Reversed Carnot Cycle: Sheet

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Reversed Carnot Cycle

1- A refrigeration system operates according to reversed Carnot cycle.

The higher and lower temperatures are 43 C and -20 C. Find the
C.O.P of the system as a refrigerator and as a heat pump and the
amount of heat absorbed and rejected if the work done is 10 kW.

2- A refrigeration system follows reversed Carnot cycle and absorbs 40

kW from a space to preserve its temperature at 25 C while the
outside air temperature is 37 C. Find the C.O.P of the unit and
power required if the temperature difference between the working
fluid of the unit and each of room and outside conditions is 5 C.

3- A refrigeration unit works between temperature limits of 0 and 30 C

and consumes power with a rate of 55 kW. Find the C.O.P of the
unit and the useful energy in two cases of operating as a refrigerator
and as a heat pump.
If the sink temperature is raised to 40 C, find the power required for
operation and the amount of heat rejected.

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