Milo Science Rover Worksheet Greece

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Working with Milo

Change the parameters of GRADE: ANY

your program to see what
happens DIFFICULTY FROM 1 TO 10: 2

Milo Science Rover Worksheet: Realize the role of numbers when they
used as parameters in a program

This worksheet was used when students completed the Milo Science Rover project with
Lego WeDo 2.0. For the majority of the students, Milo Science Rover, was their first
project with robotics.

Below there is the program we used to move Milo.

1. How much distance (in centimeters) does Milo travel using the program above?

2. Which number should you change in order to program Milo travel slower?

3. How far does Milo travel when time is set to 5?


Ralleia Experimental Primary Schools – Evangelia Petraki

4. Which block is it necessary to add to your program if you want to add sound?

5. Start your Milo in both directions. Which block do you change from the program

6. Program Milo to travel 30cm and write your program below.

We can improve this program together. Show your contributions:

Ralleia Experimental Primary Schools – Evangelia Petraki


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