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Green Devil Face

By James Edward Raggi IV

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Cover art “Coat of Arms with a Skull” by Albrecht Dürer

All material is copyright 2010 James Edward Raggi IV, except for the following:
Shaggy Dog, Shrieker Stew, and Pool of Testing copyright 2010 Jonathan Becker
The Tomb to Die For/In copyright 2010 R. Lawrence Blake
The Child and The Chamber and the Glass Box copyright 2010 Zak Sabbath
The Sneaky Book Room copyright 2010 James Brian Murphy
The Room of Four Pits copyright 2010 Ramsey Dow

LotFP and Lamentations of the Flame Princess are trademarks owned by James Edward Raggi

Lamentations of the Flame Princess

Knights of Science
By James Edward Raggi IV

Level XP HD* Title

1 0 1d8 Squire
2 2,000 2d8 Squire
3 4,000 3d8 Squire
4 8,000 4d8 Squire
5 16,000 5d8 Knight of Science
6 32,000 6d8 Knight of Science
7 64,000 7d8 Knight of Science
8 128,000 8d8 Knight of Science
9 256,000 9d8 Knight of Science
10 + + 128,000/lvl +3/lvl** Knight of Science
* d10 hit dice for advanced edition games
** Constitution modifiers no longer apply

The Knights of Science are a fanatical, sepa- by a Cleric of no less than level 5 (although
ratist religious order dedicated to the eradica- always of lower level than the Knight if the
tion of chaos and evil in the world. Knight is above level 5) and ten Men-At-Arms,
level 0 Fighters.
Knights are immune to sleep, charm, hold, or
cold spells, and to all fear effects. Knights are The Knights wear plate mail, shields, and
able to hit creatures which are only able to be swords. The Cleric wears nothing but a simple
affected by magic or other special weapons. robe and carries nothing but a plain staff. The
Knights gain a minimum of six hit points per Men-At-Arms wear chain mail and carry
level. Knights gain experience only from pole-arms. The Knights and Cleric are mount-
slaying their foes and burning the foes' equip- ed, the Knight on the greatest sort of warhorse
ment and treasure, and for this the Knight available, the Squire on a lesser warhorse, the
receives XP according to the value of the Cleric on a riding horse meant for speed. The
burned items. Knights do not use magic items. Men-At-Arms go on foot, carrying the supplies
of the whole troupe.
In all ways not described here, Knights should
be considered the same as Fighters. All of a Knight's special powers are dependent
on his unwavering belief in himself. Should he
Knights invariably travel with an entourage. A ever change his mind, on any matter no matter
full Knight is one of level 5 or greater, and he how trivial or important, or if he engages in
will be accompanied by a Squire. A Squire is sexual activity, or if he flees from combat, he
a Knight of level 4 or lower, and is completely loses all Knightly abilities, and new hit points
subservient to his master. This group is joined must immediately be rolled. Any current

damage is subtracted from the new hit point One does not choose to be a Knight. Young
amount. boys, no older than seven, are taken from their
families and brought to the Knights' monastery,
They do not ignore new information that is located somewhere in the East. What happens
obviously correct (they are allowed to change to the boys is not exactly known, but from the
their opinion if that opinion is based on a lie statements of some Knights it would appear
told to them); they simply contort their world- that the boys are subjected to religious brain-
view so that both their old assumption and the washing and severe martial training.
new truth are correct. If they can not make this
reconciliation, they must assume that new At the age of sixteen, the boys are assigned to
information that invalidates their old viewpoint military duty at the monastery, and at first
is evil and must be destroyed. That innocents opportunity are assigned to a Knight's entou-
are harmed by this behavior is of no conse- rage as a Man-At-Arms. If he survives five
quence to them. Due to "always being right," years of this duty (many do not, not least
Knights also quickly learn to be quick to because the Cleric in the troupe also monitors
judgment. Knights are quite insane. them for wavering beliefs), he becomes eligible
to be a Squire. The potential Squire is sent out
It is for this reason that Knights very rarely to the mountains around the monastery to live
meet, and if they do they do not converse, for the life of a hermit, with no provisions, and no
Knights often have widely varying experiences tools. If he is still alive when it is his turn after
that lead them to different conclusions, and a Squire position becomes free, he is outfitted
more than one meeting of Knights has led to and assigned to a Knight.
mortal combat over a minor issue. Knights are
also quite ignorant about worldly affairs, as When a Squire rises to fifth level, he becomes
they do not read and do not engage in normal a fully ranked Knight of Science, and is
conversation with anyone. Knights do not seek assigned a Squire, Cleric, and Men-At-Arms
more contradictions they must reconcile. of his own, free to incidentally terrorize the
world as he quests to save it. It is a system
The Clerics that travel with the Knights are the which has survived beyond memory, from the
public faces of the troupe. They speak with time that the Order of the Knights of Science
locals and make all arrangements so the was first established to combat the Duvan'Ku.
Knights are not subjected to an opposing
viewpoint by pure chance. Many believe this Few stand up to the Knights, preferring to
is why each Knight has an attached Cleric, but cower and watch by as they burn and slaughter
this is simply a secondary function. The Cleric in hopes that they quickly move on, for fear of
is there to monitor the Knight, and if he falters a Crusade being called. The only ones quicker
and loses his power it is the Cleric's duty to to shudder at the name of the Knights than
arrange for the Knight's execution at the first commoners and petty nobles are those forces
available opportunity. demonic and otherworldly, who know that the
Knights represent a foe they can never corrupt.

The Tower
By James Edward Raggi IV

Some easy money, or perhaps a deathtrap the only real breaks in the wall are the door at
masquerading as an adventure, for those who ground level, and a solitary window near the
suffer the delusion that all adventure locations top.
are meant to be solved. For first or second level
characters. Guarding the door of the tower is a great
misshapen thing. It is roughly human-shaped,
The Environs approximately ten feet tall, with gigantic talons
and a giant sharp-toothed maw. However, it is
The tower is located in the middle of the an ancient creature which is quite weary of its
woods, about a day’s journey from any sort of duty, broken in body and spirit, and completely
civilization. Around the tower is a clearing; the ineffectual in a fight. It will engage any intrud-
woods suddenly break into an idyllic, tranquil er, but will not pursue beyond the clearing.
field. Somehow it always seems to be breath-
taking here, either with strong sunlit rays Guardian: Unarmored, Move 1.25 times the
breaking through dark clouds, scanning the speed of an unencumbered man, HD 10, HP
ground like celestial spotlights, or there is a 54, #AT 1 claw, D 1d4, immune to normal
soft rain through gentle sunlight, forming missiles, if killed will rise again at sunset the
rainbows. Butterflies flutter everywhere, and next day, the sarcophagus on level four must
on the opposite side of the clearing from where be blessed to prevent this.
the characters approach, deer and fluffy
bunnies leap away as the intruders near. The tower has five levels, with the window
being on the fifth level.
Around the base of the tower are dense, thorn-
less rose bushes,with thousands of bright red The Door
roses in full bloom at all times.
The tower’s door appears to be made of very
The tower itself is a massive structure, fully heavy, sturdy warped wood. With rusty iron
fifty feet wide, with impressively thick walls. banding. There is a very ornate lock on the
They’d better be impressively thick – they look door. It is actually a strange shape-shifting
to be in utter shambles, with large chunks creature which mimics the appearance of a
having fallen to the ground over the centuries door. It will attack, with pseudopods, anyone
and vines growing all over the structure. The who touches the door, unless the Key of Love
tower is made of some sort of rock that no one is placed in the lock, in which case it will
will be able to identify – it is vaguely bluish- remain as a door. The creature has been
grey with speckles of reflective crystals that charmed to behave this way, and if this charm
make the entire structure shimmer in the sun- is dispelled for some reason, it will attack even
light. In fact, until it is approached, the thing if the key is used.
might not look like a solid physical construct
at all. The tower has a conical, closed roof and

Door: Armor as leather, HD 7, HP 31, #AT 1 Second Level
attack, D 3d4, whatever touches it sticks to it
like glue. This room is filled with many racks, which are
about half-filled with rotted, torn white robes
First Level of unknown composition that have woven
patterns all over them.
The first thing that anyone entering the tower
will notice is that rats are crawling everywhere Carved into the walls is a bas-relief of a
along the walls. The cracks in the walls are courting ceremony, with a succession of carv-
large enough to allow rats free access, and this ings showing a great general surrounded by
will be constant throughout the tower. soldiers discarding his armor and weapons and
putting on ceremonial robes with distinct
The first floor room is bare except for four markings (which matches the pattern of the
statues, each in the shape of a vaguely fairy- robes on the racks). He then walks by two
like princess figure in various dance poses. The guardians, alone, kneels at the foot of a great
statues have a greater amount of crystal flakes stone box where he drops several flowers,
in their composition than the walls so they will opens the box, embracing a beautiful woman,
particularly shine when exposed to light. The and finally is crowned while surrounded by
statues form something of a perimeter around gold and jewels.
a central point, and they all face that point. In
the center of the statues is a carved circle. If There is a bin here that has all sorts of armor
someone stands in the circle, then the statues and weapons dumped in, all useless in various
will speak, through magic mouths, in succes- stages of decay, some to the point where
sion: touching them will cause them to crumble.

Statue One: “Those who would have a There is a ladder that leads to a trap door to
kingdom must be pure in heart, trusting and level three. The trap door is slightly stuck and
peaceful.” will take one round to push open, and it will
automatically swing shut (and become stuck
Statue Two: “One must throw away the again) once it is closed.
weapons of war and don the garments of love!”
Third Level
Statue Three: “Only the pure and the worthy
may break the seal and awaken the princess.” This room is empty except for the trapdoor
down, the stairs up, the guardians of the stairs,
Statue Four: “To the princess’ groom will pass and some ancient remains of those who
the right to rule over the Kingdom of attempted to pass without following the rules.
Duvan’Ku and possess its treasures.”
Two skeletons in ratty, torn chain mail, swords
There is a ladder leading to a trap door to level (of a strange and heretofore unknown style),
two. The trap door is slightly stuck and will shields, and slung bows and (bone!!) arrows
take one round to push open, and it will stand guard by the stairs. They stand motion-
automatically swing shut (and become stuck less, and if a character is alone and dressed in
again) once it is closed. the correct manner, they will allow him to pass.

If more than one character approaches, or if an

approaching character has visible arms or

armor (the robes are tattered enough that armor to cast a spell). Behind the sarcophagus is a
and all but the smallest of weapons will be curtain made up of a heavy cloth of unknown
visible), they will stand and fight anyone who origin. Behind this curtain is a very large pile
approaches. They will not pursue anyone who of bones, and if one digs through the bones one
flees, and they will not abandon their post. will find badly decayed, and finally powdered
bones at the bottom of the pile.
The guardians are not undead, but rather
constructs, similar to what could be considered Surrounding this platform is (what appears to
a bone golem. If destroyed, they will reform at be) a thaumaturgic circle, with many glyphs
the next sunset unless the sarcophagus on level and sigils along its border, carved into the
four is blessed. floor. The indentation of the carvings is com-
pletely lined with the reflective crystals so it
Guardians: Armor as plate, Move half as fast will seem to glow to anyone entering the room
as an unarmored man, HD 5, HP 23, #AT 1 with a light source. This is actually decoration
sword or 1 bow, D 1d8 or 1d6, immune to and has no magical power at all.
spells as if undead, unable to be turned, non-
magic weapons do half damage. Hanging from the ceiling is the remains of a
crystal chandelier, broken some ages ago.
If the guardians kill anyone, they will wait until Crushed glass covers the floor (a lot more than
the next sunset, and then take the body and any the chandelier would account for, if anyone
equipment upstairs and dump it all behind the were to know how big the chandelier actually
curtain. was). When the door to this level is opened,
the glass on the other side of the door will
Oh yeah, one more thing… they will attack crinkle loudly, and characters must intention-
anyone coming down the stairs. ally be stealthy or else the glass beneath their
feet will snap and pop.
Fourth Level
The amount of reflective crystals in the stone-
This room is the resting place of the princess. work in this room is massive, so anyone
On the opposite side of the room from the entry coming up here with a light source will cause
stairs is a stone sarcophagus on a raised plat- the entire room to become a shimmering spec-
form (the platform and sarcophagus are actu- tacle.
ally one large carved piece, and part of the floor
as well), with carvings depicting wizards In the sarcophagus is the princess, but unfortu-
putting a woman to sleep and placing her in… nately for any suitors, it is an undead thing
the sarcophagus. The detail of the carving is so (Armor as chain, HD 4+3, HP 27, 1 attack, 1d4
great that one can see the carvings on the damage + level drain, immune to non-magical
sarcophagus in the carving, and elves can see or non-silver weapons). And it never sleeps.
that repeat four or five times. If looking at it And if there was any noise made in approach-
with magical sight, a character can see that this ing the sarcophagus, it will know they are
actually goes on forever (anyone who sees this there, and will achieve automatic surprise if the
must make a save versus spells or become character lifting the lid of the sarcophagus does
mentally disoriented, suffering a two point not declare any caution. it will attack anyone
penalty to attack rolls, armor class, and saves opening the sarcophagus. It really doesn’t care
for 2d6 rounds, and spellcasting will be impos- about the ritual, as the entire legend is a
sible – but characters will not know they are complete fabrication, and the woman was in
thus affected until they enter combat or attempt life a streetwalker who was kidnapped, mur-

dered, and corrupted into this form specifically wisdom bonus applied!) to remember which
as bait to lure greedy people to their deaths. way the window is, and failing this save means
The souls (or spirits) of those killed by her, he takes d3 damage as he shuffles through the
because they were doomed by greed (the want sharp stuff. This save may be attempted every
of an underserved kingdom) or lust (the hand round until successful or the character is dead.
of a woman they have never met) are delivered
to some foul god to be tortured for eternity. If Anyone who dies here will have rats crawl into
“killed,” the undead creature will reanimate at the room and gnaw their body and possessions
the next sunset unless the sarcophagus is into manageable bits, which too will be carried
blessed. away…

The round after killing someone, the princess How It Happens

places the body behind the curtain (it will not
rise) and replaces the sarcophagus lid and Here is one possible way of getting a party to
returns to rest. Rats, which have climbed the tower:
through the cracks in the structure of the tower,
will eat away at the body until it is just bones, Sir Fondleroy Addleton and his three retainers
and they will carry small items and valuables show up somewhere one stormy night when
(especially the Key of Love if present), into a the characters are present. Maybe it’s at a
deep subterranean lair where their mythic rat roadside camp, maybe it’s at an inn.
lord masters, worshippers of the death gods of
Duvan’Ku, will collect them. These masters Addleton will inform the characters that he is
will then see to it that the (entirely invented) looking for some hired help for an expedition
legend is spread in the new area, and then into the forest. Addleton will request a meeting
introduce the Key again so new victims will away from where the retainers can interrupt.
travel to the tower, thus repeating a cycle that He will offer each of the PCs 250gp to simply
has gone on for millennia. act as bodyguards and escort him to a location
in the forest. That’s all. There is no mission to
Fifth Level accomplish, no expected danger. Just get him
to his destination. “Will you do it?”
This room does not connect to the rest of the
tower. Inside the room is magical darkness, Of course PCs aren’t going to say yes without
which engulfs the entire room and ends just at more information… will they? If so, then alter
the window. the chain of events offered below. If they say
no, then that’s the end of this adventure. If they
The room is empty except for the floor which say no and then follow the guy, have Addleton
is absolutely covered with all sorts of spikes, recruit some other riffraff and improvise based
broken blades, caltrops, splintered bones, and on the information below.
other sharp items. It is impossible to step
anywhere without stepping on something; the If the PCs want to know about his relationship
floor is covered several layers deep. with his retainers, he will confide that he
doesn’t know them so well, having hired them
Anyone stepping inside the window with their in the last city he passed through because he
full weight takes d3 damage and must make a considers it unwise to travel through the coun-
paralyzation save or fall down, taking a further tryside alone. He has overheard them talking
d6+1 points of damage. Once a character has amongst themselves and he is worried that they
fallen, he must make a petrify save (with are brutal thugs. He doesn’t want to anger them

or cause trouble by firing them, as being tough Duvan’Ku began a swift descent into the
guys is what he hired them for, but he doesn’t obscurity of ancient history.
trust being alone with them on such a, ahem,
sensitive mission. Addleton can provide a series of parchment
fragments that confirm various parts of the
If they want to know the full story, he will tell story, including one that gives compelling
them. He was traveling in the southlands when evidence that the spell the Princess was under
he began hearing about the legend of a lost would sustain her for all time, until it is broken.
ancient city called Duvan’Ku. It was ruled by Away from anyone else’s sight, he produces a
a goodly King Porgotna. He had a beautiful heart-shaped key made of unknown metal (the
daughter, a kind and gentle soul named Prin- Key of Love). He says he was a henchman of
cess Turuvna. When she came of age she began an adventuring expedition that went to reclaim
accepting suitors. But every time she chose an old church that had been overrun by undead.
someone to marry, they ended up committing He found the key in the church’s vaults, and
a horrible crime. It was a scandal throughout spent tens of thousands of gold pieces consult-
the kingdom. Finally the Princess’ last suitor ing sages and finally learning the location of
was a great general in the army, who after the tower where the Princess is kept. He
gaining the heart of the Princess led a savage decided that was too dangerous to keep written
massacre against helpless peasants. The King down, so he’s memorized it. He says he just
became incensed, and seeing his daughter fall needs the PCs to get him into the tower. That’s
to pieces yet again, decided that enough was the goal.
enough. He had his daughter put into a magical
sleep so that her misery would no longer During the trip to the tower, Addleton will tell
trouble her, and declared that only a man of of all he has heard about Duvan’Ku, saying the
great intellect and conviction, with a honorable legends tell of riches beyond compare and
and peaceful spirit, could break the spell and crafted magic that is as commonplace as
claim his daughter. He sent his daughter away woodwork is in the current lands. He says that
to his most remote and secret outpost and had even if the legends have been exaggerated ten
her laid to rest at the top of its tower, and times over the truth, they should all be very
charged his two most trustworthy guardsmen wealthy men. If the PCs are predominantly
to make sure no harm came to her. He then had male, he will talk about all the beautiful women
his court wizards fashion a key to that tower he’s bedded, and hypothesizes how the prin-
that would only work for a man worthy of his cess will compare. He jokes about giving all
daughter’s love and then had it hidden. He the PCs appointments in his royal court if the
declared that the man to break his daughter’s legends turn out to be accurate.
spell would be able to rightfully claim her in
marriage and inherit the kingdom and all its When reaching the clearing, Addleton will
treasures. The evil general sought to find the direct the party to engage the guardian creature
Princess himself, but in his lust and greed was and draw it away from the door so he may enter
transformed into a wicked caricature of his old the tower, with his retainers supplying support-
humanity. Apparently he found where the ing missile fire and guarding the horses in case
Princess was, but being unable to enter the goblins are attracted by the sounds of combat.
tower, his hate sustains him and he acts as an Because he doesn’t want to screw up the
obstacle to any that would enter the tower. The prophecy, he directs the adventurers to not
King, so overcome by guilt over what his enter, and that he will call for them after he has
daughter had suffered and what he had done to achieved his goal, or when he needs them. He
end that suffering, died soon after and

assumes that the princess’ chamber is in the In his saddlebags are his rations and supplies,
top of the tower, where the window is. as well as a pouch with 10 pearls worth 250gp
each. These pearls are what Addleton was
If the PCs do what he says, the creature will going to pay the PCs with, and what the
move to engage intruders and move away from retainers attempt to steal. He of course has the
the door. A round after the battle is joined, parchments with the legend fragments and the
Addleton will go to the door, use the key to Key of Love on him at all times.
open it, take the key while leaving the door
open, and go inside. If there is battle, the PCs The Retainers
will not hear the statues’ speech. Assume it will (Leather armor, Lvl 0, HP 5 each, 1 attack, 1d8
take Addleton one round to listen to the statues, (longsword) or 1d6 (bow) damage). Important
one round to enter each new floor of the tower, equipment of note includes their light riding
and two rounds to change clothes on the second horses, leather armor, longsword, short bow,
level. He shouldn’t last long once he reaches and twenty arrows each. Each has 3d6gp on
the fourth level, as he will be so eager to gain his person.
his prize that he will throw all caution to the
wind and he will be surprised. Other Possibilities

The round after Addleton enters the tower, the The above adventure assumes that a referee
PCs will hear a commotion by the horses – the really doesn’t want to goad the PCs into
retainers know of the gems that Addleton was entering the tower themselves. Of course they
carrying and two of the retainers have decided will do so on their own anyway, but that’s the
that now would be a wonderful time to grab point – this is intended to be a horror adven-
them and run. One of the men is honest and ture, a Weird Tale if you will, and not an
tries to stop them. If nobody interferes, the two example of high adventure and derring-do.
thieves will kill the honest one and then ride
off with the treasure. The referee must set this up correctly. The Key
of Love, and the legend, must pass into the
If any PC enters the tower, it is imperative that players’ hands somehow, whether as an entice-
the referee communicate with this player in ment to go to the tower, or in the hands of
secret. It is to be made clear that the player(s) another that let it be known where they are
in question can not give other players any going and why.
information about the inside of the tower until
their characters reunite! They will of course The key points:
find Addleton’s armor and weapons in the bin
on the second level, but likely there will be no
There is no legend of treasure or magic to be
trace of him once they reach the fourth level –had. The prize is the princess, and specific
unless they look behind the curtain. The key steps to free her must be taken. It must be
will already be gone if his body is there. stressed that if more than one person enters that
tower, they are not going to be able to awaken
Sir Fondleroy Addleton and rescue the princess. The idea is that
(Chain mail and shield, Fighter 3, HP 23, 1 whoever goes up that tower dies. It is not
attack, 1d8 (longsword) or 1d6 (bow) damage). intended to be solved or defeated, and there is
Important equipment of note includes his no reward for doing so.
medium warhorse, chain mail, shield, long-
sword, longbow, and twenty arrows. He keeps And really, anyone who puts on rotting cloth-
3d20 gold and 2d20 silver on him at all times. ing to satisfy some skeletal guardians in order

to marry a woman they’ve never heard of until adventure in the first place) and foregoing even
the day before… come on. They deserve what that kindness, but most players would like to
they get. be rewarded for smart play. And not going in
the place is definitely smart play.
The example scenario gives a nominal reward
so it’s not a complete waste of time for the PCs It is recommended that the PCs have very little,
(and the reward is gained by those who don’t if any, magic items when they undertake this
get greedy!), but there is nothing stopping a adventure. Horror doesn’t work if the protag-
referee from being especially cruel (as opposed onists can muscle their way through.
to the regular level of cruelty needed to run the

The Dread Sorceries of
By James Edward Raggi IV

Duvan’Ku was a magical place, and its inhab- Animate Dead IV

itants created many a bizarre and transgressive
Level: 8
spell. This knowledge of Duvan’Ku is spread Range: 10’
throughout the world, in ancient spellbooks Duration: Permanent
held captive in dragon hoards, lich’s libraries,
Casting this spell on a corpse (or the site of a
and the like. However, some also survive on death if the body was destroyed) causes its
scrolls, and the mischief that the Dead King spirit to rise as a spectre under the control of
seeks to perform from beyond time allows the caster. One undead per four levels of the
some of these to reach the world in much easier
caster may be raised, provided there are enough
manners… bodies (or spirits) at the site of the casting of
course. Note that a spectre is completely aware
All of these spells are Magic-User spells, as of it status as an undead creature, and although
the gods would never directly grant powers to it will be compelled to obey the caster, it will
anything borne of Duvan’Ku. not be happy about it… at all.

Animate Dead II Animate Dead V

Level 6 Level: 9
Range: 10’ Range: 10’
Duration: Permanent Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: See Below Casting this spell on a corpse (or the site of a
Casting this spell on a corpse causes it to rise death if the body was destroyed) causes its
as a ghoul under the control of the caster. One spirit to rise as a ghost under the control of the
ghoul per two levels of the caster may be caster. Only one undead per ten levels of the
raised, provided there are enough intact corpses caster may be raised, provided there are enough
at the site of the casting of course. bodies (or spirits) at the site of the casting of
course. Note that a ghost is completely aware
Animate Dead III of it status as an undead creature, and although
Level: 7 it will be compelled to obey the caster, it will
Range: 10’ not be happy about it… at all.
Duration: Permanent
Casting this spell on a corpse causes it to rise Army of One
as a wight (if it is an intact corpse) or a wraith Level: 3
(if it is not) under the control of the caster. One Range: 10’/level
undead per two levels of the caster may be Duration: 1 round/level
raised, provided there are enough corpses at The recipient of this spell is able to make one
the site of the casting of course. melee attack for every opponent directly
engaging him for the duration of the spell. Each
attack must be against a different opponent,

Aura of Good the spell will be binding them. The terms must
Level: 1 be explicitly laid out, and the important thing
Range: Touch is the letter, not intent, of the agreement. The
Duration: 1 hour/level spell will remain in effect as long as it takes to
The target of this spell will radiate a good (or see that the agreement is honored, and can
lawful, or both, as appropriate) aura when the include as many people as are willing to take
subject of detection devices or spells. At best, the oath. If any party breaks the oath, the will
a scrying party will detect that there is a immediate lose one level/hit die.
magical aura present but nothing short of a
dispel magic will cause a detection spell to Bloodless
detect anything other than good. Level: 3
Range: 10’/level
Black Blood Duration: 1 round/level
Level: 3 The target of this spell takes half damage from
Range: 30’ + 10’/level all attacks for the duration.
Duration: See Below
This spell causes the target’s blood to become Dangerous Toys
a thick and expanding gel, causing intense Level: 1
pressure and pain. This will cause 1d4 points Range: Touch
of damage every round until the pressure is Duration: Permanent
relieved. While in great pain, the character can This spell causes a minor demon to inhabit a
act normally and suffers no penalty aside from very small inanimate object. The demon wakes
the hit point loss. Relieving the pressure is up, animating the object, when it is touched by
done by either the target being hit by a piercing a child. At that point the object will attempt to
or slashing weapon by an enemy for damage, slay any living thing it comes across. The
or someone intentionally slicing the character object then has AC as leather, MV 120’, HD
open to bleed him (can be done for no initial 1, #AT 1, D d6.
Death Breath
Once this happens, the character becomes Level: 3
unable to take any action and merely convulses Range: 0
for three full rounds as a disgusting, viscous Duration: Instantaneous
black ichor spews from his wounds, covering The character spews forth a toxic cloud of
the entire area. At the end of the third round, green-black gas from his mouth, doing 1d4
the character takes 1d6 damage and then may points of damage for every level of the caster,
act normally. with a saving throw for half damage applicable.
Note that there are no components needed, and
Blood Oath because it is a gas most forms of gags will not
Level: 3 stop the spell from working.
Range: Special
Duration: Special God Oath
Blood oath solidifies an agreement between Level: 5
two parties, ensuring by magical means that Range: Special
both parties keep to the agreement. For the oath Duration: Special
spell to take effect, all parties must be in full Blood oath solidifies an agreement between
control of their mental capacities (no oathing two parties, ensuring by magical means that
under charm, for example) and be aware that both parties keep to the agreement. For the oath

spell to take effect, all parties must be in full character will begin again at level one in a
control of their mental capacities (no oathing random class, although retaining its original
under charm, for example) and be aware that hit points and saving throw numbers until it
the spell will be binding them. The terms must gains a level greater than its original.
be explicitly laid out, and the important thing
is the letter, not intent, of the agreement. The Oath
spell will remain in effect as long as it takes to
Level: 1
see that the agreement is honored, and can Range: Special
include as many people as are willing to take Duration: Special
the oath. If any party breaks the oath, the will Oath solidifies an agreement between two
immediately die, with no possibility of raising, parties, ensuring by magical means that both
resurrection, or reincarnation. parties keep to the agreement. For the oath
spell to take effect, all parties must be in full
Infanticide control of their mental capacities (no oathing
Level: 1 under charm, for example) and be aware that
Range: 10’/level the spell will be binding them. The terms must
Duration: Permanent be explicitly laid out, and the important thing
This spell slays any creature with one hit point is the letter, not intent, of the agreement. The
(maximum, not current) without any mark or spell will remain in effect as long as it takes to
a scratch on it – it just stops breathing. see that the agreement is honored, and can
include as many people as are willing to take
Longevity the oath. If any party breaks the oath, the will
Level: 2 suffer a one point permanent loss from a
Range: 0 random ability score.
Duration: 1 Year
Casting this spell erases the previous year in Protection from Living Creatures
terms of aging effects. The caster must bathe Level: 2
in the blood of a number of virgins equal to the Range: Touch
actual age of the caster at the time of casting. Duration: 3 rounds/level
This blood must be fresh and the act of collect- This spell creates a living barrier around the
ing it must kill the virgins, and the one hour target which repels living creatures. Any living
casting time is the amount of time the caster creature attacking the target suffers a -2 penalty
must spend soaking in the blood. to hit, and the target receives a +2 saving throw
on any effect caused by a living creature.
New Mind Living creatures which physically strike with
Level: 9 a body part (claw, fist, bite, etc) may not attack
Range: Touch at all. Note that extra-planar creatures, undead,
Duration: Permanent constructs, magically-imbued beings, etc, are
This spell completely erases the mind of one not considered “living” creatures for the pur-
creature and replaces it with whatever the poses of this spell. This protection moves with
caster wishes. When the spell is complete, the the target.
creature should re-roll intelligence, wisdom,
and charisma from scratch, and a new align-
ment should be randomly determined. All of
the creature’s memories will be wiped out as
well, and the caster will be able to create an
entirely new set of memories as he pleases. The

Protection from Living Creatures 10’ Radius memorized it. The gained spell must be cast,
Level: 4 and can not be transcribed or stored in any way.
Range: None
Duration: 1 turn/level Steal Spell IV
This spell creates a living barrier around the Level: 7
target area (centered around the caster) which Range: 10’/level
repels living creatures. Any living creature Duration: Permanent
attacking into the target area suffers a -2 One random spell (of level 3 – 6) is erased from
penalty to hit, and the target receives a +2 the memory of the target and the caster of this
saving throw on any effect caused by a living spell gains the ability to cast it as if he had
creature. Living creatures which physically memorized it. The gained spell must be cast,
strike with a body part (claw, fist, bite, etc) may and can not be transcribed or stored in any way.
not attack at all. Note that extra-planar crea-
tures, undead, constructs, magically-imbued Steal Spell V
beings, etc, are not considered “living” crea- Level: 8
tures for the purposes of this spell. The material Range: 10’/level
component is dirt from a grave, which must be Duration: Permanent
sprinkled around the spell area as it is cast. This One random spell (of level 4 – 7) is erased from
circle of protection does not move. the memory of the target and the caster of this
spell gains the ability to cast it as if he had
Steal Spell I memorized it. The gained spell must be cast,
Level: 4 and can not be transcribed or stored in any way.
Range: 10’/level
Duration: Permanent Steal Spell VI
One random spell (of level 1 – 3) is erased from Level: 9
the memory of the target and the caster of this Range: 10’/level
spell gains the ability to cast it as if he had Duration: Permanent
memorized it. The gained spell must be cast, One random spell (of level 5 – 8) is erased from
and can not be transcribed or stored in any way. the memory of the target and the caster of this
spell gains the ability to cast it as if he had
Steal Spell II memorized it. The gained spell must be cast,
Level: 5 and can not be transcribed or stored in any way.
Range: 10’/level
Duration: Permanent Storm of Fertility
One random spell (of level 1 – 4) is erased from Level: 9
the memory of the target and the caster of this Range: 1 mile/level
spell gains the ability to cast it as if he had Duration: Permanent
memorized it. The gained spell must be cast, This spell impregnates every female of the
and can not be transcribed or stored in any way. same race as the caster in a large area. Before
casting the spell, the caster must trap an extra-
Steal Spell III planar being in a containment circle. Casting
Level: 6 this spell kills this creature, and this being is
Range: 10’/level the father of the children it spawns. The spell
Duration: Permanent affects an area one mile in diameter for every
One random spell (of level 2 – 5) is erased from hit die of the trapped creature, with each female
the memory of the target and the caster of this getting a saving throw to avoid its effects. The
spell gains the ability to cast it as if he had children will look like the mother’s race,

mature at the rate of the mother’s race, but have
the temperament, alignment, and abilities of Vomit
the father. Level: 1
Range: 10’/level
To Challenge the Gods Duration: See Below
Level: 9 The target of this spell begins to vomit a thick,
Range: Line of Sight disgusting black chunky liquid and is unable
Duration: 6 turns to take any other action. The effect continues,
This spell strips any one extra-planar being of every round, until the target makes a saving
all supernatural powers and abilities. No items throw.
or affiliations are affected.
Vomit Guts
Torture Level: 4
Level: 3 Range: 10’/level
Range: 30’ Duration: See Below
Duration: 1 hour The target of this spell begins to vomit up their
This spell, which only works on bound or insides, with the target being unable to move
otherwise helpless targets, allows the caster to and taking 1d10 damage every round until they
ask one question per level, and the target must make a saving throw.
answer truthfully or take 1d6 points of damage
per lie told. If the target lies, the effect is
obvious to any onlooker.

Fell Magick Items of
By James Edward Raggi IV

Bag of Spirit Holding short of a wish. Any reader attempting to

This functions as a bag of holding of the largest remove his own curse instead makes the curse
size. There is a 1% chance whenever it is irrevocably permanent, and no means whatso-
opened (to take something out or put some- ever can ever remove the curse.
thing in) that a spectre that has been trapped
within the bag will escape to attack the owner Book of Unspeakable Shame
of the bag. This text lists the crimes of Duvan’Ku against
nature, the cosmos, the gods, and all of greater
Basket of Bountiful Harvest creation. The entire text takes two months to
This basket is always full of fresh fruit, vege- read, and after it is complete the reader must
tables, bread, and sweet meats when opened. save versus spells or be feebleminded. If this
Any who eat from the basket must save versus happens, the reader gains no benefits from the
death magic (referee should make a secret book and if healed must read the book again to
saving throw) or begin to lose 1hp per day, attempt to gain the benefits. If the saving throw
permanently (the character’s maximum hit succeeds, the reader becomes immune from all
points decrease!), beginning 6d6 days after mental attacks such as fear, charm, etc, forev-
eating. An exorcism or remove curse is neces- ermore. The reader also gains a 25 Wisdom.
sary to stop this effect but does not restore lost The book does detail literally unspeakable
hit points. shame – the reader will never be able to
articulate exactly what it is he has seen in the
Book of Faust book to any other, and any reading his mind
By reading this book, a character may make a must make a saving throw versus spells or
pact with a devil and increase one ability score become feebleminded. 2d4 weeks after com-
to 18 in exchange for one service to be ren- pleting the book (and if the benefits are
dered one year from the time of the ability gained), 2d6 demons will appear to destroy the
score gain. At the one year mark, an Arch- reader, as no mortal may have this knowledge.
Devil will appear in person to take that person They will all be Type I demons, led by a demon
to hell, and the character can not be raised or of a type indicated by the greatest number
resurrected, and a wish to bring the character shown on the dice. For example, if the 2d6 roll
back will result in a crippled stump of a body, was a 4 and a 3, then it would be seven demons
no limbs, blind, and dumb, being spewed forth total, one of which would be a Type IV.
from the Arch-Devil that had required service.
Candle of Ill Lumination
Book of Sacrifice This small candle illuminates as dim or as
By reading this unholy text of exorcism, any bright as the possessor wishes, even to the
curse (or possession, or any undesirable state), point of being as bright as daylight. Undead in
any whatsoever, is lifted from the target of the this light are invisible, even while attacking,
exorcism. The curse passes to the reader, and and immune to any effects of this light.
at that point can not be removed by any means

Casket of Duvan’Ku Crown of Duvan’Ku
Undead creatures in the casket are always Each former ruler of Duvan’Ku wore his own
awake and aware of everything outside the crown, and each crown has become corrupted
casket. Vampires suffer no restrictions the day and evil due to the utter depravity that they
after resting in the casket. Living things that have been present for. This is but one such
lie in the casket lose one level – shutting the crown.
casket means instant death, with a save versus
death needed to prevent rising as a wight at Wearers of the crown may use the following
midnight. minor powers: Speak with Dead (all spell
effects are as if the wearer is a thirtieth level
Chalice of Great Health caster), once per week. They are immune to
If a good creature is ritually sacrificed and its any sleep or hold spells (or any spells that
blood immediately collected in this cup, the commonly affect undead), and may Animate
drinker will be cured of any curses and diseas- Dead once a week. The wearer also enjoys a
es, magical or mundane. two point bonus to his armor class.

Chimes of Entrance There are also these major powers: Twice a

This acts as a normal chime of opening, but day, the wearer may Dispel Magic, and once
any dead bodies within range of the chime’s per day may cast Heal. The wearer continu-
sound rise as skeletons or zombies, as appro- ously causes Fear with his gaze whether he
priate. intends to or not.

Cloak of Many Fashions The crown’s primary power is Trap the Soul,
This cloak transforms into whatever clothing which the wearer may cast once per month.
the wearer desires, whether it be a fine ball
gown, sleep wear, thick fur clothing for arctic There is a price for this power. All holy water
exploring, or even any sort of (non-magical) closer than 10’ from the crown will instantly
armor (but not including a shield). When spoil and become normal water. The wearer’s
someone wearing this cloak comes within 50’ touch kills green plants instantly (or inflicts
of an undead creature than can see him, it turns d10 damage if combating a sentient example),
into an entangling death shroud, completely and every month the wearer loses 5d6 pounds
immobilizing the character and leaving him until he collapses into nothingness.
unable to act or defend himself.
Using any major or using the prime power ages
Cloak of Soul Displacement the user 3d10 years.
This acts as a normal displacement cloak, but
it has a +3 bonus. Every attack that misses If the wearer dies from either aging or weight
because of this cloak (any first strike, or loss, his soul departs for Duvan’Ku to serve
subsequent strike that misses by three or less) the dead King who once wore this crown, never
gives a 1% cumulative chance that the charac- to be recalled again.
ter will turn into a wraith or spectre (whichever
is closest in hit dice to the character’s level) Dead Sign
who will seek nothing else but to drain all The Dead Sign is an evil sigil that may be
living things. inscribed on (or sewn into!) any object. Those
wearing the Sign are immune to curses, unnat-
ural diseases, hold, charm, or any other mind-
influencing spells. However, the wearer is also

able to be turned as undead of their level, and
any holy water with 10’ of the sign becomes Gauntlets of Undead Power
spoiled. The sign must also be openly dis- These gauntlets drain 1d4 levels per hit when
played – any hidden Sign causes one point of used in unarmed combat against a living
damage, per round, to anyone carrying it, if creature. These levels are not transferred to the
they are aware they are carrying it. If someone wearer of the gauntlets. If the gauntlets com-
who has knowingly carried the Sign (if pletely drain a creature, the wearer loses a level
someone discards the Sign immediately upon immediately. If the gauntlets are ever used
discovering they possess it, they may with no against an undead creature, the undead is
ill effects) then discards it, then they take one unaffected and instead the wearer loses 1d4
point of damage, per turn, until they are dead. levels.

Dead Sign, Greater Gem of Lifeforce Sight

This Sign has all of the powers and drawbacks This gem acts as a gem of seeing, but when
of the normal Dead Sign, but anyone who sees looking through the gem all living beings will
the sign will die of spontaneous fright the next be seen as slowly rotting and dying, and the
time they are alone for longer than 2d20 viewer will be able to tell the how long the
minutes. However, if a second person sees the creature will naturally live. This insults the soul
Sign before the first one is dead, neither of the viewed, and any creature that will
onlooker dies, but the bearer of the Sign dies naturally die (of age or disease) within a month
and the Sign itself disintegrates. will rise as a wight or wraith to hunt the viewer.
Anyone else viewed with the gem that dies
Elixir of Fleeting Love within 24 hours will also rise as a wight or
This potion causes the drinker to fall in love wraith and hunt the viewer, feeling the viola-
with a specific person. Hair, fingernails, or tion contributed to its death.
some other personal issue must be mixed in the
potion and the drinker will then fall in love Gemstones of Duvan’Ku
with that person. The drinker will be unques- These priceless gems are under an irrevocable
tionably devoted and completely in love, with curse – any who spy upon them becomes
a saving throw only allowed if there is blatant overcome by extreme violent greed. A save
abuse. The drinker will also age at twelve times against spells is applicable, but a successful
the normal rate – one year for every month that save means that the character wants to separate
passes. himself completely from the gems – he will not
handle them. Characters who have taken an
Flute of Undead Pacification extreme and uncompromising vow of poverty
The sound of this flute makes all undead docile may handle the gems without succumbing to
and they will take no offensive action while the curse, but of course would not do anything
the flute is being played and all else is quiet with them. Those affected by the gem will first
(and no other combat is happening!). The attempt to buy it, offering all the money and
player must be still to play properly, and the property they have in the world if possible
undead will gather around the player… but (which usually won’t amount to much, and the
when the playing stops (or something breaks gems affect beggars the same way as they
the undead’s concentration, or Silence is cast affect kings). Of course the possessor of the
over the player), the undead will become gems would never part with them, and if the
vicious as usual. Bards playing the flute will gems can’t be bought, there will be an attempt
be so skillful as to heal 1d6 points of damage to steal them, and failing that, an attempt to
to any undead hearing it, every round. violently take them.

Holy Symbol of the Church of Duvan’Ku
Girdle of Fertility A cleric using this holy symbol automatically
If worn during intercourse (by either party), commands (not turns or destroys) any undead
pregnancy will occur – even cross-species or it is used against. However, after this power is
if one party or the other is infertile. The child used, the cleric’s healing spells will cause harm
gestates as normal, but is a wight, and giving instead of heal. The cleric must be exorcised
birth will kill the mother. In ancient times, the for the spells to be righted once more.
priest of Duvan’Ku would then carefully
secure the baby in a floating cradle and place Holy Symbol of the Church of Duvan’Ku
it in a stream, with the idea that some passerby This holy symbol doubles the cleric’s effective
would seek to aid the baby, which would then level in terms of the number and level of spells
kill them. that can be prepared, as well as spell effects
determined by level. After using this power, if
Grimoire of Walking Flesh a cleric is ever in front of any altar and does
This text allows the creation of a flesh golem. anything (prays, blesses, defiles, etc), or casts
It requires the parts of 10d4 fresh bodies, takes a commune spell or makes any contact with an
two weeks time as the parts are assembled, and extraplanar source, or is in the presence of a
then requires a strong electrical charge (a gate, or says the name of any demon, then an
lightning bolt will do) to activate the body. entity (the demon named, a chief servant of the
There is no monetary cost to making the golem god the altar is dedicated to or contacted with
with this book, and an unlimited amount may the commune, or a random powerful creature
be made. When the golem activates, the muti- from where the gate leads) will appear to
lated remains of the bodies used for parts will destroy the wearer of the dread symbol of
rise and seek to destroy the creator of the Duvan’Ku.
golem. The golem will not fight these undead.
The risen dead will be zombies 50% of the Holy Symbol of the Church of Duvan’Ku
time, ghouls 40% of the time, and wights 10% When using this holy symbol, a cleric is
of the time (check each creature individually). considered to be five levels higher than his
If the bodies have been utterly destroyed, then regular level for purposes of turning undead
the creatures will be wraiths (75%) or spectres (although undead will never be destroyed by a
(25%). cleric wearing this symbol). However, the
wearer is also able to be turned as if undead of
Holy Symbol of the Church of Duvan’Ku five fewer hit dice than his current level.
A cleric using this holy symbol automatically
commands (not turns or destroys) any undead Horn of Battle
it is used against. When commanded undead Blowing this horn summons undead (see chart
kill as many creatures as the commanding below for what type) out of the ground and
cleric has levels, or drains a like number of walls to fight for the possessor of the horn.
levels, the cleric’s soul immediately becomes Once that battle is over, the undead will turn
corrupted and he begins transforming into an on the blower of the horn and attempt to kill
undead type the same hit dice as the cleric’s him. These undead may not be turned until the
level. Alignment change happens immediately blower of the horn is dead.
and the cleric gains the special abilities of the
undead immediately, and the character will
slowly die and rot and fully become that
undead form within 2d6 days.

Roll Undead Summoned Ring of Death Dealing
01 – 75 4d10 Skeletons This ring allows the wearer to cast a death
76 – 80 2d10 Zombies spell, once a round, with no charges or limita-
81 – 85 1d10 Ghouls tions of any kind. Anyone or anything killed
86 – 90 1d6 Wights by this ring rises as a wraith or a spectre (50%
91 – 95 1 Spectre chance of each) and will then hunt the wearer
96 – 100 1 Vampire of the ring. They can not be turned while in
sight of the wearer.
Necklace of Undead Immunity
The wearer of this necklace is immune to any Ring of Desires
touch-based special abilities possessed by Functions as a ring of wishes. The wearer gets
undead (a ghoul’s paralysis, a wight’s energy his wish, uncorrupted and exactly as he wants,
drain, etc). However, the next person that the but there will be unintended disastrous conse-
wearer touches after such an attack (even if the quences unconnected with the wish. A fellow
necklace is removed!) suffers the most power- party member will suddenly die with no expla-
ful effect that the necklace has protected nation, the most powerful magic item the
against, and every further touch passes on character possesses will lose its enchantment,
another effect until all avoided effects have the character’s home city will be overrun by
been passed on. its enemies in a surprise attack, whatever
would devastate the character most.
Periapt of Poison Immunity
This gives its possessor one hundred percent Ring of Murderous Intent
immunity from poison – saves are never nec- This ring functions as a +1 protection ring, but
essary to survive. However, the referee should it also always causes the wearer to be seen in
make a secret saving throw, and a failure the most negative light possible when scrying
means the next person the periapt’s possessor or detection spells are used on him. For exam-
touches must make his poison saving throw or ple, anyone using ESP on the wearer will
suffer the effects the possessor originally believe the wearer intends to kill him, anyone
avoided. attempting to detect alignment will always
detect the most opposed alignment to his own,
Ring of Cannibalism etc. If there is a result that will cause a violent
This ring functions as a +2 ring of protection, or other extremely negative response, that’s the
but after it is first put on, the character wearing result the ring will cause people to get.
it will only seek sustenance from the flesh of
his own race. Similar (for example, demi- Ring of Scavenging Sustenance
humans for a human) races may be used for The wearer of this ring may heal d8 damage
nourishment if none of the wearer’s own race by drinking the blood of a dead enemy, per
is available. enemy. The enemy must have been a living
creature with blood (no golems, slimes, etc)
Ring of Dark Protection that has very recently (say, in a combat the
This functions as a ring of protection +d6 wearer was involved in) died. After the first
(some are very powerful indeed!). The wearer time this is done, the wearer is forevermore
takes 1d6 damage per round in sunlight and unable to regain hit points any other way (rest,
can only heal through natural means – magic healing magic, etc, no longer works).
will not help. Against undead, the ring makes
armor class worse instead of better.

Ring of Essence Control Soul Jar
With this ring, a character may Charm any A character may place his life essence into this
human or humanoid being as per the spell, with magic receptacle. While the jar holds the life
no saving throw allowed. When the charm ends essence, the character can not be brought below
(by any means), the victim also loses one level one hit point or die by any means whatsoever.
as if energy drained. The victim will know they However, the character may be turned as an
have been bewitched, will remember every- undead creature of an equivalent level, and the
thing that happened during that time, and will character can not participate in “living” behav-
be aware of why they have lost a level. ior such as eating, drinking, or having sex.
When the character retrieves his soul, he will
A character completely drained by the ring, or find that the receptacle leaks, and he will lose
who died while charmed, will rise as an one level as if energy drained.
undead, as per the chart below. Roll d%,
adding 10% for every level the character Staff of Life Transference
originally was in life, and add 25% if the victim The wielder of the staff may heal another
died (by any means) while charmed. character 1hp for every 2hp the wielder allows
to be drained from himself. There is a percent
Roll Undead Type chance equal to the amount drained from the
01 – 50 Zombies wielder that the amount drained is subtracted
51 – 90 Ghoul from both characters!
91 – 125 Wight
126+ Vampire Sword of Glory
This sword is +1 to hit and damage, +3 to
Ring of Vanishing undead. When the attacker’s to-hit roll is a
This ring works as a normal ring of invisibility, natural 20 (or any hit whatsoever upon undead,
with the following exceptions: It doesn’t work the damage done is added to the attacker’s hit
against undead, and if the wearer is adventur- points (up to his normal maximum, of course)
ing in an area where undead are found on the as well as subtracted from the victim’s hit
wandering monsters chart, then all checks for points. Once the wielder of the sword has
wandering monsters result in an encounter with gained a total number of hit points in this
undead in addition to the normal chances for manner (over time, not in one go) to equal his
encountering another random creature. regular maximum hit point total, he immedi-
ately loses one level as if energy drained. If he
Sacrificial Dagger continues to use the sword and he again over
This dagger’s hilt is carved out of pure ruby, time draws enough hit points from the sword
with a skeleton design. It functions in all ways to match his maximum hit points (which
as a +5 dagger, but whenever it hits, the wielder should be easier since he’s got less hit points
takes the same damage as the victim. now, right?), he loses two levels, and the next
time three levels, etc. If the wielder is com-
Scroll of Personal Protection from Undead pletely drained of levels, he becomes undead
This scroll is indistinguishable from a normal (of a type that is the same hit dice as the
Protection from Undead scroll. It works iden- wielder’s original level) and may no longer
tically, except there is no area of effect; only touch the sword.
the reader of the scroll is protected!

Random Inn Generator
By James Edward Raggi IV

The concept of “home base” is a common one with the normal people just trying to live their
in classic fantasy role-playing games. All too lives in the regular world!
often, it’s merely reduced to a place to heal up
and sell off treasure; a mere speed bump on the The Inn’s Name
way to going back into the dungeon. But it
doesn’t have to be that way. Take the common Roll percentile dice for each category and put
inn out in the middle of nowhere, for starters. them together to come up with the inn’s name.
It services people who travel on the edge of Assume the name begins with “The…” and
civilization (or else it wouldn’t be the conve- ends with “…Inn.” Feel free to ignore any
nient home base for a dungeon expedition!). result that seems too cheesy, vulgar, or
By its very nature it will have a revolving cast unwieldy.
of interesting, and perhaps seedy, characters,
and some of those might prove beneficial or d% Verb Adjective Noun
troublesome for our party… and the rest will Roll
just actively be in the way. 1 Arising Amorous Bandit
2 Begging Bawdy Basilisk
3 Betting Beautiful Bear
This article is designed to help the referee 4 Biting Black Berserker
develop just that aspect, giving details of an 5 Bleeding Blue Boar
inn, including a day-to-day schedule of new 6 Breaking Brazen Brigand
arrivals and departures. Because PCs may be 7 Breeding Carrion Buccaneer
at the inn for quite some time, perhaps months 8 Burning Cheap Bugbear
9 Bursting Cloudy Caveman
of game time, it is recommended that the
10 Casting Crazy Centaur
referee generate visitors ahead of time; perhaps 11 Creeping Dirty Chimera
a month’s worth if the inn is “home base” for 12 Crying Dizzy Cockatrice
an expedition to a dungeon of impressive size. 13 Cutting Drunken Courtesan
Not only will this provide a living environment 14 Digging Easy Crawler
within the game without needing to roll dice 15 Dreaming Fat Cube
16 Drinking Fierce Cyclops
and check tables with players waiting, but
17 Dwelling Fiery Dervish
additional plots and adventure hooks will start 18 Dying Fighting Djinn
screaming out from the page as visitors are 19 Eating Final Doppleganger
filled in. These “guest stars” will be a perfect 20 Ending First Doxy
overlap to the existing adventure material, 21 Falling Foul Dragon
giving PCs additional factors to consider in 22 Fighting Frost Druid
23 First Furious Dryad
their plans, and giving players a real sense that
24 Fleeing Gelatinous Dwarf
the world their characters inhabit goes on 25 Flying Giant Efreet
without them. Instances when the inn is over- 26 Forbidding Golden Elemental
booked or other resources are stretched can 27 Freezing Great Elf
cause minor inconveniences. Adventuring isn’t 28 Gambling Green Fighter
just risking death out in the field, it’s dealing 29 Grinding Grey Gargoyle
30 Grinning Handsome Ghost

31 Growing Haughty Ghoul 87 (none) (none) Troll
32 Hanging Heavy Giant 88 (none) (none) Trollop
33 Hiding Hellish Gnoll 89 (none) (none) Trull
34 Hitting Hill Gnome 90 (none) (none) Unicorn
35 Kissing Horrible Goblin 91 (none) (none) Vampire
36 Kneeling Invisible Golem 92 (none) (none) Wench
37 Last Jolly Gorgon 93 (none) (none) Wight
38 Leading Large Griffon 94 (none) (none) Wizard
39 Living Lewd Harlot 95 (none) (none) Wolf
40 Loving Living Harpy 96 (none) (none) Woman
41 Melting Lizard Hippogriff 97 (none) (none) Worm
42 Prancing Lusty Hobgoblin 98 (none) (none) Wraith
43 Riding Magnificent Horse 99 (none) (none) Wyvern
44 Ringing Mighty Hound 100 (none) (none) Zombie
45 Rising Mischievous Hydra
46 Running Nasty Insect The Inn
47 Seeking Naughty Jelly
48 Shaving Ochre Juggernaut
49 Shining Orange Kobold The Inn itself will have a tavern/common
50 Shooting Precious Lich room. It will also have a common sleeping
51 Shrinking Purple Madame room with 8d4 beds, 2d10 “single” rooms
52 Shutting Quaint Man (which may have two beds in them), and 1d4
53 Singing Quiet Manticora “master” rooms that can sleep four people
54 Sleeping Rabid Medusa
comfortably. There will also be a stable for
55 Slinging Random Merman
56 Smiling Randy Minotaur travelers’ horses, and inns of the larger sizes
57 Spinning Red Mold (and especially inns far from villages) will
58 Spitting Ribald Monster have craftsmen (blacksmiths, etc) living there
59 Splitting Rich Mule with their own workshops. If the area is dan-
60 Spreading Robust Mummy gerous, it may well have a wall around all the
61 Stabbing Rust Nomad
buildings. There will be a master bedroom for
62 Standing Saucy Ogre
63 Stealing Sea Ooze the owner (and possibly wife), another
64 Stinging Silver Orc bedroom for children, and one more room for
65 Stinking Slovenly Paladin every 2 staff members.
66 Striking Sly Pegasus
67 Swallowing Small Pirate Prices for lodging and food will be at 2d20 +
68 Swearing Spotted Pixie
80% of the campaign norm.
69 Sweating Stone Pony
70 Swimming Storm Priest
71 Swinging Striped Pudding The Inn Staff
72 Talking Tricky Roc
73 Throwing Ugly Salamander The inn will have a number of permanent staff.
74 Thrusting Vast Skeleton When the PCs first come into contact with any
75 Waiting Vicious Slime
of the staff members, be sure to make reaction
76 Waking Wanton Spectre
77 Weeping Wayward Stalker rolls for each of the staff members. The point
78 Winding Wealthy Statue of this entire exercise is to increase the amount
79 Winning Welcome Stirge of role-playing in a campaign, and to take the
80 (none) Were- Strumpet focus off of the dungeon or quest and put it to
81 (none) White Tart more mundane matters, without losing inter-
82 (none) Wicked Thief
esting qualities.
83 (none) Wonderful Tiger
84 (none) Yellow Titan
85 (none) (none) Treant In my games of the past, “I hit on the serving
86 (none) (none) Triton wench,” or more explicit versions thereof, have

been a common action. Usually I just hand- helps clean the empty rooms and keeps the area
waive it, “Oh yeah, fine, she goes up to your tidy.
room that night.” I mean, who cares, right? But
if the “home base” is going to be used as a Other Staff
role-playing focus, that hand-waiving can’t The owners’ children, if any, can serve in other
happen. Every NPC at the inn, including both capacities if they are at least 10 years of age,
staff and visitors, need wisdom and charisma otherwise there will need to be a stable boy,
scores generated. In general, members of the perhaps a regular handyman if there are no
opposite sex that have lower wisdom scores other craftsmen about, and so on. Keep in mind
than the charisma of another character will be that anyone that lives at the inn (and most will
very attracted to that character (influenced by – room and board will be an important part of
reaction rolls of course!), and will react accord- the wages, as in a remote location, where else
ingly. Remember, the PCs are going to be seen is there to live, and in the city, housing is
as extremely interesting people who live on the expensive!) will need living space within the
edge. People working at an inn, or having other allotted rooms.
mundane lives, will want to be close to that and
perhaps will want to “run away” from their Regular Visitors
curreny life into a new and exciting one. There are a certain amount of folks that reliably
Creating tension this way (especially when one visit the inn on a regular, predictable basis.
NPC takes a liking to a PC, and then starts These are mainly the folk that keep the Inn
really taking a liking to random visitors to the stocked with standard supplies as well as some
inn afterwards) can result in some interesting that are involved with the Inn’s personnel.
situations that cause suspenseful play without Farmers will arrive every 2d4 days with new
the threat of bodily harm (unless someone gets foodstuffs, other craftsmen will arrive every
challenged to a duel!), and an anchor to make 2d10 days to take care of any needs that inn
all these characters seem more real. employees can not.

The Owner Temple Representative

The owner will be a d20 – 10 level fighter Once a week, the temple representatives come
(minimum 0). He will be an older fellow, and to provide for the employees of the inn. They
has a 50% chance of being married, and 25% exchange news and views, and that week’s
chance of being widowed. If the owner has a donations from the shrine. There will be two
negative reaction to the party, prices at the inn representatives on horseback, and they will
will be increased d10 + 5%. If the owner’s wife both stay in one private room for one night.
has a negative reaction to the party, prices will
increase d4 + 1%, but if she reacts well to them, Random Visitors
there will be a d10 + 10% discount. Note it isTo determine each day’s visitors, make a
possible to have both the owner’s penalty and percentile roll on the Random Visitor’s Table.
the wife’s discount together! Keep rolling as long as the dice come up an
even number. The exact stats for these visitors
If the owner is married or widowed, he will must be determined by the referee.
have d6-1 children, each age d20 years.
Your specific game system should have guide-
The Servers/Cleaners lines or charts for determining the alignment
For every ten rooms, there will be one woman and general personalities of NPCs. The game
(age d20 + 15 years) who serves as a serving world is filled with all sorts of people, and
girl during busy times in the tavern area and many of them will not see eye to eye with the

PCs! Do keep in mind that evil does not mean Random Visitors Table
violent and good does not mean they will team Roll Result
up with or aid the heroes in matters completely 01 – 02 Bandits
unimportant in their own lives. Using these 03 – 12 Craftsman
random rolls to determine NPC personality lets 13 – 22 Duelist
the world breathe and, once again, lets the 23 Dwarves
players know that even though the PCs are the 24 Elves
center of the game, the game world does not 25 – 26 Entertainer
revolve around them! However, if a specific 27 Gambler
roll inspires a particular idea, the referee should 28 – 29 Gentleman
develop his idea instead of relying on the dice. 30 Gnome s
They are only there for when the referee needs 31 Collaborators
a little boost. 32 Gypsy Train
33 Halflings
In many cases “he” is specifically used when 34 – 35 Hearse
talking about the random travelers. While the 36 – 45 Laborers
individual referee can give his game world any 46 Magic-User
social qualities he likes, this adventure assumes 47 – 48 Mercenaries
that the game world is not so progressive. 49 – 58 Merchant Caravan
“Important” figures are most likely men, 59 – 68 Messengers
women are almost never in charge, and cer- 69 Minstrel Show
tainly never walk the wilderness alone. Note 70 – 81 No Visitor
that absolutely none of this applies to “special” 82 Officials
visitors such as adventuring parties, elves, 83 – 84 Religious Troupe
magic-users, or such. Still, these types will still 85 – 90 Random Travelers
skew predominantly male, with maybe only 1 91 – 92 Spies of the Nobles
in 4 or even 1 in 5 being female. 93 – 94 Thief
95 - 98 Wedding Party
Also, the region is assumed to be fairly homog- 99 – 100 Roll on Special Visitors Table
enous. The inn should seem as “real” and
“logical” as possible as a contrast to the more Special Visitors Table
fantastic elements that the PCs will encounter Roll Result
later. Almost everybody visiting the Inn should 1 – 20 Adventuring Party
be a normal human, with a non-humans being 21 – 23 Doppelganger
present in visiting groups maybe one time in 24 – 40 Knight of Righteousness
twenty. 41 – 75 Military Patrol
76 – 90 Noble
91 – 99 Vampire
100 Monster Raid


Adventuring Party
Your game manuals should have rules for
randomly generating adventuring parties.
There will be d4+2 adventurers with an
average level of 1d4, with the appropriate

henchmen, pack animals, and equipment. The men, or who just happen to be along their path
inn will treat these folk the same as the PCs to witness their traveling to and contacting the
(unless the PCs have performed some great monsters, would know something is up with
service, of course), so these people may end them. The most disturbing part is that in order
up being competitors for the challenges of the to contact the monsters and prove their
area. Depending on the alignment of the parties “peaceful” intentions there, they must sacrifice
involved and appropriate reaction checks, these one member of their own race at the meeting.
adventurers may be direct allies or perhaps So they will have a “new member of the gang”
even enemies of the PCs. They will want with them whenever they appear, and he will
private rooms for each of them, perhaps a suite, be killed upon contact with the monsters. There
and will stay as long as there is adventure and are d4+2 men in this gang and it will always
possibility of profit to be had. be the same men that appear when this option
comes up at any particular inn. If they are dealt
Bandits with, then any further “Collaborators” results
After raiding caravans and farmhouses and should be read as “no visitor.” The men will
poor old women, bandits like to blow their generally never socialize as a group to keep as
money and live it up hard. These guys will not few people as possible from noticing that, as a
cause any real (violent) trouble if their excesses group, they always show up with a new guy
(unsocial and rude as they are) are tolerated. but never leave with him. Whenever the col-
However, with so many different people laborators show up, then a merchant caravan
around and all of the alcohol flowing, anything of the largest size will automatically be set to
may happen. Note that they will be terribly arrive fully laden with goods at the Inn in
obnoxious towards any females in the place, 1d6+4 days. Whether the monsters will hit it
but of course the young and pretty ones most before it arrives at the Inn or after it departs is
of all. For an interesting twist (especially if a for the referee to decide.
PC has taken a shine on one of the inn’s staff),
make appropriate reaction rolls for the women Craftsman
to see if any of them end up in a bandit’s bed Before one can settle down in one’s very own
that night. There will be 3d4 bandits plus their workshop, there is a period of wandering to
leader, they will stay in the common room, and gain experience in the field working for a
they will stay here at the inn until they are allvariety of employers. Journeyman in the most
out of money (2d4 days). Certain bandits may literal sense! The referee will have to determine
be willing to become hirelings or henchmen. exactly what kind of work he does, and it
should ideally be randomly determined. The
Collaborators craftsman will stay in the common room and
The monsters aren’t threats to road traffic on stay 1d4 days, unless he finds work locally, in
their own. While some keep quiet for various which case he’ll stay as long as he has work.
reasons, there are humans who actively aid
them in their highway robbery. Collaborators Doppelganger
spend time in cities finding out about merchant Creatures that depend on humanity for their
caravans that are preparing to head out and sustenance will always find their way to out of
inform monsters about them ahead of time. the way inns sooner or later. The introduction
When they move to inform their masters, their of a doppelganger to the environment may or
pattern is the same. Go to the inn, stay a night may not cause a great deal of havoc, depending
in a suite (or two private rooms), ride out the on who the creature chooses to duplicate. The
next day, return, stay one more night, and day the doppelganger arrives, every single
leave. Only PCs who specifically follow these person at the Inn has an equal chance to be

selected as the first victim. If the victim is just Dwarves
passing through, no one at the inn need ever “Dour and taciturn” is the cliché, and boy does
know what happened. Until a body is discov- it fit these fellows. Dwarves seldom have
ered, anyway. A PC chosen as a victim will reason to wander in the realms of men, and
cause immediate conflict, of course, but an inn when they do they just want to conclude their
employee being killed and replaced by a business and go home. The world of men has
doppelganger gives rise to a much more insid- too much sky… 3d4 dwarves will stay one
ious, ongoing threat… night at the Inn, in a private room if there is
just a few of them, and in the common room if
Duelist there is a whole bunch. Each dwarf has a 25%
Duelists travel the countryside earning their chance to be a classed individual, and they will
living through provoking fights, or better yet engage in heavy drinking at the tavern on the
getting paid from just threatening to fight. They day they are there.
do this with the aid of an accomplice who will
arrive at the inn the same day as the duelist but Elves
not appear to be associated with him. In fact, Literature paints a different picture of elves
they will take great pains to act unfamiliar with than the usual adventuring party. While elves
each other. They will find a mark, usually a out in the world of men often seem like fine
non-warrior looking type (no armor, battle and normal fellows, most elves prefer to stay
scars, or large muscles) who looks at least with their own kind and they really do form an
fairly wealthy, and move in. The duelist will alien society. Occasionally they must leave
behave as a gentleman, being very proper, as their sanctuaries to conduct various business
bait for the trap. He will interact with his mark in the world, and when they do they leave
and then feign offense at some perceived slight perplexed and whispering people in their wake.
and offer to resolve the matter with a duel to Elven visitors to the Inn will be 2d6 in number,
be scheduled the next day or two. In the with any specific elf a classed individual 25%
meantime, the accomplice will approach the of the time. There will be roughly equal
challenged and offer to broker a cash deal amounts of male and female elves, they will
(where the duelist would be the one to get not mingle much with other visitors of the inn,
paid!) to prevent any embarrassment or untow- and they will stay one night in a suite.
ard violence. Duels will be fought unarmored,
with the weapon choice up to the challenged. Entertainer
Referees should detail which weapons a duelist Individual (or partner) bards make their living
is proficient in before executing the challenge by playing taverns and festivals, so they will
to keep things fair. Duels will typically be to be passing through lonely road with some
first blood only, although if a real offense regularity. There will only be one or two of
causes the duel, and the duelist is of a cranky them, and they will play in the main tavern
disposition (and someone has made a very bad hoping for tips. They will sleep in whatever
reaction roll) and evil alignment, it can get accommodations they can afford (usually the
nasty. After winning a duel, a duelist will pilfer stables!). As usual with the “wandering life-
a valuable from the defeated as compensation style” types, they will be very rambunctious
for his bother. Duelists will be a 1d6+2 level when let loose with the alcohol. They will stay
fighter, stay in a private room (as will their at the Inn for 1d10 days.
accomplice), and stay for 1d4 days.
A professional gamesman travels the taverns
of the realm and makes his living by winning

games of chance. He will set up on a table at special. They are simple folk, as pragmatic as
the Inn and try to coax people into playing dwarves yet with the love of leisure as Hal-
cards (or dice, or whatever) with him. The flings. PCs should be surprised by such a
gambler is going to be either very good or very demeanor! There is a 10% chance that a gnome
good at cheating, and any character that doesn’t is a classed individual. There will be 2d4 of
have gambling as a secondary skill should be them, they will stay in private rooms, and they
at a severe disadvantage when facing this guy. will stay for 1d4 days.
He’ll stay as long as he can keep making
money (although likely it will be simply Gypsy Train
against visitors and not the staff after a couple An extended gypsy family traveling through
days), using a private room. If cheating ways the area is always sure to stop at the Inn. There
are uncovered, he just might be run out of the will be 4d4 gypsies, half of them women and
place! one quarter of them children, with one wagon
for every three gypsies. They will typically all
Gentleman be one big extended family. They will camp
Gentlemen are people of decidedly refined within a short distance of the inn and not stay
tastes, who comport themselves with utmost in the rooms, but they will use all of the
respectability and expect everyone around facilities available at the inn and generally be
them to do the same in the name of a civilized very visible. They will provide all sorts of
society. Despite their delusions of being entertainment, anything from dancing to jug-
natural men of the world, they are so very gling to fire-breathing and sword swallowing.
unsuited to life around the frontier and so will Generally they would only bring in money on
spend most of their time here being quite audience donations and will not be seen as a
offended. The barmaids are all tramps associ- big deal by the locals. Depending on how
ating too much with men, so unlike proper stereotypical (some would say racist) you want
ladies, the men do not dress properly for to get with the gypsies, more possibilities open
socializing and don’t even use the correct up. There could be some sort of theft subplot
spoon for their soup. They of course will be happening at the inn complex, or one of the old
absolutely horrified at the prospect of violence women of the gypsies could be a genuine seer
(nevermind violence against them). For added and able to tell the PCs’ future. The gypsies
fun, sometimes (25% chance) they will bring will stay for 1d8 days.
their wife along, who is twice as refined and
three times as sensitive. Then they might (25% Halflings
chance) bring along 1d4 children who will then Halflings traveling in packs away from their
have to be shielded from all sorts of bad homelands are rare, but the affable folk are
influence. A gentleman may (25% chance) always welcome in civilized lands. Halflings
have a couple of retainers to do his “dirty will tend to want to keep out of trouble, and
work.” Gentlemen will want a private room if while they will be social, they will typically be
traveling alone or just with his wife, or a suite tight-lipped about what exactly their business
if with more people. They’ll plan to stay 2d6 might be. There will be 2d4 of the folk, always
days for exposure to the robust country air, but wanting private rooms (they’ll sleep four to a
will often leave in a huff after 2d4 days. room though) and staying for 1d4 days. There
is only a 10% chance that they are classed
Gnomes individuals.
Gnomes are perhaps the rarest (or least-seen,
anyway) of the demi-human races, and there-
fore any encounter with them should seem

Hearse Laborers
People of means usually want to be buried Work is hard to come by for many, and when
where their families are, or at least close to freemen can not find gainful employment
where they were born. There is a fair trade in where they are, they will travel looking for
transporting bodies between larger communi- work. There will be 2d6 laborers in the group,
ties. This will usually just be one or two and they will be staying in the stables. They
laborers with a horse, cart or wagon, and their will stay 1d4 days, generally harassing travel-
cargo in a coffin. The body will often have a ers to hire them for just about any sort of work.
minor amount of jewelry on it which will make Including the PCs…
it of interest to petty thieves, but 1% of these
will have an impressive piece of jewelry Magic-User
worthy of any sick enough to disturb the dead. Who knows what motivates the men who
The laborers will prefer to sleep in the common manipulate magic? They travel from place to
room, and the coffin will stay in the stables place, sometimes on mundane business, and
(making it quite unpleasant for anyone there sometimes in search of things far more esoter-
that night!) They will only stay for one night. ic. Use 1d4+2 to determine what level the
magic-user is. He will likely have a familiar, a
Knight of Righteousness 0 level companion or hireling, and a 5th or 6th
A Knight (roll 1d6+4 to determine level) and
level magic-user might have a 1st level appren-
his entourage (cleric, scribe, and 1d6 men-at-
tice. The magic-user will stay in a private
arms) arrive at the Inn. The Knight will
room, although the others might stay in the
demand a use of a suite for himself, and private
common room. They will stay 1d4 days. The
rooms for everyone in his group. He will
magic-user is not very likely to go adventuring
demand all of these for free, and he will
with the PCs, but might agree for a suitable
demand that the rooms all be adjacent and
portion of treasure if he has an enthusiastically
anyone in rooms that he needs be tossed out
friendly reaction to them. Note that if he is of
immediately. The Knight will demand that no
a greater level than any of the PCs, a “suitable
alcohol be served while he is in the area, that
portion” might be 50% or more just for him-
the barmaids cover up any exposed flesh,
self, and he may think of himself as the party
shutting down any entertainment, and gener-
leader and the PCs his mere henchmen!
ally be a complete nuisance. He won’t even do
anything about the dungeon or current adven-
ture plot if informed about them because he is
Standing armies in the middle ages were
on his way to a “much more important quest.”
uncommon, and it could be assumed that RPG
The inn staff will suffer the Knight’s shenani-
kingdoms loosely based on that time period
gans because they don’t want the trouble of
might have the same situation. This results in
resisting him, and they’ll encourage anyone
a professional soldier class that has no loyalty
else to keep their mouths shut too. In fact, the
to a specific kingdom travels the land searching
only way the Knight will show himself to be
for nobles in need of warriors. Because their
anything other than a completely self-righteous
livelihood is based on killing and dying, they
snob is if blatant criminal activity or a monster
take their off-time very seriously and will be
attack happens while he is here. The Knight
the most enthusiastic revelers to be found at
will stay at the inn for 1d3 days.
the tavern when they show up. They aren’t the
most popular customers the inn has, as they
tend to be pretty rude, grabby, and they are
poor tippers! The exact type of mercenary is
subject to referee decision (and some games

give options for such expert hirelings). There away from the inn so they will take up no
will be 3d8 of them, and they will likely as not rooms, but they will be all over the tavern and
decide on making camp nearby. If they do stay many of the other buildings of the inn com-
at the inn, they would stay in the common pound continuously. They’ll pretty much act
room, with maybe their commander having a like the bandits when all is said and done. They
private room. They will stay 1d4 days. Merce- will only stay one night unless they arrive for
naries, of course, make wonderful henchmen a weekend, in which case they will leave on
and general combat support hirelings as long Monday.
as alignments and reaction rolls allow.
Minstrel Show
Merchant Caravan If the inn is remotely located, the owner knows
Business is business, and business through that the employees often get bored or longing
risky areas offers a high return for the invest- for a larger community, so he brings in enter-
ment. There is no shortage of people making tainment shows every so often. There will be
shrewd, or completely foolish, decisions and 3d4 musicians, actors, and miscellaneous enter-
bringing caravans out this way. A typical tainers (acting as their own crew!) who will
merchant caravan will consist of a head mer- take over an area close to the inn and set up a
chant, 1d4 assistants, 2d4 guards, and 2d6 makeshift stage. They generally have a few
support laborers. There will be one wagon for wagons which also serve as their sleeping
every four individuals. Sometimes a merchant areas, although they will also have a private
will have his family with him, which adds a room in the inn just in case someone needs a
spouse and d6 – 1 children. The referee should bit more privacy. When the minstrel troupe is
determine exactly what goods the merchant in the area, service tends to suffer as the staff
deals in. Any merchant has a flat 20% chance is focused on the entertainment. Of course if
to be interested in any valuable or odd goods the minstrels are only performing for the
the PCs want to sell, although the amount the employees, they will not stay so long. Figure
merchant gives them for the goods will depend about 1d4+1 days average, or as long as they
on reaction rolls, anywhere from 25% for a have a paying audience. Lock up the women
hostile reaction to 75% for an extremely favor- and children when these guys are around!
able reaction. The merchant will want a suite Make an extra roll on the Random Visitors
for himself and his family, the common room table for every day the minstrels are here, as
for his guards and assistants, and the stables people time their trips to be able to see this sort
for his laborers. They will just stay one night. of thing.

Military Patrol Monster Raid!

This is a large group from a neighboring area, This result means there will be a monster raid
on patrol along the road. They will not leave happening on this day, in addition to whatever
the road to engage under any circumstances else is happening around the Inn. Usually it
(their orders are to be seen, defend anyone will be a rather unintelligent monster, as most
traveling on the road, but do not go out of the intelligent creatures know to stay away from
way to engage). The Inn is a good stop off for the inn and all its various denizens. This could
them, and the soldiers will party hard. There be a good opportunity for PCs to see exactly
will be 10d4 0 level men-at-arms, and for every who their hosts are as they will defend their
ten men there will be a first level fighter squad loved ones and the property (in that order!) to
leader, and if there are thirty or more men there the best of their ability. Depending on the
will be a second level fighter sergeant. They menace, it might also be a good test to see if
will make their own camp a short distance the PCs know when to put their heads down

and stay out of the way. Roll on the following ening, unless they see something they don’t
table to determine what attacks (a bandit raid like, in which case they will do nothing about
will not be with a same crew of bandits that it themselves and just report the problem to the
would stay here): next link in the chain. These officials
(government, religious, mercantile) have no
Roll Result actual function that PCs can determine, but
1 Anhkheg they conduct themselves as very important
2 Bulette people and demand respect as a matter of
3 Ettin (1d6) course. There will be 2d6 of these leeches
4 Hill Giant (1d4) traveling, likely by carriage (you think they’d
5 – 11 Human Bandit Raid! walk all this way or learn to ride a horse
12 – 16 Humanoid Raid! themselves?), with one assistant for every four
17 Hydra of them present. The officials will themselves
18 Manticore stay in suites or private rooms, while the
19 Troll (2d4) assistants will get the common room or the
20 Wyvern stable.

Noble Religious Troupe

A noble and his entourage is an impressive A traveling religious troupe is either a group
thing. The noble himself will always have 2d4 of pilgrims traveling to a holy site, or a low-
bodyguards, 3d4 assistants of various types, ranking group of monks or priests doing the
plus enough carriages (and drivers and horses) same. Very rarely should this mean a cleric-
to transport them all and their luggage. Refer- classed character. The referee should deter-
ees may decide the noble is bringing his family mine exactly what god the troupe worships,
along, in which case add a spouse and 1d6 and what the relationship of that god is with
children, plus another 2d4 bodyguards and 2d4 the prevalent god at the inn compound. In all,
assistants. Nobles will demand the run of the the troupe will be 3d4 individuals staying in
place, earning a bit of enmity from the locals the stables or the common room for 1d2 days.
(even though the generous amount of money a Clerics (of the same god!) should be able to
noble’s entourage brings in will soften that find hirelings or henchmen in such a group.
blow a bit), and probably even more from the
PCs. They should never be allowed to forget Random Travelers
that they are in the presence of power in the Sometimes, people don’t have any sort of
realm, and their behavior while the noble is reason for being anywhere in particular. Inde-
here can have far-reaching implications for the pendently wealthy (or simply landless wander-
campaign. Nobles will stay in a suite, and if ers) out to see the world, fugitives from far-off
there is not a suite available then somebody is authority, or people merely on the way from
going to have to get kicked out so the noble one place to another, these are all “random
can stay. The entourage will all stay in private traveler” types. It will be one person with equal
rooms (the “important” ones) or the common chances of staying in the stables, common
room (the “unimportant” ones). They will stay room, private room, or suite, and staying for
for 1d6 days and be the center of attention the 1d6 days. Random travelers staying in the
entire time. common room or stables are ripe for the
picking as hirelings or henchmen.
Bureaucrats are a constant menace in any
society. They also tend to be very non-threat-

Spies of the Nobles a suite and will carry their tremendously heavy
These people are on the lookout for evidence (700+ pound) cargo to the room. They will
that the innkeeper is openly defying the law of accept no assistance, and will be very obvious
the land (the referee can determine details as in their wish to be left alone. Of course their
appropriate for his campaign) as well as tax- cargo is a vampire resting in its coffin, and at
evading treasure collectors! These spies will night the vampire may awaken and disguise
always be here under other auspices (roll again itself as one of its followers and enjoy a night
on the table to see who they are pretending to in the tavern. Of course someone examining
be), and they will be quite nosy and obtrusive all of this closely will find many suspicious
into people’s business. Mistreating these men things about the group. It is recommended that
is a bad idea as that will bring noble troops to the vampire and his follower(s) not deliberately
teach the offenders how to properly treat their cause trouble for their hosts, but anyone getting
“betters”; and if the men go missing it will too curious about this mysterious band of
certainly bring troops to investigate and intim- travelers is in for a nasty surprise. They will
idate… PCs getting involved in the political stay just the one night.
intrigue around the inn may be in for more than
they bargained. Keep in mind that Lawful Wedding Party
characters would tend to favor the side of the For some reason, the inn the PCs are staying
nobles… at has become a popular wedding site. So a
couple of times a year, a wedding party will
Thief descend on the inn, spreading merriment and
The temporary nature of inn residences makes warm feelings to everyone! Weddings make
them a frequent target of thieves who can take everyone feel more romantic so any passes
advantage of the situation. 1d4 thieves of 1d6 made at the barmaids will all have a +10%
level each will stay at the inn for 1d6 days in bonus to reaction rolls, +20% if the effort really
either the common room or a private room. does seem romantic and there have been no
They will spend their time around the common previous crude attempts made by the character
areas of the compound casing out guests (never on one of the staff. There will be the bride and
anyone that lives there unless they can find an groom and 10d6 family and friends. The bride
easily accessible and excessive treasure!) to and groom will each have a private room until
determine who has something worth stealing. the wedding, after which they will have a suite
Then they will strike, grabbing all they can together. The family and friends will have as
while attracting no attention to themselves and many private rooms as are available, the rest
immediately leaving. will stay in the common room. They will arrive
by private coaches (one coach per six people),
Vampire and those coach drivers will stay in the
Vampires like lodging too! This will comprise common room. The entire party will be there
of a couple or three strongmen on a carriage for 1d6 days before the wedding, everyone will
(with one or two horses) carrying a rather large leave the day after except the married couple
crate. They will want either a private room or who will remain for d10+6 days afterwards.

Wand of the Weird
By James Edward Raggi IV

This item resembles a rather thick gnarled stick. It will be identifiable as a magic wand by
anyone who touches it. Any creature able to hold it and speak may use the wand. It has 5d20
charges when found, and may not be recharged.

To be used, the wand must be pointed by its user at a living creature (the “subject”). The user
may point the wand at himself. Using the wand on a non-living creature or empty space simply
wastes a charge. The wand’s range is 60’. The wand has a random effect as determined by the
following table (all results are permanent):

1. User and subject’s minds switch bodies. contains one dose of a different random
Class, level, and magical abilities remain magical potion.
with the original bodies. 13. Subject’s fingers turn to gold. They still
2. User and subject swap genitalia. function, but are worth 1,000gp each if they
3. Subject dies and becomes a random type of are severed.
undead creature with the original hit dice 14. Subject’s weight (but not size)
of the subject. increases/decreases (50% of each) by
4. One random ability score of the subject d1000%.
increases/decreases (50% chance of each) 15. Subject is filled with magical energy. Every
by d10. time they are damaged in combat, there is
5. Subject gains the ability to cast one random a 1% cumulative chance that they will
Magic-User spell of a random level… explode (fatal), doing d10 damage for every
once. hit die they possess to everyone within
6. d8 points of a random ability score transfers 30’.
from subject to user or user to subject (50% 16. Subject becomes able to detect magic by
chance of each). sight continually.
7. Subject gains the ability to cast one random 17. Subject becomes magic dead. No spell
Cleric spell of a random level… once. effect will ever work on him, good or bad,
8. Subject becomes sexually obsessed with the and no magical effect of any item or area
user. will work for him.
9. User becomes sexually obsessed with the 18. Subject functions as a bag of holding. An
subject. object placed in an orifice (hopefully the
10. Subject turns to dry powder. When water is mouth…) still harm the subject as normal
added to the powder, the subject will recon- going in and out, but an unlimited amount
stitute in the same condition as before. of items may be discretely stored in any
11. Subject grows wings out of eye sockets; orifice without additional harm.
may fly but is now blind. 19. The subject’s anus completely closes up.
12. Subject’s teeth fall out and are replaced Every 24 hours the subject must save versus
with hollow crystal teeth, each of which poison or take d6 damage. Carving a new

anus will cause d8 damage, but this stops subject’s normal maximum can not be
the daily damage. healed or restored once lost.
20. The subject grows d6 large boils on random 35. Subject becomes hypersensitive to poison
parts of his body. These boils make wearing and will never make a successful poison
armor (and other actions) impossible. save.
Cutting a boil off do d4 damage, but the 36. Subject becomes tasty to animals – any
boil’s contents may then be used as a flask hostile beast will attack that subject before
of oil. all others.
21. The subject’s eyes turn into gems worth 37. Every lover the subject ever has in the
5,000gp each. The eyes function as normal future will be caring, respectful, doting, and
as long as they remain in the subject’s chronically and outrageously unfaithful.
head. 38. Character’s apparent age doubles (no effect
22. Subject becomes pregnant with user’s on health or stats).
child. 39. Life Force! Forevermore, when the subject
23. Subject’s internal organs transform to rolls a natural 20 in combat, they gain one
clockwork machinery. The subject must permanent hit point. When they roll a 1,
drink one flask of oil per day in addition to they lose a permanent hit point.
other food requirements. 40. All subject’s magic items become disen-
24. Subject becomes physically unable to sleep. chanted.
The subject does not lose the need to sleep, 41. Subject’s nipples are replaced with mouths
however, and will suffer all due penalties which mumble incoherently at all times.
for lack of sleep. 42. Subject is deemed a hostile troublemaker
25. Any woman who makes eye contact with by all authority figures and law enforce-
the subject must save versus magic or ment he encounters.
become pregnant. 43. Subject grows (non-damaging) horns.
26. Every time the subject visits a new popu- 44. Subject becomes incontinent and will soil
lated area for the first time, someone there himself every time he sleeps.
will have proof that the subject owes them 45. Subject gains the ability to speak with
d% gold pieces. insects.
27. Subject will automatically kill the next 46. Subject gains the ability to breathe water.
enemy he hits in combat. 47. Subject gains the ability to withstand the
28. Subject will automatically be killed by the heat of molten lava, but is not otherwise
next enemy that hits him in combat. immune to heat.
29. Subject loses the ability to recognize 48. Subject takes 50% more or less (50%
traps. chance of each) damage from missile/melee
30. The subject loses all ability to measure (50% of each) attacks.
time. 49. Subject grows painful corns on his feet,
31. The user and subject must engage in mortal reducing movement by 25%. If the charac-
combat – the winner permanently gains ter rides in a vehicle or on an animal, he
1/10th of the other’s maximum hit points. develops awful hemorrhoids and must rest
32. The ceiling caves in on the subject. If there enough to reduce overall travel time by
is no ceiling, a 100’ sinkhole opens up 25%. If the subject is willing to suffer d4
below him. damage that day, he may move as normal.
33. 10d6 fireball hits the subject. Watch out for 50. Subject becomes regenerative; all healing,
that area effect! magical or natural, restores 2 more points
34. Subject’s current hit points are increased than usual.
tenfold. Excess hit points above the 51. Subject’s rear end glows like a firefly’s.

52. Subject’s nose and mouth move to the 70. Subject chews own lips off.
ankles. 71. Subject must save versus magic to avoid the
53. Subject’s head moves from atop the shoul- temptation of cutting any rope encoun-
ders to the groin. tered.
54. Subject’s hair becomes prehensile. 72. Soles of subject’s feet constantly bleed
55. 1 in 1000 chance that any NPC the subject slightly, leaving an obvious trail.
meets will think him the Dark Messiah and 73. Subject gains the ability to create moving
attempt to sacrifice children to him. impressionistic works of art, but is unable
56. Subject grows a tail that is 10d12 inches to draw a straight line – the character can
long. The tail is dead weight. no longer map.
57. Subject’s face becomes ordinary; only a 74. A very large ferocious bear arrives and will
50% chance that an NPC will ever recog- protect the subject from all threats –
nize him after meeting him. “threats” being defined as any living crea-
58. Subject’s earlobes swell to grapefruit size ture within 100’.
and fill with blood. Subject loses d6 hit 75. A nasty large dragon happens by and
points, but drinking the blood from each accuses the subject of stealing a gem worth
earlobe heals the drinker of that amount. 25,000gp. Pay up, or else!
59. Subject’s stomach acid becomes superdi- 76. The cavalry arrives! 3d10 armed men come
gestive – anything may be used for food, upon the scene and demand to know what
but any magic potion used causes a misci- is happening. There are even chances that
bility table check. the group will be friendly or hostile to the
60. Subject becomes repellent to fish and will subject.
never be attacked by one, and will never 77. The user’s arms fall off.
catch one. 78. Subject turns into a pinecone.
61. Subject grows an impressive amount of 79. Flash flood! Huge amount of water rushes
thick back hair. through the area clearing everybody and
62. The wand transfers to the subject’s hand. everything out.
63. The subject goes cock-eyed, and will never 80. Subject’s face becomes tattooed. If the face
hit with a ranged attack again. is skinned, the tattoos may be used as a
64. Subject gains the ability to polymorph into scroll of a random 9th level spell.
a covered wagon at will. 81. Subject is teleported d100 miles away in a
65. Subject becomes lucky – can declare once random direction.
per session that any one failed roll actually 82. The subject splits into d6 duplicates, all
succeeded. with the same stats and equipment as the
66. Subject becomes unlucky – Referee can original.
declare once per session that any one suc- 83. Subject momentarily transforms into Death.
cessful roll actually failed. One random character or creature within
67. Subject becomes a lucky charm – can 100’ (not the subject) dies instantly and is
declare once per session that any one failed dragged to hell (with all their equipment).
roll made by someone else actually suc-
ceeded. 84. Subject’s skin becomes as steel, perma-
68. Subject gains the ability to communicate nently improving their AC by 5 points.
with yaks. 85. Subject offends the God of the Dead! Any
69. Subject suffers from communicable tone- enemy killed by the subject immediately
deafness; no musical performance will ever raises as a zombie and attempts to kill the
sound good to anyone when the subject is subject again!

86. Subject becomes abhorrent to horses and 93. Subject’s hair turns prehensile and is hostile
can never ride one. to the subject – will attempt to gouge eyes,
87. Subject gains +5 to hit and +2 to damage plug and tear ears, strangle, etc.
with any attack – against the user only. 94. Steroid fiend: Subject gains +3 to hit and
88. Subject gains spastic reflexes. The character damage due to great strength, but connect-
can decide on a bonus and a penalty to ing muscle tissue weakens and subject takes
initiative and to-hit rolls on any particular 1hp damage when using this strength.
round, and the total must add up to 0, but 95. Subject grows 35 extra toes on each foot.
the individual bonus and penalty may not Is unable to wear footwear unless custom-
be 0. made, which will cost 100gp. Per foot.
89. A Greater Demon is summoned and 96. Nothing happens and the wand loses all
attempts to slay everyone in sight. remaining charges.
90. A giant centipede appears inside the 97. Roll three times on this table. Subject must
subject’s armor and clothing and attacks! choose two results.
91. The user’s life force is trapped in a glass 98. Roll three times on this table. Subject must
bauble which appear’s in the subject’s hand. choose one of the results.
The subject can force the user into three 99. Roll two times on this table; all results
conditions to spare his life, and the user happen!
must abide by the conditions or instantly 100.Roll three times on this table; all results
die. happen!
92. Subject grows an eye in the center of his

House of Snails
By James Edward Raggi IV

Random Encounter Table, 1 in 6 chance every
other turn. 7. There will be an automatic random encoun-
ter here.
1. D6 Baby Snails: Armor as leather + shield,
Move at ¼ speed of unencumbered human, The lever in this room lowers the leftmost
HD 1, 6hp, #AT 1, D d4 portcullis in location #12.
2. Adult Snail: Armor as plate, Move at ¼
speed of unencumbered human, HD 3, 8. There will be an automatic random encoun-
14hp, #AT 1, D d6 ter here.
3. Cultists: 0 level human, 4hp, armed with
short swords. 9. The lever here raises the uppermost portcul-
4. Slime: Armor as chain, Move at speed of lis in location #12.
unencumbered human, HD 2, 10hp, #AT 1,
D d6, random immunity: 10. In this room is a trapped chest (poison
1. Fire Attacks needle) containing a pile of pearls worth
2. Cold Attacks 1,000gp.
3. Physical Attacks
4. Electrical Attacks 11. The lever in this room raises the rightmost
portcullis in location #12.
1. The pool of water here (5’ deep) has six baby
snails in it, waiting to attack anyone who 12. This intersection has portcullises in the
attempts to cross the water. passageways leading left, right, and forward
(if looking at the map head-on). When the
Baby Snails: Armor as leather + shield, Move adventure starts, all of these portcullises are
at ¼ speed of unencumbered human, HD 1, down.
6hp, #AT 1, D d4
13. There is an automatic random encounter in
2. The lever in this room closes the rightmost this room.
portcullis in location #12.
14. The 5’ deep pool of water houses an adult
3. The lever here raises the leftmost portcullis snail which will attack any who enter the pool.
in location #12.
There is a gem fastened into the end of the
4. An adult snail lairs in the water here (5’ passage worth 500gp. If it is removed, a chunk
deep), waiting to attack anyone who attempts of the ceiling will fall, doing 2d6 damage to
to cross the water. anyone here who fails a save versus breath
Adult Snails: Armor as plate, Move at ¼ speed
of unencumbered human, HD 3, 14hp, #AT 1, Adult Snail: Armor as plate, Move at ¼ speed
D d6 of unencumbered human, HD 3, 14hp, #AT 1,
D d6
5. Buried in the collapsed tunnel is a skeleton
wearing a gold ring (250gp value). It takes 2 15. This door is trapped; any who attempt to
turns of digging to find the skeleton. open it without the proper key is zapped for d6
damage and must make a save versus paralyz-
6. The lever in this room closes the uppermost ation to actually open the door.
portcullis in location #12.

16. Against the wall here is a carving of a giant
conch shell. Inside the shell is a gem worth Adult Snail: Armor as plate, Move at ¼ speed
500gp, but it is enclosed in a glass case which of unencumbered human, HD 3, 14hp, #AT 1,
is connected to the shell. To see this, one must D d6
crawl inside and go around the coiling interior
of the shell. 19. Here is a large mound, atop rests a large
snail with a shell made of mother-of-pearl. The
The glass case twists off of the shell. If twisted shell, if undamaged, is worth 10,000gp. Each
counterclockwise, it is easily removed. If attack made against it that misses still chips it
twisted clockwise, pores in the stone of the a bit, lowering its value by 100gp. A successful
giant carving emit a glue which fastens every- attack lowers its value by 1,000gp. The snail
thing to the stone for 48 hours. The only way will not move from the mound but will attack
to free a trapped character is to destroy the any who approach.
stone carving which will destroy the glass, the
gem, and do d8 damage to the character. Four cultists are also here and they will be
17. This room contains a pedestal with an
obvious pressure plate on it. There is nothing In front of the mound are four levers. These
currently placed on it. work the three portcullises at location #12 as
well as a locking mechanism for the entrance
If anything 5 pounds or heavier is placed on it, door of the dungeon.
the ceiling opens and thirty baby snails roll
down into the room ready to feed. Cultists: 0 level human, 4hp, armed with short
Baby Snails: Armor as leather + shield, Move
at ¼ speed of unencumbered human, HD 1, Large Snail: Armor as plate + shield + 2, Move
6hp, #AT 1, D d4 at ¼ speed of unencumbered human, HD 5,
27hp, #AT 1, D d8
18. Two adult snails lair in this 5’ pool, ready
to feed on any who intrude.

The Frog Cult
By James Edward Raggi IV

This was a quick adventure I whipped up one Every door in the dungeon has a little “froggy”
afternoon. The idea is that a village has had pet door. Halflings may crawl through them if
some young people disappear lately, and are they first shed their equipment, but no others
looking for someone to investigate. A few can. All wandering monsters except the cultists
miles from the village is an old ruined church use the froggy doors when moving about.
on the south shore of a lake.
4. The room contains a 6’ granite frog statue.
1. This old church lies in ruins, its walls barely It has topaz eyes (25gp each).
holding up. The altar has been broken.
5. The room contains a 6’ granite frog statue.
2. This is an old barn. Fresh hay is scattered It has glass eyes, which explode for d6 damage
about. Two ghouls are in the hay and will to all within 10’ (save versus breath weapon
attack when anyone walks within reach unless for half damage) if there is an attempt to
they wear the robes of the frog cult. A trapdoor remove them.
leading into the dungeon (by way of a tunnel
leading under the lake) is hidden under the hay.. 6. The room contains a 6’ granite frog statue.
There are no eyes in the statue’s sockets, and
Ghouls: Armor as chain, Move as unencum- if eyes are put in, the character putting the eyes
bered man, HD 2, 10hp, #AT 3, D d3/d3/d6 + there gains a permanent +1 to a random ability
paralysis, has usual undead immunities. score.

7. The room contains a 6’ granite frog statue.

Random Dungeon Encounters The frog’s head is able to be twisted off. Inside
1 in 6 chance every 3 turns the statue is a sack with 4000gp in it.
1. d8 cultists – unarmored men, 0 level, 3hp,
armed with daggers 8. The room contains a 6’ granite frog statue.
2. d4 giant frogs - Giant Frogs: Armor as The mouth is closed but has obvious hinges. If
shield only, Move as unencumbered man, the mouth is opened, a Clerical scroll with two
HD 2, 9hp, #AT 1, D d6. Can hop up to 40’ first level spells and one second level spell can
to attack. be found.
3. Green Slime
4. Giant Rats - Unarmored, move half again There are also three giant frogs that inhabit the
as fast as unarmored man, HD ½, 2hp, #AT room.
1, D d4
5. The Stalking Man – Armor as leather + Giant Frogs: Armor as shield only, Move as
shield, Move as unarmored man, HD 5, unencumbered man, HD 2, 9hp, #AT 1, D d6.
30hp, #AT 1, D d8. Made of shadows, Can hop up to 40’ to attack.
surprises 4 in 6, magic weapons needed to
hit 9. The room contains a 6’ granite frog statue.
6. Vipers – Unarmored, move half as fast as The frog’s head is able to be twisted off. Inside
unarmored man, HD ½, 2hp, #AT 1, D the statue is a colony of BEES! If the head is
Poison taken off, the bees will flood the room, stinging
all within it. Anyone in the area must save
3. This room’s ceiling sags, dripping. Drip. versus breath weapon or suffer a -1 Dexterity
Drip. Drip. modifier (AC, missile attacks, initiative).
Those that fail this saving throw must also

make a save against poison or take d6 damage up the entire wall. If the eyes are pressed, the
(if the roll is a natural 1, d8). secret door will open.

10. The room contains a 6’ granite frog statue. 17. This is a frog den. Hundreds of normal
There are no eyes in the statue’s sockets, and frogs infest the area, and ten giant frogs lair
if eyes are put in, lasers shoot out of the new here and will be hostile to intruders.
eyes. Anyone looking in that direction must
save versus paralyzation or become blind for Giant Frogs: Armor as shield only, Move as
d6 days. unencumbered man, HD 2, 9hp, #AT 1, D d6.
Can hop up to 40’ to attack.
11. The room contains a 6’ granite frog statue.
The mouth is closed but has obvious hinges. If 18. A creature made up of a mass of tentacles,
the mouth is opened, a poison needle will shoot with eyes on them where the suckers should
out (save versus poison or die). be, dwells under the water and will attack all
entering this area.
12. A small pile of bones (which look partially
melted about the edges) and clumps of random Tentacle Eye Creature: Armor as leather +
metal can be found here. Valuable metals add shield, Move as unencumbered man
up to 28gp, 49sp, 32gp, and a gem worth 50gp. (swimming only), HD 4, 26hp. #AT 3, D
13. A gelatinous cube is here in the intersec-
tion. Because the entire dungeon is damp and 19. Odd flowers poke out from the water here.
slimy, there is a 4 in 6 chance that characters If the flowers are sniffed, the sniffer needs to
will not notice the cube until literally walking roll on the following table. If the flowers are
into it. violently handled, then the pollen puffs
through the room and everyone in the area
Gelatinous Cube: Armor as chain, Move at half needs to save versus poison or suffer a random
the speed on an unencumbered man, HD 4, fate from the table.
20hp, #AT 1, D 2d4 + paralysis.
1.Poison – death!
14. At the end of the room is a relief sculpture 2.+1 to random attribute
of an open-mouthed frog’s head which takes 3.-1 to random attribute
up the entire wall. If the eyes are pressed, green 4.Joints swell; -50% movement rate for next
slime will shoot out the mouth onto anyone in 24 hours
front of the carving. 5.Great stink, eyes water. Character will be
able to surprise no-one, and no human or
15. At the end of the room is a relief sculpture demi-human will be willing to be near them
of an open-mouthed frog’s head which takes for 24 hours.
up the entire wall. In the mouth is a gemstone. 6.Bleeds from eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
If the gem is pulled out of its socket, the mouth
will snap shut doing d6 damage if any body 20. Mudslide! Characters attempting this
part is inside. The “gem” is actually made of incline must save versus paralysis or slide back
glass and is worth 1gp. down to the west. Failing to save causes d6
damage as sharp rocks under the water inflict
16. At the end of the room is a relief sculpture harm.
of an open-mouthed frog’s head which takes

21. This room is a giant dung pile, with a giant 27. This room is where the toad cult worships.
dung beetle lairing here. Buried in the dung is The chanting can be heard from beyond the
a small gold ingot worth 250gp. door.

Giant Dung Beetle: Armor as chain, Move half A giant toad statue dominates the south part of
as fast as unencumbered man, HD 2, 12hp, the room. Torches mounted on the wall on
#AT 1, D d6. When the beetle is killed it will either side of the toad provides light. In this
explode with a methane blast – d6 damage to room are Talor Chaney, the cult leader, Brute
all within 20’, save versus breath weapon for Grimm, his enforcer, and four cultists. They
half damage. will take any intrusion ungraciously, but will
prefer to capture and enslave (prisoners will be
22. Two giant oysters are found here. Each taken to location #24) rather than kill.
oyster has a pearl worth 250gp within it.
The pit has a great metal plug upon it, with a
Giant Oysters: Armor as plate, no movement, chain running from the top of it to the ceiling
HD 3, 20hp, #AT 1, d6 damage and further to a giant crank against the east
wall. It takes 3 rounds to open (or close) the
23. At the end of the room is a relief sculpture plug. If the plug is opened, 4 rounds later the
of an open-mouthed frog’s head which takes Thing from the Pit will crawl out and attempt
up the entire wall. If meat of any sort is put in to kill everyone it encounters. If things are
the mouth, the secret door will open. looking bad, Grimm will drop everything else
and attempt to open the pit.
24. The gated door is locked. In this room are
eighteen prisoners. (0 level, 1hp each) Cultists: 0 level men, hp 3 each, unarmored
and armed with daggers.
25. The entire room is basically a 10’ deep pit. They wear simple hooded robes.
At floor level of the corridors leading to the
room is a rope mesh which is fastened to hooks Brute Grimm: Fighter level 3, 20hp, Chain
around the edges of the room. Hundreds of mail, sword, short bow.
poisonous snakes slither down on the floor. Grimm is a giant, imposing figure (Str 17) and
wears a full-face mask to cover the horrible
The “rope” is actually strangleweed which will wounds he once suffered (a morning star
attempt to kill anyone who travels upon it more completely destroyed his face). He is not able
than 10’ away from the entry corridors. If the to speak and is fanatically devoted to Chaney
strangleweed is killed, it collapses and anyone as Chaney is the only person (that acts as if)
on it drops into the snakes. not disgusted by his face..

Strangleweed: As unarmored man, HD 6, Talor Chaney: Cleric level 3, unarmored,

36hp, #AT 1, D d6/round armed with a mace.
He wears simple hooded robes. He wears two
26. In the ceiling is a shaft going up about 30’ rings: One is Ring of Plant Hardening, which
to a dead end. Anyone spending a minute to paralyzes plants. He uses this to allow passage
look up this shaft will get hit by falling green across location #25. The other ring has a small
slime. ruby in it and is worth 500gp.

The Thing in the Pit: Armor as chain and 28. This tunnel leads to the opposite side of the
shield, Movement half as fast as unencumbered lake and is a way out.
man, HD 8, 49hp, #AT 3, D d8/d8/d10
This looks like a giant man-frog.

The Room of Four Pits
By Ramsey Dow

Four ten-foot wide passages converge on this Slain by sun / or drowned in sea.
thirty-foot square chamber. Each passage
enters through an archway decorated with What am I?
carvings and reliefs of monsters, both strange
and sinister. The ceilings of the passages are The correct answer is "a glacier." If the riddle
ten feet high, while the arches are seven feet is not answered correctly before three rounds
high. Other than the carvings, the arches are have elapsed, the elevator floor will reach
nondescript. A single step down serves as the bottom and the creatures from the pits will spill
threshold of the chamber from any of the forth and attack. If the riddle is answered, the
passages. elevator floor will cease its descent and begin
to slowly rise. The portcullises will raise once
The chamber is plain, having the same roughly the floor has returned to its original position,
hewn stone walls and ceiling as the passages allowing the player characters to continue
that preclude it. Notably, there are four open- onward. It should be noted that this trap will
faced pits, one to each corner. Ten feet to a not reset itself if the monsters are released from
side, the pits appear to be identical. Looking the pits. In such a case, the sprung trap will
over the edge into any one the pits will reveal serve as a new obstacle in the dungeon.
that it is thirty-feet deep and inhabited by
horrible creatures of some sort. Precisely how Player characters may seek to hang on to one
much can be gleaned will depend upon the of the lowered portcullises as the floor sinks.
quality and position of the party's light sources. This is inadvisable for any number of reasons.
The ledges between the bars and the sinking
At the center of the chamber is a twenty-foot floor are narrow and provide little in the way
square pressure plate. Indistinguishable from of footing. Moreover, clinging to the bars will
the floor, the plate will be activated as soon as prove uncomfortable. It will be difficult for
one hundred pounds of weight is placed upon player character to do much of anything in this
it. Once activated, iron portcullises will drop, position. All the while, ravenous monsters will
simultaneously barring escape through any of be eyeballing perched characters, seeking ways
the chamber's four archways. The sound of to reach and kill them. Falling to the floor,
stone grating upon stone will be heard as the thirty feet below, will cause 3d6 points of
floor of the chamber begins to sink, slowly and damage, and if the fall does not kill them, then
inexorably, to the floor-level of the pits. It will the monsters surely will.
reach bottom in three rounds. A Magic Mouth,
its breath spewing phantasmal fog, will appear It is possible to circumnavigate the pressure
at the center of the ceiling and intone: plate by leaping across the corner of one of the
four pits. The crumbling and otherwise danger-
My step is slow / the snow's my breath ous nature of this place dictates that a success-
I give the ground / a grinding death ful dexterity check be made to avoid falling
My marching / makes an end of me into the pit. Such an accident will cause 3d6

points of falling damage to be inflicted. Fur-
thermore, exposure to the creatures within will
almost certainly be fatal.

The nature of the creatures within the pits is

left to the imagination of the Game Master.
Giant tarantulas were used in this chamber's
original incarnation. The players successfully
answered the riddle and avoided an unseemly
death. Will your players be so lucky?

The Sneaky Book Room
By James Brian Murphy

This room is a simple 50’ x 50’ room with the 4. 1d4 red slaadi are summoned into the room.
corners cut at 40-degree angles to make it They immediately attack the party, but each
octagonal. There’s a door in each of the non- vanishes if it manages to imbed its egg-
cardinal walls. Each cardinal wall has an pellets into a victim.
ornate, voluptuous holder of orichalcum pro- 5. Character goes through a painful process
jecting from the wall that cradles a sphere of that transforms their head into that of a bat.
liquid that emits a cool, silvery glow. Each is They acquire the power to “see” through
brighter than the full moon, emits enough light echolocation (range up to 60’), lose 1d4 hit
to see 30’ by and does not disrupt infravision. points and permanently lose a point of
The combined light of any two is enough to Charisma. This can be undone by a Dispel
read by. The liquid will continue to glow for Magic against level 16 or a Bless spell from
12 hours after being removed from the room. a Lawful cleric of 12th level or higher.
6. An exact copy of the reader leaps from the
In the center of the room is an orichalcum book and attacks the reader. Any attacks
reading podium, shaped like skulls trapped in unleashed by allies at either version of the
a blooming rose bush. Chained to the stand and character deal damage to the original if the
open atop it is a thin folio volume. The outer damage die roll is odd and to the copy of
cover is of battered serpent’s hide, the pages the damage die rolls even, no matter who
faded and dog-eared with time. they were attacking or how careful they are
to not hurt the original. If the original dies,
Anyone perusing the book idly or skimming the copy explodes, dealing 3d6 damage to
its contents must save vs. spells (Wisdom all in the room. If the copy dies, it begins
adjusts) at each page or find themselves irre- to rot immediately, causing a horrible
sistibly compelled to read that page. stench that results in a -1 to all die rolls
(Obviously, no roll is required for someone while the PCs remain in the room. In either
who is reading it.) The effects of reading a page case, the bodies of the slain will have all the
should be randomly determined as follows, reader’s mundane equipment, but all magic
with no results duplicated: items will have vanished.
7. Through a painful process, the reader per-
1. Reader affected as if by a curse spell. manently loses one hit point. However, one
2. All of a character’s coins that are not silver dagger or knife in their possession gains a
pieces turn into silver pieces. permanent +1 enchantment. (If it was
3. Reading character goes through a painful already magical, it’s bonus to hit and
transformation that has a pair of spiral ram’s damage increases by one.)
horns sprout from the skull. Lose 2 hit 8. The reader’s hair turns to bright, green
points but is treated as if wearing always leaves. Every hour the character spends
wearing a helm. A remove curse will undo with their leafy hair exposed to the sun
this transformation. heals them one hit point, up to their usual
maximum. In autumn, the leaves will turn

a brilliant, blood red, then brown. In winter, or sinks imperceptibly by teleportation to the
they will all fall out and the PC will lose the next lower level (or higher if the pages are
extra healing ability. In spring, their hair turned left-to-right). If the book is closed, the
will grow back as before, but with a forest- room’s doors will open out onto your setting’s
green streak in it. version of the land of the dead (or perhaps the
banks of the river Styx if you’re using the
Add more as needed. If the book is closed, the classic Wheel). If the book is removed from its
pages randomly reshuffle and reset; closing the chain, the room will be teleported to whatever
book and then reading it again is the only way punishment awaits thieves after death (or a
have a result happen more than once. The book random level of the Abyss). Replacing the
only works so long as it is attached by the chain book and casting Bless on it or sprinkling holy
to the pedestal. water across the cover is the only way to return
the room to its original plane.
There should be one page per level of the
dungeon. As each page is turned, the room rises

The Child
By Zak Sabbath

The child is just a lone child, 6 – 9 years old, soon find the child following them again a few
ordinary in nearly every way. S/he will be days later. There is nothing supernatural about
encountered alone deep within a dungeon, or this (it seems), the child is just terribly stub-
in some other place far from civilization. The born, and likes the PCs.
child will act as though it's essentially amnesi-
ac, though otherwise it will appear healthy. He If the child is slain, however, a terrible trans-
or she will not remember how s/he got there. formation will occur. The precise nature of this
S/he may have a few obscure phobias triggered change is entirely at the Referee's discretion.
by local wildlife or monsters and may or may The child will return as a vengeful, grey-eyed
not remember one or two cryptic images. revenant bent on throttling the PCs in their
sleep, an incubating abomination will emerge
The trouble comes from the fact that the PCs from the child's body, a demon trapped in the
know they are playing a fantasy RPG, and so child will be set loose, etc.
the child is automatically suspicious. If the
child is ignored, it will follow the PCs (perhaps Defeating whatever the child transforms into
at a distance). No matter how far the PCs will cause the thing to die, and then, a few
travel, it will pop up again. It will do nothing weeks later, turn into a new child (different in
offensive. appearance, but likewise amnesiac) and the
process begins all over again.
If the PCs adopt the child, it will at all times
appear entirely, and eerily, innocent, polite, If the PCs can keep the child alive for a very
and ordinary. The PCs will probably want to long time (Referee's discretion--for a game-
keep an eye on it while they're resting, but it year, for a real-time year, for 5 levels, whatev-
sleeps just like any other child. It will do its er) the child reveals itself to be a disguised god
best to defend itself or hide during combat. of some sort, bent on testing them, and will
reward them.
If the PCs reach civilization and try to pawn it
off on a relative or friendly NPC, they will

The Chamber and the Glass
By Zak Sabbath

The precise purpose of this item is unknown. and has gems set into five of the sides. The
gems, set one to a side, are black, red, green,
(Actually, the purpose of this item is to quickly white, and blue. Inside the box is a scale model
introduce new people to the game--in the sense of an existing chamber somewhere in
of both "quickly introduce new players to the Maleketh's dungeon.
way the game works" and "quickly introduce
those players' new characters in the middle of (Whatever chamber the original PCs and their
a dungeon at the beginning of a session where foe/foes were about to fight in when the last
the original PCs are about to get into a fight session ended.)
with something they ran into at the cliffhanger
ending of the last session".) The real chamber will have an alcove attached
to it.
The cube-shaped (or oblong, or whatever) box
is made of glass--2 inches tall on each side-- (The alcove is where the new PCs wake up.)

Inside the box are tiny and fully-functioning (In the right hands, this can be devastating, but
scale replicas of everyone and everything in more importantly, it'll teach the new PCs
the chamber. something about how combat works.)

(Namely, the original PCs and the monster or Touching the red gem will heal everyone in the
monsters they were about to fight) chamber for one hit point of damage. This
effect only works once every 24 hours.
The actions and movements inside the box
correspond precisely to whatever is happening (This might keep your new PCs from dying
inside the chamber. immediately. It might also bring the monsters
back from the dead if they get knocked uncon-
(Which will be obvious to the newly-arrived scious and then somebody starts thinking "Now
PCs because they will wake up with the box what does this box do....")
lying within reach and they will be able to see
out of their alcove and into the replicated Touching the white gem will turn every living
chamber through the gaps in a steel grate that thing in the chamber invisible--and close the
separates the chamber from the alcove.) steel grate if it's not already closed.

Touching the gems will cause various events (Which might be good for a laugh.)
to occur:
Touching the black gem will cause a trap door
Touching the green gem will open or close the in the ceiling of the alcove to open and cause
grate separating the chamber and the alcove. an unconscious civilian to fall through.

(The new PCs will eventually figure out they (So that's how we ended up here.)
have a choice about whether to get into the
fight immediately.) The box and associated chamber may have
other secrets as well.
Touching the blue gem will move each indi-
vidual in the chamber (i.e., in the fight) to the (But that's probably enough to keep them busy
position occupied by the next individual in the for the first session.)
chamber clockwise from him or her.

The Tomb to Die For/In
By R. Lawrence Blake

1. Once the characters approach within 5’ of the

The outside to this small construct is approxi- hall o’ faces, the carved faces noticeably turn
mately 25’ x 25’ with a small set of steps their eyes toward them. Characters who attempt
leading to an unlocked door. The inside is a to walk through the hall will sustain 6d4 bites
dusty bare 20’ x 20’ room with hairline cracks for 1d4 damage with each bite.
lining the walls. There is a door to the north.
This is not a back door! Well, it IS a back door, For every 4 bites a character receives, roll the
so to speak, but it doesn’t lead to the back of percentile dice.
the tomb.
Character steps on a…
Once opened, it triggers a poorly designed
teleportation portal, sending everything within 01 - Normal/Non Harmful face
Area 1 to a crypt buried roughly 100ft below
21 - Vampire face. Drains 2 energy levels.
the surface, right under the tomb. The telepor-
tation might be a deadly one. Roll the percen-
26 - Ghoul face. Save vs. Paralyze or become
tile dice for EACH character as if the teleporter 30 paralyzed for 2d4 turns. Paralyzed characters
was not thoroughly familiar with the area. will receive 2d4 automatic bite damage per
round unless they can be moved.
01-80: On Target 31 - Shadow face: Lose one point of Strength
81-90: 1d10 x 10’ too high 35 for 8 turns.
90-00: Teleported into the ground. K i l l e d 36 - Giant Rat face: Disease. Save vs. Poison or
instantly. 40 die in 1d6 days. Success means character is
horribly ill for 30 days, afterward has a
The ceiling in Area 2 is 15’ high, so if a 25% chance of death.
character is teleported higher than 10’, he will 41 - Medusa face: Additional 1d6 damage from
45 snake hair. Save vs. Poison or die on 1 turn.
be dead. Additional damage gives a 50% chance that
the character will look down at the medusa
2. face (Save vs. Petrify or turn to stone).
The characters find themselves within a 10’ 46 - Werewolf face: Save vs. Poison/Death or
wide x 15’ high smooth stone hallway. It is 50 become a werewolf in 2d6 days. Non
magically lit with a dim green glow. Going humans will simply die from the disease.
north about 20’, the area leads to a hall that is 51 - Purple Worm face: 30% chance of
covered completely – walls, ceiling, floor – 60 swallowing leg whole causing an additional
with hundreds of detailed faces carved into the 1d6 damage per round unless can pull free
with successful Strength check.
stone. The faces range from every creature
61 - Kitten face: Face makes a loud, painfully
imaginable, such as orcs, frogs, troglodytes,
65 sad “meow” sound, causing the character to
gnolls, dragons, mules, goblins, sharks, trolls, feel bad for 2d4 turns.
wolves, etc, etc, etc. 66 - Gorgon face: Will use breath weapon. Save
70 vs. Petrify of turn to stone.

71 - 75 Rust Monster face: Any type of armor, the adventurers eventually died. Now
metal armor covering the shin and the Armor Golems still stand here as guards,
under will turn to rust (or lose a ready to attack anyone who approaches.
magical bonus).
76 - 80 Giant Rattlesnake face: Save vs. Armor Golem stats: AC: as Plate + Shield, HD:
Poison or die in 1d6 turns. 10, HP: 80 each, #AT: 1 (weapon), D one has
81 - 85 Troll face: Extra hard bite for 1d10 +3 longsword, other has +2 war hammer.
86 - 90 Fire Salamander face: Additional Any character that gets within 5’ of the gem
1d8 heat damage. could be affected by the gem’s magic if they
91 - 95 Mummy face: Character contracts are wearing the following armor: banded,
mummy rot. chain, plate or splint. The character’s armor
96 - 100 Cursed human face: Explodes like a will become an Armor Golem (AC will go by
mine for 5d6 damage. armor type plus any possible magical bonuses,
HD: 10, HP: 80). The character will be trapped
Characters can step on the same type of face within as the golem will use its most powerful
more than once. weapon to attack the party. Note that the party
will have no idea why their own party member
Characters attempting to fly through the hall is attacking them (but may assume a magical
will be hit with a breath weapon from a Blue curse or such).
Dragon face (located on the west wall) for 45
damage (save for half). Even if none of the The Armor Golem cannot be dispelled, only
characters try to fly through, there is still a 50% destroyed. Damage dealt to the Armor Golem
chance that the dragon will blast a random will be divided between it and the character
character. inside the armor. Also, like other golems,
Armor Golems aren’t affected by hold, sleep,
Refereees are encouraged to come up with or charm spells, nor are they affected by poison
other faces with which to torture the characters. or gas.
Other types of breath weapons or even psionics
could be used. If a golem is defeated, the armor will be too
damaged to be of any use.
The hall o’ faces is roughly 60ft long and ends
at a 10’ x 20’ smooth area with a door on the The gem’s power is sustained by the pedestal.
north wall. If removed, it becomes a normal gem worth
about 500gp. If the pedestal is broken off from
3. its location it loses its power, becoming useless.
This 30’ x 30’ room has a sparkling green
fist-sized gem resting on a 4’ pedestal located 4.
dead center within this area. Two human sized A desk rests in the southeast corner of the
beings wearing plate armor are standing side room. A robed skeletal figure sits slumped over
by side in front of the pedestal, weapons drawn. the desk. Dusty scrolls and books are piled on
top of the desk and around the figure. Most of
These two were once adventurers who were the scrolls are useless, but a couple contain
unfortunate in finding this green gem. The some mid-level spells and one is cursed. A
green gem’s magic turned their plate armor book can be found under one of the skeletal
into Armor Golems to stand guard over the figure’s hand. It is closed and appears to
area. Unable to break free from their own possibly be a spell book.

hooks, causing ½ damage per hook (round up).
If opened, the character must save vs. magic If a character is snagged by 25 hooks or more,
with a -3 penalty or be struck with short-term the character will be suspended and will lose
memory loss. Spells will instantly be forgotten 2d6 damage per round until he can be hoisted
and cannot be relearned. Experience also back up and have the hooks removed. The
cannot be gained for killing creatures while hooks are barbed, causing an additional ½
under this effect. The only thing that can cure damage per hook when removed (round up).
the short-term memory is by using the Dispel
Magic spell found within the cursed book! If less than 25 hooks snag the character, he’ll
hit the pit bottom for 3d6 additional damage.
First, a Dispel Magic or Remove Curse must
be used on the book so that it may be opened At the end of this hall is a 4ft opening on the
safely. Once it is opened, the spell caster must west wall that drops characters 10’ into Area
read the Dispel Magic spell directly from the 6.
book to negate effects of the short-term
memory. 6.
The characters drop down into a 30’ x 15’ area.
The only other spells in the book are Light and At first glance this area seems to be an empty
Infravision. The robed skeletal figure is harm- chamber, but easily discoverable grooves along
less. the angles of the north wall show that the entire
wall is a concealed sliding door. Characters
5. may push the north wall inward rather easily.
Midway into this 45’-long hall, the characters 15’ in, there is a opening to the east and a secret
see hundreds of fine steel strings attached to door to the west.
the ceiling, covering a 5ft area. Each string
hangs down to the floor, affixed and stretched The giant sliding wall is actually a trap and two
tightly. The number of strings that stretch from things will set it off. One is if a character (only
ceiling to floor is 500. It appears that the one needed) enters the opening to the east. The
characters would not be able to pass through other is if the characters continue to push the
the mass of steel strings. wall inward 25’. When one of these two things
happen, the wall will suddenly push back with
The floor to where the strings are supposedly ferocious force all the way back to the southern
attached is actually an illusion, masking a 30’ wall, smashing the characters for 2d6 x 10
deep pit. The steel strings hang 20’ into the pit, damage. Any held items must save or shatter.
each with a sharp hook attached. The wall will then reposition itself to the 15’
mark. It may be moved again in 24 hours.
The illusion cannot be detected. In fact, the trap
has a type of False Seeing magic cast on it so Any character that jumped into the opening
that if a character is to use a True Seeing spell will now be trapped within a 10’ x 5’ area.
or device, the floor will appear sturdy and the There is a door to the east. Opening the door
strings will vanish! Characters who might releases a gas in which a character must Save
throw a stone (or whatever) to where the strings vs. Poison or go blind. After the gas is released,
seem attached, will see the item disappear (it a Spectre will emerge from the room and
actually fell through the illusion). attack. If the spectre kills the character, there
will be just enough time for the character to
If a character falls through the illusionary floor, turn into a new spectre before the characters
he will get snagged by 10 – 200 (2d20 x 5) are able to push the wall in for the rescue.

Table 1 (d100)
The secret door leads to Area 8. 01 - 10 Continual Light is cast on the character.
11 - 20 Quest-like spell overcomes the character
7. for the need to acquire a wild saber tooth
To the north of this T-shaped chamber, the wall tiger as a pet.
is inlaid with exactly 100 green gems. They 21 - 30 Roll on reincarnation table. Character
cover an area of 20’ x 5’ (5 rows, 20 columns turns to whatever is rolled.
of gems) in the center of the north wall. 31 - 40 Character sweat is forever equal to that
of a Troglodyte causing the party
(including the character) to save vs.
In front of the gem-filled wall is a skeleton poison once per day they are around him
wearing a long coat and a weathered top hat. or suffer a -2 on attack rolls.
As if he were a ring leader in a circus, the 41 - 50 If fighting a group of 3 or more
skeleton explains to the characters that one adversaries, the character must save vs.
particular gem on this wall is worth enough to spells or become confused (like spell).
send a character straight into retirement. They 51 - 60 Character gains ability to breath under
may gamble on winning this prize by choosing water, but has a 70% chance of attracting
up to three gems. However, be warned that the giant leeches, giant piranhas, or great
white sharks.
others have magical effects to counter the
reward of such a valuable gem – possible harm 61 -70 Character is able to speak most
humanoid languages (orc, goblin, knoll,
or even death! kobold, etc), but everything said in these
languages always seem to come out as an
The skeleton will simply act as a belligerent insult.
host. While it only has 8 hit points, it can cast 71 - 80 Character is colorblind.
a 20 HD fireball twice a day. If the characters 81 - 90 Character gains permanent ability to
begin choosing gems off the wall, the skeleton resist fire (as spell), but will take double
will mock and laugh at any harmful effects damage on all cold based attacks.
which befall them. The skeleton does not know 91 - 100 Roll on TABLE 2
where or how to get the prized gem.
TABLE 2 (d100)
The magical effects are random, constantly 01 - 20 Armor begins to shrink to doll size. First
switching throughout the gems. One gem is round, character takes 1d6 damage.
indeed worth a ridiculous amount: Second round, character takes 3d6
damage. Character is crushed to death by
1,500,000gp, but like the others, it is never in
round 3.
the same place. The other gems, once their
21 - 40 Crippling arthritis causes character to
magic has been spent, are worth 100 gps. suffer -4 to hit and damage.
41 - 60 Character develops insatiable hunger for
Roll on the following tables for the gems’ live rot grubs.
magical effects. Note that other than the 61 - 80 Any armor or weapon the character pos-
“prize” gem, the same magical effect can sesses with a magical bonus now becomes
happen more then once. cursed with opposite negative numbers (ie:
a +2 flail becomes a cursed -2 flail).
81 - 100 Roll on TABLE 3

TABLE 3 (d4) Even if characters make the Dexterity check,
Character explodes. All party members they have a 75% chance of hitting a spike as
1 - 3 within 60’ must save vs. petrify or take 3 – they run through.
30 debris damage (save takes half damage).
Prize gem worth 1,500,000gp. Kiss this party
The Phantasmal Killer will disappear unless
goodbye and have fun at the beach. the door is shut and reopened. The door is a
one-way door (not detectable from the other
NOTE: If a character attempts to take more side) that leads to area 10, right into the
than 3 gems, see TABLE 3: 1 – 3. continual darkness part of the area.

If one or more characters have chosen at least 9.

one gem, and when they are finished picking Halfway down this enormous hall, characters
(they don’t have to take 3 gems, and after they notice that the area becomes unnaturally pitch
take even one, they can choose to stop), the black. This is a continual darkness spell. The
skeleton will offer to open up the northern wallmagic that holds the darkness spell is tied to a
for the characters to pass. The area where the magical bond that holds the structure of the hall
gems are inlaid will open up to Area 9. together. If the darkness is dispelled, characters
will hear a slight rumbling. After 10 seconds,
Only the skeleton knows how to open the large portions of the hallway will collapse.
sliding wall. Characters must save vs. petrify or suffer 5d10
damage. Damage is halved by a successful save.
If the characters refuse to pick a gem, the
skeleton will belittle them and not even The fallen debris is covered in yellow mold,
mention that secret door. If the characters do and such a fall will send spores throughout the
not leave after a few rounds and intrude on the entire area.
area by checking for secret doors or traps, it
will earn them a 20 HD fireball. There are double doors to the north.

8. 10.
The secret door from Area 6 leads to a stone This 30ft tall round chamber has a large 8’ tall
stairway that descends 60’ to a 5’ x 5’ area stone chest toward the north. Standing in front
covered in large poisonous iron spikes. of the chest is a 16ft tall humanoid beast with
Heading west is another (identical) stairway a sword. The beast has a terrible smell and stark
that leads up 60’ to a door. white eyes. This beast is an undead giant of
some sort (AC:as Plate + Shield + 6, HD: 14,
If the characters open the door, a Phantasmal HP: 87) that has two attacks per round. One is
Killer (illusionary horror) will appear. Charac- its sword in which the creature has a +2 to hit
ters must save vs. spells or die from fright. and does 3d10 damage per strike. The other is
Those who make the save will be stricken with a belching, gaseous breath weapon that covers
fear and will attempt to run at full speed down a 60’ radius. Characters caught in this attack
the stairs. All characters who do this must must save vs. breath weapon or become vio-
make a Dexterity check with a -4 penalty or lently sick for 3d4 turns. Characters under this
fall down the stairs for 6d6 damage plus an effect cannot attack or cast spells.
additional 1d6 damage for the spikes at the
bottom. Characters must save vs. poison or die. The characters will have no idea that this
creature is actually undead, but if they do, the

creature’s weakness might be found: it turns
as a 1 HD monster.

Within the giant chest (8’ high, 10’ long, 8’

deep) is a pile of gold and silver (15,500 gp,
22,000 sp) as well as a large sword sticking up,
straight out of the top of the coins. The sword
is a two-handed sword +3. To pull it out a
character must stand on the coins and pull hard.
This releases a false bottom of the chest,
dropping the character and all the treasure 60’
into a giant lake (4d6 fall damage). This lake
is in the middle of a large cavern. The GM may
use this to continue on into a maze of cata-
combs, or there could simply be an opening to
the outside from here. Or the lake could be
made of green slime.

Shrieker Stew
By Jonathan Becker

In the darkness of the chamber, a warm glow

can be detected from the coals of the fire pit.
Upon said pit is a roiling cauldron of some-
thing that smells strangely wholesome, if a bit
musky. A ladle hanging near the cauldron
allows the contents to be stirred…it appears to
be some sort of hearty stew, with no trace of
eyeballs, hands, or other humanoid body parts.

Holding a light source close to the stew (for a

closer examination, perhaps) causes the stew
to emit the faintest of whining, barely detect-
able to characters listening attentively. This is
shrieker stew, made from the fungal monster
frequently found in underground caverns.

The pleasantly stewed shriekers fail to give off

any but the mildest of sounds while in the pot,
thanks to the special spices present in the
broth. 1D4 turns after eating said stew howev-
er, all counteracting spices will be digested by
a character’s stomach and the partially digest-
ed stew will react fully to any light source in
close proximity to the character (within 20’ or
so). Until the shrieker stew is fully digested (in
1D4 hours), the stomach of any character that
partook of the cauldron’s contents will wail as
a shrieker whenever a light source greater than
a candle comes within range. Only complete
shrouding of a character in thick wraps of
cloth will prevent the noise (this keeps light
from illuminating the bloodstream and inter-
nal organs of the character, which is what sets
off the shriekers’ screams).

Pool of Testing
By Jonathan Becker

What appears to be a natural grotto has had permanently to 3! If the reduction of the ability
brick and mortar added to provide a lip of wall score would preclude the character from
two and one-half feet high. Inscribed in the pursuing their chosen class, the PC may no
wall is the following message: NO MORE longer advance in that class, being permanently
THAN ONE MAY BATHE. The water in the frozen at his or her current level.
pool gives off a faint, blue luminescence,
clearly visible in the dark should all lights be If yet another person attempts to bathe in the
extinguished. pool, roll 1D6 twice…two different scores will
be reduced to 3! Every subsequent person to
Drinking from the grotto does nothing. Anyone attempt the pool will have even more of his or
disrobing and fully submerging himself in the her abilities reduced (the seventh person to
pool will find himself greatly increased! Roll bathe will have all six ability scores reduced
1D6 once to determine which ability is affected to 3, for example). The pool will only function
1-Strength, 2-Intelligence, 3-Wisdom, 4- for each person one time, and only the first
Dexterity, 5-Constitution, 6-Charisma. The person to bathe will ever be affected in the
affected ability immediately and permanently positive. The pool’s magic takes affect
increases to 18 (if the ability score rolled is regardless of whether or not the person being
already 18, roll again). After being so submerged chooses to do so (i.e. a person
baptized, the grotto will have no more affect forced naked under the water will be affected
on the character. as fully as a willing participant). After seven
people have been baptized in the grotto, the
If a second person attempts to bathe in the pool loses its magic properties.
grotto in the same fashion, roll 1D6 as above.
This time the affected ability is greatly A wish spell is required to restore a single
diminished, being lowered immediately and attribute to its former score.

Shaggy Dog
By Jonathan Becker

A large, shaggy (and truth be told, a bit

mangy) dog lies at the intersection of this Note: the dog’s gender is always the opposite
corridor. At your approach it raises its head, of the PCs’ initial assessment.
perhaps a bit sleepily, and thumps its tail in
what appears to be a happy gesture.

The dog will be friendly to the adventuring

party until maltreated (attacked, kicked, etc.)
whereupon it will flee a few yards away, turn,
and look askance at the party. If attacked a
second time (say by arrow shot), the dog will
flee and not return.

If treated well (offered food, petted, etc.) the

dog will dutifully follow the PCs (the DM
should determine which character the dog
considers to be its master, changing loyalty to
a different PC if that master dies). The dog
will not fight (hit points: 5) and will avoid
melee with monsters (who will generally
avoid it as well in favor of the more dangerous
PCs). The dog DOES have a keen sense of
smell, and can sense both hostility and fear,
allowing it to sense wandering monsters, and
even creatures behind doors, long before they
have a chance to surprise the party.

The dog will convey this information to its

master by pawing at him and generally acting
anxious. Should the dog’s master actually ask,
“what is it, boy/girl?” (or similar) the dog
reveals yet another talent…it speaks the Com-
mon tongue and is perfectly willing to say, “I
smell something bad, boss!” The dog still has
only animal intelligence and is not able to
carry on deep conversations with the PC, but
once asked to speak, will have no qualms
communicating its base desires: good smells,
hunger, scary smells, etc.

Random Treasure Generator
By James Edward Raggi IV

Effective Gold
Gems Jewelry Magic
Level Value
1 d% 25% 10% 5%
2 d% x d8 25% 10% 10%
3 d% x d10 33% 10% 15%
4 d% x d12 33% 20% 20%
5 d% x d20 50% 20% 30%
6 d1000 x d4 50% 20% 40%
7 d1000 x d6 50% 25% 50%
8 d1000 x d8 50% 25% 60%
9 d1000 x d10 50% 33% 70%
10 d1000 x d12 50% 33% 75%

The effective level is either the average hit dice

of the creatures laired in the area, or the Gem Value
average of the average creature hit dice and the 3d6 Value
level of the dungeon, whichever is less. Trolls 3 50,000
lairing on the second level of a dungeon are 4-5 5,000
going to have less treasure than trolls on the
6-7 500
fifth level, but goblins aren’t going to acquire
more treasure just because they lair deeper in 8 - 10 50
a dungeon. 11 - 13 10
14 - 15 100
The God Value is the total monetary value of 16 - 17 1,000
the treasure in various coins. d% of this trea-
sure will actually be gold and the rest silver 18 10,000
and copper.

The percentage listed under Gems is used to

determine if there are gems present. If a gem
is present, roll again (against the same percent-
age) to determine if a second gem is present.
If a second gem is present, roll again to deter-
mine if a third is present, etc.

The same procedure is used for determining

whether Jewels or Magic Items are present.
Jewelry Spell Level
3d10 Value Magic-User Other Spell Level
3 50,000 3 9
4 30,000 4 3 7
5 20,000 5-6 4-6 4
6 10,000 7-8 7-9 3
7-8 5,000 9 - 12 10 - 11 1
9 - 10 3,000 13 - 14 12 - 14 2
11 - 12 2,000 15 - 16 15 - 17 5
13 - 14 1,000 17 18 6
15 - 17 500 18 8
18 - 20 100
21 - 22 1,500
23 - 24 2,500 Armor Size
25 - 26 4,000 2d6 Size
27 7,500 2 Gnome or Halfling
3–5 Dwarf
28 15,000 6 – 10 Human
29 25,000 11 – 12 Elf
30 40,000
2d6 Armor Type
Magic Items 2 Plate and Shield
2d6 Type 3–4 Plate
2 Ring 5–6 Shield
3 Wand, Staff, Rod 7–8 Leather
4 Miscellaneous Item 9 – 10 Chain
5 Missile or Device 11 – 12 Chain and Shield
6–7 Potion
8–9 Scroll Armor Special Ability
10 Armor or Shield
11 – 12 Weapon Armor Strength
Chance of
3d6 Strength
Scrolls Special Ability
2d6 Spell Type 3 +5 33%
2 Map 4 +3 –
3 Druid/Cleric
5-6 +2 –
4–6 Cleric
7–9 Magic-User 7 - 10 +1 –
10 Illusionist/Magic-User 11 - 13 +1 25%
11 Protection Scroll 14 Cursed –
12 Cursed 15 - 16 +2 25%
17 +3 25%
18 +4 25%

2d6 Special Armor Power Missile Weapons
2 Spell Absorption (d% levels)
3 Energy Drain 1/day 2d6 Weapon
4 Fly 1/day 2 Crossbow, Heavy
5 Remove Curse 1/day 3 Crossbow, Light
6 Gaseous Form 1/day 4 Javelin
7 Cure Light Wounds d3/day 5 Sling
8 Invisibility 1/day 6 Bolt (2 - 20)
9 Charm Person 1/day 7-8 Arrow (2 - 20)
10 Haste d3/day 9 Bullet (2 - 20)
11 Electricity 1/day 10 Dart (1 - 6)
12 Ethereality 3 turns/day 11 Bow, Short
12 Bow, Long
Melee Weapons
Weapon Strength
2d20 Weapon Chance of
2 Trident 3d6 Strength
Special Ability
3 Lucern Hammer 3 +5 33%
4 Spetum
4 +3 –
5 Bill-Guisarme
6 Glaive-Guisarme 5-6 +2 –
7 Glaive 7 - 10 +1 –
8 Bardiche 11 - 13 +1 25%
9 Pike 14 Cursed –
10 Quarterstaff
11 Lance 15 - 16 +2 25%
12 Flail 17 +3 25%
13 Sword, Short 18 +4 25%
14 Battle Axe
15 Hand Axe 2d6 Special
16 – 21 Dagger 2 Special Power
22 – 27 Sword, Long 3–4 +4 extra vs Opponent
28 Mace 5–6 +2 extra vs Opponent
29 Spear 7–9 +1 extra vs Opponent
30 Morning Star 10 – 11 +3 extra vs Opponent
31 Sword, Two-Handed 12 +5 extra vs Opponent
32 Hammer, War
33 Halberd
34 Voulge
35 Guisarme
36 Fauchard
37 Guisarme-Voulge
38 Partisan
39 Ranseur
40 Military Pick

d12 Opponent 19 Sharpness
1 Constructs 20 Energy Drain (on natural 20)
2 Dragons
3 Enchanted Monsters d8 Alignment
4 Giants 1 Lawful (Good)
5 Lycanthropes 2 Lawful (Evil)
6 Extra-Planar Creatures 3 Lawful (Neutral)
7 Regenerating Creatures 4 Chaotic (Good)
8 Reptiles 5 Chaotic (Evil)
9 Spell-Immune Creatures 6 Chaotic (Neutral)
10 Spell Users 7 Neutral (Good)
11 Undead 8 Neutral (Evil)
12 Water-Breathing Creatures

Weapon Powers 2d6 Minor Power

2d10 INT Powers 2 Roll Twice More on This Table
3 Minor 3 See Invisible
2 12 + One Major 4 Find Secret Doors
+ Read Magic 5 Detect Shifting Walls and Rooms
6 Detect Magic
3 10 3 Minor 7 Detect Evil
4 8 2 Minor 8 Detect Gems
5 - 17 – – 9 Detect Metal
18 7 1 Minor 10 Detect Sloping Passages
11 Find Traps
19 9 3 Minor
12 Roll for 1 Major Power
3 Minor
20 11
+ Read Magic 2d8 Major Power
2 Roll Thrice More on This Table
2d10 Special Power 3 X-Ray Vision
2 Wish 1 only 4 Telepathy
3 Missile Deflector 5 Levitation
4 Fly 1/day 6–7 Healing
5 Hold Person 1/day 8 Damage Multiple
6 Haste 1/day 9 Clairvoyance
7 Charm Person 1/day 10 Clairaudience
8 Find Secret Doors 3/day 11 ESP
9 Comprehend Languages 3/day 12 Fly
10 Light 13 Phantasmal Force
11 Detect Magic 3/day 14 Telekinesis
12 Cure Light Wounds 1/day 15 Teleportation
13 Flaming 16 Roll Twice More on This Table
14 Slow 1/day
15 Silence 15’ Radius 1/day
16 Fire Extinguishing
17 Water Breathing 3/day
18 Defender

Rings 29 Clairvoyance
2d12 Ring 30 Climbing
2 Regeneration 31 Diminution
3 Protection +5 32 Heroism
4 Wishes 33 Invulnerability
5 Protection +3 34 Extra-healing
6 Spell Storing 35 Water Breathing
7 Weakness 36 ESP
8 Spell Turning 37 Longevity
9 Delusion 38 Oil of Etherealness
10 Invisibility 39 Giant Strength
11 – 12 Command Plant 40 Dragon Control
13 – 14 Command Animal
15 Fire Resistance Rod, Staff, Wand
16 Water Walking 2d20 Rods, Staves, Wands
17 Command Human 2 Staff of the Magi
18 Protection +1 3 Rod of Resurrection
19 Telekinesis 4 Staff of Withering
20 Protection +2 5 Rod of Absorption
21 Djinni Calling 6 Wand of Cold
22 Shooting Stars 7 Staff of Healing
23 Protection +4 8 Wand of Detecting Traps
24 X-ray Vision 9 Staff of Commanding
10 Wand of Fire
Potion 11 Wand of Magic Missiles
2d20 Potion 12 Rod of Striking
2 Undead Control 13 – 14 Wand of Paralyzation
3 Giant Control 15 – 16 Wand of Negation
4 Treasure Finding 17 – 18 Wand of Illusion
5 Human Control 19 – 20 Wand of Detecting Metals
6 Flying 21 – 22 Wand of Detecting Enemies
7 Super-heroism 23 – 24 Wand of Light
8 Oil of Slipperiness 25 – 26 Wand of Detecting Magic
9 Poison 27 Wand of Fear
10 Gaseous form 28 Wand of Lightning
11 Delusion 29 Wand of Polymorphing
12 Plant Control 30 Wand of Lightning Bolts
13 Levitation 31 Wand of Summoning
14 Growth 32 Rod of Captivation
15 Clairaudience 33 Wand of Detecting Secret Doors
16 – 17 Sweet Water 34 Rod of Lordly Might
18 – 19 Polymorph 35 Staff of Striking
20 – 21 Healing 36 Wand of Wonder
22 – 23 Philter of Love 37 Staff of the Serpent
24 – 25 Speed 38 Rod of Rulership
26 Animal Control 39 Rod of Cancellation
27 Fire Resistance 40 Staff of Power
28 Invisibility

Misc. Item 49 – 50 Horseshoes of Speed
2d100 Miscellaneous Magic Item 51 – 52 Girdle of Giant Strength
2 Efreeti Bottle 53 – 54 Gem of Brightness
3 Tome of Understanding 55 – 56 Dust of Disappearance
4 Tome of Martial Knowledge 57 – 58 Crystal Ball with ESP
5 Tome of Knowledge 59 – 60 Cloak of Arachnida
6 Mattock of the Titans 61 – 62 Boots of Levitation
7 Book of Chaotic Wisdom 63 – 64 Stone of Controlling Earth
8 Flying Carpet Elementals
9 Well of Many Worlds 65 – 66 Periapt of Proof against Poison
10 Amulet of the Planes 67 – 68 Rope of Entanglement
11 Mirror of Mental Prowess 69 – 70 Phylactery of Faithfulness
12 Manual of Gainful Exercise 71 – 72 Periapt of Health
13 Lyre of Building 73 – 74 Net of Entanglement
14 Cubic Gate 75 – 76 Medallion of thoughts
15 Bag of Holding 77 – 78 Helm of Comprehend Languages
16 Robe of Eyes and Read Magic
17 Censer of Controlling Air 79 – 80 Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Elementals 81 – 82 Dust of Appearance
18 Bowl of Commanding Water 83 – 84 Crystal Ball
Elementals 85 – 86 Brooch of Shielding
19 Sphere of Annihilation 87 – 88 Ointment of Healing
20 Robe of Blending 89 – 90 Pearl of Wisdom
21 Eyes of the Eagle 91 – 92 Incense of Meditation
22 Stone of Good Luck 93 – 94 Feather Token
23 Medallion of thoughts (90') 95 – 96 Phylactery of Undead Turning
24 Golem Manual 97 – 98 Javelin of Lightning
25 Cube of Force 99 – 100 Talisman of the Sphere
26 Robe of Scintillating Colors 101 – 102 Pearl of Power
27 Mirror of Life Trapping 103 – 104 Ioun Stones
28 Helm of Brilliance 105 – 106 Eversmoking Bottle
29 Boots of Speed 107 – 108 Figurines of Wondrous Power
30 Arrow of Location 109 – 110 Marvelous Pigments
31 Scarab of Death 111 – 112 Wings of Flying
32 Robe of Powerlessness 113 – 114 Slippers of Spider Climbing
33 Necklace of Strangula tion 115 – 116 Cloak of Protection
34 Jewel of Monster Attraction 117 – 118 Decanter of Endless Water
35 Helm of Opposite Alignment 119 – 120 Elven Cloak
36 Flask of Curses 121 – 122 Elven Boots
37 Dust of Sneezing and Choking 123 – 124 Gloves of Dexterity
38 Deck of Many Things 125 – 126 Gloves of Swimming and
39 Cloak of Poisonousness Climbing
40 Censer of Cursed Summoning 127 – 128 Helm of Underwater Action
41 – 42 Broom of Cursed Flight 129 – 130 Necklace of Adaptation
43 – 44 Brazier of Cursed Sleep 131 – 132 Net of Snaring
45 – 46 Boots of Dancing 133 – 134 Periapt of Wound Closure
47 – 48 Bag of Devouring 135 – 136 Rope of Climbing

137 – 138 Horseshoes of a Zephyr 190 Portable Hole
139 – 140 Robe of Useful Items 191 Robe of the Archmagi
141 – 142 Pipes of the Sewers 192 Drums of Panic
143 – 144 Broom of Flying 193 Instant Fortress
145 – 146 Crystal Ball with Clairaudience 194 Apparatus of the Crab
147 – 148 Cube of Frost Resistance 195 Book of Lawful Wisdom
149 – 150 Eyes of Magnification 196 Tome of Clear Thought
151 – 152 Gem of Seeing 197 Tome of Leadership and Influence
153 – 154 Horn of Valhalla 198 Tome of Stealth
155 Amulet of Inescapable Location 199 Book of Infinite Spells
156 Bag of Transformation 200 Boat, Folding
157 Bowl of Drowning
158 Broom of Animated Attack
159 Broom of Cursed Flight
160 Chime of Cannibalism
161 Crystal Hypnosis Ball
162 Drums of Stunning
163 Eyes of Petrification
164 Gauntlets of Fumbling
165 Incense of Obsession
166 Mirror of Opposition
167 Periapt of Foul Rotting
168 Rope of Strangulation
169 Stone of Weight (Loadstone)
170 Bag of Tricks
171 Boots of Traveling and
172 Helm of Teleportation
173 Scarab of Protection
174 Potion Jug
175 Displacer Cloak
176 Helm of Telepathy
177 Phylactery of Youth
178 Chime of Opening
179 Maul of the Titans
180 Talisman of Pure Good
181 Talisman of Ultimate Evil
182 Amulet of Proof against
Detection and Location
183 Brazier of Commanding Fire
184 Eyes of Charming
185 Amulet against Possession
186 Bracers of Armor
187 Horn of Blasting
188 Manual of Bodily Health
189 Manual of Quickness of Action

A Spell Point Theory
By James Edward Raggi IV

The traditional fantasy RPG spell system is be it a Fireball’s damage, the number of
loosely based on the system found in the Dying missiles fired by a Magic Missile spell, ranges,
Earth stories by Jack Vance. If you haven’t durations, etc. Under this system, these spells
read those books, you should. If you’ve ever do not operate according to the caster’s level,
thought the “fire and forget” magic system but by the number of extra spell points put into
made no sense, you need to read those books. the spell (on a one spell point = one level basis).
All will be revealed.
For example, a seventh level Magic-User (with
However, that doesn’t satisfy some people. 28 maximum spell points) casts Fireball. He
They want wizards that can do what they want, wants it to do 7d6 damage (seventh level
when they want. Usually when this mood takes strength). It is a base 3 spell point cost for the
someone, they completely dismantle the magic spell, and an additional 7 points for the 7 levels
system and port in a wholly unique system, or of spell strength, for a total of 10 points –
they get lazy and say “First level spells cost almost a third of the total spell point totals to
one spell point, second level spells cost two cast such a powerful spell that day.
spell points, etc.”
Spells with no level-based variables merely
This theory of spell points retains the classic cost the same number of spell points as their
spells and level systems that we all know, so level.
that it will remain familiar and easy to adapt.
Under this system, therefore, any spell with a
First, spell-casters begin with one spell point level-based variable costs at the minimum one
at first level, and every level gain a number of more spell point than its level would indicate.
spell points equal to their new level. A cleric A Magic Missile spell, because the level of the
increasing from first to second level gains two caster affects how many missiles are fired,
new spell points, for a total of three, for would require a minimum of two points to cast
instance. – one for the spell’s level and one for activating
it at the power of a first level Magic-User.
Under this system, there would be no
relationship between the character level and A spell point based system will not operate the
the level of spell they are able to cast. Magic- same as the default magic system, so little
Users may have a spell of any level in their things like a first level Magic-User then not
spellbook (and therefore at their disposal). A being able to cast Magic Missile is offset by
Cleric can theoretically cast any spell from the the fact that third level spells become available
entire Cleric spell list. to cast when spell-using characters are second
Second, casting a spell costs a number of spell
points as its level, but only as a base. But any adjustment made changes the game.
That’s why you make these changes in the first
Many spells have an effect based on their level, place, right?

Open Game License


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tal regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so Beetle, Giant Rhinoceros from the Tome of Horrors, copyright
affected. 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Gary Gygax.
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You Brownie from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer
fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original material by
within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses Gary Gygax.
shall survive the termination of this License. Crayfish, Monstrous from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be material by Gary Gygax.
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent Demon: Juiblex „he Faceless Lord‰(Demon Lord) from the
necessary to make it enforceable. Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Demon: Orcus (Demon Prince of Undead) from the Tome of
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott
Inc. Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Gygax.
Coast, Inc.;Authors Jonathon Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Devil: Amon (Duke of Hell) from the Tome of Horrors, copyright
based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of original material by Gary Gygax.
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Devil: Bael (Duke of Hell) from the Tome of Horrors, copyright
Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on
Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James original material by Gary Gygax.
Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Devil: Geryon (Arch-Devil) from the Tome of Horrors, copyright
Arneson. 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, original material by Gary Gygax.
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Ear Seeker from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene and Erica
Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on Balsley, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Eel, Electric from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene.
Collins, and JD Wiker. Eye of the Deep from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2004, Troll Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original
Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden. material by Gary Gygax.
Cave Cricket from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Floating Eye from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original
Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. material by Gary Gygax.
Crab, Monstrous from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Frog, Monstrous from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene and Clark
material by Gary Gygax. Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Fly, Giant from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Frog, Monstrous Killer from the Tome of Horrors, copyright
Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene and Clark
material by Gary Gygax. Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Golem, Wood from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Frog, Monstrous Poisonous from the Tome of Horrors, copyright
Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Patrick 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene and Clark
Lawinger. Kamadan from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original Gas Spore from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
material by Nick Louth. Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene and Clark
Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Gorbel from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer
Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Labyrinth LordTM Copyright 2007-2009, Daniel Proctor. Author Andrew Key.
Daniel Proctor. Groaning Spirit from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Darwin’s World Copyright 2002, RPGObjects; Authors Dominic Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene and Clark
Covey and Chris Davis. Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Mutant FutureTM Copyright 2008, Daniel Proctor and Ryan Hippocampus from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Denison. Authors Daniel Proctor and Ryan Denison. Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsey,
Aerial Servant from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Necromancer Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene and Clark Jackalwere from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene based, on original
Axe Beak from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, material by Gary Gygax.
Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original Leprechaun from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
material by Gary Gygax. Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene based on original
Beetle, Giant Boring from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, material by Gary Gygax.
Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original Lurker Above from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
material by Gary Gygax. Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.

Piercer from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer
Games, Inc.; authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on
original material by Gary Gygax.
Slithering Tracker from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax,
Slug, Giant from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Strangle Weed from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Tick, Giant from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax.
Trapper from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer
Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Gary Gygax,
Turtle, Giant Snapping from the Tome of Horrors, copyright
2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Green, based on
original material by Gary Gygax.
Wind Walker from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002,
Necromancer Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax,
Yeti from the Tome of Horrors, copyright 2002, Necromancer
Games, Inc.; author Scott Green, based on original material by
Gary Gygax.
Advanced Edition Companion, Copyright 2009-2010, Daniel
Proctor. Author Daniel Proctor.
Copyright 2009-2010 Daniel Proctor. Labyrinth LordTM,
Advanced Labyrinth LordTM, Mutant FutureTM, Scribe of OrcusTM
and Goblinoid GamesTM are trademarks of Daniel Proctor.
Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008, Matthew J.
Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game Copyright © 2006-2008 Chris
Green Devil Face #4, Copyright 2010 James Edward Raggi IV.

Open Game Content:

Random Treasure Tables
Random Inn Generator
Wand of the Weird

Product Identity:
The LotFP name, the Green Devil Face name, and all material
not specifically designated Open Game Content.


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