Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Final

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Environmental and Process Risk Management - ENS5161.

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on Wheatstone LNG project ground

water EMP

Submitted to:

Dr Muhammad Rizwan Azhar

Submitted by:
Muhammad Zaeem (10583934)
Yashkumar Dilipbhai Khunt (10622695)
Ronakkumar viradiya(10616674)

Department of Engineering
Edith Cowan University
Date of Submission: 12/04/2023
1.1 Need of EIS:
2.1 Meeting Growing Energy Demand:
2.2 Economic Benefits:
2.3 Technological Advancements:
2.4 Supporting Renewable Energy:
2.5 Environmental Benefits:
3.1 Reducing Carbon Emissions:
3.2 Water Conservation:
3.3 Community Engagement and Development:
3.4 Biodiversity Conservation:
3.5 Sustainable Waste Management:
4.1 Location and Infrastructure:
4.2 Project Components:
4.2.1 Off-shore Facilities:
4.2.2 On-shore Facilities:
4.2.3 Pipelines & Exporting Facilities:
4.3 Operations and Maintenance:
5.1 Management Objective:
5.2 Description of Factor:
5.2.1 Hydro stratigraphy:
5.2.2 Conceptual Hydrogeology Model:
5.3 Assessment Framework:
5.4 Consequence Definitions:
5.5 Impact Assessment and Management:
5.5.1 Construction Earthworks - Dredge Material Placement Area:
5.5.2 Presence of Infrastructure:
5.5.3 Operational Spills and Leaks:
5.6 Implications for MNES:
5.7 Residual Risk Summary:
5.8 Projected Environmental Result:
This report provides an in-depth analysis of the Wheatstone Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project,
including its justification, sustainability, and environmental management plans. The Wheatstone
LNG project is a significant undertaking aimed at extracting and processing natural gas to meet
the increasing global energy demand, while minimizing environmental impacts and maximizing
economic benefits.

The is a combined project, predominantly being developed by Chevron Australia, which has a 65
percent stake in the project (Wheatstone Project, n.d.). The Wheatstone LNG project involves
building two LNG trains with a total annual capacity of twenty-five million tons, as well as
associated infrastructure such as a domestic gas plant with capacity for two hundred terajoule per
day, storage tanks, marine facilities, and Gas will be transported through a 225 km pipeline from
offshore fields to an onshore processing facility.

Gathered and partially processed by

offshore facilities, gas and related condensate are then brought onshore for additional processing.
A 73-meter-deep gas processing platform, as well as 225 kilometers of pipeline, will deliver gas
from the platform to the onshore plant at Ashburton North (Wheatstone Project, n.d.). The gas and
condensate are processed further once they are ashore at Ashburton North.

The Wheatstone Project has been designed to meet stringent environmental standards while
providing reliable energy supplies for domestic and international markets alike. To ensure that
these standards are met, Chevron has implemented a comprehensive Environmental Management
System (EMS), which includes all elements of their business, such as air quality, water and waste
management, and biodiversity conservation activities.

The local economy and ecology are anticipated to benefit from the Wheatstone LNG Project.
Once operational, the project is estimated to cut greenhouse emissions by hundreds of tons of CO 2
equivalent per year. The project is also expected to reduce water consumption and improve water
quality in the region.

The EIS for the Wheatstone LNG Project Figure 1: Location of Wheatstone LNG Project

includes a comprehensive suite of environmental management plans (EMPs) to address the

possible environmental effects of the project. The EMPs are designed to make sure that the
Wheatstone LNG Plan is developed and operated in a way that minimizes the potential impacts on
the environment.

1.1 Need of EIS:

An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is necessary due to the project's possible negative
effects on the environment and is to be prepared and submitted to the relevant authorities for
approval. The EIS process involves the gathering of data, evaluation, consultation with
stakeholders, and the forming of management plans to minimize potential environmental impacts.
The EIS process is a critical component of the project's approval process, and the project cannot
proceed without the approval of the relevant regulatory authorities.

One of the major reasons why an extensive Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required for
this project is the complexity and scale of operations. The Wheatstone LNG project involves a
multitude of interconnected components that span vast distances, both offshore and onshore. This
necessitates a thorough assessment of various aspects concerning the environment, safety, and
community engagement before commencement, throughout the life span of the project, and even
post-project activities such as decommissioning.

2.1 Meeting Growing Energy Demand: As the global population continues to grow and
economies develop, the demand for energy is expected to rise. The Wheatstone LNG Project
will help to meet this growing demand by producing LNG, a cleaner-burning fuel source that is
in increasing demand around the world.

2.2 Economic Benefits: The Wheatstone LNG Project is expected to generate significant
economic benefits for the local community and the wider region. It is estimated that the project
will create up to 7,000 jobs during the construction phase and up to 1,000 permanent jobs per
year for the operation of the facility (Wheatstone Project, n.d.). In addition, the project will
generate revenue for the state and federal governments through taxes and royalties. This
injection of funds into the local economy can have a significant multiplier effect, creating
further economic growth and development.

2.3 Technological Advancements: The Wheatstone LNG Project will utilize advanced
technologies to produce LNG in a safe and efficient manner. This will contribute to the
development of new technologies and expertise in the energy sector, which will have broader
benefits for the industry. The project requires major investment in R&D, as well as the training
and development of skilled workers. These investments will help to build capacity and
capabilities within the energy sector, which can be applied to other projects and industries.

2.4 Supporting Renewable Energy: The production of LNG can help to support the
integration of renewable energy sources into the energy system. LNG can be used to balance
intermittent sources of renewable energy, such as wind and solar, which can help to ensure a
reliable and secure energy supply. In addition, LNG can be used as a backup fuel source during
periods of high demand, such as during extreme weather events. This can help to ensure that
renewable energy sources are used as efficiently and effectively as possible, maximizing their
contribution to the energy system.

2.5 Environmental Benefits: The use of LNG as a fuel source has several environmental
benefits. When compared to traditional fossil fuels, LNG produces lower greenhouse gas
emissions, fewer particulate emissions, and lower levels of Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.
As such, the use of LNG can help to reduce air pollution and improve local air quality.

The Wheatstone LNG project has been designed with sustainability in mind, with a focus on
minimizing its environmental impact and maximizing the benefits to the local community. The
project has implemented various sustainability measures, including:

3.1 Reducing Carbon Emissions: The Wheatstone LNG Project is committed to reducing
carbon emissions and supporting the transition to a low-carbon energy system. The project will
produce LNG, which emits significantly less carbon dioxide than other fossil fuels. In addition,
the project's activities will be powered by green energy such as solar electricity. The project's
EIS estimates that over its lifetime, the project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
approximately 13000 tonnes per annum compared (Wheatstone Project, Vol I, 2010).

3.2 Water Conservation: The Wheatstone LNG Project is committed to conserving water
resources and minimizing its impact on local waterways. The project will use a closed-loop
cooling system, which will reduce its freshwater use by significant amount compared to
traditional open-loop systems. The project will also use treated wastewater for dust suppression
and other non-potable uses.

3.3 Community Engagement and Development: The Wheatstone LNG Project is

committed to engaging with local communities and supporting their development. The project
will provide training and employment opportunities for local workers, as well as support for
local businesses and suppliers. The project will also invest in community infrastructure and
programs to enhance social and economic development in the region. The project's EIS
estimates that during construction, the project will provide employment for up to 6,500 workers
(Wheatstone Project, Vol I, 2010), and during operation, the project will provide indirect jobs

3.4 Biodiversity Conservation: The Wheatstone LNG Project has a strong commitment to
biodiversity conservation and has implemented several measures to protect and enhance local
flora and fauna. These measures include habitat assessments, fauna surveys, and the
establishment of conservation areas. The project's EIS estimates that over its lifetime, the
project will protect over 3,100 hectares of land for conservation purposes. The project has also
worked with the Western Australian Department of Parks and Wildlife to establish a biodiversity
offset program to compensate for any residual impacts on biodiversity (Wheatstone Project, Vol
II, 2010).

3.5 Sustainable Waste Management: The Wheatstone LNG Project has implemented a
comprehensive waste management plan to ensure that waste generated during construction and
operation is managed in a sustainable manner. The project will minimize waste generation
through efficient design and construction practices and will reuse or recycle materials where
possible. Any waste generated that cannot be reused or recycled will be disposed of in a manner
that meets regulatory requirements. The project's EIS estimates that over its lifetime, the project
will generate approximately 2.5 million tonnes of waste, of which approximately 94% will be
reused or recycled.
This project is a major liquefied natural gas (LNG) development located on the western coast of
Australia. In this section, we will provide a detailed description of the project, including its
location and infrastructure, project components, and operations and maintenance.

4.1 Location and Infrastructure:

The Wheatstone LNG Project is located around seven and a half mile west of Onslow in WA’s
Pilbara region. The project site covers an area of approximately 800 hectares (Taylor Burrel
Barnett, 2012) and includes a processing plant, a gas supply pipeline, and export facilities.

The project site has excellent infrastructure, including the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas
Pipeline (DBNGP), which transports natural gas from the Carnarvon Basin to Bunbury in
Western Australia (Wheatstone Project, Vol I, 2010). The DBNGP traverses the project site
and provides the necessary gas supply for the Wheatstone LNG Project. The project also has
access to the nearby ports of Ashburton North and Cape Preston East, which provide the
necessary facilities for the export of LNG.

It also includes Installing a processing platform (Wheatstone Platform) linked to subsea,

setting up a compression platform and a trunkline to bring the gas and condensate to land from
the Wheatstone Platform. Infrastructure for power generating, water supply, product storage
facilities, domgas facilities, and pipeline(s) to transmit domestic gas to the DBNGP.

4.2 Project Components:

The Wheatstone LNG Project consists of the following components:

4.2.1 Off-shore Facilities:

Before being transported to the onshore plant for the processing of LNG and domgas, the
offshore facilities will provide access to and treatment of the gas and natural gas condensate
(condensate) deposits. These facilities are to be build from 70 to 300 meters deep in the sea
and around 35 of these well stations would be drilled throughout the project (Wheatstone
Project, Vol I, 2010). It is suggested that to ensure separation of the gas reservoir, a subsurface
safety valve be built in each well below the seabed. The feed gas flowlines will be used to
convey the production fluids to the WP.

The offshore facilities also include two 225-kilometre pipelines that transport the LNG to the
onshore LNG plant. The offshore platform is a steel jacket structure, which is 80 meters tall
and weighs approximately 22,000 tonnes. The platform houses the control room, living
quarters, and the processing equipment.

4.2.2 On-shore Facilities:

The onshore facilities include the LNG plant, storage tanks, marine loading facilities, and the
combined cycle gas-fired power plant. The project has yearly expected production volume of
25 million tons and consists of two liquefaction trains, each with a capacity of 4.45 MTPA
(Wheatstone Project, Vol I, 2010). The storage tanks can hold up to 180,000 cubic meters of
LNG, and the condensate tanks for marine loading facilities can load LNG onto ships up to
120,000 cubic meters in size (Wheatstone Project, Vol I, 2010). The project includes a
domestic gas plant with a capacity of 200 TJ/d. The plant processes natural gas to produce
domestic gas, which is then transported via the onshore pipeline to customers in Western

4.2.3 Pipelines & Exporting Facilities:

The pipelines are a critical component of the project, transporting the LNG from the sea
platform to the onshore LNG plant. The pipelines are approximately 225 kilometers in length
and have a diameter of 1.2m or 48 inches, The 25 km path descends from about 70 m to about
120 m, following the 110 m curve for the most part until 60 km from shore (Wheatstone
Project, Vol I, 2010). The project also includes export facilities, including two LNG storage
reservoirs with a capacity of 180,000 m3 each, a condensate storage tank with a volume of
120,000 m3 and a loading jetty capable of accommodating large LNG carriers.

4.3 Operations and Maintenance:

The Wheatstone LNG Project is operated by Chevron Australia Pty Ltd. The project is staffed
by a team of highly skilled professionals who are responsible for the safe and efficient
operation of the project's facilities. The project's operations are subject to strict regulatory
requirements, and the project has been designed to meet or exceed all applicable standards and
guidelines. The project's facilities are regularly inspected and maintained to ensure they
continue to operate safely and efficiently.

The groundwater around the Wheatstone LNG Project area is of vital importance due to its role in
supporting ecosystems, maintaining water balance, and serving as a source for domestic
consumption and industrial purposes. The project's EMPs address potential impacts on
groundwater quality and provide strategies to mitigate them.

5.1 Management Objective: The objective for the Environmental Management Plan
(EMP) of Groundwater EIS for the Wheatstone LNG project is to ensure that significant
detrimental impacts on the quality and quantity of groundwater resources are prevented or
minimized. This will be achieved through the implementation of effective measures to monitor,
manage, and mitigate potential adverse effects on groundwater systems during pre-construction,
construction, and operation stages of the project.

5.2 Description of Factor: The key factor in the development and implementation of the
Groundwater EMP is understanding the environmental risks assessments associated with
groundwater resources.

5.2.1 Hydro stratigraphy: It is the study of rock layers that serve as aquifers and control the
movement of water within them. The interpreted hydro stratigraphy consists of alluvial superficial
formations, Ashburton River Delta Alluvium, and Trealla Limestone.

5.2.2 Conceptual Hydrogeology Model: A conceptual model was constructed as part of the
groundwater investigation of Ashburton North, characterized by shallow water table conditions, as
well as salty to hypersaline groundwater habitats. Hydraulic properties of distinct hydro
stratigraphic entities involving effective transmissivity & vertical conductivity (Wheatstone
Project, Vol II, 2010).

More than maritime ANZECC limits, dissolved metals are discovered in groundwater samples
taken from most monitoring bores. These concentrations are thought to be typical of background
circumstances and correspond to the salt buildup in the nearby groundwater environment.

5.3 Assessment Framework: It is used for evaluating potential effects on groundwater

resources for the Wheatstone LNG Project involves:

 The ANZECC Guidelines are applicable to the regional groundwater conditions as it

naturally holds saline and hypersaline groundwater.
 Position Statement No. 8, 2005, outlines the EPA's responsibility in evaluating
environmental performance.
 Water shall be provided and managed in accordance with State-wide Policy No. 5, 2000,
which describes how to safeguard ecological values and promote sustainable development.
For habitats that depend on water, it encompasses the ideas of natural water requirements
and environmental water distribution.
 Water resources in Western Australia are governed by an Act, containing a permit to
change the bed and banks, a license to extract and manage water, and a license to build or
modify a well.
 State-wide Policy No. 19: According to the rules, the Department of Water may be
affected by planned projects in terms of the environment, other users, and water supplies.

5.4 Consequence Definitions: The Groundwater EMP for the Wheatstone LNG Project
defines consequences in terms of changes in groundwater quality and/or quantity. These
consequences are classified into several categories according to their potential impact on
environmental values:

 Negligible: No measurable impact on groundwater resources

 Minor: Short-term, localized changes to groundwater levels or quality, with the rapid
recovery of baseline conditions
 Moderate: Medium-term, localized changes to groundwater levels or quality that may
require some intervention for recovery of baseline conditions
 Major: Long-term, widespread changes to groundwater levels or quality that requires
significant intervention for recovery of baseline conditions
 Catastrophic: Permanent, irreversible loss of groundwater resources and/or extensive
degradation of regional aquifers

5.5 Impact Assessment and Management: The impact assessment and management
plans for groundwater in the Wheatstone LNG
project include measures to manage potential
impacts from construction earthworks - dredge
material placement area, the presence of
infrastructure, and operational spills and leaks:

5.5.1 Construction Earthworks - Dredge

Material Placement Area: The Project
reflects two placement alternatives for dredged
material, with the preferred pick being offshore
to reduce impacts to the terrestrial environment. Dredged material is placed ashore by
hydraulically moving it and dumping it into a designated placement location inside the Plant's
footprint. Figure shows the location of the onshore dredging material deployment area with up
to 10 mm3 of dredged material and 50 mm3 of saltwater dumped to land, dredging operations
generate seawater slurry with a solid to seawater ratio of 1:5 (Wheatstone Project, Vol II, 2010).

Seawater penetration has the potential to change the salinity profiles in the Ashburton River
Delta Alluvium and Dune Sands, resulting in the entry of residual salt into the water table. The
shallow groundwater is baseline hypersaline to saline, with salinities typically ranging from
20,000 to 400,000 mg/L in the Dune Sands and 50,000 to 200,000 mg/L in the Ashburton River
Delta Alluvium (Wheatstone Project, Vol II, 2010).

5.5.2 Presence of Infrastructure: It includes the construction of a Plant, collective

infrastructure corridor and housing facility to protect the processing premises from a 1 in a 100-
year flooding event (Wheatstone Project, Vol II, 2010). Barriers will be needed in the onshore
area to make ready the site for building and installation of infrastructure.

5.5.3 Operational Spills and Leaks: These can arise in the course of the Project's building,
installation, operating, and decommissioning phases brought on by pipeline or equipment
failure, as well as product handling and storage, chemical and fuel handling, and waste storage.
To minimize the risk associated with spills and leaks during operations, the project incorporates
spill response plans that include training of personnel in spill response techniques and the
maintenance of spill response equipment at key locations

5.6 Implications for MNES: The potential impacts on listed threatened species and
ecological communities are acknowledged throughout the EIS document. Wheatstone uses EMPs
concerning groundwater protection, ensuring that there will not be any adverse effects on these
Matters of National Environmental Significance.

5.7 Residual Risk Summary: Even with mitigation measures in place, residual risks to
groundwater resources can still exist. The EIS report acknowledges that there is a low likelihood
of significant impacts on water quality caused by potential spills or leaks from infrastructure
components. However, the implementation of best management practices and preventive
measures is essential to minimize any potential risks throughout the project's lifecycle.

5.8 Projected Environmental Result: Based on the analysis of potential impressions

on groundwater reserves and implementation of effective management practices, the predicted
environmental outcome for the Wheatstone LNG project is minimal. Groundwater levels, quality,
dependent ecosystems, and users can be maintained within acceptable limits throughout the life of
the project. No substantial or long-term changes are predicted with the controls and management
approach in place. Environmental values will be protected while still enabling sustainable

Overall, the EMPs aim to avoid, minimize, mitigate, and remedy impacts to groundwater through
diligent monitoring, predictive modelling, controlled management activities and contingency
response planning. Where impacts cannot be avoided altogether, management actions will reduce
consequences to minor or negligible levels such that there are no significant long-term effects on
groundwater resources or dependent environmental values. The EMPs demonstrate how
groundwater protection can be achieved to meet legislative requirements and community
expectations of a sustainable development.

1. Wheatstone Project. (n.d.). Chevron Australia.


2. Wheatstone Project. (2010, July). Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental

Review and Management Programme for the Proposed Wheatstone Project (Volume I).

3. Wheatstone Project. (2010, July). Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental

Review and Management Programme for the Proposed Wheatstone Project (Volume II).

4. Taylor Burrel Barnett. (2012, July). Wheatstone Development Plan. In Shire of Ashburton.
Assignment Topic: Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on Wheatstone LNG project (ground
water EMP)

Group members: Muhammad Zaeem(10583934), Yashkumar Dilipbhai Khunt (10622695), and

Ronakkumar viradiya (10616674)

1. What was your role (section in the report) in the group project?
My role was to do the initial research on the project, and I contributed to introduction and
project justification. Other than that, me and Yash, we helped Ronakkumar in 5
groundwater EMP, 5.1 Management Objective, 5.2 Description of Factor.

2. How did you and your group members communicate with each other during the

We made an online word file to complete the assignment, and all did their parts. For
discussion, we also made a group Whatsapp group.

3. Was everyone's contribution to the project equal? If not, what could have been done
to improve this?
Yes, everyone’s contribution was equal in this assignment. But later on we observed that
Ronakkumar has more area to cover so we helped him to cover that.

4. Overall, how do you feel about your group's performance on the project?
Overall, I feel good working with my group mates. I’ve learned a lot many things with

5. What would you do differently if you had to do this project again?

If I would be able to do it again, I would try to do it by gathering everyone at same place
and do it together. It might be hard to manage time, but I feel that by doing it in this way, it
is much more easier to deliver your idea face to face rather than by typing on Whatsapp

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