Ndola Airport September 18th, 1961

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The document discusses the setting up of a commission of jurists to investigate the cause of Dag Hammarskjold's death in 1961 and the Archbishop of Sweden's assertion that he was murdered.

Archbishop Hammar is convinced that Dag Hammarskjold did not die in an air accident but was murdered.

An enabling committee chaired by Lord Lea has announced the setting up of a commission of jurists to inquire into the cause of Dag Hammarskjold's death. The commission includes judges and diplomats from several countries.

A death in Africa

Copy out of the Victor E. Rosez collection

Who killed Dag

Archbishop claims UN secretary general was murdered in
mysterious air crash in Zambia in 1961, writes Trevor Grundy

he former head of the Church of Swe-
They believed den, Archbishop Karl Gustav Ham-
they had seen Dag mar, is convinced that the Secretary
Hammarskjold’s General of the United Nations Dag
plane being shot Hammarskjold did not die in an air accident
at in the sky on the night of 18 September 1961 a few miles
outside Ndola Airport in the then northern
Rhodesia but that he was murdered.
“He was murdered! The rumours have
been there from the beginning, but have
been dismissed as sheer conspiracy theories
associated with accidents involving impor-
tant persons,” he told me.
This contentious assertion from one of
Europe’s best respected theologians came as
an enabling committee chaired by the former
trade union leader Lord Lea of Crondall (the
committee includes the former Secretary
General of the Commonwealth, HE Chief ing the United Nations inquiry of 1961-1962.
Emeka Anyaoku) announced the setting up The late Dag Hammarskjold - his memory
of a commission of jurists to inquire into the (and death) won’t go away. (Courtesy of
cause of the death of Hammarskjold, the sec- the Hammarskjold Foundation, Sweden)
ond UN Secretary-General from 1953 until his
tragic death on 18 September 1961. If evidence is found to warrant re-opening
The members of the commission of jurists the UN Inquiry, it will be presented to the
include Sir Stephen Sedley of the UK (Chair): UN, pursuant to General Assembly resolu-
Ambassador Hans Corell of Sweden: Justice tion 1759 (XV11) which requests the secre-
Richard Goldstone of South Africa and Judge tary general to inform the General Assembly
Wilhelmina Thomassen of The Netherlands. of “any new evidence that many come to his
It is proposed that the commission of jurists attention.”
should review all the new evidence that has “Work has already started,” Lord Lea told
emerged about Hammarskjold’s death to de- me. ”I don’t want to speculate what this will
termine whether there is a case for re-open- cost. We hope it will be funded by a chari-

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A death in Africa

Why was a playing

card, said to
be the Ace of
Spades, found
tucked into the
dead secretary-
general’s collar?

Except if the DC6 had a

Damaged trees show the descent angle of The Albertina as it crashed. Had it been wing in fire due to the
shot down it would most likely have plunged into the ground rather than the apparent impact of a tracer bullet.
controlled descent apparent from this photo (Picture: Adrian Begg)/

And Archbishop Hammar – he spent a

week in Zambia last December speaking to
people who said they witnessed what took
place on the night of 17 September 1961 out-
side Ndola and who told him they believed
they had seen Dag Hammarskjold’s plane be-
ing shot at in the sky – told me: “I think it is
finally time to clear this matter up.”
Flying on a UN mission to try and bring
peace to the war-ravaged Congo soon af-
ter its independence from Belgium in 1960,
Lord (Douglas Hurd, the former British Dag Hammarskjold’s Swedish-owned plane
Foreign Secretary. He said that the British crashed near Ndola Airport in the British Pro-
and French regarded Dag Hammarskjold tectorate of Northern Rhodesia in the early
as “a safe pair of hands.” (Picture: Trevor hours of Monday 18 September, 1961. All but
Grundy). one of the passengers and crew were killed.
The lone survivor later died in hospital. Eight
table organization. It is obviously a very im- months earlier, the Congolese Prime Minis-
portant undertaking.” ter Patrice Lumumba had been assassinated
Added HE Chief Anyaoku: “I think it in Katanga, on the other side of the Zambian
would be of very great interest to many in border, which had illegally declared its seces-
the Commonwealth (54 countries, most of sion from the freshly–independent Congo.
them once part of the now defunct British
Empire) to clear the air on this question, Vital questions
which has been in the background for such
a long time, with such a distinguished com- Questions were immediately asked about
mission of jurists.” the crash and included:

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l Why did the sole survivor say the plane that together with a friend he saw a burn-
Not everyone blew up before it cashed? ing plane slanting heavily before hitting the
believes there was l Why did some local residents report ground with one of the wings on fire. He
a conspiracy or seeing a smaller second plane attack a larger believed that even though he didn’t witness
a cover up – just one that night? what caused the plane to crash itself, the
one more tragic, l Why was the wreckage not found offi- plane was burning because it was shot down.
unsolved death in cially for 15 hours though only 8 miles from The second witness, Safeli Mulenga, saw the
Africa the airport? plane catch fire in mid air while circling over
l Why was a playing card, said to be the Ndola for the third time. Mme. Kamkasa, the
Ace of Spades, found tucked into the dead third witness I spoke to, told me that her late
The worst is that honest secretary-general’s collar? husband had called her out of their house af-
investigators or witnesses l Why did the authorities only arrive (of- ter seeing a big plane being shot at. She saw
(such as many locals) are
called mythomanic by ficially) at the crash site after 15:00 on the for herself two planes returning to Ndola air-
others who don't believe 18th September? port.”
in a criminal case without
having themselves any In the view of the enabling committee, Hammar said he never believed the theo-
concrete evidence that the which includes the British academic Susan ry that it was an ordinary air accident caused
crash was due to both an
accident and/ or a pilot
Williams who spent her early years in Zam- by pilot error. “Too many stakeholders in the
error... bia and who is the author of the book Who on-going Congo crises hated Hammarskjold
Killed Hammarskjold? The UN, the Cold War and wanted him dead. This was during the
ad White Supremacy in Africa (Hurst & Com- Cold War and the American CIA and the Brit-
Maybe because of their pany, London 2011) these questions have ish M16, together with their counterpart in
garden with daffodils?
never been successfully answered, despite the Soviet Union, had a powerful presence.
two investigations held in the British-run This was also the era of de-colonization,
Central African Federation (CAF) and a UN in which former colonies in Africa gained
Commission of Inquiry in 1961-1962 which independence while eastern and western
reached an open verdict about the cause of powers were seeking new ways of influenc-
the statesman’s death. ing the new African states. It was also about
Explaining the reasons why the commis- the Belgian, French and British struggle to
sion had been set up and why it is timely, maintain economic influence over the rich
Lord Lea said that there is prima facie evi- natural resources in the former colonies,
dence from Williams’s book, and from other with the help of mercenaries. Last, but not
sources, that there is new information about least, it was about the racist white minority
the events leading to the crash and the crash in the Central African Federation of Rho-
itself that ought to be evaluated. He asked, desia and Nyasaland who tried to create an
“Why are we doing this?” and answered, apartheid state similar to South Africa. It was
“Because we believe that the whole of the this regime that controlled Ndola Airport
truth, in significant respects, has yet to be and wanted to see an independent Katanga,
told. There is now, I think, a following wind which was the main issue in the Congo cri-
behind us is setting up the Commission at sis, only 10 kms away from its border. It was
this time.” those who hated Hammarskjold the most for
Dr Hammar told me that during a visit to his support to African independence and his
Zambia last December he spoke to several resistance against sustained European eco-
people who witnessed the crash. nomical power in Africa.”
“I was introduced to people who were eye Henning Melber, Executive Director of
witnesses to what took place on the night The Dag Hammarskjold Foundation in Upp-
of 17-18 September in Ndola. One of them sala, Sweden, told me, “Susan’s book was
was Johnny Ngongo, working as a charcoal very important to this new initiative. While
burner close to the crash sIte. He told me the title promises something the book does

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not answer, it presents sufficient evidence terests. As a result the Congolese asked the
which merits further investigation. The aim Russians for help. Political tinkers, financial The plan was for
(of the judicial inquiry) is to have another tailors, mercenary soldiers and spies in their “rebel” Katanga
– maybe final – effort to find out what really hundreds descended on Central Africa.” leader Tshombe
happened. It might be too late, but better late During a radio talk on the BBC last year, to hold private
than never. For too long the matter and all the writer John le Carre (author of The Spy talks with Dag
the disturbing evidence had been swept un- Who Came In From the Cold and Tinker, Tai- Hammarskjold
der the carpet. It is overdue to have anther lor, Soldier, Spy) said that a new generation with a view to
look.” of readers around the world has an insa- returning the
Last September, historians from America, tiable appetite for what took place in Africa copper-rich
Belgium India and Britain met at London and elsewhere during the Cold War. province to
University for a one-day conference orga- “We have,” he said, “an audience that central Congolese
nized by the Institute of Commonwealth knew the Cold War and wants to revisit it. government
Studies to discuss the death of Hammarsk- Then we have the new audience that knows control
jold. Like Susan Williams, none of the aca- nothing about the Cold War. Then there is
demics was able to give a convincing answer the third general audience that is deeply
about whether his death was an accident or dismayed by the performance of our intel-
the result of Cold War intrigue in the mineral ligence service which feels alienated both
rich Congo. from government policy and foreign policy.”
During four years of research, Williams, I believe the same separate but inter-related
who is a senior research fellow at the Insti- audiences should read Susan Williams’s
tute of Commonwealth Studies, examined book which seeks an answer to perhaps an
previously classified documents. In Zambia, unanswerable question – who or what killed
she interviewed African witnesses who said Hammarskjold?
that they definitely saw a second plane in But not everyone believes there was a con-
the sky shortly before Hammarskjold’s plane spiracy or a cover up – just one more tragic,
crashed – evidence that was discounted by unsolved death in Africa.
the original Rhodesian Commission of In- The distinguished South African histo-
quiry. She also found evidence that post rian JRT Wood (author of The Welensky Pa-
mortem photographs may have been doc- pers, So Far and No Further and A Matter of
tored and she interviewed a former Ameri- Weeks Rather than Months) told me, “I do
can intelligence officer (based in Cyprus in not know of anything to dispute the original
1961) who said he heard a recording of a pilot finding that the aircraft was flying too low
shooting down Hammarskjold’s plane. and crashed in line with the runway but sev-
en miles out. The reason for the wreck not
Hated by settlers being found was because the tower had as-
sumed at midnight that it had gone back to
In a review of Williams’s book which I wrote the Congo. The aircraft crew had over-flown
for Scotland’s Sunday Herald, I wrote, ”Ham- their hours and were flying in radio silence
marskjold was hated by European settlers in and without lights. Intercepting the aircraft
Central and Southern Africa because of the on a dark night without radar would have
UN’s support for the newly – independent, been so difficult that it can be ruled out.
quasi communistic Congolese government Sergeant Julian, the survivor, was so badly
based in Leopoldville. Separatists, led by burnt that he was incoherent. There were
Moise Tshombe in the copper-rich Katanga expended bullets found but they had not
province, had revolted against central gov- been fired from a weapon. They were pistol
ernment with the help of Belgian, South rounds which had cooked off in the heat. I
African, American and British mining in- believe that the enquiry is simply a waste of

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time but for some reason conspiracy theories lice Land Rover across the road, forming an
“My view about never lack oxygen.” effective blockade which brought the me-
the crash is still Following the publication of Who Killed dia convoy to a screeching halt. It wasn’t a
that it was a tragic Hammarskjold, several new and important popular move – a couple of the journalists
case of pilot error findings relating to the crash have been were mates of mine. It was a long boring
but I’m open to brought into the light of day. They include wait. Nobody seemed to have any idea what
persuasion if new colour photographs of the crash site that time Hammarskjold was due, and very little
evidence shows were taken by Adrian Begg, who in 1961 was information was filtering through to those
otherwise” a 20-year old officer in the Northern Rho- of us on the ground. A plane landed that we
desia Police. I worked alongside Begg at the thought must be his but we learned that it
Other views Standard in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania where was the British politician, Lord Lansdowne,
contradict this we were employed as feature writers. Begg who had also (like Tshombe) come from
lives in Australia and he recently wrote a fas- Leopoldville. (That must be Katanga)
cinating account of his role in the discovery “Then, around midnight local time, an-
of Dag Hammarskjold’s body. other plane arrived over the airport. From
He said that 17 September 1961 started where I was standing near the boundary
as a normal, quiet Sunday shift at Ndola’s fence, parallel with the runway, it was low
A clear and
Central Police Station. But, “it soon became enough to see the cabin and the navigation cloudless
obvious that there was something big on lights all of which were on. It headed away night as I
the go. Officers were being called in from towards the west. Some time later the run- that night
home and in the early afternoon I was sent way lights were turned off and a senior of- when I was
in Elisabeth-
with a squad of other officers to secure Ndo- ficer, Supt. Bob Read, came out of the airport ville.
la Airport and put in security lockdown in building to tell the police on duty outside
readiness for VIP arrivals. The word quickly that we could stand down. We asked him
spread among us that Dag Hammarskjold why the plane hadn’t landed and he just
was expected.” shrugged and said that apparently Hammar-
He went on: ”My job was to ensure the skjold had changed his mind and gone else-
airport car park, outside the perimeter fence, where which, we learned later, was the offi-
and at one point I was ordered to stop the cial line set by Lord Alport, the British High
waiting media posse from following Katan- Commissioner (based in Salisbury, southern
ga’s rebel leader Moise Tshombe, who was Rhodesia) who had taken charge of the ar-
being taken to a nearby government resi- rangements that day.”
dence to await Hammarskjold’s arrival.” Begg returned to the Ndola Central Police
Station and discussed the day’s events with
Meeting rebel leader police colleagues. “Marius van Wyk, who had
been on security duty at the house where
The plan was for “rebel” Katanga leader Tshombe was staying, arrived somewhat ex-
Tshombe to hold private talks with Dag cited about what he had seen – a bright flash
Hammarskjold with a view to returning the that lit up the sky soon after Hammarskjold’s
copper-rich province to central Congolese plane flew over. This started us speculating
government control. The meeting would that something had happened to the plane.”
have been between the two men with no Begg rang Ndola Airport to report what
interference from leaders of the white-run had been seen. “When I failed to get through,
Central African Federation or the British another officer, Keith Pennock and I drove to
Government in charge of CAF since its for- the airport which was then in darkness and
mation in 1953. apparently deserted (it was after 3 am). We
Begg continued, “As Tshombe’s car swept went to the control tower, which was open,
past, I used the simple tactic of driving a po- and found the radio operator asleep. We

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woke him, told him of our concerns and he the life of Harold Julian (the sole survivor)
said we should tell John Williams, the air- who was still alive at that time and perhaps The writer went
port manager, who had just returned from even Hammarskjold himself, who according on to say that the
an overseas holiday and was staying at the to some sources, may have survived for a most “damning
Rhodes Hotel in Ndola. We rang the hotel but short time after the crash.” report” refers to a
got no answer, so Pennock and I then drove Asked if he thought the new inquiry would meeting between
there. Williams wasn’t overjoyed at being reveal – as Archbishop Hammar believes that M15, Special
woken up and I still recall his exact words Hammarskjold was murdered – Begg told Operations
when we told him what had been seen, and me, “My view about the crash is still that it Executive, the CIA
our concern that this might mean that the was a tragic case of pilot error but I’m open and SAIMR
plane had crashed: ‘That just doesn’t hap- to persuasion if new evidence shows other-
pen. VIP planes don’t crash.’ He told us noth- wise. I can’t accept the theory that there was
ing could be done in the middle of the night an attempt to hijack the plane or divert it to
and there would be no point ordering an air Kolwezi – even a dumb bunch of mercenar-
search before first light. ies and copper miners should have been able
“Did Williams know more than he was to work out that any ‘agreement’ made with
letting on that night? I don’t think so. Obvi- the Secretary-General under duress while
ously he was irritable at being roused from he was being held as a kidnap victim would
his bed by two very junior police officers, but hardly have had any validity! As for the “sec-
my memory is of a man grappling with a sit- ond aircraft” the most likely explanation re-
uation that was spiraling out of his control. I mains that what people saw was the high tail
believe he genuinely wanted to believe, as he light on the DC6 which would have appeared
told Keith Pennock and me, that the plane to be following the plane. The departure of
would turn up safely on the ground some- Lansdowne’s plane a few minutes earlier
where in the morning.” was also, I think, the cause of some confu-
Begg wasn’t happy and phoned the po- sion. But all that aside, here are still a lot of
lice in nearby Mufalira (on the Zambian unanswered questions which perhaps a new
Copperbelt). He suggested the station there inquiry could find answers for.”
send out a road patrol to search. “Then we These clear memories from a respected
phoned one of our senior officers to report journalist are of value in any new UN inquiry
developments and to get his permission for into the Swedish diplomat’s death/assassi-
Ndola police also to send out a road patrol. nation/murder.
Between them, the patrols would cover the
road between Ndola and Mufalira and hope- Not talking
fully, might be able to spot burning wreck-
age.” I asked Lord Lea to talk about some of the
evidence that had come to light since 1961
Junior officers but he didn’t want to talk about that. I asked
if it would cost British taxpayers anything.
It should be remembered that Adrian Begg He said it would not. He hoped a suitable
and Keith Pennock were very junior of- charitable organization could be found to
ficers, “so we were taking quite a lot on meet travelling expenses etc.
ourselves in going against the advice of an Our short “interview” ended, leaving me
experienced airport manager that there was wondering if JRT Wood could be right – Con-
no cause to concern.” spiracy theories never lack oxygen.
To this day, Begg says that he regrets po- But . . . In 1998 during the findings of the
lice patrols failed to find the crash site that Truth and Reconciliation Commission in
night “as we might have been able to save South Africa, Reuters reported that Chair-

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man Archbishop Desmond Tutu released time Research (SAIMR), cover the period
The British documents which suggested a “Western from July 1960 to September 17 1961 – the day
Foreign Office plot” behind Hammarskjold’s death. The on which Hammarskjold’s aircraft crashed
denies that London senior Anglican cleric decided to release the while approaching the airport at Ndola.
was involved in documents, although he could not verify In addition to outlining Operation Celeste
any plot to kill the their authenticity. (as it was called in the communications) the
Swedish diplomat Marlene Burger, writing in the Johannes- documents implicate the SAIMR and inter-
burg-based Mail & Guardian breathed a sigh national intelligence agencies in the death of
of relief. “For once, “she wrote under a head- Patrice Lumumba, the Congolese nationalist
line CIA and M15 linked to Hammarskjold’s who was dubbed by London, Brussels and
death, “apartheid’s dirty tricks brigade ap- Washington a rabid communist. Lumumba
pears to have been falsely accused of involve- was deposed in September 1960 and shot
ment in the murder.” dead while escaping from custody in the
The story is worth telling at some length. breakaway Congolese Province of Katanga
It was first reported by Reuters. A year in 1961.
later, there appeared in the USA magazine She wrote: ”The documents, found by a
Probe (March –April 1999 Vol 6 No3) an ar- (unnamed) truth commission researcher in-
ticle by Lisa Pease entitled “Midnight in the vestigating an apparently unrelated matter,
Congo”. More recently, the London Progres- implicate the then CIA Chief Allen Dulles in
sive Journal’s John Green brought Operation Operation Celeste. They also claim that the
Celeste to life again in an article called CIA explosives used for the bomb that downed
and M15 linked to assassination in the Congo the aircraft were supplied by a Belgium
in Sixties. mining conglomerate, Union Miniere. The
Burger’s report begins, “Documents the company had extensive interests in copper-
Truth Commission stumbled across linking rich Katanga and is known to have backed
South African agents to the airline death of Tshombe’s use of mercenaries, including the
UN Chief Dag Hammarskjold, also reveal that group led by South Africa’s Colonel “Mad
the project was hatched at the highest levels Mike“ Hoare.”
of the CIA and M15. The alleged plot to assas- The writer went on to say that the most
sinate United Nations Secretary General Dag “damning report” refers to a meeting be-
Hammarskjold 37 years ago was the brain- tween M15, Special Operations Executive, the
child of at least two British security agencies CIA and SAIMR at which it was recorded that
– M15 and the Special Operations Executive – Dulles “agrees . . . Dag is becoming trouble-
and the CIA, top secret documents show. For some and . . . should be removed.” According
once, apartheid’s dirty tricks brigade appears to the documents, Dulles “has promised full
to have been falsely accused of involvement co-operation from his people . . . Dag will be
in the murder. “ in Leopoldville on or about 12/9?61. The air-
The writer told how a series of messages craft ferrying him will be a DC6 in the livery
between a commodore and a captain, whose of (Swedish company) Transair.”
names had been expunged by the Truth and Then this.
Reconciliation Commission, point to a plot “The captain is ordered to ‘see that Leo
hatched on South African soil by a group airport (Leopoldville, (now Kinshasa) as well
which had access to vast amounts of money as Elizabethville (now Lubumbashi) is cov-
and the ability to muster mercenary forces to ered by your people, as I want his removal to
protect international investment in turbu- be handled more efficiently than was Patrice
lent post-colonial Africa. (Lumumba).’ ”
The messages, said Burger, all on letter- Burger’s report continues, “The first mes-
heads of the South African Institute for Mari- sage is dated July 12, 1960, less than two

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weeks after the Congo became independent: Operation Celeste had been turned over to
‘Head Office is rather concerned with devel- Nelson Mandela and the (then) South Af- Key questions
opments in the Congo, particularly the Haute rican Justice Minister, Dullah Omar “who about
Katanga, where it appears the local strong- will,” said the report, “decide what further Hammarskjold’s
man Mois Tshombe, supported by Union Mi- action should be taken.” death have never
niere, is planning a secession.’ “ What action was taken? Who has the doc- been satisfactorily
The writer claims to “have it on good au- uments? Mandela is 94. What will happen to resolved, despite
thority that the UNO (United Nations Organ- them when he dies – given that he actually several inquiries
isation) will want to get its greedy paws on has them? Why the secrecy? including a UN
the province.” He says he has been instructed The British Foreign Office denies that Commission of
to ask the captain “to send as many agents as London was involved in any plot to kill the Inquiry in 1961-
you think would be needed to bolster Congo Swedish diplomat. And while Susan Williams 1962 which
red’s unit in case of future problems?” is unable to point to anyone with a smoking reached an open
She does not explain what “Congo red’s gun in his/her hand. she leaves readers of verdict
unit” is or what it refers to. And what does her book with the distinct feeling that mer-
this mean – “The writer claims to have it on cenaries in the employ of Union Miniere and
good authority that the UNO will want to get white politicians hoping to extend for several
its greedy paws on the province?” decades white rule in central Africa were be-
Civil war broke out in the Congo four hind the plot to kill Hammarskjold.
days after independence and Tshombe an-
nounced Katanga’s secession of July 11. The Foreign secretary speaks
commodore records this in his next message,
sent on July 15, the day UN troops arrived at At a London conference held on 2 Septem-
Lumumba’s request. The next section reads ber 2011 to mark the 50th anniversary of
like an extract from Frederick Forsyth’s book, Hammarskjold’s death, a former British For-
The Day of the Jackal. eign Secretary, Douglas Hurd (now Baron
“The next orders inform the captain: Hurd of Westwell), painted an interesting
‘Your contact with CIA is Dwight. He will verbal portrait of the UN Secretary General
be residing at Hotel Leopold 11 in Elizabeth- whom he met several times. In the 1950s
ville from now until November 1, 1961. The after the Suez Crisis. Hurd said that at the
password is: How is Celeste these days? His time of Hammarskjold’s appointment at UN
response should be: She’s recovering nicely Secretary general in 1953 he was regarded by
apart from the cough.’ ” the British and the French as a safe pair of
Burger’s report continues, “Hammarsk- hands.” He was expected to be a calming
jold’s death appears to have been part of an influence on the organization – “a calming,
attempt to prevent Katanga’s mineral wealth intelligent influence as one would expect
from falling under communist control.” from a senior Swedish diplomat.”
But something happened to the man. He
Dismissed by CIA and MI5 became a strong supporter of African nation-
alism and an enemy of what Kwame Nkru-
Burger points out that all of these “stumbled mah used to call “neo-colonialism, the last
across” documents had been dismissed by stage of imperialism” which saw black lead-
the CIA and M15. And where are they now, ers replace white leaders in former colonies
these documents that lay blame for a great but to what long-lasting benefit to Africa,
man’s death at the door of two of the world’s what advantage to filthy poor indigenous
most important secret service agencies – peoples?
the CIA and M15? A BBC report (August 19, Hurd told an audience made up of aca-
1998) said that the documents pertaining to demics and men and women once closely

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associated with Africa, that after a while General propped up against an ant hill, hav-
If ever the “it became clear that another aspect of his ing (supposedly) crawled out of a plane in
Hammarskjold (Hammarskjold’s) character was coming to flames before breathing his last. And then a
saga is turned the fore. I remember my boss Pierson Dixon close up of a playing card that survived the
into a Hollywood making a comparison which often people flames (or which had been stuck into his
blockbuster, the made in those days where he talked about collar by someone after the crash) – the Ace
opening scene Hammarskjold as having a pontifical man- of Spades, the so-called Death Card used by
could be chilling ner. And that was not a word chosen at ran- the Mafia after gangland slayings.
dom. It was a suggestion that the Secretary The man who led the investigating into
General of the United Nations was gradually Hammarskjöld’s death in 1961 was the late
working himself into the position of a pope. Julian (Jerry) Day. Until the day he died,
That is to say he was gradually assuming, not this senior southern Rhodesian intelligence
precisely infallibility, but an assumption in officer insisted that the pilot had confused
his own mind that he had a mission: and the Ndola’s altitude with sea level and that Dag
mission was to uphold the role and impor- Hammarskjöld’s body was found with an ace
tance and integrity of the United Nations and of spaces stuck in his collar. Why? No-one
the secretary general was the high priest.” knows.
He said:, “He had that sort of inner Will the truth emerge from a new inquiry
strength which comes to people who have that could lead to the re-opening of a UN in-
a conviction that they have heard voices quiry?
as Joan of Arc did. They are inspired. They In the view of the Enabling Committee
have a mission. They have a vocation. He chaired by Lord Lea, key questions about
was determined to make the office of Secre- Hammarskjold’s death have never been sat-
tary General something more important and isfactorily resolved, despite several inquiries
more interesting, more than his predecessor including a UN Commission of Inquiry in
Trygve Halvdan Lie (1945-1952) had sought 1961-1962 which reached an open verdict.
to do. Hammarskjold persuaded himself that If fresh evidence is found to warrant re-
he had a particular mission and that rather opening the UN Inquiry – and surely it must
altered the way in which you handled him. include accusations that the CIA and M15
Because if you are talking to a high priest could have been involved in a plot to kill
you have a different tone of voice from if you Hammarskjold – it will be presented to the
were talking to any old diplomat.” United Nations pursuant to general Assem-
Asked for his view on who or what killed bly resolution 1759 (XV11) which requests
Hammarskjold, Adrian Begg told me: ”As the Secretary General to inform the General
someone who for many years was a journal- Assembly of ‘any new evidence which may
ist and who, during a brief career as a police- come to his attention’ (1962).
man had a very minor role on the fringes of But fresh evidence gleaned from the mem-
this tragic and momentous event, I’m tempt- ories of men and women who saw flashes in
ed by the theory of Ockham’s Razor. This the sky over Ndola Airport over half a cen-
tells us that where there are many compet- tury ago?
ing hypotheses, the simplest explanation is The words of the American poet, Robert
Trevor Grundy is usually the most reliable.” Penn Warren remind us just how hard it is
a British journalist to track down the truth after the passing of a
who lived and Movie scenario long period of time. He wrote -
worked in central, The answer is in the back of the book
eastern and If ever the Hammarskjold saga is turned into But the page is gone
southern Africa a Hollywood blockbuster, the opening scene And grandma told you the truth
from 1966-1996. could be chilling – the dead UN Secretary But she is dead. CT

20 ColdType | September 2012

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