Survey Questionnaire - Waste Characterization

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Survey Questionnaire

No. ______________
Date of the interview: _________________________

Name of Community: __________________________ Address: ________________________________

Interviewer: __________________________________ Number of times household visited: __________

Total time of interview: hours: ________ minutes: _________

Respondent Selection: We need to speak with member of the household between the ages of 18 and 74 years.

This survey questionnaire is designed to elicit information from the household respondents of Manila, Philippines. It focuses on
the volume and characteristics of waste generated by the respondent from the randomly selected household. The purpose of
this survey is to gather more information from residents like you about your current practices, concerns, and opinions.

Section 1 - Volume of Waste Generated from Packaging Materials

In the enumerated items, please specify the buying frequency of goods; identify in what type of packaging you usually buy your
food and non-food commodities; and indicate the quantity/number (how many) of these items:
Buying Frequency Type of Packaging Quantity/Number
of Goods Materials How many?
FOOD 1 2 3 1 2.Bottle 5.Plastic Can Bottle Plastic
15th/30th Weekly Daily Can 3.Glass 6.PET Glass PET
of the 4. Jar bottle Jar bottle
Month 7.tetra Tetra
8. Pouch. Pouch
9.Sachet Sachet
Energy Drink (Extra joss, Lipovitan etc.)
Coffee (ready to drink, powder, 3 in 1)
Creamer (powder, liquid)
Milk (condensed, evaporated, powdered, flavored
Choco Drinks (ready to drink, powdered, tablet
Choco Malt Drinks (Milo, Ovaltine etc)
Juices (Powdered, liquid concentrated fruit)
Biscuits, crackers, snack bar etc.
Sandwich Spread (mayonnaise, cheese spread,
Chips /snacks (Potato, Cheese curls, etc.)
Ready to eat meal (Viands, Sardines)
Oat meals (flavored and plain)
Preserved fruits( cocktail, slice, chunk)
Soup/noodle (cream, powder, instant)
All-purpose seasoning ( powdered, granulated,
Condiments (Soy Sauce, Fish sauce, vinegar,
Sauces (tomato-based, spaghetti etc.)
Others( please specify below)

NON-FOOD (Personal Hygiene)

Facial Wash/cream
Body wash
Shaving Cream
Hair gel/wax, Pomade
Buying Frequency Type of Packaging Quantity/Number
of Goods Materials How many?
NON-FOOD (Personal Hygiene) 1 2 3 1 2.Bottle 5.Plastic Can Bottle Plastic
15th/30th Weekly Daily Can 3.Glass 6.PET Glass PET
of the 4. Jar bottle Jar bottle
Month 7.tetra Tetra
8. Pouch. Pouch
9.Sachet Sachet
Sanitary Napkin
Panty Liners
Wet wipes/Tissue
Baby Disposable Diaper
Others( please specify below)

NON-FOOD (Cleaning solutions)

Liquid detergent
Laundry soap (powdered)
Multipurpose cleaner (bathroom, kitchen etc.)
Fabric Conditioner
Bleaching solution
Dishwashing detergent (Liquid, cream)
Household Cleanser
Floor wax/cream
Shoe polish (cream, Liquid)
Others( please specify below)

Section Two - The Natural Environment

1. What do you understand by the term “natural environment”?
(Interviewer: If the respondent takes a long time to respond, assume that the person does not understand the term “environment”
and write “doesn’t know” on the lines below, and then read the definition provide below, to enable them to answer the following 4
Definition: The environment may be defined as the whole world around us: the air, water, and land, forests, wetlands, and the
sea, and all animals and plants about us.
2. Knowing what the natural environment is, are you concerned or not concerned about the current state of the natural
environment? Put a check (√) mark please.
1 I am not concerned
2 I am concerned
0 I have no opinion

3. What do you personally say is the major issue currently affecting your barangay’s natural environment? (one answer)

1 Automobile exhaust 6 Household garbage

2 Sewage pollution from pits and toilets 7 Cutting down trees
3 Fishing 8 Mining (Bauxite)
4 The individual person 9 Dangerous solid waste like chemicals, waste from factories,
and medical waste
5 Factories 10 Pesticides and herbicides used in farming

4. What other issues concern you about this barangay’s natural environment? (Choose as many as you like from the list above)
5. How much effect do you think you have on the natural environment, do you have: no effect, some effect, a lot of effect, or no
1 I have no effect
2 I have some effect
3 I have a lot of effect
4 I have no opinion
Section Three - Household Solid Waste Management
6. Please describe how your household stores the garbage from your house.
(Interviewer: Do not provide the choices, but select the choice below that best fits the respondent’s description)

1 Closed Container, please describe:

2 Open Container, please describe:
3 Plastic bags
4 Pile in the yard
5 Other, specify:
6 Don’t Know

7. Please describe how your household gets rid of the following types of garbage from your house.
(Interviewer: Select the choice below that best fits the respondent’s description. Include any additional comments made by the
respondent in the space provide)
Types of Dump
Garbage City Garbage Other
Burn Bury River/ In On Recycle Reuse Compost
Dump Truck (Specify)
Gully yard road
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Food waste
Branches and
Paper and
Pet bottles

Comments regarding Question 7:

8. Can you think of any ways of reducing the amount of garbage that your household must burn, bury, dump, or leave for
the garbage truck? ______________________________________________________________________________________

Section Four - Concerns about Solid Waste Management

To the following 5 questions, please tell me whether you are: Not No

Concerned, Not Concerned, or you have No Opinion. concerned option
2 1 0
9. How concerned are you about health risks related to burning garbage?
10. How concerned are you about illegal dumps polluting rivers, streams, and wells?
11. How concerned are you about diseases that are related to improper storage and
disposal methods, like leptospirosis and malaria?
12. How concerned are you about flooding due to garbage blocking drains and gullies?
13. How concerned are you about the reduction of natural resources that are used to
make the products we buy and use (such as, oil for plastic bottles and trees for paper)?
14. How concerned are you about the service provided by the garbage truck in this area?
15. How concerned are you about litter in this area?
16. How concerned are you about illegal dumping in this area?
17. How concerned are you about the presence of rats in this area?
18. How concerned are you about garbage in your barangay?

19. Do you have any suggestions for improving the managing of garbage in this area:
Section Five - Willingness to participate

To the following 11 questions, please answer with either: Don’t

Yes No
Yes, no, or don’t know. Know
2 1 0
20. Have you ever heard about composting?
21. Have you ever heard about recycling?
22. If a recycling program was set up, that collected materials like plastic, paper, metals, etc, would
you be willing to separate these into separate bags for collection purposes?
23. Would you be willing to pay for pickup of these recycling materials from your home?
24. Would you be willing to participate in a program to compost food and yard waste?
25. If you were paid for every plastic bottle that you returned to the grocery store, would you
participate in a program to return the plastic bottles?
26. Would you be willing to purchase less throwaway products (such as, plastic bottles) to help
reduce the amount of garbage you get rid of, if an alternative product of the same cost was
27. Would you like more information about how and what types of garbage you can compost,
reuse, and recycle in order to reduce the amount of garbage that you need to get rid of?
28. If a Materials Recovery Facility was located in your community, would you be willing to carry
your garbage to it?

Refer to the following definitions if the respondents are unfamiliar with the terms in questions 20 and 21.
Recycling involves the collection of materials and products that humans are done using, then processing these materials and
making them into new products, for example, collecting plastic bottles to make other bottles or other things.
Composting is a natural process of breaking down organic garbage (like vegetable peelings) into a soil like material which can be
used for farming and gardening.
Reuse is the practice of using an item more than once, for example, using a glass jar to store supplies, or using scandal bags as
trash bags.
A materials recovery facility is a specialized plant that receives, separates and prepares recyclable materials for marketing to
end-user manufacturers.

Section Six – Solid Waste Management Attitude Scale

29. For the following statements, please tell me whether you agree, disagree, or you No. No
Agree Disagree
have no opinion. opinion
I play an important role in the management of garbage in my community. 1
Environmental education should be taught in schools. 2
The purchase decisions that I make can increase or decrease the amount of garbage 3
my household must get rid of (dispose of).
I don’t care that burning garbage can be bad for my health and the health of others. 4
People throw garbage on the streets and in the drains and gullies because they have 5
no other means of getting rid of (disposing of) their garbage.
The Local Government is not doing enough to fix the garbage problem. 6
Correct garbage management should not be taught in schools. 7
Other personal issues (like crime, unemployment, and cost of living) are more 8
important to me than a garbage-free community.
Regular collection of garbage is the only solution to the garbage problem. 9
Picking up garbage around my community is my responsibility 10
Public education about proper garbage management is one way to fix the garbage 11
It is very important that the Local Government put recycling laws and programs in 12
Section Seven – Demography

30. Please provide the following information about the occupants residing in the household.

Age at Gender Education Level Employment Income Range

Household member last 1 Male (Educational Status per month
Birthday 2 Attainment) 1 Employed 1 No Income
Female 1 Primary 2 Unemployed 2 Less than 10000
2 Secondary 3 Student Php
No. of Members:______ 3 Tertiary 4 Retired 3 10000 to 20000 Php
4 Other (please. 5 Not of 4 20000 to 30000 Php
specify) working age 5 30000 to 40000 Php
5 No school 6 Don’t Know 6 40000 to 49000 Php
6 Don’t Know 7 49000 Php or more
8 No response
Head of the Household
(if different than the

31. Which person is responsible for taking care of the garbage from your house? (Please indicate on the above table)

Thank you very much for your time.

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