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black text
Flame PrincesS

of the black text
Flame PrincesS



Text (c)2016 Jeff Rients under exclusive license to Lamentations of the Flame Princess
First Edition, First Printing 2016
ISBN 978-952-5904-50-5 (PRINT) / 978-952-5904-51-2 (PDF)
Published by Lamentations of the Flame Princess
Printed in Finland by Otava Book Printing Ltd, Keuruu 2016
Lamentations of the Flame Princess is a registered trademark owned by James Edward Raggi IV

Author’s Introduction.......................................................................................... 4
RUNNING BROODMOTHER SKYFORTRESS........................................................... 6
Getting Up to the Skyfortress....................................................................... 12
Why the Heck Are We Going to the Skyfortress Anyway?....................... 14
Yo, Jeff! What if I Don’t Have a Campaign Yet?...................................... 16
THE MEMBERS OF THE BROOD........................................................................... 18
The Giants...................................................................................................... 19
The Broodmother / Big Momma.................................................................. 20
The Swordmaniac / Ol’ Beer Belly............................................................... 23
Chainmonster / The Brainbeast................................................................... 24
Vomitboy / The Slobbering Moron.............................................................. 27
The Runt......................................................................................................... 28
The Mad Maiden.......................................................................................... 30
The Terrible Twins........................................................................................... 32
Final Note on the Individual Giants............................................................. 34
STUFF YOU NEED TO WORK OUT BEFORE PLAY................................................ 37
Major Issue #1: What is Up With These Ding Dang Giants, Anyway?..... 39
Major Issue #2: Who Built This Crazy Place and Why?.............................. 49
Minor Issue: The Wretches in the Tunnels.................................................... 58
THE SKYFORTRESS............................................................................................... 61
Monster Placement Rules............................................................................ 62
Wandering Monster and Random Events Charts..................................... 64
Indoor Locations........................................................................................... 66
Outdoors Locations...................................................................................... 76
MONSTER STATS.................................................................................................. 84
Advanced Monster Stats............................................................................. 86
APPENDIX........................................................................................................... 95
What’s My Motivation?................................................................................ 96
Carousing..................................................................................................... 104
The Living Dungeon.................................................................................... 108
Twenty Quick Questions For Your Campaign Setting............................. 110
Old Schoolin’: How To Get Started........................................................... 116
Wandering Monsters................................................................................... 119
EXPloration................................................................................................... 122
More Morale, Please.................................................................................. 126
The awesome power of the 1st level magic user................................... 128
Plus Items vs. Plus Something or Better Critters........................................ 131
Simple Strength And Dexterity Alternatives............................................. 133
Wessex Henchmen / Hireling Rules........................................................... 136
How To Awesome-Up Your Players........................................................... 138
Grimoires Of Wessex................................................................................... 142

Howdy, my name is Jeff. Since time immemorial it has been the stan-
dard format in adventure modules to present themselves via an omni-
scient third person voice, as if you were receiving the gospel truth
about the module, handed down on high from some gaming Sinai.
The fact of the matter is that any adventure worth a darn is written by
one or more mostly normal humans who are Referees just like you. So
let’s save our imaginations for the game table and not pretend that I
am anything other than some guy sharing some adventure ideas.

In fact, we’re not even going to pretend that I am presenting a com-

plete, coherent adventure that’s ready-to-go for your table. Anyone
who claims that a published adventure is complete and ready for
your group is full of crap, or at least they don’t understand how a
good module needs a talented reader at least as much as it needs
a competent writer. You might think I’m sucking up to you or trying to
lower the bar for my own work here, but I’m not. The fact of the mat-
ter is that I’ve seen plenty of good Referees make gold out of a crap
module, but I’m not sure the inverse is doable; a great module can
only carry a weak Referee so far.

Maybe at this moment you are despairing, “But Jeff, I’m one of those
weak Referees you’re talking about!” Fret not! First of all, you are
probably a lot better at this than you think. Refereeing a role-playing
game is a socially daring hobby for a variety of reasons and that
leaves many, many Referees horribly self-conscious. I’ve been run-
ning games for over three decades (damn, I’m old!) and I still second
guess myself and get stage fright and all that malarkey. You just gotta
learn to ignore that part of your brain. That’s your social programming
trying to keep you mediocre.

And mediocrity is not what we’re shooting for here. Let me lay a
metaphor on you: imagine you are an astronaut. Remember when
being an astronaut was the coolest job in the world? I sure do, but
like I said above I’m getting old. Anyway, you’re the astronaut and
a successful session is you landing on the freaking Moon. With me
so far? This module is your spacecraft and I’m Mission Control. This
book exists solely to get you hopping craters and doing wheelies in a
space buggy. I’ll do everything in my power to advise and assist, but
only you can take that giant leap for mankind, you dig? You’re not

on your own here, but at the same time there’s only so much the text
and the author can get done for you. Your talent and preparation
and audacity have to be in play as well.

Now let’s get cracking at this ludicrous tale of a floating fortress, a

monstrous giant-queen and her bratty, unstoppable children!

- Jeff Rients
[email protected]

(Seriously, email me. Mission Control is always here to assist.)

[Publisher’s Note: As this adventure is written for the LotFP Weird Fantasy Role-Playing system, it is
on the silver standard where 1sp=1xp, and an unarmored human’s base Armor rating is 12, which
increases with better protection. Adjust as needed for your campaign.]

One of the biggest mistakes Referees make is falling in love with their
campaign setting. Maybe you’ve spent a lot of money on a big,
sprawling product series with multiple boxed sets and hardbound
books, investing hours and hours in parsing out that setting’s official
canon. Perhaps you’ve created a world from nothing, drawing upon
your own favorite fantasy fictions but sketching out your own maps,
developing your own cultures and recording your own histories. Or
maybe like me you’ve selected a little piece of the real world in a
certain time period and assumed magic was real back then, invest-
ing a lot of time and effort in researching the period in question.
All these are legit ways of undergirding a campaign, as is the tried-
and-true method of piecing together a campaign from whatever
modules you run.

The problem with all those boxed sets, homebrew worlds and re-
searched pseudo-histories is that we as Referees get it in our heads
that a campaign setting is a fixed thing. It’s not. We tend to treat
campaign worlds as nouns, when in fact they are verbs. Let’s go
back to the origin of the word “campaign” for just a moment. Our
ancestral historical miniatures enthusiasts and hex-and-counter
wargamers (the original “grognards” who were grumbling about us
role-playing whippersnappers as much as anything else) borrowed
the term from actual military usage. We can, for example, talk about
Hannibal’s campaigns against Rome, or the Napoleonic campaigns.
What we are describing here is a series of historical activities (battles,
troop movements, truce negotiations, etc.) that end up changing the
world. Hannibal’s campaigning against Rome left an indelible mark
on the history of this planet, yet sometimes we fantasy Referees tend
to assume that whatever the players are up to will have little or no
impact on the status quo of our fantasy world.

Or we make the opposite mistake and set the stakes too high, pitting
the party against some cosmic threat that will destroy the universe
if they fail. Then when they screw up near the end we flinch and
pull out some deus ex buttina* to try to keep the campaign from
imploding. Sure, your precious setting is saved but now your players
think you’re lame because some glowing golden Chosen One NPC
showed up and saved the day. That was their job, dammit!

(*That’s Latin for “I just pulled a god out of my butt to save this campaign. And also, I

For Broodmother Skyfortress I am proposing a middle ground between

setting idolatry and the risk of outright campaign annihilation. The
stakes of this adventure do not involve cosmic destruction or the
unleashing of a horde of rampaging demons or anything so grand.
But for this adventure to work, you as the Referee need to put some-
thing at risk, the way you know a poker player is serious when they
push some chips into the center of the table. The players put their
characters on the line every damn time they show up to play; it’s only
fair that once in a while you risk something besides the monsters and
NPCs you specifically designed for the party to beat up.

What I am asking you to do is to look over your campaign map, pick

out some interesting places and ask yourself the following question:

“What would happen if a bunch of giants

showed up here and wrecked up the place?”
If, like me, you are in love with your campaign setting then you may
need to take a deep breath at this point - especially since only one
wrecked place will not do the trick; for our purposes here you will
really need five or six good campaign features ripe for demolition. Do
yourself a favor and pick the places that make you ache when you
contemplate their destruction. That genuine pain will carry through
at the table and help you communicate the pathos of the loss of
the Last Faerie Circle or the Blue Boar Inn or whatever. Ideally, your
players will grok that this place wasn’t built specifically to be knocked
down; rather, Grim Fate has come to rest upon something even you,
the Referee, thought might stand for the rest of time.

Once you have your list of victim places selected, explore the idea of
loosing the Giants of the Skyfortress upon the location. Here are some
questions to ask yourself:

Can the location withstand attack by giantish bludgeons and

hurled boulders? Will it be completely smashed or mostly
damaged or relatively unscathed?

If the Giants attack by surprise at night, as is their wont, is

there any possibility of survivors or would visitors find nothing
but a collection of bloody smears?

What treasures might the Giants abscond with? Is there

anything they wouldn’t recognize as treasure that might be
ignored or accidentally destroyed?

Will a Giant attack set off a panic, resulting in more destruc-

tion and anarchy than the Giants themselves can create?
Will refugees flee to adjacent regions, causing additional
problems (crime, destruction of crops, overcrowding, spread
of disease)?

Thorough answers to some of these questions will require you to first

contemplate the options available in the Secrets of the Skybrood
section later in the adventure. Initially, all you need to do is get in
the habit of thinking about your campaign world as a place where
change is the norm. And one of those changes is a bunch of Giants
busting up your favorite little toys.

Once you have some ideas for places the Giants might pillage, look
over your maps and decide on the order these places will be at-
tacked. A simple way to do this would be to decide upon a general
direction the wind tends to blow across the whole map, so that the
easternmost location is targeted first, then the castle moves along to
the closest target west of that starting point. Or whatever.

For smaller campaign settings you might need a more haphazard
pattern with the Skyfortress zigzagging across the map, as the target
locations need to be at least 50 to 100 miles apart. If you can space
the targets out at least that much, then you can use rules for sailing
ships and the wind charts (LotFP Rules and Magic, pages 43-44) for
plotting out the Skyfortress’s movements. Do yourself a favor and note
down a place or two along each leg of the route where someone
might have noticed a cloud with some structure sitting atop it.

Once you have a route planned out and a timeline of Giant attacks,
you can place the PC party into that context. Figure out where the
PCs will be malingering when the Skyfortress attacks its first target. It
will take at least one day for every 48 miles between the party and
the attack before they learn about the event; the speed at which a
fast horse can carry a message. If the intervening terrain is rough and/
or they are in a backwater area that doesn’t receive news quickly,
the delay could be much longer. Perhaps the second or third attack
will have happened before the PCs are alerted to the menace of the
Skyfortress. That’s actually ideal, as it gives the party a trail of bloody
breadcrumbs to follow.

At some point prior to tackling the Skyfortress themselves, the party

will hopefully speak to a witness, someone who claims to be a wit-
ness, or at least someone who has heard about the attacks from
someone else. Accurate reports will be hard to come by, however, for
two reasons: These Giants are nocturnal predators so most eyewitness
accounts will be traumatic narratives combining darkness, flickering
shadows, blinding fire (if Giants go stomping about something is
bound to catch fire), screams, bloodbaths, and only partially-viewed
horrific monsters. I remember how crazy and contradictory news
reports were on September 11th, 2001 when the terrorists brought
down the World Trade Center. Now imagine for a moment if those
attacks had happened at night, with no one catching it on film and
no news media to quickly propagate the official story.

The other problem faced by any investigative PCs is that the Giants of
the Skyfortress are completely alien to the mindset of a randomly-se-
lected pseudo-medieval inhabitant of a typical fantasy faux Europe.
Most peasants have probably never heard of elephants and unless
they live on the coast they may only know sharks as some sort of bitey
fish. They don’t know what either animal looks like, so the idea that
the Giants kinda look like the two animals put together doesn’t make
any sense. Eyewitness accounts will have trouble describing their at-

tackers as anything more specific than big monsters. That’s why they
are simply referred to as “Giants” throughout this text, and not some
stupid name like the Skybrood or the Zarthekeen.

Here’s a random table to give you some ideas for the sort of informa-
tion that the PCs may acquire while tracking down the Skyfortress.

Random Near-Encounters with the Giants (1d12)

Reports of an anchor tearing up a tall building. (During raids the
Giants use chains and anchors to secure the Skyfortress to the
1 ground; one of them got loose and clipped the side of a church
steeple, lighthouse, castle tower, etc.)
Reports of a smashed village. (Follow-up investigation will reveal
2 elephant-like tracks among the ruins, as well as a grotesque amount
of spilled blood.)
Reports of sharks seen swimming over the surface of a forest. (Follow-
up investigation will reveal a trail of wreckage and elephant prints
3 through the forest, leading either to a water source and/or a clutch
of eggs - see #9 below.)
Reports of centaurs. (Vaguely humanoid torso attached to a four-
4 legged body.)
Reports of sharkmen riding elephants. (This one can be traced back
5 to an educated but slightly confused witness, perhaps a monk work-
ing on a bestiary or a wizard’s apprentice.)

6 Reports of man-eating elephants. (See #5 above.)

7 Reports of a cloud with a dome atop it.

Reports of a cloud with a tail. (The same loose anchor that caused
8 the trouble in #1 above.)
Reports of a formation of boulders appearing overnight. (These are
9 actually eggs, which will hatch in 1d20 days, releasing 3d6 Hatchlings
to menace the locals.)
Reports of spider men living in boulders. (Some poor bastard saw one
10 or more eggs hatch.)

11 Reports of a malevolent cloud-monster.

12 Reports of a large sailing ship that somehow crashed into a cloud.

There are times in the course of a good role-playing campaign when
it is important as a Referee to have one’s crap together. Like, if you
spring a riddling sphinx on the players then you need to have some
riddles and some solutions ready. But sometimes it is important that a
Referee propose a problem to the players with no preconceived idea
of the solution. Your players want to get to the Skyfortress. How the
heck are they going to do that? Hell if I know. Don’t worry, the players
will figure something out.

Let your players come up with whatever cockamamie scheme they

can dream up. Is there any bit of it that their characters would realize
isn’t feasible even if the players can’t see it that way? Talk it out with
the players. Once they have a plan that is not ridiculous on the face
of it, try to set a chance for it to succeed. State the odds to the play-
ers and dare them to roll the dice.

I tend to allow nearly any slightly plausible plan to work on a roll of

1-2 on a 1d6 throw. A roll of 3 indicates a near-success that might be
turned into a success with some additional quick thinking. Or maybe
it means a success but with an additional complication. A roll of 6
would generally mean a disaster beyond mere failure. But that’s just
my dirt simple go-to system. Maybe you prefer something else involv-
ing different dice or maybe the plan fits a particular ability score and
you want someone to roll 1d20, trying to get a number under that

Really, any sort of randomization scheme will work as long as there’s

a chance for success and a chance for failure. If marginal successes
and critical failure can also be included, so much the better. One
thing you definitely DO NOT want to do is make it easy for them to get
to the Skyfortress, unless they have some sort of resource they have
earned in previous play like a flying carpet or a teleporter booth. And
never feel obliged to permit the success of any scheme you think
too far-fetched. It is your job to make those calls. This adventure only
becomes better if the poor players screw up the first time and have
to track the Skyfortress across miles of the Fire Swamp, fighting rodents
of unusual size the whole way (or whatever).

Heck, maybe the party will chase the Skyfortress off the campaign
map and you’ll need to expand the scope of your milieu to continue
the adventure. That would be one of the awesomest pains in the
ass ever. And just because you’re holding this module and want to
run it doesn’t mean the PCs ever have to get to the Skyfortress. The
integrity of your campaign would be better served by assuming the
Skyfortress is almost impossible for the party to reach and you need to
be prepared for them to utterly fail. Unless of course you bought this
module for a one-shot non-campaign situation, in which case just sell
the players some magic beans and let them climb up to the map.

Why the heck are we
going to the
Skyfortress anyway?
There’s a certain kind of player type that I call the quarterback, even
though I have no business making sports analogies. The basic idea is
that if I snap the ball to a QB they will try their best to do something
cool with it. If you’ve got a good quarterback in your group then mo-
tivation is rarely a problem. They’ll want to go to a cloud castle for the
same reason mountain climbers want to reach that summit: because
it’s there. They’ll fight shark-faced elephant-footed abominations
because that is what adventurers do. Give the quarterback the ball
and often the rest of the group will play along.

However, some groups lack strong quarterbacks. Or the group’s QB

isn’t in a position to bring the rest of the party along with him. I had
this problem sometimes back when I was a kid. I’d be up for any
old stupid adventure but I was too young for the rest of the table to
take me seriously, so my quarterbacking was often in vain. Or maybe
you’ve got that one guy who won’t send his PC on a dangerous
mission unless there is a clear motivation to do so. On the one hand
that’s kind of a stupid-ass thing to pull. Did that guy roll up Olórin the
Orange, super awesome disco space wizard, just so he could not go
on adventures? On the other hand, that’s completely legit within the
scope of the game. Why should Olórin stick his wizardy neck out just
because Oaf Slaughterbeast wants to see what the inside of a cloud
looks like?

So before you insert the Skyfortress into your campaign, you might
give some thought as to what sort of bait you will use to lure your
party to this particular doom. Probably the best way to go is for the
players to discover that something they want — or someone they
need to speak to — was in one of the places the Giants have already
attacked. “Pluribus the Sage? Oh, yeah. He disappeared the same
night his home village was flattened.” Something like that. Dropping
some legends earlier in the campaign about secrets hidden in float-
ing cloud castles ought to do the trick. Aim the carrot directly at the
heart’s desire of your most reluctant player and you ought to be able
to get the rest of the party along on sheer momentum. Of course,
you’ll have to decide whether or not Merlin’s Grimoire or the Stone of
Scone is really located in the Skyfortress and where it can be found.

If you go the route of giving the players a Macguffin to track down,

do not be surprised if after acquiring Marsellus Wallace’s briefcase
the party hightails it out of the Skyfortress never to return. That’s totally
cool. Personally, I’d prefer for your players to stick around until they
were murdered by all the monsters, but I respect anyone who can
stick to the mission parameters and then get the hell out of Dodge.

“Yo, Jeff! What if I
don’t have a
campaign yet?”
You kinda need one, my friend. You don’t have to produce as serious
a setting as some of the weirdos described above, what with expen-
sive boxed sets or elaborate creations or methodical research. Here’s
a quick way to get your own campaign world up and running:

Using Google image search or something like that, find a map

of someplace remote and interesting, but which your play-
ers probably aren’t too familiar with. An island or a group of
islands can be good choices, like the Falklands or Indonesia.

Redraw the map (turn your version of the map sideways if

you worry you’ll be embarrassed when the players figure out
you stole Ireland wholesale, and keep any little mistakes you
make), with new place names (Port Stanley becomes the city
of St. Stanislaw, for instance) and rescale it so that one end of
the map to the other is maybe 300 to 500 miles.

Add a big spooky forest, a foetid swamp and a smouldering

volcano if they don’t already appear on your map.

Figure out where the biggest cathedral or temple will be

located, note where the lonely towers of two or three obnox-
ious wizards can be found and think up three or four noble
claimants to the empty throne of the realm. Place at least one
infamous monster on the map (a fiery dragon’s lair, the last
known location of a troll who never stops eating, a vampire’s
castle, etc.). Note the few secret places where elves and
dwarves might be found in numbers.

Place some weird stuff you can flesh out later as needed:
standing stones, a haunted battlefield, a crashed flying
saucer, a pyramid from a pre-human civilization, a lake that is
frozen even as summer blazes around it, etc.

Detail the starting area. A classic beginning involves a cross-

roads tavern and some spooky caves or a ruined castle. You
need a place where the party gets drunk and sleeps it off as
a counterpoint to the expeditions to loot the caves or castle.
Another way to begin is with the party captured, either in the
dungeon of some local jerkbutt lord or in the hold of a slaver
ship that then wrecks in a storm.

Get some additional adventures and populate the country-

side with them. You would not even believe the number of
free adventures out there. The One Page Dungeon contest
alone (Google it) provides years of material.

Once you have all that, then go back and start thinking about how
some of these places will look like after a Giant or three beats them
up and takes their lunch money.

Since only seven Giants inhabit the Skyfortress they can be individu-
ally distinguished. The names given are provisional. If the players
come up with their own names, so much the better. Each individual
Giant is given two hit point totals, one based on the classic stats for
cloud-dwelling Giants and the other, larger amount, for the new
Giant rules proposed in the Advanced Monster Stats section (page
86). For a more old-fashioned hack-n-slay sort of game, use the
basic Monster Stats (page 84). Here’s a summary of the advanced
version, for quick reference.

The Giants
Armor: none, always hit
Damage Reduction: -5 points per strike
Hit Points: 20d8
Unencumbered Movement Rate: 120’
Attack Bonus: +10
Bigass smash attack for 4d6 damage (if any die comes up a 6,
target knocked back 1d6 x 5 feet, prone)
Throw Boulder (200’ range) for 3d6 damage (may strike 2 adjacent
foes, every hit smashes some piece of equipment)
Bucking Bronco (all in mêlée save versus Breath Weapon or take
2d6 damage)
Save As: 20th level Fighter
Morale: 10

The Broodmother/Big Momma (HP 80/160)
The Broodmother is the matriarch of the clan and the only adult
female around these parts. What exactly the Broodmother looks like is
an important decision you need to make before running this adven-
ture. Like the queen of a beehive or ant colony (or the Slurm queen
from that one episode of Futurama), her hindquarters are dispropor-
tionately larger than those of the other members of her species. She
regularly squeezes out clutches of eggs that look like boulders as big
around as a man is tall, out of which spring goo-covered hatchlings
that chase people around like Jurassic Park velociraptors.

So when the party encounters the Broodmother you’ve got to think

about your audience and how badly you want to gross them out. You
could try to play it for quick laughs, mention she has a big butt and
move on. Or you can linger on her bloated lower torso covered with
taut veins and stretch marks, emphasizing her limited mobility and
the smelly goo dripping from her throbbing, swollen cloaca. Yeah, I
probably just grossed you out there (or maybe only after you looked
up the word “cloaca”). Sorry about that. But LotFP has no Sanity score
for Referees to assault with abstract numerical creepiness. If you want
to get a reaction, sometimes you’ve got to go all the way down the
rabbit hole.

Similarly, you need to decide if you want your particular version of the
Broodmother to have mammaries or not. Your answer could range
from “No way, that makes no sense! Sharks don’t have boobs!” to
“You know what would be funny? Big dangly udders on the elephant-
body,” to “Covered with tits like the Diana of Ephesus.” Personally
I lean toward the last option, or just a couple of oversized breasts
constantly leaking some sort of pustulent greenish slime (or even
actual green slime).

But again, that’s for you to decide. I think it would make for a hell of
an adventure to tune in on the ways our decadent Western culture
makes childbirth and the female body taboo objects of veneration/
revulsion. Or maybe I’m just a misogynist jerk with mommy issues.

Either way, you don’t have to make my headtrip into your headtrip to
run this module.

The Swordmaniac / Ol’ Beer Belly (HP 70/140)
This guy is the biggest, meanest, stupidest specimen of the adult
males, making him the nominal leader of any raiding party. Although
possessing extraordinary musculature, years of bullying the Chain-
monster, Vomitboy and the Runt (see below) for a larger share of the
food and drink have left him too successful for his own good. He now
sports a prodigiously protruding potbelly. And in the interest of gestur-
ing towards some sort of gender fairness, you could give this guy a
big, smelly wang, if you think it would help to properly traumatize
the players. Just be smart and don’t have the monster try to stick it
into any of the members of the party. We live in a society where the
odds that any of your players have been attacked by sword-wielding
maniacs is relatively low, but the chances that someone at your table
has been the victim of a sexual assault is much, much higher. Do
yourself a favor and don’t go there.

Speaking of swords, this fool carries around the Sword of the Sky King:
A bigass bladed weapon of glittering blue metal that used to rest in
the empty scabbard in the Throne Room (chamber #3), but which
has served as the implement of office for the alpha male of the
Giants for generations. Ol’ Beer Belly here wields it in one hand, but
a human could use it two-handed. It’s heavier and longer than most
two-handed swords and the grip is rather bigger than a human would
like. Only a Fighter with a Strength and Dexterity both in excess of
12 may wield the Sword without penalty. All other characters would
suffer a -2 on attack rolls. Damage rolls for normal characters would
be on a d12 (Giants do their normal 4d6 basic attack damage).

The Sword of the Sky King dates back to an era when magic domi-
nated the battlefield and it has been enchanted to counter spells
common to those ancient times. The Sword negates any kind of heal-
ing magic: Wounds received from it must heal naturally or not at all,
but neither can the owner be healed while wielding or wearing the
blade. The blade also counters any Prismatic form of magic with an
inky black aura that cuts through Prismatic Walls or blocks the effects
of Prismatic Rays, Color Rays, etc. Anyone slain by the Sword of the
Sky King cannot return as undead or be resurrected/raised without
the direct intervention of a cosmically powerful god or demon.

Chainmonster/The Brainbeast (HP 60/120)
This male Giant has two distinctive features: the chains criss-crossing
his chest ending in a pair of anchors, and the throbbing, tumorous
mass attached to his head. The hideous growth is actually some
additional greymatter that’s partially functional, making the Chain-
monster the smartest of all the Giants, except perhaps for the Mad
Maiden when she is possessed (see below). The Chainmonster is the
only creature in the Skyfortress who is able to operate the Skydrive
(chambers #5 and #6), though his understanding of its operation is
extremely limited, merely allowing him to steer clear of large storms
and avoid heading out to sea past sight of land. The Brainbeast also
possesses the expertise to operate the great winches in area #14,
which allow the Skyfortress to be anchored to the ground, at least
when the wind isn’t abnormally strong.

In combat the Chainmonster will swing his anchors wildly about

himself. The long chains allow him to mêlée with foes up to thirty feet
away. Although he couldn’t pick Gandalf out of a police line-up,
he’s smart enough to target spellcasters after he sees someone cast
a spell. He’ll do his best to prevent the shiny lights hurting him twice.
And generally the Brainbeast will learn from any encounter with the
party. Fewer tricks will work on him than the others and few tricks will
work on him more than once.

Vomitboy/The Slobbering Moron (HP 50/100)
Vomitboy is constantly ill. A thick layer of bluish, greenish mucusy filth
coats Vomitboy’s lips and dribbles down his chin. He’s ridiculously
easy to track thanks to the spittle trail and easy to detect due to
his frequent coughing, which sounds a little bit like a chainsaw and
jackhammer on their honeymoon night. Any saving throw made by
Vomitboy against physical effects are at a -2 penalty. Like the Sword-
maniac, Vomitboy is extremely stupid. He is also terribly naive. Damn
near any sort of subterfuge will work on this poor, phlegmy schmuck.

If this guy is reduced to half hit points or if he suffers a single great

injury (a fall, a lightning bolt in the face, whatever) then his weak
stomach will discharge its contents. Randomly select someone in
mêlée as a target of this puke attack. The attack roll will be at +10,
with a hit indicating 2d6 damage plus a save versus Poison. Failure
to save indicates that 1d6 items of equipment are damaged or
destroyed by stomach acid. If a 6 is rolled the acid is intense enough
that the character’s face is also permanently burned, turning them
into some Phantom of the Opera style freak. Vomitboy will not blow
chunks as an attack form more than once a week.

Casting Cure Disease on Vomitboy or otherwise curing him will allow

the caster to befriend him, turning this Giant against his fellows. To
the best of his dim abilities Vomitboy will be particularly eager to aid
in the overthrow of the males higher up the food chain (i.e. Sword-
maniac and Chainmonster). However, he will not work against the
Broodmother or the Mad Maiden, unless the latter starts up with the
weird chanting.

The Runt (HP 30/60)
Upon a successful Bushcraft roll or seeing the Runt side-by-side with
another Giant, the party will realize that this creature is small, thin and
sickly compared to other members of its species. It’s still a full-on Giant
for combat purposes, but compared to the others this guy is a twerp
sitting at the bottom of the tribal hierarchy.

If encountered with any other Giant there’s a 50% chance the Runt is
being bullied when the PCs arrive.

Due to the Runt’s tremendous reserves of resentment it will turn on

any Giant that appears to be injured by the player characters,
except for the Mad Maiden; she creeps him out enough that he will
simply run away from her if she finds herself in trouble. Also, this resent-
ment can work in the party’s favor if they have access to enchant-
ments like Charm Monster, as all saves against such spells will be at a
-4 penalty.

The Mad Maiden (HP 45/90)
This young Giant appears as a shorter, less muscular member of her
species. While still forming in her egg she became possessed by one
of the Malevolences of the Angry Brain (p 88) and now she vacillates
between lucid, normal giantish bloodthirsty brutality and confused
visions of untold aeons. The bloody sigils found throughout the Sky-
fortress are her handiwork. Sometimes when she gets a-visioning she
feels compelled to scrawl messages in elder runes, but they all come
out as gobbledygook, further angering her possessing Malevolence.

Special Rules
1-4 Normal, not possessed, hungry and stupid.
Possessed, easily surprised (4 in 6) due to unholy trance state and
5-6 blasphemous grafitti.

Possession in Combat - If the Mad Maiden takes damage while in her

normal frame of mind there is a 50% chance that the Malevolence
seizes control of her nervous system. She will continue to fight while
chanting in an eldritch language never before heard by human ears.
Anyone who hears this chant for two or more rounds must save versus
Magic or suffer the effects of a Confusion spell. If other Giants are
present, there’s a 1 in 6 chance per round they will join the chanting.
There’s no additional effect of a group chant (unless you want three
or more chanters to summon Azathoth or something), it’s just super-
Death Complication - 1d6 turns after the Mad Maiden’s death a
Malevolence will emerge from the remains of her brain.
Broodmother Replacement - If the Broodmother is killed, changes in
local pheromone levels will trigger the Mad Maiden’s metamorphosis
into full-fledged adulthood. Over the course of a week she enters a
ravenous frenzy, growing to almost double her starting weight (and
hit points) until she physically resembles the Broodmother and takes
over as leader of the tribe. During the transformation week she will
rampage throughout the region surrounding the Skyfortress’s landing
site, devouring any living thing in her path. There’s a 50% chance
she eats one of the other tribe members during the week. During
the transformation the possessing Malevolence will gain a stronger
brainhold on this Giant, granting her an unholy level of intellect that
will only make things worse for the lands below the Skyfortress.
The Terrible Twins (HP 65/130)
This woeful creature is a pair of conjoined twins (a.k.a. Siamese twins),
hatched from the same egg and almost two separate Giants. Like
the Broodmother above, you should put some forethought into how
hideous you want this poor bugger to be. Here are six suggestions. If
nothing else, roll a dang ol’ d6 to pick one.

1. Joined at Hip - This is probably one of the least gross options. The
Twins each have full bodies (two heads, eight legs, four arms) joined
in the midsection of their lower torsos. Their inner arms (the arm closest
to their twin) are likely to get in each other’s way in combat, but with
two heads they can easily make two attacks in a Round.

2. Double Centaur - One lower body, four legs, but a torso at each
end. Does that mean one them can look down and see poop com-
ing out during pooping time? I dunno. Or does this poor misbegotten
beast not have a butthole? That would make it the Angriest Giant
Ever, I think. And if killed with a piercing weapon it will probably
explode in a burst of pressurized fecal matter. Either way, sneaking up
on this version of the Terrible Twins is going to be hard as hell, because
it has crazy sideways shark eyes facing both front and back.

3. Two Faces - In this version the Terrible Twins look mostly like a normal
Giant but with the addition of several tumorous lumps, one of which
has an extra face. This extra face comes equipped with a partial
brain of its own, just enough to be a nuisance. In fact, the second
face will just not shut up. Ever. It babbles non-stop, much to the
annoyance of the dominant face. This version of the Twins cannot
surprise enemies, unless they are deaf.

4. Two Heads Plus - Two heads, three arms, five legs. The good news is
that the extra leg guided by the extra head actually slows the Twins
down, so that even a human in chainmail can outrun this monster
as it literally trips over itself to get to you. The bad news is the second
head gets an additional basic attack in mêlée.

5. Flopping Grotesquerie - All the parts are there for making a two-
headed, four-armed, eight-legged Giant, but they’re not attached
in the correct configuration. Instead, the Twins take the shape of
a haphazard horror-spider, with some arms doing the works of legs
and vice versa. This Twin is best equipped for climbing, allowing it to
negotiate anchor chains and walls at normal movement rates.

6. Facefist Hate Machine - This version of the Twins has a beefy arm
and hand where its neck and head should be and two heads in lieu
of hands at the end of its normally-placed arms. This version of the
Twins cannot throw boulders, but instead of a single basic attack it
can opt to make two bite attacks each Round for 2d6
damage each.

Does all this all this folderol about individualizing the Giants bring you
down? Try not to sweat it. All these details are meant to allow you
to create a maximum number of new, interesting situations with a
minimum number of new monster types. By not statting up the Terrible
Twins as an ettin or the Brainbeast as some sort of Chaingiant, you
can always fall back to the basic monster stats when things get hec-
tic during play. All the nitpicky individual rules above are supposed to
help you. If they don’t, just ignore them. That’s what I do when I use
someone else’s module and it’s too fiddly. The social tensions and
odd behaviors of this twisted family of creeps is much more important
than any specific game mechanic, as the former give the party some
material to work with when confronting the Giant menace.

An adventure is not a fixed thing. Between the idea in the author’s
head and what happens at the table there’s a bunch of interme-
diating steps: what the author writes, who buys the adventure, how
they interpret the writing, how badly they fumble describing that
interpretation to the players, whatever the damn dice screw up and
the crazy ideas the players come up with. In short, using a published
adventure is like reading directions to Albuquerque as a recipe
for making mint chocolate cupcakes and somehow everyone in the
kitchen ends up with herpes.

So let’s not kid ourselves here. When I write something like “room 24
contains a big giantish sack containing 2,400 silver pieces and a half
eaten horse” that crap is only gospel if you’re crazy enough to take
it as such. Some days I honestly don’t understand why we all take
such stuff so seriously just because it’s printed in some dumb module.
Anyways, Blessed Saint Gygax argues in the original DMG that every
good Referee needs to tailor a published adventure to their specific
campaign. Meanwhile, our fearless leader, James the Mad (publisher
of this module and many other fine Lamentations of the Flame
Princess Weird Fantasy Role-Playing products) double-dog dares you
to run a published adventure with as few changes as possible.

Guess what? We’re going to have our crap and eat it, too. This
section is devoted to the totally canonical ways you can make
your usage of this module non-canonical. You see, some of the key
details in this here adventure exist in a state of flux. Like that sicko
Schrödinger’s undead cat-in-a-box, several parts of this adventure
are in a superposition of states until you pick which one is true for
your campaign. Before you run this adventure, go through each of
these sections and pick out the option that works best for you. Which
ones can you unleash on your players while keeping a straight face?
Which options will give them the willies? What selections will best fit
your already-established campaign or will best shake up the players’
idea of how your campaign works?

Major Issue #1: What is up with
these ding dang giants, anyway?
The Giants of the Skyfortress are not simply big humanoids. That’s old
hat. The elevator pitch for these weirdos is “giants made out of sharks
and elephants”, but what is that brief description meant to imply? In
general, the design of the Giants is a bit like a centaur, if you used the
front half of a shark and body of an elephant. Oh, and if sharks had
big, muscular arms with wickedly-clawed hands. For more detail than
that, pick one of the items below.

OPTION 1: SPace aliens! (p.40)

OPTION 2: ANGELS! (p.42)




The Giants are space aliens come to Earth. Although they are very
large, muscular quadruped centauroids their overall aesthetic is
more along the lines of the big, scary monsters in the Aliens films
than any earthly lifeform. Don’t be shy here. Add “...if sharks and
elephants had been designed by H. R. Giger. Aieee!” to the end
of that elevator-pitch-level description when you use it on the

CONSEQUENCES #1: Acid blood, baby! Anytime the characters

manage to inflict more than one point of damage with a
slashing weapon or more than five points with a puncturing
weapon, enough acidic blood gushes out to endanger someone
within mêlée range of the Giant. That poor sap (choose randomly
if you have more than one possible victim) must save versus Breath
Weapon or take 2d6 acid damage right to their stupid face.

PROTIP #1: If someone complains that they rolled really close

to a successful save, make sympathetic noises and reply “In
that case you only take half damage.” Then announce that
their favorite sword/backpack full of gold/magic wand/nearby
henchman was entirely destroyed by the rest of the acid.

CONSEQUENCES #2: If these creeps are from outer space,

where the crap is their spaceship? If the party can backtrack
the movements of the cloud castle, they may just end up at a
dungeon made out of a crashed flying saucer. Writing that is on you,
not me. Good luck.

PROTIP #2: Resist the urge to add facehuggers to the

adventure. Instead, keep the PCs on their toes with the
possibility that facehuggers could jump out at any second.
That scurrying shape in the darkness may only be a rat, but how
will they know? Your goal should be to get through the entire
adventure with the party under the impression that facehuggers
lurk somewhere on your wandering monster chart.


The Giants are Abominations unto the Lord. They could be fallen
angels or the descendants of fallen angels or maybe just the lice
that crawl about God’s cosmic beard. Either way, they have a
mythological dimension to them.

CONSEQUENCES #1: As diabolic enemies of the universal forces

of Law, the Giants are especially vulnerable to things like Holy
Swords (if you use such things in your game) and Cleric spells
like Dispel Evil and Holy Word. Similarly, the Giants are immune to fire
and, depending on your campaign world, summoned demons might
be loath to attack them.

CONSEQUENCES #2: Feel free to decorate a few of the cham-

bers in the Skyfortress to reflect a more heavy metal album
cover look: moaning corpses dangling from meathooks, lots of
flaming torches and braziers, giant-sized torture equipment, skullbats
flapping their wings through the corridors, etc.

PROTIP: You can trick out the hellish versions of the Giants
with horns, red skin, barbed tails, etc., but keep in mind this
will cause eyewitness reports to focus on the diabolic rather
than the gigantic and outré. Also, DO NOT give them giant ba-
twings on their backs. Gravity is one of the few forces that the PCs
can employ against these bastards.

CONSEQUENCES #3: The whole Skyfortress reeks of brimstone

and visibility is reduced because of the all the hellsmoke filling
the corridors. Surprise situations will greatly favor the Giants, as
their eyes and ears are adjusted to this self-generating environment.
Inside the Skyfortress, the Giants only have a 1 in 6 chance of being
surprised and the PCs suffer from surprise on a 1-3 on 1d6.


The Giants are some sort of horrible Mutants. Their antecedents

were less hideous, less gigantic, and possessed of a rich culture.
Sure they were four-legged sharkpeople, but they had art and
poetry and unfair taxation policies like every other civilized race.

CONSEQUENCES #1: Someone or something caused the

degenerative transformation that led to the present gigantic,
devolved state of affairs. Could that source of mutation still
be at work? Perhaps the ancestors of the Giants started out as an
adventuring party who explored the otherwise empty ruins of the
Skyfortress, but the cloud floated out over the ocean and the party
had to settle within its confines. A few generations later, the inhabit-
ants of the joint are now full-blown monstrosities.

CONSEQUENCES #2: Does this mean that prolonged exposure

to the Skyfortress can affect the PCs? Sure, but location mat-
ters. We’ll peg the Skydrive (chambers #5 and #6) as the
source of the strange radiation. For every full twenty-four hours the
party spends in the Skydrive chambers each party member must
save versus Magic. Time spent in adjacent chambers calls for a
similar save, but at a +4 bonus. Success means they lose one point
of Intelligence and Wisdom but gain one point of either Strength or
Constitution (50/50 chance). Failing to save results in the Intelligence
and Wisdom loss with no gain. These stat losses cannot be healed
while the victim is in the Skyfortress. At zero Intelligence or Wisdom
(including, in this scenario, loss sustained from the Malevolences), the
victim mutates into some sort of evolutionarily retrograde monster, like
a bloodthirsty ape-man.

PROTIP: Unless your campaign explicitly posits elves, dwarves

and halflings as splinter races of humanity you should pick
some devolved forms specifically for these peoples. Perhaps
elves regress into plant monsters, halflings turn into squeaky little
rat-things and dwarves become grumpy rocks. I dunno.


The Giants are literally sharks and elephants sewn together mad
scientist style, with some over-sized muscular arms stitched on for
good measure. These Frankensteinian creatures may also sport
bolts in their necks or other bits of cyborg metal sticking out of
them, as it pleases you. Personally, I’d give at least one Giant a
big buzzsaw blade where one its hands should be. (You don’t
need to change the stats to do this).

CONSEQUENCES #1: Clearly someone created these creatures.

You’ll need to figure out who it was for your own campaign.
Are they still alive or long dead? If the latter, can their corpse
be found and subjected to Speak with Dead? Did they leave a lab
journal laying about so that some twisted PC can continue their
experiments? Do you want to put the corpse and/or the journal right
in the adventure, or use it as fodder for a future adventure?

PROTIP: Just because some crazy Doctor Frankenbean

created the original shark-elephant-giants doesn’t mean
that the pack living in the Skyfortress have to be the same
beasties. It would be creepy-weird-awesome if you assumed that
the original stitched together cyborg beasts were capable of re-
production, the females laying eggs from which stitched-together,
already-cyborgified young hatch. It doesn’t make any sense and
that’s kinda the point. Sometimes the universe of Lamentations of
the Flame Princess obeys rules that mere mortals cannot fathom.

Major Issue #2: Who built this
crazy place and why?
The vast spaces and huge staircases of the Skyfortress suggest it was
built by gigantic creatures, but the Giants currently lurking about had
nothing to do with it. The humanoid skeletons found in the Throne
Room (chamber #3) and the Crypt (chamber #10) are all that re-
mains of the original builders. Here are some options for the identity of
the dead and the purpose of their flying castle.

OPTION 1: TITANS! (p.50)

OPTION 2: ANGELS! (p.52)




The builders were Titans, the gigantic predecessors to the gods

that now rule the campaign world. Most of them are long forgot-
ten, their names obscured by centuries of lopsided retellings of
the great war between the gods and the Titans. Few remain to
sing the praises of the defeated. The Skyfortress is a splinter bro-
ken off from Olympus/Valhalla/whatever, the last bastion of the
handful of survivors from that prehuman conflict.

CONSEQUENCES #1: The Angry Brain and the Malevolences

will be especially hostile to Clerics of any deities involved in the
original Gods/Titans conflict. Anyone displaying a holy symbol
or invoking the names of the ancient gods will be subject to relentless
Malevolence harassment. Of course you’ll need to determine which
gods in your campaign date back to that era and which do not.

CONSEQUENCES #2: Any weapons recovered from the Titans,

such as the Sword of the Sky King wielded by the alpha male
Giant, will be capable of wounding and killing full-fledged
deities. Just one such weapon entering general circulation ought to
set off a secret Clerics’ war with every temple seeking to secure it for
their own faith’s use.

PROTIP: If you’ve switched campaign worlds in recent

memory, you can have a lot of fun dressing up the skeletons
of the Titans as the gods of previous campaigns. The gods of
your past become the Titans of the present.


The skeletons are the corpses of Angels, neither sinful ones who
fell with Satan nor loyal Angels who sided with the Almighty during
the War in Heaven. Rather, these entities were of a rarely men-
tioned third group who stood aloof from the conflict, unwilling to
side with either faction. After the defeat of Satan’s crew this third
group was exiled from Heaven for their fickleness. Sent to Earth to
do penance through good works, a handful built the Skyfortress as
a sort of second heaven to serve as the base of their operations.

PROTIP: If you choose this option go pencil in that the giant

skeletons in the Throne Room (room 3) and the Crypt (room
#10) all have wings. Do it right now, before you forget it.

CONSEQUENCES #1: What killed these Angels? The obvious

direction to go here is that Satan didn’t want these guys
mucking up all his ill deeds on Earth, but how did he do it? A
dastardly answer is some sort of diabolical disease that affects Angels
only. If the PCs muck about with the skeleton on the throne, the Angry
Brain, or any of the other corpses make sure your campaign notes
reflect that the characters involved are now carriers of the Angel
Plague. That should lead to interesting situations if they ever contact
any other Angels, fallen or otherwise. Are the demons called up by
the Summon spell Fallen Angels? If you use this option you need to
decide that now.

CONSEQUENCES #2: Since Satan’s forces and the neutral

Angels probably mixed it up a bit back in the day, the Sword
of the Sky King (and any other ancient titanic weapon recov-
ered) ought to be super-effective against the legions of the Fallen.
Unsubstantial and otherwise invulnerable Fallen Angels could be
wounded by such devices and those demons with physical bodies
should suffer double damage.


The dead Giants were Proto Space Gods who failed to achieve
apotheosis into Jack Kirby style armored cosmic sci-fi entities. The
Skyfortress was an early phase in their attempts to reach the stars,
the way the Wright Brothers were a crucial step towards the Space
Shuttle. Perhaps other members of the race made the evolution-
ary leap and joined the outer space godhead, but the dregs of
the Skyfortress never reached their full potential.

CONSEQUENCES #1: The magic of the Skyfortress and ob-

jects like the Sword of the Sky King are Clarke’s Law level
technology-as-magic rather than enchantments. You’ll need
to decide for your own campaign whether that makes these items
special or not. Maybe all the magic in your campaign is actually
sufficiently advanced technology, like magic spells are operating
system commands for a hyperspatial computer that controls a horde
of nanobots. If you go the other way and assume that magic and
technology are two ends of a spectrum, then you’ll probably want to
rewrite some of the magic stuff in the Skyfortress.

CONSEQUENCES #2: Your campaign now encompasses outer

space and one or more mysterious Space Gods. Before your
PCs figure out a way to get up there, you might want to think
about that a bit. Who or what dwell among the stars? Are we talking
about George Lucas style space operatics or H.P. Lovecraft type
horrors lurking in the void? Or both? And will those Space Gods ever
come back to their home planet?

PROTIP: You can easily set off a new arc of your campaign
by tricking the PCs into activating some sort of beacon
(perhaps the Skydrive can function as such) that summons
the Space Gods back to Earth. Will the Space Gods attempt to
usher in a new utopian age? Or will they burn the world down to
start over again?


The huge skeletons lying about the Skyfortress are the Gods
Themselves. Not just any gods, but the pantheon that serves as the
main gods of your campaign. Like if you were running a Viking
game the skeleton on the throne would be the corpse of Odin,
one of the skeletons in the Crypt would have be clutching an
oversized hammer, etc. Since their deaths Asgard/Heaven/Olym-
pus has slowly crumbled until the Skyfortress is all that remains.

PROTIP: If you’re going with this option, go and pencil in

some notes right now. Like next to the entry for the Angry
Brain scribble in “skull has eyepatch = Odin” or some simple
reminder like that.

CONSEQUENCES #1: If Zeus is the pile of bones lying in the

corner, how the heck does my Cleric of Zeus cast spells? In
certain older editions of the game, spells above second level
require power from the divine to be cast, with first and second level
spells working on faith alone. (Note that the latter always implied to
me that any concept that a character could believe in could have a
Cleric that cast up to second level spells. So a dude could be a Cleric
of Mr. Spock, even though Spock is a fictional character and the
Cleric in question knows it.) But seeing your patron deity’s corpse can
seriously knock the wind out of your sails. Perhaps a Cleric in that situ-
ation would lose their ability to cast first and second level spells while
still accessing the mysterious power that permits them to use third
level spells. And once you’ve got the Clerics in the party wondering
where their magic comes from it won’t be long before your Magic-
Users and elves start to get curious, so you may want to think about
the metaphysics of arcane spells as well.

CONSEQUENCES #2: How did the gods die? Did the Titans of
old stage some sort of revanchist counterattack and now they
secretly rule the Earth? Do the spiders lurking in the shadows of
the Skyfortress carry a poison that is lethal to the gods?

Minor Issue: The Wretches in the
Just use this handy list to customize the poor bastards who eke out a
meager existence in the tunnels below the Skyfortress.

m Yes m No Do the Wretches speak the Common Tongue of the

realm? (If No, they speak some degenerate patois.)
m Yes m No Do the Wretches use poison on their spear tips?
If Yes, is it:
m Deadly or
m Sleep-Inducing
m Yes m No Are the Wretches humans?
If No, what are they?
m Yes m No Are the Wretches cannibals?
m Yes m No Is the daughter of the chieftain a beautiful, virtuous
maiden who will fall in love with the PC with the
highest Charisma?
m Yes m No Do the Wretches have any booze?
m Yes m No If friendly contact is made, will the PCs be invited to
join their clan?
m Yes m No Do the Wretches have anyone held prisoner? If Yes,

What sort of religion do these folk practice?
m They worship the Giants as angry demon-gods.
m The Wretches worship the cloud itself as their
Earth/Sky Mother.
m They have some sort of cargo cult religion
based upon a hot air balloon that crashed into
the Skyfortress thirty years ago. (Where is the
balloon now? Could the PCs repair and use it?)
m Their little idol looks suspiciously like a randomly-
selected PC. He or she is probably some sort of
crappy Chosen One.
m They believe the Malevolences are friendly spir-
its that just get carried away sometimes.
m The Wretches worship the giant skeletons laying
about the place as their superpowered

The Chapter 4

Monster Placement Rules
With the exceptions of the Angry Brain in chamber #2 and eggs (i.e.
potential Hatchlings) in room #4, none of the monsters are placed
in fixed locales within the adventure. Prior to every expedition to the
Skyfortress the monsters may be placed by the following random

IMPORTANT: You’ll need to do this every time, before the PCs begin
exploring the maps.


1 = chamber #3, 2 = chamber #4, 3=
Broodmother 1d4
chamber #5, 4 = chamber #7.
1 = chamber #1, 2 = chamber #2, etc.
Chainmonster 1d20
but 13+ = location #14, the Winches.
All other Giants 1d20 1 = chamber #1, 2 = chamber #2, etc.

One Spider Swarm 1d12 1 = chamber #1, 2 = chamber #2, etc.

1d4 Malevolences
1d12 1 = chamber #1, 2 = chamber #2, etc.
in a single location

Finally, place two groups of Wretches (2d6 Wretches each) using the
following chart:

1 A

2 B

3 C

4 D

5 E

6 F

7 G

8 H

9-10 Roll 1d20 for upper areas location

I suggest marking monster locations directly on the map in pencil, as
the locations will change as play progresses. You may want to make
extra copies of the map to avoid tearing up your original with exces-
sive marking and erasing. If the party has the ability and motivation to
make several expeditions in a single session you may want to roll up
multiple placements, marking each with a different color. (Red for the
first visit, blue for the second visit, etc.).

If the party is clever and heartless they will attempt to loot the Sky-
fortress during one of the Giants’ night-time raids. Roll on the chart
below to see which members of the Brood go out on the raid.

The raiding party will return 3d6 Turns after they leave, carrying live-
stock, barrels of ale, tied-up prisoners, and possibly other treasure as

Giant Raiding Party (1d6)

1-3 Swordmaniac, Chainmonster, Vomitboy

4 as 1-3 above plus the Runt

5 as 1-3 above plus the Terrible Twins

6 as 1-3 above, plus both the Runt and the Terrible Twins

Wandering Monster and Random
Events Charts
Every two Turns or so there’s a 2 in 6 chance of some new factor com-
ing into play.


A Giant outside moves inside (roll 1d12 for destination) or
1 vice versa (roll 1d12+8 for exit).
Bad weather rolling in. As long as the Golden Obelisk (loca-
2 tion #15) is operational nothing more than light rain or the
occasional gusty wind will directly affect the Skyfortress.

3 Giantish roaring sounds emanate from inside the fortress.

A few dozens spiders are seen scuttling about the Ruins (lo-
cation #16). Normally they are harmless there but if the party
disturbs them there’s a 2 in 6 chance that a colossal number
4 of spiders pour out from the cracks and under the boulders,
forming 1d4 Spider Swarms that rampage across the cloud
surface for 1d6 Turns before dispersing.
Lightning strikes the Obelisk (location #15). Unless someone
is in direct contact with it, there’s no effect. Anyone touch-
5 ing the Obelisk takes 20d6 damage and is stunned for1d6
rounds, save versus Magic for half damage.
Gust of Wind: Torches are extinguished and anyone near the
edge of the cloud or the Stank Hole must roll their Dexterity
6 score or less on 1d20 or fall. Assume that Wretches and Gi-
ants have Dexterity scores of 11, unless you’d rather roll them
up on the spot.


More Hate From the Angry Brain: Add 1d4 Malevolences to
1 a random area (roll 1d12 for location).
Move any monster already indoors into an adjacent loca-
2 tion.
Randomly select a room (1d12 roll) and add either bloody
runes on the walls (made by the Mad Maiden while she was
3 tripping) or vomit on the floor (Vomitboy again). The Spiders
(item 6 on this list) will tend to efface these additions to the

WITHIN THE DOMES (1d6) - Cont.
A strange blue glow erupts from the Skydrive (rooms #5 and
#6), filling much of the complex with light for 1d6 Rounds.
Those in the Skydrive chambers must save versus Paralysis
4 or find themselves blinded for 2d6 Rounds (use the rules for
darkness and invisibility on page 60 of the LotFP Rules and
Magic book).
Lightning strikes the Obelisk (location #15). Unless someone
is in direct contact with it, there’s no effect. Anyone touch-
5 ing the Obelisk takes 20d6 damage and is stunned for 1d6
Rounds, save versus Magic for half damage.
The Spiders Strike: Roll 1d12 to fill a random chamber with
cobwebs that must be hacked through or burnt away
(either taking 1d4-1 Turns). It is 50% likely the party will be
6 attacked by a Spider Swarm if they do not use fire. If the
Spiders web up a room occupied with a Giant, note that the
Giant is presently asleep, snug in a silky cocoon and ready
to scare the bejesus out of the party when it pops out.


Thumping sounds overhead as a Giant passes over the tun-
1 nel. Small particles of cloudstuff crumble from the ceiling.
Relocate a Giant as necessary.
1d6 Wretches return to the tunnels after some outing. They
2 enter via areas A, D, or H (equal chances for each).
The smell of cooking food will lead the party to either areas B
3 or C (equal chances of each).
2d6 Wretches set an ambush for the party. If the number
4 rolled is less than the size of the party, they will throw spears
then retreat. (Ignore if they have been befriended.)
A few spiders are crawling along the tunnel ahead. Not
5 enough are here to trigger a swarm or harm the party in any
Drips of dirty water from ceiling. Harmless, but someone
might be spooked by a few drips on the face (particularly
6 into the mouth, this stuff tastes nasty) or the sputtering sound
as they land on a burning torch.

Indoor Locations
1. The Fountain
A stony dragon’s head spits cool, clean water into the fountain
here. Unlike nearly every other fountain in every other dungeon ever,
there’s nothing going on here but a source of liquid refreshment. No
monster in the pool. No treasure at the bottom. The water is not poi-
soned, acidic or enchanted in any way (unless you want otherwise.)

2. Trophy Room
The walls of this room are decorated with the pelts, antlers and heads
of a dozen unknown species of gigantic beasts. There’s a whole
stuffed tyrannosaur, the head of a purple dragon on a plaque, the

antlers of an electro-moose, etc. On two tall (8’ high) stone tables are
arranged a bewildering variety of smaller trophies: a python with a
scorpion stinger in its tail in a diorama fighting a lobster with a big hu-
man-like eyeball on a stalk, several sky-piranha in a mobile hanging
from the ceiling, a three gallon jar of frothy protoplasmic goo labeled
“Pickled Shoggoth” in an unknown tongue, and many others. Prob-
ably the most valuable piece in the collection is the whole skeleton
of an apelike creature, only the skeleton is made of electrum-infused
bone with three straight-razor style blades attached to each hand. In
total, the electrum katana-ape is worth 750sp for its metal value and
three or four times that much to the right collector.

One of the objects on one of the tables is a skull that appears to be

human but is three times larger than normal. This is the skull of the Sky
King, whose body sits on the throne in room #3. Inside the skull is the
Angry Brain. Even though the rest of his body deteriorated millennia
ago, the Sky King isn’t quite done dying. To this day the shriveled,
rotting black brain is thinking some very bitter subconscious thoughts
about its own impending death. These thoughts are so powerful they
manifest themselves as the Malevolences haunting the Skyfortress.

There are few clues to tell the party about the brain. The skull sits on
a blackish stain, with a few fresh drops of thick, black blood directly
under it. The Angry Brain will not object to its skull being handled. Even
sloshing the brain around in the skull won’t prompt a response. If the
players attempt to crack open the skull to see what’s inside or probe
an eye hole then 2d6 Malevolences will materialize to attack. Un-
doubtedly the fastest way to dispatch them is to finish the job on the
skull and murder the brain inside. One solid smashing or stabbing

attack will put the brain out of its misery. Once the Angry Brain is
dead all Malevolences will be dispelled.

Wittingly or no, the party may opt to steal the skull with the Angry
Brain still functional. With all the Malevolences it conjures in its wake,
planting the skull somewhere would be a helluva way to disrupt an
enemy city.

Any attempt to contact the Angry Brain through any sort of tele-
pathic means results in the caster/psionicist experiencing all twenty
Malevolent Visions (see the monster stats for the Malevolences, page
90) followed by their brain exploding. No save.

3. Throne Room
Sitting on a magnificent black granite throne on a raised dais is the
skeletal corpse of the last king of the Skyfortress, looking badass even
in death like that skeleton king near the beginning of the original
Conan the Barbarian film. If you haven’t seen that one do yourself a
favor and check it out. The king’s skull is currently in chamber #2, but
that is not immediately obvious as a huge horned barbute-style great
helm conceals its absence. Laying across the lap of the skeleton is a
shriveled, empty scabbard of giant size. The Swordmaniac wields the
sword that used to rest in that sheath.

Although the Giants make use of this room (and the filth in some parts
of the chamber shows the Broodmother uses it regularly), the throne
and corpse are considered taboo by the Giants. Past the original sac-
rilege of looting the sword they will not disturb this spooky guy.

If the players search the body of the dead king it will collapse into a
pile of bones and dust. (Don’t tell them of the lack of a skull unless
they ask about it.) They will find he is wearing a massive ruby on a
gold chain worth 10,000sp. So tempting is this jewel that all NPCs in
the party will need to check morale or they will attempt to abscond
with it at some strategic point. The titanic helmet is worth 200sp as a
curiosity. Nothing else on the king holds any value.

If the Titan’s skull from the Trophy Room (#2) is set upon the shoulders
of the king (or added to the pile of his desecrated bones) he will
regenerate back to life in 1d6 Rounds. The madness in his eyes will be
obvious to all. The newly-resurrected Sky King will go on a rampage,
slaying all intruders on his island. His initial priorities will be to retrieve his
sword from the Swordmaniac and get back his ruby if necessary, but

he will not hesitate to casually slay others along his route.

No statistics are given here for the Sky King, as no one else in the ad-
venture is in his league, the combined might of the PCs included.

He is an unstoppable juggernaut of destruction, able to physically

crush anyone in his way and capable of a wide variety of magics.

On any given Round he can automatically kill any one foe, unless he
has turned his full attention towards a grouping of victims, in which
case 1d6 foes are slain. He can breathe fire, shoot lasers from his eyes
and crap lightning.

If a character immediately prostrates himself before the Sky King

there’s a 50% chance he or she will be ignored long enough to make
a getaway. The only things that might stop the King are beheading
him again with a Vorpal Blade (versus Armor 20) or magics of the
genie wish variety. But basically if the Sky King is activated the adven-
ture becomes all about who escapes and who dies.

4. Primary Nest
The original function of this chamber has been completely obscured.
The Broodmother spends a lot of time here. Her stench and foul ex-
cretions have turned this chamber into a den of pollution.

On any given expedition to the Skyfortress 2d6 eggs will be found

here. These eggs resemble roundish boulders maybe five feet in
diameter. Disturbing an egg results in a 1 in 6 chance of it hatching
one Round later, releasing a ravenous Hatchling upon the party. Each
egg that hatches effectively disturbs all the others, so reroll that 1 in 6
chance for all remaining eggs each time a new one hatches.

The Broodmother keeps one or two throwing boulders here at all

times, which she will hurl at any Giant that annoys her just as readily
as at intruders. These rocks are noticeably smaller than the eggs, but
players may jump to the conclusion that the Broodmother throws her
own offspring at foes.

5. Upper Skydrive
This circular chamber features an elaborately vaulted ceiling. In the
center of the floor is a large (10’ tall) needle-like four-sided pyramid
of an unknown, glassy blue substance. The top third of the pyramid is
marked with a grid of fine black lines, on which are twenty-five gems
laid out apparently at random. Each face of the pyramid holds be-
tween 100sp and 500sp of gems. At any given time about half of the
gems (3d6, say) are lit up with an internal glow.

This is the Skydrive, the combined engine and controls for the fortress.
Each gem is either a control or gauge for the drive. Many of them
can be rotated in place or slid along the gridlines. Doing so without
any training is the equivalent of walking into the cabin of a jetliner

and flipping switches
at random. Maybe
you just turned on the
‘No Smoking’ light
or maybe you just
dumped all the fuel.
The Chainmonster
knows just enough
about the Skydrive
to steer it ineptly. The
Runt has watched him
on several occasions
but would probably
screw up the first time
he tried the controls.
The Mad Maiden is
probably the best pilot
in the tribe when she is
possessed, but no one
trusts her at the con-

Confronted with this mysterious device, many players will either want
to experiment with the controls or try to steal the gems. The unlit gems
are relatively safe (1 in 6 chance of a mishap if moved or removed),
while the glowing ones are almost certainly dangerous (5 in 6 chance
of a mishap). If a mishap occurs roll on the table below.

Random Skydrive Mishaps (1d6)

1 Skydrive shocks the operator for 2d6 electrical damage.
No obvious effect but Golden Obelisk (area #15) is deacti-
2 vated. Reversing control turns it back on.
An explosion of bright blue light. Those in the Skydrive cham-
bers must save versus Paralysis or find themselves blinded for
3 2d6 Turns (use the rules for darkness and invisibility on page 60
of the LotFP Rules and Magic book).
The whole cloud pitches to the side like an episode of origi-
nal series Star Trek. Everyone must save versus Paralysis or be
4 thrown to the floor for 1d6-1 damage. Potion bottles and the
like have a 2 in 6 chance of shattering. Reversing the control
rights the cloud, otherwise it stays off-kilter.

The pyramid starts making an ominous humming sound, ever
gaining in pitch and volume. If the controls are not reversed
5 in 6 Rounds a burst of energy explodes for 4d6 electrical
damage to everyone in the room. There’s also a 2 in 6
chance the antigravity goes out, as described below.
Antigravity deactivated. The cloud falls out of the sky, hitting
the ground in one Round if it’s close enough to be anchored,
1d4+1 Rounds if it is higher up in the sky. If the control is not
reversed in time, which I think would be a bit tricky to pull off,
6 everyone must save versus Poison or die in the ensuing crash.
Anyone who saves still takes 2d6 damage and is knocked
unconscious for 1d6 turns. All treasure and equipment is
completely ruined in the crash.

6. Lower Skydrive
This low-ceilinged chamber (only 10’ tall) is access to the bottom half
of the Skydrive, i.e. there’s a blue pyramid sticking out of the ceil-
ing like in chamber #5, only it is shorter (5’ tall) and more squat. The
function of this room is maintenance and repair access, kind of like a
Jeffries tube in Star Trek or the underside of the eleventh Doctor’s
TARDIS console. Most of the Giants can’t fit in here; their bodies aren’t
really designed to crawl or squat like humanoids. The Runt and the
Flopping Grotesquerie version of the Terrible Twins are the only giants
who can squeeze into the chamber. If the random placement dice
puts any other Giant here they are trying to get in from an adjacent
area (#7 or #9). Perhaps something rolled in here; maybe an egg
they were taking to the Cloudmarsh (area #17) got away from them
or they are chasing a stray Wretch.

Playing around with the gems here (25 total, 100sp to 500sp value,
3d6 glow) is even more dangerous than in the Upper Skydrive cham-
ber, more like opening up a jet engine in flight and tossing in a mon-
key wrench. If a gem is manipulated or removed use the Random
Skydrive Mishaps table but roll two dice. If double ones come up then
nothing happens. If double twos, threes, fours or fives are rolled then
treat it as a single roll of that number. If double sixes come up the
whole place explodes, everyone dies and everything is destroyed.
Otherwise read the dice as two separate mishaps that occur simulta-

7. Larder
The Chainmonster or some like-minded ancestor has equipped this
room with sufficient dangling hooks and securing chains for the stor-
age of meat both living and dead. Most of the food stored here will
be in the form of carcasses or cattle, swine, sheep, etc., but mixed
into the decor will be grisly bits of human remains. If the PCs seek a
specific person presumed taken in a previous attack they will be here,
but the odds are even they’ve already been butchered.

Additional live prisoners may be found here as well. Roll 1d6-1 for
imprisoned victims, who will generally be young, old and/or sickly. The
healthier snacks outran the Giants.

The three large barrels in one corner of the room will immediately
draw the attention of the sort of player who really digs it when their
PCs get soused. Unfortunately, the ale they contain has been con-
taminated with blood both bovine and human along with some
chopped onion. These Giants have weird tastes in beverages.

This chamber would be a good place for the Referee to insert some
sort of clue for further development in the campaign. Like a severed
arm with a treasure map tattooed on it, for example.

8. Grand Balcony
The floor of this balcony is 30’ above ground level, with a 7’ high
gridwork railing (it looks more like a fence to humans) with supporting
columns. Any Giants here will avail themselves of the opportunity to
hurl boulders at intruders. They even keep four reasonable throwing
rocks here for just such purposes. The floor here gets slick after any
rain, requiring Dexterity checks on 1d20 to stay on a firm footing dur-
ing every Round of mêlée combat.

9. Crypt Entrance
This chamber probably once served as a shrine of sorts or perhaps a
place of ancestor veneration, as the shattered remains of numerous
small stone statues litter the floor along with the fragments of a pair
of altars or tables. There’s nothing of value here, as most everything
has been ground under giantish feet for centuries. Laying near the
entrance to chamber #10 are a pair of battered doors. These are the
only doors in the complex, as the titans of yore used doorway tech-
nology for ceremonial purposes only.

10. The Crypt
The walls of this room contain twelve niches large enough to hold
a recumbent skeleton of titanic proportions. Ten of the niches are
occupied with piles of bone on the same scale as the dead king in
the Throne Room. The eleventh holds a pile of white dust. The twelfth
niche was intended for the king, but he was too grumpy to crawl in
there and lie down before dying.

This may come as a surprise to you, but the eleven skeletons here are
not undead waiting to jump up and murder the PCs.

Instead of being undead, they are one step beyond death. No form
of resurrection or reincarnation spell will work on these skeletons;
neither will Speak with Dead. These skeletons have been lying here so
long their ghosts have died of old age.

The skeletons may not be undead, but they’re not exactly resting
peacefully either. Rather than nicely assembled skeletons laid out
respectfully, these corpses have endured centuries of desecration
and grave robbing at the hands of previous generations of Giants.
Thus their bones are now strewn hodgepodge about their respec-
tive niches, with a couple of giant femurs and whatnot lying on the
If a character carefully touches one of the bones lying on the ground
or in a niche, it will crumble to powder. If however they start indis-

criminately pawing through bones in search of treasure, the whole
skeleton will burst into a cloud of powder 15’ in diameter. All within
the area of effect must save versus Poison. Success indicates they
emerge from the cloud covered with bone dust, coughing and chok-
ing for one or two Rounds. Failure indicates they inhale enough small,
sharp bits of bone to really tear up their mouth, esophagus, lungs, etc.
The victim takes 2d6 damage and is incapacitated for 2d6 days, dur-
ing which time they move at half rate and always lose initiative rolls in
combat. And they spit up a lot of blood.

Most of the treasure here is long gone, looted and lost long before
the PCs were born. However, one of the niches, a lower ‘bunk’, has
an ancient map decoration inlaid on its ceiling as if for use by the
dead Titan therein. The map depicts familiar continents of the planet
in an unusual arrangement (for games set on Earth, it shows the world
just after the break-up of Pangaea). Several out-of-scale pyramids
appear on the map (one in Egypt?), which could serve as leads to
further adventures. The map is made of semi-precious stones which if
pried out would fill a small sack for about 2,000sp in loose stones. This
map can only be found with a successful Search roll, unless there’s a
halfling in the party. The ceiling of the lower niche is at just the right
height for a halfling to spot easily, no roll required.

11. The Red Columns

The reddish-brown columns along this chamber give the eyes a little
respite from the continuous whiteness assaulting them in most of the
rest of the Skyfortress. A few hundred spiders crawl across the ceiling,
but not in sufficient density or hostility to constitute a Spider Swarm. If
a swarm is placed here it will initially appear as if one of the columns
is black instead or red, at least until that blanket of blackness starts
creeping towards the party.

12. Damaged Room
A crumbled spot in the wall here provided access in and out of the
fortress via an opening too small for most of the Giants. The Runt can
squeeze through, taking an extra Round or two to get through, or if
the Swordmaniac is sufficiently roused he can charge the hole and
bust through, enlarging the exit to giant-sized. In the latter case there
is a 50% chance the Swordmaniac will be stunned for 2d6 Rounds.

Outdoors Locations
13. Green Mess
In the center of this weed-choked garden is a vine-covered black
granite statue of a nude youth, standing almost 20’ tall (the young
man is 14’ tall on a 5’ pedestal). The statue was posed with one arm
extended in a friendly greeting, which has broken off and lies nearby.

If the vegetation is cleared off, the sheer beauty and craftsman-

ship of the statue is breathtaking. The statue is probably worth tens
of thousands or even hundreds of thousands to the right buyer, but
moving the statue would be a massive undertaking. A more practical
form of pillaging would be to take the arm and find a buyer for that.
Even by itself the arm requires at least two bearers to carry it. In a suf-
ficiently cosmopolitan city the arm alone would fetch 2,500sp.

The garden contains additional statuary such as broken pillars, a

winged horse, three graces (i.e. nude maidens), a lion and other
classical images. These statues have no appreciable value due to
their incomplete state and inferior quality stone. A fountain featuring
cherubs pouring water-jugs into a basin has dried up completely.

14. Great Winches

Here at the edge of the cloud some ancestor of the Giants has con-
structed a giant mechanism similar in scale to a siege engine. This de-
vice allows the deployment of three huge ship anchors with several
hundred feet of heavy chain, allowing the Skyfortress to be secured
after it has been brought to a stop by use of the Skydrive (chambers
#5 and #6). Of the current generation of Giants only the Chainmon-
ster and the Runt know how to operate this machine. The Chainmon-
ster won’t let the Runt anywhere near it, but if the Chainmonster is
taken out of commission the Runt has watched him enough times in
the past to be able to fill in for his superior.

The anchors and chains could no doubt be resold to some naval
interest for a few hundred silver pieces each, but the logistics involved
would be a nightmare due to their immense weight.

15. Golden Obelisk

As long as this tall needle of gold-plated cloudstuff remains in place
the entire island is magically protected from most of the effects of
bad weather, apart from light rain and gusty winds. Any lightning-
type magic cast within sight of the Obelisk is drawn to it rather than
the target, but anyone in physical contact with the Obelisk takes full
damage from the lightning effects.

Scraping the gold off the Obelisk is possible if foolish. Each man-Turn
of scraping yields 1d100 sp worth of gold, with 1,000sp total within
easy reach and another 5,000sp above that. After such plundering
roll a d6 and consult the chart below:

Amount Scraped Roll Result

1-1000 sp 1 Obelisk disenchanted, 2-6 no effect

1,001 - 2,000 sp 1-2 Obelisk disenchanted, 3-6 no effect

2,001 - 3,000 sp 1-3 Obelisk disenchanted, 4-6 no effect

3,001 - 4,000 sp 1-4 Obelisk disenchanted, 5-6 no effect

4,001 - 5,000 sp 1-5 Obelisk disenchanted, 6 no effect

5,001+ sp Obelisk disenchanted

If the Obelisk is disenchanted the next big storm the Skyfortress flies
through will really wreck the place.

16. Ruins
The scope of the rubble field here suggests that the Skyfortress once
featured many additional buildings. Perhaps the structure stand-
ing today was only the “control palace” of the original construct. A
careful survey by a character with adequate skill in Architecture or
dwarven stonelore will reveal that some of the ruined buildings here
are incomplete due to the cloudy foundations below them crumbling

Generally searching these ru-
ins will not yield any treasure.
However, successful Climb and
Search rolls along the cloudcliff
where the buildings are crumbled
will reveal a treasure perched
precariously in a nook of the cliff-
side: a giant-sized gold ring that
looks more like a smallish bracelet
to human-sized folk. Demihumans
and lithe humans could wear
the ring around their wrist. While
worn the ring/bracelet grants the
owner the ability to cast Charm
Monster once per day at a range
of 100’. However, if the initial sav-
ing throw against the Charm suc-
ceeds all further encounters with
monsters of that kind will be
irrevocably hostile.

17. Cloudmarsh
This section of the cloud is less
stable than the rest of the island.
Sometimes sections of it are trans-
parently vaporous but at other
times the area looks as safe as
anywhere else (50/50 chance).
In the latter case only proper pre-
cautions or a Search roll will allow
the lead members of the party to
avoid falling to their doom.

Any Giants found in this section

of the Cloud will be transporting
eggs one or two at a time (the
Runt will be rolling his). When
the Broodmother decides that
a clutch is ready for distribution
they are dropped through the
cloud here during a close ap-
proach to the ground. Disturbing
any of the eggs after they have

been schlepped by the Giants results in a 2 in 6 chance of a hungry
Hatchling popping out to eat the PCs.

18. Stank Hole

This four foot wide hole straight through the cloud serves as a pretty
convenient place for most of the Giants to vacate their bowels and
bladders. The overpowering odor of the combined stains near the
edge of the hole and along the walls of the shaft should make the
situation obvious.

19. King of All Apple Trees

A vast, nearly dead tree grows here in the remarkable fluffy cloudstuff
soil. From its hardiest branch hangs a single shriveled apple, big as a
man’s fist and possessing a strange brassy hue. If the seeds of this ap-
ple are planted in good soil in a mild climate and given plenty of wa-
ter, in 2d6 years the resulting trees will grow huge golden-hued apples
as big as a man’s head. Their flavor will be of unparalleled sweetness
and delight. The owner of an orchard of such apples would no doubt
be able to retire in wealth.

20. Overgrown Garden

The neat rows and simple organization of the original design of this
garden have been obscured by centuries of neglect. A successful
Bushcraft rolls here allows the party to gather 1d6 days worth of food
in the form of various knobby, bitter vegetables and sour berries. A
Search roll reveals a small stone tablet (6” x 6” x 1”) half-buried and
concealed under thorny weeds. The tablet contains a copy of the

Magic-User spell Growth of Plants, which can be cast once from the
tablet or transcribed to a spellbook. Either use causes the tablet to
crumble to dust. Erosion has partially effaced the characters carved
on the tablet, leading to a flaw in the spell. Each time the Growth
spell is used there is a 1 in 6 chance the enchanted plants will ani-
mate as a 4 Hit Dice monster and attack the caster.

Tunnel Locations
All the tunnels are festooned with just enough phosphorescent fungus
to give the player characters the impression that it is safe to go down
there without torches or lanterns. They will be able to negotiate the
tunnels without proper lighting, but the Wretches see much better
under these conditions, granting them a great advantage against

A. The Mousehole
This crack in an interior wall of the Skyfortress is the only obvious
way into the tunnels below. A full-sized human in heavy armor and
with a backpack won’t quite fit here, but most other characters
can squeeze into the entrance. A slim halfling or typical elf can slip
through easily.

B. Cave of the Old Woman

Most of the Wretches eat and sleep in chamber C below, but a lone
wise-woman figure lives here. Her collection of dried fungus and
herbs barely fulfils the humble medical needs of her own community.
They won’t do much for the party unless some character is particu-
larly skilled in their use. The Old Woman doesn’t linger here any lon-
ger than any of the other Wretches; she’s just as likely to be out and
about as anyone else.

C. The Great Shroom Cavern

This large space serves as the primary living space for the tribe. The
walls are lined with a variant phosphorescent fungi that is vaguely
nutritious and rather fast growing. (Don’t get too stressed out on the
ecology of this place. This sort of detail is a figleaf to help maintain
verisimilitude rather than a nod towards a ‘realistic’ floating cloud
dungeon.) A small fire is usually burning here and 1d4 spears with
cloudstuff spearheads can be found lying around the joint. A Bush-
craft roll here will allow the party to identify a small number of psy-
chedelic shrooms (1d12 doses). Finding such fare when randomly
gobbling on mushrooms is unlikely (1 in 6 chance). Anyone tripping on
mushrooms must save versus Poison or roll on the Malevolent Visions
chart, page 90. Whatever vision the tripper has will continue to
haunt them in their dreams on and off for years.

D. The Boulder Pile

The Giants maintain a large stockpile of throwing boulders here,
covering a smallish (anyone bigger than a halfling must crouch or
crawl) entrance to the tunnels. The Wretches have partially dug
out the back of the pile, clearing enough space to form a small
duck-blind kind of room. This small hollow could hold two people in
cramped quarters and offers several peepholes into the chamber of
Red Columns (location #11). From the chamber a simple Search roll
will reveal the hidden space, but several large boulders will need to

be carefully removed to access the tunnels. Moving boulders hap-
hazardly will certainly bring the top of the pile crashing down on the
party for 2d6 damage apiece. Such a mishap can be avoided by a
competent supervisor directing the work with use of the Architecture
skill (or dwarf stonelore, for those not playing with LotFP rules).

E. Chamber of the Ancestors

This chamber contains a neatly stacked pyramidal pile of several
dozen human skulls. In flickering torchlight or the ambient phosphores-
cence of the tunnels the character with the lowest Wisdom score will
be absolutely convinced that one or more of the skulls are watching
the party. Should the pile of skulls be searched thoroughly, near the
bottom of the stack the party will find a skull made of crystal. It has no
magical properties (unless you want it to) but is worth 1,000 sp. Some
interested parties might assume it has magical properties even if it

It is one of the greatest honors a Wretch may receive from its people
to have their skull enshrined here after death. If any party members
befriend the Wretches prior to being slain, their skulls will be added to
the stack if possible.

Casting any form of Animate Dead here will turn the pile into a single
chittering undead horror.

F. The Crossroads
From this point the party should be able to hear the activities of at
least one group of Wretches. However, the weird acoustics of this
place ensure a 1 in 6 chance they will misread which direction the
sounds are coming from.

G. The Pool
In this chamber dirty water drips from the ceiling into a shallow pool,
about 18 inches at its deepest. This is the primary water supply for the
Wretches. If it is poisoned they will have to rely on surreptitious trips to
chamber #1 and the few hollow spaces in the Ruins that can effec-
tively catch rainwater. The bottom of the pool is only semi-solid, so
anyone wading into the deepest part will fall through and out of the
cloud completely. The resulting hole will seal itself in 1d4-1 Rounds.

H. Below the Ruins

Underneath area #16 is a maze of partially filled and mostly cramped
tunnels connected to the main complex under the Skyfortress. One

branch of this network leads up into the ruins, in a concealed spot
hidden behind a slab of cloudstuff leaning against a crumbling wall.
One passage here leads directly out the side of the cloud.

Likely initial attitude / behavior during one or two monster situations

Laying Aggressive Maternal
BM Eggs
Mating Mating due to Bullying
Displays Rejection
SM Mating Eating
Bullying Bullying Distrust Bullying

Aggressive Playing with Aggressive

CM Mating
Displays Chains Displays
Bullying Fascination Fascination

Rejecting Coughing,
Aggressive Mutual
VB due to Bullying
possibly Bullying Disgust
disgust vomiting
Playing Superstitious
R Bullying Bullying Bullying Bullying
with rocks Fear

Aggressive Superstitious Mumbling Fight over

MM Displays
Distrust Fascination Disgust
Fear to Self meal
Maternal Mutual Fight over Arguing
T Rejection
Bullying Fascination
meal with self

BM = Broodmother, SM = Swordmaniac, CM = Chainmonster,

VB = Vomitboy, R = Runt, MM = Mad Maiden, T= Twins

In a Boring Generic Fantasy Role- The Spidery Swarms
Playing Game the stats for the Armor: 15
monsters haunting the Skyfortress Hit Points: 4d8
would probably look something Unencumbered Movement Rate:
like this: 30’, can suddenly crawl out of
cracks in walls, small holes, etc.
The Giants Attack Bonus: automatically hits
Armor: 17 all within the swarm (a 20’ by 20’
Hit Points: 10d8 area or so)
Unencumbered Movement Rate: Attacks: a thousand tiny bites do-
120’ ing 1d4 damage, half damage
Attack Bonus: +10 to anyone wearing armor
Attacks: bigass smash attack for Save As: 0 level Fighter
4d6 damage or throw boulder Morale: 11
(200’ range) for 3d6 damage Special: Anyone running out of a
Save As: 10th level Fighter swarm will take damage for 1d4-
Morale: 10 1 additional Rounds unless they
jump into a lake or something like
The Malevolences that. Weapons do no damage to
Armor: 15 swarms. Fire and cold based at-
Hit Points: 2d8 tacks are effective. Heavy smoke
Unencumbered Movement Rate: will drive them off. A Sleep spell
90’, can float through keyholes, will take out an entire swarm.
under doors, etc.
Attack Bonus: +2 The Wretches
Attacks: Insubstantial claw for Armor: 12
1d4 damage plus lose one point Hit Points: 1d6
of Wisdom (Wisdom 0 = dead) Unencumbered Movement Rate:
Save As: 1st level Fighter 120’
Morale: 12 Attack Bonus: 0
Special: These misty creeps are Attacks: some cruddy weapon
barely substantial and nearly for 1d6 damage
invisible. They can only be struck Save As: 0 level Fighter
by magical attacks. In nearly any Morale: 6
situation they surprise foes on a
1-5 on a 1d6.
The Hatchlings
Armor: 15
Hit Points: 3d8
Unencumbered Movement Rate:
Attack Bonus: +3
Attacks: bite for 1d6 damage
Save As: 2nd level Fighter
Morale: 9

Yep, those sure are some stats.

But this is Lamentations of the
Flame Princess: Weird Fantasy
Role-Playing we’re talking about

The goal of the Referee should

be to wreck the players’ expec-
tations, plunging them into a
chaotic nightmare world where
not even the cruel pleasures of
standardized stat blocks protect
them from the yawning void of

Just because all those other

dungeon-rific role-playing games
offer you catalogs of neatly stan-
dardized and sanitized monsters
doesn’t mean you have to fall for
that trap here. So here’s an alter-
native interpretation for each of
these monsters, more in line with
the goal of putting the fear of the
gods into the party.

The Giants
The idea that a mere human or demi-human can harm one of these
creatures is laughable. Some fantasy role-playing games might allow
a high-level character to wrestle an angry Tyrannosaurus, but LotFP
assumes that the player characters will be a bit more like the poor
white-water rafters stuck in Land of the Lost. These big scary monsters
are nigh-unstoppable killing machines; that is their whole deal. Like
the protagonists in Land of the Lost, the only hope the PCs have is to
avoid a direct confrontation. So let’s start by making these bastards
hard as fuck to kill.

Armor: None! Your players don’t even have to roll to land a blow!
Why would they? These creeps are almost certainly the biggest thing
they’ve ever aimed a weapon at in anger.

Hit Points: Bad news here. 20d8 hit points. In LotFP terms that’s nearly
godlike. Which is fine, because one Giant loose in your hometown
should seem like a visit from an angry Jehovah.

Damage Reduction: -5 points. This is going to be the thing that really

cheeses off some of the players. Any time a blow lands (and obvi-
ously there will be a lot of them, since no attack rolls are required) the
first 5 points of any attack don’t count. You should be totally obvious
about this. When any hit for less than 6 points lands, tell the player
that they failed to penetrate the Giant’s thick hide. Describe a 6 point
blow as the merest scratch, barely drawing blood through deep lay-
ers of tough hide and thick fat.

Obviously you could attempt to simulate the Damage Reduction by

assigning a really high Armor to the Giants. That’s how the armor the
PCs wear works, right? Sometimes you don’t want the monsters to
follow the same rules as the PCs. Call it Mechanical Alienation if you
want a term for it. See the monster stats in the Call of Cthulhu role-
playing game for some good examples of this concept in action.

Note that the high hit points plus Damage Reduction of these crea-
tures means that killing them using traditional combat methods is
difficult. That doesn’t mean they can’t be killed. The players just need
to come up with some nonconventional means of doing so. To adju-
dicate any crazy player schemes for offing the Giants you’ll probably
need to use rough guidelines like those described in the section Get-
ting Up to the Skyfortress (page 12).

Meanwhile, the attacks for the Giants are different as well.

Basic Attack: +10 attack bonus, 4d6 damage. The damage can be
increased by weapon use, as noted in the individual monster descrip-
tions. If any damage die comes up a 6 or more, the target is knocked
back 1d6 x 5 feet and falls prone. Anyone in armor heavier than
leather will take a whole Round to get back up.

Thrown Boulder: +10 attack bonus, 3d6 damage. One thrown boulder
may attack two adjacent targets. Each time a boulder hits a foe some
item of theirs will be crushed and broken. Look over the poor sap’s
character sheet and choose the item you think the player would most
hate to lose. The player then selects an alternate item. You each then
roll a d20, high number determining which item is wrecked. The pos-
sibility of losing their precious magic sword will scare more players than
simple hit point damage.

Bucking Bronco: Save versus Breath Weapon or take 2d6 damage

every Round you are in mêlée with a Giant, surprise segments ex-
cluded. You ever been near an angry or panicked animal of any
size? They will flail around, not giving a crap about who they hurt.
And most people, unless they have direct experience working with
animals, have no idea how strong a cow or a mule is compared to
them. And we’re not talking here about a little ol’ mule with an ornery
streak. These creeps are 20’ tall piles of hate.

The Malevolences for the players. Once players
Armor: 15 figure out most of their weapons
Hit Points: 2d8 are useless against these crea-
Unencumbered Movement Rate: tures, the practical effect of this
90’, can float through keyholes, immunity will be that the party
under doors, etc. will flee from any Malevolences
Attack Bonus: +2 encountered, or else they will
Attacks: insubstantial claw for expend all their damage dealing
1d4 damage plus lose one point spells like Magic Missile against
of Wisdom (Wisdom 0 = dead), these monsters. Demons called
plus random malevolent vision if up by the Summon spell could
damage rolled = 4. also hurt these guys, if you so
Save As: 1st level Fighter choose.
Morale: 12
Special: These misty creeps are Not Undead: Since these crea-
barely substantial and nearly tures are born of the living, hating
invisible. They can only be struck Angry Brain, they are not undead
by magical attacks. In nearly any and thus cannot be Turned
situation they surprise foes on a or otherwise affected by anti-
1-5 on 1d6. undead magic. Note that this
decision is clearly a Dick Move on
The statistics listed above are my part. If you want your party’s
based upon one classic version Clerics to be able to Turn the
of the monster type known as Malevolences, please feel free to
Shadows, although I imagine cross out this part of the text.
Malevolences as more like hazy,
amorphous mists rather than Bad Thoughts: Since the Malevo-
inky two-dimensional humanoid lences are made out of the eons-
silhouettes. old hatreds of the Angry Brain,
any attempt to use mind-reading
Immune to Normal Weapons: magics like ESP will bounce back
They don’t have a lot of hit at the caster for 2d4 damage
points, but neither steel nor and the loss of 2 points of Wis-
fire will harm these incorporeal dom.
thought-beings. Magic weapons
will harm them, as will weapons Ancient Visions: Each time a Ma-
levolence strikes a foe and rolls a
made of esoteric psychically-
4 on a damage die, some of the
attuned materials like the Son Angry Brain’s cosmic memories
of Satan’s netharanium trident. leak through into the mind of its
Since magic weapons are less victim. Roll on the Malevolent
common in LotFP: Weird Fantasy Visions table (p 90.) or make up
Role-Playing than in other games, some stuff better suited to the his-
this is going to be a real problem tory and tone of your campaign.

A civilization of neutrino aura entities fighting the first war mil-
liseconds after the Big Bang. The atomic matter in the later
1 universe is not a natural phenomenon but rather the fallout of
the genocidal anti-energy weapons used in that era.
A vast bat-winged demon made of starlight cracking open a
2 black hole to scoop out and devour the singularity within.
An army of neanderthalish proto-grey aliens slaughtering
cycloptic lava-beasts on the surface of a newly formed, still
3 molten planet. The Greys build a castle out of the smoldering
corpses of their victims.
A mutant tyrannosaurus rex with a glowing third eye is cast into
4 a steaming lake, only to be torn to pieces by hideously fanged
Atlantis sinking below the waves. Luxuriating elves on hover-
5 barges sip golden wine from diamond goblets, laughing at the
drowning humans below them.

6 Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.

A wrathful three-headed Zeus throws a thunderbolt at an
7 undead dragon and misses, shattering the sky like it was made
out of blue glass.
Six hundred and sixty-six quasar galaxies rotate so that their
polar emission jets converge onto a single point in space,
8 opening a parsecs-wide gate to Hell and releasing a trillion de-
mons upon an unsuspecting universe.
The final moments of Ragnarok Zero. Most of the Concept
Avatars of Creation lay dead within the Glittering Tesseract,
9 leaving only the tiny fragments of surviving Concepts we know
Fiery angels massacring stampeding dinosaurs as an angry
10 comet lights up the sky.
An icy plain with a huge glowing spiral galaxy dominating
the night sky overhead. One by one all the stars in the galaxy
11 go nova, until the ice starts to melt, then boil away to steam.
Finally, the sky is blinding white.

A thousand eyeless trilobites slowly devouring the flesh of a
12 screaming warrior goddess bound with adamantine chains to
a titanic obelisk of dark green stone.
Twin stargod fetuses in an amniotic sac of violet sparkling light.
13 One twin devours the other as the stars themselves seem to
shudder in horror.
A new solar system coalesces out of a cloud of interstellar gas.
14 One of the bodies circling this newborn star is not a planet, but
rather a vast pulsating heart of black demon flesh.
A moment of fourth dimensional vision. The insides of adjacent
rooms or nearby containers become known, but it becomes
impossible to ever again look at anyone else present during
15 the vision without the horrific memory of their throbbing inter-
nal organs. Humans and the like can never be just “people”
again, but some unconscious part of the mind will always think
of them as absurd sacks of mobile meat.
A fairy feast in an idyllic glade, with elf-like creatures dancing
and singing. The music and the beauty of the fairies is so exqui-
site as to move one to tears. Before the mind can take in even
16 a tenth of the pure aesthetic joy displayed, a band of cavemen
emerge from the forest and slaughter the fairies with rocks and
Amid cacophonic howls a giant tentacular horror gives
bloody, slimy birth to an even more grotesque being. A few
17 moments (eons?) later the afterbirth follows. Instead of a pla-
centa, the far end of the umbilical cord leads to a beautiful
hermaphroditic human covered in blood and black bile.
A gas giant with majestic Saturnian rings. The point of view
passes through the rings to reveal that, instead of ice particles
18 or asteroids, the rings are composed entirely of millions of
headless skeletons.
A scaly hand writes titanic indecipherable runes upon the sur-
19 face of an prehistoric ocean. The runes catch on fire, as does
the hand, then the ocean. The ocean burns down.
Nth dimensional spiders weave webs out of infinitely long hy-
20 perstring threads. At each place on the web where two strings
intersect a universe is born in the juncture.

The Spider Swarms damage on the victim. Either
Once these creatures have way, cutting a victim free only
crawled onto the body of a takes one Round, but obviously
victim, in addition to the dam- such an act could expose the
age they do every round they rescuer to swarm attacks as well.
will begin spinning webs around
them. This has no effect on the Note that the Spider Swarms and
first Round, or at all if the victim the Giants co-exist in a symbiotic
runs out of the swarm area. (In relationship. The Giants are im-
the latter case, they still take mune to their attacks (the bites
damage for 1d4-1 Rounds as can’t penetrate their thick flesh)
described on p, 84) But anyone and the Spiders in turn feast on
damn foolish enough to just hang any parasites, bugs, etc. clinging
out in the swarm for more than to the hide of their hosts. The Spi-
one Round must save versus ders will often encase the Giants
Paralysis every additional Round. in web cocoons as they sleep,
Failure to save means they have which the latter can easily slough
been encased in sufficient web- off with their great strength.
bery that they are all webbed
up in a cocoon-like enclosure.
Most victims of this attack-form
are unable to free themselves or
take any action but to scream
for help. And if they scream, spi-
ders will climb down their throat,
inflicting double damage that
Round. Anyone with a Strength of
16 or greater can free themselves
in 2d4 Rounds, providing they
live that long with the continuous
damage and additional saving
throws. Someone holding a dag-
ger or knife at the time of entrap-
ment can similarly escape; no
other weapons afford the victim
a chance to free themselves.

These webs are not particularly

flammable, so pretty much the
only aid others can provide is to
pull out a dagger or knife and
cut the victim out. Any other
edged weapon will inflict half

The Wretches The Hatchlings
Although generations of life These creatures tend to bite the
among the Giants have trans- face or head of their victims.
formed these people into inbred Anytime they score 4 or more
deformities with a dubious hillbilly points of damage from a single
culture, they are not complete bite the victim is partially blinded
idiots. The Wretches have from the gushing blood, suffer-
survived in the shadows of the ing a -2 penalty on attack and
Giants through stealth and cun- Search rolls until someone can
ning, skills they will not hesitate to tend the wound for at least one
turn on the PCs should they take Round. Such wounds have a 1 in
a disliking to them. These guys 6 chance of leaving some sort of
will avoid a stand-up fight wher- wicked scar unless healed magi-
ever possible, instead choosing cally.
guerilla warfare-like tactics
against the party. Make sure The hatchlings barely appear in
to re-read the rules for Surprise, the adventure proper, but you
Attacking from Behind, Cover, should feel free to scatter some
Aiming and Helpless Opponents clutches of eggs along the path
prior to any encounter involving of destruction wreaked by the
the Wretches, as they will not Skyfortress. What starts out as
fight fair. a report of mysterious boulders
falling from the sky could end up
One last thing about the Wretch- as 2d6 or 3d6 eggs all hatching
es: they stink. In order to survive within about 24 hours of each
generations among the Spider other. The feeding frenzy that
Swarms they smear Giant dung ensues will follow in the wake of
on their skin. The Spiders avoid Skyfortress attacks like the after-
the stuff. Perhaps if the player shocks of an earthquake.
characters make friendly con-
tact they can learn this fabulous

And don’t forget to check out

some of the options you selected
for Minor Issues: The Wretches on
page 58.

This section is a Best-Of
from Jeff’s Gameblog, with many
items written before LotFP existed.
Therefore this section remains as originally
intended and Referees must convert these items
to regular LotFP rules. For example, Jeff uses the
gold standard here, and references many
“classic” fantasy RPG monsters and spells
that are not in LotFP. Alter as desired for
your campaign’s atmosphere and
For when THAT GUY tries to derail the session by refusing to go into the
damn dungeon.


1 PC is obsessed with proving the existence of the Hollow World.
PC quests to retrieve bones of famous adventuring ancestor and re-
2 inter them in family tomb.
PC has terrible but enticing dreams of sitting on the throne of a vast
3 underworld kingdom.

4 PC owes d6 x 10,000 gp to Jabba the Hutt.

5 PC seeks vengeance against the Troll King.

Family member of PC afflicted with disease that can only be cured
6 with the waters from a sacred subterranean spring.
PC haunted by visions of a beautiful witch/drow/princess/goth chick
7 living on an island at the center of a vast underground lake.
PC seeks one segment of the Rod of Seven Parts. Must obtain all
8 seven to save homeland from foretold doom.
Evil duplicate of PC (twin? simulacrum? clone?) has fled into the dun-
9 geon. One or the other must die before both go mad.
PC’s true love has been trapped in amber and is on display in the
10 trophy room of Lord Utterdark.
PC’s parents imprisoned. Corrupt official will release them in ex-
11 change for the Star Ruby of Umman-Gorash.
PC quests for legendary sword (Fighter), archmage’s spellbook
12 (Magic-User), holy relic (Cleric), etc.

Want a boatload more random dungeon motivations? Paul Verme-
ren and Bret Woods expanded this table to 100 entries! Awesome!
Here are the additional entries:

13 PC is a naturalist studying dungeon-based ecologies.
PC is from another plane/reality/dimension and is looking for a way
14 home.
PC was a hireling in the employ of a party that entered the dungeon
days ago and has yet to return. Left to tend to their horses, the PC is
15 waiting by the dungeon entrance, grumbling about back pay, when
the PC party arrives.
PC seeks the subterranean River Lethe, hoping to forget a shameful
16 past deed.
PC has lost everything they once held dear and has a suicidal death
17 wish.
PC is a member of a tribe that considers surviving the dungeon a rite
18 of passage.
PC has been outfitted with an unremovable, deadly device that
magically transmits their every sensation to a decrepit immortal who
19 craves the thrill of dungeon crawling. Immortal will spare the PC as
long as they are entertained.

20 PC was double-dog dared to enter the dungeon.

21 PC was originally a member of the opposite sex and quests for a cure.
PC is doing research for an up-and-coming mad wizard who wants to
22 construct the ultimate dungeon.
PC heard dungeon crawling was a growth industry and is in it for the
23 money.
PC is on the run from the law, and figures they won’t follow him/her
24 into a dungeon.

25 PC is trying to impress a love interest.

PC is the descendant of a disgraced noble family and quests to

26 restore its good name.

27 PC is a criminal sentenced to certain death in the dungeon.

PC is the illegitimate child of a great hero, now intent on proving him/
28 herself to their deadbeat parent.

WHAT’S MY MOTIVATION? (1d100) - Cont.
PC was trained from birth by a bizarre dungeon-worshipping cult and
29 sent as an offering to the great gods of the underworld.

30 PC just adores that gloomy dungeon ambience.

PC is obsessed with proving something called “Unified Dungeon
31 Theory.”
PC’s crazy old uncle has filled PC’s head with glamorous nonsense
32 about dungeon crawling.
PC has terrifying dreams commanding them to awaken a sleeping
33 god.
PC is the impressionable younger relative of another PC and follows
34 them everywhere.

35 PC is the overprotective older relative of another PC.

36 PC was sent to act as bodyguard to another PC.

37 PC owed another PC a huge favor.

38 PC is the indentured servant of another PC.

PC is the slave of another PC. Whether the PC will remain so is an-
39 other question.
PC is the devoted friend of another PC and didn’t want them to go
40 alone.

41 PC is driven to prove him/herself the strongest of all.

PC collects spores, molds and fungus and will go to any length to find
42 new ones.
PC seeks blood/tooth/claw/eye of a monster found in the dungeon
43 to sell to a witch/complete a ritual/create a magic potion/hawk on
the black market.
PC wants to completely eradicate one type of monster found in the
44 dungeon from the face of the earth.
PC is an aficionado of ancient wall carvings and wants to add rub-
45 bings from this dungeon to his/her collection.

46 PC lost a wager and must enter the dungeon as a result.

47 PC’s beloved pet scampered into the dungeon.

PC was bullied/coerced/tricked/seduced into accompanying an-
48 other PC into the dungeon.

WHAT’S MY MOTIVATION? (1d100) - Cont.
49 PC is an adrenaline junkie looking for a rush.

50 PC is a jaded hedonist in search of new thrills.
PC shipwrecked nearby and needs to raise money quickly to repair
51 ship
PC was forced to stop at this backwater world when his/her space-
52 ship ran out of the magic items/gems/gold/other treasure it uses for
PC must spend a night in the dungeon in order to receive a promised
53 inheritance.
PC has complex legal documents stating that the dungeon is techni-
54 cally located on his/her property and intends to claim it. Must evict
the tenants first.
PC decides to enter the dungeon while extremely drunk. PC may
55 sober up later and regret this decision.

56 PC has a thing for “underdark chicks/guys.”

PC believes a cryptic journal that details his/her true family history lies
57 within the bowels of the dungeon.

58 PC wants to prove that flumphs are not extinct.

59 PC really likes dragons, heard they tend to hang out in places like this.
PC loved one was violated by monsters from the dungeon, must be
60 avenged.
PC is an amnesiac, believes the key to discovering his/her forgotten
61 identity lies in the dungeon.

62 PC is searching for evidence of a lost race/civilization.

63 PC is a tomb robber, pure and simple.

PC loved one was kidnapped and taken to be villain’s consort, and is
64 held in the dungeon.
PC realizes that being an adventurer = dungeon crawling in this world
65 and there’s no way around it.
PC has been injected with a slow-acting poison, the antidote for
66 which can be made from a lichen that grows only in the dungeon.
PC is a former henchman of the dungeon’s main villain, and seeks to
67 overthrow the villain.

WHAT’S MY MOTIVATION? (1d100) - Cont.
PC secretly seeks to betray the PC party to the dungeon’s main vil-
68 lain, whether out of own malice or because the villain holds the PC’s

loved one captive.

69 PC seeks to disprove the existence of the Hollow Earth.

PC is codependent and feels a need to do what everyone else is
70 doing.
PC comes from peasant stock and refuses to live as his/her forebears
71 have, and sees dungeon crawling as the quickest path to fame and
PC ex-adventurer grandfather’s last request was for the PC to brave
72 the dungeon.
PC was sent on a mission into the dungeon by his/her liege lord/chief-
73 tain/king.
PC was expressly forbidden to enter the dungeon by superiors; lives to
74 break rules.
PC was prophesied to undertake a journey into the dungeon, and
75 who can dispute prophecy?
PC received divinely inspired knowledge that he/she was born in the
76 Hollow World, and wishes to find his/her way home.
PC commanded to enter the dungeon by his/her master/mentor as a
77 final test.

78 PC is trying to atone for a past misdeed or crime.

PC is agoraphobic and dungeon crawling is the most lucrative line of
79 work available to him/her.

80 PC is sent to search the dungeon for a missing child.

PC would rather die in the depths of the dungeon than be branded
81 the village coward.
PC never looks before he/she leaps; this sojourn is just the latest in a
82 lengthy list of foolhardy endeavors.

WHAT’S MY MOTIVATION? (1d100) - Cont.
83 PC is a cartographer of the underdark.

84 PC is a painter of subterranean landscapes.

85 PC heard there were lasers down there.

86 PC is related to the main villain, intent on bringing him/her to justice.

PC is another PC’s rival, sees the dungeon crawl as a game of one-
87 upmanship.

88 PC is determined to complete the dungeon quest as holy pilgrimage.

89 PC has a pathological tendency to underestimate danger.

PC is actually a magically-created organism designed only for dun-
90 geon crawling.
PC was told by a fortune teller that he/she will die in sunlight, and
91 goes underground in an attempt to live forever.
PC longs for immortality and scours dungeons in search of sympa-
92 thetic lich/vampire/wight.
PC faces an unwanted arranged marriage, and wants to “live a little”
93 before being forced to settle down.

94 PC is fleeing persecution.

95 PC is a spelunker looking to take his hobby to “the next level.”

96 PC simply enjoys killing things and taking their stuff.

PC seeks the missing part that will allow him/her to activate Earth-
97 shaker!
PC claims to be “from the future!” and insists he/she is ensuring that all
98 goes according to his/her future’s “history.”

99 PC motivation to be determined by the player. Lucky you!

100 PC instantly ascends to godhood, roll a new PC.


A previously unknown sub-level of the (nearest) dungeon.

Behind a secret door in an already-explored level of the (nearest)
2 dungeon.
Deeper into the (nearest) dungeon than anyone has previously ex-
3 plored.

4 A previously unknown dungeon in the wilderness.

5 An island on a nearby lake.

6 An island far out at sea.

7 The barrow of a long dead king.

8 A village or town destroyed in a recent war

A hidden chamber in a nearby castle occupied by some Lord or
9 Wizard.

10 The cellar of a popular inn.

11 A grave in a cemetery on the grounds of a mighty temple.

12 The bottom of a well in an otherwise unremarkable village.

13 Underneath the statue of a town’s legendary founder.

The big city, to a block that burned in a large fire and was recently
14 rebuilt.
A small cave complex in the wilderness that serves as the lair of some
15 abominable man-eater.
A remote monastery devoted to Law but beset by invisible minions of
16 a Loathsome Toad God of Chaos.

17 A ruined castle or town now occupied by a humanoid tribe.

18 A hilltop well-known as a gathering point for witches.

19 The site of a sunken ship.

20 The cozy burrow of an eccentric hobling.


Under these rules, once per session a PC may spend 1d6 x 100gp on
ale and wenches, gaining experience points equal to the amount
spent. Rolling a gold/experience point amount greater than the
carouser’s cash on hand results in the poor wretch owing money to

various unsavory characters, unless the PC can borrow the difference

from a party member.

In all cases carousers must save versus Poison to avoid over-indul-

gence in their vices. Failure indicates the need to roll on the table

Make a fool of yourself in public. Gain no experience. Roll a Charisma
1 check or gain a reputation in this town as a drunken lout.
Involved in a random brawl. Roll a Strength check or start the next
2 adventure with a black eye and 1d3 hit points short.
Minor misunderstanding with local authorities. Roll a Charisma check.
3 Success indicates a fine of 2d6 x 25gp. Failure (or inability to pay the
fine) indicates 1d6 days in the pokey.
Romantic entanglement. Roll Wisdom check to avoid nuptials. Other-
4 wise 1-3 scorned lover, 4-6 angered parents.
Gambling losses. Roll the dice as if you caroused again to see how
5 much you lose. (No additional experience for the second carousing
Gain a local reputation as the life of a party. Unless a Charisma
6 check is failed, all future carousing in this burg costs double due to
barflies and other parasites.
Insult a local person of rank. A successful Charisma check indicates
7 the personage is amenable to some sort of apology and reparations.
You couldn’t really see the rash in the candlelight. Roll a Constitution
8 check to avoid venereal disease.
New tattoo. 1-3) it’s actually pretty cool 4) it’s lame 5) it could have
9 been badass, but something is goofed up or misspelled 6) it says
something insulting, crude or stupid in an unknown language.
Beaten and robbed. Lose all your personal effects and reduced to
10 half hit points.

CAROUSING (1d20) - Cont.
Gambling binge. Lose all your gold, gems, and jewelry. Roll a Wisdom
11 check for each magic item in your possession. Failure indicates it’s

Hangover from hell. The first day of adventuring is at -2 to-hit and
12 saves. Casters must roll an Intelligence check with each spell to avoid
Target of lewd advances turns out to be a witch. Save versus Magic
13 or you’re literally a swine.
One of us! One of us! You’re not sure how it happened, but you’ve
been initiated into some sort of secret society or weird cult. Did you
14 really make out with an emu or was that just the drugs? Roll an Intel-
ligence check to remember the signs and passes.
Invest all your spare cash (50% chance all gems and jewelry, too)
in some smooth-tongued merchant’s scheme. 1-4) it’s bogus 5) it’s
15 bogus and Johnny Law thinks you’re in on it 6) actual money making
opportunity returns d% profits in 3d4 months.
Wake up stark naked in a random local temple. 1-3) the Clerics are
16 majorly pissed off 4-6) they smile and thank you for stopping by.
Major misunderstanding with local authorities. Imprisoned until fines
17 and bribes totaling 1d6 x 1,000gp paid. All weapons, armor, and
magic items confiscated.
Despite your best efforts, you fall head over heels for your latest dalli-
18 ance. 75% chance your beloved is already married.
When in a drunken stupor you asked your god(s) to get you out of
19 some stupid mess. Turns out they heard you! Now as repayment for
saving your sorry ass, you’re under the effects of a Quest spell.
The roof! The roof! The roof is on fire! Accidentally start a conflagra-
tion. Roll 1d6 twice. 1-2) burn down your favorite inn 3-4) some other
den of ill repute is reduced to ash 5-6) a big chunk of town goes up in
20 smoke. 1-2) no one knows it was you 3-4) your fellow carousers know
you did it 5) someone else knows, perhaps a blackmailer 6) every-
body knows.

Obviously, there are lots of ways these charts can be modified for
your own campaign. In a large city the debauchery is much more
efficient, doubling or perhaps even trebling the gold and experience.
Criminals who are members of the local guild may add +2 to the roll,
while their friends may add +1. Being mobbed-up gets you access
to the best lotus powder, etc. Or you might designate special rules

for specific dens of iniquity, like a dwarves’ pub that’s -2 on the save
versus Poison due to the potency of dwarf liquor, but dwarves can roll
a larger die for gold spent and experience earned.

For the last incarnation of my Wessex campaign an enterprising ad-
venturer built his own tavern, which became a popular venue for PC
shenanigans. For this tavern, called the Blue Rabbit, I extended the
mishap chart to make it a d30 roll and allowed d8x100 gp/xp de-
bauchery. Here’s the extended chart:

Lighthearted horseplay with bugbear bouncers. -1d4 hp at start of
21 session.
Lengthy dalliance with one of the Dancing Girls from Beyond Time
And Space. You ache in fifth dimensional parts of your anatomy you
22 never even knew existed. -2 to-hit and mêlée damage next adven-
The accordion playing of Taurus Hellsheart, the medieval juggalo,
23 drives you temporarily mad. Your alignment and personality are in-
verted for the next session.
Owner Hugo the Bastard talks you into investing in the place. You
24 spend up to 1d6 x 500gp but get a nice little certificate naming you in
verbose French as (yet another) 10% owner of the establishment.
Wake up in another dimension. Carcosa? Fairytopia? New Jersey?
25 You must play another character for one session while your original
PC wanders lost through the multiverse.
Interminable theology discussion with Father Jack, the Drunkest Priest
26 in Cornwall. -1d6 Intelligence or Wisdom (50/50 chance) for next ses-
sion. If a spellcaster, you also lose your highest level spell slot, too.
Anger bugbear bouncers. -1d6 hp and random limb broken. 50%
27 chance barred from the place.
Donate to local Satanist Blood Drive. Half hit points and -1d4 Constitu-
28 tion next session, but at least it’s for a good cause.
Buy treasure map from mysterious robed figure for 1d6 x 100gp. 1 in 6
29 chance it’s legit.
Random magic item replaced with note “Thanks for the loaner -
30 EGG”.

Do your players visit the same dungeon more than once? Roll 1d20
between expeditions to give your players something to think about.


New Monster In Town: Pick a random level, roll a wandering monster,
1 select an empty room as its new lair.
I Collect Molds, Spores And Funguses: Add 1d6 colonies of green
2 slime, yellow mold, or shriekers to a random level.
Mysterious Migrating Masonry: A prominent dungeon feature such as
3 a statue or archway is now found in a new location.
Strange Bedfellows: A lone monster now has a friend: a succubus
4 takes a minotaur lover, a troll has ochre jelly dripping out its nose, an
otyugh moves into another monster’s latrine, etc.
Partial Ceiling Collapse: Either a room or 1d6 x 10 feet of corridor col-
5 lapses on a random level.
Partial Floor Collapse: The floor gives way in a room or corridor of a
6 random level, forming a natural chute to the level below.
Partial Wall Collapse: On a random level a section of ‘pencil thin’ wall
7 collapses. If no such walls exist on the level indicated, add a previ-
ously unknown chamber or a whole new dungeon section.

8 Flooding: Water leaks into a room or corridor in a random level.

9 Lava: Every dungeon could use more lava.

Tunneling Troublemakers: An amber hulk or purple wyrm adds 2d12 x
10 10 feet of meandering tunnels to a random level. 50% chance of 1d6
roundish chambers, 50% chance of connecting to another level.

11 Those Darn Kobolds: Add 1d6 new simple traps to a random level.
So Tough The Trolls Moved Out: A random monster or monster group
12 leaves their current lair, either moving to a new level or out of the
dungeon entirely.
Kilroy Was Here: Add graffiti to a random level. Randomly select lan-
13 guage. 1 in 6 chance the graffiti contains useful information.
Finders Keepers: An NPC party has successfully looted 1d6 rooms on
14 a random level
The Door Is A Jar: A door on a random level is actually open! 10%
15 chance it’s a secret door.
Squirmin’ Vermin: Add 1d6 groups of (normal or giant) rats, spiders,
16 snakes, bats, lizards, beetles, etc. scattered about random levels.
Hunkered In The Bunker: Some monster or monster group is sick of PC
17 incursions and seriously beefs up security.
Hope You Brought A Canary: A cloud of poisonous gas billows up
18 from some lower level to occupy a random room or corridor. 2 in 6
chance it’s invisible to the naked eye. 2 in 6 chance it’s odorless.
Should’ve Burnt The Bodies: One monster (or 1d6 members of a mon-
19 ster group) killed on a previous expedition are now vengeful undead.
Magic Portal: A new magic portal opens up on a random level.
20 Where does it lead and what might come out of it?

twenty quick questions about your


campaign world

You can run a series of fantasy role-playing games with just some PCs
and a dungeon. I think that’s totally legit. But if you have a campaign
setting, here are some things for you to think about. Better to muse on
these before your players ask you, rather than finding yourself on the

1. What is the deal with my Cleric’s religion?

2. Where can we go to buy standard equipment?
3. Where can we go to get platemail custom fitted for this monster I
just befriended?
4. Who is the mightiest wizard in the land?
5. Who is the greatest warrior in the land?
6. Who is the richest person in the land?
7. Where can we go to get some magical healing?
8. Where can we go to get cures for the following conditions:
poison, disease, curses, level drains, lycanthropy, polymorph,
alignment change, death, undeath?
9. Is there a magic guild my Magic-User belongs to or that I can
join in order to get more spells?
10. Where can I find an alchemist, sage or other expert NPC?
11. Where can I hire mercenaries?
12. Is there any place on the map where swords are illegal, magic is
outlawed, or any other notable hassles from Johnny Law?
13. Which way to the nearest tavern?
14. What monsters are terrorizing the countryside sufficiently that if I
kill them I will become famous?
15. Are there any wars brewing I could go fight?
16. How about gladiatorial arenas complete with hard-won glory
and fabulous cash prizes?
17. Are there any secret societies with sinister agendas I could join
and/or fight?
18. What is there to eat around here?
19. Any legendary lost treasures I could be looking for?
20. Where is the nearest dragon or other monster with super mega

Campaign worlds, whether published or just notes scrawled in some

Referee’s binder, contain a lot of material that most players honestly
just don’t give a crap about. That’s entirely okay. Answer some of
these questions or others like them and you’ll have yourself a cam-

twenty quick questions about your

paign regular players can relate to.

Here’s the way I answered these questions for the second incarnation
of my Wessex campaign.

campaign world
1. What is the deal with my Cleric’s religion?
You’re probably a medieval Catholic type Christian who is theoreti-
cally answerable to some bishop. A Jewish Cleric would work as well.
Or you can play a Satanic anti-Cleric.

2. Where can we go to buy standard equipment?

Enough adventurers are visiting the Caves of Myrddin area that the
stuff on the official campaign price list is generally available, but
you’re also remote enough that the Referee may roll 1d6 to see how
many days it takes you to get completely supplied. Merchants come
through here, but not everything is available the day you want to
purchase it.

3. Where can we go to get platemail custom fitted

for this monster I just befriended?
No dice. Platemail hasn’t been invented yet. Chainmail custom
made for a monster will probably require you to travel to Exonbury,
some 90 miles to the east across some pretty treacherous countryside.

4. Who is the mightiest wizard in the land?

Didymus Ashlar, the Wizard of Wessex. By all reports he spends most
of his time in the southwest corner of the map, well away from your
starting area in Cornwall. But occasionally he shows up in the vicinity
of the Caves of Myrddin, presumably searching for the same magical
secrets that draw so many PC Magic-Users.

5. Who is the greatest warrior in the land?

King Stephen is well known for personally kicking a good deal of ass.
Two supporters of Empress Maude are also held in high esteem as
fighters: her half-brother Robert, Earl of Gowan, and the so-called
Scourge of the West, William de Mohun. But some people dismiss Rob-
ert of Gowan’s personal prowess and attribute his success in combat
to his magic sword Morglaien, which once belonged to the legend-
ary Sir Tristan.

6. Who is the richest person in the land?
twenty quick questions about your

Henry of Blois, brother of King Stephen and a powerful Bishop. That

cat is loaded. Chera of Wintoncester, a Jewish moneylender, is also
noted for her wealth.
campaign world

7. Where can we go to get some magical healing?

There are no inns in the vicinity of the Caves of Myrddin. Most adven-
turers stay in an outbuilding on the grounds of the nearby Abbey of
St. Emmet. A few of the brothers are Clerics of level 2 or higher. Cure
Light Wounds and other first level Cleric spells are generally available
for a ‘donation’ of 250gp.

8. Where can we go to get cures for the following

conditions: poison, disease, curse, level drain,
lycanthropy, polymorph, alignment change, death,
The Abbott can personally cure some of these things, with ‘dona-
tions’ of up to 1,000gp. Harder cases will be referred to the Bishop of
Cornwall, whose seat is about 60 miles to the southeast.

9. Is there a magic guild my Magic-User belongs to

or that I can join in order to get more spells?
The Invisible College of Thaumaturgy is a secret sixth college of the
University of Christminster and serves as the closest thing to a Magic
Guild in the setting. Any Magic-User that starts play knowing Latin can
consider themselves a student of the Invisible College. Note that the
journey from Cornwall to Christminster is not trivial. The route stretches
across much of the campaign map.

10. Where can I find an alchemist, sage or other

expert NPC?
Possibly in Exonbury, previously mentioned. There are definitely saga-
cious and alchemical types at the University of Christminster. Abelard
of Sulis is the foremost sage of the realm. Sulis is over 200 miles away,
though closer than Christminster.

11. Where can I hire mercenaries?

Small numbers of Welsh bowmen, Flemish crossbowmen and des-
perate untrained peasants are readily available for hire. Mustering
larger numbers or locating other types of troops will require significant

12. Is there any place on the map where swords are

twenty quick questions about your

illegal, magic is outlawed or any other notable
hassles from Johnny Law?
The main issue is that spellcasting or being a spellcaster is not illegal,

campaign world
but Black Magic is a serious crime. Black Magic is defined as casting
a spell intending to harm another.

13. Which way to the nearest tavern?

Bad news, my thirsty friend. The only taverns in the setting are left-
overs from the old Roman road houses and the Roman construction
crews never got this far in fake 12th century Cornwall. But you can
find alehouses fairly easily. These are simply peasant hovels where the
wife and daughters brew extra ale. You can only visit them when the
weather is good, since all the seating consists of stools or benches set
up outside in front of the place. But most peasant households brew
their own ale, so flash a little gold and people will literally come a-
running with a bucket of ale to sell you.

14. What monsters are terrorizing the country-

side sufficiently that if I kill them I will become
Bodmin Moor is said to be haunted by some sort of cat monster, pos-
sibly an undead cat monster or a cat monster from Hell. Reports vary.

Also, the last known dragon in 12th century pseudo-England (which

does an even better job of keeping Cornwall oppressed than the
Normans) lairs somewhere in the dungeons below Castle Dundagel,
which is literally right next to the Caves of Myrrdin.

15. Are there any wars brewing I could go fight?

Besides the ongoing conflict between King Stephen and Empress
Maude, lots of pettier conflicts are in the offing. Any land hex on the
map could be in the middle of some level of warfare when visited.

16. How about gladiatorial arenas complete

with hard-won glory and fabulous cash prizes?
Not that you know of. Gladiatorial contests are condemned by the
Church as pagan and barbaric.

17. Are there any secret societies with sinister
twenty quick questions about your

agendas I could join and/or fight?

Much of the sinister agenda stuff seems to be going on right out in the
open in these wicked days. Satan has his own underground (often
campaign world

literally so) church. Imagine Anton LaVey as a pope made of anti-

matter and you have the gist of it.

18. What is there to eat around here?

Since you’re staying at a monastery, probably lots of porridge and
coarse bread with a tiny bit of meat. Fish on Fridays if not more often
than that. Once you have some ready cash, poachers will no doubt
sell you fresh-caught game at a mark-up.

19. Any legendary lost treasures I could be

looking for?
Due to the semi-historical nature of the campaign you can probably
think of some yourself: Excalibur, the spellbooks of Merlin and Morgan
le Fay, the Shield of Hercules, the Ark of the Covenant, etc., etc.

20. Where is the nearest dragon or other

monster with mad fat treasure?
See question 14.

twenty quick questions about your
campaign world



Once upon a time on my blog, a commenter named Sam asked for
some advice:

“I was wondering if you could give some advice for a begin-

ner looking to try out some classic D&D.

I started playing in 2nd edition (think Jeff Easley cover of a

mounted warrior riding through a desert canyon) and have
played plenty of 3.x , so I have absolutely no experience with
this great stuff you keep talking about. What would be the
best bang for my buck? What books do I need? Would love to
know what you would recommend as a starting set.”

There’s a lot of ways you can go starting some old school action and
my answers here will only be one guy’s opinions, but I’ll take a shot at
it. Here’s my take on the four key components for embarking into the
wondrous realm of kicking it old school.

Component One: Attitude

This is the key to the whole affair, really. If you nail this you could use
lots of systems (including the 2nd edition AD&D Sam started with) to
produce useful results. To get in the zone I recommend reading Mat-
thew Finch’s Quick Primer for Old School Gaming. It’s free and wicked
awesome. Not every grognard will agree with everything written
there, but it’s still great stuff. Get your players to read the Quick Primer
if at all possible, so you’re all on the same page. The number one
lesson to learn here, in my opinion, is that whenever the rules, your
notes, or a module are silent about something then it’s you and your
players’ job to make something up. And most importantly, that sort of
on-the-fly invention is meant to be the best part of the game. Try not
to lose track of that whenever something comes up that isn’t covered
by the rules.

Dungeons and Dragons is a trademark owned by Wizards of the Coast and is used
without permission.

Component Two: Rules


The rules you pick aren’t as important as what you do with them, but
there’s three basic angles of attack in picking a ruleset. The hardcore
choice is to go straight to the beginning, with the original 1974 version
of D&D. While original copies are getting more and more expensive,
electronic copies are available and as I write this a new reprint is in
the works from Wizards of the Coast. But if you go OD&D you need to
be prepared to do some extra work. You can’t just skim over the rules
and start playing right away without a lot of heartbreak. This is a work
that requires attentive reading and active interpretation. I person-
ally find that very rewarding, but if you are itching to play right away
there are better options.

When I originally wrote this essay Labyrinth Lord was my pick for the
best ready-to-rumble version of D&D currently in print. It’s a retro-
clone of Moldvay’s near-perfect ‘81 Basic/Expert rules. Some purists
will claim that the Golden Age of Old School was already dead by
the time Moldvay’s D&D rolled out, but personally I rank purity of es-
sence a lot lower than making sure the rules rock the block. You can
snag a free PDF version of LL at the Goblinoid Games website or buy
a swank print version. I’ve got a softcover printed by and it
is totally sweet.

Nowadays, I tend to recommend LotFP: Weird Fantasy Role-Playing

instead of Labyrinth Lord. LotFP adds a gloss of weird horror to the
game that I find very enriching. And I’m not just saying that because
the author of LotFP is the publisher of this text. Lamentations is wicked

Now, if you or your players rankle at the idea that Elf and Dwarf are
classes as well as races, then you probably remember the grand
old days of Advanced D&D. For that sort of game minus a lot of the
things that made AD&D so boggy-downy, give OSRIC a try. It’s every-
thing most players remember liking about AD&D in a single big book.
Electronic copies are available as well.

The third route to go is to find a d20 game that imports some old
school elements. I don’t really recommend this route, but I mention it
because you might have players still stuck on the d20 stuff. Castles &
Crusades is one great d20 option. I personally dig the C&C Collector’s
Edition boxed set. The rules are slimmer than the full-blown hardbacks
but it’s an all-in-one affair with monsters, treasures, and a tiny little
module. When running C&C try to keep in mind that the Attribute

Check rules are just one handy tool, not some universal resolution

system meant to cover every situation. Another extremely cool d20

option is the Microlite 20/Microlite 74/HardCore M20 family of tiny d20

That’s probably more options than Sam wanted when he asked, so

here’s the short answer: Labyrinth Lord or Lamentations of the Flame

Component Three: A Dungeon

I consider it axiomatic that D&D requires both dragons and dun-
geons, even if your rulebook doesn’t have both of those words on the
cover. And by dungeons I don’t mean monster lairs with six or seven
rooms all rationally designed with complete ecologies, I mean big
honkin’ crazy ass dungeons. Your absolute best bet is to design your
own dungeon, perhaps using the random dungeon stocking charts in
your rulebook of choice. If you want to start out with a prefab dun-
geon, here are some good options, organized by rule set.

OD&D offers several interesting options. Issue #2 of Fight On! Maga-

zine has the first level of “The Darkness Beneath”, a megadungeon
that’s being created as a collaborative effort. If you go with OD&D,
you’re pretty much going to want every issue of Fight On! anyway.
And I wrote a little number called Under Xylarthen’s Tower that might
do you some good. It should be available for free with a Google

For Labyrinth Lord I recommend doing some digging over at the web-
site Dragonsfoot has some great stuff in its Classic
D&D Downloads section that ought
to be highly compatible with LL.

One of my favoritest mechanics in fantasy role-playing games is the

wandering monster, where there’s a chance (like 2 in 6 every three
turns or something) that you get to roll on a little table of random
creeps who show up to complicate the PCs’ lives.

Wandering monsters combine two great elements of the gaming

tradition: the stupid random die charts and weird monsters. (I know
not everyone digs random charts, but who doesn’t like monsters?)
The random factor forces the Referee to think on his feet. What the
hell is that troll doing on level three, if the nearest troll lair is on level
five? Why is there a rednosed slithy tove in the dungeon at all? You
don’t always have to have an answer here, but for me half the fun of
refereeing is riffing off of random crap like that.

Tom Moldvay’s 1981 version of the original game did a great job put-
ting nifty new game elements on the table because of all the human-
type people that appear on his wandering monster charts. Why are
there d8 Traders wandering level one? Are those the jerks who keep
selling oil and poison to Tucker’s Kobolds (look it up)? That Noble and
his retinue you bumped into on level two, what the heck is his deal?
He can’t be up to any good.

And once you get talking about people, that leads directly into one
of the greatest banes of old school dungeoneers: the NPC party. In
my experience few things rile a group of players more than the idea
that some Referee-run goons might get to all the treasure first. On
more than one occasion I’ve rolled up an NPC party and solo-run
them through a dungeon between sessions. Talk about getting the
players’ goats. “Here’s another room with nothing but hacked-up
monsters and empty chests. What the hell is going on here? Who is
stealing all our experience points and loot?” Also, wandering mon-
sters help keep the players on their toes and the game moving at a
brisk pace. Competent players will quickly realize that if the Referee
is rolling wandering monsters every turn or two then they need to use
their time wisely. Sure, you can search every stinking inch of the dun-
geon for secret doors, but how many wandering monster checks will
the Referee make while you do it?

Here are a few things I try to keep in mind when designing a new
wandering monster chart.

Pick Dice Wisely
I don’t want to hunt for special dice every time I need to dice up
a wandering monster, so I pick what I’m sure to have at hand. For
dungeony dragony games that usually means a 1d6 or 2d6 chart.

For a more percentage-based game like Encounter Critical I might

go with one or two ten-siders. And I try not to pick too many dice, so
that I don’t have to stop and add up results, but I often go with two or
three dice. This gives me a nice bell curve type distribution. That way I
can put the most common encounters in the middle of the chart and
the rare weird stuff on the ends.

It’s Okay to Reference Other Charts (sometimes)

Often I will include an entry that references another wandering
monster chart, just to expand the possible options. Like on a level 1
chart I might include “roll on the level 2 chart” or for a forest next to
a mountain range each chart might give a small chance that you
should instead roll on the other terrain chart. That way you occasion-
ally get a mountain giant in the forest or forest-goblins wandering
into the mountains. Occasionally I will put an entry on the chart like
“Roll on the Fiend Folio charts instead,” but I try not to overdo that as
I don’t want to flip through too many extra wandering monster charts
or bring extra books to the game.

Not All Entries Have to Be Monsters

The original Traveller wilderness encounter charts included events on
them like avalanches and blizzards. In dungeons I often add sound
effects or odd smells to the chart, or events like a gust of wind that
might blow out torches. Non-combat encounters with ordinary rats
and snakes and such also appear on many of my dungeon charts.
Things that players can interpret as omens also make interesting en-

Not All Entries Have to Make Sense

Sometimes I put a monster on a wandering monster chart specifically
because it doesn’t appear anywhere else in the adventure. I just
want a small chance that a leprechaun shows up, you know? And
one time I put the smell of freshly baked cookies on a dungeon chart,
without there being any good reason for it. Dungeons are mysterious.

Keyed Encounters and the Chart Should
Say hex 1234 is deep inside the Forest of Doom and according to

your key that hex contains a massive warg lair. It only makes sense to
include wargs on your Forest of Doom wandering monster chart. For
extra fun, I sometimes make a note on the wandering monster chart
like “remove from chart if warg lair in hex 1234 cleared.” Or maybe
I’ll note that the result “ogre” really means “ogre from room 23,” in
which case if the PCs kill a wandering ogre then room 23 becomes
ogre-free. Another thing I sometimes do is put multiple examples of
the same monster on a chart. Say level 2 is mostly devoted to a big-
ass gnoll lair. I might make an entry for an alert and aggressive gnoll
patrol, another for punk gnoll teenagers looking for trouble, and a
third for some grumpy gnollwives heading to or from the local water-
ing hole with big clay jugs.

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the

Tannhauser gate.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Time to die.

In addition to being one of the coolest lines ever to be uttered in a

movie, Roy Batty’s death speech at the end of Blade Runner speaks
to me about the nature of adventurers. A good adventurer isn’t just
a corpse count and a treasure tally. Part of an adventurer’s soul is
wrapped up in the places they’ve been and the wonders they’ve

Middle-Earth Role Playing and its big brother RoleMaster have this
rule whereby you earn 1 experience point for every mile travelled.
Since it takes 10,000xp to make level 2 in those systems travel isn’t the
most efficient way to make your sorcerer’s apprentice into the next
Gandalf, but you could do it. I like the idea of XP earned for visiting
new and exciting places, but I’m not sure I like a flat amount per mile.
Here’s an alternative idea.

Get out your campaign world map (and key if you’ve got one). If
you don’t already have a campaign world to set your fantasy ad-
ventures then I recommend starting with Points of Light and/or Points
of Light II, but this method should work with any campaign setting.
Okay, you’ve got the campaign map in front of you. Now imagine
which of the places on the map are the coolest to visit. What places
are breathtakingly beautiful? Which locations are desolate beyond
imagination? What spots on the map have no mortals seen in gen-
erations? What places surge with magical energies or reek of unholi-

Take your ideas and make a list of places from most awesome to
least awesome. As an example, I’ll give a quick look-over to the hex
map in the center of Geoffrey McKinney’s mind-rending Carcosa. The
following places strike me as particularly nifty:

» Carcosa (the haunted city in hex 1507 from which the setting
derives its name)
» Mount Voormith’adreth (Shub-Niggurath’s lair in hex 0402)
» Crystal City of the Space Aliens (hex 0604)
» The Shards in the Blighted Lands (hex 2303)

» Lake Hali
» Damned Isles
» Thaggasoth Peaks
» Yaglogthotep Forest
» Icy Wastes

There’s plenty of other interesting places on that hex map. Geoffrey

McKinney positively crams Carcosa full of eldritch doom. But for a
small map, I think 6 to 12 places is probably sufficient. A larger map,
like the Wilderlands of High Fantasy submaps, could maybe squeeze
in 20 or 30 wondrous places, while a large campaign map (like Dar-
lene’s World of Greyhawk map) could easily hold a hundred such

Next think about how much you want to award pure exploration in
your campaign. I find these sorts of decisions hard to make in the ab-
stract, so here’s a line of thinking that might help: A newly minted PC
decides to cross the campaign map to visit the top item on your list,
how close should they be to 2nd level after such an achievement?
Set aside any thought as to encounters along the way, we’re talking
here strictly about the effect of the experience of visiting the location.
How changed will the PC be on their return from this fey place?

If I were to run Carcosa I definitely would want visiting the city of

Carcosa itself to be a life-changing experience. So let’s say I go
overboard and establish a 2,000xp award for visiting the place. Once
I have the top item set, I can eyeball the rest of the list:

» Carcosa City: 2,000xp

» Mount Voormith’adreth: 1,500xp
» Crystal City: 1,000xp
» The Shards: 500xp
» Lake Hali: 250xp
» Damned Isles: 200xp
» Thaggasoth Peaks: 150xp
» Yaglogthotep Forest: 100xp
» Icy Wastes: 50xp

Obviously I just pulled those numbers out of my butt. If you want to
keep the PCs focused on killing things and taking stuff or chasing
Gandalf-imposed missions, then by all means cut all those awards
way the hell down. But assuming you like the idea of PCs climbing a
mountain just because it’s there then I feel you should offer XP awards
comparable to standard murder and pillage.

Now, we can glam up this simple chart quite a bit with a special rule
for some of the items:

» Carcosa City: 2,000xp but must spend one night in city

» Mount Voormith’adreth: 1,500xp for the first human to climb
to the peak, 0xp thereafter
» Crystal City: 1,000xp but must enter the Dome
» The Shards: 500xp
» Lake Hali: 250xp if Carcosa City is viewed in the moonlight
» Damned Isles: 200xp for first island visited, 100xp per island
» Thaggasoth Peaks: 150xp if mountains crossed, double if it takes
two hexes to get across
» Yaglogthotep Forest: 100xp
» Icy Wastes: 50xp, but 200xp for crossing hex 2210, “The Frigid
Heart of the Wastes”

You can also do up special rules like “dwarves earn triple XP for any
ocean voyage” or “followers of St. Salamander earn 1,000xp for pray-
ing at each of his Seven Shrines”.

Additionally, you could establish XP awards for non-location based


» See a dragon fly overhead: 100xp but 0xp if pooped upon

» Ride a dragon: 500xp first time, half for each additional ride
» Dance with the fairies: 300xp
» Watch a city burn: 150xp
» Shipwrecked: 100xp, but 0 if you sabotaged the vessel
& etc.

Now to make this all work you need to keep in mind two important
points. First, you have to share at least some items on this list with your
player group. You can’t create a feedback loop of action/encour-
agement if the players don’t know what’s going on. Hell, get them in
on the ground floor. If you’re using a well-known setting, enterprising

players will be happy to suggest ideas. Creative ones will make crap
up, to the betterment of your campaign.

Second, when the players accomplish one of these goals, sell it. Break
out that over-the-top poetic voice and use those fifty cent words.
Have rumors of the PCs’ achievements get around, with peasants in
the street whispering “There goes Lucas of the Amber Blade, he’s the
only man to ever cross the Shimmering Desert and return!” Most play-
ers eat that stuff up.

I can’t really pretend to be objective about the ‘81 D&D Basic Rules,
edited by Tom Moldvay. They’re the rules I started with and the gold

standard to which I hold all other RPGs. On the other hand I’m not
so myopic that I can’t see why some people would prefer nine point
alignment over Law/Neutral/Chaos, or a class system where an Elf
can also be a Thief. Those are perfectly legit options on the broad
spectrum of fantasy role-playing.

Unlike some old schoolers I’m also willing to acknowledge that some
Wizards of the Coast era mechanics have merit. Feats or skills as done
in the WotC third and fourth editions aren’t deal-killers in my book.
The overall third edition character generation system grinds my gears,
but in isolation both 3rd edition skills and feats are decent mechan-
ics. And sometimes I seriously consider switching to WotC threefold
saves (Fort/Reflex/Will). Many newbies nowadays don’t seem to grok
the old save system and I think Reflex +4, Target 20 would suit many
of them a crapload more. The single save method from Swords &
Wizardry seems too simplistic for me, but I wouldn’t turn up my nose at
a game that used it.

But Moldvay’s morale rules are probably the one D&D Basic me-
chanic I don’t think anyone has ever topped. It’s clearly labeled an
optional rule and it only takes up half a page (Page B27 if you want
to look it up yourself), but man that half-page packs quite a wallop.
I’ll summarize for folks who don’t have a Basic D&D or Labyrinth Lord,
the modern version, handy: Every monster has a morale score in their
statblock, rated from 2 to 12. At the first casualty received in combat
and at 50% casualties you roll 2d6. If you roll over the critter’s morale
score, the bad guys retreat, withdraw or surrender as adjudicated by
the Referee.

I probably don’t need to tell you how big a difference that simple
rule can make in play. Far fewer fights are to the death. Smart PCs
will boldly engage large groups of scaredy-cats, ganging up on
one poor bastard in hopes of spooking the rest. And since 1gp = 1xp
under Moldvay’s rules, you still get most of your experience even if
the Referee is a stingy bastard who holds back points on routed (as
opposed to killed) foes. Personally I normally consider routed monsters
as ‘overcome,’ which per page B22 means they’re worth full XP, un-
less the baddies have a fall-back position nearby or an opportunity
to regroup. Either way, the morale rules are a total game changer,

especially back when me and my group were all dumb kids and ap-
proached combat about as tactically as the aliens in Space Invad-


In fact, I think the morale rules need to be used more than Moldvay
indicates. I often make a morale check for lone monsters when they
are first wounded, extrapolating that the initial hit is to single critters
what the first man down is to groups. I also think that some monsters
should be scared of things besides attrition. For monsters like orcs that
have problems with sunlight, a Cleric using a surprise round to throw
Continual Light might be enough to scare the bejesus out of them.
And frankly, lycanthropes should run like hell the first time silver is on
the playing field. The smart ones will strategically withdraw at the first
sign of the stuff, while the dumb ones will be completely shocked that
something actually hurt them and run home to their mommas. Simi-
larly, an adventurer boldly brandishing a torch might be able to freak
out an entire pack of trolls. In these cases I might not allow a morale
check in the monsters’ lair, but I treat a lot of wandering monsters as
regular joes who happen to work for Chaos. What’s their percentage
in sticking around to face their one weakness?

And maybe weapons that grant a bonus versus certain monster types
just hurt like hell. A sword +1, +3 versus giants may not seem like all
that much when you’re second level and staring down an 18’ tall
Viking neanderthal, but maybe it stings so bad that they just won’t
want to bother squishing you. Especially if the dude knows that the
blade you are wielding was the weapon of choice of a long line of

Heck, in a lowish magic campaign the party wizard might be able to

force a morale check out of superstitious peasantry or bandits with a
minor demonstration of eldritch badassery.

The Awesome Power of the
1st level Magic User

Some days I think the existence of spells like Fireball and Wish blind us
to the simple fact that first level Magic-Users kick ass. Here are some
brief thoughts on some spells commonly available to first level Magic-

Detect Magic
Not every magic sword will glow like a lightsaber when drawn from its
scabbard. That stick could be a magic wand or a conductor’s baton.
Is our ally Cursed or Charmed (see below)? You find a pool of water in
the dungeon. Care to find out it’s enchanted after you wade into it?
Just a super useful spell.

Hold Portal
Knowing the bad guys can’t get to you, even for a few turns, is gold-
en in retreat situations. And you want to really mess some NPCs up?
Lure them into a house, Hold the doors and set the joint on fire. Here’s
another one: a pit with a hatch is just more flooring while its Held.

Read Magic
Worthless scrap of paper or Wish scroll? Only the Magic-User knows
for sure. The original version specifically mentions that this spell can be
used on items. In many editions this spell is the gateway to real ulti-
mate power; all other Magic-User spells flow from this source.

Protection from Evil

Here’s an easy way to really piss off an enchanted creature: stand in
a doorway with this spell cast on yourself. The creature can’t get past
you to your non-protected allies, who can then leisurely ready their
oil flasks, scrolls, etc. Heck, with six turns to work with, they might even
be able to take an alternate route to the creature and attack it from

I think almost every Referee goes a lot easier on the subject of light-
ing than they should. I know I do. If we handled torches and lanterns
in any realistic way, this would be one of the most popular spells ever.
You ever try lighting a lantern without matches? How about making
an accurate map by torchlight in a drafty catacomb? Or try climb-
ing a ladder while holding a stick that is on fire. I think those tasks are

approximately one bajillion times harder than we usually adjudicate
them. And even if you don’t want to be a dick about lighting all the

The Awesome Power of the

time, drop the party into a pool of water and all their normal light
sources are suddenly useless.

1st level Magic User

Charm Person
The original version of this spell lasts until someone successfully casts
Dispel Magic on the victim, possibly forever. Think about that for a
minute. Under those rules if there is a single first level Magic-User in the
campaign world then you pretty much can’t trust anyone that might
fail a save versus spells. Smart Magic-Users will probably pick one or
two choice victims in any area. Charm too many and you run the risk
of a random Dispel catching one.

Get out any old module, the low level kind that comes with a base
area like a small town. Look at some of the entries and ask yourself
how many of the homes and businesses would be vulnerable to a
single Sleep spell. That master burglar plaguing the area isn’t a high
level thief. Dude’s a pipsqueak first level Magic-User who peeks in the
window, throws Sleep, then casually makes off with the tea service
and the jewelry box.

The addition of this new spell is one of the great advances in Lam-
entations of the Flame Princess: Weird Fantasy Role-Playing. I’ve had
players who said that finding a copy was their Magic-User’s number
one priority and they would beg, borrow, steal or kill to get it. And it is
no surprise why. With this spell you can call up a minion of Hell (albeit
a fairly puny one) right at first level.

Read Languages
I know the internet is full of awesome people who speak multiple
languages, but I’m not one of them. I struggled with French in high
school and college. At one point I could read well enough to fumble
my way through Sartre and Voltaire, but I’m sure I’ve lost that and
I never was sufficiently fluent to speak the tongue. I’m pretty sure I
passed my final conversational exam because I was almost twice as
big as the instructor and he was kind of a nervous little guy. Linguistics
as a field fascinates me, but I just seem to have no talent for learning
new languages. I can’t whistle either but that doesn’t bother me as

So Read Languages is pretty much a miracle effect to me. Athan-
ansius Kircher, one of the awesomest geniuses to ever live, couldn’t
crack the code for Egyptian hieroglyphs. Minoan Linear A and Olmec
The Awesome Power of the

and many other ancient scripts remain undeciphered to this day. But
1st level Magic User

here’s a spell that instantaneously allows you to read all of that stuff
and the Greek and Roman classics and the original Bible texts and
Nietzsche in the original German and all the other written works of
humanity. Boom. One spell gets you access to any document put in
front of you. If a magic wish fairy could give real-world Jeff access to
a single first level spell, this would be at the top of the short list. It’s a
totally awesome spell and unlike Burning Hands it won’t result in me
going to jail for setting jerkasses on fire.

Of course, like the issues with the Light spell, Read Languages only
helps if your Referee’s world allows it to help. If this spell is going to
count for anything, we need more rune-stones, love letters, diplomat-
ic correspondence, road signs, inscriptions, etc. And they need to be
in something besides the common tongue of the realm.

Plus Items vs. Plus Something


or Better Critters

There’s an obvious push-pull dynamic at work in a world where some
monsters have defenses like “requires +2 or better magic weapons
to harm” and many magic swords come with such bonuses. If you
include fewer +X swords in your game then critters hit only by magic
weapons suddenly become a lot harder to kill. But on the other hand,
if every PC is packing +5 crap then that defense doesn’t matter
much. Personally, I think the ideal situation is a lot closer to the for-
mer than I’ve seen in many modules and campaigns. Life becomes
a crapload more interesting for the PCs if their swords can’t hurt the
monster of the week. Of course the point of such an exercise is not
to make the monster invincible; the PCs just have to come up with
another way to defeat it. Here are a few ideas:

» Drop something big and heavy on the monster, like when Luke
kills the Rancor in Return of the Jedi.
» Trap the monster. Shapechanging/sizechanging beings can be
tricked into shrinking down and entering a bottle or box or some
thing. Slap on the lid and Bob’s your uncle. I hear crap like that
happens to arrogant efreet all the time. Or maybe the PCs
discover that the wight haunting the downs can be trapped in its
own barrow by putting that stone slab back over the entrance
and having a Lawful cleric Bless the seal.
» Push/trip the monster so it falls into a bottomless pit. Hopefully
“bottomless” doesn’t turn out to actually mean “two levels down
and now it’s mad.”
» Carry more poison, acid, flasks of oil. Just don’t be surprised
when you stumble down a staircase and simultaneously melt,
burst into flame, and die.
» Find the MacGuffin that sustains the monster’s existence in this
world. Maybe a daemonic guardian will return to its home plane
if you deface the magic runes carved into the stone plinth in
room 32b. Or maybe all those undead on levels 4 and 5 will
deactivate if you cast Dispel Magic on the necromantic orb on
level 6.
» Find out what the monster wants and give it to them. That
rampaging roc may be a mother hen looking for a stolen egg.
The giant who lives on Hangman’s Hill would probably be a
crapload less grumpy if you helped it woo the giantess in the
next duchy over.

» Turns out the spectre in the castle is the spirit of the king who
died there. He’ll bother the living no more if one of his

descendants lays claim to the place. (Of course folks loyal to the
current dynasty might not take a liking to that. ) Alternately, the

PCs could get by with wearing his livery and pretending to be his
servants whenever he appears.
» Stop being such a tightwad and drop some money on spell
research. You may only use the spell Dismiss Grotoblonx, Third
Cousin of Demogorgon Twice Removed once in the campaign,
but if you whip up a spell that specific you know it’s gonna get
the job done.
» Do what good Call of Cthulhu investigators do and try to find
the monster’s hidden weakness. Hit up sages, bards and local
know-it-alls for rumors, legends and advice. Maybe the
monster is allergic to zinc for some reason. Or maybe old wives’
tales say the ghost can be killed with the same sword that killed
him the first time. Maybe the clay golem can be destroyed by
erasing one of the glyphs written across its forehead.
» If you’re brave enough, try talking to the monster to find out
what its deal is. Maybe the dragon is just looking for his
missing cup and might be talked into accepting a substitute
treasure (of much greater value, of course) in exchange for not
burning down the town. And some PC groups will gladly offer a
local virgin to soothe a belligerent wyrm.

And while I’m always for killing monsters as a key component of a

good game, sometimes you need to step back and ask yourself how
badly you need to overcome this particular critter. Maybe the best
course is to let sleeping tarrasques lie. Maybe the Plot Point trea-
sure can be retrieved without a confrontation, via stealth or magic.
Maybe you just need to get over this particular encounter and move
on with your lives.

I don’t think every session needs to hang on navigating these issues,

but they certainly make a nice switch-up from swording orcs. Note
that some players will never consider any of these options unless you
make the critters obviously and completely immune to their weapons.


Once upon a time I used the version of D&D that was a thin blue-cov-
ered booklet edited by Dr. J. Eric Holmes, the so-called Blue Book or
Holmes Edit of 1977. This creates an odd situation with weapon dam-
age and Strength:

» All weapons do d6 damage.

» Strength does not modify mêlée damage.
» Except an 18 Strength gives +2d4 damage in mêlée (as
per the description for Gauntlets of Ogre Power, which
grant the +2d4 and also specifies the wearer gains an
18 Strength).

That’s rather clunky. It got me thinking about other ways of making

Strength work. Here’s what I came up with:

» Strength 12 or less - all mêlée weapons do d6 damage

» Strength 13-15 - all mêlée weapons do d8 damage
» Strength 16-17 - all mêlée weapons do d10 damage
» Strength 18 - all mêlée weapons do d12 damage

It’s simple and easy. You’d probably want to sneak in some modifier
for small weapons like daggers and mighty two-handed weapons.
A simple -2 or +2 to damage would work. Or you can shift die size,
so that people of average or low Strength do d4 with daggers and
d8 with giant axes, but what die size would you use for a Strength 18
maniac wielding a two-handed sword? Rolling a d20 in those circum-
stances seems like a bit much, but not everybody has a d14 or d16 in
their dice collection.

Another alternative is to use better and worse dice. Roll two dice
for light and heavy weapons, choosing the lower roll of the two for
light weapons and the higher roll for heavy weapons. For example, a
dagger in the hands of a Strength 11 character does the lesser of two
different d6 rolls. A battle-axe in the hands of a Strength 16 character
uses the best of two d10 throws.

Now, let’s look at a rewrite of Dexterity. First up, clear your mind of
any consideration of missile attacks or armor class bonuses. Instead,
in Holmes Basic, Dexterity has one very important function: initiative. If
you’ve got 3 points of Dexterity on a dude you will always go before
him in a normal combat round. If you’re closer than that you’re sup-
posed to roll off with a d6. A natural consequence of this rule is that
every monster needs a Dexterity score, which you are supposed to

roll on 3d6 just like the PCs. Also, in practice this rule is cumbersome as


Now, if I used individual initiative I’d probably go with something like


» Dexterity 12 or less - roll d6 for initiative

» Dexterity 13-15 - roll d8 for initiative
» Dexterity 16-17 - roll d10 for initiative
» Dexterity 18 - roll d12 for initiative

But instead of the rules as written I use this simple inish method: each
side rolls d6, ties favor the PCs. Why do ties favor the PCs? Because
resolving simultaneous action is a big pain in the ass and I’m a big ol’
softie. I used to call for ties to be rerolled but one night years ago the
reroll was a tie and the roll off for that was a tie and then we tied one
more time and I just said “Fuck it! Take your turn!”

So instead of looking at this Dexterity/initiative as strictly when you

can go, let’s broaden the concept just a little bit. I’m particularly
thinking about two types of action. The first is slow and fast weapons.
One of the incongruities in the Holmes rules are that, by the book,
daggers strike twice a round and two-handed weapons always strike
last. I can’t bring myself to use this rule in a world where all weapons
do d6 damage. My players would all wield daggers and beat up
people with any other type of mêlée weapon.

I just got done setting weapon damage by the Strength of the

wielder, but I think there’s room to modify that further. So now slowing
down two-handed weapons and speeding up daggers makes a little
more holistic sense to me.

The second type of action that I would consider tying to Dexterity/ini-

tiative is an action that I might generally refer to as “retrieve and de-
ploy special device”. Getting out and drinking a potion. Unrolling and
reading a scroll. Pulling out, lighting and throwing a molotov cocktail.
That sort of thing. I often suspect these sorts of operations should be
bigger pains in the ass than I let fly in my games. Letting only higher
Dexterity folks get away with instantaneous flaming oil lobs might
work for me.

So putting these concerns all together, here’s a draft alternative Dex-
terity chart.

» Dexterity 9 or less - two-handed mêlée weapons only strike every


other round
» Dexterity 10-12 - two-handed mêlée weapons always strike last;
retrieve and deploy special devices every other round
» Dexterity 13-15 - retrieve and deploy special devices at the end
of the round
» Dexterity 16-18 - retrieve and deploy special devices as normal
actions; extra strike with dagger at end of round

There’s no real reason you couldn’t also follow the simple Holmes
missile adjustments (Dexterity 9 or less, -1; Dexterity 13+, +1) but they
don’t do much for me. I don’t like that missile weapons can get a to-
hit adjustment and mêlée weapons can’t.

I love it when PCs make use of “redshirts” in my games, so I came up

with this alternative to streamline the NPC recruitment process and

make it better fit the campaign I was running.

To recruit you must be somewhere with an oversupply of manpower.

Most towns and cities should do just fine, as will some villages. A town
or city near a war front may already have every able-bodied person
already conscripted into the army.

Each attempt at recruitment costs 1d6 x 100gp (as suggested in

Holmes 1977 D&D) but this covers both the costs of the recruitment
process and the initial cost of hiring the NPCs rolled below. If you
come up short on cash (e.g. you roll a 5 and only have 423gp) sub-
tract one from your d6 roll below for each 100gp or fraction thereof
you are short.

2 or Hopeless Loser: 0 level forever, no particular skills
Likely Lad/Lass: 0 level, but at the end of every session sur-
3 vived roll 1d6; on a 1 they join a class
Specialist: roll 1d6, 1) cook/brewer 2) pack animal handler
and packing expert 3) equipment maintenance and repair
4 expert 4) herbalist/hedge doctor 5) horse tender 6) generally
competent dogsbody
d6 mercenaries (in Wessex these will tend to be Welsh bow-
5 men or Flemish crossbowmen)
1st level adventurer: roll 1d6, 1-2) Fighter 3) Magic-User 4)
6 Thief 5) Cleric 6) Halfling

In general the PC will need to supply appropriate equipment, though

mercenaries and adventurers have a 2 in 6 chance of possessing
some basic gear and a hedge doctor will usually start with a supply of
herbs and bandages.

Recruited first level adventurers will generally expect a half share of
the treasure while mercenaries will expect cash bonuses when ren-
dering extraordinary service, such as fighting horrible inhuman mon-
sters. Past these requirements, henchmen and hirelings are paid on a

quarterly basis. On each Quarter Day the employer must roll a new

d6 x 100gp for each henchman/hireling and either pay them that
much or dismiss the henchman/hireling from service. The traditional
Quarter Days are Lady Day, Midsummer Day, Michaelmas and Christ-
mas, which fall on March 25, June 24, September 29, and December

If the date of recruitment is too close to an upcoming Quarter Day

for the prospective employer’s comfort, you can offer to hire the NPC
on Cross-Quarter Day terms. The Cross-Quarter Days fall roughly in
between the Quarter Days. They are Candlemas (February 2), May
Day (May 1), Lammas (August 1), and All Saints Day (November 1). In
order to hire on these terms the employer must roll a reaction check.
An unfavorable result indicates that offer is refused and the PC is out
the money spent on recruitment. If the offer is accepted, expect a lot
of grumbling on Quarter Days when all the hireling’s friends are get-
ting paid, especially at Christmas.

Players generally run their hirelings but all the usual admonitions about
abusing hirelings and the rules for hireling morale and loyalty still ap-

Obviously, your own campaign will have different specifications.

Thinking ahead about what sort of mercenaries are common and
when they expect pay can add color to your game.


The following essay, one of my most popular blog posts,

was written during the period when I was trying to make

sense of the superheroics inherent in mid-to-high level

D&D of the Wizards of the Coast varieties. Its application
to old school gaming may be limited. I dunno.

Once upon a time I wrote that “[w]ith a cooperative GM you can

buckle swashes without the mechanics holding your hand.” It oc-
curred to me that I could explain what I meant by that statement
and in the process throw out a sort of Referee’s advice/personal
refereeing philosophy. Now what I’m about to lay on you won’t work
for every campaign. Really, my comments are only applicable to the
kind of game where kicking asses and taking names isn’t a job, it’s a
calling. What I’m here trying to do is to outline how you as the Ref-
eree can empower the players to make the game a non-stop high-
octane freak-out. (Now, with extra hyphenation!) Activating caffeine-
fueled stream-of-consciousness testifyin’ mode...

Always Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

Is that an old Bob Newhart line? My wife likes to bust out this phrase
once in a while. Anyway, the Main Thing in an awesome-focused
campaign is this: Your players are rock stars and they’re here to rock
your house. In this paradigm your job is to be the roadie and the
manager and all the other people who make the concert possible.
This isn’t one of those analogies that can be stretched forever, instead
just meditate on the simple fact that your job is to help your players
rock out without getting in their way. Everything below builds from this

Give the Players the Sun and Make Them Fight

for the Moon
What I mean is that you give the players almost everything they want
and them put them through a thousand hells to get everything else.
Put the PCs on the throne of Aquilonia, if that’s what they want, then
have ten thousand angry Cimmerians invade, intent on burning their
capital to the ground. Not because you’re a sadistic asshole, but
because fighting off an army of Conans is one of the cool things kings
get to do.

One good place to put this principle in play is at character genera-
tion. Even a guy like me, who likes robots and lasers in his D&D, occa-
sionally gets on this funk where I consider trimming down the char-
acter build options to achieve some sort of artsy-fartsy effect. You

know the drill. “I want to do something Arthurian, so no Asian-flavored

classes in this campaign,” or “This is going to be all Conan-y with
the swords and the sorcery, so no demi-humans in this campaign.”
Although I truly, deeply understand the profound artistic reasons for
such an approach, let me simply say: fuck that shit. We’re talking
about D&D here. If you can’t fold themes and motifs into a game
starring an elf ninja, a halfling bard, and two ill-tempered gnome
wizards, then you should be writing bad fan fiction, not running actual
games for real players. Just please don’t post your stories anywhere
on the net where I might see them.

Your NPCs Suck and They Are All Going to Die

Very few players show up to the table in order to soak in the glory of
experiencing your skills as a thespian. Even fewer will ever show the
awe and respect you want for your own personal Drizzt. Leave that
stuff at home. Instead show up to the table with stats for people they
can beat up. Similarly, you and your players will be a lot happier if
you get into the zone of thinking about your campaign world as “that
place the PCs are going to destroy and then remake in their own im-

On a tangentially related note, I’ve never seen any good come from
uber-powerful people sending the PCs on pissant missions. “If we
don’t pick-up Elminister’s laundry from the Dry Cleaners of Doom then
he might turn us into a toad” is never a sound way to structure an ad-
venture. You’ll do better just frankly stating to the players “I wrote this
dungeon. That’s tonight’s adventure,” and leaving it at that.

The Game is Neither the Mechanics Nor the Rules

Don’t let the mechanics dictate anything they don’t have to. For
example, Doug wanted a spiffy new magic sword. He had 120,000gp
burning a hole in his pocket. (That’s a big pocket.) The 120,000gp
disappears from his character sheet and the ubersword takes its
place. The rules say Doug’s PC Angus has just purchased that sword.
But Doug knows better. He knows the rules are there as a tool to
support the game. So right in the middle of my hack-n-slash gamist
pawn-stanced D&D game, Doug seizes directorial control and gets
all narrative on our asses. “Angus is given an ancient ultimate sword
by his homies in the church of Thor. He blows the 120k on the biggest

motherfucking party the City of Greyhawk has ever seen.” Doug
rocks. And I rock too, because I run a game where Doug feels com-
fortable wailing on his mind-guitar like that. This example goes right
back to Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing, as Doug was very

actively rocking when he did this, but my rocking right then was more

of the wei wu wei method of rocking. Sometimes the Referee paints a

picture, but sometimes he just sets up the canvas.

Here’s an example that doesn’t involve me high-fiving myself for do-

ing nothing but sitting on my ass while my player does all the work.
Once in a game where I was a player instead of the Referee, Gruul
the Half-Orc had a bead drawn on one of the bad guys and loosed
two feathered shafts into him. This dude only had 2 hit points left and
Gruul hit him with two critical strikes. In some games those crit rolls
would have been wasted. Any two arrows hitting would have iced
that mofo. But Jon (the Referee) freaked my shit out when he then
called for Jason (Gruul’s player) to roll two to-hits against another foe
standing directly behind the first. The shots hit and damage is tallied.
Jon: “The first guy totally explodes and the arrows pass through him,
into the second guy, who drops dead.” Do you see what Jon did
there? He went over and above the call of the mere rules to allow
Jason’s guy to totally kick ass. In-character this did much to cement
Gruul’s reputation in the party as a badass mofo with the bow. Out-
of-character my appreciation of Jon’s refereeing went up a big ol’

When In Doubt, Let a Player Roll Some Dice
If your Inner Magic 8-Ball isn’t giving you anything to work with,
sometimes you should pitch things back to the players in the form of

requesting a die roll. If you can’t make up your mind how to answer a
question just break it down to a simple roll, clearly outline the stakes,

and have a player roll it. This technique gets at least one player en-
gaged in the game (making it a good thing to drop on an otherwise
disengaged player), gets them rolling dice (which all decent right-
thinking non-communist players love to do), and gives them owner-
ship over a part of the game that isn’t their character (thus empower-
ing the player). And if the die roll yields a result unsatisfying to them,
the blow is softened because they had a fair chance to get another
result. It’s not like you faked some roll behind a screen. Not that I’m
against faking rolls behind a screen.

By the way, I break out a real Magic 8-Ball once in awhile. Just be-
cause I can. I like to take it to con games and keep it hidden in my
bag until an unsuspecting player asks a Yes/No question that ought to
be really important. You should see the looks on their faces when I let
the 8-Ball answer.

Spellbooks can be boring. We live in such a book-rich society, with
the printing press and cheap paperbacks and libraries and book-

stores, that we forget that once upon a time the proper reaction was
probably more like holy crap! you own a book! The pre-Gutenberg
codex was a work of art, requiring intensive labor to produce. In some
instances they were literally chained to the desk where you would
read them, in order to prevent theft of these valuable resources. For
certain milieus a filthy adventurer owning a book is kinda like going
over to your buddy’s crappy studio apartment and seeing an original
Picasso on the wall. Not utterly impossible, but it makes you want to
ask impolite questions like “Is the rest of your stuff cheap junk because
you spend all your money on your art obsession?” or “Hey, man, are
you some kind of international art thief?”

That’s why for my next go at my 12th century faux-England campaign

I’ve decided that spellbooks are basically artifact-type objects rather
than the user’s manuals for arcane systems operators they tend to
come off as. The Call of Cthulhu tome rules and Ed Greenwood’s
“Pages from the Mages” series in the old days of Dragon heavily
influenced this decision, as did reading a couple of real historical gri-
moires, the problems surrounding the textual transmission of the works
of Shakespeare, unearthed manuscripts like the Dead Sea Scrolls and
Nag Hammadi Library, and the enigma of the Voynich Manuscript.

So now I’ve got a spreadsheet I’ve been working on, with the goal
that each spellbook can be treated as an individual object. Here are
the current fields, with some comments:

» Title(s) - Many of these books have more than one name, which
makes tracking them down a big ol’ pain in the butt.
» Language(s) - I don’t use Read Magic for spellbooks. Instead
that spell “unlocks” scrolls and doubles as Identify for any magic item
that has runes on it. I also make sure to give players of Magic-Users a
list of common arcane languages.
» Period – Date of composition, if known.
» Author – If known.
» Blasphemy - Spellbooks aren’t strictly how-to guides written in a
vacuum. Each comes with a context that a canny reader can puzzle
out. And since pretty much all wizards are cranks, heretics, pagans
and/or crazies, this means that one or more passages or implications
in a spellbook will offend the sensibilities of the strictly orthodox and

question the worldview of the open minded. The historical nature of
my campaign makes this a lot easier to pull off effectively, I suspect.
In a totally made-up world you’re going to have to work hard to
come up with a convincing blasphemy. In Wessex I can get away

with things like “The Holy Spirit is a woman, God’s wife and Christ’s
mother” or “Satan isn’t a rebel, he’s God’s double agent.” My only
concern is that the World of Darkness probably ran this sort of stuff
into the ground, making it completely uninteresting to Vampire fans.
Not that I ever get a lot of hardcore gothpunks at my game table.

Reading a grimoire and using the spells within it will tend to warp the
thought processes of the user until they become utterly convinced of
the truth of the blasphemy. Those who use two or more grimoires will
work out some sort of idiosyncratic hybrid opinion that synthesizes the
revelations, no matter how contradictory or unrelated the individual
» Spell 1, Spell 2, Spell 3, Spell 4, Spell 5, Spell 6 – In most cam-
paigns I cap level advancement at 10th or 14th level. That means I
can get away with a pretty short list of all spells available in play and
grimoires that hold no more than six spells each. Just to make life
rough for the PCs, Fireball will only be appearing in a single grimoire,
which starts in the hands of one of the active NPC wizards.

Of course, with these sorts of grimoires in play, the Referee must be

prepared for when a player wants to write a new spellbook incorpo-
rating their favorite spells from two or more grimoires.

Standard Magic-Users’ spellbooks are akin to the lab journals of mad

scientists and as such are barely comprehensible to even their au-
thors. The spell Read Magic serves as an arcane bridge, connecting
the scribblings in a spellbook, their authorial intent and the caster’s
mind. A grimoire is a spellbook that has been revised into a text
understandable by a general audience. Anyone who can read the
language(s) of the text may attempt to understand and use the spells
contained therein.

Alternatively, the Referee may use the items in the table below for
random spellbooks. Items 1 to 20 on the list are especially suited for
starting Magic-Users, providing the four first level spells (Read Magic
and three random spells) required by the LotFP rules. Simply roll 1d20
instead of 1d100 to assign a starting spellbook to a newly minted first
level caster. NPC wizards can be assigned spells quickly by rolling
1d100 once or twice.

Title(s): The Seven Demons of Magdalene, Book of the Magdalene
Language(s): Ancient Greek
Period: 1st century AD

Author: purportedly Mary Magdalene

Blasphemy: Christ didn't cast demons out of Mary Magdalene, he taught
her to invoke them.
Spells: Read Magic, Summon, Magic Aura*, Shield, Magic Mouth, ESP

Title(s): Works of Adamantius
Language(s): Ancient Greek
Period: 2nd or 3rd century AD
Author: unknown, quotes Church Father Origen at length
Blasphemy: Jesus preached that all beings reincarnate up and down the
great chain of being.
Spells: Magic Missile, Read Magic, Charm Person, Unseen Servant, Locate
Object*, Wizard Lock

Title(s): Book of Ostanes of the Magi
Language(s): Ancient Greek, translated from Ancient Persian
Period: 4th century BC
Author: Ostanes of Persia
Blasphemy: Good and evil are evenly matched. In the end they will
destroy each other and everything else.
Spells: Light*, Mending, Read Magic, Enlarge*, Change Self, Magic

Title(s): The Blasphemies of Mu
Language(s): Latin, translated from unknown original
Period: recent translation of ancient original
Author: Ymashmo, a pagan priest
Blasphemy: The world, including all the gods, was created by invisible
spiders. Under certain arcane conditions and/or weird states of mind you
can see their blue-green webs holding the universe together.
Spells: Shield, Bookspeak, Faerie Fire, Read Magic, Levitate, Phantasmal
Title(s): Grey Book of Felsina
Language(s): Latin
Period: very recently
Author: Pietro Cemilo
Blasphemy: Most of the work of creating the world was subcontracted
out to a gang of dwarfs.
Spells: Mending, Hold Portal, Read Magic, Magic Aura*, Audible Glamer,
Detect Invisible
Title(s): Kitab Ustuqus al-Uss al-Thani, “Second Book of the Elements of
Language(s): Arabic

Period: ~8th century AD
Author: Jabir ibn Hayyan
Blasphemy: Yahweh was a powerful but non-divine giant until he slew the
Great Serpent and drank its blood.
Spells: Message, Read Magic, Comprehend Languages*, Floating Disc,
Force of Forbidment, Phantasmal Force

Title(s): Kitab Sirr al-Khaliqa wa San`at al-Tabi`a, “Book of the Secret of
Creation and the Art of Nature”
Language(s): Arabic
Period: ~8th century AD
Author: unknown
Blasphemy: The Elohim of Genesis were six lesser spirits God created as
proxies for the work of Creation.
Spells: Read Magic, Shield, Charm Person, Enlarge*, Phantasmal Force,

Title(s): Oneirocritica
Language(s): Ancient Persian, with a smattering of other more obscure
characters and tongues and some marginalia in Ancient Greek
Period: 1st century BC
Author: Mithridates Megas, Sage-King of Ancient Persia
Blasphemy: A gate in the land of nightmares leads to Hell, while the
gate from the land of pleasant dreams to Heaven has been barred for
Spells: Spider Climb, Read Magic, Mending, Shield, ESP, Wall of Fog

Title(s): Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, Book of the Angel Raziel
Language(s): Enochian, with lengthy Hebrew annotations
Period: 250-750 AD?
Author: purportedly Adam and/or the angel Raziel
Blasphemy: Adam was the first wizard, taught by Archangel Raziel.
Contains secrets unknown to the other angels.
Spells: Charm Person, Summon, Read Magic, Hold Portal, Invisibility, Mirror

Title(s): Kabbalah of Saboath
Language(s): an odd mixture of Ancient Hebrew and Ancient Greek
Period: 1st century BC or AD

Author: Abrasax Saboath, a Gnostic priest or an entity possessing a

Gnostic priest
Blasphemy: The Serpent reported accurately what would happen if the
apple was eaten. God lied.
Spells: Detect Magic, Hold Portal, Unseen Servant, Read Magic, Change
Self, Knock

Title(s): Sefer ha-Yashar, Book of the Upright, or Book of Jashar
Language(s): Hebrew
Period: unknown, but mentioned in the Old Testament (Joshua and
Author: unknown
Blasphemy: The religious practice of the Samaritans are orthodox, post-
Exile Judaism is a corruption.
Spells: Magic Missile, Enlarge*, Read Magic, Mending, ESP, Clairvoyance

Title(s): Book of Beorht
Language(s): Dubious Latin and gorgeous, poetic Anglish in equal
Period: fifth or sixth century AD
Author: Beorht, the Green Man of Salis Plain
Blasphemy: Heaven and its angels are made of metal, devils can be
destroyed by rusting them.
Spells: Hold Portal, Read Magic, Charm Person, Message, Speak with
Animals, Hold Person

Title(s): Sword of Moses
Language(s): Ancient Hebrew
Period: 1st-4th century AD
Author: attributed to Moses
Blasphemy: All of Moses’s miracles were spells taught to him by Egyptian
Spells: Read Magic, Spider Climb, Magic Missile, Detect Magic, Change
Self, Detect Illusion

Title(s): Revelations of Saint Zvlkx, Apocalypse of Zvlkx
Language(s): Ancient Greek
Period: 3rd or 4th century AD

Author: St. Zvlkx
Blasphemy: The corpses that left their graves during the Crucifixion
(Matthew 27:52) still wander the world as the original undead.
Spells: Magic Missile, Comprehend Languages*, Detect Magic, Charm
Person, Phantasmal Force, Haste*

Title(s): Liber Mortuorum, Book of the Dead
Language(s): Latin with a few key passages in Ancient Greek
Period: 7th century AD
Author: Simon of Sarum, wizard of Wessex
Blasphemy: The increasing amount of noncorporeal undead in the world
is due to the angel of death not being able to keep up with the number
of people dying.
Spells: Shield, Comprehend Languages*, Read Magic, Spider Climb, Ray
of Enfeeblement, Dispel Magic

Title(s): Ravings of the Mad Cobbler of Mayence, Book of Stephen the
Language(s): Mostly Latin, but with some German
Period: unknown
Author: unknown, quoting Stephen the Cobbler at length
Blasphemy: Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ wife, she fled to the south of
France while pregnant with their son.
Spells: Identify, Spider Climb, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Locate Object*,
Protection from Normal Missiles

Title(s): Arzhang of Mani
Language(s): Ancient Greek, translated from Syrian Aramaic
Period: 1st century BC or AD
Author: Manicheus and his apostles
Blasphemy: God and Satan are equals; which will win the Cosmic War at
the end of time depends who has the most souls on his side.
Spells: Mending, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Unseen Servant, ESP,

Title(s): Songs of Tlön
Language(s): Latin, translated from unknown tongue
Period: unknown

Author: unknown
Blasphemy: Mirrors and copulation are abominable, since they both
multiply the numbers of men.
Spells: Sleep, Read Magic, Identify, Floating Disc, Knock, False Alignment

Title(s): The Book of Three
Language(s): Welsh
Period: unknown
Author: unknown
Blasphemy: God is Three, Satan is Three, Jesus is Three (as well as being a
member of the Trinity), there are three co-existent Creations.
Spells: Read Magic, Message, Mending, Magic Missile, Mirror Image,
Water Breathing*

Title(s): Res Etruscae, The Estruscan Matter
Language(s): Latin, with some Etruscan
Period: 1st century AD
Author: Marcus Verrius Flaccus
Blasphemy: The Etruscans were Hebrews of the lost tribes. They carried
the true flame of Judaism, not the ones who remained behind.
Spells: Light*, Read Magic, Bookspeak, Summon, Forget, Invisibility 10’
Title(s): Testament of Morfedd, Book of Morfedd
Language(s): an incoherent mixture of Latin and Anglish
Period: 8th or 9th century AD
Author: Morfedd (a wizard of Wessex) and unknown commentator/
Blasphemy: The only difference between sorcery and religion is that a
wizard binds himself by a contract he negotiated himself, rather than
being subjected to a covenant agreed upon by his forefathers.
Spells: Sleep, Mending, Summon, Ray of Enfeeblement, Detect Invisible,

Title(s): Lapis Starcharts of Nisaba
Language(s): Sumerian
Period: somewhere 4th - 2nd millenium BC

Author: unknown
Blasphemy: Indirectly argues that the two Great Lights of the 4th Day of
Creation (Gen 1:14-15) are not the Sun and the Moon we know, but a
Secret Sun and Hidden Moon.
Spells: Magic Aura*, Bookspeak, Sleep, ESP, Phantasmal Force, Mirror

Title(s): Mathematics of Cham
Language(s): Enochian, with some explanations and footnotes in Hebrew
Period: just after the Flood
Author: Cham (Ham), son of Noah
Blasphemy: Adam was not Cain’s father, Satan was.
Spells: Shield, Faerie Fire, Summon, Web, Detect Invisible, ESP

Title(s): Aquat Cthädingen
Language(s): mostly Latin, with some parts not translated from the original
proto-Germanic original
Period: ~400AD, translation recent
Author: unknown
Blasphemy: God created all the creatures of the land but Satan created
all the creatures of the sea first.
Spells: Sleep, Comprehend Languages*, Magic Aura*, Web, Forget,
Magic Mouth

Title(s): Testament of Solomon
Language(s): Ancient Greek (translated from Hebrew?)
Period: Old Testament times
Author: King Solomon
Blasphemy: “You shall have no other gods before me” means it is okay to
worship other gods, as long as that veneration is subordinate to Jehovah.
Spells: Feather Fall, Summon, Hold Portal, Magic Mouth, Change Self,

Title(s): Juvenalia of Augustine
Language(s): Latin
Period: 4th century AD

Author: St Augustine
Blasphemy: Angels aid Manicheans as readily as Christians.
Spells: Spider Climb, Magic Aura*, Mending, Web, Light-Continual*,
Speak with Animals

Title(s): Secretum secretorum, The Book of the Secret of Secrets
Language(s): Latin
Period: 1120 AD
Author: unknown, translated by John of Seville
Blasphemy: God is a wizard from another universe, he used a magic
signet ring to make our Creation.
Spells: Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Faerie Fire, Light-Continual*, Knock,
Phantasmal Force

Title(s): Book of Skelos, Scrolls of Skelos
Language(s): Atlantean, incomplete translation from the original with vast
passages missing
Period: unknown, extremely ancient
Author: unknown
Blasphemy: The first living thing in the world was an amorphous ooze
that is mother to all earthly life. She still dwells in a certain underground
chamber, creating more new life.
Spells: Floating Disc, Shield, Summon, Speak with Animals, Stinking Cloud,
Ray of Enfeeblement

Title(s): Chronicles of the Kings of Canarre
Language(s): Latin
Period: unknown, but later than 800AD
Author: Marotus du Lac
Blasphemy: When Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne emperor, all divine
authority passed from the Papacy to the Carolingians.
Spells: Detect Magic, Sleep, Mending, Light-Continual*, Forget,
Phantasmal Force

Title(s): 4th Book of Sanchuniathon
Language(s): Ancient Greek, translated from Ancient Phoenician
Period: before the fall of Troy

Author: Sanchuniathon of Berytus, translating/interpreting secret
inscriptions found on the columns of a ruined Ammonite temple
Blasphemy: All gods/angels/etc are ghosts of past kings, heroes,
princesses, etc.
Spells: Sleep, Message, Detect Magic, Wall of Fog, Audible Glamer,

Title(s): Book of Sleep and Madness, Book of Miramon Lluagor
Language(s): Latin
Period: 5th or 6th century AD?
Author: Miramon Lluagor of Poictesme
Blasphemy: The Creation and Apocalypse narratives are lies. Time is
disjointed, without beginning or end.
Spells: Sleep, Comprehend Languages*, Floating Disc, Locate Object*,
Change Self, Hold Person

Title(s): Liber Loagaeth
Language(s): Enochian, with a few notes in Latin
Period: unknown
Author: unknown, claims to be a transcription of various angelic
Blasphemy: Enoch eventually returned to Earth, where he works as a
secret agent of God.
Spells: Faerie Fire, Enlarge*, Shield, Force of Forbidment, Forget, Explosive

Title(s): Liber Silvestri, Book of Sylvester
Language(s): Latin
Period: 10th century AD
Author: Pope Silvester II
Blasphemy: The Apocalypse and Second Coming have been delayed
by a magical ritual performed annually since 666 AD.
Spells: Detect Magic, Mending, Magic Missile, Mirror Image, Knock,

Title(s): Liber Eibonis, Book of Ivobon
Language(s): original unknown, translated into Latin
Period: ancient

Author: Ibonus, an ancient wizard

Blasphemy: A whole cycle of history predated the Garden of Eden,
which like Noah’s Ark was intended to be a do-over.
Spells: Comprehend Languages*, Bookspeak, Magic Aura*, Speak with
Animals, Locate Object*, Hold Person

Title(s): Book of Vathelos the Blind
Language(s): Atlantean, translated from the original
Period: unknown, extremely ancient
Author: Vathelos the Blind, translated by Kulan Gath
Blasphemy: If your ears are sensitive enough, you can still hear all of
God’s spoken words echoing through Creation.
Spells: Summon, Faerie Fire, Magic Aura*, Web, Detect Invisible, Army of

Title(s): Red Book of Aruman
Language(s): Celtic translated from an older tongue
Period: The Third Age
Author: Aruman the Red with unknown commentator
Blasphemy: The original wizards were angels in disguise; those who can
cast spells have angelic blood in their veins.
Spells: Feather Fall, Summon, Light*, Wizard Lock, Force of Forbidment,
Protection from Normal Missiles

Title(s): Liber Bokonus
Language(s): Latin
Period: unknown Author: St. Bokonus
Blasphemy: Ice is the ultimate form of existence. Hell is icy and eventually
the world freezes from the bottom up.
Spells: Unseen Servant, Floating Disc, Enlarge*, Audible Glamer, Mirror
Image, Detect Illusion

Title(s): Secret Book of Artephius
Language(s): Arabic
Period: 1127 AD

Author: Ibn ar-Tafiz (Artephius)
Blasphemy: Adam and Eve were hermaphrodites and equals. Gender is
a result of the Fall of Man.
Spells: Detect Magic, Message, Mending, Magic Mouth, Invisibility 10’
Radius, Creation-Minor

Title(s): Red Book of Hajr
Language(s): mostly Arabic, with untranslated passages in an unknown
Period: unknown
Author: unknown
Blasphemy: The Trinity is really three goddesses, mother/maiden/crone,
those mentioned in the Satanic verses (Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat). Allah
was their prophet and Christ the son of the Mother.
Spells: Unseen Servant, Shield, Magic Missile, Speak with Animals,
Suggestion, Creation-Minor

Title(s): Testament of St. Carnamo
Language(s): Ancient Greek
Period: first published 10th century AD, but original manuscript much
Author: the seer-saint-magus Carnamon
Blasphemy: The pathetic universe we experience is an accidental side
effect, the debris left over when two greater Creations collided.
Spells: Sleep, Bookspeak, Detect Magic, Ray of Enfeeblement, Dispel
Magic, Dig
Title(s): Book of Simon Magus
Language(s): Ancient Greek
Period: 1st century AD
Author: Simon Magus
Blasphemy: God sent many Christs at the same time. Jesus was one of
them, but there were others whose words and deeds were equally divine.
Spells: Feather Fall, Hold Portal, Summon, Levitation, Suggestion, Fly

Title(s): Sworn Book of Honorius, Liber Juratus, Liber Sacer, Liber Sacratus,
Liber Consecratus
Language(s): Latin

Period: 7th century AD

Author: Honorius of Thebes, who may have been the same person as
Pope Honorius
Blasphemy: The Apostle Paul also received dreams and visions from
Spells: Floating Disc, Charm Person, Shield, Levitate, Strange Waters II,
Explosive Runes

Title(s): Book of Yod
Language(s): a combination of Ancient Greek and Coptic, translated
from hieroglyphs
Period: pre-Exodus Egypt
Author: Khut-Nah, an Egyptian priest
Blasphemy: Devices like the Ark of the Covenant are machines for
capturing entities, like the traps in Ghostbusters.
Spells: Sleep, Shield, Magic Aura*, Invisibility, Gust of Wind, Explosive

Title(s): The Heptateuch, The Suppresed Books of Moses
Language(s): Hebrew
Period: Old Testament times
Author: Moses
Blasphemy: Yahweh is just some desert genie that Abraham invoked and
bound to his descendants.
Spells: Unseen Servant, Mending, Sleep, Forget, Dispel Magic, Contact
Outer Sphere
Title(s): Prophecies of Myrddin Wilt
Language(s): an antiquated form of Celtic
Period: 5th or 6th century AD
Author: Merlin
Blasphemy: The Anti-Christ is already come, but by rejecting his ordained
role the plans of both God and Satan were frustrated.
Spells: Faerie Fire, Identify, Feather Fall, Light-Continual*, Gust of Wind, Fly

Title(s): Secret Gospel of Mark
Language(s): Ancient Greek
Period: 1st century AD

Author: attributed to the Apostle Mark
Blasphemy: Jesus was a wizard and the apostles were his apprentices.
Spells: Magic Missile, Message, Stinking Cloud, ESP, Water Breathing*,

Title(s): Book of Merlin
Language(s): unknown - appendix in Latin
Period: 5th or 6th century AD
Author: unknown - Merlin and his mentor Blaise are the most recent
Blasphemy: Hell is not below the world. Under the world is a second,
upside-down world.
Spells: Feather Fall, Message, Stinking Cloud, Light-Continual*, Gaseous
Form, Water Breathing*

Title(s): The Enchiridion of Phinehas the Younger, Handbook of Phineas
Language(s): a mishmash of Hebrew and Ancient Greek
Period: sometime before the fall of Rome but after the destruction of the
Author: Phinehas the Younger
Blasphemy: Peter did not inherit the leadership of the Church from Christ,
St James the Just did. A secret order inside the Church seeks to undo the
Petrine Papacy and maintains their own Shadow Pope.
Spells: Sleep, Mending, Speak with Animals, Ray of Enfeeblement, Water
Breathing*, Secret Page
Title(s): Book of Zanthu
Language(s): Latin, translated from Arabic, translated from unknown
Period: recent translation of ancient original
Author: Zanthu, a pagan priest
Blasphemy: Seems to attribute the Deluge to Satan rather than God.
Spells: Detect Magic, Hold Portal, ESP, Speak with Animals, Water
Breathing*, Invisibility 10’ Radius

Title(s): De Concubinis Retinendis, On the Retention of Concubines
Language(s): Latin
Period: late antiquity

Author: Phutatorius
Blasphemy: Suggests God and Joseph engaged in wife swapping
whereby Joseph also impregnated God’s wife.
Spells: Charm Person, Sleep, Magic Mouth, Locate Object*, Suggestion,
False Alignment

Title(s): The Phanotika
Language(s): Ancient Greek, translated from unknown original
Period: unknown, translation centuries old but original much older
Author: multiple unknown hands
Blasphemy: Humankind is merely the most recent of many sentient races
created by God to inhabit the earth. The others have all been banished
to Hell, or perhaps merely underground.
Spells: Comprehend Languages*, Feather Fall, ESP, Detect Invisible, Howl
of the Moon, Dispel Magic

Title(s): Lexicon Corsi
Language(s): Greek, Hebrew and Arabic in equal parts
Period: 8th or 9th century AD
Author: Anon of Ibid
Blasphemy: There are seperate hells for Jews, Muslims and Christians.
Spells: Feather Fall, Summon, Detect Invisible, Forget, Howl of the Moon,
Dispel Magic

Title(s): Prognostications of Songecruyson, The Book of Useless Dreams
Language(s): Latin
Period: unknown
Author: Songecruyson the Dreamer
Blasphemy: Ezekiel’s Wheel was God’s true form. We are not created in
his image.
Spells: Spider Climb, Floating Disc, Knock, Forget, Secret Page, Suggestion

Title(s): The Talitha Koum, Book of the Daughter of Jairus
Language(s): Latin, with a few passages in Aramaic
Period: unknown
Author: unknown
Blasphemy: Jesus was a wizard and the Holy Ghost his familiar spirit.
Spells: Message, Unseen Servant, Wizard Lock, Phantasmal Force, Army
of One, Suggestion
Title(s): Svartebok of Cyprianus, Black Book of Cyprian
Language(s): Danish translated from Ancient Greek
Period: 3rd century AD

Author: Saint Cyprian, Archbishop of Antioch
Blasphemy: Baptism is a magic spell that can be performed by any
wizard, not just ordained priests.
Spells: Feather Fall, Ray of Enfeeblement, Strange Waters II, Wall of Fire,
Stone Shape

Title(s): The Book of Shadows, Ye Bok of Ye Art Magical
Language(s): a mishmosh of inadequate Anglish and ignorant Latin
Period: ~1066 AD
Author: Scire of Yuteny, Wessex wizard who lived around the time of the
Blasphemy: The Lantern of Cartaphilus, a minor artifact, is really the Holy
Grail in disguise.
Spells: Sleep, Magic Aura*, Levitate, Secret Page, Wizard Eye, Contact
Outer Sphere

Title(s): Liber Selbius, Codex de Selby
Language(s): a strange dialect of Anglo-Norman intermixed with
idiosyncratic Celtic
Period: unknown
Author: a visionary and/or madman named De Selby
Blasphemy: Death by old age is not natural; people slowly succumb to
poisoning by phlogiston, an invisible component of the air.
Spells: Identify, Magic Missile, Phantasmal Force, Explosive Runes,
Creation-Minor, Animate Dead

Title(s): Kitab sirr al-asrar, “Book of the science of government: on the
good ordering of statecraft”
Language(s): Arabic
Period: 10th century AD
Author: unknown, translated by Yahya ibn al-Bitriq
Blasphemy: The Koran is full of traps. The Prophet heard angels
sometimes, as he believed, but was also tricked by devils sometimes.
Spells: Hold Portal, Identify, Mirror Image, False Alignment, Polymorph Self,

Title(s): Recitation of Esdras
Language(s): Arabic with incomplete Latin translations and corrections in

Period: unknown
Author: the spirit of the prophet Ezra, compelled to appear and speak by
necromancy, transcriber unknown
Blasphemy: The Old Testament is woefully incomplete, 70 important scrolls
were lost during the Babylonian captivity.
Spells: Floating Disc, Comprehend Languages*, Mirror Image, Invisibility
10’ Radius, Growth of Plants, Cloudkill

Title(s): Book of the Black Stone
Language(s): Latin, translated from Arabic, translated from unknown
inscriptions from certain black stone stelae found in an ancient African
Period: recent translation of ancient original
Author: unknown
Blasphemy: Cain founded the first human city on the ruins of a prehuman
Spells: Charm Person, Faerie Fire, Wall of Fog, Speak with Dead,
Mnemonic Enhancer, Secret Chest

Title(s): Gayat al-Hakim, “The Aim of the Sage” or “The Goal of The Wise”
Language(s): Arabic
Period: 10th century AD
Author: Al-Majriti, a great scholar
Blasphemy: The religion of Moses incorporated Egyptian priestcraft; this
corruption has been perpetrated in both Judaism and Christianity.
Spells: Summon, Feather Fall, Force of Forbidment, Howl of the Moon,
Mnemonic Enhancer, Cloudkill

Title(s): The Picatrix, Gayat al-Hakim
Language(s): Latin translated from the original Arabic
Period: very recently
Author: Al-Majriti, translator unknown (possibly John of Seville)
Blasphemy: Moses received the Ten Commandments not on Mt. Sinai,
but rather from atop the Great Pyramid.
Spells: Feather Fall, Identify, Invisibility, Army of One, Confusion, Chaos

Title(s): The Thaumaturgicon
Language(s): Latin
Period: unknown

Author: Undle Nine-Fingers
Blasphemy: Angels and demons are merely powerful faeries with good or
ill intentions.
Spells: Magic Aura*, Sleep, Mirror Image, Suggestion, Polymorph Others,

Title(s): Libram of Murgen
Language(s): Atlantean, with commentary in ancient Celtic
Period: before Brutus of Troy, grandson of Aeneas, came to England
Author: unknown, marginalia by the wizard Murgen
Blasphemy: Adam was the second created man. The first is an
abominable giant that lies at the bottom of the ocean, off the coast of
Spells: Comprehend Languages*, Unseen Servant, Invisibility, Army of
One, Creation-Minor, Cloudkill

Title(s): First Book of King Magus
Language(s): Ancient Hebrew
Period: two centuries after the Deluge
Author: Magus, Grandson of Noah
Blasphemy: The first Noachic settlers to Britain after the Deluge found
demi-human creatures already living there, with whom they intermarried.
Spells: Magic Missile, Charm Person, Stinking Cloud, Army of One, Wizard
Eye, Passwall

Title(s): Mazhapha Einok, The Prophecy of Enoch
Language(s): Enochian and Ancient Hebrew, with commentary in the
margins in Ancient Greek
Period: before the Deluge
Author: Enoch
Blasphemy: Very confusing but either Jesus visits the Earth three times
instead of two (Christian interpretation) or else Adam returns to Earth in
the end days as well (Jewish interpretation) or maybe Elijah was Adam
and/or Jesus.
Spells: Magic Missile, Spider Climb, Web, Phantasmal Psychedelia,
Mnemonic Enhancer, Wall of Iron

Title(s): De Operatione Daemonum
Language(s): Greek
Period: 11th century AD

Author: Michael Psellus, the Stammering Monk

Blasphemy: Cain, who killed his brother as a sacrifice to Satan, still lives,
acting as a sort of Satanic Pope.
Spells: Detect Magic, Floating Disc, Forget, Protection from Normal
Missiles, Polymorph Self, Contact Outer Sphere

Title(s): Paradoxologia of Gorgias
Language(s): Ancient Greek
Period: 2nd century BC
Author: unknown, quoting lost works of Gorgias at length
Blasphemy: Argues the impossibility of objective reality, embracing a
solipsistic egotism.
Spells: Comprehend Languages*, Unseen Servant, Change Self,
Protection from Normal Missiles, Wall of Ice, Wall of Iron

Title(s): Al Azif
Language(s): Arabic, with a few scribblings in Ancient Greek
Period: 7th century AD
Author: Abd Al-Azrad
Blasphemy: God is blind and mindless, Creation is an accident.
Spells: Summon, Force of Forbidment, Phantasmal Psychedelia, Seven
Gates, Contact Outer Sphere, Weird Vortex

Title(s): Lectus Olbione, The Herbal of Claudius
Language(s): Latin
Period: 1st century AD
Author: the physician Scribonius Largus
Blasphemy: Satan preserved his own dearest from the Flood by hiding
them in an underwater city off the Cornish coast.
Spells: Spider Climb, Speak with Animals, Howl of the Moon, Growth of
Plants, Interposing Hand, Move Earth

CR 12
XP 19,200
CE Huge aberration
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8

AC 30, touch 11, flat-footed 27 (+6 armor, +3 Dex, +13 natural, −2 size)
hp 187 (15d8+120)
Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +10
DR 5/–

Speed 60 ft.
Melee bite +20 (2d6+13), 2 claws +20 (1d8+9)
Ranged rock +14 (2d6+13)
Space 15 ft., Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d8+13), rock throwing (140 ft.), trample
(2d8+13, DC 26)

Str 29, Dex 16, Con 26, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +11; CMB +21 (+25 bull rush and sunder); CMD 34 (38 vs. trip, 40
vs. bull rush and sunder)
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Great Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Great-
er Sunder, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Intimidating Prowess,
Power AttackB
Skills Climb +24, Intimidate +23, Perception +8, Survival +9
Languages Giant
SQ undersized weapons

Undersized Weapons (Ex) Although a broodgiant is Huge, its upper torso
is the same size as that of a Large humanoid. As a result, they wield
weapons as if they were one size category smaller than their actual size
(Large for most broodgiants).
CR 13
Variant broodgiant
XP 25,600
Init +1
AC 31, touch 9, flat-footed 30 (+6 armor, +1 Dex, +16 natural, −2 size)
hp 217 (15d8+150)
Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +10
DR 10/–
Speed 60 ft.
Ranged rock +12 (2d6+13)
Str 29, Dex 12, Con 30, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 9

The Swordmaniac
CR 14
XP 19,200
Broodgiant fighter 2
CE Huge aberration
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 31, touch 12, flat-footed 27 (+6 armor, +4 Dex, +13 natural, −2 size)
hp 232 (15d8+2d10+170)
Fort +18, Ref +9, Will +9; +1 vs. fear
DR 5/–; Immune healing magic, prismatic effects
Speed 60 ft.
Melee bite +24 (2d6+16), 2 claws +24 (1d8+9) or
Sword of the Sky King +28/+23/+18 (2d6+19/19-20)
Ranged rock +17 (2d6+16)
Space 15 ft., Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d8+16), rock throwing (140 ft.), trample
(2d8+16, DC 29)
Str 33, Dex 18, Con 30, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +23 (+27 bull rush and sunder); CMD 37 (41 vs. trip, 43
vs. bull rush and sunder)
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard
sword), Great Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Sunder, Improved Bull
Rush, Improved Sunder, Intimidating Prowess, Power AttackB, Weapon
Focus (bastard sword)
Skills Climb +27, Intimidate +25, Perception +8, Survival +9
Languages Giant
SQ bravery +1, undersized weapons
Undersized Weapons (Ex) Although a broodgiant is Huge, its upper torso
is the same size as that of a Large humanoid. As a result, they wield
weapons as if they were one size category smaller than their actual size
(Large for most broodgiants).

The Sword of the Sky King (minor artifact)

Aura strong necromancy; CL 25th
Slot none; Weight 12 lb.
Description: This +3 Large bastard sword is from an age when magic
dominated battlefields. Wounds dealt by the Sword of the Sky King
cannot be healed by any magical effect. They must be healed natural-
ly. This effect extends to the wielder, who cannot benefit from magical
healing while in possession of the Sword of the Sky King. A victim slain
by the weapon cannot be brought back with anything less than true

Additionally, the Sword of the Sky King renders its wielder immune to
all sorts of prismatic effects, including the spells color spray, prismatic
sphere, prismatic spray and prismatic wall.
Destruction: Should the Sword of the Sky King be used to slay the reign-
ing king of the Skyfortress, upon which its black sheen dulls to a dark
grey and the blade cracks. At the beginning of the adventure, the
Sky King is the Angry Brain in the Trophy Room (#7) and comparatively
easy to slay. Should the Sky King be slain by other means, the mantle
of kingship, as far as the sword is concerned, falls to whoever rules the
Sky Fortress. At the beginning of the adventure, this is the Broodmother.
It falls to the Referee to determine the order of succession from there
CR 12
Variant broodgiant
XP 19,200
Special Attacks breath weapon (50-ft. cone, 10d8 acid damage, Reflex
save DC 23 for half, usable once per week)
SQ upset tummy
Upset Tummy (Ex) Vomitboy’s breath weapon is a result of a nonconta-
gious illness that only affects his kind. If cured with remove disease or a
similar effect (DC 18), he loses the ability permanently. This will also raise
Vomitboy’s attitude towards the caster by two steps.

The Runt
CR 12
Variant broodgiant
XP 19,200
Weakness charm effects
Charm Weakness (Ex) The Runt is resentful towards his bullying clan-
mates and has a −4 penalty against spells and effects of the charm

The Mad Maiden

CR 12
Variant broodgiant
XP 19,200
Immune magic jar
Special Attacks death complication, possession in combat
SQ broodmother replacement, undersized weapons
Broodmother Replacement (Ex) See page 15 for details.
Death Complication (Su) 1d6 minutes after the Mad Maiden’s death, a
malevolence will emerge from the remains of her brain.
Possession in Combat (Sp) See page 15 for details. The DC for the con-
fusion effect is 18.
The Terrible Twins
CR 12
The Pathfinder statistics for the six suggestions on pages 15-16. Other-
wise, treat the Terrible Twins as an ordinary broodgiant.
The Terrible Twins are essentially treated as two separate giants, but
joined at the hip as they are, they must always be adjacent to one
another and occupy a 15-foot-by-30-foot area.

The double centaur has all-around vision and cannot be flanked.

As written.

The two heads plus option has a speed of 25 feet and a second bite
attack at the same attack bonus.

The flopping grotesquerie has a 60-foot climb speed.

The facefist hate machine loses rock throwing. It has only a single claw
attack but two bite attacks. Its rend special attack changes as follows:
rend (2 bites, 2d6+13)

CR 9
XP 6,400
CE Medium aberration (incorporeal)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15
AC 22, touch 22, flat-footed 14 (+4 deflection, +7 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 58 (9d8+18)
Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +9
Defensive Abilities bad thoughts, incorporeal
Speed 40 ft. (good)
Melee incorporeal touch +13 (1d8 Wisdom)
Special Attacks ancient visions, strength damage
Str –, Dex 24, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 19
Base Atk +6; CMB +13; CMD 26
Feats Dodge, Flyby Attack, Mobility, Skill Focus (Perception, Stealth)
Skills Fly +17, Perception +15, Stealth +22
Ancient Visions (Su) On a successful critical hit against a foe, a malevo-
lence’s mind leaks some of the Angry Brain’s cosmic memories into the
mind of its victim. See page 40 for the Malevolent Visions table.
Bad Thoughts (Su) A malevolence is made of the eons-old hatred of the
Angry Brain. Anyone attempting to use mind-reading magic against a
malevolence must roll a DC 18 Will save or take 2d4 points of damage
and 2 points of Wisdom damage. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Wisdom Damage (Su) A malevolence’s touch deals 1d8 points of
Wisdom damage to a living creature. This is a negative energy effect.
A creature dies if this Wisdom damage equals or exceeds its actual
Wisdom score.

Fortress Spider Swarm

CR 9
XP 6,400
N Diminutive vermin (swarm)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 30 ft.; Perception +4
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 size)
hp 120 (16d8+48)
Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +5
Defensive Abilities swarm traits; Immune mind-affecting effects, weap-
on damage
Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee swarm (4d6 plus poison and distraction)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks distraction (DC 21), webbery
Str 1, Dex 17, Con 16, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 2
Base Atk +1; CMB –; CMD –
Skills Climb +11, Perception +4; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception; uses
Dexterity for Climb checks
Poison (Ex) Swarm – injury; save Fort DC 21; frequency 1/round for 6
rounds; effect 1d4 Str; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Consti-
Webbery (Ex) The spiders are quick at spinning webs. Anyone standing
for two consecutive rounds in the spiders’ space must succeed at a DC
21 Reflex save or become entangled as the spiders weave a cocoon
around them. The web may be escaped with a DC 21 Escape Artist
check or burst with a DC 21 Strength check. Attempts to burst a web by
those caught in it suffer a −4 penalty. The web may also be cut; it has
60 hit points, DR 5/–, and fire resistance 15.

For the wretches, use stats for ogrekin (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2).
Broodgiant Hatchling
CR 10
XP 9,600
CE Medium aberration
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8
AC 30, touch 11, flat-footed 27 (+6 armor, +3 Dex, +13 natural, −2 size)
hp 127 (15d8+60)
Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +10
DR 5/ –
Speed 60 ft.
Melee bite +16 (1d8+7 plus bleed 1d6), 2 claws +16 (1d4+5)
Ranged rock +18 (1d8+7)
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d8+7), rock throwing (80 ft.)
Str 21, Dex 24, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +11; CMB +17 (+21 bull rush and sunder); CMD 34 (38 vs. trip, 40
vs. bull rush and sunder)
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Great Cleave, Greater Bull Rush, Great-
er Sunder, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Intimidating Prowess,
Power AttackB
Skills Climb +20, Intimidate +23, Perception +8, Survival +9
Languages Giant
SQ undersized weapons
Undersized Weapons (Ex) Although a broodgiant hatchling is Medium,
its upper torso is the same size as that of a Small humanoid. As a result,
they wield weapons as if they were one size category smaller than their
actual size (Small for most broodgiant hatchlings).
Sky King
CR 25/MR 10
CE Large humanoid (giant, mythic)
Init +5/−15, dual initiative ; Senses low-light vision; Perception +38

AC 46, touch 13, flat-footed 32 (+6 armor, +4 Dex, +27 natural, −1 size)
hp 470 (34d8+318); fast healing 10
Fort +27, Ref +15, Will +21
Defensive Abilities backlash , rock catching; DR 10/epic; Immune elec-

tricity, fire
Speed 50 ft., swim 40 ft. (35 ft., swim 30 ft. in armor)
Melee The Sword of the Sky King +48/+43/+38/+33 (2d8+36/17-20/×3) or
2 slams +41 (2d6+24)
Special Attacks always a chance , breath weapon (60-ft. cone,

20d8 damage, Reflex DC 24 for half, usable every 1d4 rounds), clean
blade (ranged touch +29), lingering breath (2d8 fire, 10 rounds), mythic

power (10/day, surge +1d12), perfect strike M

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th)
Constant—freedom of movement
2/day—control weather, levitate
1/day—call lightning (DC 20), chain lightning (DC 22)
Str 42, Dex 18, Con 24, Int 16, Wis 22, Cha 17
Base Atk +25; CMB +42; CMD 56
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave , Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus , Great-

er Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Specialization (bastard sword), Greater

Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical
(bastard sword) , Improved Natural Attack (slam), Improved Sunder, Im-

proved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Power Attack , Vital Strike, Weapon Focus

(bastard sword), Weapon Specialization (bastard sword) M

Skills Acrobatics +32, Climb +20, Craft (weaponsmithing) +13, Intimidate

+32, Perception +38, Perform (sing) +13, Sense Motive +36, Swim +36
Languages Auran, Common, Draconic, Giant
SQ powerful blows (slam) , water breathing

Combat Gear masterwork breastplate

Always a Chance (Ex) The Sky King does not automatically miss when
rolling a 1 on an attack roll.
Backlash (Ex) Whenever an adjacent enemy confirms a critical hit
against the Sky King, he also provokes an attack of opportunity from

Clean Blade (Ex) Whenever the Sky King scores a critical hit, as a free
action he may make a ranged touch attack to fling the blood and
gore at another opponent within 30 feet. If the touch attack hits, the
foe is sickened for 10 rounds. If the touch attack is a critical hit, the foe
is also blinded for the same duration. A blinded foe can spend a full-
round action to remove the gore and end the blindness.

Perfect Strike (Ex) The Sky King can expend one use of mythic power as
a standard action to deliver a perfect strike. A perfect strike attack is
made using his full base attack bonus. If the attack hits, it deals double
the normal amount of damage, and this damage bypasses all dam-
age reduction and hardness. If the perfect strike is a critical hit, increase
the critical multiplier for the attack by 1 (so a ×2 weapon deals ×3 dam-
age). Damage that isn’t multiplied on a critical hit isn’t multiplied on a
perfect strike.
Since the invention of the adventure module, there have only been five
adventures that were rated the most awesome, the most epic. Brood-
mother Sky Fortress leaves them all behind. It’s got these creatures
that are half shark. Half elephant. All badass. They fly around in this
cloud fortress, wrecking everything in the campaign until the players
step up to stop them. It’s all terribly exciting! And all brought to you
by none other than the world-famous Arch-Mage of Old-School,
Jeff Rients!

As an added bonus, we’ve included a Greatest Hits of the ol’ Arch-

Mage’s essays and game tools to build your campaign into the
unstoppable juggernaut you’ve always wanted it to be. Your game
won’t suck anymore!

Broodmother SkyFortress: Buying any other adventure is just

throwing your money away

Text © 2016 Jeff Rients
Issued Under Exclusive License by


ISBN Print 978-952-5904-50-5

ISBN PDF 978-952-5904-51-2

Printed in Finland
First Printing: 2000 Copies

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