Year 11 Geography Overview For Parents Evening

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Year 11 Geography Overview – Alan Parkinson’s group

Exam Dates

 Tuesday 21st May: Paper 1 ‘Our Natural World’ (Global Hazards, Distinctive Landscapes,
Changing Climate and Sustaining Ecosystems Physical Geography fieldwork).
 Wednesday 5th June: Paper 2 ‘People and Society’ (UK in the 21st Century, Dynamic
Development, Resource Reliant, Urban Futures and Human Geography fieldwork).
 Thursday 13th June: Paper 3 ‘Geographical Exploration’ (a decision-making paper based on a
theme incorporating ideas from across both Papers 1 and 2).

Outline until the exams

Week Tuesday p.1 Tuesday p.2 Friday p.4

Overview of how environments and ecosystems are used How world patterns of access to
and modified by humans including: mechanisation of food are illustrated, such as the
farming and commercial fishing to provide food world
deforestation and mining to provide energy reservoirs hunger index and average daily
and water transfer schemes to provide water. Pressure on calorie consumption. Revision from
the three main resources. Y9. Changing diets.
Investigate the differences
Sustainable strategies for food
between Malthusian and Food Security in the UK -
security: Green Revolution, GM
Boserupian theories about return to Y9 work again
11-Feb Crops etc. Including work for over
the relationship between to look at Food banks as
half term to collate these and
population and food supply a local case study.
develop national case study.
World Hunger Index

Food Security in the News - a review of stories and link to

exam technique, including food waste and Fairtrade Introduction to Natural Ecosystems,
25-Feb Fortnight. Overlap with Ecosystems work as they are and interdependence. Biotic and
productive and connect with some food crops e.g. palm abiotic. Key terminology introduced.
oil, cocoa.

The distinctive characteristics of a

Outline the global distribution of polar regions, coral
tropical rainforest ecosystem,
reefs, grasslands, temperate forests, tropical forests and
04-Mar including the climate, nutrient cycle,
hot deserts. Brief description of Polar Regions and Coral
soil profile and water cycle Why do
Reefs. Developing map skills and descriptions.
they matter to us?
Explore the value of
tropical rainforests
A case study to illustrate attempts to
through the study of
sustainably manage an area of
The interdependence of their goods and services
tropical rainforest, such as
climate, soil, water, plants, and Human impacts in
11-Mar ecotourism, community
animals and human activity the tropical rainforest
programmes, biosphere reserves
in tropical rainforests. from activities such as
and sustainable forestry, at a local or
regional scale. From revision guide.
mineral extraction,
agriculture and tourism
Outline the distinctive characteristics of Antarctica and
the Arctic, including climate, features of the land and sea, Exam practise and skills
18-Mar flora and fauna and The interdependence of climate, soil, development around relevant
water, plants, animals and human activity in ecosystems topics.
either the Antarctic or the Arctic polar region.
A case study to examine one small-
Explore a range of impacts of human activity on either the
scale example of sustainable
Antarctic or the Arctic ecosystems, such as scientific
25-Mar management in the Antarctic:
research, indigenous people, tourism, fishing, whaling and
sustainable tourism at Union Glacier
mineral exploitation.
(revisiting Year 8 work)

A case study to examine one global example of

sustainable management in the Antarctic, by investigating
global actions such as the Antarctic Treaty System.
Introduction to decision making.
22-Apr HOLIDAYS HOLIDAYS Practise questions
Paper 3 overview – a guide to
Revision of key Case Walk through of past paper with
29-Apr decision making with
Studies strategies for exam techniques.
06-May Paper 3 Mock - 90 minutes Paper 3 Mock return
Final run through of the whole
13-May Practise questions Revision
course. Top tips.

Revision opportunities

 Starting from Wednesday 27th February, there will be a regular weekly skills and practise
question review in the Geography department from 1.30-2pm

27th February Geographical skills AP

6th March Distinctive Places exam questions CK
13th March ‘Assess’ questions HXM
20th March Using two case studies AP
24th April Geographical skills CK
1st May Physical fieldwork exam questions HXM
8th May Evaluate questions AP
15th May Human fieldwork questions CK

 The Key resource is the ‘Penguin’ Revision Guide, which matches the content of the
textbook. Answers to questions are available to download using the link printed at the
bottom of each page.
 Seneca Learning: this is an excellent resource for regular knowledge checks and is linked
directly to the units studied as part of the OCR B Enquiring Minds course – visit Seneca
Learning and use the code to join Mr. Parkinson’s ‘class’
 Past papers and questions have been handed out: the white CGP workbook is an excellent
for question review and exam questions will be available on Firefly for the Easter holidays
and be marked on request
 A Paper 3 Mock will take place on the 7th of May to reinforce the decision making part of
this paper. Use the Geographical Skills book, which has answers in the back.

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