PRO Best Practices ESTERO
PRO Best Practices ESTERO
PRO Best Practices ESTERO
The “SUNGKIT” ADOPT AN ESTERO Project is an effort of the Philippine National Police
(PNP) to educate and increased the consciousness of both internal and external stakeholders in
support of Strategic Road Map entitled PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. Plan 2013: Peace and Order Agenda
for Transformation and upholding of the Rule of Law.
“SUNGKIT” ADOPT AN ESTERO as the name suggests, personnel of this station will conduct
atleast ones a week cleaning-up of an estero/waterbody in urban areas together with
stakeholders and said stakeholders to have MOA to take charge of cleaning their adopted
estero. Its goal is to achieve a cleaner, safer and healthier environment.
The Project was designed as part of the implementation of the PNP PATROL Communication
Plan and address issues of effective dissemination with the objective of instilling awareness,
solicit involvement and develop commitment in support of the organization’s strategy of good
governance towards the full transformation of the PNP into a more capable, effective and
credible police service.
PHASE I – Preparation:
1. Drafting of MOA between the PNP and stakeholders.
2. Meeting with possible partner.
PHASE II – Execution:
1. Formal MOA signing Ceremony and launching of “SUNGKIT” ADOPT AN ESTERO
PHASE III – Monitoring & Evaluation:
1. Conduct OF Survey and Assessment on the Project’s Impact.
2. Submit the Survey and Assessment Report to the HQs.