PG Research Guidelines-1
PG Research Guidelines-1
PG Research Guidelines-1
Driving Change
Table of Content
Table of Content ................................................... 2 Appendix M. Evaluation Forms for Master’s
Dissertations ....................................................... 37
Preface .................................................................. 3
Appendix N. Evaluation Form for PhD Theses 40
1 General Introduction .......................................... 3
Appendix O. Evaluation Form of the PhD Viva
2 Concept Paper Preparation .............................. 4
Voce .................................................................... 41
3 Selection and Appointment of Supervisors...... 5
Appendix P. Slides for Oral and Viva Voce
4 Research Proposal ............................................ 6 Presentations...................................................... 42
5 Publications ........................................................ 6
6 Attending Conferences...................................... 7
7 Progress Reports............................................... 8
8 Dissertation/Thesis Format ............................... 8
9 Dissertation/Thesis Examination ...................... 9
10 Oral and Viva Voce Presentations ............... 12
11 Final Submission of a Dissertation/Thesis... 14
12 Discontinuation of PG Studies ...................... 15
13 Upgrading and Downgrading of PG Studies 15
Appendix A. The Format of Concept Paper ...... 17
Appendix B. Title Page for a Concept Paper .... 19
Appendix C. Suggested Proposal Format ........ 20
Appendix D. Title Page for a Research Proposal
............................................................................. 22
Appendix E. Evaluation Form for Master’s
Research Proposal Presentation ....................... 23
Appendix F. Evaluation Form for a PhD
Research Proposal Presentation ....................... 24
Appendix G. Postgraduate Progress Report
Template ............................................................. 25
Appendix H. Suggested Format for the
Dissertation/Thesis as a Monograph................. 29
Appendix I. Title Page for a Dissertation/Thesis
............................................................................. 32
Appendix J. Declaration and Copyright ............. 33
Appendix K. Certification by Supervisor(s) ....... 34
Appendix L. Notice of Intention to Submit
Dissertation/Thesis ............................................. 35
Preface interest to industry in the form of
innovation or patents. PhD students
These guidelines are intended for
participate actively and independently in
postgraduate students and combine key
research that leads to publications in
materials facilitating timely completion of
international refereed scientific literature
their research. The guidelines are limited
or patent applications in collaboration
to issues pertaining to proposal writing,
with stakeholders in society and industry.
conducting postgraduate research, and
preparation and submission of
Postgraduate research results in a
dissertation (for Master’s students) or a
Colleges may modify certain clauses of
thesis (for PhD students). What is a
these guidelines at their discretion.
1) It demonstrates deep academic
1 General Introduction rigour.
2) literature review is extensive
The postgraduate programmes in BIUST and should:
are currently done (1) by research only, a) identify opposing points of
and (2) by coursework and research. view.
These guidelines deal with postgraduate b) identify gaps in the literature.
research. c) review current practices.
d) identify new research
Postgraduate students are trained in problems and/or new
academic work and scientific methodologies to solve
methodology. At the Master’s level, the them.
aim is to give students the skills to extract 3) It proposes new models,
information from literature and combine theories, methods, algorithms,
with own research, in order to correctly frameworks, etc. or improves
interpret and evaluate scientific results. existing ones by adding new
Furthermore, the Master’s students elements to them. In other
become able to distinguish academic words, in a dissertation/thesis a
results from results that would be of candidate is required to
contribute to the body of concept. Within two months since the first
academic knowledge. For PhD registration, a student is expected to
candidates the contribution have identified a research topic and
should be significant, and its submit a concept paper. Identification of
significance should be a research topic may be done in
demonstrated by a publication consultation with the
of the results in a reputable College/Department and will be
peer-review journal (see influenced by availability of expertise and
Section 5 “Publications”). resources in particular areas, as well as
Alternatively, results could be student's research interests. Based on
documented by publications of this, the student should develop and
patent applications, which submit to the Head of Department a
would require dedicated concept paper comprising 1,200-2,000
contributions from external words (approx. three-five pages).
stakeholders. Recommended Fonts: Times New
4) It provides recommendations Roman, Arial or Calibri; Font Size: 12 pt.;
on how practitioners and Line Spacing: 1.5. Paper Size: A4;
researchers should solve the Margins: Left: 1.2 inches (3.05 cm). Top
problem. = Bottom = Right: 1 inch (2.54 cm). The
submission shall include one hard copy
The work should be in a current and a soft copy. The concept paper shall
advanced topic in the relevant area of contain:
studies. 1) The title of the
2) Introduction to the problem.
2 Concept Paper
3) A brief background to research
Preparation (i.e., a brief review of relevant
A student must demonstrate serious 4) A clear problem statement.
academic research capacity by 5) The general and specific
presenting an acceptable research objectives of the research.
6) A brief description of earlier stages (e.g., before or
methodology (optional for immediately after admission). For PhD
Master’s students). candidates, it is important that the topic
7) A list of references (given and the supervisor(s) are identified, and
according to the referencing style the supervisor’s consent is obtained,
adopted in the College). before admission.
The format for a concept paper and the The criteria for selection and
template for a title page are given in appointment of supervisors include the
Appendices A and B respectively. following.
1) The supervisor shall be a PhD
Within two weeks of submitting the holder in a relevant field of study.
concept paper, the students shall obtain 2) The supervisor shall possess an
feedback on it and may be allocated a expertise and an appropriate
day to present their concept papers research track record in the
before the review panel. particular topic of student’s
3 Selection and
Only members of the academic staff
Appointment of Supervisors
holding positions of a Senior Lecturer
and above can be appointed as principal
Upon approval of the concept paper by
supervisors of PhD students. However,
the review panel, supervisor(s) shall be
members of the academic staff holding a
allocated to the student. The exact
position of a Lecturer can be co-
number of supervisors is at the discretion
supervisors for PhD studies, given that
of colleges/departments. As a general
they possess necessary credentials and
rule, the principal supervisor shall be
internal to University.
While students’ preferences of
supervisors should be taken into
In some cases (subject to availability of
consideration, the responsibility to
supervisors in the College/Department),
appoint supervisors lies with the
supervisors might be appointed at the
College/Department. The number of examiners for the PhD students. A
students allocated to one supervisor supervisor cannot be appointed as an
should be reasonable as not to examiner. A student may also be
compromise the academic quality. required to make an oral presentation of
his/her proposal. The outcome of the
Once approved by the supervisor(s), the uploaded to Google Drive) after effecting
proposal (two print copies for Master’s all necessary corrections has to be
students and three print copies for PhD submitted to the Head of Department.
For Master’s students having
publications is not mandatory, but To be availed travel funds, the student
highly desirable. Supervisors must must meet the following requirements:
encourage Master’s students to publish 1) To have a research paper
by explaining benefits of having high accepted for presentation and
quality papers for their future careers. By publication at the reputable
the time of the submission of a thesis for conference through the peer
examination, a PhD student must publish review process; attending a
at least one paper in a journal from Part conference must result in
A of the list of recommended journals or publishing a full paper (abstracts
at least two papers in journals from Part are not considered as
B of the list of recommended journals or publications).
one paper in a journal from Part B and 2) To present the conference paper
one conference paper. The lists of (after receiving the confirmation
recommended journals are to be from the conference organizers
compiled by Colleges/Departments and that it has been accepted) in the
be available in the BIUST library. College/Department.
3) To demonstrate good progress as
evidenced by the supervisor(s).
6 Attending Conferences
The reputability/quality of the conference
Students might be availed funds to attend
shall be confirmed by the
the academic conferences subject to
availability of funds in the
College/Department. Students are
Upon receiving the invitation letter from
highly encouraged to seek travel funds
the conference organizers explicitly
from sources other than the
stating that the paper has been accepted
College/Departments (for example,
for presentation and publication, the
travel grants for students from
student shall submit the following:
developing countries from conference
1) The letter to the Dean/HoD
organisers or personal funds).
requesting funds (the exact
amount shall be clearly indicated) 8 Dissertation/Thesis
and providing the justification for a
trip, namely how exactly his/her
research will benefit from
After a minimum period of two semesters
attending the conference, as well
(one year) and a maximum period of six
as benefits for the
semesters (three years) a full-time
College/Department and BIUST
Master’s student is required to submit to
as a whole.
the College a dissertation. For a part-time
2) The copy of the invitation letter.
Master’s student the maximum period is
3) The most complete information
ten semesters (five years). For a full-time
about the conference, including
PhD student, the minimum period is six
the URL of the conference site.
semesters (three years), and the
4) The print copy of the accepted
maximum period is eight semesters (four
years). For a part-time PhD student, the
5) The budget for the travel.
maximum period is twelve semesters (six
6) Details of application(s) for
outside finding (optional)
revisions to the satisfaction of the 60, then the student has failed, and the
supervisor(s) (80-89) dissertation/thesis shall be rejected outright.
• The dissertation/thesis is
accepted subject to major A dissertation/thesis shall be given
responsible for considering examiners Committee has to examine the case and
reports and making a general verdict on recommend one of the following actions:
the examiners, as per their reports. are not in agreement, the overall
If the average of the points for the recommendation shall be derived based
The dissertation/thesis recommended for The HOD is responsible for providing the
revision and resubmission has to be student with comments made by
resubmitted within six months. examiners, however, their names at this
Resubmission is allowed only once. The stage shall remain confidential.
dissertation/thesis rejected outright may
only be re-examined in exceptional cases 10 Oral and Viva Voce
based on the decision of the College
Postgraduate Examination Committee.
The College Postgraduate Examination
Committee is responsible for making a
After that the Dean informs the student
decision whether a student shall have an
and his/her supervisor(s), through the
oral/Viva Voce presentation.
HOD, about the outcome of the
dissertation examination. In cases of the
The notice to the student in both cases
dissertation/thesis being accepted as it
has to be given at least two weeks prior
is/ subject to correction of typographical
the Viva Voce/oral presentation. A
errors, minor or major revisions, the
Master’s student is requested to submit
student is allowed to proceed towards
two spirally bound hard copies of the
graduation, under the condition that all
dissertation. A PhD student is requested
corrections are effected in stipulated
to submit five to seven spirally bound
time. However, the final decision on
hard copies of the thesis (the exact
whether the student will be awarded a
number of copies depends on the
degree will be made by the BIUST
number of members of the Viva Voce
examination panel – see below).
Corrections in the dissertation/thesis
accepted subject to correction of
As a general rule, external examiners for
typographical errors have to be effected
Master’s dissertations are not requested
within two weeks, minor corrections –
to attend oral presentations of the
within one month, major corrections –
candidates. Evaluation of an oral
within three months, since the date of
presentation is to be performed by an
receiving the official communication from
internal examiner only (as per the
the Dean.
evaluation form in Appendix M).
• The thesis is accepted as it is/
The Viva Voce examination panel shall subject to correction of
comprise: typographical errors (90-100)
i. the Dean/Head of Department • The thesis is accepted subject to
(chairperson) or their minor revisions to the satisfaction
representative. of the supervisor(s) (80-89)
ii. at least two members from the • The thesis is accepted subject to
student’s major field of study (one major revisions to the satisfaction
or both of them shall be the of the internal examiner (70-79)
examiners for the dissertation in • The candidate is allowed to revise
question), and the thesis and resubmit for re-
iii. at least two other experts deemed examination (60-69)
helpful in the pursuit of the study • The thesis is rejected outright
in question. (less than 60)
loose hard copies of the
The suggested structure of the oral dissertation/thesis and a soft copy on a
presentation (slides) is given in Appendix CD. Hard copies of the
P. Master’s students’ oral presentations dissertation/thesis shall be signed by the
should include approximately twenty (20) candidate (Declaration page) and the
slides. Each oral presentation shall take principal supervisor(s) (Certification
a maximum of 20 minutes. The structure page).
of the Viva Voce presentation is the After receiving the notice and error-free
same, but the number of slides might be copies of the dissertation/thesis, the
greater. The Viva Voce presentation by Dean of College informs the DVC-AA.
the candidate shall take a maximum of 30 The DVC-AA brings the issue to BIUST
minutes. Senate.
BIUST Senate makes a final decision on
The presentation is followed by questions whether the student is to be awarded a
and discussions by the members of the degree. It is responsibility of the Dean of
panel. Observers are allowed to attend College to inform the student, through the
oral and Viva Voce presentations but HOD, about the Senate’s decision,
should not ask questions. specifically if he/she is awarded a
degree, and what is the tentative date of
No re-admission in the above cases is
A postgraduate student can be
discontinued from studies by the College
Postgraduate students may temporarily
Board for one or more of the following
stop their studies for medical reasons for
the period of time not exceeding six
1. Failure to produce a concept paper
months. In this case the medical
after three months since the first
certificate from the registered medical
practitioner shall be produced. It shall
2. Failure to produce a research
clearly state the reason(s) why the
proposal after six months since the
studies should be temporarily stopped
first registration.
and for how long. After six months, if the
3. Failure to submit research progress
medical condition persists, students may
reports for two consecutive
stop their studies for another six months.
semesters and/ or less than
After that, they will be requested to
satisfactory research progress as
withdraw from studies; however, they
evidenced by the supervisor(s).
shall be allowed to re-apply.
4. Absconding from studies for more
than three months.
13 Upgrading and
5. Failure to submit a
dissertation/thesis after exceeding Downgrading of PG Studies
the maximum period of studies (see
Section 8). Candidates, registered for a Master’s
6. Failure to submit the final version of programme by research, can in
the dissertation/thesis within three exceptional cases be upgraded to PhD
months after the successful Viva students without having to complete the
Voce/oral presentation; in case of requirements for the Master’s degree.
re-submission – after six months. This can be done only after at least two
semesters after first registration.
fulfilled by the student in order to be
The requirements for upgrading Master’s awarded the Master’s degree. A
studies to PhD studies are as follows: submitted work, which does not meet
Good research progress as requirements to a PhD thesis, may be
evidenced by the supervisors and accepted as a Master’s dissertation or be
supported by research progress reports re-worked into a Master’s dissertation.
for two consecutive semesters (Appendix
PhD proposal approved by the
Appendix A. The Format of _______________________________________
Concept Paper _______________________________________
Introduction (Maximum four lines): _______________________________________
_________________________________ The problem this research will address is:
_________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _______________________________________
Background to the problem (Maximum 20 _______________________________________
lines): _________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________ The general objective of this research is:
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ The specific objectives this research will
_______________________________________ achieve to accomplish that the general
_________________________________ objective are (three-four lines):
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
Appendix B. Title Page for a
Concept Paper
Month, Year
Reg. No:
BSc (Information Systems) (UoB), MSc
(Information Systems) (Leeds)
referenced in
text. In-text
references as
well as the
Reference List
have to follow
the adopted
referencing style.
9. Appendix A. A Gantt chart
Schedule of representing
Activities duration of
10 Appendix B. The budget is
. Indicative Research indicative and is
Budget subject of
availability of
funds in the
Appendix D. Title Page for a Supervisor(s): Title, Names
Department of Information Systems,
Research Proposal
College of ICT, BIUST
E-mail Address, Phone Number including the
code (+267)
Signature ____________________ Date:
Month, Year
Reg. No:
3. Literature Review: 20
Appendix E. Evaluation reviewing the
current status of the
Form for Master’s Research research problem,
identifying the
existing gaps and
Proposal Presentation justifying the
research methods
4. Research 10
etical Framework
Master’s Research Proposal Presentation 5. Quality of 10
Student’s Name and Reg. Number: Organization of
....................................................................... the Proposal
.......................... 6. Quality of Oral 20
Name of the Programme and Level of Presentation
Study: Total Points 100
........... Please indicate if:
Research Topic: Research Proposal is:
Accepted (90-100)
Accepted subject to minor corrections
....................................................................... to the satisfaction of the supervisor (80-89)
............ □
Date and Time of Presentation: Accepted subject to major corrections
....................................................................... to the satisfaction of the examiner(s) (70-79)
................................ □
Rejected, but can be revised and
S/ Item for Max. Points resubmitted (60-69)
N Assessment Poin Award □
ts ed Rejected outright (<60)
1. Abstract 10
2. Introduction to the 30 □
Problem, Comments (use the reverse side if
Background, necessary)
Problem Statement,
General Objective, Panel Member:
Specific Objectives, Names: ………………………................
Hypotheses/Researc Designation: …………………………… Signature:
h Questions,
Expected Outcomes,
Justification of the
Study, Proposal
Appendix F. Evaluation 3. Literature Review: 15
reviewing the
Form for a PhD Research current status of the
research problem,
Proposal Presentation identifying the
existing gaps and
justifying the
research methods.
4. Research 10
PhD Research Proposal Presentation etical Framework
Student’s Name and Reg. Number: 5. Evidence of 10
…………………………………………………………………… Originality
……………………….. 6. Quality of 5
Name of the Programme and Level of Organization of
Study: the Proposal
....................................................................... 7. Quality of Oral 20
........... Presentation
Research Topic: Total Points 100
......................................................... Please indicate if:
....................................................................... Research Proposal is:
....................................................................... Accepted (90-100)
Date and Time of Presentation:
Accepted subject to minor corrections
....................................................................... to the satisfaction of the supervisor (80-89)
................................ □
Accepted subject to major corrections
S/ Item for Max. Points to the satisfaction of the examiner(s) (70-79)
N Assessment Poin Award □
ts ed Rejected, but can be revised and
1. Abstract 10 resubmitted (60-69)
2. Introduction to the 30 □
Problem, Rejected outright (<60)
Problem Statement, □
General Objective, Comments (use the reverse side if
Specific Objectives, necessary)
h Questions,
Panel Member:
Expected Outcomes,
Names: ………………………................
Justification of the
Study, Proposal Designation: …………………………… Signature:
Structure ……………………………
Appendix G. Postgraduate Research ____________________
Proposal ____________
Progress Report Template Comple ____________________
ted ____________
Part A (filled by the student) □ ____________
Student’s Name and Reg. Number: Submit ____________________
…………………………………………………………………… ted for ____________
……………………….. examination ____________________
Name of the Programme and Level of ____________
Studies: □ ____________________
....................................................................... Accept ____________
....... ed ____________________
Research Topic: ____________
……………......................................................... □ ____________________
......................................................... Papers ____________
....................................................................... (Journal/Confe ____________________
....................................................................... rence) ____________
............ ______ ____________________
Date when joined the /_______ ____________
programme.................................................... Written ____________________
............................................... ____________
Date of dissertation/thesis submission ______ ____________________
(tentatively)……………………………………………… /_______ ____________
……………………. Submit ____________________
ted ____________
Concept Paper Add a comment if you ______ ____________________
wish /_______ ____________
____________________ Accept ____________________
____________ ed for ____________
Comple ____________________ Publication ____________________
ted ____________ ______ ____________
____________________ /_______ ____________________
□ ____________ Publish ____________
Submit ____________________ ed ____________________
ted for ____________ ______ ____________
examination ____________________ /_______ ____________________
____________ Conferences ____________
□ ____________________ attended
Accept ____________ ______
ed ____________________ Dissertation/T
____________ hesis
□ ____________________ Chapte
____________ r One
□ □
Chapte Ready for
r Two graduation
Chapte □
r Three
r Four
Chapters (if
First Draft
Second Draft
Part B (filled by the student)
Brief description of activities undertaken in
the six months’ period since the previous
Part C (filled by the supervisor) Signature:
Comments and description of the student …………………………. Date:
progress in the three months’ period since …….……………………………….
the previous report
Student: Names:
…………………………. Date:
Appendix H. Suggested university before. It
must be signed by
Format for the the student.
“Copyright” states
Dissertation/Thesis as a that the
dissertation is
Monograph copyright material.
See the format in
Appendix J.
The length should not exceed 60,000 3. Certification This states that
words (approx. 150 pages) for Master’s supervisor(s)
recommend the
dissertations and 80,000 words (approx. dissertation for
200 pages) for PhD theses respectively, acceptance by the
College. The
including list of references and supervisor(s) have
to sign the
appendices. The length of a
certification page.
dissertation/thesis also depends on the See the format in
Appendix K.
discipline and may be defined by internal
4. Acknowledgeme Acknowledgement
college/departmental regulations. nts entails recognition
of mentors,
Recommended Fonts: Times New colleagues,
Roman, Arial or Calibri; Font Size: 12 pt; individuals,
sponsors and
Line Spacing: 1.5. Paper Size: A4; institutions which
Margins: Left: 1.2 inches (3.05 cm). Top supported
= Bottom = Right: 1 inch (2.54 cm). 5. Dedication Dedication
(optional) mentions name(s)
of the people the
research is
S/N Item Item Description dedicated to as
1. Title Page See the format in decided by the
Appendix I. student.
2. Declaration and “Declaration” is a 6. Table of Computer
Copyright pronouncement by Contents generated page of
the candidate that the main and sub-
his/her study is titles.
original and has not 7. List of Tables Lists tables in the
been published (optional) dissertation/thesis
and/or submitted and their
for any other corresponding
degree award to pages.
any other
8. List of Figures Lists figures in the theoretical
(optional) dissertation/thesis framework.
and their 15. Results Presentation of the
corresponding results obtained
pages. during the research
9. List of Lists appendices in process.
Appendices the 16. Discussion of In-depth analysis of
(optional) dissertation/thesis Results the main results of
and their research.
corresponding Note: Results can
pages be presented
10. List of Refers to together with
Abbreviations abbreviations used discussion as
(optional) in the Chapter 4 or in two
dissertation/thesis separate chapters,
other than those for example:
commonly used i) Presentation of
11. Abstract A brief summary of Results as Chapter
the 4
dissertation/thesis ii) Discussion of
in not more than Results as Chapter
one page (on a 5.
separate page) 17. Conclusions and Summary, research
12. Chapter 1 Contains the Recommendatio based outcomes,
Introduction 1 following sub- ns recommendations
sections: and the way
Introduction, forward should
Statement of come as Chapter 5
Problem, or 6 depending on
Objectives, how the student
Hypotheses/Resear has presented the
ch Questions, preceding
Significance of chapters.
Study *18 References Only sources used
13. Chapter 2 Reviews the . in the proposal and
Literature current status of a referenced in text.
Review research problem, In-text references
identifying the gaps as well as the
and justifying the Reference List have
methods used in to follow the
research. adopted
14. Chapter 3 In-depth referencing style.
Methodology/ description of the 19. Appendices Published papers,
Theoretical methods used in program listings,
Framework research or a questionnaires,
Chapters One and Two can be merged.
interview guides,
location maps, etc.
Appendix I. Title Page for a Department of Information Systems,
College of ICT, BIUST
E-mail Address, Phone Number including the
code (+267)
Signature: ____________________ Date:
Reg. No:
Month, Year
BSc (Information Systems) (UoB), MSc
(Information Systems) (Leeds)
Signature ………………………………
Date: …………
Date: …………
Appendix L. Notice of Intention ____________________________________
to Submit Dissertation/Thesis ______
: __________________Date: ____________
D: The Dean of College Approval
The proposed examination arrangements
have been noted and approved
: __________________Date: ____________
Quality of Literature
3. 10
Appendix M. Evaluation Review
Forms for Master’s 4. Methodology/Theor 10
etical Framework
Dissertations Findings and
5. 25
Conclusions and
6. 10
Evidence of
7. 5
Contribution to the
Evaluation of the Master’s 8. 5
body of knowledge
Dissertation (Internal Examiner) Relevance to the
9. 5
Student's Name and Reg. Number: Quality of
____________________________________ 1
organization of the 5
__________ 0.
Programme of Study: 1 Quality of oral
____________________________________ 10
1. presentation*
Title of the Dissertation:
* To be evaluated by an internal examiner
only after attending the oral presentation
Please indicate if:
The dissertation is accepted as it
is/subject to correction of typographical
errors (90-100)
Date of Defence (Oral Presentation):
The dissertation is accepted subject
Item for Assessment Max Points
to minor revisions (80-89)
. Award
Poin ed
The dissertation is accepted subject
to major revisions (70-79)
1. Abstract 5
Introduction, The candidate is allowed to revise
Statement of the dissertation and resubmit for re-
Problem, examination (60-69)
2. 10
Hypotheses/Resear □
ch Questions, The dissertation is rejected outright
Significance of (less than 60)
Study □
Name: _________________Signature:
__________________Date of submission:
Conclusions and
6. 10
Evidence of
7. 5
Contribution to the
8. 5
body of knowledge
Relevance to the
Evaluation of the Master’s 9. 5
Dissertation (External Examiner) Quality of
organization of the 5
Student's Name and Reg. Number: dissertation
____________________________________ TOTAL POINTS 100
Programme of Study: Please indicate if:
____________________________________ The dissertation is accepted as it
_____________________ is/subject to correction of typographical
Title of the Dissertation: errors (90-100)
___________________ □
____________________________________ The dissertation is accepted subject
____________________________________ to minor revisions (80-89)
___ □
The dissertation is accepted subject
Item for Assessment Max Points to major revisions (70-79)
. Award □
Poin ed The candidate is allowed to revise
ts the dissertation and resubmit for re-
1. Abstract 5 examination (60-69)
Statement of □
Problem, The dissertation is rejected outright
Objectives, (less than 60)
2. 10
Hypotheses/Resear □
ch Questions,
Significance of Name: _________________Signature:
__________________Date of submission:
Quality of Literature
3. 10
Review ____________
4. Methodology/Theor 10
etical Framework
Findings and
5. 35
Appendix N. Evaluation Findings and
5. 25
Form for PhD Theses 6.
Conclusion and
Evidence of
7. 10
Contribution to the
8. 10
body of knowledge
Relevance to the
9. 5
Quality of
Evaluation of the PhD Thesis 1
organization of the 5
Student's Name and Reg. Number:
Please indicate if:
The thesis is accepted as it is/subject
Programme of Study:
to correction of typographical errors (90-
Title of the Thesis:
The thesis is accepted subject to
minor revisions (80-89)
The thesis is accepted subject to
major revisions (70-79)
Item for Assessment Max Points
The candidate is allowed to revise
. Award
the thesis and resubmit for re-
Poin ed
examination (60-69)
1. Abstract 5
The thesis is rejected outright (less
Statement of
than 60)
2. 10
Name: _________________Signature:
ch Question &
Significance of __________________Date of submission:
Quality of Literature
3. 10
4. Methodology/Theor 10
etical Framework
6 Evidence of
Appendix O. Evaluation . originality
7 Contribution to the
Form of the PhD Viva Voce . body of knowledge
8 Relevance to the
. discipline
9 Quality of oral
. presentation
Appendix P. Slides for Oral
and Viva Voce
1. Title Slide
2. Introduction/Background
3. Statement of the Problem
4. Objectives of the Study
5. Significance of the Study
6. Literature Review
7. Methodology/Approach
8. Findings/Implementation
9. Conclusions
10. Recommendations
11. Future work
12. References
Appendix Q. Notice of Intention Comments:
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