Machine Learning Notes

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Some Notes on Applied Mathematics for

Machine Learning

Christopher J.C. Burges

Microsoft Research, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA

[email protected]

Abstract. This chapter describes Lagrange multipliers and some

selected subtopics from matrix analysis from a machine learning per-
spective. The goal is to give a detailed description of a number of math-
ematical constructions that are widely used in applied machine learning.

1 Introduction
The topics discussed in this chapter are ones that I felt are often assumed in ap-
plied machine learning (and elsewhere), but that are seldom explained in detail.
This work is aimed at the student who’s taken some coursework in linear meth-
ods and analysis, but who’d like to see some of the tricks used by researchers
discussed in a little more detail. The mathematics described here is a small
fraction of that used in machine learning in general (a treatment of machine
learning theory would include the mathematics underlying generalization error
bounds, for example)1 , although it’s a largely self-contained selection, in that
derived results are often used downstream. I include two kinds of homework,
‘exercises’ and ‘puzzles’. Exercises start out easy, and are otherwise as you’d
expect; the puzzles are exercises with an added dose of mildly Machiavellian
Notation: vectors appear in bold font, and vector components and matrices
in normal font, so that for example vi denotes the i’th component of the
a’th vector v . The symbol A  0 () means that the matrix A is positive
(semi)definite. The transpose of the matrix A is denoted AT , while that of the
vector x is denoted x .

2 Lagrange Multipliers
Lagrange multipliers are a mathematical incarnation of one of the pillars of
diplomacy (see the historical notes at the end of this section): sometimes an
indirect approach will work beautifully when the direct approach fails.

My original lectures also contained material on functional analysis and convex opti-
mization, which is not included here.

O. Bousquet et al. (Eds.): Machine Learning 2003, LNAI 3176, pp. 21–40, 2004.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004

22 C.J.C. Burges

2.1 One Equality Constraint

Suppose that you wish to minimize some function f (x), x ∈ Rd , subject to
the constraint c(x) = 0. A direct approach is to find a parameterization of
the constraint such that f , expressed in terms of those parameters, becomes
an unconstrained function. For example, if c(x) = x Ax − 1, x ∈ Rd , and if
A  0, you could rotate to a coordinate system and rescale to diagonalize the
constraints to the form y y = 1, and then substitute with a parameterization
that encodes the constraint that y lives on the (d − 1)-sphere, for example

y1 = sin θ1 sin θ2 · · · sin θd−2 sin θd−1

y2 = sin θ1 sin θ2 · · · sin θd−2 cos θd−1
y3 = sin θ1 sin θ2 · · · cos θd−2

Unfortunately, for general constraints (for example, when c is a general poly-

nomial in the d variables) this is not possible, and even when it is, the above
example shows that things can get complicated quickly. The geometry of the
general situation is shown schematically in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. At the constrained optimum, the gradient of the constraint must be parallel to
that of the function

On the left, the gradient of the constraint is not parallel to that of the func-
tion; it’s therefore possible to move along the constraint surface (thick arrow) so
as to further reduce f . On the right, the two gradients are parallel, and any mo-
tion along c(x) = 0 will increase f , or leave it unchanged. Hence, at the solution,
we must have ∇f = λ∇c for some constant λ; λ is called an (undetermined)
Lagrange multiplier, where ‘undetermined’ arises from the fact that for some
problems, the value of λ itself need never be computed.

2.2 Multiple Equality Constraints

How does this extend to multiple equality constraints, ci (x) = 0, i = 1, . . . , n?
Let gi ≡ ∇ci . At any solution x∗ , it must be true that the gradient of f has no
components that are perpendicular to all of the gi , because otherwise you could
Some Notes on Applied Mathematics for Machine Learning 23

move x∗ a little in that direction (or in the opposite direction) to increase (de-
crease) f without changing any of the ci , i.e. without violating any constraints.
Hence for multiple equality constraints, it must be true that at the solution x ∗ ,
the space spanned by the gi contains the vector ∇f , i.e. there are some constants
λi such that ∇f (x∗ ) = i λi gi (x∗ ). Note that this is not sufficient, however -
we also need to impose that the solution is on the correct constraint surface
(i.e. ci = 0 ∀i).
 A neat way to encapsulate this is to introduce the Lagrangian
L ≡ f (x) − i λi ci (x), whose gradient with respect to the x, and with respect
to all the λi , vanishes at the solution.
Puzzle 1: A single constraint gave us one Lagrangian; more constraints must
give us more information about the solution; so why don’t multiple constraints
give us multiple Lagrangians?
Exercise 1. Suppose you are given a parallelogram whose side lengths you can
choose but whose perimeter is fixed. What shaped parallelogram gives the largest
area? (This is a case where the Lagrange multiplier can remain undetermined.)
Now, your enterprising uncle has a business proposition: to provide cheap storage
in floating containers that are moored at sea. He wants to build a given storage
facility out of a fixed area of sheet metal which he can shape as necessary. He
wants to keep construction simple and so desires that the facility be a closed
parallelepiped (it has to be protected from the rain and from the occasional wave).
What dimensions should you choose in order to maximize the weight that can be
stored without sinking?
Exercise 2. Prove that the distance between two points that are constrained to
lie on the n-sphere is extremized when they are either antipodal, or equal.

2.3 Inequality Constraints

Suppose that instead of the constraint c(x) = 0 we have the single constraint
c(x) ≤ 0. Now the entire region labeled c(x) < 0 in Figure 1 has become feasible.
At the solution, if the constraint is active (c(x) = 0), we again must have that
∇f is parallel to ∇c, by the same argument. In fact we have a stronger condition,
namely that if the Lagrangian is written L = f +λc, then since we are minimizing
f , we must have λ ≥ 0, since the two gradients must point in opposite directions
(otherwise a move away from the surface c = 0 and into the feasible region would
further reduce f ). Thus for an inequality constraint, the sign of λ matters, and
so here λ ≥ 0 itself becomes a constraint (it’s useful to remember that if you’re
minimizing, and you write your Lagrangian with the multiplier appearing with
a positive coefficient, then the constraint is λ ≥ 0). If the constraint is not
active, then at the solution ∇f (x∗ ) = 0, and if ∇c(x∗ ) = 0, then in order that
∇L(x∗ ) = 0 we must set λ = 0 (and if in fact if ∇c(x∗ ) = 0, we can still
set λ = 0). Thus in either case (active or inactive), we can find the solution
by requiring that the gradients of the Lagrangian vanish, and we also have
λc(x∗ ) = 0. This latter condition is one of the important Karush-Kuhn-Tucker
conditions of convex optimization theory [15, 4], and can facilitate the search for
the solution, as the next exercise shows.
24 C.J.C. Burges

For multiple inequality constraints, again at the solution ∇f must lie in the
space spanned by the ∇ci , and again if the Lagrangian is L = f + i λi ci ,
then we must in addition have λi ≥ 0 ∀i (since otherwise f could be reduced
by moving into the feasible region); and for inactive constraints, again we (can,
usually must, and so might as well) set λi = 0. Thus the above KKT condition
generalizes to λi ci (x∗ ) = 0 ∀i. Finally, a simple and often useful trick is to solve
ignoring one or more of the constraints, and then check that the solution satisfies
those constraints, in which case you have solved the problem; we’ll call this the
free constraint gambit below.
Exercise 3. Find the x ∈ R
that minimizes  i x2i subject to i xi = 1. Find
the x ∈ Rd that maximizes i x2i subject to i xi = 1 and xi ≥ 0 (hint: use
λi x∗i = 0).

2.4 Cost Benefit Curves

Here’s an example from channel coding. Suppose that you are in charge of four
fiber optic communications systems. As you pump more bits down a given chan-
nel, the error rate increases for that channel, but this behavior is slightly different
for each channel. Figure 2 show a graph of the bit rate for each channel versus
the ‘distortion’ (error rate). Your goal is to send the maximum possible number
of bits per second at a given, fixed total distortion rate D. Let Di be the number

Fig. 2. Total bit rate versus distortion for each system

of errored bits sent down the i’th channel. Given a particular error rate, we’d like
to findthe maximum overall bit rate; that is, we must maximize the total rate
R ≡ i=1 Ri subject to the constraint D = i=1 Di . Introducing a Lagrange
multiplier λ, we wish to maximize the objective function

L= Ri (Di ) + λ(D − Di ) (1)
i=1 i=1

Setting ∂L/∂Di = 0 gives ∂Ri /∂Di = λ, that is, each fiber should be oper-
ated at a point on its rate/distortion curve such that its slope is the same for all
fibers. Thus we’ve found the general rule for resource allocation, for benefit/cost
Some Notes on Applied Mathematics for Machine Learning 25

curves like those shown2 in Figure 2: whatever operating point is chosen for each
system, in order to maximize the benefit at a given cost, the slope of the graph
at that point should be the same for each curve. For the example shown, the
slope of each graph decreases monotonically, and we can start by choosing a
single large value of the slope λ for all curves, and decrease it until the condition

i=1 Di = D is met, so in general for m fibers, an m dimensional search prob-
lem has been reduced to a one dimensional search problem. We can get the same
result informally as follows: suppose you had just two fibers, and were at an oper-
ating point where the slope s1 of the rate/distortion graph for fiber 1 was greater
than the slope s2 for fiber 2. Suppose you then adjusted things so that fiber 1 sent
one more errored bit every second, and fiber 2 sent one fewer. The extra number
of bits you can now send down fiber 1 more than offsets the fewer number of bits
you must send down fiber 2. This will hold whenever the slopes are different. For
an arbitrary number of fibers, we can apply this argument to any pair of fibers,
so the optimal point is for all fibers to be operating at the same slope.

Puzzle 2: Suppose that instead of fibers, you have four factories making widgets,
that the y-axis in Figure 2 represents the total cost for making ni widgets, and
that the x-axis represents the number ni of widgets made by the i’th factory. The
curves have the same shape (they drop off at larger ni due to the economies of
scale). Does the above argument mean that, to produce a total, fixed number of
widgets, in order to minimize the cost, each factory should be operated at the
same slope on its curve as all the other factories?

2.5 An Isoperimetric Problem

Isoperimetric problems - problems for which a quantity is extremized while a
perimeter is held fixed - were considered in ancient times, but serious work
on them began only towards the end of the seventeenth century, with a minor
battle between the Bernoulli brothers [14]. It is a fitting example for us, since the
general isoperimetric problem had been discussed for fifty years before Lagrange
solved it in his first venture into mathematics [1], and it provides an introduction
to functional derivatives, which we’ll need. Let’s consider a classic isoperimetric
problem: to find the plane figure with maximum area, given fixed perimeter.
Consider a curve with fixed endpoints {x = 0, y = 0} and {x = 1, y = 0}, and
fixed length ρ. We will assume that the curve defines a function, that is, that for
a given x ∈ [0, 1], there corresponds just one y. We wish to maximize the area
between the curve and the x axis, A = 0 ydx, subject to the constraint that
the length, ρ = 0 1 + y 2 dx, is fixed (here, prime denotes differentiation with
respect to x). The Lagrangian is therefore
 1  1  
L= ydx + λ 1 + y dx − ρ
2 (2)
0 0

This seemingly innocuous statement is actually a hint for the puzzle that follows.
26 C.J.C. Burges

Two new properties of the problem appear here: first, integrals appear in
the Lagrangian, and second, we are looking for a solution which is a function,
not a point. To solve this we will use the calculus of variations, introduced by
Lagrange and Euler. Denote a small variation of a function3 f by δf : that is,
replace f (x) by f (x) + δf (x) everywhere, where δf is chosen to vanish at the
boundaries, that is, δf (0) = δf (1) = 0 (note that δf is also a function of x).
Here, y is the variable function, so the change in L is
 1  1
δL = δydx + λ (1 + y 2 )−1/2 y  δy  dx
0 0

By using the facts that δy  = δ dx = dx
δy and that the variation in y vanishes
at the endpoints, integrating by parts then gives:
δL = 1 − λy  (1 + y 2 )−3/2 δydx
⇒ 1 −λy  (1 + y 2 )−3/2 ≡ 1 − λκ = 0

where κ is the local curvature, and where the second step results from our being
able to choose δy arbitrarily on (0, 1), so the quantity multiplying δy in the
integrand must vanish (imagine choosing δy to be zero everywhere except over
an arbitrarily small interval around some point x ∈ [0, 1]). Since the only plane
curves with constant curvature are the straight line and the arc of circle, we
find the result (which holds even if the diameter of the circle is greater than
one). Note that, as often happens in physical problems, λ here has a physical
interpretation (as the inverse curvature); λ is always the ratio of the norms of
∇f and ∇c at the solution, and in this sense the size of λ measures the influence
of the constraint on the solution.

2.6 Which Univariate Distribution has Maximum Entropy?

Here we use differential entropy, with the understanding that the bin width
is sufficiently small that the usual sums can be approximated by integrals, but
fixed, so that comparing the differential entropy of two distributions is equivalent
to comparing their entropies. We wish to find the function f that minimizes
f (x) log2 f (x)dx, x ∈ R (3)

subject to the four constraints

 ∞  ∞  ∞
f (x) ≥ 0 ∀x, f (x) = 1, xf (x) = c1 x2 f (x) = c2
−∞ −∞ −∞

In fact Lagrange first suggested the use of the symbol δ to denote the variation of a
whole function, rather than that at a point, in 1755 [14].
Some Notes on Applied Mathematics for Machine Learning 27

Note that the last two constraints, which specify the first and second mo-
ments, is equivalent to specifying the mean and variance. Our Lagrangian is
 ∞   ∞    ∞ 
L= f (x) log2 f (x)dx + λ 1 − f (x) + β1 c1 − xf (x)dx
−∞ −∞ −∞
+ β2 c 2 − x2 f (x)dx

where we’ll try the free constraint gambit and skip the positivity constraint. In
this problem we again need the calculus of variations. In modern terms we use
the functional derivative, which is just a shorthand for capturing the rules of the
calculus of variations, one of which is:
= δ(x − y) (4)
where the right hand side is the Dirac delta function. Taking the functional
derivative of the Lagrangian with respect to f (y) and integrating with respect
to x then gives
log2 f (y) + log2 (e) − λ − β1 y − β2 y 2 = 0 (5)
which shows that f must have the functional form
f (y) = C exp(λ+β1 y+β2 y )
where C is a constant. The values for the Lagrange multipliers λ, β1 and β2
then follow from the three equality constraints above, giving the result that the
Gaussian is the desired distribution. Finally, choosing C > 0 makes the result
positive everywhere, so the free constraint gambit worked.
Puzzle 3: For a given event space, say with N possible outcomes, the maximum
entropy is attained when pi = 1/N ∀i, that is, by the uniform distribution. That
doesn’t look very Gaussian. What gives?
Exercise 4. What distribution maximizes the entropy for the class of univariate
distributions whose argument is assumed to be positive, if only the mean is fixed?
How about univariate distributions whose argument is arbitrary, but which have
specified, finite support, and where no constraints are imposed on the mean or
the variance?
Puzzle 4: The differential entropy for a uniform distribution with support in
[−C, C] is
h(PU ) = − (1/2C) log2 (1/2C)dx
= − log2 (1/2C) (7)
This tends to ∞ as C → ∞. How should we interpret this? Find the variance
for any fixed C, and show that the univariate Gaussian with that variance has
differential entropy greater than h.
28 C.J.C. Burges

2.7 Maximum Entropy with Linear Constraints

Suppose that you have a discrete probability distribution Pi , i Pi = 1, and
suppose further that the only information that you have about the distribution
is that it must satisfy a set of linear constraints:

αji Pi = Cj , j = 1, . . . , m (8)

The maximum entropy approach (see [5], for example) posits that, subject
to the known constraints, our uncertainty about the set of events described by
the distribution should be as large as possible, or specifically, that the mean
number of bits required to describe an event generated from the constrained
probability distribution be as large as possible. Maximum entropy provides a
principled way to encode our uncertainty in a model, and it is the precursor
to modern Bayesian techniques [13]. Since the mean number of bits is just the
entropy of the distribution, we wish to find that distribution that maximizes4
− Pi log Pi + λj (Cj − αji Pi ) + µ( Pi − 1) − δ i Pi (9)
i j i i i

where the sum constraint on the Pi is imposed with µ, and the positivity of each
Pi with δi (so δi ≥ 0 and at the maximum, δi Pi = 0 ∀i)5 . Differentiating with
respect to Pk gives

Pk = exp(−1 + µ − δk − λj αjk ) (10)

Since this is guaranteed to be positive

 we have δk = 0 ∀k. Imposing the sum
constraint then gives Pk = Z1 exp(− j λj αjk ) where the “partition function” Z
is just a normalizing factor. Note that the Lagrange multipliers have shown us the
form that the solution must take, but that form does not automatically satisfy
the constraints - they must still be imposed as a condition on the solution. The
problem of maximizing the entropy subject to linear constraints therefore gives
the widely used logistic regression model, where the parameters of the model
are the Lagrange multipliers λi , which are themselves constrained by Eq. (8).
For an example from the document classification task of how imposing linear
constraints on the probabilities can arise in practice, see [16].

2.8 Some Algorithm Examples

Lagrange multipliers are ubiquitous for imposing constraints in algorithms. Here
we list their use in a few modern machine learning algorithms; in all of these ap-
plications, the free constraint gambit proves useful. For support vector machines,
the Lagrange multipliers have a physical force interpretation, and can be used to

The factor log2 e can be absorbed into the Lagrange multipliers.
Actually the free constraint gambit would work here, too.
Some Notes on Applied Mathematics for Machine Learning 29

find the exact solution to the problem of separating points in a symmetric sim-
plex in arbitrary dimensions [6]. For the remaining algorithms mentioned here,
see [7] for details on the underlying mathematics. In showing that the principal
PCA directions give minimal reconstruction error, one requires that the projec-
tion directions being sought after are orthogonal, and this can be imposed by
introducing a matrix of multipliers. In locally linear embedding [17], the trans-
lation invariance constraint is imposed for each local patch by a multiplier, and
the constraint that a solution matrix in the reconstruction algorithm be orthog-
onal is again imposed by a matrix of multipliers. In the Laplacian eigenmaps
dimensional reduction algorithm [2], in order to prevent the collapse to trivial
solutions, the dimension of the target space is enforced to be d > 0 by requiring
that the rank of the projected data matrix be d, and again this imposed using a
matrix of Lagrange multipliers.
Historical Notes. Joseph Louis Lagrange was born in 1736 in Turin. He was one
of only two of eleven siblings to survive infancy; he spent most of his life in Turin,
Berlin and Paris. He started teaching in Turin, where he organized a research
society, and was apparently responsible for much fine mathematics that was
published from that society under the names of other mathematicians [3, 1]. He
’believed that a mathematician has not thoroughly understood his own work till he
has made it so clear that he can go out and explain it effectively to the first man
he meets on the street’ [3]6 . His contributions lay in the subjects of mechanics,
calculus7 , the calculus of variations8 , astronomy, probability, group theory, and
number theory [14]. Lagrange is at least partly responsible for the choice of base
10 for the metric system, rather than 12. He was supported academically by Euler
and d’Alembert, financed by Frederick and Louis XIV, and was close to Lavoisier
(who saved him from being arrested and having his property confiscated, as
a foreigner living in Paris during the Revolution), Marie Antoinette and the
Abbé Marie. He survived the Revolution, although Lavoisier did not. His work
continued to be fruitful until his death in 1813, in Paris.

3 Some Notes on Matrices

This section touches on some useful results in the theory of matrices that are
rarely emphasized in coursework. For a complete treatment, see for example [12]
and [11]. Following [12], the set of p by q matrices is denoted Mpq , the set of
(square) p by p matrices by Mp , and the set of symmetric p by p matrices by
Sp . We work only with real matrices - the generalization of the results to the
complex field is straightforward. In this section only, we will use the notation
in which repeated indices are assumed to be summed over, so that for example

Sadly, at that time there were very few female mathematicians.
For example he was the first to state Taylor’s theorem with a remainder [14].
. . . with which he started his career, in a letter to Euler, who then generously delayed
publication of some similar work so that Lagrange could have time to finish his work
30 C.J.C. Burges

Aij Bjk Ckl is written as shorthand for j,k Aij Bjk Ckl . Let’s warm up with some
basic facts.

3.1 A Dual Basis

Suppose you are given a basis of d orthonormal vectors e(a) ∈ Rd , a = 1, . . . , d,
and you construct a matrix E ∈ Md whose columns are those vectors. It is a
striking fact that the rows of E then also always form an orthonormal basis. We
can see this as follows. Let the e(a) have components ei , i = 1, . . . , d. Let’s
(a) (i)
write the vectors constructed from the rows of E as ê so that êi ≡ ea . Then
orthonormality of the columns can be encapsulated as E T E = 1. However since
E has full rank, it has an inverse, and E T EE −1 = E −1 = E T , so EE T = 1 (using
the fundamental fact that the left and right inverses of any square matrix are the
same) which shows that the rows of E are also orthonormal. The vectors ê(a) are
called the dual basis to the e(a) . This result is sometimes useful in simplifying
 (a) (a)
expressions: for example a ei ej Λ(i, j), where Λ is some function, can be
replaced by Λ(i, i)δij .

3.2 Other Ways to Think About Matrix Multiplication

Suppose you have matrices X ∈ Mmn and Y ∈ Mnp so that XY ∈ Mmp . The
familiar way to represent matrix multiplication is (XY )ab = i=1 Xai Yib , where
the summands arenjust products of numbers. However an alternative represen-
tation is XY = i=1 xi yi , where xi (yi ) is the i’th column (row) of X (Y ), and
where the summands are outer products of matrices. For example, we can write
the product of a 2 × 3 and a 3 × 2 matrix as
⎡ ⎤


abc ⎣ a [g h] b [i j] c [k l]
i j⎦= + +
def d e f
k l

One immediate consequence (which we’ll use in our description of singular

value decomposition below) is that you can always add columns at the right
of X, and rows at the bottom of Y , and get the same product XY , provided
either the extra columns, or the extra rows, contain only zeros. To see why this
expansion works it’s helpful to expand the outer products into standard matrix
form: the matrix multiplication is just
⎧⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎫
       ⎨ gh 00 00 ⎬
a00 0b0 00c
+ + + × ⎝0 0⎠ + ⎝ i j ⎠ + ⎝0 0⎠
d00 0e0 00f ⎩ ⎭
00 00 k l

Along a similar vein, the usual way to view matrix-vector multiplication is

as an operation that maps a vector z ∈ Rn to another vector z ∈ Rm : z = Xz.
However youncan also view the product as a linear combination of the columns
of X: z = i=1 zi xi . With this view it’s easy to see why the result must lie in
the span of the columns of X.
Some Notes on Applied Mathematics for Machine Learning 31

3.3 The Levi-Civita Symbol

The Levi-Civita symbol9 in d dimensions is denoted
ij···k and takes the value
1 if its d indices are an even permutation of 1, 2, 3, · · · , d, the value -1 if an odd
permutation, and 0 otherwise. The 3-dimensional version of this is the fastest
way I know to derive vector identities in three dimensions, using the identity

imn = δjm δkn − δjn δkm (recall that repeated indices are summed).
Exercise 5. Use the fact that a = b ∧ c can be written in component form
as ai =
ijk bj ck to derive, in one satisfying line, the vector identity in three
dimensions: (a ∧ b) · (c ∧ d) = (a · c)(b · d) − (a · d)(b · c).

3.4 Characterizing the Determinant and Inverse

The determinant of a matrix A ∈ Mn can be defined as
|A| ≡
α α ···α
β β ···β Aα β Aα β · · · Aαn βn (11)
n! 1 2 n 1 2 n 1 1 2 2

Exercise 6. Show that also,

|A| =
α1 α2 ···αn A1α1 A2α2 · · · Anαn (12)

We can use this to prove an interesting theorem linking the determinant,

derivatives, and the inverse:

Lemma 1. For any square nonsingular matrix A,

= A−1
ji (13)


jα2 ···αn δi1 A2α2 · · · Anαn +
α1 j···αn A1α1 δi2 A3α3 · · · Anαn + · · ·
Akj =
α1 α2 ···αn (Akα1 δi1 A2α2 · · · Anαn + A1α1 Akα2 δi2 A3α3 · · · + · · · )

For any value of i, one and only one term in the sum on the right survives,
and for that term, we must have k = i by antisymmetry of the
. Thus the right
hand side is just |A|δki . Multiplying both sides on the right by (AT )−1 gives the

The name ‘tensor’ is sometimes incorrectly applied to arbitrary objects with more
than one index. In factor a tensor is a generalization of the notion of a vector and is
a geometrical object (has meaning independent of the choice of coordinate system);
 is a pseudo-tensor (transforms as a tensor, but changes sign upon inversion).

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