Gas Turbine Meters

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Gas Turbine Meter Measurement

Wayland Sligh
Daniel Measurement and Control, Inc.
Houston Texas

Introduction proportional to the number of revolutions

of the turbine rotor. The rotational speed
The gas industry has a wide variety of of the rotor is directly proportional to the
measurement equipment to satisfy nearly velocity of the gas as it passes through
every application need. Metering is no the rotor blades.
exception. The bulk of gas measurement
in the U.S. is handled by four basic types Operation
of meters: diaphragm, rotary, turbine and
orifice meters. In any specific application, As the gas enters the meter inlet, it is
there are trade-offs to be made in forced to flow through a passage created
selecting one type of meter over another. by the inside diameter of the meter body
Knowing the strengths and weaknesses and the outside diameter of the diffuser.
of each type of meter is fundamental to This passage has an area equal to about
the gas measurement engineer or one third the area of the upstream pipe.
manager of measurement. Therefore, in order for the flow through
this restricted area to be equal to the flow
Meter Types through the inlet pipe, the gas velocity
must increase by a factor of three. This
The four types of meters mentioned increase in velocity in turn boosts the
above fall into two general categories. kinetic energy of the gas, making more
Diaphragm and rotary meters are referred energy available to turn the turbine rotor.
to as positive displacement meters, and
turbine and orifice meters are referred to As the gas passes through the turbine
as inferential meters or (velocity meters). rotor, it impinges on the face of the
blades, causing the rotor to turn. If the
A positive displacement meter contains meter was completely frictionless, it
measurement compartments that would take an extremely small amount of
alternately fill and empty as the meter kinetic energy to cause the rotor to begin
rotates. These compartment represent a turning. In a mechanical drive turbine,
know quantity of gas. the blade will begin turning at
approximately 1% of the meters maximum
An inferential meter has no measurement capacity. As the gas velocity increases to
compartments. We infer the volume of 10% of the meter's maximum capacity,
gas that has passed through the the available energy to overcome friction
inferential meter by some physical action. and drive the rotor increases and the
In the case of the orifice meter, the flow meter accuracy reaches acceptable
is related to the pressure drop across the limits. In the Daniel electromagnetic
orifice plate. turbine, the energy required to turn the
rotor is somewhat less because of the
In the turbine meter, the volume is lack of retarding forces from the
mechanical gears. conditions to which the turbine meter will
Rangeability retain its specified accuracy. The
rangeability of most present day gas
A prime characteristic of the turbine meter turbine meters at atmospheric pressure is
is its rangeability. This is the ratio of the 10 to 1 or greater as shown in the table 1
maximum meter capacity to the minimum below.
capacity for the stated operating



METER Rate Rate Differential

Mini Gas 5900 10:1 590 1.0

4 18,000 15.1 1,200 1.2

6 36,000 15.1 2,300 1.5
8 60,000 20:1 3,000 1.8
12 150,000 20:1 7,500 1.7

Table 1

Meter Capacity
The maximum capacity is determined by
such factors as rotor speed, pressure The pressure drop across the rotor also
drop, and gas velocity. The limitation of influences the maximum capacity of the
the meter capacity due to rotor speed is a turbine meter. In some applications
relative matter. The bearings used in the where line pressures running from 7 to 10
turbine meter have a give life under a inches of water above atmospheric, the
given load and at a specific speed. As pressure loss caused by measurement
the speed of the rotor is varied, the life of equipment must be at a minimum.
the bearings varies. Although the turbine
meter is capable of turning at three to The gas velocity becomes a controlling
four times its maximum speed without factor due to the aerodynamic
immediate damage, its life can be characteristics of the rotor blades and
substantially reduced if this speed is also the need to avoid the possibility of
maintained for prolonged periods. obtaining sonic velocity within the meter.
meter manufacturer, based on the
bearings that were selected for the meter.
Pressure, temperature, specific gravity
and compressibility of the gas all effect Where space permits, a turbine meter
the gas density. So as these parameters installation should include ten diameters
change to cause an increase in density, of straight piping ahead of the meter with
the minimum flow rate that is achievable straightening vanes and five diameters of
by a gas turbine meter is decreased, straight piping downstream. An
increasing the rangeability. alternative to this is the short-coupled
The density of the gas does not affect the
maximum rated capacity of a meter. The See figures 1 and 2.
maximum flow rate is determined by the

Figure 1.

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