Guided Notes On Ethos Logos and Pathos

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New Student Packet— Persuasive Writing and Speaking

12th Grade Advanced Composition— Rhinehart

[email protected]
Tuesday 1/6/15: In class, we’ll be taking notes during a lesson on rhetorical strategies, and to keep you from missing
any more material, you’ll do the same. For homework or during study hall, please complete this packet ASAP. The
packet is due by Friday at the latest.

Due by Friday 1/9/15: PACKET DIRECTIONS: We are in the beginnings of a unit on persuasive writing and
speaking, and the class has been concentrating on the concepts of ethos, logos and pathos (what we call the
persuasive strategies). These may already be familiar to you, but we are going more in depth with these concepts, so
please gather the following notes from a neighbor and review them thoroughly. After that, read the article on
distracted driving and answer the questions that follow on a separate sheet of paper. Make sure you answer each
question thoroughly with at least three sentences per response. Please see me if you have any questions.
Name: ____________________________________________Date: ___________________ Period: __________
Persuasive Techniques: Pathos, Logos and Ethos

Greek philosopher, Aristotle, used three terms to describe these rhetorical strategies:

1. ________________________

2. ________________________

3. ________________________

Example: Imagine that you failed a math test because your school’s strict anti-cell phone policy kept you from using your laptop
app. Or that your sister gives birth to your baby nephew, but you have no idea because your teacher won’t let you check your
text messages.

DIRECTIONS: What narrative is Google telling through this advertisement? Why is this commercial more effective than a
Google commercial showing viewers how to look up a recipe for meatloaf?

Example: Studies have shown that student GPA increases by an average of 1.2 points per semester when schools lift the ban
on cellphone usage.


Example: This is my fourth year as a student at Madison High School. I’ve been the president of National Honors Society,
captain of the technology committee, and very active in show choir.
Ethos, Logos and Pathos in Action

DIRECTIONS: Identify what persuasive technique(s) (pathos, ethos and logos) is/are used by advertisers in the following
examples. Briefly explain why the ad is an example of pathos, ethos or logos.






ENG 202- Sophomore Rhetoric- TEST 3
Spring 2015

DIRECTIONS: Closely examine the way this author uses the modes of persuasion (ethos, pathos,
and logos) to craft a persuasive article. Use a separate sheet of paper to answer the questions.

The Devastating Consequences of Distracted Driving- By Zoe Franklin

A few seconds can change a life forever. It was April 18, 2010, when Aaron Brookens, then age 19, was
driving home after spending the weekend with his girlfriend, Kelly. As he sped down Interstate 90 at 75 mph, he
decided to send her a quick text. When he looked up from his phone, he saw a towering wall of white zooming
toward him as his truck slammed into the rear of a slow-moving semi. His vehicle slid almost entirely underneath
the semi and it took first responders nearly an hour to free Aaron from the wreckage. He was airlifted to a local
hospital with two broken femurs, a fractured knee and ankle, cuts to his internal organs, and nerve damage to both
of his legs. He was told he may never walk again.
According to a new survey released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
approximately 660,000 American drivers text, tweet, make phone calls, or otherwise use technology in a way that
distracts them from driving. And this is only a fraction of the problem. A 2012 AAA driving study found that
while 6.7% of teen drivers drove while distracted by an electronic device, more than twice as many drivers
(15.1%) drove while engaged in other distracting activities, including adjusting controls, grooming, eating or
drinking, reaching for an object inside the car, communicating with people outside of the car, turning around to
see the backseat, and reading. Any activity that takes a driver’s eyes off the road and hands off the wheel
endangers the driver, passengers, and bystanders.
Driving while distracted can have devastating consequences. In 2011, 3,331 people were killed in crashes
involving a distracted driver. An additional 387,000 people were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving a
distracted driver. In recent years, many states have banned texting and limited the use of cell phones while
driving. However, as our nation’s laws are getting tougher on one of the most common sources of driver
distraction, distracted driving continues to cause fatalities and permanent injuries.
U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood (2009–2013) captures the essence of this seeming paradox
when he says, “You see it every day: Drivers swerving in their lanes, stopping at green lights, running red ones, or
narrowly missing a pedestrian because they have their eyes and minds on their phones instead of the road. Yet,
people continue to assume that they can drive and text or talk at the same time.” Despite these new driving laws,
people’s attitudes toward multitasking while driving have yet to change. Clearly, reducing the number of
distracted drivers will take more than the efforts of law enforcement alone.
Preventing the hundreds of thousands of life-altering crashes caused by distracted driving begins with
each individual deciding to focus on driving safely each time he or she enters a vehicle. And it is the
responsibility of passengers, friends, and family members to speak up when they observe distracted driving.
After numerous surgeries and a lengthy rehab, Aaron has regained much of his mobility and considers
himself lucky to be alive. “You don’t think it’s going to happen to you. I heard how many times in my life that
texting and driving was dangerous, but obviously I was still doing it,” he says. “If the text is that important, pull
over. It’s not worth your life. You might not be as fortunate as I was.”

DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions thoroughly, using proper grammar and
punctuation. You should have at least three sentences per response.

1. What is the author’s central idea and purpose in writing this article?

2. ETHOS: Establishing your credibility on the topic.

How does the author establish credibility in her article? Cite specific examples
from the text. Make sure you properly integrate your textual evidence, as well.

3. PATHOS: Connecting to your audience on an emotional level.
How does the author evoke an emotional response from her readers? Cite
specific examples from the text. Make sure you properly integrate your textual
evidence, as well.
4. LOGOS: Using logic to persuade your audience.
These are the facts and figures used to support a writer’s claims or thesis.
Effective use of logos also benefits the author’s ethos. How is the use of logos
demonstrated in the article? Cite specific examples from the text. Make sure you
properly integrate your textual evidence, as well.


5. CRITICAL RESPONSE: U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood that

“people continue to assume that they can drive and text or talk at the same
time.” Despite these new driving laws, people’s attitudes toward multitasking
while driving have yet to change.”
Your friend, who texts and drives and does many tasks simultaneously (believes
in multitasking while driving). Write a response to your friend (It can be in the
form of a letter or email message) to refute his claim that multitasking while
driving is not that dangerous. You can use evidence from the text. Give one
piece of evidence using logos, ethos and pathos to change your friend’s attitude
toward multitasking while driving. You can cite specific examples from the text.
Make sure you properly integrate your textual evidence, as well.


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