Gas Pressure Problems

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Gas Law Problems

I. Unit Conversions:

1. The air pressure for a certain tire is 109.0 kPa. What is this pressure in atmospheres? In mm Hg?

2. The weather news gives the atmospheric pressure as 30.84 inches of mercury. What is this pressure in mm
Hg? In Torr? In atmospheres?

II. Dalton’s Law:

3. What is the total pressure in mmHg of a mixture of Helium, Nitrogen, and Oxygen if their partial pressures
are 600. mm Hg, 20.00 kPa, and 0.134 atm respectively?

4. A 250. mL sample of oxygen is collected by water displacement at 25.0C, and with a total pressure of
760.0 mm Hg. What is the pressure of the dry oxygen alone?

5. A 500. mL sample of hydrogen is collected over water at 30.0 C, and with a total pressure of 105.0 kPa.
What is the pressure of the dry hydrogen alone?

III. Ideal Gas Law:

6. How many moles of gas will occupy a 562 cm3 flask at -15 C and 88.7 kPa?

7. What volume in liters will be occupied by 21.45g of nitrogen gas at 770 mm Hg and 15.5 C?

8. A 0.759 dm3 reaction vessel contains 0.0945 moles of a gas at 0.95 atm. What is the Kelvin temperature of
the gas?

IV. Combined Gas Law:

9. A certain gas is collected at 740 mm Hg and 23 C. The collecting tube is left in place, and the volume is not
measured until the next day when the pressure is 750 mm Hg and the temperature is 20. C. The final volume is
15.3 mL. What was the original volume?

10. If 1.20x102 mL of oxygen are collected over water at 27 C and 740 Torr, what will the volume of the dry
gas be at STP?

11. If 18.0 dm3 of Hydrogen are collected by water displacement at 23 C and 98.5 kPa, what volume will the
dry gas have at STP?

V. Boyle’s Law:

12. A sample of Oxygen occupies a volume of 458 mL at a pressure of 1.01 kPa and a temperature of 295 K.
When the pressure is changed, the volume becomes 477 mL. If there has been no change in temperature,
what is the new pressure?

13. The cylinder of a car’s engine has a volume of 0.625 Liters when the piston is at the bottom of the cylinder.
When the piston is at the top of the cylinder, the volume is 0.0600 Liters. If the cylinder is filled with air at
an atmospheric pressure of 765.1 mm Hg when the piston is at the bottom, what is the pressure in mm Hg
when the piston is at the top? (temp. is constant) In kPa?

14. A sample of 10.0 dm3 of Argon gas is stored in a cylinder at a room temperature of 23.8 C and a pressure
of 78.6 psi. The sample is transferred completely to another cylinder that has a volume of 2.8 dm 3 . If the
temperature is the same, what is the new pressure in psi? In Torr?

VI. Charles’ Law:

15. A gas sample at 83 C occupies a volume of 1400 m3 at a pressure of 1.0 atm. At what Celsius temperature
will it occupy a volume of 1200 m3 at the same pressure?

16. A gas cylinder with a moveable piston contains a sample of gas with a volume of 10.6 mL, a temperature of
22.4 C, and a pressure of 101.3 kPa. If the gas is heated to a new temperature of 44.8 C, and a constant
pressure, what is the new volume in mL? in cm3?

17. A sample of Carbon Dioxide occupies 0.1050 kL at 100.0 C. At what Celsius temperature will it occupy
0.1400 kL? (assume the pressure is constant)

VII. Gay-Lussac’s Law:

18. A discarded spray paint can contains only a small amount of gaseous propellant. At 25.0  C, it has a
pressure of 34.47 kPa, at a volume of 475 mL. If the can is thrown into the fire, its temperature increases to
475 C. If the volume remains constant, what is the new pressure?

19. You have a small syringe, and the end is stoppered so that no gas can enter or escape. The initial pressure
is 1.0 atm, and the temperature is 25 C. You push the plunger in so that the final pressure is 2.25 atm.
What is the final temperature in Celsius?

20. You fill a 20.0 Liter scuba tank to 8.0 atm pressure. Its temperature is 20.0 C. You move the tank out into
the sun, where it heats up to 35 C. What is the new pressure?

VIII. Avogadro’s Law:

21. A balloon has a volume of 2.5 L, and contains 0.100 moles of Helium. Another balloon has a volume 5.0
L. They are at the same temperature and pressure. How many moles does the second balloon contain?

22. A small syringe has a volume of 50.0 cc, and contains 0.040 moles of CO2 . If 0.025 moles of gas are
expelled, what is the final volume of gas in the syringe? (constant temperature and pressure)

23. A 503-mL flask contains 0.0243 mol of an ideal gas at a given temperature and pressure. Another flask
contains 0.0388 mol of the gas at the same temperature and pressure. What is the volume of the second

IX. Molar Volume:

24. 0.75 moles of CO2 are collected at STP. What is its volume in Liters?

25. Calculate the volume in cubic decimeters of a sample of O2 collected at STP if the sample has a mass of
2.67 grams.

26. 75,600 mL of SO2 gas is collected at STP. What is its mass?

X. Grahams’ Law :

27. A balloon has a tiny pinhole in it. The Helium is leaking out at a rate of 1.5 Liters per minute. If the
balloon had been filled with propane instead, how fast would the propane leak out?

28. A tank is fitted with a calibrated orifice, so that Hydrogen at 1.0 atm escapes at 1.00 L•s-1 . If an unknown
gas is put in the same tank at 1.0 atm, it escapes at 0.354 L•s-1 . What is the molar mass of the unknown gas?
We later learn that the gas is an Alkane. What is the formula of the gas?

29. A can of compressed “air” is actually filled with CH2F2, (difluoromethane). When the nozzle is pushed, the
gas escapes at 4.5 Liters/s. Suppose the can had been filled with Carbon Dioxide, under the same conditions of
temperature and pressure. At what rate would the Carbon Dioxide escape?

XI. Density of Gases:

30. A tank of compressed oxygen is at 15.0 atm and 298 K. What is the density of the gas in the tank?

31. A eudiometer is filled with dry hydrogen gas at STP. What is the density of the gas?

32. An unknown gas is in a tank at 800 mm Hg, and 25C. The density of the gas is measured to
be 1.90 grams/Liter. What is the molar mass of the gas? If the gas is an Alkane, which one is it?

XII. Gas Stoichiometry

33. How many cubic decimeters of Hydrogen gas at STP will be produced when 16.7 g of Magnesium reacts
with an excess amount of Hydrochloric Acid?

34. How many Liters of Carbon Dioxide gas at STP will be produced when 75.0 g of Calcium Carbonate

35. 3.45 Liters of Hydrogen gas at STP reacts with an excess of Chlorine gas to produce gaseous Hydrogen
Chloride. What mass of Hydrogen Chloride will be produced?

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