MSC Chemistry For Colleges 2018-19

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M.Sc. Chemistry (For Colleges)

(Semester: I - IV)
Examinations: 2018-19


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M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester System) (For Colleges)

Scheme of Courses

Max. Marks Hrs.

Semester- I
Course-I Ligand Field Theory 50 45
Course-II Organic Reaction Mechanism-I 50 45
Course-III Physical Chemistry – Thermodynamics 50 45
Course-IV Spectroscopy A: Techniques for Structure 75 60
Elucidation of Organic Compounds
Course-V Computer for Chemists – Theory 50 45
Computer for Chemists - Practical 25 30
Course-VI Inorganic Chemistry Practical 75 60
(Quantitative Analysis)
Course-VII Organic Chemistry Practical 75 60
Total: 450 390
Course-VIII Organometallics Chemistry 50 45
Course-IX Organic Reaction Mechanism -II 50 45
Course-X Physical Chemistry – Quantum Chemistry 50 45
Course-XI Reaction Mechanisms and Metal Clusters 50 45
Course-XII Spectroscopy B: Techniques for Structure 75 60
Elucidation of Inorganic Compounds
Course-XIII Mathematics for Chemists 25 30
Biology for Chemists
Course-XIV Organic Chemistry Practical 75 60
Cpourse-XV Physical Chemistry Practical 75 60
Total: 450 390
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester I-IV) (Only For Colleges)
Max. Hrs.
Course-XVI Inorganic Chemistry-II 50 45
Course-XVII Organic Synthesis 50 45
Course-XVIII Surface and Polymer Chemistry 50 45
Course-XIX Electrochemistry and Chemical Dynamics 50 45
Course-XX Photochemistry and Pericyclic reactions 50 45
Course-XXI Inorganic Chemistry Practical 75 60
Course-XXII Physical Chemistry Practical 75 60
Total: 400 345


Course-XXIII Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 75 60

Course-XXIV Natural Products 75 60
Course-XXV Chemistry of Materials 75 60
Course-XXVI Advanced Practical
- Organic Synthesis 50 90
- Inorganic Synthesis 50 90
- Physical Chemistry 50 90
Total: 375 450
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-I) (FOR COLLEGES)
Course I
Ligand Field Theory
45 Hrs. Max. Marks: 50
Time: 3 Hrs.

Note: The students are allowed to use Non-Programmable Calculator.

Instructions for the Paper Setters:

Eight questions of equal marks (Specified in the syllabus) are to be set, two in each of the four
Sections (A-D). Questions may be subdivided into parts (not exceeding four). Candidates are
required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one question from each Section. The fifth
question may be attempted from any Section.

1. Symmetry (10Hrs.)
Symmetry elements, symmetry operations and their matrix representation, group postulates and
types, multiplication tables, point group determination, determination of reducible and
irreducible representations, character tables, construction of character tables for C2v, C3v (non-
abelian group), use of symmetry in obtaining symmetry of orbitals in molecules, use of character
table to determine which metal orbitals are used in σ and π bond formation in octahedral,
tetrahedral and square planar transition metal complexes, qualitative splitting of s, p, d, f orbitals
in octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar fields using character tables and without the use of
character tables.
2. Molecular Orbital Theory for Metal Complexes (5 Hrs.):
Recapitulaltions, ligands symmetry orbitals and metal orbitals involved in molecular orbitals
formation in octahderal complexes, MOEL diagrams for octahedral tetrahedral and square planar
complexes showing σ and π bonding in transition metal complexes.
3. Interelectronic Repulsions (5 Hrs.):
Spin-spin, orbital-orbital and spin orbital coupling, LS and jj coupling schemes, determination of
all the spectroscopic terms of pn, dn ions, determination of the ground state terms for pn, dn, fn
ions using L.S. scheme, determination of total degeneracy of terms, order of interelectronic
repulsions and crystal field strength in various fields, two type of electron repulsion parameters,
spin orbit coupling parameters (λ) energy separation between different j states, The effect of
octahedral and tetrahedral fields on S, P, D and F terms (with help of the character table),
splitting patterns of and G, H and I terms.

4. Free Ions in Medium and Strong Crystal Fields (5 Hrs.):
Strong field configurations, transition from weak to strong crystal fields, evaluation of strong
crystal field terms of d2 configuration in octahedral and tetrahedral crystal fields (using group
theory), construction of the correlation energy level diagrams of d2 configuration in octrahedral
field, study of energy level diagrams for higher configurations, selection rules of electronic
transitions in transition metal complexes, their proof using group theory, relaxation of the
selection rule in centrosymmetric and non-centrosymmetric molecules, Orgel diagrams, Tanabe
Sugano diagrams
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-I) (FOR COLLEGES)

5. Magnetic Properties (7 Hrs.):

Van Vlecks formula for susceptibility, first order Zeeman effect, second order Zeeman effect,
KT states, quenching of orbitals angular momentum by ligand field, the magnetic properties of A
and E terms, the magnetic properties of T terms, elecronic delocalization, magnetic properties of
dn and fn metal ions.
6. Electronic Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes (13 Hrs.):
Variation of the Racah parameter, nephlauxetic effect -central field covalency, symmetry
restricted covalency, differential radial expansion, spectrochemical series, band intensities,
factors influencing band widths, discussion of electronic spectra of octahedral and tetrahedral d1
– d9 metal ions, calculation of 10Dq and B with use of Orgel and Tanabe Sugano diagrams, low
spin complexes of Mn3+, Mn2+, Fe3+, Co3+, Fe2+, comment on the spectra of second and third
transition series, spectra of K3MoCl6 and [Rh(NH3)6]3+, spectra of cis and trans[Co(en)2X2]+,
[Mn(H2O)6]2+, CuSO4.5H2O and its anhydrous complex, comparison of d–d band with f–f bands.
Introduction to Charge Transfer Spectra.

Recommended Books:
1. F.A. Cotton, Chemical Application of Group Theory, Wiley Eastern.
2. G. L. Miessler, D. A. Tarr, Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd edition, Pearson Education.
3. B.N. Figgis, Introduction to Ligand Field, Wiley Eastern.
4. A.B.P. Lever, Inorganic Electronic Spectroscopy, Elsevier.
5. A. Earnshaw, Introduction to Magnetochemistry, Academic Press.
6. J.E. Huheey, Inorganic Chemistry Principles of Structure and Reactivity, Harper
7. R.S. Drago, Physical Method in Chemistry, W.B. Saunders Company.
8. F.A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley Inter-science.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-I) (FOR COLLEGES)
Organic Reaction Mechanism- I
45 Hrs Max. Marks: 50
Time: 3 hrs.

Note: The students are allowed to use Non-Programmable Calculator.

Instructions for the Paper Setters:

Eight questions of equal marks (Specified in the syllabus) are to be set, two in each of the four
Sections (A-D). Questions may be subdivided into parts (not exceeding four). Candidates are
required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one question from each Section. The fifth
question may be attempted from any Section.

1. Nature of Bonding in Organic Reactions: (4 Hrs.)
Aromaticity in Benzenoid and non-benzenoid compounds. Huckel’ Rule, Alternant and non-
alternant hydrocarbons. Energy levels of π(pi) molecular orbitals in simple systems. Annulenes,
Antiaromaticity, Homoaromaticity, PMO approach.

2. Stereochemistry : (8 Hrs.)
Elements of symmetry, chirality, molecules with more than one chiral center. Threo and erythro
isomers, methods of resolution, optical purity. Prochirality – enantiotopic and diastereotopic
atoms, groups and faces. Stereospecific and stereoselective synthesis. Asymmetric synthesis.
Optical activity in absence of chiral carbon (Biphenyls, Allenes, Spiranes). Chirality due to
helical shape.
3. Reaction Mechanism, Structure and Reactivity: (8 Hrs.)
Types of mechanisms, types of reactions, thermodynamic and kinetic requirements, Kinetic and
thermodynamic control in product formation. Transition states and reaction intermediates,
Isotope effects, Hard and Soft Acid Base concept, Study of reactive intermediates – Types of
intermediates, isolation and detection of intermediates (including use of spectral techniques),
trapping of intermediates.

4. Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitution – A: (4 Hrs.)

The SN2, SN1 and SNi mechanisms, mixed SN1 & SN2 mechanism SET mechanism. The
neighbouring group mechanism (anchimeric assistance). Neighbouring group participation by pi
and sigma bonds.
5. Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitution – B: (6 Hrs.)
Classical, non-classical & phenonium cations, Rearrangements in carbocations (general survey).
Ester hydrolysis. Nucleophilic substitution at allylic, aliphatic trigonal and vinylic carbon. Effect
on the reactivity due to – substrate structure, attacking nucleophile, leaving group and reaction
medium. Ambident nucleophiles and substrates, regioselectivity. Meyer’s synthesis of aldehydes,
ketones, acids and esters. Alkylation by organoboranes.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-I) (FOR COLLEGES)
6. Aliphatic Electrophilic Substituion: (5 Hrs.)
Bimolecular mechanism – SE2 and SEi. The SE1 mechanism, Hydrogen exchange, electrophilic
substitution accompained by double bond shifts, diazo-transfer reaction, formation of sulphur
ylides, effect of substrates, leaving group and solvent polarity on the reactivity.

7. Aromatic Electrophilic Substitution: (5 Hrs.)
The arenium ion mechanism, orientation and reactivity in mono substituted and di substituted
aromatics. Energy profile diagrams. The ortho/para ratio, ipso attack, orientation in other ring
systems. Quantitative treatment of reactivity in substrates and electrophiles. Diazo coupling,
Vilsmeir reaction, Gattermann-Koch reaction, Pechmann reaction, Houben – Hoesch reaction,
Fries rearangement.
8. Aromatic Nucleophilic Substitution: (5 Hrs.)
SNAr, SN1, benzyne and SRN1 mechanisms. Reactivity effect of substrate structure, leaving
group and nucleophile. The von Richter, Sommelet-Hauser, and Smiles rearrangements.

Books Recommended:

1. Stereochemistry - Eliel

2. Advanced Organic Chemistry – Jerry March.

3. Advanced Organic Chemistry, F. A. Carey, R. J. Sundberg, Volume I and II

4. Highlights of Organic Chemistry, W.J. L. Nobel; An Advanced Text Book.

5. Stereochemistry conformation and Mechanism – P. S. Kalsi

M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-I) (FOR COLLEGES)
Physical Chemistry – Thermodynamics

45 hrs. Max. Marks: 50

Time: 3 Hrs.

Note: The students are allowed to use Non-Programmable Calculator.

Instructions for the Paper Setters:

Eight questions of equal marks (Specified in the syllabus) are to be set, two in each of the four
Sections (A-D). Questions may be subdivided into parts (not exceeding four). Candidates are
required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one question from each Section. The fifth
question may be attempted from any Section.


1. Classical Thermodynamics (Hrs. 10)

Brief resume of concepts of thermodynamics, free energy, chemical potential and entropy.
Partial molar properties, partial molar free energy, partial molar volume and partial molar heat
content and their significances. Determination of these quantities. Concept of fugacity and
determination of fugacity.


Non-ideal systems (Hrs. 10)

Excess functions for non-ideal solutions. Activity, activity coefficients, Debye-Huckel theory for
activity coefficient of electrolytic solutions, determination of activity and activity coefficients,
ionic strength. Application of phase rule to three component system, second order phase
2. Statistical Thermodynamics: (Hrs 5)
Concept of distribution law, thermodynamic probability and most probable distribution,
Ensemble averaging, postulates of ensemble averaging. Canonical, grand canonical and
microcanonical ensembles, corresponding distribution laws (using Lagrange’s method of
undetermined multipliers).


Partition functions(Hrs.10)
Translational, rotational, vibrational and electronic partition function, calculation of
thermodynamic properties in terms of partition functions. Application of partition functions.

Heat capacity behavior of solids-chemical equilibria and equilibrium constants in terms of

partition functions, Fermi-Dirac statistics, distribution laws, and application to metals.
Bose-Einstein statistics- distribution law and application to helium.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-I) (FOR COLLEGES)

3. Non Equilibrium Thermodynamics: (Hrs 10)

Thermodynamic criteria for non-equilibrium states, entropy production and entropy flow,
entropy balance equations for different irreversible processes (e.g., heat flow, chemical reaction
etc.) transformations of generalized fluxes and forces, non-equilibrium stationery states,
phenomenological equations, microscopic reversibility and Onsager’s reciprocity relations,
electro kinetic phenomena, diffusion, electric conduction, irreversible thermodynamics for
biological systems, coupled reactions.

Books Suggested:
1. I F Nash: Elements of classical and statistical thermodynamics
2. Lee Bot: Irreversible thermodynamics
3. Thermodynamics of Biological Processes, D. Jou and J.E. Lee Bot
4. I Prigogine: Introduction to thermodynamics of irreversible processes
5. T L Hill: Introduction to statistical thermodynamics.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-I) (FOR COLLEGES)
SPECTROSCOPY – A: Techniques in Structure Elucidation of Organic Compounds

60 hrs. Max. Marks: 75

Time: 3 hrs.

Note: The students are allowed to use Non-Programmable Calculator.

Instructions for the Paper Setters:

Eight questions of equal marks (Specified in the syllabus) are to be set, two in each of the four
Sections (A-D). Questions may be subdivided into parts (not exceeding four). Candidates are
required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one question from each Section. The fifth
question may be attempted from any Section.


1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (17 Hrs.)

The Nuclear spin, Larmor frequency, the NMR isotopes, population of nuclear spin level, spin
and spin lattice relaxation. Measurement techniques (CW & FT method), solvent used. Chemical
shift, reference compounds, shielding constant, range of tyupical chemical Shifts simple
application of chemical shifts, ring current and aromaticity. Shifts for H and 13C. - Spin-spin
interactions, Low and High resolution spectra with various examples, Correlation of H bound to
carbon, H bound to other nuclei such as nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, Complex spin-spin
interaction, between two or more nuclei. Effect of chemical exchange, fluxional molecules,
Hindered rotation on NMR spectrum Karplus relationship, nuclear magnetic double resonance,
chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization. Brief introduction to multipulse NMR
spectroscopy, Application of structure elucidation of simple organic molecules Lanthanide shift.


2. Mass Spectroscopy (9 Hrs.)

Elementary theory - Measurement techniques (EI, CI, FD, FAB), Resolution, exact masses of
nuclides, Molecular ions, isotope ions, fragment ions of odd and even electron types,
rearrangement ions, Factors affecting cleavage patterns, simple cleavage, cleavages at a hetero
atom, multicentre fragmentations rearrangements, Reteroiels – Alder fragmentation. Cleavage
associated with common functional groups (Aldehydes, ketones cyclic and acyclic esters,
alcohols, lefins, aromatic compounds amines). - Special methods of GCMS, high resolution MS,
Introduction to radical anion mass spectroscopy. Interpretation of the spectrum of an unknown.

3. Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy (7 Hrs.)

The energy of electronic excitation, measurement techniques, Beer-Lambert Law, Molar
extinction coefficient. The Frank Condon Principle. Different types of transition noticed in UV
spectrum of organic functional groups and their relative energies. Chromophore, auxochromes,
factors affecting max, Effect of steric hindrance to coplanarity, Solvent Effects. Applications of
U.V. spectroscopy.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-I) (FOR COLLEGES)

4. Infrared Spectroscopy (12 Hrs.)

Vibrational Energy Levels, Selection Rules, Force Constant, Fundamental Vibration
Frequencies, Factors influencing Vibrational Frequencies (Vibrational Coupling, Hydrogen
Bonding, Electronic effect, Bond Angles, Field Effect). Sampling Techniques, Absorption of
Common functional Groups, Interpretation, Finger print Regions.

Applications in Organic Chemistry

(a) Determining purity and quantitative analysis.
(b) Studying reaction kinetics.
(c) Determining purity and quantitative analysis.
(d) Studying hydrogen bonding.
(e) Studying molecular geometry & conformational analysis.
(f) Studying reactive species


5. Solution of Structural Problems by Combined Use of the following Spectroscopic

Techniques: (15 Hrs.)
(a) Electronic spectra
(b) Vibrational spectroscopy
(c) NMR (1H and 13C) spectroscopy
(d) Mass Spectroscopy

Books Recommended:

1. W. Kemp. Organic Spectroscopy.

2. W. Kemp. N.M.R. Spectroscopy.

3. D.H. Williams and I. Fleming. Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry.

4. R.M. Silverstein & G.C. Bassler, Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds.

5. R.C. Banks, E.R. Matjeha and G. Mercer, Introductory Problems in Spectroscopy.

6. Introduction to Spectroscopy - Pavia

M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-I) (FOR COLLEGES)
Course –V
Computer for Chemists

75 Hrs. Total Marks: 75

Time: 3 hrs. Theory Marks: 50
Practical Marks: 25

Instructions for the Paper Setters:

Eight questions of equal marks (Specified in the syllabus) are to be set, two in each of the four
Sections (A-D). Questions may be subdivided into parts (not exceeding four). Candidates are
required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one question from each Section. The fifth
question may be attempted from any Section.

1. Computer Programming in C language 30 Hrs.

Principles of programming, algorithms and flowcharts.
Elementary programming, a typical C program, printf function.
Introduction of declarations, assignments and variables: concept of an integer, concept of a
variable, rules for naming variables, assignment statement, arithmetic operators.
Integer arithmetic expressions, truncation effects, relative priority of arithmetic operators, use of
parenthesis, modulus operator.
Floating point numbers, scientific notation, converting integers to floating point and vice versa ,
coercion and cast operator, type char.
Decision making in C, scanf function, relational operators, logical operators, if statement, if else
statement, nesting of if statement.
The while loop, do while loop, for loop, nesting of for loop.
Type char and ASCII code, character strings and how to print them, octal and hexadecimal
User defined functions, returning value from a function, functions with more than one
Arrays, declaring an array, initializing an array, break statement, strings and character arrays,
sorting an array, finding maximum and minimum in an array, multidimensional arrays.
Input and output.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-I) (FOR COLLEGES)
2. Computer programs in Chemistry (15Hrs. Theory + 30 hrs Practical)
(these are also be done in the practical class):
Development of small computer codes involving simple formulae in chemistry:
1. Calculation of mean, median, mode.
2. Solution of a quardratic equation.
3. Calculation of linear regression.
4. Calculation of curve linear regression.
5. Calculation of Bohr orbit from de Broglie Lambda for electron.
6. Calculation of wave number and frequency from value of wave length.
7. Calculation of van der Waals radii.
8. Radioactive decay.
9. Rate constant of a 1st order reaction, 2nd order reaction.
10. Determination
11. Calculation of lattice energy using Born Lande equation.
12. Addition, multiplication and solution of inverse of 3 X 3 matrix.
13. Calculation of average molecular weight of a polymer containing n1 molecules of molecular
weight m1, n2 molecules of molecular weight M2 and so on.
14. Program for calculation of molecular weight of organic compound containing C, H, N, O and S.
15. Calculation of reduced mass of diatomic molecule.
16. Calculate the RMS and most probable velocity of a gas.
17. Calculate the ionic mobility from ionic conductance values.
18. Determine the thermodynamic parameters for isothermal expansion of monoatomic ideal gas.
19. Calculation of value of g- factor from value of J and S.
20. Calculate the bond length and bond angles using crystal structure data.

Recommended Books:
1. K.V. Raman, Computers in Chemistry, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Mullish Cooper, The spirit of c, An Introduction to Modern Programming.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-I) (FOR COLLEGES)


(Quantitative Analysis)
Time: 60 hrs. Max. Marks: 75

I. Oxidation-Reduction Titrations
1. Standardization with sodium oxalate of KMnO4 and determination of Ca2+ ion.
2. Standardization of ceric sulphate with Mohr’s salt and determination of NO 3-1 and
C2O4-2 ions.
3. Standardization of K2Cr2O7 with Fe2+ and determination of Fe3+ (Ferric alum)
4. Standardization of hypo solution with potassium iodate / K 2Cr2O7 and determination of
available Cl2 in bleaching powder, Sb3+ and Cu2+.
5. Determination of hydrazine with KIO3 titration.
II. Precipitation Titrations
1. AgNO3 standardization by Mohr’s method by using adsorption indicator.
2. Volhard’s method for Cl- determination.
3. Determination of ammonium / potassium thiocyanate.
III. Complexometric Titrations
1. Determination of Mg2+ and Mn2+ in a mixture using fluoride ion as a demasking agent.
2. Determination of Ni2+ (back titration).
3. Determination of Ca2+ (by substitution method).
IV. Gravimetric Analysis
1. Determination of Ba2+ as its chromate.
2. Estimation of lead as its lead molybdate.
3. Estimation of chromium (III) as its lead chromate.
4. Estimation of Cu2+ using Ammonium/ Sodium thiocyanate.

Book: Vogel’s book on Inorganic Quantitative Analysis.

M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-I) (FOR COLLEGES)

Labs Hrs.: 60 Max. Marks: 75

Unit – I
1. Purification and Characterization of Organic Compounds, the student is expected to
carry out the experiments of purification (fractional crystallization, fractional distillation,
chromatography) separation, purification and identification of the compounds of binary
organic mixture (liquid-liquid, liquid-solid and solid-solid), using chemical analysis and IR
and PMR spectral data. The student should also check the purity of the separated components
on TLC plates.
2. To carry out the analysis of common analgesic drugs by thin layer chromatography,
Acetaminophen, Aspirin, caffeine, phenacetin, salicylamide. (Learn to check purity of the
given samples and completion of the chemical reactions).

Unit – 2
Organic Synthesis and Extraction of Organic Compounds from Natural Sources. The
student is expected to carry out 4 to 6 organic preparations (usually involving not more than two
steps), some of the illustrative experiments are listed below:-
1. Extraction of Caffeine from tea leaves
(Ref. Experiment Organic Chemistry, (H. Dupont Durst, George W. Gokel, P 464 McGraw
Hill Book Co., New York).
Student would be asked to purity crude sample, check the purity on a TLC single spot and get
the NMR scanned and interpret (Three methyl singlets and I methane singlet).
2. Isolation of casein from milk (try some typical colour reactions proteins).
3. Synthesis of 2-phenyllndole-Fischer Indole Synthesis. Book 1, p. 852
Aim: To Study condensation and cyclization reactions.
4. Synthesis of 3-nitrobenzoic from benzoic acid (Rf. Ibid., p.245-247 and 443-448).
Aim: To demonstrate the process of meta nitration, esterification and saponification of an
ester. Make a comparative study of IR and PMR spectra of benzoic acid, methyl benzoate,
methyl 3-nitrobenzoate.
5. Cannizaro’s reaction of 4-chlorobenzaldehyde.. Book 1, p 760
Aim: To demonstrate technique of isolation of two products from the reaction mixture and
the procedure of intermolecular hydride transfer.
Make a comparative study of IR and PMR spectra of 4 chlorobenzadehyde, 4-chlorobenzoic
acid 4-chlorobenzyl alcohol.
6. Synthesis of 1,3,5-Tribromobenzene from aniline.
Aim: To demonstrate: Bromination, Diazotization and Reduction.

Book: Vogel’s Text book of practical organic chemistry, 5 th edition.

M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-II) (FOR COLLEGES)

45 Hrs.
Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 50

Note: The students are allowed to use Non-Programmable Calculator.

Instructions for the Paper Setters:

Eight questions of equal marks (Specified in the syllabus) are to be set, two in each of the four
Sections (A-D). Questions may be subdivided into parts (not exceeding four). Candidates are
required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one question from each Section. The fifth
question may be attempted from any Section.

(Hrs. 10)
Energy polarity and reactivity of M-C bond, Stability of Main group organometallics: Methods
of preparation in perspective-organolithium compounds: structure and bonding & reaction-
carbolithiatic organometallics of group 2 and 12 e.g. Mg and Zn, Cd and Hg: Preparation and
structure of organoaluminium compounds, Technical applications of Tris (alkyl) aluminium
compounds. 2- ligands: olefenic and acetylenic complexes, chelating olefenic ligands –
synthesis and structure. 2 – ligands: Allylic and 4– complexes of cyclopentadiene.

(Hrs. 10)
Synthesis and structure.  –ligands: Butadiene, cyclobutadiene, heterocyclic pentadiene (S, Se,

Te). Classification, Nomenclature of cyclopentdienyl complex, Preparation of cyclopentadieny

T.M. Complexes. MO treatment of ferrocene. 6 – ligands: Benzene and its derivatives.
Multidecker sandwich compounds.

Homogeneous hydrogenation of unsaturated compounds, reversible cis-dihydrocatalysis,
monohydrido compounds, asymmetrical hydrogenation, hydrosilation of unsaturated compounds,
hydrocyanation of alkenes, alkane metathesis, Ziegler-Natta polymerization of ethylene and
propylene, water gas shift reaction, acetic acid synthesis by carbonyls, Oxopalladation reactions.
Organometallic Reagents in Organic synthesis.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-II) (FOR COLLEGES)

Reaction at Coordinated ligands

The role of metal ions in the hydrolysis of amino acid esters, peptides, and amides Molecular
orbital concept of role of metal ions participation, Modified aldol condensation, Imine formation,
Template and Macrocyclic effect in detail.


-acid ligands (15 Hrs.)

- acceptor character of CO, O2, N2, NO, PH3 molecules in terms of MOEL diagram, Metal
carbonyls; structure and bonding; vibration spectra of metal carbonyls for bonding and structural
elucidation, important reactions of metal carbonyls; preparation, bonding structure and important
reactions of transition metal nitrosyl, dinitrogen and dioxygen complexes; tertiaryohosphine as

Books Recommended:
1. C. Elschenbroich and A. Salzer, Organometallics: A Concise Introduction, 2nd Ed., VCH
2. J.E. Huheey, Inorganic Chemistry Principles of Structure and Reactivity, Harper
3. F.A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Ed. V & VI.Wiley
4. G. L. Miessler, D. A. Tarr, Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd edition, Pearson Education
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-II) (FOR COLLEGES)
Organic Reaction Mechanism - II
45 hrs. Max. Marks: 50
Time: 3 hrs.

Instructions for the Paper Setters:

Eight questions of equal marks (Specified in the syllabus) are to be set, two in each of the four
Sections (A-D). Questions may be subdivided into parts (not exceeding four). Candidates are
required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one question from each Section. The fifth
question may be attempted from any Section.


1. Free Radical Reactions (6 Hrs)

Types of free radial reactions, free radical substitution mechanism. Mechanism at an aromatic
substrate, neighbouring group assistance. Reactivity for aliphatic and aromatic substrates at a
bridgehead. Reactivity in the attacking radicals. Effect of solvents on reactivity. Allylic
halogenation (NBS), oxidation of aldehydes to acids, auto-oxidation, coupling of alkynes and
arylation of aromatic compounds by diazonium salts. Sandmeyer reaction, Free radical
rearrangement, Hunsdiecker reaction, Kolbe reaction, Hydroxylation of aromatics by Fenton’s

2 Elimination Reactions (5 Hrs)

The E2, E1, E1cB mechanisms. Orientation of the double bond. Effects of substrate structure,
attacking base, leaving group and medium on reactivity. Mechanism and orientation in pyrolytic

3. Addition to Carbon – Carbon Multiple Bonds (8 Hrs)

Mechanistic and stereochemical aspects of addition reactions involving electrophiles,
nucleophiles and free radicals, regio and chemoselectivity, orientation and reactivity. Addition to
cyclopropane ring. Hydroboration, Michael reaction. Sharpless asymmetric epoxidation,
Hydrogenation of double and triple bonds. Hydrogenation of aromatic rings.

4. Addition to Carbon – Hetero Multiple Bonds – A (3 Hrs)

Mechanism of metal hydride reduction of saturated and unsaturated carbonyl compounds, acids,
esters and nitriles, Wittig reaction.

5. Addition to Carbon – Hetero Multiple Bonds – B (5 Hrs)

Mechanism of condensation reactions involving enolates – Aldol, Kneoevenagel, Claisen,
Mannich, Benzoin, Perkin and Stobbe reactions, Reformatski reaction.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-II) (FOR COLLEGES)
6. Formation of Carbon-Carbon Bond (8 Hrs)
Principle, disconnections and synthons, electrophilic and nucleophilic carbon species. Base-
catalyzed condensations; Aldol condensation, Claisen reaction, Perkin reaction, Stobbe
condensation, Darzen condensation, Knoevengal reaction, Use of malonic, acetoacetic and
cyanoacetic esters, Micheal addition, Wittig reactions. Use of acetylides, Acid-catalyzed
condensation – self condensation of olefins, Friedal-Craft’s reactions, Fries reactions, Mannich
reaction, Mannich bases as intermediates in organic synthesis. Four centre
reactions. Diels-Alder reaction, 1-3 Dipolar additions.


7. Oxidation (5 Hrs)
Introduction. Different oxidative processes. Hydrocarbons - alkenes, aromatic rings, saturated C-
H groups (activated and unactivated). Alcohols, diols, aldehydes, ketones, ketals and carboxylic
acids. Amines, hydrazines, and sulphides. Oxidations with ruthenium tetraoxide, iodobenzene
diacetate and thallium(III) nitrate.

8. Reduction (5 Hrs)
Introduction . Different reductive processes. Hydrocarbons - alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and
aromatic rings. Carbonyl compounds – aldehydes, ketones, acids and their derivatives. Epoxides.
Nitro, nitroso, azo and oxime groups. Hydrogenolysis.

Books Recommended:

1. Principles of Organic Synthesis – Norman and Coxon

2. Advanced Organic Chemistry – Jerry March.

3. Advanced Organic Chemistry, F.A. Carey, R.J. Sunberg.

4. Highlights of Organic Chemistry, W, J.L. Nobel; An Advanced Text Book.

5. Hand Book of Reagents for Organic Synthesis - Oxidizing and Reducing Reagents. S. D.

Burke and R. L. Danheiser (John Wiley and Sons)

6. Organic Synthetic reactions by William Carruthers

M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-II) (FOR COLLEGES)
Physical Chemistry – Quantum Chemistry

45 hrs. Max. Marks: 50

Time: 3 hrs.

Note: The students are allowed to use Non-Programmable Calculator.

Instructions for the Paper Setters:

Eight questions of equal marks (Specified in the syllabus) are to be set, two in each of the four
Sections (A-D). Questions may be subdivided into parts (not exceeding four). Candidates are
required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one question from each Section. The fifth
question may be attempted from any Section.

9 Hrs.
1. Quantum Theory: Introduction and Principles :
Black body radiations, planck’s radiation law, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, De- Broglie
hypothesis, the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Rydberg relation for explaining atomic
spectrum of hydrogen. Bohr’s Theory and its limitation solution of classical wave equation by
separation of variables method.
2. Operators and observations, normal and orthogonal functions, hermitian and unitary operators,
introduction to differentiation and integration, Eigen value equation. Hamiltonian operator,
interpretation of wave function, postulates of quantum mechanics.

3. Applications of Quantum Postulates (8 Hrs.)
Solution of particle in one and three dimensional box, degeneracy, the linear harmonic oscillator,
rigid rotators, quantization of vibrational and rotational energy levels, hydrogen and hydrogen
like atoms.
4. Angular Momentum (5 Hrs.)
Commutative laws, need of polar coordinates, transformation of Cartesian coordinate into polar
coordinate, angular momentum of one particle system, orbital angular momentum, the ladder
operator method for angular momentum, spin angular momentum and their relations

5. General Orbital Theory of Conjugated Systems (8 Hrs.)
Chemical bonding, linear combination of atomic orbital, overlap integral, coulomb’s
integral, bond order, charge density calculations for ethylene, allyl system, butadiene
system, cyclo butadiene cyclo propenyl system.
6. The Approximate Methods (6 Hrs.):
Need for approximation methods, Perturbation and Variation methods and their application to
Helium atom.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-II) (FOR COLLEGES)
Books Suggested:

1. Physical Chemistry, A Molecular Approach by MacQuarrie and Simon.

2. Quantum Chemistry, Ira N. Levine, Prentice Hall.
3. Quantum Chemistry, H. Eyring, Kimball and Walter.
4. Quantum Chemistry, Atkin.
5. Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry, Anantharaman. R.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-II) (FOR COLLEGES)

45 Hrs.
Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 50

Note: The students are allowed to use Non-Programmable Calculator.

Instructions for the Paper Setters:

Eight questions of equal marks (Specified in the syllabus) are to be set, two in each of the four
Sections (A-D). Questions may be subdivided into parts (not exceeding four). Candidates are
required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one question from each Section. The fifth
question may be attempted from any Section.


Reaction Mechanism of Transition Metal Complexes 10 Hrs.

Inert and labile complexes, mechanisms of substitution (dissociative, associative interchange
mechanism, the conjugate mechanism, substitution in trans complexes, substitution in cis
complexes, isomerism of chelate rings), trans effect, explanation for trans effect, Ligand
replacement reactions of square planar and octahedral complexes: their factors and mechanism of
substitution, orbital occupation mechanisms. Anation reaction, Metal carbonyl reactions species
with 17 electrons.
10 Hrs.
Electron transfer processes with mechanism, key ideas concerning electron transfer reactions
between transition Metals. Cross reactions and thermodynamics. Marcus theory, its kinetics and
(A) 5 Hrs.
Doubly bridged inner sphere transfer and other electron transfer reactions. Two electron transfer,
non-complementary reactions. Stereochemical nonrigidity of coordinate and orgonometallic
compounds, trigonal bypyramid, system with six or more coordination number. Isomerization
and recemization of trischelates, metal carbonyl scrambling.
(B) 5 Hrs.
Metal-ligand Equilibria in Solution
Stepwise and overall formation constant and their interaction, trends in step wise constant,
factors affecting the stability of metal complex with reference to the nature of metal ion and
ligand chelate effect and its thermodynamic origin. Determination of binary formation constants
by pH-meter, Job’s method and spectrophotometery.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-II) (FOR COLLEGES)
Inorganic Rings, Chains and Metal Cluster (15 Hrs.)
Borazines, Phosphazenes and other heterocyclic inorganic ring, systems, homocyclic inorganic
systems, cages of P and S, oxides & sulphides, Higher boranes and carboranes, methods of
classifying boranes, Molecular orbit view of chlorohydroborane ions and carboranes
metallocarboranes, isopoly and heteropoly acids and salts; metal-metal bonds and bi-, tri-, tetra-,
penta-, and hexanuclear clusters, electron counting schemes for HNCC’s. Approaches to
systematic cluster synthesis; mention of seven, eight and nine atom clusters. Isolobal analogy
and examples of application of analogy.

Books Recommended:

1. K.P. Purcell and J. V. Kotz: Inorganic Chemistry W.B. Saunders Co. London, (1977).

2. G. L. Miessler, D. A. Tarr, Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd edition, Pearson Education.

3. F.A. Cotton & Wilkinson: Inorganic Chemistry V & VI Ed. Willy Eastern – (1999).

4. J.E. Huheey: Inorganic Chemistry III & IV Ed. Pearson Education Asia – (2002).
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-II) (FOR COLLEGES)

SPECTROSCOPY – B: Techniques for Structure Elucidation of Inorganic Compounds

60 hrs. Max. Marks: 75

Time: 3 hrs.

Note: The students are allowed to use Non-Programmable Calculator.

Instructions for the Paper Setters:
Eight questions of equal marks (Specified in the syllabus) are to be set, two in each of the four
Sections (A-D). Questions may be subdivided into parts (not exceeding four). Candidates are
required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one question from each Section. The fifth
question may be attempted from any Section.

Symmetry and Point Groups: (Book 2) (6 Hrs.)
Definition of symmetry, symmetry elements, determination of point groups, introduction to use
of character table in determining irreducible representation and symmetry of the atomic orbitals.

Vibration and Rotation Spectroscopy: Infrared, Raman and Microwave (Book 2) (17 Hrs.)

- Harmonic and Anharmonic oscillators, vibrational energies of diatomic molecules. Potential

energy function for a chemical bond. Absorption of radiations by molecular vibration. Selection
rules, force constant.
- Rotational energies of linear molecules. Rotational energy level populations, merits and
demerits of microwave spectroscopy, rotational spectra of rigid, linear molecules, non-rigid
rotators. Determination of moment of inertia and bond length from rotational spectra, relative
intensities of spectral lines. Rotational spectra of non-linear molecules (brief mention), vibrations
in polyatomic molecules. Effects giving rise to absorption bonds. Group vibrations and
limitations of group vibration concepts.
- Polarisations of light. Theories of Raman Effect, Merits and demerits of Raman spectroscopy.
Pure rotational Raman spectra of linear molecules. Vibrational Raman spectra selection rules.
Rule of mutual exclusion. Rotational Fine IR spectra, vibronic coupling.
- Sample handling. Factors affecting absorption frequencies. Interpretation and finger printing
regions. Use of symmetry considerations to determine the number of active I.R, and Raman lines
(character tables to be provided in the Examination).
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-II) (FOR COLLEGES)
(A) - 5(Hrs.)
Applications of Raman and IR selection rules to the determination of Inorganic structure with
special emphasis on:
(i) Metal carbonyls.
(ii) NSF3
(iii) Geometrical isomerisan – differentiation between Cis and trans. [Co(bipy)2Cl2]Cl.
(iv) Structures of CO2, N2O, H2O, chlorocomplexes of mercury, camium and zinc and some
octahedral complexes ML6 (eg. SiF6 2-, PF5 -, SF6).
(v) Changes in the spectra of donor molecules upon coordination with special emphasis on
N, N – dimethyl – acetamide and DMSO with Fe3+, Cr3+, Zu2+, Pd2+ and Pt2+ ions.
I.R spectroscopy and modes of coordination of SO4 2-, N2, O2, NO, CO3 2 - , NO3 -.
(B) – (6Hrs.)
Photo Electron Spectroscopy (Book 1, 2 and 3)
Introduction, excitation & ejection of electrons, electronic energy levels in atoms and molecules,
Core level photoelectron spectroscopy, symmetry & molecular orbitals, valence electron photo
electron spectroscopy, valence excitation spectroscopy. Dissociation, Predissociation, change of
shape on excitation.
(C) – (13 Hrs.)
Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy (Book 1, 2, 3 and 5)
Features of ESR spectra, measurement technique hyperfine coupling in isotropic system (C 5H5,
C6H6, C14H10, biphenyl) Anisotropic splitting, Electron – electron interaction, Transition metal
complexes g-value and factors affecting g-value, zerofield splitting, Kramer’s degeneracy, Rate
of electron exchange, Application to p – benzoseniquinone DPPH, pyrazine.
Double resonance technique ENDOR, ELDOR.
Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy (Book 2) (6 Hrs.)
Introduction, effects of magnetic field on the spectra. Relationship between the electric field
gradient and molecular structure. Interpretation of eQ, data, the effect of crystal lattiee on the
magnitude of eQ4, double resonance technique, Application (PFCI4.PCI5), (NH4)2TeCl6, , group
14 tetra halides, R3MX2 (M=As,Sb,Bi), Cis & Trans[Co(en)2Cl2]Cl, Polyhalide ion, BrCN, HIO3
Mossbauer Spectroscopy (Book 1,2,4,6) (9 Hrs.)
Introduction, principles, conditions of MB spectra, parameters from MB spectra. Isomer shift
electric quadrupole interaction, magnetic interaction, use of additive partial quadrupole splittings
to predict quadrupole coupling. Application of {57Fe, 119 SN, 151EU compounds, to biological
systems to surface study, I2CI6, IBr2 CL4, XeF4, XeCI4.

Books Recommended:
1. E.A.V Ebsworth; W.H Renkin; Cradock, Structure Methods in Inorganic Chemistry.
2. R.S Drago, Physical Methods for Chemists (Ist and IInd Edition).
3. C.N Banwell, Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy.
4. S. Walker and H. Straugh an Spectroscopy, Vol.I.
5. J.E. Wertz & J.R. Bolton, Electron Spin Resonance (p.49-65).
6. N.N. Greenwood & T.C Tibb, Mossbauer Spectroscopy.
7. K. Nakamoto, Infrared Spectra of Inorganic and co-ordination Compounds.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-II) (FOR COLLEGES)
Course – XIII
(For Medical Students)
30 hrs.
Time: 2 Hrs. Max. Marks: 25

Instructions for the Paper Setters:

Eight questions of equal marks (Specified in the syllabus) are to be set, two in each of the four
Sections (A-D). Questions may be subdivided into parts (not exceeding four). Candidates are
required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one question from each Section. The fifth
question may be attempted from any Section.

Trigonometry and Determinants:
Definition of sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, cosec functions with the help of unit circle, values of sin x,
cos x for x = 0, /6, /3, /2. Trigonometric identities (without proofs) and their applications.
Definition and expansion properties of determinants, product of two determinants of 3rd order.
Introduction to various forms of Matrices, row, column, diagonal unit, Submatrix, square, equal
matrices, null, symmetric and skew symmetric matrices, transpose of a matrix, adjoint and
inverse of matrices. Addition, multiplication, characteristic equation of a matrix, statement of
Cayley Hamilton theorem. Rank of matrix, condition of consistency of a system of linear
equations. Eigen vectors and Eigen values ofmatrices.

Differential Calculus
Differentiation of standard functions, theorems relating to the derivative of the sum, difference,
product and quotient of functions (without proofs), derivative of trigonometric functions, inverse
trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions and exponential functions, differentiation of
implict functions, logarithmic differentiation.

Integral Calculus
Integration as an inverse of differentiation, summation, area under a curve, indefinite integrals of
standard forms, method of substitution, method of partial fractions, integration by parts,
definite integrals, reduction formulae, definite integrals as limit of a sum and geometrical
Books Recommended:
1. Santi Narayan & P.K. Mittal – Differential Calculus.
2. Santi Narayan & P.K. Mittal - Integral Calculus.
3. B.S. Grewal – Higher Engineering Mathematics.
4. Joseph B. Dence – Mathematical Techniques in Chemistry.
5. Margenau and Murphy, the Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry.
6. B.L. Moncha and H.R. Choudhary – A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-II) (FOR COLLEGES)
Course – XIII
(For Non-Medical Students)

30 hrs.
Time: 2 Hrs. Max. Marks: 25

Note 1: The students are allowed to use Non-Programmable Calculator.

Instructions for the Paper Setters:

Eight questions of equal marks (Specified in the syllabus) are to be set, two in each of the four
Sections (A-D). Questions may be subdivided into parts (not exceeding four). Candidates are
required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one question from each Section. The fifth
question may be attempted from any Section.
The Organisation of Life (7 hrs.)
1. Biologically important molecules: Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.
2. The life of cells – The cell theory, general characteristics of cells, difference between
proaiyotic and eukaryotic cells, difference between plant and animal cells, cell organells.

(7 hrs.)
3. Tissues, organs and organ systems: Animal tissues; epithelial tissues, connective tissues,
muscle tissue, nervous tissue and neoplasias; plant tissue: maristematic tissue, permanent
Genetics (8 hrs.)

4. The basic principle of heredity: Mendals law, monohybrid cross, dihybrid cross.
5. DNA – Double halix structure and replication.
6. Genes expression: Transcription and translation, genetic code.

The Diversity of Life (8 hrs.)

7. The classification of Living things – Criteria of classification, Whittaker’s systems of

classification, their characteristics with are example of each.
8. Viruses, structure of Viruses.

Book Recommended:

1. Cord Biology - South Western Educational Publications, Texas, 2000.

M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-II) (FOR COLLEGES)

Hrs: 60
Max. Marks: 75

Multistep Organic Synthesis

1. Synthesis of 2-chloro-4-bromoaniline from aniline (Bromination and chlorination)
Book 1, page 292.
2. Synthesis of methyl orange from aniline.
(Aromatic electrophilic substitution and diazocoupling). Book 2, page 250.
3. Synthesis of benzpinacol and its pinacol rearrangement.
4. Synthesis of o-chlorobenzoic acid from phthalimide. Synthesis of acridone from
o-chlorobenzoic acid. (Hofmann bromamide and Sandmeyer’s reaction).
5. Synthesis of 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine from chloro benzene. (Electrophilic and
nucleophilic substitution reactions on aromatic ring).
6. Synthesis of triphenylcarbinol from bromobenzene. (Grignard reaction) Book 2,
page 220.

Quantitative Analysis of Organic Compounds:

1. Estimation of phenol/aniline using bromate-bromide solution.
(The application to find the purity of the sample and to determine the amount in given
2. Determine the number of hydroxyl and amino groups in the given sample by the acetylation
3. Determine the mol. wt. of the given ketone by using 2,4-DNP method.
4. Estimation of reducing sugar by Fehling solution method.
5. To determine the saponification value of the given fat or oil sample.
6. To determine the iodine number of the given fat or oil sample.

Books Recommended:
1. An Introduction to Modern Experimental Organic Chemistry, R. M. Roberts, J. C. Gilbert,
L.B.Rodewald and A. S. Wingrove Holt, Ranehart and Winston Inc. New York.
2. Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques – A Contemporary Approach. D. L. Pavia,
G. M. Lampmana and G. S. Kriz, W. B. Saunders Company, 1976.
3. Laboratory Experiments in Organic Chemistry, R. Adams, J. R. Johnson and C. F. Wilcox.
The Macmillan Limited, London.
4. Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry, A. I. Vogel.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-II) (FOR COLLEGES)
Physical Chemistry (Practical)

Hrs: 60 Max. Marks: 75

1. To determine the strength of given acid by PH metrically.

2. To determine dissociation constant of given acid pH metrically
3. Titration of weak acid conductometrically
4. Titration of strong acid conductometrically
5. To determine dissociation constant of given acid conductometrically
6. Determine the dissociation constant of acetic acid in DMSO, DMF, dioxane by titrating it
with KOH.
7. Determine the activity coefficient of an electrolyte at different molalities by e.m.f.
8. Compare the cleansing powers of samples of two detergents from surface tension
9. Determine the specific refraction, molar refraction and atomic parachor with the help of
Abbe’s refractometer.
10. To study the distribution of benzoic acid between benzene and water.
11. Determine the equilibrium constant of reaction Kl +l2  Kl3 by distribution law and hence
find the value of GO of the above reaction
12. Compare the relative strength of CH3COOH and CICH2COOH from conductance
13. Determine the solubility (g/litre) of sparingly soluble lead sulphate from conductance
14. Titrate a given mixture of HCl and CH3COOH against NaOH solution conductometrically..
15. Compare the relative strength of:
i) HCl and ii) H2SO4 by following the kinetics of inversion of cane sugar polarimetrically.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-III) (FOR COLLEGES)
Course –XVI
45 Hrs.
Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 50

Note: The students are allowed to use Non-Programmable Calculator.

Instructions for the Paper Setters:
Section-A: Ten very short answer type questions are to be set. The maximum length of the
answer can be about 1/3rd of a page. All questions are compulsory. In paper having 50 marks,
each question will be of 1 mark, total weightage being 10 marks.

Section-B: 12 short answer type questions are to be set. Eight questions are to be attempted.
Maximum length of the answer can be upto 2 pages. In papers having 50 marks, each question
will be of three marks, total weightage being 24 marks.

Section-C: Four questions are to be set. Two questions are to be attempted. In this section there
will be descriptive questions, derivations, synthesis, structure and bonding, reactions and
conversions etc. Maximum length of answer can be upto 5 pages. In papers having 50 marks,
each question will be of 8 marks, total weightage being 16 marks.

Metal Ions in Biological Systems- Essential and trace elements, periodic survey of essential and
trace elements, biological importance and relative abundance, Na+/ K+ ion pump.
Transport and Storage of Dioxygen- Oxygen carriers-Hb and Mb: Structure and mechanism of
their function, cooperativity, inhibition and poisoning by ligands and metal ions, hemocyanins
and hemerythrin, model complexes of iron, cobalt and copper.

Bioenergetics and ATP Cycle- Process concept to phosphate hydrolysis, Nucleotide transfer-
DNA polymerase, phosphate transfer pyruvate kinase, phosphoglucomutase, created kinase,
ATPase. Photosynthesis and respiration – chlorophyll : structure, function and its synthetic
Bioredox Agents and Mechanism- Enzymes and their functioning, Vitamin B12 coenzyme, its
function and application in organic syntheses, intake of alcohol and its remedy.
Biochemistry of Iron- Availability of iron, competition for iron, iron toxicity and nutrition.
Electron Transfer in Biology- Cytochromes-structure and function, CN- and CO poisoning,
Ferredoxin and rubredoxim.
Nitrogenase- Biological N2 fixation, molybdenum nitrogenase, spectroscopic and other
evidence, other nitrogenases model systems.
Metal Storage, Transport- Ferritin, transferring and siderophores.
Metalloenzymes- Zinc enzymes-carboxypeptidase and carbonic anhydrase, Copper enzymes-
superoxide dismutase.
Calcium in Biology- Calcium in living cell, transport and regulation, molecular aspects of
intramolecular processes,
Metals in Medicine- Metal deficiency and disease, toxic effects of antibiotics and related
compounds, chelate therapy.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-III) (FOR COLLEGES)

Books Recommended:

1. Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry, S. J. Lippard and Berg, University Science Books.

2. Inorganic Biochemistry, Vol I and II. Ed. G. L. Eichhorn, Elsevier.
3. J.E. Huheey : Inorganic Chemistry III & IV Ed. Pearson Education Asia – (2002).
4. F.A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 5th Edition.
5. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Vols 18 and 38 Ed. J. J. Lippard, Wiley
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-III) (FOR COLLEGES)

45 hrs.
Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks 50

Instruction for the Paper Setters:

Section-A: Ten very short answer type questions are to be set. The maximum length of the
answer can be about 1/3rd of a page. All questions will be of 1 mark.
Section–B: 12 short question answers are to be set. Eight questions are to be attempted.
Maximum length of answer can be up to 2 pages. Each question will be of 3 marks.
Section–C: Four questions are to be set. Two questions are to be attempted. Maximum length of
answer can be up to of 5 pages. Each question carries 8 marks.

1. Rearrangements (10 Hrs)

General mechanistic considerations – nature of migration, migratory aptitude, memory effects. A
detailed study of the following rearrangements: Pinacol-pinacolone, Wagner-Merwein,
Demjanov, Benzil-Benzilic acid, Favorskii, Arndt-Eistert synthesis, Neber, Beckmann,
Hofmann, Curtius, Schmidt, Baeyer-Villiger, Shapiro reaction.

2. Polynuclear Compounds & Macro-Ring Compounds (5)

Introduction, comparative study of aromatic character of Linear and non-Linear-ortho-fused
polynuclear hydrocarbons, ortho-and peri-fused polynuclear hydrocarbons. General method of
preparation and reactions of indene, fluorene anthracene and phenanthrene. Modern methods of
synthesis of macro ring compounds-civiton, muscone and catenoids.

3. Heterocyclic Synthesis (3 Hrs)

Principles of heterocyclic synthesis involving cyclization reactions and cycloaddition reaction.

4. Small Ring Heterocycles (3 Hrs)

Three-membered and four-membered heterocyclic –synthesis and reactions of aziridines,
oxiranes, thiiranes, azetidines, oxetanes and thietanes

5. Six-Membered Heterocycles with one Heteroatom (5 Hrs)

Synthesis and reactions of pyrylium salts and pyrones and their comparison with pyridinium &
thiopyrylium salts and pyridones.
Synthesis and reactions of quinolizinium and benzopyrylium salts, coumarins and chromones.

6. Seven-and Large-Membered Heterocycles (4 Hrs)

Synthesis and reactions of azepines, oxepines, thiepines, diazepines, thiazepines, azocines,
diazocines, dioxocines and dithiocines.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-III) (FOR COLLEGES)
7. Reagents in Organic Synthesis (10 Hrs) Use of the following reagents in organic synthesis
and functional group transformations; Complex metal hydrides, Gilman’s reagent, lithium
dimethylcuprate, lithium disopropylamide (LDA) dicyclohexylcarbodimide. 1,3-Dithiane
(reactivity umpolung), trimethylsilyl iodide, tri-n-butyltin hybride, Woodward and prevost
hydroxylation, osmium tetroxide, DDQ, selenium dioxide, phase transfer catalysts, crown ethers
and Merrifield resin, Peterson’s synthesis, Wilkinson's catalyst, Baker yeast.

8. Supramolecular Chemistry (5Hrs)

Definition and development of supramolecularchemistry, Classification of supramolecular Host-
Guest compounds, Historical concepts such as receptors, coordination, lock and key analogy,
Chelate and Macrocyclic effects, Preorganization and Complementarity, Thermodynamics and
Kinetic selectivity, Overview of intermolecular forces such as Hydrogen bonding, Hydrophobic
effects, Cation-π interactions, Ion-ion, Ion-dipole, Dipole-dipole interactions, π-π stacking, van
der Waals forces, Synthesis and structure of supramolecular hosts for Recognition of cations:
Crown ethers, Cryptands, Spherands, Siderophores;for Recognition of anions:Guanidinium-
based receptors; for Recognition of neutral molecules: Cyclotriveratrylene (CTV).

Book Recommended

1. Supramolecular Chemistry, Jonathan W. Steed, Jerry L. Atwood, John Wiley & Sons
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-III) (FOR COLLEGES)

45 hrs. Max. Marks: 50

Time: 3 hrs.
Instruction for the Paper Setters:
Section-A: Ten very short answer type questions are to be set. The maximum length of the
answer can be about 1/3rd of a page. All questions will be of 1 mark.
Section–B: 12 short question answers are to be set. Eight questions are to be attempted.
Maximum length of answer can be up to 2 pages. Each question will be of 3 marks.
Section–C: Four questions are to be set. Two questions are to be attempted. Maximum length of
answer can be up to of 5 pages. Each question carries 8 marks.

1. Adsorption (Hrs 10)

Surface tension, capillary action, pressure difference across curved surface (Laplace equations),
vapor pressure of droplets (Kelvin equation), Gibbs adsorption isotherm, estimation of surface
area (BET equation), surface films on liquids (Electro-kinetic phenomena), catalytic activity at
2. Micelles (Hrs 8)
Surface active agents, classification of surface active agents, micellization, ydrophobic
interactions, critical micellar concentration (CMC), factors affecting CMC of surfactants, counter
ion binding to micelles, thermodynamics of micellization – phase separation and mass action
models, solubilization, micro emulsion, reverse micelles.
3. Macromolecules (Hrs 27)
(a) Polymer – definition, types of polymers, electrically conducting, fire resistant, liquids crystal
polymers, kinetics of polymerization, thermodynamics of polymerization.
Molecular mass, number and mass average molecular mass, molecular mass determination
(osmometry, viscometry, diffusion and light scattering methods), sedimentation, chain
configuration of macromolecules, calculations of average dimensions of various chain structures.
Importance of polymers, Basic concepts: monomers, repeat units, degree of
polymerization. Linear, branched and network polymers. Classification of polymers.
Polymerization: condensation, addition, radical chain-ionic and co-ordination and
copolymerization. Polymerization conditions and polymer reactions. Polymerization in
homogenous and heterogeneous systems. Number, weight and viscosity average weights.
(b) Structure and Properties:
Polymer structure and properties-crystalline melting point Tm-melting point of homogenous
series, effect of chain flexibility and steric factors, entropy and heat of fusion. The glass
transition temperature, Tg-Relationship between Tm and Tg, effects of molecular weight, diluents,
chemical structure, chain topology, branching and chain linking. Property requirements and
polymer utilization.

Books Suggested:
1. Physical Chemistry, P. W. Atkins.
2. Textbook of polymer science, F. W. Billmeyer Jr. Wiley.
3. Polymer science, V. R. Gowariker, N. V. Viswanathan and J. Sreedhar, Wiley-Eastern.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-III) (FOR COLLEGES)
Electrochemistry and Chemical Dynamics

45 Hrs. Max. Marks: 50

Time: 3 hrs.
Instruction for the Paper Setters:
Section-A: Ten very short answer type questions are to be set. The maximum length of the
answer can be about 1/3rd of a page. All questions will be of 1 mark.
Section–B: 12 short question answers are to be set. Eight questions are to be attempted.
Maximum length of answer can be up to 2 pages. Each question will be of 3 marks.
Section–C: Four questions are to be set. Two questions are to be attempted. Maximum length of
answer can be up to of 5 pages. Each question carries 8 marks.

Electrochemistry (15 Hrs.)

Electrochemistry of solutions, Debye-Huckel-Onsager treatment and its extension, ion-solvent
interactions, Debye-Huckel-Bjerrum mode, Thermodynamics of electrified interface equation,
Derivation of electro-capillarity, Lipmann equation(surface ecess), method of determination,
structure of electrified interfaces, Guoy-Chpmann, Stern models, overpotential, exchange current
density, derivation of Butler-Volmer equation, Tafel plot.
Semiconductor interface theory of double layer at semiconductor electrolyte solution interface,
structure of double layer interfaces, effect of light at semiconductor solution interface.
Introduction to corrosion, homogeneous theory, forms of corrosion, corrosion monitoring and

Chemical Dynamics (18 Hrs.)

Methods of determining rate laws, collision theory of reaction rates, steric factor, activated
complex theory, Arrhenius theory and activated complex theory, ionic reactions, kinetic salt
effects,, treatment of uni molecular reactions, Lindemann-Hinshelwood theory.
Dynamic Chain (hydrogen bromine reaction, pyrolysis of acetaldehyde, decomposition of
ethane), Photochemical reactions between hydrogen-bromine and hydrogen-chlorine, oscillatory
reactions (Belousov-Zhabotinsky reactions), Homogeneous catalysis and kinetics of enzyme
reactions, general features of fast reactions, study of fast reactions by flow method, , relaxation
method, flash photolysis, nuclear resonance.

Voltmametry and Polarography (12 Hrs.)

Polarography, polarographic cells, polarogram, interpretation of polarographic waves, equation
for the polarographic waves, effect of complex formation on polarographic wave, polarograms
for irreversible reactions, dropping mercury electrode, current variations during life time of a
drop, merits and demerits of dme, polarographic diffusion currents, Ilkovic equation, capillary
characteristics, temperature, polarograms for mixture of reactants, anodic and cathodic waves,
factors affecting polarographic currents, applications of polarography, treatment of data, organic
and inorganic polarographic analysis, voltammetry at solid electrodes, cyclic voltammetry and
interpretation of data, , pilot-ion and standard addition method for quantitative analysis

Books Recommended:
1. Chemical Kinetics, K. J. Laddler, McGraw-Hill
2. Modern Electrochemistry Vol.1,2,3, J. Bochris and A.K.N. Reddy
3. Fundamentals of electrochemistry; P. Monk
4. Principles of Instrumental Analysis; Skoog, West; Saundres Publications
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-III) (FOR COLLEGES)

45 Hrs
Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks 50

Instruction for the Paper Setters:

Section-A: Ten very short answer type questions are to be set. The maximum length of the
answer can be about 1/3rd of a page. All questions will be of 1 mark.
Section–B: 12 short question answers are to be set. Eight questions are to be attempted.
Maximum length of answer can be up to 2 pages. Each question will be of 3 marks.
Section–C: Four questions are to be set. Two questions are to be attempted. Maximum length of
answer can be up to of 5 pages. Each question carries 8 marks.

1. Pericyclic Reactions (15 Hrs)

Molecular orbital symmetry, Frontier orbitals of ethylene, 1,3-butadiene, 1,3,5-hexatriene, allyl
system, classification of pericyclic reactions FMO approach. Woodward-Hoffmann correlation
diagrams method and Perturbation of molecular orbital (PMC) approach for he explanation of
pericyclic reactions under thermal and photo-chemical conditions.

Electrocyclic reactions – controtatory and disrotatory motions, 4n, 4n+2, allylsystems secondary
effects. Cycloadditions – antrafacial and suprafacial additions, notation of cylcoadditions (4n)
and (4n+2) systems with a greater emphasis on (2+2) and (4+2) cycloaddition-stereochemical
effects and effects of substituents on the rates of cycloadditions, 1,3-dipolar cyclo-additions and
cheleotropic reactions.

Sigmatropic Rearrangements-suprafacial and antrafacial shifts [1,2]- sigmatropic shifts involving

carbon moieties retention and invertion of configuration, (3,3) and (5,5) sigma-tropic
rearrangements, detailed treatment of Claisen and Cope rearrangements, fluxional tautomerism,
aza-cope rearrangements, introductions to Ene reactions, simple problems on pericyclic
reactions. Elecrocyclic rearrangement of cyclobutenes and 1,3 cyclohexadienes.

2. Photochemistry
(i) Photochemical Reactions (4 Hrs.)
Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter, types of excitations, fate of excited
molecule, quantum yield, transfer of excitation energy, actinometry.

(ii) Determination of Reaction Mechanism (4 Hrs.)

Classification, rate constants and life times of reactive energy states –determination of rate
constants of reactions. Effect of light intensity on the rate of photochemical reactions.
Types of photochemical reactions – photodissociation, gas-phase photolysis.

(iii) Photochemistry of Alkenes (6 Hrs.)

Intramolecular reactions of the olefinic bond – geometrical isomerism, cyclisation
reactions, rearrangement of 1,4- and 1, - dinenes.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-III) (FOR COLLEGES)
(iv) Photochemistry of Carbonyl Compounds (8 Hrs.)
Intramolecular reactions of carbonyl compounds – saturated, cyclic and acyclic, β, γ-
unsaturated and α,β-unsaturated compounds, Cyclohexadienones. Intermolecular
cycloaddition reactions – dimerisations and oxetane formation.

(v) Photochemistry of Aromatic Compounds (4 Hrs.)

Isomerisations, additions and substitutions.

(vi) Miscellaneous Photochemical Reactions (4 Hrs)

Photo-Fries reactions of anilides. Photo-Fries rearrangement. Barton reaction. Singlet
molecular oxygen reactions. Photochemical formation of smog. Photodegradation of
polymers. Photochemistry of vision.

Books Recommended:
1. Organic Photochemistry – Chapman and Depuy.
2. Organic Photochemistry – W.H. Horsepool.
3. Photochemistry of Excited States – J.D.Goyle.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-III) (FOR COLLEGES)
Inorganic Chemistry (Practical)

Time: 6 Hours
Course Hrs. 60 Max. Marks: 50
(Any 8 Complexes.)
1. Preparation of Co. (acac)3, its characterization using NMR, IR, UV-Vis and analysis of
Cobalt. (ref. J. Chem. Edu., 1980, 57, 7, 525)
2. Preparation of Co. (acac-NO2)3, its characterization using NMR, IR, UV-Vis and analysis
of Cobalt. (ref. J. Chem. Edu., 1980, 57, 7, 525)
3. Preparation of [Fe(H2O)6][Fe(N-salicyldeneglycinato)2]2.3H2O, its characterization using
IR, UV-Vis, magnetic susceptibility and analysis of Iron.(ref. Inorganica Chimica Acta,
1977, 23, 35).
4. Preparation of [Ni(NH3)6]Cl2 its characterization using IR, UV-Vis, magnetic susceptibility
and analysis of Nickel and NH3. (ref. Marr and Rockett, 1972).
5. Preparation of [Ni(ethylenediamine)3]Cl2 its characterization using IR, UV-Vis, magnetic
susceptibility and analysis of Nickel. (ref. Marr and Rockett, 1972, page 270).
6. Preparation of [Fe(NO)(S2CN(Et)2)2] its characterization using IR, UV-Vis, magnetic
susceptibility and analysis of Fe(II). (ref. Marr and Rockett, 1972, page 262, J. Chem. Soc.
1962, 84, 3404).
7. Preparation of octahedral and tetrahedral complexes of dichlorodipyridylcobalt(II),
differentiate them using IR, UV and magnetic properties. Estimate Co(II) from one of
them. (ref. Marr and Rockett, 1972, page 375, Inorganic Chemistry, 1966, 5, 615).
8. Preparation of VO(acac)2 and its piperidine complex, characterize using IR, UV and
magnetic moment. Estimate for V(IV). (ref. Marr and Rockett, 1972, 243).
9. Preparation of diaquotetraacetataocopper(II), magnetic susceptibility IR and UV-Vis,
analysis of Copper(II).
10. Preparation of cis- and trans- potassium dioxalato diaquochromate(III). Interpretation of
IR, UV and magnetic properties. Estimation of Chromium. (ref. Marr and Rockett, 1972,
page 386).
11. Preparation of HgCo(NCS)4 , its IR and measure its magnetic moment. (ref. Marr and
Rockett, 1972, page 365).
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-III) (FOR COLLEGES)
12. Preparation of sodium tetrathionate, interpretation of its IR and analysis using potassium
iodate. (ref. Marr and Rockett, 1972, page 214).
13. Preparation of Potassium dithionate, interpretation of its IR and analysis using potassium
iodate. (ref. Marr and Rockett, 1972, page 214).
14. Preparation of bis(acetylacetonato)copper(II), UV-Vis, and IR, magnetic studies,
Demonstration of Jahn Teller effect by solution spectral studies. (ref. Bull. Chem. Soc.
Japan, 1965, 29, 852).
15. Preparation of salicylamide complexes of Copper(II). IR, UV, magnetic data and analysis
of Cu(II). (ref. Indian J. of Chem., 1977, 15A, No. 5, 459; ibid, 1971, 9, 1396).
16. To prepare a macrocyclic ligand 5,7,7,12,14,14-hexamethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclo
tetradeca-4,11-dienedi(hydrogeniodide) and its complex with Ni(II). Study IR, NMR and
UV-Vis of ligand and complex and magnetic properties of complex. To analyze for Ni and
I. (J. Chem. Edu. 1977, 79, 581).
17. Preparation and resolution of tris (ethylenediamine) cobalt (III). UV-Vis, NMR, IR, optical
rotation of the resolved complexes. ((ref. Marr and Rockett, 1972, page 386).

Recommended Book:

1. B.N. Figgis, Introduction to Ligand Field, Wiley Eastern.

2. A.B.P. Lever, Inorganic Electronic Spectroscopy, Elsevier.
3. A.Earnshaw, Introduction to Magnetochemistry, Academic Press.
4. J.E. Huheey, Inorganic Chemistry Principles of Structure and Reactivity, Harper
5. R.S. Drago, Physical Medhod in Chemistry, W.B.Saunders Company.
6. F.A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley Interscience.
7. F.A. Cotton, Chemical Application of Group Theory, Wiley Eastern.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-III) (FOR COLLEGES)


60 hrs. M. Marks: 75

1. To determine the partial molar volume of

(a) Glycine (b) Urea using dialtometer
2. To determine the partial molar volume of
(a) methanol (b) n-propanol using dilatometer
3. To determine the surface tension (double cabillary) of mixture of solid and water by
deferential method and hence find out parachor of the mixture.
4. To determine the specific and molar refractivity of n-propanol, butanol, nexane and carbon
tetrachloride and calculate refraction equivalents of C, H and Cl.
5. To determine the molar refracitivity of water, DMF, Dioxane and mixtures of water, DFM,
water-Dioxane and verify the refractivity rule. Predict about the interactions between
components of mixture by plotting graph between refractive index and mole fraction.
6. To determine the equivalent conductance of weak electrolyte acetic at infinite dilution
using Kohlrausch law.
7. Determine equivalent conductance of strong electrolyte at several concentrations and hence
verify onsagars equation.
8. Determine equivalent conductance of weak electrolyte, say, acetic acid at different
concentrations and hence test validity of Oswald’s dilution law. Also determine
dissociation constant of the electrolyte.
9. To determine dissociation constant of a dibasic acid potentiometrically.
10. To study complex formation between Fe(III) and salicylic acid and find out the formula of
the complex spectrophotometrically.
11. To determine the formula of the complex ion formed between Fe(III) and Thiocyante ion
by Job’s method.
12. To study the kinetics of hydrolysis of crystal violet spectrophotometrically.
13. To determine the pH of a buffer solution (pH less than 8) using a quinhydrone electrode.
14. To determine the pH of various mixtures of sodium acetate and acetic acid in aqueous
solution and hence determine the dissociation constant of the acid.
15. Titrate potentiometrically Zn (II) by K4fe(CN)6 and verify the composition of the complex
K2Zn3 [Fe(CN)6]2
16. Determination of nitrite in water spectrophotometrically.
17. Determination of molecular weight of polymers by Tirbiditymetery.
18. Determine the molar refraction of a solid substance by dissolving it in a solvent and its
refractive index.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-IV) (FOR COLLEGES)


60 Hrs.
Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 75

Note: The students are allowed to use Non-Programmable Calculator.

Instructions for the Paper Setters:
Section-A: Ten very short answer type questions are to be set. The maximum length of the
answer can be about 1/3rd of a page. All questions are compulsory. In paper having 75 marks,
each question will be of 11/2 marks, total weightage being 15 marks.

Section-B: 12 short answer type questions are to be set. Eight questions are to be attempted.
Maximum length of the answer can be upto 2 pages. In papers having 75 marks, each question
will be of 41/2 marks, total weightage being 36 marks.

Section-C: Four questions are to be set. Two questions are to be attempted. In this section there
will be descriptive questions, derivations, synthesis, structure and bonding, reactions and
conversions etc. Maximum length of answer can be upto 5 pages. In papers having 75 marks,
each question will be of 12 marks, total weightage being 24 marks.

1. Photo Inorganic Chemistry (25) :

Basics of photochemistry- Absorption, excitation, photochemical laws, quantum yield,
electronically excited states, life times- measurements of the times Flash photolysis, energy
diddipation by radiative and non-radiative processes, absorption spectra, Franck-Condon
principle, photochemical stages-primary and secondary processes, Kashia’s rule, Thexi state,
Photo substitution reactions, Adamson’s rules, Photo substitution reactions of
Cr(III)-Polypyridyls, Rh(III) Ammine Complexes, Ru-Polypyridyl complexes, Ligand photo
reactions, photoredox reactions, comparison of Fe(II) and Ru(II) complexes, Photo reactions and
Solar energy conversions, Photo synthesis in plants and Bacterio chlorophyll photosynthesis,
photolysis of water using Inorganic precursors.

2. Oxidative-Addition and Migration (Insertion Reactions) (15 Hrs.):

Introduction: Acid base behaviour of metal atoms in complexes, Protonation and Lewis Base
behaviour, acceptor properties of Lewis acidity of complexes, oxidative addition and reductive
elimination, addition of specific molecules, Hydrogen addition, HX additions, Organic halides
addition of some other molecules productive elimination, migration (Insertion) reaction
promotion of alkyl migration, insertion of CO into M-H bonds, other aspects of CO insertion
reactions, transfer of other molecules, CO2, SO2 , NO2 , RCM, Insertion of alkenes and C-C
unsaturated compounds, Cleavage of C-H bonds; alkane activation, Cyclometallation reactions.
Reactions of free hydrocarbons.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-IV) (FOR COLLEGES)

3. Transition Metal Compounds with Bonds to Hydrogen (5Hrs.)

Characteristics of hydride complexes, synthetic methods, chemical behaviour of hydride
compounds, mononuclear polyhydrides, homoleptic polyhydride anions; carbonyl hydrides and
onion. Molecular hydrogen compounds; metal hydrogen interaction with C-H bonds; MH
interactions; complexes of boron hydride and aluminohydrides, synthetic applications of metal

Transition Metal Complexes in Catalysis (15 Hrs.):

Hydroformylation of unsaturated compounds, Reductive carbonylation of alcohols and other
compounds; Carbonylation Reaction: Methanol and methyl acetate, Adipic ester. Synthesis and
other carbonylation reactions, decarbonylation reactions. Catalytic addition of molecules to C-C
multiple bonds homogeneous hydrogenation, hydrocyanation of unsaturated compounds,
hydrosilation of unsaturated compounds, hydrocyanation of alkenes, Polymerization,
Oligomerisation and metathesis reactions of alkenes and alkynes, Ziegler-Natta polymerisation
of ethylene and propylene oligomerisation and related reactions, Cluster compounds in catalysis,
supported homogeneous and phase transfer catalysis, Oxidation reaction: Oxidative
carbonylations, Palladium catalysed oxidation of ethylene, Acrylonitrile synthesis, oxygen
transfer from peroxo- and oxo- species, oxygen transfer from NO2 groups.

Books Recommended:

1. Concepts of Inorganic Photochemistry, A. W. Adamson and P. D. Fleischauer, Wiley.

2. W.W. Porterfield, Inorganic Chemistry: A Unified Approach..
3. F.A. Cotton and G. Willkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed., John Wiley &
Sons, New York.
4. C. Elschenbroich and A. Salzer, Organometalics: A Concise Introduction, 2 nd Ed., VCH
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-IV) (FOR COLLEGES)
60 hrs.
Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 75

Note: The candidates are allowed to use Non-Programmable Calculator.

Instructions for the paper setters:
Section-A: Ten very short answer type questions are to be set. The maximum length of the
answer can be about 1/3rd of a page. All questions are compulsory. In paper having 75 marks,
each question will be of 11/2 marks, total weightage being 15 marks.
Section-B: 12 short answer type questions are to be set. Eight questions are to be attempted.
Maximum length of the answer can be upto 2 pages. In papers having 75 marks, each question
will be of 41/2 marks, total weightage being 36 marks.
Section-C: Four questions are to be set. Two questions are to be attempted. In this section there
will be descriptive questions, derivations, synthesis, structure and bonding, reactions and
conversions etc. Maximum length of answer can be upto 5 pages. In papers having 75 marks,
each question will be of 12 marks, total weightage being 24 marks.

1. Studies on Biosynthetic Pathwas of Natural Products (10 Hrs.)

a) The acetate hypothesis, poly-ketoacids, their addol type cyclisations and meta
orientations of hydroxyl groups in naturally occurring phenols. b) Isoprene rule,
mechanism of formation of mevalonic acid from acctyl coenzyme, Biogenetic isoprene
rule. Geranyl pyrophosphates and its conversion into alphapinene, thujene and borneol.
Farnesyl pyrophosphate, geranyl, geranyl pyrophosphate and mechanistic considerations
for their interconversions into cadinene and abietic acid.
2. Terpenoids: (5 hrs)
General classification, General Methods of structure determination, Chemistry of Camphor,
Abietic acid, Santonin biosynthetic studies on tri and tetra terpenoids.
3. Steroids: (5 Hrs).
General biosynthetic studies on steroids, chemistry of Cholesterol, cortisone, progesterone,
oestrone, transformations in steroid molecules.
4. Alkaloids: (5 Hrs)
Classification, chemistry of nicotine, quinine, papaverine, morphine and reserpine.
5. Haemin and Chlorophyll: (5 Hrs.)
Structure and synthesis of Porphyrins. Chemistry of Haemin and chlorophyll.
6. Antibiotics: (5 Hrs.)
Introduction, chemistry of pencillins, streptomycines, chloromphenicol, tetracyclins.
7. Prostaglandins: (3 Hrs.)
General study, nomenclature, structure of PGE and synthesis of PGE1, PGE2, PGF2x
8. Carbohydrates: (8 Hrs.)
Nomenceature and classification, types of naturally occuring sugars, deoxy sugars, sugars,
methyl others and acid derivatives of sugars. General methods of structure and ring size
determination, structure of maltose, lactose, sucrose, starch and cellulos.
9. Peptides and Proteins: (6 Hrs)
Sequence determination insulin and oxytocin, Proteins: structure conformation and
properties. Enzymes, Kinetics, inhibition mechanism.
10. Nucleic Acids: (8 Hrs.)
Nucleosides, nucleotides, DNA, RNA structure and conformation, Replication,
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-IV) (FOR COLLEGES)
Course XXV- Chemistry of Materials.
60 hrs. Max. Marks: 75
Time: 3 hrs.

Note: The students are allowed to use Non-Programmable Calculator.

Instructions for the Paper Setters:
Section-A: Ten very short answer type questions are to be set. The maximum length of the
answer can be about 1/3rd of a page. All questions are compulsory. In paper having 75 marks,
each question will be of 11/2 marks, total weightage being 15 marks.

Section-B: 12 short answer type questions are to be set. Eight questions are to be attempted.
Maximum length of the answer can be upto 2 pages. In papers having 75 marks, each question
will be of 41/2 marks, total weightage being 36 marks.

Section-C: Four questions are to be set. Two questions are to be attempted. In this section there
will be descriptive questions, derivations, synthesis, structure and bonding, reactions and
conversions etc. Maximum length of answer can be upto 5 pages. In papers having 75 marks,
each question will be of 12 marks, total weightage being 24 marks.

Solid State Chemistry (15)

Types of solids, band and bond theories, crystal lattice energy, point defects in metals and ionic
compounds, energy and entropy of defects, their concentration, diffusion and electrical
conduction via defects, non stoichiometry types, colour centres and electrical properties of alkali
halides, electron theories for metal conduction in metals , in insulators, impurity semi
conductors, reactions in organic solids, photochemical reactions, solid-solid reactions,
decomposition and dehydration reaction.

Macromolecules (15)

Types of polymers, regular and irregular polymers, synthesis of polymers by chain and step
reactions, physical properties of solid polymers(crystallinity, plasticity and elasticity),
vulcanization of rubbers, molecular mass determination by osmometry, viscometry, light
scattering and ultracentrifuge methods, number and mass average molecular masses, polymer
solutions, factors affecting the solubility of polymers , conducting polymers,doping of polymers,
mechanism of conduction, polarones and bipolarons,

Glasses and Ceramics (15)

Factors affecting glass formation, oxide glasses, electronegativity and bond type, viscosity,
structural effects(zachariasen’s rule(1932), criteria of SUN and Rawson, thermodynamics of
glass formation, behavior of liquids on cooling, kinetics of crystallization and glass
formation,structure of glasses: vitreous silica, silicate glasses, vitreous B2O3 and borate glasses,
viscosiy, electrical conductivity of glasses and the mixed alkali effect, commercial silicate and
borate glasses, metallic glasses , glass ceramics, refractories, important glass-ceramics
compositions, properties of glass ceramics, applications.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-IV) (FOR COLLEGES)

Smart Materials (15)

Methods of preparation- conventional ceramic methods, hot pressing and hot static pressing
techniques, precursor method, gel method, co-precipitation method, glass crystallization
methods, vacuum techniques- chemical vapor deposition method. , organic superconductors, ,
magnetism in organic materials, magnetic nano materials, energy storage materials, nano
materials for targeted drug delivery,, fullerenes as superconductors.High temperature ceramic
superconductors, electrical and magnetic properties of superconductors, critical temperature Tc,
thermodynamics of superconductors, London equation, BCS theory, applications.

Books Recommended:

1. Principles of polymer chemistry—P J Flory Cornell University Press

2. Physical chemistry of polymers—A J Tager, Mir Publishers

3. Physical chemistry of Macromolecules__Tanford

4. Handbook of conducting polymers—T A Skotthem

5. Solid state physics—A J Dekker- MacMillan Publishers

6. Solid state chemistry and its applications—A R West ,Wiley Publishers

7. Solid state chemistry of drugs S R Byrn Academic Press

8. Chemistry of solid state—W.E.Garner Butterworth

9. Principles of physical chemistry—Puri-Sharma-Pathania, Vishal Publishers

10. Thermotropic Liquid crystals Ed. G W Gray John Wiley

11. Chemistry of polymers, Margarison and East

12. Polymer Chemistry, Malcolm, P, Stevens, Oxford University Press

13. Principles of Solid States, H. V. Keer, Wiley Eastern.

M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-IV) (FOR COLLEGES)
Advanced Practicals
Organic Synthesis (Practical)

Course Hrs.: 90 Max.Marks: 50

Credit Hrs. 06 Pass Marks: 20

1. Synthesis and Reactivity of benzalacetophenone

a. Bromination (Electrophilic additions) & subsequent debromination
b. Epoxidation (Cycloaddition, nucleophilic) and ring opening with hydroxide ion.
c. Michael addition of aniline.
d. Conversion of benzalacetophenone to its oxime (nucleophilic addition at C=O)
e. Conversion of oxime to amide (Beckmann rearrangement ) and oxazole
(Understand the reactivities at conjugated C=O and C=C) bond.
2. Synthesis of Cyclohexene from cyclohexanol and its conversion to 1, 2- cis and
1, 2- trans – cyclohexanediols.
a. Epoxidation with peracid (Cycloaddition) and anti- ring opening with sodium
hydroxide to cis- cyclohexane -1, 2- diol.
b. Dihydroxylation with KMnO4
(Mechanism of syn- and anti-cyclohexane-1,2-diol)
3. Preparation and characterization of the Aldol-dehydration products from various
combinations of aromatic aldehydes and ketone.
Effect of substituents on aromatic aldehydes on the product distribution.
a. Aldehyde:benzaldehyde, 4-methylbenzaldehyde. 4-methoxybenzaldehyde.
b. Ketone: acetone, cyclopentanons, cyclohexanone (Book 4)6.

1. An Introduction to Modern Experimental Organic Chemistry, R.M. Roberts, J.C.
Gilbert, L.B. Rodewald and A.S Wingrove, Holt Rinehart and Winston Inc, New
York. 1969.
2. Vogel’s Text Book of Practical Organic Chemistry.
3. Laboratory Experiments on Organic Chemistry, R. Edemas, J.R. Johnson and
C.F. Wilcox, The Macmillan Limited, London, 1970.
4. Modern Projects and Experiments in Organic Chemistry, J.R. Mohrig,
C.N. Hammonad, P.F. Schatz and T.C. Morrill, W.H. Freeman and Company,
New York 2003.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-IV) (FOR COLLEGES)
Advanced Practicals
Inorganic Synthesis (Practical)
Course Hrs.: 90 Max. Marks: 50
Credit Hrs. 06 Pass Marks: 20

1. Synthesis of the Linkage Isomers nitrito- and nitropentaamminecobalt(III) chloride

a) Preparation of chloropentaamminecobalt(III) chloride, [Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2 .
b) Preparation of nitropentaamminecobalt(III) chloride, [Co(NH3)5(NO2)]Cl2 .
c) Preparation of nitritopentaamminecobalt(III) chloride, [Co(NH3)5(ONO)]Cl2 .
d) Estimate the chloride in all the complexes using gravimetric analysis.
e) Record and interpret the electronic absorption spectra and IR spectra of all cobalt(III)
complexes and assign the observed change to distinguish the two isomers.

2. Synthesis of a coordination compound containing iron and analysis of this compound

using redox methods
a) Preparation of iron(II) oxalate
b) Preparation of K3[Fe(C2O4)3].3H2O
c) Characterization of Iron(II) and iron(III) complex with IR spectroscopy
d) Determination of iron and oxalate in K3[Fe(C2O4)3].3H2O using volumetric analysis

3. Synthesis and characterization of the Ni(II) complex of a Schiff-base ligand derived from
Salicylaldehyde and ethylenediamine.
a) Synthesis the Schiff-base lignad.
b) Interpret the 1H NMR and IR spectra of the ligand.
c) Synthesis the Ni(II) complex of the ligand and compare its IR spectrum with that of
the ligand.

4. Separation of the metal cations by

a) Column chromatography with gradient elution Co(II) and Ni(II). Analyze qualitatively
the coloured fractions collected for separated cations.
b) Paper chromatography [Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II). Determine the Rf values for
the separate standard cations and use these to identify the cations present in the
unknown mixture

1. G. Marr, B. W. Rockett, Practical Inorganic Chemistry (1972).
2. I. Grenthe, E. Nordin, Inorganic Chemistry, 18 (1979) 1869–74.
3. J.C. Bailar, M. Eldon, Inorg. Synth. 1 (1939) 35–38.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-IV) (FOR COLLEGES)
Advanced Practicals
Physical Chemistry (Practical)

Course Hrs.: 90 M. Marks: 50

Credit Hrs. 06 Pass Marks: 20


1. Study the effect of solvent on the conductance of AgNO3/Acetic acid and determine the
degree of dissociation and equilibrium constant in different solvents and their mixtures
(DMSO, DMF, dioxane, acetone, and water) and test the validity of DEBYE-
2. To determine acid and base dissociation constant of amino acid pH metrically.
3. To calculate thermodynamic parameters, G, S and H for the reaction,
Zn + Hg2SO4  2Hg + Zn SO4 by emf measurement.

4. Study the salt effects and the solvent effect on the rate law of alkaline hydrolysis of
crystal violet.
5. Determine the degree of hydrolysis and hydrolysis constant of
CH3COONa/NaCl/aniline hydrochloride.
6. Determine the order of reaction by analyzing the kinetic dependence of individual
reactant (e.g. saponification of ester).
7. Determine the energy of activation for the reaction studied above.

8. Determination of mean activity coefficient of given electrolyte by cryoscopy.

9. Determine activity coefficients by EMF method.

10. Draw the phase diagram for any one of the following three component partially
immiscible liquid systems.
i) DMSO/water/benzene ii) water/benzene/acetic acid

11. Estimation of ions in mixture of Pb2+ and Cd2+ by successive reduction. Evaluate
diffusion coefficient of Cd2+
12. Polarographic determination of Cu and Zn in the given sample of brass.
13. Determine stability constants of Cd2+ with EDTA.

14. To study the effect of extended conjugation on the wave lengthy of maximum
absorption of organic compounds.
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (Semester-IV) (FOR COLLEGES)

15. To determine the adsorption isotherms of heavy metals like Cd, Zn, Cr, Pb. Ni by
using nonconventiopnal adsorbents.

16. To determine concentration of sulphate ions with the help of turbidity meter.
17. Determine the CMC by turbidimetric method.


18. To draw calibration curve for the concentration determination of potassium ions by
flame photometry and to study the least square fitting of the data.

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