Virginia University Graduate Handbook
Virginia University Graduate Handbook
Virginia University Graduate Handbook
Last Updated: Summer 2014
important digits & contact info Faculty Staff Jeff Wimer, IT support
[email protected]
Mildred Dean,
Main office 434.924.7044 Eve Danziger, chair department administrator (Jeff is employed by the College of
200 Brooks Hall 101 Brooks Hall Arts & Sciences. You may need to
Office administrator 434.924.7033 [email protected] [email protected] reach him for help on computers in
the grad or archaeology lab — to
Grad Lab 434.924.7813 Dan Lefkowitz, DGS Karen Hall, assistant install new software, for example. He
Computer support 434.924.7050 203 Brooks Hall 100 Brooks Hall also serves other departments, so be
[email protected] [email protected] patient!)
2 program summary
UVa Anthropology | Graduate Student Handbook
summer ongoing...
Foreign language study and/or pre-field research Discuss project with faculty, search for chair
Begin gathering, reading materials for critical essays
Certify first foreign language, as soon as possible
Attend department seminars, symposiums, events
summer ongoing...
Foreign language study and/or pre-field research Consult with committee on developing project
Attend department seminars, symposiums, events
YEAR Update your committee on summer work (August) Proposal Workshop (7060)
Begin developing dissertation proposal third subfield requirement
Apply for outside dissertation research funding one elective
Register for upcoming spring courses three research credits
summer ongoing...
Continue research & reading as needed Consult with committee on developing proposal
Prepare your departure to the field Attend department seminars, symposiums, events
Leave to field, preferably by fall Complete second foreign language, before defense
Write and submit IRB protocol, as applicable
Obtain research permits & travel authorizations
8 fieldwork
UVa Anthropology | Graduate Student Handbook
Paying for it such decision in close consultation research in some countries where
group of faculty who oversee ethi-
Grads are generally expected to with your committee and the DGS. the United States enforces eco-
cal practices in human research,
find outside sources of funding for The department provides tuition nomic sanctions (Iran, Cuba, including clinical, behavioral, psy-
their doctoral research. Don’t and healthcare for up to two se- North Korea, et al.) you’ll need
chological and social studies. The
distress over this. It’s a good policy mesters of fieldwork. If you re- special permission for your re-
IRB recognizes ethnographic re-
in the long run because successful- ceive grants to support additional search from the U.S. government.
search as a special case and has
ly winning competitive grants is a time in the field, you may have to Also, the State Department occa-
unique standards for evaluating
key to building your scholarly rec- arrange to pay this yourself. Again, sionally issues official travel warn-
protocols from anthropologists. A
ord and skills while you’re in grad consult with your committee ings for certain countries, and you
primary issue to think about is
school. For more on funding your members and the DGS when should be aware of any that per-
how best to obtain informed con-
stay in the field, see the chapter on weighing these options. tain to you, as they can create
sent from your participants, given
funding. additional, and extensive, paper-
the cultural context. But there are
In cases where outside funding isLeaving the country? Not so fast work. Consult with the university’s
likely other ethical issues related
simply not forthcoming, there may Most students do their fieldwork International Studies Office and
to your work that are important
be other options for you, such as abroad. Assuming that’s the case, the DGS if you have any doubts
for you to consider, such as the
funding your project with loans. you should get to know the visa about foreign travel. Your funding
potential loss of privacy for the
But this is not a decision that requirements and other bureau- organization might help with these
people whose lives you study, or
should be made lightly. It might cratic hurdles associated with your issues, but ultimately it’s your re-
the long-term consequences of
make more sense to continue field site. For example, some host sponsibility to make sure you’ve
your ethnographic descriptions.
applying for research grants while countries, and some grants, re- taken care of them. And some of The department regularly assigns
remaining in residence, working in quire affiliation with a local aca- them — like the visa process —
one faculty member to act as our
the department or the university demic institution. Some medical could take months. Plan ahead!
liaison to the review board. Even
as opportunities present them- insurance plans don’t cover foreign preliminary summer fieldwork
selves, or while taking a leave of healthcare expenses (the UVa The IRB and participant- usually requires IRB approval, so
absence. You should make any student plan, however, does). For observation consult early on with our liaison
Many research projects involving and review the forms you’ll need
human participants require formal to fill out for the review process.
approval from the university’s Be on the lookout for emails an-
Institutional Review Board for nouncing departmental workshops
Social and Behavioral Sciences, to on ethics and IRB procedures.
ensure that research protocols do Your protocol, outlined in official
their best to protect participants IRB forms, will summarize your
from unintended harm. You can project and detail the ethical con-
only be exempt from this require- siderations of your work, including
ment if your research does not any potential physical, emotional
involve living people or if the par- or political risks it poses to your
ticipants are completely anony- informants, and what you will do
mous. Hence, nearly all sociocul- to mitigate those risks. It may also
tural and linguistic projects require include sample interview questions,
IRB approval. Most archaeological recording methods, consent forms
projects do not. Cases in which or oral consent scripts, etc., as the
archaeologists will need board case may be. Note that if your
review include, for example, pro- own research and methods seem
jects that have collaborative or not to fit the standard scenarios
community archaeology compo- you see in model proposals, you
nents involving assistance from shouldn’t misrepresent your ap-
nonprofessionals. But, archaeolo- proach by trying to conform to
gists, take note: You are not auto- them. Instead, use your proposal
matically exempt from protocol to educate the IRB about the con-
review. If you believe you should ditions at your research site and
be exempt, you need to discuss why they require particular choic-
this with your committee, then es. Explain how your own methods
formally request (and receive) a will meet your goals, and why they
notice of exemption from the Insti- are ethically and culturally appro-
tutional Review Board.
Beth Hart takes notes while excavating at Elkab, a settlement in Egypt. The IRB is a multidisciplinary (Continued on page 9)
UVa Anthropology | Graduate Student Handbook fieldwork 9
(Continued from page 8)
tential isolation — intellectually and emo-
priate. Keep in mind that you are writing for tionally — and still accomplish your re- plan ahead
academics (anthropologists as well as oth- search goals. Make a plan with your chair for
ers) — not bureaucrats. If you have doubts how you’ll stay in contact with your com- Talk to the DGS about what your
about your methods or ethical questions, be mittee, if possible and appropriate, through-
sure to talk to your chair or other commit- out your time away (this may involve send- work and/or write-up options are
tee members. ing periodic field when you return
Your committee reports). Think Inform contacts in the field of your
chair has to sign of what you
your protocol in need to leave in arrival plans, if possible
the capacity of order back Pre-arrange housing at field site, if
“principal inves- home while possible
tigator.” you’re gone, so
Approval is you minimize Research culturally accepted forms of
not guaranteed! the stress that reciprocity with local assistants and
It’s not unusual your usual life hosts
for the board to imposes on
ask researchers your field expe- Decide what special technology, if
to further ex- rience. And of any, you’ll need
plain or refine course, make a Devise a method for protecting your
areas of their detailed list of
protocols after materials to data, written and electronic
an initial review, Dannah Dennis, left, dances with friends at a Krishna pack for the Discuss appropriate forms of contact
or to grant con- puja in Kathmandu, Nepal. trip, according with chair
ditional approval to the particular
pending certain changes. You should give demands of your research, airfreight limita- Schedule your research tasks,
yourself at least two months to get IRB tions, personal tastes, etc. Good books, provisionally
issues worked out before leaving. In plan- magazines and music, for example, are al-
Check for State Department travel
ning ahead, be sure to check out the IRB’s ways nice to have when you want to discon-
website and note the rolling deadlines. Sub- nect. Consider especially bringing appropri- warnings
mit forms well ahead of a regularly sched- ate gifts for those who help you in the field. For U.S. citizens, register as an
uled board meeting, so you get on the agen- Finally, don’t lose sight of the endgame.
da with plenty of time to spare for any revi- The point of going to the field is not to dis-
expat with the State Department
sions the board might request. cover the meaning of life (though you may) Get advice from others about living in
but to gather what you need to write your the field
Fieldwork: Romance and reality dissertation. Keep this in mind as you amass
Fieldwork is exciting, but exacting. You no and organize information and artifacts.
doubt have an ideal image in your mind, and While you will no doubt establish lasting
your dissertation proposal covered a meth- relationships with informants or grow at-
odology with which tached to your place
to realize your goals. of study, you don’t
But translating ideals
and methods in the
Before leaving think about how you need to solve a glob-
al crisis, decipher the
get your personal
abstract into a set of might handle the potential isolation — significance of each affairs in order
daily practices is a and every utterance
intellectually and emotionally — and
major demand of the you hear, or unearth Will you need to sublet your
job. Before you still accomplish your research goals. the Eighth Wonder
leave, think about of the Ancient
how you’ll schedule World. But it will Will you need to put belongings in
your time in the field help to begin analyz- storage?
overall (e.g., on a monthly or weekly basis), ing your data, especially toward the end of
Should you give someone back home
as well as what a typical day might look like. your field stay, and even to begin outlining
Include time for organizing data, taking and drafting your thesis. Another good prac- power of attorney?
notes, writing, thinking, relaxing and tending tice, if you’re recording interviews, is to do Do you have health insurance that’s
to bureaucratic paperwork, in addition to some transcriptions while you’re still in the
participant-observation, interviews, site field. This will allow you to troubleshoot any valid for overseas emergencies?
surveys or digs. This plan will have to be issues with your recording device, generate Have you arranged for a way to get
flexible. Unforeseen circumstances will no new ethnographic questions that inform funds and equipment to your field
doubt change your plan, but having one will your fieldwork in progress, and get some
give you a baseline from which to work analytical heavy lifting out of the way while site?
when you arrive at your site and settle in. you have the time and space to do this. If Will you have to file a tax return, or
As always, get advice from your committee you wait until you return, a lot of it might ask for an extension, while you’re
members and other colleagues. never get done!
The field is often a time during which doc- The sidebars on this page itemize tasks to gone?
toral students feel cut off from their usual complete before leaving, along with other Do you plan to vote in an upcoming
world of experience. This isolation (and things to think about. These lists aren’t election, and will you need an
reintegration in a new world) can be invig- comprehensive, but they’re a good start.
orating, but also daunting. Before leaving absentee ballot?
think about how you might handle the po-
10 write-up
UVa Anthropology | Graduate Student Handbook
Stay on track to apply for jobs and write articles mains of your language require- tee members to approve the draft
Good contact with committee for publication based on your doc- ments. (See the coursework chap- for scheduling and the scheduling
members at this time is crucial. toral research; and you may be ter.) And make sure other degree itself. You and your chair should
You and your chair should develop able take up residence at other requirements and bureaucratic select a time and place convenient
a reasonable trajectory for your institutions or have access to matters are taken care of. For for everyone who has to be there,
writing process. Personalized offsite archives. Also, whether example, consult with the depart- including your outside reader. The
deadlines for individual chapters, your efforts prove successful or ment’s DGS about the most sensi- defense is a public exam. So you
or analytical tasks can be very not, write-up applications will help ble enrollment status for you to need to let the department’s ad-
helpful. The simplest trick to stay- you refine and focus your argu- adopt and what measures you have ministrative assistant know about
ing on track is writing every day, ment. to take. Depending on your status, the schedule and bring a copy of
even if it’s just a little bit. You’re expected to be in regular you may need to continue register- your thesis to the main office, to
You should try forming writing contact with your chair — at least ing for research credits at the be available for public review at
groups with other grads who are once per semes- beginning of least a month prior to the day.
in the same phase. You can also ter — and to each semester. You should also provide via email a
take opportunities to present your maintain a full, The simplest trick to staying This is also a title, abstract and list of your com-
work during subfield-specific de- functional com- on track is writing every day, time to look mittee members, so the depart-
partmental workshops. Discussing mittee through- ahead, beyond ment can announce the event.
your project and your fieldwork out the write-up even if it’s just a little bit. graduate school. Typically, the defense involves
with colleagues will help you phase. If you Keep an eye out presenting your main argument, a
sharpen your thinking, take ad- need to make for postdoctoral selection of supporting evidence,
vantage of emergent funding op- changes to your committee, make fellowships, appropriate job open- and the most important implica-
portunities, submit papers for sure it remains complete in order ings, visiting instructorships, and tions of your work for the disci-
conferences and journals, and ap- to stay in the program. If you lose relevant conferences or calls for pline. This presentation is followed
ply for jobs when you’re nearing contact and thus go “inactive,” this papers. Take a fresh look at your by questions from your committee
completion of the dissertation. could hurt you during your end-of- career goals and discuss with com- and, possibly, other faculty mem-
In an ideal world all students year review (these still matter!) mittee members what they are and bers. After the defense, your com-
would complete and defend their and you could be asked to leave how best to achieve them. Occa- mittee will discuss your work in
dissertations during their disserta- the program. After two years of sionally, the department or the private, note any necessary revi-
tion fellowship year. In the real inactivity, you’ll be dropped auto- university will announce career- sions, and vote on whether to pass
world, however, many students matically. development workshops that you your thesis. The committee mem-
require a little bit longer. Many The bottom line here is: Make may want to attend. These will bers will, upon reaching a decision,
students will therefore want to steady progress. help you design your CV, prepare let you know how you fared and
apply for further write-up funding for interviews and figure out what what revisions, if any, they want
at this stage. In the funding chap- Get your house in order to do with yourself after you grad- you to make.
ter, you’ll find information on dis- and look ahead uate.
sertation-year grants. Competing Write-up is also a good time to Graduating
for write-up money has many ben- make sure you’ve got your bureau- Schedule your defense To be eligible to graduate, you
efits: You may be able to get more cratic ducks in a row. Once you have a worthy draft of need to formally apply for gradua-
funding and perks with other fel- Before defending your disserta- your dissertation and you’ve com- tion by university-established dead-
lowships; you may be able to get tion, and sometimes as a prerequi- pleted all other Ph.D. require- lines to receive your degree on
more time for writing, or it could site for write-up applications, you ments, you may schedule your (Continued on page 11)
give you a cushion period in which have to complete whatever re- defense. You’ll need your commit-
UVa Anthropology | Graduate Student Handbook funding 11
funding demystified
(Continued from page 10)
building communitas
Communitas was a term of special significance to Victor Turner, one of
this department’s foremost ancestors. He used it to describe a strong
feeling of solidarity and mutual support often developed through ritual.
It’s a good term to represent the ideal toward which this department
has strived over the years. Building solidarity can come in ephemeral and
spontaneous acts, but it also benefits from organized and regular events
and activities. This chapter outlines a few that have become more or less
institutionalized in the anthropology department.
Prioritize Take time at the end of each semester to put A page a day keeps your therapist away
Not all your tasks are of equal importance. printed material, your papers and written notes Writer’s block doesn’t exist. You either
Sometimes it’s tempting to push off the really in a sensible order. The less clutter you accu- write, or you don’t.
important stuff while you deal with the little mulate over time the easier it will be to stay This sounds trite, but the way you start writ-
things that pile up and perhaps seem more sane. And doing these things will save you a lot ing is by writing. Make it a daily habit. Choose
essential than they are. Categorize your re- of trouble in the long run. the time that works best for you. Two hours is
sponsibilities into long-, medium-, and short- plenty. Eliminate every single distraction, in-
term items and set aside regular hours to han- Be flexible cluding your own tendency to edit as you
dle the major stuff, such as writing your critical Not everything will go as planned and when it write. Whether you’re working on a course
essays or applying for fieldwork funding. Be doesn’t you have to roll with the punches. You paper or your dissertation, what comes out of
careful not to let immediate tasks like respond- should be willing, especially, to be provisional in your fingers at first doesn’t need to be perfect-
ing to emails or grading papers take over your your choice of research topic. You might have ly on topic. Writing is thinking, and once you
life. Allowing that to happen might be a sign been accepted on the basis of a beautifully de- get a nice flow going, your thinking will get
that you’re putting something important off signed and articulated project — but this was clearer and fresher. If you get stuck on a word,
because you’re anxious about it. Break down because it was beautifully designed and articu- sentence or paragraph, force yourself to mud-
large projects into smaller, manage- dle through it, leaving breaks to
able tasks so they don’t seem so flesh out later. Be willing to set
daunting. down ideas in the raw that will
For example, if you’re working need further refinement at a differ-
on a grant application, write the ent time, one that’s blocked off for
intro today, get to the methods rereading and revising. Brainstorm,
section and the budget on Thurs- read your sentences aloud and
day and Friday. But don’t take on consult style guides, a good thesau-
too much at once. Often it’s more rus or dictionary, etc., when it’s
efficient to stay focused on one or helpful.
two key jobs at a time, then move When reading the work of other
on to the next task in order of writers, take note of the stylistic
priority. and structural qualities that work
for you, and those that don’t.
Get organized Most important, have others read
It might help to block your time and comment on your work —
on a weekly and monthly basis. friends, colleagues, faculty. With
Draw a schedule out in a note- the feedback of others your writ-
book, on a whiteboard or on your ing will thrive. Without it, it will
computer, so you can see in a stagnate.
nutshell your various obligations — If you find yourself really stuck,
reading for courses, attending in your writing or any other issue,
class, holding office hours, planning talk to others about it and ask for
for sections, etc. Find an organizational style that works for you. their advice. Grad school may
Find a regular workspace and seem isolating at times, but lots of
make it sacred. This is a place where you can lated, not because anyone actually thought you people around you are going through or have
get in the zone and not be unduly distracted. It would pull it off in quite that way. gone through similar stresses. Reach out to
should be comfortable and you should be able As you move through your coursework and friends and colleagues whom you trust and
to keep the things you need, like books, notes, visit your field site for the first time, stay open respect and listen to how they’ve dealt with
papers and files close at hand. Figure out a to new theoretical angles or to reworking your their own challenges. If you ignore your prob-
system of organization that works for you. questions. Stay focused, but challenge yourself lems — professional or personal — they will
You should especially consider using biblio- to find new paths within your project. This only deepen and get harder to fix.
graphic software like Zotero, Endnotes or Ref- “focused openness” is a balancing act through
Works and begin organizing your citations as all phases of grad school: coursework, field- Take a break; you need it
soon as you start grad school, if you haven’t work, and write up. Don’t forget to rest, relax and take care of
done this already. These programs allow you to Listen to your advisers and be open to their your relationships. Get a drink or coffee with
store reading notes, tag your sources and keep suggestions. At the same time, don’t be afraid your peers, make new friends, cook dinner
electronic copies of articles all in one place. to put forth your own ideas and be persistent with your partner, take a nap. Go for a quiet
They have features that work with most word with your committee about the topics that walk, go camping, biking, running or to the
processing applications, so you can build bibli- matter to you. Your dissertation is ultimately theater — do whatever kinds of activities help
ographies for your papers at the snap of a fin- your project, and in the end you are the one release stress and inspire creative thinking.
ger. There may be some startup costs involved, who has to be happy with its direction. Your Central Virginia is a beautiful place. You should
but trust us it’s worth it. conversations with committee members should take time to explore the surroundings while
Keep your computer files and email in some have the aspect of a healthy dialogue. One-way you’re here. Whatever you do, make time for
kind of logical order that works for you, and communication in either direction is a problem fun in your life, or you’ll very likely burn out.
consider using UVa’s home directory system. you should deal with before it blows up. And finally, good luck!
20 resources
UVa Anthropology | Graduate Student Handbook