LESSON 3 (Handle and Store Seafood and Aquatic Products)

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Lesson 3


Fish gutting
Gutting begins with careful descaling from the tail
to the head; then cutting it with a knife from a small
hole in the stomach along the entire body length to
the head, remove the gills and use them to remove
the gut. Carefully cut out the swamp of blood along
the central bone.
- In case of protected covering….
Fibrous -composed of fibers

Finfish and shellfish products high in fibre, total

dietary include smelt and fish portions and sticks, but
fibre, total Dietary can also be found in clam fritter, in
fish cake or patty or even in catfish.
List of Finfish and Shellfish products highest in Fibre, Total Dietary
•  •Per 100g
•Smelt, breaded, fried •3.32 g
•Fish portions and sticks, frozen and reheated •1.4 g
•Clam fritter •1.16 g
•Fish cake or patty •0.76 g
•Catfish, channel (bullhead), wild, breaded and fried •0.7 g
•Mollusks, squid (calamary), mixed species, breaded and... •0.53 g
•Crab, alaska king, imitation (surimi) •0.5 g
•Shrimp, mixed species, breaded and fried •0.4 g
•Croaker, atlantic, breaded and fried •0.4 g
•Mollusks, clam, mixed species, breaded and fried •0.25 g
•Fish, battered and fried •0.22 g
•Sardine, pacific, canned in tomato sauce, drained with... •0.1 g
Seam – a line of junction or union.
Offal – refuse waste meat
Offal, also called variety meats, pluck or organ meats, is
the viscera and entrails of a butchered animal.
STOW- to fill by packing closely
Proper handling and storage of food must be
strictly followed to avoid damage, spoilage and
wastage. Also we should also know not only the
legal and regulatory requirements pertaining to
seafood storage and packaging but also storing
food and aquatic products in the appropriate areas
and at the correct temperature.
DO’s and DON’TS…
 No person known to be or suspected to
be infected with any communicable disease
should be permitted to handle, prepare or
serve food, water or other beverages or work in
any food space.

 Any person handling, preparing or serving food or handling

utensil or equipment should wear clean outer garments and his
body, face, hands, hair and fingernails should be clean
immediately before going on duty.
• After visiting a toilet, he
should wash his hands
thoroughly with soap in an
approved hand washing
facility and dry them on a
clean (preferably
disposable) towel or with a
suitable hand drying
Spaces for the Storage, Preparation,
and Service of Food

Deck or Flooring- should be cleaned and kept dry at all times.

The bottom of these spaces should be so constructed
and maintained as to permit ready access for cleaning
and inspection.
Bulkheads and Deckheads- should have smooth hard-
finished, light-colored, washable surfaces.

Piping and Deckheads- drainage lines carrying sewage and

other liquid wastes should not pass directly overhead or
horizontally through spaces for the preparation, serving or
storage of food or the washing utensils.
Sanitation of Spaces for the Storage,
Preparation and Serving Food.

Water- only potable water, hot or cold should be piped into

spaces where food is stored, prepared or served. Non
potable water may be piped into the galley for deck washing
and food refuse disposal purposes. All outlets for deck
washing should be labelled.

*Potable-safe to drink
They are as follows:

Unit for drinking

For deck washing only
Do not use in pulled waters
They should not be higher than 18 inches (45 cm)
Above the deck. Washed water maybe used to clean
dishes and utensils, provided that it is first heated
at 170° F (77°C).,
Drainage- deck drains should be provided in all spaces
where flooding, type cleaning is practiced or where
water or liquid wastes are discharge on to the desk.
They should be provided with water seal traps.
Drains from refrigerated spaces should be provided
against backflow.
Lightning- all working surfaces where
food is prepared or where utensils
are cleaned should be provided with
illumination of not less than 20 foot candles
(20 luments F+2 about 200 Lux) throughout.
This standard of illumination does not only apply
to the dining room. Storage rooms should be
provided with illumination sufficient to promote
and permit cleanliness and sanitary operation.
Ventilation- all spaces in which
food is prepared or stored
except cold storage spaces
should be ventilated adequately
to be free of odors and conden-
Natural ventilation should be supplemented
by mechanical system as needed.
Protection Against Rodents,
Vermin and Insects..
All spaces where foods and drinks are stored,
prepared and serve should be so constructed and
maintained as to exclude rodents and vermin. All
opening between food spaces and the outer air
should be effectively protected with screens of non-
corrosive wire or plastic cloth. Door screen should be
tight fitting.
Residual and space sprays are effective for
the control of insects, however, during
spraying operations, all food stuffs, utensils,
food preparation and cleansing equipment
should be covered to protect them from
toxic substances.

Instruction for the use of sprays must be carefully

Equipment and Utensils
Utensil and Equipment
should be well designed and
installed so that they do not
present health hazards.
Surfaces that come into contact
with foods, should be constructed of materials that
are impervious, corrosion, resistant, non toxic,
smooth, easily cleaned, durable, free draining and
resistant to dripping.
Handling Fish/ Fishery Products
*If you are gutting, washing or stowing the fishes,
you should be familiar with the proper manner of
handling different species of fish to avoid injuries from
their teeth and spines.
Protective gloves help to reduce the chance of injury.
*Always ensure that the ice has
not by melted and never chop it from
a lower level, the upper mass may
collapse on you.
*Pump out accumulate ice water
regularly on a freezer trawler, the fish blocks are
awkward to handle.
Carelessness is likely to result in
*Close all fish offal disposal chutes
when leaving a factory/ gutting
*When unloading boxed fish, make
sure the hooks are securely fixed at each end of the box,
so that it cannot be dislodged if it hits the hatch coming
on the way up.
Temperature- this is commonly measured in degree
Fahrenheit. (°F), degree Celsius (°C) or both.
Temperature requirement for cold-hot of
potentially hazardous food should be noted
as 41°F (5°C).

• Careful monitoring of time and temperature is the

most effective way to control the growth of disease
causing and spoiling of bacteria
“ Keep it Hot, Keep it Cold,
or don’t Keep it”….
All cold foods must be stored at 41°F (5°C).
All hot foods should be held at 140°F (60°C) or above.

• Temperature Abuse- the food has not been heated to a

safe temperature or kept at a proper temperature.
Under ideal conditions, bacterial cell can
double in number every 15-30 minutes.
For most bacteria, a single cell can generate over
one million cells in just few hours.

TIME 0 15 min 30 min 60 min 3 hrs. 5 hrs

# of CELL 1 2 4 16 >1000 >MILLION

It is very important not to give bacteria the
opportunity to multiply, proper storage and
handling of food helps to prevent bacteria from
A single bacteria cell can produce over one million cells
in just 5 hours under ideal conditions.
Let us Remember:
Both food handler and the
spaces of handling, storing, preparing,
and serving seafood should at all
times be cleaned to prevent damages
and spoilage of all kinds of seafood and aquatic resources.

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