Tech-Enabled Transformation

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The trillion-dollar opportunity
for industrials
3 Foreword

4 The trillion-dollar opportunity for the industrial sector:

How to extract full value from technology

14 Innovating and developing products and services

15 Tech-enabled disruption of products and services:
The new battleground for industrial companies

23 Making and delivering

24 The next horizon for industrial manufacturing:
Adopting disruptive digital technologies in making and delivering

34 Selling

35 Why tech-enabled go-to-market innovation is critical for industrial companies—

and what to do about it

45 Servicing

46 How disruptive technologies are opening up innovative opportunities in services

56 Running the corporation

57 How bots, algorithms, and artificial intelligence are reshaping the future of corporate
support functions

65 Our capabilities and team

We would like to acknowledge the following people
for their important help in developing this collection:
Evan Anderson, Souha Bouhafs, Tina Drugon,
Aritra Gupta, Reed Haley, Kathleen Kelly, Rohit
Panchanadikar, Niranjana Rajagopal, Sidney Santos,
Barr Seitz, Kim Simoniello, and Jill Wilder.

Applying digital, analytics, and IoT technologies is worth over a trillion dollars of value for
industrial companies. To capture that value, however, industrial companies need to approach
their transformations holistically, not in the piecemeal manner that we often see.

That complete value chain can be boiled down to five key business elements: innovating and
developing products, making and delivering them, selling them, servicing them and running the
business. Amidst the noise and overwhelming choices in the marketplace, we have distilled what
works into a set of value drivers and use cases as well as developing a systematic way to capture
and scale this value across the business. Our insights into how to use these technologies to create
value in each of these—and altogether—is derived from a range of client engagements across
industries as well as from proprietary research we’ve developed.

We pulled together this collection to provide an overview of this approach as well as a deep dive
exploring each of these five elements. We hope this will be a practical guide for how industrial
companies can embark on and accelerate their transformation to capture their fair share of the
value at stake.

Venkat Atluri Aamer Baig Satya Rao

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Tech-enabled transformation: The trillion-dollar opportunity for industrials 3

Photo credit: Getty Images

The trillion-dollar opportunity for the

industrial sector: How to extract full
value from technology
Venkat Atluri, Satya Rao, and Saloni Sahni

The digital revolution is just beginning. As data, connectivity, and

processing power expand, so do opportunities for industrial companies
to extract value through innovative products, services, operational
efficiencies, and business models.

With profitable growth in the industrial sector technology-enabled transformations for their next
flatlining in recent years,1 companies have been horizon of performance improvement and growth.
striving to innovate faster, get much closer to To take just one trend, connected devices in use
customers, and achieve a step change in operational are expected to more than double between 2017
efficiency. Having exhausted the potential of and 2020. As new data sources multiply and enable
traditional levers—capital-productivity programs, companies to generate and act on insights in real
operational-cost reduction, footprint optimization, time, a whole range of innovative products, services,
and the like—they urgently need to find new ways to and business models is opening up.
grow their margins and their business. But how?
A handful of leaders are already turning these trends
In our view, the explosion in data, connectivity, to advantage and reaping early rewards. Yet across
and cheap processing power and storage means the sector as a whole, success stories are few and far
that industrial companies should be looking to between. After seeing promising results from early

4 McKinsey & Company

initiatives, many companies struggle to scale up Sizing the prize
and unlock value on a broader front. Indeed, when Our analysis shows that successful transformation
McKinsey surveyed executives developing IoT across the whole industrial sector would be
solutions in 2017, more than half had been running worth $0.8 trillion to $2 trillion in total return to
pilots for one to two years, and more than a quarter shareholders, an increase of 9 to 22 percent. This
for even longer. So what’s going wrong? value comes from two sources: an estimated $0.3
trillion to $0.9 trillion in revenue growth (an
In our view, a piecemeal approach to tech enablement improvement of 3 to 10 percent), and $0.3 trillion
lies at the root of the problem. Many companies are to $0.7 trillion in margin expansion from efficiency
adopting artificial intelligence, machine learning, gains (an improvement of 4 to 9 percent).
cloud services, and a host of other technologies on a
case-by-case basis, instead of selecting technologies In turn, revenue growth is generated by a range
to serve their strategy or meet specific business of factors: new business models with services and
goals. We believe success depends on a holistic features that unlock value for end users; better
approach to transformation. That means defining knowledge of customers that helps companies
your aspirations, linking them to sources of business tailor products, develop new services, and increase
value, working out which technologies will help customer loyalty; the broadening of channels
achieve them, and then doubling down to achieve and access to new customers via e-commerce;
impact across the enterprise. and the optimization of pricing across products
and services. Meanwhile, the cost savings that
Below, we analyze the value that could be unlocked drive margin expansion come from the use of
across the industrial sector through successful tech automation, analytics, and digital tools to enhance
enablement, look at where this value can be created workforce productivity across the business,
in the business, identify the enablers needed to coupled with the application of advanced analytics
capture it, and consider the steps smart leaders take and product-customization techniques to
to make their transformation a success. optimize nonlabor costs.

9-22% 3-10% 4-9%

TRS revenue margin
expansion growth expansion1

$0.3-0.9 $0.3-0.7
trillion trillion

1 Cost reduction through productivity improvements and efficiency gains.

The trillion-dollar opportunity for the industrial sector: How to extract full value from technology 5
We analyzed these sources of growth and savings among five areas of value creation within the
both within the enterprise and at industry-segment enterprise: innovating and developing products and
level to determine where the value lies. services; making and delivering; selling; servicing;
and running the corporation (Exhibit 1).
Where value can be captured
The value that could be captured from tech As part of our analysis, we identified how much
enablement across the industrial sector is divided additional value each of these five areas could

EXHIBIT 1 Our value capture framework for tech-enabled transformations

Innovating and developing

products and services
• Extracting value from connected products
• Creating data-enabled business models
• Optimizing R&D processes with tech
Running the enablement Making and
corporation delivering
• Modernizing the finance • Optimizing procurement
function • Enhancing forecasting
• Optimizing workforce and demand planning
deployment (Human • Digitizing manufacturing
Resources) and assembling
• Building a scalable • Streamlining distribution
technology backbone and delivery
(Information Technology)

Servicing Selling

• Managing customer • Enhancing presales and

demand discovery through
• Optimizing field labor digital marketing
• Managing parts • Transforming customer
• Delivering superior experience
customer experience Accelerators • Optimizing pricing
• Enabling IoT at dealers
Ecosystem Design thinking
and retailers

Agile operating model Culture

Data strategy Cybersecurity Analytics Cloud

6 McKinsey & Company

EXHIBIT 2 Tech enablement could create enormous value across the industrial sector

$ billions Revenue growth Margin expansion1

• 2–6% increase in revenue

Innovating & from new products and services
developing 166-477 8-25
• 5–15% saving in R&D cost

• 2–6% saving in COGS from

Making and digitizing manufacturing and
0 198-499
delivering automating distribution

• 1–3% increase in revenue from new

customer experiences and pricing
Selling 74-298 4-6
• 10–15% savings from
marketing-spend optimization

• 2-5% increase in revenue for

the parts business
Servicing 40–111 44-63 • 20–30% savings from field-
force optimization

• 4–8% savings in SG&A from

Running the 0 automating finance and HR and
corporation introducing new-gen contact

Total 280–887 315–715

Cost reduction through productivity improvements and efficiency gains

contribute at an industry level. The results are companies have unprecedented opportunities to
illustrated in Exhibit 2. innovate across the board in products, services, and
business models. Successful innovation relies not
Finally, we examined how value is distributed only on sound data and technology but on a deep
across the four core segments in the industrial understanding of how to use them to tap into new
sector: automotive; commercial and other vehicles; sources of value. For industrial companies, this
aerospace and defense; and semiconductors and begins with an intimate knowledge of end users’
other industrial products, as shown in Exhibit 3. needs and pain points. Depending on where you sit
in the value chain, this could well mean getting to
Innovating and developing products and
know not just your customer but your customer’s
customer. It’s also likely to mean expanding into
As connectivity spreads, data sources proliferate,
unfamiliar areas outside the boundaries of your
and valuable insights can be generated in real time,
traditional business.

The trillion-dollar opportunity for the industrial sector: How to extract full value from technology 7
EXHIBIT 3 The value at stake varies by industry segment

Revenue growth Margin expansion1 TRS expansion

$ billions $ billions $ trillions

Automotive2 107–367 116–259 0.2–0.4

Other 29–69 0.1–0.3

mobility3 39–111

47–140 31–80 0.1–0.3

industrials 0.4–1.0
& semi- 86–269 139–307

Total 279–887 315–715 0.8–2.0

Cost reduction through productivity improvements and efficiency gains
Whole value chain including tier-one suppliers, automotive OEMs, and dealers
3 Commercial vehicles and off-highway equipment (e.g., for construction and agricultural use) including tier-one suppliers, equipment
manufacturers, and dealers and distributors
4 Includes tier-one suppliers and equipment manufacturers
5 Includes industrials, food processing and handling, motion and controls, industrial automation, and electrical, power, and test equipment

across the value chain: component suppliers, equipment manufacturers, distributors, VARs, engineering and services providers, and
product companies

Manufacturers of heating, ventilation, and air adjust operating parameters and settings in real
conditioning (HVAC) systems, for example, are time to suit external conditions. The speed and
venturing beyond their core of equipment sales. direction of, say, a harvester can be fine-tuned to
By using technology to analyze data from motion, crop density, enhancing productivity and reducing
temperature, and energy-use sensors, they can equipment wear and tear. Manufacturers can deliver
take over temperature monitoring and control in and charge for these and many other features on
the office or factory from corporations, and help demand.
them manage their energy costs. In much the same
way, original-equipment manufacturers (OEMs) Making and delivering
and suppliers selling agricultural equipment have Businesses can capitalize on advances in automation,
devised sophisticated controls that automatically machine learning, and robotics to make themselves

8 McKinsey & Company

more cost-efficient, flexible, and responsive through an analytics engine that informs pricing
to customer needs. The new era of automated and proposes the next product to buy, and from
production and data exchange opens up a broad microsegmentation to digital customer-experience
range of use cases that can cut cost, increase yield, tools. When applied throughout the business, tools
and support new manufacturing methods. Take the like these can improve productivity, margins, and
autonomous guided vehicles that move materials customer stickiness, boosting profitability for first
in plants and distribution centers, like the Kiva movers in a given sector.
robots (renamed to Amazon Robotics) that Amazon
uses to pick and pack goods in its fulfillment hubs. Servicing
Automation can cut storage, picking, and sorting In aerospace, automotive, commercial vehicles, and
costs by 10 to 30 percent—a hefty savings given that other advanced sectors, aftermarket sales have
these activities typically account for up to 40 percent grown more quickly than other areas of the business
of costs in a distribution center. as capital investment in new equipment has slowed.
Accordingly, aftermarket services—the provision
In manufacturing, one of the many activities that of parts, repairs, maintenance, and digital services
lend themselves to automation is welding, a highly for the equipment a manufacturer sells—are the new
manual and error-prone process at most plants. focus of attention for leading industrial companies.
Welding can account for 20 to 30 percent of the cost These services provide more stable revenues than
of manufacturing automotive equipment and large sales of new equipment and, often, higher margins
energy pipelines, for instance, and bad welds can as well. One McKinsey analysis across 30 industries
be responsible for up to 5 percent of welding costs. showed that the average EBIT (earnings before
Using robotic welding with intelligent controls, and interest and taxes) margin was 25 percent for
monitoring quality during the process rather than aftermarket services, compared with 10 percent for
afterward, can reduce bad welds by up to 80 percent, new equipment.2
adding up to 0.5 percent to manufacturers’ margins.
The aftermarket service process is ripe for
Selling disruption. As innovative solutions such as
Today’s industrial companies sell their equipment predictive maintenance mature, manufacturers
through a complex set of channels that have evolved can use them to create stronger links with end
over decades. However, as industrial buyers and customers, form a clearer view of how these
end users become more digitally savvy, they are customers use their products (and how the products
increasingly doing their product research and order perform), and capture increasing revenues from
tracking online, often via tablets or smartphones. services. At the same time, tech enablement can be
Meanwhile, traditional channels and sales models applied to field-force management, scheduling, and
are being disrupted by innovators using technology parts management to reduce costs and improve
to carve out new roles in the value chain. productivity.

To catch up, industrial companies should first gain Running the corporation
a clear understanding of how their customers are The many industrial companies that have pursued
buying and then work back along each customer growth via acquisition end up running their business
decision journey to assess which digital tools and on multiple enterprise resource-planning (ERP)
channels will add most value to the sales process and legacy systems. Not surprisingly, across the
and how to reinvent their selling platform. The advanced industrial sector, the median spend on
options to consider range from e-commerce general and administrative expenses accounts

The trillion-dollar opportunity for the industrial sector: How to extract full value from technology 9
for 4 to 8 percent of revenue. Automating manual To maximize value creation in a tech-enabled
processes via robotic process automation (RPA) transformation, smart companies start by
can significantly reduce these costs. Other establishing a sound set of use cases across all five
measures to cut costs and improve cash flow include of these business elements. That’s a critical step in
building data lakes to centralize data sets across setting aspirations, capturing value, and tracking
ERPs, automating financial reporting and invoice value capture over time. Whether a company focuses
generation, and using advanced analytics to improve on two or three of the business elements or looks to
cash management. create value from all five through tech enablement,
like the example in Exhibit 4, will depend on the
Pulling it all together nature of its business and its position in the value

EXHIBIT 4 What successful tech enablement could look like for an OEM

Running the corporation Innovating and developing products and services

Establish data lakes to pool Deploy sensors and connectivity on products to better understand
data across multiple ERPs, customer usage, and develop services to generate new revenue streams
and employ “build, operate,
transfer” model to automate Revenue up by 6%,
reporting and other manual R&D costs down by 15%
tasks in finance and HR

SG&A down by 8% Making and delivering

Use advanced analytics to
enhance forecasting, and deploy
robotics, machine vision, and
decision automation in factories
and warehouses to reduce labor
costs in picking, sorting,
welding, and other workflows

COGS down by 6%

Adopt digital tools to enhance
Servicing salesforce productivity, scale
Employ models to predict e-commerce channels to
customers’ servicing needs, address transactional sales,
and increase attach rate for and deploy advanced analytics
service revenues to optimize pricing

Parts revenue up by 4%, Revenue up by 3%, marketing

field-force cost down by 30% cost down by 15%

10 McKinsey & Company

chain. But to avoid leaving value on the table, leaders well-prepared. Building resilience will involve
would be well-advised to examine all the elements in prioritizing assets and risks, improving controls and
detail before deciding on the best approach. processes, and establishing effective governance.

The other imperative in starting out on a Establishing the right cloud infrastructure
transformation journey is to check that your involves creating flexible environments and sound
organization has all the supporting elements it needs, application programming interfaces. Companies
as described below. also need to think through which data should be in
the cloud and which on the “edge”—on the devices
Ensuring the right enablers are in place themselves. Such decisions will largely depend on
In considering the capabilities, structures, and how much real-time processing is required. For
practices that industrial companies need for a instance, autonomous driving lends itself to an
successful transformation, we find it helpful to edge architecture, whereas analyzing consumption
define three sets of prerequisites that executives trends by aggregating data from connected
can use as a checklist in prioritizing initiatives and appliances can be handled in the cloud.
allocating resources.
Equipping your organization with data analytics
Foundation: Data strategy, cybersecurity, capabilities to drive insights will be critical in
cloud infrastructure, and analytics capturing value. Whether you build the capabilities
A comprehensive data strategy involves identifying in house or outsource them will depend on your
the data sets you need to drive insights across your circumstances and needs. Often it makes sense to
priority use cases, understanding the sources of do both in the early stages, building capabilities over
those data sets, and forming partnerships to access the long term while using outsourcing to accelerate
those that you need but don’t own. For instance, a short-term impact. Regardless of which route you
manufacturer seeking to reduce downtime for its take, data analytics and insight generation must
mining equipment will need to combine its own be linked to actions that you can take to generate
data with a host of maintenance and usage data impact. For instance, if you are introducing
from the mining operators that use the equipment. analytics-driven dynamic deal scoring to improve
Establishing which data sets you need and then margins, your reps will need a quoting tool that
building productive partnerships with OEMs and shows them the recommended prices, and leaders
component manufacturers to access them will be will need a performance-management system that
critical in maximizing value capture. tracks improvements across the whole sales team
over time.
As companies connect enormous numbers of devices
and develop ever-more-complex data structures, Organization: Agile operating model and
cybersecurity becomes increasingly important. culture
Once, cyberrisk was mainly confined to IT functions, The ability to respond quickly to changes in the
but as businesses hook up their production systems business environment relies on an agile operating
to the Internet, operating technology comes under model with small, flexible teams and clear
threat as well. 3 Seventy-five percent of the experts processes that allow timely decision making on
who took part in a recent McKinsey survey said issues relating to governance, funding mechanisms,
that IoT security was important or very important, resource allocation, and so on. Old-style yearlong
yet only 16 percent felt their organization was development cycles must give way to rapid iterations

The trillion-dollar opportunity for the industrial sector: How to extract full value from technology 11
in which teams repeatedly test and refine concepts —— Analyze every aspect of the business. When
and products with customers. embarking on a tech-enabled transformation,
the best way to start is by taking a step back
Such an approach requires corresponding changes and considering exactly what you want to
in an organization’s culture. Successful companies achieve. Obvious though that might sound,
take great care to foster a mind-set that embraces it’s not so easy to act on. Some companies
change, is comfortable taking risks, and views are so overwhelmed by, say, the promise
failure as a springboard for learning. of the Internet of Things that they jump
straight into working out how to introduce
Accelerators: Design thinking and ecosystem
IoT applications into their products and
Using customer insights to rapidly innovate
operations. Instead, evaluate your whole
on products, services, and offers calls for new
business to see where technology could
capabilities and tight linkages between a company’s
unlock the greatest value. If you are an
sales channel and its product organization. Design
industrial distributor, for instance, you
thinking uses closed-loop processes to generate
may be able to improve your margins much
customer insights, translate them into product
faster by adopting analytics-based pricing
features and services, rapidly deploy these elements
or digitizing your selling process than by
with the customer, test the impact, and repeat as
creating IoT-enabled services. Implementing
necessary until the desired impact is achieved.
and scaling basic technologies is a quick way
to learn and capture value before venturing
Building an ecosystem is the final enabler and
into more sophisticated territory such as
involves establishing a set of technology and go-to-
remote diagnostics and maintenance.
market partnerships. The complexity of a tech-
enabled transformation requires partners to share
—— Reimagine your business model and
data, insights, and the value created in a mutually
aspirations. Don’t use technology to make
satisfactory and sustainable manner.
your current model marginally more efficient.
Set a bold aspiration to ensure the changes
Getting started
you make don’t just reinforce the status quo.
ƒƒ Though tech-enabled transformations in the
Define metrics and operational performance
industrial sector are still in the early stages,
indicators to track improvement, and
companies have no time to lose. An early mover
ensure you have leadership support. Treat
with the right strategy could not only grow
your program as a transformation, not an
profitably across the board, but also leapfrog
incremental initiative.
over competitors and capture disproportionate
value by gaining market share from peers or
—— Understand how new technologies affect
being the first to respond to radical shifts in
working processes. To succeed, new
customer behavior.
technologies need to operate in conjunction
with legacy systems and existing workflows.
ƒƒ Every company’s approach to transformation
Consider an OEM adopting IoT-enabled
will reflect its individual starting point and
solutions to offer predictive maintenance.
business priorities, but any leader would do well
When a client’s system detects an equipment
to follow a few basic steps:
problem, it automatically notifies the OEM to

12 McKinsey & Company

send a service rep to carry out unscheduled to ensure you keep pace with the evolving
repairs. But for this to work, the OEM has to technology and business landscapes.
integrate these notifications into its service-
dispatch processes so that reps are sent out
promptly. Closing the loop on workflows in
this way is a critical step in capturing value. Though the industrial sector has been slower
to digitize than many other sectors, advanced
—— Understand where you are and build
technologies now allow companies to reshape
your transformation roadmap. Too often,
all their activities from product development to
companies deploy solutions without first
sales and servicing. Our experience indicates that
taking care to understand their current
taking a bold, strategy-led approach and identifying
situation. Set a baseline and be realistic
opportunities systematically across the entire
about your starting point and digital
business is the best route to a successful outcome.
maturity—which will partly determine
how much value you can expect to capture.
Then, work out where the value lies, assess 1
Richard Jones, Felix Recht, Nick Santhanam, Xiaoran
your capabilities, and build a roadmap that Tong, and Shekhar Varanasi, “What’s ahead for industrials?”, March 2017.
prioritizes and sequences the key elements
Aditya Ambadipudi, Alexander Brotschi, Markus Forsgren,
in your transformation. Develop a clear view
Florent Kervazo, Hugues Lavandier, and James Xing,
of the value-chain elements your business “Industrial aftermarket services: Growing the core,”
touches, your competitive environment, and, July 2017.
the ways technology could disrupt it: for 3
Thomas Poppensieker, Wolf Richter, Rolf Riemenschnitter,
instance, through customer-service apps. Gundbert Scherf, “A new posture for cyberrisk in a networked
world,”, March 2018.
Think in terms of three-to-five-year horizons

Venkat Atluri is a senior partner in the Chicago office, where Satya Rao is a partner and Saloni Sahni is a

Copyright © 2018 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

The trillion-dollar opportunity for the industrial sector: How to extract full value from technology 13
and developing
and services
Photo credit: Getty Images

Tech-enabled disruption of products

and services: The new battleground for
industrial companies
Venkat Atluri, Jeremy Eaton, Mithun Kamat, Satya Rao, and Saloni Sahni

Industrial companies are finding that technology is an important link in the

value chain for innovation and product development. The transformation
is challenging, but there are ways to getting it started.

With economic profit flatlining, industrial disruptive new offerings such as shared mobility,
companies are turning to revenue growth to drive connectivity, and electrification. To get a share of
value. Using technology to innovate and develop this growth, companies have no option but to pursue
new products and services is fast becoming the new tech-enabled innovation for themselves.
battleground. Companies are not only enhancing
their offerings through software and data but What’s more, innovation in products will go hand
making the transition from selling hardware-based in hand with innovation in business and revenue
products to creating tech-enabled businesses. models, just as aerospace-engine original equipment
manufacturers (OEMs) have long since made the
The effect on the industrial sector will be profound. transition from selling engines to selling power
In the auto sector, for example, estimates suggest by the hour. Similarly, agricultural-equipment
global revenues will almost double from $3.5 trillion providers are selling farmers not only tractors and
in 2016 to $6.6 trillion by 2030. As much as 84 harvesters but productivity solutions enabled by
percent of this growth is expected to derive from connectivity and remote monitoring.

15 McKinsey & Company

This article examines how much value could be expansion through greater efficiency in R&D.
created by tech-enabled product innovation in the Exhibit 1 illustrates how this opportunity breaks
industrial sector, identifies the key digital levers down across the subsectors in the industrial sector.
and enablers companies need to have in place, and
suggests how they can go about capturing a fair share Exhibit 2 provides an overview of the key levers and
of the value at stake. enablers needed to capture value from the three
main sources we identified, namely:
Sources of value
McKinsey’s analysis indicates that using technology Extract value from connected products and
to improve innovation and product development services
could deliver $166 billion to $477 billion in new Our analysis indicates that connected products
revenue and $8 billion to $25 billion from margin could deliver $34 billion to $95 billion in incremental

EXHIBIT 1 The value from tech enablement in innovating and developing products varies by industry segment

Revenue growth
$ billions

Automotive1 60–179

Other mobility2 24–57

Incremental opportunity
of 5-15% productivity
increase in R&D
Defense3 36–96

Broader industrials
& semi-conductors4 45–144


Total 166–477

1 Whole value chain including tier 1 suppliers, automotive OEMs, and dealers
2 Commercial vehicles and off-highway equipment (e.g., for construction and agricultural use) including tier 1 suppliers, equipment
manufacturers, and dealers and distributors
3 Includes tier 1 suppliers and equipment manufacturers
4 Includes industrials, food processing and handling, motion and controls, industrial automation, and electrical, power, and test equipment
across the value chain: component suppliers, equipment manufacturers, distributors, VARs, engineering and services providers, and
product companies

Tech-enabled disruption of products and services: The new battleground for industrial companies 16
EXHIBIT 2 Value drivers and enablers in product development and innovation

Sources of value Examples of digital levers and enablers

Extracting value Smart sensor Data-based product Smart features Automation

from connected enablement (e.g., configurations (e.g., on-demand (e.g., auto configura-
products and wearables) (e.g., parameter-based performance enhance- tions, remote control)
services performance ments, predictive
optimization) maintenance)

Creating data- Analytics and Data monetization Developer platform Marketplaces and
enabled business insights-based services (e.g., insurance-rate for third-party data exchanges
models (e.g., dealer-enabled optimization based on services
solutions, operations driver behavior)
and maintenance

Optimizing R&D Data-driven R&D Advanced Rapid experimentation Closed-loop

processes with process planning analytics–driven R&D and simulation; feedback for
tech enablement project efficiency MVP-based ongoing product
development process enhancements

industry revenue growth. As the costs of sensors, and cut wait times at service facilities by managing
connectivity, and computing continue to fall, leading inventory and triaging service jobs in real time. At
companies are harnessing technology to reinvent distribution centers, semi-autonomous tractors
their products and services and launch innovative could save time spent moving trailers around the
new offerings in a bid to leapfrog competitors and yard and reduce the incidence of damage. Finally,
gain market share. manufacturers of line-haul trucks could collect data
on duty cycles to inform R&D and cut warranty costs.
In line-haul trucking, for instance, technology will
make it possible to reimagine operations across Bringing connected products to life in this way
the entire value chain, as illustrated in Exhibit 3. requires industrial companies to address a number
A commercial fleet could save on fuel costs and of practical challenges. Chief among them is building
improve vehicle performance by calibrating vehicles an IoT platform—a complex undertaking, especially
over the air to match operating conditions. A for a sector that has traditionally treated engineering
dealership could spec vehicles more intelligently by and IT as separate disciplines. Another challenge is
using data on individual customers’ usage patterns, deciding on the most suitable architecture from a

17 McKinsey & Company

EXHIBIT 3 Examples of connected products in commercial vehicles

At the dealer
Data-enabled vehicle spec'ing | Improve fuel economy / performance by fitting spec to usage profile
Data-enabled servicing | Cut holding costs and wait times via inventory management / triaging

In the truck
Over the air optimization | Increase fuel economy based on operating conditions
Safety response for failures | Avoid catastrophic accidents
Semi-autonomy | Reduce unplanned damage events and deskill driver tasks
Driver coaching | Tools to teach drivers in the cab to reduce cost of classroom training
Quality management | Reduce spoilage cost by monitoring produce quality

At the fleet management office:

Predictive duty cycle analysis | Reduce downtime and service cost
Route optimization | Reduce fuel consumption by optimizing route plans
Network optimization | Increase utilization
Liability mitigation | Log driver behavior to reduce legal costs / improve
insurance rating
At the manufacturer
Data-enabled R&D / warranty | Reduce cost
by driving R&D from duty cycle

wide array of providers and options, such as building own features rather than delivering functionality
on a generic IoT platform or procuring a turnkey across the whole customer experience. By contrast,
solution from a specialty IoT partner. focusing on adding incremental end-to-end
capability forces companies to address dependencies
Successful companies take two key steps to facilitate between data models, communication protocols, and
product connection: so on, at an early stage in development programs,
thereby greatly reducing risk.
Ensure that use cases drive platform requirements
both while developing minimum viable products Creating data-enabled business models
(MVPs) and over the long term. For example, use New business models offer the largest opportunity
cases that require the real-time processing of large in tech-enabled product development, with an
data sets, such as autonomous driving, demand estimated $132 billion to $382 billion in incremental
significant edge computing capacity in the vehicle industry revenue growth. Some of these business
as well as in the cloud, while use cases based on models are likely to disaggregate value chains
aggregating data from a multitude of devices, such as in much the same way that Uber is disrupting
consumption trends from connected appliances, investment allocations for automotive companies,
can be handled exclusively in the cloud, at much and increasingly aerospace companies as well.
lower cost. Manufacturers of mining equipment, for example,
could explore a range of opportunities to create
Take an end-to-end approach to architecture.
new revenue streams, such as charging insurers for
A siloed approach, in which device, cloud, and app
vehicle usage data that helps them set premiums
data are all handled independently, is likely to cause
or offering mining companies uptime as a service
duplication, with each layer over-developing its
(Exhibit 4).

Tech-enabled disruption of products and services: The new battleground for industrial companies 18
EXHIBIT 4 Examples of data-enabled business models in mining equipment

Vehicle tracking Uptime as a service Shared operational efficiency

Charge subscription for geofenced Share in value of uptime guarantee Charge for smart machine controls
security and tracking of equipment based on improved durability and and automation as a service to
or sell data to insurers for premium predictive duty cycle analytics share in efficiencies

Worksite operations
Charge for autonomy as a
service to share in increased
worksite productivity

Personnel management
Charge for evaluation of
employees as a service on
the basis of task completion
and productivity

Project management
< tool for
Offer data-driven
measuring task progress
in real time

Unplanned downtime accounts for more than 10 before they can achieve a level of insight that yields
percent of working time and causes considerable commercial value. Another common misconception
operational disruption. Our analysis indicates that is that IoT offerings generate so much data that
a mere 1 percent improvement in the availability of companies should be able to discover a silver
earth-moving equipment could create more than bullet somewhere in it. Misled by this belief, one
$200 million in value in the US alone. An OEM multinational industrial company tied up dozens of
could reap enormous benefits by offering uptime highly qualified data scientists for a decade on data
as a service, issuing a reliability guarantee for its projects that failed to find a viable route to market or
equipment, and claiming a share of the value thus indeed demonstrate any real commercial potential.
created for its customers. Successful companies make sure that data-enabled
offerings are owned by the business from the outset,
Launching data-enabled businesses can be even and they take care to answer the question, “Who
more challenging for an industrial company than values this offering, and can I sell it to them?”
creating connected products, especially in two
key aspects: Getting to market. Pushing data-enabled offerings
through existing channels and sales teams is likely to
Getting from data to insight to value. Many produce mixed outcomes at best. Reps may lack the
industrial companies assume that the raw data expertise and customer connections to sell the new
generated by their IoT offerings is monetizable offerings effectively and may turn to other products
in its own right, but this is seldom the case. to make up their quota, leaving the innovations
Companies usually need to combine multiple data branded as failures. One building-management
streams—often including third-party data sets— company developed a data-driven product to reduce

19 McKinsey & Company

clients’ operational and energy expenses, opting and metrics in its software engineering. It began
to launch the new offering through its existing by creating a data lake that combined data from
branches to get to market quickly. However, one of a dozen or so sources, including the enterprise
the product’s core benefits lay in reducing the time value-management system, software code tracking,
building owners spent on service issues in the local timesheets, and Microsoft Exchange. Then it ran
branches, while the company rewarded its branch multivariate algorithms to identify factors that
managers based on the number of service hours correlated to productivity metrics. It found, for
they sold. Given the clear conflict of interest, branch instance, that replacing late-stage software testing
managers mostly ignored the new offering. with early-stage testing using automated scripting
would improve productivity by 5 percent.
Leading industrial companies aren’t afraid to
cannibalize their core if it brings them greater Finally, the company created a business case and
overall benefits, and they plan their organization, action plan to address target initiatives. This entire
hiring, and incentives to support their new offering process was completed in just 16 weeks, thanks to
and maximize its chances of success. a sprint-based approach that combined traditional
engineering practices with advanced analytics. The
Optimizing R&D processes with tech company found opportunities to reduce software
enablement defects by 35 to 50 percent and increase engineering
With an estimated $8 billion to $25 billion in capacity by 20 percent.
incremental industry revenue growth, this is the
smallest value-creation opportunity of the three. How to capture the value
But it is still important, given that traditional For all their promise, few industrial Internet of
approaches to R&D efficiency—peer benchmarks, Things (IoT) products have reached full maturity
lean engineering, trial and error—are producing and scale as yet. In our experience, one of the main
diminishing returns and ceasing to confer barriers to adoption is a lack of understanding of how
competitive advantage. The fundamentals of to capture the value of technology. Developing new
tech-enabled R&D efficiency are a shift to agile offerings is only half the battle; companies must also
iterative product-development cycles and the invest in an effective go-to-market approach. This
rapid deployment of digital- and analytics-based involves two elements:
productivity techniques. Consider a typical company
where engineers use ten or more systems in a typical Knowing where the value is created.
day’s work, ranging from timesheets, emails, and Those industrial companies that have succeeded
project plans to bills of materials and suppliers’ in scaling connected products or data-enabled
systems. By integrating data from all these disparate services understand where the value is created (by
systems into a common structure, the company can direct customers, end users, or ecosystem partners,
use machine-learning algorithms to track metrics for instance) and how it is created (through lower
dynamically and extract powerful insights that transaction costs, improved safety, fewer defects, or
provide a fact-based, granular guide to sources some other benefit). This knowledge is fundamental
of value. to developing appropriate business, pricing, and
revenue models, quantifying value creation, and
One aerospace and defense company applied understanding how much value accrues to each
advanced analytics to identify productivity drivers party. For many connected products or data-enabled

Tech-enabled disruption of products and services: The new battleground for industrial companies 20
services, the end user is the primary beneficiary for example—they want their equipment running at
of the value created. Component and subsystem maximum productivity, opening up opportunities
suppliers will need to find a path to monetization to create value by optimizing uptime or output.
that reaches the end user, perhaps via an ecosystem Meanwhile, a component manufacturer in this value
approach or partnership with OEMs. chain may find that its best monetization strategy is
to develop a preferred position with the OEM.
In upstream oil and gas, for example, the value
created by reducing downtime at a fracking How to get started
site or oil rig is captured by drilling contractors Most industrial companies are still at an early
but delivered by a combination of players. Data stage in transforming their innovation and product
ownership is fragmented: the drilling contractors development through technology. Some hesitate to
control the data from the large equipment they take the first steps, others are stuck in pilot mode,
manage; manufacturers of, say, frac blenders own and still others struggle to build a viable business
the algorithms and data that generate insights into case in the face of traditional development cycles
the equipment and how it works; and component and limited monetization opportunities. But delay
manufacturers, in turn, own performance data could cost companies dearly: late adopters risk
on individual products such as pumps. In this not only leaving value on the table but also losing
environment, creating value will entail forming market share to nimbler competitors. A McKinsey
partnerships with multiple manufacturers and Global Institute survey found that being a first
designing a model that enables value to be fairly mover conferred an advantage of about 7 percent
shared among the partners. in earnings before interest and taxes—more than
double the roughly 3 percent achieved by average
Establishing the right monetization model. responders.
Industrial companies can monetize their products
directly or indirectly. Direct options include So where do you start? We suggest five steps:
bundling products, launching add-on services, and
delivering an offering as a service. Indirect routes ƒƒ First, listen to your customers. They know what
include capturing new market share, developing they want when they see it, even though they
preferred-supplier status with OEMs, and so on. To may not be able to articulate it in advance. Invest
maximize value capture, companies need to select heavily in customer insights to identify pain
a monetization model that is appropriate to their points in the user experience, and pressure-test
position in the value chain and the criticality of the your new offerings with customers to ascertain
value at stake. what they are willing to pay for.

Take the example of an agricultural-equipment ƒƒ Second, place big bets. It’s fine to fail fast,
manufacturer selling productivity services to but avoid spreading your investment across
farmers. In general, measuring the improvement in too many ideas. Successful organizations
crop yield or quality that can be generated by data- prioritize a few big bets that get the lion’s share
enabled farming equipment is difficult, as it depends of management attention. Having identified
on multiple variables over the course of the year. your big bets, consider novel ways to organize
However, on occasions when farmers need to harvest around them. Some tech-enabled industrial
a crop within a short timeframe—as with sugar cane, companies use a VC-like governance structure

21 McKinsey & Company

with a digital unit reporting directly to a “digital It requires knowledge of consultative selling,
board” comprising the CEO, CTO, and CFO. software bundling, and unfamiliar sales cycles
Such a structure ensures that funding is based and solution architectures. Expecting your
on reaching milestones, that issues are resolved traditional sales channels to convert customers
quickly, and that the core business stays focused quickly or bolting a digital sales group onto a
on the core. traditional organization could spell disaster.
Instead, develop a clear customer interaction
ƒƒ Third, adopt agile product development. Set up model and overhaul your sales structure,
small, autonomous, cross-functional teams that processes, enablement strategies,
can get close to customers, fail fast, and pivot and incentives.
to the next opportunity. Traditional product
development cycles are a recipe for failure, as
they can’t keep up with advances in technology
and data.
Tech-enabled innovation and product development
ƒƒ Fourth, build out your ecosystem. Commercial has the potential to deliver enormous and much-
as well as technological partnerships are needed revenue growth in the industrial sector.
essential to moving fast and scaling effectively. Companies that take a rigorous approach to finding,
Building and maintaining a robust ecosystem of quantifying, and capturing value—and then move
partners demands dedicated resources. quickly—can expect to see the greatest impact.

ƒƒ Fifth, establish the right go-to-market

capabilities. Selling tech-enabled products
is nothing like selling traditional hardware.

Venkat Atluri is a senior partner in McKinsey’s Chicago office; Jeremy Eaton is the IoT Venture Leader in the
Minneapolis office; Mithun Kamat is an associate partner in the Stamford office; and Satya Rao is a partner
in the Chicago office, where Saloni Sahni is a consultant.

Copyright © 2018 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

Tech-enabled disruption of products and services: The new battleground for industrial companies 22
Photo credit: Getty Images

The next horizon for industrial manufacturing:

Adopting disruptive digital
technologies in making and delivering
Kevin Goering, Richard Kelly, and Nick Mellors

The key to continued performance and productivity improvement for

advanced industrial companies is the use of disruptive technology in
the manufacturing value chain.

In the past few years, advanced industrial companies to-machine digital connectivity (the Industrial
have made solid progress in improving productivity Internet of Things, or IIoT), artificial intelligence
along the manufacturing value chain. In the US, for (AI), machine learning, advanced automation,
instance, the productivity of industrial workers has robotics, and additive manufacturing. The impact
increased by 47 percent over the past 20 years. But of this shift is expected to be so transformative that
the traditional levers that have driven these gains, it is commonly referred to as the fourth industrial
such as lean operations, Six Sigma, and total quality revolution, or Industry 4.0.
management, are starting to run out of steam, and
the incremental benefits they deliver are declining. This new wave of technology and innovation offers
companies opportunities not only to drive a step-
As a result, leading companies are now looking to change in productivity and efficiency, but also to
disruptive technologies for their next horizon of capture strategic business value by establishing
performance improvement. Many are starting to competitive advantage in the way they operate their
experiment with technologies such as machine- entire “make to deliver” value chain. The nature

24 McKinsey & Company

and scale of the opportunities will vary from sector 30 percent. Similarly, an auto manufacturer that
to sector and company to company, depending on needed to maximize its already highly automated
factors such as value drivers, market dynamics, and process began analyzing available data for micro-
operational maturity. However, we routinely see losses in capacity to unlock an additional 3 percent
successful technology-enabled transformations of overall equipment effectiveness. Finally, an
dramatically shifting individual value drivers. electronics manufacturer operating in a high-cost
For example, an aerospace manufacturer with country virtually eliminated material handling
a reputation for high quality but suffering from labor using automated vehicles for material delivery
high labor costs and slow production implemented and robots for palletizing.
augmented-reality work instructions for complex
assemblies to decrease error rates from 3 percent to For companies that aim well and execute
nearly 0 percent while increasing productivity by effectively, the resulting cost reductions could be

EXHIBIT 1 The value from tech enablement in product manufacturing and delivery varies by
industry segment
$ billions
Margin expansion

Automotive1 73-178

mobility2 23-58


& semi- 77-198

Total 198-499

Cost reduction value will be exceeded by revenue growth through strategic value drivers, e.g.:
speed to market, customization, responsiveness, and new services
Whole value chain including tier-one suppliers, automotive OEMs, and dealers
Commercial vehicles and off-highway equipment (e.g., for construction and agricultural use) including tier-one suppliers, equipment
manufacturers, and dealers and distributors
Includes tier-one suppliers and equipment manufacturers
Includes industrials, food processing and handling, motion and controls, industrial automation, and electrical, power, and test equipment
across the value chain: component suppliers, equipment manufacturers, distributors, VARs, engineering and services providers, and product

The next horizon for industrial manufacturing: Adopting disruptive digital technologies in making and delivering 25
transformational. We estimate that productivity generate remains to be seen, but we can expect the
gains and cost savings alone could deliver near- lion’s share of it to go to first movers.
term impact of 200 to 600 basis points of margin
expansion across advanced industries, worth $200 Unlocking the value
billion to $500 billion (Exhibit 1). In the mid- to long- To capture the value of digital in manufacturing
term, even more value could be unlocked through and throughout the supply chain, leading industrial
greenfield plants, network reconfiguration, and companies are developing use cases in three main
upgrades to core IT and operating-technology (OT) areas: connectivity, intelligence, and automation
architecture. (Exhibit 2).

Substantial though these cost reductions are, we Connectivity

expect them to be overshadowed by new revenue After rapidly expanding through the Internet of
opportunities arising from increased speed to Things, connectivity has reached global scale,
market, product customization, and new services. extending to some 8.4 billion connected devices. The
How much strategic business value they will ability to link digital devices—shop-floor monitors,

EXHIBIT 2 Connectivity, intelligence, and flexible automation create value across multiple
aspects of manufacturing and delivery

Connectivity Intelligence Flexible automation

Enabling the flow of relevant Applying AA and AI to an array of Using new robotic technologies to
information to the right decision data to generate new insights and improve the productivity, quality,
Sources of value makers in real time enable better decision making and safety of operational processes

procurement Analytics-enabled tools for
E-sourcing events: eRFX,
Advanced spend intelligence and optimizing product cost (e.g., part
automated sourcing insights number consolidation, digital e-catalogs, e-auctions

forecasting and Real-time tracking of Simulation-based forecasting of Automation of production
demand planning inventory location market and micromarket demand planning processes
and inventory management

Digitizing manu-
facturing and Real-time OEE visibility with Predictive maintenance to Vision systems for
assembling click-through capability on drivers of reduce downtime autonomous quality control

distribution and
delivery Real-time visibility of delivery Use of AA and AI to Automated warehouse picking
windows optimize logistics network and replenishment

26 McKinsey & Company

remote computers, smartphones, tablets, and so the full potential of artificial intelligence has yet to
on—to IT platforms and systems enables decision be captured in production environments, which at
makers to access a flow of relevant information present use only a small fraction of data for decision
in real time. In production environments, only 15 making.
percent of assets are connected as yet, but change
is taking off. Advanced applications now being One auto manufacturer had difficulty managing
introduced in industrial manufacturing include growing complexity in its product variants, and
digital performance management and the use of sought to improve and automate its decision making.
augmented-reality smart glasses to communicate To do so, it installed an enterprise manufacturing
instructions and standard operating procedures. In intelligence (EMI) system that ingested data from
the supply chain, parts are being tracked digitally more than 400 IoT sensors, enabling predictive
across supplier networks, and trucks are providing intelligence to be applied to maintenance, quality,
real-time data to enable just-in-time delivery, and parts supply. Introducing the new system
optimize work planning, and minimize inventory. improved overall equipment effectiveness by
The technology industry is working on more than 10 percent and first-time-right delivery by 15
700 IoT platforms for industrial use, and major percentage points.
tech companies are investing heavily in platforms
Flexible automation
that extend beyond individual companies to whole
Robotics and automation have been commonplace
in industrial manufacturing for decades, but we
One aerospace company struggling with supply are seeing a new wave of opportunity driven by
issues combined data from purchasing, part declining technology costs, growing functionality,
tracking, and inventory monitoring in a single and an expanding range of environments in which
platform to enable real-time visibility of each part robotics can be safely and effectively deployed.
across the entire supply chain. The results exceeded Introducing new robotic technologies in product
expectations, with a 20 percent improvement assembly, warehousing, and logistics can improve
in procurement productivity and a 5 percent the productivity, quality, and safety of operational
improvement in on-time delivery. Another aerospace processes. Applications include autonomous
company took part traceability to the next level by guided vehicles in distribution centers, automated
introducing digital tagging. Parts were automatically warehouse management systems, and cobots
scanned for minute differences in surface texture at (collaborative robots) working on assembly
key points in the supply chain, virtually eliminating processes in conjunction with humans. Estimates
counterfeiting and ensuring regulatory adherence. suggest that 60 percent of manufacturing tasks
could be automated, but industrial robots have yet
Intelligence to achieve widespread penetration even among early
Advanced analytics and artificial intelligence can adopters. South Korea, for instance, has only 530
be applied to large data sets to generate new insights robots for every 10,000 production workers.
and enable better decision making in predictive
maintenance, quality management, demand Deploying automation across the entire product
forecasting, and other areas. Machine-learning assembly process from material handling to quality
algorithms are growing more powerful as computing testing and packaging enabled one electronics
power advances and big data proliferates. However, company to reduce direct and indirect labor costs by

The next horizon for industrial manufacturing: Adopting disruptive digital technologies in making and delivering 27
more than 80 percent. These savings in turn allowed announced digital initiatives of some kind. Most
the company to manufacture its product in higher- of the business leaders we spoke to recognize that
cost countries located close to attractive markets, technology can help them navigate complex risk and
thereby reducing shipping costs while increasing regulatory environments, make their operations
customer responsiveness and speed to market. more efficient, and enhance the customer experience
they offer.
Examples of what connectivity, intelligence,
and automation might look like at an aerospace However, advancing beyond the pilot phase is still
manufacturer are illustrated in Exhibit 3. a big challenge for most manufacturing companies.
Even among those reporting significant numbers
Overcoming pilot purgatory of pilots, most struggled to achieve broader rollout.
McKinsey’s research shows that most advanced In fact, the gap between piloting and rollout is
industrial companies are conducting pilots in all considerably larger than that between perceived
three of these areas (Exhibit 4). In the aerospace relevance and piloting, suggesting that scaling is a
and defense sector, for example, all of the top bigger hurdle than getting the ball rolling in the first
10 companies and two-thirds of the top 50 have place (Exhibit 5).

EXHIBIT 3 Examples of digital manufacturing innovations at an airline manufacturer

Data-enabled vehicle Fieldforce optimization Advanced warehouse

Predictive supply spec'ing Digital tools allow more effective
chain Improve Traceability
fuel economy and
of parts scheduling and management Automated decision making
Company can predict performance byrecord
Digital fitting spec
system enables of repair and maintenance reduces costs and inventory levels
which parts or to customer usageto
company profiles
trace parts that are field personnel
components will be pulled out of one plane, refurbished, Quality
late and plan and put on another plane management
accordingly Reduce spoilage
Network optimization cost by monitoring Semi-autonomy
Optimize the number of
Over-the-air programming produce quality Reduce unplanned
Calibrate powertrain for
transport links and routes damage events and
maximum fuel economy
to increase utilization deskill driver tasks
Advanced record
based on operating conditions
Autonomous material Predictive duty Digital maintenance
handling cycle analysis records improve
Automation of receiving, storage, Reduce downtime “first time right”
and picking of material reduces and service cost performance
labor and improves productivity of
line labor and assetsresponse
for failure
Enable automated
fail-safes in case of
catastrophic accident

High-speed transfer of flight data Digitized maintenance SOPs 3D printing of parts

Predictive maintenance
Instant access to detailed flight information and augmented reality Company can predict part The use of 3D printing for
(e.g., flight schedules, lists of components Digitized instructions, e-manuals, low-volume serial parts allows
by tail number, component repair histories) failures to increase plane
and smart glasses increase ease of usage and reduce maintenance for just-in-time fulfilment and
enables maintenance and repair technicians use and compliance for maintenance reduces inventory
to make faster decisions and repair time on the ground
and repair technicians

28 McKinsey & Company

EXHIBIT 4 Most survey respondents regarded digital manufacturing as relevant,
and many had pilots under way

Percent of respondents piloting digital manufacturing solutions or viewing them as relevant,

N = 700
View solutions as relevant
Have projects in pilot phase
or beyond

Using digital manufacturing approaches
to improve operational performance and
64 management and facilitate day-to-day
employee collaboration

87 Intelligence
Applying analytics, prediction models,
and simulations (or “digital twins”) of
70 products and processes

Flexible automation
Introducing new robotic technologies to
improve the productivity, quality, and
Flexible safety of operational processes
automation 61

Source: McKinsey Digital Manufacturing Global Expert Survey 2018

What we learned from our research—and found Our research identified six success factors that fall
reinforced by our client experience and industry into three categories: strategy, infrastructure, and
observation—is that companies often make the organization (Exhibit 6).
same few mistakes when defining and implementing
strategies for technology-enabled transformation Strategize the transformation process
in manufacturing and delivery. As a result, they Too many organizations pursue a digital
struggle to move beyond what we call “pilot manufacturing journey that ultimately fails to
purgatory” and fail to capture sustainable impact create enough value to justify the cost, time, and
at scale. Fortunately, we also found a few real-world management attention involved. To avoid this fate,
examples of companies that achieved effective roll- successful companies establish a solid business case
out by paying close attention to a handful of success built on two principles:
factors. These “lighthouse” cases provide inspiration
Start from bottom-line value and work back. With
for other manufacturers in developing a vision for
so many digital manufacturing solutions on the
how technology can create value, building a solid
market, it’s easy—but dangerous—for companies to
business case, and charting an effective course for
get sidetracked by what looks exciting. To deliver
enterprise-wide implementation.
tangible results, they need instead to begin with

The next horizon for industrial manufacturing: Adopting disruptive digital technologies in making and delivering 29
EXHIBIT 5 Answer to question: what stage has your company reached in adopting digital

Percent of solutions applied; percentage point difference

Pilot phase or beyond

Roll-out phase



Lacking impact at scale
Less than 30% of
29 companies had rolled
Intelligence -41p.p. out relevant solutions
across their organizations


Flexible 24

Source: McKinsey Digital Manufacturing Global Expert Survey 2018

a clear view on how these solutions can address reported as recently as 2017. Three principles can
operational pain points, create competitive help manufacturing companies create a vision for
advantage, and drive bottom-line impact. For some digital manufacturing:
companies, for instance, 3-D printing enables
competitive differentiation through leading-edge ƒƒ Think holistically across the ecosystem over
designs that would be impossible to manufacture the long term. Spot solutions may generate
in any other way; for others, it is no more than an excitement to fuel broad-scale change, but
expensive distraction. As a rough guide, asset-heavy tend to leave value on the table. Look past the
companies would be well advised to treat predictive immediate fix and your own capabilities to
maintenance as their top priority, while labor-heavy develop sustainable solutions that build long-
companies should focus on digital performance term competitive advantage
ƒƒ Showcase early wins to solidify buy-in.
Establish a clear vision and a phased road map. However compelling the vision, it will fail
More than half the respondents in our survey (59 without widespread organizational support.
percent) saw lack of vision as a significant obstacle Create one or more “lighthouse” facilities to
to digital transformation, up from just 15 percent demonstrate how individual use cases reinforce
one another to transform outcomes.

30 McKinsey & Company

EXHIBIT 6 To escape pilot purgatory, organizations should act on six key success factors

Strategize the process Innovate the infrastructure Mobilize the organization

Start from bottom-line Design a comprehensive Drive transformation from

value and work back technology stack the top

Establish a clear vision Build the stack and Get on top of the
and a phased road map develop an ecosystem of capability gap
technology partners

ƒƒ Create an ROI roadmap. Scaling up calls ƒƒ Comprehensive. Ensure your stack spans
for careful management of technologies, use collection, connectivity, data, analytics, and
cases, process changes, cultural shifts, and applications, and is specific to your operational
investments. To navigate these complexities, model.
create a road map informed by the size and
nature of the business opportunity and your ƒƒ Scalable. Your stack must enable rapid scaling
requirements for IT and OT architecture and and support future growth. Pay particular
resources. attention to your data-ingestion pipeline and
complementary analytic capabilities.
Innovate the infrastructure
Having addressed strategy and business benefits, ƒƒ Analytics-enabled. Software and
companies can then turn to the critical elements of infrastructure systems provide the raw
technology stack and ecosystem. material, but analytics produces the insights
that generate value. Only 20 percent of
Design a comprehensive technology stack. Almost organizations have a data lake that covers more
half (44 percent) of survey respondents regarded IT than half their plants, and only 25 percent
deficiencies as a major challenge in implementing use an advanced analytics platform at scale.
digital manufacturing. In defining your optimal Companies that integrate their data and
technology stack, bear five watchwords in mind: extract more insights from it will create
more value.

The next horizon for industrial manufacturing: Adopting disruptive digital technologies in making and delivering 31
ƒƒ Integrated. Integrate data from IT and OT to technology. People are critical to success, and
help you develop digital-manufacturing use harnessing their energies requires you to:
cases that meet your business needs.
Drive transformation from the top. Capturing the
ƒƒ Secure. Address cybersecurity at every step, full potential from digital manufacturing calls for a
taking special care over the connections consistent approach in which you:
between legacy and future systems.
ƒƒ Ensure executive-level leadership and
Build the stack and develop an ecosystem of P&L commitment. Appoint an executive-
technology partners. level transformation leader to drive digital
Every stage of the process, from developing a manufacturing—something that only about
technology stack to rolling it out, must be tightly a third of manufacturers have done so far.
managed to ensure cohesion and seamlessness. We Consider taking your whole top team to digital
recommend following three guidelines as you move immersion sessions and “go and see” visits to
forward: understand the new capabilities and ways of
working you will need to develop. Accelerate the
ƒƒ Minimize architecture complexity. Navigating pace of your transformation by committing P&L
the complex landscape of solution providers to the effort.
presents many challenges. When building
components into your technology stack, make ƒƒ Integrate decision making across countries
as much use of industry standards as possible to and functions. Any fragmentation in the
ensure interoperability across the organization. way you apply digital technologies could
jeopardize the success of your transformation.
ƒƒ Use external partnerships to access functional Coordination across plants, locations, and
and integrative expertise. Select a few partners functions along the value chain is essential, yet
with deep functional and integrative expertise far from universal: only a third of companies
and develop solutions with them where possible. report having a globally coordinated digital-
Our research shows that more than 40 percent manufacturing effort.
of organizations are either building their own
IT/OT systems in house or tailoring externally ƒƒ Get on top of the capability gap. To foster an
sourced systems to their needs, creating a wide organizational culture that facilitates individual
range of systems that need to be bridged. The and team development:
right partners can help you ensure seamless
integration and functionality. ƒƒ Encourage innovation. Create an environment
that promotes creativity and innovation to give
ƒƒ Drive agile execution across organizational your transformation the best chance of success.
silos. As well as forging external partnerships, Consider launching an innovation challenge for
break down organizational silos and build your organization, ecosystem, and academic
your own capabilities for collaborating across partners to generate ideas and allow you to
functions. co-create new offerings with suppliers and
external experts.
Mobilize the organization
Digitizing an entire production system requires ƒƒ Focus on talent. More than two-thirds of
tremendous change that goes well beyond companies see attracting, managing, and

32 McKinsey & Company

retaining top talent as the biggest challenge A holistic approach to transforming manufacturing
in implementing digital manufacturing. through technology involves the fundamentals of
Secure the capabilities you need by combining your organization and your business as much as the
in-house training with hiring from outside and technologies themselves. Following the guidelines
collaborating with solutions providers, research suggested in this article will help you accelerate
institutions, and academics. implementation, bridge the gap between pilot
success and enterprise-wide roll-out, and unlock
new sources of value.

Kevin Goering is an associate partner in McKinsey’s San Francisco office, Richard Kelly is a partner in the
Stamford office, and Nick Mellors is an associate partner in the Seattle office.

Copyright © 2018 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

The next horizon for industrial manufacturing: Adopting disruptive digital technologies in making and delivering 33
Photo credit: Getty Images

Why tech-enabled go-to-market

innovation is critical for industrial
companies—and what to do about it
Venkat Alturi, Satya Rao, and Andrew J. Wong

Companies that overhaul their go-to-market strategy with savvy

use of technology improve their revenue growth and customer
Industrial companies face a compelling opportunity related to digital strategy, capabilities, culture,
to innovate their traditional go-to-market channels and organization that correlate most strongly with
and models. The simultaneous rise of digital growth and profitability.
commerce, powerful digital players, and millennials
as the dominant customer segment is disrupting The study shows that B2B companies trail consumer
the whole sector and changing the way in which companies in terms of their overall digital maturity:
industrial companies need to go to market (see the average DQ score for the 47 B2B companies in
sidebar, “Disruption by numbers”). our study was 28, compared with 35 for consumer
companies (Exhibit 1).
Yet few of them are managing to adapt quickly
enough. Over the last five years, McKinsey While most industrial companies have come to
has measured the Digital Quotient® (DQ™) of terms with the need to make more strategic use of
approximately 200 B2C and B2B companies around technology,1 they are often unsure of how to proceed
the world by evaluating 18 management practices or are focused on the wrong initiatives, resulting

35 McKinsey & Company

Disruption by numbers
The rise of digital commerce $4 billion eBay’s B2B revenues, with R&D
investment of $1.1 billion
x 2 increase in daily US e-commerce spending
over the past 5 years $2.5 billion Alibaba’s B2B R&D investments

40% expected increase in the next 4 years The behavior of millennial customers
90% B2B customers who research purchasing 83.1 million millennials in the US (overtaking baby
decisions online
boomers at 75.4 million)

46% buyers who view product comparison as the 67% of millennials prefer to shop online
biggest pain point in their buying journey
8 out of 10 millennials never buy anything without
85% prefer to use digital channels for repeat first reading a review
6 hours per week spent on social media
The threat from digital players*
* All data from 2016

$1 billion Amazon’s B2B revenues, with R&D

investment of $16 billion

in halting action and a failure to build significant An innovative approach to selling

value. On the other hand, those companies that Our experience in working with dozens of industrial
move quickly and decisively to transform their companies has helped to identify where the main
go-to-market channels, models, and culture through source of value is across the four main steps of the
technology should be able to unlock substantial selling process: the presales stage, the sales process,
value: top quartile B2B players generate 3.5 percent the transaction itself, and IoT-enabled selling
more revenue and are 15 percent more profitable (Exhibit 3).
than the rest of the B2B field.
Enhancing presales and discovery through
Where the value lies digital marketing
Our detailed analysis has identified a pool of $74 Presales covers all customer interactions that lead
billion to $298 billion in revenue growth that could to the discovery of the brand, product, or service.
be tapped through enabling technology in sales Industrial companies frequently underestimate
(Exhibit 2). The value comes primarily through new the impact of a poor presales experience, such as
customer experiences, refined pricing, and enhanced suboptimal websites or over-reliance on traditional
selling processes. channels for lead generation.

Why tech-enabled go-to-market innovation is critical for industrial companies—and what to do about it 36
EXHIBIT 1 B2B companies trail their B2C counterparts in progress towards digitization.

However, as the customer landscape shifts toward An auto retail company set up an agile digital-
digital channels, and as e-commerce matures, marketing war room to manage and analyze
companies need to develop consumer-centric effectiveness of all campaigns on a daily basis.
strategies that will drive traffic to their web pages As a result, the client learned that paid search
and improve lead generation. Doing so significantly (search-engine marketing), organic search (search-
increases performance, as McKinsey analysis shows engine optimization), and email marketing were
that companies with strong presales capabilities most effective in attracting profitable customers.
consistently achieve win rates of 40 to 50 percent By shifting spend to those digital channels, the
in new business and 80 to 90 percent in renewal company saw improvements in traffic (25 to 35
business, well above the average. percent) and conversion (greater than 25 percent)
within ten weeks.
We typically observe four practices that work best:
implementing agile digital marketing, optimizing Another industrial company developed detailed
paid search (SEM), maximizing organic search customer profiles by aggregating multiple
(SEO), and personalizing next-product-to-buy data sources such as customer-profile loyalty
algorithms. These areas often require adopting identifications and historical sales. From this
digital technologies such as advanced analytics and input, a predictive analytical model was created to
artificial intelligence, and optimizing marketing show sales patterns based on customer purchasing
across traditional and digital channels. behavior and provide recommendations on next

37 McKinsey & Company

EXHIBIT 2 $74 billion to $298 billion of revenue growth can be delivered across industrials
through innovative approaches to selling.
Revenue growth
$ billions

Automotive1 29-138

Other mobility2 11-40

Defense3 6-31

Broader industrials 28-89

& semiconductors4

Total 74-298

1 Automotive value chain, including tier-one suppliers, automotive OEMs and dealers
2 Commercial vehicle and off-highway equipment (e.g., construction, agriculture) value chain including tier-one suppliers, equipment
manufacturers, and dealer and distribution channel
3 Aerospace and defense tier-one suppliers and equipment manufacturers
4 Industrials subsegments, food processing and handling, motion & controls and industrial automation, electrical, power, and test equipment
across the value chain from component suppliers to equipment manufacturers and distributors; VARs, engineering and services providers
and players across the semiconductor value chain from suppliers to product companies

SOURCE: McKinsey analysis

product to buy. By sending personalized emails and digital tools to improve sales productivity and better
product recommendations, the company was able engage with customers. Levers typically used include
to increase email conversion by 30 to 40 percent. digital buying/fulfillment, optimized sales-coverage
This approach also helped identify effective selling models, and customer decision journeys.
processes and profitable customer profiles for
future sales. For example, a large equipment manufacturer
conducted customer decision journey (CDJ)
Transforming customer experience research, interviewing and surveying end customers
A profitable sales process relies on developing to understand the biggest pain points in their
a deeper understanding of how customers are journeys (Exhibit 4).
behaving at each step in their decision journey.
This helps companies understand at a granular level Many industrial companies miss this step,
where customer pain points and opportunities are putting them at risk of investing in digital tools
and then to establish clear priorities for developing that don’t meet genuine customer needs. One

Why tech-enabled go-to-market innovation is critical for industrial companies—and what to do about it 38
EXHIBIT 3 Value drivers in tech-enabled selling

Sources of value Examples of digital levers and enablers

Enhancing $
presales and
discovery through
digital marketing
Agile digital Optimize paid Maximize organic Next product to
marketing search (SEM) search (SEO) buy/personalization

customer experience
Customer decision Digital buying/ Optimized sales- Intelligent lead
journeys fulfillment coverage model generation

Optimizing pricing

Dynamic (at-scale) Dynamic deal Data-driven perfor- Targeted category

price setting scoring mance management margin expansion

Enabling IoT at
dealers and retailers In-store video and
sensor analytics to Intelligent in-store
Traffic measurement Curbside pickup and deliver the DIY navigation and
installation customer promise promotions

company discovered that customers spent a phase from nine months to six weeks. By creating
significant amount of time understanding improved experiences, we estimate that it is possible
product specifications and matching them to their to increase customer engagement and conversion by
requirements during the quote stage. That led to 30 to 40 percent.
them starting quotation requests for products that
were not optimized for their needs. In another company, CDJ analysis revealed two
major customer pain points. One, customers were
Insights like these allowed the organization to having difficulties in comparing and getting quotes
focus its energies, leading to the development of a for products. Two, it was cumbersome for customers
minimum viable product prototype with a well- to track and monitor open orders, because all
defined feature set to address prioritized pain processes had to be done manually and required
points. One example was the creation of a web multiple interactions between customers and
tool that allowed end customers to browse and sales reps.
compare products by specs, a core customer need.
This approach and rapid iteration reduced the time Based on these findings, sales leaders developed a
needed to develop a full solution from three years web-based platform prototype to allow customers
to nine months, and the prototype development to research products, build their bill of materials

39 McKinsey & Company

EXHIBIT 4 Breaking down key pain points in the customer decision journey

Phases Customer experience: John Sales-rep experience: Sarah

John makes a few updates to a

‘shopping list’ Excel he’s used before.
It has a mix of part numbers and
Shop descriptions from various suppliers.

Familiar method, though time-consuming

on BOM; no ability to search for

John is ready to sign his PO, but there Sarah sorts through financial
are hang-ups on his credit paperwork. paperwork to process the order.
He and Sarah have had two calls about
bank statements this week—but none
about delivering product.
Customer may wait several days for Rep must act as the middleman on
approval extra paperwork.

John finalizes his PO and appreciates Sarah is happy to have a new

Sarah’s help organizing the first customer, but she’s spent time this
shipment. week with credit, inventory, vendor,
business managment, and local teams
organizing his first delivery.
Rep responsible for manual order entry.
Customer is looking forward to delivery. Coordination on special requests and
status updates

John thinks his delivery is due today, Sarah has been on the phone all
but it’s not here yet and status is morning with the local DC and the
unclear. vendor organizing delivery.

Surprised by delays Delivery management not available—
Availability issues ordering next batch rep must ‘hand hold’

Some of John’s product is defective, Behind the scenes, Sarah has

and he works with Sarah to replace it. coordinated with the vendor, local
branch and a delivery service to
Manage organize the return.

Returns are time consuming and

Manual return process for sales reps
confusing for customers.

Why tech-enabled go-to-market innovation is critical for industrial companies—and what to do about it 40
(BOM) and receive an initial quote with minimal for sales reps at the time of deal making. Analyses
sales support. Additionally, the platform allowed at a large wholesale distributor, for example,
sales reps and customers to collaborate on requests, showed that several similar customers received
share the status of orders, and exchange proactive significantly different levels of rebates and discounts
notifications of any changes. Finally, on the back end, due to circumstantial factors, such as sales rep
the platform allowed sales reps to have full visibility underperformance or unjustified customer requests.
of the accounts, view open invoices, and flag potential
delays or anticipated issues. The implementation of To address this issue, a dynamic deal-scoring
the platform generated significant improvement of model was developed using historical data, relevant
customer experience and increased sales productivity parameters, and advanced analytical techniques to
by 10 to 15 percent. provide an assessment of expected profitability for
each incoming deal (Exhibit 5). The tool delivered
Based on our experience, technology solutions based results to the sales rep during the quotation phase
on CDJ analysis typically lead to a 3 to 5 percent of the process through an app. Empowered by this
increase in revenues and increased customer information, sales reps clearly understood the
engagement and loyalty to the brand. performance potential of each incoming deal request
and could make a real-time assessment of which
Optimizing pricing levers, such as payment terms or add-on services,
The development of digital and analytical tools could be used to improve deal performance and
in transactions, such as dynamic deal-scoring provide better value for customers.
models and data-driven performance management,
has significant benefits: our experience suggests The implementation of a dynamic deal-scoring
significantly improved operating income, optimized solution significantly improved gross profits (1 to
B2B product pricing to specific customer segments, 3 percent) through more targeted discounting and
maximized value capture in each transaction, and effective use of rebates, and reduced the quoting
end-to-end pricing-process management throughout process from months to a week, creating a much better
the lifetime of products and contracts. buying experience for customers and potentially
improving win-rates.
Improving price capabilities is also critical given
how rapidly e-commerce players can adjust prices Industrial companies also have the opportunity to
and capture opportunities. It is not uncommon for use analytical tools to dynamically set prices at scale
eCommerce players to use dynamic pricing algorithms and continuously improve pricing performance to
for individual stock-keeping units (SKUs) on a daily drive business objectives. The potential impact can be
basis. Although such algorithms might be harder significant, typically a 2 to 7 percent return on sales
to apply in a B2B setting due to constraints on data in value to the bottom line. However, because sales
collection and frequency of transactions, they offer leaders in industrial companies tend to approach each
a vision of what is possible as B2B companies’ digital deal as a unique one, they have been slow to implement
and analytical capabilities mature. advanced analytical techniques to unlock pricing
One impressive source of value comes from reducing
unexplained variability in discounting. A dynamic (Technology has a significant role to play in the
deal-scoring tool can provide objective guidance postsales process as well. For more on that, please

41 McKinsey & Company

EXHIBIT 5 Steps to implement a dynamic deal-scoring solution

Start small, gather early successes, and improve

Compile data Perform advanced

and utilize data analytics to
engineering uncover patterns

monitor and

Develop and deploy Design scoring rules

scoring tool to based on trends and
sales reps at time business intelligence
of deal making

read “How disruptive technologies are opening Typically, IoT-enabled innovations can unlock
up innovative opportunities in services” in this value by improving real-time traffic measurement,
collection). curbside pickup, intelligent in-store navigation and
promotions, and inventory management. To better
Enabling IoT at dealers and retailers understand the potential, we reviewed automation
Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and opportunities across ten major work-flow activities
consumer packaged goods companies (CPGs) have in retail, including shelving and replacement, pricing
started to work with dealer and channel partners to and promotion, and checkouts, and identified six
use technology more effectively in sales. IoT-enabled major use cases where technology and algorithms
innovations are an area with great potential. can be deployed to increase store performance.

Why tech-enabled go-to-market innovation is critical for industrial companies—and what to do about it 42
One opportunity identified by our research was through technology, but all companies need to
combining sensors with smartphone technologies tackle a few key things:
such as Bluetooth to map customers’ positioning
within the store and then provide tailored offers and Invest in understanding your customer at a
information to increase the propensity to buy. granular level. Begin by understanding the areas
most in need of improvement along your customer
Another possible opportunity was to develop a fully decision journeys. This requires getting closer to
automated, nonstop checkout, using a combination your customers and understanding the channels
of video-surveillance technology and machine- they use to research and buy, research through
learning algorithms to accurately charge customers advanced analysis as well as close observation.
>99.9 percent of the time. Another interesting use This process is best when it is continuous and based
case developed was to leverage radio-frequency ID on frequent communications through dedicated
(RFID) tags, whose price has declined significantly channels between sales and product-development
in recent years, to automate the inventory teams.
monitoring process, freeing up store staff to focus on
customer-facing activities. Construct one source of truth for your selling data.
To fully capture the revenue uplift from selling,
Our analysis shows that the total value generated it is critical to combine transactional data across
by these improvements can be significant, with channels and systems into a single data lake. This
estimated increases in revenue of 3 to 10 percent, establishes a single source of insight for your sales
reductions in operating costs of 15 to 25 percent, and tech teams. This may sound trivial, but it’s
and a 5 to 10 percent increase on average in often the hardest thing to accomplish, given the
operating profit. multiplicity of data sources in many companies.

At a dealer network, a system of sensors was Define a big opportunity. With insights into
installed to reliably capture store traffic. The data customer buying behaviors in hand, the best
generated was analyzed through advanced analytics companies go for big opportunities. These are
to directly measure several indicators, such as comprehensive across a range of levers including
store performance, marketing ROI, effect of store churn reduction, incremental sales from enhancing
initiatives, and the effect of weather, among others. the share of wallet, pricing opportunities, and sales
With this analysis in hand, the team identified from new channels such as e-commerce.
several initiatives to improve performance and
maximize return on investment by eliminating Link your technology roadmap to identified
underperforming marketing campaigns, for value. Your technology investments should be
example, or refocusing promotions. Furthermore, in lockstep with the opportunity you’re going
there was an opportunity to adapt the system to after. For example, if there are significant shifts
enable the detection of loyalty customers, and create to e-commerce in certain kinds of transactions,
targeted and tailored experiences for them such as then establishing the right corresponding channel
matching them with the most experienced staff. and right presales infrastructure is critical to
capturing that opportunity. Similarly, if the
Getting started variations in pricing practices are significant for
No two industrial companies face the same similar transactions, then it is critical to invest in
opportunities and challenges in enabling sales dynamic deal-scoring tools. The roadmap should

43 McKinsey & Company

focus on near-term horizons (one to two years) the investment to expected results helps to ensure
given constantly evolving innovations and customer the value is being captured, and allows the business
needs. to adjust quickly if necessary.

Deploy the technology so you can be responsive.

You should deploy solutions using agile methods so
that you can rapidly respond to sales and customer Technology isn’t a panacea for digital transfor-
feedback. The traditional waterfall approach often mations in sales. It is a core component of a holistic
results in lost momentum and in a solution that is change program that requires effective and
not in tune with customer needs. deliberate management. But sales organizations
that find that balance can deliver massive value to
Invest in a “transformation structure.” Your their businesses.
technology investments need to be tracked and
managed as a major change initiative. Sales and
customer training is critical to ensure adoption. 1
“How B2B digital leaders drive five times more revenue growth
Granularity in performance management linking than their peers,”, October 2016.

Venkat Atluri is a senior partner in McKinsey’s Chicago office, where Satya Rao is a partner and Andrew J.
Wong is a consultant.

Copyright © 2018 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

Why tech-enabled go-to-market innovation is critical for industrial companies—and what to do about it 44
Photo credit: Getty Images

How disruptive technologies are

opening up innovative opportunities
in services
Barathram Ananthakrishnan, Venkat Atluri, Harsha Krishnamurthy, and Senthil Muthiah

Technology and advanced analytics are revolutionizing services—

and creating new sources of value for industrial companies that
know how to use them. Here’s a roadmap that works.

In search of sustainable ways to grow, industrial The proliferation of connected devices and
companies are turning to their vast installed base as sensors, coupled with a thousand-fold increase in
a source of recurring revenues and profits. Revenues computing power over the past decade, is opening
from servicing, especially aftermarket services and up new ways to deliver services and interact with
parts, are generally more stable than those from customers (Exhibit 1). For instance, the IoT (broadly
equipment sales and have shorter lead cycles, so defined as a combination of sensors, analytics,
they offer a way to counter the cyclical nature of and connectivity) allows industrial companies to
capital investments. In some subsectors, such as flow monitor equipment health remotely and develop
control, services tend to generate higher margins new commercial offerings, such as outcome-
than equipment sales. What’s more, pursuing new based contracts in industries with high downtime
servicing opportunities can transform a company’s costs. Industrial companies have started building
relationship with its customers by giving it deeper technology-enabled capabilities to take advantage
insight into how its products are used. of these opportunities. United Technologies, for

46 McKinsey & Company

EXHIBIT 1 Disruptive trends are reshaping servicing

Key trends Description Impact

• By 2025, 50% Digital offerings • Use devices that accurately report reason for failure
of workers will led by IoT, AA, to reduce diagnostic time 10–25%
be freelance • Use augmented and virtual technology to help reduction in mean
technicians complete complex repairs more quickly time to repair

• By 2035, 40% 5–20%

of productivity Workforce as a service • Workforce is available whenever and wherever
reduction in
improvements needed to help reduce spend on full-time employee
labor cost
will be driven
by AI Dynamic dispatching • Use dynamic dispatching to reduce idle time and improvement in
improve field technicians’ productivity productivity
• By 2021, the 30–40%
Reactive to proactive • Next-generation digital, analytics, and IoT tools
augmented- reduction in mean
service support shift from reactive to proactive service
reality market time to repair
will reach $108
billion Proactive fulfillment of • Anticipate service needs before incident and 10–20 pp
customer needs reduce unplanned downtime improvement in

instance, acquired analytics firm Predikto in 2018 Where the value lies
to enhance its predictive-maintenance offerings and Our analysis has identified a pool of approximately
scale its digital and analytics capabilities. $40 billion to $110 billion in revenue growth and $40
billion to $60 billion in margin expansion that could
Many other companies are starting to apply be captured through tech enablement in industrial
advanced analytics (AA) and digital tools to derive services globally (Exhibit 2). This value comes from
instantaneous insights into field operations and use four main sources: a 1 to 3 percent revenue uplift
them to optimize deployment in real time through from cross-selling, upselling, and new business
techniques such as dynamic field dispatching and models; a 3 to 10 percent increase in service revenue
remote servicing. These technologies are allowing from smarter pricing of aftermarket parts and
industrial companies to deliver a step change in services; and a 20 to 30 percent reduction in field-
impact through improved technician productivity, service personnel costs from optimizing demand and
reduced mean time to repair, and higher customer labor management.
A few leading companies are already achieving
Below, we outline the enormous opportunities that considerable success from efforts like these.
tech-enabled servicing opens up, consider the value One OEM reduced troubleshooting steps for its
potential it unlocks, describe what a successful technicians by 50 percent and increased first-time
approach looks like, and review the steps leaders can fixes by 15 percent, enabling it to cut costs and
take to begin their servicing transformation. increase market share. And an industrial-technology

How disruptive technologies are opening up innovative opportunities in services 47

EXHIBIT 2 The value from tech enablement in servicing varies by industry segment

Revenue growth Margin expansion

$ billions $ billions

Automotive1 18–49 15–21

mobility2 5–14 ~1

5–13 2–5

industrials 26–36
& semi- 13–36

Total 41–112 44–63

Whole value chain including tier-one suppliers, automotive OEMs, and dealers
Commercial vehicles and off-highway equipment (e.g., for construction and agricultural use) including tier-one suppliers, equipment
manufacturers, and dealers and distributors
Includes tier-one suppliers and equipment manufacturers
Includes industrials, food processing and handling, motion and controls, industrial automation, and electrical, power, and test equipment
across the value chain: component suppliers, equipment manufacturers, distributors, VARs, engineering and services providers, and
product companies

provider that turned its field force into a lead- while in others aftermarket revenue was virtually
generation engine saw five to ten percentage points nonexistent.
of incremental revenue growth.
An innovative approach to servicing
The scale of servicing opportunities is best assessed With a successful tech-enabled service strategy, a
by lifetime value, defined as the total revenue an company can not only gain a deeper understanding
OEM can receive from servicing its installed base. of how customers use its products but also increase
When McKinsey analyzed aftermarket lifetime the number of customer touchpoints, giving it
value in more than 40 Fortune 500 companies more opportunities to explore and respond to
ranging from wind-turbine providers to truck customer needs. Our experience of working with
manufacturers, we found striking variations from dozens of industrial companies on technology
one subsector to another (Exhibit 3).1 In some transformations shows that new value can be
industries the lifetime value of the aftermarket created from all parts of the servicing process:
was almost equal to the price of the initial product, managing customer demand, optimizing field labor,

48 McKinsey & Company

EXHIBIT 3 Service revenues vary widely by sector

Equipment Aftermarket = Product lifetime x Lifetime x Average annual

lifetime value penetration2 service

% Years % % of sales price

turbines 75% 20–50 years 29–77% 4–6%

Helicopters 53% 18 years 32% 4%

Data 43% 4–5 years 70–80% 10–15%


Electric 35% 20 years 21–27% 7%


Wind 34% 25 years 78% 1~3%


Heavy-duty 30% 10 years 21–42% 107–367


16% 13 years 42% 4–10%

Mainly reflects spare parts
Lifetime penetration is a function of attach rate, and typically shows wide variation between industries

SOURCE: Aditya Ambadipudi, Alexander Brotschi, Markus Forsgren, Florent Kervazo, Hugues Lavandier, and James Xing, “Industrial
aftermarket services: Growing the core,”, July 2017

managing parts, and delivering superior customer as aviation, renewable energy, and mining—have
experience (Exhibit 4). started to adopt IoT-enabled condition monitoring
to prevent asset breakdowns, but few OEMs as yet
Managing customer demand have the infrastructure and technology to offer their
Traditionally, the difficulty of predicting and customers monitoring services.
managing customer demand has led to high
equipment downtime and poor service. Two Leading companies are using four methods to
drivers of this unpredictability are the limited use manage customer demand more actively:
of scheduled servicing and the low penetration of
condition-based monitoring, in which equipment ƒƒ Remote monitoring. By taking advantage of
is monitored while in operation. Industries vary in IoT and real-time connectivity, companies can
their approach to scheduled servicing, but out-of- continuously monitor the health of individual
warranty assets typically suffer lower adoption and assets and entire facilities to predict potential
more unplanned repairs. A few industries—such problems and manage demand. For instance,

How disruptive technologies are opening up innovative opportunities in services 49

EXHIBIT 4 The value in servicing comes from four main sources.

Sources of value Examples of digital levers and enablers

customer demand Flexible asset-
Remote monitoring Predictive specific planned Upstreaming and
and notifications maintenance repairs remote resolution

field labor
Flexible workforce Dynamic dispatch Next-generation Performance
management optimization diagnostics management 2.0

Managing parts

Predictive demand Virtual parts depot and Network and logistics Dynamic parts
forecasting real-time inventory management pricing

Delivering superior
experience Digitized
Lead generation and Churn and retention Digital self-serve order-to-cash
management management applications process

makers of heating, ventilation, and air ƒƒ Upstreaming and remote resolution. After
conditioning systems can connect remotely to identifying issues through remote monitoring,
building-management systems to evaluate the companies can use digital and analytic tools
performance of their equipment. By connecting to automate delivery and support services,
data from meters, sensors, and control panels dispatching field technicians promptly to jobs
and adding an AA-driven intelligence layer on when they are needed and reducing service-
top of existing building-management systems, delivery costs and inefficiencies. One company
they can continuously monitor and model saw demand for simple repairs fall by 17 percent
energy usage and provide recommendations for after using technologies such as automated
appropriate energy-saving measures. The IoT incident-resolution systems to provide remote
specialist Enlighted has taken this approach support for some 23 percent of service calls.
a step further by using its lighting sensors to
identify occupied and unoccupied spaces and ƒƒ Predictive maintenance. A few companies
offering innovative space-utilization services. are taking asset productivity to new levels by

50 McKinsey & Company

applying advanced analytics to an array of are also taking advantage of data and analytics
structured, unstructured, machine-based, and to move from milestone-based maintenance
nonmachine-based data to predict when and to condition-based maintenance with tailored
how equipment may fail. They use insights from planned-maintenance schedules.
this process to optimize the time their technical
help desk spends resolving issues and to deploy Optimizing field labor
field technicians more efficiently. One oil-and- Although field labor represents the largest share
gas equipment manufacturer reduced downtime of cost in most service organizations, it is often
from its gas compressor by 70 percent through undermanaged. Companies have little or no visibility
such an approach. into employees’ work or schedules, resulting in
wasted time, poor service, and lost revenue. In one
ƒƒ Planned maintenance. Industrial companies industrial OEM, we found that more than 40 percent
are also using technology to combine repairs of a typical technician’s working day was wasted,
that would previously have been performed with two to three hours of idle time, up to an hour of
separately on different schedules. When an asset unnecessary driving time, and one to two hours of
is down, they use analytics to diagnose other avoidable visits. Few companies codify knowledge
potential problems, allowing the technicians in effectively, and a customer’s service experience often
attendance to perform unscheduled repairs and depends more on the technician than the company.
thereby reduce unplanned demand. Companies

EXHIBIT 5 A one-stop solution helps field techs manage service requests

They can monitor
their performance
1 through KPI
Field techs receive
job notifications
from customers
through a dispatch
app, and can They have ready
manage leads. access to info on
customer site,
asset, and repair
They use a parts-
app to ensure they
They use a
have the parts they
need before they
arrive at the
agement tool to
resolve repairs.

How disruptive technologies are opening up innovative opportunities in services 51

Four practices can help companies to optimize field Exhibit 5 can help field techs schedule service
productivity: requests, check that they have the right parts,
and understand the root causes of a breakdown.
ƒƒ Flexible workforce management. To ensure Some automotive OEMs have begun to diagnose
sufficient capacity and enable effective demand issues remotely using telematics signals sent
forecasting and schedule planning, companies from vehicles. A central team uses the signals to
are using digital tools that connect demand and give technicians a preliminary diagnosis, saving
supply in real time. By using digital scheduling them time and reducing wait time for spare
tools to seamlessly manage an efficient mix of parts.
internal workers and subcontractors, companies
can be responsive to customer needs without ƒƒ Performance management 2.0. Robust
incurring large fixed costs. One industrial- performance management helps companies
services company estimates incident rates pinpoint where service labor needs
and service volumes with the help of real-time improvement. By combining optimized
external data feeds such as weather patterns, scheduling with technology-driven process
then uses this expected demand to schedule improvements, they can improve wrench
appropriate workforce capacity. Another time (the time a technician spends actually
industrial company that introduced flexible performing necessary tasks). One industrial
scheduling was able to reduce overhead company introduced real-time dashboards
by $35,000 per technician and cut overall with granular data and was able to boost field
technician costs by 50 percent. productivity in its regions by 7 to 20 percent.

ƒƒ Dynamic dispatch optimization. In our Managing parts

experience, field-management systems rarely A badly managed spare-parts operation can not only
provide accurate visibility, and job-booking hurt revenue but also damage customer satisfaction
allocations seldom reflect task times. It’s not and loyalty. When a part required for a repair or
unusual to see more than a third of each day lost service isn’t available, repair time increases, the
through late starts, early finishes, and other customer’s experience is poor, and future revenue
unproductive time. By using sensor data and from that customer may be jeopardized. Getting
fleet telematics to track technicians’ schedules a part shipped to the repair point causes delay;
in real time, companies can add 20 to 30 percent meanwhile, technicians get reassigned to other tasks
to the working day. One leading telecom provider and the job goes to the back of the queue, often taking
introduced an automated job scheduler that days to complete. When a part isn’t essential to a
allocates technicians all their jobs for the day repair or service, not having it in stock could mean
and adjusts their schedules dynamically to the company loses revenue—and upselling and cross-
maximize productive use of time. selling opportunities as well—if the customer doesn’t
return to buy it later.
ƒƒ Next-generation diagnostics. To perform a
robust diagnostic, technicians need the right Companies optimizing parts management tend to
tools. Ideally, a diagnostic kit would cover model focus on four areas:
year, repair history, customer questionnaire,
suggestions for diagnosis, detailed problem- ƒƒ Predictive demand forecasting. Most demand-
solving manuals, and lists of parts needed. A management systems still rely on historical sales
mobile one-stop solution like that illustrated in patterns, but the introduction of technologies

52 McKinsey & Company

such as radio-frequency identification (RFID) industrials distributor, we found that using
alongside big data and advanced analytics allows analytics to manage stock at the level of SKUs
companies to move to predictive forecasting and repair points increased stock-on-shelf by
instead. By anticipating when an event is likely more than 50 percent.
to happen and predicting what parts will be
required when it does, companies can increase ƒƒ Network and logistics management.
first-time fix rates and improve customer Supporting a distributed field organization
satisfaction. requires a well-managed fleet, something
companies often struggle to achieve. To unlock
ƒƒ Virtual parts depot and real-time inventory. value, they need to harvest and integrate large
In a distributed field organization, the sheer sets of granular fleet data—GPS tracking,
size of the installed base and range of potential routing histories, and the like—that often go
repair locations makes inventory management untouched because of resource constraints or
challenging. One solution is to convert every the proliferation of data warehouses. In one
technician’s truck into a virtual repair location industrial OEM, we found that the use of digital
by combining predictive forecasting with a and analytics can typically reduce fleet costs
real-time inventory-management system that by 7 to 12 percent and spare fleet by 10 percent,
uses RFID or similar technologies to track the while improving availability by 5 to 10 percent.
parts carried by each technician. Companies
seeking real-time visibility of inventory and data ƒƒ Dynamic parts pricing. Another area where
across their network will need to invest in digital tech enablement helps companies create value
tools to keep track of inventory and advanced from parts management is pricing. Once a robust
analytics to support flexible allocation. In one technology infrastructure is in place, companies

EXHIBIT 6 A self-serve app gives customers transparency throughout the repair process

reports fault
and receives Equipment
that a field
tech has been
2 Customer gets live
Customer can
throughout the
interact with
repair process.
such as chat
bots to
schedule and
track services.

How disruptive technologies are opening up innovative opportunities in services 53

can apply advanced analytics to probe supply offers are most likely to help retain them. One
and demand at the level of individual parts industrial company aggregated data from
and introduce dynamic pricing. This involves contract, sales, product, and customer records
replacing standard prices with prices tailored into a data lake, mined it using advanced
to individual customers, locations, and parts or techniques, and then applied predictive
kits based on variables such as price elasticity, analytics to estimate churn and evaluate the
competition, product uniqueness, and customer effectiveness of personalized customer offers.
bargaining power. After introducing dynamic This enabled it to introduce a differentiated
pricing, some OEMs have been able to capture sales strategy that increased the attach rate for
pricing improvements approaching 10 percent. service contracts by 90 percent.

Delivering superior customer experience ƒƒ Digitized order-to-cash processes. Accurate

Great customer experience comes from delighting and timely billing is critical in servicing, yet
the customer at every stage in the service process, few companies do it well. Customers frequently
not just at one or two touchpoints. complain about inaccurate billing and
unresponsive customer service. Companies
Companies that excel at customer experience can address these challenges by adopting
use tech-enabled capabilities in three areas in technologies such as robotic process automation
particular. to manage tasks across the order-to-cash
ƒƒ Digital self-service applications. One of the
biggest pain points for industrial customers is an Getting started
opaque servicing process that leaves them with Growing service revenues through technology
unanswered questions: What is the problem with enablement requires different approaches
their equipment? What caused it, and how can it in different circumstances, but all industrial
be prevented in future? What is the breakdown companies would do well to take a few basic steps:
of the service cost? Which stage has servicing
reached? When will it be finished? Through a ƒƒ Don’t solve complex data problems; find
combination of sensors, GPS technology, app- simpler ways to get the data you need.
enabled field technicians, and digital check-in For companies with disparate systems
and checkout tools, industrial companies can and a distributed workforce, building a
now keep customers informed of progress and comprehensive, reliable data source is no
any changes to plan through automatic updates. mean feat. Service data is often unstructured,
Exhibit 6 illustrates a reimagined customer and integrating data from multiple sources is
experience in which digital and mobile tools difficult. Some companies compromise by using
provide visibility at every step in the service partial or observational data. But advanced
process. data-extraction technologies and data lakes
now allow companies to build a rich granular
ƒƒ Churn and retention management. As in database in a matter of weeks, while cheap data
any industry, it costs much more to acquire storage enables them to store data in any format
a new customer than to retain an old one. or volume indefinitely. Thus equipped, they can
By analyzing data across multiple customer rapidly analyze granular data at low cost and in a
touchpoints, industrial companies can predict scalable manner.
which customers are at risk of churn and which

54 McKinsey & Company

ƒƒ Define technology-enabled service offerings. ƒƒ Balance cost with customer experience using
Develop a deeper understanding of your end digital tools. Field technicians usually represent
customers’ economics at subsegment level across the lion’s share of costs and offer the greatest
your business units, brands, and revenue and scope for improvement. Develop initiatives such
profit pools. Segment service needs and identify as real-time tracking tools to drive dynamic
where technology could be a key differentiator. dispatching, optimize time-and-task and
Design a service strategy that uses data first-time-fix rates, and reduce performance
generated—now or in the future—by the variability through granular analytics. Enhance
installed base for your equipment. To craft a new customer experience by offering more self-help
value proposition, create technology-enabled capabilities.
offerings for both your customers (such as
remote monitoring) and your field technicians ƒƒ Follow a phased approach with a clear
(such as digital diagnostic tools). roadmap that ties technology to your service
strategy. Adopt a two-speed approach to
ƒƒ Enhance your digital, analytics, and technology: quickly deploy capabilities that
technology capabilities. Taking into account support the customer experience while you
your customers’ needs and your technicians’ work methodically to integrate back-end
pain points, work out which capabilities you functions. Rapidly pilot new tools and analytics,
require, which you have already, which you need and refine your technology roadmap as you go.
to develop, and how differentiated you are from Schedule the rollout of initiatives, the high-level
competitors. Form an integrated view of the investment plan, and quick wins. Determine
capabilities you need, and build them in phases. what performance-management mechanisms
Look at the broader technology ecosystem, you need to sustain impact.
evaluate data and analytics solution providers,
and partner with them where necessary.

ƒƒ Integrate your commercial strategy across field

tech, inside sales, and direct sales channels. The next wave of service transformation is here,
Tailor your sales approach to drive aftermarket and it is being driven by technology. Industrial
sales. Provide incentives for sales teams to drive companies that can fundamentally reimagine
services as well as OEM projects. Equip sales service technology as a core component will be well
support staff with analytics tools to help them positioned to achieve above-market growth and
mine your installed base for leads and drive superior cost position.
contract renewals. Reward field technicians
for parts revenues and sales leads, and enhance 1
See also Aditya Ambadipudi, Alexander Brotschi, Markus
their digital tools so they can easily pass leads on Forsgren, et al., “Industrial aftermarket services: Growing the
to commercial teams. core,”, July 2017.

Barathram Ananthakrishnan is a consultant in McKinsey’s Chennai office; Venkat Atluri is a senior partner
in the Chicago office, where Harsha Krishnamurthy is an associate partner; and Senthil Muthiah
is a partner in the Boston office.

Copyright © 2018 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

How disruptive technologies are opening up innovative opportunities in services 55

Running the
Photo credit: Getty Images

How bots, algorithms, and artificial

intelligence are reshaping the future
of corporate support functions
Alexander Edlich, Fanny Ip, and Rob Whiteman

Industrial companies are discovering additional sources of value in

applying advanced technology to general and administrative support
functions. The results can be impressive for businesses that can
adapt to the disruption of legacy systems.
As advanced industrial companies continue to algorithms. Our experience shows that companies
grow, support functions are coming under more and following a systematic approach to tech-enabled
more pressure to deliver value, manage complexity, transformation can reap substantial efficiency gains
and reduce cost. Many organizations have already in their general and administrative (G&A) functions.
tapped the potential of traditional levers such as The resources freed up in this way can then be
centralization, offshoring, and outsourcing. To deployed in more valuable activities such as business
succeed, today’s leaders are turning to digital counseling and scenario analysis. This article
solutions and automation to improve performance explores: the value that can be created through
and reduce costs across finance, human resources, tech enablement in administrative functions;
and IT. looks at real-life examples from finance, HR, and
IT; considers key success factors; and suggests
As technologies such as robotic process automation how companies can make the best start on their
(RPA) mature, an increasing amount of the work transformation journeys.
done by people will be transferred to bots and

57 McKinsey & Company

Sources of value the region of $60 to $120 billion globally, albeit
Today’s better, faster, and cheaper technology is set with considerable variation between segments
to reshape support functions—and will do so without (Exhibit 1). Although the direct cost savings may
the years of pain often associated with traditional appear small when compared with those in areas
tech initiatives such as enterprise resource planning such as procurement or manufacturing, McKinsey
systems. Early results in other industries show that analysis indicates that a company’s ability to
companies can achieve 5 to 10 percent cost savings in deliver productivity improvements in G&A is one
as little as 18 to 24 months, with long-term savings of of the biggest predictors of its ability to outperform
more than 30 percent. its industry in total returns to shareholders.
Approached in the right way, then, automating
Across the advanced industrial sector, the median routine G&A tasks through a tech-enabled
spend on G&A expenses accounts for 4 to 8 percent transformation can deliver substantial impact to the
of revenue. Our estimates indicate that the value whole organization.
that could be created from tech enablement is in

EXHIBIT 1 The value from tech enablement in G&A activities varies by industry sub-segment

Margin expansion
$ billions

Automotive1 24-50

mobility2 4-8


& semi- 31-56

Total 63-121

Whole value chain including tier 1 suppliers, automotive OEMs, and dealers
Commercial vehicles and off-highway equipment (e.g., for construction and agricultural use) including tier 1 suppliers, equipment
manufacturers, and dealers and distributors
Includes tier 1 suppliers and equipment manufacturers
Includes industrials, food processing and handling, motion and controls, industrial automation, and electrical, power, and test equipment
across the value chain: component suppliers, equipment manufacturers, distributors, VARs, engineering and services providers, and product

How bots, algorithms, and artificial intelligence are reshaping the future of corporate support functions 58
Modernizing the finance function of the opportunity requires advanced cognitive
At many organizations, the finance function is automation technologies such as machine-learning
beginning to evolve toward a more integrated algorithms and natural-language tools.
consultative model that supports value-based
decision making. However, companies often have At one company that was trying to verify whether
difficulty devoting enough attention to the analysis employees were reporting vacation time accurately,
required to support this model because of the the internal audit function developed an algorithm
demands of day-to-day transactional activities. that compared declared vacation days with data
The sheer scale of these activities makes them ripe from badge swipes and computer-usage data.
for automation: in fact, our analysis shows that 27 Another company reengineered every part of its
percent of finance activities could be automated record-to-report process by redesigning activities
using technologies already available (Exhibit and organizational structures around a portfolio
2).1 About a third of this opportunity could be of technologies. Managers introduced RPA for
captured using basic technologies such as robotic tasks such as preparing journal entries and applied
process automation (RPA), a type of general- machine learning to reconcile differences between
purpose software that can sit on top of existing accounting records. Having demonstrated that
IT systems. Capturing the remaining two-thirds natural-language tools could be successfully
deployed to produce report commentary, the

EXHIBIT 2 Many sub-functions in finance can be automated using current technologies. . .

Lorem ipsum

Potential for automation using proven technologies

Capturable using current technologies1 Technically automatable but difficult to capture technologies2 Not automatable using current technologies

Proportion of tasks within the sub-function, %

General accounting operations 35 61 4

Revenue management 31 62 7
Cash disbursement 31 63 6
Financial planning and analysis 23 56 21
Financial controlling and external 25 59 16
Audit 19 50 31
Treasury 23 53 24
Tax 26 55 19
External relations 18 40 42
Business development 15 41 44
Risk management 21 52 27
Finance as a whole 27 57 16

Taking into account the relative complexity and expense of different types of automation technology: robotic process automation, machine
learning, smart workflows, cognitive agents, and natural-language processing
Because of investment requirements and technological complexity

59 McKinsey & Company

company has redesigned processes to enable this Optimizing workforce deployment
technology to be introduced later. Overall, the (Human Resources)
company expects to see cost savings of 35 percent As expectations evolve, HR needs a tech-enabled
over the next two years from implementing its transformation of its own. The possibilities are
automation road map. legion (Exhibit 3). Bots can act as a “third arm” for
the HR organization by supporting transactional
As the finance function becomes the hub for activities such as time collection, payroll, and
enterprise data, automation efforts need not be record keeping. Activities such as talent sourcing
limited to finance processes alone. One agricultural offer huge scope for algorithm-based technologies.
equipment manufacturer successfully automated Meanwhile, conversational AI platforms such as
its sales and operations planning process by turning chatbots and cognitive agents are beginning to
a handful of data scientists loose on financial and manage inquiries previously handled by HR service
operational data managed within the finance centers including benefits administration and
function. By introducing machine algorithms record-keeping activities. Such platforms provide
into the process, the company not only improved 24/7 coverage and operate alongside the human
efficiency but also enhanced its ability to react to workforce.
natural business cycles.

EXHIBIT 3 . . . as can many sub-functions in HR. . .

Potential for automation using proven technologies

Capturable using current technologies1 Technically automatable but difficult to capture2 Not automatable using current technologies

Proportion of tasks within the sub-function, %

Strategy, planning, and policy 16 46 38

Compensation planning and 17 52 31
performance management
Organizational development 18 44 38
Talent sourcing and recruiting 22 56 22
Learning and development 20 57 23
Employee, community, and
services 22 55 23
Benefits administration 26 68 6
Time collection, attendance, 31 67 2
and payroll
Record keeping and reporting  29 67 4
Safety and health 23 67 10
Labor relations 17 43 40
HR as a whole 22 55 23

Taking into account the relative complexity and expense of different types of automation technology: robotic process automation, machine
learning, smart workflows, cognitive agents, and natural-language processing
Because of investment requirements and technological complexity

How bots, algorithms, and artificial intelligence are reshaping the future of corporate support functions 60
Finally, predictive analytics can be used to improve Building a scalable technology
hiring, retention, and succession planning. One backbone
company undergoing a restructuring was trying In addition to supporting the deployment of
to identify promising employees to lead its new automation technologies in other functions, IT
organization, but found that HR and company data can take advantage of bots and algorithms in its
was scattered across the enterprise. Using machine- own operations (Exhibit 4). Our analysis shows, for
learning capabilities, the company aggregated example, that 40 to 80 percent of the basic activities
demographic, performance, and organizational data required to resolve service desk tickets can be
to identify the key drivers of employee performance, automated through RPA and related technologies.
identify the individuals with the greatest potential,
and find roles in which they would succeed. When one company analyzed incident tickets, for
Leaders then transformed the recruiting process instance, it found that between 25 and 35 percent of
to focus on early markers of success and redeploy them were requests for “password reset” or “access.”
talent in new roles. These measures enabled the To resolve these tickets, it introduced RPA bots
company to achieve improvements of 80 percent that connect with multiple applications via the user
in the conversion of new recruits, 26 percent in interface or application programming interfaces. By
productivity, and 14 percent in net income. adopting automated ticket resolution, the company

EXHIBIT 4 . . . and many sub-functions in IT

Potential for automation using proven technologies

Capturable using current technologies1 Technically automatable but difficult to capture2 Not automatable using current technologies

Proportion of tasks within the sub-function, %

Application development 20 55 25

Application maintenance 26 66 8

Application hosting 25 62 13

Network services 18 50 32

End-user services 25 62 13

Management support and

systems 19 43 38

IT as a whole 22 55 23

Taking into account the relative complexity and expense of different types of automation technology: robotics process automation, machine
learning, smart workflows, cognitive agents, and natural-language processing
Because of investment requirements and technological complexity

61 McKinsey & Company

instantly freed up employee capacity and reduced Decentralize governance. Traditional
outsourcing contract costs for helpdesk support, as transformation efforts tend to follow centralized
well as reducing resolution times and improving models, but technology-enablement programs favor
performance. Alternatively, service desk automation decentralized options. In our survey, respondents
tools exist that support automation of repeatable from successful organizations were more likely than
IT operations workflows such as user provisioning, peers to say their functions or business units were
password resets, and event log monitoring. accountable for delivering automation efforts, with
or without support from a central team. Conversely,
Similar use cases exist in areas such as application less successful organizations were more than twice
testing, data migration, and network administration. as likely as successful ones to say a central team had
Automating transactional activities like these can sole responsibility for delivering automation.
enable IT to free up capital and resources to focus
on strategic activities such as modernizing ERP Ensure IT is involved. Automation programs stand
platforms, migrating to the cloud, and developing or fall by the engagement of the IT function. The IT
new digital solutions for the business. teams at successful organizations are more likely to
have automated their own processes and taken part
Lessons learned in capturing value in initial discussions and planning for automation
Even the most successful companies face projects prior to the pilot stage. Among advanced
challenges in capturing value from tech-enabled industrial companies, 69 percent of successful
transformations. We have identified a few common organizations involved IT early in the automation
keys to success from automation leaders’ responses planning process.
to our recent survey:
Internalize costs and benefits. Leaders of successful
Make automation a strategic priority. Organizations efforts had a deep understanding of the total cost
whose automation efforts prove successful are more of ownership for automation projects. Across all
likely than others to have designated automation programs, the most common benefit cited was
as a strategic priority.2 Among advanced industrial reduced costs.
companies, about three-quarters of successful
automation programs had been prioritized as part of Prioritize workforce management. Many large
the strategic-planning process. organizations predict their companies will face
automation-related skill gaps in the future;
Deploy automation technologies systematically. successful organizations make addressing this gap
Whether companies achieve success through one of their top five priorities. They also agree that
traditional top-down deployment or flexible agile acquiring employees with the right skills is their
methods, following a systematic rather than ad hoc biggest automation-related challenge in the next
approach is vital. Our survey found robotic process three years.
automation to be the most commonly adopted
automation technology. In addition, successful How to get started
companies were more likely than others to cite A tech-enabled G&A transformation journey
the use of advanced technologies such as machine typically involves three phases: start-up, launch,
learning, cognitive agents, and natural-language and scale.
processing to supplement RPA.

How bots, algorithms, and artificial intelligence are reshaping the future of corporate support functions 62
Start-up preparation and design through to build, test,
In this first phase, a company typically tackles: and refine.

Assessment and roadmap. To decide which sub- IT support. Even when sprints are led by other
functions, processes, and locations will benefit functions, involving IT early is critical to securing
most from tech-enabled transformation, start with the right infrastructure and environment and
a clear understanding of your organization and standardizing processes for deployment and
the activities it performs. Assess the potential for maintenance. Successful leaders establish clear lines
automation by combining top-down analysis with of accountability between functions, automation
task-by-task validation, then use your findings to resources, and IT support groups to avoid confusion.
inform decisions about which technologies to invest
in and where to deploy resources. Finally, translate Center of excellence (CoE). Most companies
all this into a roadmap to guide your program. choose to set up a tech-enablement CoE to provide
governance, build capabilities, and maintain assets.
Proof of concept. To demonstrate feasibility and This will typically follow a centralized model
potential for impact, build a practical application initially with some development capacity embedded
such as a simple bot or algorithm in weeks, not in functions, before moving to a federated model as
months. This gives you early experience with the transformation matures.
technology and a chance to create presentations,
videos, and other communications to generate Scale
excitement for your broader program. In the last phase, transformations typically
Vendor selection. Selecting the right technologies
to support your transformation is a balancing act Additional sprints. Once you have conducted a few
between maintaining a simple architecture and sprints, it’s time to scale up systematically and
maximizing impact. Most companies start with an rapidly deploy technologies in further sprints. As
RPA platform and add complementary technologies each new process is deployed, maintenance and
such as business-process management or optical support teams can resolve issues and manage
character recognition within the first three to six changes while continuing to refine their support
months. More complex automation tools, such as model.
natural-language processing, are typically added
CoE scale-up. The speed at which you scale up
after about a year. Emerging technologies, such
your CoE depends on the number of opportunities
as cognitive agents, are usually confined to pilots
in your pipeline. As your program scales, the CoE’s
during the early stages of a transformation.
interaction model with other teams will evolve to
Launch shift more responsibilities to the business, and in
Areas of focus in the launch phase usually include: turn the business will start to undergo a culture
shift with employees seeing technology as a source
Domain sprints. Companies typically build of support, not competition. Ongoing capability-
solutions through multiple rapid, intense working building and change- management efforts will help
sessions or sprints. A sprint usually consists of five to build support for the new way of working.
or six use cases relating to a specific “domain”: a
sub-function, process, or location. Sprints employ
agile methods and follow standard IT phases from

63 McKinsey & Company

Fueled by the promise of productivity gains, journey, such as banking, while capitalizing on
technology-enabled transformations are beginning internal capabilities already embedded in the
to reshape the future of work in support functions. organization, such as lean.
Bots and algorithms are already at work alongside
humans, but adapting to the disruption can be
For details of the analysis, see Frank Plaschke, Ishaan Seth,
challenging even for an industry familiar with
and Rob Whiteman, “Bots, algorithms, and the future of the
physical automation. Even so, advanced industries finance function,” McKinsey & Company, January 2018.
are well positioned to capitalize on lessons from 2
“The automation imperative,” McKinsey & Company,
other industries that are further ahead in the September 2018.

Alexander Edlich is a senior partner in McKinsey’s New York office, Fanny Ip is an expert associate partner
in the Southern California office, and Rob Whiteman is a partner in the Chicago office.

Copyright © 2018 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

How bots, algorithms, and artificial intelligence are reshaping the future of corporate support functions 64
Our capabilities

McKinsey has built up a significant track record of driving impact across industrial companies
to transform their businesses and take advantage of the value from technology offers. Notably
our experience of 200+ digital and automation engagements in the last 3 years has spanned the
entire industrial value chain—from suppliers in industrials to larger OEMs—providing us with
a unique understanding of how to manage the dependencies and complexities of a successful
tech-enabled transformation.

We have developed a holistic set of use cases and tools to help our clients do three things:
1) rapidly identify the value from technology across a range of industrial companies; 2) deploy
the relevant technologies in an agile manner; and 3) manage the change and build capabilities
to realize and sustain the impact.

Our team

Venkat Atluri Kevin Goerig Senthil Muthiah

Evan Anderson Mark Huntington Andres Naranjo
Aamer Baig Christian Jansen Subu Narayanan
Yeon Baik Sarah Johnson Dragana Pajovic
Dilip Bhattacharjee Mithun Kamat Mark Patel
Michael Bogobowicz Richard Kelly Satya Rao
Ryan Brukardt Naufal Khan Melanie Roller
Frank Chu Harsha Krishnamurthy Saloni Sahni
Frank Coleman Eric Lamarre Christoph Schrey
Katya Defossez Inga Maurer Andrew J. Wong
Joe Dertouzos Nick Mellors Tilia Wong
Jeremy Eaton Bernhard Muhlreiter Rob Whiteman

Practice leaders

Kevin Dehoff (Americas Aerospace & Defense Leader), Asutosh Padhi (Global Advanced Industries
Leader), and Nick Santhanam (Americas Advanced Electronics Leader)

September 2018
Copyright © McKinsey & Company

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