Optimum Power Control For Successive Interference Cancellation With Imperfect Channel Estimation
Optimum Power Control For Successive Interference Cancellation With Imperfect Channel Estimation
Optimum Power Control For Successive Interference Cancellation With Imperfect Channel Estimation
Abstract—Successive interference cancellation, in conjunction Despite the abundance of academic work on MUD, in-
with orthogonal convolutional codes, has been shown to approach dustry implementations still predominantly use the single-user
the Shannon capacity for an additive white Gaussian noise channel matched filter. There are several explanations for industry’s
(Viterbi: 1990). However, this requires highly accurate estimates
reluctance to use the results from MUD, and they usually
for the amplitude and phase of each user’s signal. In this paper,
we derive an optimal power control strategy specifically designed center around continuing questions about the complexity of
to maximize the overall capacity under the constraint of a high even the reduced-complexity suboptimal techniques and the
degree of estimation error. This power control strategy presents robustness of such techniques to the difficulties of the multicell
a general formula of which other power control algorithms wireless channel. Successive interference cancellation (SIC) as
are special cases. Even with estimation error as high as 50%, proposed in [1] is a MUD technique that is different from much
capacity can be approximately doubled relative to not using of the MUD research in that it does not rely on dimensional
interference cancellation. In addition, when properly applied to
multicell mobile networks, this power control scheme can reduce separation or short-period spreading sequences in order to
the handset transmit power, and therefore other-cell interference, distinguish users from one another. Further, its entire design
by more than an order of magnitude. as presented in this paper is based on an extremely strong
error-correcting code. For these reasons, it is well-suited to an
Index Terms—Code-division multiple access (CDMA), inter-
ference cancellation, multiuser detection (MUD), power control, uncoordinated, noisy, asynchronous environment such as the
superorthogonal codes. uplink in a cellular system.
There are some serious challenges in making a SIC system
feasible in practice. First, the decoding time increases linearly
I. INTRODUCTION with the number of users. This is because users are decoded suc-
cessively, as implied in the name of the technique. However, a
F OR A number of reasons, code-division multiple access
(CDMA) continues to be a dominant air-interface tech-
nology for personal wireless communication systems. While
latency increase that is linear with the number of users is gener-
ally considered palatable because processor speed is increasing
systems based on the widely available commercial standards exponentially. Second, relative to conventional CDMA, a more
such as IS-95 and the newer third-generation (3G) standards complicated power control distribution is required to make full
wideband code-divison multiple access (W-CDMA) and use of SIC, because the users must be received with differing
CDMA2000 have proven reasonably robust for low bandwidth powers, dependent on the order of decoding. Third, the ampli-
applications, it is generally believed that significant increases tude and phase of each user must be accurately estimated. If
in capacity and performance are attainable for future CDMA the estimates are inaccurate, residual interference remains in
systems. An abundance of theoretical and practical research the composite signal, and the system capacity rapidly erodes.
has been undertaken with this goal in mind. Fundamental work Fourth, as is true of all realistic MUD systems, other-cell inter-
done by Verdu [2] showed the remarkable extent to which the ference (OCI) is uncancelable and, thus, proposes a particular
single-user matched filter present in IS-95 systems could be problem.
improved upon by using more sophisticated receiver design In this paper, we focus on the latter two problems. In the at-
and signal processing. While the optimal implementations of tempt to relax the requirement on accurate amplitude and phase
this work are prohibitively complex for even a modest numbers estimation, a novel and general power control algorithm is de-
of users, an assortment of suboptimal methods have been veloped that is shown to be optimal for all CDMA systems. For
developed which reduce the complexity drastically while still the sake of receiver simplicity, a channel with only one path
providing large gains over the conventional single-user detector. from transmitter to receiver is assumed, but the power control
This field has come to be known as multiuser detection (MUD), results apply to a multipath channel as well, since the power
and an accessible summary of the field can be found in [3]. control distribution only depends on the total amount of power
received per user. It will be shown in Section IV that if the es-
timation error is considered when developing a power control
Manuscript received May 4, 2001; revised October 30, 2001; accepted distribution, a sizeable amount of estimation error can be toler-
November 2, 2001. The editor coordinating the review of this paper and ated while still maintaining robust bit-error rate (BER) perfor-
approving it for publication is J. K. Cavers.
J. G. Andrews was with the Electrical Engineering Department, Stanford Uni-
mance at an increased spectral efficiency. In addition, extending
versity, Stanford, CA 94305 USA. He is now with the Department of Electrical the work of [4] and [5], it will be shown in Section V that if the
and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712–1084 USA users’ relative distances from the cell are considered when as-
(e-mail: [email protected]). signing powers, OCI can be reduced by approximately an order
T. H. Meng is with the Electrical Engineering Department, Stanford Univer-
sity, Stanford, CA 94305 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). of magnitude over equal power CDMA systems such as IS-95
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TWC.2003.809123 and 3G CDMA. In Section VI, the spectral efficiency of a SIC
1536-1276/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE
Fig. 1. System block diagram. (a) Transmitter. (b) Channel. (c) Receiver.
is the sum of the transmitted signals delayed by their respective III. OPTIMUM POWER CONTROL
propagation times (assumed here to be an integer multiple of the
sample interval), plus additive noise , which has noise power Power control is required for all realistic CDMA systems be-
. Path loss is neglected throughout the paper. The power con- cause of what is known as the near-far problem: users far from
trol error arises from the imperfect mitigation of fading the base station experience far greater path loss than users that
and will be quantified in detail when the optimum power con- are near the base station. Optimum power control is achieved
trol distribution is presented. when all users are decoded with the same signal-to-interference
ratio (SIR) [8]. Otherwise, a user with a low SIR dominates the
C. Interference Cancelling Receiver BER performance of the system, which is defined as the average
BER over all users.
As implied by the name of the technique, in a SIC system, In commercial CDMA systems, the near–far problem is mit-
users’ signals are extracted from the composite received signal igated by controlling the output power of the mobile units with
successively, rather than in parallel. SIC attempts to remove the a tight feedback loop, so that the users’ signals all arrive at the
interference of the th user (the most recently decoded user) base station with approximately the same power, which results
from the current composite received signal , by re-en- in a consistent quality of service, as each user experiences an
coding the decoded bit sequence for user , modulating it with
approximate SIR of
the appropriate amplitude and phase adjustment, and subtracting
it out from . This process is illustrated in Fig. 1(c). The
forward path is similar to that of a typical CDMA matched filter SIR (10)
receiver: The down converted and sampled signal is despread
with the synchronized pseudonoise (PN) sequences for user
where is the received power of each user, is the
and then combined and decoded by an appropriately modified
number of users, and is the power of the background AWGN,
Viterbi decoder for superorthogonal codes. It is assumed that
which can also include OCI, assuming such interference appears
synchronization with each user is achieved through the usual
as noncoherent additive noise.
methods, namely, an overhead channel with training, and then
a phase locked loop. As stated previously however, no cooper- When SIC is used, the situation is significantly different. In
ation between users is assumed. this case, it is also desirable that each user experiences the same
Once reliably decoded, user ’s decoded bits can then be used SIR at the time of decoding. However, interference is being sub-
to cancel the interference that its signal would cause to later tracted out of the received signal after each user, so the first user
users. The estimated bits for user are reencoded, and estimates to be decoded sees the most interference, the last user the least.
of the amplitude and phase, or equivalently the amplitude of the Heuristically, the first user to be decoded should be the strongest
and branches are formed user, the weakest user should be decoded last.
If the successive cancellation scheme proceeds with no
channel estimation error or bit errors, then finding the optimum
(5) power control scheme is straightforward as described in [9]. Of
course, the amplitude and phase estimation are never perfect
and, thus, it is desirable to know the optimum power solution in
(6) the presence of imperfect cancellation. If there is cancellation
error, the following equations describe the SIRs for each
where is the number of symbols in a frame, and and
are the amplitude estimates of user ’s in-phase and quadrature
branches, respectively.
Using these values, an estimate of the received signal from
user can be obtained as
where is the fractional residual cancellation error for user , It should also be noted that the above reasoning assumes
and is the total remaining multiple-access interference (MAI) that the fractional cancellation error is known for each user.
for user plus their own power: Clearly, the amount of cancellation error is rarely known and
must instead be estimated or guessed. This will be addressed in
Section IV.
(13) A few sample power distributions are shown in Fig. 4, as a
function of the amount of uncancelable noise and cancellation
Note that this is the general optimal solution for CDMA power error. As can be seen, the relative distribution of powers amongst
control, and that although it is possible that if many bit users is highly dependent on the amount of cancellation error
errors are made, all cases of interest are for . For perfect in- and somewhat dependent on the relative amount of noise power.
terference cancellation and (12) is shown in Appendix II Note that when the cancellation error and to a lesser extent the
to be identical in this case to the distribution derived in [9]. For noise are kept low, the power differential between earlier and
no interference cancellation as in a typical equal power com- later users is much greater than if those quantities are high, be-
mercial CDMA system, and it can be easily seen that cause more successful interference cancellation will take place
(12) reduces to the familiar equal power solution. for earlier users and, thus, the later users will require less power
These equations still cannot be solved analytically for all the to achieve the same signal to interference ratio. As can be seen
given , due to the introduced variable , but in Fig. 4, the dynamic range in received power is less than 10 dB
they can be solved quickly by iteration to arbitrary accuracy. We for most cases of practical interest.
provide a simple algorithm in Fig. 3 for computing the optimal
power weightings , where is some chosen step size. IV. ESTIMATION AND POWER CONTROL ERROR (PCE)
Following the above steps, the will converge to the power MODELING AND ANALYSIS
distribution given in (12) given a total power constraint as A. PCE
. Unlike other uplink power control schemes [11], there
PCE results when a user is received with a power level that is
are no convergence conditions regarding a target SIR in this al-
different than that assigned by the base station. This occurs due
gorithm. The proposed algorithm simply equalizes the received
to the processing and propagation delay between the transmitter
SIRs and hence always converges for . Convergence is
and receiver that makes it difficult to track fast changes in the
defined as the ability to make arbitrarily
channel, and also because typically just one bit “up” or “down”
small. The argument that the algorithm presented in Fig. 3 con-
commands are sent to the mobile. Nevertheless, fast power con-
verges to (12) is as follows.
trol has proven effective for large-scale commercial cellular sys-
Initially, . It is known from simple inspection of
tems such as IS-95 and WCDMA.
(12) that with equality iff . Thus, by
As can be seen in Fig. 1, PCE is applied to the received signal
using (12), it can be seen initially that . Hence,
in order to realistically model the received power over a fading
all initial power estimates are conservative, and the initial total
channel. PCE has been found to closely follow a lognormal dis-
power . Thus, by increasing by , the
tribution [6], [12] and is defined to have the following normal-
instant . Thus, by letting and
ized variance:
following the algorithm in Fig. 3, . In practice, is a
finite value and hence , but can be made as small as
desired by lowering at the cost of increased iterations.
TABLE I a SIC system than a conventional system. Thus, they will cause
SIMULATION PARAMETERS less interference to neighboring cells, and this reduction will be
quantified in the next section. Second, because far-away users
can now lower their power levels, the dynamic range required
for accurate power control will be reduced. Third, maintaining
an accurate power control distribution is important for system
capacity, as will be shown in Section VI. Thus, it is preferred
to tightly control the users’ power levels, relative to simply es-
timating the power levels and then ordering the decoding.
B. OCI Reduction
In order to quantify the OCI reduction, the OCI in a SIC
system with power levels as in (12) shall be compared with the
OCI in a conventional equal power system. The total average
OCI reduction is the average OCI reduction in each cell times
the number of neighboring cells
for drastically reducing OCI relative to that of a commercial
CDMA system. (20)
A. Power Assignment Strategy
A well-known model for path loss in cellular systems is given
by (21)
Constant (27)
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(39) [14] A. J. Viterbi, A. M. Viterbi, and E. Zehavi, “Other-cell interference in
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[17] D. Divsalar, M. K. Simon, and D. Raphaeli, “Improved parallel inter-
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By using the expression in (39) and summing the series, with [18] J. Andrews and T. Meng, “Amplitude and phase estimation consider-
some additional algebra it can be shown that ations for asynchronous CDMA with successive interference cancella-
tion,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf., Boston, MA, Sept.
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Jeffrey G. Andrews (S’98–M’02) received the B.S. degree in engineering (with
high distinction) from Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA, in 1995 and the
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Stanford University, Stan-
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