Application Note AN 992: Beam Lead Attachment Methods

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Beam Lead Attachment Methods

Application Note AN 992

Description Attachment Methods

This application note gives the first time user a general Beam lead devices can be attached by any of the
description of various attachment methods for beam conventional means, but matching the method to the
lead devices. The attached table summarizes the salient intended substrate, conductor metals and finish is
features of all the methods including the advantages, imperative to a reliable, cost effective process. The
disadvantages, and the associated cost of the equipment. various methods should be evaluated in light of this
Equipment selection as dictated by the type of substrate requirement. A general setup for attaching beam leads is
being used is emphasized. shown in Figure 1. Characteristics of the various methods
are discussed below.

Figure 1. General setup for attaching beam lead devices.

• Thermocompression Bonding:
Since nearly any thermocompression wire bonder can
be modified for beam leads, it is a common method.
A typical setup for bonding beam leads is shown in
Figure 2. The wedge bonder tip contact area is 3 x 4
Because of the temperatures and pressure required,
the thermocompression method should be restricted
to hard substrates which won’t deform or allow
the conductor to move. Substrate deformation or
conductor movement generally results in the beam
being torn or the device broken. Seldom is a reliable
bond achieved since the material is deforming
under the pressure and does not allow the necessary
concentrated force at the bond area.

3 x 4 MILS

Figure 2. Typical setup for thermocompression bonding of beam lead devices.

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• Reflow Method:
One alternative to the thermocompression bond on substrate, which can be flexed or which has a large
either soft or hard substrates is the reflow of either tin coefficient of expansion is used, some strain relief
or solder. The conductor is prepared by plating the must be provided by bowing the part away from the
base metal with 200 microinches of bright tin or solder mounting point before the second lead is attached.
coating. It is difficult to control the amount of solder * The deformation of the beam by the bonding tool
such that it does not alter the spacing required for the causes the gold to move into the silicon chip. The
beam lead, so tin is the preferred choice. In the reflow movement of this metal results in the chip lifting
process, the wedge bonder tip is replaced with one away from the substrate. This is commonly known as
which has a tip of approximately 10 x 10 mils and has “bugging”. A certain amount of bugging is beneficial
enough mass to act as a soldering tip. (See Figure 3.) for providing a resilience to the chip and substrate
The temperature of the electrode must be arrived at for protection against damaging stresses during
empirically since the materials being used will dictate thermal cycling in actual usage. However, excessive
the temperature required to reflow the tin or solder. bugging caused by a high deformation of the beam
One word of caution regarding the reflow method leads could lead to unusual stresses at the interface
should be noted. It is probable that the device will between the beam and the chip. Failure due to
be under some mechanical stress when put down by peeling of the leads or fracturing of the silicon could
this method because there is no “bugging”* taking result.
place, therefore no strain relief is built in. When a soft


10 x 10 MILS

Figure 3. Typical setup for reflow of low temperature materials to attach beam lead devices.

• Wobble Bonding: 5892-03 1612 AN 992

Another thermocompression bonding method, which
bonds all the leads in a single operation, is shown in
Figure 4. The wobble bonder allows the beam lead
to be picked up by a collet which has been designed
to clear the body of the part and have about 0.002”
surface width to bond the leads. This collet is then
wobbled around the device with approximately a
1 degree angle with a force sufficient to bond (~
250 grams) to the circuit materials. This method has
the same problems with soft substrates as the basic
thermo-compression bonding method. Because of
the heat and pressure required, reliable bonds cannot
be made on any non-rigid substrate.




Figure 4. Thermocompression wobble bonder for attaching beam lead devices.

5892-04 1612 AN 992
• Epoxy Attach:
It is possible to use epoxy to attach beam leads to VACUUM
soft or hard substrates. With the very pure materials
available good results can be achieved. Equipment is NEEDLE PRESSURE
available to dispense very small dots of epoxy and then EPOXY
pick and place the beam lead onto the epoxy. At least DOTS
two manufacturers make manual equipment (West
Bond and Laurier) and one (Advanced Semiconductor
Materials Corporation) makes a machine which
automatically performs the entire operation. These
setups are shown in Figures 5 and 6, respectively.
Solder paste can also be used in place of the epoxy.
By using a good quality low temperature solder (180
degrees C), it can be used on most substrates.

(a) Dispensing the Epoxy

5892-05A 1612 AN 992



(b) Picking and Placing the Beam Lead Device onto the Epozy
5892-05B 1612 AN 992
Figure 5. Setup for epoxy attach of beam lead devices.

Figure 6. The machine shown above automatically dispenses small dots of

epoxy and picks and places the beam lead devices onto the epoxy dots.

• Resistance Welding: a) Parallel Gap
Resistance welding is a very effective beam lead A parallel gap welding system is shown in Figure 7.
bonding method which can be used with nearly any In this case, the electrodes are bonded together with
substrate material and most conductors. Constant an insulator between the electrodes. The current is
voltage power supplies are available which reduce then passed from one electrode to the other through
the possibility of damage to the semiconductor by the part to be welded, in this case the beam. The
overvoltage. Weld heads are available which can energy required to fuse the bottom conductor must
apply the very light pressure needed with good be generated at this interface. The spacing between
repeatability. If work is being done with a variety of the electrodes is critical to achieving success in this
substrate materials, conductors, and finishes, this process. Because of the beam size and the problem of
method is the most versatile and predictable. aligning these electrodes to the beam, this method is
There are a number of ways of using pulsed power to not recommended if many parts are to be bonded.
create fused bonds. All of these methods are useful, b) Step Gap
but when working with parts as small as a beam lead The electrodes for the step gap method are much
device, one should be careful about the method used. the same as above, but are free to move vertically
These methods and the difficulties encountered are independent of each other. This allows one electrode
described next. to contact a beam and the other to contact the
conductor. The problems with this method are the
same as the parallel gap, but, in addition, the pressure
is difficult to apply at the right contact point without
having too much on the beam. The weld electrodes
require continual maintenance to provide a consistent
contact surface area.




Figure 7. A parallel gap welding system.

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c) Series Welding
This method shown in Figure 8 uses a single electrode
to make contact to the beam and the power supply
return makes contact to the conductor by means of
a cover plate or probe which has been fixtured to
provide a low resistance path close to the point of the
weld. The weld current is passed through the beam to
the conductor to the power supply return electrode.
The concentration of the current at the interface
between the beam and the conductor causes the
materials to fuse.







Figure 8. A single electrode series welding system.

5892-08 1612 AN 992

Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of the various
beam lead attachment methods. The major advantag-
es, disadvantages, and associated cost are included. It
should be noted that either the thermocompression or
the resistance weld equipment can be adapted for the
reflow method. The wobble bonder is basically a ther-
mo-compression bonder. Besides cost effectiveness and
other considerations such as automation flexibility, the
selection of the method is primarily determined by the
type of substrate used for the circuit.

Table 1. Beam Lead Attachment Methods

Resistance Weld Thermocompression Epoxy Attach
– Manual – Auto – Manual – Semi-Auto – Manual – Auto
Hard Substrates N/A Hard Substrates Hard Substrates Soft Substrates Soft Substrates
Soft Substrates Lead Frame Hard Substrates Hard Substrates
Lead Frame Packages Lead Frame Lead Frames
Packages Packages

Estimated UPH 200 – 200 120-180 180 1000

Estimated Cost ($) 7K – 8K 8-28 K 5.5 K 50 K
Major Vendors Hughes None K&S K&S Westbond ASM
Unitek Westbond DP. Veen Laurier

Major Advantages Widely Accepted Any Substrate

Low Temperature Many Equipment Vendors Most Finish Metals OK.
Low Pressure Low Cost Automation
Wide Range of Metals Semi-Auto Available Excellent Bond Strength
Easy to Use & Low Cost Minimum Maintenance
Simple Maintenance Excellent Bond Strength
Excellent Bond Strength

Disadvantages Cannot Use Soft Substrate Not Widely Accepted

Cannot Automate Requires Heat & Pressure
Have to Fixture Limited Range of Fiinish Metals

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5091-9074EN - July 19, 2010

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