two fuse- and plays a vital role in every system
carriers. The one in the phase circuit is wired with the fuse
and the other in neutral is linked with a brass plate or thick Most widely used switch configurations in the industry
bl I
pu M
copper wire. These switches should be earthed properly
today are:
to safeguard the user. The current rating of the switch
varies from 16 amps to 200 amperes. 1 Single Pole Single Throw (SPST)
2 Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT)
be @
104 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.45 & 1.4.46
Simultaneous enable is normally open and upon control
by master gets enabled remain enabled till disabled.
The symbol of dual SPST switch is shown in (Fig 11)
A DPDT switch is a dual SPDT switch into a single select
pin as shown in (Fig 12)
A circuit using digitial switch is shown in fig (13)
The application of dual SPDT in the circuit are shown in
Fig13 and fig 14.
bl I
pu M
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.45 & 1.4.46 105
Dual SPDT switch in hands-free application
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
106 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.45 & 1.4.46
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.45 & 1.4.46 107
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
108 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.45 & 1.4.46
Specifications of Analog Switches
Low Ohmic Single Pole Single Throw - 0.3 Ohm 5 pin PicoGate
Normally closed analog switch
bl I 6 pin MicroPak
pu M
Low Ohmic Single Pole Double Throw - 0.5 Ohm 6 pin MicroPak
Dual low voltage, low Ohmic SPDT 0.5 Ohm 10 pin HVSON
o ht
Dual low Ohmic Single Pole Double 0.5 Ohm 10 pin XQFN10U
Throw Analog Switch
No py
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.45 & 1.4.46 109
Specifications of Digital Switches
1 Bit switch with rail to rail switch 2.3V to 3.6V 5 Pin PicoGate
voltage at data I/Os 5 Pin MicroPak
10 Bit bus switches with 5 bit output 4.5V to 5.5V 24 Pin SSOP
enables 24 Pin TSSOP
12-Bit Output enables 56
56 Pin TSSOP
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
110 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.4.45 & 1.4.46
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.47
Electronic Mechanic - Active and Passive component
Circuits formed with passive components obey the electrical shown in Fig 4 b. SCRs are also called thyristors and used
bl I
circuit laws such as Ohm's law, Kirchoff's Laws etc., as switching devices.
pu M
Active components : In electronic circuits, components
other than resistors, capacitors and inductors are also
used. Namely transistors, diodes, vacuum tubes, SCRs,
diacs, zener-diode etc. The application of electrical circuit
be @
Fig 5b.
bl I
pu M
Note:- The devices like transistor, SCR, triac, UJT & FET
be @
t t rig
No py
112 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.47
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.48 - 1.5.50
Electronic Mechanic - Active and Passive components
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the function of a resistor in a circuit
• name the two broad classifications of resistors
• list the classifications of fixed value resistors based on their construction and material used
• state about power rating of resistors
• name the methods to indicate ohmic value of a resistor on its body.
• state about tolerance in a resistor
• give examples to find the value of a resistor using colour code
• state the constructional details of fixed and variable resistors.
ance value does not change even when the level of applied
dim. This is because, the current in the circuit is reduced voltage or current to it is changed. Also, the resistance
bl I
pu M
by the 1000 ohms resistor. If the value of this resistor is value remains same when the applied voltage is AC or DC.
increased, current in the circuit will be further reduced and
the light will glow even dimmer. Resistors can be made to have very small or very large
resistance. Very large values of resistances can be repre-
be @
Classification of Resistors
Fixed value resistors Fixed resistors are manufactured using different materials
and by different methods. Based on the material used and
Its ohmic value is fixed. This value cannot be changed by
their manufacturing method/process, resistors carry differ-
the user. Resistors of standard fixed values are manufac-
ent names.
tured for use in majority of applications.
Fixed value resistors can be classified based on the type
of material used and the process of making as follows.
Carbon - film Metal film Metal oxide film Cermet film Integrated
resistors resistors resistors resistors resistors
Physical appearance of some types of fixed value resistors sizes of different wattage resistors. If the product of V and
is shown in Chart 1 at the end of this lesson. I exceeds the maximum wattage a resistor can dissipate,
the resistor gets charred and loses all its property. For
Carbon Composition Resistors instance, if the applied voltage across a 1 watt resistor is
10 volts resulting in 0.5 Amps of current through the
Construction resistor, the power dissipated (VI) by the resistor will be 5
A mixture of finely powdered carbon or graphite(A), filler Hence, before using a resistor, in addition to its ohmic
and binder is made into rods or extruded into desired value, it is important to choose the correct wattage rating.
shapes. Leads(B) made of tinned copper are then attached If in doubt, choose a higher wattage resistor but never on
to the body either by soldering or embedding(C) in the the lower side. The power rating of resistors are generally
body. A protective layer/tube(D) of phenolic or Bakelite is printed on the body of the resistor.
moulded around the assembly. Finally its resistance value
is marked on the body. Resistor values - coding schemes
For using resistors in circuits, depending upon the type of
Power rating
circuit in which it is to be used, a particular type, value and
As already discussed, when current flows through a wattage of resistor is to be chosen. Hence before using a
resistor, heat is generated. The heat generated in a resistor resistor in any circuit, it is absolutely necessary to identify
will be proportional to the product of applied voltage (V) the resistor’s type, value and power rating.
across the resistor and the resultant current (I) through the
resistor. This product VI is known as power. The unit of Selection of a particular type of resistor is possible based
measurement of power is watts. on its physical appearance. Chart 1 at the end of this
lesson illustrates the physical appearance of most com-
The physical size of a resistor should be sufficiently large monly used fixed value resistors. The resistance value of a
to dissipate the heat generated. The higher the physical resistor will generally be printed on the body of the resistor
size, the higher is the heat that a resistor can dissipate. either directly in ohms as shown in Fig 6a or using a
This is referred to as the power rating or wattage of typographic code as shown in Fig 6b or using a colour code
resistors. Resistors are manufacturerd to withstand differ- as shown in Fig 6c.
ent power ratings. Fig 5 illustrates comparative physical
114 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.48 - 1.5.50
placed between the test prods of an ohmmeter as shown
in Fig 7a, the meter shows nearest to the exact resistance
of the resistor directly on the graduated meter scale.
Multimeters are also used to measure the value of resistors
as shown in Fig 7b.
In bulk production/ manufacturing of resistors, it is difficult
and expensive to manufacture resistors of particular exact
values. Hence the manufacturer indicates a possible
variation from the standard value for which it is manufac-
bl I
pu M
tured. This variation will be specified in percentage toler-
ance. Tolerance is the range(max -to- min) within which the
Wire-wound Resistors
Typo graphical coding of resistors Resistors, in addition to having a required ohmic value,
In the typographical coding scheme of indicating resist- should also be capable of dissipating the heat produced.
ance values, the ohmic value of the resistor is printed on the Carbon by its nature has a limitation in the maximum heat
body of the resistor using a alpha-numeric coding scheme. it can dissipate. Carbon resistors become too hot when
A few examples of the generally used typographical codes high current flows through them. This increased heat in
and their meanings with examples are given in Table No.10. carbon resistors changes the ohmic value of the resistors.
Sometimes the resistors may even burn open due to
Some resistance manufacturers use a coding excessive heat. Hence carbon resistors are suited only in
scheme of their own. In such cases it will be low power circuits safely up to 2 watts.
necessary to refer to the manufacturer’s guide.
This limitation in carbon resistors can be overcome by
Applications using wires of resistive materials like Nichrome, Manganin
etc., instead of carbon. Resistors made using wires of
Carbon composition, fixed value resistors are the most resistive materials are known as wire-wound resistors.
widely used resistors in general purpose electronic circuits These resistors can withstand high temperature, and still
such as radio, tape recorder, television etc. More than 50% maintain the exact ohmic values. In addition, wire-wound
of the resistors used in electronic industry are carbon resistors can also be made to have fractional ohmic values
resistors. which is not possible in carbon composition resistors.
Measuring ohmic value of resistors Construction
It is not possible to read the exact ohmic value of a resistor Typical construction of a fixed value wire-wound resistor is
from colour/other coding schemes due to manufacturing shown in Fig 8 . Over a porcelain former (A), resistive wire
tolerance built into the resistors. To find the exact ohmic (B) such as Nichrome, Manganin or Eureka is wound. The
value of resistors ohmmeters are used. When a resistor is
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.48 - 1.5.50 115
number of turns wound depends on the resistance value ratings are required. A few applications are : regulated
required. The wire ends are attached to terminals(D). power supplies, amplifiers, motor controls, servo control
circuits, TV receivers etc.
Wire-wound resistors are available from a fraction of an
ohm to 100’s of Kilo ohms, with a power ratings of 1 watt
bl I
pu M
to several 100s of watts. The higher the power rating, the
thicker the resistive wire used, and bigger will be the
Wire-wound resistors are commonly used in electronic
o ht
Suitability in circuit Suitable for high frequency Unsuitable for high frequency circuits
circuits (Suitable up to 200 KHz)
116 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.48 - 1.5.50
Other types of resistors 1 Never bend the component as shown in Fig 12b. Bend
the lead as shown in Fig 12a.
Brief constructional details of some types of resistors is
given in Chart 2 at the end of this lesson.
2 Bend the lead at least 2mm away from the resistor as
shown in Fig 12c.
Resistors lead bending
The most delicate portion of a resistor is the joint between
the leads and the resistor body. The leads give electrical
connection to a resistor with the external circuit. While
connecting a resistor in a circuit, the leads may come
across vibration, shock, rough handling etc. In spite of
these,the leads must maintain perfect electrical contact
with the resistor. If the lead joint is loose with the body, it
may lead to intermittent electrical contact resulting in the
malfunctioning of the circuit.
Types of resistor leads
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.48 - 1.5.50 117
Chart 1 for Lesson 1.5.48
10 W
PEC C11 14 W
8K2 5%
PE 5% 4K C
24R P14 5
92 P0S %
2W 0D
1/2 W 017
1/4 W PE %
1/8 W 10 W
No py
t t rig
o ht
be @
1/2 W C
PE %
3 5 B1
3K 9
1/4 W
pu M
10 W
1% RCC
bl I
10 W
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.48 - 1.5.50
1/2 W 1W
PEC M105
1K 5% 9148A1
Chart 1 for Lesson 1.5.48
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.48 - 1.5.50
ity-same as carbon-film re- available. This type of resistor megaohms with 1% toler-
These are often made in small square shape with leads to sistors. is of great importance in ultra ance. Highly stable even at
fit on a PCB.
high-resistance applications very high temperatures.
Variable Resistors Types of variable resistors
In fixed value resistors the value of resistance is fixed, at the Variable resistors of different types are available in the
time of manufacture, whereas, variable resistors are manu- market. These types can be categorized as follows:
factured such that its resistance value can be changed by
the user. A typical variable resistor, commonly known as 1 Based on the type of control as shown in Fig 17.
potentiometer is shown in Fig 14.
For example, in a variable resistor of 10 KW, it is possible In rotary type of variable resistors, the resistance across
to set the resistance of the variable resistor, to any value the terminals X-Y increases as the shaft is rotated clock-
between 0 W to 10 KW. wise whereas in sliding type, resistance across X-Y
increases as the slider is moved from A to B.
Any variable resistor will have a minimum of three termi-
nals. Referring to Fig 14, the maximum resistance exists 2 Based on the resistive material used as shown in
bl I
across the end terminals X & Z. The resistance across Fig 18.
pu M
terminals X & Y or across Z & Y can be varied by rotating
the shaft.
120 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.48 - 1.5.50
resistive wire will be wound on an insulating former as
shown in Fig 18.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.48 - 1.5.50 121
Chart 1 for Lesson 1.5.48
Types of Variable Resistors
bl I
1 2 3
No py
t t rig
o ht
code code code SMALL TO SOLDER WIRES
4 5 6
be @
pu M
bl I
code code code THREADS
7 8 9
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.51
Electronic Mechanic - Active and Passive components
Ohm's Law
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state Ohm’s law
• calculate current in a circuit with one resistor
• calculate the total resistance of series resistance circuits
• calculate the power
• design a simple voltage divider circuit using resistors
• calculate the total resistance of parallel resistance circuits
• calculate the current flowing through branches of a parallel resistance circuit
• calculate the total resistance of series-parallel resistive circuits
• calculate the resistance value required to limit current in simple circuits
• calculate and connect resistors to obtain non-standard resistance values.
OHM’S LAW This statement holds good not only for a resistor, but in
The quantity of current flowing through a resistor depends common to all resistive circuits.
on two factors:
Example 1 : Using ohms law, find the current flowing
1 The ohmic value of the resistor. through the resistor in Fig 1.
2 The voltage applied across the resistor.
If the voltage applied across a resistor is kept constant,
bl I
pu M
higher the resistance of the resistor, lower will be the
current flowing through it. In other words current (I) through
V V 10 volts
I = . I = Amps. = = 1 amp.
R R 10 ohms
This relationship of I = V/R was found by the scientist
George Simon Ohm and hence this is referred to as ohm’s Current through the resistor is 1 ampere.
law. Example 2 : Find the current flowing through the circuit in
Fig 2.
The relationship of I = V/R can be expressed mathemati-
cally in different forms as
I = or V = I x R or R = .
These formulas are used invariably while designing or
testing electrical/electronic circuits.
Solution : Therefore in a series circuit, the quantity of current will be
the same at all the points (a,b,c,d) of the circuit as shown
Let the total circuit current be I t. in Fig 3c.
From Ohm’s law
The quantity of current flowing through the series path is
Total voltage applied to the circuit (V) decided by both the resistors put together or the effective
It = .
Total circuit resistance (R) resistance of the circuit.
In the given circuit ,
total applied voltage = 10 volts.
Total circuit resistance = resistance of the only resistor =
This is because the given circuit consists of one
resistor and that is the only component in the
Total current through the circuit It is equal to Example : Find the total circuit current( It) in the circuit
at Fig 4.
V 10 V
It = = = 0.1 amps = 100 mA. Solution :
R 100 Ω
Resistors R1 & R2 are in series. Therefore, the effective
Resistors in series resistance of the circuit = R1 + R2
When resistors are connected end to end as shown in Fig
3, the resistors are said to be in series with each other. = 3.3K ohms + 330 ohms.
= 3300 + 330 = 3630 ohms.
bl I
pu M
Total resistance of resistors in series
Circuit current I
When resistors are connected in series, the total resist- V 12 V
ance of the series connection will be equal to, the sum of = = = 0.0033 amps = 3.3 mA.
R 3630 Ω
individual resistance values. In Fig 3, total resistance
be @
across points a-d will be equal to R1 + R2. Example : Calculate the voltage drops across R1 and R2
for the circuit at Fig 4.
o ht
t t rig
No py
Solution :
In the circuit (Fig 4), R1 and R2 are in series. Hence the
current through both the resistors is the same. This current
Example : In Fig 3, if R1 is 1 K ohms and R 2 is 2.2K ohms.
is 3.3 mA as calculated in the previous example.
The total or effective resistance between the terminals a
and d will be,
From Ohm’s Law
(R1 and R2 are connected in series).
Therefore the voltage drop across R1
= R1 + R2 = I x R1 volts
= 1.0 K W + 2.2 K W = 3.2 K W. = 3.3 mAmps x 3.3 kilo ohms
Current through a series circuit = (3.3 x 10-3) x (3.3 x 103)
When resistors are connected in series as shown in Fig 3, = 3.3 x 3.3 = 10.89 volts.
the current that flows through R1 can only flow through R2 Similarly the voltage drop across R2
. This is because = (3.3 x 10-3) x 330 ohms
– there is no other path for any other extra current to = 1089 milli-volts
flow through R2 = 1.089 volts.
– there is no other path for the current through R1 to
escape from flowing through R2.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.51 125
Verification of solution Method 2
Since R1 and R2 are in series, the sum of the voltage drops Power dissipated is given by,
across R1 and R2 must be equal to the applied battery P = I2 x R = I x I x R .......[1]
voltage of 12V. From Ohm’s law
i.e, 10.89 + 1.089 = 11.979 » 12 volts = applied battery substituting this in equation .......[1]
Power dissipated = Ix IxR= x IxR = VxI
Power dissipation in resistors R
When current flows through a resistor heat is generated. This formula for the power dissipated is advantageous
This is because, the voltage driving the current through the because, by measuring the total circuit current and the
resistor is doing some amount of work in overcoming the applied circuit voltage, power consumed by the circuit can
opposition to the flow of electrons. It is found through be found out easily without knowing the value of the
experiments and analysis that, the amount of work done by resistors.
the voltage is directly proportional to the ohmic value(R) of Using this formula for the circuit as given in Fig 5,
the resistor and square of the current(I2) flowing through the
resistor. This work done is dissipated in the form of heat Power dissipated = (6 x 10-3) amps x 12 volts = 72 milli-
generated by the resistor. This heat dissipating capacity is Watts.
known as the power or wattage of a resistor. The unit of
power is Watt. The power dissipated by the circuit found using method 2
is same as that calculated using method 1.
Power dissipated by a resistor = I2 x R Watts.
Where, Try to derive alternative formulas for calculat-
ing power.
I is the current through the resistor
bl I Use of resistors in series as a voltage divider
pu M
and R is the resistance of the resistor.
Example : If 10 mA flow through a resistor of 10 K ohms, Given a single voltage source, several circuits requiring
what is the power dissipated by the resistor ? smaller voltages can be obtained using a set of resistors
connected in series. This is called a voltage divider. Some
be @
Power dissipated by the resistor = I2 x R = (Ix I) x R simple voltage divider circuits are shown in Fig 6.
Solution :
Method 1
Current through the circuit is It = V/R
= 12V/ 2 KW = 6 mA
Power dissipated by the circuit is Designing voltage divider circuits using resistors
= (circuit current) x circuit resistance Example : Given a 12 volts DC power supply, design a
= (36 x 10-6) x (2 x 103) voltage divider using resistors to obtain three voltages of
= 72 x 10-3 watts 2 volts, 4 volts and 6 volts.
= 72 milli-watts = 0.072 watts.
126 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.51
Solution :
Draw the divider diagram as shown in Fig 7. Assume the
voltage across resistors as given in Fig 7.
Let the resistor values be R1,R2 & R3.
Resistors in parallel
Compare the circuits at Fig 9 and Fig 10. Both the circuits
are carrying the same current although Fig 9 is having
large resistor values than Fig 10.
This means that, the two resistors connected in parallel as
shown in Fig 9 has effective or total resistance equal to that
of a single resistor that is shown in Fig 10.
bl I
pu M
2V:4V:6V = 1:2:3.
o ht
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.51 127
However the current through the resistors ( I 1 & I 2)
depends on the value of the independent resistors.
Hence, power dissipated/ consumed by each resis-
tor can be calculated separately using the formula P
Similarly, if 3 resistors are connected in parallel, the
= I2R or P = VI. The sum of the power consumed by each
effective resistance RT will be,
resistors will be the total power consumed by the circuit.
R1 x R2 x R 3
RT = . Total power consumed can also be found if the total circuit
R 1 R 2 + R2 R 3 + R 1 R 3 current and the effective resistance of the circuit are found.
As a thumb rule When resistors are connected in parallel, Example: Calculate the power consumed by the circuit in
the effective resistance will always be less than the least Fig 12.
resistance value of the resistor in the parallel connection.
Solution :
Example: In circuit in Fig 11, if the value of the resistors
were, Method 1:
Solution :
Power dissipated by R1 = (12 x 12 x 10-6) x (1 x 103)
be @
= 144 mWatts
R1 x R 2
Using the formula R T =
o ht
(10) × (1× 10 ) 10000
RT = = = 9.9 Ohms. Total power consumed by the circuit is
(10) + (1× 10 ) 1010 = 144 + 72 milli watts = 216 milli-watts.
No py
128 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.51
Series-Parallel resistive circuits Some applications of series,parallel and series-par-
allel connection of resistors in circuit.
As shown in Fig 13, when several resistors are connected,
in which some resistors are in series and some in parallel, 1 Series resistor to drop excess voltage.
then, such a circuit is called a series-parallel circuit.
bl I
pu M
be @
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.51 129
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.52 - 1.5.54
Electronic Mechanic - Active and Passive component
Kirchhoff's Laws
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state Kirchhoff’s current law
• write Kirchhoff’s current equation for resistive circuits
• state Kirchhoff’s voltage law
• write Kirchhoff’s loop equation for resistive circuits
• calculate voltage and currents at different points in a resistive circuit.
When a circuit consists of several resistors in a complex From equation 2, Kirchhoff’s current can also be stated as
series - parallel arrangement as in Fig 1, it is difficult to The algebraic sum of currents entering and leaving any
calculate the currents and voltages in the circuit using point in a circuit must be equal to zero .
Ohm’s law.
To determine the algebraic sign of currents,
In Fig 2 , I1 & I2 will have positive sign as they are going into
point whereas I3 will have negative sign as it is going out of
the point X.
bl I
pu M
ish Hence we can also write the Kirchhoff’s Current equation
signs and equate it to zero as given below;
bl I + V1 + V3 + V4 + V5 - VT = 0 ......[ 2 ]
pu M
ish Rewriting the equation,
+ V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 = VT.
Equations [1] & [2] above state that; In any closed loop,
be @
S Vd = VT ,
t t rig
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.52- 1.5.54 131
For the loop c-e-f-d-c Step 2: Mark the polarity of voltage across each resistor as
shown in Fig 9c consistent with the assumed direction of
+V3 + V4 + V5 - V2 = 0 the current.
or V3 + V4 + V5 = V2
10 + 20 + 30 = 60
bl I
pu M
ish Step 3: Write the loop equations which cover the two
V1 + V2 = Vb1 or V1 + V3 = VT1
t t rig
60 + 60 = 120 V1 + V3 = 84 ......[1]
No py
For the loop c-e-f-d-c, Using the known values of R1, R2 & R3, write IR drops, V1,
V2 and V3.
+V3 + Vb2 + V4 - V2 =0
V3 + Vb2 + V4 = V2 V1 = I1.R1 = I1 x 12 = 12.I1 ......[3]
10 + 20 + 30 = 60 V2 = I2.R2 = I2 x 3 = 3.I2 ......[4]
V3 = I3.R3 = (I1+I2) x 6 = 6.I1 + 6.I2 ......[5]
To find current and voltages in a circuit using
kirchhoff’s law
Substitute equations 3,4 and 5 in the loop equations 1 and
Example: In the circuit at Fig 9a, find the branch currents 2, we have,
and voltage drop across resistors R1, R2 and R3.
Substituting for equation 1,
Solution :
Step 1: Assume that the current flow is from the +ve of V1 + V3 = 84
the battery to the -ve of the battery (conventional
current direction) and write direction of current as or (12.I1) + (6.I1 + 6.I2) = 84
shown in Fig 9b.
132 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.52- 1.5.54
18.I1 + 6.I2 = 84
The Minus sign indicate that, the assumed
direction of I2 in Fig 9b was opposite to that of
the actual direction of the current. However the
(Dividing RHS & LHS by 2) numerical value of I2 remains unchanged.
9.I1 + 3.I2 = 42 ......[6]
From known value of I1, I2 and I3 = (I1 + I2), find the voltage
drop across resistors as given below;
Substituting for equation 2,
V1 = R1.I1 = 12x5 = 60 volts
V2 + V3 = 21
(3.I2) + (6.I1 + 6.I2) = 21
V2 = R2.I2 = 3x1 = 3 volts
6.I1 + 9.I2 = 21
Solving equations ..[6] and ..[7], 1. The method used for finding branch cur-
rents and voltage drops in the above discus-
9.I1 + 3.I2 = 42 sion is called Branch current method.
2.I1 + 3.I2 = 7 2. To solve similar problems, other methods
known as, Node voltage method, Mesh cur-
rent method can also be used. Refer refer-
7.I1 = 35 ence books listed at the end of this book to
bl I practice these methods or consult your in-
pu M
ish structor.
2 x 5 + 3.I2 =7
o ht
Therefore I 2 = – = – 1 amp.
t t rig
No py
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.52- 1.5.54 133
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.55
Electronic Mechanic - Active and Passive components
It should be noted that, the inductance cannot completely
when current flows through the inductor. stop the increase in current because, the induced voltage
bl I
pu M
is caused by the increasing flux, and the increasing flux
can restrict only, the rate at which the current can increase
or decrease through it.
be @
Factors determining value of Inductance
bl I
pu M
ish The inductance of an inductor is primarily determined by
the following four factors:
be @
o ht
No py
ated as H.. The unit henry is defined in terms of, the amount
of cemf produced when the amplitude of current through the
inductor is changing. Based on this , One Henry is that b)
amount of Inductance which develops 1 V of cemf in the
coil when the current changes at the rate of 1 Amp/sec.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.55 135
N 2A N2 A
L = μ Henries Inductance of the coil, L = μ
ι ι
μ = Permeability of the magnetic core around which the coil
4π × 10
−7 2
× 50 × 1 × 10 ( −4
)m 2
= = 15.7 × 10 H
is wound, in Wb/At-m (μ = μoμr) ( 2 × 10
) m
N = Number of turns of the coil Values of inductance less than 1 Henry can be represented
A = Area of cross-section of the core in square metres, m 2 as follows;
l = length of the coil in meters. 1 x 10-3 Henries = 1 milli Henry = 1 mH
1 x 10-6 Henries = 1 micro Henry = 1 μH
1 x 10-9 Henries = 1 nano Henry = 1 nH
Hence the value of inductance calculated in the example
above was 15.7 μH.
bl I
pu M
= 200 μo.
Hence, the new value of L is,
o ht
200 × 4π × 10
× 50 × 1 × 10
( −4
)m 2
t t rig
= 3.1mH
( 2 × 10 ) m
= −2
Example: In Fig 7, a coil of 50 turns is wound on a
No py
the coil. by a factor of almost 200. This indicates the major influence
of core permeability on inductance value of an inductor.
Higher the permeability of the core material used, higher
will be the inductance value of an inductor.
In the above example, if the number of turns of coil is
doubled, i.e., increased from 50 to 100 turns, inductance
value will increase four fold. The new inductance value
would be L = 4 x 3.1 mH = 12.4 mH.
The permeability of materials, iron for example varies
widely with the amount of flux density (B) and naturally the
current in the coil. This means that the inductance of any
coil with a magnetic core is never constant. The inductance
SOLUTION: value varies with the amount of current (flux) in the coil. For
Since the card board tube is non magnetic and hollow, its this reason many coil manufacturers quote the value of
permeability (μ) is nothing but permeability of air. inductance at some specified current. For example, a coil
may have 8H of inductance at 85 mA, but if operated at only
Therefore in this case μ = μo = 4p x 10-7 Wb/At-m 1 mA, the inductance would be 14H.
Area of cross section = 1 cm2 = 0.0001 m2 = 1 x 10-4 m2
Practical inductors and types
Length of the core = 2 cm = 2 x 10-2 m
From above data, For practical applications, inductors are manufactured to
give a specified amount of inductance. Value of practical
136 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.55
inductors range from a few micro henries for application in Shielded/Screened inductors will have a metal cover
high frequency communication circuits upto several hen- over the inductor. The shield is usually made of copper or
ries for power supply ripple filter circuits. aluminum. The reason for shielding is to isolate the coil
from external varying magnetic field and to minimize the
Inductors can be classified under various categories as
effect of the coils RF current on external circuits.
shown in Chart-1 given at the end of this lesson. Illustration
of different types of inductors are shown in Chart-2 at the While making a shield/screen for an inductor the following
end of this lesson. points are to be noted;
Air core coils have practically no losses from eddy i) metal used as cover should be a good conductor
currents or hysteresis. However inductor with air core have ii) clearance between the sides of the coil and the metal
their values limited to low values in the range of micro to milli should be equal to or greater than the coil radius. If the
Henries. Air core inductors are used in high frequency clearance is less, the shield reduces the inductance
applications. value drastically.
Laminated Iron Core is formed using a group of individual Moulded inductors, looks like resistors with their values
laminations. Each lamination is insulated by a thin coating colour coded. The coding scheme is same as in resistor,
of iron oxide, silicon steel or varnish. This insulation except that the value of L are given in microhenry (μH). For
increases the resistance reducing eddy current losses. example, a coil with yellow, red and black stripes or dots
These type of inductors are generally used for mains as shown in Fig 10, has inductance value of 42 μH.
frequency of 50/60 Hz and lower audio frequency range,
upto 10 KHz.
Powdered Iron Core is used to reduce the eddy currents
in the core when used at radio frequencies. It consists of
individual insulated granules pressed into one solid form
called slug.
bl I
pu M
Ferrite Core is made from synthetic ceramic material
which are ferromagnetic. They provide high value of flux Laboratory type variable inductor are available in the
density like iron, but have the advantage of being insula- form of a decade boxbox. In this decade-inductance box
tors, thus reducing the eddy current losses to bare mini- precision inductors are switched in-to or out-of circuit by
mum. Because of this advantage, inductors with ferrite
be @
Variable Inductors unlike fixed Inductors, variable inductors Special types of Inductors
have the facility to vary its inductance value either in steps
t t rig
or continuously. The inductance can be varied by any one Certain electronic circuits use a special type of Inductor
of the methods as shown in Fig 9. called Thin-film inductors. These inductors are thin metal
No py
frequency application.
Method (c) is used in coils with ferrite as core. These are Copper tube Inductors: At high frequencies, current has
used in high frequency applications. a tendency to flow in the skin of the conductor, this is
known as skin effect. Therefore at high frequency & high
power applications hollow copper tube coil is used as
inductor instead of solid copper wire.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
138 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.55
Fig 3
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
Space for the trainees to fill
140 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.55
Statically induced emf: When the induced emf is Core (2a): If soft iron is used as a core material instead of
produced in a stationery conductor due to changing magnetic hardened steel, the coil will have more inductance.
field, obeying Faraday’s laws of electro magnetism, the
induced emf is called as statically induced emf. If all the factors are equal, an iron core inductor has more
inductance than an air core inductor. This is because iron
There are two types of statically induced emf as stated
has a higher permeability, that is, it is able to carry more
flux. With this higher permeability there is more flux
1 Self induced emf produced with in the same coil change, and thus more counter induced emf (cemf), for a
2 mutually induced emf produced in the neighbouring given change in current.
Number of turns (Fig 12b): Adding more turns to an
Self-induction: When an alternating current flows in a
inductor increases its inductance because each turn adds
conductor and the current periodically changes the direc-
more magnetic field strength to the inductor. Increasing
tion, the magnetic field it produces also reverses the
the magnetic field strength results in more flux to cut the
direction. At any instant, the direction of the magnetic field
conductors (turns) of the inductor.
is determined by the direction of the current flow.
Spacing between turns of wire (Fig 12c): When the
With one complete cycle, the magnetic field around the
distance between the turns of wire in a coil is increased, the
conductor builds up and then collapses. It then builds up
inductance of the coil decreases. Fig 13 illustrates why this
in the opposite direction, and collapses again. When the
is so. With widely spaced turns (Fig 13), many of the flux
magnetic field begins building up from zero, the lines of
lines from adjacent turns does not link to gether. Those
force or flux lines expand from the centre of the conductor
lines that do not link together produce no voltage in other
outward. As they expand outward, they can be thought of
turns. As the turns come closer together (Fig 13b) only a
as cutting through the conductor.
fewer lines of flux fail to link up.
According to Faraday’s Laws, an emf is induced in the conduc-
Cross sectional area (Fig 13b):For a given material having
tor. Similarly, when the magnetic field collapses, the flux
bl I same number of turns, the inductance will be high with
pu M
lines cut through the conductor again, and an emf is
large cross-sectional area and will be low for smaller cross-
induced once again. This is called self-inductance. (Fig 11)
sectional area.
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.55 141
The two coils L 1 and L 2 of Fig 14, are said to have a
mutual inductance (M), in addition to their own self-
inductances (L).
Coefficient of coupling
The amount of mutual inductance (M) between two coils
depend upon, the self inductance of each coil and the
amount of mutual flux between the two coils.
Symbol and unit of Self-inductance: The property of a
coil or conductor to self-induce an emf, when the current The amount of mutual flux, that links both coils is depend-
though it is changing, is called the coil’s (conductor’s) self- ent on the physical placement of the two coils. This is
inductance of simply inductance. The letter symbol for indicated by the term Coefficient of coupling, k.
inductance is L; its basic unit is henry, H.
Coefficient of coupling k, between the two coils is given by,
Henry: A conductor or coil has an inductance of one henry
Mutual flux between two coils ø m
, in Webers
if a current that changes at the rate of one ampere per k =
Total flux set up by one coil, in Webers
second produces a induced voltage (cemf) of 1 volt.
bl I
The inductance of straight conductors is usually very low, Maximum value of k can be 1. This occurs when all the flux
pu M
and for our proposes can be considered zero. The (ø) set-up by one coil is linking with the other coil. For
inductance of coiled conductors will be high, and it plays example; when both the coils are wound as shown in Fig
an important role in the analysis of AC circuits. 15a, almost all the flux set-up in one coil is interacting with
the other coil. In other words there is very little or zero
be @
to each other shown in Fig 14a or Fig 14b, although the two
coils are not electrically connected, the two coils are said
t t rig
to be magnetically inter-coupled.
No py
142 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.55
M = k L 1 . L 2 Henrys.
k is the coefficient of coupling which has no units
L1 and L2 are inductance values, in henrys
M is the mutual inductance, in henrys
In order to obtain a desired value of inductance, inductors
can be connected either in series or in parallel.
bl I Dot notation
pu M
ish Whether two coils are connected series-aiding or series-
opposing, it is often indicated by using dot notation as
Series coils with mutual inductance shown in Fig 19. When current enters both dots or leave
both dots as shown in Fig 19a the mutual inductance is
be @
and L2. How much larger will this be depends on the mutual
inductance M.
t t rig
When the current enters one dot and leaves the other dot,
as shown in Fig 19b, the mutual inductance is subtractive.
In general, the total inductance of two series-connected In other words the dots indicate the in-phase ends of each
coils, with mutual inductance M is given by; other.
LT = L1 + L2 = 10H + 15H = 25H
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.55 143
Example (2): If the above two inductors are connected
parallel to each other on a common core with a mutual
inductance of 4H and connected in series, calculate,
M 4
or, k = = = 0.33
L1 L2 10 x 15
L-R Time constant (t)
Inductors in parallel Consider a circuit with a resistor and a pure inductor as
shown in Fig 21a. The steady state current of the circuit is
When two inductors are connected in parallel as shown in
not achieved instantaneously but after a lapse of some
Fig 20a, the total inductance is given by,
definite time, as shown in Fig 21b and Fig 21c.
1 1 1
= + Henrys (H)
LT L1 L2
bl I
pu M
LT =
L 1 . L2
L1 + L2
be @
1 1 1 1 1
No py
144 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.55
L The Q of a coil can be defined as the ability of a coil to
Time constant, t = seconds produce self-induced voltage. The Q factor of a coil can also
be defined as the capability of the coil to store energy.
Where, Hence the Q factor of a coil is also known as the storage
t is the time constant of the circuit in seconds
L is the inductance of the circuit in henrys, H If Q of a coil is 200, it means, that the XL of the coil is 200
times more than it's Ri. Q of coils range from than 10 for a
R is the resistance of the circuit in ohms, W low Q coil up-to 1000 for a high
(i) Time constant t
bl I
Time required t, for the circuit current to reach
pu M
steady state value
(i) Time constant t is given by;
be @
L 1H
t = sec = = 0.1 sec
R 10Ω
o ht
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.55 145
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.56
Electronic Mechanic - Active and Passive components
bl I
pu M
the circuit stops when the voltage across the capacitor generally used:
becomes equal to, and in opposition to, the battery voltage.
This charged capacitor can be disconnected from the 1 Microfarad or 1μF = 1/1000000 F or 10 farads
circuit and used as a new energy source as shown in Fig5. 9 -9
1 Nanofarad or 1 nF = 1/10 F or 10 farads
12 -12
1 Picofarad or 1pF = 1/10 F or 10 far-
Given: Charge (Q) = 0.5 Coloumb
Voltage (V) = 25 Volts
If a voltmeter is connected across this disconnected Using the formula,
charged capacitor, the voltmeter reads the voltage equal to
that of the battery which charged it. Q Coloumbs
Capacitance, C = Farads
V Volts
If a lamp is connected across this charged capacitor, 0.5
the bulb glows for a moment indicating current flow Capacitance, C = = 0.02 Farads
through it.
Factors that determine the value of capacitance
The instructor to demonstrate charging of a
The capacitance of a capacitor is determined by the
capacitor, voltage across a disconnected
bl I following three main factors;
pu M
charged capacitor and discharge of a charged
capacitor through a lamp using a suitable
1 Area of the plates
demonstration circuit.
2 Distance between the plates
3 Type of dielectric material (dielectric constant k)
be @
A capacitor has limited use as a primary storage device of between the above factors and the value of capacitance.
energy for two reasons:
t t rig
1 For its weight and size, the amount of energy it can In addition to the above factors affecting the value of
store is very small when compared with that of a battery. capacitance, the temperature of the capacitor also affects
No py
rapidly as energy is removed from the capacitor. dielectric material which in-turn increases or decreases
the capacitance value. Some dielectrics cause an in-
crease in capacitance as temperature increases. These
Unit of capacitance are called positive temperature coefficients, abbreviated as
The ability of capacitor to store electrical energy in the form P. Other dielectric materials have negative temperature
of electrostatic field is known capacitance. The unit used coefficient, abbreviated as N, in which case, increase in
to measure capacitance is Farad abbreviated as F. temperature decreases the capacitance. There are dielec-
tric materials having zero temperature coefficient abbrevi-
A capacitor is said to have a capacitance(C) of 1 Farad, if ated as NPO. The temperature coefficient of a capacitor is
it stores a charge(Q) of 1 coulomb when a voltage(V) of 1V specified by the capacitor manufacturer in parts per million
is applied across its plates. per degree Celsius (PPM).
Therefore, capacitance can be mathematically expressed
as, The following expression gives the relation between the
three factors that determine the value of capacitance of a
Charge capacitor;
Capacitance = A
Voltage C = εr ε o Farads
C = Farads The term e o is the permittivity of free space (air) = 8.85 x
10-12 C2/Nm2 and er is called the relative permittivity of the
Farad(F) is a very large quantity of capacitance. As most
dielectric material.
circuits use capacitance values much lower than one farad
(F), smaller quantities of capacitance given below are
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.56 147
The expression for capacitance (C) of a capacitor can permanently damaging the capacitor.
alsobe written as,
A This maximum voltage that a capacitor can withstand is
C = k εo Farads listed as one of the specifications of capacitors as direct
current working voltage, DCWV. As an example: if a
The ratio of the capacitance with dielectric to the capaci-
capacitor has a DCWV of 100 volts, it can be operated at
tance with air is called relative permitivity or dielectric
100 volts for long periods of time without any deterioration
constant, k.
in the working of the capacitor. If the capacitor is subjected
to 125V or 150V DC, the dielectric may not break down
Substituting the value of eo in the above equation, value of
immediately but the life of the capacitor gets greatly
a capacitor using any dielectric can be found using the
reduced and may become permanently defective any time.
–12 A Function of a dielectric in a capacitor
C = (8.85 x 10 )k Farads
1 Solves the mechanical problem of keeping two metal
plates separated by a very small distance.
C = Capacitance in farads
(8.85 x 10-12) = ε o (permitivity of air)
2 Increases the maximum voltage that can be applied
k = dielectric constant of the insulator used between the before causing a breakdown, compared with air as
plates dielectric.
A = area of one side of the plate in square meters, m2
d = distance between the plates in meters, m 3 Increases the amount of capacitance, compared with
air, for a given dimension of plates and the distance
Example: Two metal plates, each 5 x 6 cms are sepa- between them.
rated from each other by 1mm. Calculate the capaci-
bl I
pu M
tance if the dielectric material used between the plates Types of capacitors
ish Capacitors can be classified under two main categories:
1) air
1 Fixed value capacitors
2) glass
be @
kair = 1
2 Variable capacitors
t t rig
= 26.55 x 10-12 Farads Amongst fixed value capacitors, many different types of
= 26.55 pico farads capacitors are manufactured to satisfy the needs of the
C = 26.55 pF electronic industry. These different types of capacitors are
named according to the
2 From PTB table no.18 1 Type of dielectric material used in capacitor
kGlass = 5 Example:
C = (8.85 x 10-12) x 5 x (5x10-2 m x 6 x 10-2 m)/
a If paper is used as dielectric, the capacitors are
(1 x 10-3 m)
called paper capacitors.
= 5 x 26.55pF
b If ceramic is used as dielectric, the capacitors are
C = 132.75 pF
called Ceramic capacitors.
Working voltage or voltage rating of capacitor 2 Type of construction of the capacitor
The dielectric strength of the insulating material used
between the plates of a capacitor gives the capacitor the a If the foils of the conductor and dielectric are rolled
ability to withstand a potential difference between the to form a capacitor, such capacitors are called as
plates without causing arcing. Therefore, a specific capaci- Rolled foil capacitors.
tor using a specific type of dielectric can withstand only up
b If the plates and dielectric are in the form of Discs,
to a specific voltage across it. If the voltage is further
such capacitors are called as Disc capacitors.
increased, the dielectric breaks down or gets punctured.
This causes a burn out or a hole in the dielectric material
148 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.56
Different types of fixed value capacitors, their sub types, 3 The DC working voltage (DCWV) will be marked directly
available values, rated voltage and a few applications are as,
given in Chart 2 at the end of this lesson. Also refer to Chart
3 for illustration of some of the popular fixed value capaci- 16V - meaning 16V DC - marking scheme used in
tors. electrolytic capacitors
3 DC working voltage rating (DCWV) Many capacitors may not have all the markings
on their body. However, specification can be
For example: 100μF-12V, 100μF-100V, 0.01μF-400V and obtained for a particular type from its manufac-
so...on. turer.
4 Tolerance
bl I
pu M
Like resistors, capacitors also have tolerances over its
rated value. Tolerance of capacitors may range from ±1%
5 Temperature coefficient
o ht
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.56 149
Physical dimensions versus Capacitance value
A= l x l A=2 l x2 l
= l2 =4 l 2
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
CONST, K = 5
150 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.56
Main types of fixed value capacitors
Type Main sub-types Dielectric used Construction Available Rated voltage Applications
Paper Foil type Impregnated special
& craft paper
Rolled foils 0.001-1μF 200-1600VDC Motor - starting, PF correction
Metallized type Special tissue paper power supply- filters.
Plastic Foil type i) Polystyrene 0.001-1μF 100-200VDC- General purpose, high stability.
film & ii) Polyster (Mylar capacitor)- 0.001-1μF 100-600VDC- General purpose.
Metalised type iii) Poly propylene- 0.001-0.47μF 400-1600 VDC- RF circuits.
iv) Poly carbonate - Rolled foils 0.01-18μF 50-200 VDC- General purpose.
v) Metallized polypropyene- 4-60μF 400 VAC, 50 Hz AC motors.
vi) Metallized polyester- 0.01-10μF 100-600 VDC Coupling, RF filtering.
No py
vii) Polystyrol (Styroflex)
Ceramic Disc type Class-1
t t rig
(Non ferro-electric)
o ht
-Steatite (Talc) Drawn ceramic films 1PF -1
-1μF 50-500 VDC General purpose, RF.
-Mix of MgO, TiO2
be @
Tube type -TiO2, CaO Moulded tubes 1PF-1000PF 500-5K VDC General, VHF.
Monolithic (chip type) Class-2
(Ferro-electric) Substrate- 1pF-10
1pF-10μF 50-200 VDC VHF, RF coupling.
-Barium titanate Screening-sintering
-Ba, Sr, TiO2+Mg, Zr
pu M
Feed-through- Coupling in VHF range.
stand-off- Decoupling in VHF range.
bl I
button type HF circuit feeders.
Electro- Aluminium (polor, non- Aluminium oxide Rolled foil - 1-500,000
1-500,000μF 5-500 VDC Power supplies, filters.
lytic polar)(Wet, dry type) metallic can
Tantalum (polar, non- Tantalum pentoxide Rolled foil - 0.1-1000
μ 3-125 VDC Space electronics.
polar)(Wet, dry type) Can/cup/tank
Nonpolar Al and Ta capacitors are
used in loudspeaker cross-overs.
Mica Stacked mica- White mica, Rose mica, 5 pF-10,000pF 50-100 High frequency
CHART - 3 : Physical appearance of types of fixed value capacitors
1/400/40 DIN 41195
2 μ 0V
MP 08/8/630/2 60
8μ F+ -- 10%
G8/630/40/ DIN 41197
HPF 560-14/MPJ
25° / + 85°C 9.75 H
RANGE: 0.05 - 2 μ F
10 μ F
47 μ F +
2200 μ F +
25V +
25V +
100 μ F
2μ F
87 DB +
bl I
pu M
1μ F +
6V +
100μ f 350 DCWV
60μ f 350 DCWV
60μ f 350 DCWV
60μ f 350 DCWV
be @
o ht
3.3 μ F +
75V +
35V +15
35V μ F +
RANGE: SPF - 10,000PF
RANGE: 5PF - 0.01 μ F
DCWV: 500 volts
63 TC/K
0.0 V =
500 PF @ 12,500 volts
TO 0.1 F @ 500 volts
152 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.56
Construction of Capacitors
Although all capacitors in general have plates and dielec-
trics, depending upon the type of dielectric used and the
type and nature of the plates, construction of capacitors
varies drastically. Some of the main types of capacitors
and their construction are illustrated in Chart-4.
Common defects in capacitors
order of 500 to 1000 MΩ. or more. For electrolytic capacitors
Short circuited capacitors: In the course of normal the normal resistance will be of the order of 200 KΩ to 500
usage, capacitors can become short-circuited/shorted. KΩ.
This is because of the deterioration of the dielectric used
due to aging. Usually such a defect occurs when the A capacitor is said to have become leaky when the
capacitor is used over a period of years under the stress of resistance across it is less than normal when read with any
changing voltage across it. This period gets reduced if the average quality ohmmeter.
capacitor is operated at higher temperatures. Short-
circuiting of capacitors is more common in paper and Checking capacitors
electrolytic capacitors than in the other types. Short The two simple methods to check a capacitor is by carrying
circuiting of capacitor also occurs due to puncturing of the out,
dielectric when voltages much higher than its rated are
applied. A shorted capacitor cannot store energy. i capacitor action-normal resistance test, using a ohm-
meter/multi-meter (This test is also referred as quick-
Open capacitors: A capacitor may become open due to test)
loose/broken lead connections or due to the electrolyte. In ii charging-holding test, using a battery and voltmeter/
electrolytic capacitors, the electrolyte develops high re- multi-meter.
sistance with age, particularly when operated at high
Capacitor action-normal resistance test
bl I
temperatures. After a few years of usage, the electrolyte
pu M
may dry up resulting in open-circuit of the capacitor. An When an ohmmeter is connected across a fully discharged
open capacitor cannot store energy.
capacitor, initially, the battery inside the meter charges the
capacitor. During this charging, at the first instance, a
The storage (shelf) life of wet type electrolytic capacitors is reasonably high charging current flows. Since more current
be @
shorter because the electrolyte dries up over a period of through the ohmmeter means less resistance, the meter
time. pointer moves quickly towards zero ohms of the meter
o ht
tor can be taken as not shorted and hence may be taken The term FET stands for a type of transistor
as good. discussed in subsequent units. A FET input volt-
bl I
pu M
meter is a high quality voltmeter having very high
Charging-holding test on capacitors
ish ohms/volts. This meter draws almost zero current
In this test, a given capacitor is charged to some voltage while measuring voltage across any two termi-
level using an external battery as shown in Fig 8a. nals. Other average voltmeters draw current in
be @
154 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.56
pu M
No py
g 15
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.56 155
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
156 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.56
Necessity of grouping of capacitors: In certain in-
stances, we may not be able to get a required value of
capacitance and a required voltage rating. In such in-
stances, to get the required capacitances from the avail-
able capacitors and to give only the safe voltage across
capacitor, the capacitors have to be grouped in different
fashions. Such grouping of capacitors is very essential.
Parallel grouping
Conditions for parallel grouping
Voltage rating of capacitors should be higher than the
supply voltage Vs.
Polarity should be maintained in the case of polarised
capacitors (electrolytic capacitors). General formula for parallel capacitance: The total
capacitance of parallel capacitors is found by adding the
Necessity of parallel grouping: Capacitors are con-
individual capacitances.
nected in parallel to achieve a higher capacitance than
what is available in one unit. CT = C1 + C2 + C3 +.............+ Cn
where CT is the total capacitance,
Connection of parallel grouping: Parallel grouping of
capacitors is shown in Fig 9 and is analogous to the
bl I C1,C2,C3 etc. are the parallel capacitors.
pu M
connection of resistance in parallel or cells in parallel.
The voltage applied to a parallel group must not exceed the
lowest breakdown voltage for all the capacitors in the
parallel group.
be @
Example: Suppose three capacitors are connected in
parallel, where two have a breakdown voltage of 250 V and
one has a breakdown voltage of 200 V, then the maximum
o ht
applied voltage.
Total capacitance: When capacitors are connected in Charge stored in parallel grouping: Since the voltage
parallel, the total capacitance is the sum of the individual across parallel-grouped capacitors is the same, the larger
capacitances, because the effective plate area increases. capacitor stores more charge. If the capacitors are equal
The calculation of total parallel capacitance is analogous in value, they store an equal amount of charge. The charge
to the calculation of total resistance of a series circuit. stored by the capacitors together equals the total charge
that was delivered from the source.
By comparing Figures 10a and 10b, you can understand QT= Q1+ Q2 + Q3+.....+ Qn
that connecting capacitors in parallel effectively increases where QTis the total charge
the plate area.
Q1,Q2,Q3.....etc. are the individual
charges of the capacitors in parallel.
Using the equation Q = CV,
the total charge QT = CTVS
where VS is the supply voltage.
Again CTVS = C1VS + C2VS + C3VS
Because all the VS terms are equal, they can be
Therefore, CT = C1 + C2 + C3
Example: Calculate the total capacitance, individual
charges and the total charge of the circuit given in Fig 10.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.56 157
Conditions for series grouping
— If different voltage rating capacitors have to be con-
nected in series, take care to see that the voltage
drop across each capacitor is less than its voltage
— Polarity should be maintained in the case of
polarised capacitors.
Connection in series grouping: Series grouping of
Solution capacitors, as shown in Fig 12 is analogous to the
connection of resistances in series or cells in series.
Total capacitance = CT
CT = C1 + C2 + C3 + C4
CT = 250 micro farads.
Individual charge = Q = CV
Q1 = C1V
= 25 x 100 x 10–6
= 2500 x 10–6
= 2.5 x 10–3 coulombs.
Total capacitance:When capacitors are connected in
Q2 = C2V
series, the total capacitance is less than the smallest
= 50 x 100 x 10–6 capacitance value, because
= 5000 x 10–6 – the effective plate separation thickness increases
bl I
pu M
= 5 x 10–3 coulombs. – and the effective plate area is limited by the smaller
Q3 = C3V
ish plate.
= 10000 x 10-6
No py
= 10 x 10-3coulombs.
Total charge = Qt= Q1+ Q2 + Q3 + Q4
= (2.5x10-3) + (5x10-3)
+(7.5x10-3) + (10x10-3)
= (2.5+5+7.5+10) x 10-3
= 25 x 10-3 coulombs.
or QT= CTV
= 250 x 10-6x 100
General formula for series capacitance: The total
= 25 x 10-3 coulombs. capacitance of the series capacitors can be calculated by
Series grouping using the formula
Necessity of grouping of capacitors in series: The If there are two capacitors in series
necessity of grouping capacitors in series is to reduce the
total capacitance in the circuit. Another reason is that two
or more capacitors in series can withstand a higher
potential difference than an individual capacitor can. But,
the voltage drop across each capacitor depends upon the
individual capacitance. If the capacitances are unequal,
you must be careful not to exceed the breakdown voltage
of any capacitor.
158 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.56
If there are three capacitors in series
bl I
The voltage across any individual capacitor in a series
pu M
connection can be determined using the following formula.
be @
The potential difference does not divide equally if the knowledge, we know that
capacitances are unequal. If the capacitances are unequal – the current is the same at all points in a series circuit
No py
you must be careful not to exceed the breakdown voltage the current is defined as the rate of flow of charge.
of any capacitor. (I = Q/t) or Q = It
The same current is flowing for the same period through the
different capacitors of the series circuit. So the charge of
each capacitor will be equal (same), and also equal to the
total charge QT.
QT= Q1=Q2=Q3=.............=Qn
But the voltage across each one depends on its capaci-
tance value (V = Q/C)
By Kirchoff's voltage law, which applies to capacitive as
well as to resistive circuits, the sum of the capacitor
Example: Find the voltage across each capacitor in Fig 14. voltages equals the source voltage.
Solution V = V1+V2+V3+.........+Vn
Total capacitance: CT
Capacitive Reactance
Capacitor oppose changes in voltage with the flow of
electrons onto the plates of the capacitor being directly
proportional to the rate of voltage change across its plates
as the capacitor charges and discharges. Unlike a resistor
where the opposition to current flow is its actual resistance,
the opposition to current flow in a capacitor is called
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.56 159
Like resistance, reactance is measured in Ohm's but is The impedance of an AC capacitance
given the symbol X to distinguish it from a purely resistive
Impedance, Z which has the units of Ohms, Ω is the
R value and as the component in question is a capacitor,
" Total" opposition to current flowing in an AC circuit that
the reactance of a capacitor is called capacitive reactance,
contains both resistance, (the real part) and reactance
(X c) which is measured in Ohms.
(the imaginary part). A purely resistive impedance will
Since capacitors charge and dicharge in proportion to the have a phase angle of 0° while a purely capacitive imped-
rate of voltage change across them, the faster the voltage ance will have a phase angle of -90°.
changes the more current will flow.
However when resistors and capacitors are connected
Likewise, the slower the voltage changes the less current together in the same circuit, the total impedance will have
will flow. This means the reactance of an AC capacitor is a phase angle some where between 0° and 90° depending
" inversely proportional " to the frequency of the supply as upon the value of the components used. Then the imped-
shown. ance of our simple RC circuit can be found by using the
impedance triangle.
Capacitive reactance
Where: Xc is the capacitive reactance in Ohms, f is the The RC impedance triangle
frequency in Hertz and C is the AC capacitance in Farads,
symbol F.S
X =
c 2ΠΠf
X =
C ωC
When dealing with AC capacitance, we can also define
bl I
pu M
capacitive reactance in terms of radians,where Omega, w Then: (impedance)2 = (Resistance)2 + ( j Reactance)2
equals 2Πf. where j represents the 90° phase shift.
C ωC
Phase angle
o ht
Z 2 = R 2 + X C2
t t rig
R Xc Xc
Cosφ = , Sinφ = , tanφ =
No py
160 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.56
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.57
Electronic Mechanic - Active and Passive components
Circuit breakers
Objectives:At the end of this lesson the trainees shall be able to
• state the definition of a circuit breaker
• list the various types of circuit breakers and their uses
• explain the types of closing mechanisms
• explain the types of trip mechanisms
• explain the types of protective devices used in a circuit breaker.
Circuit breakers are used in electrical installations to make 6 Use in small flats/quarters/rooms. Many large indus-
or break the circuit with or without load. They also incorpo- tries and project houses build quarters for their employ-
rate protective devices. ees/workers wherein fixed light and domestic connec-
tions are provided. The electricity bills are not charged
Definition: A circuit breaker is a device capable of making as per consumption. A low monthly charge is levied.
and breaking a circuit under normal conditions as well as Sometimes free electricity is provided. In such in-
under abnormal conditions such as those of short circuit. stances, it is essential that the user does not connect
higher load appliances, leading to overheating of wires
The following are the different types of breakers in common and burning of supply equipments.
use in electronic industries
1 Miniature circuit breaker(MCB)
2 Earth leakage circuit breakers (ELCB)
bl I
pu M
Miniature circuit breakers(MCB)
1 MCBs are essentially tamper-proof as they have enclo- In such cases load rated MCBs can be used as the main
sures of a sealed type. incoming circuit breakers. In the event of extra load being
2 MCBs afford closer protection than the rewireable and connected /drawn, the circuit breaker will trip and cut off
HRC fuses in common use, because of the narrowly supply.
controlled tripping factor i.e. ratio of minimum trip
For such applications, the MCBs can be provided in
current/rated current.
enclosures, with padlocking devices so that only the
authorised persons has to be approached for re-switching
3 These are available in plug-in design also, in which case on the supply. Some manufacturers produce such enclo-
they can be pushed into circuit bus-bars even in sures with MCBs as well.
energized condition. Thus replacement is easy.
For other general small flats/rooms, it is advantageous to
4 These are modular in design which permits their use in
install a circuit breaker of 10 amps or 15 amps for over-all
various combinations. In the case of triple pole types,
since they are gang operated, there is no possibility of
single phasing.
Availability of MCBs: MCBs are available indegeneous in
5 MCBs can assume the function of a switch as well as the various combinations of poles and current ratings.
a protective device and consequently they may be used
i) Single pole MCB. Current rating 5 to 60 amps.
to control, as well as protect, the circuits and appara-
tus. ii) Double pole MCB (i.e. two MCBs with common trip bar)
5 to 60 amps.
iii) Triple pole MCB (i.e. three MCBs, with common trip bar) However, when there is any leakage in the circuit, the line
current rating 5 to 60 amps. current differs from neutral current, thus inducing a voltage
iv) Four pole MCB (i.e. four MCBs with common trip bar) in the secondary and the trip coil opens the circuit. Working
current rating 5 to 60 amps. of the ELCB could be checked by the test button at
intervals. Specification for ELCB should contain normal
Earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB): Earth leakage rated current, leakage current and the time duration within
circuit breakers are the devices designed to provide protec- which the ELCB should trip. Some state electricity
tion against accidents by rapidly interrupting dangerous authorities in India insist on the use of ELCB in each of the
contact voltages which may be present in the faulty domestic installation as a safety measure.
electrical equipment as a result of ground faults, insuffi-
cient insulation, insulation failure or misuse and sabotage. Types of closing mechanism in circuit breakers:
Basically the ELCBs are of two types, voltage operated Various mechanisms are devised to close the circuit
ELCBs and current operated ELCBs. breaker contacts. The main types are :
Over the years, it has been established that current 1) spring-operated closing mechanism
operated ELCBs are much more reliable in operation, 2) solenoid-operated closing mechanism
easier to install and maintain. Besides, there is no danger- 3) air-pressure operated closing mechanism.
ous ageing of the protective system components involved,
as in the voltage operated ELCBs, where the earth elec-
Spring-operated closing mechanism: It can be of three
trode resistance changes with time and hence the earth
types as explained below.
loop impedance does not remain constant over a period.
This leads to dangerous touch voltages on the metal
Manually operated spring press mechanism: This
enclosures without being sensed by the voltage operated
normally consist of a handle as shown in Fig 3 which has
ELCBs, whereas current operated devices are safer as
to be pushed by a downward stroke to close the circuit. As
they operate on the principle of the vector sum of the line
the handle is brought down, the springs are compressed as
currents and the neutral current. Any current even in
shown in Fig. The final part of the stroke releases the
bl I
milliamperes which is not returning to the source through
pu M
springs and closes the breaker.
the neutral is assumed to be flowing through the earth or
through any insulating body. This differential current is
immediately sensed by the current operated ELCB which
switches off the electricity supply, protecting the people
be @
162 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.57
be operated manually. The tripping lever is generally kept
locked. When the trip bar is lifted the mechanism opens the
breaker contacts.
of the trip coil mechanism. A plunger moves freely inside
bl I the solenoid. When the solenoid is energised by the trip
pu M
ish switch the plunger moves up and releases the lock which
holds the trip bar. Further the trip coils are also actuated by
short circuit/overload and under-voltage relays as de-
scribed in the following paragraphs.
be @
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.57 163
Series trip coil: The series trip coil mechanism shown in Under voltage release coils: The under-voltage release
Fig 10 consists of a series solenoid with a plunger coil is used in installations where detection and isolation of
controlled by a spring. When current in the load become abnormally low voltage is required. The construction of the
excessive the plunger rises and trips the mechanism. under-voltage trip coil shown in Fig 11 is similar to the trip
coils discussed above except that the plunger is held away
from the pole piece by a coiled spring. Under normal
operating conditions, the solenoid is energised and the
plunger is held down against the force of the spring. When
the supply voltage falls, the under-voltage release coil will
not be in a position to hold the plunger down against the
spring tension. Thus the plunger moves up and pushes the
trip bar to trip the circuit breaker.
In three-phase circuit breakers, there are three series trip
bl I
coils, three dash pots, three plungers. They can operate
pu M
the trip mechanism together or independently.
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
164 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.57
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.58 - 1.5.60
Electronic Mechanic - Active and Passive components
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the meaning of magnet and magnetism
• list the properties of magnets
• differentiate between temporary and permanent magnets
• state about flux and flux density.
• list the magnetic materials
• state the classification of magnetic materials
• state the type of magnetic field around a current carrying conductor
• state faraday's law and lenz's law of electro magnetic induction
• explain relay types, construction and specification
• list different types of contacts.
poles. Magnetic field exists in all directions, but
the poles.
decreases in strength, as you go away from the
bl I
pu M
poles(decreases inversely as the square of the distance
flow outward from the north pole and enter the magnet at the
south pole. The entire group of magnetic lines, which can
be @
artificial means.
square of the distance between poles. magnetic field lines will be unaffected by the non-magnetic
166 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.58 - 1.5.60
Classification of magnets, popularly used types of mag- As an example the flux density B for a 1 lb magnet will be
nets and their applications are given in Chart 1 at the end 1000 G at the poles.
of this lesson.
Example : With a flux of 10,000 Mx through a perpendicu-
Units of magnetic flux ø lar area of 5 cm2, what is the flux density in gauss?
ø 10, 000 Mx 2
B = = 2 = 2000 Mx cm
One Maxwell (Mx) unit equals one magnetic field line. In Fig A 5 cm
8, for example, the flux illustrated is 6 Mx because, there
are six field lines flowing in or out of each pole. A one pound B = 2000 G.
magnet can provide a magnetic flux ø of about 5000 Mx.
Typical values of flux densities are ,
Maxwell is a unit of magnetic field in CGS system of units. Earth's magnetic flux density is about 0.2 G.
A large laboratory magnet produces flux den-
sity of 50,000 G.
metre is called a tesla, abbreviated as T.
bl I
pu M
This is a larger unit of magnetic flux. One weber (Wb) Tesla is a unit of flux density in SI system of units.
equals 1 x 108 lines or maxwells. Since weber is a large unit
1μWb = 10-6Wb.
For a one lb magnet producing the magnetic flux of 5000 ø 400 x 10 Wb
B = =
o ht
Mx, corresponds to 50 μWb. A 5 x 10 m2
t t rig
400 –2 –2
Weber is a unit of magnetic field in SI system of units. = x 10 = 80 x 10 Wb/m 2
No py
required from steel strips containing 3% chromium.
temperature. This results in random directions of mo-
bl I
tion that neutralizes the magnetic effect of each other.
pu M
Cobalt steel
2 The magnetic effect from the motion of each electron The addition of cobalt to chromium steel considerably
spinning on its own axis: The spinning electrons works increases the magnetic strength of the material.
as a tiny permanent magnets. Opposite spins provide
be @
opposite polarities. Two electrons spinning in opposite To meet all reasonable industrial requirements, a range of
directions form a pair, neutralizing the magnetic fields. five cobalt steel alloys, each having a different cobalt
In the atoms of ferromagnetic materials, however, there
o ht
materials. Alloys of these three metals make up almost the rotors used in electric clocks and hysteresis motors.
entire range of magnetic materials used by the electrical,
Temporary and permanent magnets In 1931 an alloy of iron, aluminum and nickel was discov-
ered. This alloy gives a better magnetic performance as a
Another classification of magnetic materials based on their permanent magnet when compared to all the other com-
application are: mercially produced permanent magnetic materials.
1 Temporary magnets
Most permanent magnets produced today are made from
2 Permanent magnets
Alnico and Alcomax group of alloys. These have iron-nickel
Soft and hard magnetic materials and aluminium with additions of cobalt and copper.
Magnetic materials can be classified as: Magnets made from these alloys can only be produced by
1 Hard magnetic materials the processes of casting and sintering. They are very brittle
and cannot be machined except by grinding.
2 Soft magnetic materials
Soft magnetic is a term which covers the range of
Hard magnetic is a term is used to cover the range of materials which are easy to magnetize and demagnetize.
materials used for making permanent magnets. They are used for the cores of electromagnets or temporary
Some of the hard magnetic materials commonly used and
a brief of their magnetic properties are given below; Soft magnetic materials used for making electromagnets
are easy to magnetize and demagnetize. They have low
hysteresis loss, higher saturation value (B), higher
168 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.58 - 1.5.60
permeability and low coercivity values when compared with
hard magnetic materials.
Mild steel
It is an inexpensive material to produce, and, therefore, an
ideal material to use where cost is important and the
magnetic properties required not so stringent. As the
carbon content in mild steel is increased, the effect is to
lower the magnetic properties.
Iron-silicon alloys
A range of iron-silicon alloys, containing silicon between
0.3% to 4% is produced as sheets or strips and used for
making laminations. Iron with a small amount of silicon has
better magnetic properties than pure iron.
These alloys have low hysteresis loss, high saturation and
bl I
pu M
are used for the magnetic circuits of electrical equipment
operated at power frequencies of 50 Hz such as power
Magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor electric current passing through the centre of the coil.
Therefore, a one-turn coil acts as a little magnet. It has a
t t rig
around a current carrying conductor. shown in Fig 9c. In this case, the flux generated by each
of the individual current -carrying turns, tends to link-up and
1 The magnetic lines are circular and the field is sym- pass out-of one end of the coil and back into the other end
metrical with respect to the current carrying wire in the as shown in Fig 9c. This type of coil, also known as a
centre. solenoid has a magnetic field pattern very similar to that of
2 The magnetic field with circular lines of forces is in a a bar magnet.
plane perpendicular to the current in the wire.
The right hand rule for determining the direction of flux from
a solenoid is illustrated in Fig 9d. When the solenoid is
The direction of the magnetic lines around the conductor
gripped with the right hand such that, the fingers are
can be determined by the right hand screw rule. The
pointed in the direction of current flow in the coils, the
direction of magnetic lines reverses, if the direction of
thumb points in the direction of the flux as shown in Fig
current through the conductor is reversed. This magnetic
9d. The coil now behaves like an electromagnet.
field around a single conductor is too weak to make the wire
behave as a useful magnet.
The solenoid acts like a bar magnet whether it has an iron
core or not. Adding an iron core in a solenoid increases the
Magnetic field around a coil
flux density inside the coil. In addition, the field strength will
Consider the effect of passing a current through a one-turn then be uniform for the entire length of the core. It should
coil of wire as shown in Fig 9a. be noted that, adding an iron core into a solenoid does not
change the N and S pole positions of the solenoid.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.58 - 1.5.60 169
Applications of electromagnet means, a relay enables a comparatively weak current to
bring into operation a much stronger current or currents as
Electromagnets are used in various applications such as
shown in Fig 11a and Fig 11b.
electrical circuit breakers, relays, door bells etc.
In Fig 11a, a 150mA relay current can switch-ON or switch-
Faraday's law
OFF a high power motor which draws 15 Amperes. In Fig
Whenever a conductor cuts magnetic lines of force, an emf 11b, by operating the relay, multiple circuits can be
is induced in the conductor. This is known as Faraday’s law switched-ON or switched-OFF.
of Electromagnetic Induction.
Lenz’s Law
The basic principle used to determine the direction of
induced voltage or current is given by Lenz’s Law.
In addition to solenoids, one other most popular application
of electromagnets is in what are called electromagnetic
bl I
pu M
Important similarities and differences between a solenoid
and a relay is illustrated in Fig 10.
Construction and operation of a simple relay
Electromagnetic relay is basically a switch or a combina-
be @
– a set of contacts
– a frame to mount all these components.
As shown in Fig 12, a typical relay consists of a core
surrounded by a coil of wire. This is mounted on a metal
frame. The movable part of the relay is the armature. One
end of the armature is hinged and connected to a spring.
On the armature is mounted a contact arm carrying
movable contacts. The fixed relay contacts and its termi-
nals are mounted on an insulated terminal board.
Electromagnetic relays
The term relay was used for the first time, to describe an
invention made by Samuel Morse in 1836. The device
invented by Morse was a Telegraph Amplifying Electro-
magnetic Device. 'This device enabled a small current
flowing in a coil to switch-ON a large current in another
circuit, and thus helped in relaying of telegraph signals.
On removing the voltage applied to the coil, the spring Once the relay is energised then, only a small amount of
attached to one end of the armature returns the armature energy is required to maintain it in energized condition. The
to its original position and the contact arm touches the top
bl I rest of the electrical energy is wasted as heat.
pu M
The constructional details of a commercially available, When the current through the coils falls below a certain
most common type of relay known as a clapper type relay value, the relay gets de-energised and the return spring
is shown in Fig 13. The working principle of this relay is pulls the armature back. This is called as relay drop-out.
be @
Parts of a Relay
No py
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.58 - 1.5.60 171
Relay coil : The coil is usually wound on a former and Size of the contacts determines the current handling
slipped over the magnetic core in the relay frame. This capability. The larger the contacts, the more current they
permits easy replacement of damaged coils by new ones. can switch without excessive deterioration.
Coil Specifications The contact arms or springs are made thick and wide
enough to carry the current for which the contacts are
Generally relays are made to operate at different voltages
rated. They are also made spongy enough to ensure good
such as, 6, 12, 18, 24, 48, 100 or 240 volts AC or DC. A coil
contact. If the springs are too soft they may vibrate when
resistance chart is usually given with relays which helps in
the relay opens, causing contact bounce when the con-
calculating the coil current and power dissipation. Maxi-
tacts open and close repeatedly. This bounce can also
mum wattage, maximum permissible temperature and the
occur on closing. The bouncing of contacts is always
wattage for satisfactory operation, are specified along with
undesirable. Contact debouncing circuits are used to
overcome the undesirable effects of contact bouncing in
Operate current – is the minimum current required to sensitive circuits such as digital electronic circuits.
energize a relay.
Switching circuits with switching speed of 10 to 25 msec
Hold current – is the minimum coil current required
require gold contacts. Also the contacts should be made
to continue to hold the relay ener-
of similar metals or alloys to avoid temperature differential
which will introduce uncompensated thermocouple voltages.
Release current – is the maximum current which re-
leases the relay.
Types of relay contacts
Relay coils are always insulated from the frame of the relay. There are several types of relay contacts of which a few
The electrical resistance between the coil and the body is basic types of contacts are shown in Chart 1 at the end of
a measure of the isolation of energising voltage from the this lesson.
ground. Similarly, the electrical resistance between the
bl I Instructor to use transparency types of contacts
pu M
coil and the contacts is a measure of the electrical isolation
between the energising driving and the driven circuits. and discuss their working.]
These resistances will be of the order of hundreds or
thousands of megohms. The simplest and most common forms of contacts are:
be @
the electrical switching of the controlled circuits. Also, Form B: Normally Closed Contact (abbreviated as N/C)
these contacts are the ones that cause most trouble and
t t rig
Contact materials and design Form D: Make before break contact - the long arm is
172 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.58 - 1.5.60
Circuit breakers - relays used as protective devices to
interrupt circuits when they become overloaded.
2 Relays can also be classified based on their applica-
tions as given below;
bl I
pu M
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.58 - 1.5.60 173
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
Space for trainees to fill
174 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.58
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.61
Electronic Mechanic - Active and Passive components
RC time constant t while charging Fig 2 shows the charging curve of the resistor - capacitor
When a capacitor is connected across a battery or a (RC) circuit shown in Fig 1 and its relationship with RC time
source of dc voltage as shown in Fig 1a, it charges almost constant, t.
instantaneously. This is because there is no resistance in
the charging circuit to limit the charging current. On the
other hand, if a resistor is connected in series with the
capacitor, as shown in Fig 1b, the resistance limits the
maximum current that can flow in the series circuit. This
limiting of charging current causes delay in the time
required for the capacitor to charge up-to the source
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
Even if a resistor were not connected in the circuit , the time constants.
resistance due to connecting wires, leads internal re-
No py
capacitor to charge depends on both the resistance (R) in time delay in discharging the stored charges depending
the charging circuit, and the capacitance (C) of the upon the value of resistance and capacitance. This
capacitor(recall higher capacitance value allows higher discharge time constant t, is also given by RC. This time
current in the circuit, I = CV/t). constant gives the time required for the voltage across a
discharging capacitor to drop to various percentages of its
This relationship between resistance, capacitance and the maximum value as shown in graph at Fig 3.
charging time is expressed by the equation,
t = RC
where t (spelled as tow) is the capacitive time constant or
RC time constant, representing the time required for the
capacitor to charge to 63.2% of its full charge voltage.
It is interesting to note that, in each succeeding time
constant t , the voltage across the capacitor increases by
an additional 63.2 % of the remaining voltage. Thus, after
the second time constant (2t ) the capacitor would have
charged to 86.4 % of its maximum voltage,
– after 3t, 94.9 percent, of its maximum voltage,
– after 4t, 98.1 percent, of its maximum voltage
and – after 5t, more than 99 percent of its maximum
Notice the similarity between the capacitive time constant
and the inductive time constant, discussed in previous
lessons. The similarity is that, the voltage across a
capacitor and the current through an inductor builds up/
rises and drops off/falls exactly in the same way.
= = 1.59 τ ≈ 1.6 τ
2.2s/ τ
When the flash unit is charging, switch SW is in position
From the universal graph
1. The lamp resistance RC will be large. This high resist-
ance limits the peak charging current IC to a low value such where τ = 1.6 τ , VC is almost = 80% of V (the final value).
bl I
pu M
that the capacitor charges gradually with a large time
constant τ1 = RC C.
VC = 80% of 12 volts
All similar system of obtaining high surge current is used ing oscilloscope
in applications like, electric spot welding, radar transmitter
A charging and discharging wave-form of a R-C circuit can
No py
tubes etc.
be seen using an oscilloscope. However, it is difficult to
view the charging and discharging of a R-C circuit having a
176 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.58 to 1.5.60
Application of R-C delay circuits
An RC circuit with a large time constant can be used to
introduce delay in a circuit as shown in Fig 7.
being lighted for a brief period of time(flashing). The lamp
by adjusting R2.
be @
With the oscilloscope connected across the capacitor, as The delay introduced by the R-C in circuit in Fig 7 can be
shown in Fig 6a, the time required to reach 63% of the final used for several other useful purposes. For example, if it is
voltage is the time constant, τ.. The voltage levels at 1
1τ,, 2
2τ required to delay the switching ON of a DC relay following
o ht
etc can be easily measured if the Time/Div of the CRO is the application of voltage to the relay coil, the circuit at
made equal to the time constant τ.
t t rig
C= (Derivedfrom the formula,τ = RC)
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.58 to 1.5.60 177
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.62
Electronic Mechanic - Active and Passive components
R.C. Differentiator
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define R.C. differentiator
• connect capacitor and resistance in series
• explain about single pulse R.C. differentiator.
RC Differentiator
The passive RC differentiator is a series connected RC
network that produces an output signal which corresponds
to the mathematical process of differentiation.
For a passive RC differentiator circuit, the input is connected
to a capacitor while the output voltage is taken across a
resistance being the exact opposite to the RC integrator
A passive RC differentiatior is nothing more than a
capacitance in series with a resistance. It is a frequency
dependant device which has reactance in series with a RC differentiator circuit
fixed resistance. Just like the integrator circuit, the output
For an RC differentiator circuit, the input signal is applied
voltage depends on the circuits RC time constant and input
bl I to one side of the capacitor with the output taken across the
pu M
resistor, then Vout equals VR. As the capacitor is a frequency
Thus at low input frequencies the reactance, XC of the dependent element the amout of charge it takes a time for
capacitor is high blocking any d.c. voltage or slowly varying across the plates is equal to the time integral of the current
input signals. While at high input frequencies the capacitors capacitor to fully charge as the capacitor can not charge
be @
reactance is low allowing rapidly varying pulses to pass instantaneously only charge exponentially.
directly from the input to the output.
Resistor voltage
o ht
RC Differentiator Formula Single pulse RC differentiator
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.62 179
We can see that the shape of the output wave form depends For the output to resemble the input, we need RC to be ten
on the ratio of the pulse width to the RC time constant. times (10RC) the value of the pulse width, so for a capacitor
When RC is much larger (Greater than 10RC) than the value of say, 1uF, this would give a resistor value of : 100kΩ.
pulse width the output waveform resembles the square Likewise, for the output to resemble a sharpe pulse, we
wave of the input signal.When RC is much smaller (less need RC to be one tenth (0.1 RC) of the pulse width, so for
than 0.1 RC ) than the pulse width, the output waveform the same capacitor value of 1 uF, this would give a resistor
takes the form of very sharp and narrow spikes as shown value of: 1kΩ, and so on.
Example for RC differentiator
So by varying the time constant of the circuit from 10RC to
0.1 RC we can produce a range of different wave shapes.
Generally a smaller time constant is always used in RC
differentiator circuits to provide good sharp pulses at the
output across R. Thus the differential of a square wave
pulse (high dv/dt step input ) is an infinitly short spike
resulting in an RC differentiator circuit.
Lets assume a square wave waveform has a period, T of 20
mS giving a pulse width of 10mS ( 20mS divided by 2). For
the spike to discharge down to 37% of its initial value, the So by having an RC value of one tenth the pulse width (and
pulse width must equal the RC time constant, that is RC in our example above this is 0.1 x 10mS = 1mS) or lower
= 10mS. If we choose a value for the capacitor, C of 1 uF, we can produce the required spikes at the output, and the
then R equals 10kΩ. lower the RC time constant for a given pulse width, the
sharper the spikes. Thus the exact shap of the output
waveform depends on the value of the RC time constant.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
180 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.62
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63
Electronic Mechanic - Active & Passive components
opposing these changes. This continuous opposition is
bl I
entirely dependent on the induced emf in the coil and has
pu M
nothing to do with opposition due to the DC resistance of
the coil. The effective opposition to the flow of alternating
t t rig
R = VR / IR
No py
XL = VL / IL
XL is the inductive reactance in ohms, W
VL is the voltage across the pure inductor in volts, V
IL is the current through the inductor in amperes, A
Power consumed by a pure inductor
R-L series circuit Reactive power due to the reactive component.
Referring to Fig 1a, the circuit current(I) is limited by both
The power consumed by a reactive component
the ohmic resistance R and inductive reactance XL. Each
is referred to as reactive power.
has its own series voltage drops IR and IXL. Here the
circuit current is labeled as I, instead of IL, because In the series R-L circuit at Fig 3a, Apparent power Ps is the
current I flows through both the series components R and vectorial sum of True power (P) and the reactive power (Pq)
L. as shown in Fig 3c.
In this way, the total inductance (Lt) is equal to the sum of
individual inducatance (L1, L2, L3, .....)
knowing VR and VL. voltage VS and total circuit current It.
bl I
pu M
Fig 2c gives the total resultant opposition to current flow
due to R and XL. This total resultant opposition due to Apparent power = Vs x It in volt-ampers, VA ...[5]
Power consumed in a Resistance - Inductance Circuit (R- At high frequencies, how useful is a coil is not only judged
L circuit) by its inductance, but also by the ratio of its inductive
XL is the reactance of the coil in ohms
Ri is the internal Resistance of the coil in ohms
182 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63
R-C series circuit: Vector diagram of voltages and their use to deter-
mine pf angle θ. (Fig 6)
In a circuit with capacitance, the capacitive reactance (XC)
decreases when the supply frequency (f) increases as
shown in Fig 4.
XC α
1 ∴ I = =
R2 + X 2 Z
f C
When the capacitive reactance XC increases the circuit
current decreases. ∴ Z= R2 + X 2
C where Z is the impedance of the
1 circuit.
Xc Power factor, cos θ = R/Z.
From pf cos θ the angle θ can be known referring to the
Therefore the increase in frequency (f) results in the in- Trignometric table.
bl I
pu M
crease of the circuit current in the capacitive circuit. When
resistance (R), capacitance (C) and frequency f are known Example 1: In RC series circuit shown in the diagram
in a circuit, the power factor cos θ can be determined as (Fig 7) obtain the following.
follows. (Fig 5)
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
– Impedance in ohms
– Current in amps
= 400 = 20V
Example:2 In the circuit in Fig.9 calculate a) the capacitive is R = 40 ohms L = 0.3 H and C = 50mf. The supply voltage
is 240V 50 Hz. Calculate the inductive reactance, capaci-
bl I
reactance and b) The capacitance of the capactior
pu M
tance reactance, net reactance, impedance, current in the
circuit, voltage drops across the R, L and C power factor,
Calculate the resulting reactance in RLC circuit :
o ht
VR = IR = 0.16 x 50 = 8V reactance of the coil leads the line current by 90o. The
voltage drop across the inductor coil and the capacitor are
No py
Vc = V 2 - VR2 = 12 2 - 8 2 = 80 = 9V (App.) 180 degrees apart and oppose each other. To calculate the
net reactance in the above example:
V 9
184 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63
Calculate the impedance: From the circuit given above
the impedance can be found. The impedance is the
resultant combination resistance and reactance. In this
circuit, the impedance is the combination of the 40 ohms
resistance and 30.51 W resultant reactance. The
impedance for this circuit is
Z = R 2 + (X L − X C ) 2 = 40 2 + 30.512
ER = IR = 4.77 x 40 = 190.8 volts
bl I
pu M
EL = IXL = 4.77 x 94.2 W = 449.33 volts
Draw along with current vector the value of R to a suitable resistor and 145.53 volts across the net reactance of
scale i.e. 1cm = y ohms. 30.51W is equal to the line voltage of 240 volts as
t t rig
draw the vertical line perpendicular to the current vector in shown below.
+y axis indicating the value of inductive reactance to the
No py
Substract the value of XC from, XL as shown in Fig 13 the net = 190.8 2 + 145.53 2
reactance value is equal to 30.51 ohms. Complete the
vectors by closing the parallelogram the reactance of the ∴ E = 240 volts.
parallelogram is the impedance of the series RLC circuit.
The voltage vector diagram could be drawn as shown in
Mathematically what we determined the values of net
reactance and impedance could also be determined by the fig.15
above vectorial method.
Measurement of current and voltage drop in RLC
circuit. The voltage drop across R =ER across L = EL and
drop across C = EC and the formula for finding their values
and given below. (Fig 14)
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63 185
Calculate the power factor: Power factor of the RLC
series circuit can be found from the impedance triangle or
voltage triangle as shown below
Power factor = Cos θ = or R
R 40
Power factor = = = 0.795
Z 50.3
ER 190.8
= = = 0.795
V 240
Calculate the active power (RA): Active power can be
calculated by using anyone of the formulae given below
P = EI Cos q = I2R
In this type of series circuit, the current is used as a
= EI Cos q = 240 x 4.77 x 0.795
horizontal reference line. The voltage value of 145.53 volts
across the portion of the inductive reactance which is not = 910 walts
cancelled out by the voltage across the capacitive
reactance. The PF = ER/E = 190.8/240 = 0.795 lag or PF = I2R = 4.772 x 40
= R/Z = 40/50.30 = 0.795 lag PF. In this circuit the phase
= 910 watts.
angle is 37.3o lagging. This means that current lags the
bl I
pu M
line voltage. Calculate the reactive power Pq: Reactive power can
In an RLC series circuit, if XL is greater then the voltage be calculated using the formula
appearing across the inductor is high and that can be Pq = EI sin q Vars
be @
capacitor is more and can be found out by IXC. The voltage = 695 Vars
vector diagram shown in Fig 16a and 16b represents the
t t rig
186 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63
Resonance circuit: When the value of XL and XC are equal, Note: Supply voltage is referred as V or E inter-
the voltage drop across them will be equal and hence they changeably.
cancel each other. The value of voltage drops VL and VC
An admittance may be resolved into two compo-
may be much higher than the applied voltage. The nents.
impedance of the circuit will be equal to the resistance
value. Full value of applied voltage appears across R and – A component in phase with the applied voltage called
the conductance denoted by g.
the current in the circuit is limited by the value of resistance
– A component in quadrature (at right angle) with the
only. Such circuits are used in electronic circuits like radio/
applied voltage called susceptance, denoted by b.
TV turning circuits. When XL = XC the circuit is said to be
in resonance. As current will be maximum in series
resonant circuits it is also called acceptor circuits. For a
known value of L and C the frequency at which this occurs
is called as resonant frequency. This value can be
calculated as follows when XC = XL
1 1b R
2πfL = g = YCosφ = x
1 R R
Hence resonant frequency f = = =
2π LC 2 2 2
Z R +Z
Note: Power factor angle is commonly denoted 1 X X
b = Y sin φ = x =
bl I
by Theta q. In some pages of this text it is denoted Z Z Z2
pu M
in this text. ish
by Phi f. As such these terms are used alternatively
2 2
R +X
R-L Parallel circuit
be @
is the phasor sum of the branch currents. is called the mho symbol .
t t rig
– Phasor method
Admittance method (Fig 18)
The current in any branch I =
1 1
= Ex where
is called the admittance of the circuit i.e. admittance is
the reciprocal of impedance. Admittance is denoted by U.
1 I
I = Ex = EY or Y =
total current
∴ Totaladmittance(YT ) =
Phasor sum of branch currents
= Phase sum of separate admittance
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63 187
Relationship between branch current and supply voltage
bl I
pu M
IR = current through resistor in phase with E
rent in the circuit containing R, R coil, XL coil and circuits In a parallel RC circuit, one or more
Parallel RC circuits:
supply voltage resistive loads and one or more capacitive loads are con-
t t rig
188 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63
Voltage: In a parallel RC circuit, as in any other parallel
circuit, the applied voltage is directly across each branch.
The branch voltages are, therefore, equal to each other, as
well as to the applied voltage, and all three are in phase.
(Fig 25) So if you know any one of the circuit voltages, you
know all of them. Since the voltage is common throughout
the circuit, it serves as the common quantity in any vector
representation of the parallel RC circuits. This means that
on any vector diagram, the reference vector will have the
same direction, or phase relationship, as the circuit volt-
age. The two quantities that have this relationship with the
circuit voltage, and whose vectors, therefore, have a
direction of zero degrees, are the capacitor voltage and the
current through the resistance.
equation: IC = EAPP/XC .
bl I
pu M
The current in the resistive branch is in phase with the
branch voltage, while the current in the capacitive branch
leads the branch voltage by 90 degrees. Since the two
branch voltages are the same, the current in the capaci-
tive branch (IC) must lead the current in the resistive branch
be @
ILINE = IR 2 + IC 2
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63 189
here cos φ is the power factor.
Current wave-forms: Since the branch currents in a
parallel RC circuit are out of phase, their vector sum rather
than their arithmetic sum equals the line current. This is the
same condition that exists for the voltage drops in a series
RC circuit. By adding the currents vectorially, you are
adding their instantaneous values at every point, and then
finding the average or effective value of the resulting current.
This can be seen from the current wave-forms shown. The
wave-forms for the circuit solved on the previous page. (Fig
resistive current is greater, the angle is closer to 0 degrees.
In cases where one of the currents is 10 or more times
bl I
pu M
greater than the other, the line current can be considered
to have a phase angle of 0 degrees. if the resistive current
Current It is the same everywhere in circuit. It divides between resistive and capacitive
Currents through R and C are, therefore, branches.
in phase.
ITOT = IR 2 + Ic 2
IR = IC =
Voltage across C lags voltage across
R by 90o. bl I ER = EC = EAPP
pu M
Impedance It is the vector sum of resistance and It is calculated the same way as parallel
capacitive reactance. resistances are, except that vector addition is
be @
Z =
o ht
Z = R2 + X C R 2
+ XC2
t t rig
Phase angle θ It is the angle between the circuit current It is the angle between line current and applied
and the applied voltage. voltage.
No py
tan θ = = tan θ = =
Cos θ = Cos θ =
Power Power delivered by source is apparent power. Power actually consumed in the circuit is true
power. Power factor determines what portion of apparent power is true power.
Effect of Xc decreases, which in turn causes the Xc decreases, the capacitive branch current
increasing circuit current to increase. Phase angle increases, and so line current also increases.
frequency decreases,which means that the circuit phase angle increases, which means that
is more resistive. the circuit is more capacitive.
Effect of Phase angle decreases, which means Phase angle increases, which means that the
increasing that the circuit is more resistive circuit is more capactive
Effect of Phase angle decreases, which means Phase angle increases, which means that the
increasing that the circuit is more resistive circuit is more capactive
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63 191
Parallel connection of R, XL and XC: XL and XC oppose
each other, that is to say, IL and IC are in opposition, and
partly annul one another. (Fig 33)
IT = (IC −IL ) 2 + IR 2
IX = IC - IL or IL - IC, depending on whether the capacitive
or inductive current dominates. Solution
Graphic solution: when IL > IC
1 V as common value 10 V
IC = = 0.0157 A = 15.7 mA
2 IR in phase with V 637 Ω
3 IC leads by 90o 10 V
4 IL lags by 90o
IL = = 0.0064 A = 6.4 mA
1570 Ω
5 IX = IL - IC
10 V
6 I as resultant
bl I IR =
1000 Ω
= 0.01 = 10 mA
pu M
7 <) ϕ (in this case inductive, I lags)
(0.0157 − 0.0064) 2 + 0.012
IT =
= 0.0137 A = 13.7 mA
be @
Z = = 730 Ω
0.0137 A
o ht
t t rig
Z 1 1
No py
P.F = Y = and g =
= = 0.73
g 1 1 Z
PF in admittance triangle = = x =
Y R 1 R
Particular case: XL and XC are equally large - IL and IC Power = VI Cos φ
cancel each other. Z = R; parallel resonance occurs.
= 10 × 0.0137 × 0.73
Currents in the reactances may be greater than the total = 0.1 Watt or 100 mw.
192 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63
If the capacitive reactance was smaller than
inductive reactance the net reactance of the
This assignment should be completed and handed
circuit would have been inductive.
over to the Instructor for valuation within 3 days
on completion of the Exercise 1.5.63 All though the unit of measure of reactance and resistance
is the same(ohms), the impedance, Z of the circuit is not
1 An inductive circuit, in parallel with a non-inductive given by the simple addition of R, XL and XC. This is
circuit of 20 ohms is connected across a variable volt- because, XL is +90° out of phase with R and XC is -90° out
age 50 Hz supply. The inductive circuit current is 4.3 A of phase with R.
and the non-inductive current is 2.7 A for a particular
Hence the impedance Z of the circuit is the phasor addition
supply voltage. The total current is 5.8 A. Find:
of the resistive and reactive components as shown by
a) the power observed by the inductive resistance dotted lines in Fig 34c. Therefore, Impedance Z of the
circuit is given by,
b) its inductance and
( )
c) the power factor of the combined circuit. 2 2
2 A circuit connected to 115V, 50 Hz supply takes 0.8A = Z R + XC - XL
at a power factor of 0.3 lagging. Calculate the resist-
ance and inductance of the circuit assuming - If XL were greater than XC, then the absolute value of
impedance Z is will be,
a) the circuit consists of a resistance and inductance
R + (XL - XC )
in series 2 2
b) the circuit consists of a resistance and inductance
in parallel. For the circuit in Fig 34(a), total impedance Z is,
Series resonance circuits
bl I =Z
R + XC - XL
pu M
Impedance of series resonance circuit
Z = 50Ω
– resistance R is the total resistance of the series
circuit(internal resistance) in ohms, Current I through the circuit is given by,
o ht
the net reactance of the circuit will be capacitive. This is Therefore, the voltage drop across the components will be,
shown in Fig 34b.
VR = voltage drop across R = I.R = 2x40 = 80 volts
VL = voltage drop across L = I.XL = 2x60 = 120 volts
VC = voltage drop across C = I.XC = 2x90 = 180 volts.
Since V and V are of opposite polarity, the net reactive
voltage V is = 180-120 = 60V as shown in Fig 35.
R + X ( C
- XL )2
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63 193
2 2
V = 80 + 60 = 100 volts(applied voltage). As shown in Fig 36, at a particular frequency called the
resonance frequency, f , the sum of X and X becomes
r L C
Phase angle q of the circuit is given by, zero( X – X = 0).
From Fig 36 above, at resonant frequency f ,
X −X r
−1 C L – Net reactance, X = 0 (i.e, XL = XC)
θ = tan
R – Impedance of the circuit is minimum, purely resistive
Condition at which current through the RLC Series and is equal to R
circuit is maximum – Current I through the circuit is maximum and equal to
bl I
pu M
From the formula,
– Circuit current, I is in-phase with the applied voltage V
of the circuit will become purely resistive when, reactance the series RLC is said to be in a condition of series
XL = XC resonance..
o ht
In this condition, the impedance Z of the circuit will not only Resonance occurs at that frequency when,
be purely resistive but also minimum.
t t rig
XL = XC or 2πfL = 1/2πfC
Since the reactance of L and C are frequency dependent,
at some particular frequency say f , the inductive reactance Therefore, Resonance frequency, f is given by,
No py
X becomes equal to the capacitive reactance X . 1
L C f = Hz .... (1)
r 2π LC
In such a case, since the impedance of the circuit will be
purely resistive and minimum, current through the circuit Reactance of series RLC above and below resonance
will be maximum and will be equal to the applied voltage frequency fr
divided by the resistance R.
Fig 37 shows the variation of net reactance of a RLC circuit
Series resonance with the variation in frequency.
From the above discussions it is found that in a series RLC From Fig 37 above,it can be seen that the,
Impedance Z
R + X
- XL )2
Current I = , and
X −X
Phase angle θ = tan − 1 C L
If the frequency of the signal fed to such a series LC
circuit(Fig 36a) is increased from 0 Hz, as the frequency is
increased, the inductive reactance(X = 2πfL) increases
linearly and the capacitive reactance (X = 1/2pfL) de-
creases exponentially as shown in Fig 36.
194 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63
– net reactance is zero at resonant frequency fr Therefore,
– net reactance is capacitive below the resonant frequency X 2 πf L
fr Q of coil = L = r
_ net reactance is inductive above the resonant frequency R R
fr since,
Selectivity or Q factor of a series RLC circuit 1
f =
Fig 38a and 38b two graphs showing the current through r 2π LC
series two different RLC circuits for frequencies above and
Q of the series RLC circuit is given by,
below f . f and f are frequencies at which the circuit
r 1 2
current is 0.707 times the maximum current,I or the - 1 L
max Q = .
3dB points. ...[3]
Fig 38 indicates that series RLC circuits select a band of
Application of series resonance circuits
frequencies around the resonant frequency, f . This band(f
r 1
to f is called the band width f of the series RLC circuit. A series resonance circuit can be used in any application
where it is required to select a desired frequency. One such
Bandwidth =Df = f2 – f1 Hz.
application is shown in Fig 39.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
f f Such wave traps are extensively used in very high and ultra-
Q =r = r high frequency circuits such as television receivers, com-
Quality factor = ∆ f −f ...[2] munication receivers etc.
f 2 1
If Q is very large, the bandwidth f will be very narrow and
vice-versa. The Q factor of the series resonance circuit
depends largely upon the Q factor of the coil(inductance)
used in the RLC circuit.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63 195
Zero current in the circuit means that the impedance of the
parallel LC is infinite. This condition at which, for a
particular frequency, fr, the value of XC = XL, the parallel LC
circuit is said to be in parallel resonance.
Summarizing, for a parallel resonant circuit, at resonance,
XL = XC,
Zp =¥
fr =
2π LC
=I ≈0
I will be in phase with the applied voltage and the
connected in parallel is called parallel LC circuit or parallel
impedance of the circuit will be very high although not
bl I
resonance circuit. The resistor R, shown in dotted lines
pu M
indicate the internal DC resistance of the coil L. The value
of R will be so small compared to the inductive reactance, Summarizing, the three main characteristics of parallel
that it can be neglected. resonance circuit at resonance are,
be @
From Fig 41a, it can be seen that the voltage across L and – phase difference between the circuit current and the
C is same and is equal to the input voltage VS . applied voltage is zero
– maximum impedance
o ht
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
From Fig 43, the bandwidth of the parallel resonance circuit which are designed to generate AC signals using DC
is, supply.
Bandwidth, BW = Df = f2 – f1
Oscillators are discussed in detail in further
As can be seen in Fig 43, the value of Zp is dependent on lessons.
the resistance R of the coil (Zp = L/CR). If R is less Zp will
be larger and vice versa. Since the bandwidth depends on Table below gives a comparison between series resonant
Zp and Zp depends on R, we can say that the bandwidth of and parallel resonant circuit at frequencies above and
a resonant circuit depends upon the resistance associated below their resonant frequency fr.
with the coil. The resistance of the coil in turn decides the
Q of the circuit. Thus, the Q of the coil decides the band
width of the resonant circuit and is expressed as,
Bandwidth(BW) = f2 - f1 = )
Storage action of parallel resonance circuit
At parallel resonance, though the circuit current is
minimum(ideally zero), IL and IC will still be there. This IL and
IC will be a circulating current in the closed loop formed by
L and C. This circulating current will be very high at
resonance. This circulating current flip-flops between the
capacitor and inductor, alternately charging and discharging
each. When a capacitor or an inductor is charged, it stores
energy. When it is discharged it gives up the energy stored
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63 197
Property Series circuit Parallel circuit
At resonant frequency
1 1
Resonant frequency, fr
2π LC 2π LC
Reactance XL = XC XL = XC
Impedance Minimum (Zr = R) Maximum (Zr = L/CR)
Current Maximum Minimum
Quality factor
fr fr
Above resonant frequency
the applied voltage. voltage.
bl I
pu M
Type of reactance Inductive Capacitive
198 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.5.63
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66
Electronic Mechanic - Rectifiers
Semiconductor diodes
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define semiconductors
• state the types of semiconductors
• list the important names of semiconductors
• state the unique property of a PN junction
• state the resistance of a PN junction in forward and reverse biased conditions
• list the different classifications of diodes
• list the different markings on a diode to identify its terminals
• list the different types of packaging used for diodes
• list a few type numbers/code numbers of diodes.
• explain about forward and reverse bias of diodes
• list the diode specifications.
Semiconductors are materials whose electrical property
lies between that of Conductors and Insulators. Because
of this fact, these materials are termed as semiconductors.
In conductors the valence electrons are always free. In an
insulator the valence electrons are always bound. Whereas
bl I
in a semiconductor the valence electrons are normally
pu M
bound but can be set free by supplying a small amount of
energy. Several electronic devices are made using semi-
Semiconductor theory
Basic semiconductor materials like other materials have
o ht
in Fig 1.
Intrinsic semiconductors
The most important of the several semiconductor materials
are Silicon (Si) and Germanium (Ge). Both these semicon-
ductor materials have four valence electrons per atom as
shown in Fig 1. These valence electrons, unlike in conduc-
tors, are not normally free to move. Hence, semiconduc-
tors in their pure form, known as Intrinsic semiconductors,
behave as insulators.
However, the valence electrons of a semiconductor can be
set free by applying external energy. This energy will tear-
off the bound electrons from their bond and make them
available as free electrons as shown in Fig 2. The simplest
method of turning bonded valence electrons into free
electrons is by heating the semiconductor.
The higher the temperature to which the semiconductor is
heated, more the bound electrons becoming free and will
be able to conduct electric current. This type of conduc-
From the above said phenomena, it is important to note
tion in an intrinsic semiconductor (pure semiconductor)
that semiconductors are temperature-sensitive materi-
as a result of heating is called intrinsic conduction.
Extrinsic semiconductor creating electron-hole pair. The holes are minority charge
carriers - in N type semi-conductors.
The number of free electrons set free by heating a pure
semiconductor is comparatively small to be used for any
2 P-type semiconductors
useful purpose. It is found experimentally that, when a
small quantity of some other materials such as Arsenic, When a trivalent material like Gallium(Ga) is added to a
Indium, Gallium etc. is added to pure semi conductor pure Germanium or pure Silicon crystal, one vacancy or
material, more number of electrons become free in the deficit of electron results per bond as shown in Fig 4a. As
mixed material. This enables the semiconductor to have every gallium atom creates one deficit of electron or hole,
higher conductivity. the material is ready to accept electrons when supplied.
Hence gallium is called acceptor impurity. Since vacancy
These foreign materials added to the pure semiconductor
for an electron is available, and as this vacancy is a hole
are referred to as impurity materials.
which is of Positive charge, the material so formed is known
The process of adding impurity to an Intrinsic semiconduc- as P-type material.
tor material is known as Doping. Since the doped semicon-
ductor materials are no longer pure, they are called impure
or extrinsic semiconductors.
Depending upon the type of impurity used, extrinsic
semiconductors can be classified into two types;
1 N-type semiconductors
When a pentavalent material like Arsenic (As) is added to
a pure Germanium or pure Silicon crystal, one free electron
results per bond as shown in Fig 3a. As every arsenic atom
donates one free electron, arsenic is called the donor
bl I
pu M
impurity. Since a free electron is available and since the
electron is of a Negative charge, the material so formed by
mixing is known as N type material.
be @
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t t rig
P-N junction
When a P-type and a N-type semiconductors are joined,
a contact surface between the two materials called PN-
junction is formed. This junction has a unique characteris-
tic. This junction, has the ability to pass current in one
direction and stop current flow in the other direction as
When a N-type material is connected across a battery, as shown in Fig 5. To make use of this unique property of the
shown in Fig 3b, current flows due to the availability of free PN junction, two terminals one on the P side and the other
electrons. As this current is due to the flow of free on the N side are attached. Such a PN junction with
electrons, the current is called electron current. terminals attached is called a Diode. The typical symbol
of a PN-junction diode is shown in Fig 9a.
In N type semi conductor the current is due to electrons,
When a P and N material is put together, at the junction of
therefore the electrons are the majority charge carriers.
P and N materials, as shown in Fig 6, some electrons from
the N-material jump across the boundary and recombine
The semi conductor materials are temperature sensitive,
with the hole near the boundary of the P-material. This
heating causes the covalent bonds to break down by
200 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66
In terms of voltage applied across the terminals of the PN
junction diode, a potential difference of 0.7V is required
across the terminals in the case of silicon diode and 0.3V
in the case of Germanium diode for the electrons, in order
to cancel off the barrier potential and cross over the barrier
as shown in Fig 7. Once the barrier potential gets canceled
due to external voltage application, current flows through
the junction freely. In this condition the diode is said to be
forward biased.
Fig 8, instead of canceling the barrier potential, the external
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66 201
biased. As a rule, the ratio of resistance in forward to – Point contact diodes: a metal needle connected
reverse bias should be of at the minimum order of 1:1000. with pressure on to a small germanium(Ge) or
silicon(Si) tip. See Chart 1 at the end of this lesson.
– Junction diodes: made by alloying or growing or
diffusing P and N materials on a semiconductor
condition of diodes. In this testing method, the resistance
meter terminals.
handling capacity, diodes can be classified as
If the positive lead of the ohmmeter, lead A in the Fig 10,
202 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66
On the other hand, if the meter leads are reversed, the diode OAxx, xx - from 70 to 95. examples:
will be reverse-biased. Very little current will flow because OA79, OA85 etc.,
a good diode will have very high resistance when reverse
biased, and the meter will indicate a very high resistance. BYxxx, xxx- from 100 examples:
onwards, BY127, BY128 etc.
While doing the above test, if a diode shows a very low
resistance in both the forward and reverse biased condi-
DRxxx, xxx- from 25 examples:
tions, then, the diode under test must have got damaged
or more specifically shorted. On the other hand, a diode is onwards. DR25, DR150 etc.,
said to be open if the meter shows very high resistance both
in the forward and reverse biased conditions. 1Nxxxx examples: 1N917 1N4001, 1N4007
Testing of diodes using digital M.M.
If the digital multimeters are used for testing the diodes,
first the selector switch must be kept at diode testing
position. The +ve terminal of the MM (lead A as in the fig
11 must be connected to the anode of a diode and the
negative terminal (lead) to the cathode, the diode is forward
biased the MM will display the barrier voltage of the diode
in the forward biased condition.
On the other hand, if the meter leads are reversed, the diode
will be reverse biased and MM will display 1.
Fig 11
bl I
pu M
be @
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No py
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66 203
CHART - 1 for Lesson 1.6.66
bl I
pu M
ish A K A
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
204 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66
Behaviour of diode when FORWARD BIASED
Fig 12a shows a forward biased silicon PN junction diode
using a variable DC supply. When the applied voltage is
slowly increased starting from 0 volts as long as the voltage
across the diode VF is less than that of the depletion barrier
potential (0.7 volts for Si diodes), no current or a negligible
current flows through the diode, and, hence, through the
circuit. This is shown in the graph at Fig 12b.
bl I
pu M
Thus current flows through the diode when the forward bias
potential is higher than the barrier potential. This current
flow through the diode is because of both electrons and
holes. The total current in the circuit is the sum of the hole
current and the electron current. Hence, diodes are called
be @
From the graph at Fig 12b, it can be seen that, once the
t t rig
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66 205
It the applied reverse voltage is kept on increased, say to
hundred volts (this depends from diode to diode), at one
stage the applied voltage VR across the junction is so large
that it punctures the junction damaging the diode. This
results in shorting of the diode. This short results in
uncontrolled heavy current flow through the diode as shown
in graph at Fig 13b. This voltage at which the diode breaks
down is referred to as reverse break-down or avalanche
through the diode as shown in Fig 14.
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
Referring to the graph shown in Fig 13b, it can be seen that Effect of temperature on barrier voltage
there is no current even when the voltage VR across the It is known that semiconductors are highly sensitive to
diode is several tens of volts. temperature. Since the functioning of a diode is basically
due to the unique property of its junction and its barrier
206 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66
voltage, the barrier voltage also depends on the junction – Maximum reverse current, Ivr that flows through the
temperature. If the temperature of the junction is increased diode when the Maximum reverse voltage, PIV is
beyond a limit (25°C), electrons are produced due to applied.
thermal agitation in the semi-conductor crystal structure.
– Maximum forward surge current, IS that can flow through
These electrons, having sufficient energy, drift across the
the diode for a defined short period of time.
junction. This decreases the barrier voltage. It is experi-
mentally found that the barrier voltage decreases by 2 mV/ – The maximum junction temperature in degree centi-
°C increase in temperature. This reduced barrier voltage grade the diode junction can withstand without malfunc-
allows more current through the junction. More current tioning or getting damaged.
heats up the junction further, reducing the barrier voltage
– Suggested application indicates application for which
further. If this cumulative effect continues, the junction will
the diode is designed and produced.
get damaged making the junction no more useful. There-
fore, diodes should not be allowed to go above a specified The above listed specifications go with all rectifier diodes.
temperature. This maximum limit a diode junction can As all these specifications cannot be printed on the
withstand safely is given in the diode manual as junction physically small size diodes, the diodes are printed with a
temperature, Tj max. type number instead. When this type number is referred to
in the manufacturer’s manual, the detailed specifications
Diode specification
for a particular type number of the diode can be obtained.
There are hundreds and thousands of diode manufacturers
Semiconductor diodes are used for various applications. all over the world. To bring standardization for the diodes
Some of the major areas of application are listed below. and other components manufactured by different manufac-
turers, the manufacturers and standards associations
– Modulation and demodulation in communication receiv-
have set certain international standards for the benefit of
users of the components. The principal industry standard
bl I
– Switching high speed and digital circuits. numbering systems are dealt with here:
pu M
– Low power and high power rectification.
a The JEDEC type code
For different applications, diodes of different current carry-
ing capacity, different PIV capacity and so on are required. 1N is used as a prefix for semiconductors with one junction.
o ht
Therefore, manufacturers of diodes make diodes to cater to For example all 1N components refer to diodes because
varied applications with different specifications. Before diodes have one junction. Prefix 2N is used with compo-
t t rig
using a diode for a particular application, it is a must to find nents having two junctions.
out whether the voltage, current, and temperature charac-
No py
teristics of the given diode match the requirement or not. b The PRO-ELECTRON type code.
The Association International Pro-electron in Europe main-
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66 207
c The JIS type code Diode equivalents
In Japan, the JIS, (Japanese Industrial Standards) code is There are several occasions, especially while servicing
used. This system of component numbering is almost electronic circuits, it may not be possible to get a replace-
universal. In this system, all component numbers start with ment for a diode of a particular type number. In such cases
2S, followed by a letter and several numbers. Example. one can obtain a diode having specification closest to the
2SB364. The letters after the S has the following signifi- one to be replaced. Such diodes are referred to as
cance: equivalents.
A = pnp hf
Example: In a circuit, diode 1N 4007 is found to be
B = pnp If defective. If 1N4007 is not available in stock, then, instead
C = npn hf of 1N4007, BY127 can be used because BY127 is the
D = npn If equivalent for 1N4007.
Some components will have type numbers which does not Some data books give the lists of equivalents. Table No.
match with any of the above said international standards. 24 of pocket table book gives the equivalent of some of the
Then, these type numbers are particular to the individual popular diodes used in general electronic circuits.
manufacturers. These codes are generally referred to as
manufacturer’s house code. However, these type numbers [H.I: Write a few popular diode type numbers
may conform to one or more of the international standards. generally used in your institute and instruct
Almost all standard diode data books lists popular manu- trainees to find its equivalents.]
facturers house codes.
popular diode data manual. Give one data
bl I
manual each to a batch of 4 trainees. Write a
pu M
few diode type codes on the black/white board
and ask the batches to find the specifications.]
be @
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No py
208 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.67 & 1.6.68
Electronic Mechanic - Rectifiers
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the basic function of a transformer
• state and explain important terms used with transformers
• list the different classifications of transformers
• list the common application of different types of transformers.
• explain voltage regulation in transformer
• describe the phase relationship in transformer
• list out losses and efficiency of transformer
• explain the method to determine the efficiency of transformer
• explain the types of power in AC circuit
• state the principle of power factor and its importance.
Transformer is an electrical device used to transfer electric is called the primary winding. In Fig 1 this coil is marked
energy from one AC circuit to another circuit by magnetic Np. The second coil to which, energy from the primary
coupling as shown in Fig 1a. winding is coupled magnetically is called the secondary
winding (Ns in Fig 1b). If a load, say a lamp or a resistor, is
connected across the secondary winding, current flows
through the load although there is no direct AC power
source connected to it.
bl I
pu M
Hence, transformers can be defined as devices that make
When coefficient of mutual coupling(k) between primary
and secondary winding is 1, the voltage induced per turn of
the secondary winding is the same as the self-induced
voltage per turn in the primary winding. The total voltage
appearing across the secondary winding depends on the
number of turns of secondary winding. Therefore, the
voltage ratio is in the same proportion as the turn ratio:
As a check for your calculations, remember that
Vp Np the side with the higher voltage always has the
Vs Ns lower current.
This means, if the secondary winding has more turns than
the primary winding (Ns > Np) then, the secondary voltage Classification of Transformers
will be higher than the primary voltage. In other words, in 1. Classification based on the type of Core Material
such a condition the primary voltage is said to be raised or used
stepped-up. Such transformers are called STEP-UP
TRANSFORMERS as shown in Fig 2. Transformers can be classified according to the type of
material used for the core as;
Current Ratio of Transformer
(a) Air core transformers : As shown in Fig 3, air core
transformers consists of a hollow non magnetic core,
made of paper or plastic over which the primary and
secondary windings are wound. These transformers will
have values of k less than 1. Air core transformers are
generally used in high frequency applications because
bl I
pu M
be @
Ps = Pp or V s x Is = Vp x Ip
No py
Is Vp
Ip Vs these will have no iron-loss as there is no magnetic core
Vp Np Is Np
Since = , = Iron-loss is a type of transformer loss due to core material.
Vs Ns Ip Ns
Transformer losses are discussed in detail in further
Np Vp Is lessons.
Summarizing = = .......[1]
Ns Vs Ip
(b) Iron core transformers: Fig 4 shows a laminated iron-
As it can be seen, the current ratio Is/Ip, is the inverse of the core transformer. These transformers have stacked
voltage ratio Vp/Vs. This means voltage step-up in the laminated sheets of silicon steel over which the windings
secondary means current step-down, and vice versa. are wound. This is the most common type of transformer
Example: A transformer with a 20:1 voltage step-down
ratio has 12V across 1 W in the secondary. (a) How
much is Is? (b) How much is Ip ?
210 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66
used with mains power supply(240V,50Hz). In these 3 Classification based on the Transformation ratio:
transformers, since the core is a magnetic material and
a Step-up Transformers: Transformers in which, the
due to the shape of the core, the value of k is almost
induced secondary voltage is higher than the source
equal to 1.
voltage given at primary are called step-up transform-
(c) Ferrite core transformers: As shown in Fig 5, these ers.
transformers have Ferrite material as its core. In most
b Step-down Transformers: Transformers in which, the
cases, the primary and secondary windings are wound
induced secondary voltage is lower than the source
on a hollow plastic core and the ferrite material is then
voltage given at primary are called step-down transform-
inserted into the hollow core. These transformers are
used in high frequency to very high frequency applica-
tions as they have the advantage of introducing mini- c Isolation transformers: Transformers in which, the
mum losses. In these transformer, the position of core induced secondary voltage is same as that of the
can be changed, thus changing the value of M. source voltage given at primary are called one-to-one or
isolation transformers. In these transformers the number
of turns in the secondary will be equal to the number of
turns in the primary making the turns ratio equal to 1.
4 Classification based on the operating frequency:
a Audio frequency (AF) transformers: Refer Fig 4 of
Chart 1. These AF transformers look similar to a mains
voltage tranformer but they are very small in size
comparatively. Most AF transformers are of PCB mount-
ing type. These transformers are designed to operate
over the audio frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 KHz.
Audio transformers are used in,
bl I
pu M
– coupling the output of one stage of audio amplifier to the
input of the next stage (interstage coupling)
(a) Core type transformers:: Refer Fig 1 of Chart 1 given These transformers are said to have flat frequency re-
o ht
at the end of this lesson. In Core type of transformer, sponse over the entire audio range. This means that the
the primary and secondary windings are on two sepa- transformer behaves equally well over the entire range of
t t rig
distribution and for industrial applications.
bl I
pu M
ish 7. Classification based on application:
and designs. Some of these find wide application in Current Transformers - used in clip - on current meters,
Television receivers. Fig 6 illustrates a high frequency overload trip circuits etc.,
t t rig
5 Auto-transformers:
lized voltage supply for sensitive equipments
Auto-transformer as shown in Fig 7 is a special variety of
transformers which have only a single winding. Because of Ignition transformers - used in automobiles
single winding, there is no isolation between primary and
Welding transformers - used in welding equipments
212 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66
(a) (b) (a) (b)
Fig 3 RING
(a) (b)
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
Fig 5
No py
Fig 7
RFT's / IFT's
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66 213
Voltage Regulation
In some text books, the regulation discussed
For simplicity in understanding, in all the previous lessons above is termed as “% Regulation-Up” some
on transformers, the resistive and inductive effect of the books also use, the term “% Regulation-Down”
primary and secondary windings were neglected. Also, the given by,
effect of load current on the magnitude of secondary
voltage was neglected. In a practical situation, the second- Vo (NL) – V o (FL)
% voltage regulation down =
ary voltage of a transformer decreases as the load/load- Vo (NL)
current is increased.
For example, if a transformer has an output of 13 V
Consider the equivalent circuit of a transformer shown when on no-load and has an output of 11.8 V when on
in Fig 8. its rated resistive load, the regulation of the trans-
former is,
Vo(NL) – Vo(FL)
% Voltage regulation = x 100%
13 – 11.8
= x 100% = 10%
Vo(NL) – Vo(FL)
Voltage regulation = x 100 %
Vo(NL) is the secondary voltage in test obtained from OC
bl I
pu M
Vo(FL) is the secondary voltage under rated full load.
From the circuit in Fig 8, the secondary current Is produces
Vo(FL) can be calculated knowing turns ratios and the data
voltage drops IsRs and IsXs across the resistive and reactive obtained in SC test as follows;
components of the secondary winding. Consequently, the
be @
voltage drops occur across Rs and Xs. Hence, Vo equals Vs. where, Vi(SC) is the voltage applied to primary at full load in
Thus, the transformer secondary voltage is greatest on no- SC test.
No py
resistive and reactive components of the secondary wind- For ease of understanding the phase relation ship between
ing, reducing Vo. The larger the load current, larger will be voltages and currents in primary and secondary of a
the drop across the resistive and reactive components of transformer, consider a transformer having an open sec-
the secondary and hence, smaller will be the value of Vo. ondary. Referring to Fig 9, with open secondary, the
primary winding works similar to that of an inductor.
The percentage change in output voltage Vo, from no-load
to full load is termed the voltage regulation of the trans-
% Voltage regulation =
214 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66
Since the secondary voltage lags behind the primary
current by 90°(Fig 11), and since the secondary current
lags behind the secondary voltage by 90°,
possibility that the source supplying power to the primary
– the primary current lags behind the applied volt-
bl I would also be damaged.
pu M
age Vi by 90° as shown in Fig 9b.
– From Lenzs’ law the back-emf produced in the primary, The power in a DC circuit can be calculated by using the
180° out of phase with the primary voltage. power only if the circuit contains pure resistance. Note that
Fig 10 shows a combined illustration of the phase relation- the effect of reactance is present in AC circuits.
No py
Pa2 = P2 + Pq2 Volt- amperes (VA)
bl I
pu M
where 'Pa' is the apparent power in volt-ampere (VA)
o ht
t t rig
No py
216 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66
The letter η is spelled as eta 1. Copper losses
Transformer windings are made of many turns of copper
As an example, efficiency of the ideal transformer
wire. Copper wire although a very good conductor, still has
shown in Fig 14a is,
some resistance. The value of this resistance depends
upon the type of material and the length of wire. As the
Efficiency η (in %) =
number of turns in windings increase, the longer is the
length of wire, and greater will be the resistance. As shown
= in Fig 15, when primary and secondary currents flow
through the windings, due to the ohmic resistance of the
The efficiency of the transformer shown in Fig 14b is, windings, power(I2R) is dissipated in the form of heat.
Efficiency η (in %) =
From this example, it can be seen that, smaller the output
power in relation to the input power, the lower is the
efficiency of the transformer.
50 Watts at primary. What is the power delivered at Copper loss = Ip2.rp + Is2rs
bl I
pu M
secondary across a purely resistive load.
i Hysteresis loss
ii Eddy current loss
Output power = 45 watts.
No py
i Hysteresis loss
Transformer losses = Input power – Output power
Because of the transformer losses, the transformer heats
up when in operation. The losses in the transformer convert
some of the electrical energy into heat energy as shown in
Fig 1c. As a thumb rule, if a transformer is heating-up while
in operation, the losses in the transformer is high.
esis loss of the transformer.
bl I
pu M
It should be noted that air core transformer will not have
hysteresis loss as air core transformers do not use
material. So, the changing magnetic field of transformer is greatly increased and hence the loss due to it is also
induces a voltage in the core. This induced voltage in the reduced.
t t rig
218 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66
It should be noted that air core transformer will not have any
eddy current loss as they do not have core material in which
the eddy current can flow.
that occur in a transformer can be found after knowing its
copper losses and iron losses.
bl I
pu M
ish Measuring transformer losses
Summing the different types of losses in a transformer, the The AC input voltage (Vi) is set at a rated primary voltage.
total loss is given by, The input power (Pi) is measured by the wattmeter (W). The
input current (Ip) is measured by ammeter.
Total transformer loss = Copper losses(primary + The open-circuit secondary voltage (Vs) is measured by
secondary) + Iron losses voltmeter.
(Hysteresis + eddy current) +
Flux leakage loss + Core satu Since the secondary is open there is no current in second-
ration loss. ary.
As the transformer secondary is open-circuited(Is=0), the
primary current (Ip) is very small. Since Ip is very small, the
voltage drops across the ammeter and wattmeter can be
neglected. So the input voltage (Vi) can be taken as primary
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66 219
voltage (Vp). Therefore, the ratio of the two voltmeter With Iron loss being zero, the input power measured(Wc)
readings gives turns ratio of the transformer. on the wattmeter is the total transformer copper loss at
rated full-load current.
Np Vp
Turns ratio of transformer = = .
Ns Vs Using the results of the SC test, the phase angle difference
(ø) between the current and the voltage can be determined
The input power (Pi) measured by the wattmeter (W) gives
as given below;
the total transformer core losses because with very small
primary current and zero secondary current the copper True power
losses in the windings are negligible and hence can be Power factor, cos ø =
Apparent power
taken as zero.
True power is the power read on the wattmeter, apparent
Total losses in a transformer = Copper loss + Iron loss power is given by, Vp x Ip voltamps.
= 0 + Iron loss
With copper loss being zero, the input power measured on Therefore, in SC test
the wattmeter(W) is the total transformer Core loss or Iron WC
loss (Wi). Cos ø =
Vp . I p
Full load test or short circuit test (S-C test) ⎛ W ⎞
− 1⎜ ⎟
φ = C os c
⎜ V .I ⎟
Fig 25 shows the circuit arrangement for S-C test on a given
⎝ p p ⎠
Transformer rating in VA
From above discussions it is seen that copper loss of a
transformer depends on current and iron loss depends on
voltage. Hence, the total transformer loss depends on volt-
bl I
pu M
ampere (VA) and not on the phase angle between the
ish voltage and current. This also means that the transformer
Efficiency η % = x 100
Input power (P i )
t t rig
With the secondary terminals shorted, the input voltage Since, Input power (Pi) = Output power (Po) + Losses
(Vi) is increased slowly from zero till the ammeter in the
No py
primary circuit indicates rated full-load primary current, Ip. η% = x 100 ..........[1]
Po + losses
When this occurs, the rated full load secondary current Is
will be circulating in the secondary winding. Efficiency η of a transformer can also be found as follows
Because the secondary terminals are shorted, the voltage Output power (P o )
η =
required at primary,Vp to produce full-load primary and Input power (P i )
secondary current is just around 3% of the rated input
Since, Output power (Po) = Input power - Losses
voltage (Vi).
Input power – Losses
In this condition, the wattmeter measuring input power (Pi) η =
indicates the full-load copper losses for the reasons given Input power
below; Losses
η = 1 –
– With a low level of input voltage (3% of rated), core flux Pi
is minimum. Hence the core losses are so small that Output power Po is given by,
they can be neglected and taken as zero.
Po = VS(FL) x Is(FL) x Cosøs
– Since the winding, both primary and secondary are Is(FL) is the secondary current under full load condition. This
carrying rated full-load currents, the input is supplying can be calculated using the data obtained in S-C test as
the rated full-load copper losses only. follows,
Total losses = Copper loss + Iron loss I s(FL) = Ip(FL) x
Total losses = Copper loss + 0 + Iron loss Ns
For simplicity, assuming the effect of inductance in sec-
ondary is negligible Cosøs can be taken as 1.
220 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66
therefore, Po = Vo(FL) x Is(FL) ..........[2] Iron losses = Wattmeter reading in O.C test = 2 watts
Core losses is given by wattmeter(Wi) reading in O-C test From SC test:
Short circuit voltage VS(FL) is given by;
Vp(SC – test)
Full load copper losses is given by wattmeter reading in SC Vs(FL) = = 0.0954 volts
test Vp(SC – test)
Vp(OC – test)
x I p(SC – test) (220V)(0.3A)
Knowing [2], [3] and [4], the efficiency of the transformer I s(FL) = = = 3.14
Vp(SC – test) 21V
can be calculated using ..[1].
Copper losses = Wattmeter reading in SC-test = 6 watts
Example: A 36VA rated step down transformer (230V:12V,
3A secondary) on OC and SC tests gave the following Total transformer losses = Copper loss + Iron loss
results; = 6 watts + 2 watts
= 8 watts.
OC test: Vp = 220V,Ip = 0.068A, W = 2 watts
Efficiency of the transformer at rated load of 36VA is
SC test: Vp = 21V, Ip = 0.3A, W = 6 watts
Find the efficiency of the transformer at the rated second- η% = x 100% = 0
36 + 8
ary load of 36VA. Assume secondary load P.F(cosø) = 1.
These calculations have not taken into account
From OC test: the effect of inductive reactance of the primary
Apparent power = Vp.Ip = 220 x 0.068 = 14.96 VA and secondary circuit. If the load connected to
True power = W = 2W the secondary of a transformer is going to be a
highly inductive load, then it is necessary to
True power 2
Cos ø = = = 0.1337 consider the power factor (Cos ø). For details
Apparent power
bl I14.96 refer reference books listed at the end of this
pu M
Cosø = 0.1337
ø ~ 82°
ish book for exact calculations of efficiency of
transformers from the data obtained by O-C
and S-C tests.
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.64 - 1.6.66 221
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.69 - 1.6.72
Electronic Mechanic - Rectifiers
– when the AC input voltage level decreases or in- The zener diode
bl I
pu M
In a power supply one of the simplest ways of regulating the
Such variations in the output DC voltage level of power DC output voltage (keeping the output voltage constant) is
supply is not acceptable for most of the electronic circuits. by using a zener diode. With zener in reverse breakdown
Hence, it is required to regulate the DC output of power condition, the voltage across the zener diode remains
supplies so as to keep the DC output level constant,
be @
output voltage of a power supply constant are called voltage regulators or voltage reference diodes. Fig 1 shows
voltage regulators. the symbol used for zener diodes.
t t rig
Regulation factor
No py
Load regulation factor % = x 100
The similarities of a zener diode with those of general The cause for this reverse conduction is referred to as the
purpose rectifier diodes are listed below; avalanche effect. The avalanche effect cause, the electrons
to be knocked loose from their bonds in the crystal
– Zener diodes are also PN junction diodes, which are
structure. As more electrons are loosened, they in turn
also generally made of silicon.
knock others and current builds quickly. This action
– Zener diodes also have two terminals (anode and causes the voltage drop across the zener to remain
cathode). constant regardless of the zener current. As shown in
– In physical appearance, the zener diodes and ordinary Fig 2, once the zener voltage is reached, very small voltage
diodes look alike. changes create much greater current changes. It is this
characteristic, which makes the zener useful as a constant
– Like rectifier diodes, zener diodes are also available voltage source or as a voltage regulator.
with glass, plastic and metal casing.
Unlike in a rectifier diode, the reverse current through the
– The anode and cathode marking technique on the body zener is not destructive. If the current is kept within the
is same for both zener and rectifier diodes. specified limits depending upon the wattage rating of the
– The zener can be tested with an ohmmeter in the same zener, using a suitable series resistance, no harm is done
way as in rectifier diodes. to the zener diode.
– Zener requires approximately the same voltage for it to Because the zener diode is designed to operate as a
be forward-biased into conduction as that of an ordinary breakdown device, the zener can be brought out of condi-
diode. tion easily. A zener is brought out of its zener conduction
by lowering the reverse-biased voltage below the zener
Fig 2 shows the conduction characteristics of a typical voltage or by reversing the polarity of the applied voltage.
zener diode. Because of the nature and heavy doping in a
zener, its characteristics are different compared to a Application of zener diodes
rectifier diode.
The most popular use of zener diodes is as voltage
bl I
pu M
regulators in DC power supplies. Fig 3 illustrates a simple
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.69 - 1.6.72 223
is said to be regulated. – Maximum operating temperature : The highest
temperature at which the device will operate reliably.
Referring to Fig 4, the zener can be looked at as an
automatically changing resistance. Total current through These specifications of zener diodes are given in diode data
the resistance RS is given by, books. However a limited list of the most commonly used
zener diodes is given in Table No. 27 of the Pocket Table
The example given below enables you to interpret the
specifications of certain types of zener diodes without the
need to refer diode data book:
B Z C 9V1
1 Z 12
more heavily, causing more current (more IZ) to flow through
bl I
pu M
RS. Hence, more voltage drop occurs across RS. This
Means a semiconductor zener No tolerance 12V
increase in drop across RS offsets the increase in the
with one PN junction code means,
output voltage VOUT, thus retaining the voltage across load
RL at its original value. Likewise, if the value of RL is 10% tolerance
be @
Like in rectifier diodes, the type-code number is marked solid-state device and the applications of this diode mainly
generally on the body of the zener. From the type-code involve in where variable capacitance is preferred which can
marked, detailed specifications of the zener can be found be accomplished by controlling voltage. These diodes are
referring to any standard diode data manual. also named as varicap diodes. Even though the outcome
of the variable capacitance can be showed by the normal
Important zener diode specifications are listed below; P-N junction diodes, but these diodes are chosen for giving
the desired capacitance changes as they are special types
– Nominal Zener voltage, VZ:: This is the reverse
of diodes Fig 5. Varactor diodes are specifically fabricated
biased voltage at which the diode begins to conduct in
and optimized such that they permits a high range of
reverse bias.
changes in capacitance.
– Zener voltage tolerance: Like the tolerance of a
resistor, this indicates the percentage above or below
VZ. For example, 6.3 V ± 5 percent.
– Maximum zener current, IZ,max: This is the maxi-
mum current that the zener can safely withstand while
in its reverse-biased conduction (zener) mode.
– Maximum power dissipation, PZ is the maximum
power the zener can dissipate without getting dam-
– Impedance (ZZ): The impedance of the zener while
conducting in zener mode.
The different types of varactor diodes are available in the
market such as hyperabrupt, abrupt and gallium - arsenide
224 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.69 - 1.6.72
varactor diodes. The symbol of the varactor diode is shown
in the above figure that includes a capacitor symbol at one
end of the diode that signifies the characteristics of the
variable capacitor of the varactor diodes.
The symbol of the varactor diodes looks like a common PN-
junction diode that includes two terminals namely the
cathode and the anode. And at one end this diode is inbuilt
with two lines that specifies the capacitor symbol.
Working of a Varactor diode
To know the varactor diode working principle, we must
know the function of capacitor and capacitance. Let us
consider the capacitor that comprises of two plates aliented
by an insulator as shown in the figure 6.
We know that, the capacitance of a capacitor is directly
proportional to the region of the terminals, as the region of
the terminals increases the capacitance of the capacitor
increases. When the diode is in the revers biased mode,
where the two regions of P-type and N-type are able to
conduct and thus can be treated as two terminals. The
depletion area between the P-type & N-type regions can be Applications of varactor diode
considered as insulating dielectric. Therefore, it is similar The applications of varactor diode mainly involve within
to the capacitor shown above. the RF design area however, in this article, we are
discussing about the couple of applications of varactor
bl I diodes, to illustrate how these diodes can be used in a
pu M
ish practical. The capacitor in a practical circuit can be
changed with the varactor diode, but it is necessary to
make sure the tune voltage necessary to set the diode
capacitance. And to ensure that this diode is not influenced
be @
Voltage contolled oscillators
t t rig
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.69 - 1.6.72 225
RF filters as well as stray capacitance and inductance that may be
exhibited by the device package. This means that device
The varactor diodes can be used in th RF filters to tune. In
with low capacitance levels that may be more suitable for
the receive front to follow the frequency of the incoming
high frequencies will be placed in microwave type package.
received signal which can be restricted using a control
These and other considerations need to be taken into
voltage. Usually, the is offered by microporcessor control
account when choosing a varactor diode for a new design.
through the DAC. A few of the main applications of varactor
diodes can be listed below: As a particular varactor diode type may be available in a
number of packages, it is necessary to choose the variant
• These diodes can be used as frequency modulators
with the package that is most suitable for the application
and RF phase shifters.
in view
• These diodes can be used as freqency multipliers in
microwave receive. Rectifier
• These diodes are used to change the capacitance in Almost all electronic circuits need DC voltage for their
tank LC circuits. working. This DC voltage can be obtained by dry cells and
batteries. Use of a dry cell is practicable only in portable
Specifications of varactor diode electronic circuits such as transistor radio, tape recorders
etc. But in circuits requiring large voltages and currents, like
When choosing a varactor diode, the varactor specifications high power audio amplifiers, television sets etc. batteries will
need to be carefully determined to asses whether it will not only be very expensive but also be voluminous.
meet the circuit requirements.
An alternative method of obtaining DC voltage is by
While there will be many varactor diode specifications that converting the AC mains supply of 240V, 50Hz into DC
are the same as those applied to other types of diode, voltage. This technique is not only convenient but also
including signal diode, etc, there are many other varactor takes very small space compared to battery packs. This
specifications that are crucial to the perfornance of the process of converting AC to DC is known as rectification.
bl I
varactor in any variable capacitance role. Fig 9 shows the principle of converting AC to DC of required
pu M
Many of the difference varactor parameters will be detailed voltage level.
in the varactor specification sheet that may be accessed
in the manufactures literature.
be @
Reverse breakdown
The reverse breakdown voltage of a varactor diode is of
o ht
maximum voltage that the device can withstand. It is also The transformer will step-down or step-up the mains AC to the
wise to choose a varactor diode that has a margin between required level. The stepped-up or stepped-down AC from the
the maximum voltage it is likely to expect, i.e. the rail
closed switch) only during the +ve half cycle of the input
bl I
sinusoidal voltage and does not conduct (behaves as a Calculating output DC level in half-wave rectifiers
pu M
open switch) during the -ve half of the input sinusoidal Two important points to note for calculating the output DC
voltage. This process repeats again and again thus producing
level of a halfwave rectifier are;
a pulsating +ve wave form at the output across the load, RL
as shown in Fig 10. – the output of a halfwave(HW) rectifier across the load resistor
is a pulsating DC whose peak voltage is equal to the peak
be @
The operation of a half-wave rectifier circuit can be summa- value of the +ve half cycle of the AC input as shown in Fig 12.
rised with the help of Fig 11 as follows: This can be checked using an oscilloscope.
o ht
1 During the positive half cycle of AC input, the diode is The small forward voltage drop of the diode (0.7 for Si)
forward biased as the anode of diode is positive as
t t rig
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.69 - 1.6.72 227
diode is reverse biased, there is no voltage across the load
RL. Therefore, From Kirchhoff’s voltage law, all the second-
ary voltage appears across the diode as shown in Fig 13b.
This is the maximum reverse voltage that appears across
the diode in the reverse biased condition. This voltage is
called the peak reverse voltage or more commonly as the
peak inverse voltage (PIV). Therefore, in a half-wave
rectifier the peak inverse voltage across the diode is equal
to the -ve peak value of the secondary voltage VS(peak).
Since, the -ve peak voltage and +ve peak voltage in a
sinusoidal wave is same in magnitude, the peak inverse
voltage (PIV) across the diode in a halfwave rectifier can be
taken as a VS(peak).
In the example considered earlier, the PIV across the diode
will be,
From ...2, Vdc = (0.318) Vp = 0.45 VS(rms) example to avoid break down of the diode, the PIV rating of
the diode should be greater than 34 volts.
bl I
pu M
Therefore, for a half-wave rectifier the level of output DC Two diode full wave rectifier
is given by,
Where VS(rms) is the input rms AC voltage. the output DC level is low (0.318 VS(peak)). This limitation of
a half-wave rectifier can be overcome by using two diodes
In the example considered above, the output DC voltage at and a centre-tap-transformer as shown in Fig 14.
o ht
Vdc = 0.45 x VS(rms) = 0.45 x 24 = 10.8 volts. two independent half-wave rectifiers. Because of the cen-
Ripple frequency tre-tapped secondary winding, each diode receives only
No py
signal. This is true for all half-wave rectifiers. always have opposite polarities with respect to the centre
tap. As shown in Fig 14, when end A of the secondary
Peak inverse voltage winding is positive, the bottom end B will be negative.
Fig 13a shows the half-wave rectifier at the instant the
secondary voltage is at its maximum negative peak.
In this condition, since the diode is reverse biased, it
behaves as an open switch as shown in Fig 13b. Since the
228 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.69 - 1.6.72
During the next half cycle, end B of transformer is +ve and
A is –ve as shown in Fig 15b. Hence the anode of D2 is +ve
and this diode conducts whereas D1 does not. Current
flows from the transformer(end B) → D2 → RL → back to
the transformer centre-tap. This direction of current again
makes point C across the load RL as the +ve terminal of
the output DC voltage.
Output DC level in a two-diode full wave rectifier
bl I
pu M
Since a full wave rectifier is nothing but a combination of two
– At any instant of time either D1 or D2 conducts but never From Fig 16 it is evident that the average or DC value of a
fullwave rectified output is
o ht
shown in Fig 15a and Fig 15b. So the DC output voltage Vdc = 0.636 VS(peak)
is positive at the common cathodes of the diodes D1,D2.
where, VS(peak)is the equal peak voltage between the centre-
No py
Fig 16 shows the input and output wave-forms of a fullwave tap and any one end A or B of the transformer secondary.
rectifier. As can be seen from Fig 16, the rectifier works
both in the positive and negative half cycles of the AC input In terms of VS(rms), Vdcof a fullwave rectifier is given by,
to produce a DC output across the load resistor RL. VS(rms) = 0.707 VS(peak)
Although only one diode conducts at a time, the outputs
are combined in RL. Hence, fullwave rectifier provides Vs(rms)
Therefore, Vdc = 0.636 .
double the DC current to the load compared to that of a half- 0.707
wave rectifier.
= 0.9 VS(rms)
Since both the half cycles of the input AC signal are rectified
by the circuit at Fig 14, this circuit is known as a fullwave Example: Suppose the secondary voltage of the trans-
rectifier. Since this fullwave rectifier uses two diodes this former is 24-0-24V(rms), the DC output voltage of a full wave
circuit is also known as two diode fullwave rectifier. rectifier using this transformer will be,
For a two diode fullwave rectifier
Vdc = 0.9 VS(rms)
Therefore, in the given example,
Vdc = 0.9 x VS(rms)= 0.9 x 24 = 21.6 volts.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.69 - 1.6.72 229
input voltage. As a result, the output of a full wave rectifier 2.16/2 = 1.08 amps. From this it follows that the current
has a frequency double the input AC frequency. If mains AC rating (If(max)) of each diode need only be half the maximum/
is used as input to a fullwave rectifier, since mains rated load current.
frequency is 50 Hz, the output frequency of the pulsating
DC will be 100 Hz. In a halfwave rectifier since there is only one
diode, the current rating of the diode used
Note: This increased ripple frequency has cer- should be the maximum current through the
tain advantages when the pulsating DC is load unlike in the case of a fullwave rectifier in
smoothed. This will be dealt with in further which the current rating of the diodes used is
lessons. only half the maximum current through the
Peak inverse voltage
Example: In a two diode fullwave rectifier, with a load
current requirement of 1.8 amps, what should be the
current ratings of the diodes used?
Since it is a two diode fullwave rectifier, the current rating
of each diode should be 1/2 the total load current.
Therefore, If(max)of diodes should be 1.8 amps/2 = 0.9 amps.
It is fine if a diode of 1 amp current rating is used for this
rectifier circuit.
The full wave rectifier using two diodes and centre tap
2Vs(peak) – PIV across D2 + 0 = 0 works in both +ve and –ve half cycles.
or PIV across D2 = 2Vs(peak)
No py
230 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.69 - 1.6.72
The operation of a bridge rectifier can be summarized in the
following steps;
– When end A of the transformer secondary is +ve, as
shown in Fig 19a, diodes D1 and D3 are forward biased
whereas, D2 and D4 are reverse biased, and, hence, D2
and D4 do not come in the circuit.
– Current flows from the transformer(end A) → D1 → RL →
D3 → back to the transformer(end B). From the
direction of the current flow point C is the positive
terminal of the DC output across RL.
– During the other half cycle of the input (–ve half cycle),
end B of the transformer becomes +ve as shown in Fig
19b. Diodes D4 and D2 are forward biased, whereas D1
and D3 are reverse biased.
– Current flows from the transformer(end B) → D4 → RL →
D2 → back to the transformer (end A). From the
direction of the current flow, point C is again the +ve In a two-diode fullwave rectifier VS(rms)refers to
terminal of the DC output across RL. only half of the total secondary voltage whereas
in a bridge rectifier VS(rms) refers to full second-
ary voltage.
VS(rms) is 24 volts, the rectified DC voltage Vdc across the
load RLwill be,
bl I
pu M
ish From equation ....2, Vdc for a bridge rectifier is given by,
Current rating of diodes in bridge rectifiers
bl I
As in the case of a two diode fullwave rectifier even in a
pu M
bridge rectifier shown in Fig 19, diode pairs D1, D3 and D2,
D4 carry half the total load current I. This is because each
232 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.69 - 1.6.72
A comparison of half-wave, fullwave and bridge rectifier is given below in a tabular form;
• DC output voltage in terms of VS(peak) 0.318 VS(Peak) 0.636 VS(Peak) 0.636 VS(Peak)
• DC output voltage in terms of VS(rms) 0.45 VS(rms) 0.9 VS (rms) 0.9 VS(rms)
• Diode current rating
bl I
pu M
IL (max) 0.5 IL (max) 0.5 IL (max)
Refer example given in half wave rectifier
lesson. Without the capacitor the same halfwave
bl I
pu M
rectifier gave only 10.8V DC. Adding just one
capacitor, the capacitor charges to the peak voltage VS(peak) Knowing the required load current IL, for a given value of
as shown in Fig 25b. frequency f and capacitance C, the peak-to-peak ripple
No py
cause, the capacitor has VS(peak) volts across it with the frC
polarity shown in Fig 25c. When VS passes its +ve peak, where,
the voltage at the anode of diode is slightly less than VS(peak).
Hence, the diode is reverse biased and behaves like a open Vr(p-p) = peak-to-peak ripple voltage, in volts
switch. IL = required DC load current, in Amps
With the diode open, the capacitor discharges through fr = ripple frequency, in HZ
the load resistance RL. By deliberate design, the dis-
charging time constant (product of RL and C) is made C = capacitance in Farads.
much greater than the period T of the input signal. Fixing the permissible Vr(p-p)and knowing f and IL the
Because of this, the capacitor will discharge only a required value of C can also be found using this formula.
small portion of its stored charge during the OFF time of
the diode, as shown in Fig 25b. Method 2
By the time the capacitor loses a small portion of its Another method of expressing the ripple in the output DC
charge, the source voltage again reaches its peak, the is by ripple factor r, defined as,
diode again conducts and recharges the capacitor to the V
peak voltage VS(peak). This process of charging during a brief r(rms)
Ripple factor,r =
period of positive peak and discharging during the falling V
period of the positive peak continues as shown in Fig 25b.
From Fig 25b, it can be seen that the voltage across the where,
load resistor is almost a pure DC voltage. The only variation r = ripple factor(dimensionless)
234 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.69 - 1.6.72
Vr(rms) = rms value of ripple voltage
rip(p -p)
2 3
Vdc = DC output voltage.
r = (for halfwave) .....[3]
2 3 f RL C
r = the theoretical ripple factor for a half-wave
C = capacitance in μF
RL = load resistor in ohms
f = mains supply frequency in hertz.
From equation 3 above, it is clear that one way to reduce
the ripple is by increasing the discharging time constant,
RLC. In other words, increasing the value of C or RL the time
constant becomes larger, and, larger the time constant,
bl I Example: In a bridge rectifier with a capacitance input
pu M
purer is the DC output of the filter.
filter, suppose the DC load current drawn is approximately
10 mA and the filter capacitor is 470 μF, for a line frequency
These formulae are used many times while
of 50 Hz, the peak-to-peak ripple in the output will be,
troubleshooting, analyzing, or designing a
capacitor-input filter. Hence, it is worthwhile I
be @
supply frequency as shown in Fig 27. As a result of higher For the same conditions in a half-wave rectifier, the ripple
ripple frequency, when compared with halfwave rectifier will be 0.426 V, which is twice as much because the ripple
(Fig 26), the capacitor gets charged twice as often and has frequency is only 50 Hz (same as AC input frequency).
only half the discharge time as shown in Fig 27. Therefore,
the ripple in the filtered output is smaller and the DC output Examples If the peak voltage VS(peak) is 34 V, then, select
voltage approaches more closely the peak voltage VS(peak). a capacitor that makes the peak-to-peak ripple 10% of
The formulae used for calculating the ripple in the output or VS(peak). This means Vr(p–p) should be around 3.4V. (Refer
the ripple factor is the same as discussed for half-wave Example 1).
rectifiers. For a bridge rectifier, for a DC load current of 10mA, the
value of C using 10% rule should be,
Vr(p-p) =
fr C
I 10mA
or C = =
fr V 100(3.4)
= 29.4 μF minimum.
As a standard value, use 100 μF. Recalculating Vr(p-p),
IL 10mA
Vr(p-p)= = = 1 Volt.
frC 100 x 100 μ F
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.69 - 1.6.72 235
With the 10 percent design rule, the DC voltage is more In the case of a fullwave rectifier with filter shown in Fig 28b,
than 95 percent of the peak voltage which is reasonably summing voltages around the left loop gives,
a good design.
PIV – 2 VS(peak)+ 0 = 0
Assignment: Calculate value of C if the required load or,
current is 1 Amps. PIV = 2 VS(peak)
PIV rating of diodes with capacitance-input filters This means that the PIV rating of the diodes must be
greater than the peak total secondary voltage(VS(peak) +
Recall that the PIV across the diode in a half-wave rectifier VS(peak)). Note that this is same as in the fullwave rectifier
without a filter capacitor is equal to VS(peak). This PIV rating without a filter capacitor.
changes when a filter capacitor is connected across the
output of the half-wave rectifier. In the case of a bridge rectifier circuit shown in Fig 28c,
summing voltages of the outside loop gives,
Fig 28a shows a half-wave rectifier driving a capacitor-input
filter. At the negative peak of the secondary voltage, the PIV + 0 – VS(peak)= 0
diode is reverse-biased and a peak inverse voltage appears or,
across it. Summing up the voltages around the loop gives, PIV = VS(peak)
PIV across diode – VS(peak– VS(peak) across C = 0 So the PIV rating of each diode in the bridge must be
or, greater than the peak secondary voltage VS(peak). This is
PIV across diode = 2VS(peak) same as in a bridge rectifier without a filter capacitor.
From this it can be seen that, with capacitance-input filter Surge current in rectifiers with filter capacitors
across the diode, the PIV rating of the diode in a half-wave
rectifier must be two times the peak secondary voltage In rectifiers with filter capacitors, before the input power is
VS(peak) or higher. switched ON, the filter capacitor is uncharged. The instant
236 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.69 - 1.6.72
Generally, the secondary winding resistance will be less Note that the surge current has reduced from 28.3 amps to
than 1 W. The bulk resistances of diodes are given in data 6.5 amps by the use of a surge resistor.
sheets. In general purpose diodes, rb will be of the order of
0.2 W.
When a surge resistor is used for calculating IS,
For example, if V S(peak) is 34 V AC and the sum of the you may neglect the winding and bulk
secondary winding resistance and the diode bulk re- resistances, as their values are comparatively
sistance is 1W + 0.2 W, then the surge current I S would smaller.
One disadvantage in using a surge resistor is that, since it
VS(peak) 34 comes in series with the output, the DC voltage across the
IS = = = 28.3 amps. load decreases by an amount equal to the IR drop across
1 Ω + 0.2 Ω 1.2 Ω
the surge resistor. Hence, surge resistors should not be
It is important to note that this large current is not a used indiscriminately.
continuous current. This current decreases exponentially
as the capacitor gets charged. However, if the capacitor is Filter capacitors of values less than 1000 μF usually do not
of an extremely large value, the surge current will remain at produce a surge current for a long period to damage the
a high level for quite some time, and, hence, may damage diodes. Hence, for values of C less than 1000 μF use of
the diode. surge resistors are not essential.
From the above, two important points are to be noted, Table No.25 of the pocket table books summarizes the key
information discussed so far. This table is useful for
- The diode used must have the capability to withstand a designing and troubleshooting power supplies.
large surge current of a short duration, generally one
time period(T) of input cycle. This data is given in the RC filters
diode data books.
Recall that with the 10 % ripple rule we get a peak-to-peak
- The value of the filter capacitor should not be exces-
bl I ripple of around 10 percent of the DC load voltage. To further
pu M
sively large as this will increase the value and duration
reduce the ripple at the output, filters as shown in Fig 31
of surge current. may be connected between the filter capacitor and the
In case the diode selected for a rectifier has a surge current output a pure DC similar to the output of a battery.
rating less than the estimated surge current, a small In Fig 31, the two RC filter sections are connected between
resistor is included in the surge current path as shown in
o ht
simply surge resistor. greater than XC at the ripple frequency. Therefore, a major
No py
bl I
pu M
be @
LC filters
For large load current requirements, instead of RC filters,
LC filters as shown in Fig 33 are preferred. The reason is,
a large portion of the ripple voltage is dropped across the
inductor with minimum DC voltage drop because inductors
have only a small winding resistance.
In Fig 33, XLis made much greater than XC at the ripple
frequency. Hence, the ripple across the load is reduced to
extremely low levels.
Neglecting the choke’s resistance, the DC output voltage
is given by,
Vdc= 0.636 VS(peak) as in the case of a capacitor input filter.
238 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.69 - 1.6.72
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.73
Electronic Mechanic - Rectifier
DC regulated power supply : The main purpose of a DC By suitably designing the current regulator circuit it is
regulated power supply is to get a constant DC supply for possible to get current regulation for a single range or a
electrical and electronic circuits for conducting experi- multi-range of currents.
ments in laboratories and also to provide testing voltage for
equipments like radio, TV, tape recorders, computers etc.
a change in load and is generally used in a circuit where cially available DC regulated power suppliers provide both
voltage and current regulation combined in the supply unit.
bl I
load current is constant eg. battery charging, electroplat-
pu M
ing, communication system etc. (Figs 3 and Fig 4)
is also called a source regulation specifying the change in
comes more and more sophisticated depending upon the
bl I
DC output voltage due to the variation in the line voltage.
pu M
high precision in regulation and a number of protection
x 100
% of variation of ACinput
line voltage
o ht
mum to maximum.
240 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.6.73
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Computer
What is a computer? computer itself cannot perform any task and is referred to
The term computer is used to describe a device made up as hardware.
of electronic and electro mechanical components. The A computer system consists of three elements.
Fig 1
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2 Software
pc’s. Pocket pc’s and lap pc’s belong to portable category.
3 People Microcomputer is used in small businesses.
Hardware : The physical components which you can see, Ex : IBM compatible or IBM clone and Apple Macintosh
touch and feel in the computer system are called hardware systems.
Eg monitor, keyboard, mouse etc.
Multiuser microcomputers. Until recently
Software : Software is used to describe the instructions microcomputers were personal
that tells the computer how to perform a task. Software is
computers for individual use only. But now days several
categorized as
microcomputers can be networked together for simultaneous
1 System softwares ( eg . operating systems, compilers, use by several people.
editors, etc)
Mini computers: Mini computer is simply a small mainframe
2 Application softwares ( MS-word, excel, accounting computer. It is a reduced version of mainframe. Attached
packages, etc) printers are not so fast. So it has less storage capacity less
processing speed of that of mainframe computers. They
People : People who operate the computer and also
are usually used by small businesses. For example
create computer software instructions.
research groups, engineering firms, colleges etc. use mini
Computer hardware computers.
Basic components in a computer system are central Mainframe computers: A mainframe computer is a large
processing unit (CPU), memory, the input device and expensive machine whose processing speed is very high
output device. and has large amount of secondary storage and fast
Computer systems – Micros, Minis and Mainframes. printers. A large mainframe computer may be used to meet
the data processing requirements of the entire organization.
Micro computer : Micro computer is also called as
personal computer or PC. It has a processor based on a Examples: airline booking systems, Railway booking
systems , weather forecast etc. 16 bit ISA bus
System types 16/32 bit Extended ISA(EISA) bus
We can classify systems into the following categories : 32/64 - bit card Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)
8-bit, example : 8085 microprocessor
The easiest way to identify a PC/XT system is by the 8-bit
16-bit, example : 8086, 286, 386 processor
ISA expansion slots regardless of the processor present in
32-bit , example : 486 the system. AT systems can be similarly identified by
64-bit, example : Pentium - II having 16-bit of greater slots of any type (ISA, EISA, PCI)
This gives us two basic system types or classes of
hardware. System components
The XT basically was a PC system that included a hard disk • Memory (Primary)
for storage in addition to the floppy drive found in the basic • Hard disk
PC system. These systems has an 8-bit processor and an
• Floppy Drive
(ISA) bus for system expansion. Bus is the name given to
• Keyboard
expansion slots in which additional plug in circuit board can
be installed.
bl I • Mouse
pu M
16-bit and greater systems are said to be AT class. 16-bit
(and latter 32 and 64 bit) processors and expansion slots
• Monitor
are included. The first AT class systems had a 16-bit • Power Supply
version of the ISA bus which is an extension of the original
• Cabinet
be @
Fig 2
242 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77
1 Processor slot Hard disk drive (Fig 5)
2 Processor voltage regulators A hard drive consists of spinning platters made up of
aluminum or ceramic that is coated with magnetic media
3 Motherboard chipset
shown in Fig 5. The platters come in various sizes. The hard
4 Level 2 cache drive with many different storage capacities can be created
depending upon the density, size and number of platters.
5 Memory SIMM or DIMM sockets
This is also called as Secondary memory. There can be
6 Bus slots several programs in the system, which cannot be stored in
7 ROM BIOS RAM, so we need a very huge non-volatile memory, which
can be used for storing all the programs, and data when the
8 Clock / CMOS battery system is not in use are called as Hard disks.
9 Super I/O chips
Fig 5
Processor (Fig 3)
Fig 3
bl I
pu M
CD-ROM drive (Fig 6)
CD-ROM stands for compact disk read only memory. It
The processor is often thought as the engine of the
be @
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77 243
Fig 7 60 or more time per second. The actual display screen is
made up of red, green and blue dots that are illuminated by
electron beam from behind. The video card DAC chip
controls the movement of the electron beam, which then
controls what dots are turned on and how bright they are.
Which then determines the picture you see on the screen.
Power supply (Fig 11)
Fig 11
Fig 8
used to input information into the computer shown in Fig 9. 230 V AC into 3.3 V, 5 V and 12 V DC power that the system
advantage of mouse over keyboard is simplicity. And there to run the system, the power supply also ensures that the
system does not run unless the power supplied is sufficient
are many operations that are much easier to perform with
a mouse than a keyboard. to operate the system properly. The power supply completes
internal checks and tests before allowing the system to
be @
Fig 9 start. If the tests are successful, the power supply sends
a special signal to the motherboard called Power Good.
o ht
Fig 10 Fig 11
244 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77
Peripheral Devices Printers
Any external device, which is not necessary to perform the The capability to produce a printed version often called a
basic operation of computer, is called as peripherals. They hard copy of a document is the primary function of a printer.
provide additional computing capabilities. For ex : Printers, Different types of printers are 1) Laser 2) Inkjet 3)
Modems, Speakers etc. Dot-Matrix.
Modem (Fig 13) A = Network Connector (Fig 15)
Fig 13
The Network Connector, also referred to as a NIC card, is
how your CPU talks to the network. A network cable is
plugged into the back of the computer in this location
shown in Fig 15. The other end of the network cable is
plugged into a network jack in the wall. If the wall jack is
“live”, meaning it has been wired to talk to the network, then
your computer will connect to the network
USB Ports (Fig 16)
B = USB Ports 1 & 2
The USB ports are present on newer machines and most
often require Windows 98 or higher. If you have Windows95,
the USB ports may not work. USB ports allow you to
connect an external device, such as a printer, camera,
scanner, or other device to your computer shown in Fig 16.
Fig 15
bl I
pu M
Modem (Modulator and Demodulator) is typically used to
send digital data over a phone line shown in Fig 13. The
Fig 14
No py
Fig 16
• 28.8 Kbps
• 33.6 Kbps USB ports transfer information from the connected device
to your computer.
• 56 Kbps - Became the standard in 1998
Monitor Connector (Fig 17)
• ADSL, with theoretical maximum of up to 8 megabits
per second (Mbps) C = Monitor Connector
Gained popularity in 1999 The monitor connector is a 15 pin female connector shown
in Fig 17. This is how the monitor is connected to the
computer. On the back of the monitor, there is a 15 pin male
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77 245
connector. The monitor cable gets plugged into the back of Com Port 1 & 2 (Fig 20)
the computer in this location.
F = Com Port 1
Fig 16
H = Com Port 2
Com Ports are usually have 9 pins and are male connectors
shown in Fig 20. Com Port stands for communication port
and is how your computer talks to external devices such as
modems, scanners or digital cameras.
Fig 20
Keyboard Connector (Fig 17)
D = PS/2 Keyboard Connector
The PS/2 Keyboard connector is where the keyboard gets
connected to the computer shown in Fig 18. The keyboard Parallel Port (Fig 21)
cable, has a round connection with one flat side. G = 25 Pin Parallel Port
Fig 18
The parallel port is sometimes referred to as a printer port
(or LPT1) because that is the typical device that is
attached to this port. The parallel port is a 25 pin female
connector shown in Fig 21. If you have a direct connect
bl I
pu M
printer, the male end of the printer cable (pictured later in
Fig 21
be @
o ht EMN17741H
t t rig
Mouse Connector (Fig 19)
No py
Fig 19
246 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77
L = Sound Card – Microphone Connector Mouse (Fig 26)
A sound card allows you to hear sounds from a CDROM or The illustrations above (Fig 26) show two examples of
audio file. The connectors allow you to attach speakers, mouse connectors. The left is a PS/2 mouse connector
microphones or headphones shown in Fig 23. If your (circle) and the right is a serial connector that would plug
computer does not have these connectors, you will not be into one of your com ports
able to hear sound.
Fig 26
Fig 23
Speakers (Fig 27)
The following cords are connected to a set of speakers
CPU Power Cord (Fig 24)
Fig 27
The CPU power cord connects the CPU to the electrical
supply shown in Fig 24
Fig 24
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E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77 247
Fig 28 USB Printer Cable (Fig 31)
Fig 31
Newer computers and printers will support the use of a USB
Network Cable and Network Jack (Fig 29)
printer cable. A USB cable will transfer information more
The network cable can be blue, purple or off-white. One end quickly than a parallel cable shown in Fig 31. The flat end
is connected to the back of the computer (in location A) and of the USB cable gets connected to the back of the CPU
the other end is plugged into the network jack on the wall in location B. The square end is connected to the local
shown in Fig 29 printer.
Fig 29
The following should help you put the pieces together.
1 Position the CPU in the desired location
4 Connect the mouse to the back of the CPU (location E)
be @
248 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77
can buy the bracket yourself pretty cheaply. Monoprice's
Note: PATA is sometimes just called IDE. If you
2 port internal SATA to eSATA bracket, for example, is less
see SATA being used sort of as an opposite
than $10.
term with IDE, it just means that serial and
parallel ATA cables or connections are being However, one caveat with external hard drives is that the
discussed. cable doesn't transfer power, only data. This means that
unlike some external USB drives, eSATA drives require a
SATA vs PATA power adapter, like one that plugs into the wall.
Compared to Parallel ATA, Serial ATA also has the benefit SATA Converter cables
of cheaper cable costs and the ability to hot swap devices. There are various adapters you can purchase if you need
To hot swap means that the devices can be replaced to convert an older cable type to SATA or convert SATA to
without turning off the entire system. With PATA devices, some other connection type.
you'd need to shut off the computer before replacing the
hard drive. For example, if you want to use your SATA hard drive
through a USB connection, like to wipe the drive, browse
Note : While SATA drives support hot swapping, through the data, or back up the files, you can buy a SATA
the device using it must as well, like the to USB adapter. Through Amazon, you can get something
operating system. like this SATA/PATA/IDE drive to USB Adapter converter
cable for just that purpose.
SATA cables themselves are much smaller than the fat
Molex converter
PATA ribbon cables. This means that they're easier to
manage because they don't take up as much space and There are also molex convertors which can use if power
can be tied up more easily, if need be. Also, the thinner supply does not provide the 15 pin cable connection that
design results in better airflow inside the computer case. you need to tower the internal SATA hard drive.
Like you read above, SATA transfer speeds are much Those cable adapters are pretty in expensive, like this one
bl I
pu M
higher than PATA. 133 MB/s is the fastest transfer speed from micro SATA cables.
possible with PATA devices, whereas SATA supports System unit: The system unit consists of the following (Fig
speeds from 187.5 MB/s to 1,969 MB/s (as of revision 3.2) 32 and 33)
The maximum cable length of a PATA cable is just 18 1 Memory:
Memory: This is the area used by the processor to
be @
inches (1.5 feet). SATA cable can be as long as 1 meter store raw data and instructions
(3.3 feet). However, while a PATA data cable can have two
device attached to it an once, a SATA drive only allows Microprocessor: This is the CPU, which is the main
2 Microprocessor
o ht
one.some Windows operating system don't support SATA component in a computer that does all the processing
work of the data fed into the computer.
t t rig
Chart 1
Description Application Cable/connector
bl I
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t t rig
No py
250 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77
Description Application Cable/connector
bl I
pu M
5 pin DIN plug on key Key board to MB
board cable
be @
o ht
of the PC
No py
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77 251
Description Application Cable/connector
bl I
pu M
252 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77
Description Application Cable/connector
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): This unit does arithmetic The CPU uses the address bus to select the memory
calculations and logical operations involved in the program, address of the device in order to read and write data. The
such as addition, multiplication, comparison etc., actual data is sent using the data bus. Control bus carries
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
t t rig
No py
the control information like instructing the ALU which 4 Storage Devices: These are the floppy drives and hard
operation to perform. Out of these buses the address and disk drives, both of which we would discuss in detail in
control buses are unidirectional whereas the data bus is the lesson on secondary memory devices.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77 253
5 Motherboard: The motherboard is the primary compo- 4 Hold the board along it’s edges as shown in Fig 34 and
nent of the entire system. Without the support circuitry rock it up gently using equal force at both holding ends
and functions that this device provides, even the CPU is and remove the card.
unable to function. The detailed diagram of a mother –
board is given below. Fig 34
The various slots are provided to mount add- on cards like
display cards, sound card, internal modem, hard disk
controller cards etc. However, now- a –days most of these
cards come in built within the motherboard itself.
Tips for removing add- on cards from the mother board
1 Put on anti- static wrist strap.
2 Ensure that all the cables from the add- on card
connected on to the mother board is removed. Label the
removed cable with suitable information. Before remov-
ing, record to which slot on the motherboard it was
3 Remove the boards mounting screw which fixes the
metal mounting bracket of the add- on card.
Fig 35
bl I
pu M
be @
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t t rig
No py
After removing the card, avoid touching the edge connector 2 Ensure that all the add-on cards connected on to the
of the card. mother board is removed.
5 Place the card preferably in an antistatic mat such that 3 Plan/determine your most likely exit route for the
the components on the card are visible to you. mother board.
6 Identify and record the jumper settings on the card. 4 Remove the two screws holding motherboard on the
7 Identify and record the switch setting if any on the chassis of the cabinet.
mother board. 5 Locate the plastic pinch spacers holding the motherboard
8 Place the add-on card safely in anti-static pouch and on to the chassis of the cabinet.
keep it safely in the drawer of your working table or in 6 slide the motherboard until the plastic pinch spacers
a shelf. feel free of the motherboard using nose pliers
Tips for removing the Mother board from the cabinet
Make sure that you don’t accidentally remove
When all the cables and add- on board are taken out from any jumper switches with rough handling.
the processor unit of PC, than it looks quite easy to work Correct jumper settings are crucial for proper
further 1 operation of the motherboard.
Ensure that all the cables from, the mother board is
removed Most CPU’s of both types will generate have micro fan
mounted right on the chip.
254 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77
RAM Modules: These memory modules can be seen as manent code that the PC uses when the PC is first
small PCB strips(much smaller than add –on cards) turned-On.
plugged into lengthy slots(DIMM-168-pin) (SIMM-72 pin)
This chip looks similar to the one as shown in Fig 38. Most
(SIMM-30 pin) perpendicularly on the motherboard as
ROM Bios Chips will have a glass window at its center as
shown in Fig 35.You may see only one RAM module strip
shown in figure. Some times this window is closed using
or more than one. Each RAM module strip may have
a adhesive glossy paper slip on which it would be marked
capacity ranging from 4 MB to more than 128 MB .Some
the marker of this Bios such as AWARD or AMI or
types of memory module cards are shown in Fig 36.
PHOENIX and like. On this glossy paper slip ,a few other
details including the year will be printed. This is an
Fig 36
important data to be recorded.
Fig 38
bl I
pu M
ish 4 Battery: A round shining big coin like thing ,held in a
plastic enclosure with a ‘+’ mark can be seen on the
mother board. This is technically called as a button cell.
This is actually a Lithium ion battery. This provides
be @
Fig 39
No py
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77 255
Fig 40 Fig 41
Fig 42
don’t be worried as ISA is an old type and not very
bl I
pu M
PCI slots: PCI means Peripheral Component Interconnect.
These are more recent type compared to ISA and are very
popular. These slots are generally white in color and
smaller in size compared to ISA slots. A PC Motherboard
be @
will definitely have one PCI slot but generally more than
o ht
slot is much more recent than the PCI slot and this slot
holds the add-on graphic card to enhance the graphic
capabilities of your PC. This slot is generally brown in color
No py
256 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77
Keyboard port, Mouse Port, On Board Serial and These motherboards having only the 5-pin DIN port can
Parallel Port: Keyboard Port is one which is always on the also use P/S 2-keyboards using a cross adapter cable.
Mother. The key board port can be of these types listed
Those motherboard not having USB(Universal Serial Bus)
below and shown in Fig 44.
circuitry on board can place a USB adapter card in one of
1 The olden type-5 pin –DIN connector the PCI slots. Then use the USB connector for connecting
a USB keyboard.
2 The more recent type -6 pin P/S -2 connector.
3 The most modern USB port
Fig 44
bl I
pu M
be @
o ht
9) connector. Generally any motherboard will have at least Memory Address Register (MAR): It specifies the address
two serial ports. All motherboard may not have the serial of memory location from which data or instruction is to be
port connectors mounted right on the motherboard at its accesses (for read operation) or to which the data is to be
edge as shown in figure above. But there will be a two 9 pin stored (for write operation).
connector on the motherboard some where, using which, Program Counter (PC): It keeps track of the instruction
you have to run 9 wire flat cables to the ports mounted on which is to be executed next, after the execution of an on-
a metal plate and fixed at one of the metal slots found at the going instruction.
rear of the cabinet.
Instruction Register(IR): Here the instructions are loaded
Some devices need a 25 pin serial port(DB-25). However before their execution.
there will be only 9 pin connections at it. These DB-25 serial
port can be easily identified because, this 25 pin slot is a Instruction Execution: The simplest model of instruction
male connector(Whereas a DB-25 pin female is a parallel processing can be a two step process. The CPU reads
port). (fetches) instructions (codes) from the memory one at a
time, and executes or performs the operation specified by
Mouse is connected to any one of the DB-9 serial port or the instruction. Instruction fetches involves reading of an
a P/S-2.6 pin mini DIN connector or a USB port. Where is instruction from a memory location to the CPU register.
the mouse to be connected depends upon the type of The execution of this instruction may involve several
connector your mouse has. However, you can use cross operations depending on the nature of the instruction.
adapter cable to connect a mouse to a P/S-2 port or vice
versa. The processing needed for a single instruction (fetch and
execution) is referred to as instruction cycle. The instruction
cycle consist of the fetch cycle and the execute
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77 257
cycle.Program execution terminates if the electric power Fig 46
supply is discontinued or some sort of unrecoverable error
occurs, or by a program itself. (Fig 45)
Fetch Cycle: For fetch cycle, typically the program
counter is used. Program counter keeps track of the
instructions which is to be fetched next. The fetched
instructions is in the form of binary code and is loaded into
an instruction register in the CPU.
Execute Cycle: The CPU interprets the instructions in the
instruction register and does the required action. In general,
these action can be divided into the following categories.
1 Data may be transferred from processor to memory or
from memory to processor.
2 Data may be transferred to or from a peripheral device
and an I/O module. RAM is volatile i.e. data stored in it is lost when we switch
Following are few of the important output devices, which are off the computer or if there is a power failure. Hence, a
used in Computer Systems backup uninterruptible power system (UPS) is often used
with computers. RAM is small, both in terms of its physical
Computer - Memory size and in the amount of data it can hold.
A memory is just like a human brain. It is used to store data
RAM is of two types
and instruction. Computer memory is the storage space
in computer where data to be processed and instructions 1 Static RAM (SRAM)
required for processing are stored. 2 Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
bl I
pu M
The memory is divided into large number of small parts. Computer - ROM (Fig 47)
Each part is called cell. Each location or cell has a unique
address, which varies from zero to memory size minus ROM stands for Read Only Memory. The memory from
one. which we can only read but cannot write on it. This type of
be @
3 Secondary Memory
258 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77
Fig 48 Characteristics
1 External devices are connected to a computer using
cables and ports
2 Ports are slots on the motherboard into which a cable
of external device is plugged in. Examples of external
devices attached via pots are mouse, keyboard, moni-
tor, microphone, speakers etc. (Fig 49).
Fig 49
1 Motherboard varies greatly in supporting various types
of components
2 Normally, a motherboard supports a single type of CPU
and few types of memories
3 Video Cards, Hard disks, Sound Cards have to compat-
ible with motherboard to function properly
4 Mother boards, cases and power supplies must be
compatible to work properly together
bl I
pu M
Computer - Memory Units
Computer - Ports
t t rig
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.74 - 1.7.77 259
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.78
Electronic Mechanic - Basic computer
CMOS may refer to any of the following: The fundamental purpose of the BIOS is to initialize and
test the system hardware components and load an
Fig 1 operating system from a mass memory device. The BIOS
is special software that interfaces the major hardware
components of the computer with the operating system. It
is usually stored on a Flash memory chip on the
motherboard, but sometimes the chip is another type of
ROM. The BIOS is a firmware (software instructions
permanently recorded on a chip located on your
motherboard). (Refer Fig.2).
Fig 2
bl I
pu M
RAM chip to be used in early IBM computers; capable of The BIOS software has a number of different roles, but its
storing a total of 64 bytes of data.Since the system clock most important role is to load the operating system. The
used 14 bytes of RAM, this left an additional 50 bytes for BIOS checks and initializes the PC hardware each time
storing system settings. Today, most computers have the system powers up or restarts before handing over
moved the settings from CMOS and integrated them into control to the operating system. Some of the other
the southbridge or super I/O chips. common tasks that the BIOS performs include:
LIfe of battery • A power-on self-test (POST) for all of the different
The standard lifetime of a CMOS battery is around 10 hardware components in the system to make sure
years. However, this can vary depending on the use and everything is working properly
environment in which the computer resides. • Activating other BIOS chips on different cards installed
CMOS are used in the following in the computer - For example the graphics cards often
have their own BIOS chips.
• Digital logic circuits
• Static RAM (SRAM) • Providing a set of low-level routines that the operating
system uses to interface to different hardware devices.
• Micro processors They manage things like the keyboard, the screen,
• Micro controllers and the ports, especially when the computer is booting.
The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), also known as • Managing a collection of settings for the hard disks,
System BIOS, ROM BIOS or PC BIOS is a generally clock, etc.
accepted standard defining a firmware interface.
CMOS Setup Fig 3
The first thing the BIOS will do is check the information
stored in a tiny (64 bytes) amount of RAM located on a
complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) chip.
The CMOS Setup provides detailed information particular
to your system and can be altered as your system
changes. The BIOS uses this information to modify or
supplement its default programming as needed.
Configuring BIOS
The BIOS checks the CMOS Setup for custom settings.
To change the CMOS settings we need to enter the CMOS
setup. To enter the CMOS Setup, a certain key or
combination of keys must be pressed during the initial
startup sequence. Most systems use "Esc," "Del," "F1,"
"F2," "Ctrl-Esc" or "Ctrl-Alt-Esc" to enter setup. There is Installing the Windows operating System
usually a line of text at the bottom of the display that tells
A hard disk needs to be partitioned (though not
"Press ___ to Enter Setup."
mandatory) and formatted before you can store data on
The BIOS setup shows a set of text screens with a number it.
of options. Some of these are standard, while others vary
according to the BIOS manufacturer. Common options
include: A partition, sometimes also called a volume, is an area on
a hard disk that can be formatted with a file system and
• System Time/Date - Set the system time and date identified with a letter of the alphabet. For example, drive
• Boot Sequence - The order that BIOS will try to load C on most Windows computers is a partition. the first
the operating system three partitions you create are primary partitions. These
can be used to start an operating system. If you want to
• Plug and Play - A standard for auto-detecting connected create more than three partitions, the fourth partition is
devices; should be set to "Yes" if your computer and created as an extended partition.
operating system both support it
An extended partition is a container that can hold one or
• Mouse/Keyboard - "Enable Num Lock," "Enable the more logical drives. Logical drives function like primary
Keyboard," "Auto-Detect Mouse"... partitions except that they cannot be used to start an
operating system.
• Drive Configuration - Configure hard drives, CD-ROM
and floppy drives Many computers are partitioned as a single partition that
equals the size of the hard disk. Partitioning a hard disk
• Memory - Direct the BIOS to shadow to a specific into several smaller partitions is not required, but it can be
memory address useful for organizing data on your hard disk.
• Security - Set a password for accessing the computer Creating more than one partition has the following
• Power Management - Select whether to use power
management, as well as set the amount of time for • Separation of the operating system (OS) and program
"standby" and "suspend" files from user files.
• Exit - Save your changes, discard your changes or • Having a separate area for operating system virtual
restore default settings memory swapping/paging.
The BIOS uses CMOS technology to save any changes • Keeping frequently used programs and data near each
made to the computer's settings. With this technology, a other.
small lithium or Ni-Cad battery can supply enough power
to keep the data for years. Major BIOS manufacturers
• Use of multi-boot setups, which allow users to have
include American Megatrends Inc. (AMI), Phoenix more than one operating system on a single computer.
Technologies, Winbond etc. A typical BIOS screenshot is For example, one could install Linux and Microsoft
shown in fig. given below.(Refer Fig.3) Windows or other operating systems on different
partitions of the same HDD and have a choice of booting
into any operating system at power-up.
• Protecting or isolating files, to make it easier to recover
a corrupted file system or operating system installation.
If one partition is corrupted, other file systems may not
be affected.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.78 261
• Raising overall computer performance on systems 2 High-level formatting creates the file system format
where smaller file systems are more efficient. within a disk partition or a logical volume. This formatting
includes the data structures used by the OS to identify
• Partitioning for significantly less than the full size the logical drive or partition's contents. This may occur
available can reduce the time for diagnostic tools such during operating system installation, or when adding a
as checkdisk to run. new disk.
Formatting Installing the Windows operating System
Disk formatting is the process of preparing a data storage The three basic types of windows installation procedures
device such as a hard disk drive, solid-state drive or USB are as follows:
flash drive for initial use. It is the act of creating a file
system on a volume, so that the operating system can • Install on a brand new diskorcomputesystem
store and retrieve data on that volume. • Erase the disk, format it, and install.
Formatting a disk is of two categories:
• Install into a new directory for dual-booting
1 Low-level formatting (i.e., closest to the hardware)
marks the surfaces of the disks with markers indicating For the first two methods, it must be ensured that the
the start of a recording block. It also provides information computer can boot from a DVD or any other removable
about block checks done for future use by the disk drive. To do this the drive boot order needs to be changed
controller to read or write data. This is intended to be in the BIOS. The latest Windows DVDs are bootable and
the permanent foundation of the disk, and is often run the Setup program automatically. Then the installation
completed at the factory. A hard disk needs to be can be done by following the procedure step by step as
partitioned and formatted before you can store data on indicated on the subsequent screens
262 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.78
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.79
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Computer
Switch Mode Power Supply of a PC is housed in a metal The SMPS comes in various capacities for PCs. The
box. SMPS consists of an electronic circuit board, a fan, capacities are 80W, 150W, 200W, 230W, 250W and
AC power sockets, power supply interface connectors for 280W. For PC nodes/ unix terminals 80W supply is used.
motherboard, hard disk drive and floppy disk drive. AC The connector details are printed on the cover of the SMPS
power switch connected to the power cable from the as shown in Fig 2. Table 1 gives the colour of wire for
SMPS. The connectors are polarised and standards are different voltages and the current ratings.
followed so that any PC SMPS can be interchanged. A
typical SMPS is shown in Fig 1.
Table 1 AC input is converted to DC voltage by a bridge rectifier and
filter capacitors. Around 300 volt DC is developed across
DC outputs the capacitors. The power section consists of high
Red +5V 20A max Total power 200W frequency ferrite core transformer and switching power
transistors to switch DC voltage across the transformer
Yellow +12V 8A max AC Input 220-240V
winding. A current sense circuit is provided to sense
White -5V 0.5A max overload current and to protect the SMPS from over
Orange PG loading.
Good power
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.79 265
Another indicator that your power supply supports PS-ON Difference between AT and ATX power supply
is the use of Momentary On or Always On power switches
that are connected to the motherboard in place of an AT powersupply does not have soft start option.
exterior switch connected to the power supply. When this
signal line is pulled to a low voltage signal, the +12V DC, AT powersupply does not generate 3.3V DC.
+5V DC, +3.3V DC, -5V DC and -12V DC power lines are
turned on. When it is pulled to a high-voltage signal, or AT motherboard supply connectors come with 2x6 pin
open-circuited, the DC output lines should no longer have connection.
current. The +5V DC output is always on as long as the
power supply is receiving AC power. Because the ATL, ATX power supply has a soft start.
NLX, LTX and other form factor motherboards have some
power running to them at all times, you will always want to ATX power supply does not shut down completely. Always
unplug the PC before working on it. the ATX power supply gives 5 volt to the mother board.
Advantages and disadvantages of SMPS ATX power supply generates a 3.3V DC for the processor
core voltage.
SMPS for the power rating is smaller in size. A conven-
tional power supply for similar power rating will be heavy Precaution to be taken while testing and servicing an
and big in size. SMPS
SMPS efficiency is very high so heat dissipation is low. A Since the SMPS is operating directly from rectified 220V
conventional power supply efficiency is less and heat AC, potentially hazardous DC voltage exist inside. So care
generated is more. should be taken while opening and testing.
SMPS output has high frequency noise. So cannot be High voltage capacitors must be discharged safely using a
used for critical applications. In conventional power supply resistor.
the noise is very minimal
When using any AC powered instrument to test an SMPS
Servicing of SMPS is difficult because of interdependance the instrument must be isolated. To isolate use isolation
of circuits and components. transformer.
Servicing of linear power supply is relatively straight for- Some SMPS start with sufficient load only.
Hard disk
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• explain the basic components of a hard disk
• explain boot process
• explain Windows OS desk top shortcuts and various options.
sealed chamber. Drive electronics (PCB) is located out-
side the chamber.
Magnetic disks are the most common form of permanent
data storage. Their capacities may range from a few
Hard Disk has one or more platters. Platter is made of
kilobytes to several Gigabytes. An aspect common to all
aluminium or glass, coated with magnetic media to store
magnetic drives is the scheme that determines how the
information. A read/write head is placed on a spring loaded
data on the disk is organised. The operating system
arm. The arm is moved along the radius by actuator
determines this scheme before any information can be
mechanism. Motor that spins the platter is called spindle
stored on a magnetic disk, provided the disk is formatted.
motor. It rotates at 3600 to 7200 rpm. Logic board controls
Formatting allows the drive to store and retrieve data in an
the drive motor and head actuator mechanism. Data is
orderly manner.
transferred to and from the platter in a standard format.
Hard disk has a FRC connector for data cable and molex
The basic parts of Hard disk
connector for power. Power supply requirements are +12V
1 amp, +5V, 500 mA
The basic hard disk drive components are as shown in the
Fig 1.
Hard disk platter is divided into tracks of a particular width
as shown in Fig 2. Each track is dived into sectors.
Outermost track is numbered ‘0 ‘. Similar numbered track
on each platter is combined to form a cylinder. Capacity of
the hard disk is determined by number of cylinders, number
of heads, sectors and data storage mode.
Boot process
Computer initialisation is a process from the time a PC is
switched on until the PC displays A>:\C:> or windows
Desk top, is called boot process. Number of steps are
involved in this process.
Once operating system is found, the boots trap loader handled with bare hands as it is more sensitive to static
programme loads the operating system components into charges. Hard disk interface cable and power supply
the memory and hands over the control to the operating should be connected/removed only after switching off
system. When the process is complete, the monitor mains power. No magnetic material should be placed near
displays A>:/,C:> or windows desktop. HDD.
Fig 3
Accessibility options: Change your computer screen, Fonts: Add or remove screen, vector, True type, and Type1
mouse, keyboard, features, and sound to make windows fonts, some printer fonts are installed automatically when
more accessible for people with disablities. you install a printer. Other printer fonts must be installed
using a font installation program provided by the font
Add / Remove programs: Install and remove software
automatically, and add or remove installed components in
windows NT.
Keyboard: Adjust the keyboard delay and repeat rate, and
Console: Change the appearance of your MS-DOS screen add keyboard symbols that are exclusive to other lan-
by changing screen colors, screen size and position, fonts, guages.
cursor size and more.
Modems: Add modems using the Add modem wizard, a
Date / Time: Change the system date, time, and time step-by-step modem set up program.
Multimedia: Adjust audio, video, CD (music), and MIDI,
Devices: Start, stop and configure the start up type for and add or remove multimedia devices.
device drivers.
Network: Configure network adapter cards, network serv-
Display: Change the appearance of your screen by chang-
ices and protocols, and join a workgroup or a domain.
ing screen, colors, fonts, the appearance and size of
windows, background design, icons and other visuals.
PC Card (PCMCIA): Display resources used by any PC
268 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.80 - 1.7.83
cards, if you have these devices. Fig 4
Printers: Add and remove printers and remove, control and Month
create share access to printers using the Add printer
wizard, a step-by-step printer set up program. Year
Sounds: Assign sounds to system and application events, There is one more tab in the Date & Time properties i.e.
and turn on or off the warning beep and system sounds. Time Zone that is used to set the local time in tune with the
Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT) as shown in Fig 5.
System: Specify the default operating system for startup,
change user environment variables and define paging file Fig 5
– Day Also observe time now in the system tray. It will be changed
– Month now.
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.80 - 1.7.83 269
2 Select the file created in the open dialog.
Fig 6
3 Observe the preview in the screen within the dialog (as
There is one more display option called the Display type as
shown in Fig 4
Fig 5
Browse to
270 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.80 - 1.7.83
Fig 7
– Click on Ok button to effect the settings. This will return Click in the Scheme list box and select the Windows
to the previous tab. standard as the type of the appearance for the windows.
– Clicks on Preview button to see the screen saver
running (do not move the mouse or press any key). – Watch how immediately the window in the top box
Once you move the mouse or hit any key the screen appears (as shown in Fig 8).
saver automatically stops. – Clicking on the respective items individually can change
Appearance of Window : The look and feel of windows the appearance of each individual item. For instance
can be changed using the Appearance Tab of the Display clicking on the active window in the box can change the
property dialog. This tab can be used to change the whole appearance of the active.
appearance of windows like the color, size of icons, fonts The Save as button is used to save your own scheme of
that are used in the menus and title bars etc. each type of colors, fonts, size etc under a different name. Delete button
these appearance is presented as a set of schemes as is used to remove the schemes.
shown in Fig 8
Fig 8
Click anywhere
Here to select
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.80 - 1.7.83 271
Regional Settings: The Regional settings properties sheet Fig 9
controls a variety of features that can be used by your
programs to adjust the way they behave. Double clicking
on the Regional Settings icon allows you to examine these
regional settings.
272 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.80 - 1.7.83
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.84
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Computer
Printers are electro-mechanical devices that enable a user These printers use different technology to print an image.
to print whatever is displayed by the monitor - letters, For Example, a laser printer uses heat to attach micro-
contracts, business documents, images. scopic particles of dry toner to specific parts of the page.
An Inkjet printer has tiny nozzles through which it sprays
Print Technologies droplets of ink on to the page.
A printer outputs data that is seen on the computer screen Impact Printers: In this hammers or pins strike against a
on to a paper. Most printers are used through a parallel ribbon and paper to print the text. This mechanism is
port, but some newer ones use USB connections. The known as electro-mechanical mechanism. They are of two
most crucial printer measurement is dots per inch rating. types.
Printers are best chosen by actually seeing the quality of
the printer output. There are many types of print technologies 1 Character Printer
like Daisy wheel, Laser, Inkjet etc. Printers are normally
categorized into impact and non-impact types. 2 Line Printer
Printers can be divided into two categories (Fig 1) Character Printer: It prints only one character at a time.
• Impact It has relatively slower speed. Eg. Dot Matrix Printers
Impact Printer Lines Printer
È È Character Printer Page Printer
Character Printer Lines Printer
È Ink-Jet Printer Laser Printer
Dot Matrix Printer
Non-Impact Printers: These printers use non-Impact There are two other types of page printers that fall under the
technology such as ink-jet or laser technology. These category of laser printers even though they do not use
printers provide better quality of O/P at higher speed. These lasers at all. One uses an array of LEDs to expose the drum
printers are of two types : and the other uses LCDs. Once the drum is charged,
however, they both operate like a real laser printer. One of
Ink-Jet Printer: It prints characters by spraying patterns the chief characteristics of laser printers is their resolution
of ink on the paper from a nozzle or jet. It prints from nozzles - how many dots per inch (dpi) they lay down.
having very fine holes, from which a specially made ink is
pumped out to create various letters and shapes. The ink The available resolutions range from 300 dpi at the low end
comes out of the nozzle in a form of vapors. After passing to 1,200 dpi at the high end. In addition to text, laser printers
through a reflecting plate, it forms the desired letter/shape are very adopt at printing graphics, so you need significant
at the desired place. amounts of memory in the printer to print high-resolution
graphics. To print a full-page graphic at 300 dpi, for
Laser Printer is a type of printer that utilizes a laser beam example, you need at least 1 MB (megabyte) of printer
to produce an image on a drum. The light of the laser alters RAM. For a 600 dpi graphic, you need at least 4 MB RAM.
the electrical charge on the drum wherever it hits. The drum
is then rolled through a reservoir of toner, which is picked Because laser printers are non-impact printers, they are
up by the charged portions of the drum. Finally, the toner much quieter than dot-matrix or daisy-wheel printers. They
is transferred to the paper through a combination of heat are also relatively fast, although not as fast as some dot-
and pressure. matrix or daisy-wheel printers. The speed of laser printers
ranges from about 4 to 20 pages of text per minute (ppm).
This is also the way copy machines work. Because an A typical rate of 6ppm is equivalent to about 40 characters
entire page is transmitted to a drum before the toner is per second (cps).
applied, laser printers are sometimes called page printers.
Hard drives
Introduction specified by the time required to move the heads to a
track or cylinder (average access time) plus the time it
A Hard drive is a data storage device used for storing and takes for the desired sector to move under the head
retrieving digital information using one or more rigid "hard" (average latency, which is a function of the physical
rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic rotational speed in revolutions per minute), and finally the
material. The platters are paired with magnetic heads speed at which the data is transmitted (data rate).
arranged on a moving actuator arm, which read and write
data to the platter surfaces. Data is accessed in a random- A HDD records data by magnetizing a thin film of
access manner, meaning that individual blocks of data ferromagnetic material on a disk. Sequential changes in
can be stored or retrieved in any order rather than the direction of magnetization represent binary data bits.
sequentially.A typical hard disk drive consists of a motor, The data is read from the disk by detecting the transitions
spindle, platters, read/write heads, actuator and in magnetization. User data is encoded using an encoding
electronics as shown in Fig 1. scheme, such as run-length limited encoding, which
determines how the data is represented by the magnetic
Fig 1 transitions.
Fig 2
274 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.84
1 Arm Assembly. hard drive is the C: drive and a CD-ROM or other disc
drive is the D: drive. Every hard drive in use has at least
2 Read /Write element or "head" (Fig 3)
one partition.
Fig 3 The hard disk drive is the most important part of a computer
system. A hard disk drive is a sealed unit that a PC uses
for non-volatile data storage.
Fig 5
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.84 275
unison, each with two sides on which the drive stores Throughout this book, ATA refers to either just the parallel
data. Most drives have two or three platters, resulting in or both the parallel and serial versions, whereas Parallel
four or six sides, but some PC hard disks have up to 12 ATA (PATA) refers specifically to the parallel version and
platters and 24 sides with 24 heads to read them (Seagate Serial ATA (SATA) refers specifically to the serial version.
Barracuda 180). The identically aligned tracks on each
side of every platter together make up a cylinder. A hard Parallel ATA (IDE)
disk drive usually has one head per platter side, with all
the heads mounted on a common carrier device or rack. Parallel ATA has unique specifications and requirements
The heads move radially across the disk in unison, they regarding the physical interface, cabling, and connectors
can't move independently because they are mounted on as compared to Serial ATA. The following sections detail
the same carrier or rack, called an actuator. the unique features of parallel ATA.
Originally, most hard disks spin at 3,600rpm Parallel ATA I/O Connector
approximately, now; however, most drives spin even faster.
Although speeds can vary, modern drives typically spin The parallel ATA(IDE) interface connector is normally a
the platters at either 4,200rpm; 5,400rpm; 7,200rpm; 40-pin header-type connector with pins spaced 0.1"
10,000rpm; or 15,000rpm. (Fig 7) (2.54mm) apart, and generally it is keyed to prevent the
possibility of installing it upside down. To create a keyed
IDE Interface connector, the manufacturer usually removes pin 20 from
the male connector and blocks pin 20 on the female cable
The interface used to connect hard disk and optical drives connector, which prevents the user from installing the cable
to a PC is typically called IDE (Integrated Drive backward. Some cables also incorporate a protrusion on
Electronics). Although ATA (Advance Technology the top of the female cable connector that fits into a notch
Attachment) is the official name of the interface, IDE is a in the shroud surrounding the mating male connector on
marketing term originated by some of the drive the device. The use of keyed connectors and cables is
manufacturers to describe the drive/controller combination highly recommended. Plugging an ATA cable in backward
used in drives with the ATA interface. normally doesn't cause any permanent damage; however,
it can lock up the system and prevent it from running.
Fig 7 (Fig 8)
Fig 8
ATA was originally a 16-bit parallel interface, meaning that ATA-2 and ATA-3 defined the first of several higher-
16 bits are transmitted simultaneously down the interface performance modes for transferring data over the parallel
cable. A newer interface, called Serial ATA, was officially ATA interface, to and from the drive. These faster modes
introduced in late 2000 and was adopted in desktop were the main part of the newer specifications and were
systems starting in 2003 and in laptops starting in late the main reason they were initially developed. The following
2005. Serial ATA (SATA) sends 1 bit down the cable at a section discusses these modes.
time, enabling thinner and smaller cables to be used, as
well as providing higher performance due to the higher The PIO (programmed I/O) mode determines how fast
cycling speeds it enables. SATA is a completely new and data is transferred to and from the drive using PIO
updated physical interface design, while remaining transfers. In the slowest possible mode PIO Mode 0the
compatible on the software level with Parallel ATA. data cycle time can't exceed 600 nanoseconds (ns). In a
276 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.84
single cycle, 16 bits are transferred into or out of the software will run on the new architecture without any
drive, making the theoretical transfer rate of PIO Mode 0 changes. In other words, the existing BIOSs, operating
(600ns cycle time) 3.3MBps, whereas PIO Mode 4 (120ns systems, and utilities that work on parallel ATA also work
cycle time) achieves a 16.6MBps transfer rate. on Serial ATA.
Parallel ATA DMA Transfer Modes Of course, they do differ physically that is, it can't plug
parallel ATA drives into Serial ATA host adapters and vice
ATA drives also support direct memory access (DMA) versa, although signal converters make that possible. The
transfers. DMA means that the data is transferred directly physical changes are all for the better because Serial
between drive and memory without using the CPU as an ATA uses much smaller and thinner cables with only seven
intermediary, as opposed to PIO. This has the effect of conductors that are easier to route inside the PC and
offloading much of the work of transferring data from the easier to plug in with smaller, redesigned cable
processor, in effect allowing the processor to do other connectors. The interface chip designs also are improved
things while the transfer is taking place. with far fewer pins and lower voltages. These improvements
are all designed to eliminate the design problems inherent
There are two distinct types of direct memory access: in parallel ATA.
singleword (8-bit) and multiword (16-bit) DMA. Singleword
DMA modes were removed from the ATA-3 and later Serial ATA Transfer Modes
specifications and are obsolete. DMA modes are also
sometimes called bus master ATA modes because they Serial ATA transfers data in a completely different manner
use a host adapter that supports bus-mastering. Ordinary from parallel ATA. As indicated previously, the transfer
DMA relies on the legacy DMA controller on the rates are 1.5Gbps (150MBps), 3.0GBps (300MBps), and
motherboard to perform the complex task of arbitration, 6.0GBps (600MBps), with most drives today supporting
grabbing the system bus and transferring the data. In the either the 1.5GBps or 3.0GBps rate. Note that speeds
case of bus mastering DMA, all this is done by a higher- are backward-compatible for example, all drives supporting
speed logic chip in the host adapter interface (which is the 3.0GBps rate also work at 1.5GBps. Note that because
also on the motherboard). SATA is designed to be backward-compatible with parallel
ATA, some confusion can result because SATA drives
PATA is a common interface used in many personal can report speeds and modes that emulate parallel ATA
computers before the emergence of SATA. It is the least settings for backward compatibility. This means the drive
expensive of the interfaces. is merely lying for backward compatibility with existing
Parallel and Serial ATA are completely different electrical
• Low costs and physical specifications, but Serial ATA does emulate
• Large capacity parallel ATA in a way that makes it completely software
• Older ATA adapters will limit transfer rates according
to the slower attached device (debatable) • Low costs.
• Only ONE device on the ATA cable is able to read/ • Large capacity.
write at one time
• Faster transfer rates compared to ATA (difference is
• Limited standard for cable length (up to 18inches/ marginal at times though).
• Smaller cables for better heat dissipation.
Serial ATA (SATA)
SATA is basically an advancement of PATA.With the
• Slower transfer rates compared to SCSI.
development of ATA-8, it seems that the parallel ATA
standard that has been in use for more than 10 years has • Not supported in older systems without the use of
finally reached the end of the line. Sending data at rates additional components.
faster than 133MBps down a parallel ribbon cable is fraught
SCSI Disk Drives
with all kinds of problems because of signal timing,
electromagnetic interference (EMI), and other integrity
Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) disk drives used
problems. The solution is called Serial ATA, which is an
to be among the fastest drives available, although newer
evolutionary replacement for the venerable parallel ATA
computers may no longer provide SCSI ports. Although
(PATA) physical storage interface. Serial ATA is software-
no longer highly popular, SCSI technology has been
compatible with parallel ATA, which means it fully emulates
implemented in various ways over the years, with each
all the commands, registers, and controls so existing
successive generation achieving better performance. SCSI
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.84 277
is commonly used in servers, and more in industrial and from computer storage devices such as hard drives
applications than home uses. and tape drives.
Advantages SAS replaces the older Parallel SCSI (Small Computer
• Faster System Interface, pronounced "scuzzy") bus technology
that first appeared in the mid-1980s. SAS, like its
• Wide range of applications predecessor, uses the standard SCSI command set. SAS
• Better scalability and flexibility in Arrays (RAID) offers backward compatibility with SATA, versions 2 and
later. This allows for SATA drives to be connected to SAS
• Backward compatible with older SCSI devices backplanes. The reverse, connecting SAS drives to SATA
• Better for storing and moving large amounts of data backplanes, is not possible.
• Tailor made for 24/7 operations SAS Drives generally offers 805 MB/sec transfer rate.
SAS Cables are used to connect SAS Drives. Maximum
• Reliability of 128 drives can be connected in a single SAS cable.
Disadvantages Solid State Drives (SSD)
• Costs These hard disksdoes not consist of moving components.
• Not widely supported SSDs use semiconductors for data storage. Since there
are no moving components, these hard disks are much
• Many, many different kinds of SCSI interfaces faster and less likely to break down than other drives.
• SCSI drives have a higher RPM, creating more noise However, their price is a bit more than other hard disks.
and heat These type of hard drive are generally incorporated in
desktop computers and laptops
SAS(Serial Attached SCSI Drive)
SAS is a point-to-point serial protocol that moves data to
The Hard Drive Buying Guide - Hard Drive Types • Will it serve as a second drive just for media storage?
Before buying a new hard drive consider the following • Will it need to be easily unplugged so you can take it
questions. with you between work and home?
278 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.84
Internal - Replacing the hard drive is one of the easiest The biggest advantage that hard disk drives offer over solid
upgrades inside the computer. state drives is more storage space for less cost. A HDD
can hold upwards of twice the capacity of a SSD
An internal hard drive is your cheapest and most popular
option, when replacing the existing harddrive in the Get Enough Storage Capacity
When it comes to storage space, always get the biggest
External - With an external hard drive, you can leave size that is affodable. For example, buying an 8TB
your computer's case intact and just plug your new drive (terabyte) network drive might not be worth the extra money
into an available USB, Fire wire, or Thunderbolt port on if the 6TB drive is half the price.
the front or back of the computer.
Storing full-length movies or home videos on your
Portable - A portable drive gives you the advantages of computer, will require as large a drive as possible. New
an external drive with added shock protection for constant games can take upwards of 20GB or more each. Pictures
handling and transportation. and music can also take up a lot of space.
Network - External or internal, network drives save data Check whether the HDD that is being replaced is
through multiple computers on the same network. These compatible with the motherboard ports and connectors.
drives should be large and as fast as possible, since they Some motherboards does not have IDE connectors where
may be accessed by multiple users simultaneously. as older MB does not have SAT connectors.
Solid State vs. Hard Disk Drives Check whether the SMPS power supply connector
supports your HDD power supply connector type.
The hard disk drive (HDD) has been the standard
technology for storage drives since the 1950s, but solid Form Factor: Check for the size or form factor of the
state drives (SSD) are rising in popularity. The main reason HDD. Some cases are designed to accomodate small
for this is the lack of mechanical moving parts in a solid form factor HDD.
state drive. This drastically lowers the chances of drive
failure and ultimately, the loss of your data. Solid state
drives are also faster at accessing data and faster at
starting up, and they're not affected by magnetic fields or
drastic temperature changes like a HDD.
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.84 279
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.85
Electronic Mechanic - Basic computer
Computer Viruses
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• describe about Virus
• explain how do viruses spread
• protect your computer from viruses
• explain about Anti-Virus software.
What is a Virus? which you may have contracted. The software can also be
A computer virus is one of thousands of programs that can set to automatically scan diskettes when inserted into the
invade computer systems (both IBM PC and Macintosh) disk drive, scan files when downloaded from the Internet, or
and perform a variety of functions ranging from annoying scan e-mail when received.
(e.g., popping up messages as a joke) to dangerous (e.g.,
deleting files or destroying your hard disk). Trojan horses Be sure to have only one anti-virus program
or worms are specific types of clandestine programs running on your system. Multiple programs
(loosely categorized as viruses) and can be just as may cause conflicts and system instability.
dangerous. For simplicity’s sake, future mention of viruses Keeping it Current
in this document will refer to viruses, Trojan horses, and
Even with active monitoring of computer systems, anti-
worms taken as a whole.
virus software can only protect against viruses that it knows
How Do Viruses Spread? about. For this reason, update files (generally called
Computer viruses are programs that must be triggered or Definition Files) for anti-virus software are needed every
somehow executed before they can infect your computer time there is a new virus release. On the Windows platform,
system and spread to others. Examples include opening this means an update roughly every week; the Macintosh
a document infected with a “macro virus,” booting with a has fewer new viruses to worry about so updates are
diskette infected with a “boot sector” virus, or double- usually done monthly. The software that ITS distributes
clicking on an infected program file. Viruses can then be has an “Auto Update” feature to automatically connect to
spread by sharing infected files on a diskette, network a Web site and download the latest Definition Files. Refer
drive, or other media, by exchanging infected files over the to the documentation to turn this feature on and receive the
Internet via e-mail attachments, or by downloading maximum protection against viruses on your computer. Be
questionable files from the Internet. sure to keep your Definition Files current!
How Can You Protect Yourself? I May Have a Virus. Now What?
With dangerous viruses on the network, what can computer If your computer becomes infected with a virus, don’t panic!
users do to protect their systems? Here are just a few hints: For most viruses, you can simply use your anti-virus
program to scan and remove the virus. If your Definition
• Be sure to install an anti-virus software program (see Files are up-to-date, the program should be able to clean
the next section) to guard against virus attacks. Also, off all but the most recent viruses. In the case of rather
be sure you turn on the scanning features. It can’t nasty viruses, you may have some damaged files that
protect you if it’s not enabled. cannot be fixed. Restore these from your backups.
• Practice caution when working with files from un-
known or questionable sources.
• Do not open e-mail attachments if you do not
recognize the sender (though you may also receive
viruses from people you know). Scan the attachments
with anti-virus software before opening them.
• Download files only from reputable Internet sites,
and be wary when exchanging diskettes or other media
with friends.
• Scan your hard drive for viruses monthly. Even with
these precautions, new viruses may find ways to enter
your computer system.
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.86
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Computer
Fig 1
to the menu bar, and click on File >> Save as. In the file
name text box, give your document a new name. Using
Also, you can go to the menu bar and select File >> New… this option allows you to save multiple versions (with
(shortcut: Ctrl+N). different file names) of a document based on one original
To begin typing, just click the cursor anywhere within the file.
new blank document.
Formatting Text/Paragraphs Using Toolbars:
In a word processing program such as Word, there are
numerous options available for presenting your text. This
part of the tutorial will guide you through several of the 10.Undo Typing:
important features in Word that will allow you to edit,
The Undo Typing button goes back and removes the last
modify, and display text (and non-text) components.
addition or change made to your document.
The Standard Toolbar: 11.Insert Hyperlink:
Word allows all toolbars to be customized, so you may not
You may find that you want to make links to a particular
find all options listed here. There are several buttons that
web site, web page, or some other kind of online file in your
may or may not appear immediately in your version of
Word document. Using the Insert Hyperlink button, you
Word. Use the following graphic as a guide to the Standard
can turn selected text into hyperlinks. When the icon is
clicked, a window will appear that will allow you to insert the
1.New Blank Document: URL (web address) of the web page you want to link to. You
To begin a new document, click on the New Blank can type in the URL yourself or insert a preexisting
Document icon, shaped like a blank sheet of paper. bookmark. Once the link is inserted, the link in your Word
document can be clicked and the web page will open up in
2.Open: a web browser.
Clicking on this icon opens up a previously saved document 12.Insert Table:
on your computer.
When this icon is clicked, a small window will appear in the
3.Save: form of a grid of squares. Use this window as a guide to
Clicking on the Save icon saves the document you are indicate how many rows and columns you would like your
currently working on. Ifyou are saving a document for the table to contain. Once selected, a table will automatically
first time, you can click on this button. However, if you want appear in Word. Clicking the Tables and Borders button will
to save a new file from a preexisting document, then you allow you to modify the table. To modify an aspect of the
must go to the menu bar and select “File” >> “Save As” and table, select, or place the cursor in, the area and apply
give the file a new name. When working on any document, changes such as borders and colors.
you should be sure to save frequently, so that you don’t The Formatting Toolbar:
lose any work.
Word allows all toolbars to be customized, so you may not
4.Permission: find all options listed here. There are several buttons that
Microsoft has enabled Information Rights Management may or may not appear immediately in your version of
(IRM) within the new version of Word, which can help Word. Use the following graphic as a guide to the Formatting
protect sensitive documents from being copied or forwarded. Toolbar.
Click this for more information and options.
1 Style: Styles in Word are used to quickly format
5.Print: portions of text. For example, you could use the
Clicking on the Print icon automatically prints the document “Normal” or “Default Paragraph Font” for the body text
currently active in Word. If you wish to explore more print in a document. There are also three preset styles made
options, then go to the menu bar and select “File” >> for headings.
“Print.” 2 Font: Font is a simple but important factor in Word
6.Print Preview: documents. The choice of font (the style of the text
itself) can influence the way others view documents,
To get an idea of the appearance of your document in print either on the screen or in print. For example, Arial font
before you actually print it out, you can click on this icon looks better on screen, while Times New Roman is
to view your document from a zoom-out distance. clearer in print. To apply a font to text, select desired
7.Spelling and Grammar: text with your cursor, and choose a font from the font
drop down menu.
Clicking begins a review of your document in search of
spelling and grammatical errors that may need to be 3 Font Size: You may encounter times in which you
corrected. need to display some text larger or smaller than other
text. Selecting desired text with the cursor and choosing
8.Copy: a font size from the drop down menu changes the size
Copy the current selection to the clipboard, which can then of text.
be pasted elsewhere in the document, or into a completely 4 Bold: Places the text in bold.
separate program/document.
5 Italic: Places the text in italics.
6 Underline: Underlines the text.
Clicking on the Paste button inserts the text that has been
most recently added to the Clipboard (the text would have 7 Align Left: Aligns the selection to the left of the screen/
been added there by Cutting or Copying). With Paste, you paper.
can either insert the copied text into a document or replace
selected text.
282 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.86
8 Center: Aligns the selection to the center of the screen/ color is black.
More Formatting: Besides the toolbars, Word provides a
9 Align Right: Aligns the selection to the right of the great deal of ways to customize and format your text and
screen/paper. documents.
10 Justify: Aligns the selection to both the left and right of Paragraph Spacing: To access the Paragraph formatting
the screen/paper. options, navigate to the menu bar, and select “Format” >>
“Paragraph,” or right-click within a paragraph shown in
11 Line Spacing: Adjust the line spacing (single-spaced,
double-spaced, etc.)
A window will appear with options for modifying spacing
12 Numbering: Create a numbered list.
and indenting. Here, you can choose to make the text in
13 Bullets: Create an unordered, bulleted list. your document single or double spaced, as well as edit the
14 Decrease Indent: Decreases the indentation of the Fig 3
current selection (to the left).
15 Increase Indent: Increases the indentation of the
current selection (to the right).
16 Outside Border: Places a border around the current
selection; click the drop-down for a wide selection of
bordering options.
17 Highlight: Highlight the current selection; default color
is yellow.
18 Font Color: Change the font color; the default/automatic
Fig 4
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.86 283
margins for the document shown in Fig4. properties shown in Fig 6. The cursor will already be placed
in the Header box. If you scroll down on your current page
opened in Word, you will see a dotted-line box called
Headers and footers are important aspects of a Word “Footer.” To add text in the Header or the Footer, simply
document if you wish to include information such as page click the cursor inside either one of the boxes, and type the
numbers and headings on every page. To access the text you want.
header and footer options, go to the menu bar and select
To add page numbers to your document, click your cursor
“View” >> “Header and Footer.” shown in Fig 5.
inside of the footer box. Then, click on the icon shaped like
A dotted-line box called “Header” will automatically appear, a sheet of paper with a “#” inside. The page number will then
as well as a sub-menu for formatting header and footer be inserted and applied to all of the pages in your document.
Fig 5 Inserting an Image:
Fig 7
Fig 6
284 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.86
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.87
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Computer
Paint in Windows
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• explain about Microsoft Paint
• handle different tools used for Microsoft paint.
What is Paint? only visible when the eraser is selected shown in Fig 3,
Microsoft Paint is a graphics development tool that comes & Fig 4
packaged with Microsoft’s Windows operating system. As Fig 3
such, it is free and is functional on all Windows machines.
The Toolbar (Fig 1)
Tools (Fig 1) can be chosen by clicking on them one at a
time. Choosing a tool deselects the previous tool selected.
A more detailed explanation of each of the tools follows:
Fig 1
Fig 4
The selection tools are used to highlight objects on the
canvas to be moved, deleted, or changed. The “Star- Fill Tool (Fig 5)
shaped” tool shown in Fig 2 allows the user to create a
“freehand” selection area while the “Square-shaped” tool Fig 5
mandates that the user drag a rectangle shaped selection
Fig 2
The Eraser (Fig 3) Choose this tool shown in Fig 5 to fill any completely
While left-clicking and dragging the eraser over any object enclosed object or area on the canvas. The color can be
on the canvas, that portion of the object is erased. The size chosen via the Color Box located at the bottom/left of the
of the eraser can be adjusted by using the size selector at Paint screen shown in Fig 6.
the bottom of the toolbar shown in Fig 4. This selector is
Color Box (Fig 6) By choosing the Define Custom Colors button, additional
shades can be chosen shown in Fig 8 and 9. Here, the user
Colors can be chosen from this color box in conjunction
can choose a basic color and its pallet will appear to the
with the fill tool as well as other object tools in the toolbar
right. Clicking in the pallet will choose a color, the shade
Fig 6 of which can be adjusted via the color slide all the way to
the right. In addition, the RGB color code is available .
Pick Color Tool (Fig 10)
This tool shown in Fig 10 allows the user to click on any
color in any object on the canvas and it will be chosen as
Additional Colors (Fig 7) the current color for filling or drawing additional objects.
Additional colors (over and above those in the color box) Fig 10
shown in Fig 7 can be accessed by using the Colors – Edit
Colors menu options. Then, the Edit Colors Pane will
open allowing the user to choose different shades.
Fig 7
Magnifier Tool (Fig 11 Fig 12)
Choosing this tool shown in Fig 11 and 12 enables the
Magnification Option Pane to open, allowing the user to
Fig 12
Fig 9
286 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.87
Pencil Tool (Fig 13) Text Tool (Fig 16)
This tool shown in Fig 13, in conjunction with the color The text tool shown in Fig 16 allows the user to add text to
pallet allows the user to create free-hand lines. the canvas. The text color is chosen as per the description
in the Fill Tool section above. Text attributes are chosen via
Fig 13 the Fonts toolbar which appears after the user
1. Chooses the text tool and
2. Drags a text box onto the canvas
Fig 16
Brush Tool (Fig 14)
The brush tool shown in Fig 14 allows the user to draw
freehand “brush-stroke-like” lines where, depending upon
the brush chosen, the effect of a true brush stroke with
differing widths can be achieved. The brush stroke choices
Line Tool (Fig 17)
appear at the bottom of the toolbar when the brush is
chosen. The brush stroke selections consist of 2- The user chooses this tool shown in Fig 17, chooses the
dimensional strokes (constant width) and true brush strokes color and then, chooses the width from the width pane. The
(diagonal lines). Magnification Option Pane line width chosen will carry over to all subsequent
objects created. Therefore, the line tool must be chosen
Fig 14 to set the default line width for all objects. This is the
line width pane. It will set the default line width for all
subsequent lines, rectangles, circles, etc.
Fig 17
Fig 15
Fig 19 Ellipse and Rounded Rectangle Tools (Fig 21)
These tools shown in Fig 21 react exactly as the other two-
dimensional objects except for, obviously, their shapes.
Fig 21
Polygon Tool (Fig 20)
The user can use this tool shown in Fig 20 to create a many-
sided shape by continually left-clicking and dragging as
many consecutive lines as desired. The polygon is
finished by double clicking, creating a line from the end of
the last line drawn to the beginning point. Widths, colors,
and fills are chosen as before.
288 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.87
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.88
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Computer
Microsoft Word is an essential tool for the creation of Opening Microsoft Word:
documents. Its ease of use has made Word one of the most
To run Word on your computer: “Start” >> “Programs” >>
widely used word processing applications currently on the
“Microsoft Office” >> “Microsoft Office Word 2003.” If there
market. Therefore, it’s important to become familiar with
is an icon of Microsoft Word available on your desktop
the various facets of this software, since it allows for
shown in Fig 1 (shaped like a square with a “W” in the
compatibility across multiple computers as well as
middle), you can open up the program by double-clicking
collaborative features. Word is a fairly simple program to
it, as well.
use for completing simple tasks. However, it may be more
difficult to learn how to explore the more advanced
possibilities of Word.
Fig 1
Opening a Document: Fig 4
Fig 3
Fig 5
290 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.88
Formatting Text/Paragraphs Using Toolbars: 10 Undo Typing: The Undo Typing button goes back and
In a word processing program such as Word, there are removes the last addition or change made to your
numerous options available for presenting your text. This document.
part of the tutorial will guide you through several of the
11 Insert Hyperlink: You may find that you want to make
important features in Word that will allow you to edit,
links to a particular web site, web page, or some other
modify, and display text (and non-text) components.
kind of online file in your Word document. Using the
The Standard Toolbar: Insert Hyperlink button, you can turn selected text into
hyperlinks. When the icon is clicked, a window will
Word allows all toolbars to be customized, so you may not
appear that will allow you to insert the URL (web
find all options listed here. There are several buttons that
address) of the web page you want to link to. You can
may or may not appear immediately in your version of
type in the URL yourself or insert a preexisting bookmark.
Word shown in Fig 6. Use the following graphic as a guide
Once the link is inserted, the link in your Word document
to the Standard Toolbar.
can be clicked and the web page will open up in a web
Fig 6 browser.
12 Insert Table: When this icon is clicked, a small
window will appear in the form of a grid of squares. Use
this window as a guide to indicate how many rows and
1 New Blank Document: To begin a new document, columns you would like your table to contain. Once
click on the New Blank Document icon, shaped like a selected, a table will automatically appear in Word.
blank sheet of paper. Clicking the Tables and Borders button will allow you to
modify the table. To modify an aspect of the table,
2 Open: Clicking on this icon opens up a previously select, or place the cursor in, the area and apply
saved document on your computer. changes such as borders and colors.
3 Save: Clicking on the Save icon saves the document The Formatting Toolbar:
you are currently working on. Ifyou are saving a document
for the first time, you can click on this button. However, Word allows all toolbars to be customized, so you may not
if you want to save a new file from a preexisting find all options listed here. There are several buttons that
document, then you must go to the menu bar and select may or may not appear immediately in your version of Word
“File” >> “Save As” and give the file a new name. When shown in Fig 7. Use the following graphic as a guide to the
working on any document, you should be sure to save Formatting Toolbar.
frequently, so that you don’t lose any work. Fig 7
4 Permission: Microsoft has enabled Information Rights
Management (IRM) within the new version of Word,
which can help protect sensitive documents from being 1 Style: Styles in Word are used to quickly format
copied or forwarded. Click this for more information and portions of text. For example, you could use the
options. “Normal” or “Default Paragraph Font” for the body text
5.Print: Clicking on the Print icon automatically prints the in a document. There are also three preset styles made
document currently active in Word. If you wish to for headings.
explore more print options, then go to the menu bar and 2 Font: Font is a simple but important factor in Word
select “File” >> “Print.” documents. The choice of font (the style of the text
6 Print Preview: To get an idea of the appearance of your itself) can influence the way others view documents,
document in print before you actually print it out, you either on the screen or in print. For example, Arial font
can click on this icon to view your document from a looks better on screen, while Times New Roman is
zoom-out distance. clearer in print. To apply a font to text, select desired
text with your cursor, and choose a font from the font
7 Spelling and Grammar: Clicking begins a review of drop down menu.
your document in search of spelling and grammatical
errors that may need to be corrected. 3 Font Size: You may encounter times in which you
need to display some text larger or smaller than other
8 Copy: Copy the current selection to the clipboard, text. Selecting desired text with the cursor and choosing
which can then be pasted elsewhere in the document, a font size from the drop down menu changes the size
or into a completely separate program/document. of text.
9 Paste: Clicking on the Paste button inserts the text that 4 Bold: Places the text in bold.
has been most recently added to the Clipboard (the text
would have been added there by Cutting or Copying). 5 Italic: Places the text in italics.
With Paste, you can either insert the copied text into a 6 Underline: Underlines the text.
document or replace selected text.
7 Align Left: Aligns the selection to the left of the screen/
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.88 291
8 Center: Aligns the selection to the center of the screen/ More Formatting: Besides the toolbars, Word provides a
paper. great deal of ways to customize and format your text and
9 Align Right: Aligns the selection to the right of the documents.
screen/paper. Paragraph Spacing:
10 Justify: Aligns the selection to both the left and right of To access the Paragraph formatting options, navigate to
the screen/paper. the menu bar, and select “Format” >> “Paragraph,” or right-
11 Line Spacing: Adjust the line spacing (single-spaced, click within a paragraph shown in Fig 8.
double-spaced, etc.) A window will appear with options for modifying spacing
12 Numbering: Create a numbered list. and indenting. Here, you can choose to make the text in
your document single or double spaced, as well as edit the
13 Bullets: Create an unordered, bulleted list. margins for the document shown in Fig 9.
14 Decrease Indent: Decreases the indentation of the Fig 8
current selection (to the left).
15 Increase Indent: Increases the indentation of the
current selection (to the right).
16 Outside Border: Places a border around the current
selection; click the drop-down for a wide selection of
bordering options.
17 Highlight: Highlight the current selection; default color
is yellow.
18 Font Color: Change the font color; the default/automatic
color is black.
Fig 9
292 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.88
MS Word
Creating a basic document 3 Choose a template. Doing so will open the template in
Word with whatever pre-determined formatting applies
1 Open the microsoft word application. Do this by double-
to it. Now that your document is open, you're ready to
clicking the microsoft word icon shown in Fig 1.
review your Toolbar options shown in Fig.3
• When in doubt, open a blank document.
Fig 1
Fig 3
Fig 2
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.88 293
• Open - Click this to review a list of recently-opened • Editing - A couple of commonly-used tools--such as
documents. You can also select a directory (e.g., "Find and Replace", which allows you to quickly replace
"This PC") in which to search. all appearances of one word with another--live here.
7 Click the Insert tab to review the types of media you can
Fig 5 place in your document. Insert is to the right of the
Home tab. The Insert tab allows you to add things like
graphics and page numbers to your document. From
left to right, a couple of notable options include the
following shown in Fig.7
• Table - Clicking this option will allow you to create an
Excel-style table right in your document.
• Pictures - Use this feature to insert a picture into your
• Header, Footer, and Page Number - These options are
all essential for writing in MLA- or APA-style formatting.
The Header places a space at the top of the document
for comment, while the Footer goes at the bottom--page
numbers are customizable.
• Equation/Symbol - These options use special formatting
to accurately display simple equations. You can select
6 Review the Home tab to see your formatting options. At
these equations or symbols from the pertinent drop-
the top of your screen--from left to right--are five
down menu.
subsections of this tab shown in Fig.6
• Clipboard - Whenever you copy text, it is saved on your Fig 9
clipboard. You can view copied text by clicking the
Clipboard option here.
• Font - From this section, you can change your font
style, size, color, formatting (e.g., bold or italic), and
• Paragraph - You can change aspects of your paragraph
formatting--such as line spacing, indentation, and bullet
formatting--from this section.
• Styles - This section covers different types of text for
various situations (e.g., headings, titles, and subtitles).
You'll also see the popular "No Spacing" option here,
which removes excess spaces between lines of text.
294 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.88
8 Click the Design tab to create your own template. It's to MLA (or other citation styles).
the right of the Insert tab shown in Fig.8
• The "Captions" group has an option to insert a table of
figures. This is useful for scientific review papers or
Fig 8 similar documents in which statistical data is prioritized
over quotations
Fig 10
Fig 9
Fig 12
Fig 15
Fig 13
Fig 16
14 Open a new Blank Document in Word. If you have an
existing document, you can open that instead shown in
296 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.88
17 Consider what you want to do to the writing. Some • Change your document's spacing. This is easiest to
potential options include shown in Fig.17 accomplish by right-clicking your selected text, clicking
Paragraph, and modifying the "Line Spacing" value in
Fig 17 the bottom right corner of this window.
18 Continue working with Word. Your preferred options for
your documents will differ based on the intention behind
creating them, so the more you work within your own
particular format, the more proficient you'll become
shown in Fig.18
Fig 18
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.88 297
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.89
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Computer
MS Excel
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• explain spread sheet
• open and move around worksheet
• explain cell and its contents, naming the cell
• move copy paste content of worksheet
• setup page and print worksheet
• select data types
• align cells contents and text
• apply borders
• create and print charts
• insert rows and columns.
Spread sheet : A Spread sheet is simply a paper with rows 3 Accounting - This is the area where the spread sheet is
and columns in which one can enter data which may be text widely used. The companies ledger, trial balances,
or numbers. For instance, Balance sheet of company is a balance sheet for determining the profit and loss of the
spread sheet. An Electronic spread sheet Excel is like a company.
paper spread sheet spread on the screen of a computer
monitor. Electronic spread sheet has the following advan- Some of other areas where the spread sheets are widely
tages; used are
LOTUS 123 - this has become relatively old. 3 Chart component is used to produce the charts to
present data graphically.
Microsoft EXCEL - most popular as on day.
The Application package Excel has a capability of transfer-
The rows and columns are numbered as 1,2,3, ... and ring and manipulate data easily with all the three above
A,B,C,.... The electronic spread sheet is also called as components.
Opening of Excel Worksheet : A Microsoft Excel is
A few popular applications of Spread sheet are listed invoked using the sequence.
Start Programs Microsoft Excel, two windows
1 Pay roll - where pay details of employee in a big appears as shown in the Fig 1. One is Application window
organisation can be stored in a single spread sheet. The which is an interface between the Excel and the outer world
details could be Employee Name, Employee Identity and the other one is Document window which is used as
No., Basic Salary, HRA, DA, etc. which will be helpful Excel worksheet and charts.
to the employee as well as employer to keep a track of
the record. The basic component of Excel Window are explained
2 Human Resource Development of a company where below:
the Personal details of individual Employee like Name,
Address, Date of Birth, Date of Joining the Present Title bar : Appears on the top of Excel Window. This
Company, Personnel Details. This data will be useful to consists of Application control menu at the left and
get the details of an employee. minimize and restore button at right.
Fig 1
Menu Bar : Below the title bar is the menu bar which is of each work sheet 1,2,3,.... denotes the row heading.
similar to any other Microsoft Window for example Microsoft
Word, lists the menus like File, Edit, View... etc. which Excel stores the data in a worksheet by location. The
contains commands to Excel. worksheet is a grid of 65,536 rows and 256 columns. The
columns are numbered A to Z, AA to AZ, BA & BZ... etc.,
Standard Tool Bar : Contains tool buttons which are used the rows are numbered 1 to 256. The worksheets are
to carry out standard operations like Autosum, Spell numbered automatically as sheet 1, sheet 2, sheet 3, etc.
Check, etc. Worksheets are organised in workbook. Each new work-
book opened contains three worksheets by default. User
Formatting Toolbar : Contains tools to choose frequently can add worksheets upto a maximum of 255 worksheets.
used formatting commands; example Bold, Italics, Left,
Centre, Right, Alignment, etc... Cell : The intersection of row and column is called a cell.
Formula Bar : Contains the Name box at the left end which Each cell is surrounded by a grey lines called gridlines.
will display the active cell address. The right area is called
reference area/formula bar and is used to display data Each Cell is addressed by a cell address. With row and
present in the cells. column element. For example the cell address of 3rd row
and 3rd column is C3. Similarly cell address of 7th row and
Status Bar : Contains the messages and prompts. The 2nd column is B7. The first cell address is A1.
message Ready in Status bar indicates Excel is ready to
accept data. The Edit indicates that Excel is in Edit mode. To Enter the text / number into cell, first it should be made
The status bar appears at the bottom of the window. active i.e. selected. Any cell can be selected / made active
Excel document window displays the present active by clicking on the cell. Selected cell is indicated by a dark
worksheet. Similar to application window the document border as shown in the Fig 2.
window consists of the following.
Fig 2
Title bar : displays the name of the work book.
Control menu : contains the maximise / restore button.
Sheet tabs : Contains the different worksheets within the
current work book.
Scroll bars : Used to scroll through the worksheet.
Column / Row : The letter at the top of the column A,B,
C,D... denotes the column heading. The number at the left
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.89 299
The selected cell address will be displayed on the name Fig 6
box as shown in the Fig 3.
Fig 3.
If the text entered is too long for the cell, the text entered
will be displayed in the cells to the right if they are empty;
other wise only the part that fits will be displayed.
As the first character is entered the cancel button, Enter By default Excel select every thing for printing that is
button and the Edit formula button appear in the reference entered on the present worksheet in case where only a
area as shown in the Fig 5. portion of the worksheet is to be printed, the user has to
highlight the required range. User have an option of Print
Fig 5 Preview where preview of the selected worksheet will
appear in a print preview window.
Once the data is entered user can either press Enter key
or press one of the arrow keys to move to the next cell.
Excel will move the active cell to the cell in the direction of
the arrow key. Alternatively user can just click the desired
cell to select and type the data.
User can select the cell by Entering the cell address inside
the name box. For example user wants to Enter the data
in A6 Cell. By typing the address A6 in Name box, Excel
will display the A6 cell as active cell as shown in the Fig 6.
300 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.89
the selected template first. User can choose the appropri-
the main menu or save file tool bar button . On invoking ate template and click on OK button to open the same.
Excel opens up a Save as dialog box as shown in the
Fig 7. Page Setup : The Screen gives the required information
which user needs, for example, mark sheet, budget, sales
Fig 7 details are to be distributed among people as well as to
have a hard copy to the institution, company, etc. To have
a hard copy some Parameters should be set before the
actual printing is done.
Fig 9
User can Choose the folder of their choice and the file
name. Once the file name and the folder is specified Excel
gives the extension .xls automatically and the file is saved.
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.89 301
The Margins tab provides the option to Setup the distances Use of ranges helps in performing a single operation on
in inches from the edge of the page to the printed data on selected data at once. Ranges are defined by the cell
four sides. The four margin top, bottom, left and right address of two opposite corner. For example A4 : B6 or B10
preview can be viewed in the center of the dialog box as : H12. The pairs of cells are separated by [:] or [..] to denote
shown in the Fig 10. it is a range.
Fig 10 To select a range of cells with the mouse move the mouse
pointer to one corner of the range eg. A4 and drag the
mouse to opposite corner of the range say H10. The cells
covering the A4 to H10 get highlighted as shown in the Fig
Fig 12
Most useful option in the sheet tab is that the user can
determine how a multipage workbook is to be printed.
Across then down or down then across as shown in the Fig
11. This is very useful in printing reports, budgets, etc.
Fig 11
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.89 303
would enter the formula = B2 + B3 + B4 in cell B5.
Fig 19
5 Text
Fig 20
Center Align
Fig 18
Merge and Center button allows user to center the
contents of cell across a number of columns as shown
in the Fig 19.
304 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.89
By selecting the choice color from the palette, the selected
User can apply the border to the active cell by Choosing color is applied to the border.
Format Cell to display the format cells dialog box. Excel provides graphical component which allows to rep-
resent data in the worksheet graphically. Graphically
Border tab gives more option of border and style as
represented data helps in understanding, analysing easier.
shown in the Fig 22.
Chart:- A chart is graphical representation of entered data
Fig 22 in the worksheet. Graphical representation of data makes
the data more clearer and easier to read. Chart can be
viewed, edited and can be embedded in the worksheet.
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.89 305
Fig 24
Chart title Gridlines Legend
Types of Charts: Excel offers different types of charts. An example of bar chart is shown in Fig 26.
Some of them discussed below are very often used to
represent the data. Fig 26
Fig 25
306 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.89
An example of column chart is shown in Fig 27. Chart Wizard : Excel allows user to create chart either on
a separate sheet as a chart sheet or it can be embedded
Fig 27
on the current worksheet. The easiest way and the best
way to create a chart is using the chart wizard.
Fig 29
User will select the data range and the data series in Row
or Column.
The major difference between all other charts and pie chart
is that it has only one data series.
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.89 307
Fig 32 Format element displays the format dialog box for the
element chosen as shown in the Fig 35.
Fig 35
308 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.89
Fig 37
Inserting Rows & Columns : It is easy to insert rows or rows are pushed down and re-numbered as shown in the
columns in Excel Work Sheet. One method is to select the Fig 39.
entire row below the place where you want to insert new
Fig 39
blank row. Choose Insert Rows from the main menu.
Fig 38
310 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.89
The Fig 44 shows a hiding of row 4. Observe that you will Similarly if you want to hide column C. Select the column
not see the continuous row numbers, when hide is performed. label C and repeat the procedure you have done to hide
You can also hide numbers of rows. To do this select the the rows. Choose column instead of rows. The hidden
rows to be hidden and choose hide command. column worksheet will appear similar to Fig 47.
To unhide the rows at the later stage select the rows where Fig 47
the row is hidden. For example the fig shows the row 4 is
hidden. Select row 3 and 5 as shown in the Fig 45.
Fig 45
Fig 46
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.89 311
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.90
Electronic Mechanic - Basic computer
Fig 1 Fig 3
Fig 5 Fig 7
Fig 6
You can also hide or unhide the slides if want to use them
at another time. Right click on the mouse to see the menu
of options.
Printing (Fig-7) Normal View or Slide View, as it is often called, is the view
you see when you start the program. It is the view that
You can also print the slideshow, which is often helpful for
most people use most of the time in PowerPoint. Working
the notes when presenting. From the file tab, choose print.
on a large version of a slide is helpful when you are
You have many options to choose from. From the drop
designing your presentation.
down under slides you can see the various types of prints
you can make from the presentation. Most often to choose Normal View displays thumbnails on the left, a large screen
the slide handout. where you enter your text and images, and an area at the
bottom where you can type presenter notes.
To return to Normal view at any time, click the View menu
and select Normal.
Outline View
Outline view shows only the text on the PowerPoint slides
shown in Fig.9
In the Outline view, your presentation is displayed in outline
form. The outline is made up of the titles and main text
from each slide. The graphics are not shown, although
there may be a small notation that they exist.
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.90 313
You can work and print in either formatted text or plain You can use this view to delete or rearrange your slides
text. by clicking and dragging them to new positions. Effects
such as transitions and sounds can be added to several
Outline view makes it easy to rearrange your points and
slides at the same time in Slide Sorter view. You can also
move slides to different positions
add sections to organize your slides. If you are
Outline view is useful for editing purposes, and it can be collaborating with colleagues on a presentation, you can
exported as a Word document to use as a summary assign each collaborator a section.
Locate the Slide Sorter View using the View menu in either
In PowerPoint 2003, click View and select Toolbars > version of PowerPoint.
Outlining to open the Outlining toolbar. In PowerPoint 2007,
click the View tab. The four slide views are represented by Notes View
side-by-side icons. You can easily toggle between them
Add speaker notes to printouts of slides in PowerPoint
to compare views.
shown in Fig.11
PowerPoint 2007 has a fifth view-the Reading view. It is
When you create a presentation, you can add speaker
used by people who are reviewing a PowerPoint
notes that you refer to later while delivering the slideshow
presentation without a presenter. It displays the
to your audience. Those notes are visible to you on your
presentation in full-screen mode.
monitor, but they aren't visible to the audience.
Fig 10
Fig 10
314 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.90
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.91
Electronic Mechanic - Basic computer
Convert the given PDF file into word file using suitable
At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• convert PDF file into word file
Task-1 Converting PDF file into Word file 4. Click file menu and click open menu item in the window
as on Fig-3.
1 Click start button in desktop window
2 Select Easy PDF to Word Converter in the program Fig 3
3 Click Easy PDF to Word Converter as on Fig-1.
Fig 1
Fig 4
5. Type the file name and click save any drive as shown
in Fig-5
Fig 5
The PDF to Word converter window appear as
shown in Fig-2.
Fig 2
Fig 6
316 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.91
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.92
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Computer
The sum of all the hyper text and connecting links connected com - Domain name
via the internet form is known as the world web wide or home.htm - Location of the document
WWW or the web. The web allows you to move among
linked documents stored on host computers that may be 2. ftp://ftp.microsoft.com
physically very distant from one another.
3. gopher://gopher.microsoft.com
You can read a hyper text file, look at its illustrations and
even listen any audio in it and also follow its links. Certain Domain name system
words or phrases appear in text of a different colour than the
text and is also underlined. When you move the cursor and In addition to URLs every computer on the internet has a
point it on these words a small hand appears which unique IP address. The IP address is four sets of digits
indicates that it is a link. You click this word and a new separated by dots. (
hypertext document gets opened.
Because these numbers are hard to remember and difficult
Website to type, the domain name system was created. Domain
names enable short, alphabetical names to be assigned to
A website is a collection of hypertext documents. A IP addresses to describe where a computer is located. In
document on the site is called a web page. The first page the e.g. http://www.microsoft.com, www.microsoft.com is
in a series of related documents or a site is called a home the domain name.
page. The first document you access at any site is called
the home page. Many individuals on the internet have their The last three characters of DNS or URL address indicate
own home page - a document about them and their the type of domain. Some common domain names used
interests - that anyone on the internet can access. This is in US are
a very useful way to represent a company or individual.
com - commercial organisations
The web combines TCP/IP, the protocol for sending docu- edu - educational institutions
ments across network, with an entirely new method of gov - government organisations
locating and accessing documents on different networks. mil - military
It involves a simple coding mechanism around a string of net - network, companies and groups who ad
characters called a URL or a Universal Resource Locator. minister the internet
The URL identifies the name and address of each docu- org - organisation
ment available to the web.
Countries outside the US use a two letter country code as
The URLs specify the server to access as well as the their domain name.
access method and the location. Each website on the
internet has its own URL. au - australia
in - india
An URL consists of fr - france
1 The server protocol to be used where the document is uk - united kingdom
located. A server setup specifically for web documents
uses hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). Browser
2 A colon To view the web sites/pages you need a graphical user
3 The type of site generally world wide web (WWW), file interface, called a web browser. It is a piece of software,
transfer protocol (FTP), a protocol used specifically to that lets you visit different web sites on the internet and
transfer files from one computer to another or Gopher, display their pages on your own computer. You can visit
a client server application that organizes the files on a the site by supplying the browser with an address or URL.
server, so users need not know or enter the exact file
name. A browser displays a document from the internet on the
4 The address of the host computer. Also known as computer screen. Like any windows based program, a
domain address. The address begins with two forward browser has a number of features - buttons, menus, scroll
slashes. It consists of the name of server or site, the bars, toolbars etc, that let you control its operation. The
network, university or computer name and the domain latest version of the browser is recommended, since the
(two or three letter designation of the type of institution). technologies involved in publishing information on the
The specific location of the document on that comput- internet are constantly changing.
ers network
Once you have your browser and a internet connection,
Example: accessing the internet is fairly straight forward. Commonly
used browsers are Netscape Navigator and Microsoft
1. http://www.microsoft.com/home.htm Internet Explorer.
http - Server protocol
www - Type of site
microsoft - Company name
318 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.92
Page 1 gives the home page of Microsoft internet explorer. Title bar: Shows the name of the page you are currently
viewing on the documents file name if it is not a web page.
Page 1
Title bar Location bar
Menu bar
Menu bar: Provides with drop down menus contains Chat: When you send email or post news, you have to wait
almost all the commands you will need in the browser. till the mail is sent, read by the recipient and he has to reply
the mail and receive the answer. Instead chat allows
Navigation toolbar: Provides command action buttons. people to converse more in the way, as it happens in person
Click the icon for the specified action to occur. If you point or on the phone. You talk something, people hear it and
at a button for a few seconds, without clicking, a tool tip will respond on the spot. In case of chat, this exchange
appear describing the action of the button. happens on your computer screen. The communication
happens in real time without delay.
Location tool bar: Type the URL you want to connect in
the “document URL” area of the location toolbar. On the E mail: Electronic mail, the sending and receiving of
right side of the window a small arrow appears. Click the electronic messages, is currently one of the most popular
arrow and the URLs you have most recently visited will pop activities on the internet. E-mail is used on most commer-
up as a list. cial online services, and for many people, is the primary
reason for getting onto the internet or an online service.
Internet options: Select view on the menu bar and select
internet options to edit internet explorers default settings. To send e-mail, you must know the recipients e-mail
address. These addresses are composed of the user’s
Search Engines identification, followed by the @ sign, followed by the
A search engine is an application on the web that allows location of the receipients computer. For example, the
you to search for particular web pages on sites based on email address of an individual will be name @hotmail.com
key words or concepts. There are growing number of
search engines found on the world wide web and each one When you access the internet through a local service
produces different results. provider or one of the large commercial online services, you
can exchange email without incurring the long distance
Some of the popular search engines are www.msn.com, charges of a telephone call. Email has the added advan-
www.rediff.com, www.google.com etc. tage of allowing you to access messages at your conven-
ience. You can also send an identical message to any
In the window provided, type the text to be searched for and number of people at one time.
click ‘submit’. You will be returned with the matching
documents and related websites. Point the mouse cursor
over the URL and a hand appears and click to open the
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.92 319
News Making an internet connection
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) is an Internet In order to access servers on the internet, your computer
standard protocol defined for distribution, inquiry, retrieval needs to be connected to the internet service provider.
and posting of news articles. Network news (USENET) is
a popular use of NNTP. It offers bulletin boards, chat rooms, It can be achieved through
and Network News. Network News is a massive system
with over 5000 ongoing conferences, called newsgroups, a PSTN dial up lines
conducted 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To access b ISDN dial up
these newsgroups, download a special program from the c Dedicated leased line
internet that allows you to participate in any newsgroup you
want. Most commercial browsers, including the Microsoft Dial up link: Requires a telephone line, a dial up modem
Internet Explorer, have this capability built in. You then and dial up account with the ISP. Whenever IE needs
“subscribe” to the newsgroups that interests you and access to internet, it has to establish the dial up connec-
communicate through a message system similar to email. tion first. Use dial up networking which makes the call and
The difference between Network News and email is that the gets connected. But only 33kbps speed is achieved
Network News conversations take place in a public forum typically, can be used to connected only one computer to
called a news group. the ISP.
You can simply view an ongoing dialog without participat- ISDN: This service connects networks through digital
ing; this is called lurking and is encouraged for newcomers. lines. It provides a faster connection and can be more
To enter the conversation, you post an article in the economical than dial up service. A special ISDN modem
newsgroup and you become part of the forum. As with can be used to access the ISP. An ISDN dial up account
email, Network News is usually informal communication should also be taken from the ISP.
with little distillation of content. However, some newsgroups
are managed by a monitor who may elect not to post ISDN can be used from a LAN, which connects multiple
responses that are deemed inappropriate for that forum. users at a specific location to the internet. To enable this,
Network News operated at a very high speed, with posting a special type of computer called proxy server is required
appearing quickly and constantly. Group administrators to act as a gateway between their local network and the
set the length of time that messages remain posted before internet. The proxy server filters the requests from internet
being deleted from the system. Most do not keep postings and makes it more difficult for unauthorised requests to
longer than a week. reach local network.
FTP: File transfer protocol is the internet’s standard Leased line connection: For users demanding more
method for moving/downloading text files, data files and bandwidth and internet availability for 24 hrs all days,
binary program files from one computer to another. A leased lines are recommended. The typical speeds which
browser can be used for some FTP transfers. Its often can be used are 64 kbps, 128 kbps and 2.048 Mbps. It
faster and easier to use a dedicated FTP client software to requires a router attached with a leased line modem to be
download. interfaced with the leased line. A leased line account is
also required from the ISP.
The procedure is essentially the same for all.
Web server
1 Connect your client program/browser to an FTP server A Web server is a program that, using the client/server
2 Log on as ‘anonymous’ and give your email address as model and the World Wide Web’s HyperText Transfer
the password Protocol (HTTP), serves the files that form Web pages to
3 Move to the directory on the server that contains the file Web users.
you want
4 Specify the directory on your computer where you want Every computer on the Internet that contains a Web site must
to store downloaded files have a Web server program. The most popular Web servers
5 Transfer the file from the FTP server to your computer are; The Microsoft’s Internet Information Server which comes
6 Disconnect the server. with the Windows NT server; Netscape FastTrack and
Enterprise servers; and Apache, a Web server for UNIX-
Telnet: Telnet makes your computer as a remote terminal based operating systems. Other Web servers include Novell’s
that sends commands and receives data from the remote Web Server for users of its NetWare operating system and
server through internet. When you type on your own IBM’s family of Lotus Domino servers, primarily for IBM’s OS/
keyboard, the data goes directly to the remote computer, 390 and AS/400 customers.
as if you are directly connected to it. You should have an
account and connection to the remote computer. Web servers often come as part of a larger package of
Internet related programs for serving e-mail, downloading
To make a telnet connection, one has to use the terminal requests for File Transfer Protocol(FTP) files and building
emulation program such as hyper terminal in windows. and publishing Web pages. Considerations in choosing a
Web server include how well it works with the operating
320 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.92
system and other servers, its ability to handle server-side The minimum basic services that an ISP must provide can
programming, and publishing, search engine, and site be summarized as follows:
building tools that may come with it.
– Dial-up access for either analogue (public telephone) or
Internet Service Provider (ISP) digital (ISDN) telecom links.
– Support for handling IP packets
An ISP (Internet service provider) is a company that
– Support for the PPP protocol
provides individuals and other companies access to the
– Access to a Domain Name Server
Internet and other related services such as Web site
building and virtual hosting.
As these are the basic minimum, most ISPs will provide
these as a matter of course and will not necessarily
An Internet service provider (ISP) has the equipment and
advertise these capabilities.
the telecommunication line access required to have POP
on the Internet for the geographic area served. Larger ISPs
Cc: stands for “carbon copy”. Anyone listed in the Cc: field
have their own high-speed leased lines so that they are less
of a message receives a copy of that message when you
dependent on the telecommunication providers and can
send it. All other recipients of that message can see that
provide better service to their customers. Among the
the person you designated as a Cc: recipient has received
largest ISPs are AT&T WorldNet, IBM Global Network,
a copy of the message.
MCI, Netcom, UUNet, PSINet, etc.
Bcc: stands for “blind carbon copy”. This is similar to the
ISPs also include regional providers such as VSNL,
Cc: feature, except that Bcc: recipients are invisible to all
NEARNet, BARNet etc. They also include thousands of
the other recipients of the message (including other Bcc:
local providers. In addition, Internet users can also get
recipients). For example, if you send a mesagge To:
access through online service providers (online service
[email protected] and Bcc:
provider) such as America Online and Compuserve.
[email protected], then suryaamehta sees him-
self as the message’s only recipient. Jayashrimehta, on
An ISP is also sometimes referred to as an IAP (Internet
the other hand, is “in the know” - she can see that you sent
Access Provider). ISP is sometimes used as an abbrevia-
the message To: suryaamehta, and that you blind-copied
tion for independent service provider to distinguish a service
her. To add an entry in the Bcc: field, click the “Show BCC”
provider that is an independent, separate company from a
link to the right of the “To:” field.
telephone company.
Note: To send a message, you must always specify
Internet Access Provider
atleast one recipient in the “To:” field. If you don’t an error
The basic service that any Internet Service Provider (ISP) message appears when you attempt to send the message.
offers is the means to provide a dial-up link via a public
telecommunication service such as telephone or ISDN, The maximum attachment size using Yahoo! Mail account
which supports an IP(Internet Protocol) packets coming for sending and receiving messages upto 10MB.
from and going to that link.
Search Engine
In order to support the IP link across the telephone system,
an additional protocol is required, which an ISP must also According to another survey done by Netcraft in August
be able to support. This will either be the Point-to-Point 2006, there are 92,615,362 sites
Protocol (PPP) or Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP).
(92 million) and this is an increase of 4.4 million sites
PPP has largely replaced SLIP access now a days, hence
(4.8%) from the July, 2006 survey.
in the following discussions will assume PPP.
The end user uses the Internet heavily in accessing
The ISP must also provide a means of resolving what are information in their day to day needs
known as ‘Domain Name’ address queries. This process
since the Internet is the biggest repository of knowledge in
will be supplied by the ISP’s Domain Name Server. The IP
the history of mankind. Thus
protocol provides a means of converting Domain Names
which people can understand, into IP addresses (e.g., the Internet has become the world’s widely accessed
012.345.678.9) which computers can understand. Thus information source and Websites are added, updated, and
when you type a URL into your web browser, the Domain obsolete daily. Therefore, “Finding the right information at
Name part of the URL must first be converted into its IP the right time” is the challenge in the Internet age. Hence
address before the web page can be located and delivered there is a need for a more effective way of retrieving
to the browser. Each Domain Name is assigned its specific information on the Internet.
IP address when it is created, and so the process of There are three ways of finding information on the Internet.
converting one to the other is simply a matter of looking up
its entry in a database. Finding where that particular 1. Guessing the URL (Uniform Resource Locater)
Domain Name/IP address relationship is recorded and 2. Using a Search engine
then using this information to make the correct conversion 3. Using a Subject Directory or a Subject Gateways
is the job of the ‘Domain Name Server’ (DNS).
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.92 321
If the URL (Uniform Resource Locater) is known, it can be Example: metacrawler, Ixquick, mamma
typed in the Internet browsers’ (Example: Internet Explorer,
Netscape Navigator, etc.) address bar and can be accessed Advantages of using search engines
the Website soon. Otherwise use directories (Yahoo!, Search engines are best at finding unique keywords,
dmoz, LookSmart) for broad, general topics. Subject phrases, quotes, and information buried in the full-text of
directories select and classify resources into subject web pages since they normally index WWW documents
categories and subcategories. Some include reviews and/ word by word. Search engines allow the user to enter
or ratings which can be accessed by keyword search or by keywords, and then they are searched against its database.
browsing the classifications. Users can use advanced search techniques such as
phrase searching, truncation/wildcard searching, as well
A subject gateway can be defined as a facility that allows as for Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT combinations).
easier access to network-based resources in a defined With comparison to web directories, search engines are
subject area. The simplest types of subject gateways are huge databases and contain a large amount of materials.
sets of Web pages containing lists of links to resources. Also, the database is updated at a variable rate.
The resources accessible through these gateways are
reviewed, selected, evaluated and catalogued by information Download content
professionals or subject experts. Downloading content from internet has become a
commonplace activity for all internet users – in the home,
What is a search engine?
in business and in schools. All internet users download
A search engine is a searchable database which collects
content from time to time – typically programs, games,
information on web pages from the Internet, and indexes
pictures, music, video and documents. Downloading
the information and then stores the result in a huge
content can be troublesome. Downloads can fail.
database where it can be quickly searched. The search
Downloads can take excessive time. Downloads can be
engine then provides an interface to search the database.
password-protected. Some content cannot be downloaded
Examples : Google, Alta Vista, Exite using your web browser. A download manager is a utility
designed to fix all the problems you may be having
A Search engine has three parts.
downloading content from the internet. They have quickly
• Spider: Deploys a robot program called a spider or become a must-have utility for all internet users. Download
robot designed to track down web pages. It follows the managers can accelerate your downloads, allow you to
links these pages contain, and add information to resume broken downloads and contain numerous features
search engines’ database. Example: Googlebot that allow to you get hard-to-get files from the internet.
(Google’s robot program)
Key terms
• Index: Database containing a copy of each Web
page gathered by the spider.
A URL (or Uniform Resource Locator) is the location of a
• Search engine software : Technology that ena-
resource on the internet. The format of a URL includes the
bles users to query the index and that returns results in
protocol (e.g. http://, https://, ftp://, mms://, etc.), the
a schematic order.
domain name (or IP address), and additional path information
How does a search engine work? (or folder & file name). A URL may address a web page file,
a program file, an image file, a CGI file, or any other type
Types of search engines of file, folder or program. Download managers use URLs to
In broad sense, search engines can be divided into two find the location of files, web sites and FTP sites that you
categories. want to download. You input URLs when download content
1. Individual search engines from the internet.
An individual search engine uses a spider to collect its Examples of URLs are:
information regarding websites for own searchable index. • http://www.conceiva.com/downloads/
There are two types of individual search engines. downloadstudio2200.exe
i . General search engines • ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/pub/msoffice.zip
Examples: Google, AltaVista, HotBot, Lycos • http://www.google.com
ii. Subject specific search engines • http://www.itunes.com/hiphop/newtrack.mp3
Examples: MetaPhys, Chritech, ReligionExplorer, Chordie, Servers, Domains and Groups
ChemFinder A server name represents a single web server. For example,
2. Meta search engines “www.conceiva.com” and “www.google.com” are examples
A Meta search engine searches multiple individual engines of server names. Even “google.com” counts as a different
simultaneously. It does not have its own index, but uses server name since it is not the same as “www.google.com”
the indexes collected by the spiders of other search – even though if you visit “http://www.google.com” and
engines. “http://google.com” in your web browser you may see the
same content. A domain name is the most general part of
322 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.92
a server name. For example, “conceiva.com”, “google.com” packets of data to your media player on your computer.
and “zdnet.co.uk” are examples of domain names. When Once played, the packets of data are discarded – so there
downloading files, if you set the download job to span is no way for you to save the file using your web browser or
across Domains, it will download files from any servers that media player.
share the same domain name. For example,
“www.conceiva.com”, “images.conceiva.com” and Important: Notice about copyright ownership
“downloads.conceiva.com” all belong to the same domain Download managers, including Download Studio, are
“conceiva.com”. designed to assist you to download files from the internet.
If you do not own the copyright to these files or do not have
A group name refers to any number of servers that share the permission to copy these files from the copyright owner,
same name regardless of the country-specific part of the you may be violating copyright law and be subject to
name. For example, “www.conceiva.net”, payment of damages and other remedies. If you are
“ftp.conceiva.org.au” and “images.conceiva.co.jp” would uncertain of your rights, contact your legal advisor. All
all be part of the same group, because they all contain the examples of downloading that are contained in this White
word “conceiva” directly before the country specific part of Paper are for illustration purposes only. These URLs (or
the name. web site addresses) may or may not exist. The use of the
Using the URL “http://www.conceiva.com/images/logo.gif” example URLs does not imply that you have consent to
as an example: download content from them.
• “www.conceiva.com/images” is the folder name Various types of content to download
• “www.conceiva.com” is the server name The internet has many different types of files and content
• “conceiva.com” is the domain name that you may be interested in downloading. Some popular
• “conceiva” is the group name examples of content are:
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.92 323
Audio content is typically medium-to-large in size. Audio Data files.
that is streamed directly into your media player cannot be An increasing number of businesses download data files
downloaded in the traditional file-based manner using your from the internet on a daily basis – often as a regular
web browser or media player. scheduled backup of their online data or to simply get the
latest up-to-date data for their business. Data files can be
Web sites. any type of file and can be large in size, requiring significant
Some internet users often wish to download a complete bandwidth and time to download.
web site (or certain pages of a web site) so that they can
view it later at their convenience. This is called offline Various protocols used on the internet
browsing. All files for a web site are downloaded and saved Along with different types of content on the internet, there
onto your computer so that you can view the web site are several standard protocols that are used to access files
locally on your computer in your web browser. Web site and content. The popular internet protocols are:
content typically contains many small files. • http://. The hypertext transfer protocol is used to
access and view web sites and is the most widely-
used protocol by internet users. Any type of file may
Macromedia Flash (.SWF) content is used widely on web
be accessed using this protocol. Example: http://
sites to enhance sites with a more dynamic presentation.
Flash content can be diverse in nature – ads, games,
movies, complete web sites and more. Flash content is • https://. The secure hypertext transfer protocol is
displayed in your web browser using an additional used to access and view web sites. Any type of file
component (e.g. ActiveX control). The use of these additional may be accessed using this protocol. Example:
components can make downloading flash content onto https://www.example.com/folder/file.zip.
your computer difficult. Typically, flash content is small-to-
• ftp://. The file transfer protocol is one of the oldest
medium in size.
protocols still in use today and is used to upload and
download to servers. Example:
RSS feeds.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds are now being ftp://ftp.example.com/folder/file.zip.
used widely on web sites to provide up-to-the-minute news
• mms://. The multi-media server protocol is used to
and information about topics of interest on a web site. RSS
connect to Windows media streaming servers so
feeds are XML based files that describe topics of interest
that Windows media streaming audio and video can
and contain links for internet users to gain more information.
be played. Valid file types are .WMA, .WMV, .WAX,
Typically, RSS feeds are viewed in RSS readers that are
.WVX, .ASF and .ASX. Example:
capable of presenting the RSS feed in a well formatted
manner. RSS feeds are typically small files that are mms://www.example.com/folder/file.wmv.
updated regularly.
• rtsp://. The real-time streaming protocol is used to
connect to streaming servers so that streaming
Games and game files.
audio and video can be played. Valid file types
Games are executable files that are usually downloaded
include Real Audio/Video (.RA, .RM), Windows
and installed onto your computer. Games files are typically
Media (.WMA, .WMV, .WAX, .WVX, .ASF, .ASX)
extensions or additions to existing games that you have
and QuickTime (.QT, .MOV). Example: rtsp://
already installed onto your computer. Games are typically
large files that take significant bandwidth and time to
download. Email
Compressed files. Most people will be familiar with the term email (electronic
Compressed files are collections of files that have been mail) in this day and age. It basically covers all messages
compressed to make them smaller to download. Internet sent over the Internet, normally between computer users,
users require a program installed on their computer to de- but also is now used with other internet-connected devices
compress the files once downloaded. Popular formats for such as mobile phones. Email messages can be just text
compressing files are ZIP, TAR and RAR. Typically, based or can also contain graphical or other multimedia
compressed files are very large in size and can take information. One common misconception with email is that
significant bandwidth and time to download. messages will always arrive immediately or at least very
quickly (within minutes). Whilst this is often the case, any
Documents. email relies on many computers and networks to be
Document files are often available for download on the working, therefore emails are at risk of delays at any stage.
internet. Popular document formats are Acrobat PDF files, However, sending messages within one system (such as
Word DOC files, EXCEL XLS files and PowerPoint PPT the SHU First Class email service) should be immediate.
files. Document files can be large in size, requiring significant To send email messages all you need to know is a valid
bandwidth and time to download. address of the recipient - see addressing below. Messages
can either be like formal letters or increasingly they are
much more “conversational” where the emotions of the
writer are expressed as emoticons (also called “smilies”).
324 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.92
Internal and External Email Addresses Bcc: Like c:, but the mailbox address entered in this field
To send an email to someone else, you need to know their is not visible to the main recipient of the mail.
email address. Users can have internal and external email Attachment: Any file being sent along with the main
addresses. message; eg a Word file, a picture etc.
Internal Email Addresses SPAM: Any unwanted and often malicious unsolicited
Internal email addresses are listed in the directory of the emails. At SHU we try and detect these and mark them
email system you are using. At Sheffield Hallam University appropriately so that they can be deleted by the user
this is on First Class which is the email system used by all without needing to open them.
students. Staff use another system, Exchange, but are
How E-mail Works
also listed in the First Class directory. All you need to know
when you are searching for someone in the internal A Simple E-mail Server
directory is usually their real name and the faculty they Given that you have an e-mail client on your machine, you
belong to. Using the directory to find the internal address are ready to send and receive e-mail. All that you need is
of users depends a little on whether you are using the First an e-mail server for the client to connect to. Let’s imagine
Class client or the web interface. You can normally find the what the simplest possible e-mail server would look like in
name you want by just typing part of the first and last order to get a basic understanding of the process shown in
names of a particular user. Fig 12. Then we will look at the real thing.
Example: Open a New Message in First Class. Fig 12
Typing in: Vir Woo into the To: field will match to a fictitious
student user called “Virginia Woolf”. If you are using First-
Class client software you will need to press Enter to
complete the name; if you are logging into your mailbox
using the web interface via the Portal you will need to click
on the Add button.
External email addresses are required for sending or
receiving email outside the university. An external email
address is also often known as an Internet email address. If you’ve read How Web Servers Work, then you know that
External email addresses have a very specific format - machines on the Internet can run software applications that
please see the example below. When using them you must act as servers. There are Web servers, FTP servers, telnet
type them exactly as specified. And if you quote your servers and e-mail servers running on millions of machines
address for others to use it must be exactly right. External on the Internet right now. These applications run all the time
email addresses are made up of two parts separated by an on the server machine and they listen to specific ports,
@ (pronounced “at”) sign: - the first part is the email name waiting for people or programs to attach to the port. The
- the second part is the Internet address of an Internet “post simplest possible e-mail server would work something like
box”. The post box address is the address of a central this:
server within the organisation in which the mailbox is
located which handles all email before relaying on to 1. It would have a list of e-mail accounts, with one account
personal mailboxes. for each person who can receive e-mail on the server.
My account name might be mbrain, John Smith’s
Example: Below is the external email address of our might be jsmith, and so on.
example student Virginia Woolf at Sheffield Hallam
University. 2. It would have a text file for each account in the list. So,
the server would have a text file in its directory named
[email protected] is Internet email name MBRAIN.TXT, another named JSMITH.TXT, and so on.
and student postbox address. This address would be
pronounced as: 3. If someone wanted to send me a message, the person
would compose a text message (“Marshall, Can we
“ virginia dot woolf at student dot S H U dot A C dot U have lunch Monday? John”) in an e-mail client, and
K ”. indicate that the message should go to mbrain. When
You can try sending test messages to Virginia Woolf to try the person presses the Send button, the e-mail client
out the different address formats. would connect to the e-mail server and pass to the
server the name of the recipient (mbrain), the name of
Other Email Features the sender (jsmith) and the body of the message.
Other features you will commonly find when using email: 4. The server would format those pieces of information and
Cc: This stands for “carbon copy” or “courtesy copy” and append them to the bottom of the MBRAIN.TXT file. The
is the field where you can put extra addresses in to send entry in the file might look like this:
to other mailboxes if not the main recipient.
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.92 325
From: jsmith the SMTP server(s) that Mindspring operates.
To: mbrain 5. The SMTP server at howstuffworks.com connects with
the SMTP server at Mindspring using port 25. It has the
same simple text conversation that my e-mail client
Can we have lunch Monday? had with the SMTP server for HowStuffWorks, and gives
John the message to the Mindspring server. The Mindspring
server recognizes that the domain name for jsmith is at
There are several other pieces of information that the server Mindspring, so it hands the message to Mindspring’s
might save into the file, like the time and date of receipt and POP3 server, which puts the message in jsmith’s
a subject line; but overall, you can see that this is an mailbox.
extremely simple process.
If, for some reason, the SMTP server at HowStuffWorks
The SMTP Server cannot connect with the SMTP server at Mindspring, then
the message goes into a queue. The SMTP server on most
Whenever you send a piece of e-mail, your e-mail client machines uses a program called sendmail to do the
interacts with the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) actual sending, so this queue is called the sendmail
server to handle the sending. The SMTP server on your host queue. Sendmail will periodically try to resend the
may have conversations with other SMTP servers to deliver messages in its queue. For example, it might retry every
the e-mail shown in Fig 13. 15 minutes. After four hours, it will usually send you a piece
of mail that tells you there is some sort of problem. After five
Fig 13
days, most sendmail configurations give up and return the
mail to you undelivered.
The SMTP server understands very simple text commands
like HELO, MAIL, RCPT and DATA. The most common
commands are:
• HELO - introduce yourself
326 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.92
the real e-mail system that you use every day isn’t much Protocol. The SMTP server handles outgoing mail. The
more complicated than this. other is either a POP3 server or an IMAP server, both of
which handle incoming mail. POP stands for Post Office
The Real E-mail System For the vast majority of people
Protocol, and IMAP stands for Internet Mail Access
right now, the real e-mail system consists of two different
Protocol. A typical e-mail server looks like Fig 14
servers running on a server machine. One is called the
SMTP server, where SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer
Fig 14
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.92 327
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.93 - 1.7.95
Electronic Mechanic - Basic Computer
A simple network is shown in Fig 1. Network interface card: To convert a standalone com-
puter to be connected to a network, first a network interface
card has to be plugged into the PCs expansion slot and
Network topology
Bus Topology: If the signal were allowed to continue uninterrupted, it would
keep bouncing back and forth along the cable and prevent
other computers from sending signals. Therefore, the
signal must be stopped after it has reached the proper
computer. To stop the signal from bouncing, a component
called Terminator is placed at each end of the cable to
absorb free signals. Absorbing the signal clears the cable
so that other computers can send data. The protocol that
is used in bus topology is Ethernet.
In this topology, the network data is sent in the form of an Ring Topology: The ring topology connects computers
electronic signal along with the MAC (Manufacturer ad- on a single circle of cable. There are no terminators at the
dress code) address of the machine to which data has to end of cable like in bus topology. Refer to the Fig 7 shown
be sent. All the computers on the network receive this below.
data. But only the computer whose address matches the
address in the data sent over the network will accept the
information. Only one computer at a time can send
messages over the network.
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.93 - 1.7.95 329
he signals travel around the loop in one direction and pass Star topology is easy to install. You must install a separate
through each computer. Each computer boosts the signal cable from the Hub to the computer. So it may require more
and sends it to next computer. Because the signal passes cabling than other topologies. Shifting, adding and removal
through each computer in the ring, the failure on one of nodes are very simple. Even if one cable breaks down,
computer effect the entire network. only that computer gets affected on the network and the
rest is operational. UTP or FTP cables Cat5 or Ecat5 may
Though the computers are logically connected in a ring be used for achieving speeds upto 100/1000 Mbps. They
fashion, the actual cables from the NIC of the computer are limited to a length of 100 meters (328 feet) for each node
gets connected to the MAU or Multistation Access Unit connection.
centrally. The function of the MAU is to accept signals
transmitted from one computer and direct the signals to the There is no limitation in the number of nodes in a segment.
computer to which it is addressed. Uses RJ-45 connectors for all connections.
330 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.93 - 1.7.95
0Base-2 10 Mbps, coaxial (RG-58) cable.
10Base-5 10 Mbps, coaxial (RG-8) cable.
10Base-T 10Mbps, twisted-pair (two pairs, Cat-3 mor higher cable).
100Base-T 100 Mbps, twisted-pair (four pairs, Cat-5) cable; also called 100 Base-T4 to designate four pairs.
100Base-TX 100 Mbps, twisted-pair (two pairs, Cat-5 cable)
100Base-FX 100 Mbps, fiber-optic cable
1000Base-T 1Gbps, twisted-pair (four pairs, Cat-5) cable
Network computers must have a pathway to contact other – Unshielded twisted pair cable.(UTP)
computers. The physical path through which the electrical – Shielded twisted pair cable. (STP)
signals travel is called transmission media or cables.
Unshielded twisted pair cable (UTP)
Cable media are wires or fibres that conduct electricity or
light. The following types of cables are used in LAN. Unshielded twisted pair cable is composed of a set of
twisted pairs with a simple plastic encasement as in Fig
1 Twisted pair cable 10.
2 Co-axial cable
3 Fiber optical cable
Category 3/Cat 3 - 10 Mbps - used for voice grade telephone or 10 mbps ethernet
Category 4/Cat 4 - 16 Mbps - Token ring network
Category 5/Cat 5 - 100 Mbps - For 100 Mbps Ethernet
/ECat 5 - 100/1000 Mbps
ECategory 5 and category 5 UTP are commonly used in magnetic interference caused by electric motors, power
computer networking. lines and other sources.
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.93 - 1.7.95 331
The STP is insulated cable which includes bundled pair
wrapped in a foil shielding.
2 Co-axial cable
332 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.93 - 1.7.95
one light path while multimode fiber allows various paths.
The following figure explains the single mode and multimode
fibers. Fig 17
Thicknet: Thicknet is relatively rigid co-axial cable about Single mode fiber cable can be used for distances upto 10
0.405 inches in diameter. The copper core is thicker than kms. and multimode cable for upto 2.5 km. The typical
a thinnet core as shown in Fig 15. This cable is typically speeds are 100/1000 Mbps. The types of optic cable are
installed along the floor of the site. They are usually yellow differentiated by mode, composition (glass or plastic) and
in colour and is marked every 2.5 metres for the taps to core/cladding size.
which the computers connect. To connect a computer to
the cable, you apply a vampire tap. A vampire tap is a Common types of fiber optical cables:
clamp that you connect to the cable after drilling a hole in – 8.3 micron core/125 micron cladding single mode
the sheath. The Vampire tap includes a component called
transceiver which connects to the NIC with an AVI cable – 62.5 mciron core/125 micron cladding multimode
that has 15 pin shell connectors at both ends. The thick – 50 micron core/125 micron cladding multimode
Ethernet segment can have max. cable distance upto 500
metres and a speed of 10 Mbps. – 100 micron core/140 micron cladding multimode
The common fiber optic cables installation is given in the
3 Fiber Optic Cable following Fig 18.
Fiber optic cable is made of light-conducting glass or The signal carried by a single mode cable is generated by
plastic core surrounded by more glass and a tough outer a laser source and that of a multimode by light emitting
sheath as in Fig 16.The center core provide the light path diode (LED). Together, these qualities allow single mode
or wave guide while the glass or cladding is composed of cable to operate at higher bandwidths than multimode and
varying layers of reflective glass. The glass cladding is traverse distances upto 50 times longer. Single mode
designed to refract light back into the core. Each core and cable is cheaper than multimode and has a relatively high
cladding strand is surrounded by a tight or loose sheath in bend radius, which makes it more difficult to work with.
tight configurations, the strand is completely surrounded MMF is most commonly used.
by the outer plastic sheath. Loose configuration use a
liquid gel or other material between the strand and the
protective sheath.
334 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.93 - 1.7.95
T-connector: A T-shaped co-axial connector that con- RS 232: (Reference Standard 232) An industry standard
nects two thinnet co-axial cables while supplying an for serial communication connections. Adopted by the
additional connector for a network interface card as in Fig Electrical Industries Association (EIA). This recommended
24. standard (RS) defines the specific lines and signal charac-
teristics used by serial communications controllers to
standardise the transmission of serial data between de-
vices. RS 232 pin assignments details are given in the
following Fig 28 and 29.
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.93 - 1.7.95 335
use with telephone lines or microwave transceivers. The
Fig 31 shows modem.
336 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.93 - 1.7.95
Hubs: Some networks require a central point of connection Bridges: A bridge extends the maximum distance of your
between media segments. These central points are re- network by connecting separate network segments. Bridges
ferred to as hubs.The Fig 34 shows hub. selectively pass signals from one medium segment to
another as in below Fig 35 and 36.
The above figure explains that
– Receive all signals sent on segment A.
– Discard signals addressed to other nodes on segment
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.93 - 1.7.95 337
– Retransmit all other signals out of the appropriate ports ments i.e. to efficiently use the entire transmission media
band width, we can use multiplexers.
– Perform the same functions for data on other connected
segments. Multiplexers shown in below Fig 37.
Multi plexers: A multiplexer combines two or more
separate signals on a single transmission media seg-
Routers: Routers connect two or more logically separate different protocols and architectures) is called router. The
networks (consisting of several network segments with following figure explains the operation of Routers Fig 38.
338 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.93 - 1.7.95
PC-Server: The term client-server can describe hardware, Client computing with Central file storage : At the
in which case it is referring to network servers and client opposite end of the spectrum from centralized computing
computers, or it can refer to a way of organising software is client computing with central file storage (see Fig 40). In
applications and services on a network. Client server this way of organizing an application, the client computer
computing is a powerful way of constructing programs on does all the work. A central file server stores, but that is all.
a network. In order to describe its advantage and how it
works, we will first describe two alternatives to client-server
– Centralised computing
– Client computing with central file storage
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.93 - 1.7.95 339
which the client computer makes a request over a network Web server : A web server is a program using the client/
to a server computer that then satisfies the request. server model and the World Wide Web’s Hyper Text
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) serves the files that form web
The Client : When you use a client-server system, what pages to web users.
you see is the client, or front end. It presents the interface
to manipulate or search for data. The request you make by Every computer on the internet that contains a web site
manipulating windows, menu, check boxes and so on, is must have a web server program. The most popular web
translated into a compact form that the client transmits servers are: The Microsoft’s Internet Information Server
over the network for the server to perform. (IIS) which comes with the Microsoft’s Windows NT Server;
Netscape Fast Track and Enterprises Servers and Apache,
One example of a front end is Microsoft Access when it is a web server for Unix-based operating systems. Other web
used with a SQL back end. (You can also use Access servers include Novell’s Web Server for users of its Netware
without a SQL back end.) Access displays tables in Operating System and IBM’s family of Lotus Domino
windows or in forms you can browse. It allows you to modify Servers. Primarily for IBM’s OS/390 and AS/400 custom-
and search the tables in an easy-to-use graphical environ- ers.
ment. All the actual data manipulation, however, occurs on
the SQL server. Access translates all the data-base Web servers often come as a part of a larger package of
operations into SQL for the server to perform. The results Internet related programs for serving e-mail, downloading
of the operations are transmitted back to Access to display requests for File Transfer Protocol (FTP) files and building
in an intuitive, graphical form. and publishing web pages. Consideration in choosing a
web server include how well it works with the operating
SQL is not limited to database programs such as Microsoft system and other servers, its ability to handle server side
Access. User programs such as Microsoft Excel can use programming and publishing, search engine and site
SQL to query the back-end data-base server for values to building tools that may come with it.
use in spreadsheet calculations. Program tools allow
custom programs to store and retrieve data in server-based
databases. Query tools provide direct access to the SQL
340 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.93 - 1.7.95
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.7.96
Electronic Mechanic - Basic computer
WIFI Network
At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• explain bluetooth device
• explain wifi.
Bluetooth device
Depiction of a device sending information wirelessly to
Bluetooth device are installed inside devices like mobile
another device, both connected to the local network, in
phones laptops and on a seperate adapters in desktops.
order to print a document Fig 1.
It connects devices by identification using machine id and
one-to-one basic paired connections. The date shared Wi-Fi most commonly uses the 2.4 gigahertz (12 cm)
between paired devices are about Mbps in normal USB UHF and 5.8 gigahertz (5cm) SHF ISM radio bands, these
mode. Sharing internet is also availabe in bluetooth bands are subdivied into multiple channels. Each channel
networks. The only restriction is its connecting area and can be time-shared by multiple networks. These
speed of transmission. wavelengths work best for line-of sight. Many common
materials absorb or reflect them, which further restricts
WIFI device
range, but can tend to help minimise interference between
Compared to bluetooth the wifi devices are very fast in different networks in crowded environments. At close range,
transmitting data and area of coverage and connecting some versions of Wi-Fi, running on suitable hardware can
devices are also more. Wifi also used to connect a LAN achieve speeds of over 1 Gbps. The block diagram is
using TCP/IP settings. Unlike bluetooth, wifi is secured shown in Fig 2.
with connection. Key as passwords, which restricts
Anyone within range with a wireless network interface
unauthorised accessing of network and sharing internet
controller can attempt to access a network; because of
connections. Configuring wifi network using a mobile phone
this, Wi-Fi is more vulnerable to attack (called
is very easy as just select ‘”wifi hotspot” to share its
eavesdropping) than wired networks. Wi-Fi protected
internet connectivity and access from other devices by
access is a family of technologies created to protect
providing pass key. Also when dhcp mode is enabled in a
information moving across Wi-Fi networks and includes
wifi modem, systems can easily be connected to the
solutions for personal and enterprise networks. Security
network as configured.
features of Wi-Fi protected Access have included stronger
Wi-Fi protections and new security practices as the security
Wi-Fi or WiFi (/’waifai/’) is technology for radio wireless landscape has changed over time.
local area networking of devices based on th IEEE 802.11
Fig 2
standards. Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance,
which complete interoperability certification testing.
Devices that can be Wi-Fi technology include personal
computers, video-game consoles, smartphones and
tablets, digital cameras, smart TVs, digital audio players
and modern printers. Wi-Fi compatible devicescan connect
to the internet via a WLAN and a wireless access
point.Such an acceass point (or hotspot) has a range of
about 20 meters (66 feet) indoors and a greater range
outdoors. Hotspot coverage can be as small as a single
room with walls that block radio waves, or as large as
many square kilometers achieved by using multiple
overlapping access points.
Network Protocol Fast Ethernet
Rules of Network Protocol include guidelines that regulate To allow for an increased speed of transmission, the
the following characteristics of a network: access method, Ethernet protocol has developed a new standard that
allowed physical topologies, types of cabling, and speed supports 100 Mbps. This is commonly called Fast
of data transfer. Ethernet. Fast Ethernet requires the application of different,
more expensive network concentrators/hubs and network
Types of Network Protocols interface cards. In addition, category 5 twisted pair or
fiber optic cable is necessary. Fast Ethernet is becoming
The most common network protocols are:
common in schools that have been recently wired.
• Ethernet
Local Talk
• Local Talk
Local Talk is a network protocol that was developed by
• Token Ring Apple Computer, Inc. for Macintosh computers. The
method used by Local Talk is called CSMA/CA (Carrier
• FDDI Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance). It is
similar to CSMA/CD except that a computer signals its
ATM intent to transmit before it actually does so. Local Talk
adapters and special twisted pair cable can be used to
The followings are some commonly used network symbols
connect a series of computers through the serial port.
to draw different kinds of network protocols.
The Macintosh operating system allows the establishment
of a peer-to-peer network without the need for additional
Fig 3 software. With the addition of the server version of
AppleShare software, a client/server network can be
The Local Talk protocol allows for linear bus, star, or tree
topologies using twisted pair cable. A primary disadvantage
of Local Talk is low speed. Its speed of transmission is
only 230 Kbps.
Token Ring
The Token Ring protocol was developed by IBM in the
mid-1980s. The access method used involves token-
passing. In Token Ring, the computers are connected so
that the signal travels around the network from one
computer to another in a logical ring. A single electronic
token moves around the ring from one computer to the
Ethernet next. If a computer does not have information to transmit,
The Ethernet protocol is by far the most widely used one. it simply passes the token on to the next workstation. If a
Ethernet uses an access method called CSMA/CD (Carrier computer wishes to transmit and receives an empty token,
Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection). This is a it attaches data to the token. The token then proceeds
system where each computer listens to the cable before around the ring until it comes to the computer for which
sending anything through the network. If the network is the data is meant. At this point, the data is captured by
clear, the computer will transmit. If some other nodes the receiving computer. The Token Ring protocol requires
have already transmitted on the cable, the computer will a star-wired ring using twisted pair or fiber optic cable. It
wait and try again when the line is clear. Sometimes, two can operate at transmission speeds of 4 Mbps or 16
computers attempt to transmit at the same instant. A Mbps. Due to the increasing popularity of Ethernet, the
collision occurs when this happens. Each computer then use of Token Ring in school environments has decreased.
backs off and waits a random amount of time before
attempting to retransmit. With this access method, it is FDDI
normal to have collisions. However, the delay caused by Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is a network
collisions and retransmitting is very small and does not protocol that is used primarily to interconnect two or more
normally effect the speed of transmission on the network. local area networks, often over large distances. The
The Ethernet protocol allows for linear bus, star, or tree access method used by FDDI involves token-passing.
topologies. Data can be transmitted over wireless access FDDI uses a dual ring physical topology. Transmission
points, twisted pair, coaxial, or fiber optic cable at a speed normally occurs on one of the rings; however, if a break
of 10 Mbps up to 1000 Mbps. occurs, the system keeps information moving by
automatically using portions of the second ring to create
a new complete ring. A major advantage of FDDI is high
speed. It operates over fiber optic cable at 100 Mbps.
342 E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.96
ATM File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a network protocol
that transmits data at a speed of 155 Mbps and higher. Fig 3
ATM works by transmitting all data in small packets of a
fixed size; whereas, other protocols transfer variable length
packets. ATM supports a variety of media such as video,
CD-quality audio, and imaging. ATM employs a star
topology, which can work with fiber optic as well as twisted
pair cable.
ATM is most often used to interconnect two or more local
area networks. It is also frequently used by Internet Service
Providers to utilize high-speed access to the Internet for
their clients. As ATM technology becomes more cost-
effective, it will provide another solution for constructing
faster local area networks. File Transfer Protocol(FTP) is an application layer protocol
which moves files between local and remote file systems.
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) It runs on the top of TCP, like HTTP. To transfer a file, 2
TCP connections are used by FTP in parallel: control
Definition connection and data connection
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) Control connection
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) For sending control information like user identification,
is the language a computer uses to access the internet. password, commands to change the remote directory,
It consists of a suite of protocols designed to establish a commands to retrieve and store files etc., FTP makes
network of networks to provide a host with access to the use of control connection. Control connection is initiated
internet. on port number 21.
E&H: Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5)- Related Theory For Exercise 1.7.96 343
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.8.97 & 1.8.98
Electronic Mechanic - IC Regulators
mum output voltages. While using this IC take the
typical value as this value corresponds to the output
voltage at IC under normal input and load conditions.
– Output regulation
This indicates the amount by which the output voltage
may vary at rated maximum load condition. For exam-
ple, in μA7812 IC, the output voltage may vary by 4 mV
from its rated 12 V DC when the rated typical load
current is 2.2A.
– Short circuit output current
This indicates the shorted current ISC if the output gets
shorted. In μA 7812 the output current is limited to
350mA when the output terminals are shorted.
The capacitor C2 is used to improve the transient response – Drop out voltage
of the regulated output voltage. C2 bypasses these tran- For instance, in μA7812 in which the output voltage is
sients produced during the ON/OFF time. Typical values +12 V, the input unregulated DC voltage to the regulator
of C2 range from 0.1μF to 10 μF. must be higher than the output voltage. The specifica-
tion drop out voltage indicates, the minimum positive
Fixed voltage three terminal regulators are available from difference between the input and output voltages for the
different IC manufacturers for different output voltages IC to operate as a regulator. For example, in, μA7812
(such as 5V, 9V, 12V, 24V) with maximum load current the unregulated input voltage should be atleast 2 volts
rating ranging from 100mA to more than three amps. more than the regulated DC output of 12V. This means
for μA7812 the input must be atleast 14V.
The most popular three terminal IC regulators are,
The difference between the voltage across the input and
1 LMXXX-X series output of the IC should also not to be very high as this
Example: LM320-5, LM320-24 etc. causes unwanted dissipation. As a thumb rule, the input
voltage to the regulator shall be restricted to a maximum
of twice the output voltage of the regulator. For example,
2 78XX and 79XX series for μA7812, the unregulated input voltage should be more
Example: 7805, 7812, 7912 etc. than 14V, but less than 24V.
Output voltage 11.5 12 12.5 V Identification of output voltage and rated maximum
load current from IC type number
Output regulation 4 120 mV
Short-circuit output – 78XX and 79XX series are 3 Terminal voltage regu-
current 350 mA lators.
Drop out voltage 2.0 V – All 78XX series are positive output voltage regula-
Ripple rejection 55 71 dB
– All 79XX series are negative output voltage regula-
Peak output current 2.2 A tors.
– Output voltage: The term XX indicates the rated output regulated voltage.
This specification indicates the regulated DC output
voltage that can be obtained from the IC. As can be seen
from the sample specification table given above, the
manufacturer specifies minimum, typical and maxi-
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.8.97- 1.8.88 345
Example: Examples:
LM 320 – 5
Indicates Indicates
Positive output Output voltage
regulator is +5 V
RCA Output voltage -5 V
79 12
Fixed negative
voltage regulator
Indicates Indicates
Negative output Output voltage
LM 340-15
regulator is -12 V
78LXX - L indicates rated maximum load current as Practical 78XX and 79XX voltage regulator circuits
100mA. Fig 3 shows the circuit connections of a 12 V, 1 A regulated
78MXX - M indicates rated maximum load current as power supply using 7812.
78XX - Absence of an alphabet between 78 and XX
indicates that the rated maximum load current
is 1A.
78SXX - S indicates rated maximum load current is 2
μPC 78 M 15H
Fair Child Regulated output The output voltage of a 3-terminal regulator IC is with
(Manufacturer’s voltage is 15 V. reference to the IC’s common terminal (COM). When the
code) COM terminal is grounded, the output voltage of the
Positive Rated maximum load regulator will be the specified output voltage of the IC as
regulator current is 500mA. shown in Fig 3. But the output voltage of the IC can be
increased above the specified value by raising the voltage
LM 3XX series of 3 terminal voltage regulators at the COM terminal as shown in Fig 4. Because of 6.1V
zener, the output voltage will be 6.1V + 12V = 18.1V or
In LM series of three terminal regulators, to find the approximately 18V as shown in Fig 4.
specifications, it is suggested to refer to its data manual.
However, the following tips will help in identifying whether
the IC is a fixed positive or fixed negative regulator.
346 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.8.97- 1.8.88
that the zener is always in the reverse ON condition,
resistor R1 is used. If R1 = 1.8K, IZ will be 7mA which is
sufficient to keep the zener ON always.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.8.97- 1.8.88 347
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.8.99
Electronic Mechanic - IC Regulators
Heat sink
IC 79xx requires heat sink for its safe operation. Heat
sink boosts heat dissipation therefore the life of the de-
vice can be extended
7918 - 18 Volts
The pin 1 acts as the ground terminal (0V). The pin 2 acts
as the input terminal (5V to 24 V). The pin 3 acts as the
output terminal (constant regulated 5V). Pin out configuration of IC 79xx.
The pin out configuration of IC 79xx is shown in the
diagram below
• The pin 1 acts as the ground terminal (0V).
• The pin 2 acts as the input terminal (5V to 24V)
• The pin 3 acts as the output terminal (constant
regulated 5V)
Connection diagram IC 78xx
IC 78xx is used in circuit as shown in the (Fig 2). In order Similar to IC 79xx, IC 78xx is a three pin IC that gives a
to improve stability two capacitors C1 and C2 are used. constant output voltage of +5V irrespective of the varying
The capacitor C1 is used only if the regulator is seperated input voltages. The maximum value of input voltage that
from filter capacitor by more than 3". It must be a 2.2μF the IC can withstand is 24 volts.
solid tantalum capacitor or 25μF aluminium electrolytic
capacitor. The capacitor C2 is required for stability. Usu-
ally 1μF solid tantalum capacitor is used. One can also
use 25μF aluminium electrolytic capacitor. Values given
may be increased without limit.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.8.99 349
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.8.100
Electronic Mechanic - IC Regulator
We have already explained in detail about the basics of positive and negative voltage regulations with an output
voltage regulators and IC voltage regulators. Let us take a voltage ranging from 2V to 37V, and output current levels
look at one of the most popular IC voltage regulators, the upto 150m A. The maximum supply voltage is 40V, and the
723 voltage regulator IC. The functional diagram of the line and load regulations are each specified as 0.01%.
voltage regulator is shown in fig 2. It consists of a voltage
The figure shown in Fig 3 is a positive voltage regulator with
reference source (pin 6), an error amplifier with its inverting
an IC 723. The output voltage can be set to any desired
input on pin 4 and non-inverting input on pin 5, a series pass
transistor (pin 10 and 11) and a current limiting transistor
on as pins 2 and 3. The device can be set to work as both
positive voltage between (7-37) volts. 7 volts is the reference Another important point to note about this IC is that the
starting voltage. All these variations are brought with the supply voltage at the lowest point on the ripple waveform,
change of values in resistors R1 and R2 with the help of a should be at least 3 V greater than the output of the
potentiometer. A darlington connection is made by the regulator and greater than Vref. If it is not so a
transistor to Q1 to handle large load current. The broken high-amplitude output ripple is possible to occur.
lines in the image indicate the internal connections for
current limiting. Even foldback current limiting is possible
in this IC. A regulator output voltage less than the 7V
reference level can be obtained by using a voltage divider
across the reference source. The potentially divided
reference voltage is then connected to terminal 5.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.8.100 351
Electronics & Hardware Related Theory for Exercise 1.8.101
Electronic Mechanic - IC Regulators
Variable/adjustable output voltage regulators In Fig 6, capacitor C1 is used to prevent setting up of the
oscillations and should be connected as close to IC as
A number of IC voltage regulators are available using
possible. Capacitor C2 is used to improve the ripple in the
which an adjustable output voltage of 1.2V to 32 volts can
output voltage. Note that the value of C3 should not be very
be obtained. Amongst these adjustable output voltage
high (recall, surge current). Capacitor C2 is used to avoid
regulators, there are two types:
excess ringing.
3-Terminal variable output voltage regulators ICs
When external capacitors are used with any IC regulator,
Multi-terminal variable output voltage regulator ICs
it is necessary to add protection diodes to prevent the
capacitors from discharging through low current points into
3-Terminal variable output regulators ICs the regulator. Hence, diodes D1 and D2 are used. D1
These ICs look like 3-terminal fixed output voltage regula- protects the IC against shorts due to C3 and D2 protects
tors as shown in Fig 3. A few examples of 3-terminal against shorts due to C2.
adjusted output voltage regulator ICs are,
The ICs LM317 and 338 have built in fold back current
• LM117 Output adjustable from 1.2 V to 37 V limiting and thermal protection. These ICs are available in
• LM317 Output adjustable from 1.2 V to 32 V both plastic and metal packages with current ratings from
• LM338 Output adjustable from 1.2 V to 32 V 0.1A (LM317L) to 5A(LM338K).
• LM350 Output adjustable from 1.2 V to 33 V
LM117, LM317 and LM338 are of the same family
These variable output voltage regulator ICs are designed ICs, and hence, are interchangeable.
for adjustable output voltage, unlike the fixed output 3-pin
regulators such as 7812, LM 340-5 etc which can be Multiple-pin-Variable voltage regulator ICs
modified to get variable output voltage.
Unlike 3-pin fixed output voltage regulators and 3-pin
Fig 5 shows a basic variable output voltage regulator. variable output voltage regulators, voltage regulator ICs
having multiple pins are designed for versatility. These
multiple pin IC regulators can be used as a linear regulator
(all the regulators discussed so far), or as a switching
regulator (to be discussed), or as a shunt regulator (to be
discussed) or as a current regulator (to be discussed).
In the circuit at Fig 3, if the adjustment terminal (ADJ) is Some of the multiple pin, versatile IC regulators are,
grounded, the output of the regulator will be 1.2 volts. To LM100, LM105, LM205, LM305, μA723, CA3085 and
obtain a higher output voltage a small reference voltage is so on.
given at ADJ using a voltage divider circuit consisting of
R1 and R2 as shown in Fig 5. With this the regulated output Feedback and Error Amplification
voltage is approximately given by
To improve on the simple series regulator a feedback circuit
Vout = 1.2 V x (1 + (R2 /R1)) .......{1} and error amplifier can be added to the basic series circuit.
A practical version of the circuit at Fig 3 is shown in Fig 6.
This circuit uses a few bypass capacitors and protection Fig 7 shows a block diagram of a series regulator circuit
diodes. with error amplification. In this system the reference
voltage Vz is compared with a feedback voltage VF, which
is a portion of the actual output voltage. The difference
between the two inputs produces an error voltage that is
used to vary the conduction of the control element,
correcting any error in the output voltage.
E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.8.101 353
Error-correction power amp
354 E&H Electronic Mechanic (NSQF - 5) - Related Theory for Exercise 1.8.101
Sector: Electronics & Hardware
C1 C2 Cn CT
C T = C 1+ C 2 + +Cn
C1 C2
Rs. 355/-
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