Dr. Li Vs Soliman

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Dr. Rubi Li vs Sps.

Topic: Negligence; Doctrine of Informed Consent

Sps. Soliman’s 11-year old daughter, Angelica, was suffering from
osteosarcoma, a high grade cancer of the bone and was confined at the St. Luke’s
Medical Center (SLMC). Angelica’s right leg was amputated by Dr. Jaime Tamayo
in order to remove the tumor. To prevent the disease from spreading to other
parts of the patient’s body, chemotherapy was suggested by Dr. Tamayo. Dr.
Tamayo referred Angelica to another doctor at SLMC, herein petitioner Dr. Rubi
During the consultations, Dr. Li explained the following side effects of
chemotherapy treatment to the Sps.: (1) falling hair; (2) nausea and vomiting; (3)
loss of appetite; (4) low count of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets;
(5) possible sterility due to the effects on Angelica’s ovary; (6) damage to the
heart and kidneys; and (7) darkening of the skin especially when exposed to
Angelica was admitted to SLMC on August 18, 1993. Dr. Li proceeded with
the chemotherapy by first administering hydration fluids to Angelica. The
following day, Dr. Li began administering three chemotherapy drugs Cisplatin,
Doxorubicin and Cosmegen intravenously.
On different occasions following the treatment, Angelica suffered reddish
discoloration on her face, difficulty in breathing, convulsions, bleeding through
her mouth, anus, and urine, low platelets. On September 1, 1993, Angelica

Sps. Soliman filed a damage suit against Dr. Li, charging him with medical
malpractice due to her failure to observe the essential precautions in detecting
early the symptoms of fatal blood platelet decrease and stopping early on the
chemotherapy, which bleeding led to hypovolemic shock that caused Angelicas
untimely demise. Further, it was specifically averred that petitioner assured the
respondents that Angelica would recover in view of 95% chance of healing with
chemotherapy (Magiging normal na ang anak nyo basta ma-chemo. 95% ang
healing) and when asked regarding the side effects, petitioner mentioned only
slight vomiting, hair loss and weakness (Magsusuka ng kaunti. Malulugas ang
buhok. Manghihina). Respondents thus claimed that they would not have given
their consent to chemotherapy had petitioner not falsely assured them of its side
Dr. Li, on her defense, alleged that the cause of death was septicemia or
overwhelming infection, which caused Angelica’s other organs to fail. She
attributed this to the patient’s poor defense mechanism brought about by the
cancer itself.
In dismissing the complaint, the trial court held that petitioner was not
liable for damages as she observed the best known procedures and employed her
highest skill and knowledge in the administration of chemotherapy drugs on
Angelica but despite all efforts said patient died.
The CA concurred with the RTC’s finding that there was no negligence
committed by Dr. Li but found her to have failed to fully explain to the
respondents all the known side effects of chemotherapy.

WON Dr. Li can be held liable for failure to fully disclose serious side effects to the
parents of the child patient who died while undergoing chemotherapy, despite
the absence of finding that petitioner was negligent in administering the said

Ruling: No.
Under the Doctrine of informed consent, doctors were charged with the
tort of battery (i.e. an unauthorized physical contact with a patient) if they had
not gained the consent of their patients prior to performing a surgery or
procedure. A surgeon who performs an operation with the patient’s body without
such patient’s consent commits an assault, for which he is liable.
Before acquiring the informed consent, a physician has a duty to disclose
what a reasonable prudent physician in the medical community in the exercise of
reasonable care would disclose to his patient as to whatever risks of injury might
be incurred from a proposed course of treatment, so that the patient, exercising
ordinary care for his own welfare, and faced with a choice of undergoing the
proposed treatment, or alternative treatment, or none at all, may intelligently
exercise his judgment by reasonably balancing the probable risks against the
probable benefits.
However, informed consent require only a reasonable explanation of
potential harms, so specific disclosure such as statistical data, may not be legally
Four essential elements a plaintiff must prove in a malpractice action based
upon the doctrine of informed consent:
1. The physician has a duty to disclose material risks;
2. He failed to disclose or inadequately disclosed those risks;
3. As a direct and proximate result of the failure to disclose, the patient
consented to treatment he otherwise would not have consented to; and
4. Plaintiff was injured by the proposed treatment.
The gravamen in an informed consent case requires the plaintiff to point to
significant undisclosed information relating to the treatment which would
have altered her decision to undergo it.

Examining the evidence on record, we hold that there was adequate

disclosure of material risks inherent in the chemotherapy procedure performed
with the consent of Angelicas parents. Respondents could not have been unaware
in the course of initial treatment and amputation of Angelicas lower extremity, that
her immune system was already weak on account of the malignant tumor in her
knee. When petitioner informed the respondents beforehand of the side effects
of chemotherapy which includes lowered counts of white and red blood cells,
decrease in blood platelets, possible kidney or heart damage and skin darkening,
there is reasonable expectation on the part of the doctor that the respondents
understood very well that the severity of these side effects will not be the same
for all patients undergoing the procedure. In other words, by the nature of the
disease itself, each patients reaction to the chemical agents even with pre-
treatment laboratory tests cannot be precisely determined by the physician. That
death can possibly result from complications of the treatment or the underlying
cancer itself, immediately or sometime after the administration of chemotherapy
drugs, is a risk that cannot be ruled out, as with most other major medical
procedures, but such conclusion can be reasonably drawn from the general side
effects of chemotherapy already disclosed.
Doctors are not all-knowing/omnipotent. While the theoretical side effects of
chemotherapy were explained by her to the Spouses, as these should be known
to a competent doctor, Dr. Li cannot possibly predict how a particular patients
genetic make-up, state of mind, general health and body constitution would
respond to the treatment. These are obviously dependent on too many known,
unknown and immeasurable variables, thus requiring that Angelica be, as she
was, constantly and closely monitored during the treatment. Informed consent
require only a reasonable explanation of potential harms, so specific disclosure
such as statistical data, may not be legally necessary.

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